Best Practices CRM Campaign & UTM Structure Recommendations

Structure Recommendations CRM Campaign & UTM Best … · The Old Salesforce Campaign Structure Historically, clients have relied on a Salesforce campaign structure to try to understand

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Best PracticesCRM Campaign & UTM Structure Recommendations

The Old Salesforce Campaign Structure

Historically, clients have relied on a Salesforce campaign structure to try to understand how various digital channels drive leads and contacts to different offers. The limitations within SFDC require clients to create an extensive amount of campaigns for every individual marketing activity, or offer, to understand how leads consume that offer from different digital channels.

The following slide is an abbreviated example of how clients have created SFDC campaigns to capture several ways a lead would consume the “Definitive Guide to Marketing White Paper”.

Example: The Old Salesforce Campaign Structure

SFDC Parent Campaign: Marketing Initiative One 2017

SFDC Campaign Type: PPC

SFDC Campaign Name: 17Q2 Definitive Guide to Marketing White Paper EU

SFDC Campaign Name: 17Q2 Definitive Guide to Marketing White Paper US

SFDC Campaign Name: 17Q2 Definitive Guide to Marketing White Paper Global

SFDC Parent Campaign: Marketing Initiative One 2017

SFDC Campaign Type: Website

SFDC Campaign Name: 17Q2 Definitive Guide to Marketing White Paper Global

SFDC Parent Campaign: Marketing Initiative One 2017

SFDC Campaign Type: LinkedIN

SFDC Campaign Name: 17Q2 Definitive Guide to Marketing White Paper Global

SFDC Campaign Name: 17Q2 Definitive Guide to Marketing White Paper US

SFDC Parent Campaign: Marketing Initiative One 2017

SFDC Campaign Type: Nurture Email

SFDC Campaign Name: 17Q2 Definitive Guide to Marketing White Paper EU

SFDC Campaign Name: 17Q2 Definitive Guide to Marketing White Paper US

SFDC Campaign Name: 17Q2 Definitive Guide to Marketing White Paper Global

RecommendedSFDC CampaignStructure

The New Salesforce Campaign Structure

With BrightFunnel Web Tracking, clients can move away from extensive manual SFDC Campaign Creation to capture every combination of Digital Channel / Campaign (Offer).

SFDC campaigns only need to be created to track the online “offers” or the “content” a prospect interacts with, and offline marketing activities such as events.

Recommendations: Salesforce Campaign Examples

Example Online Salesforce Campaign Types: Content, White Paper, Analyst Report, Contact Us Forms, Demo Requests, Webinar, Website Content, Software Trial

Example Offline Salesforce Campaign Types: Hosted Event, Tradeshow, Roadshow, Direct Mail

Example Online & Offline Salesforce Campaign Naming Structure: (Date) (Marketing Initiative) (Campaign Type) Specific Campaign Name (Region)

*(Optional within Campaign Name)

Recommendations: Salesforce Campaign Examples

SFDC Parent Campaign: Marketing Initiative One 2017

SFDC Campaign Type: White Paper

SFDC Campaign Name: (17Q2) (Marketing Initiative) Definitive Guide to Marketing (EU)

SFDC Parent Campaign: Marketing Initiative One 2017

SFDC Campaign Type: Analyst Report

SFDC Campaign Name: (17Q2) (Marketing Initiative) Industry Gartner Report (Global)

SFDC Parent Campaign: Marketing Initiative Four 2017

SFDC Campaign Type: Tradeshow

SFDC Campaign Name: (17Q4) (Marketing Initiative) Tradeshow Attendance

SFDC Campaign Name: (17Q4) (Marketing Initiative) Tradeshow Executive Dinner Attendance

*(Optional within Campaign Name)

RecommendedUTM Structure

Recommendations: UTM Structure

The BrightFunnel snippet will capture the Channel or Source driving to a successful form fill or content download based on your UTM naming structure.

We will layer this information with your Salesforce Campaigns to show you how different Channels drive to successful form fills or content downloads.

Recommendations: UTM Structure

Recommended UTM Parameters (Aligned to Google Analytics): Campaign Medium (utm_medium) – suggested parameter to identify the medium the link was used upon such as: CPC, display, email, retargeting, or syndication etc.

Campaign Source (utm_source) – required parameter to identify the source or channel of your traffic such as: Google Adwords, LinkedIN, Newsletter, Demandbase, or Outbrain Syndication etc.

Campaign Name (utm_campaign) – required parameter to identify a specific promotion or campaign such as a product launch or white paper promotion.

Campaign Content (utm_content) – suggested parameter for additional details for A/B testing such as tagline, red logo or right rail.

Although we suggest leveraging the UTM structure as it is prescribed by GA, if you use UTM parameters differently (ie. medium aligns to channel), we can configure BrightFunnel accordingly.

Recommendations: UTM Structure Examples





Here’s another helpful resource: Template UTM Generator.

Product Screenshots

BrightFunnel Web Activities List

From the Web Activity List, you can see all of the Sources and Digital Campaigns driving to your Salesforce Campaigns. You can measure all of your sources in one view, or you can expand an individual source to see which SFDC Campaigns it is driving engagement to.

Channel / Source Activity Tracking

TechTarget Retargeting




Outbrain Syndication

TechTarget Retargeting

UTM Source

UTM Campaign







BrightFunnel Campaign List

From the Campaign List you can see how different Channels or Digital Sources are driving to each SFDC Campaign Group and SFDC Campaign. Learn which Channel / Offer combinations drive the highest conversion.

Content / Offer Tracking

Adwords Campaign 1

Demandbase Demandbase FinServ Target Campaign

Questions& Next Steps