SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University – Constanta 2010

SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

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Page 1: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University


Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity

Teodora Maria ONCIUROMANIA - “Ovidius” University – Constanta


Page 2: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

The location of the Danube Deltawithin Romania and Europe

(www.deltafishing.ro/en/intara.html [11February 2009 ])

Page 3: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

The Danube is Europe’s second largest river, 2 860 km long, with a drainage basin of 810 000 km2,

covering almost one third of Europe (major parts of 13 countries with more then 86 million inhabitants)

(www.ddbra.ro/en/danube.php [10 February 2009])

Page 4: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

During about the last ten thousand years the Danube river built,

on its junction with the Black Sea, an unique wetland in Europe:

the Danube Delta.The Delta covers a total area of

4 178 km2, shared by Romania (4/5) and Ukraine (1/5).

There are many large lakes,as well as the shallow marine waters that limit the delta, forming a huge

wetland complex covering more than 6 700 km2.

(Diaconu and Nichiforov, 1963)

Page 5: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

The Danube has been connected via several canals with the main Western Europe Rivers (Rhine, Main, and Odder), facilitating communicationswith the North Sea and the Baltic Sea.After 1984, the opening of the Danube-Black Sea Canal shortened the navigation route towards the Black Sea by 250 km. (www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic-art/84090/... [11 February 2009]

Page 6: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

• great amplitudes of temperatures;

• annual average air temperature of 11 °C;

• annual precipitations are generally scarce (average of 450 mm);

• air humidity, increasing towards the east, due to intense evaporation in the zone.

The Danube delta has a continental-temperate climate

(Paltineanu et al., 2000)

Page 7: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

Arguments for alien specie’s accommodation in the Danube Delta:

• suitable temperatures for eurythermic organisms;• great diversity of habitats;• different ecosystems in a strong interdependence with free food-niches;• high natural productivity assuring abundant food for each trophic level;

Page 8: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

Opportunities for incomers:• the Danube Delta is situated in the middle of the northern hemisphere (crossed by the 45° N parallel of latitude) on the main migration routes;• communication with the brackish waters of the Atlantic Ocean eastern regions through a large canal network and the Black Sea; • inhabitants are enterprising and begin different new farming activities.

Page 9: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

Invasive species in the Danube Delta:

• accidentally introduced species;• species that naturally extend their range;• deliberately introduced species - object of farming

Page 10: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

Accidentally introduced species

Anodonta woodianahttp://www.naturamediterraneo.it/Public/

data4/Stefano78/A%20cygnea%202.jpg_2006121104729_A%20cygnea%202.jpg[February 2009]

Page 11: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

Accidentally introduced species

Elodea canadensisagspsrv95.agric.wa.gov.au/dps/version02/01_pl...

[11 February]

Pseudorasbora parvacommons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pseudorasbora...

[11 February]

Page 12: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

Accidentally introduced species



Corbicula fluminea1. www.inhs.uiuc.edu/cbd/musselmanual/page174_5.html

2. www.zooplus.de/.../teich/teichbewohner/92633 [11 February]

Page 13: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

Accidentally introduced species

Eriocheiron sinensiswww.padil.gov.au/viewPestLargeImage.aspx?id=1...

[11 February]

Page 14: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

Carassius auratus gibelio

• penetrated at the beginning of the 70s;• became the most abundant species in the Danube Delta replacing the crucian carp, the common carp, etc.;• it presents a gynogenetical reproduction;• tolerates very well oxygen and temperature variations, being able to survive out of water for 3 hours.(www.caders-weiher.de/fischkunde/galerie/fuenf... )[11 February]

Leptinotarsa decemlineatawww.funet.fi/.../life/warp/album-Savela-20.html

Accidentally introduced species

Page 15: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

Accidentally introduced species

• brackish water species, common in the eastern regions of the Atlantic;• it was found in the Razelm Lagoon in 1951 by Bacescu;• enriched species diversity in the Danube Delta without harmful action on other species.(Skolka and Gomoiu, 2004 )

Rhithropanopaeus harrisi tridentatus nas.er.usgs.gov/.../FactSheet.asp?speciesID=197

[11 February]

Page 16: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

Accidentally introduced species

Mnemiopsis leidyi flickr.com/.../undervannsfotografen/1265802993/

[11 February]

Beroe ovata

Page 17: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

Accidentally introduced species

Mya arenaria www.carnegiemnh.org/mollusks/classes/food.htm

[11 February]

Scapharca inaequivalvis

http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcidae [11 February]

Page 18: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

Species that naturally extend their range

Canis auraeus animal.discovery.com/.../dads/dads-08.html

[11 February]

Page 19: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

Species that naturally extend their range

Nyctereutes procyonoides scienceblogs.com/.../2008/03/raccoon_dog.php

[11 February]

Page 20: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

Species that naturally extend their range

Ondatra zibethicus perpetuallyperegrine.files.wordpress.com/2008; www.pbase.com/image/44263790 [11 February]

Page 21: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

Species that naturally extend their range

Syntarucus pirithouswww.geocities.com/.../Deutsch/pirithous.htm

[11 February]

Lampides boeticus flickr.com/photos/33443775@N00/254731888/

[11 February]

Page 22: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

Cameraria ohridella dendro.mojzisek.cz/magaz0.php

[11 February]

Phylloxera vastatrix www.otranto.biz/.../storia-barbatella.html

11 February]

Species that naturally extend their range

Page 23: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

Amorpha fruticosawww.mountainmeadowseeds.com/Trees-Bushes.html

[11 February]

Deliberately introduced species

Eleagnus angustifoliacommons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Elaeagnus_ang...

[11 February]

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Populus sp.courses.washington.edu/z490/gmo/toby.html

[11 February]

Robinia pseudoacacia www.naturephoto-cz.eu/robinia-pseudoacacia-pi...

[11 February]

Deliberately introduced species

Page 25: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

Aristichthys nobiliswww.ittiofauna.org/.../index.htm

[11 February]

Deliberately introduced species

Page 26: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

Deliberately introduced species

Hypophthalmichthys molitrixen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_carp

[11 February]

Ctenopharingodon idellawww.israquarium.co.il/.../IsraelFishABC.html


Page 27: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University

Deliberately introduced species

Phasianus colchicuswww.naturephoto-cz.eu/bazant-obycajny-pic-448...


Page 28: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University


www.naturephoto-cz.eu/bazant-obycajny-pic-448... flickr.com/.../undervannsfotografen/1265802993/http://www.naturamediterraneo.it/Public/commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pseudorasbora...www.deltafishing.ro/en/intara.html www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic-art/84090/...http://www.seine-escaut.org/images/map3_xl.jpg www.agric.wa.gov.au/ikmp/images/elodea.gifwww.caders-weiher.de/fischkunde/galerie/fuenf...www.funet.fi/.../life/warp/album-Savela-20.htmlnas.er.usgs.gov/.../FactSheet.asp?speciesID=197perpetuallyperegrine.files.wordpress.com/2008www.pbase.com/image/44263790 scienceblogs.com/.../2008/03/raccoon_dog.phpanimal.discovery.com/.../dads/dads-08.htmlwww.geocities.com/.../Deutsch/pirithous.htmflickr.com/photos/33443775@N00/254731888/dendro.mojzisek.cz/magaz0.phpwww.otranto.biz/.../storia-barbatella.htmlwww.naturephoto-cz.eu/robinia-pseudoacacia-pi...www.mountainmeadowseeds.com/Trees-Bushes.htmlcommons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Elaeagnus_ang...courses.washington.edu/z490/gmo/toby.htmlwww.israquarium.co.il/.../IsraelFishABC.htmlwww.ittiofauna.org/.../index.htmen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_carpwww.carnegiemnh.org/mollusks/classes/food.htmwww.padil.gov.au/viewPestLargeImage.aspx?id=1...

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http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arcidae www.inhs.uiuc.edu/cbd/musselmanual/page174_5.html www.zooplus.de/.../teich/teichbewohner/92633

Paltineanu, Cr., Mihailescu, I.Fl., Seceleanu, I. 2000 Dobrogea-condiţiile pedoclimatice, consumul şi necesarul apei de irigaţie pentru principalele culturi agricole, Ed. Ex Ponto, Constanţa


• BANARU Daniela• MUREŞAN Mihaela • ONCIU Teodora Maria

Page 30: SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS Invasive species in the Danube Delta and their impact on species diversity Teodora Maria ONCIU ROMANIA - “Ovidius” University