1 Technical Report on Global Technical Report on Global Technical Report on Global Technical Report on Global Warming Warming Warming Warming Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Batch Batch Batch Batch- - -2013 2013 2013 2013- - -1 1 17 7 7 NIT SILCHAR NIT SILCHAR NIT SILCHAR NIT SILCHAR

Technical Report on Global Warming

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Technical Report on Global Warming

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Technical Report on Global Technical Report on Global Technical Report on Global Technical Report on Global


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Topic Page No.

Acknowledgement 3

Abstract 4

History of Global Warming 6

Five common sense solutions 20

Solutions to Global warming 29

Role of United Nations 33

Ozone Success Story 40

Summary 41

Innovative Ideas 42

Global Warming Story 44

Team Members 45

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We have taken efforts in this technical report. However, it would

not have been possible without the kind support and help of many

individuals and organizations. We would like to extend our sincere

thanks to all of them.

We are highly indebted to Prof. R.D. Misra for his guidance and

constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information

regarding the technical report & also for his support in completing

the technical report.

We would like to express our gratitude towards our parents &

members of our group for their kind co-operation and

encouragement which helped us in completion of this technical


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Since the Industrial Revolution, man has introduced tremendous

amounts of carbon dioxide into the earth's atmosphere. While some

of this CO2 is assimilated into natural reservoirs, approximately

50% remains airborne. This increase in CO2 concentration causes

what is commonly known as the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse

effect is a result of the absorption of infrared radiation by the

surface of the earth. This absorption causes an increase in the

atmospheric temperature. Increasing the earth's temperature in turn

increases the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. Since water

vapor is also a strong absorber of infrared radiation, a positive

feedback mechanism is created, leading to further infrared-

radiation absorption. As temperatures increase, atmospheric

circulation patterns are altered which will change local weather


These changes could have an enormous impact on agricultural

production. Attendant to a rise in the mean global temperature is a

melting of small but significant portion of the polar ice caps. This

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will result in a rise in sea level which would flood coastal areas

including major population centers. The problem of the greenhouse

effect might be remedied by a reduction in the use of fossil fuel,

large scale reforestation to increase the capacity of the biotic sink,

and development of alternate energy sources such as solar and

nuclear fusion.

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History Of The Greenhouse Effect And Global


Svante Arrhenius (1859-1927) was a Swedish scientist that was the first to

claim in 1896 that fossil fuel combustion may eventually result in enhanced

global warming. He proposed a relation between atmospheric carbon

dioxide concentrations and temperature. He found that the average surface

temperature of the earth is about 15oC because of the infrared absorption

capacity of water vapor and carbon dioxide. This is called the natural

greenhouse effect. Arrhenius suggested a doubling of the CO2 concentration

would lead to a 5oC temperature rise. He and Thomas Chamberlin

calculated that human activities could warm the earth by adding carbon

dioxide to the atmosphere. This research was a by-product of research of

whether carbon dioxide would explain the causes of the great Ice Ages.

This was not actually verified until 1987.

After the discoveries of Arrhenius and Chamberlin the topic was forgotten

for a very long time. At that time it was thought than human influences

were insignificant compared to natural forces, such as solar activity and

ocean circulation. It was also believed that the oceans were such great

carbon sinks that they would automatically cancel out our pollution. Water

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vapor was seen as a much more influential greenhouse gas.

In the 1940's there were developments in infrared spectroscopy for

measuring long-wave radiation. At that time it was proven that increasing

the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide resulted in more absorption of

infrared radiation. It was also discovered that water vapor absorbed totally

different types of radiation than carbon dioxide. Gilbert Plass summarized

these results in 1955. He concluded that adding more carbon dioxide to the

atmosphere would intercept infrared radiation that is otherwise lost to

space, warming the earth.

The argument that the oceans would absorb most carbon dioxide was still

intact. However, in the 1950's evidence was found that carbon dioxide has

an atmospheric lifetime of approximately 10 years. Moreover, it was not yet

known what would happen to a carbon dioxide molecule after it would

eventually dissolve in the ocean. Perhaps the carbon dioxide holding

capacity of oceans was limited, or carbon dioxide could be transferred back

to the atmosphere after some time. Research showed that the ocean could

never be the complete sink for all atmospheric CO2. It is thought that only

nearly a third of anthropogenic CO2 is absorbed by oceans.

In the late 1950's and early 1960's Charles Keeling used the most modern

technologies available to produce concentration curves for atmospheric

CO2 in Antarctica and Mauna Loa. These curves have become one of the

major icons of global warming. The curves showed a downward trend of

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global annual temperature from the 1940's to the 1970's. At the same time

ocean sediment research showed that there had been no less than 32 cold-

warm cycles in the last 2,5 million years, rather than only 4. Therefore, fear

began to develop that a new ice age might be near. The media and many

scientists ignored scientific data of the 1950's and 1960's in favor of global


In the 1980's, finally, the global annual mean temperature curve started to

rise. People began to question the theory of an upcoming new ice age. In the

late 1980's the curve began to increase so steeply that the global warming

theory began to win terrain fast. Environmental NGO's (Non-Governmental

Organizations) started to advocate global environmental protection to

prevent further global warming. The press also gained an interest in global

warming. It soon became a hot news topic that was repeated on a global

scale. Pictures of smoke stags were put next to pictures of melting ice caps

and flood events. A complete media circus evolved that convinced many

people we are on the edge of a significant climate change that has

many negative impacts on our world today. Stephen Schneider had first

predicted global warming in 1976. This made him one of the world's

leading global warming experts.

In 1988 it was finally acknowledged that climate was warmer than any

period since 1880. The greenhouse effect theory was named and

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was founded by the

United Nations Environmental Programme and the World Meteorological

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Organization. This organization tries to predict the impact of the

greenhouse effect according to existing climate models and literature

information. The Panel consists of more than 2500 scientific and technical

experts from more than 60 countries all over the world. The scientists are

from widely divergent research fields including climatology, ecology,

economics, medicine, and oceanography. The IPCC is referred to as the

largest peer-reviewed scientific cooperation project in history. The IPCC

released climate change reports in 1992 and 1996, and the latest revised

version in 2001.

In the 1990's scientists started to question the greenhouse effect theory,

because of major uncertainties in the data sets and model outcomes. They

protested the basis of the theory, which was data of global annual mean

temperatures. They believed that the measurements were not carried out

correctly and that data from oceans was missing. Cooling trends were not

explained by the global warming data and satellites showed completely

different temperature records from the initial ones. The idea began to grow

that global warming models had overestimated the warming trend of the

past 100 years. This caused the IPCC to review their initial data on global

warming, but this did not make them reconsider whether the trend actually

exists. We now know that 1998 was globally the warmest year on record,

followed by 2002, 2003, 2001 and 1997. The 10 warmest years on record

have all occurred since 1990.

The climate records of the IPCC are still contested by many other scientists,

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causing new research and frequent responses to skeptics by the IPCC.

This global warming discussion is still continuing today and data is

constantly checked and renewed. Models are also updated and adjusted to

new discoveries and new theory.

So far not many measures have been taken to do something about climate

change. This is largely caused by the major uncertainties still surrounding

the theory. But climate change is also a global problem that is hard to solve

by single countries. Therefore in 1998 the Kyoto Protocol was negotiated in

Kyoto, Japan. It requires participating countries to reduce their

anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, and

SF6) by at least 5% below 1990 levels in the commitment period 2008 to

2012. The Kyoto Protocol was eventually signed in Bonn in 2001 by 186

countries. Several countries such as the United States and Australia have


From 1998 onwards the terminology on the greenhouse effect started to

change as a result of media influences. The greenhouse effect as a term was

used fewer and fewer and people started to refer to the theory as either

global warming or climate change.

Source: Maslin, M., Global Warming, a very short introduction. Oxford

University Press, Oxford 2004

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The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is

very likely human-induced and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented in

the past 1,300 years. Ice cores drawn from Greenland, Antarctica, and

Tropical Mountain glaciers show that the Earth’s climate responds to

changes in greenhouse gas levels. They also show that in the past, large

changes in climate have happened very quickly, geologically-speaking: in

tens of years, not in millions or even thousands.

The evidence for rapid climate change is compelling:

Global temperature rise

All three major global surface temperature reconstructions show that Earth

has warmed since 1880. Averaged over all land and ocean surfaces, global

mean temperatures have increased by approximately 1.33 degrees

Fahrenheit (0.74 degrees Celsius) over the past century. Most of this

warming has occurred since the 1970s, with the 20 warmest years having

occurred since 1981 and with all 10 of the warmest years occurring in the

past 12 years. The 10 warmest years in the 134-year record all have

occurred since 1998, with 2010 and 2005 ranking as the warmest years on

record. The time series below shows the five-year average variation of

global surface temperatures from 1884 to 2013.

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Sea level rise

Sea level rise is caused primarily by two factors related to global warming:

the added water coming from the melting of land ice and the expansion of

sea water as it warms. Global sea level rose about 17 centimeters (6.7

inches) in the last century. The rate in the last decade, however, is nearly

double that of the last century. The first chart tracks the change in sea level

since 1993 as observed by satellites which for itself speaks that the issue of

global warming is alarming.

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Shrinking ice sheets

Evidence is mounting that Greenland - the second-largest ice sheet in the

world after Antarctica - is losing mass at an accelerating rate. The

Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Data from

NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost

150 to 250 cubic kilometers (36 to 60 cubic miles) of ice per year between

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2002 and 2006, while Antarctica lost about 152 cubic kilometers (36 cubic

miles) of ice between 2002 and 2005. The rate of ice loss is increasing so

rapidly that just ten years ago it was extrapolated that total ice sheet

dissipation would happen in 22,000 years. The figure below shows the

depletion of Ice at Antarctica from 2003 to 2013.

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Warming oceans

The oceans have absorbed much of this increased heat, with the top 700

meters (about 2,300 feet) of ocean showing warming of 0.302 degrees

Fahrenheit since 1969. One way the ocean affects the climate in places like

Europe is by carrying heat to the north in the Atlantic Ocean. Way up north,

cold water in the North Atlantic Ocean sinks very deep and spreads out all

around the world. The sinking water is replaced by warm water near the

surface that moves to the north. Scientists call this the Great Ocean

Conveyor Belt. The heat carried north helps keep the Atlantic Ocean

warmer in the winter time, which warms the nearby countries as well. The

image below depicts the formation of an Ocean conveyor belt

Ice sheet forcing ≅ (sea level)2/3

GHGs = CO2 + CH4 + N2O (0.15 forcing of CO2 + CH4

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Five “Common Sense” Solutions That Can Be

Implemented At Both The Individual And

Nationwide Levels:

1)Produce and purchase more fuel-efficient vehicles.

2)Modernize electricity generation to include renewable resources (wind,

geothermal, solar, and biomass).

3)Increase energy efficiency in both homes and businesses.

4)Protect threatened tropical rainforests by purchasing sustainably

harvested timber and planting trees.

5)Support research and development efforts to produce renewable energy

sources and improve energy efficiency (e.g. hydrogen fuel cells).

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For now, Silicon Valley has focused on the search for a relatively cheap,

reliable clean energy solution that can slow down the planet’s consumption

of fossil fuels – and by extension, slow down the impact of global climate

change. Venture capitalists are still investing hundreds of millions of dollars

in “cleantech” companies. Some of the leading minds – such as Elon

Musk and Bill Gates – are backing innovative projects and companies to

make clean energy mainstream. Innovative companies like Google are

looking into ways to power themselves with the sun and the wind. The

hope, of course, is that one of the most popular clean energy options – solar,

wind or nuclear – can ultimately become a cheap, reliable source of carbon-

free power that will wean humanity off fossil fuels.

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Carbon Recycling: Mining the Air for Fuel

A solar energy collector towers over Rich Diver, a researcher at the U.S. Department of Energy's Sandia

National Laboratories. The lab's "Sunshine to Petrol" project aims to recycle carbon dioxide into fuel with

renewable energy.

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If only it were as easy to collect and reuse carbon dioxide—that greenhouse

gas waste product that the world is generating in huge volume each day by

burning fossil fuels.

In fact, a handful of start-up companies and researchers are aiming to do

just that.

Recycling carbon dioxide is a great deal more involved than setting out

separate bins for glass, aluminum, and paper. But many scientists believe

that it is not only worth the effort, but a crucial endeavor. The climate

change threat to the planet is now so great, they argue, that any effort to

address the problem will have to include so-called "carbon negative"

technologies. That means actually sucking the greenhouse gas out of the

atmosphere and doing something productive with it.

The idea of capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from coal power plants or oil

facilities and storing it underground has gotten plenty of attention. Several

pilot projects are operating or under construction, although a major project

in West Virginia was abandoned last month due to cost concerns.

There has been less focus on the idea of actually reusing or recycling CO2.

But science has long known that it’s possible to recombine carbon from

CO2 with hydrogen from water to make hydrocarbons—in other words, to

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make familiar fuels such as gasoline. The problem, ironically, has been

that the process requires a lot of energy.

But pioneering researchers and entrepreneurs argue the technology is close

at hand for recycling CO2 back into fuel for use in today’s engines. It might

even involve technology to absorb carbon dioxide directly out of the air,

instead of out of coal plant flue gas.

Instead of drilling for oil to power cars and trucks, they say, we could be

pulling the ingredients to make hydrocarbons out of thin air.

Peter Eisenberger, a physicist who founded the Earth Institute at Columbia

University, is cofounder of Global Thermostat, a company that is working

on technology to capture carbon dioxide from air with the aim of recycling,

not storage, in mind. "In my opinion, closing the carbon cycle and having

the technology to combine CO2 and hydrogen is a wonderful future,"

Eisenberger says. "Imagine a future where the major inputs for fuel are

water and CO2."

Energy In, Energy Out

Of course, the oil drilled and pumped from underground holds the energy of

eons' worth of sunlight energy collected by plants and stored as organic

matter. Over millions of years of heat and pressure, the energy in that

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organic matter has been further concentrated to yield hydrocarbons such as

oil, natural gas, and coal.

Anyone who wants to create hydrocarbon fuel above ground will have to

supply the energy to isolate the hydrogen and carbon atoms and put them

together. "There’s no free lunch," says Hans Ziock, a technical staff

member at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Los Alamos National

Laboratory, coauthor of a white paper on carbon capture from air.

"You have to put energy in to re-create the fuel," he explains. "And because

re-creation is never 100 percent efficient, you end up putting more energy

in than you get out." Due to the "energy penalty" of creating hydrocarbon

fuel indirectly, he says, it has always made more sense for society to use the

liquid fuels made directly from crude oil as long as crude oil is available. "If

nature has done this for you for free, why not use it?" says Ziock.

However, in a world that is now pumping its crude oil from ultra-deep

water, squeezing it from tar sands, and looking for it beneath Arctic

frontiers, the time may be ripe for alternatives. Ziock says he believes the

hope for greater domestic self-sufficiency for fuel alone makes research into

carbon dioxide recycling worthwhile. But he warns that as a means to

reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the benefits of this approach will

be limited unless the energy to create the hydrocarbon fuel comes from a

source other than the burning of more fossil fuel.

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That’s why the focus of the "Sunshine to Petrol" project at U.S.

DOE’sSandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and

Livermore, California, has been on creating a high-efficiency chemical heat

engine based on concentrated solar energy to power its process for making


"Hydrocarbon fuel has a lot of energy packed in," says Ellen Stechel, who

manages the Sandia project. "All the energy came from the sun, and must

again come from the sun—just faster and with greater efficiency." To create

hydrocarbon fuel, she says it is possible to use solar energy, just as nature

does. "But we need to collect it from a wide area to pack it into something

very dense," she explains. "People say the sun is free, and that’s true, but

the collectors to collect all that sun are not free."

The prototype solar reactor that the Sandia researchers have developed is

designed to use a huge array of mirrors to collect and concentrate the

sunlight into a very strong beam that is funneled onto metal oxide rings

inside each reactor. The rings rotate in and out of the sunlight, heating to a

temperature of more than 2,550°F (1,400°C), and then cooling to less than

2,010°F (1,100°C). These rings are then exposed either to carbon dioxide

or to water. At the high temperature, the metal oxide rings release some

oxygen and at the lower temperature the rings steal oxygen atoms from

either the CO2 or the H2O molecules. That thermochemical reaction leaves

behind carbon monoxide or hydrogen gas (the mixture is often called

"syngas")—the building blocks of hydrocarbon fuel.

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The Sandia prototype’s solar collector has an area of about 20 square meters

(215 square feet) for a reactor the size of a beer keg, Stechel says. About

300,000 acres (121,400 hectares) of mirrors would be required to collect

enough sunshine to make the equivalent of 1 million barrels of oil per day,

she says. (The world currently consumes about 86 million barrels per day of

petroleum and other liquid fuels, including biofuels.)

Stechel says that durability of the hardware remains an issue, and the

researchers are continuing to work on making the system as efficient as

possible so it can be commercially successful and used on a large scale.

Elton’s firm, Carbon Sciences, focuses on the post-collection phase: turning

carbon into fuel. It does this by combining CO2 with natural gas in the

presence of a proprietary metallic catalyst it has developed and licensed.

(The company says it is made of the common metals, nickel and cobalt,

supported by aluminum and magnesium.)

Carbon Sciences says its test facility is successfully melding CO2 with

methane (the primary constituent of natural gas) to produce a syngas that

can be converted into ordinary fuels.

The process of turning syngas into transportation fuel is a well-established

technology, and there are already commercial gas-to-liquids facilities in the

world. But those processes rely on steam or oxidation to produce the

syngas. Carbon Sciences argues that its process—CO2 reforming, or dry

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reforming, of natural gas—would be a game changer because it would

produce fuel while using up waste CO2 that otherwise would be emitted to

the atmosphere. Also, says Elton, using readily available CO2 as a reactant

should make capital and operating costs significantly lower than current

commercial approaches that use oxygen, since that’s expensive and capital-


In the United Kingdom, Air Fuel Synthesis aims to use atmospheric CO2

and wind energy to produce aviation fuels in a concept demonstration at an

initial rate of 1 liter (about one-quarter gallon) per day. and creating liquid

fuels through carbon recycling could be important in the long run for a

society that aims to reduce its dependence on oil. Although there’s been

much excitement about electric cars, the report noted that electric batteries

still can’t provide the needed range for aviation and long-haul sea and road

transport. The recycling of CO2 could be the path for putting renewable

energy into the fuel tanks of ordinary combustion engines, the report said.






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Solutions To Global Warming

There is no single solution to global warming, which is primarily a problem

of too much heat-trapping carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and nitrous oxide

in the atmosphere. The technologies and approaches outlined below are all

needed to bring down the emissions of these gases by at least 80 percent by


1)Boosting energy efficiency: The energy used to power, heat, and

cool our homes, businesses, and industries is the single largest contributor

to global warming. Energy efficiency technologies allow us to use less

energy to get the same—or higher—level of production, service, and

comfort. This approach has vast potential to save both energy and money,

and can be deployed quickly.

2)Greening transportation: The transportation sector's emissions have

increased at a faster rate than any other energy-using sector over the past

decade. A variety of solutions are at hand, including improving efficiency

(miles per gallon) in all modes of transport, switching to low-carbon fuels,

and reducing vehicle miles traveled through smart growth and more

efficient mass transportation systems.

3)Revving up renewables: Renewable energy sources such as solar,

wind, geothermal and bioenergy are available around the world. Multiple

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studies have shown that renewable energy has the technical potential to

meet the vast majority of our energy needs. Renewable technologies can be

deployed quickly, are increasingly cost-effective, and create jobs while

reducing pollution.

4)Phasing out fossil fuel electricity: Dramatically reducing our use of

fossil fuels—especially carbon-intensive coal—is essential to tackle climate

change. There are many ways to begin this process. Key action steps

include: not building any new coal-burning power plants, initiating a phased

shutdown of coal plants starting with the oldest and dirtiest, and capturing

and storing carbon emissions from power plants. While it may sound like

science fiction, the technology exists to store carbon emissions

underground. The technology has not been deployed on a large scale or

proven to be safe and permanent, but it has been demonstrated in other

contexts such as oil and natural gas recovery.

5)Managing forests and agriculture: Taken together, tropical

deforestation and emissions from agriculture represent nearly 30 percent of

the world's heat-trapping emissions. We can fight global warming by

reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and by

making our food production practices more sustainable.

6)Exploring nuclear: Because nuclear power results in few global

warming emissions, an increased share of nuclear power in the energy mix

could help reduce global warming—but nuclear technology poses serious

threats to our security and, as the accident at the Fukushima Diaichi plant

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in Japan illustrates to our health and the environment as well. The question

remains: can the safety, proliferation, waste disposal, and cost barriers of

nuclear power be overcome?

7)Developing and deploying new low-carbon and zero-carbon

technologies: Research into and development of the next generation of

low-carbon technologies will be critical to deep mid-century reductions in

global emissions. Current research on battery technology, new materials for

solar cells, harnessing energy from novel sources like bacteria and algae,

and other innovative areas could provide important breakthroughs.

8)Ensuring sustainable development: The countries of the world—

from the most to the least developed—vary dramatically in their

contributions to the problem of climate change and in their responsibilities

and capacities to confront it. A successful global compact on climate

change must include financial assistance from richer countries to poorer

countries to help make the transition to low-carbon development pathways

and to help adapt to the impacts of climate change.

9)Adapting to changes already underway: As the Climate Hot Map

demonstrates, the impacts of a warming world are already being felt by

people around the globe. If climate change continues unchecked, these

impacts are almost certain to get worse. From sea level rise to heat waves,

from extreme weather to disease outbreaks, each unique challenge requires

locally-suitable solutions to prepare for and respond to the impacts of global

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warming. Unfortunately, those who will be hit hardest and first by the

impacts of a changing climate are likely to be the poor and vulnerable,

especially those in the least developed countries. Developed countries must

take a leadership role in providing financial and technical help for


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Role Of United Nations

By the middle of the 20th century, it was becoming clear that human action had significantly

increased the production of these gases, and the process of “global warming” was accelerating.

Today, nearly all scientists agree that we must stop and reverse this process now — or face a

devastating cascade of natural disasters that will change life on earth as we know it.

The UN family is in the forefront of the effort to save our planet. In 1992, its “Earth Summit”

produced the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as a first

step in tackling the problem. In 1998, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) set up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate

Change (IPCC) to provide an objective source of scientific information. And the Convention’s

1997 Kyoto Protocol, which set emission reduction targets for industrialized countries, has

already helped stabilize and in some cases reduce emissions in several countries.

"We must limit global temperature rise to 2 degrees. We are far from there, and even that is

enough to cause dire consequences. If we continue along the current path, we are close to a 6

degree increase".

"Too many leaders seem content to keep climate change at arm’s length, and in its policy

silo. Too few grasp the need to bring the threat to the centre of global security, economic and

financial management. It is time to move beyond spending enormous sums addressing the

damage, and to make the investments that will repay themselves many times over".

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UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Remarks at the Council on Foreign Relations (February 2013)

Current world population is 7.2 billion. It is expected to grow to 9 billion by 2043, placing high

demands on the Earth’s resources.

There is alarming evidence that important tipping points, leading to irreversible changes in major

ecosystems and the planetary climate system, may already have been reached or passed.

Ecosystems as diverse as the Amazon rainforest and the Arctic tundra, may be approaching

thresholds of dramatic change through warming and drying. Mountain glaciers are in alarming

retreat and the downstream effects of reduced water supply in the driest months will have

repercussions that transcend generations.

In December 2012, after two weeks of negotiations at Doha conference, nations moved forward

on climate change and extended the Kyoto Protocol. The renewal will keep existing climate

targets until a new international agreement comes into effect in 2020, pending a new pact to be

decided on by 2015.

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kyr Before Present Date

SST in Pacific Warm Pool (ODP site 806B, 0°N, 160°E) in past millennium. Time scale

expanded in recent periods. Data after 1880 is 5-year mean. Source: Medina-Elizalde and Lea, ScienceExpress, 13 October 2005;data for 1880-1981 based on

Rayner et al., JGR, 108, 2003, after 1981 on Reynolds and Smith, J. Climate, 7, 1994.

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Surface Melt on Greenland Melt descending

into a moulin, a vertical shaft

carrying water to

ice sheet base.


Braithwaite, University

of Manchester (UK)

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Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA)

• 140-page synthesis report released in November 2004.

• Main science report imminent (chapters available electronically at www.acia.uaf.edu).

• Concerns over wide-ranging changes in the Arctic.

– Rising temperatures – Rising river flows – Declining snow cover – Increasing precipitation – Thawing permafrost – Diminishing late and river ice – Melting glaciers – Melting Greenland Ice Sheet – Retreating summer sea ice – Rising sea level – Ocean salinity changes

• Species at risk include polar bears, seals, walruses, Arctic fox, snowy owl, and many species of mosses and lichens

Sources: Claire Parkinson and Robert

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Ozone Success Story

_1. Scientists : Clear warning

_2. Media: Transmitted the message well _3. Special Interests : Initial skepticism, but forsook disinformation, pursued advanced technologies _4. Public: quick response; spray cans replaced; no additional CFC infrastructure built _5. Government: U.S./Europe leadership; allow delay & technical assistance for developing countries

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Carbon dioxide accumulation in the atmosphere is the most dangerous pollution problem today. This

excess of CO2 will cause an increase in the mean global temperature which should be detectable

shortly before the end of this century. This warming is caused by the greenhouse effect. CO2 allows

incoming radiation from the sun to enter the atmosphere. The heat from the earth's surface, which must

radiate in the infrared region of the spectrum, is absorbed by CO2 and water vapor, thereby raising the

atmospheric temperature. The greenhouse water-vapor coupling provides a strong positive feedback

mechanism. Fossil-fuel use increases at an exponential rate of 4.3% annually. This should cause a

doubling of CO2 concentrations by between the year 2020 and the year 2075. This doubling of

atmospheric CO2 will cause an increase in the mean global temperature of about 30° to 50° C.

Warmer temperatures will cause a shift in atmospheric circulation patterns. This will cause local

weather patterns to change. The results for the United States could be intensive drought, increased

tropical storm activity, and a rise in the sea level caused by melting of the polar ice caps. To lessen the

severity of the problem, fossil fuel consumption must be curtailed and alternate energy sources

developed. Also, a global reforestation program should be undertaken to provide a large biotic sink for

CO2 in the new few decades.

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First Idea

A ball like structure [due to large surface area] can be charge positively and it will attract –ve charge

cl- ion and same type of other molecules but we need to careful about that it don’t break the ozone

molecules. In stratosphere due to uv rays chlorine molecules breaks into chlorine ions we need to just

react or attract them before they react with ozone.

Or we can make chemical spray so if we spray it in stratosphere then chlorine ions and compound can

form a new type of compound which is inactive in nature and make these chlorine compound to break

harder or difficult by uv rays.

Second idea

Plasma rays with positive charge can be consume co2, CFCs, CHFs and all electronegative molecules

and make it dust. This system can be install in the exhaust of factories. it’s cage like structure so gases

can easily pass through this system.

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Third idea

It has some steps to understand. These are….

Step 1: first neutral air pass through 1st coil, which is positively charge so it attracts negatively charge

ion and allow to pass positively charge ion.

Step 2: second coil now become positively charge coil by induction now 2nd

coil is connected to 3rd

coil so 3rd

coil now also become positively charge coil. Now 2nd

and 3rd

coil attract negatively charge

ions and molecules.

Step 3: now 3rd

coil allows to pass negatively charged ions so now 4th

coil face only remaining

negatively charged ions and 4th

coil is attached to 1st coil so it will also become positively charge.

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Global Warming Story _1. Scientists : Fail to make clear distinction between climate change & BAU = A Different Planet

_2. Media: False “balance”, and leap to hopelessness _3. Special Interests : Disinformation campaigns, emphasis on short -term profits

_4. Public: understandably confused , disinterested _5. Government: Seems affected by special interests; fails to lead

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List Of Team Members


1 Dinesh Divakar 13-1-2-026

2 Dhruba Jyoti Nath 13-1-2-005

3 Ayan Chakraborty 13-1-2-084

4 Sudheer Kumar Rai 13-1-2-095

5 Ghufran Alam Siddiqui 13-1-2-116

6 Somnath Pal 13-1-2-112

7 Rahul 13-1-2-060

8 Vishal Kumar 13-1-2-032

9 Abhijit Gope 13-1-2-021

10 Pankaj Kumar Kushwaha 13-1-2-024

11 Abhishek Das 13-1-2-007

12 Rajib Roy 13-1-2-020

13 Soumyajit Dutta 13-1-2-006