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  • 7/21/2019 Tecnologia da Escurido.doc



    Darkness TechnologyAll spiritual traditions have used Darkness Techniques in the pursuit of enlightenment. In Europe, the darkroom often appeared in underground form as a network of tunnels, in Egypt as the Pyramids, in ome asthe catacom!s, and !y the Essenes, near the Dead "ea in Israel, as caves. In the Taoist tradition caveshave !een used throughout the ages for higher level practices. In the Tao, the cave, the Immortal#ountain, the $u "an, represents the Perfect Inner Alchemy %ham!er. #editating and fasting in thecave is the final &ourney of spiritual work. The caves are the Earth #other and its energy lines. 'ike thehollow !ones, caves contain the earliest information of life stored inside the Earth. %aves contain the vital

    essence of the Earth Power. The Tao says( )$hen you go into the dark and this !ecomes total, theDarkness soon turns into light.*In the Darkness, our mind and soul !egin to wander freely in the vast realms of psychic and spirituale+perience. $hen you enter this primordial state or force you are reunited with the true self and divinitywithin. ou literally )conduct* the universal energy. ou may see into the past and future, understand thetrue meaning of e+istence, and !egin to understand the order of things. ou return to the wom!, thecocoon of our material structure and -ature*s original Darkness.%omplete darkness profoundly changes the sensory sensi!ilities of the !ody!rain. $e are deprived of allvisual reference. "ounds !egin to fall away as we lose contact with the e+ternal world and turn thesenses inward. The effect of darkness is to shut down ma&or cortical centers in the !rain, depressingmental and cognitive functions in the higher !rain centers. Emotional and feeling states are enhanced,especially the sense of smell and the finer senses of psychic perception. Dreams !ecome more lucid,

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    and the dream state manifests in our conscious awareness. Eventually, we awaken within ourselves theawareness of the "ource, the spirit, the soul. $e descend into the void, into the darkness of deep, innerspace.

    Darkness activates the deepest centers within the !rain, the glands of the %rystal Palace, esta!lishing aconnection with the /riginal "ource, the $u %hi 01ig. 23. The pineal gland connects us to the 4niversalEnergy. 1rom the hypothalamus gland, we pro&ect our soul or spirit upwards, and receive the descending4niversal Energy.The pituitary gland receives the %osmic 1orce, used to launch the spirit !odies into the earthly or human

    plane for traveling.

    Fig. 1.Glands of the Crystal Palace are buried deep within the brain. They include the pineal, hypothalamus,thalamus, and pituitary glands.

    The darkness actuali5es successively higher states of divine consciousness, correlating with thesynthesis and accumulation of psychedelic chemicals in the !rain. #elatonin, a regulatory hormone,quiets the !ody and mind in preparation for the finer and su!tler realities of higher consciousness 0Days 2to 63. Pinoline, affecting the neuro7transmitters of the !rain, permits visions and dream7states to emergein our conscious awareness 0Days 6 to 83. Eventually, the !rain synthesi5es the 9spirit molecules: 87

    metho+y7dimethyltryptamine 087#e/7D#T3 and dimethyltryptamine 0D#T3, facilitating the transcendentale+periences of universal love and compassion 0Days ; to 2

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    Universal Tao Darkness"tarting many years ago, #aster %hia went in search of natural caves suita!le for meditation in a!solutedarkness, !ut none werefound. #aster %hia and =uan 'i spent one day in $u "an, the Taoist Immortal #ountain, the most sacredof the Taoist power centers.The cave was not, however, suita!le for a dark room retreat. Tourists were ever7present, and the stenchof human urine and feces was overpowering. They failed to find the true teaching. /ther natural caves

    were e+plored, !ut all suffered some deficiency. The cave environments were dirty and damp, and the airquality poor 0dust, fungi, !acteria, insects, snakes, etc.3. The caves were dumping grounds, repositoriesfor human waste and gar!age. The pristinesilence of the darkness was not to !e found. Perhaps the perfect cave is still hidden in some deep, highmountain.#aster %hia researched modern Darkness technologies for many years. A pyramid at Tao >arden,northern Thailand, provided the ground for early e+periments in darkness retreats. ?e made visits todarkness retreats in other countries, to gain insights on the !est designs for meditation and for comfort.Eventually, the 4niversal Tao Darkness was constructed, !ased on all availa!le information and latesttechnologies. The facility is the perfect Inner Alchemy %ham!er, conducive to meditation and providingcomforts and necessities for up to ;@ people. A large central meeting room is surrounded !y two tiers ofliving quarters. The light and sound proof outer sheath is constructed of !ricks made from the red earth of

    Thailand, preserving the earth elements of the original cave. The #other Earth power is retained in themodern structure.The Tao >arden Darkness is enclosed and encased in a light and sound7proof sheath. The !uilding isconstructed of !ricks made from the red earth of Thailand, containing all of the properties of natural rockin a cave. The earth was mined and hydraulically pressed into !ricks, thus preserving the constituentelements and minerals of the parent materials. The #other Earth power is retained in the modernstructure.The facility consists of a large, central meeting room for meditation and for dining. Two tiers of !edroomssurround the central area, each with private !ath. The entire facility is ventilated with fresh air intakes andair conditioning systems. 1ood is specially prepared to meet the particular requirements of the !ody,mind, and spirit in attaining the goals of darkness enlightenment. 1resh &uices and soups are served for9!reakfast: and a light organic meal is served in the 9afternoon:. 0"ee( Darkness -utrition p. atewayto ?eaven. In the Tao, the !ody is a microcosm of the 4niverse. 9As a!ove, so !elow.: $hatever happens9up there: happens 9down here.: ?ence, the physical !ody is marked with gridlines of energy and

    meridians of light around a %enter. The %enter is called the9Tan Tien:, or 9field of energy: 01ig. 63.

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    Fig. 3. "ni#ersal connections: $e are connected to Mother %arth below, and to the &ea#ens abo#e. 'ig !ipper andthe (orth )tar are the gateways to immortal life.

    The idea of a %entral A+is C the Pole "tar in the firmament and a %auldron in the !ody C is a central tenetin Taoist philosophy and alchemical practice. To get to the %enter of the !ody, open the Tan Tien to get tothe %enter of the ?eavens, enter through the -orth "tar. oth are doorways to the heart of the true Tao,the $u %hi, from which !oth ?eaven and Earth are !orn. The Inner Alchemy practice of the 4niversal Taofuses the !ody*s energies to give !irth to a spiritual em!ryo capa!le of maturing into a deathless

    e+istence and of flight inward, !eyond time and space, to the "ource.The Darkness meditation releases us from the !onds of the Earth. -o longer controlled !y the rotatingpower of the Earth, the "un and the #oon, the organs vi!rate in unison with the spiritual stars, the >atesof ?eaven. The -orth "tar, unmoving and unwavering in space, is the center, the $u %hi, emanatingviolet rays throughout the gala+y, affecting every living cell of nature on our planet. The ig Dippergathers all the violet light from the universe, and emanates the light as infra7red radiant energy. Theemanation of infrared light of the ig Dipper, com!ined with the violet rays of the -orth "tar, has apositive, nurturing effect upon the !odies and minds of those who know how to access it. Taoists !elievethat the Fiolet "tars, the ig Dipper, and other constellations form the 9>ates of ?eaven.: All living thingsmust pass through these gates to return to their source of origin, the $u %hi, which is the state ofoneness with the Tao. The Darkness environment activates the glands of the %rystal Palace, actuali5ingtheir higher powers and providing a 9way !ack: to the /riginal "ource 01ig. 23. $hen the %rystal Palace

    is open, it !ecomes illuminated like millions of shining crystals. It can give and receive light and awakenour inner knowledge and deepest potentials.It receives light and knowledge from the universe and reflects it to the various organs and glands toenhance them. The pineal gland helps us to overcome death !y taking in e+ternal forces and com!iningthem with se+ual energy and the /riginal1orce to form an 9Immortal ody.: $ith this !ody we can leave the physical !ody !efore the finaltransition 0death3 occurs. y focusing on the tip of the %rystal Palace, the pineal gland, and the !ack ofthe crown, we can pro&ect ourselves to the -orth Pole or -orth "tar as we attract its violet emanations01ig. 3.The pineal, as ang, is !alanced !y the in of the hypothalamus gland. Taoists regard this point as themain switch for the 4niversal 1orce. $hen the spirit awakens, it resides in the hypothalamus. $hen thepineal and hypothalamus are connected, they give out a powerful, !alanced force. y focusing on this

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    center and picturing the seven stars of the ig Dipper, you can access the constellation*s energy, whichemanates from the crown as a ray of red light. 01ig. 83.

    Fig. 4. Pineal gland has a close connection to the (orth )tar, recei#ing its #iolet emanations.

    Fig. 5. &ypothalamus and pineal glands, when connected, allow access to the infra-red emanations of the 'ig!ipper.

    In the Tao, the sources of longevity and immortality are within the !ody, not as a physical wom! !ut aspiritual one. Taoists call this spiritual wom! the 9cauldron:. The right method to 9cook the cauldron: is notto search outwardly for love from others, !ut to searchwithin the naked and a!andoned self. "elf7love, or self7intercourse is the way to give !irth to the Immortal"elf. The Darkness manifests the !odily processes of 9?ealing 'ove.:The human states of true compassion and se+ual arousal create a new chemistry and a new vi!rationwithin the !ody. This )special* vi!ration occurs at a frequency of G?5. )As in the macrocosm, so it is in themicrocosm* hence if we make love, then all the cells and D-A actually make love as well. The D-A

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    crosses over, like two serpents intertwined in an erotic em!race. ou need the orgasmic vi!ration toarouse this crossover process which leads to the )two giving !irth to three* the conception of new cells.The two vital states are compassion and arousal leading to orgasm. oth are ine+trica!ly linked to love.$hen the )love7vi!ration* reaches the pineal gland a new hormone is produced, which in turn createswhole !ody conductivity 01ig. ;3. /nly when you feel the waves of orgasmic vi!ration and unconditionallove for the self and others can the process !e activated and the essence of the Darkness is magnified.

    Fig. 6. Pineal gland connects with the se*ual center in the meditation of self-intercourse.

    The essence of the Darkness Practice is giving !irth to the soul and spirit. The coupling of in and angenergies of the !ody in the Han and 'i meditations is aimed at overcoming death. It is the method ofgoing !ack to the state in which we are all orphans, in the very depth of our !odyminds .11

    Consciousness and the Neuro!ndocrine Syste"The Darkness environment dramatically alters the chemistry of the !rain, manifesting especially in theneuro7endocrine systems, which govern consciousness and regulate !ody functions. An importantneurotransmitter involved in waking consciousness 0seratonin3 converts into a regulatory hormone0melatonin3 that shuts down the organ systems, quieting the !ody in preparation for the finer and su!tlerrealities of higher consciousness. The pineal gland initiates a cascade of inhi!itory reactions, permittingvisions and dream7states to emerge in our conscious awareness. Eventually, the !rain synthesi5es the9spirit molecules: 87metho+y7dimethyltryptamine 087#e/D#T3 and dimethyltryptamine 0D#T3, facilitating

    the transcendental e+periences of universal love and compassion.

    Autono"ic #unctionsThe !ody responds automatically and unconsciously to maintain the integrity and vital functions of theorganism. The hypothalamus, located deep within the !rain, is the ma&or regulatory gland controllinghomeostasis, or !ody maintenance. 1actors such as !lood pressure, !ody temperature, fluid andelectrolyte !alance, and !ody weight are maintained in dynamic equili!rium, shifting with the needs of the!ody. To achieve this task, the hypothalamus receives inputs a!out the state of the !ody, and initiatescompensatory changes if anything drifts out of whack.The hypothalamus directs !ody functions though two main pathways. 1irst, the hypothalamus connectsto the !rainstem, located at the top of the spinal cord, providing a link to the Autonomic -ervous "ystem,the A-". The A-" has two parts the sympathetic nervous system activates the 9fight or flight: response

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    the parasympathetic nervous system activates 9rest and digest: activities of the !ody. The !rainstem,through the A-", controls the essential functions of pulse, respiration, !ody temperature, water !alance,swallowing, coughing, as well as our stereotyped reactions and movements.

    A second pathway is from the hypothalamus to the pituitary gland, the master endocrine gland in the!rain. The pituitary gland secretes hormones, which activate ma&or organ systems in the !ody, fore+ample the adrenal and se+ual centers.The hypothalamus is of particular importance in the Darkness !ecause of its affect on circadian 0day7night3 rhythms in the !ody. The suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus is one of the !ody*s ma&or!iological clocks 01ig. G3. It not only regulates hormones related to the daynight cycle, !ut it orchestrates

    the activities of many other internal clocks. In numerous e+periments, it has !een shown that when the"%- is not innervated, the human !ody clocks run free they set their own time2.

    Fig. 7. 'rain rgans

    Fig. 8. !etail of the hypothalamic nuclei. )uprachiasmatic nucleus +)C( regulates circadian +diurnal rhythms andacti#ates the pineal gland though sympathetic neurons originating in the brainstem +see ig. //

    $aking Consciousness

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    An 9alarm system: is !uilt into the !rainstem, to wake us up and !ring us to waking consciousness, calledthe reticular activating system 0A"3 01ig. B3. "ight and hearing are two ma&or pathways of incomingsensory information, providing cues which maintain our state of alertful wakefulness. The optic andauditory nerves stimulate !rainstem centers, which, in turn, activate higher cortical centers in the !rainthough the A".

    Fig. 9. 0eticular 1cti#ating )ystem +01): ibers that pro2ect from the reticular formation through the thalamus tothe cerebral corte* are responsible for maintaining consciousness, muscle tone, and awa3ening from sleep, withstimuli from the ears, eyes, and s3in, but not the olfactory system, which e*plains why people die in house fires4.

    #any of the functions of waking consciousness are maintained !y the neurotransmitter seratonin."eratonin is a chemical messenger, traversing the synapse, or the gap, !etween two nerve cells 01ig.

    2@3. "ome of the important nerve pathways assisted !y serotonin !egin in a region of the !rainstemcalled the raphe nuclei and e+tend upwards into the cere!rum 01ig. 223. "eratonin plays an important rolein maintaining cortical arousal, concentration, and suppressing distracting stimuli, as well as a role insleep.

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    Fig. 10. )ynapse: (eurotransmitter seratonin bridges the gap between ner#e cells. 1fter completing its mission6,the seratonin is reabsorbed into the ner#e cell and decomposed by M1 into inacti#e by-products7.

    Fig. 11. )eratonin Pathways. Many of the important ner#e pathways assisted by the neurotransmitter seratoninbegin in the brainstem and e*tend upwards into the cerebrum5 .

    "eratonin is implicated in a wide variety of psychological phenomena, including depression, an+iety,o!esity, and '"D hallucinations. The anti7depressant Pro5ac, for e+ample, elevates serotonin levels inthe synaptic cleft !y !locking re7uptake of seratonin into pre7synaptic neurons. 0"eratonin levels cannot!e raised !y ingestion, !ecause the molecule is too polar to pass through the !lood!rain !arrier.3 Asanother e+ample, '"D mimics the shape of the seratonin molecule and redirects nerve impulses downunfamiliar and unstructured neural pathways, giving rise to hallucinatory perceptions and e+periences. Inshort, seratonin is the most important neurotransmitter governing states of waking consciousness.

    Slee% and Drea"Each night, our waking consciousness is su!dued !y chemical messengers that inhi!it the activities ofthe !rain. #elatonin, the 9sleep molecule:, is one of these messengers. #elatonin is produced in thepineal gland, in response to the darkness of night, and to the circadian rhythms of light and dark that are

    programmed into the hypothalamus, an endocrine gland located deep within the !rain 01ig. 2

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    o!served that when people are quiet and less active during the !eginning of a retreat, the elements settleinto their own nature more quickly, and a state of alert rela+ation arises. After a couple of weeks, one mayneed only a few hours of sleep each night, and that sleep is often in continuous consciousness.

    Fig. 12. Pineal acti#ation: )ecretion of melatonin by the pineal gland is stimulated by sympathetic ner#e a*onsoriginating in the superior cer#ical ganglion of the brainstem. 1cti#ity of these neurons is regulated by the acti#ity ofthe suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus +)C(, which sets a circadian rhythm.

    Descent into DarknessIn the Darkness, our mind and soul !egin to wander freely in the vast realms of psychic and spiritual

    e+perience. 1irst, sensory receptors that are controlled !y the thalamus gland, with the e+ception of theolfactory, consciously withdraw 01ig. J3. Thus, !reathing activity su!stitutes for the restfulness of visualand auditory function.y keeping the adrenal hormones at their lowest levels the inner peace remains undistur!ed. In completedarkness, the visual and auditory a!ilities !ecome ever more sensitive. The olfactory 0smell3 and tactile0feeling and touch3 organs !ecome the chief senses to supply the little needed energy to the !odymind.Thus the thalamus glands are slowly shut down. The pituitary gland, the master gland for !odilyhormones, !ecomes distilled !y the e+change of energy in the !odymind needed for spiritual awakeningpower.The hypothalamus gland is in perfect !alance and alternates peacefully !etween wakefulness and sleep.The pineal gland, secreting melatonin to control the su!tle !odily rhythms, is sensiti5ed to the vi!rationsof earth and the scanning light, no longer !eing driven !y the instinctive drive from adrenal power and the

    waking consciousness of the thalamus glands and the reticular activating system. In this state,wakefulness is a dreaming state and dreaming consciousness is awakening consciousness. They!ecome the functions of spiritual stars and planet earth, rather than the rotating power of the Earth, the"un and the #oon. This state is the final stage of the returning process on earth.

    Limbic SystemThe primary organ for the emotional activities is coordinated through the function of the amygdala, takenfrom the >reek word for 9almond: !ecause of its fanciful resem!lance to almonds. In Taoist tradition, thisis the crowning center where !oth the light and visual frames register, such as the image of sun or of asnake 01ig. 263. As the se+ual power engages with the light a!ove the !rain to form sweet dew, the lightin the pituitary !ecomes gray7white. $hen it radiates, the two amygdala glands are activated, allowingthe %hi to hetic neuronsineal gland

    2&circulate within the temporal lo!es on either side of the head, a!ove the ears and around the temples. Asthe light moves forward, the Third Eye, the essential tool for healing diagnosis, is opened.The temporal lo!es govern all auditory, somatic, and motor sensitivities. The !reath coming through thenostrils, as well as the light shining upon the amygdala, charges these sensory activities. The adrenalglands, responsi!le for releasing norepinephrine and epinephrine, !ecome the seat for true inner stillness01ig. 23. In this state, everything is transformed into the harmless and loving present.y drawing the unconscious light from the adrenal glands, themselves charged !y the primordial se+ualenergy, the mind sees the light and the inner ear hears the cosmic vi!ration within !oth the !odymindand the #other Earth. #ysteriously, the cave of the earth, the cave of the !rain 0%rystal Palace3, and thehollowness within the !ones echo with each other, making the cosmic vi!ration visi!ly meaningful throughthe conscious eye.

    The meditations of the Inner "mile, "i+ ?ealing "ounds, and 1usion Practice are important for quietingand transforming the negative emotions.Fig. 13. 8imbic )ystem: The limbic system encircles the top of the brain stem and forms a border +the meaning oflimbic6 lin3ing cortical and midbrain areas with lower centers that control automatic, internal body functions.9

    Fig. 14.1drenal Glands

    Pineal GlandThe pineal gland is the connection point for the "pirit or "oul. It is the physical center for, and transmitterof, psychic phenomena such as telepathy, clairvoyance in time and space, and the actual influence ofthoughts on the physical surroundingsB. 01ig. 2;3 9$hen activated, the pineal gland !ecomes the line ofcommunication with the higher planes. The crown chakra reaches down until its vorte+ touches the pinealgland 01ig. 283. Prana, or pure energy, is received through this energy center in the head. $ith practice

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    the vi!ration level of the astral !ody is raised, allowing it to separate from the physical. To activate the)third eye* and perceive higher dimensions, the pineal gland and the pituitary !ody must vi!rate in unison,which is achieved through meditation andor rela+ation. $hen a correct relationship is esta!lished!etween personality, operating through the pituitary !ody, and the soul, operating through the pinealgland, a magnetic field is created. The negative and positive forces interact and !ecome strong enoughto create the )light in the head.* $ith this )light in the head* activated, astral pro&ectors can withdrawthemselves from the !ody, carrying the light with them:.2@'eft HidneyKin Door of 'ifeight HidneyKang

    AdrenalsT722 0etween Adrenals3%rown%7J%7222Fig. 15. Crown orte*Fig. 16. Third %ye2'

    9The pineal works primarily !y converting the higher dimensional'ight, that is constantly streaming into your reality, into usa!le informationfor your pituitary. As it gradually activates, the pineal permitsthe !ody to move its vi!rational patterns into higher and higher levels.

    This process also allows your 'ight ody to attach itself evendeeper into your physical instrument 01ig. 2J3. /ur process is toreset the focus in the pineal. This chemical )lens* largely disappearsas you grow older. The decrease in its efficacy is one of the ma&orreasons for your !ody aging as quickly as it does. $hen the pituitary!egins to receive the consciousness energy packets from the$ell of Dreams through its interaction with the pineal, it secretesen5ymes that permit the chemical )lens* in the pineal to reappear. Asthis )lens* strengthens, it allows the -AD-A protein strings in yourcells to activate your )third strand*.:2landPineal>land"ympateticneurons"ympateticneurons"uperior %ervical>anglion"uperior %ervical>anglion

    etinohypothalamictract"uprachiasmatic -uclous0the:!iological clock:3etinohypothalamictract"uprachiasmatic -uclous0the:!iological clock:3


    As we grow older, however, the internal realities !egin to fadeand the e+ternal world !egins to predominate our e+istence. y pu!erty,the pineal gland has ossified into a calcified strand of tissue./ur minds pro&ect outwardly, and the demands of e+istence 0work,family, daily living, etc.3 preoccupy our awareness. /ur emotions

    0fears, angers, resentments and all kinds of distractions to makeends meet3 reflect this outward movement of the psyche.1ear is the oldest negative emotion. It is felt !y all animals, and iseven stronger among humans since they have so little power toprotect themselves, especially the new!orn. The longer history requiredfor organic development makes fear the !asis of the entirecivili5ation process( to protect ourselves and achieve our highestpotential. 1ear is closely connected to the kidney %hi 0via the adrenalglands3, and when the kidney %hi is diminished, the !rain slowly!egins to pull !ack and disengage from the fantastic worlds of theDivine. The upper !rain !ecomes the o!serving !rain, dedicated tothe worldly tasks of sending, receiving and processing sensory signals

    related to daily living.Inibiting te !i"ineThe transition from an internally focused awareness of the Divine,the natural state of infancy, to an e+ternally focused awareness ofthe adult $orld, requires significant shifts in the chemistry of the!rain. The tissues and molecules which normally manifest the consciousnessof $u %hi must !e 9turned off: or inhi!ited. %hemically,the inhi!itors are en5ymes such as #A/ 0monoamine o+idase3 whichrapidly convert seratonin into inactive !y7products, thus disa!lingthe synthesis of the spirit molecules. The en5yme #A/ !reaks downseratonin !efore it can !e converted into melatonin, 87#e/7D#T

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    and D#T 01ig.

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    ick "trassman, !ased on several years of intensive medical research,proposes that the release of D#T from the pineal gland atB days after conception marks the entrance of the spirit into thefetus. This B7day prenatal period corresponds to the first signs offetal pineal tissue, the differentiation of the gonads into male andfemale, and the time !etween the death of an individual and its soul*sne+t re!irth according to the Ti!etan uddhist tradition. ?e suggeststhat the individual*s life7force enters the !ody through the pinealgland and leaves it through the pineal gland at death 0see 9D#T,

    The "pirit #olecule:, !y "trassman2;. The infant*s !rain is floodedwith 87#e/7D#T, secreted from the pineal gland and the !rain is@M more active and open2J.

    Che"istry o* ConsciousnessThe chemistry of consciousness is, at first glance, comple+. Theinfant !asks in the divine glow of consciousness, manifested in the!ody!rain !y the spirit molecules, 87#e/7D#T and D#T. ?owever,during development, the !rain inhi!its the flow of conscious'&ness, utili5ing en5ymes to deactivate the synthesis of the spirit molecules.Then, to re7reali5e the divine source, the !rain must inhi!itthe inhi!iting en5ymesN The chemistry is e+plained in more detail!elow."eratonin 087hydro+ytryptamine3, the neurotransmitter implicatedin many of the functions of consciousness, is synthesi5ed in the!rain from the amino acid tryptophan, a !asic !uilding !lock of proteins01ig.

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    I-#T, allowing for the synthesis of D#T 01ig.

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    %omplete isolation from e+ternal light causes the pineal gland toflood the !rain with the neurotransmitter melatonin 0average < to 8mgday3, manifesting initially as the need for sleep and rest. Theeyes recuperate from the over7stimulation of the visual world, releasingthe grip of mental concerns, plans, agendas, and letting theenergies settle. #elatonin is essential for maintaining the hi!ernationstate, which facilitates the emergence of spiritual consciousness.The person retains a child7like !iological condition wheremelatonin is conserved and recycled, not wasted in !iological continuation.

    $hen this su!stance works together with the yellow marrowin the !one, the reddish firing reaction will activate a gentleinteraction !etween the sacred water and the light. The sacredwaters are the inner fluids that are responsi!le for producing !onemarrow and other !odily fluids. The waters run not only in the centerof the !ones, !ut also in the spinal connections !etween the%rown and Perineum Points.

    +Pin#line Stage- !ay 3 t# 5/After a!out three days, when melatonin concentration reachessufficient levels 028 to

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    nervous system. 87#e/7D#T is the empathogenic neurotransmitterthat e+pands the emotional !ody !etween )infinity and 5ero*. It givesrise to telepathy in the emotional and intuitive !odies. It engages theawakening of the )1lower of 'ife*, the spine, which !egins to glow ina state of !eingness and peace.'.

    87#eo7D#T discharges the Darkness from the Darkness. A !rightlight is activated and one e+periences a !orn7again mentality. This>reat $hite 'ight, the manifestation of the astral !ody, ena!les the

    self to pro&ect e+ternally. At this point, some degree of )-7#ethyl7DAspartareInhi!ition* 0-#DA7I3 usually occurs. This is a )soft form* ofthe slowing of the glutamate input signals into the cells. This makesit easier for the nervous system to cause electrons to stop flowingwithin the cells, allowing for profound meditative trance states. 87#e/7D#T intercalates with messenger -A. /ne can see in 6 dimensional?olon pictures, as the thoughts !ehind language.9Techniques taught in the Darkness ena!le one to read and go!eyond the matri+, !y unifying all directions, and e+ternali5e the soulcomputer so that one can start to interact with ones own geneticcode of the Tree of 'ife. In this intensive process 87#e/7D#T activatesthe entire spine, the Tree of 'ife. The spine is activated and

    reprogrammed and you can start to process the illusion of the dreamfrom its !inary code into the unified translated "elf( the 4nity "elf.Through 2 days of total light isolation your consciousness can !ee+panded to the wider range of wave emanations and transduce thecore hologram of reality that is coherently programming ones nervoussystem to the 4nity "elf

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    to love. $hen this )love7vi!ration* reaches the pineal gland a newhormone is produced, which in turn creates whole !ody conductivity./nly when you feel the waves of orgasmic vi!ration and unconditionallove for the self and others can the process !e activated andthe essence of the Darkness is magnified.

    At this stage of the Darkness retreat, the required amount of sleeptends to diminish dramatically. Although the day may last ratitude for this opportunity to learn, to grow, and to create!enefit and !eauty for oneself, others, and the $orld.

    Inne$ P$e*a$ati#ns P$actice at #me2. Each participant should practice the %osmic Inner "mile, "i+?ealing "ounds, 1usion of the 1ive Elements, #icrocosmic/r!it, Iron "hirt %hi Hung and Tao in, which !ring the !odyinto a state of !alance and tuning. A physically fit vehicle isthe foundation stone from which to launch astral travel intomulti7dimensional or!its and higher cortical activity.(1

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    . Participants should endeavor to disperse all emotionaltrou!les with friends and family mem!ers, prior to the retreat.

    te$ P$e*a$ati#ns P$actical d"ice2. $e recommend that you arrive at Tao >arden several days!efore the retreat, to settle yourself, continue the purificationprocess, and to !ecome accustomed to the physical environmentand retreat layout. This will facilitate your day7todaylife in complete darkness.

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    day to 68@78@@ mg of tryptophan per day.('

    As tryptophan crosses the !lood7!rain !arrier, it is converted toserotonin with the assistance of vitamins ;, 2< and folate. Tryptophanis also converted in the !ody to niacin 0vitamin 763 andpicolinic acid. >iving high doses of vitamin 7; along with tryptophanincreases its conversion to niacin and decreases its uptake into thenervous system. 'ow !lood tryptophan levels have !een reportedin depressed patients and are corrected with tryptophan supplementation.

    Tryptophan is !etter a!sor!ed in the !rain when consumedas part of a high car!ohydrate meal."ome of the tryptophan7rich foods availa!le at Tao >arden, andrecommended for the Darkness retreat, are listed !elow, along withseveral other tryptophan7rich foods.Try%to%han/ich #oods6Tao +arden'7 Try%to%han/ich #oodsO "eaweed, lue7>reen Algae O %ottage %heeseO Tofu, "oy #ilk, "oy ogurt, O #ilk and #ilk Products"oy eans O #altO rown ice O 'egumesO ananas, Dates, 1igs O Almonds, "oy -utsO Peanuts O rewer*s east

    O $atermelon "eeds O Animal Protein( eef,O 1ish and other "eafoods Turkey, %hicken4evels o* try%to%han in so"e co""on *oods@8O 1ish and other seafoods G@@72,6@@ mgl!O #eats 2,@@@72,6@@ mgl!O Poultry ;@@72,

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    "pirulina, a spiraled !lue green alga, is one of the most commonnutritional varieties of !lue green algae. A spirulina factory is locatedin 'ampang, southeast of %hiang #ai 0seewww.spirulina.co.th3.()

    Su""ary%omplete darkness profoundly changes the sensory sensi!ilitiesof the !rain. The !ody is deprived of all visual reference. "ounds

    !egin to fall away as we lose contact with the e+ternal world andturn the senses inward. The effect of darkness is to shut down ma&orcortical centers in the !rain, depressing mental and cognitive functionsin the higher !rain centers. Emotional and feeling states areenhanced, especially the sense of smell and the finer senses ofpsychic perception. Dreams !ecome more lucid, and the dream statemanifests in our conscious awareness. Eventually, we awaken withinourselves the awareness of the "ource, the spirit, the soul. $e descendinto the void, into the darkness of deep, inner space. Thelight appears.The darkness environment dramatically alters the chemistry ofthe !rain, manifesting especially in neuro7endocrine systems which

    govern consciousness and regulate !ody functions. An importantneurotransmitter involved in waking consciousness 0seratonin3 convertsinto a regulatory hormone 0melatonin3 that shuts down the organsystems, quieting the !ody in preparation for the finer and su!tlerrealities of higher consciousness. The pineal gland initiates acascade of inhi!itory reactions, permitting visions and dream7statesto emerge in our conscious awareness. Eventually, the !rain synthesi5esthe 9spirit molecules: 87metho+y7dimethyltryptamine 087#e/7D#T3 and dimethyltryptamine 0D#T3, facilitating the transcendentale+periences of universal love and compassion.The spirit molecules are synthesi5ed from the amino acid tryptophanin a series of !iochemical steps, which simplified are( try%to%hanseratonin "elatonin %inoline )e:DT DT.The spirit molecules ena!le the nourishment and sustenance of thesoul, sought daily in deep sleep and dream.The direct e+perience of consciousness is often discordant withthe necessities of physical e+istence on Earth. Thus, in waking consciousness0actually waking ignorance3, the !ody inhi!its 87#e/D#Tand D#T synthesis !y producing the compound #A/ to deac(tivate the seratonin C D#T pathway. To maintain its connection tothe soul, however, the !ody must periodically inhi!it the action ofmonoamine o+idase 0#A/3, allowing for D#T synthesis and a returnto the "ource. This is accomplished !y en5yme inhi!itors, suchas harmine and harmaline, which are secreted !y the pineal gland inresponse to circadian rhythms and the darkness of night. The pinealgland also produces the hormone melatonin, which helps regulatecircadian rhythms in the !ody.Daylight is the cue that inhi!its our essential connection to the"ource, !ut facilitates physical survival on Earth. The Darknesse+perience rela+es this constraint, !y inhi!iting the inhi!itor, there!yactivating the consciousness connection for e+ample, the pinealsecretion of harmaline inhi!its #A/, itself an inhi!itor, allowing synthesisof 87#e/7D#T and D#T. Thus, in the Darkness, our !iochemicalconnections to the "ource are re7esta!lished. The Darkness facilitates the synthesis and accumulation of the spirit molecules087#e/7D#T and D#T3 in the !rain, and hence the e+perience

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    of our true nature, of love and compassion energy, and ourreconnection with the Divine Tao 6$u Chi7.Fig. 28 Tryptamine )ynthesis, )implified(-

    A%%endices/e*erences o* 3nterestD#T, The "pirit #olecule, !y ick "trassman, #.D.

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    "ynthesis of D#T Derivatives. Tryptamine derivatives and !eta7%ar!olines have !een detected as endogenous meta!olites in mammals,including humans. #ethyl transferases that cataly5e the synthesisof tryptamines, including D#T, 87#e/7D#T and !ufotenine,are found in human lung, !rain, cere!rospinal fluid, liver and heart0#cHenna S Towers 2BG3. In the pineal gland #A/ is the primaryinactivation pathway of serotonin, a neurotransmitter synthesi5edfrom the amino acid tryptophan. If #A/ is !locked !y harmine, harmalineor other #A/ inhi!itors serotonin can !e converted !y the

    methyltransferase en5ymes ?I/#T and I-#T into psychedelictryptamines 0serotonin K0?I/#T3K 87#e/7trypt. K0

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    very rapid and strong, palms sweating. A terri!le sense of dread anddoom filled me K I knew what was happening, I knew I couldn*t stopit, !ut it was so devastating I was !eing destroyed K all that wasfamiliar, all reference points, all identity K all viciously shattered in afew seconds. I couldn*t even mourn the loss K there was no one leftto do the mourning. 4p, up, out, out, eyes closed, I am at the speedof light, e+panding, e+panding, e+panding, faster and faster until Ihave !ecome so large that I no longer e+ist K my speed is so greatthat everything has come to a stop K here I ga5e upon the entire


    3nner Alche"y8 5hysical !;%lanationEach one of the cells that our !ody is composed of is directly relatedto the first original cell located right !ehind the navel. This cell was!orn of the meeting of the ovum and sperm of our parents. As longas this cell sends a message of perfection to the D-A of each cell inthe !ody, we are virtually immortal. $hen we work with inner alchemy,we can recom!ine the ; Amino Acids of D-A !y following the ;eternal laws of change 0I %hing3, and our cells are a!le to get in!etter touch with more su!tle forces 0?igher Energy3. $e do thisuntil we reach the divine spark in the original cell. This process canchange our atomic structure.)1

    !e"el#*mental P$#cess #& ,elat#ninThe history of melatonin starts around the pre7%am!rian age, whenthe anaero!ic cells started to evolve into a more efficient form of life,called the aero!ic state. Aero!ic cells make use of the / < 0o+ygen,ang, fire3, and ?u, or the nearly complete cessation of food intake. In fact,when you get to the higher level, and not !efore, you don*t want todisperse your refined energy to counteract the o+idation process,especially when eating car!ohydrates which are rich in %@;.Everything in the universe including our glands have in and ang.$e spoke a!out the ang aspect of melatonin, and we assert thatthe in side of melatonin is as a hormone. The hormone function ofmelatonin is related with the whole endocrine system, especially theadrenal glands. The in aspect of the adrenal gland is cortisone,while the ang aspect is adrenaline. To have an ideal situation we)2

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    need to !alance the in hormone melatonin with the ang adrenaline,and the ang antio+idant in melatonin with the cortisone that is in.The pineal gland that produces melatonin works more during thein period of our day, i.e. at night. The adrenal works more duringthe ang part of the day, i.e. daytime. If during the daytime we moveadrenaline through Tai %hi, meditation, %hi Hung, etc., then at nightwe will have a stronger production of melatonin and cortisone. 1romB to 22 pm, our !odies produce more cortisone. 1rom 22 pm to 6 am,the se+ual energy rises, producing more melatonin, 0in3. This process

    is connected with the pituitary gland and the thyroid growing process.1rom 6 to ; am we produce more melatonin, or ang antio+idant,and this matches perfectly with what Taoists say 7 that 6 to ; am isthe !est time for meditation. At this time the pineal and se+ual glandsare connecting, straightening and re&uvenating the D-A, !one, andmarrow. 1rom ; to 2< am, the !ody produces more adrenaline and itconnects with the pancreas in helping the process of the constructionof the tendon and muscle fi!er. That is why Taoists say that this isthe !est time for physical practice. The Taoists speak a!out ninegems that distill essence. In fact, westerners discovered that theprocess of generating ovum and sperm starts in the pineal gland. Ahormonal message, sent to the pituitary and other glands, eventually

    results in the production of the egg and sperm in the se+ual glands.y !ringing up this essence, we reconnect the circuit, enhancingand strengthening a more refined production of hormone that slowlystarts a transformation, slowing the aging process and ena!ling thegreat masters to achieve their remarka!le attainments.

    Li&e Style a$eness#ost people do not follow the a!ove mentioned timeta!le. They usethe upper gland energy during the day, getting stressed andemotional, and the lower gland energy at night, !y eating late, stayingin artificial light, and especially having se+ual intercourse at nighttime. They make the !ody too fiery and this increases it*s tendencyto !urn out over time. To reverse this aging process through inner

    transformation, we depend on the a!ility of our !ody to produce)'

    melatonin to protect and recreate the stem cells located in the spinalmarrow. If we can do this the !ody is a!le to reproduce !rain cellsand other !ody cells which are free of any of the signs of aging. As aresult of the increased and refined flow of melatonin and otherhormones in the glands, the immune system is activated

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    decrease the melatonin production and stimulate the adrenal andother glands. Fitamin 72

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