tracey gwen billy Objectio n #2 Miracles Contradict Science; Therefore They Cannot Be Real

Sample PPT from College

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This is one of the final ppt\'s I put together prior to graduation from George Fox University.

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Objection #2

Objection #2

Miracles Contradict Science; Therefore They Cannot Be RealMiracles Contradict Science; Therefore They Cannot Be Real

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Can a person be scientific sophisticated and still believe in miracles?

Yes – one can believe in both by faith

“Notice Ruse does not say miracles are contradictory to Science.He says miracles lie outside of science.” (Pg 84)

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How can a person not believe infairies and elves but believe

in the miracles of the virgin birthor the resurrection of Jesus?

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MiraclesMiracles& Legends& Legends

“You have a wealth of data concerning the empty tomb, the Resurrection appearances, and the origin of the disciples’ belief in the Resurrection.” (pg 94)

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Christian faith does not merely believe there is a God; it believes there is a God no matter what the evidence.


Having Faith in the Christian sense means to makeyourself believe there is a god without evidence.

(fāth) Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing.

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An example of putting science and doubt aside is the virgin birth: the Y chromosome needed to produce a male child.

o One doesn’t have to have all questions answered and the evidence proven

An example of putting science and doubt aside is the virgin birth: the Y chromosome needed to produce a male child.

o One doesn’t have to have all questions answered and the evidence proven

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Five Main Arguments to Believe in God.

(pages 102-116)

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“First, whatever begins to exist has a cause. Second, the universe began to exist.And, third, therefore, the universe has a cause.”

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God Makes Sense ofGod Makes Sense ofthe Universe’s Complexitythe Universe’s Complexity

• Big Bang• Intelligent Designer?• Life Prohibiting vs. Life Sustaining• Pseudo-Science

• Big Bang• Intelligent Designer?• Life Prohibiting vs. Life Sustaining• Pseudo-Science


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God Makes Sense of

Objective Moral Values

God Makes Sense of

Objective Moral Values • “If God does not exist, do objective moral

values exist?”

• “Because if there is no God, then moral values are merely the products of socio-biological evolution.”

• “No God, then what’s so special about human beings?”

(All above pg 110)

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God Makes Senseof the

Resurrection • “This is important because it means the

location of the tomb was known to Jew, Christian, and Roman alike.”

• “Jesus’ burial is reported in extremely old information that Paul included in his first letter to the church in Corinth.”

(Page 112)

Argument #4

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Argument #5

God Can Immediately

Be Experienced

• “Can you prove that the external world exists?”

• Use Common Facts:•Science•Ethics•History•Philosophy

Page 114-116

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ConclusionConclusion“A miracle is an event which is not producible by the natural causes

that are operative at the time and place that the event occurs.”