&r*W-$xrdi £rUmn& gUNDAY, APRIL 'X imi. Thia noxctpomr U aaaaa* ««"' p"&- Htfirf h;/ r*e IWeaae laaaatteltea. . aTato Far* tArm****0*; pfficn (S1''1 ,)l'i't' til>al piwr of tnoineot, Tribonc Buttd- ing. Ao. 154 ffaeean 5#ree#, Nen York); Ofien IWlt, i.rsitltn(; OoBtn lf. Kehi, .aeerelary; SanfM lf. Ban-eft, Ireaenm. r»e aJin »5 0/ tta altoare i5 //«' o/flcc 0/ (Jkig lHirsfiapcr. ftJBaCRIPTIOM RATE8..BT Mail- rort- r ...... r N< ¦ *l u I>a;lv an,i Sunti.iy. on" .n<>nt'..5 .< Daily an.i Rnnday, six ru-ntas. * j. ..... ..ne jreai. **JJ 1 .... moatk. .('";,, Daily only, six aaoataa. 'COl) Daily oaljr. ..n.- y-ter. .,., Pun.lav oa \. : .\ rnontna. . (ii, >i ly. .)¦ ar.. -. For. .-. BubBcrlptlona to aii «.*>""trt'" »¦ the untYcraal Po tai Uatoa, mciudms post- DAiLT AND lUVSAl TlUiW-Hlj: One month.11.551 Oaa year.ail-W BCNDAT TKIBl'NE: Six month*..12.51 0 ¦¦ *.»3 °* DAI1V TRIBtJSE. One month.51-051 Oaa reai.a***" CANADIAN RATl'S. DAILY AND BTJMDATl Ono month.$ .55 Ona yeae.t.oos DAIl.Y ONLY: Ona mor.th.* ..'.o;Ona year.5« 00 aDNDATl Ona mor.th.$ ^^*i.>,,>ar.** Enter-d at ON r-tofflc. at New York Second Claaa -M..I! Matter. K 77/f FafaTfl THIS UOKSrSQ. FoiancN.-Tiie Ualoalata ara mak- lng great oflorts to obetfuct tbe P****f* of the pnrlUuneatary blll; aeveral pollt¬ lca] leadera havo broken down under Ihe ttrain; tho people r. .miii a;>ath-tic. ZL-, (ierr.ianva attituil" has futthered the gro-.vth of tba movement ln Englana Cor an nrbltraUoo treaty with the i-wteu Btatea; there aro ladlcatlona that .Japan .Mould favor such action, *****' banlaa Inaurgenta aro reported to, ha\e ivon importanl vlctoriea over ru Kian tn.ops m tbe Bcutarl dlatrlct Gaorge Prentiea Butler. the ftn-tncler. ol t. ia clty. died euddenly from beart dU- n London. A general atrike ei worktnen in Norway was 1 art** JJf" eausa ol the lockout In tho Iron ladna- nVss-s The arcbcological oxblbltlon, one ol tba beet featurea ol tbe Itallan .jubllee, waa opened at the Bjtta ol Diocletian. Rome. ln the Vr'''J' ^^ vina . nd Queen, the G< rman A<- fSoeo and Crown 1t .,-- ii irnod ln London that the Turk««-h rovernment waa reconalderlng Ita declalon to award IU aaval ^nf.1.** tion contract to aVtitW iMera. DOMKSTIC.Demoeratic i**a\e**. in r,. of Repreaentatlvei declded to , ,. canadian reclprocity *e\r*o- J klng up tarlfl leglali tion. r rai j idge Sanborn, m a , , opinion handed down 5 nt- paul. declded the MlnneaoU rate «¦.¦ m iav. r of lha rallroada. *-== Over onr hundred coal mln. - a re bHledln an ezploeion at Uttleton, Ala. = Tne number of dead In - ranton mine ac ld< nl waa placed at a vi nt: -thr ¦*.; ,ijotia ata li Arr-''.: mi-nis un th-- 1*1 illtj ol the Bti te < ivli Sani< < Com niaa on t<. order the poai- tion ol examlm - ' etc h trangfere ln Bu1 ;, e, tranafi rred from tho eompetltlve to tha jaempt ..ir.s-ification, were heard yeeterday hy .-ne Court J---K Rudd al Albany. r-\ Poultnay B aa low ai d sllaa Lllllan Prltchard wen marrlcd al Sharon, < onn. Tha Tr...*.- Methi dl it C «f< rence, in . j arat< Iprli nt N. T., de- rlded tr. inveatlgato tii" Nea Torb state n ... whlch, it xtm wa? worl ;-1 i'i agu< wlth the li.l'.or ni*-: lt was announced in \ that tho entlra Capitol a*rould be rcaired and a thorough ayatem ol fire j I otectlon Inai CITT..ftooka en flull and Irrecuhtr. . .mi tha | rs ol the stranded ... inded I. . Cen¬ tral 1 IG, B. Muvna ller, tent expert, wha rhe New Theatre er in the f3ent al t bulll bj Ita foundi ra ^r=^= movcmenl f>.t- to rea I Ora protec¬ tlon recelved Impetua from a plan to form a vl| of profes- i- .'! al and buabieae m n on aafety. = Frank M '.-.-;. Aaalatanl Dla¬ trlcl Attorm i t ¦:¦ wag no fric- tion amoni n ln chargi ol tho crbne Inveatlgal on. a= .. erg at t1 o Republican Club said Oovernor Dlx, vi.s la need of eome educatton ln thi matter of Clvll Bervice. ------- The Ap¬ pellate DlvJaion cut I Ivera chargea favorably paaaed upon by D. Cady Herrhk in the Orlental Baak caae. THB vTEATHKt. Indlcatlona for to- day: i*ain. The temperatura veatarday, Highest, 48 deajraea; lowe.-t, 88 /4854J AUD 19B9. Thp rhoi<"e of Mr. Martin. of Virglnia, ga the leader of Um Sonato mlnorit; was rot a f-tralRht-our elctorj tor tlie BaOey- quasl-proteftlur.l.'-t wtng of tlie Demo*j cr.'ttic fAXYtJ. Some Sonators who votod for Mr. Ifartta ara aol atrtcCly Ballay- ltos. acri Mf.rs. Culbataon, <if Texaa; BajMTi of Ifi yiand, aad vtllliaina, of MifslsFippi, are Ux>roaaghly in Fymj.afiiy wlth tha radtoal thtUt rarlaaoti Idaas of Mr. Martln's 0*rjpo*aapta. laal coui.try wil! look, howevrr, on Mr. Mnrdn's dcalff* MilOB as ¦ vljiiliratl'U of Mr. BallCj'5 leaciership.a baderahlp w!»irh waa ea> tiamalj balpfn] t^:> yaara ago to Hr. Al* drich ln prarvaattng tha ainemlment of the ?e::i'.te draff of tha House tarlff 1 iii at eeaagal "t its most *4*araarabla p Inta More than half of tha Doniooratie Ban* Bton roted wlth Mr. l'.iiloy in 1900 nj/alnst froe IBW laatorials, and prob* ahly more than half of the Danociata now ln the Baaata aro YrW iti? to follow hha. aeuln on t '.mt 1* suo and to as.-ist lii'.n la retaini::',' dtitlaa bath oa r.iw oaatarlala and on Boiahad pradticta, levtad Dom* tsally for raeanua, hut Intaadad alao ta gjtre aabetaatta] inddeatal protaetlaiL la any Daosoeratk i.lan for tarirf revlslim at thlg aagaloo or 1*1 tha aaal seeaion Om v< nt ln tha Baaata I ahtad Mr. Balley will therefore hava to ba takaa latb a*c* COU'it. Tha allfament of Baaatofa oa Lfriday ln Um Detna cratlc eaat aa striklngly IXinn 11. ¦,. it .....djpj tmenl whlch ims taken pl u s laalda 1 ie part| eiaca tba tarlff r.-vi i'.-i «.r ]^'..\. In thal yaar aad ii thi- decada 1 re edlng it tha ehlaf de¬ mand for low tarlff rataa came from tha Boutliern Statca. Tha Soath, Loalalana eZi. iti'!, */..;.> practlcally 1 aall foi fraa i;.,. 0r aa rloea an Imltattoa <>f free i,a, ,. be !-< ored. The < lanoents iu tba party whlch flayorad aioderatlon iu radactlona were chlefly from tha -Mi.i- (»:-¦ aad Middle IVe lern etatea. Bamael .?. Raadall, of Panaaylvaala, bad baan tbe irnrir-y « t tbe .;'i."-i-l,r:ii«-<'ii*>i!ists. aid li . waa Mi"'"' .' bj Aitbur P. Oonaaa, of Hanlaud. The Houae of RepraagntatiTei Iu 1804 paaaed a ra*dlcal krn tarlff MU. aad wi;'*!i lhal naaaeara raachad lha Baaata 11 r.-a- Wlittea OXOt i':'" I 11 ."!. rati-ly pr.- trcti\4 blll by Mr.Ckwtuan and blaallleg Theae Im-laded Ihe two Benatora proia New V<ri;. Mr. Hlll aad Mr. Marpby; Mr. Bmlth, "i Veai Jawey; Mr. Brlca, il Obl >; Mr. Camdeu, of iy«al \ Irgtnla, au.! iba two btgb 5ttgar taarlaV Baaatora in-i, Loatalaaa. Oulalde of Loulalaw ji, Oonuan ooald eoaal on bardlj 1 5la* mM ioatbars toto. S'dW tha 5ttu itKMi 15 eaaa llj ra reraed. Mr Balley haa tohaa ata ti"- taalial Baa-( daU aad Garntaa and ha* gatbered ">e- htad him the greal majoitty of tba Bouthfera Senator--. Iu 5.vniii:it!iy with ii'.s Ideai an HW two Senators from Loulslana, two from Alabama, two rrotn .( rgta, two from Florlda, two from N'orth Carollna, two from Ylrglnia, two from West vir-in!:i. oog flrom Maryland, ¦M.c from Tenneeaee, ene from Kentucky and one from Arkanoae, Ohio, Now .lor st.v. Now York aad thg Denmcratk r-iates oi' tha Weet and NorUiweel have goae o\or to radlcallsm, aad tha Boath, once the botbed of froe trade Pcntlmo.it. haa come to look opon ihe protection afforded hy liberal raraaoa dutiea as Jastlflable nnd beneflcial. Tho Boutb has beeome l>rotoi tiorist in spite of itsolf. and its converalon is craatlng enttrelj aaw prob- letag wlthln tbe Democratfc party. 77//; BTATB UBRABY. WhOa tho losson of tiio Waahlngton place liro. with ii- demand for better protectloa of bmnaa Uvea, ia paramount, there atanda aecond to it tiie lesson of tho Albanj Oapttol liro, with its demand for the safeffuaruins of prirHess pnhlic proiK-rty. Happiiy. some of tho most piectoOl of the oontents of tho St-de Library were preservcd from bnntfng i r other injurr, but lt was hy the mereet chance and good Inck that this was so. On tho othor hand. many irreplaceable books and dooumonts of lnostimable ln* torost ar.d value wgfg dostroyed. Not only the sentlmontal and historioal bnt aiso tho practical Icae I-* very great; far jjrenter, ivo tnay safely n«sume, than would have beeii the COgt of adequate safeirunrds -.trnlnst stioh a calamity. If puttine a lor-k on tho stahle doop ls provorbially too lata after tho horsft ls stolon. it is rortainly llttlng t<> pnt a new borse ln a well locked stahle. ivsi'ito ihe destnietlon of so lnrce a part of its lihrary. New York must rontlnue to matatala n State Library, and shorild make gll peealble effoita to derelop it to even gUmter dlmenalona than it had ba- fore tbe Sre, and, or <o-.ir<o. to ivmso it so that it will be as eecure as it can pooaibly be mario ggainst a roenrrenee of the latg disaster. We would n"t abate ono jot or titlle of the rlf:hteou.s ln* ttgnatton whlcb la fe'.t at tho lacfc of praeantlona for tho aecmity of the oM nhrary. But that fooiinj,' shouhl not for a moniont stnnd ln tho way of pron.pt. gnergetlc nnd well dirootod stops toward teplacing thg Hbrary ¦*- f:ir poaslbha, and dovolopin- it ueeord*r.,' to futore op* portunitlea and needa. NOW, Whlle the losf.es and the |e«sop,s of tho £re:d fire nro frosh in mind. i- tho time for- maklncr adequate pTOVislon for a new lihrriry in tho now and inde- j.eni.ent stnirtnro whirh is belng pre- pared soparnte from tho Cspttol. It is esthnated that fr will require moro than a miilion dollars to provlde sueh n lihrary. but It would bo the poor- o«t of o-'onoiny not to make tho inlthtl appropiiation forthwith. A suooosmou or leglslatnree ami state governmeuta groealy maladmlnlstered tho construc* Hon of tho stato Capltol. Tho wronga whlcb woro done can nerer be wbolly andone. Bai aome compenaatlon to tho state eaa be made and shonld be made hy tho prosent I.episiature. l>y pfOVlding at once an adequate anm for tbe re- habilltatlon of the lihrary whleh has Peon sr. s tdly mnrrotl THF BVBWATB OBOWJSQ TBAFFIO. Tho popularity Of that ever popular meana of rapld traneit, the subway. con- ii-i to Increaae. In January of this year 880,421 more pggaengen jammed Into its trains than in January, 1010. February «li«l even better. the second montb "f this year ahowlng an in^rease of l,l$0«t7fl vo tho pame in«>nth of laat year. Tbe subway now oarrios more paaaengeri than all of tbo elevatod ro;ids t. gether. How is tho inoreasins rrowd carried' Xo donbt tho side-door train acomrits for moet of tho nddltlonal ipaca. The old atyle '¦¦..¦r wltb eroaa scu^ in the ivid- dle lefl vory llttle room for atraphangeri i't that part of the ear. In tho now fdde- door cars the croitest amount of stand- b | room is in the centro, tbere bdnf .:.. aeats "ii tbo slde where the door opena, whlle often ihe hlnged eeata on the other slde are nol lel down in roab bonra. Thua tho ntmost fSdlltlea for itandlng are fttralahed. \\'o have r.ever igen an eetlmate < f the tocrcaeed capao ity for Ptraphansrors reaultlng from tho ellmlnatlon of eroaa s":its, but it must bave been enormoua, The Interborongb managemenl was evldently bllnd to iis Intereats when it oppoeed alde do ira For fntnre Increaae ln traflio the In- torhnrongli Bapld Transit Compgny has tho free employment of tencar trains in reaerve. Platforma bave been lengtbened and glraady there are aome ten-car train?, but thoso "epetatlng monstroei* tios," ?:s the company once ealled thein, will no donbt iio pnt on gradnally, as the i; ci ased traffic requlres, care belng taken not to place in servio? enougb gl once to plve tiie jrublic a dislarlo for )¦'. 'i; z in oren rowded trains. ENABUNQ ACT PLBDOEB The Bupreaae Ooort of th" ITnltad Btatea will <r» n pasi iiT»on the Interest* i;iL qaestidn ralsed by Oklaboms'a vlola* tlon of tin* provislon in its enabllng aet forblddlng tbe remoral of the capital from Guthrie before 1018, The Okla* homa Leglalature defied thal reatrlcUon d Its powera when it paeaed a law gn* thorhdng tho roten to aeled n atate capital ;it a epecJa] eleetlon in 1010. Ihe atate goviirnment was removed to (juia- bomg Clty foUowlng that elgetloa, and tho si.it" Snpreme Court auatalned the mlgratlon as legal. Tbere is no dlapute ai t" i!:" facta Tho federal Bnpreme Courl will declde whetber or nrir a state admlttefl in gecordance with tha stipn- lattoOS of an aet of Con^ress i;:n labr no thoae itlpnlatloM io ault lts own convenlence. Ihe Bupreme Courl of Oklahomn bekl tiiat the stato. once in the Unlon, eonld not bo eonatraued iti its froodrMn to do snythlng whlcb a itate^as aucb, is cotn* petent to do ander tbe federal <'.«-i^titu- ti. n. it beld tbe capital prorlsloo of iiie enabllng :!<"t to bo ulim vtrtt, it ir., of rourae, <>f llttle practlcal Importance io ih.- i"st oi* tho country whetber Okla' boma'a aeai of government remalaa at Guthrie until km.'! or js ablfted b< fon that time to OUahoma Clty. The prt> rialon waa put ln the enabllng gei r^im- plj to prevent a premgture <.« nteel gmong i!\:;i clnlawnti tor tbe capital. Bul tbough tbe material reaull ..' itake I-. t!i\iai. tho tbeoretlcal Iseue Involved i^ higbly Importgnt If Oklaboms may repudUu one obllgatlt u Impoaed ln tho enal Ung ad ii Inay repudlate others, Under Ihe .-ami' coustructlon of the pr¦>¦ vi<i"!..s of an enabllng aot Dtab amy ro- podlate its prondae not to pernill polyg- amy i<> bc practlaed. ii Coagn ia haa ii" eefwdtntlonal power t'' eiact pledgea of any gorl from a eandldate f<r atatehood, it baa geted nder ¦. strang mlaapprebenalon for many jeari.. It Impoaed many obUga* rti.nis oa r-tiitoK admittad, ami btfaia th latatei whlcb aacedad regalaad rapn aeatattaa la avimres* they wen* ra Iqnlred t.» ratify th«* Paarteentb Aaaaat ment M Um fadaral r..nsiiMiti"*>. I ICongraaa bad bad aay doaht «>f Ita powt to lay iloy.ai coadltMos of adrntaatoa, ertainly would Ml havo nduiittod I'tal li would he a laine nnd p»rad«>xl*.*iil CM Haekm lf iftaf «!1 tho toiritoj-ies avai .-ii.ii' for atataa had baaa adialttad Lbonld he dlacOTaaad that ivnsxess ha acted on ¦ nslataken aaaaarptloa ln tr: Ing to l.ind nny of tbem hy sUaalaUoi lald down as preraqalaltao to statehaai THB VARCH Fifn: loss. Tho fire loaa of tho Ualtad BtahM nn Caaadl for March last was ISl-BdMO1 accordlag to retaraa eoDactad bj "Th Now York Joaraal <»f caauaaraa nn ;roii)merolal Itul.etin." Tha total wi imoro than doublo the Maroh I<>ss 1 1«»*0. and ahOOl 138,000.000 gtaater tlm t ti** Marcb h>ss in 1010. The areraf Imoatbly loss is betow ^20.000b000, nnd jlarp" part of the exc-ss for last mont was daie to the burnlnp of tho Caplta lat Albany, where the sncrlfice of pro* erty was eBtlm.it ed nt &JBl0OAn>\ Bi. thera wero three other flres in wliic property worth over $1,000400 went u in smoke. An ahsolute waste of $1.»X>0,000 a da lnst moutli and nf JiW.ono to $700,000 day ln averape months i*< an appallin oharpe on Amerienn resourrea. It Ka baaa ihowa that wa bara aip eipht that ns much woallh ns the avei-npc Bl ropoau nation does. and that selfln poeed handioap ls lald nn tbe prodm tive enerpy of the wbole people, fr every man. woman and child must ailt rr.ntely hour n *haro of tba OOat of th natkm'l fire wastape. When shall w befln to practiso the fundamental eom omj Whlcb avolds foolish risk** an lonks to the prevont'on of flres and fn lo*s instead of metvly In^airincr agalaf thom? It may roquiiv a 1fttlo preatr ini;iai oxpenso to improvi* OtlT bnildin metbotla, hut tho extra outlay will h compeaaatad for in brwar insurnm eharces vnc\ preatly rcduced firo bill: We are sriuanderinp now annually 1 flres the infere>t at .*. per rent on capital of between $4 000,000,000 an .*?^,o^M>.ooo.or»o. thp; CRAWFORD NOTC&Pl RGHABi 'ihe purohaso of Crawford NOteh by th Ftate of New Ilompshire, uhlch is noi 5abataaUaUy effcctcd. is pratifyinp froi at least two points of view. One la tha of Um vimlioaiion of New IT.impshlr**-' sinrerity ln -urplng the onactmcr.t b t'onpress of the Appnlachian Forest Ib a-arrea bill. There were those who ol Jected that Now Haaipaalre nnd othr states were iryinp to pot the fe lernl |Oa eraaMBt to po to a grcar expcnse to d thlap which they oagbt tO do then selves, and lt was epeciflcally supgeste tbat if Now llnnipsbire wanted th Whlte Mountain fore^ts prosorved sh Oughl to parcbaag thom horsolf. Tha argaBMBt was not altogather valld, fc reaaooa which we bave bltbarto polata out, promlneat amonp them belnp th faet. that in most easey aMOBtala fore-t |»i one state are of dlfect importance t tha wattrwaya and water sapply of oUm gtataa, perhaaa.as tn tha eaaa of th White Mountain?. of Now llampshire_l i graatar degreo tban to the state 1 Whlcb 'boy are situated. But. howeve that may he, here is tho flne example s( hy New Hamjishire. The ink is llttl mora thaa dry on the federal law i ouestlon whon she herself purcbases large and exeeedinply valuahle portion c tha Whito Mountain ranpe. The other pround for pratiflcation i ithnt tlms one of the most splendid an majestic mountain vlstas ln this part f tbe world is rescued from a spoUatto whlch bad already hepun, and which i a short time would probably have hi eoma Irreparabla Kbwbetn on this coi tlaeat east of tha Rocky Moantatai I there 0 DMVe eatraadag aud laaplrlfl BMaatalo view than that down Crawfor N'otch from the sun.iuii of Mouut Wil ard, with tbe piirantio masses of Wel atar and Willey on eithor hand and th lone eraai of Chocoraa fleamlag like atar oa tbe maota borlaon. Tha laora tiiins tbatnaelvn may ho beyood th power of man serioiisiy to in.iure, bl Itbelr dothlag llea at his nsarey. St the laaat attracUra and precious fe.atur of the scene is fooad in the vasL fi panaee of fbreet arhlcb eover the nsaia t. 1111 slopos and hll tlie por;re with "sipliinp soa of hinb and piue." That is just raooagb of aaked granlte glean in:- out u|N>n tha blfher parti of WU si<*r to remind tlie beliolder of the l-uti nre of the hills aad t<> present a i\v. IntaUc eontraal t<» tln* mUea of tasai Imantle.and alao to aaggeal bow irn trterably tha wbole paaoraaai would b dlafigarad If all thi Natdi were ilms lal bare. It is a line ih hicvement, upon whk New Hampahlra l^ ta ba eaagratalatol for which slie i1-' to ba thiinked la th name of tha muitiiudes fram all over th laad to whojn that pearleaa laadacap haa heen and wlll ba 5 5081*00 <rf Joj aad in whlcb av.. balleve aha win Bn nimii mateii.il priiit as weil as credit < o lan taaglblf bai partMpg stiii saperlo kind. The ralne of noble sceaary as g economic aaaal is not smaU; iu tliit-. eai i: ls larpe. ll.it this muat he merely iie.'iiiiiinp. Tha Graal Oalf, tha Fiuim the alopea of Moaat Washington Itaall aad a baadred oUmt maaterplecae of nal lura need piatocUog (ran the magn**** o deeecraUoa, ami thal they will racelra It from eitlicr state or iiati m, we are no\ fneouraged to expect. THE WROJtO DJAON0818. It is not reassurinp to he told that onl, Um v-ry rlcb Bad ti..* yoyj i»ior racalf Um fall hcnefit of nMdleal s.iene.., nn jthat ihe majaiity of man aad women di ..I' MwiOOB di.i^nosis.'' [f tlil-a is tru. laymaa nay nrnll eoaaldar tho maaaar oi i*aaaoB8lblUty for this state <if affah ithat Ifatl on ihem, aud not Bpoa th broad sboaldera <( the madleal profai StOB. l*ia^iiosi*j i^. tirst ot all, a qnention n tlie iutellip»*ne4. of the paticiil. atial nVtp ||y of h!«, ahlllty to agpraas hiiuM-lf nre* erly, !.. translate his physical (aaUng Into 'iie worda thal fit thaaa. if bui [gttage has heen L'iven urs t>> hide mi Itbougbts it oartataly sboald Mraa aa t deactiba onr lymptotas in sacb ¦ hmuum thal the diapii'iNileiii! may see Ufhl aip le able lo ra-ason btcb fp'in them to Bt jderlyiup Caaaoa. Iti realllv the pli.\-lcia re.ehes g| g rnl.* hui th" 4a*iiit-i ni Ifrpn bU palieiii Iu this Bral ami 550 Ibaportaat >^v toward tiantiaaat. Mai lo -is is mostly a pu.siiiu puaa. of perli laaat, paiuaaafnl r-^Matlaas aad ragat uiiintellipeut BIWWara, in whlch the n iTaaUag aymptaai bmj i>«* ovaHookad bi caaaa i' bapapena to caaaa ti"- paUan n. pnrtieiiiar bMaaraaleaca at Ihe m ilneilt, while ..ther.-, but lesr* lmi><trtniii [da. Too per.-htent pruhlnjr. moreovei gftaa Idads tiie patlent te the ooiiolusloii tliat the pliyslt'inn "dOCS not scein t > ktiow much about lt." perttepe be deas n<»t. bnl aftaa it bttsueo the snffarar is anaMe io k»v* him liitolliv'oiit and IntelllKihle nlil bf his answers. H I*. indeed. h gtMghag puaa The phjalcJan must anpptenient his wignrg with |>ntlence, taet uml Intal* ilon. whlch is oftan hut n blgher fo^l,, of aaparlgnea He must latarpfet an> oertaluties. rotiooiuos. ofton delll-erat'* ¦llences canaed by an anrgaaonlngi in- BtlnctJve physleal fear of knoning the worst, or by i no Iggg ¦areaeonlng with- boMUng of confldence. "Wnmg dlagDO* kIs" would not bo gg prevalent if thogg in need of a physleian would dbtgnoas "i.i their own eases patlently ami put them in intelligiblo form hofore consultlni? him. Instend, they cither rely on his oninl- Klenca or vislt him in n akeptlcnl apirlt, but in eifhor easa ro to him nnpreparod to pive him the asslstanoe be iK'cds. There are two sides to "wrong diacno- siR," but the layman rarely «ees thi-. Mr. Mann compialns that the mlnority in the House of Representatives la being _f brutally downtrodden. But that is aomethlng to whleh House mlnnritles have to get hardcned. The Senate ls tiie only leglslative bo<ly extant In whlch the y mlnority does the down-mading. n g The rage of a part of the British preaa fl against Amerleaa ootlectors who pur- ¦ chase old mastera whlch England her- self refuses to buy is as amusing aa it ls illoghal. The people of Detroit voted the other day to rcfain the central time standard and not annex IhQIWgOlTQg to the Baat for horologlcal purposos. It was BTgued by the ad\ ocatt-a of the proj-osed chango that nearty an hour of daylight would bc eavad at mo.n eaaaoaa ol the year by puttlng the tlmo forwnrd. But Detroit didn't want to fOol Itoelf into earlier rlgtng and more eeoneanlcal uso of polar r-nergy. lt evidc-ntly COUnted thoec carly morning bOUTS gaineri. not lOSt, whlch lt had been pper.dtng eomfortably In bed. Good luck to Connt Zeppolln and his now airshin' Re has been unal.lo thus far to fommend eoeeeee, but de- ..erves It. o The opinion exprrsred by the Attorney General that persons who are engaged in tho work of investtg.it.ng tho ehar- D|acter, habfts and busin^KS standing of * their fellowa should be reo,ulred to have 9 i llcenses as privat», detectlvea commends Itself to common eense. and prodenea, Prying Into people'a prlvate affairs shonld not be permltted to every irre- iponalble meddler. a Republio or monarchy? Portugal ap- parently has net yct been able to make up her mlnd deflnltely. e- Speaklng at a dlnner ln his honor at the Republican Club, cx-Senator Depow said on Friday nlght: Durlng my twelva years* experlenee I know of no measura of linportanca whlch ha- failed be^au«s the. penate haa no rolea to llmit d^baie. Evldcntly the ex-Senator thlnks that tho IfeCall blll, carrying into effe«'t the admlnistratfon's rociprocal trado agree¬ ment with Canada, whlch failed at the last session, was of r.o lmportance. TBB TAT.K OF THE DAY. Falntin* etreeteara a bright lirrht color Inateafl of tho dark ahadea provalltag in Chicago. Will tend to mako the stroets safer for pede?triar.;, accotding to Clty d Attorney Day. 1" a report on atreet acct- ,f denta for llareh Mr Dajr mjra that "ntera than one-half 0 tba total number of per* eor.s injured Were from eauses wherr-tn fully 75 per cent raight heve esoaped Injury wlth a littlo precaution." and adds: "When cars of the Inc'.osed rrar nlatform typs bu- peraeaa the prescnt models gettlng on or off the cars wh'.Ie in motlon will ba im- possible. It hai been laggaated that lf all the cars were palnted a bght color. an oran^e. for h.^tance. safety for those cross- lni< Hireets would ba greatly enhanced." "Tliat's rjueer." said the conductor. "What ls?' , "Wh.n I told tbat woman her transf^r was ii. gOOd, she tndn't tell me that Bbed just that mlaute ..ot off the other ear. - Detroit l'ree Press. Diflouirora crime. r*. h iritlar 1n New Jersev had a r»rler m«-h« blinket tnnAe wlth whlih he rovered hhnBe'.f, ln ti.r i al Mn, wttaa any ori" came.] Thrro come.s a time when men of crime Knet seek a hecret spot; For ihey've been taupht if they are causht Ttey'll "walk." a:; Uke aa not; So each one trles to firtd HagtttM Ti> keep hlm from all pr>lng eyes. ;t Tbc me'er rabber on tbe Job In W'il.son'rf elaaay state. Was very droll. A tOB of coal! His Hcheme was ulmply great; Bat once too frrqiiently went he, And now the Jall he'll surely see. If we should list to Oavnor's hl?t Wa must perf.rce belleve Thnt rime |a n>.t in gaj ei*ot, 1 hat ta. ts do but decelvo; Ilc'd have you Fhare his vlew so fatr. fi The Near Torh thag la Ju?t "hot alr": ,1 A. W. V. '' Hlol be.Dl JTOa ever read the flction tn r the r arapapersr . Slob! s -No, »'<»t even the weather jircdlc- Uena..Phtledelphla Hecord. ° Tba c'.i^tom of dlstlnirnislnnor marrled il fr-im amnarrted women hy gtvlog thcm '. dlfferant titi--s is antlqoated and undlgnlfled t. and aauel be abeUahed, accordlng to tha Ci'im.-n MotherC goeletjr, of Berlta A eor. fitwagondenl of "The Chleago Waara" r*nv< the aocletjr t an adopted raaelntiona caihnq; y fi.r t!;e r.'.'nrm, ln which It s.ivs: 'Thi* claaattcatioa of women into theaa who have Itiein thrOOgk the marrlaire <> r> rrn ny and thoae whe hava :iot la bnpreaar and nnethl« eai. Bverjr m.-m, biaapautlaa of Ma marttal latatua, la caihd ¦H'-rr,* aad >\ery areaaaa y whe raapeetS tho dlj;r!lty of her sex ahould t, drmar.d to be calcd 'Fra i.' Tl.is would ,i be a r-'reat ftep touard ihe uptlfttog af out etliical Ueals." Au thera la rpj lesal ot!- etacle to applyinc t!.e title of "Frau" to all '. wonun, the Br.<'lety petltlons iti" jutlcu it>s e to make a beglnnlng by emplojrtag only s timt title ln aii agldal nommiinlfelleiia "John." «aid the foren'.an. uaaxpectedljr, "w« hava doclded t" laiac >uu Qva doliara ^ v ..;.'¦ john miga ti" aaawer, >.i apaeared to be looklng for nt m< Uiinj ( n \-iit ib'-k. "Whjr aea'l you .n aometbins aren'i you tatiafled?" demanded the fereman, "J'm irylnc to nor, If th.T,.'». an alarm oloeh here," ^a|ll John..Buttalo l^xiir.ab. "The BaHhnera fl.m" twits Kevr Torh oa the iniibjhle li-r nf Madi'iMi ggWUre Car- i'.ii. utid *u>* "this b'uve.i Ihe incTro|..lii v.ul.iiui nn audllcriuui lar^e enough to .h- aoauaedata ureat aeavaatleai Haa thaai of tha Itadlag (olltieal |iarti.». in npiio of the gvaaal n eeverg, the isatlag aagaelt: of ti.. Oardce la onbjr IMtt.rhr Hun. arhleh la Ighttng huni la land the aeai Demeeratk Natlonal t'onvention for Hultl- in.ir... boasta af the Motiunwiitai CHjr*a aa* perior (aaUttlM for beaslag » erowd. 'Tiie oiii Reghaeat Araaeey," tt «ay». "whleh v* iii be offered for Ihr I'einm rittic Nuliun.il Coaventlon. will mslly ¦rat lH,o<n i>eraoiiM. and M«\eiai ih.ui*rnd meea cmill iir |iro v.ibo for. Tiie drllt ball li -»«) f.-t wi.h- .oul |M f<rt lone, nlvlnp a floor tfjnjfn of 6").,J,),i aquure feet. The an b«d roof n»»ia li, a hllght of L. f-et above the mala floor. I Absolutely flreproof. lt offcrs a aafety from flre aad paale that suth hnlls as the old St. i/ouls badldlag, ln Whleh *o many con- ventlons were h, Id. failed to furnlsb" "T henr she marrled h«nrath ber." .Ves; h.-r huaband playa a arretehea game of bridge.".Waahlngton Heraio. COLD STORAOE LAWS A Word on the Interest3 of the Ncg- lectcd Consumer. To the F-dltor of The Trlhune. .Slr: Two letters rctcardinn cold stornge have recently appeared In The Trlhune arrlttea by maa m the latarast ef eoid Ftor- age, and against the «lx months' time limlt ro'iiitnerl In tbe Frenran bill now before our Legkdature. I ;>m arrltlag thai letter ln tho tatereat of justlce and thc square deal. Cold Btorago men, by sharp practtce, have cornered the m.irkds. forced' tbe prices of roodatofla up to famtne rates. and that ln a land of com and wlne and oil nnd In tho face cf the bl&gcsf harvests this country fver p:oduced. Tbaa they bave tbe audaclty to turn around and say "thc farmers bave, not produced enough." when they know and every one knows that the prodtice of the country has been greatar than the Ineneaa of the pagvla* tlon. What we want is- fre.sh meat and fresh epRs; not emb.ilmed bcef-as General ICflea put lt.nor e?jfs arr old and etrong as Samson. These thlngs kept very long !n cold eterage.WhtCh at be*t only retards the process of patfafaetlOB.lose th^ir Bavor nnd tbelr heal'h and llfe produclng Utialltlae. otir produoa can bo kept attve on tho farms and Bblpped when tt ls need^d. Our cgK« can be produced ln the alater as well an the summer. Th*n we want them at reasonable prices. l^Kt year one flrm boaght ln tbree Btfddle areatera atatea g^axaW eprcs, aad the whole expense was about % oeata B dOBBB. ln the Wtatar these eggfl were sold at 15 eeata a o*ozen, clcirin.* for thai one llttle flrm af ¦penHlaiOIS nearly three-quarter3 of a mllllon dollnrs tn NM fhOft SBBgOB. We aro eaarehlag teward aoeteJlaai (aater tl an ara eaa eflord to. for aaleea tbe people get rellef BeeB thejr arfll de¬ mand and rbtaln the eontrol of theaa eor- porations and oombtaatloaa that for more thaa thii'.y yeara have been feathertng th'ir not* at the expeaaa ef tiie people. Slnco r;,o (few York ar.d New JntMf leglalaturea both have U!is te regulate cold atoraga and our great und good Preetdent la worktng toward reclproclty thrre h:s beea a lowertng of prlcs. But Wtth our great country rcachlng Into the tropics we can produce abBOOt everything. In Mr. Qladatone'a debata arlth Mr. Flalnr the great Kn?l!?h l'remiT said "Aamrlea ls a arorld in haiaelf." and when "-tr goreiymfnt sets through ^.¦.i- Ing arlth the trust;. and the combinatlona ln restralnt of trade end restoren our ln- ternal commeree ao that tre erreat law of suppty and dcmar.d becomes operetlro, tlien will we have pro.«peri'y for o'l, and p»--ace and pleaty will bleoa tbe land. I* C. FLOYD. Flnghamton. N. Y., March 21, 1811. CREDIT MEN OPPOSE BILL. To the Edltor of Tha TrfbUM, Slr: A blll Is pendtng at Alhany which mlght aptly be entltled "An aet to en* eoaraga Crand ln boafaeaa relatlena." it is known as "Senate BUI iBtroductiOB No. 707." The w Torh Credit Ifen'l gagOflletlon and various other bodlea, ns Well as numerous lnfluentlal boatneea men, hava wrttten te Senator Howard n. Bayne, c-ha'rman of th< genate Judldary Commlt¬ tee at Albany, prorestlna; aa;aln.st the II! If ena"ei1 it would take away the p:lv1- leged ¦' araeter of eonaoentlal credit re¬ port?; would compel any mercaatlle ageney to acc»pt a rab iciiptloa from any oaa rtesirlng Informatlon, <\en tbough he e/ae known to be a "crook"; to furatab aueg auhacrlbera anv report called for, which would lactade the one on blmself ln the case of tho "erookod" Bobecrlber; would re.julre th.it all the reports bo made ln wrltlng and Blgaed by un officer or dcslg- nnted emnloye of tho reporttag ageney, and would make the pubUcettona of report* ir<? ageadea tho property of tbe ¦ubecrlber. insurance men have proteated that this arould make tt impoaafble f<>r them to os- tata the informatlon noiessary to protect them aprainst "tlre-hugs." This would mean an Inciease in the lOBB ratio and a corre-p-ndliig increaae !n prvmlums to eover it. The b!r b.inks are alro affectcd. for nearly all of them furnlsh more or less credit lnfoimatlon to their cu.ueme.rs. Altosethcr, the bill U so bad that lt ahould be vUorous'.y opposcl by every one tntereetted In honcst buMnes.- affalrs., A M. BL.3T. New York. Aprll 3. HU. A P/EAN FOR NEW MEXICO. To the Fdttor of The Trlhune. Slr: One of th»- rc^lons that do not Ret jusrlre ln the publlc PlinU Is Xt'.v Mexico. Meat people think of it us n land of cac- tus sand ami naeOQUltO. whlch may be more or leaa tTUB of the southern part, but here in the northern portloa one linds roll- ling prelrlea, where tiie arfld grasa has Iglvea way befece tiio pleugh. P7a ^«e fieids of malaa. capa corn, whesfr-la fact, mo«t of the crepa cotnmon to i^n |fldgl« gtatea.grewa arlthoot irrii,'at!on. our nalghborheod laat faii aent a crop exhitiit to a aelghbermg county fnir and araa aeV" erai premluma in campetttlga arlth Irrlgat* ed dl-tricts. Becauee of the high altltuda we do not ha\e the gummer heat uaually, in most people'a mlnda, n aociated arlth Now Mex¬ ico. Ti'e days are n"t oppreaatre and the nlghta are <0' !. I liave tiei n holdlng dowa a clalni licre for four yeara, an.i e^i.e.-t to ba here many yeara more game of thoae people whe feci oppreeaad by tbe blab <-o.st of Hvii':,' nr arhoee health la not ui> te the ataadard iheuld coma out Weet, tako a clalm and leara arhat it is like te really 11 ve. R. S PZOOD. Roy, n. m.. Marah 10, Ifll. THE MASSACHUSETTS BALLOT. To the Fditor of The Trlrvme. s!r: As a Btalwart Republleaa i hope no Re] u'lbcan in this Leglalatura arfll vote agalnat genate biii No tf to amend tiio .'. tloa law. Thla laaaaara provldea for tilt. lyatem uaed in Ifaaa aehaeetta fer twenty yeara by arraagtag eandtdatea alphabetleally In groopa lor aach o0ee, arlth tha party emblema The mahi point is that no eaadldata'a game sppears more than onee <^i: the allot. iu u -> tha offlclal ballot was four feet vs j.!'-. and Mavor C.avnor'.. name appeared in six eolonma and Mr. Banaard'a name at the top of three eotaaanal This arraage* ment, of courae, mvi' theaa two candldatea an upfatr advantage <^. tbelr eompetltora, Altbougb thla ballot reform blll ti^s beea before the Leglalatura for aeveral yagn r in.'.v time to paaa it. The people do- in.md a coBvealenl aad biurinaeattka hall Tho near pample ballol mee urea gbou tnchea tv i". incbee, ar one-thlrd atea of tii** ot*ii.j.ii ballol la Mew York CltJ '.!¦ Lal Demo aad Ri publlcani Jota baada aad mai tbla i.i bfll n i iw. Al.FltFO lt CONKUNO. Ni i ) ork, April |, io,i bouClfl of Ihe NOT TOO BIG FOR THE POT. from Tl ¦. Plttaburg i;Ui.ett..TUaai Aai .i'i\ n.-i mi it in 'Th,' t'ontlnrnt," a .. Ilgloui ar< ekl) publlahed b> C*hl< b \o, tu Iu for a "mlanlonur) f t ovi r ". feei i Inchea ln halghl and aelghtng Uf pound»." 1'er- )ia|i.>> It araa Inaerted by a cannibal. AND THAT WON'T RUB OUT. t*rom Ti g) i u <. Hera J Bo (ar as genator O'Oorman' fu( re la .¦.inr».r.I, 't llea t.fi.v hlm as an open j "oi. alil.tn whlte paga aavo where Murphy'a thumb lefl d nmudge in turnlug over tha tt«le paga People and^jS^ AT THE WHITE HOUSE. frrom Ti.e Tribuno PurM..-1 Waahlngton. April 8.-The ****** V* asked by a dclepatlon from Arlsena.not to stand tn tho way if the constttutlon of Arlxona waa approved by Congrwa. nr. Taft aaM ho wlshed to get the ****** tl.e debate in the two housea on tne coi - BtltutlOB t.eforo maklng any dertalon. President Taft a**->ert.-d an invltatlon pre- afrted by W. A. Maitz ond Ff. T. H»»- who were Introduced by JW-resentatre Olmsted, to attaad tba lenth blennlal con- vantloa of tho Brotherhood Of Rallway Tralnaaea at Haiileburg on May Ii It was announced at the Whlte House that the members of the Tarlff Board would be Kiiesta at a dinner to ba alven by tho f'ommerelal Club, of Clneinnatl. on Aprfl li Henry C Emery and William ¦. Iioward wlll epeak. "You hbva won the gratltude of every cltlzrn of this place by your action in ra aeiadbag tha eraar eeadhia the 9th a/avairy to do patrol duty along the Toxbb border." was a telegram recelved by Treeldent Taft. It was stgTied "Every Cltlzen of Mar.*a and Fort Davla. Tex." "I should he dellghted to Joln your order. but I ahave myself," laughlngly remarked the President. when Inviud by J. C. Shan- gaay, of St. Louls. to become a member of tho Journcymen Barbers* Internatlonal I'nion. The President s<*nt for Dlatrlct Commls- ralcnar Jadaea this morning to bMpara abeart eertata Dlatrlct affaira. aotaMy ahe condi¬ tion of the straeta Mr. Taft was 5a5ured by Dr. W. W. WB« 8--n, of Toronto, that tho Can.idian Parlia- ment wonld ratify the Canadian reclprocity ar^rcfment. Ropresentatlve Bataa, who eaOed about the same time, told the Presi¬ dent ahat, accordinrr to h',3 information. tho Pennaytoeala aaiagatioa would vote si lidiy for reclprocity. Amonp the White House callers were tho Beeretary of War, tbe Attorney Oeneral. the tMAVOlnry ot Commerce and Labor, As- ¦gbaaat Bgcrotarj carmi Taaaaaaon, Sena- t. rs Curtla, MoCumber, Bmlth (of Mieht- Kon), Brown and Young: ex-Senator Dfck, ItgprgaantatlTgg Bates, naaiand, Hagbea. Dyer, Cmasaaakar, Barlaad, Ptay, Daa* fortb, L-t-rare, Bhnaa, Kaawtaad, laaa; Ut* Uatoa and Allen, EteprM sT.rativo kOOtOttY, v hi Introduce! Sevgral members of tba icwer hranch of tba Ohlo Le-n-laturo; e.\- Il5piaaanl5tlT5 ¦Joyea, aad J. Btoddard Xay* lor, manager of the BelaaOO Tleatre. who latroduoad Robert Mnnteli and Mrs. Maa* tell. Th<» President, Beeretary Hilles and Ma¬ jor Batt took an l.our's walk this after- roen. The PraaMani aad Mrs. Taft atteaded the CWuraUa to-nignt to see Tbnratea, fr.* laiagiclan, aad had ln their box Mrs. Bek* ateln, of Clndnnatt a guest at tba whito Houae. and Major Areblbald Butt. a THE DIPLOMATIC CORPS. [From Th*. Tnl.una Hureau.] Wagrhlngton, April l. Mrs. Eryce, wlfe ot tho Britiah 5llll*aaaaflor returned to-nlght from Now York, where she went to s^e her niece, Ifha Aehton, sail for England. The Swiss Minlster and Mme. Kitter en¬ tertained at dinner to-nlght, havlng as gueata tba Beeretary cf CoBuaarce a-id La¬ bor an..i Mra NageL th.e Poatmaater *:p* eraL tho itallan Ambaaaador aad Marebaaa Cuaanl, Mr. and Mrs. Pardval Dodga, Mrs. Benedict, tho Spanish mllitary attachd and Beftora de UrcuIIa, Miss Bopby Johnston, Dr. and Mrs. Louls Kaidhaar, of Bwltagf*. land, tu« hoone guaata of tha Minlster and Mme. Rltter, .-nd Ifenrl Marttn, secratary of tbe legatlon. The BoHvtaa Minlater and Seflora. de Ca!- deron have 'ssued lnvltatlens for a dinner. on April 18. Mme. Pard<\ wife of the Peruvlan Mlr.ls- ter, Wlll leave, Waahlngtoa or. Tuesday. in company with her Lrclher-tn-law, Louis Pardo, and on Thurs.tay they wlll sail for Burope for a trip of eeveral weeks. The Ulnlatav win ni t aoeompaay Mme. Pardo, but may Joln her later in Burepa. -a-.- IN WASHINGTON SOCIETY. [Fr ¦ The Tritur.p B'irau.] Washington, April ?..The Vlce-President and Mra. Sherman have i'une to Utica for tho week end. Miss Helen Taft was the gucst of Colonel and Mrs. John R. Williams at dinner to- Blght, when they entertained. besides their son-lp.-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leiter, Lieitenant and Mrs. U. S. Qraat, Mr. ard Mrs. Preston Glbson, Mual Dorothy Williams. Mr. Van Weede, Neth- eilands serretary; A. Platt Andrews and Jerome Bonaparte. Mra, OUvar Cronarefl announees the en- gagement of her daughto;, Miss Lov.ite Cromwell, to Walter B. Brooks, Jr., of Bal¬ tlmore. Mi-';s t'romwe'.l, who was a brides- mald at the weddtag of Miss Vivien GouM and Lord Decits !n N'ow York in Febru- ary, ls giving up a trip to London and the coronattoa feattvltlea to become a brlda in June. She was invited to be one of a large beuee party at ti.e home of the Doarager Lady Decles. MisJ Cromwell made ler debut ln Washington this w.nter. She has teen tntertained by all of the social lead- ers, and while Mrs. Cromwell was ln mourning for her iato husband her frands vicd with one another in ahowering attcn- tlor.s on her dauglaer. Tiio I'lomweila claun New Vork as a home as well as Washington, and Miss Cromwell haa fre- anently baaa entertained thara tn the soason Just paaaed. Walter Br-oks, jr., la tho ton of Mr. and Mrn Walter Bnv ks, af Baltlmore. aud tht-ir home in the i^reen Bgrlng Valley lg ona i.f tba moet attractlve aatatea In that part of the country, His graiulfather. Chauaoey Brooka owaed uno of tne siiow placea al DruM iiiii Park and araa a 5odal !ead.-r. The WOdd ng will be one. of the large a*/fair» of aarly June. an.l M.^s Fr.inces Brookrs. who made her dobut at the first Assembly hall in Baliimere, laat wlnter. when Mis.s lickn Taft was a g;c>t, will he one of the bridesrr.nids. M>ss Mary J. Shfrrl!) went to New York to-day to vlrlt har brother, the Mmister to tbe Argaatina RapubUc who has been in this oountry tor ¦ bm time on leave of ab- ggnrig. and Mrs. Bbeirtli. The minlster and Mrs. BherrPJ are preparteg to sail for Buenos Ayrea, The AMbaaeadet *o Gcrmany and Mr*. D.iv.,1 Jayno Hlll and Miss Hlll will arrlve tti Wa.hinL'ton t..-niorrovv nnd will be at tbe ArUngton f«>r r*otae t.me. Wltb them la Mba MarrQtj raangbtar of a aaallbj Ajnerlcaa living ln Berttn. Mr. nnd Mrs. John W. Fostcr will cntertaln at dlnnar la baeor al the Ambaaaadae and Mrs. litn on Moiulay, nnd un T.ii'.-ilay Mlsa il.il and Mba MerrlU win \e ti.t-ir Baaate at a dtn- aar glvaa la boaar <>f Mlaa Taft. The last run of the ClMVy CbaaS Hual Club t(.«.u plaoa over the eauraa tblg .tftt-r- nooa. Mlaa Taft, wltb « party .>r joungl frlenda, wenl ".a to ste tbe Bniab. --*-~ NEW YORk SOCIETY. Wltb Baetor .igiit days eir, ti i eoaatng week win i.e dull an.i 'gnbitereatlng fron a aotlal polnt pf vt.'w. Tbeta «lll be 505M .juiet aatartatalaa f"r Ibe yawiB ceuplei arho ara !.> !)>¦ ataniad darlag tbe ia«a (ort. nlghl I ai rll bnl aava toi tbla tba ra la Uttle ti.it itKurt-s mi tbe pragraaaaa A iiimil.tt p| tln wuitien of the Ko.i.an Catl Ua *«'t ..'.iii ia lata ratreat, kn.i i.oth ii.dv Tharaday an-t Saad txitnxy win .-an many ..f ..ih.T a^nointnaUona to tt.. g-grloua churehea atblla ¦ vary laifa eoatlngaat oi tba toablaaable wrerM wW laava town lor auburbaa raaarta aad oountry ggata ror Kaat.r, rataralng <.n Mantlai nxt wbea tbe round of faatrvttlaa af aaa kind gad another \*iii !». reeaaMd, Thaa Mr. an.l Mra. iiurry ,..,, u. u, ,, n.v hava goae to thelr placa ...» Long ¦land, 'V;:1 ¦*» " " P. belmont I. ,rr to her vtth ., Heaapataad, Mr. itn,, Mm fanaea i.r..u. Pottar, aho hava been -aay. ma al the hi. h,,,.. hlv. ,pft £.*£ ocial IncidenU Ttixedo, where Mrs. Charles B. AlexaMi has llkewlse opened her house for th season. Mr. an<l Mrs. Clarfnce H. Mark* have cloced their boaaa on Madlso.i av« nue and have Kone to tbelr place at Roi lyn, where they will remaln unttl the leave at tbe end of May to pf^nd tha aum mer at I.itrhneM. t'onn. Mr. »r.d Mn Rabert L Oerry leave bera to-mnrrow fo Hot aprings, \a. Mr" Jam< Lowell put nam, slster of MOBCara Koblnsor., who ha beea etegtag «t the di Regis, has tak*i her dcparture from Ncv.port. Mrs. Charle I>an!er T_awrerce Is at Mount Klsco, ani to-day tbe gMmbara ef tha Mor0r c* Tourlng Society, head*d y Ra prtaldenl A. Eug'ne Galiatin, and oomprlslr.g Orm Wllson, Jr.( fltuyvesant Fl-b. jr., and ( number of other young m<-n, win mj^ one of thslr club runs to Tasade, adjar, they will dlne to glgtll and n.maln for i few daya. Mrs. FrederiC MBfleoa haa d'lnlfeij given up ber apartment ln Tar!.*, an<l wll for the future mak? her hea-lquartera ti the Plaza. where she tock up her rtn denco on har arrlval from the WaatlkM| IF eon-ln-Iaw, Hoills Ft. H mnewell, wh< I.as be*n abroad for tho laal month wftj Max Agas;iz, of Boston, ll due n%n% thi day after to-rnorrow, and will ba nut t% landlng by Mrs. IfunneweH. who ii .. turr.ing to-morrow to town from r-rfc^ ln Wellesloy, Masa. Atnonsr other arrivais th!< w*-k wljj ^ those of « aptain Hard"-'?-*. Lloyd, rf tlu Ith Dragoon «.:,ards. and his tean-i ttt gjij li.sh polo playere, arho are to coewhifci the International polo cup T.cy aalM yesterday on board the Luattaala, afta bavtog beea leeelved by Klag <>orje » liucklnpharn Falace prtOf to tbelr '>part ure. The entlre Bagtteh taaUB, twa rnera bara of which will not nrnc h*re uatl Apni 27. is eoeaaeaad ot ofi-'r- of thi Br.tirh army. b*..onglng to BBtahl regl merts that have won fa.ne on r * pr,\ fleld. Many entertalnmer.'? are h*'nf er ganlzed ln tbelr honor. esoflallv hy thoa members of New Tort so laty I BB ar* ln trr^sted in p'do. Hans K!*r.«'"d'> MBdSOB and hl* britt who waa maa Bthel da g_evea, and hi brother, Perey, aad tha i^»t »*- .* wtto, w*> .-.a- Iflaa Marjorta t_ea . aarty parl of tha aummer wtth Mn Charlea I, Hadaea ** ber plaaa as i*w t-i-rd Ifra Corne'iuji C Cajrler, Mra ii»man CHrFhs. Mrs. Lawrenea Keeaa. Mr P.hlllp M. Lydig and Mn R. Holbroe Curtis arc on tbe ComaUttva in "'harg* < tbe rirKt of tbe musteal teei at th* Plai on Thur_;day ttffrv.o^n (Or the -.**.¦ < the Tuteroilo'i-< Ni^'r.t Camp F.'.card Martln, Mra. Franc'.s <i. '.\>l]rn.>n, r.h IflM Kmmi Ju'-h. ard Yictor Harrt as, well aa aeveral other artlsta the propramnT-1 ' J. Wright BareJay and Mrs -A Brornin Prentlce, who are to be marr--d aa Tuer day afternoon at ber home, !n W*st Sli -f^rt, will spend the first part cf the hcrmymoon ?¦'. Hot Sprlr.g.-, Ya. Miss FrNr-illa Staiiton 1 as florldaf dlapenae witli bndal atten'.ant' ar ber viet dlng on W rrir-.f-rizy week to .1 .f'-rvar Auchlnjlc«»«i. Tha coremony will taka p!a< at tha West i'Jth street hom." r.t parer.t.-., Mr. and Mrs FomIs Lea S'anton. II. gehtiyler Cammann, i h<-.«e rnsrrlai to Miss Katharine Van Rer:s«.;l3er ''.!'_? la BBt tor 'I'uosday week ln Grace Chaal pave Ma farewell bachelor dir.ner lai nlght at Delmonlco'a. His gues's lccludl bls brcther Edward, vfho ls to be his man, and his uahers, namely, L*'.\~- Gou* ernour Morrif, Stephen Van Rer.^'lae; If. L. Borert, Jr., Hamiltcn Van lten»a< laer Fairfag, Henry W'eisse ard i_:.irU Macdonald His br.do to be entertalned earlier ln ¦ day her attendar.ts and aome of ber ft frlec.ds at luncheon at the Madlson avenu home of her rarent-r. |fr. and Mrs. Himilto R. Fairfax. Th« party included Mi.-s Gladj Howland l'e" Mlse Helen L* Koy MUlei Miss Este'bi Morris Crosby, Miaa BgM Van Courtlandt Ocis:., MlSB V r^-'nla Ln 'ngston Hunt. Mlss ?lary Os*rar.d.r aa Miaa Justino Frvlng, v. ho ls to be h-3r nal of honor. Durland's R'.dir.g A^ademy Brtll ss th scene of an equejtrlan f*te ar.d hcr«e ihoi for tbe benef.t of tbe Srror. Hoapltal fc Consumptlvcs ar.d the Gatrfl ^.:?a'.ori»tt in tbe Adlreadaeka on the aventng af Apr lo ar.d Q. Morgan J. O'Brien ls at the he* of the affair. and his daughtar, Ml« Rosalle O'Frien, is lts secretary and tr«a» urer. MlM Marion Holllna, Mlsi y.xrgurt Tbnrne, Mi5s Kieanora Sear?, M ;j Lucj Margaret Roo«evelt, M!.«s Hopeton Atrer. bury and Miss Virgtnia A'.exan^re wfll tiki part ln the drlving, ridlng ar.d JumplBI contests. Colone! William Jay, preiidenl of the Coachln? Club; .Ich.n i". ''owdla and Harry T. Feters will be amonj thi judpes, while the !l>t o* patro eaaaa ii" cludes Mra. John A. Dix. Mra. Al «t & Foardman. Mrs. Fran !s Uurrall Hoitmaa, Mrs. Dulany Howlatrd. Mrs '. r ...ds K- Fendleton. Mrs. Burke R.icbJ, Mra R- A. C. gmlth, Mrs. Reglnald ." '. mdartdi Mrs. W. Sewa-d Wfbb and Mra C-UdetH; Oalrlnhe Mrs. Russell Sage, Mrs. Jatr.e? Rooia*--*. Mrs. Haggerty Fdl, Mra. Waltar 3*9* and Mrs. Charlea E. Bherman are amoai the patronessei cf thc annual antartf** ment to bo given ln behalf of the v * Tort Fxchange for Women's Work at IValtaaTff Theatre on Tueaday afternoon, .vrr!l ^ at 2:30 o'clock. The feature >¦¦ t e enta* talnment will be the llluatrate<l addiaaBll "Buftalo Jones'" deacrlblng liia u»*«l*»S . arlld anir.'.aU. Mra. Rlcha/d irvln, Mra. Charl«i v..}*£j land, .Mrs. gamea gpeyer ind Miaa ^f*"* Potter are aawBg tha i*JJ *J mltiee iror.. whom ticketa can be °'-,ulav for tho :'l-.akespearlan performa:--* f!'-a'* io he flven 'it Carnegie Hai on ^tungj Afternoon and evenlng. April --'. tba ». veraary of Bhakeapeare'a blrth, --y ^JJ tiieet and Ula Wayara, ln aM of a f'--» new belng formed for the preventlaia i tea rtres aa tb.o cenflugratioa l" uass"tJ ton Plac, whlch cost ao i.-any livea. Tm playa aeleeted arc "A \ou -" » which will be produced In the sirternooj wlth BeethoveiVa Paatoral gymphoay^g "Mldaummer N'lghfa Dream" ln the eft ing. "An Arablaa Slgbtmare la th* gtvaa to the entertainment whlch baa' orgrniaed for Mondaj evemm-. XvTn!~«Z ihe Ptaaa. f->r the beneflt of AUxilUnT«r 19 of tha rttony Wold Sanatorium. *m aeeae te be depleted wl'.l be the °'J'V>. I'ourt. where various forms cf er.i« ment will ¦- produce.1 for hla «,','c"*tt^ Includmg a dance t l i "-¦ ln ^ Miaa luu Klaael. Mi-> Marjorle t'lirllVt|t -«\e:al >ther young iriri^ »m lM KSt& There w.ll alao be a brlef Ar*Ws" ' \g playlet. und the Boor of tho ba,,r0^\4d^ bt, adorned wlth Arablan bootha aa« ^ wliere *;lrls ln Arablan coatumaB !^^| .Imireitir. flowara. etc. 'X'rs' ^ joP* imiM, Mrs. J. Fierpont M >r.; >¦'. M?\|f4 !. Koosevelt, Mra. Frank S XVHhrr^ (ge Mi> Hllborne 1* Itooaexflt »re Btncai patrouaaeef 30CIAL N0TE3 FROM N*WrW |M> .l-.-t'<-.iih I.. Ttw nH>*:fJ - 0. Nowport. April s. The chiidren ^ unl Mrs. ConieliiiM \ anderWU *'* -jnt Kewporl a vlalt early ln .'une. ^>foW kktoad ti> Jidu tbelr tu.uhcr. Mcae* ii. Mortlmer Brooka U »*»*" t0 i i. al reatdeal of Nawgaft ^tt Mr. and Mrs. lleorge R ***** inded tbelr vlalt b«-r«- ^m \ Mt. an.l Mi;.. (!¦.. rxe I. *1"' ^A make an Inapeetlou of Bwenbntg* thv week.

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · &r*W-$xrdi£rUmn& gUNDAY, APRIL 'X imi. Thia noxctpomr U aaaaa* ««"' p"&-Htfirf h;/ r*e IWeaae laaaatteltea. . aTato Far* tArm****0*; pfficn (S1''1

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · &r*W-$xrdi£rUmn& gUNDAY, APRIL 'X imi. Thia noxctpomr U aaaaa* ««"' p"&-Htfirf h;/ r*e IWeaae laaaatteltea. . aTato Far* tArm****0*; pfficn (S1''1

&r*W-$xrdi £rUmn&gUNDAY, APRIL 'X imi.

Thia noxctpomr U aaaaa* ««"' p"&-Htfirf h;/ r*e IWeaae laaaatteltea. .

aTato Far* tArm****0*; pfficn (S1''1 ,)l'i't'

til>al piwr of tnoineot, Tribonc Buttd-ing. Ao. 154 ffaeean 5#ree#, Nen York);Ofien IWlt, i.rsitltn(; OoBtn lf. Kehi,.aeerelary; SanfM lf. Ban-eft, Ireaenm.r»e aJin »5 0/ tta altoare i5 //«' o/flcc0/ (Jkig lHirsfiapcr.

ftJBaCRIPTIOM RATE8..BT Mail- rort-r ...... r N< ¦ *l u

I>a;lv an,i Sunti.iy. on" .n<>nt'..5 .<

Daily an.i Rnnday, six ru-ntas. *

j. ..... ..ne jreai. **JJ1 .... moatk. .('";,,Daily only, six aaoataa. 'COl)Daily oaljr. ..n.- y-ter. .,.,Pun.lav oa \. : .\ rnontna. . (ii,

>i ly. .)¦ ar.. -.

For. .-. BubBcrlptlona to aii «.*>""trt'" »¦the untYcraal Po tai Uatoa, mciudms post-

DAiLT AND lUVSAl TlUiW-Hlj:One month.11.551Oaa year.ail-W

BCNDAT TKIBl'NE:Six month*..12.51 0 ¦¦ *.»3 °*

DAI1V TRIBtJSE.One month.51-051Oaa reai.a***"


Ono month.$ .55 Ona yeae.t.oosDAIl.Y ONLY:

Ona mor.th.* ..'.o;Ona year.5« 00

aDNDATlOna mor.th.$ ^^*i.>,,>ar.**Enter-d at ON r-tofflc. at New York *»

Second Claaa -M..I! Matter.


77/f FafaTfl THIS UOKSrSQ.

FoiancN.-Tiie Ualoalata ara mak-lng great oflorts to obetfuct tbe P****f*of the pnrlUuneatary blll; aeveral pollt¬lca] leadera havo broken down underIhe ttrain; tho people r. .miii a;>ath-tic.ZL-, (ierr.ianva attituil" has futtheredthe gro-.vth of tba movement ln EnglanaCor an nrbltraUoo treaty with the i-wteuBtatea; there aro ladlcatlona that .Japan.Mould favor such action, *****'banlaa Inaurgenta aro reported to, ha\eivon importanl vlctoriea over ru Kian

tn.ops m tbe Bcutarl dlatrlctGaorge Prentiea Butler. the ftn-tncler. ol

t. ia clty. died euddenly from beart dU-n London. -¦ A general atrike

ei worktnen in Norway was 1 art** JJf"eausa ol the lockout In tho Iron ladna-nVss-s The arcbcological oxblbltlon,one ol tba beet featurea ol tbe Itallan.jubllee, waa opened at the Bjtta ol

Diocletian. Rome. ln the Vr'''J' ^^vina . nd Queen, the G< rman A<-

fSoeo and Crown1t .,-- ii irnod ln London that the

Turk««-h rovernment waa reconalderlngIta declalon to award IU aaval ^nf.1.**tion contract to aVtitW iMera.

DOMKSTIC.Demoeratic i**a\e**. inr,. of Repreaentatlvei declded to, ,. canadian reclprocity *e\r*o-J klng up tarlfl leglali tion.r rai j idge Sanborn, m a

, , opinion handed down 5 nt-

paul. declded the MlnneaoU rate «¦.¦m iav. r of lha rallroada. *-== Overonr hundred coal mln. - a re bHledlnan ezploeion at Uttleton, Ala. = Tne

number of dead In - ranton mineac ld< nl waa placed at a vi nt: -thr ¦*.;

,ijotia ata li Arr-''.:mi-nis un th-- 1*1 illtj ol the Bti te < ivliSani< < Com niaa on t<. order the poai-tion ol examlm -

' etc h trangfere lnBu1 ;, e, tranafi rred

from tho eompetltlve to tha jaempt..ir.s-ification, were heard yeeterday hy

.-ne Court J---K .¦ Rudd al Albany.r-\ Poultnay B aa low ai d sllaa LllllanPrltchard wen marrlcd al Sharon, < onn.

Tha Tr...*.- Methi dl it C «f< rence, in. j arat< Iprli nt N. T., de-

rlded tr. inveatlgato tii" Nea Torb state_¦ n ... whlch, it xtm

wa? worl ;-1 i'i agu< wlth theli.l'.or ni*-: lt was announced in

\ that tho entlra Capitol a*rould bercaired and a thorough ayatem ol fire jI otectlon InaiCITT..ftooka en flull and Irrecuhtr.

. .mi tha | rs ol the stranded... inded

I. . Cen¬tral 1 IG, B.Muvna ller, tent expert, wha

rhe New Theatreer in the f3ent al

t bulll bj Ita foundi ra ^r=^=

movcmenl f>.t- to rea I Ora protec¬tlon recelved Impetua from a plan toform a vl| of profes-i- .'! al and buabieae m n onaafety. = Frank M '.-.-;. Aaalatanl Dla¬trlcl Attorm i t ¦:¦ wag no fric-tion amoni n ln chargi ol thocrbne Inveatlgal on. a= .. erg att1 o Republican Club said Oovernor Dlx,vi.s la need of eome educatton ln thimatter of Clvll Bervice. ------- The Ap¬pellate DlvJaion cut I Iverachargea favorably paaaed upon by D.Cady Herrhk in the Orlental Baak caae.

THB vTEATHKt.Indlcatlona for to-day: i*ain. The temperatura veatarday,Highest, 48 deajraea; lowe.-t, 88

/4854J AUD 19B9.Thp rhoi<"e of Mr. Martin. of Virglnia,

ga the leader of Um Sonato mlnorit; was

rot a f-tralRht-our elctorj tor tlie BaOey-quasl-proteftlur.l.'-t wtng of tlie Demo*jcr.'ttic fAXYtJ. Some Sonators who votodfor Mr. Ifartta ara aol atrtcCly Ballay-ltos. acri Mf.rs. Culbataon, <if Texaa;BajMTi of Ifi yiand, aad vtllliaina, ofMifslsFippi, are Ux>roaaghly in Fymj.afiiywlth tha radtoal thtUt rarlaaoti Idaas ofMr. Martln's 0*rjpo*aapta. laal coui.trywil! look, howevrr, on Mr. Mnrdn's dcalff*MilOB as ¦ vljiiliratl'U of Mr. BallCj'5leaciership.a baderahlp w!»irh waa ea>

tiamalj balpfn] t^:> yaara ago to Hr. Al*drich ln prarvaattng tha ainemlment ofthe ?e::i'.te draff of tha House tarlff 1 iiiat eeaagal "t its most *4*araarabla p IntaMore than half of tha Doniooratie Ban*

Bton roted wlth Mr. l'.iiloy in 1900nj/alnst froe IBW laatorials, and prob*ahly more than half of the Danociatanow ln the Baaata aro YrW iti? to followhha. aeuln on t '.mt 1* suo and to as.-ist lii'.nla retaini::',' dtitlaa bath oa r.iw oaatarlalaand on Boiahad pradticta, levtad Dom*tsally for raeanua, hut Intaadad alao tagjtre aabetaatta] inddeatal protaetlaiL laany Daosoeratk i.lan for tarirf revlslimat thlg aagaloo or 1*1 tha aaal seeaionOm v< nt ln tha Baaata I ahtad Mr. Balleywill therefore hava to ba takaa latb a*c*COU'it.Tha allfament of Baaatofa oa Lfriday

ln Um Detna cratlc eaat aa striklngly IXinn11. ¦,. it .....djpj tmenl whlch ims takenpl u s laalda 1 ie part| eiaca tba tarlffr.-vi i'.-i «.r ]^'..\. In thal yaar aad ii

thi- decada 1 re edlng it tha ehlaf de¬mand for low tarlff rataa came from thaBoutliern Statca. Tha Soath, LoalalanaeZi. iti'!, */..;.> practlcally 1 aall foi fraai;.,. 0r aa rloea an Imltattoa <>f freei,a, ,. be !-< ored. The < lanoentsiu tba party whlch flayorad aioderatloniu radactlona were chlefly from tha -Mi.i-(»:-¦ aad Middle IVe lern etatea. Bamael.?. Raadall, of Panaaylvaala, bad baan tbeirnrir-y « t tbe .;'i."-i-l,r:ii«-<'ii*>i!ists. aid li .

waa Mi"'"' .' bj Aitbur P. Oonaaa, ofHanlaud. The Houae of RepraagntatiTeiIu 1804 paaaed a ra*dlcal krn tarlff MU. aadwi;'*!i lhal naaaeara raachad lha Baaata 11r.-a- Wlittea OXOt i':'" I 11 ."!. rati-ly pr.-trcti\4 blll by Mr.Ckwtuan and blaalllegTheae Im-laded Ihe two Benatora proiaNew V<ri;. Mr. Hlll aad Mr. Marpby;Mr. Bmlth, "i Veai Jawey; Mr. Brlca, ilObl >; Mr. Camdeu, of iy«al \ Irgtnla,au.! iba two btgb 5ttgar taarlaV Baaatorain-i, Loatalaaa. Oulalde of Loulalawji, Oonuan ooald eoaal on bardlj 1 5la*mM ioatbars toto.

S'dW tha 5ttu itKMi 15 eaaa llj ra reraed.Mr Balley haa tohaa ata ti"- taalial Baa-(

daU aad Garntaa and ha* gatbered ">e-

htad him the greal majoitty of tbaBouthfera Senator--. Iu 5.vniii:it!iy withii'.s Ideai an HW two Senators from

Loulslana, two from Alabama, two rrotn.( rgta, two from Florlda, two fromN'orth Carollna, two from Ylrglnia, two

from West vir-in!:i. oog flrom Maryland,¦M.c from Tenneeaee, ene from Kentuckyand one from Arkanoae, Ohio, Now .lor

st.v. Now York aad thg Denmcratk r-iates

oi' tha Weet and NorUiweel have goaeo\or to radlcallsm, aad tha Boath, oncethe botbed of froe trade Pcntlmo.it. haacome to look opon ihe protection affordedhy liberal raraaoa dutiea as Jastlflablennd beneflcial. Tho Boutb has beeomel>rotoi tiorist in spite of itsolf. and itsconveralon is craatlng enttrelj aaw prob-letag wlthln tbe Democratfc party.

77//; BTATB UBRABY.WhOa tho losson of tiio Waahlngton

place liro. with ii- demand for betterprotectloa of bmnaa Uvea, ia paramount,there atanda aecond to it tiie lesson of

tho Albanj Oapttol liro, with its demandfor the safeffuaruins of prirHess pnhlicproiK-rty. Happiiy. some of tho most

piectoOl of the oontents of tho St-de

Library were preservcd from bnntfng i r

other injurr, but lt was hy the mereetchance and good Inck that this was so.

On tho othor hand. many irreplaceablebooks and dooumonts of lnostimable ln*torost ar.d value wgfg dostroyed. Notonly the sentlmontal and historioal bntaiso tho practical Icae I-* very great; farjjrenter, ivo tnay safely n«sume, thanwould have beeii the COgt of adequatesafeirunrds -.trnlnst stioh a calamity.

If puttine a lor-k on tho stahle doop ls

provorbially too lata after tho horsft ls

stolon. it is rortainly llttlng t<> pnt a new

borse ln a well locked stahle. ivsi'itoihe destnietlon of so lnrce a part of its

lihrary. New York must rontlnue to

matatala n State Library, and shorildmake gll peealble effoita to derelop it to

even gUmter dlmenalona than it had ba-fore tbe Sre, and, or <o-.ir<o. to ivmso itso that it will be as eecure as it can

pooaibly be mario ggainst a roenrrenee ofthe latg disaster. We would n"t abateono jot or titlle of the rlf:hteou.s ln*ttgnatton whlcb la fe'.t at tho lacfc of

praeantlona for tho aecmity of the oMnhrary. But that fooiinj,' shouhl not for

a moniont stnnd ln tho way of pron.pt.gnergetlc nnd well dirootod stops towardteplacing thg Hbrary ¦*- f:ir *¦ poaslbha,and dovolopin- it ueeord*r.,' to futore op*portunitlea and needa.NOW, Whlle the losf.es and the |e«sop,s

of tho £re:d fire nro frosh in mind. i-tho time for- maklncr adequate pTOVislonfor a new lihrriry in tho now and inde-j.eni.ent stnirtnro whirh is belng pre-pared soparnte from tho Cspttol.

It is esthnated that fr will requiremoro than a miilion dollars to provldesueh n lihrary. but It would bo the poor-o«t of o-'onoiny not to make tho inlthtlappropiiation forthwith. A suooosmou

or leglslatnree ami state governmeutagroealy maladmlnlstered tho construc*Hon of tho stato Capltol. Tho wrongawhlcb woro done can nerer be wbollyandone. Bai aome compenaatlon to thostate eaa be made and shonld be madehy tho prosent I.episiature. l>y pfOVldingat once an adequate anm for tbe re-habilltatlon of the lihrary whleh hasPeon sr. s tdly mnrrotl

THF BVBWATB OBOWJSQ TBAFFIO.Tho popularity Of that ever popular

meana of rapld traneit, the subway. con-

ii-i to Increaae. In January of thisyear 880,421 more pggaengen jammedInto its trains than in January, 1010.February «li«l even better. the secondmontb "f this year ahowlng an in^reaseof l,l$0«t7fl vo tho pame in«>nth of laatyear. Tbe subway now oarrios more

paaaengeri than all of tbo elevatod ro;idst. gether.How is tho inoreasins rrowd carried'

Xo donbt tho side-door train acomritsfor moet of tho nddltlonal ipaca. Theold atyle '¦¦..¦r wltb eroaa scu^ in the ivid-dle lefl vory llttle room for atraphangerii't that part of the ear. In tho now fdde-door cars the croitest amount of stand-b | room is in the centro, tbere bdnf.:.. aeats "ii tbo slde where the dooropena, whlle often ihe hlnged eeata onthe other slde are nol lel down in roabbonra. Thua tho ntmost fSdlltlea foritandlng are fttralahed. \\'o have r.everigen an eetlmate < f the tocrcaeed capaoity for Ptraphansrors reaultlng from thoellmlnatlon of eroaa s":its, but it mustbave been enormoua, The Interborongbmanagemenl was evldently bllnd to iisIntereats when it oppoeed alde do iraFor fntnre Increaae ln traflio the In-

torhnrongli Bapld Transit Compgny hastho free employment of tencar trains inreaerve. Platforma bave been lengtbenedand glraady there are aome ten-cartrain?, but thoso "epetatlng monstroei*tios," ?:s the company once ealled thein,will no donbt iio pnt on gradnally, as thei; ci ased traffic requlres, care belngtaken not to place in servio? enougb glonce to plve tiie jrublic a dislarlo for)¦'. 'i; z in oren rowded trains.

ENABUNQ ACT PLBDOEBThe Bupreaae Ooort of th" ITnltad

Btatea will <r» n pasi iiT»on the Interest*i;iL qaestidn ralsed by Oklaboms'a vlola*tlon of tin* provislon in its enabllng aetforblddlng tbe remoral of the capitalfrom Guthrie before 1018, The Okla*homa Leglalature defied thal reatrlcUond Its powera when it paeaed a law gn*

thorhdng tho roten to aeled n atatecapital ;it a epecJa] eleetlon in 1010. Iheatate goviirnment was removed to (juia-bomg Clty foUowlng that elgetloa, andtho si.it" Snpreme Court auatalned themlgratlon as legal. Tbere is no dlaputeai t" i!:" facta Tho federal BnpremeCourl will declde whetber or nrir a stateadmlttefl in gecordance with tha stipn-lattoOS of an aet of Con^ress i;:n labr

no thoae itlpnlatloM io ault ltsown convenlence.Ihe Bupreme Courl of Oklahomn bekl

tiiat the stato. once in the Unlon, eonldnot bo eonatraued iti its froodrMn to dosnythlng whlcb a itate^as aucb, is cotn*petent to do ander tbe federal <'.«-i^titu-ti. n. it beld tbe capital prorlsloo ofiiie enabllng :!<"t to bo ulim vtrtt, it ir.,of rourae, <>f llttle practlcal Importanceio ih.- i"st oi* tho country whetber Okla'boma'a aeai of government remalaa atGuthrie until km.'! or js ablfted b< fonthat time to OUahoma Clty. The prt>rialon waa put ln the enabllng gei r^im-

plj to prevent a premgture <.« nteelgmong i!\:;i clnlawnti tor tbe capital.Bul tbough tbe material reaull ..' itakeI-. t!i\iai. tho tbeoretlcal Iseue Involvedi^ higbly Importgnt If Oklaboms mayrepudUu one obllgatlt u Impoaed ln thoenal Ung ad ii Inay repudlate others,Under Ihe .-ami' coustructlon of the pr¦>¦vi<i"!..s of an enabllng aot Dtab amy ro-

podlate its prondae not to pernill polyg-amy i<> bc practlaed.

ii Coagn ia haa ii" eefwdtntlonalpower t'' eiact pledgea of any gorl froma eandldate f<r atatehood, it baa getednder ¦. strang mlaapprebenalon formany jeari.. It Impoaed many obUga*

rti.nis oa r-tiitoK admittad, ami btfaia thlatatei whlcb aacedad regalaad rapnaeatattaa la avimres* they wen* ra

Iqnlred t.» ratify th«* Paarteentb Aaaaatment M Um fadaral r..nsiiMiti"*>. IICongraaa bad bad aay doaht «>f Ita powtto lay iloy.ai coadltMos of adrntaatoa,ertainly would Ml havo nduiittod I'tal

li would he a laine nnd p»rad«>xl*.*iil CMHaekm lf iftaf «!1 tho toiritoj-ies avai.-ii.ii' for atataa had baaa adialttadLbonld he dlacOTaaad that ivnsxess ha

acted on ¦ nslataken aaaaarptloa ln tr:Ing to l.ind nny of tbem hy sUaalaUoilald down as preraqalaltao to statehaai

THB VARCH Fifn: loss.Tho fire loaa of tho Ualtad BtahM nn

Caaadl for March last was ISl-BdMO1accordlag to retaraa eoDactad bj "ThNow York Joaraal <»f caauaaraa nn

;roii)merolal Itul.etin." Tha total wiimoro than doublo the Maroh I<>ss 1

1«»*0. and ahOOl 138,000.000 gtaater tlm

t ti** Marcb h>ss in 1010. The arerafImoatbly loss is betow ^20.000b000, nnd

jlarp" part of the exc-ss for last mont

was daie to the burnlnp of tho Capltalat Albany, where the sncrlfice of pro*erty was eBtlm.it ed nt &JBl0OAn>\ Bi.thera wero three other flres in wliic

property worth over $1,000400 went u

in smoke.An ahsolute waste of $1.»X>0,000 a da

lnst moutli and nf JiW.ono to $700,000day ln averape months i*< an appallinoharpe on Amerienn resourrea. It Kabaaa ihowa that wa bara aip eipht thatns much woallh ns the avei-npc Blropoau nation does. and that selflnpoeed handioap ls lald nn tbe prodmtive enerpy of the wbole people, frevery man. woman and child must ailt

rr.ntely hour n *haro of tba OOat of thnatkm'l fire wastape. When shall w

befln to practiso the fundamental eom

omj Whlcb avolds foolish risk** an

lonks to the prevont'on of flres and fnlo*s instead of metvly In^airincr agalafthom? It may roquiiv a 1fttlo preatrini;iai oxpenso to improvi* OtlT bnildinmetbotla, hut tho extra outlay will h

compeaaatad for in brwar insurnmeharces vnc\ preatly rcduced firo bill:We are sriuanderinp now annually 1flres the infere>t at .*. per rent on

capital of between $4 000,000,000 an


thp; CRAWFORD NOTC&Pl RGHABi'ihe purohaso of Crawford NOteh by th

Ftate of New Ilompshire, uhlch is noi

5abataaUaUy effcctcd. is pratifyinp froiat least two points of view. One la thaof Um vimlioaiion of New IT.impshlr**-'sinrerity ln -urplng the onactmcr.t bt'onpress of the Appnlachian Forest Iba-arrea bill. There were those who olJected that Now Haaipaalre nnd othrstates were iryinp to pot the fe lernl |OaeraaMBt to po to a grcar expcnse to dthlap which they oagbt tO do thenselves, and lt was epeciflcally supgestetbat if Now llnnipsbire wanted thWhlte Mountain fore^ts prosorved shOughl to parcbaag thom horsolf. ThaargaBMBt was not altogather valld, fcreaaooa which we bave bltbarto polataout, promlneat amonp them belnp thfaet. that in most easey aMOBtala fore-t|»i one state are of dlfect importance t

tha wattrwaya and water sapply of oUmgtataa, perhaaa.as tn tha eaaa of thWhite Mountain?. of Now llampshire_li graatar degreo tban to the state 1Whlcb 'boy are situated. But. howevethat may he, here is tho flne example s(

hy New Hamjishire. The ink is llttlmora thaa dry on the federal law iouestlon whon she herself purcbaseslarge and exeeedinply valuahle portion c

tha Whito Mountain ranpe.The other pround for pratiflcation i

ithnt tlms one of the most splendid an

majestic mountain vlstas ln this part f

tbe world is rescued from a spoUattowhlch bad already hepun, and which ia short time would probably have hieoma Irreparabla Kbwbetn on this coitlaeat east of tha Rocky Moantatai Ithere 0 DMVe eatraadag aud laaplrlflBMaatalo view than that down CrawforN'otch from the sun.iuii of Mouut Wilard, with tbe piirantio masses of Welatar and Willey on eithor hand and thlone eraai of Chocoraa fleamlag likeatar oa tbe maota borlaon. Tha laoratiiins tbatnaelvn may ho beyood thpower of man serioiisiy to in.iure, bl

Itbelr dothlag llea at his nsarey. Stthe laaat attracUra and precious fe.aturof the scene is fooad in the vasL fi

panaee of fbreet arhlcb eover the nsaiat. 1111 slopos and hll tlie por;re with"sipliinp soa of hinb and piue." Thatis just raooagb of aaked granlte gleanin:- out u|N>n tha blfher parti of WUsi<*r to remind tlie beliolder of the l-utinre of the hills aad t<> present a i\v.IntaUc eontraal t<» tln* mUea of tasaiImantle.and alao to aaggeal bow irntrterably tha wbole paaoraaai would bdlafigarad If all thi Natdi were ilms lalbare.

It is a line ih hicvement, upon whkNew Hampahlra l^ ta ba eaagratalatolfor which slie i1-' to ba thiinked la thname of tha muitiiudes fram all over thlaad to whojn that pearleaa laadacaphaa heen and wlll ba 5 5081*00 <rf Jojaad in whlcb av.. balleve aha win Bnnimii mateii.il priiit as weil as credit <

o lan taaglblf bai partMpg stiii saperlokind. The ralne of noble sceaary as geconomic aaaal is not smaU; iu tliit-. eaii: ls larpe. ll.it this muat he merelyiie.'iiiiiinp. Tha Graal Oalf, tha Fiuimthe alopea of Moaat Washington Itaallaad a baadred oUmt maaterplecae of nallura need piatocUog (ran the magn**** odeeecraUoa, ami thal they will racelra Itfrom eitlicr state or iiati m, we are no\

fneouraged to expect.

THE WROJtO DJAON0818.It is not reassurinp to he told that onl,

Um v-ry rlcb Bad ti..* yoyj i»ior racalfUm fall hcnefit of nMdleal s.iene.., nn

jthat ihe majaiity of man aad women di..I' MwiOOB di.i^nosis.'' [f tlil-a is tru.

laymaa nay nrnll eoaaldar tho maaaaroi i*aaaoB8lblUty for this state <if affahithat Ifatl on ihem, aud not Bpoa thbroad sboaldera <( the madleal profaiStOB.

l*ia^iiosi*j i^. tirst ot all, a qnention n

tlie iutellip»*ne4. of the paticiil. atial nVtp||y of h!«, ahlllty to agpraas hiiuM-lf nre*erly, !.. translate his physical (aaUngInto 'iie worda thal fit thaaa. if bui[gttage has heen L'iven urs t>> hide mi

Itbougbts it oartataly sboald Mraa aa t

deactiba onr lymptotas in sacb ¦ hmuumthal the diapii'iNileiii! may see Ufhl aip

le able lo ra-ason btcb fp'in them to Bt

jderlyiup Caaaoa. Iti realllv the pli.\-lciare.ehes g| g rnl.* hui th" 4a*iiit-i niIfrpn bU palieiii Iu this Bral ami 550Ibaportaat >^v toward tiantiaaat. Mailo -is is mostly a pu.siiiu puaa. of perlilaaat, paiuaaafnl r-^Matlaas aad ragatuiiintellipeut BIWWara, in whlch the n

iTaaUag aymptaai bmj i>«* ovaHookad bicaaaa i' bapapena to caaaa ti"- paUann. pnrtieiiiar bMaaraaleaca at Ihe m

ilneilt, while ..ther.-, but lesr* lmi><trtniii[da. Too per.-htent pruhlnjr. moreovei

gftaa Idads tiie patlent te the ooiiolusloiitliat the pliyslt'inn "dOCS not scein t >

ktiow much about lt."perttepe be deas n<»t. bnl aftaa it !¦

bttsueo the snffarar is anaMe io k»v*him liitolliv'oiit and IntelllKihle nlil bfhis answers. H I*. indeed. h gtMghagpuaa The phjalcJan must anpptenienthis wignrg with |>ntlence, taet uml Intal*ilon. whlch is oftan hut n blgher fo^l,,of aaparlgnea He must latarpfet an>oertaluties. rotiooiuos. ofton delll-erat'*¦llences canaed by an anrgaaonlngi in-BtlnctJve physleal fear of knoning theworst, or by i no Iggg ¦areaeonlng with-

boMUng of confldence. "Wnmg dlagDO*kIs" would not bo gg prevalent if thoggin need of a physleian would dbtgnoas

"i.i their own eases patlently ami put themin intelligiblo form hofore consultlni? him.Instend, they cither rely on his oninl-Klenca or vislt him in n akeptlcnl apirlt,but in eifhor easa ro to him nnpreparodto pive him the asslstanoe be iK'cds.There are two sides to "wrong diacno-siR," but the layman rarely «ees thi-.

Mr. Mann compialns that the mlnorityin the House of Representatives la being

_f brutally downtrodden. But that is

aomethlng to whleh House mlnnritleshave to get hardcned. The Senate ls tiie

only leglslative bo<ly extant In whlch they mlnority does the down-mading.n -»

g The rage of a part of the British preaafl against Amerleaa ootlectors who pur-¦ chase old mastera whlch England her-

self refuses to buy is as amusing aa it ls

illoghal.The people of Detroit voted the other

day to rcfain the central time standardand not annex IhQIWgOlTQg to the Baatfor horologlcal purposos. It was BTguedby the ad\ ocatt-a of the proj-osed changothat nearty an hour of daylight would bc

eavad at mo.n eaaaoaa ol the year byputtlng the tlmo forwnrd. But Detroitdidn't want to fOol Itoelf into earlier

rlgtng and more eeoneanlcal uso of polar

r-nergy. lt evidc-ntly COUnted thoec carlymorning bOUTS gaineri. not lOSt, whlch lt

had been pper.dtng eomfortably In bed.

Good luck to Connt Zeppolln and hisnow airshin' Re has been unal.lo thus

far to fommend eoeeeee, but h« de-

..erves It.o

The opinion exprrsred by the AttorneyGeneral that persons who are engagedin tho work of investtg.it.ng tho ehar-

D|acter, habfts and busin^KS standing of* their fellowa should be reo,ulred to have9 i llcenses as privat», detectlvea commends

Itself to common eense. and prodenea,Prying Into people'a prlvate affairsshonld not be permltted to every irre-

iponalble meddler.a

Republio or monarchy? Portugal ap-

parently has net yct been able to makeup her mlnd deflnltely.


Speaklng at a dlnner ln his honor at

the Republican Club, cx-Senator Depowsaid on Friday nlght:Durlng my twelva years* experlenee I

know of no measura of linportanca whlchha- failed be^au«s the. penate haa no roleato llmit d^baie.

Evldcntly the ex-Senator thlnks thattho IfeCall blll, carrying into effe«'t theadmlnistratfon's rociprocal trado agree¬ment with Canada, whlch failed at thelast session, was of r.o lmportance.


Falntin* etreeteara a bright lirrht colorInateafl of tho dark ahadea provalltag inChicago. Will tend to mako the stroetssafer for pede?triar.;, accotding to Clty

d Attorney Day. 1" a report on atreet acct-

,f denta for llareh Mr Dajr mjra that "nterathan one-half 0 tba total number of per*eor.s injured Were from eauses wherr-tn

fully 75 per cent raight heve esoaped Injurywlth a littlo precaution." and adds: "When

cars of the Inc'.osed rrar nlatform typs bu-

peraeaa the prescnt models gettlng on or

off the cars wh'.Ie in motlon will ba im-

possible. It hai been laggaated that lf all

the cars were palnted a bght color. an

oran^e. for h.^tance. safety for those cross-

lni< Hireets would ba greatly enhanced."

"Tliat's rjueer." said the conductor."What ls?' ,"Wh.n I told tbat woman her transf^r

was ii. gOOd, she tndn't tell me that Bbedjust that mlaute ..ot off the other ear. -

Detroit l'ree Press.

Diflouirora crime.r*. h iritlar 1n New Jersev had a r»rler m«-h«

blinket tnnAe wlth whlih he rovered hhnBe'.f, lnti.r i al Mn, wttaa any ori" came.]

Thrro come.s a time when men of crime

Knet seek a hecret spot;For ihey've been taupht if they are caushtTtey'll "walk." a:; Uke aa not;

So each one trles to firtd HagtttMTi> keep hlm from all pr>lng eyes.

;t Tbc me'er rabber on tbe JobIn W'il.son'rf elaaay state.

Was very droll. A tOB of coal!

His Hcheme was ulmply great;Bat once too frrqiiently went he,And now the Jall he'll surely see.

If we should list to Oavnor's hl?tWa must perf.rce belleve

Thnt rime |a n>.t in gaj ei*ot,1 hat ta. ts do but decelvo;

Ilc'd have you Fhare his vlew so fatr.fi The Near Torh thag la Ju?t "hot alr":,1 A.W. V.'' Hlol be.Dl JTOa ever read the flction tnr the r arapapersr. Slob! s -No, »'<»t even the weather jircdlc-

Uena..Phtledelphla Hecord.°

Tba c'.i^tom of dlstlnirnislnnor marrledil

fr-im amnarrted women hy gtvlog thcm'. dlfferant titi--s is antlqoated and undlgnlfledt. and aauel be abeUahed, accordlng to tha

Ci'im.-n MotherC goeletjr, of Berlta A eor.fitwagondenl of "The Chleago Waara" r*nv<

the aocletjr t an adopted raaelntiona caihnq;y fi.r t!;e r.'.'nrm, ln which It s.ivs: 'Thi*

claaattcatioa of women into theaa who haveItiein thrOOgk the marrlaire <> r> rrn ny andthoae whe hava :iot la bnpreaar and nnethl«eai. Bverjr m.-m, biaapautlaa of Ma marttallatatua, la caihd ¦H'-rr,* aad >\ery areaaaa

y whe raapeetS tho dlj;r!lty of her sex ahouldt, drmar.d to be calcd 'Fra i.' Tl.is would,i be a r-'reat ftep touard ihe uptlfttog af out

etliical Ueals." Au thera la rpj lesal ot!-

etacle to applyinc t!.e title of "Frau" to all'. wonun, the Br.<'lety petltlons iti" jutlcu it>se to make a beglnnlng by emplojrtag onlys timt title ln aii agldal nommiinlfelleiia

"John." «aid the foren'.an. uaaxpectedljr,"w« hava doclded t" laiac >uu Qva doliara^ v ..;.'¦john miga ti" aaawer, >.i apaeared to

be looklng for nt m< Uiinj ( n \-iit ib'-k."Whjr aea'l you .n aometbins aren'i

you tatiafled?" demanded the fereman,"J'm irylnc to nor, If th.T,.'». an alarm

oloeh here," ^a|ll John..Buttalo l^xiir.ab."The BaHhnera fl.m" twits Kevr Torh oa

the iniibjhle li-r nf Madi'iMi ggWUre Car-i'.ii. utid *u>* "this b'uve.i Ihe incTro|..liiv.ul.iiui nn audllcriuui lar^e enough to .h-

aoauaedata ureat aeavaatleai Haa thaai oftha Itadlag (olltieal |iarti.». in npiio ofthe gvaaal n eeverg, the isatlag aagaelt:of ti.. Oardce la onbjr IMtt.rhr Hun.arhleh la Ighttng huni la land the aeaiDemeeratk Natlonal t'onvention for Hultl-in.ir... boasta af the Motiunwiitai CHjr*a aa*perior (aaUttlM for beaslag » erowd. 'Tiieoiii Reghaeat Araaeey," tt «ay». "whleh v* iiibe offered for Ihr I'einm rittic Nuliun.ilCoaventlon. will mslly ¦rat lH,o<n i>eraoiiM.and M«\eiai ih.ui*rnd meea cmill iir |irov.ibo for. Tiie drllt ball li -»«) f.-t wi.h-

.oul |M f<rt lone, nlvlnp a floor tfjnjfn of

6").,J,),i aquure feet. The an b«d roof n»»ia li,

a hllght of L. f-et above the mala floor.

I Absolutely flreproof. lt offcrs a aafety fromflre aad paale that suth hnlls as the old

St. i/ouls badldlag, ln Whleh *o many con-

ventlons were h, Id. failed to furnlsb"

"T henr she marrled h«nrath ber.".Ves; h.-r huaband playa a arretehea

game of bridge.".Waahlngton Heraio.


A Word on the Interest3 of the Ncg-lectcd Consumer.

To the F-dltor of The Trlhune..Slr: Two letters rctcardinn cold stornge

have recently appeared In The Trlhune

arrlttea by maa m the latarast ef eoid Ftor-

age, and against the «lx months' time limltro'iiitnerl In tbe Frenran bill now beforeour Legkdature. I ;>m arrltlag thai letterln tho tatereat of justlce and thc squaredeal.Cold Btorago men, by sharp practtce,

have cornered the m.irkds. forced' tbe

prices of roodatofla up to famtne rates.

and that ln a land of com and wlne andoil nnd In tho face cf the bl&gcsf harveststhis country fver p:oduced. Tbaa theybave tbe audaclty to turn around and say

"thc farmers bave, not produced enough."when they know and every one knows

that the prodtice of the country has been

greatar than the Ineneaa of the pagvla*tlon.What we want is- fre.sh meat and fresh

epRs; not emb.ilmed bcef-as GeneralICflea put lt.nor e?jfs arr old and etrongas Samson. These thlngs kept very long!n cold eterage.WhtCh at be*t only retardsthe process of patfafaetlOB.lose th^ir

Bavor nnd tbelr heal'h and llfe produclngUtialltlae. otir produoa can bo kept attveon tho farms and Bblpped when tt ls

need^d. Our cgK« can be produced ln thealater as well an the summer. Th*n we

want them at reasonable prices. l^Kt

year one flrm boaght ln tbree Btfddleareatera atatea g^axaW eprcs, aad the

whole expense was about % oeata B dOBBB.ln the Wtatar these eggfl were sold at 15

eeata a o*ozen, clcirin.* for thai one llttleflrm af ¦penHlaiOIS nearly three-quarter3of a mllllon dollnrs tn NM fhOft SBBgOB.We aro eaarehlag teward aoeteJlaai

(aater tl an ara eaa eflord to. for aaleeatbe people get rellef BeeB thejr arfll de¬

mand and rbtaln the eontrol of theaa eor-porations and oombtaatloaa that for more

thaa thii'.y yeara have been feathertngth'ir not* at the expeaaa ef tiie people.Slnco r;,o (few York ar.d New JntMf

leglalaturea both have U!is te regulatecold atoraga and our great und goodPreetdent la worktng toward reclprocltythrre h:s beea a lowertng of prlcs. ButWtth our great country rcachlng Into the

tropics we can produce abBOOt everything.In Mr. Qladatone'a debata arlth Mr.Flalnr the great Kn?l!?h l'remiT said"Aamrlea ls a arorld in haiaelf." andwhen "-tr goreiymfnt sets through ^.¦.i-

Ing arlth the trust;. and the combinatlonaln restralnt of trade end restoren our ln-ternal commeree ao that tre erreat law ofsuppty and dcmar.d becomes operetlro,tlien will we have pro.«peri'y for o'l, andp»--ace and pleaty will bleoa tbe land.

I* C. FLOYD.Flnghamton. N. Y., March 21, 1811.

CREDIT MEN OPPOSE BILL.To the Edltor of Tha TrfbUM,Slr: A blll Is pendtng at Alhany which

mlght aptly be entltled "An aet to en*eoaraga Crand ln boafaeaa relatlena."it is known as "Senate BUI iBtroductiOBNo. 707." The N» w Torh Credit Ifen'lgagOflletlon and various other bodlea, ns

Well as numerous lnfluentlal boatneea men,hava wrttten te Senator Howard n. Bayne,c-ha'rman of th< genate Judldary Commlt¬tee at Albany, prorestlna; aa;aln.st the II!If ena"ei1 it would take away the p:lv1-leged ¦' araeter of eonaoentlal credit re¬

port?; would compel any mercaatlle ageneyto acc»pt a rab iciiptloa from any oaartesirlng Informatlon, <\en tbough he e/aeknown to be a "crook"; to furatab auegauhacrlbera anv report called for, whichwould lactade the one on blmself ln thecase of tho "erookod" Bobecrlber; wouldre.julre th.it all the reports bo made lnwrltlng and Blgaed by un officer or dcslg-nnted emnloye of tho reporttag ageney,and would make the pubUcettona of report*ir<? ageadea tho property of tbe ¦ubecrlber.insurance men have proteated that this

arould make tt impoaafble f<>r them to os-

tata the informatlon noiessary to protectthem aprainst "tlre-hugs." This wouldmean an Inciease in the lOBB ratio and a

corre-p-ndliig increaae !n prvmlums toeover it.The b!r b.inks are alro affectcd. for

nearly all of them furnlsh more or lesscredit lnfoimatlon to their cu.ueme.rs.Altosethcr, the bill U so bad that lt

ahould be vUorous'.y opposcl by everyone tntereetted In honcst buMnes.- affalrs.,

A M. BL.3T.New York. Aprll 3. HU.

A P/EAN FOR NEW MEXICO.To the Fdttor of The Trlhune.

Slr: One of th»- rc^lons that do not Retjusrlre ln the publlc PlinU Is Xt'.v Mexico.Meat people think of it us n land of cac-tus sand ami naeOQUltO. whlch may bemore or leaa tTUB of the southern part, buthere in the northern portloa one linds roll-ling prelrlea, where tiie arfld grasa has

Iglvea way befece tiio pleugh. P7a ^«e

fieids of malaa. capa corn, whesfr-la fact,mo«t of the crepa cotnmon to i^n |fldgl«gtatea.grewa arlthoot irrii,'at!on. our

nalghborheod laat faii aent a crop exhitiitto a aelghbermg county fnir and araa aeV"erai premluma in campetttlga arlth Irrlgat*ed dl-tricts.Becauee of the high altltuda we do not

ha\e the gummer heat uaually, in mostpeople'a mlnda, n aociated arlth Now Mex¬ico. Ti'e days are n"t oppreaatre and thenlghta are <0' !. I liave tiei n holdlng dowaa clalni licre for four yeara, an.i e^i.e.-t to

ba here many yeara more game of thoaepeople whe feci oppreeaad by tbe blab <-o.st

of Hvii':,' nr arhoee health la not ui> te theataadard iheuld coma out Weet, tako aclalm and leara arhat it is like te really11ve. R. S PZOOD.

Roy, n. m.. Marah 10, Ifll.

THE MASSACHUSETTS BALLOT.To the Fditor of The Trlrvme.

s!r: As a Btalwart Republleaa i hopeno Re] u'lbcan in this Leglalatura arfll voteagalnat genate biii No tf to amend tiio.'. tloa law. Thla laaaaara provldea fortilt. lyatem uaed in Ifaaaaehaeetta fertwenty yeara by arraagtag eandtdateaalphabetleally In groopa lor aach o0ee,arlth tha party emblema The mahi pointis that no eaadldata'a game sppears morethan onee <^i: the allot.

iu u -> tha offlclal ballot was four feetvs j.!'-. and Mavor C.avnor'.. name appearedin six eolonma and Mr. Banaard'a name atthe top of three eotaaanal This arraage*ment, of courae, mvi' theaa two candldateaan upfatr advantage <^. tbelr eompetltora,Altbougb thla ballot reform blll ti^s beea

before the Leglalatura for aeveral yagnr in.'.v time to paaa it. The people do-in.md a coBvealenl aad biurinaeattka hallTho near pample ballol mee urea gboutnchea tv i". incbee, ar one-thlrdatea of tii** ot*ii.j.ii ballol la Mew YorkCltJ '.!¦

Lal Demo aad Ri publlcani Jotabaada aad mai tbla i.i bfll n i iw.

Al.FltFO lt CONKUNO.Ni i ) ork, April |, io,i

bouClflof Ihe

NOT TOO BIG FOR THE POT.from Tl ¦. Plttaburg i;Ui.ett..TUaaiAai .i'i\ n.-i mi it in 'Th,' t'ontlnrnt," a

.. Ilgloui ar< ekl) publlahed b> C*hl< b \o, tu Iufor a "mlanlonur) f t ovi r ". feei i Inchealn halghl and aelghtng Uf pound»." 1'er-)ia|i.>> It araa Inaerted by a cannibal.

AND THAT WON'T RUB OUT.t*rom Ti g) i u <. Hera JBo (ar as genator O'Oorman' fu( re la

.¦.inr».r.I, 't llea t.fi.v hlm as an openj "oi. alil.tn whlte paga aavo whereMurphy'a thumb lefl d nmudge in turnlugover tha tt«le paga


frrom Ti.e Tribuno PurM..-1Waahlngton. April 8.-The ****** V*

asked by a dclepatlon from Arlsena.not to

stand tn tho way if the constttutlon of

Arlxona waa approved by Congrwa. nr.

Taft aaM ho wlshed to get the ******tl.e debate in the two housea on tne coi -

BtltutlOB t.eforo maklng any dertalon.President Taft a**->ert.-d an invltatlon pre-

afrted by W. A. Maitz ond Ff. T. H»»-

who were Introduced by JW-resentatreOlmsted, to attaad tba lenth blennlal con-

vantloa of tho Brotherhood Of Rallway

Tralnaaea at Haiileburg on May IiIt was announced at the Whlte House

that the members of the Tarlff Board

would be Kiiesta at a dinner to ba alven

by tho f'ommerelal Club, of Clneinnatl. on

Aprfl li Henry C Emery and William ¦.

Iioward wlll epeak."You hbva won the gratltude of every

cltlzrn of this place by your action in ra

aeiadbag tha eraar eeadhia the 9th a/avairyto do patrol duty along the Toxbb border."was a telegram recelved by Treeldent Taft.It was stgTied "Every Cltlzen of Mar.*a andFort Davla. Tex.""I should he dellghted to Joln your order.

but I ahave myself," laughlngly remarkedthe President. when Inviud by J. C. Shan-gaay, of St. Louls. to become a member oftho Journcymen Barbers* InternatlonalI'nion.The President s<*nt for Dlatrlct Commls-

ralcnar Jadaea this morning to bMpara abearteertata Dlatrlct affaira. aotaMy ahe condi¬tion of the straetaMr. Taft was 5a5ured by Dr. W. W. WB«

8--n, of Toronto, that tho Can.idian Parlia-ment wonld ratify the Canadian reclprocityar^rcfment. Ropresentatlve Bataa, whoeaOed about the same time, told the Presi¬dent ahat, accordinrr to h',3 information.tho Pennaytoeala aaiagatioa would vote

si lidiy for reclprocity.Amonp the White House callers were tho

Beeretary of War, tbe Attorney Oeneral.the tMAVOlnry ot Commerce and Labor, As-

¦gbaaat Bgcrotarj carmi Taaaaaaon, Sena-t. rs Curtla, MoCumber, Bmlth (of Mieht-Kon), Brown and Young: ex-Senator Dfck,ItgprgaantatlTgg Bates, naaiand, Hagbea.Dyer, Cmasaaakar, Barlaad, Ptay, Daa*fortb, L-t-rare, Bhnaa, Kaawtaad, laaa; Ut*Uatoa and Allen, EteprM sT.rativo kOOtOttY,v hi Introduce! Sevgral members of tbaicwer hranch of tba Ohlo Le-n-laturo; e.\-

Il5piaaanl5tlT5 ¦Joyea, aad J. Btoddard Xay*lor, manager of the BelaaOO Tleatre. who

latroduoad Robert Mnnteli and Mrs. Maa*tell.Th<» President, Beeretary Hilles and Ma¬

jor Batt took an l.our's walk this after-roen.The PraaMani aad Mrs. Taft atteaded the

CWuraUa to-nignt to see Tbnratea, fr.*

laiagiclan, aad had ln their box Mrs. Bek*ateln, of Clndnnatt a guest at tba whito

Houae. and Major Areblbald Butt.a

THE DIPLOMATIC CORPS.[From Th*. Tnl.una Hureau.]

Wagrhlngton, April l.Mrs. Eryce, wlfe ot

tho Britiah 5llll*aaaaflor returned to-nlghtfrom Now York, where she went to s^e herniece, Ifha Aehton, sail for England.The Swiss Minlster and Mme. Kitter en¬

tertained at dinner to-nlght, havlng as

gueata tba Beeretary cf CoBuaarce a-id La¬bor an..i Mra NageL th.e Poatmaater *:p*

eraL tho itallan Ambaaaador aad MarebaaaCuaanl, Mr. and Mrs. Pardval Dodga, Mrs.Benedict, tho Spanish mllitary attachd and

Beftora de UrcuIIa, Miss Bopby Johnston,Dr. and Mrs. Louls Kaidhaar, of Bwltagf*.land, tu« hoone guaata of tha Minlster andMme. Rltter, .-nd Ifenrl Marttn, secrataryof tbe legatlon.The BoHvtaa Minlater and Seflora. de Ca!-

deron have 'ssued lnvltatlens for a dinner.on April 18.Mme. Pard<\ wife of the Peruvlan Mlr.ls-

ter, Wlll leave, Waahlngtoa or. Tuesday. incompany with her Lrclher-tn-law, LouisPardo, and on Thurs.tay they wlll sail forBurope for a trip of eeveral weeks. TheUlnlatav win ni t aoeompaay Mme. Pardo,but may Joln her later in Burepa.


IN WASHINGTON SOCIETY.[Fr ¦ The Tritur.p B'irau.]

Washington, April ?..The Vlce-Presidentand Mra. Sherman have i'une to Utica fortho week end.Miss Helen Taft was the gucst of Colonel

and Mrs. John R. Williams at dinner to-Blght, when they entertained. besides theirson-lp.-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Leiter, Lieitenant and Mrs. U. S.Qraat, Mr. ard Mrs. Preston Glbson, MualDorothy Williams. Mr. Van Weede, Neth-eilands serretary; A. Platt Andrews andJerome Bonaparte.Mra, OUvar Cronarefl announees the en-

gagement of her daughto;, Miss Lov.iteCromwell, to Walter B. Brooks, Jr., of Bal¬tlmore. Mi-';s t'romwe'.l, who was a brides-mald at the weddtag of Miss Vivien GouMand Lord Decits !n N'ow York in Febru-ary, ls giving up a trip to London and thecoronattoa feattvltlea to become a brlda inJune. She was invited to be one of a largebeuee party at ti.e home of the DoaragerLady Decles. MisJ Cromwell made lerdebut ln Washington this w.nter. She hasteen tntertained by all of the social lead-ers, and while Mrs. Cromwell was lnmourning for her iato husband her frandsvicd with one another in ahowering attcn-tlor.s on her dauglaer. Tiio I'lomweilaclaun New Vork as a home as well as

Washington, and Miss Cromwell haa fre-anently baaa entertained thara tn the soason

Just paaaed. Walter Br-oks, jr., la tho ton ofMr. and Mrn Walter Bnv ks, af Baltlmore.aud tht-ir home in the i^reen Bgrlng Valleylg ona i.f tba moet attractlve aatatea In thatpart of the country, His graiulfather.Chauaoey Brooka owaed uno of tne siiowplacea al DruM iiiii Park and araa a 5odal!ead.-r. The WOdd ng will be one. of thelarge a*/fair» of aarly June. an.l M.^s

Fr.inces Brookrs. who made her dobut atthe first Assembly hall in Baliimere, laatwlnter. when Mis.s lickn Taft was a g;c>t,will he one of the bridesrr.nids.M>ss Mary J. Shfrrl!) went to New York

to-day to vlrlt har brother, the Mmister to

tbe Argaatina RapubUc who has been inthis oountry tor ¦ bm time on leave of ab-ggnrig. and Mrs. Bbeirtli. The minlster andMrs. BherrPJ are preparteg to sail forBuenos Ayrea,The AMbaaeadet *o Gcrmany and Mr*.

D.iv.,1 Jayno Hlll and Miss Hlll will arrlvetti Wa.hinL'ton t..-niorrovv nnd will be attbe ArUngton f«>r r*otae t.me. Wltb themla Mba MarrQtj raangbtar of a aaallbjAjnerlcaa living ln Berttn. Mr. nnd Mrs.John W. Fostcr will cntertaln at dlnnarla baeor al the Ambaaaadae and Mrs. litnon Moiulay, nnd un T.ii'.-ilay Mlsa il.il andMba MerrlU win \e ti.t-ir Baaate at a dtn-aar glvaa la boaar <>f Mlaa Taft.The last run of the ClMVy CbaaS Hual

Club t(.«.u plaoa over the eauraa tblg .tftt-r-nooa. Mlaa Taft, wltb « party .>r jounglfrlenda, wenl ".a to ste tbe Bniab.



Wltb Baetor .igiit days eir, ti i eoaatngweek win i.e dull an.i 'gnbitereatlng frona aotlal polnt pf vt.'w. Tbeta «lll be 505M.juiet aatartatalaa f"r Ibe yawiB ceupleiarho ara !.> !)>¦ ataniad darlag tbe ia«a (ort.nlghl I ai rll bnl aava toi tbla tba ra laUttle ti.it itKurt-s mi tbe pragraaaaa Aiiimil.tt p| tln wuitien of the Ko.i.an CatlUa *«'t ..'.iii ia lata ratreat, kn.i i.oth ii.dvTharaday an-t Saad txitnxy win .-an many..f ..ih.T a^nointnaUona to tt.. g-grlouachurehea atblla ¦ vary laifa eoatlngaat oitba toablaaable wrerM wW laava town lorauburbaa raaarta aad oountry ggata rorKaat.r, rataralng <.n Mantlai nxt wbeatbe round of faatrvttlaa af aaa kind gadanother \*iii !». reeaaMd,Thaa Mr. an.l Mra. iiurry ,..,, u. u, ,,

n.v hava goae to thelr placa ...» Long¦land, 'V;:1 ¦*» " " P. belmont I. ,rrto her vtth ., Heaapataad, Mr. itn,, Mmfanaea i.r..u. Pottar, aho hava been -aay.ma al the hi. h,,,.. hlv. ,pft £.*£

ocial IncidenUTtixedo, where Mrs. Charles B. AlexaMihas llkewlse opened her house for thseason. Mr. an<l Mrs. Clarfnce H. Mark*have cloced their boaaa on Madlso.i av«nue and have Kone to tbelr place at Roilyn, where they will remaln unttl theleave at tbe end of May to pf^nd tha aummer at I.itrhneM. t'onn. Mr. »r.d MnRabert L Oerry leave bera to-mnrrow foHot aprings, \a. Mr" Jam< Lowell putnam, slster of MOBCara Koblnsor., who habeea etegtag «t the di Regis, has tak*iher dcparture from Ncv.port. Mrs. CharleI>an!er T_awrerce Is at Mount Klsco, anito-day tbe gMmbara ef tha Mor0r c*Tourlng Society, head*d y Ra prtaldenlA. Eug'ne Galiatin, and oomprlslr.g OrmWllson, Jr.( fltuyvesant Fl-b. jr., and (number of other young m<-n, win mj^one of thslr club runs to Tasade, adjar,they will dlne to glgtll and n.maln for ifew daya.

Mrs. FrederiC MBfleoa haa d'lnlfeijgiven up ber apartment ln Tar!.*, an<l wllfor the future mak? her hea-lquartera tithe Plaza. where she tock up her rtndenco on har arrlval from the WaatlkM|IF eon-ln-Iaw, Hoills Ft. H mnewell, wh<I.as be*n abroad for tho laal month wftjMax Agas;iz, of Boston, ll due n%n% thiday after to-rnorrow, and will ba nut t%landlng by Mrs. IfunneweH. who ii ..turr.ing to-morrow to town from r-rfc^ln Wellesloy, Masa.Atnonsr other arrivais th!< w*-k wljj ^

those of « aptain Hard"-'?-*. Lloyd, rf tluIth Dragoon «.:,ards. and his tean-i ttt gjijli.sh polo playere, arho are to coewhifcithe International polo cup T.cy aalMyesterday on board the Luattaala, aftabavtog beea leeelved by Klag <>orje »

liucklnpharn Falace prtOf to tbelr '>parture. The entlre Bagtteh taaUB, twa rnerabara of which will not nrnc h*re uatlApni 27. is eoeaaeaad ot ofi-'r- of thiBr.tirh army. b*..onglng to BBtahl reglmerts that have won fa.ne on r * pr,\fleld. Many entertalnmer.'? are h*'nf erganlzed ln tbelr honor. esoflallv hy thoamembers of New Tort so laty I BB ar* lntrr^sted in p'do.

Hans K!*r.«'"d'> MBdSOB and hl* brittwho waa maa Bthel da g_evea, and hibrother, Perey, aad tha i^»t »*- .* wtto, w*>.-.a- Iflaa Marjorta t_ea .

aarty parl of tha aummer wtth MnCharlea I, Hadaea ** ber plaaa as i*wt-i-rd

Ifra Corne'iuji C Cajrler, Mra ii»manCHrFhs. Mrs. Lawrenea Keeaa. MrP.hlllp M. Lydig and Mn R. HolbroeCurtis arc on tbe ComaUttva in "'harg* <tbe rirKt of tbe musteal teei at th* Plaion Thur_;day ttffrv.o^n (Or the -.**.¦ <

the Tuteroilo'i-< Ni^'r.t Camp F.'.cardMartln, Mra. Franc'.s <i. '.\>l]rn.>n, r.h

IflM Kmmi Ju'-h. ard Yictor Harrtas, well aa aeveral other artlstathe propramnT-1

' J. Wright BareJay and Mrs -A BrorninPrentlce, who are to be marr--d aa Tuerday afternoon at ber home, !n W*st Sli-f^rt, will spend the first part cf thehcrmymoon ?¦'. Hot Sprlr.g.-, Ya.

Miss FrNr-illa Staiiton 1 as florldafdlapenae witli bndal atten'.ant' ar ber viet

dlng on W rrir-.f-rizy week to .1 .f'-rvarAuchlnjlc«»«i. Tha coremony will taka p!a<at tha West i'Jth street hom." r.t

parer.t.-., Mr. and Mrs FomIs Lea S'anton.

II. gehtiyler Cammann, i h<-.«e rnsrrlaito Miss Katharine Van Rer:s«.;l3er ''.!'_?la BBt tor 'I'uosday week ln Grace Chaalpave Ma farewell bachelor dir.ner lainlght at Delmonlco'a. His gues's lccludlbls brcther Edward, vfho ls to be his b«man, and his uahers, namely, L*'.\~- Gou*ernour Morrif, Stephen Van Rer.^'lae;If. L. Borert, Jr., Hamiltcn Van lten»a<laer Fairfag, Henry W'eisse ard i_:.irUMacdonaldHis br.do to be entertalned earlier ln ¦

day her attendar.ts and aome of ber ftfrlec.ds at luncheon at the Madlson avenuhome of her rarent-r. |fr. and Mrs. HimiltoR. Fairfax. Th« party included Mi.-s GladjHowland l'e" Mlse Helen L* Koy MUleiMiss Este'bi Morris Crosby, Miaa BgMVan Courtlandt Ocis:., MlSB V r^-'nla Ln'ngston Hunt. Mlss ?lary Os*rar.d.r aaMiaa Justino Frvlng, v. ho ls to be h-3r nalof honor.

Durland's R'.dir.g A^ademy Brtll ss thscene of an equejtrlan f*te ar.d hcr«e ihoifor tbe benef.t of tbe Srror. Hoapltal fcConsumptlvcs ar.d the Gatrfl ^.:?a'.ori»ttin tbe Adlreadaeka on the aventng af Aprlo ar.d Q. Morgan J. O'Brien ls at the he*of the affair. and his daughtar, Ml«Rosalle O'Frien, is lts secretary and tr«a»urer. MlM Marion Holllna, Mlsi y.xrgurtTbnrne, Mi5s Kieanora Sear?, M ;j LucjMargaret Roo«evelt, M!.«s Hopeton Atrer.

bury and Miss Virgtnia A'.exan^re wfll tikipart ln the drlving, ridlng ar.d JumplBIcontests. Colone! William Jay, preiidenlof the Coachln? Club; .Ich.n i". ''owdlaand Harry T. Feters will be amonj thijudpes, while the !l>t o* patro eaaaa ii"cludes Mra. John A. Dix. Mra. Al «t &Foardman. Mrs. Fran !s Uurrall Hoitmaa,Mrs. Dulany Howlatrd. Mrs '. r ...ds K-Fendleton. Mrs. Burke R.icbJ, Mra R- A.C. gmlth, Mrs. Reglnald ." '. mdartdiMrs. W. Sewa-d Wfbb and Mra C-UdetH;Oalrlnhe

Mrs. Russell Sage, Mrs. Jatr.e? Rooia*--*.Mrs. Haggerty Fdl, Mra. Waltar 3*9*and Mrs. Charlea E. Bherman are amoaithe patronessei cf thc annual antartf**ment to bo given ln behalf of the v * TortFxchange for Women's Work at IValtaaTffTheatre on Tueaday afternoon, .vrr!l ^at 2:30 o'clock. The feature >¦¦ t e enta*talnment will be the llluatrate<l addiaaBll"Buftalo Jones'" deacrlblng liia u»*«l*»S .arlld anir.'.aU.

Mra. Rlcha/d irvln, Mra. Charl«i v..}*£jland, .Mrs. gamea gpeyer ind Miaa ^f*"*Potter are aawBg tha i*JJ *Jmltiee iror.. whom ticketa can be °'-,ulavfor tho :'l-.akespearlan performa:--* f!'-a'*io he flven 'it Carnegie Hai on ^tungjAfternoon and evenlng. April --'. tba ».

veraary of Bhakeapeare'a blrth, --y ^JJtiieet and Ula Wayara, ln aM of a f'--»new belng formed for the preventlaiai tea rtres aa tb.o cenflugratioa l" uass"tJton Plac, whlch cost ao i.-any livea. Tm

playa aeleeted arc "A \ou -" »which will be produced In the sirternoojwlth BeethoveiVa Paatoral gymphoay^g"Mldaummer N'lghfa Dream" ln the eft


"An Arablaa Slgbtmare la th*gtvaa to the entertainment whlch baa'

orgrniaed for Mondaj evemm-. XvTn!~«Zihe Ptaaa. f->r the beneflt of AUxilUnT«r19 of tha rttony Wold Sanatorium. *m

aeeae te be depleted wl'.l be the °'J'V>.I'ourt. where various forms cf er.i«

ment will ¦- produce.1 for hla «,','c"*tt^Includmg a dance t l -¦ i "-¦ ln

^Miaa luu Klaael. Mi-> Marjorle t'lirllVt|t-«\e:al >ther young iriri^ »m lM

KSt&There w.ll alao be a brlef Ar*Ws" ' \gplaylet. und the Boor of tho ba,,r0^\4d^bt, adorned wlth Arablan bootha aa« ^wliere *;lrls ln Arablan coatumaB !^^|.Imireitir. flowara. etc. 'X'rs'

.« ^ joP*imiM, Mrs. J. Fierpont M >r.; >¦'. M?\|f4!. Koosevelt, Mra. Frank S XVHhrr^ (geMi> Hllborne 1* Itooaexflt »re Btncai


30CIAL N0TE3 FROM N*WrW|M> .l-.-t'<-.iih I.. Ttw nH>*:fJ - 0.

Nowport. April s. The chiidren ^unl Mrs. ConieliiiM \ anderWU *'* -jntKewporl a vlalt early ln .'une. ^>foWkktoad ti> Jidu tbelr tu.uhcr. Mcae*

ii. Mortlmer Brooka U »*»*" t0

i i. al reatdeal of Nawgaft ^ttMr. and Mrs. lleorge R *****

inded tbelr vlalt b«-r«- ^m \Mt. an.l Mi;.. (!¦.. rxe I. *1"' ^A

make an Inapeetlou of Bwenbntg*thv week.