' : » AT PLAlHriklH 1EWJERSEY. roais—TWOnnuMi IXAL IU. aaM. ga-ag-gy« SOMERSET HOTEL, w imnii isuiT itLjiniPaiuui I.I. i£ffi33a* Saasns P. P.TsiAradsle, PIANO TUNER. las. M. Dunn, GRCCKBttES. PROVISIONS, P««fefct6te#, Fruit*, eta. o. »O Park .A_v OPPOilTK NORTH ATKMUS. HORBUHN i COS GARDEN SEEDS. JOHN CHANDLER, LLTKINS * aUKMEB, Butter, Egg.* Produce. C.E.&J.W. BROWN, WALLPAPER •iiifittHm of WMn Skadit. TO THE PUBLIC! LEHIQH COAL, A.D.COOK&BRO. J. Hervey Doane, i 6 PiBK^AVBHUE. Watches, Clocks And Jewelry. UEAl-TIFL'L DESIGNS In Furniture GOTO 23. 25 and 27 PARKAVK. Bapt.i Factor, Steam Marble O-raiiito Workx. >!•••,rLttjui Oranli* Menum AJ.OX. "WUlett, BOOTS * •HOES, SM. A^ Moore, THE voiixxiv. N. JJEHT^SDAY, vr A Tirn=r 36,1891. I HI. I.'IIIIIT W*rli If n*wMR*.«i AND 8ALOOM8. :•• HOTEL, Ml.. 8CR1BNER Mis. NEWTON'S SCHOOL FOE ftlBLS UD KLKDfiRGARTIM Dime Savings Institution or rui nil no. a. I. Faints, Virnjshas. 81m. WALL PAEEKSl Woolaton* Bnokl«, PAINTERS, Wall Papers, LEWIS B. OODDUGTON, Finitve aii Milt bitui! Parlor Stoyes, RANOE0, B v d n n , TooU. Is. .-! Thn.,lliy Seed. HDUH Fuml*blDf Oooc ;. J. HEII>ELOFF, 5erman American 1st. Co. us FunroM). •lUII-KFI H. EGO-ERD1NG, ro. 17Park Avenne, PLAINFIKLD. N. J. C. O. 1>. OIGhAJR. PRACTICAL BAEBER AitlBtlo Hair Dresser, N.. r*RK AVINVI kflaCKLLANEOOS. T. J. GILLIE8. lutineerftBfialEitattAieit. CAENET BEOS., Ag'ts, 11 SdSEKSET ST. CANOPIES For Weddina, FutUn, Etc, toHUE Hugo 'Weigman, A. M. S EQUINE, Kejs if AI KWa in Kik Here. Tinware MadetoOrder. Ranges, Brick and <" Portable Furnaces SAMTAHY PLUMBING IPEER'I GRAPE WINES, RIDING OR LIVERY. Stables ! Mr. D. S. ROBERTS NO|RTH AVENUE, ^EBZZSXSS&SSF'&i Speei'sPort G-rapeWine, FIIE INSUBAHCE ? Star and Men Firs Inraranoe J Oitv of Now York, WILLIAM A. WOODRUFF, I FIHB AMD LIFE INSURANCE AGENT, Ofnc.nr.FTMtSt.HtPir.An., 1 PLAINFIELD, N. J. (Jarden Seeds, Dlnct fraa UM Gromn. Othello Ranges, S QaU.1 . tl'l-t WBaUX), bKOAKB, *a iteasaaa- TINNERS, PLUMBERS, CAS FITTERS. PARLOR STOVES. COOK STOVES, HEATER*. SAJilTABY PLUMBIMG, Brick ud PortablB Formes, OM: F ITT INC, TOT |tOOHH&, i l^To. 13. EXPERIENCE. the road hardly more than th« width of a fa» path, MiHtimni* a p i » of *mw wooda-lb. thlek BM of which met on* aide, and lit a certain paint be- whirlpaol-tae aalbjht ot anuU boya bj from tlj* Gore* Bupcrttitk™ propU poinl*<l to tba whirlpool, «od m n d their chCdnn DO* to ( s Mar the mb- •arradepot. Bnt I, twins o( »pr»it(c»l 'etKsaar- - ^l^MHMl .1. L—II.-. w . - . p t * » kiniiaii<%a>B awiMiiirtl ^JL^u^kM^wiS twig m had been or t»er eould ha 'mjwjwaa latt In a h ^ . ^ portant Df all, of my alck mother. Sh« waa a d M i c from heart tM,ubl-. asd th. dotton had aald that any aback or m n agaolal anxiety might prm tatal aooUeg*/ Altfemfh I waa not n»tnr»l!j timid, WBCM.tha.it waa with aoni trcpt- atlcw that I went the ronnd. of tb* ma Utothat nlgtit tp ae* th.t all waa bought I baard the rattling ot abaaa- wa^a*" 1 ** dead waiehe. ot the ntent, and what a nicW that waa tor themi ~ lay awaka a loot-time, atnintos HT l i m n aoBodandoonJaringnpln J axeltad ImacinaHf terrible baacaa jT.Lb.rcd b a n all tha tale. I had ens heard of robberiaa, witehenft and jfcrrli. At laa* I (ell into . rait]***, alevp and realised in BJdream, the imagination. All of a mraell attHnf bolt op- a light footfall i/ Cr»t lmpolae wa. tohide mjarll impleWlj ander Ua bedelothea and wait tnrtheff derelopmenta. But I . oblj realated that Impoli«. Mid, riiinif, hastily donned wrapper and .lipp^rt •- • ,,t "It mn>t be lather be halL I a duwnjitain andalona* tha band at oae, I a.w we nni or nro bnrlj. rsosb-beardBd WHh one apparently mlddla-affed and the other much j o v i f w . Tha butt of a pt*W protruded from tbe port tha older At almnai tha T " " In (her aaw me. and B-n a alight, la.ol- nstw^atartof aBrprlaa. •lj na.hed mr ma that •battWfcnawof mj h tMM, at MJ authcr-i i •bar •»» nippoa*! BJ •IOH. (I had bee. aw lorMaaaUmaprvrloMb. I k u w that'tha I lllUllll.ll at poaBff |irl wmid n« Mn UWB bTctan latarn kadforwud a^ e t -Oh, Uaola Torn and O™U JU.! FfeaWfUdtoaaa JOB. It »»« « uu UlatlH t w*. t«J 1m<l*>««MMmiM*Vmki irrteb-r-p. I wiU a, mmf a-d •rnVTartc»ttoyow ma lor TO* *mjM«*aM be—••»*•! «a." I MVml wUhyrawt Wwli. B aaa toget t o bed hj- th. !i d a light mlcht diatm-b ro ner. Ssrr/'* aa*'a •Ink." Hk that ha waa afraid thttr c h appaarau mifc-ht aroaar mr .• "Ar. JOB alooa with JODP motherA' ••v-ia,- I amwand. "Father Istt m*3 ™ a t j™. airaldr- aak-d the eld* - ar MTUTI.. » rc aawndiDe tb* ttaln to th* gfccff, the door. ^ ws eoold jft ^n wiiioat dirtnrblaJ oa," aakl the jonnger tJorglar, in/. mewoat embarraa»d waj. ' "Yea, It waa ™j kin J of you. Cooaff om." I aaid. -Now let « brln, j»j linff to eat" I added; "700 mint I-. •tth, no,- uld tbe- bnrglan, "wW, ot at all hungry; It iatfl neee»arjt 'f-- 1 SeV k r«w'^ Wo'^d, J S 3UMSTEBST %1TES. (aolt-fioding. •<*ntp*gm.tio*m aa * ml* a n acaa- poaed of Udkat and f*sttemen. wba mak* th. portion of taa-mlnlater'* wUa " plea-ant DO* My wife dlUa, J«a.ol Uonaandb. rtraa, ait happy. (11 how . "Ifes plan, a llld|l"l »ira aboBld 'tain In the wftfregriion 4ap«Ddaon > on with thetr work. *f "Oh. ,«.» »id 1: -It won't take n\e ' at a fvwmiBirtea, aad then m pt' d without aajiof another word »nt] etJ«ih.Te-gWr«t. Sleep aalocj-1 a yon t to Intho nonlaf. V»^ akfaattailat" " i to .aying. I took Uia empty pit 1 went out lesrtur tha door •n. 1 tripped two flljkta ot atal! . . - waa trembling atlj band'aflockor tt n*jU (toplj to tba Sr^nai^wn^SSt. TW ""™'' •Tbe qualification r> ™>ed*™pMlal- 1 y la etsuBoa n w for aU may be a (Treat hindrance t o ta# bnaUnd'a work When on.™ha» a eltfi.paa oc th* erne- rianoaa, th. .bamoWtoT obaern th. reapowlbllAiaa arid Ue oppor Lrman Abbott, -the wtja of the pa^or at Plymouth ebunA. oDa-^eatmtM orer tba ir»tk« bowaVuh (m= a> JnMified ia maktau known.' 3 For Ura. A bSot I lFTta tn her homo. "U ay children)- ah»«*T». "felt tham- aelrea df (randed 1 or us hnahand wUwd not agree withj the I?*, I onold not p> In tbe aarly d*Ti ot thatE-married Ufa Mr. Abbott m a lawyer and Ura. Ab- bcxtatiidlad hi» SMMAI, with him. copied l*»al paper* and aheorbed bn-ulf In hia labor*. Whan E* fab himaejf drawnto tha BdniatrraUU her thought waa to forward hia nadortakbiga. Bo It baa been durlnr the rear, gina tothe pol- plt and to adttorUl dntiee. "I know of 00 demaada.- abe aaya, "BAoBtninWi »ne. but 1 Lee nNHTD]1 had * confn. when I kiaaed them in mj llm. Mill I waa preuy H not noticed It I allpoad out of the .b asd fiirtyflew«« •5L¥ and tb 1 mraeli me. \MaoK horrible T1H..M. roae •>-. nd tfas door, although It could.01 b«m more than a few mlnolaaf f ed th* family, and Farmer liro^Ef Ma aon and the hlrvd man quioklj ^^*- pared toreturn with mn. Not iqjar^ wortltornod '. room. Thank OodI aoc *a thW Je asd M M and mil aalaep. T «rfj Lwent to the place where the maiey. waa hidden. It wa* all thL-re. *Vt"'i r erery K>(. and tabls. !%)!' aken. bat the m*n wtn&fj be (onad.—Ethal WllldnatC NOTHING BUT CRANKS. * fc. FW.Oar > -^ wl ^- rt - "- "^J" "Trank. in barbFr-<haiT«r" aaid t^V rber, ii.f.mj- dim the b w h n l aMl cklDE tn the tiiwcl. thonaandl <' 'U.on-i^ti t one DIM-, ID a th.JDtai^ ho eumea Into this ahop who ha« »« ia own noUcja about tha way 1 Bfeptt^l i hia hair, trim hia beard or handle, a uoi- on his faoe. "NT.1 too clo»? All right sir. * "Now, there-a the nan who tUn> t th b l i^ p Iliuf Dp and looking into the ni. He furla of bia fua earefnllj-. Ha ""nl^oDn? All r^iit, »lr. r^iit, »l who think, that -tr r, and wanta fue -V cplh hair*. Another o-lf t hi ] ^M Ih jr^a llrwtui' . .*- mbit stubborn me to foil and t*lUn head of hair for fortf-t "No powder? All right* air. £ - "Than then-! the man whodV»'t. baj-rnm. He innt ao bad. thuufB. * the nan who alwaya takea a dry^ •' -Other kind alwar* gi.m me •• -Out tUod bavinf wj hud T "•Grertrj a ist jour w, that'. ( h " t*,rilrhjhf ' * ; "BM if I lorcat to a«k him b * M r n«l «d forget, totip m*. Thatithe t. tlwj-re all different,^ OP" got « little bald .pot tie. -Rtan't a>j baU apot at an. .«-afeu N baawaeMHl i »•» Ufaa t i ••V\hai> that? Too onw All HgBt. air. "OH man who eomea tn bnakaaa Ua on M r wfca. I get t l a j h doltaahadoea. ' r - <OM «rWc ot mltaa Ne* All rkfai, air, HBuudUM,; modi In the aerriae (rf fasmuity. "Tfctrf'i a food da>l of talk afilnrt theeki - chnrebe. are "nrino'jth chnrcf) hjuftaTniTr' rt T ehnrajua, the UiiTflawcr and the Ik-th.il. ^leaau t - • eooh, w h o tbaj gs able toattend IWrr' Ofcme» b '™ I1P * d "Then them Utl^o Yotmg- Women'* leag-o*. Ther >•« made ' eomb EDey'. little poem « t Mitch« oo.'tho.nmle wanted Ibe thllK* made I for tftrla whoae- lo w .wage - : marrtaifre •taM ill 11 1 mnala*• at Ibaaa would w rmdtto wantada «pt th* UalaocBi w b m I nndcratood BU m j ftrat cff< Umebj atteo. m and to flu atood madjo a only with tb ...,... r •a hf. **»! Hng-to iseW r. that I boobled him •Ue taaz or ore won Be. Tbe check k rWTBbtatO oMyhaeanw he ntain«d 1 man/ of them nhsnha wa* aarer left It, and ao In. not drawn on eiocpt In '""WM forM . 31» f. «.:• . rwrp -UK. of « t abla l o i o l a i A r^^rSaSbleT if. I w u Mi .;^ Mr ;•-' . - rn .-• - . .!" 1 If hi r .-. ft to tha ical'T- UM a .,-.•_. -i, at! :•.. to prajer toT nd I did not ootrliBOS. lifted out of oareelm. eompleuiy. I b r the dispatch that oaaie to sa at feekakilL where Mr. HIB reeaperating fKRHhay bnr, aajlng tb»t his bora—tb. Brook- lyn p h a l d the other ' UU y p al Fort Schnyler J "»k*h f re without food a 3 BraaaB) to Port Schujler to tea think of beinff palled acroM tba SaV- hadn't time lo think of being afraid. Then I west about tothe bait-r. fur a tothe thopa for maUrt«ar. and _ i wife of R.-T. Dr. Thefdore I- Cnyler, whoso Indnenca ttlronjth bi. Jle work of tbe mioiater'ai wife can ne mo*t gcntlj and efiVcientlj ia "When tome at hia paruhlanen ultrd me for mj portrait far a meaifrrial th« r " aii I j t i t 4r* tha boy* 1 , and tfrla VrTi," toy. :«r. cackintc picture; „,„.„„ DUkintc picturW tor the ho.fjtaJ* u d tba Itirl. forttMbar* buread top* ot thf onlDred |irhi and it UamptoB matltnte. They an helpiig t*edocat« an Indian had not done an j paatoral duty. 'Why,' and friend.' Amlnlrter". .wife .ho.uIJ know, her hnaband'a partablonerr >JJ large cLtj pariah to do more than thi. ia hi. etposiUona of the [avniatunal place, first amooK aminUter'a wife', qualiacstiona, tact and the abOitJ •-•' jeara, and I apeak from 'experience." t large .hare of humanit j-*( troobleiL »t OTOGRAPH HOLDER. form of a folding aErren.'.ll ia racily mane at-hove. For the ftrahdathm cut tnehoji kmg on Lbt lon^ttt edge*, and . une ton inehe. long <>a thu tongnt ee pnzfel. in anvIU, u l have tha Utfan^ elaa*. Then tnar* are broader c ^ r l U n of tl» city, which want tb* p « u ' i name, and hia wifa'i armpaUij. 9ne coaki jrrra one'. life m rvhoftenAif " rf h*l(i(and .jmpalhj . me aA)«ymc™lj. artlr >n leftBtthado a»*tnngeiy,BB»4i Mra. Abbott iUn) t >rraa^ tb* toaio-. iaiij Una aA*OUr L-1W. «b-5- of Mn. Oaisrt «ard J»in tbe pane), bj •cw'mjf or wilh ribbon bowa. Tbe Dpper part -Athe now,r .pr.i. and birda. or it may be ! left plain. If prrferrrd. It I* mfflcienV I7 handHne without decoration-— . g p Oraog* atnwt ao»'* with bbd auog*. £| -TbeVork of a. iaatort wtfe," aaja lb Bewhrr, -^n»t differ wide]j In oCare«t«>efe. B4&U mlniater. bellm tB*tr wraaa oU aldihem meat efficient- *hoe bt wyrkr-d in gray, hnd hait mwof like a Sutber Ilubbard ihoe, but uand- iog up In bhRT Hnteaoverthc indrp. ud diacorerlnff A lining of diatiuct eol- aring. Very one noral. enbruider? u frren brwl*. and with tliit a large pink w attuhrd band* of adarker abote. Itfc th«e tiny bncfcJaa an prmtipallj ra. wHh no boMatajl. mm*. ba. the foUowtag remedy lor muManl poultice. eoeUinog a 3Sa gnrlte. to tba hollow, of both feet, anu lawn eonr op u bod. Place aufneirci BaW wet bKtding, but toMramorr asj clotkUg fru« U- , b* J for (ear o( Ukmg okl; M .It dr. « . « I k Alex-Willett, BOOTS TbHOBB, mm* rMitmw.. tZTtZSi iu^. rw. h ® *% rsSicHHrSJTS *U*»ns»u mu, Mq,m. » r Sp- - r ^~- -.£ |3E32ev"" ,, - , T “" , 0 *-

THE - DigiFind-It...wa^a*"1** dead waiehe. ot the ntent, and what a nicW that waa tor themi ~ lay awaka a loot-time, atninto s HT • limn aoBodandoonJaringnpln J axeltad ImacinaHf

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    roais—TWO nnuMi IXAL

    IU. aaM.

    ga-ag-gy«SOMERSET HOTEL,

    w imnii isuiT itLjiniPaiuui I.I.



    P. P.TsiAradsle,PIANO TUNER.

    las. M. Dunn,GRCCKBttES. PROVISIONS,

    P««fefct6te#, Fruit*, eta.o. »O Park .A_vOPPOilTK NORTH ATKMUS.



    LLTKINS * aUKMEB,Butter, E g g . * Produce.

    C.E.&J.W. BROWN,

    WALLPAPER•iiifittHm of WMn Skadit.




    J. Hervey Doane,

    i 6 PiBK^AVBHUE.


    And Jewelry.


    In FurnitureGOTO

    23. 25 and 27 PARK AVK.

    Bapt . i Factor,Steam MarbleO-raiiito Workx.

    >!•••,rLttjui Oranl i* Menum

    AJ.OX. "WUlett,BOOTS * •HOES,

    S M . A^ Moore,

    THEvoiixxiv. N. J J E H T ^ S D A Y , vr A Tirn=r 36,1891.

    I HI. I.'IIIIIT W*rli If n*wMR*.«i

    AND 8ALOOM8.

    :•• HOTEL, M l . . 8CR1BNER

    Mis. NEWTON'S


    Dime Savings Institutionor rui nil no. a. I. Faints, Virnjshas. 81m.

    W A L L P A E E K S l

    Woolaton* Bnokl«,PAINTERS,

    Wall Papers,


    Finitve aii Milt bitui!

    Parlor Stoyes,RANOE0,

    B v d n n , TooU.

    Is. .-! Thn.,lliy Seed.

    HDUH Fuml*blDf Oooc

    ; . J. HEII>ELOFF,

    5erman American 1st. Co.


    H. EGO-ERD1NG,ro. 17 Park Avenne,


    C. O. 1>. OIGhAJR.


    AitlBtlo Hair Dresser,N . . 3« r*RK AVINVI

    kflaCKLLANEOOS. T. J. GILLIE8.lutineerftBfialEitattAieit.

    CAENET BEOS., Ag'ts,

    11 SdSEKSET ST.

    CANOPIESFor Weddina, FutUn, Etc,

    to HUEHugo 'Weigman,

    A. M. S EQUINE,

    Kejs if AI KWa in Kik Here.

    Tinware Made to Order.Ranges, Brick and JnMified iamaktau known.' 3

    For Ura. A b Sot I lFTta tn her homo."U a y children)- ah»«*T». "felt tham-aelrea df (randed1 or u s hnahand wUwd

    not agree withj the I?*, I onold not p>

    In tbe aarly d*Ti ot thatE-married UfaMr. Abbott m a lawyer and Ura. Ab-bcxtatiidlad hi» SMMAI, with him. copiedl*»al paper* and aheorbed bn-ulf In hialabor*. Whan E* fab himaejf drawn totha BdniatrraUU her thought waa toforward hia nadortakbiga. Bo It baabeen durlnr the rear, g ina to the pol-plt and to adttorUl dntiee.

    "I know of 00 demaada.- abe aaya," B A o B t n i n W i »ne. but 1 Lee

    n N H T D ] 1 had * confn.when I kiaaed them in mj

    llm. Mill I waa preuy Hnot noticed It

    I allpoad out of the .basd fiirty flew « «

    •5L¥and tb

    1 mraeli

    me. \MaoK horrible T1H..M. roae •>-.

    nd tfas door, although It could .01b«m more than a few mlnolaaf fed th* family, and Farmer liro^Ef

    Ma aon and the hlrvd man quioklj ^^*-pared to return with mn. Not iqjar̂

    wortltornod'. room. Thank OodI aoc * a t h WJe asd M M and mil aalaep. T «rfj

    L went to the place where the maiey.waa hidden. It wa* all thL-re. *Vt"'i

    r erery K>(. and tabls. !%)!'aken. bat the m*n wtn&fjbe (onad.—Ethal WllldnatC


    fc. FW.Oar • > - ^ w l ^ -r t - " - " ^ J "

    "Tran k. in barbFr-JJ

    large cLtj pariah to do more than thi. ia

    hi. etposiUona of the [avniatunal

    place, first amooK a minUter'a wife',qualiacstiona, tact and the abOitJ •-•'

    jeara, and I apeak from 'experience."

    t large .hare of human it j-*( troobleiL


    form of a folding aErren.'.ll ia racilymane at-hove. For the ftrahdathm cut

    tnehoji kmg on Lbt lon^ttt edge*, and .une ton inehe. long a thu tongnt

    ee pnzfel. in anvIU,

    u l have tha Utfan^ elaa*. Then tnar*are U» broader c^rlUn of tl» city,which want tb* p « u ' i name, and hiawifa'i armpaUij. 9ne coaki jrrra one'.life m r v h o f t e n A i f "

    rf h*l(i(and .jmpalhj .

    me aA)«ymc™lj. artlr> n U « leftBtthado

    a»*tnngeiy,BB»4iMra. Abbott iUn) t>rraa^ tb* toaio-.iaiij Una aA *OUrL-1W. «b-5- ofMn. Oaisrt «ard

    J»in tbe pane), bj •cw'mjf or wilhribbon bowa. Tbe Dpper part -A the

    now,r .pr . i . and birda. or it may be !left plain. If prrferrrd. It I* mfflcienVI7 handHne without decoration-—

    . g pOraog* atnwt ao»'*with bbd auog*. £|

    -TbeVork of a. iaatort wtfe," aajal b Bewhrr, -^n»t differ wide]j InoCare«t«>efe. B4&U mlniater. bellmtB*tr wraaa oU aldihem meat efficient-

    *hoe bt wyrkr-d in gray, hnd hait mw of

    like a Sutber Ilubbard ihoe, but uand-iog up In bhRT Hnteaoverthc indrp.u d diacorerlnff A lining of diatiuct eol-aring. Very one noral. enbruider? u

    frren brwl*. and with tliit a large pink

    w attuhrd band* of a darker abote.Itfc th«e tiny bncfcJaa an prmtipalljra. wHh no boMatajl.

    mm*. ba. the foUowtag remedy lor

    muManl poultice. eoeUinog a 3Sagnrlte. to tba hollow, of both feet, anulawn eonr op u bod. Place aufneirci

    BaW wet bKtding, but to M ramorrasj clotkUg fru« U- , b * J for (ear o(Ukmg okl; M .It dr. « . « I k

    Alex-Willett, BOOTS TbHOBB, mm* rMitmw..

    tZTtZSi iu^. rw.

    h ® *%■%« rsSicHHrSJTS *U*»ns»u mu, Mq,m. » ■— r Sp- “ -r^~- -.£ |3E32ev"",,-,“ T“",“0*-


    To tbe student ot pottttaal Mt he Deakocraile party preeenta aj«* ftill


    rICIM. u r n or m turm,

    J, A. DEMAREST. • . Cllr E*H*r

    MULUNS & CO.,ehuab. April 11Thaw..* baa b e n I t a W ltScbooi M-Lrtet Tb*OBECTWB rumcuuitiY WELCOK.wi raj* Uw BOBUM of bh kaalt Ijou, and op*H Iba way lor hla aaa

    Th* toi. Dr. J. L. Bwtbot iMrnmd SIS. »nd 320 JTirkal Strwl. S'EWAHK. 3 . J.Friday 1:» *. K. fer Kewrk. wad erery.

    body la Invited to go to tbat Ht* and

    A ^ brant u d a n t a t̂abWCAflH ardWtDITBnaaeto ifca


    * w . w r Companr a f r . d*y. a«o

    a* t b a d l ^ a o tbat W aoJld not amaltbat i . propnaed for tbu en,.

    T W e mill be BO OLpBwH attach*) to

    tli" trip. It la tr-e toall- Tbe PlainOrId

    Street E»i!naj comp»nJ U thoroujhlj

    road aad ire ajttaia IT tl>»y knew any-

    thing about It. Conarqaeatly tbla eppor-

    tonlty baa brve Vtannwt at UM OOBV

    Wntk U r w , at* TUIUOC * * tb . hone ofMr. Bre l i . Utb-r In Brooklyn.

    H » t . . o « W , i p o » « b like aaola*told IB ptctana ot •!!>«. Mr. O»d-

    darH'a Ulr and able leUar ID Tiwdaj'a

    TuS-efetl *the writ p n t low tl j>

    'ball not opanUe aa

    t h d , ontll tbe furtbar or-

    -i of ths Bupfeme Court, e l M p t » far

    Tiw -f S»nh Kainttrid. MTOB ot tulH eltj, Hadrad»y of

    b « ihrRr-r. B. F>T kill* b uUbor.MBIooaDMd.ba - i n GO


    t prohibit* tbe laJlBf . f pif-. frompBmpta. aUtloB of U e Wafer Ootv-

    pedally dealrou* tbat the principal ob-

    and El*«iit Kew Bievk Jut r*eeti4d of all nrnniaij

    S( tore lUa, at ASTcfalSHISG LOW PRICES P.rtor

    •f' Wu and UB.̂toHawnfc |i*jodletd ^ i l n t tb* pro-

    p «-.l row* u d ooB'lnwd that it « a

    •eouthlag the p»rpw or habuVM u Hiur<

    on the doontavn a t n e u TuewU;, p. ro.

    bj the running Kw*j of Zepbyr vruc!

    «d in gettlDB lbs iHlm.t. under oontru

    nerfrrtlT wholnoate.. bBt afterto a Way d>fyln«

    aad »p)l*nation.Lenuel WDIIam Berr*U ID which

    uBlui heoee, will be abwlutaljnbleh bad fallaa lots

    diarrpaV ,̂j tha pooTHt poor. Barged, dirty

    ebiliren ,»armeJ about tbe doom, and


    of -hicb

    bi r»p-aiBd thlin«: -and -LI no

    a«atn be llbanllr



    out one window at Ike whole

    block tbe elaaa « • whole i

    pmfDptlT and UthfuSiyrn In charge ot Th«>d

    ,- -l-r |.|.i i". Hi- i-.ir.l

    rerr day M«Tjrpeople, i Though Boat of tbe plejer*amaMor*. t h e j acqul

    a»raa«iTed. IBattbe u n i o n «iuch it le lifted an Ibat tbefail npuo a box upon tbu i u a w t . or a irutb a greater

    W a i i . appeari

    aad penonal

    • a . d n . w n aaide,

    p wtthln. In oae

    ebbWr'a beouh; bare a table,

    chair, beyond a t r u e bTn« **ttinD, m ihon, for

    Butrtdon Into the pipe o( Wlltlao WebberWhen William Maukcd tbe pipe the cart-n.u,. ..ij.iriii, A, and now be I. lonklni loi

    tbmn i.-i-tl.. a olaj l^p-, and a luck of hli

    . and mantaloail: It tbroacbout th*

    When tbe Bk>de b,,j.tba irtado* u th* irmin mabad by - a

    h a f i v t l old lae* marked by Blahs*

    " • tl A f « d Wr f lD

    •:>-.e e.* • of the CH j r, tbe Wai«r' CoapaaT'* riofltraelor and hi*

    ftiWrdar. The cbarge waa

    Probably hnsdrwda ol people aaw h i s

    • K*ls "f Ore. thua making;of **. atfalnat tbelr oppoornu' ta.

    rb* aoplauH fi-m ii

    under It- own afMlal oha/ter. Oorpon-

    Coapaqj, atrepowlpboemant et Ibe bea4U« iim

    HUVRfB-Coart'a dHl>loa

    a CorpootKin Oouaael

    and Hi* deteD4**l.Uqalred otOapt

    Grilll « lifOwr tb» divine 0 mplatrwdol

    plaesoB (Touad batwaan tb«

    H)»d'> featuma of tb> m i inK to-

    b«*t Bolua will all be oaeeplea.aanwhlleth- opening of tb* hUUard

    am an'J «afe b*J ««• irdwi tbe (entlrmeo

    •«* Ibej B I T meat one another of an* • . jooa. did *barp work In (be

    CbM Hurrky, Jr.. uavlred tbe

    to the *mU*IMU"n ot all.bat It bad. Mr. Hanh pn-

    order at tbetalk on polnlo.. 8. W. BauU toota(be ounif..rt *t the patrtaiB.

    tbe Hi.- Irom • i.i,,1-LII.B tb>loaBoI o a that partleular

    tilHlirr OKker of tb" Bu-Ooad Fridayo'elotsk- Tb»

    ll-i* p»»tnn nf the

    CbrlrUaa people tt nvj

    may ba nwirjr to meet moar Lord, and apMeVaa h « u ID or. j«rf ulOMdltalloo nn bla

    Hoam A « B B > o i LOrwvp; **■ r- '■: Philip Brook. U: Baory A too. 1 to; +m B *toi todifoo AfaBow. to BO; WooUro Coloo ToU

    •to 0M7 troto tto Iftot 1 tkto toon. IIm •

    •opplylop CodM brook 1U trMor. and Ibalk aO tkak U-70oo do MuOl or« rlfMtktootoaldodto tk< dry ro-


    2pjs.xtfts“*jx-a 8S!' - Srs.^rswrjff— nMwkrOMtoitomfer lit and ttO Kkrt* Sir**. NEWARK, If. J.

    *ry nito"to!*fa> Mtoko. dt— •toohUMba ONUlHfto* 8« aMniud nWtoni b. to-, j r Ab,. herd ato MM to^al tofclto. >, :

    iaSu*',^TU "‘JL^wi.trtkto -to- -

    * B^hMoCAae «C»eDir BeeeaU itoCktod BUUM. '‘^VKRYTHINO FOR HOUIKKCKFINC.

    : iE^eeul ;T7“©J.-\jLes i^a. I !

    =msm i FURNITURE, , Mr. to*.- ato A M^tod El-a«dt *•• MM loot red—d of • IM olAintAuMMUL foists

    After aka ttoi?


    gat. la mt -III dam —toa Ore— Ite.w ' rwsS'ffaawwJ

    te to-ao gl*lkctoRBUto UlUtUr ebUdrea I tto r—Jim00to of knowledge. »ho dUmeter. Tto (lorn Uord la I UtoUrly BW***. rat Mm tod toM of by eoe-blntng B»y*l frwoda. and If any of ttom tod kcw»

  • E ooyraTrrtrrxoiTAX.MT. MARCH: ae.



    . .jeka, la tk*foodMH at hi.bearTtodeth.

    Jy bagantopla? « a narmooleananvppBT berth. Mabout to* a»•creeoh .rerybody wa* iwikt andII|IIIM1 '•• •» U i w w a n flnn« •

    -WbataneerttdOMthlim"S.T. poittr. bnh>U-t hThe m»a*. WM rtopp.d u d

    f d dUH nm qaletad down p» Hu•mid beburd.lt* Hid:> -I m BW*O11, w r / about It.•Hun 70a that I only bad the JtJother* al heart. I conldni g« to .hep,and (htnkfav i h n r W o I j o o nigh t berolling ***«*. and wonderlagwbwere roki*1 to ran off In the mxi_. _.drop throaffh • bride* I tnou_rh* I'*U M L J ™ to tlnnbar. ThU to,--—«i..f,La 1 n t for ii: >'ot mother bUjtootbe il jra lw a*ake*ll ulcntr-' I eoalrf « ! ] • hta portion and dear-l i aiacorerai bi* matlm. and ft "m e n a l n r y when • CUa(o iroofer In the berth oppoilla shot

    gravel roof all the world'• fair

    A lot of u* were (rated oa tb*parapet at the brink of ^ t i f v iatthTextr™ end of ProapactThen bad been n e b expreHioD* a."Mad raak ot water*," "racing U>death.- "»"Ift rash to oVetmetloo.

    everybody had reUpaBd to ailenoB awwa* probably wondering how man;mile* an hour b* could paddle a • »l u i > airmln.t «ueh a current, when tb

    rind. He WH a little sot of breath

    - • K**dnt be afraid that th*wUl avar dry ap," Hid III ••• ,*»»,

    i painted to rvpmaent water, th-; oa tb* (Utre. but I hoaertly *•: ft t*n'L Other, of 70a may tl

    I BuflatowftierrorkPi, bnt that1 .™.*mlrtak*. It oaoee ri^ht oat of 'H w op them aod them « d a then

    k It I

    I twl lwn KI «raiffht u a ipotted

    a from UarrUiHirg beckoned Ui

    knock 7oar eyebrow* off tnaboc

    ' "Yon eas? I. it poatibla! Bat - h a: b a n 1 do&ef I ab>* th; feller what' oallfd you a Umi."• "Dora yoor barton*, bat wbi

    j . Tbat water

    know h. I"-r» a

    that fat awn arowD«wadmi Ullina wnal be would do.

    !• ]aa

    h. I"-r» aoooped

    w«ld a-r« p«l h l = « a AM (or 1,Km beioR. »««•. 1 loJKrMd after Wo.to '*••"!* bim acril to let him biw* th*I appndated hi. narlSea. bnt I

    : Sr*i»."ta

    a ^ t d wtThiaT8J°-*-1*d w/" •

    ^ t tb.dUbop tofatber and eaa'tt*

    m totbsr. ThU 1* tk* >tlar


    WOBH BfliBT. it WhH .fart told. I

    ad or badlj deea7*dth that inulcnEi hi* whole aH«* into a horrible -*,*•«—»*

    --U»eol*>thatat a oertain boar t*U1 bate tt jerked out, and la India

    11 an tvportaot •poHftly i - brake

    a all Ibongbfaaf UL* denti.1 07 0U* mind. Then b* reach.:* the ccion whaa be U inclined to look up

    nt of eociety. Bat the ache comok tbe nevt day 'and —1th it » TH

    molt* to a l l npoa tbe dentist witbootdelay. Thea ont a - the ereoaat.bottle and more tooth tinkering and be

    Jn a free and Independent citiien.

    mt or mend thaMnp tbe *bock Uto gtn to tb* ryi


    rteal or iron rod*, to nuke tbe 1«R•mall table. Obtain tour rod. otto fit into the hole* of upooU yonnrflinftrrl and long enonjrh b< mafnght of 70m- table. Thi-7 cfHtened at the bnHom >,y a rrntnof wood nailed u. tbe boUoni

    aqoare of wood for the top vt jtrnrand. If yea eboov, andtharfor •or*tudnnl. afoot or •» tnm tbtorn. Be will alu>, for oamal] ana

    near tne edrea. Tbe BI tool» may .31black, eaeept a tiny line around the ptiwhere tbeir edga* meet- If th* crash*

    balore _rUdln_r.

    corered withTbe top ean»be vude to lcIf a carpenter he hind to flt to a plojJt-

    iar* a neat moldlnr. to becolor of UIA rpoola, Tl '

    the top look a. If tali

    id painting1 them the oolarvof ache*board. Simo pn-frr tn OH (pool*

    ...atluntiiiE Nio-j. Other pieee*of farni-tnre to be made with Hpool*book-(helrea. cabinet! aad

    " leOrephlc

    pfaabioo. then mt a awanlar plM* ia lc^wTbotoT'S. "£T nSaTa-pVlUd Ik. -pper MIc •pando^rooUNT o«t-ide of the bwral. tb* edff« Owkleblkid wHb (b* mrtold* eonrincTkia _roa will aotkt. _, of flfurader*.tvaaa. (sllrd ea Mvalj aU arawBa tk«WrraL The g w . s n n d -1th u *• [ • ' •* ̂ ' II 'I • wad forte*oa*»rife at Ww1>THt. »ad aHufLkaf 1 aei


    VOGEL BROTHERS.Clothiers.

    . -New Spring Wid Summer styles for ifioi, thehighest standard of ready made Clothing at the yerylowest prices. Eviry Garment manufactured; by our-selves with the utmost care, to give perfect satisfac-tion in every instance..

    fcCS" Fashion; Catalogue, Rules for self-measur-ing, and samples pf Cloth mailed free to any ^ddress.



    ITart • 1': ti r' •••. par um

    afewatatlma, Bwidn,an going tb* other w j . " Tka* en-

    Icouraged. th. ihUd dre*e aa bitoofldeac* anharmad. So w*. *ee-

    all that Ua* b*for* as, fanejalready We. aad. eowap-"

    refuH to be Y_a__aj Hasb ab> *BdandTnnMJB ean be L_id, I am Incline*, to think 1

    • 1 I.Ttnf n


    frvMtoa- At the a u tlax ft bBH-t plaaribla. Mo* the laia,(emBered iodulgeac* which wa call"wjoldiar.- bat tbe n r w w«i_r thainadaaraady exeaM la fattpB or 111health or m auictf abort "tta maatwbleb perUltetk;- tor not e.en Ikeirolaa I* abort —hwawtlil • " "It U not pnHlbl* to «o ooe'.bw*

    ;. WhatiortofD

    *mraf>d to taktoff aeeosnt o(««kof bi*own arlmaeaaT Asdyatthere are pleOt7 of men and o. half lla friction. It I* like tbeIn the wheel or dort to th* w.lch.

    •ietywoaua noted lor her kiwi andebarllable temper wa* atked how ahe

    I ahoold alwaj* b* nakapnt Ul of my frioda, and Lif.:f»that-

    n* to print a pbota-a' wm bring OB* tb*Ma. Man. II -Ul

    a i m f • diltraroit by *•» pataoaatTbawriUacaof *>» prophet Jefwiahh a » * o u r w * . l a m ot anlaatwalytkMkla T«r aaM !• th. o f

    ™tb«rb7o^o-n Htla^aUbfoar own Tala* than bt tb* poaUr*. *x-araawl demand* wkkk Mkan Baka

    tSwaarSa-Sto •oetet.r to-day; H •. -1 "U"-rOuAfht Hut w m we 10 drop oat to--or™- aaMW M i l .PHAU, b.faaadjaat a*a u i p u « . to•re wa sot a

    Parfaap* tk, aorta* la lem likely ttall Into tbe habit of fewttlnf tbaa bwbo ba* abt-My prored hi. power an•kafH at tb. UWU datiH >Bd Intel

    It woaid sot be a-lH if tl

    traMwe l l * to* art «X ba*

    •aMway b t « brail aas M Mbow *THt tb* BMJnda to n « U ItBo far a* tb* brtarraptm Itnlf p a itnation little wfco«k»r M b* »j«jt tatO H mtartto'p-«hat 1 -' *»pU—thlal- o r whethtr U» broak ba fisaL It fa

    th* tkr—a at UwafMtkat

    w wltk • ebOaflat kfa" b b f fa b ii f

    ebOaflat kfa kOMtb* y funetioa, of tbeaiiod. SUrrbja; a n thrtro on H. Te*.

    r f *^ •-" n" • n £ ^ ? * V ^who la aUl»lay apiBaid bj u ; road?It .will balp klai the B O W to Ha*>

    at srra*rtft Mad. a ek»

    and a«rong arm to earry tin *>*nd-ard aod plut 11 then. Bat'all knurto UMH who try aad fafl. EnatkoafkT - , - ikirTi i - -" - •thine » a»». belpod another »p. AHmrinMiam. m II11U IIII1I»|»M kibeboredT Y«ei U 7*. will imn I* *o|tar mot » 7 » . eaa b. a.

    •agr'n. DO Mra awtatoy. vruiaa,*

    Boat la tb* fao* f a d * * /

    -ro-morTDW yoa may >a*« no

    ka#»Tiaiprfrtilj^aa*y allii>ulW

    CtJrtnU Riilnad af M « Jicu>

    Mr. D d b - k (Up. H.]-If ya .want Oara t o w «M* tbtag 7011I ill 1 l | tor brr. yom's brtter pat Mot rigbt, (or iA.11 b* ap

    Mr*. Do«ood—Wd *o« H « th»,,rf.phaot whlU yoa war. m N.w Torkf. K B . Tj»*>-lMHVb; V»* my b a i W l•Sa. At maM when w. rot b«n*

    I P. THORN,No.>̂ l7 Park Ayenne,

    *ure mines Jind Liquors,For family and Medicinal Use,

    ^ O P E O t A L X T .

    ...'• ' (r

    itaL•Vew«i.or«! New>1n» .lute TU. H th.

    •New Spring and Summer styles for 1891, the ' highest standard of ready made Clothing at the very- lowest prices. Every Garment manufactured by our- selves with the utmost care, to give perfect satisfac- tion in every instance.. -v

    N«y Fashion Catalogue, Rules for self-measur- P"?^r"mg, and samples of Cloth mailed free to any address.




    E. P. THORN,

    No.|l7 Park Avenue, H^iAINKI BI,I». >f. J.

    _ jF —-4H- • r^grpBM .Wines and Liquors,

    For Family and Medicinal (Jse, A aPECtAI.TY. UL.

    SPECIAL NOTXOH. New Ntoie! JfewfllooilelNewFiriii BARKALEW & DUNN,

    r«!|)«Y >»d Staple Grocers, 1LTO. XSf> ITOE-^H: AVENUE

    ~ We tell for^hth end will gite 8eecial IedncemerU


    taut u— aiei* su L- COM. eeUn ■ efffisxaw.-s ^loetUtmUadeetUt ~

    -Bta there la M mH' tta (tof MW«i -Ttaes wage— a— a »N —T . -r "jaswrjsac ssx3££2s

    ?^** *—*?•■•*-**• y-i.... H. .kMr*L~.T>JI "E " " T~. NU*M ^ w. M- Niui. w- _ h~r gTa?t JT*."1" 1 i~™ r— —j w. »

    T(o. Infant* and Children. 1 S?=S«SEHS

    T«-—— . parapet ai tta Utah of XW~ lalta

    pcoe hi* fata. Tta laawltal ft* tta data/- Ac tta deotlM and haw. him pall

    tjszsltsz ■saasRasssss* sauSsrtatsa.36 ™fsr*n. —• Ss&SiS&SlAf

    °h Urn* ** •*** ' ■ar a mlgbty power r-f *

    rersl M na.el tar *.MU ■r w*. b-W *Mi WS MM - -

    Cafu N*Mdta W at an ad ft* tyX72^rt2r«22 6 MdtalketataaaW fta* — ■ . Tta rWba« rita

    John Brown,

    (>NHpOOlh( Vault*, * Etc.. Etc.. CLEANED. naaiad. w. i. ordeinm SPOOL FURNITURE.

    •aa probably w—dewtag I ■.11a. aa tar ta mid pa sraraniusr to dt into tta tat— of spool, yea I


    5sBH5-3ir5?S ase-wdritss:

    painted to regMat water. ttaaaaa ta |Tttal^rKbr^Jy— UJ tbUh* hta water aqelrtod dowa tare fro* taffd- -atarwerta, bat Ctai*. aac

    aqnar. at wonAtar tta tap id^yoar table. wU!al^ui IwTf- rUliTi eo tta— aqaarr. fo tta teg. y—

    FEET AND WORRY. Tta Moat Subtle ta—tea «f So tatting. At um*m—JitaTTtta m7T~'77 h *r" petaL «d A‘ tAe a-aa ta » h tta rapta.

    fail leto tta habit Of taniag tta

    aatarymaa. JRaok ^meii itjtm aSaat tta ratgtaittia d a «f| IM* ■atartta nwila. tat taa.

    £?5aE5r52 “ Of Lta* U aaah a— iota tag

    tta adg— The ^ndo »— an bo k. oaerpt a tiay ltaa araeed tta pu- re ttalr odg— taaet. If tta r fill wHh putty, aaf atata a as giktlng. Tta table May ta far* apoela. a—, red by mdu paaa arond tta top of tta table, fastened ta smsJI — We

    ^ ttaVta"^*, tawe -MylT-aaM a ktai tattae -trtht CmM fUfrlli if BtV JlfUT arjtfffcTars »»—•—»■—*-r- =.

    uy, KfflCM

    ■ i—... iris

    tisgsf rc:^rr

    peal aal tr— rvaha. Doa*t go away tarrying with y.n. a fal- Id- of thio tiyil nJ u< naj”M £SiL-

    S SMS-—-—- =S

    hacle. aed huUt aagiaaL ~ — ta aau It UN Mould be —- Hawed af half Ua frtettaa. ItlaUtotta data la tta Wharf — d—A la tta waboh.

    — ahead him, a—wwiag I aed .It— died W ttatr

    aaottaa. ttay got a

    I Ml tta foliar what