Get the Most Out of Report Painter/Writer David Nowak Virtuoso, LLC

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SAP Report Painter

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  • Get the Most Out of ReportPainter/Writer

    David NowakVirtuoso, LLC

  • What Well Cover

    Looking at Report Painter: The basics Identifying the proper data source Getting the most out of statistical key figures and

    variables Working with currency translation and authorization


    Objective: Explain how to get the most out of Report Painterspowerful, cross-module WYSIWYG reporting capabilities

  • What Well Cover

    Looking at Report Painter: The basics Identifying the proper data source Getting the most out of statistical key figures and

    variables Working with currency translation and authorization


  • Looking at Report PainterReport Painter In Review

    What is Report Painter?! An SAP-standard visual report development tool! Painter can be utilized within all financial submodules! Painter offers 80%-90% of RW functionality but is 100%

    easier to use!! GUI Interface makes development a snap

    Painter reports can be used in drill-down reporting! Unlike in drill-down reporting where reports and forms

    are separate, in Painter, the report form is the report

  • Looking at Report PainterReport Painter In Review

    Report Painter functionality has remainedconsistent! Painter has remained consistent across R/3 versions! This has allowed the tool to remain a staple for any

    reporting strategy

  • Looking at Report PainterWhen Should I Use Report Painter?

    Consider Report Painter before turning to an ABAPsolution! Consider using it if the data you are looking for can be

    sourced within Painter Report Painter excels for layout management

    ! Use Painter instead of Writer when layout management iscritical

    ! Painter is a GUI-based utility, so its easier to controlreport appearance

    Don't Forget

  • Looking at Report PainterWhen Should I Use Report Painter? (cont.)

    Use Painter when you dont need Writers fullfunctionality like! Report Writers eliminations functionality! Report Writers user-defined Key Figure Sets (data sets)! Complex set matrixes

    Don't Forget

  • Looking at Report PainterExample: A Report Painter Report

  • Looking at Report PainterFor Comparison: A Report Writer Report

  • Looking at Report PainterTips When Choosing Report Painter

    Painter reports can be converted to Writer! If you need full RW functionality at a later date

    With 4.6c, some Painter terminology changed! Field > Characteristic! Data Set > Key Figure Set! Data Field > Basic Key Figure

    These changes brought consistency acrossreporting utilities! Drill-down reporting! Summarization hierarchies! Etc.

  • What Well Cover

    Looking at Report Painter: The basics Identifying the proper data source Getting the most out of statistical key figures and

    variables Working with currency translation and authorization


  • Identifying the Proper Data SourceWhat Are Data Sources?

    Where is the data I need housed?! All reporting data is maintained in one or more reporting

    tables! Of the 17,000 + tables that make up the SAP database,

    you will use maybe 5-8 for all your non-ABAP reportingneeds

    ! Understanding the data flows is critical to building goodreporting

  • Identifying the Proper Data SourceWhat Are Data Sources? (cont.)

    Most of CO reporting is sourced from a singlelocation: CCSS! CCSS is a central structure! Contains updates for most CO objects (e.g. internal

    orders cost centers)! Many standard CO Painter reports use CCSS as the

    reporting structure


    FIND it

  • Identifying the Proper Data SourceOther Source Options for Painter Reporting

    Additional sources include! KKBC (Product Cost Controlling: Cost Elements)! COFIT (Cost Element Reporting)! RPPS (Project Systems)! GLPCT (Profit Center Accounting)

    These tables have been designed for specificpurposes

    Whenever possible, use more specific reporting sources

  • Identifying the Proper Data SourceTable KKBC

    KKBC Product Cost Controlling: Cost Elements! Traditional RW table, but can be used from within Report

    Painter! KKBC is used in SAP-delivered costing reports

    When should I use KKBC?! Great source for cost element-based product cost reports! Provides origin-level data that is key in a cost reportExamples: For resource input analysis, like materials

    consumed from the BOM, origins are key! Can be used together with summarization objects like

    order groups! Great for Cost Object Hierarchy (COH) reporting

  • Identifying the Proper Data SourceKKBC: A Practical Example

    The scenario! Manufacturing client was converting to Cost Object

    Hierarchies and required a new manufacturing activityreport

    The solution! Leverage KKBC to provide the manufacturing Activity

    detail! Offered a chance to manage by COH

    By assigning additional, detail level reports, wewere able to view the activity for this unique

    group of cost objects

  • Identifying the Proper Data SourceKKBC: Tips For Proper Utilization

    KKBC can be tricky to use! If you are not fully aware of how your product costing

    system has been configured, KKBC can be tricky to use Some common areas you should revisit when using

    KKBC! Do you use order-based or period-based costing?! Which variance categories are active in your system?! Which cost elements and posting rules are you using for

    WIP and Variance updates?! What target cost versions do you have active within the

    system, and how do they differ?

  • Identifying the Proper Data SourceChoosing and Using Info Structures

    Info structures are files of special statistical data! Different than standard reporting tables

    Made up of three kinds of information! Characteristics (e.g., Plan, Material, Vendor)! Key Figures (e.g., Sales Volume, Order Quantity,

    Execution Time)! Period Units ( e.g., Day, Week, Month, Period)

    SAP delivers standard info structures including...! S001 SIS: Customer! S021 SFIS: Production Order! S032 Inventory: Stocks

    You can create your own to capture specific data of interestNote

  • Identifying the Proper Data SourceChoosing and Using Info Structures (cont.)

    Using info structures for Painter reports can betricky! Not a common source for Painter reporting

    Common problems include! Not being broad enough during design in the areas of

    Characteristic and Key Figure inclusion! Identifying the proper update events for your structureProper timing will lead to accurate reporting data

    Overcome these problems by not trying to cover toomany reporting needs at once

    It will be easier to tackle your reporting needs ifyou have a strategy and stick to it

  • Identifying the Proper Data SourceInfo Structures: A Practical Example

    The scenario! Client wished to have a report that provided price and

    valuation information for its top 50 materials! They wanted to quickly see material price changes from

    period to period! The difficulty was in finding a utility that would allow me

    to customize the layout to meet the clients request The solution

    ! Leverage an info structure, S012 in this case, to providethe material price detail needed

    ! Build the report using Painter to meet the reports layoutrequirements


  • Identifying the Proper Data SourceInfo Structures: A Practical Example (cont.)

    Painter example! Data would not have been available to Painter through

    standard reporting tables

  • Identifying the Proper Data SourceData Extracts as an Alternate Data Source

    Data Extracts can be useful for controlling what infois available! Can be saved automatically during execution! Provide the benefit of freezing the report data for an

    unlimited amount of time! Great way to control point-in-time reporting

    Benefits include! Easy to create and delete! Standardization of data sources for statutory reporting! Additional level of authorization control

  • Identifying the Proper Data SourceData Extracts as an Alternate Data Source (cont.)

    When exiting the report, SAP can be designed toprompt you to create an extract! Select the Create Extract field! Be sure to provide a unique naming convention

  • Identifying the Proper Data SourceData Extracts as an Alternate Data Source (cont.)

    Begin by entering the proper characteristic valuesfor the reporting data in question

    Next, select the Data Source button in the header

  • Identifying the Proper Data SourceData Extracts as an Alternate Data Source (cont.)

    A list of available extracts that match your criteriawill appear! You now see why proper naming is important

    Once selected, the system will return to thereporting screen and you can execute

  • Identifying the Proper Data SourceData Extracts as an Alternate Data Source (cont.)

    To review theselection log foryour report, usethe menu path:! Extras>Selection


    Extract Id

    No ExtractUsed

  • What Well Cover

    Looking at Report Painter: The basics Identifying the proper data source Getting the most out of statistical key figures and

    variables Working with currency translation and authorization


  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesFeature #1 - Statistical Key Figure Link with LIS

    What is a Statistical Key Figure (SKF)?! Statistical object within the CO/PCA modules that can

    be used to hold statistical quantitative data! The SKF can be used to enhance both plan/actual

    allocations and reporting

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesFeature #1 Posting to a Statistical Key Figure

    Data can be posted to a key figure in one of twoways! Manually, through an entry transactionKB31N CO Object like Cost Center/Internal

    Order/WBS Element9KE5 PCA

    ! Automatically, through a link to an LIS informationstructureThis is what well cover!

  • Statistical Key Figures and Variables1 - Statistical Key Figure Link with LIS (cont.)

    Benefits of the SKF link to LIS! Automatic updates make month end processing easier! Increased accuracy in the numbers, because the actual

    data is coming directly from the transactional source! Nice integration back to the LIS structure for


  • Statistical Key Figures and Variables1 SKF Lint to LIS: The Process

    Three steps to completing the process1. Create the SKF KK012. Maintain the Assignment and Variant KVA23. Perform Period End Closing transfer of the LIS value

    KVA5 The following example will link an SKF used to

    capture confirmed hours with the appropriateLIS key figure

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesStep 1 Create the SKF-LIS Link

    SKF Example! Standard Key Figure! Notice the section at the

    bottom of the screentitled LIS Data

    ! This indicates the originof the update; the infostructure/set accessed,and the LIS key figurelinked

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesStep 1 Create the SKF-LIS Link (cont.)

    Be sure to choose the proper info structure Info Sets are used predominantly to capture sales

    related data

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesStep 1 Create the SKF-LIS Link (cont.)

    SKF Link screens! With this example, we

    are linking to an InfoStructure

    ! Select the properapplication you wishto link your key figureto

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesStep 1 Create the SKF-LIS Link (cont.)

    Here weve selected theShop Floor Controlselection

    Our next selection bringsus closer by nowchoosing the proper InfoStructure

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesStep 1 Create the SKF-LIS Link (cont.)

    And finally, wechoose the keyfigure

    This will be thelast selection inlinking ourstatistical keyfigure with the LISkey figure

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesStep 2 Maintain the Assignment and Variant

    SKF-CCA assignment! You must make the proper assignment if the key figures

    are going to transfer from LIS! Enter the Cost Center of your choosing and hit enter


  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesStep 2 Maintain the Assignment and Variant

    Select the SKF andthe correspondingVariant you wantupdated

    At this point youmay not havemaintained avariant! Do so by using the

    menu path:Variant>CreateVariant

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesStep 2 Maintain the Assignment and Variant

    Depending on the key figure being linked, the dataon the variant screen will change

    This example shows LIS key figure for actual hoursexecuted

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesStep 3 Transfer the LIS Key Figure Values

    SKF-LIS Transfer! Actual Key

    Figure transferprogram

    ! Remember tomaintain the LISReference data

    ! LIS Referencedata provides thetransaction withthe planningversion andfiscal year T-codeKVA5

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesLIS Key Figure Use in Reporting

    SKF use in report! Remember to select the proper key figure when defining

    the row/column in your report! You may have to activate the key figure in your library

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesFeature #2 Report Painter Variables

    Like sets, variable use is key to adding usabilityto a complex report! Think of a variable as a placeholder! When the report is executed, the system will replace

    the value of the variable with either:One entered by the user, orOne that is interpreted by the system

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesFeature #2 Report Painter Variables

    Types of variables in Painter! ValueSingle field; values individually assigned

    ! FormulaFor a level of complexity, formulas can be used to

    automatically determine the variable replacement! SetVariable that assists in finding the value of a setCan be either manual or automatic

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesReport Painter Variables: Value Variable Example

    Consider this a basic single value entry variable Value can later be used by Formula variables

    Important settingsfor controlling howvariable data can bedetermined.

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesReport Painter Variables: Value Variables

    Value Variables are the most basic of the threevariable types

    However, the complexity and level of importancecan be elevated when they are used as the basis formore complex Formula Variables! The data entered in the value variable becomes a

    component in the Formula variables algorithm

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesReport Painter Variables: Value Variables (cont.)

    Pay attention to the Entry Fields on SelectionScreen settings! Internal Variable:Activation will remove the capability of the user to

    change the default value of the variable during reportexecutionThe variable will not appear in the selection screen

    ! Use Parameter ID:When you want the field replacement to be controlled

    by the parameter ID, activate this fieldTo change the parameter ID, use the menu path

    Goto>Parameter ID

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesReport Painter Variables: Parameter ID

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesReport Painter Variables: Formula, No Exit

    Formula variables can make complex valuedeterminations easy

    Key component ofthis formulavariable is the valueentered for Z130, aValue variable.

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesReport Painter Variables: Formula Variables

    Most functional of the three variable types, as youcan automate value determination and replacement

    The formulas rely on Boolean Logic for its logiccontrol

    Additional value determination control offeredthrough variable user exits

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesReport Painter Variables: Formula Exit - SAP

    Simple inclusionof the SAPdelivered Exit IDon the formulaline is enough toactivate the exit! All SAP

    delivered Exitsbegin with theletter S

    To see a selectionof SAP deliveredExits, select theFormula Exitbutton.

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesReport Painter Variables: Formula Exit - SAP

    To get this selection screen to appear, hit theFormula Exit button

    Twelve selections in all

    Choose from one ofthe twelve exitsoffered. (Only nineare shown here).

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesReport Painter Variables: Formula Exit - User

    User defined exitsfollowing thenaming patternUxxx

    Before including theexit ID in thevariable, it mustfirst be defined inthe Exit Pool! The exit pool

    program ID isRGSVU000

    Similar to the SAPdefined exits, theUser defined exitsall begin with U.

  • Statistical Key Figures and VariablesReport Painter Variables: Formula Exits

    Naming convention is important when usingformula user exits ! SAP delivered exits always begin with S! User defined exits begin with a U

    The User Exit pool for variable exits is RGSVU000! Your Basis team may have copied the program to a new

    program name to protect the integrity of the deliveredprogram

    ! See settings in table T80I to see what the program nameassigned to the exits might be

  • What Well Cover

    Looking at Report Painter: The basics Identifying the proper data source Getting the most out of statistical key figures and

    variables Working with currency translation and authorization


  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsCurrency Translation in Report Painter

    What is currency translation as it relates toreporting?! Standard functionality that allows a single report to be

    run and viewed in multiple currencies.! Allows the user to control the exchange rate during

    report execution.! Requires some set-up

    How do I access this functionality?! Tied to key figure selection during report development! No real configuration required! Basic understanding of how currencies are used within

    your system

  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsCurrency Translation in Report Painter (cont.)

    Report Painter will manage currency translation asit relates to the following currencies in CO:! Controlling Area! Transaction! Object! Target

    Steps to consider prior to report development! Maintain your reporting libraries! Maintain the currency exchange rate tables! Review the currency settings within the FI/CO modules to

    determine what is active.

  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsCurrency Translation in Report Painter (cont.)

    Maintain the reporting Library! Requires activating the proper Key FiguresSWZG Costs in Target CurrencySWKG Costs in Reporting Currency

    ! More often than not these key figures are active bydefault, but check anyway

    SWZG Costs in Target Currency! Target currency will be used by the system as the

    translation basis! The key figure will house the translated currency

  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsCurrency Translation in Report Painter (cont.)

    SWKG Costs in Reporting Currency! Using reporting currency offers some additional

    flexibility for standardization and automation! More on this later

  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsCurrency Translation-Library Maintenance

    Always be certainthese two key figures,or a derivative of thefigures, are active inyour reportdevelopment library Activate


  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsCurrency Translation in Report Painter

    Maintain the currency exchange rate tables! If you are already in a multi-currency environment, than

    you are already doing this.! However, it cant hurt for your report development team

    to become familiar with the settings Areas to pay attention to:

    ! Exchange rate type! Exchange rate dates

  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsCurrency Translation-Exchange Rates

    Exchange Rate Type isthe key

    Validity Date controlswhether the setting willbe accessed duringreport execution

    ExchangeRate Type


  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsCurrency Translation in Report Painter

    All thats left is to build the report! SAP offers a number of standard reports that you

    provide currency translation functionality! Use these as a point of reference if necessary

  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsCurrency Translation-Report Development

    Rememberto use keyfigure SWZGas yourtranslationcolumn/row

    It is the onlykey figureavailable thatwill offer thenecessarytranslationfunctionality

    Key FigureSWZG

  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsCurrency Translation-Report Development

    As a result of using SWZG, the translation sectionwill appear at the bottom of your selection screen

    Enter the target currency, exchange rate date andthe rate type

    Output for the translation will be the target keyfigure

  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsCurrency Translation-Report Development

    Example of report run in USD

  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsCurrency Translation-Report Development

    Same reportrun in MXN

    Same reportlayout; sametransactioncode forexecution;uniqueresult

  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsCurrency Translation in Report Painter

    Another option to currency translation reporting isto leverage the Reporting Currency Key Figure! SWKG Costs in Reporting Currency

    Basic development will establish currencytranslation defaults for the key figure

    There is a unique transaction code within each COsub-module:! Cost Center Accounting RPC0! Cost Element Accounting RPA0! Internal Order Accounting RPO0

  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsCurrency Translation-Report Currency

    Establish defaultsetting for keyfigure SWKG

    For translation,enter a targetcurrency (i.e. Euro)

    Enter thetranslation basisinformation! This is the

    referenceinformation fromwhich translationwill occur

    Enter a TargetCurrency

    Maintain thetranslationbasis.

  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsCurrency Translation-Report Currency

    Settings forconverting CCAreports from theobject currency toEuros

    Remember to use keyfigure SWKG as theconverted currency

    You will more likelyknow the key figureSWKG by its titleCosts

  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsReport Painter Variables: Parameter ID

  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsCurrency Translation-Report Currency

    Output from a report utilizing both Object Currency($USD) and Euros -- Simple to build and maintain

  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsAuthorization Groups in Report Painter

    What is an Authorization Group?! Little used tool to grant authorization control to a very

    specific level.! Linked to an authorization object, the authorization

    group can give you control overCreation/Change/Display/Execution transactions.

    Where in report painter can it be maintained?! Authorization group settings can be maintained at the

    following levels:LibraryReport groupSets/VariablesReport Painter Reports

  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsAuthorization Groups in Reporting

    A view of a Report Painter Library

  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsAuthorization Groups in Reporting

    A view of a ReportGroup

    And Report PainterHeader

  • Currency Translation and Authorization GroupsAuthorization Groups in Report Painter

    Great for limiting access to certain reports, withouttaking it to a transaction level

    Because authorization control can be extended toan individual object, tremendous flexibility isavailable! Example: Report Group A can be maintained and

    executed by your team, while Report Group B cannot Work with your authorization team to develop a


  • The 7 Key Points to Take Home!

    Identify all the reporting requirements beforebeginning the development

    Look to using an info structure as your reportingsource if a useful reporting table cannot be found

    Consider the functionality of linking statistical keyfigures to LIS structures

    Familiarize yourself with the concepts of variablesto give yourself more flexibility

  • The 7 Key Points to Take Home! (cont.)

    Save yourself some development time by applyingSAPs currency translation functionality

    If security is an issue, consider developing theAuthorization Group functionality

    Report Painter is an important tool in your toolbox(in addition to BW) that you can use to meet yourtactical and operational reporting requirements

  • Your Turn!


    How to Contact Me:[email protected]

  • Appendix A

    Potential Appendix Section.If we want, we could include some of the information from

    the prior reporting presentations I removed.

    If you would like to provide additional materialfor attendees, please send the slides as a

    separate file and we will include them on theCD, but, not as part of the presentation

  • 3 - Use the Export/Import Tool

    Simplifies the transport process! Transaction Codes: GR27 Export; GR28 - Import! No need to use the CTS system to move reports between

    clients/instances! Allows for more flexibility in your choice of location for report

    development! You can quickly move reports to other R/3 systems

    Check with your administrator for any policies on transportingPainter reports in this way!

  • 3 - Use the Export/Import Tool: Example

    Report GroupExport TransactionGR57

    Remember: inthis case ThePresentationServer wouldbe yourdesktop harddrive

    Export ReportGroup

    Hard drive location


  • 3 - Use the Export/Import Tool: Example (contd)

    Report GroupImport TransactionGR58

    Remember: inthis case ThePresentationServer wouldbe yourdesktop harddrive

    Import ReportGroup


  • 3 - Use the Export/Import Tool: Example (contd)

    Output reportfrom after theimport cyclehas run

    Watch out forsets that failedduring import

    If sets fail toimport, exportand importthemseparately

    Import ReportGroup


  • 3 - Export/Import Tool: Tips for Success

    This approach is the fastest way to transport! Exporting/Importing groups is by far the quickest way to move

    reports through your landscape Controls and Procedures are important

    ! Controls and procedures are important to maintaining reportintegrity

    ! You should have established a report migration strategy! Always move your report development through your pristine/gold

    configuration client Report groups are the only objects that can be moved

    ! Summarization hierarchies, drill-down reports, ABAP lists, andqueries all must be transported in the standard way

  • Icon Collection





    FIND it

    Don't Forget

