STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)

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  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)



    Marys Fiat

    Marys fiat lies in her complete and

    absolute trust in Gods wishes for

    her role in the history of salvation.

    Her reply to Gods messenger, made

    in sweet abandon, encompassed

    holding in her hands the fate of

    whether the promised Messiah would

    experience fruition or not. Neither aquizzical eyebrow nor a pedantic look

    raised but a demeanor of meekness

    and submission to Gods will.

    Looking at our own personal lives,

    how many times do we fail to heed

    the Lords call to be still, listen and

    wait on Him because we choose to

    depend on our own human abilities;

    impatient in waiting for Him to make

    known in His own space and time His

    true wishes for us?

    Marys fiat lies beyond trust and

    submission. It ran through the whole

    process of experiencing motherhood,

    of raising a Child destined to be theSavior of the world. The fulfillment

    of this role meant nursing the baby

    Jesus through His infancy, watching

    Him grow, making sure He grew up

    steeped in honor and respect for His

    elders, and providing Him the love,

    care, protection and guidance only a

    mother could give. There could be no

    doubt that she, together with Joseph,

    did a wonderful job because Jesus,

    by His own humanity, became a man

    imbued with a sense of mission,

    challenged the traditions of His timewith wisdom and courage, inspired

    and encouraged the hearts of men to

    unconditional and selfless love, and

    finally, modeled and showed us the

    Way with His supreme sacrifice.

    Marys fiat also saw a reversal of

    roles between her and her Son.

    For soon enough, the mother who

    was obeyed, became her Sons first

    and ultimate disciple. Despite the

    worry and the tension of witnessing

    her Son face the challenges of anunbelieving world, she knew her

    place in following the path which He

    had to tread because she knew in

    her heart of hearts that the Fathers

    will had to be fulfilled. Up to her last

    moments in the town of Ephesus,

    Mary proved to be her own Sons

    first and ultimate disciple by acting

    out her role in fulfilling the Great

    Commission. n







    SERVANT GENERALJune 14, 2008

    Subject: THE COUPLES FOR


    My dear brothers and sisters in Chr


    On June 5, the Philippines Securitie

    & Exchange Commission (SEC),

    on our petition, issued an Orderreviving the original CFC foundation

    established in 1984, the COUPLES


    (CFCFI). This means that we now

    have legal right to the name CFC,

    and this is a prior right to that of

    CFC-GK-IC, with its corporation of

    CFCGMFI established in 1993.

    Many bishops, both in the

    Philippines and in other countries,

    have recognized CFC-FFL. They

    include Bishop Gabriel Reyes, the

    Spiritual Director of CFC (before

    he resigned as Spiritual Director

    of CFC-GK) and the Chair of the

    Episcopal Commission on the Laity

    and Archbishop Angel Lagdameo,

    Archbishop of Jaro and President

    of the Catholic Bishops Conference

    of the Philippines (CBCP). In a

    recent letter to me dated May 27,

    Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko, President

    of the Pontifical Council for the Laity

    also left it to individual bishops torecognize CFC-FFL, including that o

    our name.

    Therefore, from both the spiritual an

    the secular, from both Church and

    state, we have every right to use the

    name Couples for Christ.

    Even from the moral and ethical

    standpoint, we can and should use

    Turn to page 2

  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)


    special task for you. If He does, you aespecially blessed.

    For us in CFC, we had a greatadventure during our first 25 years, athe Lord expanded the body to overa million members, brought us to 160countries as of the end of 2006, gaveus Vatican recognition as the onlyAsian lay association to be accorded

    such a privilege. But the enemy rageagainst that. He attacked fiercely, andunfortunately we succumbed. CFCveered away from its basic mission. Bnow we in CFCFFL are the restoredCFC, true to its original charism. Ifrestored, then the anointing will alsoreturn. We can then look forward toeven greater work in the second quarcentury of our existence.

    This is especially so as we have beenhumbled by the crisis that beset us a

    the split that followed. The events of past months have also led us to embour Mother Church even more. We aclearer in who we are as Gods servaand in what God has called us to.

    The ongoing attacks and persecutionagainst us have been blessings. Theyhave given us the opportunity to carrycross, to be purified through fire, to gin holiness, and to be more committeto our restored work. Hopefully we haalso grown in discerning Gods call. T

    is why in all these we can rejoice.

    Let us continue to say our yes to God

    whatever way He might call us.

    God has a wonderful plan for our lives.

    We are His beloved children and Heassures us through the prophet Jeremiahhat He knows well the plans He has fors, plans for our welfare and not for woe,

    plans to give us a future full of hope (Jer9:11). That is Gods part; our part isimply to accept and say our yes to Him.

    When we do say yes, then we can lookorward to unimaginable blessings.

    But Gods ways are not ours, and oftenHe discloses His plan for us in wayshat are difficult to accept, in ways

    hat are even at times astonishing andbewildering.

    Take the case of Mary. An angelappeared to her! And told her she wouldbe with child without knowing man! Andhen told her that she will give birth tohe Son of the Most High! Would that notave blown your mind!

    Then there was Isaiah. He saw the Lordeated on His throne, surrounded byeraphims. Isaiah was so shaken up that

    e thought he would die. Then there wasEzekiel. He also had divine visions. Heaw God with His cherubim. He was toldo eat the scroll! Then he was transported

    bodily to another place. For seven dayse just sat there distraught. Then there

    was Hosea. He was told to marry aprostitute!

    When you are dealing with God, expecthe unexpected. When He calls youo a mighty task, expect that at times

    He will bring the message to you in a

    ramatic way. Perhaps He is calling youo become a mighty healer, or a great

    prophet, or a charismatic preacher, or apowerful intercessor, or whatever. Not allare called to such greatness, of course,but what if you were?

    You need to be ready to say your yes toGod. You have to be alert for your divineappointment, otherwise you may miss outon the greatest journey of your life.

    So what is our proper posture?

    First, always be prayerful. Prayer is our

    connection with God. We cannot hearHis call or discern His will if we are not apeople of prayer.

    Second, grow in holiness. The holierwe are, the more we reflect not only theimage and likeness of God, but also Hismind and heart. The holier we are, theclearer will be Gods communicationswith us. Whether that be dramatic (as wehave said above) or just simple (perhapsGod knows not many of us can handleHis divine drama!).

    Third, be open. If, because of yourprayerfulness and holiness, you discernthat God is speaking to you, then beopen to whatever He wants of you. It

    can never be what you want or whatyou prefer. It is not what you have beenpraying for and asking of Him. Againremember that His ways are not ourways. They are as far as the heavens arefrom the earth (Is 55:9).

    Finally, have a sense of adventure.In actuality, the Christian life is ourgreatest adventure. It is growing into thevery holiness and perfection of God. Itis doing the very work of God, that ofbringing salvation in Christ to others. Itis renewing the face of the earth throughthe power of the Holy Spirit. Apartfrom all of that, God might still have a


    TO GOD


    FIG TREEFrank Padilla

    * Being under the fg tree is a sym

    o messianic peace. (Nations) sh

    beat their swords into plowsha

    and their spears into pruning hooone nation shall not raise the sw

    against another, nor shall they tra

    or war again. Every man shall

    under his own vine or under his o

    fg tree, undisturbed (Micah 4:3

    4). Our ultimate goal is to bring

    peace o Christ into the world to a

  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)



    April 30, 2008

    My dear brethren,

    Grace and peace from our Lord Jesus


    The turn of events

    Events have moved quickly since an

    rticle entitled Vatican admonishes CFC

    ver GK appeared on ABS-CBN onlineews last April 16 (note: we had nothing

    o do with that article, and the writer is

    nknown to me/us). Then the letter of

    Cardinal Rylko of the Pontifical Council

    or the Laity (Vatican) to Joe Tale dated

    March 11 surfaced on the Net (note:

    his did not come from us as we hado copy, but came from them as they

    ried to downplay the ABS-CBN news

    em). The letter told Joe about going

    ack to the essentials, and the priority

    f building up the family, in fidelity to the

    Church. It talked about counterbalancing

    he overemphasis on the social work. It

    alked about the public scandal due to

    he mistakes committed, and the need

    o correct them. It urged Joe to issue

    public declaration in the Philippine

    ewspapers recognizing the errors and

    ublicly apologizing. It directed CFCo stop receiving funding (from those

    roducing or marketing contraceptives).

    The reaction of some on the CFC-

    GK side was fast and furious. Boy

    Montelibano, the right-hand man of Tony

    Meloto in GK, issued a series of writings,

    asically maligning me, Bishop Gabriel

    Reyes, Cardinal Rylko of the Vatican,

    nd the Church hierarchy in general. He

    sed strong words such as Pharisees

    nd hypocrisy. Other newspaper

    columnists such as Esposo and de

    Quiros, connected with Boy, joined in on

    the personal attacks on me and on the

    hierarchical Church.

    We are in a time of intense spiritual


    Gods action in our lives

    Last year, the Lord brought us to

    Lamentations, to teach us a sternlesson, that we would lose it all if we are

    unfaithful to our covenant, just as what

    happened to His people Israel. I took

    command responsibility for our collective

    guilt, and made a spiritual offering of

    resignation from the Intl Council. That

    should have brought us back to Godsgrace, if we all repented and turned back

    from unfaithfulness to our covenant and

    veering away from our calling. But that

    did not happen, as there was disrespect

    and disobedience to our bishops, and

    there were maligning and attacks against

    those who wanted to restore CFC to its

    authentic charism.

    We all allowed the enemy (the devil, our

    common enemy) to enter our gates, with

    the result that CFC plunged into deep

    crisis and then split.

    But given that bringing us to

    Lamentations did not have the desired

    result, since there were those with

    hardened hearts who would not repent

    and turn away from errors, God then

    allowed the split to happen. If we

    had not split, CFC would soon have

    disintegrated, as the enemy wanted to

    destroy us all. With the split, the tensions

    between the social and the spiritual

    dimensions of our work were eliminated.

    We in CFCFFL, the restored CFC tru

    to its authentic charism, moved on, w

    great joy and starting to experience th

    return of Gods anointing.

    The enemy, thinking he had succeed

    in seriously weakening CFC with the

    split, now saw God bringing victory ou

    of seeming defeat. He now saw the

    emergence of a restored CFC, once

    again totally focused on the charism

    given it. Once again Gods work offamily renewal and evangelization co

    proceed in the power of His Spirit. An

    once again the enemy raged.

    Since many bishops have recognized

    CFCFFL, and since the Holy See,

    through the Pontifical Council for theLaity, has recognized the errors

    committed by CFC, so now it is the

    hierarchical Church herself that is und


    This is where we see that indeed we

    into more intense spiritual warfare. Th

    devil rages against the Church and he

    authentic work. The conflict is not jus

    about us in CFC, but about the whole


    Call to prayer

    What should we do?

    First, be not afraid. The gates of hell w

    not prevail against the Church.

    Second, rejoice in persecution for the

    sake of righteousness, for you are

    blessed (Mt 5:10-12). Such is Gods w

    of purifying us and moving us on to


  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)




    MY MOM is a traditional Marian devotee who prays t

    rosary everyday, goes to mass at Baclaran Church fo

    her devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, collects

    Marian stampitas and medals for everybody, and

    even has all kinds of Marian statues in the house.

    I honor my mom for her devotion to Mama Mary. She

    lifted up her heart and the family to Mama Mary. She

    was the first to consecrate me to Mama Mary, becaus

    I was born on the feast day of Ina ng Poonbato.

    Blanche Halili

    I REMEMBER, I was not really a Marian person, and I

    always felt guilty about it, especially since I was surround

    by Marian devotees! My parents always prayed the rosary

    After joining the Parish Renewal Experience (PREX), I

    believe I was led to Mother Mary because I ended up join

    ing the Legion of Mary. I believe it was Mother Marys wayof calling me.Since then, I became active until we becam

    missionaries to Europe. Every morning, I would consecra

    myself and my family to our Lady. Ruby Borja

    WHEN I WAS barely two years old, I was afflicted wit

    H-Fever. At that time, the cause and cure for the dis-

    ease was unknown.

    My parents spent hours at the chapel to ask God to

    spare me. My Mom, in her desire to save me, dedicate

    me to Our Lady of Lourdes. The prayers powered by

    the faith of my parents and the intercession of ourLady, allowed me to still be here and share this mira-

    cle. In the hospital section where I was confined, I wa

    the only child who survived!

    Now, Mama Mary is reminding me of the consecratio

    my mom made to her. She is calling me back to her

    embrace. Mimi David

    I AM GRATEFUL to my late mom for exemplifying genui

    devotion to our Blessed Mother. Never a day passed that

    I did not see her praying the Holy Rosary. As I grew up, I

    understood that the tighter she held on to the Holy Rosar

    and to our Lady, the stronger she became emotionally

    and spiritually. She never missed reminding me to cling to

    Mother Mary and always seek her intercession for the hol

    souls in purgatory.

    At present, my husband and I are challenged to pray the

    Holy Rosary daily with our three children, as our fiat to

    Jesus who loves Mama Mary so much. The small ones try

    to follow by saying unintelligible words and cant keep stil

    most of the time! I believe this is fine with Mama Mary. He

    grace allows her to love us as we are. Mye Menguito

    Third, do not retaliate in kind. Continue to love your enemy

    the only real enemy is the devil).

    Fourth, pray hard. Prayer is our lifeline to God, who is merciful,

    ind, just and loving. We are His children. He is committed to

    are for us. He knows our pains. He allows crosses into our

    ves. But He has a great plan for us, not for woe but for a future

    ull of hope.

    et us pray for Gods protective mantle on us all. Let us pray

    or our brethren who are in CFC-GK. They are our brethren and

    ot our enemies. And let us pray for Mother Church, especiallyur bishops who guide and pastor us.

    ask every member of CFCFFL, in addition to your regular daily

    rayer and Bible reading, to look to frequent participation in

    he Eucharist (daily if you can), to regular family prayer of the

    osary (daily if you can), and to Eucharistic adoration (if you are

    ble). The different CFCFFL groupings (households, chapters,

    istricts, etc.) should look to communal prayer and intercession.

    The intercessory groups should intensify their prayers. Let us

    lso pray the chaplet of the Divine Mercy.

    also call on fasting twice a week. We, and the whole Church,

    re into intense spiritual warfare. Certain demons can only

    ome out through prayer (and through fasting) (Mk 9:29). We

    re on spiritual war footing. Be fit for the fight.

    Finally, keep your hearts pure and humble. God opposes the

    roud but bestows favor on the humble. So humble yourselves

    nder the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due

    me. Cast all your worries upon him because he cares for you.

    1 Pt 5:5-7).

    Rejoice in the Lord

    t is appropriate that we in CFCFFL have taken on the themef joy for this year. God loves us, God has a great plan for us,

    God will never abandon us, God turns our pains and crosses

    nto sanctification and holiness. And God is already victorious

    ver the enemy. What more could we ask for?

    leave you with Peters wise words.

    Now who is going to harm you if you are enthusiastic for

    what is good? But even if you should suffer because of

    ghteousness, blessed are you. Do not be afraid or terrified

    with fear of them, but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts.

    Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks

    ou for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness andeverence, keeping your conscience clear, so that, when you

    re maligned, those who defame your good conduct in Christ

    may themselves be put to shame. For it is better to suffer for

    oing good, if that be the will of God, than for doing evil. (1 Pt


    Mama Mary, please pray for us and keep us in your loving

    mbrace always.

    God bless us all.

    Your brother in Christ,

    Frank Padilla

  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)


    Be it done to me according to Your Word. (Luke 1:38)

    f there is something so characteristic of Catholicism, it is our

    eep love and devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. And for

    s Filipinos, our love for Her has so permeated our being that

    Marian devotion is apparent in our life as a nation. Like, Marys

    resence was powerfully felt in the EDSA Revolution of 1986.

    Wednesday Masses teem with our faithful invoking Our Ladys

    elp as our Mother of Perpetual Help. And any Marian Shrine

    n the country is most certainly frequented by the people.

    And even we have our own Marian Apparition in Lipa Carmel

    or which we are humbly working on for the Churchs officialecognition.

    Yet, while Marian devotion may be so extensive on one hand,

    may not necessarily be deep and authentic enough on the

    ther hand. Let me quote St. Louis-Marie Grignon de Montfort:

    Jesus, our Savior, true God and true man, must be the ultimate

    nd of all our other devotions; otherwise they would be false

    nd misleading. If then we are establishing sound devotion to

    Our Blessed Mother, it is only in order to establish devotion to

    Our Lord more perfectly, by providing a smooth but certain way

    f reaching Jesus Christ. (True Devotion to Mary, nos. 61-62).

    The Catechism of the Catholic Church places Mary in the

    ontext of the Credo (the Profession of Faith that starts with

    believe) in that part that says: Et incarnatus est de Spiritu

    Sancto ex Maria Virgine conceived by the power of the Holy

    Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.

    Hence, Mary is placed, as God has placed Her to be, in

    elation to Christ, Her Son. In fact, all the Marian privileges

    mmaculate Conception, Perpetual Virginity, Assumptionare

    ooted in Her being the Mother of Christ. We rightfully speak

    f the inseparable union of Christ and Mary. That Mary Herself

    was redeemed by Christ but whose redemption was applied,

    etroactively at the moment of Her conception. Sounds tooechnical? To put it more simply, Our Blessed Mother would

    ot have been so blessed if She were not chosen to be the

    Mother of Christ. And Her being the Mother of the Redeemer

    made Her the first to be redeemed by Christ.

    And this brings us to a basic truth: Mary was pre-destined to

    e the Mother of Christ; YET God needed her YES, her FIAT

    - to effect His plan. God had for Mary very wonderful things,

    o many wonderful things that she would later proclaim in her

    Magnificat. But they were just plans until Our Lady said yes and

    rom then on, they became realities. Could she have said no?

    Most certainly, she could have. She has, as we all have, a free

    will. Free will is a gift from God. So great a gift that God fully

    respects it. It is what makes us human beings and children

    of God we have freedom! And Mary used that freedom toits fullest perfection, she perfected her free will by submitting

    it to Gods Will.

    It sounds paradoxical enough but that is the truth we

    do not lose our freedom when we freely submit it to God,

    instead in such submission we discover its fullest meaning.

    Freedom is not to do what we want, it is to do what is right

    and good. The contrary will be the abuse of such freedom.

    And Our Lady, because she was predisposed by Gods

    grace, was able to use that freedom well. She uttered her

    YES to Gods holy Will. She did not lose her freedom by



    Contributed by Msgr. Melvin CasFounder and Presid

    of The Confraternity of Mary, Mediatrix of All Gr

  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)


    oing so, she perfected it instead. And she was not forced to

    ay YES. She freely and joyfully gave her YES. In fact, we

    an affirm, it was precisely because of that YES that we can

    ghtfully call her Causa Nostrae Laetitiae Cause of Our Joy.

    She caused the world to rejoice when she said her YES to be

    he Mother of Christ.

    et us ask ourselves then and share our thoughts:

    . Do you remember when God inspired you to do

    omething and you did comply?

    . Looking back at your life, do you not see Gods hand

    lowly but constantly guiding you?. Do you not feel God asking more from you?

    God has wonderful plans for you and me, but He needs our

    es. He will never impose His Will on us, He awaits our own fiat

    o His Will.

    n the Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary, we have not only

    omeone to extol but someone who is so close to us, someone

    o imitate and, in fact, someone who is our co-pilgrim here on

    arth: she needed as we do need FAITH AND OBEDIENCE.

    nterestingly, when we examine the etymology of the word

    bedience, it reveals to us that it comes from the Latin word,

    b-audire, the root word audire which means to listen. Faith, onhe other hand, means trust and confidence in the Unseen. The

    Tagalog translation for faith is rather very rich and meaningful

    pananampalataya which literally means the sense of sight is

    eased, pananaw-patay, to believe without seeing.

    f Faith will mean sense of sight ceases; obedience will mean

    he sense of hearing, better yet listening, is vital. And Mary

    by Gods grace perfectly had both: believing in the Word

    hat she heard, and trusting in God whom she did not see.

    And with the eventual birth of Christ, she beheld and touched

    whom she believed in and listened to. And rightfully St. Luke

    describes for us her continuous reaction to Gods mysteriou

    plan unfolding: She treasured all things in her heart. That

    to say, she trusted in and listened to what she saw: Faith an


    Mary not only heard the announcement of the Angel to her,

    listened intently, and in listening she had her faith and even

    conviction to say, Fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum Be it

    done unto me according to your word. And that word was n

    a simple word, it is the Word made flesh Verbum caro fac

    est. The simple word of a woman was what God needed to

    us salvation. Just one word, salvation and life reentered theworld.

    Let us ask ourselves again and share our thoughts:

    1. Have you ever uttered a word that effected great

    change, for better or for worse? Watch your word! It can

    change the world.

    2. Do you believe because you have seen? the Rise

    Lord asked St. Thomas. And the Lord continued, Happy

    are those who believe even without seeing. Do you believ

    because you see? Or do you believe so you could see? Bel

    and you will see!

    Mary, in her faith and obedience, fulfilled Gods plan for her

    be the Mother of the Redeemer. But her fiat was not limitedone single instance. It was one continuous YES in her entir

    lifetime. Constantly renewed and nourished in faith, in word

    and in deed. We can even say, her life itself was her FIAT

    Gods Will.

    Hence, in Mary we see the perfect exemplar of Faith and

    Obedience. We imitate her and we ask her as well in our

    prayers that she may obtain for us the same Faith and

    Obedience that enabled her to perpetually utter: Fiat Mihi

    Secundum Verbum Tuum, Be it done unto Me according to

    your word. Ave Maria! Ad Jesum per Mariam.

  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)


    This article is offered to our Parent Coordinators and our Kids

    Volunteers who serve in CFC Kids for Family and Life. We

    would like to take this opportunity to inspire, inform and interact

    with you through the Word of God, which is, as Scriptures say,

    the sword of the Spirit. (Eph. 6) This is very important for uswho are engaged in spiritual warfare. The Word of God is

    harper than any two edged sword that pierces through our

    houghts and reflections. (Heb. 4:12)

    This years theme is Joy in Christ from the Book of Zephaniah,

    God rejoices over us! (Zeph. 3:17) Let us find our joy and

    llow God to rejoice over us by studying His Word. We

    ncourage all our Parent Coordinators and Kids Volunteers

    o discover the message in Mama Marys Fiat as told in theGospel of Luke 1:28-38.

    et us break down the verses and understand the context.

    . Who are the main characters in this gospel?

    v. 26 Mary and Angel Gabriel

    Angel Gabriel is one of the three archangels mentioned

    in the Bible.

    Angel Gabriel is an angel serving as Gods messenger

    . How did Mary feel when she was talking to Angel


    v. 29 She was greatly troubled and pondered

    . What is to be done to her? v. 31, Behold, you will conceive

    in your womb and bear a son

    This is the Annunciation.

    . Who is the Son? v. 31 Jesus

    . What is the significance of this conception?

    v. 34 How can this be, since I have no relations with

    a man?

    It is important to note that Joseph and Mary were

    scandalized by this because Joseph married a pregnantwoman. It must have been the most difficult nine months

    of Marys life! Going through pregnancy amidst the

    rumors about her being impregnated prior to marriage .

    . How will she conceive a baby without relations with a man?

    v. 35 The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of

    the most High will overshadow you. v. 37 For nothing is

    impossible for God.

    . How did Mary submit to Gods will?

    v. 38 Be it done to me according to Your Word. What is

    the message of this Gospel to you?

    When God calls us to do something, we must obey and be

    faithful no matter how difficult and impossible it may be, just


    Let us all reflect on the importance of Mary as we all strive

    to follow and imitate Jesus. As Mary let it be done to her

    according to Gods word, may we all be reminded that

    everything here on earth is all for the Glory of God!

    When recently and how did God speak to you to do someth

    either through an angel, an event, or a scriptural verse? Wwere the circumstances?



    How did you feel?



    What was/is God telling you through the Gospel?



    What specific thing is God asking you to do?



    Contributed by Santi Edralin

    CFC-KFL International Coordinator



  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)



    ronic as it may sound, the secret to true

    reedom is to be a servant. Yes, you

    ead it right! To be free is to be a servant

    f the Lord. Most people today think that

    reedom means doing everything and

    nything you want anytime. But when

    ou really think about it, are they really

    ree? Yes they can do whatever they

    want, but they are not free from all the

    worry, anxiety and discontent. Like,

    remarital sex, for example. People

    hink freedom means having sex anytime

    utside marriage. But is that really

    reedom? After doing it, people are

    nslaved by anxiety whether they will getregnant or get sick.

    True freedom comes only from the

    nowledge that you are following God

    nd fulfilling His purpose in your life.

    Mary is our perfect example. I am the

    andmaid of the Lord; let it be to me

    ccording to your word. (Lk 1:38) When

    he obeyed God, even with all the

    ncertainty, she became ultimately free -

    free to do the will of the Father and bear


    Paraaque - 3 Youth Camps with 40+ participants each

    Novaliches - YFL District Planning

    Cubao - SHOUT (a leaders training)

    Antipolo - 3 Youth Camps

    22 participants for San Mateo/Montalban

    21 participants for Cainta

    17 participants for Antipolo

    YFL is now present in 8 out of 9 vicariates

    of the diocese!

    Pasig/Manila - Joint Youth Camp with 50 participants.

    Tarlac - Youth Camp with 49 participants Lipa (Batangas) - Youth Camp with 265 participants

    Imus, Cavite - Youth Camp (Youth Camps are conducted


    Pandi (Bulacan) - Youth Camp with 70 participants

    North A - Youth Camp with 50 participants

    Kalookan - Youth Camp with 75 participants.

    Isabela - Youth summer missions

    The ministry harvested more or less 700 souls!

    Contributed by Joseph Tesoro

    CFC-YFL International Coordinator


    the greatest man who ever lived!

    When we do the same (follow Gods

    purpose in our life), we will discover

    freedom beyond our imagination. We

    will be free from all worries that sinbrings. We will feel contentment with

    what we have right now because w

    are confident that the life we are living

    in accordance with the will of our Fath

    We will be free from any anxiety, kno

    that the Lord will always provide for o

    every need. Just as Mary experience

    all these, so too shall we. All we hav

    to do is to obey God and decide in ou

    hearts that we will be His servant.

    When we finally do this, we will

    experience tremendous freedom!

    Guide Question:

    Are you experiencing true freedom rig

    now? If not, what are the areas in yo

    life that you need to surrender to God

    order to experience true freedom?

  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)


    Be it done unto me according to your word. (Lk. 1:38) The

    Latin translation of this verse is, Fiat mihi secundum verbum

    uum. Hence, the more popular term fiat. Luke records

    hese words as uttered by Mary, her reply to the Angel

    Gabriels message, her response to Gods call. This was her

    Yes! Fiat means, Let it be. Many say it. The Beatles fans

    sing it. And the devout Catholics meditate on it at least three

    imes daily during the Angelus. It is, indeed, a wonderful state-

    ment, a statement that triggered a very important event the

    ncarnation of the Son of God.

    A Little Backtrack

    What makes Marys fiat so special? Like any simple Yes

    esponse, it is probably one of the most ordinary words in the

    anguage. But its very simplicity, marked with the complexity of

    Marys context, makes this Yes very special.

    Mary was a teenager when the angel appeared to her. Some

    say she was praying. Others say she was doing ordinary

    chores. But one thing is sure. When the Angel came, she was

    eady. While, like Zechariah, she was disturbed (Lk. 1:12 &

    29), she was not afraid. Zechariah was overcome with fear

    Lk. 1:12), but Mary asked what the angels greeting meant.

    ndeed, at the start, the posture of Marys heart was that of

    prayerful trust. Imagine a teenager with all the issues of adoles-

    cent life. But these were not in Marys mind. When an angel of

    God came to her with a message, she just took it in. It would

    seem that Mary had no trouble conversing with this heavenly

    messenger and digesting the word of Yahweh.

    When the angel revealed the incredible news that she would

    bear a Son, Mary humbly pointed out that she has had no

    elations with a man, so how could she get pregnant? But when

    Gabriel assured her that God would take care of it, Mary just

    said yes.

    With Marys fiat, God and Man met for the first and only tim

    human history, inside her womb. God became Man, and H

    dwelt amongst us. With her yes, Mary became the cause o

    our Joy, giving us our One Hope Jesus Christ, True God

    True Man, the Savior of the World.

    Mary could have been worried about the neighbors gossipin

    about her. She could have concerned herself with possibly

    being dumped by her more-than-GG-(Gods Gift)-but-less

    than-husband Joseph. She could have worried about the

    responsibility of a devout Jew having to carry in her womb a

    later feed and clothe and shelter the Son of Yahweh, the G

    she worshipped! But Mary was not afraid. She readily said

    The Singles Fiat

    The journey of a single man or woman is really like that of t

    age Mary. We have our own issues and sources of fear. W

    I be able to get a good, stable job to feed myself? How will

    support my parents and siblings? Will my career or busine

    prosper? Will I find a suitable partner in life? Will I get mar

    ried? Should I become a priest or religious? Will I stay sin

    for the rest of my life?



    Contributed by Denver Bingski D. Daradar



  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)


    The causes for fear are endless. But obviously, God will not

    eave us alone. He most probably has sent us our own version

    of Gabriel those signs and messages that assure us of what

    God has in store for us.

    But do we have a heart like Marys that is not afraid? Or are we

    ke the man hanging from the cliff, asking God to save him, but

    when God tells him to let go of the tree he was clinging to, he

    ooks for another God, another sign?

    Some of us can say to the Lord, I hear your voice, Lord. I caneel your presence. I know your message. And then, our

    concerns suddenly crop up. Issues like, oh, answering that

    call will mean not being the breadwinner for the family. Or,

    maybe, Lord, do I have to give up my car? Or, perhaps, Lord,

    will lose my Starbucks budget! Or even, Lord,, there are still

    a number of things I want to do with my life. Or worse, Lord, if

    hat happens to me, I will lose everything.

    But then, for sure, God will tell us the same message He has

    been telling His people for thousands of years Do not be

    afraid. I am with you. Ill take care of everything. If, with that,

    we can now say YES like Mary, praise God! If not, then we

    must start preparing to say it.

    Preparing for our Fiat

    Maybe God is calling us today to do great things for Him. May-

    be He wants us to make Him alive in the lives of other people.

    But we may feel unready. Perhaps, we might want to reflect on

    he following areas to help us prepare for our own Fiat:

    Do I spend time in intimate prayer with the Lord? Do I know

    His voice? Do I talk to Him daily and open myself honestly and

    completely to Him? Do I allow Him to speak to me, and do I

    sten? Do I realize that by praying and listening to Him daily, Iprepare myself to discern His voice and His will in all things?

    Do I say NO or LATER to little things, so that my heart is

    prepared to say NO or LATER to big things so that when

    God calls, I can readily say YES? It can be as simple as say-

    ng NO to a cup of ice cream or a stick of barbecue, or just hav-

    ng your coffee break a little later than usual. What are those

    hings that I find difficult to build my EQ on? Do I not realize

    hat by delaying gratification, I teach myself to say NO to self,

    and prepare myself to say YES to God?

    Do I live a sacramental life, frequenting the sacraments of

    econciliation and the Blessed Eucharist? Do I realize that byeeding my heart and soul with the Word and the Body, and

    enewing myself with the grace of Gods forgiveness, I make

    myself ready to be full of grace, too, to accept all that God


    Do I talk to Mary and ask her help to teach me become like her,

    o that God can use me mightily for His own purpose? Indeed,

    Mary is the foremost missionary and evangelist: She accepted

    he Word into her life, and proclaimed it to the world. And we,

    oo, can be used mightily by God. We, too, can make Gods

    plan happen in our life. But we need to prepare, to be like

    Mary, to be fearlessly in love with God.


    Below are our international mission trips this year.

    July 31 - August 20, 2008 USA

    New York

    New Jersey

    Seattle, Washington

    Chicago, Illinois

    July 2 - July 21, 2008 Europe

    Oslo, Norway Vienna, Austria

    Rome, Italy

    These mission trips are open to all SFL members wh

    have undergone the CFC SFL Covenant Recollectio

    by the time of the mission trip. Those who wish to

    join the US Mission Trip are requested to process

    their own visa application. Join and meet our brother

    and sisters from other parts of the world, share your

    personal testimony and experience God in new way

    When we finally make our FIAT to God, despite all our

    concerns and problems, another great event in history will ta

    place. It may not be another Incarnation, as Marys Fiat had

    done; but, for sure, it will be more than enough for Gods glo

    to be witnessed by many. When that time comes, God and

    Man will meet in us, too, and many people will come to know

    and love and serve the Lord.

  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)


    Contributed by Kit LadridoCFC-HFL International Coordinator




    Sis. Rea Santos from Cavite shared

    t the 1st World Handmaids Congress

    WHC) in Tagaytay Cty about the series

    f trials since becoming a Handmaid

    she was wrongly accused of stealing

    money (she later met the real thief

    nd forgave him); her husband had

    n accident in Davao which caused

    emporary amnesia to the point of even

    orgetting her (he eventually came home

    o her); she had several bouts with

    ancer which would recur (the latestne again needing surgery which she

    ostponed till after the WHC).

    All through these trials, she never

    hought of lying low, making sure to

    lways show joy to others. She never

    uestioned God except to ask, Lord,

    what is it you want of me? And then, in

    ull trust and submission, she continued

    o serve.

    ike Mary, Rea responded to the Lord:

    Let it be done to me according to Thyword. Fiat not only once or twice, but

    aily throughout her life. Fiat as she

    repared for her surgery. Fiat whenever

    he experienced pain.

    Was it easy for Mary to give that

    nswer? Did she give it hastily and

    without reflection, as we so often do

    when we pray the Angelus? Mary must

    ave been frightened by what she saw

    nd heard. She was frightened by the

    ngel, frightened also by the unheard-of

    ask God expected of her who wished toe the handmaid, not the mother of the

    Redeemer. There wasnt much time and

    he had to come to a decision. The Angel

    waited for her answer, the answer on

    which rested the redemption of the world.

    Mary did not clothe herself with the

    mantle of false humility I cannot do

    ! She did not negotiate with God like

    Moses did I have a slow tongue,

    et Aaron speak for me. The humble

    maiden of Nazareth, after the Angel

    revealed that she would become the

    Mother of God, did not hesitate for a

    single moment. With childlike simplicity

    and trust, she uttered the words, Behold

    the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to

    me according to Thy word.

    Now, what is our answer to the

    sorrows and trials we bear? How do we

    respond to the message of our Father in

    heaven? What is our

    reaction when death robs us of our

    dearest one in life, when sickness

    tortures us and our very existence rocks

    under our feet? Our trial, whatever it

    is permitted by Gods fatherly love, an

    His watchful eye keeps vigil over us.

    God desires only our good. He wishe

    draw us to Himself!

    We must believe that with all our hea

    Even when He permits us to live with

    a serious, humiliating weakness or

    problem, it is for our benefit, for: All

    things work for good for those who

    love God, who are called according toHis purpose, as St. Paul says. We

    need to humbly submit our misery an

    unceasingly raise our hearts in praye

    Him. Let us give Him our willing cons

    to the cross which seems so great a

    burden to us today.

    When things seem without rhyme or

    reason, let us say humbly with Mary,

    Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be

    done to me according to Thy word. n

  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)


    CFC Kids for Family and Life

    concluded its 1st World Kids

    Conference last May 9-11, 2008 held at

    he Father Luigi Caburlotto, Daughters

    of St. Joseph School located in

    Barangay Buho, Amadeo, Cavite.

    The event gathered 827 participants

    rom all over Metro Manila including

    he provinces of Rizal, Isabela,

    Catanduanes, Laguna, Batangas,

    Tarlac, and Hongkong!

    The Conference theme was Joy

    Adventure - The Quest for Real

    Treasure, which speaks of Gods joy

    over us if the Joy of every kid is ourSavior Jesus Christ! The first day of

    he WKC started with a praise parade

    and a kids praise, graced by the

    presence of the School Administrator

    Sister Idangela Del Ben and Cavite

    Councilor Dondie Bayot.

    The second day was filled with

    workshops, fun games and sports

    clinics. Also, KFL lauched its

    first batch of Manuals: the Junior

    Kids Day, Senior Kids Camp, and

    Leaders Training during the Parent

    Coordinators Forum. The afternoon

    was capped with the traditional

    fire hose bath. The highlight of the

    conference was the Joy Adventure

    play which underscored where ourshould be!

    The last day of the conference had

    a Mothers day festival to honor

    all mothers. It ended with a kids

    praisefest and a simple awardingceremony for the winners in specia

    competitions and citations.

    The World Kids Conference will be

    echoed to the different districts,

    provinces, countries and restoratio


    WKC International Schedules:

    June 25-27 World Kids Conferenc

    New York

    July 10 World Kids Conference,


    August 1-3- World Kids Conferenc


    August 20-22 World Kids Conferen



    JOY ADVENTUREThe 1st World Kids Conference

  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)


    went to the 1st World Youth

    Congress carrying a lot of burdens

    bout family and school. I wanted to

    et aside that weekend as the intimate

    date I promised the Lord a long time

    go. Unfortunately, it wasnt easy to

    detach from my personal concerns.But God is good. As the Congress

    unfolded, I saw young people like

    me counting their blessings and

    giving God all the credit. I saw their

    openness to the changes that God

    llowed to renew their lives and build

    hem into something greater than

    hey could ever imagine. I saw them

    ssuring each other that they had

    but the same Father and that nothing

    could break the bond they have with

    Him and with each other.

    On the second night, God became

    personal with me. During the session

    on God being a Mighty Savior, I

    remembered the times when God

    rescued me from my distress. Indeed,

    God has been faithful to me during thedifficult dry spells of my life. It was at

    that moment that God struck me with

    the question: Does He always have to

    do something magnificent in my life

    just so that I would be in constant awe

    of Him?

    The World Youth Congress made

    me realize a lot of things but, most

    importantly, it made me see that I am

    unique in the eyes of God! He has the

    best plans for me - plans that my mind

    can never comprehend but which H

    will reveal only in His time.

    On the last day, God allowed meexperience Him. During worship, I

    saw Jesus walking in front of me in

    a beach during sunrise. As I called

    out His name, He continued walkin

    on and I continued to call out until

    He turned around to answer. Rays

    sunlight blinded me and prevented

    from seeing Jesus straight in the f

    Perhaps, my heart would have nev

    been able to grasp how beautiful H

    is, it would have never been able to

    contain the joy that a glimpse of H

    would give. But just seeing some pof my Lord was enough to affirm m

    that I was in the right place and I c

    only expect the best in the coming

    days, months and years as I serve

    not only in this community but in m

    life. Pain and trials may try to obst

    my way but I am confident that in t

    community - in this family - Im hom


    JOY RIDEThe 1st World Youth Congress

    Contributed by Tinay Mamaril, CFC-YFL

  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)


  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)


    of Antipolo for celebrating the

    nticipated mass. He stressed how

    ach of us is called to holiness, and

    how valuable is the role we play

    s Christs evangelizers, that our

    being on the ground and witnessing

    o Christs love makes us effectivevangelizers!

    Saturday evening was a hit as well!

    After dinner, there was the Singles

    Got Talent. SFL from Laguna, Biliran

    District, Tarlac, and Novaliches

    njoyed every minute of their

    performances. The audience went

    on an uproar when emcees Jepoy

    Meneses and VL Ramos gave their

    own version of the Kuracha Dance

    endered by SFL Biliran. The evening

    went on a more meaningful high when

    verybody was led to worship the

    Lord by Wally Magtibay.

    ndeed, after the worship, everyone

    elt inexplicable joy, which was an

    ffirmation of the challenge posed by

    he second session for all of us to be

    HAPPY, since we should all be HIGH

    ON CHRIST! Maricar Gatchalian, a

    woman teeming with the Lords joy,

    nspired everyone to move on from

    amentations to joy, as she reminded

    how the Lord, our God, is in our midst,

    how He is our mighty savior, and

    whose transforming power renews us

    in His love! Tin Venerayan of CFC SFL

    Paranaque, gave witness on how the

    Lord blessed her with a tremendous

    amount of joy, despite the hardships

    she encountered while growing up.

    The story about her parents failedmarriage (which the Lord is now

    restoring), and how she was able to

    finish schooling in spite of extreme

    poverty, endeared Cocay (Tins

    nickname) to the other singles.

    As if the singles couldnt get enough,

    they were kept ON A HIGH by

    Patrick Frias who talked about

    Christs several sources of joy, as

    found in the Holy Bible: Davids

    zealousness, Jobs abounding

    trust, Mother Marys obedience, and

    Abrahams faithfulness. Everyone

    was touched, as they received themessage that imperfect as we are, we

    can be a source of Christs joy as a

    fruit of our obedience, faith, and trust

    in Him.

    The singles woke up on the last day

    of the conference fully charged,

    stirred by the inspirations from the

    Holy Spirit the entire weekend. The

    Evangelization Workshop given by

    Joseph Tesoro was an eye-opener, as

    he shared how each CFC SFL member

    can do his/her share in bringing

    other singles to Christ without

    sounding too preachy. His humoro

    true-to-life testimony of his efforts

    at evangelizing not only animated

    the delegates, but also provided a

    refreshing insight on how one can an effective evangelizer.

    Sound the Trumpets! SOARing

    HIGH! culminated a very powerfu

    weekend for the single men and

    women who will serve as the core

    of Gods mighty warriors. Pat

    Oconer gave marching orders whic

    empowered the singles to fly high

    the Lord, exalting Him through one

    life. He also shared how the CFCFF

    Core Values will keep each one

    grounded and focused on Christ.

    There was no final farewell, as eacdelegate looked forward to be with

    one another once more this time

    mission, for the CFC SFL ROAD TR

    SUMMER MISSION! How exciting i

    truly is to serve the Lord!!!!

    Definitely, Christ will lead us car

    us anoint us empower us, as

    move forward, confident that God

    with us, as we all fulfill the mission

    that the Lord has laid down before



  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)


    May 3 and 4 marked the 1st World

    Handmaids Congress of the CFC

    Handmaids for Family & Life, held at

    he Tagaytay International ConventionCenter. With the theme, I Rejoice, it

    was an awesome experience for the

    more than 560 delegates from here

    nd abroad.

    The Congress opened with the Holy

    Mass by Fr. Serg Arenga, followed by

    he recitation of the holy rosary, led

    by Sis Charit Mutuc of Tarlac. After

    his, our ever so lively and lovely

    mcee, Sis Baby Ligeralde started

    he ball rolling. The first session

    ntitled From Hope to Joy was given

    by Sis. Kit Ladrido, who spoke about

    he chaos, sorrow and confusion we

    have gone through. She stressed

    hat, despite our sinfulness, God has

    hown mercy and spared us as His

    holy remnant. Thus, we have every

    eason to rejoice.

    The second session was Women of

    oy given by Sis. Maribel Descallar,

    who spoke about rebuilding our

    community using our seven core

    values as guide posts. These areGods gifts to us more than enough

    reason to rejoice. Session 3 talked

    about Our Joy in Rebuilding, given by

    Sis Menchie Donato, who exhorted

    about rebuilding our community

    starting with ourselves: being

    faithful, building a disposition of

    quiet listening and having a special

    devotion to Mother Mary.

    The second day of the Congress,

    which was a Sunday, started with

    the holy rosary (in Thai and English)

    led by Sis Sida Jarungjitpracharom

    from Thailand, who was completely

    garbed in the Thai national costume.

    This was followed by the Holy Mass,

    presided by Fr. Melvin Castro, founder

    of the Confraternity of the Mediatrix

    of All Grace. Session 4, Sharing our

    Joy, given by no less than our founder

    Bro. Frank Padilla, spoke of, first and

    foremost, praising and honoring God

    and finding joy in being Gods people.

    He also pointed out our mission

    of liberation. We are engaged inspiritual warfare, a sign that we are

    the end times. This makes our wo

    even more urgent. However, we ar

    assured that we who are faithful w

    rise victorious in Christ.

    The congress was all the more

    meaningful because of the Sold Ou

    Bands joyfully energetic way of

    providing music for both worship,

    reflection and dance (which the

    Handmaids love to do). This wasespecially felt during Saturday

    evenings spirit-filled Heart of Wors


    The Congress was capped by a

    power-filled worship and praisefes

    led by Maricar Gatchalian. She

    enlightened me so much about the

    real meaning of our mission we m

    now be fewer in number, but defini

    not in power.


    I REJOICEThe 1st World Handmaids Congress

    Contributed by Marlyn Surtida, CFC-HFL Laguna

  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)



    The 1st World Servants Congress was

    held on May 23-25 at Maryhill Retreat

    Center in Antipolo with delegates

    rom Cavite, Batangas, Laguna and

    Quezon, Central Luzon and Visayas,

    ncluding a delegation from Bohol.

    Bro. Tony Cruz and his band provided

    he music for the praise and worship

    ession of the opening night with Bro.

    Glen Angeles as worship leader.

    On Saturday at six in the morning,

    wake-up call was Gregorian Chant

    music through the piped in system.

    To start the days activities, Fr.Manny Gambino, SJ led the assembly

    n praying the rosary. The format

    ncluded the recitation of the Our

    Father and Glory Be in continuous

    ai-chi and oriental body stretching

    xercises. The Hail Mary was prayed

    n less strenuous posture. The format

    was enthusiastically received by the

    participants and will be used in other

    uture assemblies.

    The Congress, emceed by Bros.

    Edu Neponuceno and Tony Asis,

    was highlighted by talks which truly

    touched the hearts of those present.

    Bro. Frank Padilla spoke about the Joy

    of Rebuilding Self and the Community

    with powerful sharing from Bros.

    Jun Cabalan and Butch Sinconegue.

    Bro. Gary Faustino expounded on the

    Magnificence of the New Temple and

    how SvFL represented the hammer

    on one hand and the spear on the

    other hand. Bro. Tony Espiritu, one

    of the first 16 couples who formed

    CFC and who is now with SvFL with

    the passing of his wife, related his

    experience about the beauty of theoriginal charism. He spoke of the

    anguish he felt over the veering away

    from the original values that led to the

    split, and how in a dream he saw and

    entered a new, rebuilt and glorious

    temple set on a hill.

    To prepare the members to receive

    the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in

    the Holy Eucharist, four priests were

    present to hear confession after the

    days talks.

    JOY IN REBUILDINGThe 1st World Servants Congress

    Contributed by Elpidio Damaso, CFC-SvFL

    After dinner, the Sold-Out Band

    conducted a spirited Heart of Wors

    Concert. Bro. Bambi Urgino gave a

    inspiring talk on the need to worsh

    the Lord; Bro. Patrick Oconer led t

    members in a Tongues training; an

    Bro. Patrick Frias tackled the Gift o


    After the Sunday Mass, the CFCFF

    core values were reemphasized by

    Bro. Lachie Agana. He reiterated th

    need to focus first on rebuilding ou

    individual spirituality and holiness

    and how each member is a buildinblock in the new temple built aroun

    Jesus Christ, who is the cornersto

    of the edifice. SvFL International

    Coordinator, Bro. Boy Katigbak,

    explained to the assembly the next

    steps to be taken by the ministry,

    focusing on the duty to bring God

    Word to many. He also stressed th

    call for SvFL to assist in parishes

    especially in the area of migrant

    worker families training and value

    formation and evangelization.

  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)


    During the1st WSC, I faced three

    Goliaths: First, was my finances, which

    was why I registered late. Second wasmy work because it was audit and tax

    season, which meant huge stress and

    pressure for me. Last was my MBA

    class in which I only had two hours to

    prepare for an important exam. But

    throughout the congress, God spoke

    very strongly to me. On Saturday, the

    message was, Happy are those who

    obey the Lord, who live by His com-

    mands. Your work will provide for your

    needs; you will be happy and prosper-

    ous, And on Sunday, He assured

    me, You are blessed. Indeed, Gods

    faithfulness is never outdone. I got

    regularized in my work and was given

    a 20 percent salary increase. We were

    also able to file our audited Financial

    Statement on time with tax payable of

    only half a million. And, finally, I gradu-

    ated with academic excellence.

    Contributed by Christine Yong

    When the WSC Service Team went up

    to Alpadi last March 27 to start the 1st

    World Singles Congress with arecollection, I was amazed with what I

    saw. The Renewal Center was

    transformed into a resort-like place.

    It was a peaceful sight! It was like

    paradise on earth.

    Friday nights worship was so

    awesome! It was good to be reminded

    how to truly worship, to worship in reck-

    less abandon, to just pour out my heart

    to God and sing praises to Him. And

    the Lords presence was felt by all.

    And I even had a vision. As I wor-shipped, I looked up in the sky and

    saw light radiating from the clouds, with

    Gods hands outstretched and sending

    to me His love.

    That weekend, I was reassured that

    God loves me despite who I am and

    what Ive done with my life. Going

    back to Him was so liberating.

    Contributed by Anna Arcaya


    During the worship, I cried and I fe

    God hugging me. It was a perfect

    evening to cap the first day of theconference. We did not even need

    party/disco which we usually do in o

    conferences. Saturday and Sunday

    sessions were a bigger bonus. It wa

    an elaboration of Gods message to

    me. It was like an arrow that hit my

    heart. I loved every moment of our


    Everything was just perfect from

    the speakers, sharings, workshops

    and even the food! It was like a Ha

    was there to make everything specMoreover, even my bloopers were

    meaningful. The organizer who den

    our room transfer was a sharer! Sh

    shared about growing up in a tiny s

    ter devoid of any comfort, and there

    was, complaining about our confere

    accommodations! Her message ma

    me realize how blessed I was.

    Contributed by Jean M


  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)


    My Savior, He can move the


    It took about three hours for me to get

    to Bataan. I never liked traveling long

    distances. You see, I am motion sick.

    I easily get dizzy when I ride a movingvehicle for more than an hour. How-

    ever, those three hours were worth it.

    As soon as the soles of my slippers

    touched the pavement of Bataan, I was

    all-smiles. I knew that my ride was not

    over yet. I knew that it was simply the

    prelude to a longer and happier ride.

    Theres no need to watch where Im

    going. As long as I know where Ive

    been. - Cars

    Ive been serving in YFL for less thana year now. I am enjoying this service,

    even if my previous service is still in my

    heart. They were the reason why it was

    hard for me to let the old community

    go. I kept on watching out for them. I

    was trying to find my old service in the

    old community. Sadly though, I had to

    face the fact that I cannot stay there

    any longer. However, my old service

    found me here in YFL. My old service

    found me there in Bataan. My old ser-

    vice molded me into what I am now.

    Men No one knows where to find

    them. The wind blows them away.

    They have no roots, and that makes

    their life very difficult -The Little Prince

    I watched people through a live

    viewer. For two nights, I was behind

    the lens and captured people worship-

    ping God in every manner. I guess

    if everyone worshiped the same way

    those people did, probably no one

    would drift away, everyone would be

    rooted in God.

    Are we there yet? -Shrek

    That is probably why we gathered in

    Bataan. We had to face the reality that

    not everyone is experiencing the joy

    we were experiencing. We had to face

    LESSONS IN BATAANContributed by Bianca Bonjibod

    the fact that a lot of youth out there

    drifting away from God. But we mus

    never fear. While praying, God af-

    firmed me that He is a mighty God.

    affirmed me by showing me how fa

    the district of Antipolo has grown in

    matter of months. He affirmed me tif that could happen to Antipolo, it c

    also definitely happen in other area

    He is indeed an amazing God.

    We are probably far from getting th

    A lot of youth are still in need to get

    know God. We still have a lot to do

    Right now, I am excited for whateve

    will happen to YFL Antipolo and for

    YFL in general. I am excited becau

    know that, no matter what I do, I wo

    not be doing it alone. I know I have

    lot of brothers and sisters to serve wI also know that my mighty God wil

    always and forever be with me.

    He is mighty to save, he is migh



    Frank Padilla, overseer; Nonong Contreras, editor in chie; Mimi David, Mye Menguito, associate editors; MsgMelvin Castro, KD Albino, Anna Arcaya, Ramon Arguelles, Bianca Bonjibod, Bonjie Bonjibod, Tony anRuby Borja, Hazel Cumpas, Denver Bingski Daradar, Santi Edralin, Ben Escano, Kit Ladrido, Ponet LadridKeeshia Marcial, Tinay Mamaril, Jean Mirto, Luis Portugal, Marlyn Surtida, Joseph Tesoro, Christine Yoncontributors; Manny Estrella, Cleone Baradas, graphics/layout artist; Ansel Beluso, editorial consultan

    Apartelle 12, Star Mall, EDSA cor. Shaw Blvd., Mandaluyong City Tel. No. 718-2213 Fax No. 718-2213 or visit cfcffl.or


  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)


    The Livelihood Ministry (LM), in support of the overall

    vangelization program of CFCFFL, has lined up programs

    n the parishes (through the Family Ministries) and in the

    Restoration and Mission Villages.

    The main mission of the ministry is to extend assistance in

    ob generation and employment. Its secondary mission is to

    elp organize micro/small enterprises to those who wish to

    orm group enterprises. The Livelihood Development ProgramLDP) consists of Community Organizing and Evaluation,

    Values Enhancement Education, Manpower Pooling and Skills

    Training, and Enterprise Development Training and Services.

    Currently, discussions are ongoing among Noli Payos, Head

    f the LDP Manpower Pooling and Skills Training, Jun Siccion,

    member of the LDP Core Group and Head of the Antipolo

    City Livelihood and Cooperative Development Group, Honda

    Motors Philippines, Inc. and a technical school accredited by

    TESDA for a joint training program in motorcycle repair and


    This will be a Trainors Training Program. CFCFFL LM wille the Program Coordinator and Facilitator, while Honda

    Philippines/Honda Foundation will conduct the on-the job

    raining program. The Antipolo City LGU will provide the first

    atch of trainees with special preference for CFCFFL members.

    Meanwhile, the technical school in Antipolo City will provide

    ertification and training facilities. Once the pilot phase of the

    program is completed, the parish will be invited to participat

    in the program. Graduates of the program will gain not only

    employment opportunities with the Honda network of deale

    the City of Antipolo Motor Pool, they will also have the chan

    to organize a Repair Shop Cooperative to serve the large

    tricycle industry in Antipolo and the neighboring areas. Thedraft memorandum of agreement is currently being reviewe

    all parties involved in the program. n

    So many doors of opportunities opened for the education

    ministry of CFCFFL this year. First, we started the year

    pursuing our work in ARMM supervising and training teache

    among our Muslim brothers and sisters. Second, the Lingko

    ng Kapayapaan Foundation (LKF) established by action sta

    Robin Padilla, asked for support in the supervision of their

    school for Moslem children. This school year, we will help

    integrate Catholic children in their school, as well as develo

    the curriculum and provide values formation to their Christia


    In the light of this development, we are also continuing our w

    in Bataan (Matalangao, Saysain) for early childhood educat

    and for the Alternative Learning System for the Indigenous

    People (IPs). This is a very good opportunity to start our wo

    on inter-religious dialogue with indigenous people.

    Meanwhile, we assist the St. Peters Parish in Commonwea



    PARTNERSHIPS FORGEDContributed by Ponet Ladrido

    Livelihood Ministry Coordinator



    COME TO MEContributed by Mimi David

    Education Ministry Coordinator


  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)


    Ave. (Diocese of Novaliches), together with Fr. Tony Labiao,

    Vicar for Pastoral Formation, and the parish social action

    roup, in setting up a library and a childrens center in the

    arish grounds. We will eventually have our CFCFFL brethren

    n that parish working to support and keep the program running.

    With the plan of Fr. Labiao to set up similar centers in the major

    arishes of the diocese, our work for family life renewal is very

    much in place.

    Through our Adopt-A-Public School Program, we have touched

    ase with public and private schools, as well as DSWD day

    are centers, to conduct formation sessions for the teachers

    nd parents. This school year, the IMPACT (Empowerment and

    Mentoring Program for Parents, Caregivers, and Teachers) will

    e conducted for the guidance counselors of public schools

    n Quezon City and for our newly-adopted public school, in

    artnership with Prudentialife the San Vicente Elementary

    School in Quezon City. These formation sessions will

    ventually culminate in a CLS for the parents and teachers of

    hese schools.

    Recently, we offered a Readership Training and Storytelling

    Workshop, in coordination with the National Book Developm

    Board, which gathered more than 50 parents and other

    education volunteers from variousprivate and public schools

    and day care centers. We also capped our Headstart Traini

    (Early Childhood Education Seminar Workshop) in Tarlac la

    May 19-24. The same training will be conducted for the DSWday care workers of Caloocan City in June.

    All told, we are looking at over 300 teachers and day care

    workers and over 1,000 parents ready for the harvest to hea

    the word of God this year.

    The CFCFFL Ministry for Restorative Justice (MRJ) recently

    concluded its first ever CLS in the Maximum Security

    Compound of the New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa. The CL

    started with more than 150 participants despite great efforts

    exerted to limit the participants to 100. Last May 10, 2008,

    our community welcomed 98 new brothers in a fellowship

    celebration. Among the graduates were one vice command

    one mayor and several others with various titles/positions

    their respective brigade or gang.

    One very touching sharing came from Hernani Ilan from Da

    Camarines Norte. He narrated that he wanted to have her w

    Mercy, attend the CLS. Much as she wanted to, she could

    not because she was in the province. Given this situation,

    Hernani would mail the Participants Handout weekly to Mer



    BRETHRENContributed by Ramon Arguelles

    Restorative Justice Ministry Coordinator


  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)



    which included his personal notes/sharings about the recent

    ession. He also advised her to pray with him daily every

    0:00 PM. Later, Mercy shared that she made it a point to

    wake up and pray. However, Hernani ran out of funds to mail

    he Participants Handout, so he only got to send until Talk 4.

    Miracle of miracles, Mercy came all the way from Daet to the

    Maximum Security Compound to join her husband Hernani forhe CLS fellowship-celebration!

    The service team came from CFCFFL Diocese of Las Pias

    nd Paraaque. They were supervised by our Ombudsman,

    Bro. Ver Gante and led by Bro. Bert Villa with 22 facilitators.

    Further Developments

    ast April 17, the Correctional Institute for Women organized a

    Restoration Assembly with Frank Padilla as speaker. The team

    was headed by Sis. Sandra Cruz.

    At present, the Ministry for Restorative Justice is organizing

    arious technical working groups to undertake action and

    esearch in the following areas:

    Ministry for the Children in Conflict with the Law (CICL)

    The intervention will not only include ministry to the

    child but to the parents as well who are doubly broken.

    Ministry for the Victim of Crime While there are

    numerous groups that minister to the offender, the victims

    are left to fend for themselves to heal the wounds ofcrime. This ministry will attend to the needs of victims.

    Post-Release After Care Ministry This will cover

    various interventions to mainstream offenders released

    from jail or penitentiaries into the community and

    prevent them from going back to their old life of crime.

    Jail Paralegal Ministry This will involve facilitating the

    disposition of cases of detention prisoners and help decongest

    the subhuman conditions in the various jail facilities.

    f you feel you have a calling or an interest to serve in the

    estorative justice ministry, please contact Ramon Arguelles at

    the name CFC. The Church considers me the founder

    of CFC, and in the ecclesiology of new movements, the

    charism resides in the founder. Where the founder is,

    there is the charism. Where the charism is, there is the

    authentic CFC.

    So to all my brothers and sisters in CFC-FFL, if you everhad any doubts at all before, be assured that you are

    indeed CFC. The Church and the state, and I believe the

    Lord as well, say so.

    With regard to our brethren in CFC-GK, we do not intend

    to do to them what they have been doing to us. For the

    sake of peace and eventual reconciliation, we do not

    intend to prevent them from using the name CFC, for

    as long as they strive to not let go of what it means to be

    truly CFC.

    In fact, I reiterate my long-standing and constant

    proposal, that of having one big CFC family but withtwo separate and distinct branches. This has many

    models among the religious congregations, such as the

    Franciscans and the Carmelites. This way, we co-exist

    peacefully, and even keep the door open to eventual

    reconciliation and true unity.

    I extend my hand of peace to my brethren in CFC-GK.

    For us in CFC-FFL, let us continue to move on, as we

    have been doing. There is much work to be done. Since

    last year we have been praying: Lead us back to you, O

    Lord, that we may be restored: give us anew such days

    as we had of old. (Lam 5:21). The Lord has answered

    our prayers. God has restored us to our authentic charis

    of evangelization and family life renewal. Now God has

    even restored the original CFC foundation. So now we

    look to such days of old, when we were focused on

    our calling, and when we zealously proclaimed Christ

    throughout the world.

    Let us praise and thank God for His wondrous deeds in

    our lives and in our work. We thank our Blessed Mother

    Mary for interceding for us and granting our prayers. Let

    us be humbled by Gods faithfulness to us, and continue

    to dedicate ourselves totally to Him and to our mission.

    And let us continue to rejoice! Always!

    God bless us all.

    Your brother and co-worker in Christ,

    Frank Padilla

    From the Servant General . . . from page 1

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    A very fruitful, spirit-filled Restoration Assembly was held

    n Laoang, Northern Samar on May 24. There were about

    0 couples, 20 YFL and SFLs who attended. The next day,

    ogether with the leaders of CFCFFL Western Samar, we

    roceeded to the town of Motiong, 20 km from Catbalogan,

    where we had a Prayer Assembly . We were surprised to bewelcomed by around 300 members. There were CFC, SFL,

    YFL, and KFL who attended, most of whom were the new

    members who graduated from two recent CLSs and two

    outh camps. It was heartwarming and so inspiring to witness

    his harvest in such a small town as Motiong. We are also

    lanning a Restoration Assembly on the 1st weekend of July

    n Borongan, Eastern Samar.

    Contributed by Benjie Gadi

    Regional Coordinator for Middle East

    and Samar Provincial Area Head

    MAASIN, LEYTEMsgr. Luzon, Vicar General of the Diocese of Maasin, joined

    he fellowship night of the CFCFFL members and leaders

    n Maasin recently. He blessed them and advised each one

    o proceed vigorously with the Christian Life Seminar in the

    arishes. The Diocese gave its full support. The group is

    piritually ready for the mission ahead. They regularly spend

    wo hours in adoration to the Blessed Sacrament, aside from

    he daily mass, communion, and praying of the Rosary.

    Contributed by Ben Escano

    BILIRANThe only province that is 100% CFCFFL. They decided

    n their own, after monitoring developments in Manila,

    iscussing the issues, praying and discerning. Bishop Bactol

    aid that what Biliran decided on was what he was praying

    or! His priests were happy with the CFCFFL parish thrust.

    There were 250 participants, including 6 from Maasin,

    Southern Leyte, during the Joy Weekend.

    PALO, LEYTEArchbishop Palma declared that CFCFFL is welcome in his

    rchdiocese. He said he will tell all his priests to do likewise.n a meeting with Msgr Aguilos, parish priest based in the

    athedral, and Fr. Mannix, BEC head, the CFCFFL mission

    eam gave an upadate regarding our parish thrust, our

    upport for BEC, and the importance of Mother Mary to our

    ommunity. They were open to our proposal to start building

    ur parish-based Restoration Villages.

    After attending the high mass with the archbishop, three

    ishops, 60 priests and 80 nuns, the CFCFFL team

    roceeded with the Restoration Assembly. One chapter

    f Tacloban is 98 percent CFCFFL. They harvested 30

    ouples, 50 youth and many kids. There were 40 persons in

    the assembly. The Q&A was very informative and fruitful. It

    noteworthy that our brethren from Catbalogan, Biliran, Lao-

    San Jose (Tacloban), all decided to be CFCFFL.

    BATANGASThe Restoration Assembly filled the church with about 500


    MASBATEBishop Joel Bailon, Head of the Episcopal Commission on

    Youth, said he recognizes two CFCs. He added that his

    commission is working on the recognition of CFC Youth for

    Family and Life and CFC Singles for Family and Life.

    It was in Cataingan that CFC started in Masbate. Almost th

    whole CFC is now solid CFCFFL. The Restoration Assemb

    gathered 200 brethren who came from eight municipalities.

    The mission team also visited an LGU-donated site for a

    Restoration Village. They later met with Fr. Biong Espenilla

    Head of the Diocesan Family and Life Office. After explaininthat the Restoration Village is now parish-based, he expres

    his whole-hearted support.

    BATANESFrank Padilla and Jess Lumbang were warmly welcomed by

    Bishop Gregorio. Jess had served CFC Batanes for 13 yea

    Meanwhile, Fr. Zenki asserted that it is spiritual corruption i

    a change is made without the knowledge or approval of the

    founder. Jess related what was new in CFCFFL and mentio

    our consecration to Mama Mary. Fr. Zenki said that becaus

    Mary, he is for CFCFFL! He said to count him in as among t

    priests supporting CFCFFL.

    We also met Fr. Wilfred, parish priest of Ivana, the second t

    from Basco. He was with the Society of the Holy Family. He

    invited CFCFFL to revive CFC there. We were more inspire

    Likewise, Mahatao (first town from Basco) parish priest Fr.

    Bridge, who is also an SHF priest, wants us to start CFCFF

    there. So the plan is for CFCFFL to start in these places soo

    Frank and Jess were also interviewed in Radyo ng Bayan. T

    anchor person was an inactive CFC member. He appreciate


  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)



    Our 2008 Spring Euro mission trip was the most hectic and

    hysically exhausting mission after visiting 16 cities. Spiritually,

    was the most exhilarating, inspiring and exciting mission!

    The presence and the power of the Holy Spirit was undeniably

    elt and experienced during the CLSs conducted by theifferent areas, some as early as November of last year. In

    ther areas, they have finished their second CLS. More

    articipants attend the CLS now compared to the CLPs before

    he split. The service teams make the participants feel the

    ove and joy in the community like in the early years of CFC.

    Even assemblies and teachings have doubled if not tripled in

    ttendance. Worships are more intense and the presence of

    he Holy Spirit is felt. There is the spirit of one big family in the

    ommunity and there is more zeal for evangelization.

    n cities like Vienna, Geneva, Oslo and Copenhagen, leaders

    nd members alike have been empowered to go out on

    mission. CFCFFL was brought to many provinces in Austria,Denmark and Norway. Geneva brethrens are now actively

    erving in France as their mission area. They have conducted

    CLSs and given different teachings in Cannes/Nice, Paris

    nd Marseille. The first CLS conducted in Marseille yielded

    3 new members. The same is true in Paris, where CFCFFL

    tarted with one couple, a true remnant raised by the Lord.

    Paris now has more than 50 members. In Milan, with the initial

    3 remnant members, they now have 55 members in just four

    months. Interestingly, Fr. Benny, the Danish parish priest in

    Ebsjerg, Denmark, adopted CFCFFL in his parish as part of

    heir family and life ministry. He invited parishioners to the

    CLS and gathered nine participants of different nationalities

    including Malaysians, Ukranians, Iraqis, Danish, Vietnames

    and others.

    We were happily surprised with Germany. Although it was

    divided, those who opted to go with CFCFFL were those fai

    in household meetings, teachings, assemblies and conferen

    attendance. By Gods grace, tithes and contributions were

    affected. There is more peace and joy in the community an

    renewed zeal for mission, especially in Hamburg.

    Not to be outdone are the youth. In Barcelona, where CFC

    started with two couples, the 1st YFL camp had 38 youth

    participants from different organizations in the parish. In

    Turin, Italy, when they conducted their first youth camp with

    the support of the parish priest, they had more than 75 yout

    participants. It has become very clear that God is workingpowerfully in the very few areas where CFCFFL members a

    in the minority. By His grace, they are equipped with courag

    and love for God and community that they are able to move

    in spite of the obstacles and persecutions they experience.

    Now everyone is excitedly anticipating the forthcoming YFL

    Euro Conference in Slovenia and the SFL Euro Conference

    Norway. Both events are to be held this July. Also, the bac

    to-back conferences of CFC/SoFL/HFL/KFL are to be held i

    Vienna, Austria this August.

    The pervading mood now in CFCFFL Europe is love, peace


  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)


    nd joy. Truly the Spirit is working marvelously in and through

    ur community. We have not seen this happen since we first

    tarted mission in the region in 1995. As long as we are faithful

    o God and remain humble with all the blessings He showers

    pon us, He will anoint us and crown with success the work of

    ur hands.Contributed by Tony & Ruby Borja

    Regional Coordinator for Europe


    God has really been good as He allowed us to successfullyold the 1st Family Assembly in Rhode Island. The guidance

    f the Holy Spirit had assured us of His powerful presence

    n our midst that day. We know that it was a blessed one as

    he forecasted 3-6 inches of snow did not materialize in the

    morning and thus made our travel better and safer.

    The great support we received from the CFCFFL NY and NJ

    eadership was very much appreciated, and the welcoming

    warmth of our dear brothers and sisters from CFCFFL Rhode

    sland made the mission even more fulfilling.

    oe de Leon, CFCFFL NE Regional Director and member of

    he US Council, presented our new thrust and our work forustice and why we should always Fix Our Eyes on Jesus. Ed

    Yamba, NJ Area Council Director and NY Area Head, led the

    owerful and inspiring worship and rocked the venue with his

    wesome style. Dr. Pete Dinglasan, NE Region YFC Director,

    eiterated the importance of our Youth and Kids in our CFCFFL

    ommunity. Noni Vale, NE Region SvFL Director, does not

    mind the very few members in his ministry as long as every

    ouple in CFCFFL is happy. Half-jokingly, he also proposedo hold a separate SvFL conference this year regardless of

    he number of possible attendees. Jun Felix, NE Region SFL

    Director, highlighted the importance of our Singles role in

    he community as the future CFCs. Melchor Lingat, NY KFL

    Coordinator, anounced formally the KFL NE Coast Conference

    o be held in New York on June 27-29, 2008.

    CFC-SFL Leaders led by Jojo Monsanto, Jing of Atlantic City,

    nd Paolo Quiray and SFLers from NY/NJ provided the music

    t the FA and ably supported us. The presence of Amee Red

    rom Long Island has given us much inspiration and moral

    upport. Father Cyriac, priest-in-charge of the La Sallite Shrine

    Retreat Center in Attlebore, MA welcomed us with open arms

    nd officiated the anticipated mass after the FA. His homilypened our eyes and made us see the big picture. He

    xpress the hope to see the growth of CFCFFL in RI and MA


    The CFCFFL RI Leadership was also officially announced that

    ay, with the following anointed and appointed RI Leaders:

    Carlo and Merl Samson, Evangelization and Mission Director;

    Alwyn and Carol Cerezo, Pastoral Office Director; Glen and

    Myra de la Rosa, Social Ministry/Pro-Life/Flame; Ryan and

    orie Monte de Ramos, Family Ministry.

    Contributed by Ronnie and Haide


    A CLS in Al Ain was concluded recently and participants are

    now being integrated to existing households and will underg

    their Covenant Recollection. A total of 10 individuals made

    through - 1 CFL, 2 SvFL, 5 HFL, 1 SFL. May 9 marked the

    of the CLS in Sharjah for Dubai/Sharjah participants.

    Not including the new members from Al Ain, CFCFFL UAE

    Membership is: 52 (26 couples) CFL, 3 SvL, 4 HFL, 10 KFL

    YFL, 6 SFL fr a total of 85 member.Contributed by Luis Port



    Nicaragua has 57 new members of Jvenes Para Cristo! Th

    is our biggest number of participants todate! The camp was

    powerful! Praise God! God was really with us!

    Being missionaries for families here in Nicaragua for almos

    year now has been filled with ups and downs. I was disorien

    at first because this country has suffered so much from atta

    on the family such as divorce, rising incidence of broken

    families and a culture of indifference. Thus, preaching to the

    about family is very difficult.

    However, the mission must go on in order to spread love


  • 8/6/2019 STT Magazine (Issue 2, 2008 June)


    nd save families!. In our recent PVC (CLS), we were able

    o harvest 10 Couples and 14 Siervas (Handmaids). It was

    ur f