THE NOOK CHOIR BEATS Welcome to the MCHS Choir Newsletter. The place where you will find all the latest and important information on the what the “Best Choir in the Land” is doing. It’s hard to believe that it’s a start of an exciting new year. There will be many performances for the choirs, several fundraising opportunities for students to earn money for Tour 2019; the 18th Annual Craft Fair and Basket Raffle; the 21st Annual Madrigal Dinner; Night of Entertainment and more! Let’s make it a fantastic year! September 2017

THE NOOK CHOIR BEATS...THE NOOK CHOIR BEATS Welcome to the MCHS Choir Newsletter. The place where you will find all the latest and important information on the what the “Best Choir

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Welcome to the MCHS Choir Newsletter. The place where you will find all the latest and important information on the what the “Best Choir in the Land” is doing. It’s hard to believe that it’s a start of an exciting new year. There will be many performances for the choirs, several fundraising opportunities for students to earn money for Tour 2019; the 18th Annual Craft Fair and Basket Raffle; the 21st Annual Madrigal Dinner; Night of Entertainment and more!Let’s make it a fantastic year!

September 2017

Director’s Podium

(VOL. 159 of 159)

Dear MCHS Choir families, The school year is off to an incredibly fast start in the Choral Department at MCHS! A great many events are about to happen in the next few weeks so here are some things you should know:

1) Varsity Madrigals recently sang a fantastic rendition of our National Anthem and two other songs at our MCHS Open House on Aug. 24 and the Anthem for Senior Night on Friday, Sept. 1! They did a great job!

2) The All-Choir Blast-off will be held on Friday, Sept. 15 in the MCHS Cafetorium from 6:00-9:30pm. Our theme this year is “Escape…to MCHS Choir! Students (and parents!) should wear their favorite “villain or convict” outfit, and prizes will be given out to the best dressed and the winning team. All the students and families are to bring food to the potluck (See flyer in the newsletter), the students will be singing for the first time this year for their families, and then interact with other choir members through games and competitions.This has become a great tradition for MCHS Choirs, so don’t miss it! Parents do not have to stay the whole evening and usually wrap up between 7:30 or 8:00. Hope to see you there!

3) Our choral groups will be singing the National Anthem at home football games in the next few weeks. Here is the National Anthem schedule below:

Friday, Sept. 8 All Men 6:00 Warm-ups/Run-thru 7:00pm Sing Anthem Friday, Sept. 22 Concert Choir 6:00 Warm-ups/Run-thru 7:00pm Sing Anthem

Friiday, Oct. 6 All Women 6:00 Warm-ups/Run 7:00pm Sing National Anthem 4) Voice lessons will begin on September 5. If you have not returned your students form and wish

for your student a spot, there are some spots still available during the day or after school. Please return those forms to me ASAP to secure a spot for your child.

5) Homecoming Parade is coming Friday Sept. 22 at 4pm and students are invited to ride on our Choir “float” and are to dress up in their favorite beach wear. Should be fun!

6) The annual Fall Choral Concert is Thursday, Oct. 5 at 7pm in the Performing Arts Center at the high school. Our curricular choirs, Concert Choir, Women’s Chorale, Treble Choir and Mixed Choir have begun their work on new music, as well as our after school choirs, JV Madrigals and Varsity Madrigals who are preparing for this upcoming concert. Our three feeder junior highs will join us as we perform together for the sixteenth straight year and combine together in song at the end of the concert on our Grand Finale. Choir families get to help be a part of the evening by contributing to our Fall Concert Bake sale by bringing one of your favorite treats to sell at the end of the concert (see bake sales below). It will also be our Women’s Chorale member’s responsibility to help clean up the Performing Arts Center after the concert. Hope to see you at our first concert of the year!

7) A mini-madrigal parent meeting will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 12 after the Choir Booster Meeting (7pm) at 8pm in the Career Center. We will discuss volunteering for the dinner, cost, menu, costumes, pictures, and filling our Madrigal Dinner chair and co-chair position. It should last about 15-20 minutes. See you then!

8) The MCHS Talent Show is back!! It’s being held on Thursday, Sept. 21 at 6:30pm in the Performing Arts Center at Central Campus. JV Madrigals and Varsity Madrigals run the show each year, so they will be signing up this week for various jobs and positions to help run the show. Cost to attend this amazing show is $7.00 for adults and $5.00 for students. For those wanting to perform, auditions will be held on Monday, Sept. 11 and Thursday, Sept. 14 from 3:05pm until 6:00pm in the Choir Room at Central Campus. Sign-ups to audition are at the Choir Room (Central) and Activity Office (South) and should be signed up by Friday Sept. 8. Students auditioning need to pick-up an application

from the South Main Office or in the Choir Room and applications are due back to one of those places with parent and student signatures by Friday Sept. 8. Thanks! 9) IMEA Sr. Chorus Auditions-Wedesday, Oct. 11- Auditions will be held at Carl Sandburg H.S.

this year. Cost is $8 to audition and if needed, students can take money out of their Account or can pay Mr. Benware directly. IMEA music for Sr. Chorus is available for Soph, Jr. and Sr. choir students and there are practice links on a website to practice along with. Students will also have scheduled practice times during the day during choir, their lunch hour or after school to ready students for the audition. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to sing with the best in state! 10) Our Choir Car Wash is being held on Saturday, Sept. 9 from 9AM-3PM at the Minooka ACE Hardware and the Minooka Community High School Central Campus parking lot. Sign-ups are going on right now and we are still looking for a few parents to assist in chaperoning students for the event. There will also be a Bake Sale at each site, so if you can help supervise at one of those sites or donate some baked items, please sign-up on our SignUp Genius link that went out a couple times this past week by Wednesday, Sept. 6. Please have your student bring towels for drying and other car washing “items” to their site that day for the Car Wash. It is a great time for students to get together as the students get to work together and have a great time doing it! 11) Vocal Menace and Bellaphonics are off to a great start! I have attached the schedules to this newsletter and students will have hard copies brought home again this week. 12) Mrs. Holly Hunt has begun her time taking over JV Madrigals until Mrs. Tischer’s return and we

are so thankful she is able take over. Please note JV Madrigal parents we will change a rehearsal date from Wednesday, Oct. 11 (IMEA audition dates) to Wednesday, Sept. 27 at the same time. Please make a note on your calendar!

Thank you for your contributions & volunteering for the needs of the MCHS Choirs! I appreciate you allowing me to work with your great students this year! We are off to a great start!

Graciously, Mr. Benware Director of MCHS Choirs


PRESIDENT- BRENDA [email protected]


[email protected]




[email protected]

Welcome to another wonderful year with all of our choirs, and a warm hello to our new families.

Throughout the school year, pop and water donations are used to supplement our bake sales and other events in order to earn money for the choir. We ask that each Concert Choir family donate a 24 pack of soda (any kind of full size cans) and that the other choirs (Treble, Mixed and Chorale) donate a case of water (24-16.9 oz bottles). You will have several opportunities to drop off your donation at either the next booster meeting on Sept. 12, Blast-off on Sept. 15 or by the Fall Concert on Oct. 5. Please put your child’s name on the donation so that we can cross them off the list.

As boosters, we look forward to providing fundraising opportunities for your child to earn money into their choir account, and parents are often needed to assist in these ventures! We encourage you to please participate in at least one event throughout the school year, Our booster program is the success that it is due to all the wonderful parents that are willing to volunteer their time! It’s a great way to support your kids with something they love, and be part of a great group of people. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Thank you so much!Brenda CichonPresident, MCHS Choir Boosters

MCHS Choir Booster Meeting August 15, 2017

1.Call to order- President Brenda Cichon called the meeting to order at 7:22 p.m. Brenda welcomed all those in attendance (including the board members, choir director and activities director, 27 people were in attendance. This number does not reflect the handful of choir student officers present)

2. General Election- Brenda motioned to have Lisa Burgess and Lauri Rhodes as co-treasurers. Lisa will handle the general accounts while Lauri will focus on student accounts. All in favor.

3. Secretary Report- Lisa Frost motioned to approve the May 2017 minutes. Tina Engle seconded. All in favor.

4. Treasurer’s Report- Nicole Bitterman motioned to approve the August 2017 Treasurer Report. Debbie Horvath seconded. All in favor.Molly Babyak, past treasurer, gave a synopsis of the treasurer’s responsibilities, including general funds, fundraisers and student accounts. Lauri gave email to those present.

5. Director’s Report- Mr. Randy Benware welcomed everyone. He introduced the executive board members, Hillary Holden, activities director and the Concert Choir officers ( President Kaylee Beller; VP McGuire Holman (fundraising); Secretary Grace Feigel; Treasurer Joe Rhodes; Librarian Angel Merkoff and Social Chairmen Aiden Cordon and Noah Marvo.

Mr. Benware said that approximately 70 of the 96 choir students were present at the choir photos on Saturday, August 12. Today was the first madrigal practice.

Madrigals will be performing at the open house on Thursday, August 24.

District IMEA audition preparations will begin in class. official auditions are the Wednesday after Columbus Day. If accepted, students will perform in November. Students may have the chance to go to State as well.

Bellaphonics and Vocal Menace auditions will take place on Wednesday, August 16 and Thursday, August 17. results will be posted by Friday, August 18. Rehearsals will be the following Monday after school. Rehearsals will normally be on Mondays and Fridays.

Mr. Beware is proposing an “Arts Week” to showcase choral groups, band musicians, artists and dance students. More info to come.

Mr. Benware said concert attire fittings will begin Friday, August 18 during third and four periods (11:15 a.m.-3 p.m.). Black performance shoes should be brought to the fittings to assure proper hemming. Betty Reedy and Debbie Horvath stressed that volunteers are needed to help during those times with inventory. Fittings will take place the following week if needed.

Senior Night is Friday, September 1. This is the first home football game. Pictures will be taken with Mr. Benware, students and parents. Students and parents will be recognized on the track between the sophomore and varsity games.

Mr. Benware said he had a great first day with the choirs. Singing and musical trivia took place too.

6. Old Business-A. Choir Parent Representation- Brenda stated that one to two parents for each of the

four choirs are needed for each of the four choirs. Women’s Chorale, Fall Concert on October 5; Mixed Choir, Winter Concert on December 5; Treble Choir, Mid-winter Concert, February 15; and Spring Concert, May 8. parents will need to man the stage doors, assist in backstage duties, water sales, and attire. Working the concert will not prohibit you from seeing your child’s performance.

B. Friday Night Football Game- Friday, September 1, 2017 is the first home football game and the choir boosters has the opportunity to sell programs and the 50/50 raffle. Vanessa Holloway and Lana Pursell will be co-chairs for this event. Parent and student help will be needed for both games, as well as clean-up after the end of the varsity game.

C. Car Wash-Saturday, September 9, 2017 from 9 a.m. -3 p.m. Locations will be Minooka Ace and MCHS Central Campus. Need chairperson for the event and bake sale. Need volunteers for shifts 9 a.m.-12 p.m. and 12 p.m. -3 p.m.

D. Choir Blast-off- Friday, September 15, 2017. Mr. Benware said the theme will be voted on in class Wednesday, August 16. The event will take place in the cafetorium at Central Campus from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. This will be the first performance and social event for the choir students. Games for students and parents. Can dress the theme. Pot luck dinner will be served. Seniors are to bring dessert; Juniors are to bring a salad; Sophomores a side dish and Freshman a main dish. Winner of class trivia completion will determine which choir will proceed to the food line first. Volunteers are needed for that evening.

E. Talent Show- Thursday, September 21 at 6:30 p.m. in the PAC. Need Madrigal parent help and someone to chair the bakes sale. Auditions are September 11 and 14. Mr. Benware said iaudition information will be given to students next week. Results will be post on September 15 and rehearsals will be September 19. Signups will be in the choir room and actuates director office.

F. Vocal Lessons- Lessons will be offered by Mrs. Kieswetter and Mrs. Hunt during choir class, resource, lunch or after school. Cost is $22 our half hour lesson. Student account money can be used to pay for lessons. Information will go home with students on August 16 and 17. Instructors will talk to choir classes next week. Lessons will begin Labor Day weekend.

G. Fall Concert with the Junior HIghs- Thursday, October 5, 2017 from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the PAC. Women Chorale reps are in charge of being volunteers. Need a bake sale chairperson. Need sign ups for workers and bake sale items.

H. Bake Sale- Brenda explained that baked items should be packaged two to three to a bag. Cookies, brownies, etc are good items. Items are sold a $1 a bag. This year the boosters are requesting not make items tat consist of lots of frosting (cupcakes) and other sticky desserts. The school does not allow food into the PAC. Only water. 10 cents will go to the general fund and the remaining 90 cents will be given to the student’s account.

7. 18th Annual Craft Fair- Saturday, November 4, 2107 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at South Campus. A. Co-chairs- Molly Babyak and Brenda Cichon. Molly asked members to take flyers

and post around town.B.Solicitation- Vanessa Holloway explained how the solicitation process takes place

and is seeking help in getting business donations.C. Raffle Baskets-Lana Pursell & Vanessa Holloway- Vanessa explained that students

will get $30 back into their accounts if a basket theme is selected and items are purchased for that theme. Vanessa said a $30 check can be given as well and this would credit into the

student account too. She had a sign up for adult volunteers to assemble baskets. Each basket assembled equals $5 into your student account.

D. Vendors- Molly said there is about 65 vendors committed. Last year we had filled 145 of 150 spots. Currently the booth fee is $45. After Sept. 1, it will increase to $50. Add $5 extra for electricity. Booths are 8feet by 10 feet.

E. Food/Bake Sale- Lisa BurgessF- Publicity-Molly BabyakG. Signs- Brenda explained that we have craft fair signs that will need to be placed

throughout Channahon, Minooka and Shorewood, as well as South Campus. Tammy Alberico volunteered to chair this position.

H. Envelope Raffle- Need Chair person. Vendors donate items for this.

I. Volunteer Coordinator/Santa- Candy PhilippsThose who volunteer to be a chairperson will get more than the average worker. Pooint system applies.

8. Electronic Sign- Recently the Choir Boosters donated $800 towards the purchase of an electronic sign at South Campus. Hillary stated that there was discussion today (8/15/17) on where the sign will be installed. No official eta of completion yet.

New Business-1. Director’s Account- Lori Redmond motioned to approve $700 in funds for the Director’s Account. Funds will be used for pizza parties, gifts of appreciation, paying summer help to organize the music library, etc. Lana seconded. All in favor.

2. New options for staying in touch A. Facebook- Molly created a MCHS Choir Boosters Facebook page. Tis will allow

boosters to communicate events, meeting, fundraisiers, etc.

B. Sign-Up Genius- Vanessa explained that she set this up for the boosters. Its a very easy process. Just click on the link that is emailed and sign up for an event.

C. Remind 101- Mr. Benware will set-up the text message program.

D. Email and Newsletter will remain. Information will also be on the MCHS Choir website.

3. Family Letter- Brenda said that the Boosters is asking for water and pop donations from all choir students. Beverages are used/sold at various choir functions throughout the year. Concert Choir students are being asked to donate one-24 pk of soda. Students from the other three choirs are being asked to donate one-24 pk /16.9 oz water bottles.

4. Miscellaneous-Lana asked about refunds from the Toronto trip. Molly said Pot Belly fully refunded lunch. Graduating seniors refund went to the general fund; current students had the refund deposited into their individual accounts and chaperones will be receiving a check. Mr. Benware said the documentary movie tickets from Niagara Falls will not be refunded.

Mr. Benware said the music department is now under a new title. The World Languages/Music/ Art Department is headed up by Spanish teacher Jeff Easton. Due to the changes, the music department is loosing its computer carts. Computer programs for music theory and music technology are not currently available to students in those classes. Mr. Benware asked the Choir Boosters to consider purchasing an I-Pad to allow students access to the programs in

class. Mr. Benware is going to research costs. This line item will be added to next month’s agenda under New Business and a vote will be taken at that time for approval.

Mr. Benware said next week he is placing another order for polo shirts.

Adjournment- Brenda adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Lana made the motion and Tina seconded. All in favor.

Submitted by Vanessa Holloway MCHS Choir Boosters Secretary

Come hear the choirs sing the National Anthem at the Varsity

Football Home Games!Sept.8- All Men

Sept. 22- Concert ChoirOct. 6- All Women

7 p.m.







Pull out your cookbooks and let’s get baking! We need lots of yummy treats for our upcoming bake sales! We need cookies, brownies, sweet breads, Rice Krispie treats, as

well as volunteers to chair the following baking sales:1.Car Wash Bake Sale Sept. 9- www.SignUpGenius.com/go/10C084DAFAB29A2FA7-


2.Talent Show Bake Sale- Sept. 21- www.SignUpGenius.com/go/10C084DAFAB29A2FA7-talent

3.Fall Concert Bake Sale- Oct. 5- www.SignUpGenius.com/go/10C084DAFAB29A2FA7-fall


Friday, September 15, 2017 6:00-9:30P.M.

MCHS Central Cafetorium

Seniors-dessert Juniors-salads

Sophomore-Side Dish Freshmen-main dish, entrée

Please join the mchs choir boosters and families for a potluck dinner showcasing all that our mchs choirs have to offer!

Be ready for food, fun and performances by all our mchs choirs!

Parents: please drop your dish off to the back tables of the cafetorium starting at 5:45pm and be sure to bring your own plates, silverware, and beverages for your family


***Mandatory event for all choir members*** Students should dress up in their favorite Villain or Convict outfits!

Parents can dress up as well!!

Got a Talent?Singing? Dancing? Comedy? Magic Tricks? Come Audition for the MCHS Talent Show!

Sept. 11 & 14, 2017 from 3:15 p.m.- 6 p.m. Choir Room

Results- Sept. 15, 2017

Sept. 19, 2017- Dress Rehearsal at 6:30 p.m PAC

Sept. 21, 2017- Talent Show at 6:30 p.m. PAC

Homecoming Parade“A Night at the Beach”

Sept. 22, 2017Step-off at 4 p.m.

Ride on the Choir float!


Senior Moments

Name: Christian JassoAge: 17Senior in which MCHS Choir: Concert ChoirHobbies: Singing, video games Activities involved in: Varsity Madrigals, EssenceAll time favorite song: “Beautiful Thing” Why did you join choir: I love to sing! Future goals: To become a neurologist/oranastegiologistGreatest memory of choir: Hanging out with friendsFavorite quote: “To love and lose is better that to not love at all”What will you miss most about choir when you graduate: I’ll miss not being able to sing and not be looked at weird.Name one thing you hope the choir will continue to do: Have fun singing!Your thoughts on going on tour to Toronto this year: It was fun!I leave to no one: Nothing!

Name: Kalei BellahAge: 17Senior in which MCHS Choir: Concert Choir Hobbies: Singing, playing guitar, drawingActivities involved in: ChoirAll time favorite song: Sir Duke-Stevie Wonder Why did you join choir: I love to sing!Future goals: Either to become a teacher or lawyerGreatest memory of choir: Choir tour!!Favorite quote: “Honey, where is my supersuit?”-FrozoneWhat will you miss most about choir when you graduate: I’ll miss singing with my friends every other day!Name one thing you hope the choir will continue to do: Blast-off!Your thoughts on going on tour to Toronto this year: It was such a great experience. I want to go back to tour. I miss it!I leave to the choir as whole: My positive vibes.



18th ANNUAL CRAFT FAIR & RAFFLE Saturday, November 4, 2017, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Minooka Community High School – South Campus 26655 W. Eames (Route 6) Channahon, Illinois 60410

Dear Exhibitor, Please accept this invitation to reserve a space or spaces at our 18th Annual Craft Fair & Raffle!! TO APPLY: Please return the enclosed contract to MCHS Choir Boosters, P.O. Box 174, Channahon IL 60410. A very limited number of spaces with electricity are available. All submissions will be accepted on a first come, first served basis based upon the date postmarked on the envelope containing your contract and payment; however, we reserve the right to limit the number of crafters selling similar merchandise.

COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS: Vendors selling commercial or manufactured items (i.e. Avon, Tastefully Simple) are limited to one per company. If you plan to sell these items you MUST contact us prior to submitting your contract and payment.

FOOD PRODUCTS: MCHS is located in Grundy County. If ANY of the products being sold are food items, whether or not you are providing samples, Grundy County requires you to have a Food Service Permit on your person at the show. Refunds for non-compliance will not be issued. For further information contact the Environmental Health Division of the Grundy County Health Department at 815-941-3127. We require that no exhibitor sell baked goods without prior approval from Craft Fair Committee.

IMPORTANT NOTES: Although tables are not provided, we will supply 2 chairs per space. All tables and display structures must include floor protectors on each leg. Doors will NOT open until 6:00 am for crafter set up. ALL EXHIBITORS are asked to pick up their space assignments at the Main Entrance of South Campus. We ask that you not remove any part of your display prior to 3:00 pm. We request that all crafters and vendors donate an item valued at approximately $15.00 for our raffle.

If you do not use e-mail, please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope with your contract and payment. Approximately 2 weeks prior to the event, you will receive final confirmation that will include local directions and map.

Your signed contract and payment must be received no later than October 28th, 2017.

For further information please send an email to: [email protected]. Additional information about our craft fair can be found by searching for our event on: www.EventLister.com or www.CraftLister.com. We will also have a Facebook Event Page set up by early June. Please DO NOT contact the office of Minooka Community High School by phone, mail, or email.

Minooka Community High School is a SMOKE FREE, DRUG FREE, AND ALCOHOL FREE environment. Please help us set a good example by complying with these guidelines.

Thank you! MCHS Choir Boosters 2017 Craft Fair Committee

Please feel free to duplicate this letter and contract for an exhibitor friend!

FOR PROMOTER USE ONLY: Date ___________ Check # ____________ Amount $_____________ Booth #_______________


18th Annual CRAFT FAIR & RAFFLE!!! Saturday, November 4, 2017 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

**Due to High Volume of Applications in years past, We are offering “Early Bird”, “Mid” and “Late” Registration***

Space size is 8’ x 10’ – Bring your own display/tables - 2 chairs provided

Spaces are available on a first come, first served basis. A very limited number of spaces with electric are available. If you would like a space with electric you MUST first contact us at: [email protected] prior to submitting your contract and payment, to verify that spaces with electric are still available. Spaces with electric will NOT be guaranteed unless availability has first been verified with us. All space fees are non-refundable.

NAME ________________________________________________________________ Business Name______________________________________________________ ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE __________________________________________________________ EMAIL________________________________________________________________

Exhibitors selling commercial or manufactured items (ex: Avon, Thirty-One) are limited to one per company. If selling these items you MUST contact us prior to submitting your contract and payment. We require that no exhibitor sell baked goods unless first contacting a Craft Fair Committee member for approval.

Your merchandise is: _____ Handmade ____ Commercial / Manufactured

Description of merchandise:_____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Make your check or money order payable to MCHS Choir Boosters and mail to If you do not use e-mail, please include a stamped, self- addressed envelope with your contract and payment.

Please sign the following Waiver of Liability: I, _______________________an exhibitor in the MCHS Choir Booster Craft Fair & Raffle on November 4, 2017, agree to the restrictions explained and will not hold Minooka Community High School, MCHS Choir Boosters, and/or Choir Booster volunteers responsible for any lost or damaged merchandise or personal injury.

*Special Requests can be listed on the back of this application.

Signature: Date:

NUMBER OF SPACES ______ ELECTRIC: YES ____NO ___ Returning Exhibitor: YES___NO___

MCHS Choir Booster Craft Fair P.O. Box 174 Channahon, IL 60410

Early Bird/postmarked by September 1st = $45 per space, $50 with electric Mid/postmarked by October 15th= $50 per space, $55 with Electric Late/postmarked October 16th or later = $60 per space (with or without Electric)





SEPT. 15!

DATE TIME EVENT PLACE OTHER OTHERWed. Aug. 16 4:00-5:30 Auditions Choir RoomThurs. Aug. 174:15-4:50 Auditions Choir RoomMon. Aug. 21 3:05-3:30 Rehearsal Choir Room ThespiansFri. Aug. 25 4:40-5:00 Rehearsal Choir RoomWed. Aug. 30 3:05-3:35 Sectionals Choir RoomWed. Sept. 6 3:05-3:25 Sectionals Choir RoomFri. Sept. 8 4:30-4:55 Rehearsal Choir Room MenaceMon. Sept. 11 3:05-3:20 Rehearsal Choir RoomThurs. Sept. 143:15-3:20 Talent Show Audition Choir RoomTues. Sept. 19 6:30-9:00pm Talent Show Dress Reh. Choir RoomThurs. Sept. 216:30-9:00pm Talent Show PerformanceChoir RoomMon. Sept. 25 3:25-3:45 Rehearsal Choir RoomMon. Oct. 23 3:05-3:30 SectionalsMon. Oct. 30 3:05-3:25 Sectionals Choir Room MASQUEFri. Nov. 10 4:30-4:45 Rehearsal Choir RoomMon. Nov. 13 3:05-3:30 Rehearsal Choir Room MASQUEMon. Nov. 27 3:20-3:35 Rehearsal Choir Room MenaceMon. Dec. 4 3:30-3:55 Rehearsal Choir Room Menace Thesp. Off.Fri. Jan. 19 4:30-4:45 Rehearsal Choir RoomMon. Jan. 29 3:05-3:30 Rehearsal Choir Room MenaceFri. Feb. 2 4:15-4:35 Rehearsal Choir RoomFri. Feb. 9 4:30-5:00 Rehearsal Choir RoomMon. Feb. 12 6;00-8:00 Fine Arts Night Choir RoomWed. Feb. 21 4:30-4:50 Rehearsal Choir RoomMon. Feb. 26 4:30-4:50 Rehearsal Choir RoomSat. March 3 6:30-8:00 Sr. Citizen Performance Cafetorium 5:30callMon. March 5 CC, WC Sectional Choir RoomTues. Mar. 6 MC Sectional Choir RoomMon. March 12MC Sectional Choir RoomTues. March 13CC, WC Sectional Choir RoomWed. Mar. 21 3:05-3:20 Rehearsal Practice RoomWed. Apr. 4 4:30-4:50 RehearsalFri. Apr. 13 4:30-4:50 Rehearsal Choir RoomTues. Apr. 17 4:30-4:55 Rehearsal Choir RoomFri. Apr. 20 5:45-6:00 Night of Ent. Sound checkChoir Room MenaceFri. Apr. 20 6:30-8:30 Night of Entertainment Peformance 5:30callTues. Apr. 24 4:30-4:50 Rehearsal Choir RoomMon. Apr. 30 3:05-3:25 Rehearsal Choir RoomFri. May 4 4:30-4:50 Rehearsal Choir RoomMon. May 7 3:15-4:30 Dress Rehearsal PACTues. May 8 7:15pm Spring Choral Concert PAC 6:00call


Vocal Menace 2017-2018 Schedule

DATE TIME EVENT Other PlaceWed/Th. Aug.16,174:15-5:15 Auditions Choir RoomFri. Aug. 18 4:15-5:15 Rehearsal Choir RoomThur. Aug. 24 12:45-12:50Rehearsal Choir RoomMon. Aug. 28 3:05-3:30 Rehearsal Choir RoomFri. Sept. 1 4:30-4:45 Rehearsal Choir RoomFri. Sept. 8 3:05-3:45 Rehearsal Choir RoomWed Sept. 13 4:40-4:50 Rehearsal Choir RoomThur. Sept. 14 3:10-3:15 T. Show Audition Choir RoomTues. Sept. 19 6:30-9:30 T. Show Dress Rehearsal Choir RoomThur. Sept. 21 6:30-9:00pmTalent Show Performance PACMon. Sept. 25 3:05-3:25 Rehearsal Bellaphonics Choir RoomMon. Oct. 2 3:05-3:25 Rehearsal Choir RoomFri. Oct. 13 4:30-4:45 Rehearsal Choir RoomMon. Oct. 23 3:25-3:50 Rehearsal Bellaphonics Choir RoomMon. Nov. 6 3:05-3:40 Rehearsal Choir RoomTues. Nov. 14 4:45-5:00 Rehearsal Choir RoomFri. Nov. 17 4:30-4:45 Rehearsal Choir RoomMon. Nov. 27 3:05-3:20 Rehearsal Bellaphonics Choir RoomMon. Dec. 4 3:05-3:15 Rehearsal Choir RoomMon. Jan. 22 3:30-3:55 Rehearsal Choir RoomMon. Jan. 29 3:30-3:55 Rehearsal Choir RoomMon. Feb. 5 3:05-3:30 Rehearsal Choir RoomMon. Feb. 12 3:05-3:45 Rehearsal Choir RoomMon. Feb. 12 6:00-8:00 Fine Arts Night CafetoriumThur. Feb. 22 3:20-3:35 Rehearsal Choir RoomTues. Feb. 27 3:20-3:35 Rehearsal Choir RoomSat. March 3 TBA Solo and Ensemble MCHSSat. March 3 6:30-8:00pm55 & Over Dance Performance 5:30callCafetoriumTues. March 6 3:05-3:20 Rehearsal Choir RoomThurs. March 22 4:30-5:00 Rehearsal Choir RoomTues. Apr. 3 4:30-4:55 Rehearsal Choir RoomMon. Apr. 9 3:05-3:30 Rehearsal Choir RoomMon. Apr. 16 3:15-3:50 Rehearsal Thespians Choir RoomThurs. Apr. 19 4:30-5:00 Rehearsal Choir RoomFri. Apr. 20 6:30pm Night of EntertainmentPerformance 5:30callCafetoriumFri. Apr. 27 4:30-4:55 Rehearsal Choir RoomTues. May 1 4:30-4:55 Rehearsal Choir RoomFri. May 4 4:30-4:55 Rehearsal Bellas Choir RoomMon. May 7 3:05-4:30 Dress Rehearsal Walk Thru PACMon. May 7 4:30-5:00 Dress Rehearsal Performance PACTues. May 8 7:15pm Spring Choral Concert Performance PAC


Chair Lead: Co-chair Lead: Volunteer Coordinator Lead:

Costumes/seamstress/backstage costume help Lead: Betty Ready JVAssistant: April Persicketti JV

Reservations Head Lead: JoAnn Maruszak VPublicity Poster Display Lead: Finance Lead:

Publicity/Mailings/Posters Lead: 12

FRIDAY JOBSFriday night general set-up Lead: Time: 6:00PM - 9:00PM 1Duties: Move boxes from choir room closet, 2decorate cafetorium/columns/Christmas trees, 3set-up stocks, misc. as needed 4


Round Table Decorations/Setting Lead: Time: 6:00PM - 9:00PM 1Duties: Decorate all round tables with candles, etc. 2

(get required number of place settings for each table from reservations)Head Madrigal Table Decorations Lead:Time: 6:00pm-9:00pm 1Duties: Decorate Head Madrigal Table with candles, 2

garland, table clothes, placemats, napkins, goblets

Ticket Booth Decorations Lead: Time: 6:00pm to 9:00pm 1

Duties: Decorate ticket booth with candles, etc.

Sets and Castle

Time: Friday 6:00pm to 9:00pm or when finished AND Lead: Sunday immediately after dinner until finished 1Duties: Carpenter skills needed-move set 2from storage and set up in cafetorium on Friday 3and tear down set and return to storage on Sunday. 4Load and Unload Trucks- 5:30pm to 7:00pm 1. 2. 6 Volunteers needed 3

5. 6.


Truck and Driver 1Time: 5:30pm to 9:00pm or when finished 2Duties: Provide truck for transfer of castle 3from storage to cafetorium 4

SATURDAY JOBS PARENT NAME JV/V/ChoirVolunteer Coordinator (sign-in table)

Wassail/Coffee/Water Prep (Sat) 1Time: 5:30PM - 8:00PM 2Duties: Prepare wassail and fill cups, preparecoffee and put in carafes, fill water pitchers for tables

Server Sandwich Order/pick-up/serve (Sat) Lead: Time: 5:30PM - 8:30PM 1Duties: Get count of students for Walmart sub 2sandwiches, order 3 days before event, pick-up 3and deliver to teacher cafeteria, get dessert/chipdonations from parents, supervise students duringmeal, clean/straighten teacher cafeteria.

Server Head (Sat) (includes Fri 3:30PM - 5:30PM) Lead: Time: 4:30PM to end of show Assistant: Chad UphoffDuties: Train/supervise student servers during meal

Roaming Photographer (Sat) Lead: Time: 6:00PM - 8:30PMDuties: Take pictures of event.

Supervisor for Audience Events (Sat) (roses, etc.) Lead: Time: 6:00PM - 9:00PM 2Duties: Collect money, supervise students.

Reservation Booth Saturday Lead:Time: 5:30PM - 7:00PM 1Duties: Sign-in attendees and inform them of their 2table assignment. Bay person maintains order in line, 3directs attendees. Bay:

Dishes Saturday Lead: Time: 7:30PM - 9:30PM 1Duties: Supervise students putting dishes in 2dishwasher, stack dishes for Sunday dinner, washwassail pot and coffee pot, clean kitchen areas.

Saturday clean-up/set-up for Sunday Dinner Lead: Time: Immediately after show until completed 1Duties: Clean/collect trash, reset decorations, 2reset head table, reset round tables (get required 3number of settings for each table from reservations) 4



Volunteer Coordinator (sign-in table) 1

Wassail/Coffee/Water Prep (Sun) Lead: Time: Noon - 2:30PM 1Duties: Prepare wassail and fill cups, preparecoffee and put in carafes, fill water pitchers for tables

Server Sandwich Order/pick-up/serve (Sun) Lead: Time: Noon - 3:00PM 1Duties: Get count of students for Little Caesarspizza, order 3 days before event, pick-up anddeliver to teacher cafeteria, get dessert/chipdonations from parents, supervise students duringmeal, clean/straighten teacher cafeteria.

Server Head (Sun) (includes Fri 3:30PM - 5:30PM) Lead: Time: 11:30AM to end of show Assistant: Duties: Train/supervise student servers during meal

Roaming Photographer (Sun) Lead: Time: 12:30PM - 3:00 PMDuties: Take pictures of event.

Supervisor for Audience Events (Sun) (roses, etc.) Lead: Time: 12:30PM - 3:30PMDuties: Collect money, supervise students.

Reservation Booth Sunday Lead:Time: Noon - 2:00PM 1Duties: Sign-in attendees and inform them of their Bay: table assignment. Bay person maintains order in line, 2directs attendees.

Dishes Sunday Lead: Time: 2:00PM - 4:00PM 1Duties: Wash and pack dishes, clean pots/kitchen, etc 2

Sunday clean-up/tear-down Lead: Time: Immediately after show until completed 1Duties: Clean/collect trash, tear down/pack 2decorations/Christmas trees, etc., put in choir room 3closet. 4


Truck and Driver 1


Time: Sunday immediately after show until completed 2Duties: Provide truck for transfer of castle 3from cafetorium to storage



Fri. Sept. 8 National Anthem-All Men Sing 7:00pm Football Field Sat. Sept. 9 Choir Car Wash 9am-3pm Minooka ACE Hardware and Central Campus Mon, Th. Sept. 11, 14 MCHS Talent Show Auditions 3:05-6:00pm Choir Room Tues. Sept. 12 Choir Booster/Madrigal Parent Meeting 7:00pm Career Cntr.-Central Campus Fri. Sept. 15 All-Choir Blast-off!* 6:00-9:30pm Cafetorium Tues. Sept. 19 MCHS Talent Show Dress Rehearsal 6:30pm PAC Central Campus Thurs. Sept. 21 MCHS Talent Show# 6:30pm PAC Central Campus Fri. Sept. 22 Homecoming Parade 4pm/National Anthem-Concert Choir sings 7pm F. Field Thurs. Oct. 5 Fall Choral Concert w/ Junior Highs*-7:00-8:30pm PAC F,T,TH Oct. 6, 10,12 Madrigal Dinner Masque Auditions 3:10-4:30pm Fri. Oct. 6 National Anthem-All Women Sing 7:00pm Football Field Wed. Oct. 11 IMEA Dist. 1 Auditions-Carl Sandburg HS 4-9pm Tues. Oct. 17 Choir Booster Meeting/Madrigal Parent Meeting 7pm Career Center Sat. Nov. 4 Choir Booster Holiday Craft Fair-South Campus Gym/Café 9am-3pm Fri. Nov. 10 ISU Madrigal Festival# 8am-3pm Illinois State University Sat. Nov. 11 IMEA Dist. 1 Jr./Sr. Jazz Festival- All Day Tues. Nov. 14 Choir Booster Meeting/Madrigal Parent Meeting 7pm Choir Room Thurs. Nov. 16 Southwest Prairie Conf. Choral Festival+-Romeoville HS 8am-12pm Sat. Nov. 18 IMEA Dist. 1 Music Festival- Elmhurst College All Day Tues. Nov. 28 Madrigal Dinner Committee Head Meeting-7pm Choir Room Tues. Dec. 5 Winter Choral Concert*-7:00-8:30pm PAC Fri. Dec. 8 Madrigal Dinner Dress Rehearsal* 3:15-5:45pm St./Sn. Dec. 9, 10 21st Annual Madrigal Dinners#* 6:30pm/1:00pm Central Cafetorium M-TH Dec. 11-14 Musical Auditions (Audition Mtng. Mon. 11/20-Rehearsals begin 1/8 6:15pm) Tues. Jan. 23 Choir Booster Meeting 7pm Career Center Wed.-St. Jan. 24-28 IMEC All-State Conference Peoria, IL Thurs. Feb. 1 IL-ACDA Women’s Choral Festival College of DuPage 8am-2pm Mon. Feb. 12 Fine Arts Night 6:00-8:00pm Cafetorium Thurs. Feb. 15 Mid-Winter Choral Concert*-7:00-8:30pm PAC Sat. Feb. 17 Millikin Vocal Jazz Festival# All Day Millikin University Tues. Feb. 20 Choir Booster Meeting 7pm Career Center Sat. Mar. 3 Solo and Ensemble Contest @ Minooka Community High School 8am-3pm Sat. Mar. 3 55 & Better Prom Performance-Cafetorium 6:30pm Essence/Jazz Transit# Wed.-Sat Mar. 14-17 Spring Musical 7:00pm (Wed. 1:45pm) PAC Tues. Mar. 20 Choir Booster Meeting 7pm Career Center Sat. Apr. 14 IHSA Organizational Contest-All Day Tues. Apr. 17 Choir Booster Meeting 6:15pm Career Center Fri. April 20 A Night of Entertainment# 6:30-8:30pm Central Cafetorium Sat. April 21 3rd Annual Mattress Sale Central Cafetorium Sun. April 22 Honors Recital-PAC 1:30pm Tues. May 8 Spring Choir Awards/Concert* 6:00pm/7:15pm PAC M-W. May 14-16 Madrigal/Vocal Jazz Auditions 3-6pm Choir Room Tues. May 15 Choir Booster Meeting 7:00pm Career Center Sun. May 20 Tentative Graduation-Concert Choir Sings+ 7:00pm Stadium * Required for all choral students +Required for Concert Choir #Required for Mads/Jazz