SYSTEM David Ohrvall FOUNDER OF MBACASE.COM FREE CASE Please enjoy this free case from our Crack the Case System Case Library. Visit mbacase.com for more free cases and companion videos. Crack the Case System available now on Amazon. Enrique De Chocolate CASE 701

system FRee CAse · Basic Business Intuition a2 3 Total Score ————— / 21 Case Start Self Study Reminders Review the roadmaps and the Post Case Review page to see what you

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David OhrvallFounder oF MBACASE.CoM

FRee CAsePlease enjoy this free case from our Crack the Case System Case Library.

Visit mbacase.com for more free cases and companion videos. Crack the Case System available now on Amazon.

Enrique De ChocolateCASE 701

T r a i n Profile

AnalysisRegionType Industry Number

Solo Practice with Video Assist Partner Practice60


45 15








1. Find your videos

2. Set up

3. Listen to question

4. Recap

5. Create your plan

6. Present your plan

7. Stop and study

8. Reinforce

1. Set up

2. Present the case question

3. Recap

4. Create your plan

5. Present your plan

6. Stop and study

7. Reinforce

10 minutes



ROADMAP 9Restructure

the Team

Bogota, ColomBiaPopulation: 7.3m

Currency: Colombian Peso (CoP)

C a s E s ta r t


Enrique De ChocolateBogota, Colombia

Enrique has tasted sweet success but now wants more. Do they have the right team to pull it off?

B O G OtA C I t y FAC ts

P The Athens of South America (title given in the 1800s because of its many libraries and universities)

P Bogota has one of the most extensive bike routes of any city in the world

P Bogota’s airport is the largest and most expensive in South America



w w w . m b a c a s e . c o m 1

Enrique De ChocolateBogota, Colombia

Interview Guide

Case situation & QuestionEnrique de Chocolate is a maker of fine chocolates with boutique chocolate stores throughout South and North america. they have grown rapidly due to their ability to create unique chocolate that is well branded and sold in their exclusive stores. to further their expansion, they are debating whether to backward integrate, and begin buying their own cocoa beans and extract their own cocoa liquor, powder and butter. or should they reorganize to respond to a request from Walmart North america, to make a private label, chocolate line for all of their stores.

How would you restructure the team to best support either option?

Case twistDespite your amazing analysis, the team is revolting and wanting to pursue the other option (you must pick Walmart or backward integration).

What data would you collect to prove out that your thinking is correct?


Physical skills Weak Strong

Body Language a 2 3Verbal a 2 3Listening a 2 3thinking skills

Hypothesis Generation a 2 3Initial Plan & Output a 2 3 Data Analysis a 2 3 Basic Business Intuition a 2 3

Total Score ————— / 21

Case star t self study reminders

Review the roadmaps and the Post Case Review page to see what you missed. mark up your plan to make it better.

Do the start again with the video interviewer, or find a live partner and get some feedback. incorporate what you learned the first time.

turn your plan toward the interviewer (or mirror or webcam) and present it piece by piece .

Using the paper below, fill in the sections.

Briefly recap the situa-tion, the complication, and your task. Speak out loud just like you would in an interview.

Read the question out loud like an interviewer or watch the mBaCaSE video interviewer.

Listen to Question Recap & Ask for a Minute Create Your Plan Present Plan Stop & Study Reinforce



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my Initial Plan and Output today’s date:

Questions I’m thinking about:

Profit tree Approach:

topics I know to cover:

topic Bucket Approach:

Enrique De ChocolateBogota, Colombia







Questions to Consider

My Takeaways

Post Case ReviewSample Case Starts

Enrique De ChocolateBogota, Colombia



What value added activities do people do today?

Which skills align with backward integration? How about with Walmart and new products?

What are the major process steps with each idea?

i’m doing well with:

i need to work on:

Additional study: For more questions to consider, review Section 13: Roadmaps.

Profit Tree Approach:






VC(unit VC

x volume)


•How will Enrique price the Walmart products?•Assume market based pricing? •If backward integrate, will that lead to higher prices?

•What kind of volume will Enrique achieve in the new market?•What growth curve in sales can they expect?•If backward integrate, will higher quality lead to better sales?

•Whatarethenewfixedcostsnecessaryforeachoption?•For Walmart, production expansion, equipment, factory?•For backward integration, new extraction process equipment

•With each option where will the team need to grow?•What other production and input supplies will be added?

People / Flow Total Costs Revenue/Profit Process Steps

•What part of the organization will be affected?

•How many people?

•What are the total costs? What portions are related to the team?

•How to change w/each option?

•How to allocate people toprofit(revenuemaximizing and cost limiting activities)?

•How to measure per person value?

•What are the individual steps?

•How do you optimize each one?

•How do you measure change?

Topic Bucket Approach: How to reorganize Enrique’s team?

How to reorganize team tomaximizeprofit?

Click or scan QR to see video.


