03/30/22 .net .net 1 system.net Contains any network functionallity you would need in c# Several sub namespaces exists to allow for more fined control System.Net.Sockets System.Net.Security System.Net.Cache System.Net.NetworkInformation he system.net namespace provides etworking support in .net languages


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system.net. The system.net namespace provides Networking support in .net languages. Contains any network functionallity you would need in c# Several sub namespaces exists to allow for more fined control System.Net.Sockets System.Net.Security System.Net.Cache - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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04/19/23 .net .net 1


• Contains any network functionallity you would need in c#

• Several sub namespaces exists to allow for more fined control– System.Net.Sockets

– System.Net.Security

– System.Net.Cache

– System.Net.NetworkInformation

The system.net namespace provides Networking support in .net languages

04/19/23 .net .net 2

System.net.socketsClassesIpv6MulticastOptionLingerOptionMulticastOptionNetworkStreamSendPacketsElementSocket – Implenets a berkley sockets interfaceSocketAsyncEventArgs – an aync sockets operationSocketExceptionTcpClient – Implements a TCP ServiceTcpListenterUdpClient – Implement a UDP Service

04/19/23 .net .net 3

System.Net Dns Class//Provides simple domain name resolution functionality

IPAddress[] localIPs = Dns.GetHostAddresses(Dns.GetHostName());

// Also have async method: BeginGetHostAddresses

04/19/23 .net .net 4

Daytime Service

Most UNIX servers run the daytime service on TCP port 13.

cobalt> telnet queeg.cs.rit.edu 13 Trying Connected to queeg. Escape character is '^]'. Fri Feb 6 08:33:44 Connection closed by foreign host. It is easy to write a C# daytime client. All the program needsto do is to establish a TCP connection on port 13 of a remote host.

A TCP style connection is made using the Socket class.

04/19/23 .net .net 5

Sockets.TcpClient// Constructors (partial list)public TcpClient()public TcpClient(String host, Int32 port);

// Methods (partial list)public void close();public void connect(IpAddress, Int32)

public NetworkStream GetStream();

04/19/23 .net .net 6

DayTimeClient.csusing System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets;

namespace Daytime {class DayTimeClient {

static void Main(String args[]) { try {

TcpClient conn = new TcpClient(“queeg.cs.rit.edu”, 13);StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(conn.GetStream);reader.ReadLine();

} catch (exception e) {} }}}

04/19/23 .net .net 7

A C# Daytime Server

• It is easy to create a daytime server in C# (the only real problem is that your server will not be able to use port 13).

• The server version of the program will use a TcpListener to communicate with a client.

• A TcpListener will open a TCP port and wait for a connection. • Once a request is detected, a new port will be created, and the

connection will be established between the client's source port and this new port.

• Most servers listen for requests on a particular port, and then service that request on a different port.

• This makes it easy for the server to accept and service requests at the

same time.

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Class TcpListener

// Constructors (partial list)

public Tcplistener(int port);public Tcplistener((Ipaddress, int port);

// Methods (partial list)

public TcpClient AcceptTcpClient();public void Start();Public void Stop()

04/19/23 .net .net 9

DayTimeServerusing System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.IO;

class DayTimeServer { static void Main(String args[]) { try { TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(1313);

while (true) { TcpClient clientSocket = listener.AcceptTcpClient(); NetworkStream networkStream = clientSocket.GetStream(); StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(networkStream); streamWriter.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); streamWriter.Flush(); clientSocket.Close();

} } catch(Exception e) {}}}

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DayTimeServer in ActionThe output from the daytime server looks like this: kiev> mono DayTimeServer.exe

The client output looks like this:

cobalt> telnet kiev 1313 Trying Connected to kiev. Escape character is '^]'. 01:43:00pm Connection closed by foreign host.

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Multi-Threaded Servers

• It is quite easy, and natural in C#, to make a server multi-threaded.

• In a multi-threaded server a new thread is created to handle each request.

• Clearly for a server such as the daytime server this is not necessary, but for an FTP server this is almost required.

• The code for the multi-threaded version of the server consists of using a delegate to accept the incoming connections

• BeginAcceptTcpClient will start the listen asynchronously.

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Async DateTimeusing System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.IO;

private static AutoResetEvent connectionWaitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false); static void Main(string[] args) { TcpListener listener = new TcpListener(1313); listener.Start(); while (true) { listener.BeginAcceptTcpClient(DoAcceptTcpClientCallback, listener); connectionWaitHandle.WaitOne(); //Wait until a client has begun handling an event } }

public static void DoAcceptTcpClientCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { TcpListener listener = (TcpListener)ar.AsyncState; TcpClient clientSocket = listener.EndAcceptTcpClient(ar); NetworkStream networkStream = clientSocket.GetStream(); System.IO.StreamWriter streamWriter = new System.IO.StreamWriter(networkStream); streamWriter.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString()); streamWriter.Flush(); clientSocket.Close(); }}

04/19/23 .net .net 13


• Datagram packets are used to implement a connectionless, packet based, delivery service.

• Each message is routed from one machine to another based solely on information contained within that packet.

• Multiple packets sent from one machine to another might be routed differently, and might arrive in any order.

• Packets may be lost or duplicated during transit.

• The class UdpClient represents a datagram in C#.

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Class UdpClient

//Constructorspublic UdpClient ()public UdpClient(int Port);

// Methodspublic Connect(IPAddress);public BeginReceive();public EndReceive();

void BeginSend();void EndSend();void Connect();

04/19/23 .net .net 15

Echo Services

• A common network service is an echo server

• An echo server simply sends packets back to the sender

• A client creates a packet, sends it to the server, and waits for a response.

• Echo services can be used to test network connectivity and performance.

• There are typically different levels of echo services. Each provided by a different layer in the protocol stack.

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UDPEchoClient.csusing System.Net.Sockets; using System.Net;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { String message = "test"; UdpClient client = new UdpClient(); Console.WriteLine("Sending: " + message); client.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message), 4, "", 5050); IPEndPoint RemoteIpEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); byte[] echo = client.Receive(ref RemoteIpEndPoint); Console.WriteLine("Received: " +Encoding.ASCII.GetString(echo)); client.Close(); Console.ReadKey(); }}

04/19/23 .net .net 17

UDPEchoServer.csusing System.Net.Sockets; using System.Net;

class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { UdpClient client = new UdpClient(5050); IPEndPoint RemoteIpEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); while (true) { try { byte[] data = client.Receive(ref RemoteIpEndPoint); string returnData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data); client.Send(data, data.Length, RemoteIpEndPoint); Console.WriteLine("Echoing: " + returnData); } catch (SocketException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } } }

What if we never get data?

04/19/23 .net .net 18

class Program { public static bool gotMessage = false; public static bool timeout = false; static void Main(string[] args) { Program pgm = new Program(); pgm.run(); } public void run() { String message = "test"; UdpClient client = new UdpClient(); Console.WriteLine("Sending: " + message); client.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message), 4, "", 5050); IPEndPoint RemoteIpEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); UdpState state = new UdpState(); state.cl = client; state.re = RemoteIpEndPoint; try { client.BeginReceive(ReceiveCallback, state); Timer timer = new Timer(TimerCallback); timer.Change(5000, Timeout.Infinite); while (!gotMessage && !timeout) { Thread.Sleep(100); if (timeout) { throw new SocketException(10060); } } } catch (SocketException ex) { Console.WriteLine("There was an error communicating with the server."); } Console.ReadKey(); }

What if we never get data?

04/19/23 .net .net 19

public void TimerCallback(object state) { timeout = true; }

public void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { UdpClient cl = (UdpClient)((UdpState)(ar.AsyncState)).cl; IPEndPoint re = (IPEndPoint)((UdpState)(ar.AsyncState)).re; Byte[] echo = cl.EndReceive(ar, ref re); gotMessage = true; Console.WriteLine("Received: " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(echo));

} }

Using Raw Sockets

04/19/23 .net .net 20

• The use of TcpClient and UdpClient in C# is convenient, but may not provide all the functionality we need (Timeouts for example).

• Using raw sockets are not significantly more complicated, but provide a lot more flexibility

Echo Client using sockets

04/19/23 .net .net 21

public void run() { String message = "test"; Socket client = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); IPEndPoint server = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(""), 5050); client.ReceiveTimeout = 5000; Console.WriteLine("Sending: " + message); client.SendTo(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message), server); IPEndPoint RemoteIpEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); EndPoint remoteServer = (EndPoint)RemoteIpEndPoint;

byte[] data = new byte[1024]; try { int recv = client.ReceiveFrom(data, ref remoteServer); Console.WriteLine("Received: " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(data));

} catch (SocketException) { Console.WriteLine("There was an error communicating with the server."); } Console.ReadKey(); } }