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The Man In His Cage

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and tested the walls. The man said, “I feel secure in here but the walls are confining and

it is dark in here. Can you make the walls invisible and such that I cannot perceive that

they are there? “Shall I do so?” God asked. “Yes, and can I leave at any time?” the man

asked, “Yes” answered God. The man thought about it. He asked, “Can you make it so

the barrier moves with me so that I cannot accidentally leave it even if I tried?” “Yes”,

answered God. “Can you make the barrier larger than the earth so I can go where I

 please.” “I will not do that”, answered God, “There are other men and women on the

earth that are not afflicted with your confused fear and I will not subject them against

their will to your confusion.” The man thought about it for a while and asked, “If I can

convince them all that they are better off within the barrier than without and they choose

to enter then you will expand the barrier to accommodate them?” asked the man. “Yes”,

answered God. “Under these conditions”, God added, “You cannot use force to bring

 people inside the barrier. They must enter willingly and know what they are giving up.

Also”, God continued, “When a man or woman convinces themselves that they died then

they will be removed from the barrier and rendered unable to return.” The man agreed.

The man set about his task of recruiting companions. Most shook their heads and

said, “You are confused. There is no “bad” force.” The man was undeterred, “You

cannot know this bad force as it looks just like God and speaks with his voice.” Soon, as

word of his protective barrier spread, more people willingly entered the enclosure fearing

this unseen “bad” force.

The man chose a wife from the multitude that now inhabited the ever expanding

 barrier and she bore him a child. “I wish my child to be protected within the barrier.”

The man declared. “No!” God said, “The child is free to come and go until he is at an

age where he can choose for himself.” The man was not pleased and since the child

could not see the barrier the man chose to withhold that knowledge from his child. When

the time came when the child grew to the age of consent the man told him that he was

 better off within the barrier than without and used fear to influence his child’s will.

It was not long before all men and women had chosen to enter the barrier. As God

 predicted those that had died were removed from the barrier and never returned. God

said, “This is madness! When will you cease this nonsense?” The people within the

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Even with that, the secret was spreading. It became necessary to create a structure to

manage the people who were looking for God. Those that dominated had destroyed all

references to the secret of freedom but allowed some of the proper ways to live to remain.

They then made a hero of the disguised man. They codified the proper ways to live

among other things in a book and threatened the people that they should look no farther 

then the book for answers.

The children of those that escaped by listening to the words of the disguised man,

after a few generations, themselves forgot the secret to escape and the secret remained

only with those that dominated. The people were not only firmly under the domination of 

the few but captive within the barrier. As time went on a few of the enslaved people,

through following the proper ways to live, began stumbling upon the secret. They

created a nation and began living outside the power of those that dominated. That again

would not do, so those that dominated decided that they had to corrupt the people and

confuse them that God was a fiction. They invented new fictions to confuse the people

and made those that sought to obey the proper ways a laughingstock so that the people

would abandon their search and once engage in self-destructive behaviors.

Then one day, an odd man thought, “what if what is happening in my life is a lie?

What if the man in the disguise was right? What if I do live forever? If there was a God

then what do I need to do to find him and ask him to make me free?” So he set about his

life to find this God that people referred to but could not see. God saw this initiative and

 began giving this odd man clues. The clues were subtle and only for the odd man to see.

Men standing right next to the odd man attributed these strange occurrences to chance or 

luck. The special occurrences and events stuck out in the odd man’s mind because he

had thoughts come to him coincidently about what was about to happen had already

 prepared him for what he was to see. The odd man noted that he could not relay these

thoughts to others as they would not listen or believe. It raised even more questions in

the odd man’s mind like, “What if these curious coincidences, that are happening more

frequently, are not coincidences at all? Where were these thoughts coming from? How is

it that I became perfectly positioned to see these wondrous events and had this


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As time went on the odd man noticed that he was being led and sometimes had no

choice but to see the clues that God was sending him, in his mind, in his life and that he

was amassing interesting knowledge and views that no one around him shared. The odd

man then concluded that these wondrous things could only be the work of this unseen

God. He began to address the open air to prompt this unseen God to communicate in a

voice that he could hear. God did not answer but more thoughts came to his mind. They

were specific rules by which he would be allowed to perceive God without seeing God or 

hearing God. The odd man then studied the rules so that he knew them by heart. The

rules provided all that he must do and they were surprisingly simple.

God watched from outside of the barrier and decided that those, like this odd man,

who could not be logically held to the original agreement, truly wished to be free and

acknowledged that God would free them would be given the secret and could count on

God's assistance. To protect these free people, like the odd man, God would allow them

to live unnoticed by the confused people and even unnoticed by those that dominate.

These free people remain undetectable and appear as any other man or woman but they

are free of the barrier. God communicates with them in ways the confused, or those that

dominate, are not able to perceive. The secret is only available to those who really want

to be free and are willing to allow God to protect them.

Years went by as the odd man mulled over the rules and procedure in his mind. He

noticed that things in his life were changing. He found he was not free to do certain

things and he was being led somewhere. He could not yet discern the reason but he had

attributed it to God. Towards the end he found that he had little freedom to do anything

he wanted. In a fit of frustration the odd man decide that he would try to comply with the

rules and the procedure.

Suddenly, the odd man was startled when he was able to perceive God. He was able

to communicate with God freely. It was not that he could see God or hear God but he

could know in his mind with absolute certainty that God was there and what God was

telling and teaching him. The odd man then understood why man had asked God to

remain silent and that God was simply complying with man’s will.

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The odd man was allowed to share his secret only with those others that God deemed

ready to be free and only those people. Those that were not ready would not understand,

not believe or simply be distracted from the secret knowledge the odd man relayed.

The odd man also realized that God decided that the original experiment had run its

course. He could not allow the confusion to continue. God decided that most people had

 become so confused that they had no chance of ever returning on their own. God would

decide to allow the rest of the people to "die" their painful “death” and at last break free

of the barrier. It pained God but most people willfully decided to remain confused and

engage in self-destructive behaviors. God simply complied with their wish. To allow

them to suffer in the cage no longer served a valuable purpose as the lesson was learned

 but the way back for these people was obscured and out of their reach as they chose to be

so confused.

 Now if you are such a man or woman that wishes to be free. The only thing that

keeps you enslaved is fear of this thing called “death” or the intimidation of those that

dominate. One can easily live free on this earth, free from the confused and free from

those few people that dominate. The barrier is a fiction that we have ourselves

constructed along with the fictional reason for the barrier in the first place. When we

really want out and we can face our unfounded fear, we can live free of this fictional

 barrier or this fictional “bad” force. We are then free on this earth and live side by side

with the confused. They will not know. How can they? God does not permit them to

know. That is the protection that God offers. They cannot see or think that we can be

free while they remain enslaved. Those that “die” are also free but they are not allowed

return to the cage. Why would anyone want to anyway? It is, after all, a stupid idea.

If you are interested in knowing how things are instead of what we are told and want

to know how to escape then Click Here

You must remember that if you truly do not wish to be free and you do not

want to meet God then the words will not have meaning, they will be

confusing or you will not be able to allow yourself to believe.