.. ' XXXIV ----.-- [TWO DOLLARS PE lt YE\ R) HARBOR G&ACE, NFI D., WEDNESUAY, APRIL 5, 18! l3 ( SlNG:UJ: COP11i8 TWO C&Jf'N .) . . ' ReceiVed and For Sale: · Gpe 'n on · Fi-ida.y I. I AOI'.-M CI!IIr&. John Mu nn T . st .. C'o'» C11pt. Apsey, 1\rtived ncr (\118 nt Bristol on Saturday l ast, after a run of 17 dRys. - Thf' (lllt]:O of tht' I111tmd Gem turn - c><l ont :!. 2.13 111'1\ lll, 2,231 hnr pl', 3 lwdln m< ·na. nnd 19 old in nil, 1.3 tons 0. 1 cwt. or HI 1t s. Th e harrs 1\\·e rn gl'd • U . he M ile, !· on her SCll' ml trip Friday ID(Irn ing. ' at T! h ·e r still continue to clo '"ell wi th th<' scn ls . l• C1nl11 1:11t from l hr to :.!T. nnli Gl"l\n<l Rh ···r h l'!ll!- fn m Ill ' to :.!S sen!" on \\'('fin sdtw . The C !o<tim·n•·d cntch to t he nbo, ·e dflte cl 1000 for Co.lr oy nn1l Big and L itt k 3 cases OIL CLOTHES, Keystone B ran d. 2. cases Long Black Oil Coats, <Leather bound, English Make ! 15 · dozen Hamburg Hose, 10 do. Men's Cardigan Jackets, 10 do. Do ry .Hat s 5 do. Yellow Th e ab ove will · be sold Ch eap , whole ·- sal e \ · U NN BR OS. S ie:n of the Ll 0 N. See our Dress Goods at cost prica See our Ladies' Wa terpr oofs at cost price. See our Beots .and ..Sho es at cost ,Price. See our Flannelett es at cost pric . See our Calico at cost pr ice See our nt co t price . See our SHAWLS as cost price .. See- our LACE CURT.A.I KS at cost pri cP. . See our HO I ERY at cost price. See our GLA "' S \VARE at cost price. ee our FA rCY PLU 'HE I nt cost pr ice. See our Plij.A.FORE ' nnd APRONS at cost price. · ) ( JUST RECEIVED. · boxes RAI SINS, retailing at 8 ,.cote p<'r 10 br l s. PRIME B EEF, re tailing o.t 6 cent.a per lb. Turnips and Potatoes lowest prlcea. J. E. W A LKEB, IUld Sboo Faot.or)'. m ar28& FOR SALE AT TTlE FANCY AND TOY BAZAAR, VICTORI A Easter Car ds. :Qirth-ony \ Tr ncE'd nnd Sbo.dPd Mnta, Pl nin nnd Sh aded Berlin Wool, Gold Brnid, 1'i1111ue :Pnpcr, &c. M. J 0 N ES A. & A. · ' .... ,C:nt f' \\ 'F.t L.-: \lr. hnrl r11 F t' mn r c-- <' l'i (•l n d spntch y, •· 1.: 1111 Thul"lltlnv la11t, hun t he.• Lis-f ather hnd min- i nt.. I'! :'I i m in T'lnce nt it\ f or 1h (l 1111 m ot ... H<' will como here uy tho nmd l..:lke. -'friuune. DtT.-Tll e rumour hns lntl'ly 1 :,.1 n r urnn t iu John 's thnt Tivh ert Pinent hns heen appoint ed GM- ern• r of the W ind ward lslnnd!! . ' fh e T ribune of says : A r ep<lrt hn.v- ht 'Cn 1 ubl ish Pd in the pnpers here t h: 't .'i r .Hoben Pinsent, of the .-ul reme jwrt. of Xe wfoundlnml, wns likt to succeed \r Amb rose in t he \';o, ·ern orship 01 the Dnhnm1111, or he n rpui ntcd to some s irnilnr Colonhll post., MARLIN l 93 Water Street, : : Harbo r Crace. ToTr adesni en BQOTS&SHO ES. m. ·J W IrE ==- EDY .L- 1 e IS Ing :J t OF ALL 1Iad o in all st yles nnd sizes. Largest, st rongest, e o. sic. sL working, liafest,aimple- eat, m nccurntc, most co mpact, and most n1odern. F or s alo by nil d eiLlers Boot and Sh<:e - Maker. Sewing - Mach in es. Corner Yirlnria and l Vater Sta. · Hand and F oot nlwnvs ou t - band, and selling cheaper I.-bun E,·ery or AU Stock ia d ir ect. from t.ho Hnnd-Sewed Wor k nr nil klntl• n "lll'l't .• Factory Clev d Oh' CuHtom work promptly performed nL I owen · 10 in nrms. · CnLaloguca mail ed free uy tr Hubert hns wr iuen from Lo ndon, · sn\'b tho Cnnndinn •nzette, whel' e he is m :w on letwe o( stat- thnL be l1ns h ctu d no thwg on the . in England. Th e Ma rlin Fire A rmCo., NEw .• U.S.A. price nnd wltb Outport Orders promptly fi lled. We k eep and Oil of b CJ. t qdnli t. y. '. -- -The follt>win$t nrc the fi rst stcnmers to nr rin yenr ly lrom the Se al F ish e ry 1 SG3 :- Notice to Mariliers. No. 1 of 1893. 1HE BELL BUOY - Y ear. 1 ailed . Arrived ---------- - -- RlooJhoun<} .. 1st. ] ._. ;..:- .;(),;prey . .. . ... . . ]' -•... 0:-prry ...... .. . J, .. ... .. ... . ... l.io,n ... ..... ... . 1 '- .. B!ovdhound .. ]' ·. !l.1.wk ........ . .\pl. :.: !:? i\t the t' ntrnnce of Hnr· ) Ia" li bor, Cbn nucl , b ns bee n d rh·t>11 from its . \ pi. 1 m oori ngs. Ita pr('Sc ot. posi tion is un- •• kot•wn. ;, )[nr. :. ".1 :! 'i ft'I• :!S. GEO. \\'. Secreta ry Hoard Worka. - T!Th- QUE EN . Insurance - Ooy. L ost in the Great Conflngtl\tion th e snm of $5 41,ooo nud the Q UEEN IK URANCE c o. Js .. \\ .drus.. .... .. . \J·I. 1 , •.. . \\'alru s .. .... .. :lr .. N O T I e E. pt nd out to 308 of its patrons, Js, ..; ... II ,,.,r ... .. . ... whose policic · W l3l'C in vol ved J s;' L. .. . ... .. . )iar. li -- · h fi · · J 1-•.. I. _ h• ..... .... :.! .., )\()TreE I:; JI E HE IJ Y t.o 1 .nll m t e re cxnctly :1 •• : mular 1 -- 1 1 \ nl. ·I who 1 11:l)' 1111 \'C mn c npp l Cll· t · .... . ···· Lr 1·n nm ..... , . 1 u , 0 amoun VIZ ] .... ;- ... H1 ti l I. J:l I 1_1 0 11 :\l.l II' ::\t \'lilt ' . J::· , • ... C or• t nlnnd ····· $5 4 1, 00 0 1" ... J.',. l'nn ...... . .. I h I J " > l 1 ... l'r .. 11 . 118 •• •.•••. :.!" ll <' t <II)' of ury, l ·":. ,tl:it t1e1r \\ al rus ..... .. .. .•1 npplit:ll im\s nnd all rc 'ro nls ofth c snme J OHN CORMACK 1' ! ... (' ,,. .,Jute ...... .\ pl. 4 j in tho Ji rc of thnt flnhe. l: , , l "-··· \\' •I f..... ... .... t- tor th e o. 11 \ c Agent. St . ... l'r•ll f' \IS... ..... 1 l !l:l ld.t.;rJ nts, I .H·•III-f'Sorr re 'A. 1\ DRY ..., DALE, ... \urom ........ )f nr .:: rt'cl' l\ "1' nt t w .1 ., \' C. ICC A t II b G 1 ... I', ... .. ;;1) i:H' ((Ilry J'fOOf,ut i ).\ lk\'('1} () l de II mg f gen ' Ill' or race. \\ I. \ I n of l w Mille . Il l ·o prece c nce 0 ]""··· .!......... ... ·P· " I l 1. til ... \ ur 11 r.l ...... ... ',f. 1 r. :: 1; n ll ot u l 11r t 11 .. a me oc nuon, un ] ....... 1 • \ 1 ,1 !-. ' tht• lin,t dny ·>I ntxt, n ltt 'r whi ch . ..... :t.t"(J II ...... ... . . l I . . b d ]""''··· \\'.,, f.... ....... .. ?!lnr. :!1) nil w 1 t ll .c tr..I\Le a.s 1 .'0... K itr ..... ..... ... :!.7 uannt: hct·n ll i:Hi c 1Cir I C' first ttme. ,, -_ 13 D•t led nt St. Joh n' s, th is 6th do.y o f 1t-Jl .. . . ... ep tun c ....... D 1 :v b ') 1 ... Lahrndor ..... . 23 ccctn )Cr, A. . 1 !1:.. . ===-=== ==" ====== H. J. B. W ODS, Hi ggins' Ha ir - Dr essing ·Rooms, [Two doors west o(the 'l 'clcgmph Offi co] . WATER STREET, HARBOR GRA.C E. The Whi te Sewing M ach in eCo JOHN CA ' EY ' Geneml Agent, \Vater St., Hnrbor Grnce, Nfld. Skinner 's M onumental Art Studio .Q UR BusinPss P lac e.. and ( nti re was destroyed in the Great Fire df Ju ly 8. We hnye 1-ince sncce edeil in erecting u mnnuf o.eturintt ... hop and W nteroon1 on t lw spo t. Wo h:n'e rece iv ed a la r ge of Ma rbl e, fr eAh fr om t he qua rri es j t ogether w. itb n nu mber of tb& Jataat !l-td benn ti ful Cle!!igt;e fL1 r in "lld nr Ho or ti I rllitl·. A lii<), :\"few r ieo ·s of A rt. vh it-b are e xqu i!::!i te in dt·si gn !'rod !i nil.t 1 dP fo r l' hurch or home ornamenl:lti on. attc nlit ' ll i ._j , -. n to e:u·h oruer . H m:d l or lnrge. \\'e as well J•r< ·pnrt!tla'i t tu n·<'• l':t uu cl ('x ecu te ortiNs .Every- th ing is new, evl'ryt h in;: i .. 1-!ood. \\';q •>m pa tr >t Hl :1ntl no te th i s? As i'n t ho pn!!t, we \\ill do l.i r ,.t·clal.! .... work. an d th us E UStain lh <> J!OOJ r t- J>tll iL tlpll Carue.i in uint-tePn years < f tuJ bu3i- ne ss lif e. Tools, Ct>u1f nt, i!l:t:sl ·r, uti hr sale. TE RRA NOV A MARBLE WORKS, Duckworth ' t.. cast ur Dcck' :s- Hill. Jo hn 's. S. E. GARLAND, Water and Bond Sts. ST. JOHN' S. A$ Entertainment . conaiatin g of 1 _ • "-" F 1 AR0ES &c. ' wi ll be he ld in Paul's H all ·. on n ;E.SDAY. April 11th. :; a;--Pn rti cu lnrs Inter on. ' . Post' Office N otice ! A S M IT H 's - r I b I - s==w -- k- I T L.e fo llo win,:t S Pction of t he P ostal ar e 0 r S of l .'U l is pu bl ish ed _f or the 1 · 1 1 oforro nt K>n of t he pu blic , nod ESTABLISHED 1847. BORN. At Jeuey City, X. J., on the 15Lh ult.., the wife M r. of Jan11•s Gra hnm , ll\te of Hnrbor Grn c<', of 1\ Surveyor General. t .otir.e is b f' rf>by -tt iv en ihRt lT ' WILL IN FUTURBE .I:U GlD- 1 .Y ENFORCED. . V isi tors and travellers can r ely on W b t · r h bl' h 1 d · 1 1 havi ng tpeirr equ iremcntssntisfnctorily e eg o lD IO rm t e p_u lC t at we 1n. ve move mto our SEC 76-Eve ry enc M unn & Co tt.e nded t.o. new Workshop nnd Show-room n ext to Sailors' Homo nnd op- lett er or lett ers , or any 'l'trt t. t og to 8 · e ., ' · ' t no p\lrpose of n le tt or or po!t-curd, SH IPPL. '\COMl\ll.SSIOX MER· P mGGINS P . to posi te our old Stnnd , wh ere we h ave ip stock one of largest pnrccl posted for t he parcel poet, . ' r oprle r. nnd best-sel ected Stockl:l of I or l !l n pnckct of snmplcs or pntt(' rns . pos·ted to pnss at. t ho r l\ tO of postage DIED. CH A. 'lTS. .At Lisbon Fulls, on th e ult., ()f 22 ST, JOHN ST., ty plJoid fever, Hugh Gortlon \\' c bber, 16 yenl'!l , n of this to wn. J A Whl .tman HEADSTONES MONUMENTS R1C nppli cnbl e to enmplesnndpn.ttcrcs; .or · ' ' g, •' cnc los E' s n letter or post-co rd, or nny STATUTORY NOTICE. In t he mntt rr of th e ull\ te of P.ET.ER DWYER, l!lte of Harbor Grace, in t.lw Di!tri ct of tho I11iand of Ne wf ouu d la nd, :Ucr- cbant, deceascd . Pt'l t; A. "r to t ho pmvit1ions of t h tl A 1·t •I in t.h.s year of tuc r ci):n of Her pr c11ent Mnj ty , c nt itlrd ' "lito 1' ruttt et•s' .\ ct, 1 i -;," Notice is h <'r< Jti n·u tn all pl·r,!•lll> claimin:; w be < ' rl'd tt ur ot', or who may hn,· e :my claims or dl·tnnnds u pon or atl' ccting th<'Esta tt•or Al'sets ofPJ-n'ERD\\ \'ER, late of li'srbor Gr 1 \Cl\ in tho rtb eru District. ut ... c wf on ndluno, :\I erch ant, wl.o du •d H llrbor Groce, a fort :t i•J , on the l Hb day of Fclmtn ry, A. D .• lS !•J, nnd of whost• Will l)roltn to wsa gra.»tl'd forth of th e 'upreme Court. on ' be 7th cl 11 y ot' .Mnrch A .}). , 1 :c•J, to Richanl Dwyer, of HMbor Ma in, uod Tb omus Haurubnn, or Hnrbor Grace, echoolmMter, the Ex - ecnt.ons in said Willn&mcd, nre her eby r cqueatcd to senti to tho a aid Executors or to the undersignl'd Solicitor for t he ui d .Executors to either of the add r esses gi\ •<:n below, t.he pa rticolllt'll , in wri ting, of tb<:ir clai ma, on or before t. be · da-y of llA Y, A.D., 1898. And noti ce is h ereby tti•en that after th e said da.y of }lay, A ."D ., 189 8, the 11aid Exe- cutors will proceed to c liatri bute c.he .A lOa eta and property or t.be aaid dece aaed a znongtt the Lenteee iu tho aaid Will named, ancllu cli O ther parties Ul may be ent itled to ab&re t.bereio, baviDg re- p rd only to t.be clalm8 of which they shall ha-ve bAd Da •@d 8&. John'•• .tbie 14th ot llarab, 1888. P. 1. SUJIMERS, 1 SoUch or lor '8, Water&., . Speci al g iv en to t he s ale of and Fi sh Oils. Al !!o. to tbe bu yi ng and !- lt if\ p ing of Flou r nnd prov isi o ns and (.;eneral ProducE'. Cable Add r ess-:\! un n. , · N fi dl . d' II - b d b to 1 d 1 writ i ng to serve the purpt' a ll of a letter Custom TailOr eve_r seen m ew oun nn . nvmg p ure nse t e s c an : or ·post-curd, or eu cJOfles soy other -- ' b uSlDess of the late ALEX. MJTII n.t a .rate fnr below cost, the th it 1g in n ncws:>npc r poatod un.u Will guarnu t ce Fit, WorkmaD8bip S ubscri ber is in a. position -to sell d urin ('I' t his yenr eve r yt hin O' ns nt. t he rate of and Style. · o b npp ticnbl e to newspapers (e xcept. 10 Give us a call. m h1 s at lower rates than ever before. j · , t he cMo of tho n<?counts n• ccipte .. -- l. B est St ock and first- class W or kman ship. I of ·t •C WSI?I\PCr pub hsbers •. eba l\ Outport orders r eceive prompt aJ.tention be J: ·c r mtt ted to p'l!s fo lded w1 tb m th e OqR AUt:+-Dw · n.bi l ity, Str eng th and Beau ty. new spnJ?erss ent.by them to t heir 11u\l N OT 'I c E ' Coru."ER VI CTORIA A..'i'O . A. Shll 'l'H' .:\ IARBLE ·w oRKS or e nclosed n letter o.r Any -- . .I' HARBOR GR A.CE, NOd.. f CIIARLE F rurR 'n Writ mg I nten ded to s erve the purpose- · • lu , .L ROPRJF.TOR . of 0 le tter or pOflt.-card in any ma il- The un d eri!ignP-rl lo i nf o rm I A ad A . · ' ' _ m nt ter sent by post not n'le tter the t rnd e that ju r; t p ut. up n VOl . \ A PEN ALTYNO'rEX new anJ imJ )rovetl tb r .( . w H THO MPSON & co EI ; I•OR'r Y DOLLARS, A ND 1 N0 1 l' · ' l'H 'l 'BN DOLLARS nf tbe manu facture of .... .. ..... .... .. A um _ 1 1 f EAt ;n CASE: J.O: FRASER, :P. M. G. Li quid FISH CLU E, t hey are prepured to 611 o'rdt<r8 for any qutmtit. y, --in casks from 5 to 10 gallo ns; 10 cans fr<'m i ga ll on t.o l pi nt.; nlcso, in 1 nnd 2 oz. bottleD by tb & groe.e . We C hallenge· th e Strength of t bie articl e again st all Compet-i- tors . l\IUNN & CO., HARBOR GRACK WANTED. Ageu'- &o sell our choioe and hardy Nuneey Stock. We have many 1peci&l ln lruit. and onwnen- t&la &o CJJMr, which ue OOD&rolled 9DlJ by u.. We,., •:-.soa or eaJar1. ua .., t1rm1, aocl choice otltlr!IOI7. ·1 ., . .lb. y 1IB0'1'BEB8, . »+=:.:. . Y• lQI)JGI Whol esale a nd Reta il Dr ugg ists· .... - .. - .. T - 'BY Outport Ord e rs a nd promptly atte nde d 1 .E' N fAL ... ... OEP ARTM EN W OO DIL L'S GERMA · BAKING to. Prescr1pt1ons carefully c ompounde d. Dr LEHR hnvi n _g_newly fittt'd np . .• . . . . " LI ON" HOUSE, for AT'IENDANCE SmmAYs-1 0 to 11 am : 2 to 3 alld 8 to 9 p.m. w·m· oo pleased to aueod to a ny •'* ' Dental operation& · Walling Room l, Opcratlo; Dcpan.- ,._ oil Labi\C.Ory will bo found comp lete. W ATER TREET, BA.R..llOR GRACE, - - NF LD. - - 18 55 Rich Readily Albumen. Digested 1n This is what needed in a Beef Prepara-

st ReceiVed and For Sale:· Fi-ida.y ~ igh~.collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18930405.pdf · Corner Yirlnria and lVater Sta. ·Hand and Foot 1\lt~.cbinc.s nlwnvs

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\====~--~- ~-~-==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . . '

ReceiVed and For Sale:· Gpe'n on· Fi-ida.y ~ igh~. I. I

-=-~IARTP.\, AOI'.-M CI!IIr&. John Mu nn T . st .. ~ C'o'» bri ~tTrusty , C11pt. Apsey , 1\rtived t,;~ ·U ncr(\118 nt Bristol on Saturday last , after a smnr~ run of 17 dRys.

- Thf' (lllt]:O of tht' I111tmd Gem turn­c><l ont :!.2.13 111'1\ lll, 2,231 \'Oun~ hnrpl', 3 lwdlnm <·na. nnd 19 old b;1rp~. wri~hirg, in nil, •1.3 tons 0. 1 cwt. or HI 1t s. The youn~ harrs 1\\·erngl'd • ~ U . he M ile,!· on her SCll'ml trip Friday ID(Irning.

' -~<.AI.I ~G NOTES.-L'\nd~mrn at Gr:~nd T! h ·er still continue to clo '"ell wi th th<' scnls. Codro~· l•C1nl11 1:11t from lhr to :.!T. nnli Gl"l\n<l Rh···r h l'!ll!- fn m Ill' to :.!S sen!" on \\'('fin sdtw . The

C!o<tim·n•·d cntch to the nbo,·e dflte o~­grr~n tc cl 1000 for Co.lroy nn1l Big a nd L ittk l~iver.

3 cases Americ~n OIL CLOTHES, Keystone Brand. 2 . cases Long Black Oil Coats, <Leather bound,

English Make! 15 ·dozen Hamburg Hose, 10 do. Men's Cardigan Jackets, 10 do. Dory .Hats 5 do. Yellow Sou~-Westers.

The above will ·be sold C heap, whole·-sale an~ r~tail. \ ·

U NN BROS. S ie:n of the Ll 0 N.

See our Dress Goods at cost prica See our Ladies' Waterproofs at cost price. See our Beots .and ..Shoes at cost ,Price. See our Flannelettes at cost pric . See our Calico at cost price See our BLA~KET nt co t price. See our SHAWLS as cost price .. See- our LACE CURT.A.I KS at cost pricP.. See our HO I ERY at cost price. See our GLA "'S\VARE at cost price.

ee our FArCY PLU 'HE I nt cost price. See our Plij.A.FORE ' nnd APRONS at cost price. ·

) (


retailing at 8 ,.cote p<'r J~.

10 brls. PRIME BEEF, retailing o.t 6 cent.a per lb.

Turnips and Potatoes a~ lowest prlcea. J . E . W A LKEB,

Oppcmt~.BooL IUld Sboo Faot.or)'. m ar28&



Easter Cards. :Qirth-ony C'srd~. \ TrncE'd nnd Sbo.dPd Mnta,

Plnin nnd Shaded Ber lin Wool, Gold Brnid, 1'i1111ue :Pnpcr, &c.

M. • J 0 N E S A. & A. BRU~-"LEl~.

· ' s~cru

....,C:nt f' \\'F.t L.-:\lr. hnrlr11 F t'mn rc-­<'l'i (•l n ···ll'~rnpllit• d spntch f~om x~-w y , •·1.: 1111 Thul"lltlnv la11t, mformtn~ hun t he.• Lis-father hnd dispos~dofhis min­i nt.. I'! :'I i m in T'lncent it\ for 1 h (l 1111 m ot ... 1.~\tll.'l(). H<' will como o~ here uy tho

nmd l..:lke.-'friuune.

-0~ DtT.-Tlle rumour hns lntl'ly 1:,.1 n r urnnt iu ~t. J ohn's thnt ~ir Tivhert Pin•ent hns heen appointed GM­ern• r of the W ind ward lslnnd!!. 'fhe T ribune of ~fonllny says : A rep<lrt hn.v­in~ ht'Cn 1 ublishPd in the pnpers here th:' t .'i r .Hoben Pinsent, Jud~e of the .-ul reme jwrt. of Xewfoundlnml, wns l ikt h· to succeed \r Ambrose ~hen in t he \';o,·ernorship 0 1 the Dnhnm1111, or he nrpuintcd to som e s irnilnr Colonhll post.,

MARLIN s~/d;! l ~~?..~~~~~~RIFLES

9 3 Water Street, : : Harbor Crace. ToTr adesnien BQOTS&SHOES. m. ~~W~h=.t~.=K~. ====~======~~

·J W IrE==- EDY .L- 1 e IS Ing • • ~ :J t OF ALL

1Iado in all styles nnd s izes. Largest, strongest, eo.sic.sL working, liafes t,aimple­eat, m ~ nccurntc, most compa ct, and m ost n1odern. F or salo by nil deiLlers

Boot and Sh<:e - Maker. Sewing - Mach ines. Corner Yirlnria and lVater Sta. ·Hand and Foot 1\lt~.cbinc.s nlwnvs ou

t - band, and selling cheaper I.-bun C\~er. E,·ery descrl~t lon or LK~~~:.~;~~~;-~~1;i1r<'d. AU Stock ia i~rtcd d irect. from t.h o

Hnnd-Sewed Work nr nil klntl• n "lll'l't .• t~y . Factory • Clev d Oh' CuHtom work promptly performed nL Iowen · • ~h • 10 •

in nrms. · CnLaloguca mailed free uy

tr Hubert hns wriuen from London, · s n \ 'b tho Cnnndinn •nzette, whel'e he is

m :w stnyin~ on letwe o( nhs~ncc, stat­in~ thnL be l1ns hctud no thwg on th e

. aubjcc~ in England.

The Marlin Fire Arms· Co., NEw HAVE~, Co~~ .• U.S.A.

price nnd wltb d~llpntch. Outport Orders promptly fi lled.

We k eep N~cdles and Oil of b CJ. t qdnlit.y .

'. ---The follt>win$t nrc the fi rst stcnmers

to nrrin• yenr ly lrom the Seal F ishery sfn~_·c 1SG3 :-

Notice to Mariliers. N o. 1 of 1893.

1HE BELL BUOY -Year. '"'Lenmen~. 1 ailed. Arrived ---------- ---]~"L. RlooJhoun<} .. ~[ar 1st. ] ._.;..:- .;(),;prey ........ . ] ' -•... 0:-prry ........ . J, .. I L~wk ... . . ... . J~·- ... l.io,n ... ........ . 1 '- ~ .. B!ovdhound .. ] ' ·. !l.1.wk .... .... .

.\pl. :.:!:? i\t the t' ntrnnce of Port.-au-Bn~~quo Hnr· ) Ia" li bor , Cbnnucl , b ns been d rh·t>11 from its . \ pi. 1 m oorings. Ita pr('Scot. posi tion is un-

•• kot•wn. ;,

)[nr. :.".1 :!'i ft'I•:!S.

GEO. \\'. ~fl:\YS, Secreta ry Hoard W orka.

- T!Th-

QUEEN . Insurance - Ooy. Lost in the Great Conflngtl\tion

the snm of

$541,ooo nud the

QUEEN IK URANCE co. J s .. \\ .drus.. .... .. . \J·I. 1~1 • • 1 , •... \\'alrus ...... .. ~.\ ,·:lr .. :_~~I N OT I e E. ptnd out to 308 of its patrons, J s , ..; ... II ,,.,r......... whose policic · W l3l'C involved J s;' L. l·:~~·.:lc .. . ... .. . )iar. li -- · h fi · · J 1-•.. I. _h• ......... :.! .., )\()TreE I :; JI EHEIJY Gld\"E....~ t.o

1.nll m t e r e cxnctly :1 •• :mular

1 -- 1 1 \ nl . ·I p•~ r:~ons who 111:l)' 1111\ ' C mn c npp l Cll· t · ..... ···· Lr 1·n nm ..... , . 1

u , 0

amoun V I Z ] .... ;- ... I>_~.>.. . . .. .... . H1til • I. J:l I 1_1 0 11 :\l.l II' ::\t c~:! \'lilt ·E~a:nAJ. :'~ rnc~ ' . J::· , • ... Cor• t nlnnd ····· ~iar. ~.;\; I t·:nn~!~n~~~~·n~· t~t\:;r ~:~~~~~~gr~rio~u~.o . $54 1,000 1" ... J.',. •l'nn ...... . .. I h I J " > l 1 1· ... l'r .. 11.118 •• •.•••. :.!" ll<' t <II)' of ury , l ·":.,tl:it t1e1r 1~ \\ al rus... .. .... .•1 npplit:ll im\s nnd all rc' ronls ofthc snme J OHN CORMACK 1' ! ... ( ',,..,Jute...... .\pl. 4 j w~rc d<·~u roy. ·J in tho Ji rc of thnt flnhe. l: , ,

l "-··· \\' •I f... ...... . .. t- :\ ppl i ~ll io]l · tor the r~ewnl o.11

\ c Agent. St . .John,~. 1~ . : ... l'r•llf' \IS... ..... 1 l !l:l ld.t.;rJnts, I .H·•III-f'Sorr 't~S, Wl re 'A. 1\ DRY ...,DALE, ] ::0'"~ ... \urom ... .. . .. )fnr .:: r t'cl'l\"1' nt t w .1 ., \'C. ICC fu~OD6·~- •s- A t II b G 1 ... I', ~ulutc . ... .. ;;1) i:H' ((Ilry J'fOOf,ut i ~~~~ ).\ lk\'('1} () l de II mgf gen ' Ill' or race.

\\ I. \ I n of l w Mille . !I ~ Ill ·o prece cnce 0 ]""··· .!............ ·P· " I l 1. til ]~-; ... \ ur11r.l ......... ',f.1r. ::1; n ll ot u ~~ l 11r t 11 .. a me ocnuon, un ] ....... 1 • \ 1,1 !-. ' th t• lin,t dny ·>I ~.L•y nt•xt, nltt' r which . ..... :t.t"(JII..... . . . . . . • l I . . b d ]""''··· \\'.,,f.... ....... .. ?!lnr. :!1) : _:11 ~: nil npphc~ttWI~!I w

1t ll .c tr..I\Le a.s

1 .'0 ... Kitr ..... ..... ... :!.7 uannt: hct·n ll i:Hic 1Cir ~ IC' first ttme. , , -_13 D•tled nt St. J ohn's, th is 6th do.y of 1t-Jl .. . .... ep tunc .. ..... D 1 :v b ')

1 ~r.! .. . Lahrndor..... . 23 ccctn )Cr, A. . 1 !1:... ===-====="====== H . J. B. W ODS,

Higgins' Hair - Dressing ·Room s,

[Two doors west o(the 'l'clcgmph Offico] . WATER STREET, HARBOR GRA.CE.

The White Sewing Machine Co JOHN CA 'EY

' Geneml Agent, \Vater St., Hnrbor Grnce, Nfld.

Skinner's Monumental Art Studio .Q UR BusinPss P lace.. and ( nti re ~tock was destroyed in the Great Fire

df July 8. W e hnye 1-ince sncceedeil in erecti ng u mnnufo.eturintt ...hop and W nteroon1 on t lw o1<~ spot. Wo h:n'e rece ived a large ~upply of Ma rbl e, freAh f rom the quarries j together w.itb n number of t b & Jataat !l-td mo~t benn ti fu l Cle!!igt;e fL1 r Cemat~ry d,.ecoratioll~, in Bt>~\dt.tonN "lld Monument~. ~f nrHo or ti I rllitl·. A lii<), :\"few r ieo ·s o f lt!~o in: A rt. vh it-b are exqui!::!i te in dt·sign !'rod liui~h. !inil.t1dP fo r l 'hurch puqn' .Ji''~, o r home ornamenl:ltion. PN~0:11tl attcnlit' ll i ._j ,-. n to e:u·h oruer. Hm:d l or lnrge. \\'e nr~ as well J•r<·pnrt!tla'i t ..-c~r t u n·<'• l':t uucl ('xecut e ortiNs .Every­thing is n ew , evl'ryth in;: i .. 1-!ood. \\';q •>m patr >tHl :1ntl friend~ note th is? As i'n t ho pn!!t, we \\ill do nottnn~ Lu~ l.i r ,.t·clal.! .... work. and thus EUStain l h <> J!OOJ r t-J>tll iLtlpll Carue.i in uint-tePn years < f AUC~t:l. tuJ bu3i­ness life. T ools, Ct>u1f nt, i!l:t:sl ·r, • uti ~l :tllctt~ h r sale.

TE RRA NOV A MARBLE WORKS, Duckworth ' t.. cast ur Dcck ':s-H ill. ~t. John's.

S. E. GARLAND, Water and Bond Sts .


A$ Entertainment . conaiating of 1 _ • "-"

F1AR0ES &c. '

will be held in

S~t Paul's H all·. on n ;E.SDAY. April 11th.

:;a;--Pnrticulnrs Inter on. ' .

Post' Office Notice !

A S M IT H 's -r I b I -s==w --k - I T L.e followin,:t S Pction of the P ostal ar e 0 r S ~1ct of l .'U l is p u bl ish ed _for the 1 · 1 1 oforrontK>n of t he public, nod


At Jeuey City, X. J., on the 15Lh ult.., t he wife Mr. of Jan11•s Gra hnm, ll\te of Hnrbor Grnc<', of 1\ dnu~thter.

• Surveyor General .

t .o t ir.e is b f'rf>by -ttiven ihRt lT 'WILL IN FUTURI£ BE .I:UGlD-1 .Y ENFORCED.

. Visi tors and travellers can rely on W b t · r h bl' h 1 d · 1 1 having tpeirrequiremcntssntisfnctorily • e eg o lDIOrm t e p_u lC t a t we 1n.ve move mto our SEC 76-Every person ~-~~ enc os~:va

~tewart Munn & Co tt.ended t.o. new Workshop nnd Show-room next to Sailors' Homo nnd op- lett er or letters, or any 'l'trtt.tog to 8 · e

~ ., ' · ' r · tno p\l r pose of n lettor or po!t-curd,

SH IPPL.'\Q· A.i~D COMl\ll.SSIOX MER· P mGGINS P . to posite our old Stnnd, where we have ip stock one of th~ largest in ~ . pnrccl posted for the parcel poet, . ' roprle r. nnd best-selected Stockl:l of I o r l !l n pnckct of snmplcs or pntt('rns

. pos·ted to pnss at. t ho rl\tO o f postage DIED. CHA.'lTS. .At Lisbon Fulls, on the 2ts~ u lt., ()f 22 ST, JOHN ST., MO~TREAL.

typlJoid fever, Hugh Gortlon \\' cbber, A·~<'d 16 y enl'!l, n n~J i,·e of th is town.

J A Whl.tman HEADSTONES MONUMENTS R1C npplicnble to enmplesnndpn.ttcrcs;.or • • · • ' ' g, •' cnc losE's n letter or post-cord, or nny

STATUTORY NOTICE. In the mnttr r of the ull\te of P.ET.ER

DWYER, l!lte of Harbor Grace, in t.lw ~orthern Di!trict of tho I11iand of Newfouud land, :Ucr­cbant, deceascd.

Pt'l t; A. "r to tho pmvit1ions of t htl A 1·t JM~~~· •I in t.h.s 4~1. year of tuc r ci):n of Her prc11en t Mnj ty, cntit lrd '"lito 1'ruttt et•s' .\ c t, 1 i -;," Not ice is h <'r< b~ Jti n·u t n all pl·r,!•lll> claimin:; w b e <' rl'dttur ot', or who m ay hn,·e :my claims or d l·tnnnds upon or atl'ccting t h<'Esta tt•or Al'sets ofPJ-n'ERD\ \ \'ER, late of li'srbor Gr1\Cl\ in tho ~c rtberu District. u t ... • cwfonndluno, :\Ierch ant, df·~· 11~cd, wl.o du•d 1\~ H llrbor Groce, a fort :ti•J, on the l Hb day of Fclmtnry, A. D .• lS!•J, nnd of whost• Will l)roltnto wsa gra.»t l'd forth of the 'uprem e Court. on ' be 7th cl11y ot' .Mnrch A .})., 1 :c•J, to Richanl Dwyer, of HMbor Main, acboolmnt~ter, uod Tbomus Haurubnn, or Hnrbor Grace, echoolmMter, the Ex­ecnt.ons in said Willn&mcd, nre hereby rcqueatcd to senti to tho a aid Executors or to the undersignl'd Solicitor for the uid .Executors to either of the addresses gi\•<:n below, t.he particolllt'll, in writing, of tb<:ir claima, on or before t.be ~'l.RST ·da-y of llA Y, A.D., 1898. And notice is h ereby tti•en that after the said Firs~ da.y of }lay, A ."D., 1898, t he 11a id Exe­cutors will proceed to cliatribute c.he .A lOa eta and property or t.be aaid deceaaed a znongtt the Lenteee iu tho aaid Will named, ancllucli Other parties Ul may be entitled to ab&re t.bereio, baviDg re­p rd only to t.be clalm8 of which they th~>n shall ha-ve bAd ~-

Da•@d ·~ 8&. John'•• .tbie 14th ~Y ot llarab, 1888.

P. 1. SUJIMERS, 1 SoUch or lor Bxeeu&o~~.

.AM.,.~-- '8, Water&., .

Special all~>nti()n g iven to t he sale of !<~ish and Fis h Oils.

Al!!o . t o tbe b u yin g and !- lt if\p ing o f Flour nnd pro v isio ns and (.;eneral ProducE'. Cable Add ress-:\! un n. ~lontreal. ,

• · N fi dl . d' II - b d b to 1 d 1 writ ing to serve the purpt'all of a letter Custom TailOr eve_r seen m ew oun nn . nvmg pure nse t e s c ~ an : or ·post-curd, or eucJOfles soy other -- ' buSlDess of the late ALEX. MJTII n.t a .rate fnr below cost, the th it 1g in n ncws:>npc r poatod t~ un.u

Will guarnu tce Fit, W orkmaD8bip Subscriber is in a. position -to sell durin ('I' t his yenr everythinO' ns • ~.newspaper nt. t he rate of }JOStn~e and Style. · • • • o b npp ticnble to newspapers (except. 10

Give us a call. m h1s ~me at lower rates than ever before. j · , the cMo of tho n<?counts an~ n•ccipte . . -- l. Best Stock and first-class W orkmanship. I of· t •CWSI?I\PCr pubhsbers • . wh~ch_ ebal\

Outport orders receive prompt aJ.tention be J: ·crmttted to p'l!s folded w1tbm the OqR AUt:+-Dw·n.bility , S trength and Beauty. new spnJ?erssent.by them to t heir 11u\l

N OT'I c E ' Coru."ER V ICTORIA A..'i'O WATERs~. . A. Shll'l'H ' .:\IARBLE ·w oRK S scx:i'~CI'I!, or enclosed n letter o.r Any -- . . I' HARBOR GR A.CE, NOd.. f CIIARLE F ~ rurR ' n Writ mg Intended to serve the purpose-~ · ~ • lu , .L ROPRJF.TOR . of 0 le tter or pOflt.-card in an y m ail-

The und eri!ignP-rl Ia·~ lo inform I A ad A . · ' ' _ m nt ter sent by post not bein~: n' letter the t rnd e that Lewin~ jur;t put. up n VOl . \ mmonla. ~ srr~~L L~CUR A PENALTYNO'rEX

new anJ i m J)rovetl ~laclt i nery tb r .( . w H THOMPSON & co • EI ; I ~G I•OR'rY DOLLARS, AND 1 N01 l' · 'l'H ru..~ 'l'BN DOLLARS nf

t be manufacture o f ...... ......... .. A u m _ 1 1 • f EAt ;n CASE:

MU~N'S ' J.O: FRASER, :P. M. G.

Liquid FISH CLUE, t hey are prepured to 611 o'rdt<r8 for any qutmtit.y ,--in casks from 5 to 10 gallons; 10 cans fr<'m i gallon t.o l pint.; nlcso, i n 1 nnd 2 oz. bottleD by tb& groe.e.

We Challenge· the Strength of tbie article against all Compet-i­tors.


WANTED. Ageu'- &o sell our choioe and hardy

Nuneey Stock. We have many1peci&l nrletles~f:lotb ln lruit. and onwnen­t&la &o CJJMr, which ue OOD&rolled 9DlJ by u.. We,., •:-•.soa or eaJar1. Wri~ ua • .., t1rm1, aocl ~ choice otltlr!IOI7. ·1

., . .lb. y 1IB0'1'BEB8,

.»+=:.:.. Y • lQI)JGI

~.~E~ {~,~:::moness Wholesale and Retail Drugg ists· ·:-ch_9

~-ar_b_o_r-.~---~--a-~-6-.... -.. -.. T-'BY CSI~G Outpor t Orders .~e~sonally and promptly attended 1 .E'NfAL ... ~ ... OEPARTMEN



• to. Prescr1pt1ons car efully compounded. Dr LEHR hnvin_g_newly fittt'd np . . • . . . . " LION" HOUSE, for

AT'IENDANCE o~ SmmAYs-10 to 11 am : 2 to 3 alld 8 to 9 p.m. i>oti.~n·tc; w·m· oo pleased to aueod to any •'* ' Dental operation& ~>. · Walling Rooml, Opcratlo ; Dcpan.-

mon~ ,._oil Labi\C.Ory will bo found complete.

W ATER TREET, BA.R..llOR GRACE, - - NFLD. - - 18 55

Rich Readily Albumen. Digested • 1n This is what ~s needed in a Beef Prepara-

'!'he. H on. J. W . Fennimore is the Sheriff 'of Kent Co., Del., and lives at Do,·cr( t he County Seat and Cap­ital of. \he. Sthte. T he sheriff is a geull 1n:ta ;ifty-nine ye:us of age, and this is what be says : " I have " used your August Flower for sev­.. era( ·years in my family and for my uown 1use, ani found it does me "more good than any other remedy. " I have been troubled with what I " call Sick. Headache. A pain comes " in the back .part of my head first, "and then soon a genera l headache

. •' until I bccorr;;e sick and vomit. "At times, tOQ1 I have a fullness " after eat;ing . a ~ressu.re after eating "at the pit of the stomach, and "sourness, wheu food seemed to-rise " up in my throat and mouth. When "I feel this coc:ling on if' take a "little August Flower it relieves " me, and is the best remedy I have "ever tdken for it. For this reason "I take• it and recommend it to ''.others as a great remedy f~r Dys­"pep:;ia, &c:" ~

G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury. Kew'j trsey, U. S. A. . -,.


Xllf• cdcbratccl p N'parc:!or.. of Jrlld C1•er nJ l•a~ fxoc11 G l•ooucl<old f a r or ito f or t~p­«>ard• of o l:alf a ccn :ur y , ern" ~.r t o-day tho So"relq11 Ilom«ly fo,. alt


rt ope>u tlao oon!]c•letl t •at­•oou1 ezpe/4 tl10 .UUCOU 6 UO• po•lt., ancl by 1't:a•on of 41• •tomaclalo 2ualltlc• produce• o h earty appetite aud olt:u

'.ti'Cnqth and e>~eJ'(Jy t o t llo tl~nt,

Eo,. •ale by all D1'flqqut ••

spendini your money for worth· less medicines and buy n bottle of


will prove of Inestimable value,

u it Ia almost certain to cure

at once that severe and raspini




ESTABLISHED --- I~ 17 '2


::=- FmoA v, lla.roh 10. {Continued) ·

' r.- Mr. MoRINE, ( c(n.tinuad.) n never l':Aa Agreed to by the Legialati t"e Couq· jltl nnd wn" not thl'reforo a reeolu~ion ~Y th e Le~islaturo hut only one brnr.ch of it.. Tha H ouse woe under tholeadcl'-hip C}f the Coloni_al ~crctaiy an'tl ~h<'

Pronpr r 's only ObJeot wlrcferring to the mnttcr w:as nppar<>ntly to mnke <Ln nt­ta.ck upon that. gcuUemnn who ·would

r•tt.hou~ doubt ably repl)' to him. Aa o the aeoond pt)int tho le tters subse­uent•to May l at. 1891, bad all to be

~;cad in the t'i~ht of the lettbrwritton on thnt date, to the mdttar of which they au referred. No better proof could ~e :l8kcd of ~be fnct that. tbe pro~ mt\de on thnt dnte were never var1ed by ttny correi pondl•nce or in anyotherwn.y ttp t~ the UitlO or th rir final a cceptance by H e c- Mlljt's ty's Government. than the tilct that those proposnls were mado in L~ samo form 1n the bill dnlftcd by the Premier himself and submitted to H er ~Jnjra~ty's Government nfter all corrcs­po!lclc!lcc bnd censed. As to the ~hint ·~hJ cllon-the;Jgh tho Premier now said h!' n~ree<~wit~ l;ler Mnjel!t.y's Gover.n­mant to the b tll Int roduced by him lnst &...-ssion, h e denied thnt fnct point blnnk when Lhc b i ll w.~forc the Hot111e lnst &Cssion. But i f ho nd so agreed h e ncretl without nuth ity, for that. 'bill hnd depllr ted from a vit..'ll principle con­LJlint>~ e \·en in the draft billbrought on t uy H .ts !fonor the .Speaker, after which a. mnJonty of th e delr~ntea were not in London. The hon.thc Prl'mier~tnd H on :\[r. H nn·cy were left there with · powt>r to nrrnngc df'ta i ls of principle alrend,· :tl!sertrd to, hut-th ey proceed('(! toancri­lice those principles entirely and t.o tt):!rce t.o fllht>rs which 11 mnjorit.y of the •IPlegnlca would luwe indignnntly spurn­nl. As a mnttr r of fnct, nftcr the dclc­g•~tcs werJ wnmed by te legraph from l11mself to lion. Mr. Monroe and from thl' Executi ,·e Council to Sir William \\'h itc.wny, th:.t before finnlly plcdgin~ the k~islltturo to the adoption of a·n,. 111~·asurc tlaey shoC1ld bring thP <lraft. t~ th1s colony for consultntioo with m em ­brril of the Government and others it wns a fa ilure to obey these strict ~nd rroper instructions nnd the mnking of onprofitnble conces11ions which brous:ht ubout nil the subsequent trouble in ,...l,ich rho Premier hnd h imsetr chiefly to ul:tme. The hon. m emb<>r, Mr. Web­ber, hnd stntcd thnt if he (~lr. M.) bnd rcmnincd on tho oth<>r s tdc of the At­lantic nu doubt matters might h n,·e ljOllC d ifferently; to whicl\ no would rcp~y, _lhfll the I:ill ngreed upon by tbe mnJOrlty of the dclrgntcs contained n. J?rO\'ision forcompcnsat~onnnd proyided tor locnUy n ppolllted Judges. and his co-~lclegntes never dcrarted in n. mn­~nnl clq~r<'e from thoso pri~ciples dul'-111~ the. 11 m e that they rema111ed on the ·•t lwr s l'lc of th!' A tlantic. Sjr William \Yhitc .my hnd stuted h ere thia nfter-

-!10011 that the princ iples of the Bill ro­J<'Ctr<h lnst Y<'"r w<·re the prioci ples •f:; rced to by ~fr. Eme~on nnd Mr. :\Ion· roc. uch, howe,·er, wns not the cnse :·or in sub·srct ion onr, sect ion two, it would Lc found thnt th <'rr wns abac•lu tc­ly no power for that court to try cnses c.'I:C<'I•t two clnuses. nnmely: :'•he ro :>. naval ofliccr thought such a con~e nc­' 'U!sary and where the parti ag"gdc,·ed had nn nr.tinn n~ninst a rfll \'1\l oflicr r. \\'ere a Xewfou ndlnndcr to go b efore the l'OUrt and complni:-a of wrongful t rea t­ment. by Frenchm en, the tribunnl would not cutt•rtni n an application for a redress of h is wrongs, unleaa it wns thou~ht n_ecessn ry by a nn \'Ill officer. Tbnt Bill :~!mply meant thnt whenever a poor · ~ cwfoundlnnd fish c·men WI\S found , Join,~:: anything to injure a Fre:nchmnn "hereby complicattons might ariao b; tween Franco and England, then wonld the Newfoundlander be b rough t before the courts and punished. But if, on the other b:1ml, n E.:renchmnn did anything to a Ncwfoundfnndcr, it would be con­a~iJered by n nn \'a I officer to be unneces-


Highest of all in Leavening Powcr.-Latest U. S. Gov't. Report. I

did not intend at thialnto h our to malco aoy lengthy remarks on the subject. be­Cure the chair. H e hnd ma,Jo a. fe w observations yesterdny in inLroducing thie report which he had boped woulu be cons idered fully suffic ient, nnd h&ve justiliod him in the c>ycs of tho Hoose nod or tho Jltllllill. f.,r his notion in rc­gnrd to ~hia~ m:~twr. H e only desired now t<> r..•nto \'0 tho fnlso i mpresaion that mis ht ~!$ ihly bavo been erel\\e<l by tho obscrvat i(Jns thnt hnrl flllll'n from his honort>d leader, S ir Willit\m \YhitP­W:Iy, this evening. H e regrl'tterl ex­crcdingly tl11\t tb~tt gent)C;'mnn should have nllowerl his pc>rioDR.l ferlin,~::s to

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:=--;--:=:::=~====~==~=~::-~~ have WRrpP.d hi!"!ud~:mont. , Thnt. he - --- - --- hl\d allowed thMe feelings to carry him If the people of Newfoun•ll~tnd were to · on oo an n njnstifinhlo attack u pon the jud~o butwccn the principle containcu re~ry h nd n.l!!o wired to the H on. Prt~- m,.,th·ea nncl p rocr1lnre of h is own in the Premier's Bill l\nd the propoaals ~l~r d ot to finnlly n~r""' t:pon n· B ill but fri end!! nod supporl<'r<~. R o (Colqnial made by tho d elegates there could be · 10 ou~ whnt. ~uld bn obtained nnd cr.r~t.ru,d hnrl bel'n 11io~l('d ou t 1\8 a no doubt ns to theil' ve rdict. In the brl!lg tho lllfor1itf\L1on across tho wnte r. Rpl'r. lal om~nder. Rnd i t therl'forr hPc~tmc Upper H ouse this evening tho H on . .Mr. In. repl~· to thnt nH•Mn~e Mr. J\[onroP n_ecf'!lann· for him to plncP himaf"lf Ha rvey bad declnrcd tha t. if this m ea- IIR.Id thnt th~re nl'r.d he no fen.r nl'l no m:ht. T hr.v I nd wi tnc>sRed th is C\'l'n­sage wns sent a cross tho water, h e agr~cmrnt. woulci h~> finnllr nrrived 'nt i n~ the t ruth o the old adnc-r. tl11\t. " H o would plncc on tho reo:>rds his protest nntll tho delc>j:!nt;t~ had returnf'd with '~·ho fil:hts nne rhns nway wi ll live to against tho statement thllt thnt Bill I he . !.l>rm<~ of n. Btll tt) lny b C>fMr. this ht:ht nnoth r r ny." .It woul1l bP re­did not inc lude the princ iples assent t!d L;Jn11lnture. R n would nqsc rL h ere to- mNn bc:rr d h w · m hnntly thr. Ron. to by the delega~cs. The hon. Mr. Hal'- · m,cllt thntthe H nn. C'.olo':' inl SPcrctarv Attornry Gene .11 comml'nced the fi~ht vcy wn" e \·iucutly prepare~to-n ight to ~nrl ~~~nt to ~ho H l)n. Prt!Oll~'r n c!Pspatch lnst Y<'Rr on be nl f of whl\t wAs known se ll tho Jn.,t Chl\llCO of LhC Colony, be-" ~ rlPnt:cn.J With. ROI ] COnt:t ininz thCSI\Ill!'. n.s t ho ~!'wfoundJand .'' Corrcion Bill," cause the whole cfl'ect of his speeb must. mst~uct.wns llll the our which ho h nd nnrl how h e nfte~":•trdl!) entl~IWorcd to bo _to deny the people of this country for~'< nrdcd to ftho H on .. :\[r. Monroe. :!"~ ont o_f the PO!I Itton 1!1 wlucl{hP h'!-d thPt r ncarc t and dearest right~. Sir Both mr11an~ea wcro r ecei\'I'CI by those pi,Lcrd h t m11el~. by monng thl\t thu htll \ illinm \\'hilew1~y hnd to-d11.y quoted n two ~rnt.lemon on. the 81\me rlnr . nncl hn hr c!roppl'd on 1ts aecond rend in~. After telegram from the R on . Mr. ,\Ionroe to h~td reaa~n t~ bch e,·r thnt Sir Willin.n1 tnk1n1: ~ rest M twelve month' thry himself P,Ir. ~L) the efl'~ctof which WI\S hnd rep!!_ed 1n the snm , terms All 1\fr. foun~l l11m ~··tu rnin~ to the fizht this that there need b e no fenr thnt. the dole- :\[onrne. , Anoth.er RfAtrn_trnt m :11le by evemn~:. fort11iPd as hr llnppoaed beh ind g.lt es wou ld ngreo to any permanent the . H on . P rem1cr Pontntnrd n chMt:<' whn~ ho WM plcnSPII to t e rm, "tho in­l.egisll\tion, nnd in the fnce 11f this tcle- :lgam!l.t H on: Mr. ~ron roe ~ thr effect Cflnsu1t.cncy of thP R on. Co lon in.! ec­gt'lLill the hon. Premier for the purpose t~l\t. hl8 lea n nq IJ~>n1lon nt thP time h e crl'tn.ry." Armrd with nn oOlcinl copy of h:L\·ing a fling nt n pcrsonnloppoficnL rl1d, wns .a brencn of h i11 ohli!!':lt ion to of Ills (Colonial Srcrr tnry's) remnrks )1t'rsi.JJ\.ed in s l..hting thn t the hon. Mr. the .other dele~atcs, nnrl )'l't hn (Mr. mncle on t.ho occn11ion when this question Mour()e hnd agreed t.o such legislation. :\forme) ~hnd a l <'tt~r from :-.ir William "'.tR before th u H onsl' ln.3t. ycllr. h" r n­H.ow did :::iir William Whitewny b et- ro Mr. )[onroo wh1ch rc•Ld RS follnw11. dc>n ~·ora to de11tmy tbe work which this com o pos:~l's:~ed of :L primle telcgmm f Hcrc the hon. m P_mlH•r rl:'nd t he (t>LL<'r.l T.t'~l sl:_1 turc hnd confirlcd to a KClrc:t from tho H on. ~lr. ll.onroo to himacll fhA~ let ter wns ~ltrnNI hy Sir William comnutt.ec o f it.a rne rnhers. W hM <'X­( .Hr . Morine) Did he p urloin i t? I t w11s W_htt('way, thn H on. :\Jr. Hnr\'<'Y nntl tr;tol'll inn ry cnndur.t ! Til' tho~ght thnt. n~t a primte ~l'legram, consequently hu H1s, H o}lou: tl~e •. pcakcr. a n I i t s llltr d h1~ honnrecl lendcr hnd mndo n grent d !d n ot s tfnl i t ami it 'YI\S not c~me by thnt . ns the .prmc1plc h_nrJ ht"en agrP~d m1stak_c>, anrl h i' _wns sorry ~hnt h is d1:chonornbly, l.tecauae 1t was sant in tho upon, there only rrmntnNI the dr ta tls hi'Lter ; udgnwnt d1d not p revl\ll. for ho full knowledge of t he delegates. Sir to be. nrrnngrd and thnt th ey' would not ( Uon. C. S.) nppr••ciated thnt \'Cry Willi~tm \\'hiiewar knew wi11\t wna the pr~8 u pon the H on. l!cmlcmen t.o rc- nauch rlnmn~e wns likl'ly to result from m e.ming of th1\t ielegrl\m. The H on. mnlll. And no w ir Willia m l'ltorxl ttp h i11 actinn this nftl'rnoon, nn nction 11o .... pcaker would well remember that lte hero nncl ~ontended that it wn.q ~rr. ~[on- nut of har mony wit~t tho s em11• of •h"' ( Mr. Mor inr) had sa id to tho delegn.tes roc'8 duty to hl\ve rl'maincd 1\nd to H ou!!c thl\t i t hAcl bceu nnly annuorl<'d before len,·ing .I::ngland, the beat courl!e c~nrgll ~[r. )[onrol' with hnvinr;dr sertcd lw thn hon. junior m t>m hrr for Triuity. to tHiopt would u!) to lind out the terms htm. ~ow, h e ( :\[r. :.\[orine) was p re- :'>fr. W <:hber. H e (('ol. . ecy.) n>pl:'nted of the maximum Bill thl\t could uc pllr ed to shrnv thnt hnd thl) four d1•le - th nt ovtl result! coulrl alone follow from obtnined, and upon his nrrival he re h'o ~ates remninf'd nnrl Rg"rcrd u pon pro- t lw cour11e pursued. because,~ remark­t9l~l the H ouse thnt. no pe rrnnneot legis- Jl?llnll'l nther thnr:. thosl' of Mny 11, ~hry rd b~· ~h~ h on. member for Bqnn ,.i11tn, latton would be concluded without. t.he \\Ould h :n·e cxceedrd tht' powcr8 g1veo ~[r. !\forme, there were those on the consent of t.his LcgislnLure. H e p rr. to them by the House. A s a m !\tter of other 8ide of the Atlnntic who would Morino) then tcleg m pcd to th e H on. )lr. fnct, Rft.er l'l_fr. M.o~roc n~d the Spcnker he on~y too. glad to tn.~e nl!,·nntnge of Monroe, nnd the H on. Colonial cc- hnd le!t, ~1 r Wilham d1d dtlpnr~ from nny fh:~s,nslon of mtes tn thia H nn11e to

FROM THE FRONTIER. An Indian Trader Tells His

Story of' Kickapoo Indian Sagwa.

Cured of a Distressing Stomach Trouble by Klckapoo Sagwa­First learned of tho Medicine throug h a Soulx Indian.

Hero Is anot~r story from tho front:lor ot tho wonderful cortUivo proportlca or tbo~ Xlolrnpoo l ndlnn Rcmcdlc and proor or their hl:;:h rcgnnJ.nmong uio frontlortru~u. and lDC\Ians. .

the . prtn_~t:? le which hnd hrcn ndoptcd. fore<' throuJ!~ thnt. let:i:ilntion wh ich we

sary to bring the mat.ter before the cou rts, because the I mpcrinl Govern­m~nt would not want. o.ny disputes to :lrJSO bet ween France and Great. Britain. Have 1Ve not. bad many i natnncea in the o .. s. AuT, 1n41an Trader history of this colony where our men -7 hll\·e been drive off•he fi h' d The fl''lowlng lett~r from o. s . Asl\y, the n • a mg groun s l!liHan trnder and Interpreter of Rnahvllle, by na,·al officenJ? H e wanted to fully ~ebraskn, g!va. )loalllvo proof ofotbe cui'Q.. expla in that there wns n othinrr. in the ttvo, ton to .. 11nd blood purifying qaaUUea or B' Jl h " h .,.. 0 Klokapoo Jntlll\n Sa;fl\·o.. .

1 w tc ga >c to a ~;ewfoundlander n usnnLLE, :s.en1tuu, Juno a. a ri~ht to go b efore n COI!rt. nnd com· Sometime n~tn IL!t(lr euUerLnr; severely wltb plnin of nny infringem ent of his righta. .tomaoh trouble, nn11 dyi!pep, ln wb.lof\ hnd I , boon grcally aggnl\'ntoa by tho nlkaU wat(lr,

n other wort.ls, n. fisbermn.o or th is of the west~-m country, anct when 1 hl\d oountrv could not bring a CI\.SC b efore rt'nohcd tbllt ntngo whore I coull\ frequently Lbis ' rt"buunl \ IOI"n n na•·nl 6fficer con- hot<! nothing on my stomttcb ana woult1 • """' .. • e'•en throw up wnter M soon ' 111 II rank J s idered it nccessury. Another matter lcarne<l froan o. loux lndlou who hod btioa w'bich presen ted itself wns that there on ° vi~ It to thh l\lckl\1'00 I:!'! be or" 'vondor· ful rpm~:<ly ettllolt "8ngwn." I got Lim to WMI nothing in tbnt Bill showing thl\t a prncure some ror mo. The oao~ wM reo judicial commiSIIion 11hodld ;1ot be com- nmrknble. l tried to l,!et morT from the

Pr;•cd of Ill' \'11.1 office-. Cottld the hon. Jna lan but he would not let me bavo more or ... ,. •o bl e prlzt:rllt :«>much ho woulfl not ~rive

m ember for Trinity, .Mr. \Vebber flod It ~· hMl leomo•lthat Jloaly & 11\gelo'v th . · ' h A t 1 · I ld' o New nvcn, Coon., bnd nn af'rangomenl tiny tng ln • C C W liC l WOU p re- lth tl 1\lckapoo tribe. lind .,aa pnLtil11

\'Cnt. Sir Baldwin Wo.lker or any other their r medl!:.!f of:l the market. I eentarul got navnl officerf 0 1 , · th t · d · · 1 a bot o nnd ro~nd It to be tho aamo u thnt 1 . . r n •Ornnng a JU 10111 btld p uriXl from tho Sioux Indian. 1 got commt~ton nnu therefor~ competent to n1ore, n a nfter the uao or a row bottles r try caeca ? In the olden dave, naval wns not only -rclloved but ml•rtl, norat, dAd m < Anrc lf6JJtd ntrtd t:rn- dnce.

0 cers were granted a comm111siou 11.8 l can · ent anything l!ct before me. snu Jus ticcs of the Peace' for certain ,PU~'- llucon, whleb taetl to havCl a moatdt•treulns

b t d th. b ' Jl · d · elrl'<lt., 1 can now cnt ancl rt~llolh llko no P98C8, U un er 18 I II: JU 1e1a l Jn!llan. I have RJ~o u~eo. tho Klok:tliOO C<l!Jrt would be entirely made of navnl Jn\llan Salve tor my honoo.., whon thoy hnve ot,Hcers, If tbo dcl~ntcs had consented been ont ... ,·eraly on bnrbo4 .,lre f\110011, and

b , tt. heat• them rlgbt up. a· to t e •Onn and m e of trial contained I cannot I J!OaiC too bla}lly of tbe Xtclii\JIOO in the Hoo. Premier's Bill they would remecstu. r ";:r. tbe'lil nil ln my tnuun1 deserve no m ercy from the.fiahermen of ~!.t, and cheer ly ~eorumun4 It to AnJ'·

~ewfoondland aod yet this power waa o. 8. AUT, propoeod to be given to the naval om- Jadfau 'l'rader and Jnt.orpreter cora under the measure rejected laat Kl G · • eeeaion. In other worda, under that K A~ 0 0 I N D IAN Bill and under t.be euiae or a trial, a fisherman might be taken rrom Cape sA G WA Sold by all John to !Ja.y St. George aDd cliapoaed a Drugglsta. :!':or:;,~~ ~m~u:.: 'f:.tn:; $1 per bc?ttle. e bottles for $5.

If Str \\ t lhnm hnd nny power nt nil it dt'~'med dctrunrntnl to c'llony. H r re~ret w~e .only to ::arrang~ thr d(•t..'\il!!, nnd i f tP<l the hon. ~cntlemnn h l\d A!!ain run b_e d td nn_,·tlung more h e must of neces- from the field nfter mnkirg a n attack· s1_ty h nvl' ,rlepnrtc<l from _th e instructions it. was 1\n rddence that. h ill JW~ition wn~ ~nven.. ::-l ow, the H on. Pro•micr 11tntcd !ln nnt<>nnhlc> one. Hr. would. ohsCt'\'0 that. wo ehonld not nq::ue from the pro- 1 ~1 th~ fil'l't. p l!1ce that. hr hrlll b!'en pnr· posnls of Mny 1st, lmt fr\)111 thl'l!!e of t1cu lnrly ,~:rat t fi ecl to find thnt thr h on. ) fay 27th . H ow coultl 1h r drtnils of nnd INtrnN) At tornl'y Grnl'rnl con:cidcr· May 27th he considercd withnut refe t'- Pd h is (H nn. C. S's) remnrks of lnst enco to th~se.of ~ln~·J!at? If tJtere wcro :<t'.~s iof! o~ sufliccnt. imp•Jrtnnco tn wl\r· nny a mbigUi ty 1n the proposl\ls of tho m!1t hun 111 occnpytnJ! t wenty or thirty 27th. then WI' t~hould mo t. certainh· r c- m tnutr s of the time of H ouse this r ,·rn­fe r bac~ to thnse~ mndc nn Mnr 1St, in in!! in r~nd ing from h is speech. H. was o:-dr r to.prop~rl~: nrulel'l'lnnd th<; sropc \'<'ry e\'l'l ent that the hon. gcntlemnn of. the .negohn~ lOns. But npnrt from hrtd t.tkrn _grcnL c.•rr to keep those re­tlnll, hi'_ would h kr to osk thP h on. J!c>n- m:trks of h1s by h im. lie hnd evidr ntly Uem en who o_pposcd t lai; r,•port whnt t r •nsured them ns a kinrl of sn-crrd thin~. th!'~· rroposrcl ln plncr• of i t? Tit!'\' h.ltl rr., WllS 80rrl· thAt h e did not. I~L:noiY he­crJtlCised i t and gi\·en ~way th r ~~~crrts f•~re that his disLin~uished rirnd so of the colony, for h.- dul not thmht that lu~ltly mluetl whnt h e l.'lllid. he hnd C\'ei'Y wnr..lus.Pd wnuld " "carried ncros~ doni! so . ho would certainly hnvo p ro­to q1c c·ther f! Jtll' of th l' w.ltl'~. nt1d ttsl'cl •·u rr d .h1m_ TJTTo of the spl'cial copica n~Alnllt. us. H t· land n•> d •Hht 1 't:\t ::)i r. Lh:1l h1s frtr n11B hn I consl'llr rNI it. ex­\\'i llinm· '\Yh i t.ew:ty wnuld 1,, paUNI nn JWdiPn t. to ha,·e printrd And distriuuted rhe ba~k. been use h<' hntl tlunl' what the th ri'lugl!out th!' colony lllst yearns r c­Impenn,l Gov~rnmcnt exJ'eCt r<l of h im, Jlr~sentm~ tht' ,·ieu of the mujority of and h e h nd an object 111 takint: the th 1s H ouse. H e was also grntified to course ~hnt hi' 1lill, bnt ns for the junior t)bser ,·o thnt thn hon. gentlemnn's· rend­!nem_hrr fnr Trinity, hr !tad 110 ohjcct. in~ o~ his (Col. ccy.'s) sperch hn.d ID \'lf-W.nt nJ~ 1\lltl only folf•\1\'(>d h i ~:~ ' "'l'll listened to wi th rnpL Attention uy lr nder hl.:e n. . sht·ep~ to the sltnmull:'s. the house, T he contrnst wben he con­H e. wo!tld ~~~srrt thnt nJI t.hongh tho •·lurlcti nnd reproduced hi~ own remarks dcl~~~tton 1t wns n Elrt')::~l •• hPtwrrn a t)f lnst yl'ar, wns certn)nly striking. mnJnm y composr<l of ll.m. i\lr. ~fonme The bon. Attorney Gent>r'o.l h onored hitn the S'peaker, nn1i himself, nnrl u minori t~ ~~~' rending from his speech , but hncl I'Onsi t in)! ~f ,'ir \ \ i lli.:tm \\'hi tcwny nnil also d ishonorl'd him by misconstruing lion. ~\ . ,\>. Hnn cY, 11nd that l' \'en· th<' ~Amo. What hnd been h is (H on. mot!on put. i ~ ~hat clelegarion w:\s C. S.'a) line of condu?t in rt>gani to tho ca.tn<'d by amilJOrtty of one. ThnRame French Shor.:l Que11l10n from thl' first ? spirit of oppo iLion lt:tel h<'CD shown Tt formed a mntte r of record in the h ere to-night nncl it \~'1111 a shame thtLt I;f~use nnd '-''OS well-known by t.he pub­there could be found 111 Lho H ouse any lw~g-encrnlly. H e would nsk tho Chnir­hon. m ember to follow it. There 1\"ns n. IT!nn to permit. him to brie fly trnce the despntch senttto )J. Riuot which snid luslory of events from the t ime the in <!fi'ect ~hnt it. d id not. mnttrr to Fr.m ce Del•·gat.ion left. hele in :llnrch 1 91 to whnt kindlof mnchint'ry wn~t n•lnptt•u present tho view~ of this L~~iaJat~re so long na the l,rcaLir a Wl'r!l carried om before th e Impr rial Parliament nnd ns Franco could not offer nny protf'SL JWOple. I t would bo remembered thut unlf'ss tho lrenties were vioht'tt•• l. H e dcll·,r::ntes from both Bn\nches o f tho would'like)c\ n k why it wn!J 1 h;lt O\'er L rgis lnturc were despatche<l to F.nglnncl ~very milo of. is t~o-cnllcd J;'11•uch fo~ ~he pu~pQIIO •of luying before the Shnro the Amen c111 had treat-.: righ ta Bnt1sh PMiwment and people the views ":hiuil t.he ordinllr Courta were con- uf ~ho Legislntnro of th!1 co!ony in rc­s ldered · com pP(rnt to carry nu t, whiJ(' la11on to proposed L•·gJslat1on uy the the Frl•nch righ ts fin the !lnm o conat lmperinl Gov<>r nrnent nt that t ime. rcq11i ~Ofl to bo enrril·~ out "-" Sl'~cinl 'J11 e directions laid down for tho guid­mnchml'ry? \Yhy Wll!l 1t that. in C;u1nut~ nnco of those dclcgntrs wero wry clear every lrt>nty wns carried out. IJ\· tho nnd rlilltinct.. A rofercnce to tho jour­Courts of Cannt~ whi le !\ere wo 'mnst nata of the H ouse would show what hMe n nml oflicers nnd pecinl m·nchih- those •lirections werl•. ln t he eArly cry t.o Cftrry tli!'JI\ out. t 'fhis I ..rgia- pMtof ~~~~Y of the enm~ ycnr 1\ tele••ram l:\ture ongltt to tllko t hat. posidon nnd 1\'osrecel\'l.'d by this Bmnch ohhe Lc~is­remind the Brili,ot\ Ouvommcnt of Lord lnLuro from the dcle~Jl\tea i nt im1\tio~ Snliabur.l''s wor,Js. 'Ih ey ought to go t.hnt they hnd propo9cd to tho lmpennl on iusit~ling em having •1nly Court:~ th~ Pttrliameut. ccrtllin legiala.tion for Judges of wh'ich would bo 1\pp<'linted h~· ~rrying out. ~f the 'l'rCRty oltlig~ttions NeWfoundlnnd. for i l"our r copll! hnd no Wtlb F rance. On tho aftenloon o f the r ight on the colutt, tho nnva! omccrs dny on which tho.t. tnlegmm was receiv­Rhouhl hnve tlriven l hcm oif, uut h1w- ed, ~he H onse reaoh·ed itac!I into a iug permitted them t-o erect buildings, committ.ce of the whole for the purpoao clenr farms nod acquire other valunble of considering it, and taking IIUOb property tbr re, if En~lnnd inter fon'<l action ae might be deemed n ecrssary. with thr m or deJ•n,·ed them of that p ro- After some diJCUSIIion, i t was moved by perty, eh o was bound in j thttice 1\od t.ho b on. member for St. John'e .Ean, honor lo oompensnte them to tho lnat Mr. Murphy, and seconded by the boo. cel)t. When thai. princip le wna admit!.- member !or Ferry land, ~lr. Shen, that t'<l, na h o bolioved it. would b9 if tho t.ho following resolution abould be ~latureatood firtn, they would have adopted. henellttf'd ovc>ry man . ~n thnt e~orc. " R£8QLVED.-ThRt, owing to the in­Be 1'0bld uy 111 cou~Iuston, that. tf he auffioierioy or information contained in entertained tho oplmon of bon. gt-ntlc-1 meu11ge rece ived by the LegisiRture f!l~'P .o~ite, ho ~ould not lu"·e ex- this Houae cannot mtelligently dieou~ preatp .ID.em to-otgbt. be~uae &hey the question now before it;

Pl'in~iple of the BW that the del9~ Wclaueu&ec:l tor He,.. wi11biir to FREEl :::W!!r:e-.... -r:.•..,,r:t­lli•• ......... -.. ... .._til.... .... • ...-...~ .... : CloubHor the reuoa &baUae ooald DO$ fltK ··mutl~ 't.t.• Mo•• :f:= ~~r:,. tc;,be&PC:. 1 ~""=.:. ~u.•aala/,'l:Z

!....ere tnjnrloua to &he ~1. autereat. to "RaoL\:Eo,~Tbat the OQoaidt"ration WHIB~. . ~ &bia queaUon b&dof~unUl fur&her

• Ollr.OOium.UJSECBrl'AilY (Ml'l Dond) illforma&ioo be ob&ained;


"REsoL\'£D.-That. the Hon. Colonia l Seorchry put himaelf in CODlmunic.l- · tion with tho dulegates of the .Lcgisl.­ture with a view to obt.ain such !uzthcr inTormntiCtri."

Thu.t. zeaolulion was unan.imoutly adopted. It would appear to the liouse how entirely juatillul.t le t.h is !lotion . on the p:l.rt. of thll L!:gislature will. The delegu.t.cs ~nd uoen ;~ considemhlo time in Englawl, and h~td failnd to advigc the Le~;islature ua to what they bad dooeor wore doing. The H onse wa11 complt!telr. in tho tlur k ~ts to their m ovements unt1l the 6th clt\y of May, when th e (Col. &c.) recci vcd the cable deap~tt.cb, upon which tho resolution which be hl\d ronrl was t)nsed, Rnd which aLated that they, till' dclegni.Cis, ho.d proposed legis· la~ion, tuHI culled u pon this H ou11e to coulirm thdr proposnb, and to i llilned­i1lt.cly puss lugislu.tion nuder "'uspension of ruled. The H nuse W I\S tLct uAlly naked to. oonlirm the nropo!llllll of tbo d ole­Ciltc.i, . OI' the ch a r.\cter of which pro­P••Iuda Liley knew nothing whu t<IOOVer. H nd t he H ouao com plied with this re­qucsL of the delegntea, they would have ~crificrd their dignity• ns n delil.t.e~­ti \'C body, Rntl appellrcd i n the ti!;bt O( m ere recorders of the dcci ion of ~bose of its m em ltera. fu co,mplisnce with ~hnt rra•JIULion l•e had s um tho fl)llowing cublegr.un to Sir W i lliuu WbiC.Cway t.heu m London. · (' l'l) be continued.]

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For ln'fonnatlon nnd trw DoMbOok mttll to llUNN <\:CO- &ll DIIOAJJWAY', NI!W YOnR.

Oldet'- bUn!au for IOCUrttll: r:ltllnt.a In •\l:c.!rl~ lh'ery Jll\tun~ l.nl:cn ou' br ..,, l o l•t'(lwr. ~ tx>!nro t.bo publlo b7 o noueo l;!n:a froo or W..Z.;o ill tho

J dttdific ~me:;~nn.tt Lais!ct~ r.lreulallon of ADr aelcutJnc PIIP'lr In tl!o world. SPIOildJdJr lll~tntOd. No ~t<'Uicrun~ man abould bO wlthou' lt. Wcel<ly tt:! . UO n oart f J.Wau: moutbs. .A!Idn:g l!U. :.'i co Funr uni!Rs, 361 Droo4wq,l\cw l:~.lt if.,,. ...


HARBOR GR.ACE STANDARlJ. ~~~~====~~~========~==~-----~------~~~- ~--~--~----~~-====~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~-~-~~~~~-

)',;rd h Pn" ; n r•r hcwa ,,.,.. ,.,,t k illed- I Ccfore ,th cy l<:'ft. t,ho Co lun inl n:l!1·•· t••: TheFamilyllledicinn.

\ , Originated by an Old Family Ph,alclan, · ForiNTERNALa~muchaa,EXTERNALu ...

J; 8. J onno!f EaQ. lf Do>r Slr:-"uf ~ ..:o tllla JllODtll ,-..J"f::r -~·.:r.:c.~ 14. -. .,.d \.itt •llll me ..,_ Yoluuon's Anoei7"0 Unlment on oalo. 1 ~- iaLi 4JMJDC!tl1 10:4.1.1 :.:/ ~ kU fOU j~&a bowbc,o ...,..d.........S<•:a lhatdlt.)' tlfty .f\'Ano """- I ha"'ooldJolulaon'o~D04Jn<t LIAiniMl-";:: &~~d 1 ClD m~ 1 ruJy MJ' 1.11:>1 I' JuL• malllwncd Ita W(Cb IR&lldllrd tUid pOpultU'Ity r ron• that u n .. so \IIIII. )lo medldno to.da.1 -- U>o roa.ndcnot C>t l hc publlc '"a '"""~r M"14111 u.&o J ob.ruoou'w 1. n()dyno LIIUmeot. Jla Ia doubtful If fOU liaYe 11""'1 '"'~to1neno wbu 1'(!Jn.Ombcr the!:-' old Doc:1<)r who Dl'll c:ompouoatd Wo 8>~ tUid l'l.'alivod lid~ r.om bl•lwl<l llfl;)' ,..,..,..ago. l-:Stmdllljj' I1IJ' kln4 wbhea, J ~m.t.Jn, IOJUI a JUlUl.

' FOR PU RELY HOUSEHOLD US~ ALMOST A CEtJTURY Generation after Generation have Known and Blessed It.

AU wbOQnlu dln>et f ront WI, aod ~oOft It, Niall """'lve a eerUQ~&If' that tllo mont.'y tlhat: .be ~cW It 110lj ~!'daotly •lWICtl: Jf.'t.'\11 prlro. :!li """Ill. t<IJr r,.ol. osp....,. 8""''<\ltl,. U ,1ou <'MI'I ""'II oear bomtl. Aak lii"'IJ. = =-= .. =b=y ~loU. t"lllnfonouu.ton """' tn.c. I. 1!. JOU.~S S ~ W t" CuRonl llnuoe liii'Oet. lso.t-. ~

I I ,I

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c:wr.L~.\ xc.:::,~:::.

~~:..:.! r;c\·.·!!.L c~~· .:~ !:..:·.: :·::-s,

r'o r,:..·-.,; :-y ~c~::·. :.. -.

T ;~; &::: • P i-..l r1 - :~! !..L ~: ·: 11"1 C:1n.:u!l~n Crol·"·~ t> l" i ~ : w~s

t::vrr.;,. tr. l J st.) t: <.c~ 1,: .·; • sc~ .. It cur~,; il').M·. or~c:: ·:: . ,_.,

TI I C t;C~':' ~·A.M i:::. :y:::l.~C:. :':'( I' :1

=:=~ .. ~::;. !~!:tJ !!J:l~. ::?!:: .. ! :::;. RH:St:MNC;3~! .

NEURAL G!A ::t:1d 7DOTE~'.CHE..



34 Comn1erc!al Street, Boston, Mass. ~I AN CF:\CTUP.Eir' OF

t . " H L' l~ $ 7 : G A ¥ ':" D [' ... .i· •. { _t_. { _\

","! "\..r ~ ~ Q - • - ' J ..... u . -- •L'U- -

1 y . - . E:. l. .. \l 1

.\ L! OF IllS Y F.!. Y ...-. T ·-~L, .H.! 'I Y .:\ ~ D 1L.\DE UF OU R -'

~ : 'EP j! ) ~

·. ·~ l {. "\I " \:\_r ..J~ .I . ~ • ., . I

. t 11 .. a .1 \ ...J

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of" l· : :.l\e are tho • n 'y'" u· v 1 :!.


___..... ____ _ DO YOU KEEP IT IN THE H OUSE 'l

· AL~Eft] ~s lur)·G BALSAM. r~o ::;c:"i&:: r-: ~C:MEO'! rOR

cc~c;..:z, co•_n--;, c::cuF. cor-;::;:;~PT!ON . &.~.

.J .. Russell William Ryan,

Deer Stalking up_ fhs. "Tern1 Nova Rl'/C:' .•

D\" !lOll!'-: ('lr 'I Jl e l'.~~rY, EIGHT11 n.\\'.- Wedt,l•,-tdh}' n~ (:

• . lh . ~· I' \ . rrf• !' . : ·,,. 1·~"1· ., ~-.. #\ t 1 t\ t

\he 0.1~ Cllf:l u( t ht: lt.H I\\IL\' \...'v. Tnw.•: lir:~ <•n •hiR ki tn~ of r.c;m'M· aDCI\ i., n "t \wry t1 g r(lu~ hI(!, f,IT on the ,.}u•rp curves o f th.- llna one is in c.l:.m~=.~r of btnbli"ii~ off. The unplt•llsautlne!r3 is ahto i n· oreued by r t>aeon of duaL .risin;< from the r oad . CI\USNI by thu draught or tht~ t.rnin. T his change in tbr. programmt> '"II~ nPverthel~llft ·fill ~tl with i11l ttre L. 115 t ilt• pl:lce~< which we h:u.l pll !!Peri in 1 h~ night. going north , could now be Fe e n tn a d vaniii JtO. A pooor m r. n, w Ito h1ul hf'Pn b adlY rut with" h:;tchet . l\'1 P

'c•n ltonrd, n n.t hill pilinb lt• condition took the edge (Iff t he enjoyment of this p1r t of t he j 11urMy. ~1 r . \\'. D. R eid acted iu 1\ ve ry Pympnlhetic mnunfoT towanl ,; tho poor re: Jow. nnd we not iced. 11s well nR lt>l.\rneri from the wo rkmen . tlsut thi11 kindly behaviour W IIS quito chumr t<'rislic

_ of t.hnt ~eotlemnn, ns w t>,).l, II! thn t c{ the o t her meml ~rs of tlt e Co. 'fit~ wriler could uot ll<'lp n oticing while nt b endqunrll'ra how eattily and eys tematiclllly tb& wot k in con · nection n-ith Hall 's Uny line waR r11 rried on. Ther'l w:.~s ll lli.C o f the 11houting a1.cl homhu!'t li l:(• we oft en hf'ar when u lot of lll(\n nro h~ing 11 bo11~ed.'' Ord ers w 1e gin:u in :\11

uoassuwinJZ w unu•·r, auJ 1 ho work prugre~ed with Tl'l!lllut ity u nd pre· cisiou: It WIIH rnlher a 1 n ·tty Sl~bt to eee severa l flat·c:tr~ li!IPJ with m Pn !:!i tting nil nrouo d the sicies. with t h eir leg!l l1an~ i n;: over th e 11dgcs l!i t Le woodwork. waiting for t he locom~i\'e lo ~ull th t:' lll out to thai" front. 'ur us t ht-y were situnted bilhH nod t lt itber on t he track. Veril y, a lundy lool.:.it.g l11 t o( men . with brnwnv fuc('S lnnneu fr<1m ex· posure to the ~un; but, n !tho ugh their exteri C)r npp~n!cJ so roug h and wutber-heaten, ) ct undcrucuth Htt-i r molt'lll..; in jumpers l<'ut ntnny ~ 1\'arm·, kind heart. .

lt has been Fnid thRL Kcwfuund· lnnders are lnzy nt.d indolent, uu:, we don't beli(•Vc th :.~. t etnlt·:u ent; for w hen they get fai r Jlluy nnd a ru put Hide by side n itl.l o ther pc0ph•,tbey can "bold 1\ t ug o f wn r , ' :.nd in m <•st cases cxcred t he nlit'n in. equare. boneFt h nrd t;}dp. 'l'hu!!e of o ur pPo plo w l1o have gone out to o tht>r Jn nds nrt> fo r tho gna ter r>nrt fnirly estnblis lit>d nnd wel l spokeu of-w hich pro \' ( s t he truth of t hA aforegoing. Jt is n l nmeutahl<­rcality. h ow<.\'er, tltrt tht> Nni~mlion tide is rising: nod alr<>ady its diaas trom~ effects nre b ecomi ng \'itible.

Hut to r e t um lo our po itiou: '"e 1\re now nt Clnrrn<'e dllo. 'flti11, h v the way, is t he l1 Nne o f our l:tdy fri<'nd wto cnmo o n l•onrd hero o n the w a y n orth, a nd rli:~tributcd :unor.gst u s the fru~re: . t bouquet. b uL no sncb· l uxurv iA in store for us n ow, for another pers1·n m o nopn. lized hPr attention at h <'ndquuners l Be1idrs, w e wert< , ·ery i ll adnpted for f'ntertainin~ Jlti!I!Ongors of t.be fn.ir SPX. 1t was here lbnt our old .cook Tl•luc tuntly .louk his d e pnrture !r om 011. Aj.m1httm wi ll dtlulltlees l ook bnck u pon the ndvenl ti rtl wl:tic b bndjust ended, witb m a oy plca~ant recoil ect.iooa.

Our faces begnn to t l:e on a h : nckf'nt>d a ppeuranc.-, cau~ed by the amoke and soot from t ho l ocn· motive ; c onef'qu ently the eyes nnd teeth or the party shower! up l o 1\C!­vantage. Bad tl1tre beou n coni mine in opernt ion neor the t rnc k , a~td bande wanted~·we Rb o old llllre­Jy hi\Ve h~en engn~1l fort\ pMition

.in t he pit. 'l'he c!Jnn~f's wltich we had to gQ lhro ugh since :cavin~ home were FO v nr io u!l that even being changed fr11m pule fnc<' t o ni~ger did n ot nfl'ect OUr n e· VO UII a yete m very much . \\'ater \vus plentiful. bowt've r, and we ·inlend· edbefor e being usb,cm11l into civiliu· t ion ngain t u somewhat tmnl!!form our f'X lerior. Our pn~~sen:I,crs g_rtw lePR as "'e wt>nt. ~;oulh; s~o l'JPre relu1nio~ to their lwmt-~l witb their p w E'll li nr·d ~"i lit ca!lh from t e Ra way c~~·~ coift·ra. ·We OI)W proce ed on.th t~ nt>xl stngo o f our jour ey to ll nll' 13ay Junction nud afte r Lrief stay he1 a wn \1't'T6 switcbf'd off on the Ptnc~ll lii\ liOA, nnrl the n w e came to \ \'hi tbourn e. where a gond rl innsr won :awaiting u s, and refresln.oeuts of u : fferent k.inds were tv.lilecl of. ,

We made prepa;r.tio Gs to tnkt the Barhc,r Grace regubr, nod orrived in town at the uau nl ti me, to find that our frieude, whn had M s"rone· tioally renwrkeli befo,ro we J(lft,lhat v.·e were going t• kill tho "breeder," 1ere ·nry ntueh di11appoint u l to realize tbat Lbeir prophecf had been falftlled. Ev"n our e.tioaii.ble friend

CtJBTOM TAILOR SatiaCatclon ~guaran\eed in cut, Qaal-

i~J·ed price. •

ut flie n. G. &r.AMDABD referred l(t our aoiDR out wi\h a ·• LWJllg" of lroDJ, bu' neYer mincJ, friend ttl'.Alf· D.AaD I w . alwara got tb' ._pnuloe ai1.icle.l We don't so in f~r bam \tater St, Harbor Graoe

lilt\' Jll)(l r 111111\'~ hrm•,..L!•i11Hng it t" thnl day n 111 ~"'" 1 ~' 11 !~•·•··· l r'1111 1.'1r ' 1 Trunt. T..nk11, Ont .TRn. ::, Jsg(},

bP .R beautiful youn[J ELM/. • •Knu tasortlst~tll:t •. tl ·'.h. "''"~t•·:lr.•.>~•·~· \\'. H. Co~STCX'J\, Hro k\' ilh•. '1'1 ): . \\ '.If l 't r I Lhe thl··;::t l lll . \\ :1" .... Wlllht II \V: Il( lu 1>1'~\ll ~1ft :-llor 1\ tllltllb•·r nf P'IU'II I

l~l\ .In~ ~·ou, l. ~ .1 ·' l.nr •l:' " " ~~~r s;OOtl U\' tu ld tll ('lrM Jwh•' he~J:ldl•r· h·n·•· 118Nl nnd 11ot•l , ·uur" l}r. M n~•·'• much v~lnllhl<•Hpnr.t\ 111 v •1ur IUIJWr 11t~l w1111 idllnL\!> h"t\'""nh i~< J."""'~~' '' 1 1· u t Pill., 'I 'I tl m ' I I • V'" ,. • • . - • • Ill I IIII n()l~ "· C(lnltl\ t•r ,,, ·• Ill i :u~··ot;.: 1, , t .""" t'•ll•·•" ~ l~ttr lll', ,\L 11

• ' .; ,.,, . L•·;·.l ].al:• (f,. r! l)u \'lr\'l•t'Ftf•>r''Ftlllih·l'~t·":llhl nU pAtif'nrn hns nut l, tlf"ll t'xh .\l,~.lc:.! didn't know 1\IIJ l ltiu;.: ll·•·•:t: tit' !.!:i a:s Ill}' l'U~touwrs apenk lti~llly uf thN'' · wi !: 1•\•r''11 · ml •'!'•'' , , ;~ •t• 1 i •n!'. !"' luuiiH('It i ! t'"'~l u;•uhl•· t•:ttc.t :·u:t ~ j Youra truly,

\ \ 0 t.rc.:, yuut.s ln:•y.. 11. 'l110tlrlc:,~.:nt .• •·:~ ·. '.' ·• l· ·•;r··· . lt~ 1

1<. LAw30!'. So~ E OF ' r R K p ARTY Lore I Knut11f11rJ to u· J houwd ::sauml<:r·

' t~on .nm! ;\fr. Brant~lllll tn work 01~1.. tho

1 H nLJ.OWAY'a PlLLL.-In gcueral de-

L I ,. · tlrnlt ot n rwrmnl;<'nt ffi l'n11ure.: J h.oy bility, mental depression an• I nnn 'l'lll egis ative Council. h!ltt prrarutetl the1r clrnfc. nnd 1t." pr1n- 1 irritnbilit.r thr rou no m~ttioin(' .. "r··h

_,_ r;:IpiE'a hnd lwcu ns~tcntt'<ltn hytl~f' nhovo opcrntcs so Hkeo 1\ ehnrm ne t.he11Cfi\OIII,Ill Ftttn.\v, ) \1\rl'h IO,I&n. ••14llllO ln•''Y".ro>.nft••r t h1•.v had dtt<CtHt.>E'cl ' Pills. 'J11oy purify t.he ), )noel. aooth.e

lion. Mr. HAilVF.Y (Contlnu(•d) Now. lhn tl t• \h r d s I t I I Bon. ll(ln~l•mtnn 111111 thlll dlh~111111n: tr 11c- le mn . erwt~ . f>r 11 1~ n:r.\' 11 01 1 wrn nnd stn·u~thcn tltr. nt'r\'1'8 lllttlllysf.tlm, • cOrding to hi~< m~n uc:<'f\un~ t hl' u• 11 H wn-< lloc· "'.'"'• up to .the t.1me. he .C lfr. ~~ .) l t.' ft , .no ~i \'C ltmc to the atomn<:h. r) ,·\·ate tbo 1>1\lto ttw 11rhwlplt· or whl<·h lw u~r··1·d tlt~·n d l tlt·rt'lll't' on .nny prtnUIJ•It· n_r any 1 0111t. ll,l)irlt s, nnd. in fnct, mnkc 'htt N:'lticnt nnd 11pprovcd now, ho hn\1 t<•lt·~tntph••d. while ~ 1 1 1 1 .. • .,~n•t.O ll wl~h hi"' ru-•lf'l"' .. mt.• .. nnd tho 1'Xt'<'pt Llttl nunor OQC t~!l to w 1? 8 HIU 1 • llt'll~ib l •· or' a totnl nnd mMt. dt• 1ghtful Brl~l•b o.>vcrnnwnt, tn ~lr )f~~rhv· . I 1t11t hc p:ty t h t' sn l:t rt f'S of t h•• JIIU~ 11. l~c ( :\f r. r••\'nlutirm in hill wholo ll•·str1o. 'l'hC'" would not n:-n·c t <) I lt:t~ ,, nn ~· 01 h•· r !•"r- \f } 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 t" tl J J manent bill. Thuntht•r h~>rn orth .. rll l.•tuutn · 1111 c t . .r•nl on, nov r)n Y WI u su may uc C\)111111Cnded nu"ll!t. Ullr••ll ''r\'to(lly Is t·he i'ec:~lnry's rt'CftrtJ tltnt h•• \\'11'1 pr•'l-l'lll •·owH·nt . of h1s hrnthr r ddq~nLt'l!, J.ut. ne tho v1·r v best fumily mo licin1~ in t'.:C­whcn Lord Koul .. tord lnfqrm••tl Uw ·I lc K"' ' "' willt tlt r full l;uowl<.'fl.gl· of J.nr.J Knill!!· ist••tJ<·e. tholwh 81, prtworf•lll.v t•!l'· thnt.tbo Brlll~h Oowrn•a•·n~ tli iHL lliiiJOiut ~ 1 b 1 1 " ' the corrunhl~loncl'iT,"ifn<l '-ht\1. .wr wn~ th"ll nn 1 nr.l, ~\' h';.'t'·w~nl 111 \'IS" r nt t\;.:rct•t to 1 Cttcjous, they nrc siuglarly mi ld fm tht':r nucntlnp; pn.rty 1.0 tbn~ prln<·h>lt·. lno(ma.·h t It t• i •rlt:cl plr uf <1~lft mcn~m·e. lf lh ~•re I opc·mtion, t.ndmir•ht bl• •·i \ '('rt wi~h !'''r­M he J)rodlll'l'll (\ ICtl.('r trom hill I'O•dt•l··~~···~ I ' · I I (' . 0 oh y r d .. " 1 wrltU!n on ttw 1111me dRy, thntthf' prlnrl pi··~ w:t:< :1.ny l' 111 n:.:e n • 1<' " " 11 r P ,. . eeL confi en co to llt•IICII t c WOitll'll unr of tho bUI bM bct'n n~tre<xl upon. H 1~ •llf!l· of th; Jmp1·ri:d ;0 \'•'rtll!lf'llL, that \\'!til 1 young children. 'l'hl')' c•mtnin 1111t a cult to llo~~whlc:h horn or the tllll'mmn I>~ tit •· tunt•l u h:'tv"."t.ntrn 1t, bot no such IYI'tlin of m ercur.\', or 1u 1.v ot!l• r n~ •.•i•IH>4 \rOrt~C. In tbc onc CA."i<'. lhPn• l~n. fWrm:ltu·uC 1 1 1 Gtl J ., ... hill hQ nppro,·cs ond rurr"('~ tn with Ull· .:r ll· , . t:>n{!C \\':1!\ ex I ll lr< Ill' to l unr. auiJsLnnce uuJ cannot uo lmrm. Dt·ii· l~>h Oo\'<'rumrnt and hi" co-<h~lf·t:at t•JO, wh ile· 'f'h!s. rxpl:1n:ll i~1 .w; \S :l. ck a r und em· catc.fcnudcl4 nncloll Jlt'r~on11 o.~ Kt. .. lr:ll.nry ho and Mr. Mnrhu• ht\'''' do•lt•rmlnctl tn ttlt- 1 t t 1 t tl t.nt t I h b · · Jrct toIL tn toto. 1n thll oth!'r f'R'i', loP u ~:•.•rr. I' 1'1 lC con r:&t lr iOn O IC 8 em en n tls Wllllitul thcso 1'i ll11 1\ hl t•B!IIII'' · 1n F.n~;IAnd to tho prlnrlplel! ofth~> hill 11111 rk thnt. tho J·riucip rs of th<' bill hnd not. · ·' · ,.,. I'd 0 In thl11 re~>nrt: then l'Oml'~ n•tl h· ·•· •md ltocn :tgrC'I I upo1 when he (:\f r. 1\f.) le ft ndvii!CII thc f.Piti61Aturt' tn rf'\J•rt II. an•l h•· J 1 • }{ 'T J:r 1 .> nounc03 lt ln uomr n•urrfl 11•rm1<. nnd h·1w,.• .0111 on. T nc on. •• r .• ~ lllr\'(!}' l!lu his unrortnntr cndelet::ni<'S to rcrom.•nd ,,lone to ~tid eomNlti ng a bout It is »n.vi~g rucci \'· \VhnL trom II~ lnlwrcnt nntnrl', mu~t lw An d t 1 f i\[ !\f 1 }I unpopulnr, howl'ver ncer~<..~f\n· n mrn~lll'!'. I! n. 0 <'~r.tm rom 1 r . l o r tnc. e Frnm whnt ho :'llr. u. hod ~nltl thr po,lt lon rould 81\)' thnt tltr•r t' W:l!l no Lcle~ram orthl'dctc~mt"" \Vho 1'\slOIII'II I heir plo'dc•••. received or d<'sp:llehc•l hy hirn that. Will! rrmnlncd In En,.lnnd until hl'lr m'·•lnn ""'" b · ed 1 h f l d 1 nromplhohcd. would be r ll'nrh· und1•r,!ood. n ot ISU nlltt ll> t lC W Ole 0 t l C 0 e-ThCS kn"'" thnt lltl: prof'O~c•l mrn-nr" "''" ~ntes. The tcleg rom R<'nt. by ltim to nnpopulnr 11nd thnt tht• pt•OJ'I" ont h•·n· w.•rf' 1\fr Morine saying . ".L>on't fea r our OJ)O~~!'d IO IC, but lhC\' Wl'r!' Wlltlntr to Tl'lllal II ' •• ' • • • 11 lnF.n~:lnnd nntl t lutb~ very h ·~tthc,· r•lltl•l :u_r lltrreeJDg tQ nny permanent le,t:JSI:ltlon, lhtl Colony. running I hi' r iFk ot' llnt><tplllnrlt , . . u irl lll)t.l\pply to h im (Mr. ~.) only but tJUL here, rnth"r thAn llmt pl'rntnn<'n1 lt•t:h· I 1 h 1 ftl 1 1 • Th ' 1 fallon shoul'' 1,.. pn-<.-.••1 hy th<' Hrtt l'h n ou•c o L 10 w on o 1e < c o~ntc,. e t e c-Ol Common~<. ll would b,• a mo,: t:tollt'IO•~' gram to which t.hnt wns :t reply 11imply thing for thl' T.f'l:rl~lntnrr· to ""'"" an nthlr"~~ rt'IIIJ('l!t<'ll tbnt we 11h ould not make nnv and pAl'S It nnnnlnmu~h-. hill :lt1• pr,•FI'IIl rc· . . . · f'(lrtwnsuotqnch II" ltc·~rr. 11. rottl•l cl,.,. hi• iurthc r r onC(.'SI!ICins or ftll:llly ngrec to usscnL to. Th~ro Wf'rP twn or lhro•t· pnrn· fH' rmnm•nt le)!isln t ion th1\t being the !lrnphs lnllChnt he \<'Ottltl a '; lt!htt\'o•nut••ll<l · 1• f 1 J · 1 ' 1 · d · <'tl when ~he Bon~«• hnuld 1:" lulo l'omm1tt .. c rt)! lv 0 t 'S: .r~l1l nturc on ,\', an l t It wns fllltl c posslhlo t11nt \ \'<' mkht ""''"r'' l lwin~ unll1·~lood tht~L the finl\1 -icoision n bruer blllnnd,:r tM nr~~,· nl l.ll)('rnt (;,,·. ou the nrt t~hould be left t.O the . Legis· t•rnml'nt. J;.ord SOI!~hnr;• \\' :0~0111 0( llol' W IW now. And l..ord Rlpou. ~ii·n·wry fllr thr l'ot. luturo of the colony. And y et the Hou. oult>s, ond l heolltl'rmt'mb~"r'or tht' Liburnl · ) [r. Han·cy wonted to twist the words


>Arty might posslbl" hi' <IISIJO~I'o l tn r<'~:nrd f 1 · 1 k · ho lntl'rests or this tolon,· mon· fn \'ornhly. o i WI te e~rnm 110 nsto mu . e H appear

Thcrowi\J! nodoul)tthot mr\ny or th1• nnw· tlfnt. h e (Mr. M.) wos oprn t.o a charge ment11ln lltl' ntl1lrc•~ wen • lnt·ontroverllhle of inconsidtency wh ile h e rnerclv nnd the Lc:.:l~lnturt• \Vfl>' pt>rft•rtJI· r leht In . • . J ~l'ltdln~: nu nddrcs~< nl'ltltts: for 11 mOttl fl•·d bill de~ lr<'il to IISsnro hle co-d<' legates null one morl' ln. l~ccpln tt wll h our •l··~lrcs nn·l the Lcgi11lnturc here, that t.h!J than tht> old ulll. I t wn" Jl('r("('t h· ju~ttl fl:thll' 1 1 I I f' I' · • t hnt wo ~hould lnke Slll'h ~lcp~ 11~ In our c e <'gnttS wnu I no t 1nn lZC 1\ll.} nnttcd opinion would lit• •·nlcul .. tt•tl to In· l<'~rislntion. The rcnson why tho dcJt.:. duco'thc Brltlllh c;o,·ernm~'nt 1o n"~•·nl- to n ~>ntcs ,1rcssed fur the n.11point ment (n\'Ollrable m<'n .. urr. nnt.l 11!' truhll'\1 thnt onr " ! ' d..-elslon In thlsmnlll'rwoultlbcn nnnnlmous of locniJtHIJ!<'S was not llecnuse they np· one. Tho French Gonrnm,.nt wno not nn:tl· prehrnuecl thnt Impl'rinl lltwye rs woulu ons ror nrbttrnllon. It would bl' mort> In k•'l'l' 1 1 · · b 1 1 f lng wllh Lho wlslwll M thn l Oonrnrnr nt 1' llOL I 0 08" lllllC l Jll!ILICC )' t lC peop e 0 tltl' question rcmnlnNiun~cu ll'd . On the ~lh tlw Tr!'nt\' C<>ast, but UCCI\Illlf with locnl ot Februnr

1,· ln•t. ~lr Chari<·'- tHllt" n•hln·~"'''' J·ntlcr.i tho people would fcr l thnt thC\'

nqucsllon Oliii'U IId!'rSrcrctar,·orHt ttll• lnr ' . . • t-'orclgn Affitlrl!. nsklnl.f If nrhl: r•lll•m hr'<l h:ld tlw sympnthy of IIH•Jr own coun t ry­rnllcn through. to ~~hl<'h n rl'pl ~· "'"" j:l\'l'n to men "ith them in the details of bu,si· tho ctrcct 1 hnt, Lord Or:w snld : "Thr Fr1•nrh .1 I · 1. h Government hnd In ) fits ~~· u"kL'<I 11 tbc ucss nr.u t 1r. carrywg out o t 0 Yoyngc British Oo\"'C'romcnt w<"ro prc·pnr•'<l to rnrr~· in which th~y wcr<' int erested, and outthc L<!rms oflhe Convention," nod llH'rt' t hrse would lJettc r untl!'rstand tho wns noreason losuppo thntthi' I-:'T••nch GO\· . . .. . ernmeot hAd ehnngcd th<'lr mlnrl. From clh•ct o f rilly h al'!lh or :ullltwry deCIRIOn.'

.. ' j

' . ....

..... ... . ,: .. ....

~· ~ • ·., ·, .l ·~

.. • I

. I


w. ~l Q ~gmsT~ui, 8 /IOCXY•LLC, 01!:1. !lffJt:trtsrow, , N.r.

this It wonld b<'scrn lhnt tho.Frenrh c;o,·r rn nntl while d•tin~ ju11ticc be tween l)llftit'l! mcnt wowld prohnhly not prcAA thu m:lllo•r I f . ' II t · I G UAR It the British Oo\'l'rnmcnt dlol no•. I[(' :\f r. woult ns nr ns pc.sst 't• l!•mpcr 1-t Wl t l • DIAN H. booed thu nd<lrc:<>~ would p :t-.s< with me rcy. T h e right of nppcnl to the 'n· j ::r lf nmondmenlK, nut\ uonnlmouMh·. ntul thnt w~ Jlrcmc Court of the colour wns t~ cruchl ~<hpuld suct:~~<'<l In ~tellllttt n bill \'<'r\' mur h . . · · · ' F. d t •"-11torc 1.0 our llllt'rclll thnn thnL brouzhl out pOli'L Ill t he t!'rms th:ICll~setl lor ll JH' r· Ire an l~e In ~ ~·el\1'. He would Lheretorr mo\'C tbnt the mnncnt b ill. [t \\'liS contc1vlctl Ln· thr: A cA.' IfK::~~.bO rcfCt[Cd lO a c_ommlllCt:O(thc whOil' whole Of the dcft>gn\ ('1! tha t we sftonld ss.urance V y •

lion. :'lfr. )fo~nor.~<nhl the 1!''<-q rr!'rlmln· h :w,• tlw ri~ht ofnpprnl to the Suprem o OF LONDON ~t•1on thoro WM In dl~cuKIIl n:::. nntl liN mo,r•· Court h r rc ,,11 t h e ri••hL of •\JlJII'I\1 tO the • uunnlmlts WI\S i!hOtvtt lnarrh·ln,; Ill n d~<'t~· . , • . " ' tun In a mnlll'r nr11o mm·h lmportnncll to th•' Pn '"Y Counci l only would he llbsnlutPiy Jli'Oplo ofLh<'Colon~· n< thnt now o:ns:a;:t111: u~"lt•lls to pllOr t<UiLOrs: and on that tho at.tcntlon oC !his liO IIM' tlw hcwtter. It · 1 1 1 1. 1 f wtut \VCII·kuowo thnt two ,.,•nr.s n~m nt •:•·· Jl<•lnt ll C 11111~1' lll< uC<'II 111111 c It t••r n ,:rom wns rcreh·ctl bv him itnnt T.o11110n cttn· majority Clf the tlcl t•;.:ntt•i! h:\11 left. £ng­"c~·ln~r the ~lnrllht~ ln!t•llts..<>•n<·c thut nn M·t I au 1 a nd this wns not desir~ 1.>,. the ~l mllnr 10 Lllnt or v1'0Tj! • I [). hn\1 h"t' ll lltlrt>- l t . ~ J <luecd Into L!tl' llonQ,. 11f LortJ, . \\' it"n th•• H nn. )!r. Hnrn•y. Lo rd !'\nhd ury rc· ncw11 roached l:t·n·.tt wn•lmm,••llntcl,\' pl:w •d plied to :1 Ct\IC!!Lilm of L.,rd Kin \_erly to by hlm bcfor•• thf' l,f't.:nl ntur~.~h•·nln ~· .. ~lnn; I • '1 • 1 It Wl\8 con.~ld ·n·,l od\'l"'\bh' thnl "'"" ' ~h:ll'.: L te dlert I 1:\t comp~ntSt\LIIIIl w:ts to 10 should 1.>o don • ,·,· r~· prom l•tl~- . wll h ,L\'1~ w w ~i w n h • R' til\ ~!'IJ! uu.! <•r arl•i 1 r.11 ion nnu n-ustrntc, lriiO'~Ihh• , thnt tnr"h nnol •·o .,..,w ror tlti.s t hl.l l1ill mntlt•nu , f"' iaiu" wlt:\t· m •IU!Ure. Thl' J,l'l-(l.lntun• nt •tn<·l' apuolnh· I • " ' ll\•r dcto~rnt<-~. l:>l r \\'lll lnm \\.h ll<•wn)·, Jlun. e\'l'r, nor wnstl ll''tc•~ny J~·.~pntch or C\'l'tt A. llnrvo)v, 'Hun. :\f. :\fonroc, the Sprnl:cr nnd m ('ntOmndum to b1nu 10 lUI\' mtUliH' r 'lfr. Mor nc, Investing them with proocr h · rl': ' • · ' nu\ltorlty to procelld lo Ent:lnntlnnd to tnke t e lm,Pert~l u overnmeut to g1 \'e com· such st.eplllfl they ~hOttld df'<'lll lli'CI'illlllr~·ln pt•tHSllt.IOil l<'r tl:tlllll~(· or Joss r l'SUiting r.r~~g~~t~r~~t'!O~:O~I~~~~n(:oi~~C\',OI~h~'"3~~g: from JUI nr!Jilr:\lillll n:.: rerd til 1111d pr1'SS· ~:ntcswclnt homc nnd rou:;btthc'blllln" o,·cry rei 011 by Lite Impl·rinl Gon :rnmc ut. stn~tc. They dropPCtl nlla>nrtr consllll'rntlon~ 11 ~>nint~.t.. lihe protest !I 11f the •I colonv. und worked tot::cthcr ns one man for tho !:<'11· "' • • { 1 ) · . · • crnl gOOd '"ork or the colon\''R cnnSJ'. At'lcr lL wo uld be wcll 1n hu 1\Ir.li. s o ptmon n stubborn and dctormlnt·d tight with I he i f the bill were ltung up fur another lmJ)C'Inl Govern mont, thr tl('lf•lfltiC'" sucrc~~tl· . \\' I 'I tl . J' r 1 · cd In forcing th<' wlthdrnwnl rtqm lht• tlou.sa ) enr. tl o tore \\n.s. ItO t 1e rc \\ :&S oCCommonl! or thl' unpopulnr bill. The un- lwpc. Tl:e opportUillLlt:S even n ow dcrat~dlng upon whl,.h tho Brltb h Oo,·,•rn· we re fa\'ornblc for oettitw o. better b ill'. mont'1!0nlll'ntctl to \flthdra'~ the bill wns, , • ~ ,., . . thntP!lrmnnentlc"IRlatlon should oo cuact<xl fhc H on. Mr. H nn·ey admitted tine, In this colony contnlnlng prov1111ons Lhnt himself, alth ough he prcssc1l the Act of '"ere monlloncll under heel! on four or the reo 1 1 'l'b , , · '1 k • port.wblcb rend tLS ro11ow11:-" Dy rorcrent'o 10 .ns• Y<;•tr. ere \\ fill some,t.1mes uc tho corrcapooc.lcneo nnd documents then bt~ lll

1 leldlllC.' It wns nclnntted thnt. n toro the LCg1SIAturc, the CommiUco Ond thnt lJr tt er bill t.hnn tbnt introduced into tho tho dolegntcll mode tho following proposals . In relerc.nco 1.0 leglslntlon or n t.'Ontll. ulng Lt•J;: tilnture lnst yenr could now be ob:

khnractcr:- tnin~d and furth r r nt•goti tt tions ,,•ould (n)"Tba~ILl!bouldprO\'Ide rorLhecrrntloo 1 · 'Ill • , ·) ' h (n court t.o ndjudlcnte upo1111;a comi)Mllntli re:~tt t 1~1 81! leiter LUI~ll!, \\ llC wna

arising In the course or tho cn (orcemrnt or tho Jill\ In fentnr·· nnd OhJrct o f the Tl!­tbo trcntlce nnd the nwnrd or tho propo~ed pl!rt lJ• ( :\fr. ) f ) .t i,lnoi think there· nrbiLri\Lion · upon Lho loblltor qu.!stlon, tho · . '). . . Judges Of \vhlch court should ho nJ•~IInl ell hy port. contntn <-tl " '') lnnccnmciC!I o r nus· tho Govornruent or tho colony wltb tho nu- ststlcm ents nnd Is.• l'lutl11•nged the h csn. provnl orHor Ml\le8ty In Council . nnd O'om 1 ' , · , . 1 11 whOJIC llldgmontatbcre sho.ll be 0 rl~:hL ol np· t:~·nt emnn. to 1,vtut o.t L n U) sue 1. o pent to~beSurrciU<' CourtofLhhl cotnny.nnd chu not thwk lho l:w~ungt' us••d was g:,~'1c~HJ,lhrJudlclnl Commluoo orLhu l'rt\'r s~rouger tbl\ll wos n~ccs ·:~ ry. ~r t lmn th o

(U) "Tha~c:om tlon ShOtlld l.lo pro,•ld••tl ClrC\IIllStl\llC<'S ri'C}lllrl'li. Jl111 <tllC Ob· tor tho110 pcr:,om;, I nn\·, whose protx•rly j ecL W:ts t"O do ·Wh'\tL~·:~ r hr cuultl in t.he mlil:h~ bo \nJuc:...>d or dl ·ur'IM!d In <'On•eflut>ncll · t f 1 , 1 '11 · 1 · t. or tho enn>rcemPnt or t "' nwArd or 1 h<' nrhlt- Ill l'rt'dt 0 t tc co 011~· . 1 1~ wns 118 ou-rnttoo; P.riWidt'tll~ wero found bllJIO lule lO j eCL in J::Oi U~ Ort t lll' UelrguliOll, nnd he nbundon nrbttrntlon slttCY,:o!th!'r.'' · . was prom ptelllw '" ' ot h~r motivo in

Jn a gonornl woy thc.IO v.•cr,, tho line~ upon . . . • . . which thotlcto,,\lcll rou;:ht . nod whl'n the bll l tnlroduCJng tlu r: ('l1rt , wlth tho , ·,ew woe wlt.hdrnwn O'om the Rouse of Cmnmon" of l'1lTT\'in~ on lit<' nrgotiutio lll! for 1\ ~~0~1~,~~~~~et~'i,';::;,;~~1r,'f~~:~;:~ 1Mter i11cr.aurc. J:lc p"lr. M.) felL Hnt.is· bill. Tbo dctc~nt~lton wnltj:!lon ) fr.llrnm ficd thnt if thei r recomnw ndnti ona of aton, tbe ICIP!l nd\' er or tbo. Colonlnl om<·c the rtipor~ we·ro hooesLly 11nd etw=(lti· on the Srd orJuno,'jlnc:,•d In 11111 honds a Drnft · o Bll i iUld exp1olw:<Jit~ nAture 1\n<l obJec~ H e Cl lly pu!lhNI on, w~ should ~ct. nil thnlr sOld bo understOOd t~1olr pr~J)()Sf\18, bm. the\' wns ngrl!ed c1u iu tho Draft .BiJI of tho would h'!'vc to wn1t .uout h ll h11!1 Ccl.D· ,_!cl gatPs. If wo d id not gc•t. thia then, aul~ w1th Lord Snhabury. Thotr d1 · n t. all ovnnts, it. could uoL be u id c.hnt cuastons on the prQJlOHPd pcrmnn~nt w~ had not tried to do our beet. meneure wt>nt on )n.m dny to dtty, \Vlth ir Tbomne Sn.undor.son. the legal ud\·ia· On motion or Ron. 1\1r. HRrvoy the

or ofFor~gn offi~,· '\\nd Mr. Brn.mston House wont iuto conunittcc on the ro­of t.be Colonial o ce-nud D()\'Cr 00 any port. i IIou·. Dr. Skelton in tho chair. occasion wna lb e "11ny d oubt. or di fll· After aom'e time thG- committee roao culty raised by ei the-r on i~ mnin pro- 1\nd asked lea vo t.0 sit ngaiu. viaione. F irat: Eatnb1iabmcntof Courts. 'Hooao adjourned unt.il to-morrow at Second : Appointment. of Jud~tC3 by 4 1-2 p . m. tbp Colonilll Government. Third : Righ· (To b~ntinued.) of ap~al tol:;uercmc Courte of tho COi· ouy. Fourth: Comporuw.uon to _person; ltt,jl'eri.ng lou tbrongh lhe deClSiOU O[ the arbitratore. W ~ weoL on the 6th of ~ the ~t day be Mr. lf. wu in

· OIJ, t.o ~Tea 6oal interview .wilb 8it1'!._ Sauod..Oo and Mr. Bram­~~ lbere ••• DO\bing .funbet ~ UDVR~MD'J,WWl rcpl'llto Lbe propoiOO ~.at tbal iime, &han the quet­t!GG.uto.wbO ihoald p&t lhe Juqee

SuF.FEB.E:I!B from congh 9, colds, bron· chitie, ozoup, inftuenz~, or whooping ooaab, will 6Dd relief in Da. Wma's BnaAMOJ'WJLDOBERBY ,which buoow bteD fn DH for nearly hAlt a cent.ui'J, aDd eWl malotaioe ita long-ea~Uabed ~- u tho beat rcmed7 tor all ~·••• ot \lao &broat, lu:op aDd oben.

E"TABLI S H i~D A.D. · 1812. Susscr.m£o C.\ riTAT .... .... . £2,0001000 Stg. TOT,u. I~v£STED Fu~ns UP-

wAnns OP .................... 2,700,000 St.g. ' A ..... ~UAL I :scom : uPw'os oF SiiO,OOO Stg. ·

'llte GUARDTA~"\"'bcing 11. first-cla'l!l F.n~l it~h lliSllrllllCe Comp.\tly, on'e rs all those a tlmnlJ\ges most, d csintble to iu· snr 'rtl, ,·iz., undoubted &t.nbility, fl\vor­able terms nnd prompt setUeo1ent to cln i ms lor lll6s.

The Undcrsi~tcd bnving been np­pointi'J Agont.s for ~ewfouncllqntl nrR prep~red to il!Suc l'ulicics llJ."t\inoL till

by F1re. JAMES S. Wfli\TER, St. John's. JOSEPH GOOD:&~ Stth·AgtulL,

· linl'hor G ruco.





DONSTIPATION, HEADAOHE, 'A.Dd ~err other: 17m~ o" DIMUe that awu1111

hom a117 D*trder ot Ulo

Sto~ach, Uver or Bowels.

• t


l~t !;arbor lract Stt"~art Tttlitor · and that tbe,.cLion of Gov­ernor Shea in exeroiRing the pardon· \nsr power wtli' "wholly cornpetent "nd proper,'' Thu!t hall Sir Arobroae been apprond in the coune be took by \be highest. jodioi&l authority in tb• British Empire. ,

LA.TUT PROM NoaWA Y--Cable intelligence l&tely received conveya ijle infor!ll"tion that tb,. Norweai&lfl Winter codftsbery up to Saturday Jut bad aggregated 48 milliorl• (about 800,000 qulntala) ae against 87 mtlliona (about 615,000qninU.le) for the 'correeponding perlo~. last year. A blfl voyage most certatn.ly.


Holy Week 'l.t Carbon~ar.

By Telegraph. -o-

Local and other Items. (SPECIAL 1'0 b'TANDA.RD.) -ANI)-o-


=~~~~~~~!~'"''" The CPI'('moniee And dovotiona pecu·

liar to Holr Weok commenced on Palm Sundo.y w&th the bloasin~ of P"lm· brancbet a01f the coJobrat10n Of MJlea by the Ro'"· F"tber McCarLhy-111. which wu read the Pauiou of our Lord J esus Chriet. according to St. l{Jltthew, o. 26 and '1:1.

-A Glouccater, lol.aae., despatch eaya a. eobooncr from the Grand Banke re­ports. durin~ ., storm, John Milieon, or Pulmico, N. 8., ouo of the crew, wu wnabPd ovcrhill\m And drowned.

-Mesen. Duff & Balmer'• echooner S. H. Mor~~c, Capt. Pike, arrived from Bnrbadoe to Messrs. J ohn Munn & Cq. this mornin~:. She bu a ~rgo of molueees, and made the pueage in 28 days.

ST. Jon!C''s, llol'fDAY Ad vices from Grand -Rher atate that

a t.wd-muted schooner paaaed eaatward yeaterday, o•ide.nlly le&ded. .No eea!J were taken there on Saturday. The weather is very etormy. Three eoboon­ei"B ntlmJwly eacaped being wrecked at I.itt.le ~ivcr Point in lAst night.'s galo. AJI were safe to-day however.

A REA80NABLS REQUitST.-lt IF pleuing to know tbattb~autboritie' do n(•t intenit to Allow the hitte' expPriet;ce of th6 "diaa11trous Jnh· flre tn pAIR "Wilhont profltin~ hy lh,.. luaons tbe.calamltoua event is well lit.tPd to 'e11ch. And nnr cit iz•n, &re grntified to learn tbllt W«'ro ha, l ately bPtn receiveo. tfllling them that " thf} oowers tbR.t be" l'r' deairooa of helping their ener~tetit local Fire Bri,Mfe with improvet' appliancts. the better to eMble thefYl to comh"t the l'AVAilt8 ufthed~vonr ing element. A liat o( tbe articlPtt necessary to place the H. G. V. F Company · on a rQOre l'lltisfnctor)'

Here t.he reoder mBy be interested to learn that in his opening 11oeeoh recentl T deliverf'd bv Hi a Excel · IPDOV "'t the opening of the Bahaml\8 Lfl~ielatore. among other maUerr,, l\Ot. te(f'rf'nce WAll mad_, to · the pleating fact that "the normal buai­n.Sa · of the year bad yielded · fair averar;e returns, and the pr~peo~ •f the Fibre T ndustry were em1nent.·

M..ue was 1\l.eo celebrntod on all t.he other daya ot tho week, with the usual ritea except on Good Friclay on whicl\ the Mau of t.be Pre-81lnctified was offer· ed. At theab Muses o.lso the Passion waa read and on Sat.nrd&y were ch•lntpf\ tho Prophecies that. referred to the auf· ferin~ of our Divine Rroccmer. On H oly Thuracl:\y there wa.s Expo.'lhion of the Bles!ed Sacrnment. nnu On· Good Frid"y the ancient ancl touching cere­mony ofVcnera\.ion of the 9ross. .

ARE THE SEunN• CaA.NGtNG'?-ln the }ut number of the Engif}U1',ng Ma.gcui.f\6 Professor Hazen of the Weather Bureau esuys t.o answer the qoeation bearo so often now­ad.rya-namely. " Is the climate gradually chtmging?" The atate· ment the Profesaor remarks, is some timo; made that our eo.rtb ie dr} iu$r up, tlnd -p:radua\ly sbri~k!ng, ~rom the loss of hellt. Thuut 1s olaamed · that the ancient Lake Bonn,.rville. of which our Salt Lo.k~ in Utah is ouly a trivial r t'runllnt, was onco of rnormous . Ri7.A ; that Arabia, and Persil\ and Pnlesti ne ~ere, Cl'nt.uries RI!O lands fiowin~ with milk and . ho~ey, well waterAd . f~rtile o.nci s us· t!lining \ d Pn e p opul a tto03', b\lt are now dry and barre n d eserts. 'fuese cha nges are e:< plniMci by ~eo l o!!ic cond itions. hy dtm udation of fMc!lts, an 1 b y 1\Lhe r ca uses. S till in Pnle:i· tine. the d itto vnl m nnd vines which Me known to hl\\"tl fi 1urished there over thnse thoueall'l y ears ogo,thrive there to·dl\y . lo E~!ypt, mum m y c ·tses s how we ll prP, erved dried plantll rnore t han 4000 yeurs old, nod tl)e sumc plants are growing in E~ypt to-dl\y 1 ln Chinn, ancient records give proof of the cxiatcnce nod conditions, thousands of yenrs ago. of certnin plants, of silk worm!!. nod of t he ti mes of migrations of birrls; alY,hese are contin ue•l un· chanp:ed to our own times. In France records of the vinta~e have been preserved fvr over 500 years rmd are unchanged. · In all these casta, the climate bat~ clearly been ab· solutely without. any change durin~ theee long periods, for & variation of an average of ten de~rees would have destroyed the uniformity of tbe result. '£hie conclusion is fortified bj other eviaenc~, sho wing tbnt iu apite of a n occas10oal wet or dry season, or a bot or cold period, there is ample proof that from 1\S far back as human hl!!tory or records go to our own day : there has l:Ot been the s lightest o.p preciublo change in our climate.

-Foa ST. Joas'a.-Mesen. Pu.tenon ~t.- Foeter'a eoboone.r L"Ul'a ltJft here on Uio'nday morning Cor St. John's ; she is to brinJ: hi-ther tho firm'• sprin~ goode. Capt. Spence's ecaooner Pembina left h ero for the aamt.plaoe yetterday.

The steamer J;>ortia arrived lut. night; abe encountered heavy gales on the ~s­sa~re, with much anow and drift. On Friday and SatnrdR.y she met a small quantity of slob ice, took two hours pResinp- lhmngb it. She baa 11. full cargo of breadatoffs, provis ions. Tho steamer Thl\mea arrived on Snturda:v ni~ht,witb a full cargo from Portland, MAine. She rPporls l"(mgh weRther, espcciaUy on Friday and Snturda.y, when a best.""Y , nl c 1"1\j:E.'d nnd her decks wr rC'I ewep~ In llttitudl' 44.10. N., loo~:itoclt> 56.30.W. shr entererl Rn immcn!ll' body of ice. Snilcd nlonJ: tho edJ:c 250 mil"!!. he hrinP"S 10.000 barrels of flour nnd ] 2;)0 bnndle11 nf hay. She will b& ready to "tnil on Wr rl nescllly ni!!ht.

---lv enconrs~ing; that aome oolt_iva·. tor" h•o rPached the barnllt st"ge. and shipments on &small scale b&d !one forward wit.h marked result& that left. hut little to desire; that these will be followed by increasing .. xports in the present and the com­ing vfiRTS. A coneidernble amount •f•nrl ditional capital harl hf'en re· cf'ntl y introducflrl . Indf~penden~ of •nmf' pri vRle pur~hn es. about 70.·

()()() Rcl'eQ of \ rown LRtHI hl\ve be~:n 1-::q uired for the Fibre. pultivati~>n ; \ Oil in vielv of the multiplied ud­lition t o the valQe of the former orouuc tiops of t!~ol?ny,_ indicated r.v those t~teau1ly •1demng opera· tion11, the Goverm ent iR not con­.eroed to h a Hlened the disposal of •he re-mf\ i ning p :Hl of 100.000 Rcres of land to wbiob concession• from thE' Crown Me limited up to the end of the yenr 1901.

The morning Rnd C\~ntng serVIces were re mnrkably w.ell a ttended during the entire Lent., and especially so on I{oly Week.

-110 YEARS 0LD.-An c.ld lndy-1\lre. Smith-d ied on the 15th March nt Quincv, Illinois, nt the fnr ndvRnqed ngc of 119 years. She was born in Vir· ~:inia in 1774, a d nt one time wns in t he employ of orge Washing(ou.

·rooting was l a._t~ly. on the recom· m endation of th~ mem hers fo r the D iCJtrict. forl\"aroecl to the Govf'rn m ent . O nr tcrwn~nt>oplE.' Pn t r rtnin no tlouht l.u t t pnt tlw rrn:>on h ie r f' q ue t wi I n•cpi.'"" t hP con it"'rnt ion it drilf'r\"e~ nn~ fu r th Pr t.hn nn nu · p o ition wi ll hf' rl\i!"ad l\$l:&inFt it. i n viP\t o(,thf' ~·"r.Y ur~t>n t •nntt~>r­n nmely. the protection nf th e~ tnw~ again:-t the ravaJZt'R of \he fire-fienn - tG whi<'h . it relRtes. Afte r thP recent unfortunate expericncf' of thP Pi. te rci l.:v. is it tn he npPcted thnt r• sin~tle m e nrbflr o flhe PPoplfi'R H ou Fr will be found (.,6Jish enonj:th t o li f• up his voice n~ainst so mod erntf­a"od eo reasonable a request 1111 thP one ab«'ve referrert to, mAde. as it is by the Hnrhor Grace citizens. who.-t Volunteer Fire Rri,zade i l!' compoFerl of sturd:+' m e n. prepared At all ti mN to cheerfully jlo thf'ir vt1ry ntmost to safe<o«fil the hest anci dearest inte:-eRte nf the town in which thfly live, in which they are so deeply concerntrl ? W,. trow n ot . And when the fact is horne in mind that the much needPd im provement!' apught for Me to bA free of cost to thfl town. surPly, thPn. '"e Rav. the BriJZade is wnrrllnt erl in ex pl c tinl! to become the posseFiors of morP valuable. because n.ore m orlern. &.fJ paratus. in ord Ar tho hetter to PnablP 1t to work with JZreatP.r ad vantngP ann effE'Ct ( '" hen,..Yf'r t h e OCC!LfliOn m "ay ~riee) than · it ia p os11ible to do with its p re::ent old-fas hioned ap· t>lianceF. It i" flO\ V some '"ea rs!!incP the second city h 'ls h ad 11ny s ub· Ptnnti nl im pr'''"i'rnPnt ll mRci e in .it~ FirA Dep:\Tt m<'nt . T heconRP<)Uf'n _,. i s th l\t mnny of i t fl f'n~ine~ nr~ a n ti q n nted , n nrl th~rpfore fou nd l naciP­quntf' t o battle wi th the fu lle~ t nrl­vanta~o agllin "t t he r a.VRjZPS of fire.

'l'hc devotion of ~he Stations, or h~11..­way of the Cross, ~;.1s p<>rformetl w1t 1

grc>nt fr rvonr. On Good Frit!ay (•\"Cning the n e\·.

Father ~t:cCMt hr th·lin•r .. .t nn nblt' nn.J eloquent discou.n!l' on the P.t!l..'lion or lAst suiTC'rin~s of our S11 ,·iour. In ~<tyle 1111d IAngung<' hr tit t in)! t hi' a wfu l th t' llll' -the death of thr on of lind, the Prince of l)cnce, so terrible in i tself a nd eo 1\mnzin{! in its l! !lVil\)! rt'SU!t-thl' Hcv. Preach er most ' •ividly . pnnrtn1ycd Lhl' Wllnto-:. and mtnrovokeJ 11hu;;(', cn rPI mocldf!~ nnd scou:t: inp•. iu ~ho:t.whnt· ever cpuld intensify the bod1ly nnd m cntnl sufierinS-:"~< of t hr guiltless Ht­dcem er ; nnd finally h i11 e xcrncintiu,; and i$;nominious dent h on Lltt• C!nss.

-" UPTF.ItnA~OVA Rt\"ER."-To-day's i~suc cont:li ns t e concluding pi\ per of the i ntcrrstinJ: aerira which hus for some tim!' pnst. ecn !lppcnring in tbl'se coh1m nR from ho facile pen of our ''"urthy rorn•spondcnt, som(• of thr pnrt.y T hat tlw nrticks ha \"C' o~ nnd nil brcn pr• rusPd with a kr..:n . rclialt by the ST \Sn \Hn':: n umetous r\!ru.lCr&, thr re cnn be no doubt.

A· tl'l~rsun just rrcPin•rl from Chnn· nrl Mys thnL thr 11trnmc>r which pn11scd vrst.-n!lw i11 tlw ::'\cwfoun llaml,:1nd that shr hn.~ it full lnntl . Th<'rC' nrl· !'I''V r l senlcnH\ 1. C'l1nnnl'l,wnit ing for u chn~c to C:l'l t hrnn!!h tl11· ire.

npt. Dic·k:~ who rl'tl\mf'd ln11t wr ek

' T h e t r iplet cros3· heRd!\ wit h vn 1 ves ard s u ch :m 9Ck nowled$l:ed im proYe·

t m ent on the onE-s h i ther to i n use that they must be h nd . cos t wbnt thoy ninv. Fu rther : T h e new cotton rubb er-li ned b oee i~ no\r m aoufn'ctured ~o chel\ply. t hnt therP is n o good TPIHiOn why t he Hri c;adfl should not be supplied with 1\ good au pply for nil em c rgenc:t-A. Z\or must the harrl y m en thE>mseh·Ps be overlooked - those brave fellowi who, when nPed be, arA ready to rielc life and limb to ttlve property. Will it be rlenied, then, that it ie oQly right that their safety and condor\ ehoul•l be attAoded to ? Although oar trusty defenders are &!raid neither of fire nor water, still it becomes a bounden duty to pro· teet tbeir valnabJe· heal\h a& muc h M p oseible by the aid of water-proof coats, bel mete. eta. And with these it is to be hoped tbey may be so()n eul'nliecf.

There yet remains a little more to be said in the above connection. but this we shall resr rve until next iuo&-!pace now cxhaua~ed .

\\'hen r ead ing such a ~lowing re­pnrt of the ern of prospt"rity upon ,v bich the Bahamas seem to have r ntetrd under the 1\e~is of Sir \ til brose's h eneficfmt reign. conse­quent for the most part upon the growtla of thRt remRrkable enter prise-the Fibre Industry· -tbe t•eople of Newfol\ndland may well be pardoned if . .they should fe~l envious of tho go<;>d fortun• o( tbe1r s it>ter colony, and wieb that they too bad 11ucb a ·valuable economic fnctor as the Sisal bas proved to be. Tt gC'Ies without sayin~ that Terra :\ova's bete noir (as Sir Ambrose so .,flea insisted when pretleot in the Colony) is the enforctdidlenu a which has eo lnrgoly bolped to crush the energies of her " hardy toilers" for s , long & t ime. Tbequestioncomea ri~h t up here-it Uf\1! a s mach force nflw ns it h nd twenty yean ago­W here is t bo remed y to be fou.nd ? TH nt•l t hi ,; a mnt.ter well deserving of t he Le:~t a ttention and thou ghts of a ll o u r legislators. our public 11• ~"11. nnu ot!1ers having the welfa re of tho cou n try a t heart?

The Hlgh School Entertainment.

.\ very enjoynhlc cntcrtninmcrt. wns ~i n•n uy tho pnpils of the High School, H arbor Grace, a t. t. P11tll's Hnll on Mondny even in~ !nat ; und MillS :Mnrtin

LncAJ. 'ft:ot:TI~G.-As IS well· nnd her Airlc-d<'·Cnmp, .Miss ~1, can· k .1 f not be too hrnrti ly congratulated upou ·nown to u ur re.lueri, so me o ou r the succus of thC'lr Jnutlablc exertions local sportsmen. who bnve long in trl\inin!! the chih.lrcu, nnd brini;ing taki)O an acti\"t: in te res t in the well- t heir. di tl'•·rcn~ parts to such a 11tngc of hPing a nci' fu ture p rod u cti vc neRs of proticionc~·. An op<'ning chorus well tbo lake ·fiih f,>Und in t h e ponds ad· ~ivcn by wny of prologue, wna followed joinihg. brou~ht forc ib ly before t ho hy n h~tppy song, Ltlll~hing, whilsL the

I I . 1 t.l I · bTl t"·o Diuloo:uee ·• Ne w Yea r Calls" and pu I 1c, nst sea~on , le c ~1 ra 1 1 y ··Three Little L:His" brou"'hl rsorne clt>vcr of rc~tock i ~~~ st!veral o i these with n "' '· d young people into a prominent position, be t.lcr V:\ri .. t y of trout than ua whoatfurd.t...U plcnsurcanu amusem ent. to hitherto beon found tht rein ; and, their audience. The·' Sweeping Druah in ordl'r to that, bad strongly ad- Brigade" Wfl8 good, and " Little Cook_a," \'"ised t h e importation of some of 1he was a plcaaan~ and well-rendered llCtxon lar~rr Pptc ies o'f Salmon and Rain- song. In the Di&l_og~e, " Playing H9'11· bow ova, the booking of which, as · tc!s" that clc,·er httle lady, M1se ' twere needlere to remind old 1 ke Ma;tin, grently diat.ioguishod herself.

'I'hia cbiln hRa unc'.oubtCd talent and h er Wallons. aff~>rda. more excitement. mlltmer of deth·ery ahows roal dramatic keener sport. than is to be got from '>Ower in t.bc bud. The act.ion song. the swaller fry that naturally fre- " Chineao Umbrella," was prett.y, anu quent the -lakes of this neighbor- .. Awakening of t.he Flowers" was a bond anrl o ther contiguoua ones: Dialogue extremely well " put on."

It ie ,..leasing to learn that the St. Tbeiong'.' Sneezing'' followed som ewhat -.John's S porting Club willthii year appropriately, (or t.he fla\·our of

· f f b tJash-light. fumes from the preccd-be in possess1on o no ewer t an ing scene, made thia outburst of nature one hundred thousand salmon trout an extremely facile matter for nil. and ten thoos•nd of .tbnt otht~r There wns a Dialogue, "Aunt DoborRh," equally vabable variety, the Rain- and a clevorly g&vc~ Cantnta, "Dniry bow fry. · These are expected short- M1Lid'e Supper," from Jwhich wo learnt ly. when tbey will be planted in th• a. few of the secrete of fresh milk manu­di fferent ponds in the vicinity of the facture, good seund chalk, and & temper-

•• BOTU CoMPETENT .4ND PROPER." C .t 1 nncepump being alwnye a t hand and in -As the readera of the STA.'iDARD a pi a · . . at ron" request. The Drill "Gvt>Si c.>s" .are aware. reference hue before The Club, ll 18 furUter stated, are ehO\\'~U the gymnutio oa.pabillt.&es of been made in theae columna to the very anxious that Harqor Grace and tc,he sch olnre to nd vnntagc, &nd the ·Jo.-

matter o t e . musun ers tan JOg. with the m i o the scientific move ; nct.ing, bo~h iostrl~cti ve a_nd arttat.1c, ull

It ia needless to ndd thn t the u n pr.•s· aivo discourse commnnded the det'PI.'I'L attention nnd producrd n.. nu_nk.ed elfccL on the l11rgo nud npprcctl\ ll vo congre· galion.

In concluclin~: his :1.dmir.lblc discourse tho Reverend .Fnthcr exhortcd his hcnr· crs to bear patient ly all the rcpr•>nchcs, self-denials and sacrifices which the true followers of Chrilt m ust. be expect· cd to endure if they faithfully ma intain their profeui~n. . .

Thua ended tho reh g10us of obser­vances of H oly W eek. Ca.rbonear, April 3, 1893.


PHILADELPiliA, Mtn .!h 27.-Four m embers of the coming expedition to North Grernlo.nd h1w o heen definitely chosen. They nrc Dr. F . A. Cook, of New York city ; Snmucl W . Entrikin, of W estchester, Po.. Eyvnml .Astrup, now at. Chrietinnin. ::'\orwnv , and l£11lth cw H enson, of Pbilai elplib. .\11 of ~he four men chosen ho.vc ,·i&il<'d Grcenlnnd hufore, three oft hcm-Conl.::,Ast ruP.. nnd H enson- nccOmJinnicd l 'rnry's )\orth Green lnnd ,•xpedi tion ol 1 ·.n, wltile .Ent.rikio was=~ IIH.>m lwr of the p,.,, ry relief f'Xllcdit ion nrta.;t summer. 1t i11 Penry's i ntention to tnkc: aL lt·nKL t.hrt·c nnd pcrhnps live companicms with him on l11s ucxt_jon rncy ncros~. t.ho isl:11td ice co.p. These will h·~ th \'lcl<'d llllll two p1lrt ir11, one ol wh i..tt will slll'\"•' Y the nnrthcnst coast :md Lite otlwr accom· pnnyiug Penry on !\II att••rnpt 10 OIIL· line tho lnnd nti\S.!H.s wmh ur t h <' mnin­l:lnd nnd, if conditiuns nrc fa\·,,ur.lu lt•, to r<>ncb the Poln1· il\":t :"1\'Cr the froz,•n occ.m. Th~ cxccuti\·t· comutittc<' of the Geo~rnphicnl club, \dtidt r.~l'lllly do·· c idC\1 to nsat>cint'~ itM·It" \\ith Li t·ut. l'cnry i n his JH"OJ>OS·~d Arctic cxpcditinn has 1esuea n leltl'r nllkin~ lor cnmriltu­tions to delray the expenses of the trip. The letter 11ays :

" Thn cost of the exrrdit iC'In , inclnsivc «'fila return, wi ll be·~:t2•),l)tl0 to $2.J,OOO, the grea ter portion of whic h iL is ~r. Pcry 'a purpoae to contribute from. his own indh·h.lunl resour~:ee.

" Three other expedition~ are dcsti r\ed for tho polnr regions t.hi11 y<>M-one fromu.~orwtly, one from Dcumnrk nnd one from Englilnd. lt. should he the just pride of every American to sco tho n&tion'a flng retained at t.b~ fu rthest nortb ,whi~hor it hna nlr~ndy thrice been co1rried by tho na tion'!! ~nlh1nt sons Toward Lhis realization tho committee

!f tho Geogri\J?hical cluu a ppc11ls for id to nil pntr&otic c itizens who \:D lue cquisitions or any kintl mndo tn humnn

knowledge nnd nre desirous of sr cing this country foremost iu tho mar.;h of tl iscovcry ."

Prof. \Angelo \H eilprin, wh o wn.'l a t tho hend of the Penry relief expedition lnet. ycnr, Rnd who will proba.uly join Lieu . Peary on c proposed tour, is chnirml\n of the co 1miuec. f h ' . d d . " Con ce ption Da y angle rs sb ouiJ j oin I p nnCIC Wedding Wllsa capit.al pi~co of

whtcb a ahort.timengo arote be~ wee n and whalcvur amQu n t. is subscribed or the young llldiCa tak&ng part. were Newfoundland 's gifted eon- ir Am, .b y them be put -to thli desirab le aplendiuly "~o.t up" for t l.te occnfli? D· - A11 nbnndoncd hnrq~1o pnsscd .by brose SheA. Governor of the Ba ham- b" f, 1 r . d d" t "Jtlpuneae }t'alr " was A. llvely 1\CUon Mr. E. Durlcr's bnrq t. l•ldOtln, \\lllch as,-and Mr. Chief Justice Y eJ v~>rloo 0 Jl'Ct 0 P 8 n 1~g 10 pon 8 11 .Ja<'l1D song, a nd' the march "Good,....Nighl. " l!\tcly nrrh·ed nt t. John's I rom Cndiz, of three lalanda . His L ord ship, it a m nny of l he 11'1Jproved vanety as aeomed t.o afford gencrrcl amusement. ~ nftcr a pasangoof 2idnys. On WJ c.lne11·

'}ll. b d h d · · ou r local " a porta" may deem nd- Th '' leau nt the t:ouclusion or tho d~y !net, wlten in l1\t. 4.2.;>8 ~- ldn'g. 53 Wl ue rem em ere ' a unpr1son· vi11able. 1t is fc,r them to say. on rtui1 cnt Wllfl pnrt.icularl~ striking W., about 2J·>O 'llijc ~.or ~pe h acc,sho ed Mr . Moselev, the Editor o f tbe In prosvect of the commendable a i:i pic _ing I.e:! t!le oyc. Min Mablb ' pass.cd tho cro.liet. .~orw~gia11 b11rque N!W!ao GtUJrdian. for publishing a o'hject had in vie w, is it too much to H1'd • 1s ~caerv.u\gof n vote,of ~hnnks Lome of .lArvaL:_, ttmbcr l t ~dc!l · .Flf r leUtr signed •· Colonist," which, be expect that a number of oar goabead for he c.illo1ent p1an? aCCOJl.lpanunef!t4 • spare wero st.andi.Jlg, but the s tn ls were

· held, contained some sarcastic al- h "l' tl b d th rougtl ut tuc eveu1ng,aa 111 alao M1as uti blown 1\Wt~y, e~l)pL t ho t..op-gnlll\nt-lusione to bimaelf. For tbi8 he bad sportemen e re "'1 ~ promv Y an 'l'rapnell for art.i6t.io ecrvjce11 well ron· aail, w.bich hnd IJeen unbent.; her decka llr. Moae~y brou,bt up l.)efore the tbemselvei! ~(lgl!tber, an~ freely put durcd. · I were nbout level with t.lto wnl<•r, t.ltc coort. and, because Jl• refused tv do (say J two dollars each 1nto auch a 1 1'bero waa B. very large attendance nt boats wllre gone, and no s ign of lifo waa

h · b-..J h " .1.. d h' t · t worthy enterpnse us the above un- 1 tho BnU, and the company went. aw11y vieiiJlo on board. ~o li.W o\'idcntly " 8 Wl8 wu lmp.oa Jm cu 10 0 questionably ie? The small eum aeomi.11gly well plctu~cd "ith all .they 1 Loco in )lcnvy weather, got louky, and priaon i aad ordered to pay heavy tboacontributed would in the coarse had seen. C. ti. P· . I been abandoned. • 11Dea, u weJl u the ooet n( vroceed- of a abctrt lime em pbanze the wia- · • ' • . · • • Whereupon Hia Excellency dom of the adventure, in tbelar,er -The ent.ertaio:ue!'t wb1oh WCUJ to ..:..Two Fism;n.li:EX DaowsEo.-A late Jlif Ambroae intenened, and re· and beLter variet.y 01 trout wub have taken.J>lace e&ilagbt, ~n 1be A~ dee~tob from RoeeBIMchoatated that JluecJ hi1a1. The CbieC Justice tben which oar lake• woul.A tbere&!ter be demy Hall,ltl poe~poned8u~tolll to-kmon:ow d&.r1ng a g!'le of wind one night. laat. aM~eated &o Her Majetty'a"' PriY1 b B (Thursday) evenw1 at o oo , ow1ng week two ti~ermen, one named Snook, COOncU. 1&1 deobion hu latelx atooked. ThUJ would t • ay to the inclemency or the weather. A the oLber William Buffett. weromiuing bea ai'feD. The Chief J u.-dce b..- Metropolis get a name for aood lake- wall•elected programme h•• ~een pre- Nex~ d.y day DO tiding• could be bad

lalonDed UJat the Editor o£ ftabfDI1 &Dd be 10n1bl bJlO'felS 0£ 1 ~,and llevera.J of the bee& IUllela are of tflcm beyo.ld lhe f"Ct. t.haL thl\y w~re '"':U.Iritiiii"Gildft did a~ oommft oon· tbe allariag 1pori. I to take put. The oocaioa t.lierelore Jae' nt~n about dlree mile. from laDd, ,r., will bean eajoyable one, I .Afterward~ 101ne goar, auppoled to be

t»abliablDg Ule let· A YC'f hea!J wind Uld raln-ttorm bu t·&hM, wu obaenid in the water. On ~--~~~ &he UDI'tiUOJl&ble IHI8IU&il~~& t.lizoaaboal the daJ'• _~· I -'l'be baiq&. WDUam bu been re- l"rlday the bodl• of bo&b men were re-:ar..we.Jii.U,unillt&Dd lbe ~Will hue &he e~eo&otbHaklor ooppered M ibe Jo::,r.:mllel ol hn covered. No perttcil.l&n a~ known ••

poinl or l up abe bald II!AP ohriMh• wblob bali · cnraat. Sbi wiU •• • tboloalh' to huw t.bey loeUhelr U vee. It. . il be-mu• bieD ~for the Uaie « ~ cmnaalb! ucl npatrina, ud wl11 lleYN the)' weN drlvon ubi'J're 1114

ct tDDIIb ,..,.. • tb• bt_.n•d. ciiOwDtd iii •e }aMYJ' ....

- -- rr ports spenkin~ to two smnll craf s from - E. Uudcr. r:.aq., a 1\hort. tim<' n!!o rr· Cnpc Breton. Th<'y hncl but littl<> diOi-

rl'i vee! n lt•tter from Fo~o dntl'd l\{1\rch rnlty in I!C·ttin~ thron~h the icl'. The :!:}rd, stnting th:\L " tho Fog<l Islnmls ::'\cwfnuntlhmrl wns in si~ht o.t Codroy m!'n snw a ~:rl'n t. body of s~'nls pnssin~ for ten dnya, hut. sailed o.wny to s6nth sovth on .Mnrch 5th nnJ Ct b nhout. 4 wr~t. out of i~ht. Thr pr(•plc conjec­miles ou t.<! ide tao ' tonehou11o Is lnnds. ' t.nre Cn pt. F nrquhnr m ust. h:n ·e a ~ood The ico wna nmniu~: 110 quickly it wns trip. 1'h.- rc 1\rC' R~'Vf'rnl vessels n ow in impossible for the m en to get on it. j;nd sight. in the ncighhorhood of the aea ls. do nnything with them ."

-Tho ~St . John's press lately con· tainrd the st.ntcment that Dr. H ognn, of this town, who hnd been pmctising in c,,ruonear for the pl\81. yeM or so, goes to thnt. city next month , to engage in the prnctice of his honorab le profl'l!sion Though sorry to 108c t.hc ar n •1cca of the ablcyoung m edico.his many friendsh cre will unite in wishing him every succoes - nnd a prosperous Cdreer in the cnpit.al city.

A FIRE at Old Perlican on Thursday nftornoon drstroyed a \"&lunble rl well· ing. By it the owner- Mr. E lins ~arch - lost cverythinJ;:'-the accumulations of a life time. H e had only a amaH amount of intmmncc. His loes wili rench somewhere bet. ween then nd IIC\'ell thouennd dollnre. The origin of the fire re mains n rnyatr ry. Much eympath>" J11 e xpresaed for ~Jr. March nnd h1s fnmily.

- TilE SoiREE.-Thc Dnncc R_i\·cn nt t ho Masonic lbll last. night. was a great succf'i'll. Ahout.liO ~tii·Stll W!'r" pr,•sr nt, and tho ni).dtt. ! ped s wi ftly llWtl.\' a midst lluoynut lnughte r, Jtlllcty &n·J swret 111clody. We were glnd to sec a nmnbrr ,,( City ladies anti ~cntlcmcn vrcsrnt, also some of our outpo~t friends. The music wns lit t·mtc. nod thl' r.-frc h· " "'nt •lepnrt t !'nt w :t!l romluctcd by ) Its. Pike in h r usunl gocd style. 'l'ho IT:lll had ucen t:1 td"ulh· JPcorntcd with lla~s. nnd n. hra rty voto, nf tiiiUikS i:i rlur to M··~srs. Hi)!gins nnu Apsey for tlu· ir nrli11Lic nrmn~t·mcnt. ' "he pnrty lorukc up nt nbo·1L 3 n. m , nnd ' 11 went home reJoicing over ~he rl'collectioos of :~ plcnsJutt ni~ht of rovelry.

Among th e vi_.!i tord ut t he oirc<' I MI. night wcre-:'ohssre. Dr. McLeod, G. ilunscll, A. B11rurs, \\'. Ch•Rry, 'l'rnnficlJ, A. Goodridge, T . .B. Cl ift., C. Foran, CRmpbell, Thorburn, E. Pilot, A. Noble, )J. Pa rrcll and'other non-residents of the town.

-The steamer Portia arri \·ed nt St. J ohn's from Halifax and New York on

Rturdny. The AmeriCAn a nd Do· m inion mail brou~ht by her was re­cei ,·ed hero by Mondny evening'a train which did not Rrri ve until 8 o'clock, owing to delny in tnmsit caused by t he r11ils being COilted with icc. The following wero the pnasenj:<'re. From :-fc•w York- Mr11. Mckenzie, .lli11~ Cl\ahin, )[l'8ilnt . J . W. West., H. Rennie, L. G. ~[ackay, C Taylor nnd one in MCcood r'a uiR. From Halif1lx- 1lessrs. L. F . Duchemin, R. A. Breh a m; J. Hnrris, J. Ffetcher, C. Colau~n, J Caffrc~y. T. M. :\[onroc, J. Hutchington, l\1. ~nnors a11d 6 in 11econd cnbin. Portia will sail ngnin a bout. Wednesday.

That Ea.ater Monday Hen Bo.nquet. In honer of the 'fC!t.i re arason, aC',·crnl

pt'J"Bons ot the fa ir sex ml\de nrrnnj::e­mcnts for~~ feast of ti\t things ou tho t111y mcntiont>d above . 'l'hcy 1\t first. duchletl (so I hea rdJ to hn,•e n.fcw young gontletneo_invitcd, bm M some of tho pnrty were fnirly nd \"lloccd in yCI\.rs, they thought. the bet tor pll\n would bo to d isp·cneo with the m McuLine e lcmeut alt.oge~her, nod let. Rll occupy the aame plntfor rn, viz., non·m&tcd. 1'he h our for hil.arit.y cnme, and the table which Loro the luxurioa waa surrounded by thoee who had fulL t.he bnrdshipe of " lent sen­son. Whon who should happen upon tho •!lene but. my noble aeJ(~.uma l\lJu;;TroNs. My pre.enoe wu loudly ap­plauded, and l!elC' that. t.hie waa a goOd welcome !or me. I immediately put on a amiling face (which by the 'flay was eorely in need of aoap and water), and .looked u much likeJimmieupoeaible. Well, to make a loagatoryebort.,wehad a ~rrand t.ime, although I 'hink 'he ohio ken hl\d reached the full three score yeAn and &en ofbenbood. Nevertbeleu my teet.b were equal to the QCCUion. Ym .any that our Yc;>ung ladiee are 10 ongenerqua ae &o llmtt tbe oppcleit.e of their ·~ to mJaell, fOJ there are manf more of myl,t&mp who WOQJd be £laCl to pu~ in an evemng like I did. wi~t mUolllDJurJ' :to thitr dipe&be ozpu.

Yoaa; . JJJOG&


The 11chooner .Minnir nrrived at. Burt:co thi11 morninJ: with 00 hnrpe. She r"portll the ~i mrod with 11,000, t he achoon~'l"!l F.scnrt wi th 400, the E mp ror with .i(}(J, ::'\oticc 3GO, tho Wcntsell' 300V) the Amazon 100. be 11nw otheu choon· · ere. ThPrl' were a few acals \"CI!terday nt Gra nd niver ; tho m en secured (rom three t.o four eenle cnch. P roflnects to­dny arc splendid. All nrc on· on icc. Should tho wind continue we11t., a. big shore hnnl is expcct.r d. ns senls are re­ported numerous in the ofling.

The Xe wfoundlnnd ar r ived nt t wo o'clock. ~he hails for equnl to l i ,000 11rals. She report-S lea,·ing In~onieb on March 1~; 111\ w 11 smnll pntch; on the 13th llc'cur• d iOO. \\"ne then nbou t. 35 mi les north 1'1\SL of ~-Paul's. On tho lGth nbout -10 mill'!\ not th WC8t. of Cape An;::u ille, s\tc st ruck n lnr~e pntch of hoorl ~ ; from the 1 ' th to :!3rd, men en· ~:ns:ed in k illin~ nnd nnnnin~. By 31st. hnd a ll 8f'tlls on uonnl; tlu•n hnrc n p for . t.. John's. RC'ports sjwnkin~:tht.' .\l~er- · inc on ltii.h ) fnrch with ''"~' h •1ndrPd sra lll. C11}•L Fa rqnhnr IS l"•' rtnin h o would hnvc scc:urr II\ f-Ill i •.tditnd hie crew 11tnck to him nn.! w 1 r•· n••t per· sundNI loy ( 'npt The>n.• \' tn d r"t•rt.

The i!Chooner :-;t, t..:hHt' nrrh ·ec.l here from Bt.atnn tc~dt~ ,· with r.ll h er head gr!lr cnr ricdnw,,y:

'I'h.- schootll'r "' rfrc>tl Whelan Brn!!~, mnstl'r, urrivC'U nt C'npc Ht.y tCH.lny from the icr. ::'ho r. ports tho ~ew­foundlancl with :.iO.OOO youn; hoods. llrng • ltnirs for forty et-.tk

H .\ Li r AX, Apri l 3.-. n~nrhns ndmnc­<'d a halt ccnL n pomul in European Mark!.'~ .

The Fn•nch Cnhinet. is composed of nil li<'W m c>n. :\lcll inc is J.>rcmicr ; Mini11ter of Commerce, Dcpury; of In­terior, Gueridn ; of J ustice, Poiueauire ; of FinnncE', De\"cllc; of Forei,n Affain, Louizielon ; nnd of Wnr Ribot. Tho • . Cabin~:t. was do:fcated on the Liquro Tnx.

1.'ho Canadian Parliament. WILl! pro­rogued on Saturda y ; 66 bills were as· eent.ed t.o, including seven divorce.

-1000 houses nt Manilla have been burnt.

'l'hc Pnrisian nrri ved yesterday, wi~h over" thousand pMaengcre.

r\ PntL 4.-Cholcrn ia spreading rapid­ly in uth Enatern Hungnry, Cll8Cfl nro reported near St. Petersburg.

The Pope refuset~ nudicncc to Catholic sov('rcigns or their represent.ativea atr tending the ailver wedding of King Humbert. ·

,!t. is reported Presidcn"t Cleveland stopped nE>~oti&tions for 1\n Extradition Trr at.y with Uussia .

Do.yarc; nu.s been nppointcd o.mbaesa­dor to London. British nnd n ussinn nt•g6titttions i n re

t.hu Behring ea difliculties arc m ost. amic~lc. ·

The n•nch expelled Gcrruan traders from D homer.

Al'tm . .l-COmmerdnl Bank, Victoria, A ustmlia , sus~ndl'<l. Depoaita ex­ceed twol\'b QUUiow poonde; Cllpital, t.h r c olillioos.

Tile F rrnch minietry has been re­constn.tctt.d . Dcpury b('comcs Premier · nnd Minister of Interior nnd Guorion Miniatcr of Justice. Otheiw orubors aro u previously annotlnccd.

Sir DoMld Smith s:tives a nother bun· drod thouet\nd doll4re to McGill Medi-cal Faculty. #

Stoppage of collieries in \V&lea throws /our thpusand m en idle. /

1'hero ia a rumored plot. to blow op ~peror William in pRMing through Smt.1erlaod en route t.o Roriitl. Sw111 Government gives positive uaurancea of hia eaftty dunng the Eaater eervice.

A Ru..ian church near Tift.ie wu blown down by a hurricane. Over oae hundred live. llllt.

Ita ~t 1Ulitiea COJDmend to pub o ap~val the· Oali­tomia Uqold fnd~ remedy Syrup oCFip. I' Ia plewnr to the ere. aDil to the •te &nd br pul1 ~ 0:.~ kld­n.,.., liver aDd bOwela,IUl~~~

~'::t~«=~~,m· I