Schedule of Events August 2009: August 8th Without Walls Back To School Ex- travaganza 10am – 4pm Hampton Park: Downtown Charles- ton. We are joining “Without Walls Ministry” to throw a back to school drive. There will be 500 book bags with school supplies given away as well as hot dogs and plenty of activities for the kids, including fun fellowship, music, arts and crafts. Transportation will be provided on Ranger Drive at 9:00 AM. Come with your kids and let us know if you need a ride. August 15, 22, 29 Field Day: 2:00 – 4:00 Every Sat- urday at the field behind 3713 Dorchester Road: We will play games with the kids and figure out who needs mentors as well as cook hot dogs and provide refreshments for the attendees. Email Martha for more details and to volunteer: xcit- [email protected] August 10, 17, 24 & 31 Word On The Street: Resume build- ing class 6:30pm – 8:00pm every Monday at 633 King St. August 15 & 29 Neighborhood Fellowship Jeanene Batton Community Center at 3742 Dorchester Road. Pass out groceries, pray for the community. Every other Saturday at 10:00 am. Outreach Partners: Seacoast Church Without Walls Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist Vision Casting by Jesse Williams To become missionaries in our com- munity, we believe the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:14-16, which holds true today. “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. (Jesus of Nazareth, NKJV)”. We have the vision of being light in our neighborhoods off Dorchester Road. Will you join us to start Bible study groups? The process begins by spreading the good news through Hope Groups. We are making a bold move through Sarah leading the book club- we will be Jesus’s hands and feet by beginning a woman’s bible study in a local Laun- dromat off of Dorchester Road. The Bible Study will be a woman’s book club group on Thursday evenings. We are stepping in faith to take Jesus’s love to those hurting in the neighbor- hoods in North Charleston. Just like when Jesus went to the local well in Samaria 2000 years ago offering “liv- ing water”, where the woman would never thirst again. It was the hope in Jesus that the woman needed, and it is the hope of Jesus that we intend to take to the hurting through the launch of our first Hope Group. We hope to take the church to the people and inspire those in our neighborhood to seek Jesus and experience the hope that Christ follow- ers have found in Jesus. We invite you to seek, ask questions, and wrestle with God. God is not afraid of questions and neither are we. Our prayer is that the Lord continues to inspire us with visions, and that we can continue to be humble servants of the King. August 2009 Volume 1, Issue 2 1

The GoodNews v1, i2

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A newsletter for Take It To The Streets

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Page 1: The GoodNews v1, i2

Schedule of EventsAugust 2009:August 8thWithout Walls Back To School Ex-travaganza10am – 4pmHampton Park: Downtown Charles-ton. We are joining “Without Walls Ministry” to throw a back to school drive. There will be 500 book bags with school supplies given away as well as hot dogs and plenty of activities for the kids, including fun fellowship, music, arts and crafts. Transportation will be provided on Ranger Drive at 9:00 AM. Come with your kids and let us know if you need a ride.

August 15, 22, 29Field Day: 2:00 – 4:00 Every Sat-urday at the field behind 3713 Dorchester Road: We will play games with the kids and figure out who needs mentors as well as cook hot dogs and provide refreshments for the attendees. Email Martha for more details and to volunteer: [email protected]

August 10, 17, 24 & 31Word On The Street: Resume build-ing class 6:30pm – 8:00pm every Monday at 633 King St.

August 15 & 29Neighborhood FellowshipJeanene Batton Community Center at 3742 Dorchester Road. Pass out groceries, pray for the community. Every other Saturday at 10:00 am.

Outreach Partners:Seacoast Church Without Walls Mount Moriah Missionary Baptist

Vision Castingby Jesse Williams

To become missionaries in our com-munity, we believe the words of Jesus in Matthew 5:14-16, which holds true today.

“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. (Jesus of Nazareth, NKJV)”.

We have the vision of being light in our neighborhoods off Dorchester Road. Will you join us to start Bible study groups? The process begins by spreading the good news through Hope Groups.

We are making a bold move through Sarah leading the book club- we will be Jesus’s hands and feet by beginning

a woman’s bible study in a local Laun-dromat off of Dorchester Road. The Bible Study will be a woman’s book club group on Thursday evenings. We are stepping in faith to take Jesus’s love to those hurting in the neighbor-hoods in North Charleston. Just like when Jesus went to the local well in Samaria 2000 years ago offering “liv-ing water”, where the woman would never thirst again. It was the hope in Jesus that the woman needed, and it is the hope of Jesus that we intend to take to the hurting through the launch of our first Hope Group. We hope to take the church to the people and inspire those in our neighborhood to seek Jesus and experience the hope that Christ follow-ers have found in Jesus. We invite you to seek, ask questions, and wrestle with God. God is not afraid of questions and neither are we. Our prayer is that the Lord continues to inspire us with visions, and that we can continue to be humble servants of the King.

August 2009 Volume 1, Issue 2

FIELD DAY AT FULL SPEED.The first kickball game and more to come. Volunteers and Field Day attend-ees come together in a large co-op game of more then 20 per team. In the picture below a single kick from a player can cause an uproar of confusion. Two players on the run: does Conner have the skill to tag them both?


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One Man’s Affect on the Economy By Joey Trahan

It is possible for people well into their adulthood to contribute to society in new and meaningful ways. Below are some examples where this has hap-pened. The affects are astounding.

• Moses and Aaron led the Israelites out of Egypt at the ages of 80 and 83 (Exo 7:7).

• Colonel Sanders was 65 years old, broke, and living off social security when decided to start the Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise.

• A little over a year ago, Larry Martin was unemployed, liv-ing on the streets of Charleston, and recieving government assis-tance. Today, he has completed a six-month Bible study program through Hope Assembly of God and a six-week resume building program through Take It to the Streets Ministry. Now, he works full time (40-50 hrs per week) at a job that pays $15 per hour with benefits.

What difference does someone like Larry make? Prior to completing both programs, if Larry was receiving the average amount of federal assistance common to people in his shoes, he would have been costing the economy at least $7,500 per year.

Instead, he is now earning an average of $37,000 per year. On top of that, he is more valuable to his employer than the salary he is paid; otherwise, he would not be contributing to his company’s profit. The average Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to salary

“For you were called to freedom, brethren, only do not turn your free-dom into an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.”

Galations 5: 13-15

Neighborhood FellowshipBy Felicia Towles As volunteers with Take It To The Streets, we believe it is our calling to be the hands and feet of Christ, and that we are commanded to serve one another through love. This is what Neighborhood Fellowship is all about. Every other Saturday at 10 a.m., a group gets together and goes out into the neighbor-hood to give out food, minister to people, pray with people, and most importantly, build relationships with members of the community. It is our goal to share the love of Jesus with everyone we come into contact with.

This past Saturday was my first time being a part of the Neighborhood Fellowship, and I was truly blessed to see how God’s hand is in the midst and is moving through Take It To The Streets. About fifteen volunteers showed up at the Community Center (across from Alex’s on Dorchester Road) where they prayed, worshipped, and bagged around 40 bags of gro-ceries to give out to the neighbor-hood. We then split up into teams and dispersed in the area around Ranger Drive. Some teams went to specific houses to follow up with people that we have already met with and prayed with, while my team (myself, Rick

Reed, Kayla Reed, Kristy Page, Kyla Towles, and Brendan Kovach) set out to meet new people and form new relationships by knocking on every door that we passed. While we didn’t get an answer at every door, I was still overwhelmed at how welcoming ev-eryone was to us. The Holy Spirit was definitely present and guided our path that day. We learned that one family had recently lost a young man named Supreme, and we prayed that the fam-ily would be comforted during this

time of grieving. Another woman, Yvonne, asked us to pray that the Lord would free her from the financial bondage that she, like many of the families are facing. I was quickly remind-ed to never un-derestimate the power of prayer and to know that God is faithful in answering the prayers of his children. I could feel the Holy Spirit present as we prayed; a feeling that is

hard to put into words. Through those few hours of serving, God opened my eyes to the incredible need right here in our own community. Not simply a need for food or money…but a need for JESUS! And as a follower of Christ, I feel that is my obligation to do my part in fulfilling that need!

Not only was it awesome to build rela-tionships in the community, but I also truly enjoyed the amazing company and fellowship of the other volunteers. Take It To The Streets is so fortunate to have such faithful and obedient peo-ple of God sacrificing their own time and resources to make a difference in

the community and fulfill His will. It is clear that it’s not about us, it’s about JESUS! I am blessed, honored, and grateful to have the opportunity to be a part of this group as we all strive to be the people that God has called us to be.

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ratio for working adults is 1.36. This would mean Larry is now contributing over $50,500 per year to our economy/GDP. The net affect is $58,000 per year.

$7,500 (cost savings)+ $50,500 ($37,000 x 1.36 ratio = $50,500 = additional contribution to GDP) $58,000 (net contribution to the economy/GDP)

A final note, and perhaps most impor-tantly, is that God designed us to con-tribute here on earth. Adam worked in the garden before the fall of man. Larry is now closer to living according to God’s design. Our prayer at Take it to the Streets is that we may be able to help more people like Larry who will, in turn, set an example for others and eventually change society.

Picture of the Month

Kids Corner

Hello everyone,

God has provided some amazing field day lessons since our last newsletter when we were learning character build-ing words. Since then, we have tak-en it up a notch. We’re learning that we should be looking for those same character words when select-ing our friends. It is so important that children and adults alike make wise choices about the friends they have. The Bible says “there are ‘friends’ who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother”. There-fore, in order to be good friends, we should treat others the way we would like to be treated. It is also important that if our friends don’t

know who Jesus is, we should tell them about Him. We made Salva-tion Bracelets to give us an easy way to witness to our friends. We all looked spiffy in our “multi-colored bead bling.” Jewelry mak-ing was one way of exercising our Spiritual gifts which we are all learning to pray for. We learned that some of us are gifted at help-ing or being kind, while some of us may be gifted with leadership or worship like Mr. Ziggy. He has started to come out and prepare our hearts for Gods word these last few weeks with some awesome worship. This summer is all about learning what purpose God has for our lives. We know that each and every one of us is created for a special pur-pose, and we are working together to help these children learn what those purposes might be.


Miracle Temple Church of the Living Christ on Spruill Avenue, a ministry partner for Take It To The Streets, is lead by Pas-tor Hicks. Her current minis-try includes multiple outreach programs in the community to satisfy her passion for children and elderly men and women. Pas-tor Hicks is currently working to expand her ministry by retrofit-ting the house where she raised her own children into an outreach vehicle. Her vision includes com-puters, a daycare, and a place to “help people build their self esteem back up, get back on their feet and teach children how to watch out for themselves.”

The picture of the month is a picture that captures the true love and “God presence” of Field Day. This picture was taken in early June. The love and emotion of this picture explains itself.

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Volunteer SpotlightMike Waters, Informations Manager for Take It To The Streets, has donated immeasurable amounts of time to ex-panding this ministry with his talents and abilities. Not only is he a top of the line hot dog grill master every Saturday at Field Day, but he is also the master-mind behind the new Take It To The Streets web site.

For over a month now, Mike has spent time each and every day working on making the new web site the success that it is. A strong and effective internet web page is essential to the successful day to day operations and growth of this ministry. Without the tireless effort of Mike, we would not be where we are today. His work and devotion to serving God is truly a blessing to us all, and we sincerely thank him for all he has done.

Our Mission: To unite the Church Body in order to take the hope of Jesus Christ to

the local community and the world.

Mission Statement: To move from members to missionaries in our community by emu-lating Jesus Christ’s love towards others through the formation of

genuine relationships.

Contact Uswww.takeittothestreetsministry.orginfo@takeittothestreetsministry.org

Jesse Williams: 843-642-4233

The TeamJesse Williams - President

Connor McIntyre - Volunteer CoordinatorSarah Harrelson - Central Administrator

Martha Martin - Children’s MinistryMike Waters - Informations Manager

Wes Stichweh - Newsletter

This Newsletter was Designed courtesy of Future’s Graphics, LLC

Photography: Saved In His Image Photography

Garsteck PhotographyAlyona Photography

On The HorizonBy Jesse Williams

Moving forward, the ministry has seen an influx of new volunteers, and we recognize that we are to be good stewards of our time and talents. We believe that we are called to use our talents and abilities to serve God to the best of our capabilities. Moving for-ward, we have dubbed our outreach in the neighborhood “Neighborhood Fellowship”, because God loves us all just the same. We plan to spread the word through increased evangelism in the neighborhoods off Dorchester Road. Take it to the Streets is cur-rently spreading the word to churches in our community concerning our out-reach efforts to expand the area we can bless with the Good News of Jesus. As we continue to be good stewards with what God has given us, God will grant us more.

Soon, we will also launch our men-toring program where we are able to connect one on one with children who are from single family homes or live with their grandparents. We hope to bless these children with mentors who are passionate about Jesus, passion-ate about blessing others with their time, and passionate about teaching these children what they have learned through their life experiences. We hope you will join us as we move forward in leaps and bounds.