The_________________________Family Talk about the faith when you sit, walk, lie down and rise up(Deuteronomy 6:7) COAH Family Ministry (At Home Family Binder Cover Page)

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The_________________________Family Talk about the faith when you sit, walk, lie down and rise up… (Deuteronomy 6:7)

COAH Family Ministry (At Home Family Binder Cover Page)

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Prepare  Your  At  Home  Family  Binder  Title  Page  

   As  a  family,  prepare  your  binder  and  get  ready  to  

read,  listen,  and  hear  God’s  word  together!    

Remove  the  Title  Page  from  your  At  Home  Binder  and  put  in  the  new  one  for  the  study  of  Revelation.      1)  Write  in  your  family  name  and  the  book  you  are  studying  together.    2)  In  the  blank  spot  in  the  middle  of  the  page,  draw  a  line  down  the  middle.    On  the  left  side  of  the  line  write  or  draw  some  things  you  already  know  about  the  book  of  Revelation.    On  the  right  side  write  some  questions  you  have  or  would  like  to  learn  about  the  book  of  Revelation.    3)  Add  a  symbol  of  the  Holy  Spirit  somewhere  on  the  page  to  illustrate  that  we  rely  on  His  power  to  read,  listen,  and  hear  what  He  has  to  teach  us.    4)  On  the  back  of  this  page,  after  reading  and  studying  the  book  of  Revelation  together,  write  and  draw  what  the  Holy  Spirit  taught  your  family,  directed  your  family  to  do,  and  what  you  did.    

 (At  Home  Family  Binder  Title  Preparation  Page)  

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At Home Family Binder Set Up Materials

To organize and set up the materials and binder for our At Home Family Bible Study for Revelation, you will need the following supplies and materials:

• 3-ring binder • pencils, colored pencils, crayons etc. • Parenting Tip from the National Center for Biblical

Parenting – Communication is Key – On Discussion Board or some available on the Family Ministry Table at church.

• At Home Family Binder Cover Page for Revelation- On Discussion Board - (See Joann if you prefer not to use up all your ink!)

• At Home Family Binder Title Page – On Discussion Board

• At Home Family Binder Title Preparation Page (A before we begin activity)- On Discussion Board.

• The Picture Smart Bible New Testament Manual –See Below.

COAH Church will be using The Picture Smart Bible (TPSB) New Testament Curriculum/Resource for the At Home Family study of the Book of Revelation. The Resources are available for downloading and copying on the Table Project Discussion Board. To set up your At Home Family Binder for the Study of Revelation, you may download and print the following materials from TPSB New Testament Manual:

• Information Pages • Power Symbols • Revelation Curriculum and Master Drawing • Student Sheet (as many as you need) • Resource- Historical Timeline

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REVELATION Reclamation

Orientation: (Write: Title & subtitle in box provided on Student Sheet) At the time of this writing, John, the author of Revelation (1:1), is the only living apostle. He is now 80 plus and living under extreme persecution. Tradition indicates that Nero tried to boil this apostle, but like Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego (Dan. 3:27) he wouldn’t “cook.” John was then exiled to the island of Patmos, a rocky island (possibly a penal colony) off the coast of Asia Minor. The church is discouraged. Jesus has not returned as they felt He promised, and persecution is at an all- time high. Heresy in the church is running rampant. Through John, Jesus speaks, assuring His people that He is coming “shortly” (1:1), and His judgment will be just and sure. Peter has reminded all believers that “With the Lord, one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day” (II Pet. 3:8). On that timetable, only two days have passed. When Adam sinned, he handed over the keys to “our home,” and all of God’s beautiful creation was plunged into corruption. The fallen angel, Lucifer, became Satan, the “Prince of this world,” intent on destroying all that God had made. Revelation is God’s master plan of reclamation—taking back His property, including His “man,” creating a fresh, new environment in which we will enjoy His presence forever. There are two popular approaches to interpreting Revelation. One, which is more literal and chronological, declares that the church, Christ’s bride, will be raptured (taken quickly to heaven) before the Tribulation. The other embraces a more symbolic exposition, teaching that the rapture will occur after the “seals” and “trumpets,” but before the “bowls of God’s wrath.” As we have done with other books of the Bible, we will attempt to outline and re-group events for the sake of our picture outline.

A. In the Spirit on the Lord’s Day. (Read: 1:10-17) No one knows for sure the meaning of “in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day.” Possibly one Sunday, as the aged apostle John was “lost” in worship, Jesus speaks in a loud voice, identifying Himself as the Alpha and Omega (the first and the last). When John turns to face the voice, he beholds a breathtaking picture. John sees the “Son of Man” whose countenance is so bright that the apostle can hardly bear to look. (The term “Son of Man” is often used in the Scripture to present Jesus as fully human.) 1. (Draw: Jesus’ head & hair) Jesus’ hair was “white like wool...like snow,” indicative of deep understanding, wisdom and dignity. The “flame of fire” in His eyes may possibly depict the fiery judgment which is to come. John is not looking at the “Lamb brought to slaughter” (Isa. 53:7), but at a con-quering King about to invade a corrupt world. His voice is powerful, like a huge waterfall. Out of His mouth, John sees a two-edged sword—a deadly instrument to His enemies. 2. (Draw: torso with robe & gold band across His chest) Christ’s garment, like that of an official judge, reaches to His feet. Jesus is not a judge; He is the Judge of all the earth. His

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judgments are just because His heart is pure as signified by the gold band across His chest. 3. (Draw: feet on each side) Brass suggests strength, hardened in the fire of intense heat, emerging with power to tread down His enemies. John was so overwhelmed that he could no longer stand. He fell on his face before Jesus. B. John’s Commission. (Draw: stars in Jesus’ hand & lamp-stands with connecting lines. Write: following words appearing in bold letters) The revelation of God’s character and man’s commission often go together. Jesus explains to John that the seven lamp stands are symbolic of seven churches and the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches. Because the number “seven,” used frequently in this book, is considered “complete,” many commentators feel that these letters (2:1-3:22) are, in reality, written to all churches of every generation. In view of that, we will focus on the messages given to the churches and not the specific churches. There are basically five categories of communication. To each church, Jesus identifies Himself by repeating John’s description. 1. “Praise”. Jesus reveals to each church that He knows their “works” of love and service. What they have done and who they are has not gone unnoticed. Some have withstood tribulation and poverty; they would not deny His name even when facing death. 2. “Correct”. Yet some have left their first love. Others have followed various heresies: doctrine of Balaam, and of the Nicoliatans (various forms of sexual immorality). Some were allowing a Jezebel spirit to run loose, seducing people to immoralities and eating things sacrificed to idols. 3. “Instruct”. Jesus does not leave them wallowing in their sin without giving them hope and instruction in how to regain their position. There is a strong command to remember from where they had fallen, to repent and do the works they did at first, and to hold fast what they have until He comes. 4. “Warning”. The warnings are stern. Some churches boast great numbers and programs, but they are spiritually dead. They think they are rich but they are poor. He will bring discipline by removing their candlestick, His Spirit will leave. Those congregations who are lukewarm, He will vomit out of His mouth. Some are about to be tested so they can see the truth; they will be thrown into prison, others will suffer sickness. To all churches He cautions, listen to what the Spirit says. 5. “Promise”. The letters are rich with promise. If they will repent of their sins, if they will persevere through hard times, Jesus promises to give them: access to the Tree of Life, the

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crown of life, immunity from the second death, some of the “hidden manna,” a white stone with their names imprinted, and white garments. To others He will give the power to overcome nations and rule with a rod of iron. He promises to open doors which no one can shut. Those who open the door when He knocks will enjoy His fellowship. C. The Throne Room. (Draw: vertical dividing lines & 3 partial circle areas. Read: chapter 4) John is now ushered into the very throne room of God, a similar experience to that of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and Paul (caught up to the “third heaven”). 1. (Draw: dotted figure on the throne holding scroll, rainbow, 7 lamps & lightning bolts) Neither John’s words, nor any illustration, can convey the breath-taking beauty of God. Because we cannot picture the grandeur of God’s majesty, we have left the image of God blank. The stones in John’s vision suggest God’s awesome brilliance in prismatic colors. The rainbow—His eternal covenant. The seven lamps (shown here as candles) burning continually—the Holy Spirit. All of this, plus flashing lightning and the seven lamps of fire, may have obscured John’s direct vision to the throne. 2. (Draw: smaller thrones) Crowned elders, possibly angelic beings, occupied 24 smaller thrones surrounding God (4:4). The number “24” could represent the 12 tribes of Israel plus the 12 apostles, encompassing both old and new covenants. 3. (Draw: two figures behind the seven lamps. Write: “Holy, Holy, Holy”) The four living creatures and the elders are especially “designed” to surround the throne of God, day and night, in worship (4:6-11). To be in this proximity to God Almighty would evoke continual awe, worship, praise, and adoration. 4. (Draw: Lamb with blood on neck & chest. Read: 5:2-7) The scroll held by Him “who sat on the throne” contains the destiny of planet earth, as will be revealed later. No wonder John weeps when none in heaven or on earth is found worthy to open it. The Lamb, “as though it had (just) been slain” (5:6), steps forward. He alone, having paid the ultimate price, is qualified to open the scroll. 5. (Read: 5:8-10) The four living creatures and the twenty-four elders burst forth in praise to the Lamb! They are quickly joined by countless thousands of angels, giving praise, honor and glory to God the Father and the Lamb. (NOTE: At this point, John begins to see and record events which are not necessarily in chronological sequence. As mentioned earlier, for the sake of illustration, we will regroup events.)

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D. The Outpouring of God’s Judgment. John sees the outpouring of God’s judgment on planet earth occurring in three ways: The “Seals,” the “Trumpets” and the “Bowls of Wrath.” (NOTE: Christians who embrace a more literal, chronological view of Revelation will see these “disasters” happening sequentially and accelerating in intensity. Those who interpret this book with a more symbolic perspective may feel that John saw all the disasters occurring, but recorded them somewhat randomly. For purposes of our one-page illustration and one-lesson survey, we have categorized and combined these events.) 1. The Scroll, Seals & Four Horsemen. (Draw: scroll, circles & flow. Write: “Worthy”. Read: Chapter 6) As we saw earlier, only the Lamb of God was worthy to open the scroll (5:9). Now the unsealing of God’s plan for planet earth is about to happen. The first four seals release what is commonly called “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.” The devastation of each horse and each opened seal is described below (Section “F”). 2. The Trumpets. (Draw: trumpet with flow.) The seven trumpets given to the seven angels release additional disasters upon the earth (8:1). As the last trumpet is sounded, loud voices from heaven proclaim, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever” (11:15). 3. The Bowls of Wrath. (Draw: bowl with flow. Read: 16:1) On command, seven angels pour out the bowls of God’s wrath on the earth. The intensity of God’s wrath shakes the planet with more intensity as each of the seven bowls is emptied. When the last bowl is poured out, lightning and earthquakes strike the earth and heaven shouts, “It is done!” signifying the end of God’s judgment on earth (16:17). 4. God’s Mercy. Even in this time of judgment, God’s mercy is extended in several ways. The white horse of the first seal (6:1-2) is released to conquer. This possibly is the testimony of God’s conquering church throughout the ages. When the faithful martyrs cry out, “How long before You avenge our blood?” (6:10), they are given white robes and are comforted. Before the trumpets are sounded, intercessory prayers of the saints are “thrown to the earth” (8:5). Before the “bowls of God’s wrath” are poured out, angels swoop down once again, announcing the good news (14:6-7). E. The Disasters Begin. (Draw: scroll rolling up) John describes the disasters in three major groups: the cosmos, the earth and the demonic locusts.

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1. The Cosmos. (Draw: sun darkened, blood dripping from moon, & star falling. Write: The Cosmos”. Read: 6:12-17, 8:5, 12) “The sun became black and the moon became like blood”. This may describe smoke from fires with subsequent destructive effects on the earth’s protective ozone. Stars began to fall, as the sky is rolled up like a scroll. Darkness, possibly like that which fell on the Egyptians (Ex. 10:22), descends. Men cry out in agony and anger, blaspheming the God of heaven. 2. The Earth (Draw: bread crossed out, mountains splitting open, wave of water & knife with blood dripping. Write: “The Earth”. Read: 6:15-17, 8:7-11, 16:2-21). The cycle of life is disintegrated as hail and fire destroy one third of the earth’s vegetation (8:7). Fresh water lakes, rivers and the seas become polluted, killing one third of the sea life (8:9-11, 16:3-7, 12). Earthquakes destroy major cities. This ecological upheaval births global hunger and killing. When the first bowl is poured out, “foul and loathsome sores” came upon all men who bear the mark of the beast (16:2). With the second and fourth seals (6:4-8), peace is removed from the earth which opens the door to murder, wars and all manner of violence. 3. The Demon Locust (Draw: swarm of locust. Write: “Demon Locust”. Read:9:1-21) When the fifth angel sounds his trumpet, the hordes of hell are released (9:1-11). Although termed “locusts,” their bodies are like horses, faces like men with women’s hair and teeth like a lion, they had shapes like horses wearing breastplates, teeth like lions and tails with stingers. Power was given to them with specific limits (Satan may go only as far as God permits). They may torment those who do not bear “the seal of God on their foreheads,” but may not kill them. F. Those Who are Sealed. (Draw: dome) As mentioned, before His fury falls, God makes provision for His own. We have symbolized God’s special protection with a dome. Our responsibility in overcoming the enemy is stated in 12:11 (See G3 below). 1. (Write: “144,000”. Read: 7:1-4, 14:1-5) The 144,000 may refer to the Jewish contingent of believers upon whom God put His seal. The Jews are mentioned first because they are God’s chosen race. When John looks again, the 144, 000 are with the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion. As described, this group of followers is totally separated from worldly pursuits, “redeemed from among men, being firstfruits to God and to the Lamb.” 2. (Write: “+ Multitude”. Read: 7:9-14) As Peter discovered at Cornelius’ house (Acts 10), God also put His seal upon the Gentiles. Someday, standing before the throne of God, we will

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worship with believers from all over the world, many of whom “came out of the great tribulation” (7:14). 3. (Draw: two figures on dome. Read: 11:3-12) No one knows for sure the identity of the “Two Witnesses,” however it is possible that they too, represent Jew and Gentile Christians throughout history. God has granted them a kind of “immunity from extinction.” Paul states that we too, are “pressed but not crushed, struck down, but not destroyed” (II Cor. 4:8). G. The Salvation Story (Read: Chapter 12). This chapter describes some events which occur before “time.” The exact identity of the woman with child is not clarified. Some believe that this refers to Satan’s many attempts to destroy Israel, and others see this clearly as Mary “on the run” with Jesus. Through the ages, the “Herods” and the “Hitlers” have tried to destroy God’s offspring. 1. (Draw: dragon. Read: 12:7-9) Satan, once a shining angel at the throne of God, conceived in his heart to rebel against God and His plans. This activated a war in heaven and the eventual expulsion of Satan with what appears to be one third of the angels (12:4). John clearly identifies the dragon as Satan. 2. (Draw: “dome” with mother & child. Read: 12:13-17) As mentioned above, this account could be referring to the incarnation and birth of Jesus, but it also describes the experience of every believer. As Mary received and conceived Jesus, so is He also born in us when we open our hearts to receive Him. And, as Satan tried to destroy Jesus, so he relentlessly tries to destroy all of God’s children. 3. (Draw: shield with sword. Write: “Blood, Word, Life”) The account goes on to describe that Satan, seeing his efforts to stop the incarnation had failed, went after the “rest of her offspring.” But God does not leave His children without protection. They (and we) overcame Satan by the “blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and did not love their lives even unto death” (12:11). Later, after an angel is sent to reap the harvest of the earth (14:14-16), John sees this victorious army standing on a sea of glass, singing the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb (14:2-4). H. Rising Resistance. As the end of time “countdown” continues and the earth groans with cataclysmic disorder, Satan’s true identity and cancerous influence begins to emerge. 1. The Beast of the Sea. (Draw: multi-headed dragon & splashes of water. Read: 13:1-10) Because of this beast’s identification with the Antichrist as the man of lawlessness (See: I John 2:18, II Thess. 2:3), many individuals throughout history have been pegged as the “beast.” For sure, this is a formidable creature, driven by Satanic energy. However, as

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some have suggested, it is unlikely that one man in history could fill this role—it is more likely that this “beast” is an evil, godless world system into which our society slides. Satan once showed Jesus all of his kingdoms (Luke 4:5). 2. The Beast of the Earth. (Draw: third dragon rising out of the ground. Read: 13:11-14) Satan, the master of deceit, will begin to systematically counterfeit Christ. He looks like a lamb, but speaks like Satan. He performs great miracles; healing fatal wounds and making fire come from heaven. Multitudes follow him. 3. United in the Same Spirit…of Evil. (Write: “666” on dragon’s forehead. Read: 13:15-18). The two beasts are actually one powerful spirit. Satan now controls the market place. Without his mark, no one can get a job or buy food. 4. Impersonation of the Bride—Satan’s Instrument of Perversion. (Draw: crumbling building & smoke. Write: “Babylon” on front. Read: 17: 1-7) The world-wide system, supported by the beast and called the “harlot,” has been incredibly attractive and popular, seducing major leaders of the world, even captivating many Christians. Satan’s control over this system including world trade, the arts, entertainment, sports and the military is staggering. His offer to Jesus (and to us), “All this authority (the kingdoms of the world) I will give You, and their glory; for this has been delivered to me and I give it to whomever I wish,” was not empty (Luke 4:5-7). 5. An Angel’s Final Call. (Draw: balloon. Write: “Come out my people!” Read: 18:4-5) God’s final steps of stripping His property away from the enemy are now in motion. An angel is sent to sound the alarm to all of God’s people who have partaken of the corrupt world system. Then, another angel hurls a huge stone into the sea, symbolizing the harlot’s final destruction (18:21). 6. (Write: “Alleluia! The Lord God Omnipotent Reigns” Read: 18:9-20, 19:1-4) World leaders weep and mourn over Babylon “for no one buys their merchandise anymore.” The world economy has gone bankrupt. Yet these are the same corrupt systems that have dominated and ruined the lives of millions of people for centuries. It is at last exposed and brought down. Justice reigns and heaven sings for joy! The end of the age has come! I. The Marriage to End All Marriages. The event for which all believers have been “panting,” the celebration over which heaven has been holding its breath, is about to happen! The marriage of the Lamb and His Bride! 1. The True Bride of the Lamb is Ready. (Draw: vertical line & arch with bell. Read: 19:6-9) The Bride is stunning—

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dressed in a beautiful, white, fine linen gown. It is pure white because it has been washed in the blood of the Lamb. The Bride of Christ, The Church of God, is to be totally fulfilled at last. Alleluia, indeed! 2. Enter the Groom. (Draw: banner & white horse. Write: “Faithful, True—Word of God”. Read: 19:11-15) Heaven opens again and through the opening, John sees a spectacular sight: Jesus, sitting on a white horse. He is called, “Faithful and True!”—He promised that He would return to take us home, and here His is! John’s description is similar to that given in Chapter 1. In this account, Jesus is bearing “many crowns”—His authority is over all creation, all nations, all kings. His robe is dipped in blood—His own blood, for this was the first “signal” of Satan’s defeat and Christ’s victory. 3. King Forever. (Write: “King of Kings” & “Lord of Lords” on Jesus’ robe. Read: 19:16-21) The Lamb that was slain has returned as a fierce, ruling King! “The armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horses,” but it is interesting to note: none of them had weapons. The victory was accomplished by Jesus Christ—“out of His mouth goes a sharp sword.” Here we see the Living Word and the written word combined to slay the enemy. J. The Overthrow of the Beast & the False Prophet (Read: 19:17, 20:1-4) The “Supper of the Great God” is in stark contrast to the Marriage Supper. Birds are invited to eat the flesh of the armies assembled to fight God’s army. The defeat is quick—the beast, the false prophet and those who worshiped the image were cast alive into the lake of fire. The others were killed by the sword which proceeded from Jesus’ mouth, and then devoured by the birds. 1. The Bottomless Pit (Draw: the bottomless pit) John saw an angel coming down from heaven with the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain. The “dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan” is bound for 1,000 years and thrown into the bottomless pit. During that thousand years, God’s people, free from the dragon and his system’s influence, begin a joyous time with Jesus. 2. The Final Blow. (Draw: The Lake of Fire. Write: “Satan”. Read: 20:7-10) Once released, Satan returns to his previous mode—deceiving people and rebellion against God. He musters an army, but they are devoured by fire from God Himself. Satan, along with all that he represents and those remaining on earth who followed him, are cast into the everlasting fire. 3. The Great White Throne Judgment. (Write: “Death”, “Hades”, & “Name” & cross out. Read: 20:11-15) As the

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summation of all things continues, John sees “a great white throne” and the One Who sat on it was so awesome that “the heaven and the earth fled away.” All the dead were judged from two books: one a record of works, the other the “Book of Life.” Then, Death, Hades and anyone whose name was not written in the Book of Life were cast into the lake of fire. K. All Things New. (Draw: cloud on one side, curvature of earth on other. Write: “New Heaven” & “New Earth”. Read: 21:1) The prophets and the apostles promised that God would make all things new (See: Isa. 43:19, II Pet. 3:13). Lifting his eyes once again to heaven, John realizes that the entire creation, including the earth, has been replaced. God Himself speaks, saying, “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.” He is the Originator and the Completer of all things. The day of new things has come! 1. (Draw: vertical lines, arch & buildings. Write: “New Jerusalem”. Read: 21:2-3, 9-22:4) The new Jerusalem coming down from heaven is now revealed as the Lamb’s bride. She is described in stunning detail—details beyond the limitations of our illustration. There is no more need for a sun, moon or artificial light, because the glory of God illuminates everything—“The Lamb is its light.” All nations and kings of the earth are drawn to the Light, but nothing is allowed that would dim the Light. The River of Life proceeds from the throne of God and the Lamb. On each side of the river is the tree of life bearing fruit and its leaves provide healing for the nations. The city is actually a perfect cube with jasper walls, the foundation containing precious stones similar to those on the high priest’s vest. 2. (Write: “I Am Coming Quickly”. Read: 22:6-20) John is so overwhelmed that he falls on his face to worship the angel who has shown him the Bride. But the angel quickly corrects him with, “Do not do that. Worship belongs to God.” John is told not to seal the book, nor allow it to be changed. Jesus speaks, verifying He is the Alpha and the Omega, that He is the off-spring of David and He is the “Bright and Morning Star.” With the Spirit prompting, the church (the Body of Christ) speaks, “Come!” Declaring the last “I am” in the Bible, Jesus gives us the assurance, “Surely I am coming quickly!” Amen. Applications for life: 1. Discuss practical ways in which we can keep Jesus as our

“First Love” (2:4-5). 2. Summarize the commendations, exhortations and corrections

which Jesus gave to the seven churches (2:1-3:22). 3. How can we best guard against “lukewarmness” (3:16)?

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4. Who was the “Lion of the tribe of Judah” and why was He the only one worthy to open the seals? (5:5)

5. Compare some of the cataclysmic events discussed in chapters 8, 9 and 10 with “natural” disasters occurring today.

6. Discuss the possible identity of the two witnesses (11:3). 7. Discuss our three major weapons with which Satan is over-

come (12:11). � IMPLANT THE WORD: Draw a picture and memorize:

Rev. 19:11-16.

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NEW TESTAMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Page 1. PREFACE ............................ 3 13. PHILIPPIANS ............................ 114 2. THE “BIBLE” ..................... 12 14. COLOSSIANS / PHILEMON ..... 122 3. THE “BRIDGE” .................. 17 15. I & II THESSALONIANS ............ 132 4. MATTHEW ......................... 23 16. I & II TIMOTHY / TITUS ............. 140 5. MARK ................................. 33 17. HEBREWS ................................ 153 6 LUKE .................................. 41 18. JAMES ...................................... 163 7. JOHN ................................. 52 19. I PETER ..................................... 172 8. ACTS .................................. 62 20. II PETER / JUDE ....................... 180 9. ROMANS ........................... 73 21. I, II, III JOHN .............................. 188

10. I & II CORINTHIANS .......... 84 22. REVELATION ............................ 198 11. GALATIANS ....................... 98 23. RESOURCES ............................ 209 12. EPHESIANS ..................... 106 24. STUDENT SHEETS ................... 216 “PictureThis!” Ministries, Inc. was birthed in the heart of Dan and Juanene Peters during their 20-year ministry at Hillcrest Christian School, Thousand Oaks, California. God graciously combined their love for His word and His kids, with their gifts of teaching and illustrating, to produce an innovative Bible teaching tool. Over the years, they have given themselves to the task of refining this Bible study material for students of all ages and have continued to experience God’s sovereign blessing upon their work. The ministry and the product are also the result of contributions from friends too numerous to name. We acknowledge them in this general way and ask the God who knows them intimately to bless each one with His abundance. “PictureThis!” Ministries, Inc. is an evangelical, non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to serving the Christian community world wide. Copyright © 2009 by “PictureThis!” Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. No portion of this material may be reproduced in any form whatsoever, unless otherwise indicated or by written permission from the publisher. Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. All complete scripture quotations are in italics. Printed in the United States of America.

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The primary goal of The Picture-Smart Bible is to draw people into the inspired, dynamic, life-changing word of God, so that His word can be implanted into their hearts.

Bible Overview

Many Christians have a knowledge of God’s word, but few understand how the Bible fits together. This course is designed to help you see the Bible as a total entity... and to help you find your way around in this marvelous book.

Looking for God’s Heart God has so designed His word that each book of the Bible allows us to see Him from a different perspective. He is a multifaceted Person - awesome in all of His ways. In this study we will see His loving care, His consistent correction, His persistent instruction.

Learn How to Teach Others As you and/or your students show your work to others, you will discover that your illustrated Bible is a natural evangelistic tool. Evangelism is a good and necessary objective of every believer. However, we must also disciple the new believer. The Picture-Smart Bible is a powerful tool for training young converts. This study will give them the right foundation and a good perspective on the word of God.

Have Fun! Bring joy back to Bible study. No other book is more exciting, intriguing and captivating than God’s word. Solomon said, “A wise teacher makes learning a joy” (Proverbs 15:2 Living Bible). Cartooning is fun, and almost everyone likes to draw. Effective teachers have found that very serious truths can be planted in the heart while students are having fun. Delight yourself in the law of God (Psalm 1:2).

A Fully-Illustrated (by YOU) Bible When you finish both volumes of The Picture-Smart Bible you will find that you have an incredible resource... in your mind and on paper. You can now more easily find sections of the Bible that once escaped your memory. And, you will find yourself going back to The Picture-Smart Bible illustrations often to refresh your love and understanding of God’s word.

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7 Most Frequently Asked Questions 1. How many lessons total are in “The Picture-Smart Bible”? Generally speaking, there is one

Master Drawing for each Bible book. However, we have combined some of the smaller books on one page (i.e., Ezra/Nehemiah: one page, minor prophets: four to a page) which brings the total to 44 lessons for combined Old and New Testaments.

2. Length of time for each lesson/entire course? Each of the 44 lessons are 6-8 pages in length.

Teachers may start and stop at any point. We have found most parents take 15 minutes/day, four days/week for one lesson. This gives ample time for discussion, coloring, etc. Christian School and Sunday School classes often divide one lesson into two class sessions.

3. Age appropriateness? As designed, “The Picture-Smart Bible” works best from 4th grade

through adult. If a child can trace, he can do a TPSB lesson. However, many parents of Kindergarten-3rd grade are using TPSB by allowing the younger children to color the Master Drawing while older ones are tracing the Student Sheet. The “hear-see-do” method still works. Most adults enjoy and profit from “The Picture-Smart Bible” as much as young people.

4. What are the copyright restrictions? The permission to copy (page 15) permits purchasing

organizations to copy Student Sheets for their group (church, school, home school coop). Copying for the purpose of selling or distributing is prohibited.

5. Artistic ability necessary? No. “Drawing” as stated in the instructions, consists of tracing a

dotted line. Virtually anyone can do “The Picture-Smart Bible.” As indicated above, younger children can use TPSB as a coloring book while the parent/teacher reads the related lesson.

6. CD content/compatible hardware? The same PDF used to print the manuals is essentially the

same digital file as the CD which means literally everything in both manuals is on the CD. The CD will work with either MAC or PC computers.

7. What is your doctrinal position? We have attempted to share Bible truths without doctrinal

“commentary.” In that, after many years of distribution, no negative comments have been received by our office, we believe that we have succeeded in that goal. It is also true that the Student Sheets are blank, giving parents/teachers full control over words used on the sheet. Our Statement of Faith is available for the asking.

We welcome calls regarding our Bible course. Please call us toll free: (888) 499-9305

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TEACHING TIPS The following tips are generic in scope. Whether you are a parent - teacher or classroom teacher, we believe you will find these tips very helpful. Either consciously or unconsciously, most Bible teachers touch on three areas as they prepare to teach: spiritual, emotional, and physical. A. SPIRITUAL PREPARATION: Only God can prepare you to teach, but you can take action

which will align your spirit for His work. Before teaching the Bible, as a minimum you should:

1. Pray specifically for God’s heart to be revealed in your lesson. James 3:1 carries a

sobering caution for all teachers. As much as possible, allow your tongue to be under His control.

2. Read the Bible book at least one time. Col. 3:10 encourages us, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.” This probably means - memorize. We suggest that you memorize the key verses related to your lesson. (See our “Learning the Word for Life” booklets.) Utilize the Notes column in the Curriculum Sheets with ideas that come to you as you study.

3. Study the Curriculum Sheets Commentary. You will find that much of the work has been done for you; however, there is NO substitute for independent Bible study. If you have adequate time, review commentaries and related Scriptures. Ask God to “align” your presentation to His will.

B. EMOTIONAL PREPARATION: 1. Solomon said, “A wise teacher makes learning a joy” (Prov. 15:2-Living Bible).

Recognize, with all of your preparation that the class is HIS. Relax and enjoy teaching the word of God. It is His word and His work. Your enthusiasm will be contagious, and you will find that very serious truths can be shared and received in an atmosphere of joy.

2. If there is time during your introductory remarks, allow students to share ways the study is impacting their everyday lives. Give contemporary applications or examples from your own life which illustrate the lesson you have taught or are about to teach.

C. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Here are a few practical things you can do which will

enhance your preparation.

1. Insert teacher Curriculum and Resource sheets into notebooks for easier use. Maps and Timelines can be placed in the back, instruction sheets in the front.

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2. Mark Bible references ahead of class time. You may want to choose a student to read

Bible passages, which enhances involvement and keeps the action moving in class. 3. Learn to properly spell and pronounce the Bible names. (Some are a real challenge.) D. “The Picture-Smart Bible!” CURRICULUM ELEMENTS: 1. The Master Drawings, your guide for the finished picture, consists of graphics which

illustrate the major concepts in each book. 2. The Student Sheets located in the back of this manual match the Master Drawings. In

most cases, your “drawing path” will begin in the upper left corner, progressing back and forth across the page. Students should be encouraged to draw only when you draw.

3. Orientation paragraph: The “orientation” paragraph is the thread that helps fit the Bible together and helps your students “connect” with the previous book. Through this narrative bridge, your students will begin to see the Bible as a whole.

4. The Commentary (center section): Your presentation can be greatly enriched through personal study and the use of other resources. All direct Scripture quotations (shown in italics), are from the New King James Bible. Partial references are not italicized. Scripture references within each lesson indicate only chapter and verse; the Bible book name is not repeated. Some events in the Bible have been regrouped and character quotes paraphrased to simplify the illustration.

5. In addition to Scripture commentary, the curriculum text contains directions related to when and what to write, draw or trace, plus suggestions for Scriptures to be read aloud.

6. The Notes area on the commentary page should be used during your private study and devotions to add your “personal touch.” This is also a good place to jot down cross-references and quotes from other resources.

7. Applications for Life at the end of the commentary for each lesson are recommended discussion topics. The apostle Paul indicates that all Scripture is to be applied to our lives (II Tim. 3:16-17). You may, of course, choose to make practical applications throughout your lesson also.

8. “Implant the Word!” Throughout the Bible, believers are encouraged to memorize and meditate the word of God. At the end of the “Application for Life” questions, you will also find suggestions for memorizing particular Scriptures. Many of these suggestions will reference a specific page from “Learn the Word for Life” booklets also published by “PictureThis!” Ministries (see ad at end of this book).

9. The Good News Starburst. Every book in the Bible, including some of the most severe and scathing Old Testament prophets, contains good news. Luke reported that “beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He (Jesus) expounded to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself” (Luke 24:27). A unique feature of “The Picture-Smart Bible” is that Jesus Christ is highlighted throughout the Old Testament. The “Good News Starbursts” may also be used as enriching discussion topics revealing the fact that God’s sovereign hand of hope is ever present.

10. Thumbnail Drawings in the left hand margin indicate to the teacher how the illustration should look as each element is added. These small “progressive” illustrations, combined with written directions in the text, provide complete step-by-step drawing instructions.

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E. FAMILY TIME PREPARATIONS: We encourage families who are starting “The

Picture-Smart Bible!” to plan the event as family time. In other words—involve the whole family.

1. Early Prep. Whomever plans to lead the discussion will find reviewing these “Teaching

Tips” helpful. At a minimum, spend some time asking God his heart for each member of your family. Read the lesson over at least one time and make notes in the margin of the curriculum. As you have more time, read the Bible book and study resources.

2. Reaching Out. Since the whole family is involved, make sure you copy enough Student Sheets for mom and dad. Invite the neighbors—“The Picture-Smart Bible!” is an excellent tool for evangelism. Also, if you have time, run an extra Student Sheet for coloring before your devotion time. This could challenge some of your children to do their best.

3. Younger Children. If some of the children have trouble following the dotted lines or filling in the words, you may want to give them the Master Drawing (completed drawing) to color as you cover each concept in your study. For younger children, you may also want to fill in the words on the Student Sheet before you make copies.

4. Start with prayer. We have the promise, “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths” (Prov. 3:6). As parents, we NEED His direction.

5. Set your pace according to the time you have, not by how much you cover. Hopefully, your study will bring out good discussion with your children. Those are some of your most valuable times. However, try to not get bogged down with too many details. If you do, the study will lose its value as a survey.

6. Review is always good, but keep it light. Ask one of the students to do a review. Some creative parents have developed games and puzzles using “The Picture-Smart Bible!” Master Drawings. You may want to review the “The Picture-Smart Bible!” resources and the “Learning the Word for Life!” memory books and the Question and Answer packets.

7. Tools. You may want to use pencils for drawing at first since mistakes are inevitable. Coloring can be done while you go through the study or later. Some parents ask their children to color while they ask the “Application for Life” questions at the end of each lesson.

8. Stay Connected to the Bible. Ask everyone to open their Bibles to the passage being studied. Take turns reading. Answer questions and do extra study of the verse if the interest is there. Key verses can be used as devotional studies or memory assignments. (See the “Learning the Word for Life!” booklets).

9. Use the Application for Life Questions to bring the truth to the relevance of your daily lives. These questions can be discussed on trips in the car, at bedtime or around the dinner table.

10. Your Student Notebooks will become more valuable as time goes on. Be sure to put completed drawings in protective plastic holders. When grandparents or others come to visit, ask your children to “tell the story” of their favorite book of the Bible. Have fun!

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F. CLASSROOM SET-UP FOR TEACHERS: 1. If you are using an overhead projector, make sure it is the proper distance from the

screen. 2. Students should have Bibles and pencils plus lapboards, desks or notebooks upon which

to write. 3. Keep the Master Art visible as you teach. This is your best guideline for each element

on the page and the quickest way to visualize positioning. 4. Name tags may help to “break the ice” in new study groups. 5. We recommend that the Student Sheets for each lesson be handed out at the beginning

of each session, rather than all sheets distributed at the same time. This will prevent students from drawing “prematurely.” Individual notebooks for each student will encourage personal responsibility.

6. Classroom teachers should copy each of the Student Sheets on overhead slides or load them onto a PC (personal computer) tablet.

G. ADDITIONAL TIPS: 1. Teacher Draws First. In most lessons you will find that instructions to draw precede the

comments related to the drawing. This helps the teacher to draw the graphic first, then make comments as the students are drawing on their sheet.

2. The “Buddy System.” Make sure every student picks a buddy before beginning your first class. This will encourage absentees to check with their “buddy” regarding missing lessons and not use the teacher’s time. This system of sharing with each other also reinforces “discipling” goals.

3. Team Teaching. Some teachers have found that selecting, and preparing, a student to draw the illustrations while the teacher shares the lesson, increases student involvement and contributes to a smoother presentation.

4. Homework. It helps, of course, if each student has read the entire Bible book prior to the session. If you are using segments of this course for special emphasis, you may want to incorporate other activities which will require special homework. Each lesson has at least one key verse (often in the “Starburst”) which we encourage students to memorize. (See “Learning the Word for Life!” - Book I “Foundations.”)

5. Adding Color to the “The Picture-Smart Bible!” Student Sheets can be done as the lesson is presented or as assigned homework. We highly recommend that all students, regardless of age, add color to their illustrations.

6. Dividing the Lesson. The length of time required to present a “The Picture-Smart Bible!” lesson will vary according to class size, age or maturity level and the objectives (overview or in-depth study). The lessons are easily divided into multiple class sessions as needed.

7. The Question and Answer packet is another way to check a student’s retention. This packet is recommended for junior high and above. (See ad on last page of manual)

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Family Ministry    

  Read                                                  Listen         Hear    



Book  of  _______________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                              


This  notebook  belongs  to:    __________________________________________  May  I,  by  the  power  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  learn  from  God’s  Word  and  respond  in  obedience  to  Him.  

(Sunday  Student  Binder  Title  Page)