October 1, 2020 Fiscal Years 2020-2022 DBE GOAL METHODOLOGY Attachment E For: Stennis International Airport (HSA) Sponsor: The Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission For the period October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2022 DBE Point of Contact: Mr. Chanse Watson, Airport Director Stennis International Airport 14054 Fred & Al Key Road Kiln, Mississippi 39556 Office: (228) 467-9231 [email protected]


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SAMPLE GOAL METHODOLOGYSponsor: The Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission
For the period October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2022
DBE Point of Contact: Mr. Chanse Watson, Airport Director Stennis International Airport 14054 Fred & Al Key Road Kiln, Mississippi 39556 Office: (228) 467-9231 [email protected]
Overall Goals and Methodology Stennis International Airport (HSA)
FYs 2020-2022 Update OVERALL GOALS (§26.45) Amount of goal: The overall goal for the Stennis International Airport (HSA or the Airport) for Fiscal Years 2020 through 2022 (October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2022) is 8.21% of the Federal financial assistance that it will expend in DOT-assisted contracts with DBE contractors. Number of Projects to be covered by this contract goal: The Airport expects to fund seven (7) DOT-assisted contracts during Fiscal Years 2020 through 2022:
1. 2020 North Apron Expansion – Design/Construction 2. 2020 ALP Update & Pavement Management Plan – Planning/Engineering 3. 2021 Taxiway S Expansion – Design/Construction 4. 2021 Security & Fencing Project – Design/Construction 5. 2022 Environmental Assessment for Runway 18-36 Extension – Planning 6. 2022 Airfield Lighting Project – Design/Construction 7. 2022 Taxiway Extension – Design/Construction
The first project (2020 North Apron Expansion Design & Construction) involves engineering services, pavement construction, pavement marking, and local trucking. It has an estimated value of $5,083,418 (Federal portion). The second project (2020 Airport Layout Plan Update & Pavement Management Plan) involves the services of airport planners and civil engineers. It has an estimated value of $256,050 (Federal portion). The third project (2021 Taxiway Sierra Expansion Design & Construction) involves engineering services, pavement construction, pavement marking, and local trucking. It has an estimated value of $5,436,000 (Federal portion). The fourth project (2021 Security & Fencing Design & Construction) involves engineering services, electrical contractors, security system installation, and fencing contractors. It has an estimated value of $584,100 (Federal portion).
HSA DBE Program 2020-2022 Goal Page 2
The fifth project (2022 Environmental Assessment for Runway 18-36 Extension) involves the services of planning and environmental consultants. It has an estimated value of $225,000 (Federal portion). The sixth project (2022 Airfield Lighting Design & Construction) involves engineering services and electrical contractors. It has an estimated value of $1,861,200 (Federal portion). The seventh project (2022 Taxiway Extension Design & Construction) involves engineering services, pavement construction, pavement marking, and local trucking. It has an estimated value of $2,781,000 (Federal portion). The Airport has set a goal of expending $1,332,261 on these seven (7) projects with certified DBE firms yielding a participation rate of 8.21%. Market Area: After careful research of the historical bidding practices and responses to requests for services, the Airport has determined that its market area is of the entire State of Mississippi. Similar projects examined were:
• An FY 2016 project to expand the apron, in which the prime for engineering (Neel- Schaffer) was located in Ridgeland, MS, and the prime for construction (Barnard & Sons) was located in Mendenhall, MS.
• An FY 2017 project to rehabilitate Runway 18-36, in which the prime for engineering
(Neel-Schaffer) was located in Ridgeland, MS, and the prime for construction (Huey P Stockstill) was located in Picayune, MS.
• An FY 2018 project to install airfield guidance signs, in which the prime for engineering
(Michael Baker) was headquartered in Pennsylvania, and the prime for construction (Webster Electric) was located in Collinsville, MS.
• An FY 2019 project to rehabilitate Taxiway A, in which the prime for engineering (Michael Baker) was headquartered in Pennsylvania, and the prime for construction (Sunbelt Sealing) was located in Jackson, MS.
Seventy-five percent of the contractors/consultants for these recent projects were located in Mississippi. Therefore, HSA has determined that the appropriate Market Area is the entire state of Mississippi.
HSA DBE Program 2020-2022 Goal Page 3
Method: In accordance with the current FAA and DOT guidance, the Airport is utilizing a two-step process in setting its FYs 2020-2022 goals. The first step examines the relative availability of DBE firms in the established Market Area and the second step allows for adjustments to the relative availability based on:
• Information from available Disparity Studies
• Information gained from research and outreach with:
• Organizations servicing or representing DBE’s • Federal, State and Local agencies that procure services • Agencies charged with enforcing Civil Rights Law • State and Local Agencies responsible for minority/women’s affairs
• Historical accomplishments of the Airport’s DBE program
Relative Availability: The following documents the relative availability for the proposed project and will be used in the overall calculation of relative availability for FYs 2020-2022 goals. The following is a summary of the method used to calculate this goal: Step 1: The method used to calculate the relative availability of DBEs for Step 1 in this process is 26.45(c) (1) DBE Directories and Census Bureau Data. The base figure was determined by dividing the total DBE firms in the local market area by the total of all firms (both compiled according to the relevant NAICS/SIC project codes). The following tables identify the components of the projects broken down by trade with appropriate NAICS codes.
HSA DBE Program 2020-2022 Goal Page 4
Project 1 – 2020 North Apron Expansion Design & Construction
This project involves engineering services, pavement construction, pavement marking, and local trucking and should provide opportunities for DBE participation as documented in the following table:
NAICS Code Work Item Weighting
Factor1 DBEs in Market
Firms Relative
Availability 541330 Engineering Services 10% 30 235 1.28% 237310 Pavement Construction 70% 17 123 9.67% 237310 Pavement Marking 10% 3 123 0.24% 484110 Trucking, Local 10% 10 199 0.50%
Totals for this Contract 100% 60 680 11.70%
1 Weighting factor is based on % of total project costs in each category. The estimate for the Federally-funded portion of this project is $5,083,418. As identified in the above table, the relative availability of DBE contractors in the HSA market area includes engineering services, pavement construction, pavement marking, and local trucking. Therefore, the baseline DBE goal for this contract is calculated below: Base Figure = 10% Engineering Services x 30 DBEs in Market Area + 235 Total Firms in Market Area
70% Pavement Construction x 17 DBEs in Market Area + 123 Total Firms in Market Area
10% Pavement Marking x 3 DBEs in Market Area + 123 Total Firms in Market Area
10% Local Trucking x 10 DBEs in Market Area 199 Total Firms in Market Area
Base Figure = 10% x (30/235) + 70% x (17/123) + 10% x (3/123) + 10% x (10/199) = 11.70% These calculations provide a Base Figure of 11.70%.
HSA DBE Program 2020-2022 Goal Page 5
Project 2 – 2020 Airport Layout Plan Update & Pavement Management Plan This project involves the services of airport planners and civil engineers and should provide opportunities for DBE participation as documented in the following table:
NAICS Code Work Item Weighting
Factor1 DBEs in Market
Firms Relative
Availability 541990 Planning Services 70% 4 47 5.96% 541330 Engineering Services 30% 30 235 3.83%
Totals for this Contract 100% 34 282 9.79%
1 Weighting factor is based on % of total project costs in each category. The estimate for the Federally-funded portion of this project is $256,050. As identified in the above table, the relative availability of DBE contractors in the HSA market area includes planning and engineering services. Therefore, the baseline DBE goal for this contract is calculated below: Base Figure = 70% Planning Services x 4 DBEs in Market Area + 47 Total Firms in Market Area
30% Engineering Services x 30 DBEs in Market Area + 235 Total Firms in Market Area Base Figure = 70% x (4/47) + 30% x (30/235) = 9.79% These calculations provide a Base Figure of 9.79%.
HSA DBE Program 2020-2022 Goal Page 6
Project 3 – 2021 Taxiway Sierra Expansion Design & Construction
This project involves taxiway construction, pavement construction, pavement marking, and local trucking and should provide opportunities for DBE participation as documented in the following table:
NAICS Code Work Item Weighting
Factor1 DBEs in Market
Firms Relative
Availability 541330 Engineering Services 10% 30 235 1.28% 237310 Pavement Construction 70% 17 123 9.67% 237310 Pavement Marking 10% 3 123 0.24% 484110 Trucking, Local 10% 10 199 0.50%
Totals for this Contract 100% 60 680 11.70%
1 Weighting factor is based on % of total project costs in each category. The estimate for the Federally-funded portion of this project is $5,436,000. As identified in the above table, the relative availability of DBE contractors in the HSA market area includes taxiway construction, pavement construction, pavement marking, and local trucking. Therefore, the baseline DBE goal for this contract is calculated below: Base Figure = 10% Engineering Services x 30 DBEs in Market Area + 235 Total Firms in Market Area
70% Pavement Construction x 17 DBEs in Market Area + 123 Total Firms in Market Area
10% Pavement Marking x 3 DBEs in Market Area + 123 Total Firms in Market Area
10% Local Trucking x 10 DBEs in Market Area 199 Total Firms in Market Area
Base Figure = 10% x (30/235) + 70% x (17/123) + 10% x (3/123) + 10% x (10/199) = 11.70% These calculations provide a Base Figure of 11.70%.
HSA DBE Program 2020-2022 Goal Page 7
Project 4 – 2021 Security & Fencing Design & Construction
This project involves engineering services, electrical contractors, security system installation, and fence & gate construction and should provide opportunities for DBE participation as documented in the following table:
NAICS Code Work Item Weighting
Factor1 DBEs in Market
Firms Relative
Availability 541330 Engineering Services 10% 30 235 1.28% 238210 Electrical Contractors 10% 14 239 0.59% 561621 Security System Installation 10% 7 69 1.01% 541990 Fence & Gate Construction 70% 5 55 6.36%
Totals for this Contract 100% 56 598 9.24%
1 Weighting factor is based on % of total project costs in each category. The estimate for the Federally-funded portion of this project is $584,100. As identified in the above table, the relative availability of DBE contractors in the HSA market area includes engineering services, electrical contractors, security system installation, and fence & gate construction. Therefore, the baseline DBE goal for this contract is calculated below: Base Figure = 10% Engineering Services x 30 DBEs in Market Area + 235 Total Firms in Market Area
10% Electrical Contractors x 14 DBEs in Market Area + 239 Total Firms in Market Area
10% Security Systems x 7 DBEs in Market Area + 69 Total Firms in Market Area
70% Fencing & Gates x 5 DBEs in Market Area 55 Total Firms in Market Area
Base Figure = 10% x (30/235) + 10% x (14/239) + 10% x (7/69) + 70% x (5/55) = 9.24% These calculations provide a Base Figure of 9.24%.
HSA DBE Program 2020-2022 Goal Page 8
Project 5 – 2022 Environmental Assessment for Runway 18-36 Extension
This project involves planning and environmental consultant services and should provide opportunities for DBE participation as documented in the following table:
NAICS Code Work Item Weighting
Factor1 DBEs in
Availability 541990 Planning Services 40% 4 47 3.40% 541620 Environmental Consultant Services 60% 18 54 20.00%
Totals for this Contract 100% 22 101 23.40%
1 Weighting factor is based on % of total project costs in each category. The estimate for the Federally-funded portion of this project is $225,000. As identified in the above table, the relative availability of DBE contractors in the HSA market area includes planning and environmental consultants. Therefore, the baseline DBE goal for this contract is calculated below: Base Figure = 40% Planning Services x 4 DBEs in Market Area + 47 Total Firms in Market Area
60% Environmental Consultants x 18 DBEs in Market Area + 54 Total Firms in Market Area Base Figure = 40% x (4/47) + 60% x (18/54) = 23.40% These calculations provide a Base Figure of 23.40%.
HSA DBE Program 2020-2022 Goal Page 9
Project 6 – 2022 Airfield Lighting Design & Construction
This project involves engineering services and electrical contractors and should provide opportunities for DBE participation as documented in the following table:
NAICS Code Work Item Weighting
Factor1 DBEs in Market
Availability 541330 Engineering Services 15% 30 235 1.91% 238210 Electrical Contractors 85% 14 239 4.98%
Totals for this Contract 100% 44 474 6.89%
1 Weighting factor is based on % of total project costs in each category. The estimate for the Federally-funded portion of this project is $1,861,200. As identified in the above table, the relative availability of DBE contractors in the HSA market area includes engineering services and electrical contractors. Therefore, the baseline DBE goal for this contract is calculated below: Base Figure = 15% Engineering Services x 30 DBEs in Market Area + 235 Total Firms in Market Area
85% Electrical Contractors x 14 DBEs in Market Area + 239 Total Firms in Market Area Base Figure = 15% x (30/235) + 85% x (14/239) = 6.89% These calculations provide a Base Figure of 6.89%.
HSA DBE Program 2020-2022 Goal Page 10
Project 7 – 2022 Taxiway Extension Design & Construction
This project involves engineering services, pavement construction, pavement marking, and local trucking and should provide opportunities for DBE participation as documented in the following table:
NAICS Code Work Item Weighting
Factor1 DBEs in Market
Firms Relative
Availability 541330 Engineering Services 10% 30 235 1.28% 237310 Pavement Construction 70% 17 123 9.67% 237310 Pavement Marking 10% 3 123 0.24% 484110 Trucking, Local 10% 10 199 0.50%
Totals for this Contract 100% 60 680 11.70%
1 Weighting factor is based on % of total project costs in each category. The estimate for the Federally-funded portion of this project is $2,781,000. As identified in the above table, the relative availability of DBE contractors in the HSA market area includes engineering services, pavement construction, pavement marking, and local trucking. Therefore, the baseline DBE goal for this contract is calculated below: Base Figure = 10% Engineering Services x 30 DBEs in Market Area + 235 Total Firms in Market Area
70% Pavement Construction x 17 DBEs in Market Area + 123 Total Firms in Market Area
10% Pavement Marking x 3 DBEs in Market Area + 123 Total Firms in Market Area
10% Local Trucking x 10 DBEs in Market Area 199 Total Firms in Market Area
Base Figure = 10% x (30/235) + 70% x (17/123) + 10% x (3/123) + 10% x (10/199) = 11.70% These calculations provide a Base Figure of 11.70%.
HSA DBE Program 2020-2022 Goal Page 11
Overall Base Figure Calculations: Following the procedures to add weight factors based on the individual project estimates, an additional weight factor is applied based on each project’s percentage of the total amount of anticipated award construction dollars.
Project Amount of Estimate % of Total / Weight Factor 1-North Apron Expansion $5,083,418 31.33% 2-ALP and PMP $256,050 1.58% 3-Taxiway Sierra Expansion $5,436,000 33.50% 4-Security & Fencing Project $584,100 3.60% 5-EA for Runway 18-36 Extension $225,00 1.39% 6-Airfield Lighting Project $1,861,200 11.47% 7-Taxiway Extension $2,781,000 17.14% Total $16,226,768 100.00% The Overall Base Figure is calculated by multiplying each project's (contract) base figure by its weight factor and adding them together. The calculation for the Overall Base Figure is: 1 - North Apron Expansion (11.70 x 0.3133) = 3.66% 2 - ALP and PMP (9.79 x 0.0158) = 0.15% 3 - Taxiway Sierra Expansion (11.70 x 0.335) = 3.92% 4 - Security & Fencing Project (9.24 x 0.036) = 0.33% 5 - EA for Runway 18-36 Extension (23.40 x 0.0139) = 0.32% 6 - Airfield Lighting Project (6.89 x 0.1147) = 0.79% 7 - Taxiway Extension (11.70 x 0.1714) = 2.00% Overall Base Figure = (11.70 x 0.3133) + (9.79 x 0.0158) + (11.70 x 0.335) + (9.24 x 0.036) + (23.40 x 0.0139) + (6.89 x 0.1147) + (11.70 x 0.1714) = 11.19% Overall Base Figure = 3.66% + 0.15% + 3.92% + 0.33% + 0.32% + 0.79% + 2.00% OVERALL BASE FIGURE = 11.19%
HSA DBE Program 2020-2022 Goal Page 12
Step 2: This step is intended to adjust the “overall base figure” percentage from Step 1 so that it reflects as accurately as possible the DBE participation the recipient would expect in the absence of discrimination. Disparity Studies: The Airport was unable to document the existence of any disparity studies for the area over the last several years. The Jackson Municipal Airport Authority has hired a firm to prepare a Disparity Study, but the results are not yet available. Finding no available data, the Airport contacted the following organizations via phone in September of 2020:
• South Mississippi Planning & Development District – Mr. Leonard Bentz, Executive Director
• Mississippi Economic Development Council – Mr. Chandler Russ, Executive Director Neither was able to provide any other documentation of disparity studies performed for the region. Since this source was unable to provide the Airport with any available disparity study information and with the lack of any disparity study being performed in the region, the Airport must then look to historical performance and DBE goal accomplishment under previous FAA grants for similar types of construction. The Airport reviewed its historical DBE participation achievement in order to ensure the goal’s reasonableness. By averaging the median historical DBE participation rate with the relative availability calculated in Step 1, an adjusted DBE goal is calculated. The historic overall DBE goals accomplished at the Airport for similar work in recent years that were examined relative to the above consideration are summarized below.
HSA Historical DBE Accomplishments for Similar DOT-Assisted Contracts
Fiscal Year Goal Accomplishment Type of Work FY 2016 10.45% 0.00% Expand Apron FY 2017 10.45% 10.46% Rehabilitate Runway 18-36 FY 2018 10.45% 0.00% Install Airfield Guidance Signs FY 2019 10.45% 19.55% Rehabilitate Taxiway A
5.23% Median Accomplishments for all Projects
Since ‘median’ is defined as the middle value in a list of numbers, the table above indicates that the median accomplishment is 5.23%.
HSA DBE Program 2020-2022 Goal Page 13
By averaging the median historical DBE participation rate with the relative availability calculated in Step 1, an adjusted DBE goal for the FYs 2020-2022 can be calculated. When we compare median accomplishment with the proposed base figure for FYs 2020-2020, we determine that the adjusted overall goal is: 8.21%.
(Base figure) 11.19% + (Historical Median) 5.23% divided by 2 = 8.21% (Adjusted Overall Goal)
Breakout of Estimated Race-Neutral and Race-Conscious Participation The Commission will strive to meet the maximum feasible portion of its overall goal by using race-neutral means of facilitating DBE participation. The Commission uses the following race- neutral means to increase DBE participation: By arranging solicitations, times for the presentations of bids, quantities, specifications, and delivery schedules in ways to facilitate DBE, and other small businesses, participation (e.g. requiring and/or encouraging prime contractors to subcontract portions of work that they might otherwise perform with their own forces). Additionally, the Airport and its consultant provide all potential bidders with information about the State of Mississippi’s Department of Transportation web site for certified DBE contractors found at:
Contract Goals
Historically, the Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission has used race-conscious measures in obtaining its overall contract goals on federally assisted contracts. With minimal success, the Commission has tried to use race-neutral means in recent years. However, recent accomplishments indicate that the race-neutral goal was not met. Coupled with the fact that the current median accomplishment is 5.23% and the adjusted goal is 8.21%, we believe that it is appropriate to employ a race-conscious goal going forward. We estimate that, in meeting our overall adjusted goal of 8.21%, we will obtain 0% from race-neutral participation and 8.21% from race-conscious measures (e.g. setting contract goals). The Commission will use contract goals to meet any portion of the overall goal it does not project being able to meet using race-neutral means. Contract goals are established so that, over the period to which the overall goal applies, they will cumulatively result in meeting any portion of the Airport’s overall goal that is not projected to be met through the use of race- neutral means. The Commission will establish contract goals only for those DOT-assisted contracts that have subcontracting possibilities. It is not necessary to establish a contract goal on every contract, and the size of contract goals will be adapted to the circumstances of each contract (e.g., type and location of work, availability of DBEs to perform the particular type of work).
HSA DBE Program 2020-2022 Goal Page 14
Public Participation Consultation The Airport encourages the participation of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in its Development Program. In an effort to reach the available DBE community, seek out public input into the goal setting process, and to ensure wide distribution of the information contained in this document, the Airport makes copies of its DBE Program and Annual Goals Setting Document available to the local chapter of the Associated General Contractors, local architects and engineers, prospective bidders, and other interested parties. In order to encourage participation by Certified DBE firms, the Airport:
• Provides prospective bidders with information on the State of Mississippi’s certified list of DBE contractors.
• Contacts the State of Mississippi to ascertain the availability of DBE contractors in the Market Area and work on ways to encourage participation.
To comply with Code of Federal Regulations Title 49, Part 26, Section 26.45(g)(1)(i), the Airport held a teleconference on October 1, 2020, to:
• Reach out to minority, women’s, and general contractor groups to discuss opportunities for DBEs
• Discuss the process to become a certified-DBE • Address issues that contractors face with the DBE certification process • Present the proposed DBE Goal for FYs 2020-2022 • Discuss proposed construction projects that are planned at each airport during this
period The following parties were invited to participate:
• Mississippi Development Authority, Minority & Small Business • Women's Business Enterprise Council South • Mississippi Hispanic Chamber of Commerce • Mississippi Association of General Contractors • Mississippi DOT DBE Program Manager • Certified DBEs in the market area
HSA DBE Program 2020-2022 Goal Page 15
The following documents related to the October 1, 2020 DBE Goal Teleconference can be found in the Appendix:
A – Email invitations to the October 1, 2020 teleconference
B – List of the participants invited to attend the teleconference
C – PDF of the presentation
D – List of participants for the October 1, 2020 teleconference
E – Questions/Comments during the presentation
F – Screen capture of HSA website
HSA DBE Program 2020-2022 Goal Page 16
Published Notice The following is the website notice of availability of the Airport’s proposed goals and goal setting methodology:
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goals for Federal Fiscal Years 2020-2022
The Hancock County Port and Harbor Commission and Stennis International Airport hereby announce the fiscal years 2020-2022 DBE goal for construction projects at the Stennis International Airport. The proposed goals and goal setting methodology are available for inspection between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday beginning 10-2-20, through 10-31-20, in the Airport’s Administrative office, 14054 Fred & Al Key Road, Kiln, Mississippi 39556.
Chanse Watson, Airport Director FAA Southern Regional Office Stennis International Airport EEO Compliance Specialist 14054 Fred & Al Key Road 1701 Columbia Ave, ASO-9 Kiln, Mississippi 39556 College Park, GA 30337
HSA DBE Program 2020-2022 Goal Page 17
A – Email invitations to the October 1, 2020 teleconference
B – List of the participants invited to attend the teleconference
C – PDF of the presentation
D – List of participants for the October 1, 2020 teleconference
E – Questions/Comments during the presentation
F – Screen capture of HSA website
9/25/2020 Kutchins & Groh Mail - HSA - DBE Teleconference
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/2?ik=2bbe8ddeb5&view=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-a%3Ar3963188370189340330&simpl=msg-a%3Ar3963188370189340330 1/1
KG Admin <[email protected]>
HSA - DBE Teleconference
You are invited to attend a teleconference regarding Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) participation for upcoming development projects at the Stennis International Airport (HSA).
Thursday, October 1, 2020, at 2:00 PM (CST)
As part of the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) public consultation requirement for the DBE goal-setting process*, the Airport and Kutchins & Groh are hosting a teleconference to notify interested parties of upcoming development projects at the Stennis International Airport.
The purpose of this teleconference is to:
Reach out to minority, women’s, and general contractor groups to discuss opportunities for DBEs at the Stennis Airport over the next few years Discuss the process to become a certified-DBE Identify issues that contractors face with the DBE certification process Present the proposed DBE Goal for the Stennis International Airport for Federal Fiscal Years 2020-2022 Review proposed development projects that are planned at the Airport during this period
To register for this teleconference, please click on the link below entitled "Register." Once your registration is complete, you will be provided with the teleconference details and the dial-in information. Prior to the start of the teleconference, a PDF version of the teleconference presentation will be sent to all registered participants via email.
Register Please feel free to share this with anyone else that you think might be interested in participating in this teleconference
Appendix A
KG Admin <[email protected]>
HSA - DBE Teleconference
If you have not already done so, please register to attend the Stennis International Airport teleconference regarding Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) participation for upcoming development projects during FYs 2020 through 2022.
Thursday, October 1, 2020, at 2:00 PM (CST)
As part of the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) public consultation requirement for the DBE goal-setting process*, the Airport and Kutchins & Groh are hosting a teleconference to notify interested parties of upcoming development projects at the Stennis International Airport.
The purpose of this teleconference is to:
Reach out to minority, women’s, and general contractor groups to discuss opportunities for DBEs at the Stennis Airport over the next few years Discuss the process to become a certified-DBE Identify issues that contractors face with the DBE certification process Present the proposed DBE Goal for the Stennis International Airport for Federal Fiscal Years 2020-2022 Review proposed development projects that are planned at the Airport during this period
To register for this teleconference, please click on the link below entitled "Register." Once your registration is complete, you will be provided with the teleconference details and the dial-in information. Prior to the start of the teleconference, a PDF version of the teleconference presentation will be sent to all registered participants via email.
Register Please feel free to share this with anyone else that you think might be interested in participating in this teleconference [Quoted text hidden]
Appendix A
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Lisa Lawson; [email protected]; Brad Kutchins; Dawn Buffington
Subject: HSA - DBE Teleconference Reminder Date: Thursday, October 1, 2020 1:54:57 PM Attachments: Stennis DBE Goal for FYS 2020-2022 - Presentation on 10-1-20.pdf
The Stennis International Airport DBE Goal teleconference is scheduled for 2:00 today. Please login using this link:
Join Meeting
If you are unable to login, please dial in using this number (1-510-338-9438, Access Code - 126 932 2392). You can follow the presentation by opening the attached PDF of the presentation. Thank you.
Appendix A
• Chanse Watson, Stennis International Airport • Madeline Walker, Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission • Bill Cotter, Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission • James Buras, Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission • Janel Carothers, Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission • Jennifer Baxter, Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission
• Mississippi Association of General Contractors • Mississippi Hispanic Chamber of Commerce • Mississippi Development Authority, Minority & Small Business • Mississippi DOT DBE Program • Mississippi Women’s Business Development Center • Women's Business Enterprise Council South
FYs 2020-2022 DBE Goal Teleconference
FYs 2020-2022 DBE Goal Teleconference
• Reach out to minority, women's and general contractor groups to discuss opportunities for DBEs
• Discuss the process to become a certified DBE
• Address issues that contractors face with the DBE certification process
• Present the proposed DBE Goals for the Stennis International Airport for Federal Fiscal Years
• Discuss the proposed construction projects that are planned at the Airport during this period
• Discuss the DBE Goal Setting Process
Airport Market Area
FYs 2020-2022 DBE Goal Teleconference
The DBE Market Area for Stennis International Airport is the entire state of Mississippi.
Mississippi Certifying Agencies
Click Here for Website
Coast Transit Authority (CTA) Click Here for Website
Mississippi Women’s Business Development Center (WBDC) Click Here for Website
Southern Region Minority Supplier Development Council (SMSDC) Click Here for Website
Complete Application
Owners Tax Returns Org Finance Statement
Resumes Equipment
list. If Not Approved,
Click Here for Website
FYs 2020-2022 DBE Goal Teleconference
Expiration There is no expiration date. A firm is certified until it no longer meets the eligibility requirements. Firms must submit a ‘No Change Affidavit’ annually.
Certification Codes DBE firms are certified in specific North American Industry Classification Codes
(NAICS) and DOT work types.
Certification Process The certification process takes approximately 5-6 weeks.
Search DBE Directory You can narrow your search of the UCP DBE
Directory by these specific codes at this link: https://mdot.ms.gov/
Step Two
Adjust the goal based on past participation of DBEs and available studies and other
certified contractors, vendors & consultants
Stennis International Airport
DBE Goal 8.21%
Total Federal Allocation Expected DBE Apportionment
2020 North Apron Expansion (Design/Construction) Engineering, pavement construction, pavement marking, local trucking Estimated value: $5,083,418 (federal portion)
2020 ALP Update & Pavement Management Plan (Planning/Engineering) Engineering, planning Estimated value: $256,050 (federal portion)
2021 Taxiway Sierra Expansion (Design/Construction) Engineering, pavement construction, pavement marking, local trucking Estimated value: $5,436,000 (federal portion)
2021 Security & Fencing Project (Design/Construction) Engineering, electrical contractor, security systems, fence/gate construction Estimated value: $584,100 (federal portion)
2022 Environmental Assessment for Runway 18-36 Extension (Planning) Planning, environmental consulting services Estimated value: $ 225,000 (federal portion)
2022 Airfield Lighting Project (Design/Construction) Engineering, electrical contractor Estimated value: $1,861,200 (federal portion)
2022 Taxiway Extension –(Design/Construction) Engineering, pavement construction, pavement marking, local trucking Estimated value: $2,781,000 (federal portion)
Project Details/Value
Mississippi Department of Transportation Carolyn Bell, Civil Rights Director
P.O. Box 1850 Jackson, MS 39215-1850
(601) 359-7466 [email protected]
(228) 467-9231 Ext. 10 [email protected]
FAA Southern Regional Office EEO Compliance Specialist 1701 Columbia Ave, ASO-9
College Park, GA 30337
Kutchins & Groh, LLC 400 Poydras St., Suite 1380
New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 799-4090
[email protected]
1 Airfield Etc., Inc. Staphanie Poole [email protected] Memphis, TN 237310-Highway, Street and Bridge Construction
2 American Field Service Corporation Cynthia Warner [email protected] Madison, MS 237310-Highway, Street and Bridge Construction
3 Barnett Concrete Work, LLC LeManuel Barnett [email protected] Hattiesburg, MS 237310-Highway, Street and Bridge Construction
4 Burgess Associates, LLC Milton Burgess, Jr [email protected] McHenry, MS 238910-Site Preparation Contractors
5 Can't Be Beat Fence & Construction Meredith Anderson [email protected] Perkinston, MS A39-Fencing
6 Clifton Rankin Construction, LLC Fayette, MS [email protected] Fayette, MS 237310-Highway, Street and Bridge Construction
7 Construction Plus Earl Logan [email protected] Meridian, MS 484110-General Freight Trucking
8 Construction Specialists, LLC Darrel McQuirter [email protected] Jackson, MS A39-Fencing
9 Cypress Environmental Services, LLC Cynthia Henderson [email protected] Biloxi, MS 541620-Environmental Consulting Services
10 DCD Construction, Inc. Elliot Davis [email protected] Ocean Springs, MS 237310-Highway, Street and Bridge Construction
11 Felix L. Lee Electric, LLC Felix Lee [email protected] Gulfport, MS 238210-Electrical Contractors
12 Fish & Fisher, Inc. Renna Fischer fisher t and c@ gmail.com Jackson, MS 484110-General Freight Trucking
13 Fred and P G Clark Contracting LLC Fred Clark [email protected] Vicksburg,MS 237310-Highway, Street and Bridge Construction
14 High Consultants, LLC Jill High [email protected] Gulfport, MS 541620-Environmental Consulting Services
15 IMDC, Inc. Gregory Mundy [email protected] Silver Spring, MD 541330-Engineering Services
16 J. C. Cheek Contractors, Inc. Holle Cheek Casey [email protected] Kosciusko, MS 237310-Highway, Street and Bridge Construction
17 Kelly Road Builders, Inc Jerry Kelly [email protected] Birminham, AL 237310-Highway, Street and Bridge Construction
18 Lee Allen & Associates Claude Banks [email protected] Canton, MS 237310-Highway, Street and Bridge Construction
19 Marrero Couvillon & Associates Hugo Marrero [email protected] Baton Rouge, LA 541330-Engineering Services
20 M&P Trucking,LLC Mose Weary [email protected] Collins, MS 484110-General Freight Trucking
21 MS J & M, Inc Judy Ward [email protected] Toomsuba, MS 237310-Highway, Street and Bridge Construction
22 Multi-Con Electric Company Joe Collins [email protected] Jackson, MS 238210-Electrical Contractors
23 M2W Construction, Inc. Venisa Watkins [email protected] Pascagoula, MS 237310-Highway, Street and Bridge Construction
24 Nichols & Sons Construction, Inc. Leothas Nichols II [email protected] Canton, MS 237310-Highway, Street and Bridge Construction
25 Potts Distributing Company Mable Potts [email protected] Columbia, LA A39-Fencing
26 RJM-McQueen Contracting, Inc. Regina McQueen [email protected] Collins, MS 237310-Highway, Street and Bridge Construction
27 Roby Construction Company, Inc. Jimmy Roby [email protected] Greenwood, MS 237310-Highway, Street and Bridge Construction
28 Road-Pro Safety, Inc Peggy Miley [email protected] Jackson, MS 237310-Highway, Street and Bridge Construction
29 Sumrall's Construction Company Artice Sumrall [email protected] Gulfport, MS 237310-Highway, Street and Bridge Construction
30 TA Harmon Electrical, LLC Tony Harmon [email protected] Jackson, MS 238210-Electrical Contractors
31 TJS Trucking, LLC Teddy Fields [email protected] Gulfport, MS 484110-General Freight Trucking, Local
32 Tony Watson Electric, Inc. Tony Watson [email protected] Brandon, MS 238210-Electrical Contractors
33 Traffic Control Products of Louisiana Inc. Suzanne Albin [email protected] Denham Springs, LA 237310-Highway, Street and Bridge Construction
34 Travis Construction Company, LLC Donald Givens [email protected] Gulfport, MS 237310-Highway, Street and Bridge Construction
35 Mississippi Association of General Contractors Bob Wilson [email protected] Jackson, MS Contractor's Association
36 Mississippi Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Cesar Vazquez [email protected] Jackson, MS Business Advisory
37 MS Development Authority, Minority & Small Business Carol Harris [email protected] Jackson, MS Government
38 Mississippi DOT DBE Program Carolyn Bell [email protected] Jackson, MS Government
39 Mississippi DOT DBE Program Stacy Slay [email protected] Jackson, MS Government
40 Mississippi Women’s Business Development Center Cindy Ward [email protected] Gulfport, MS Business Advisory
41 Women's Business Enterprise Council South [email protected] New Orleans, LA Business Advisory
42 Stennis International Airport Chanse Watson [email protected] Kiln, MS Airport Director
43 Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission Madeline Walker [email protected] Kiln, MS HCPHC Chief Administrative Officer
44 Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission Bill Cotter [email protected] Kiln, MS HCPHC Chief Operating Officer
45 Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission James Buras [email protected] Kiln, MS HCPHC Public Works Director
46 Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission Janel Carothers [email protected] Kiln, MS HCPHC Chief Development Officer
47 Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission Jennifer Baxter [email protected] Kiln, MS HCPHC Communications Director
48 Kutchins & Groh, LLC George Groh [email protected] New Orleans, LA Consultant
49 Kutchins & Groh, LLC Brad Kutchins [email protected] Mansfield, TX Consultant
50 Kutchins & Groh, LLC Lisa Lawson [email protected] New Orleans, LA Consultant
51 Kutchins & Groh, LLC Gregory Groh [email protected] New Orleans, LA Consultant
52 Kutchins & Groh, LLC Chris Groh [email protected] Chicago, IL Consultant
K& G
Stennis International Airport FY 2020-2020 DBE Goal Teleconference Scheduled for 10-1-20 at 2:00 PM (CST) RE
S Po
rt -H
ar bo
• Chanse Watson, Stennis International Airport • Madeline Walker, Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission • Bill Cotter, Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission • James Buras, Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission • Janel Carothers, Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission • Jennifer Baxter, Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission
• Mississippi Association of General Contractors • Mississippi Hispanic Chamber of Commerce • Mississippi Development Authority, Minority & Small Business • Mississippi DOT DBE Program • Mississippi Women’s Business Development Center • Women's Business Enterprise Council South
FYs 2020-2022 DBE Goal Teleconference
FYs 2020-2022 DBE Goal Teleconference
• Reach out to minority, women's and general contractor groups to discuss opportunities for DBEs
• Discuss the process to become a certified DBE
• Address issues that contractors face with the DBE certification process
• Present the proposed DBE Goals for the Stennis International Airport for Federal Fiscal Years
• Discuss the proposed construction projects that are planned at the Airport during this period
• Discuss the DBE Goal Setting Process
Airport Market Area
FYs 2020-2022 DBE Goal Teleconference
The DBE Market Area for Stennis International Airport is the entire state of Mississippi.
Mississippi Certifying Agencies
Click Here for Website
Coast Transit Authority (CTA) Click Here for Website
Mississippi Women’s Business Development Center (WBDC) Click Here for Website
Southern Region Minority Supplier Development Council (SMSDC) Click Here for Website
Complete Application
Owners Tax Returns Org Finance Statement
Resumes Equipment
list. If Not Approved,
Click Here for Website
FYs 2020-2022 DBE Goal Teleconference
Expiration There is no expiration date. A firm is certified until it no longer meets the eligibility requirements. Firms must submit a ‘No Change Affidavit’ annually.
Certification Codes DBE firms are certified in specific North American Industry Classification Codes
(NAICS) and DOT work types.
Certification Process The certification process takes approximately 5-6 weeks.
Search DBE Directory You can narrow your search of the UCP DBE
Directory by these specific codes at this link: https://mdot.ms.gov/
Step Two
Adjust the goal based on past participation of DBEs and available studies and other
certified contractors, vendors & consultants
Stennis International Airport
DBE Goal 8.21%
Total Federal Allocation Expected DBE Apportionment
2020 North Apron Expansion (Design/Construction) Engineering, pavement construction, pavement marking, local trucking Estimated value: $5,083,418 (federal portion)
2020 ALP Update & Pavement Management Plan (Planning/Engineering) Engineering, planning Estimated value: $256,050 (federal portion)
2021 Taxiway Sierra Expansion (Design/Construction) Engineering, pavement construction, pavement marking, local trucking Estimated value: $5,436,000 (federal portion)
2021 Security & Fencing Project (Design/Construction) Engineering, electrical contractor, security systems, fence/gate construction Estimated value: $584,100 (federal portion)
2022 Environmental Assessment for Runway 18-36 Extension (Planning) Planning, environmental consulting services Estimated value: $ 225,000 (federal portion)
2022 Airfield Lighting Project (Design/Construction) Engineering, electrical contractor Estimated value: $1,861,200 (federal portion)
2022 Taxiway Extension –(Design/Construction) Engineering, pavement construction, pavement marking, local trucking Estimated value: $2,781,000 (federal portion)
Project Details/Value
Mississippi Department of Transportation Carolyn Bell, Civil Rights Director
P.O. Box 1850 Jackson, MS 39215-1850
(601) 359-7466 [email protected]
(228) 467-9231 Ext. 10 [email protected]
FAA Southern Regional Office EEO Compliance Specialist 1701 Columbia Ave, ASO-9
College Park, GA 30337
Kutchins & Groh, LLC 400 Poydras St., Suite 1380
New Orleans, LA 70130 (504) 799-4090
[email protected]
1 Marrero Couvillon & Associates Jennifer Glynn [email protected] Baton Rouge, LA 541330-Engineering Services
2 MS Development Authority, Minority & Small Business Carol Harris [email protected] Jackson, MS Government
3 MS Development Authority, Minority & Small Business Derek Finley [email protected] Jackson, MS Government
4 MS Development Authority, Minority & Small Business LaTisha Handy [email protected] Jackson, MS Government
5 MS Development Authority, Minority & Small Business Dr. Latonia Lewis [email protected] Jackson, MS Government
6 Mississippi DOT DBE Program Carolyn Bell [email protected] Jackson, MS Government
7 Stennis International Airport Chanse Watson [email protected] Kiln, MS Airport Director
8 Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission Madeline Walker [email protected] Kiln, MS HCPHC Chief Administrative Officer
9 Kutchins & Groh, LLC Brad Kutchins [email protected] Mansfield, TX Consultant
10 Kutchins & Groh, LLC Lisa Lawson [email protected] New Orleans, LA Consultant
11 Kutchins & Groh, LLC Gregory Groh [email protected] New Orleans, LA Consultant
12 Kutchins & Groh, LLC Chris Groh [email protected] Chicago, IL Consultant
Attachment D - List of Participants
Stennis International Airport FY 2020-2020 DBE Goal Teleconference Held on 10-1-20 at 2:00 PM (CST)
Questions During 10-1-20 DBE Goal Teleconference
1. Carolyn Bell (Mississippi DOT DBE Program): The presentation shows only the federal portion of the overall project cost. What are the total project costs?
Brad Kutchins (Kutchins & Groh) responded that for each of the projects, there is a 90/10 split, meaning that AIP funds cover 90% while other entities, usually the state, cover the remaining 10%.
End of Questions.
Number of Projects to be covered by this contract goal:
Market Area:
Public Participation
All DBEs in State
C-HSA DBE PPT 10-1-20.pdf
All DBEs in State