Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Sekolah : SMA Kelas : X Semester : 2 Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Skill : Speaking (Berbicara) Alokasi waktu : 2 X 40’ Standar Kompetensi 10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog sederhana berbentuk narrative, descriptive, dan news item dalam konteks kehidupan sehari- hari. Kompetensi Dasar 10.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monolog sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: narrative, descriptive, dan news item Sub-kompetensi dasar (optional)

RPP Icare plpg 2010

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Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Sekolah : SMA

Kelas : X

Semester : 2

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Skill : Speaking (Berbicara)

Alokasi waktu : 2 X 40’

Standar Kompetensi

10. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan monolog sederhana

berbentuk narrative, descriptive, dan news item dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-


Kompetensi Dasar

10.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monolog sederhana dengan menggunakan

ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan

sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: narrative, descriptive, dan news item

Sub-kompetensi dasar (optional)

10.2.1. Mengungkapka makna dalam teks monolog sederhana dengan menggunakan

ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: descriptive

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. Mengidentifikasi karakter diri sendiri

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2. Membuat daftar kosa kata tentang personality traits yang diketahui tentang diri sendiri

3. Mengisi survey tentang personality traits4. Mengungkapkakan isi survey 5. Mendeskripsikan personality traits pasangan berdasarkan isi survey secara

monolog6. Mendeskripsikan personality trait orang terkenal secara monolog

Tujuan pembelajaran

1. Siswa mampu membuat daftar tentang personality traits seseorang dengan benar, jujur, dan sopan setelah diberi kesempatan untuk mengingat sifat-sifat seseorang

2. Diberi survey tentang personality traits, siswa dapat mengisi sesuai dengan personality traits mereka dengan jujur

3. Setelah mengisi survey, siswa dapat mendiskusikan jawaban mereka dengan pasangan dengan menggunakan bahasa yang benar dan akurat. Dalam berdiskusi siswa diharapkan memberi kesempatan temannya untuk berbicara dan menghargai pendapat temannya.

4. Siswa mampu mendeskripsikan pasangannya dengan menggunakan bahasa yang benar dan sopan setelah mendiskusikan personal traits pasangannya.

5. Diberi gambar orang-orang terkenal, siswa mampu mendeskripsikan mereka dengan menggunakan bahasa tulis yang baik dan benar. (have courage dan self-confident)

Materi ajar

1. List of personality traits:










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2. Fill in the following Personality Survey by putting a check (V) sign

Personality Survey Definitely agree

Somewhat agree

Definitely disagree

1. I’m not afraid of giving speeches in front of the class.2. I enjoy going to parties where I don’t know everyone.3. I avoid expressing my feelings and ideas in public.4. I insist on making my own decisions.5. I don’t mind giving up my time to help other people.6. I never worry about getting places on time.7. I always feel like going dancing!8. I can’t stand being in a messy, disorganized room.9. I prefer telling people how I feel, even if it’s


3. Discussion

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A : I am not afraid of giving speeches in front of the class. How about you?

B : Oh, I’m definitely afraid of doing that.

X : So, how would you describe ypurself?

Y : Well, I’d say I’m pretty laid-back and relaxed

X : Me too. I never worry about getting places on time.

Y : I don’t either. I like taking it easy.

4. Describing people’s personality traits

I think that his most positive quality is that he’s always pretty calm and cool, especially when something breaks. He’s really into solving tricky problems and finding solutions to things. His speciality is electronics. People come to him if something goes wrong with their notebook or their MP3 players or even their cell phones. For example, two days ago, his dad’s brand new computer suddenly froze up. It only took him 15 minutes to fix it, and he loved doing it!

Her most negative quality is that she’s not very neat and tidy. Sometimes She worries about being so disorganized, but never feel like doing anything about it. Her apartment is always a mess, so she can never find anything. Last week, for example, she finished doing some homework and then started to make dinner. In the morning, she couldn’t find her assignment anywhere, so she had to redo it. She really wants to change her bad habits, but she doesn’t know where to start.

5. Write a description of people’s personality traits based on the personal qualities of your well known idol

Metode/Model Pembelajaran: ICARE (Introduction, Connection, Application, Reflection, Extension)

Teknik: mengisi survey, diskusi, monolog

Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pendahuluan (10 menit)

Guru melakukan apersepsi

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- Greeting (menyapa)- Asking students’ attendace (menanyakan kehadiran siswa)- Eliciting personal qualities/personality traits from the students (meminta siswa

menyebut sifat/karakter manusia)- Stating the goal(s) of teaching and learning (menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran)

Inti (65 menit)



1. Guru menanyakan sifat-sifat siswa secara klasikal

2. Guru membuat daftar sifat/karakter manusia

3. Guru menjelaskan tentang sifat/karakter manusia

4. Guru membagikan lembaran survey tentang personal qualities/personality traits dan meminta siswa mengisi lembaran survey tersebut

CONNECTION5. Setelah selesai mengisi survey, guru

menugaskan siswa bekerja berpasangan untuk mendiskusikan isi survey dengan pasangannya

1. Para siswa menyebutkan sifat-sifatnya

2. Siswa mencatat

3. Siswa menyimak penjelasan guru

4. Siswa menerima lembaran survey dan mengisinya secara individu

5. Siswa bekerja berpasangan dan mendiskusikan isi survey dengan pasangannya



6. Setelah berdiskusi tentang isi survey, guru menugaskan siswa untuk mendeskripsikan karakter/sifat temannya di depan kelas berdasarkan hasil survey yang sudah didiskusikan (monolog)

6. Setelah berdiskusi, mempresentasikan hasil diskusi secara bergantian dengan cara mendeskripsikan sifat/karakter pasangannya



7. Setelah siswa mendeskripsikan pasangannya, guru memberi

7. Siswa memperhatikan penjelasan guru.

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masukkan tentang cara membuat teks monolog deskriptif baik langkah-langkah retorika dan fitur-fitur linguistik terhadap monolog siswa yang masih belum baik

8. Guru menanyakan kembali komponen teks deskriptif yang mendeskripsikan karakter/sifat manusia

EXTENSION9. Guru menunjukkan gambar beberapa

orang terkenal dan meminta siswa untuk menyebutkan karakter/sifat orang-orang tersebut (secara klasikal)

8. Siswa menjawab pertanyaan guru tentang komponen teks deskriptif mendeskripsikan sifat/karakter manusia

9. Siswa mendiskripsikan sifat/karakter beberapa orang terkenal sesuai yang gambar yang ditunjukkan guru


Guru memberi pekerjaan rumah untuk mendeskripsikan sifat/karakter seseorang secara tertulis

Memberi salam untuk mengakhiri pembelajaran

Penilaian Hasil Belajar

Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi Bentuk/teknik penilaian

1. Membuat daftar personality traits2. Mengisi survey tentang

personality traits3. Mendiskusikan isi survey secara

berpasangan4. Mendeskripsikan personality traits

pasangan berdasarkan isi survey5. Mendeskripsikan personality trait

orang terkenal secara individu dan tertulis

1. Tulis (membuat daftar)2. Tulis (mengisi chart)

3. Lisan (project, performance)

4. Lisan (product, performance)

5. Tulis (portfolio)

Sumber belajar

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Richards, Jack C. & Chuck Sandy. 2008 Passages: Student’s Book 1. New York: Cambridge University Press

Lembar Kerja

1. Mention 10 personality traits/personal qualities that you know. Then, make a list of them.For example: a. Cheerfulb. Honestc. Kindd. Generouse. Shyf. Patientg. Conservativeh. Rebelliousi. Cooperativej. Demanding

2. Fill in the following survey

Personality Survey Definitely agree

Somewhat agree

Definitely disagree

I’m not afraid of giving speeches in front of the class.I enjoy going to parties where I don’t know everyone.I avoid expressing my feelings and ideas in public.I insist on making my own decisions.I don’t mind giving up my time to help other people.I never worry about getting places on time.I always feel like going dancing!I can’t stand being in a messy, disorganized room.I prefer telling people how I feel, even if it’s embarrasing

3. Discuss your personality with your partner based on the answer of the survey4. Describe your partner’s personality traits in the front of the class5. Describe the personality traits of the well known people6. Write the description of personality traits of well known people (your idol)

Scoring system

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1. Setiap ‘personality trait’ yang benar diberi nilai 1. Skor keseluruhan jika benar semua: 10

2. Tidak ada penilaian untuk mengisi survey3. Penilaian berdasarkan pengamatan (project)

Lembar Pengamatan Siswa

Nama Siswa : …

Kelas/Semester : …

Mata Pelajaran : …

Tugas : ...

Petunjuk pengisian:

Berikan penilaian Anda dengan mencontreng (√) 5 = Sangat Baik, 4 = Baik, 3 = Cukup, 2 = Kurang, atau 1 = Sangat Kurang di kolom yang disediakan.

No. Aspek Pengamatan


5 4 3 2 1

1. Keberanian Berkomunikasi

2. Kemampuan Berkomunikasi

3. Menerima Pendapat

4. Berbeda Pendapat

5. Partisipasi/ Keaktifan

6. Kerjasama

4. Penilaian berdasarkan rubrik ‘spoken descriptive’

Criteria CommentPronunciationFluencyContentOrganizationLexicon/VocabularyLinguistic features/GrammarGambits

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5. Penilaian berdasarkan rubrik ‘spoken descriptive’

Criteria CommentPronunciationFluencyContentOrganizationLexicon/VocabularyLinguistic features/GrammarGambits

6. Penilaian berdasarkan rubrik ‘written descriptive’

Rubrik Bahasa Inggris

Rubric for Descriptive Text

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Performance Area

Rating = 4 Rating = 3 Rating = 2 Rating = 1 Score

Content The object is well described giving readers very clear picture / description about the object.

The object is adequately described giving reader sufficient picture / description about the object.

The object is less sufficiently described giving readers incomplete picture / description of the object.

The object is poorly described failing to give readers picture / description about the object.


Description starts with identification of object which is supported with relevant supporting sentences which describe the object.

Description may or may not start with identification of object and some of the supporting sentences are not relevant.

Description may or may not start with identification of object and many of the supporting sentences are irrelevant.

Description has no clear organization and most of the sentences are irrelevant.

GrammarThere is almost no error in the use of subject verb agreement, present tense, adjective, and noun phrase.

There are few errors in the use of subject verb agreement, present tense, adjective, and noun phrase.

There are many errors in the use of subject verb agreement, present tense, adjective, and noun phrase.

Almost all sentences contain errors in subject-verb agreement, present tense, and noun phrase.


There is a rich variety of words and almost all of them are correctly used.

There is an adequate variety of words and most of them are correctly used

There is only little variety of words and many errors are found in the use of the words.

There is no variation of words and most of them are incorrectly used.

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Mechanics There is almost no error in word spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.

There are few errors in word spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.

There are many errors in word spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.

Almost all sentences contain errors in word spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
