REPORT M38162- 1 of 1 R:\MGA ADMINISTRATION\0 - 2016.11 NOVEMBER BOARD MEETING\Agenda Items - 2016.11 November Agenda Items\00 Reports and Info - 2016.11 November\PSC Report - 38162.doc TO: IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board – 19 November 2016 FROM: Mary Ellen Randall, MGA Appointment to IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee (PSC) SUBJECT: IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee Report Many thanks are owed to VP Lawrence Wong who provided me the opportunity to represent MGA on the TAB/PSPB Products & Services Board. Of all the concepts presented to the TAB/PSPB Product and Services Board, the one with the most commonality with MGA’s mission is the Corporate Dashboard. The objective of this project is to better serve corporate engineers and to: Understand Corporate Engineer market Move IEEE Beyond Research Discover unmet needs, pain points and behaviors Build corporate engineer persona Create strawman product concept The Corporate Dashboard was referred to PSC for business case development. MGA should keep up on this project’s status as it moves forward since it ties so nicely with the Practitioner engagement emphasis in MGA. In addition to the above, I also participated in the Ideation Committee which reports to the TAB/PSPB Products & Services Board. The emphasis there is to curate the IP IEEE currently owns in providing new services. There is a workgroup which reviews and makes recommendations to the Xplore development team. This is another effort I participated in. Respectfully submitted, Mary Ellen Randall MGA Appointment to TAB/PSPB Products & Services Board

REPORT M35409- 1 of 2 TO: IEEE Member and Geographic

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Page 1: REPORT M35409- 1 of 2 TO: IEEE Member and Geographic

REPORT M38162- 1 of 1

R:\MGA ADMINISTRATION\0 - 2016.11 NOVEMBER BOARD MEETING\Agenda Items - 2016.11 November Agenda Items\00 Reports and Info - 2016.11

November\PSC Report - 38162.doc

TO: IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board – 19 November 2016

FROM: Mary Ellen Randall, MGA Appointment to IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee (PSC)

SUBJECT: IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee Report

Many thanks are owed to VP Lawrence Wong who provided me the opportunity to represent MGA on the TAB/PSPB Products & Services Board.

Of all the concepts presented to the TAB/PSPB Product and Services Board, the one with the most commonality with MGA’s mission is the Corporate Dashboard. The

objective of this project is to better serve corporate engineers and to:

Understand Corporate Engineer market

Move IEEE Beyond Research Discover unmet needs, pain points and behaviors

Build corporate engineer persona Create strawman product concept

The Corporate Dashboard was referred to PSC for business case development. MGA should keep up on this project’s status as it moves forward since it ties so nicely

with the Practitioner engagement emphasis in MGA. In addition to the above, I also participated in the Ideation Committee which

reports to the TAB/PSPB Products & Services Board. The emphasis there is to curate the IP IEEE currently owns in providing new services.

There is a workgroup which reviews and makes recommendations to the Xplore development team. This is another effort I participated in.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Ellen Randall

MGA Appointment to TAB/PSPB Products & Services Board

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REPORT M35409- 1 of 2

R:\MGA ADMINISTRATION\0 - 2016.06 JUNE BOARD MEETING\Agenda Items - 2016.06 June Agenda Items\00 Reports and Info - 2016.06 June\PSC

Report - 35409.doc

TO: IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board – 18 June 2016

FROM: Mary Ellen Randall, MGA Liaison to IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee (PSC)

SUBJECT: IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee Report

Conferences has shown growth over the past 5 years. In the Geo units, the technically co-sponsored conferences have shown year over

year growth. However, the financially co-sponsored conferences have been up and down alternating years.

Multi-media and interactive forms of material present new challenges to handling Xplore content. Authors of such material are encouraged to also provide some more

traditional content. How to handle this non-traditional content is under study Conference paper standards adopted in 2014 are still under implementation. More

details to follow to all OUs. The Ideation Committee continues to monitor the IEEE Product portfolio looking to

the future. New concepts are continuously evaluated. This was discussed in executive session.

ICP (Interactive Content Project) Most forms of content are converted, with the Conference Proceedings XML/HTML

still in process.

A recap of accomplishments and status include: XML/HTML

– Journals back-file conversion (2001-2013) complete on 9 Jun 2015

– Magazines back-file conversion (2001-2013) complete on 8 Mar 2015

– Standards back-file conversion (2001-2014) complete on 15 Jan 2016

HTML scheduled for Q1 2016 IEEE Xplore release

– There were 2,293,928 articles available in HTML (as of 4 Feb 2016)

Xplore Technical Operations

– Deployment of dynamic HTML for Journals & Conferences began in

March ’15 with additional articles to be added as available

– Standards dynamic HTML integration work in process

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R:\MGA ADMINISTRATION\0 - 2016.06 JUNE BOARD MEETING\Agenda Items - 2016.06 June Agenda Items\00 Reports and Info - 2016.06 June\PSC

Report - 35409.doc

Digital Production Tools

– Continued development of QC tools to support XML/HTML conversion

– Continued research and development of author tools to drive down the

cost of PDF to XML conversion


– Adoption Rate

– 93% of Periodicals now using CrossCheck (up from 50% in 2012)

– 39% of 2015 Conferences now using CrossCheck (up from <10% in


The 4 EAB Products each reported revenue in 2015 and include: eLearning library

English for Engineering

IEEEx courses (primarily MOOCS)

Certificates program:

The direction of the New EAB Executive Director: “Key components of realizing our potential:

PRIORITIZED Strategic and Tactical plan (e.g. over 5 years)

Improved partnering: internal to IEEE, and externally

Clear plan for how EA fits into the IEEE Public Imperative strategy

Significant improvements to quality and operations

Significant improvements to marketing & communications efforts

Creating rewarding experiences for our dedicated & passionate

Educational Activities volunteers

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REPORT M27005- 1 of 2

R:\MGA ADMINISTRATION\0 - 2015.11 NOVEMBER BOARD MEETING\Agenda Items - 2015.11 November Agenda Items\00 Reports and Info - 2015.11

November\PSC Report - 27005.doc

TO: IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board - 21 November 2015

FROM: Sameer S M, MGA Liaison to IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee (PSC)

SUBJECT: IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee Report (19 November 2015 Meeting)

The third meeting of IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee (PSC) was held during 8AM-5PM on 19th November 2015 at Hyatt Regency, New Brunswick,

NJ. The important discussions held in the open session of the meeting are summarized below.

1. Motion: There was a motion from IEEE history committee to make 309

historical articles published between 1907 and 2010 in 16 different IEEE titles

available on IEEE Xplore as open access articles. Also up to 10 articles will be

selected per year and will be added to this list of OA articles. There was a

suggestion to make an amendment to select the articles with the approval of

respective societies. The motion was passed unanimously with that


2. Wiley-IEEE Press Short Books: There is a plan to publish short books

with 50-150 pages instead of 300+ page books. Wiley-IEEE press is planning

to develop these short e-books for $50-$60. ePUB is the format selected for

this instead of PDF. 35% member discount already available to IEEE

members for article purchase will be extended to this also.

3. OA Update: Currently there are 8 active open access (OA) journals.

Revenue from OA has been steadily increasing. IEEE is planning to launch a

new OA article processing charge payment portal.

4. Conference Publication Committee Report: About 1630 conference

proceedings were acquired so far in the year 2015. Some models are

coming-up to include the interactive contents in conferences. Some Open

Access models are also coming-up for conferences. About 15% of

conferences are financially co-sponsored by MGA, about 30% are technical

co-sponsored and about 45% are sponsored by TAB. A question was raised

on the declining quality of some of the conferences and the need to develop

some strategies to enhance quality. A suggestion given was to improve the

quality through more participation from the sponsoring OU.

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November\PSC Report - 27005.doc

5. CHORUS Update: Clearing House for the Open Research of the US

(CHORUS) is getting expanded. As many as 38 publishing members have

already joined CHORUS in making IP generated through US funding to

publishers outside. Over 36000 articles published from NSF grants have

already made available.

6. Interactive Content Project (ICP): XML/HTML conversion of journal and

magazine articles from 2011 to 2013 has been completed. 93% of periodicals

now use Cross-Check, the plagiarism checking tool of IEEE. 2% plagiarism

cases are identified among all submissions.

There were many discussions held in the meeting pertaining to the focus of

MGA. Topics discussed in the executive session are not reported due to the

confidential nature of the meeting.

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2015.06 - PSC Report - 27005

TO: IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board - 20 June 2015 FROM: Sameer S M, MGA Liaison to IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services

Committee (PSC) SUBJECT: IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee Report (18 June

2015 Meeting) The second meeting of IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee was held during 8AM-5PM on 18th June 2015 at Hyatt Regency, New Brunswick, NJ. The important discussions held in the executive session of the meeting are summarized below.

1. Global Sales Update: The global intellectual property sale of IEEE for the year 2015 is expected to be $233 million which is $13 million more than the previous year, amounting to a 7% growth. One of the key factors behind this increase is the current strength of USD against all major currencies across the world. However, a matter of concern to MGA would be the decline of members from countries such as Argentina, Ecuador, Chile, Iran, Jordan, Iraq, Libya, Greece, Egypt etc. mainly due to the political unrests there.

2. IEEE Xplore Update: IEEE Xplore has witnessed over 100 million downloads

last year and it is expected to grow this year also. 10.2 million downloads are reported in March 2015 alone. HTML usage has been increasing almost at double the rate as compared to previous year. A major value addition to users of Institutional membership is implemented already. Using off-campus remote address tool, institutional users will be now be able to access IEEE Xplore through their laptop or mobile devices. This will significantly increase the value of IEL subscription. The online courses made available through IEL will enrich the value of practising engineers. It was suggested to provide a sneak-preview of the courses before deciding to buy or not, which may be considered positively. Also some courses are already provided for free. There is an ambitious plan to integrate Xplore with Collabratec; the new professional networking platform of IEEE. A new feature will come in Xplore to mark and move selected articles to individual’s Collabratec pages which can be accessed later depending on IEL subscription.

3. Products Update: At $120,000/license, it is possible to procure perpetual

license for Journal archive so that even if the institution stops subscription, it will have access to materials already subscribed. An agreement with

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2015.06 - PSC Report - 27005

Thomson – Reuters is already in place which will facilitate Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI). It was started in 2012. Currently 438 conferences proceedings are being considered for inclusion in it.

4. TAB Financial Committee has reported $10.4M growth in sales.

5. Corporate Research Findings and Upcoming Initiatives: In order to promote the reach of IEL to practicing engineers and enterprises, a survey was conducted and four categories of potential users, named as Breakthrough Innovator, Applied/Adaptive Innovator, Integrator/Designer and Trouble-shooter, were identified. The aim is provide them the right content. It was suggested to have the pricing for these products affordable to start-up companies, small enterprises and technology business incubators. Agreed in principle to look into this aspect. This initiative, if implemented, will be useful for new practising engineers. It was also decided to create Conference Proceedings Archiving for the period 1951-1999. 476,527 papers from 3671 proceedings will be made available for $94,900 (with first year special offer of $89,00) for current IEL subscribers.

6. R&D Update: An amount of $3.165 million has been earmarked in 2015 for R&D activities. It was reported that the Blended VLSI learning program implemented in India has geared-up well with more than 2500 student enrolments already. The course fee charged is Indian Rupees 5000 per course, which is nominal. It is possible to link this with IEEE student/graduate membership so that members can be given some value addition. A new idea called Algorithm Sharing is planned to be introduced in IEEE Xplore. It was fund that 7.07% of articles in IEEE Xplore has untapped algorithms which can be put to market place. Various issue related to this will be looked it.

7. IEEE Collabratec Update: Collabratec is a professional collaborative networking tool from IEEE available to IEEE members and non-members. It will have categories such as “Communities” based on technology interest, event or geographic location and “Research Groups” according to specific research areas. This is envisaged as a value addition to IEEE members who have IEL subscription as discussed earlier.

8. Pricing Proposal for 2016: IEL price is proposed to be $164,995 in 2016 from $158,695 in 2015 amounting to 3.97% increase for a single user license for R&D institutions. Price for academic institutions would be slightly lesser than this depending on the type of Institutions. There are a few individual membership categories possible for IEEE members. One of these types is to pay $40 for 25 docs/month. One of the ideas for membership growth could

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2015.06 - PSC Report - 27005

be to publicise this along with membership renewal to facilitate individual IEL subscription as the awareness about this option is not adequate among many new members.

9. OA Update: A few more journals have moved into open access. But still the number is very less considering the vast volume of literature published by IEEE. There are issues related to collection of article processing charges which needs attention.

10. Ideation Committee Update: Act of forming or generating ideas for new products and services that are consistent with IEEE principles and practices is the mandate of this committee. Four new ideas currently being considered are Corporate membership, Eduhub (educational content development), Vision Reports and Entrepreneur networks.

11. Conference Publication Committee Report: 1045 conference proceedings have been acquired so far in the year 2015. Also 1500+ conferences are approved. Some models are coming-up to include interactive contents in conference archives.

12. CHORUS Update: Clearing House for the Open Research of the US (CHORUS) is getting expanded. As many as 30 publishing members have already joined CHORUS in making IP generated through US funding to publishers outside. Over 36000 articles published from NSF grants have already made available. The designated embargo period for making the article available in chorus by IEEE is 24 months. There were many discussions held in the meeting pertaining to the focus of MGA. The industry update was conducted as a confidential item and hence it is not reported. Some of the points that I suggested in the meeting are highlighted in italics.

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REPORT M22402- 1 of 2

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TO: IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board – 22 November 2014 FROM: Suzanne Rivoire, MGA Liaison to IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services

Committee (PSC) SUBJECT: IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee (PSC) Report

(20 November 2014 Meeting) 1. The following matters were discussed in executive session. If individual

members of MGA would like more information on the content of these discussions, they should contact PSC chair John Baillieul ([email protected]).

a. Updates on IEEE’s global IP sales, including: • Overall revenue numbers and end-of-year projections • Sales of individual products and packages • Comparisons with other scientific publishers’ sales • Breakdown by sector (academia, industry, etc.) and by

geographic region • Comparisons with other scientific publishers

b. Update on publications products, including: • Market forecast and market research data • Updates about the product pipeline

c. Updates on IEEE Xplore usage statistics and platform improvements, including:

• Mobile-responsive design • Alternate means of institutional authentication. Previously, the

only method was to access Xplore from an IP address belonging to the institution, which made mobile access difficult. Now, Xplore is rolling out features that allow users to sign into Xplore with their institutional credentials.

d. Updates on blended e-learning VLSI programs in India. These programs, which are partially online with an in-person lab component, address the gap between Indian university education and corporate needs. The program should also increase IEEE visibility and membership in India. Fall 2014 has seen a small (~25-student) preliminary rollout, and teachers are currently being trained for a full launch in early 2015.

e. Updates on enterprise collaboration project, which was demoed at Sections Congress in August. This tool has features for content discovery; collaboration with colleagues; content management; and automated bibliography/citation generation. A pilot program is about to launch in mid-December.

f. Updates on open access (OA) to publications • Report on September 2014 OA Summit within IEEE • IEEE OA journals; OA publishing statistics and revenues • Updates to IEEE policies on article processing charges

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2. Conference Publications Committee update a. The number of IEEE-sponsored and cosponsored conferences grew

considerably in 2014. The new cosponsored conferences are being monitored to ensure technical integrity and quality.

b. Implementing plan to augment Xplore to distinguish between materials like short abstracts vs. actual peer-reviewed research papers.

3. Update on conditions in the overall scientific publishing industry a. IEEE publication revenue growth is significantly outperforming the overall

scientific and technical market b. Open Access, so far, has not had the impact that was projected a few

years ago. 4. Updates on interactive content in Xplore

a. 93% of periodicals and 37% of conferences are using the CrossCheck plagiarism detection tools. In 2014, this tool has found 872 cases of plagiarism and 1,669 cases of duplicate submissions.

b. IEEE Standards are being converted to interactive HTML, with a goal of being posted to Xplore by Q2 2015.

c. Legacy journal content is almost done being converted to interactive HTML. Legacy conference proceedings and magazines are also under way.

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REPORT M18124- 1 of 2

C:\Users\gsheedy\Desktop\REPORTS for Web Page\2014.06 - PSC Report - 18124.doc

TO: IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board – 19 June 2014 FROM: Suzanne Rivoire, MGA Liaison to IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services

Committee (PSC) SUBJECT: IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee (PSC) Report

(19 June 2014 Meeting) 1. The following matters were discussed in executive session. If individual

members of MGA would like more information on the content of these discussions, they should contact PSC chair John Baillieul ([email protected]).

a. Updates on IEEE’s global IP sales, including: • Overall revenue numbers • Sales of individual products and packages • Breakdown by sector (academia, industry, etc.) and by

geographic region • Comparisons with other scientific publishers

b. Updates on publications R&D initiatives, including: • Blended e-learning programs in India. These programs, which are

partially online with an in-person lab component, address the gap between Indian university education and corporate needs. The first such program, in the VLSI area, will be publicly available July 1. The program should also increase IEEE visibility and membership in India.

• University co-creation program: Partnerships with university courses to generate ideas for “content, analytics, and technology solutions for the corporate market.” The first two pilots, based at Boston University and Carnegie Mellon University, launched in Q1 and Q2 2014.

c. Updates on IEEE Xplore usage statistics and platform improvements: • Recent content additions: Bell Labs Technical Journal, MIT Press

eJournals • Recent feature additions: User comments, eBook alerts, HTML

magazines d. Updates on Professional Productivity Collaboration tools

• Joint project: MGA, PSPB, TAB • To include professional networking, document/research

management • On track for demo at Sections Congress

e. PSC approved a motion to offer selective packages of IEEE publications at low cost to “Tier 4” institutions (institutions that do not offer an MSCS, MSEE, or BSEE, including US community colleges). This offering has the potential to improve IEEE’s visibility at these institutions in the US and abroad.

f. Updates on IEEE’s pricing strategy

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g. Updates on open access (OA) to publications • IEEE OA publishing statistics and revenues • US and Chinese governments’ OA policies • Status of CHORUS (coalition of scholarly publishers for OA

content) • IEEE strategy document produced from OA Summit

2. Conference Committee update

a. Developing better financial reporting tools for conference organizers b. Developing standards for conference papers to distinguish materials like

short abstracts and front matter from actual research papers. c. Enforcing and communicating no-show policy, in which conference

organizers can remove non-presented papers from the proceedings and Xplore.

d. Quality initiative: inspected over 100,000 papers from suspect conferences and issued retraction notices.

e. PSC approved a motion asking PSPB to reconsider its proposed policy prohibiting the republishing of conference articles in journals.

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REPORT M16914- 1 of 1

PSC Report - 16914.doc

TO: IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board – 15 February 2014

FROM: Suzanne Rivoire, MGA Liaison to IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee (PSC)

SUBJECT: IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee (PSC) Report (13 February 2014 Meeting)

1. The following matters were discussed in executive session. If individual

members of MGA would like more information on the content of these

discussions, they should contact PSC chair John Baillieul ([email protected]). a. Open access (OA): updates on general trends in OA scientific publishing

and on OA statistics for IEEE publications b. Updates on IEEE’s global IP sales and on general R&D spending, both by

segment (corporate/academic/government) and by geography.

c. Updates on content that is being acquired and developed. d. Updates on IEEE Xplore usage statistics and platform improvements

e. Updates on three IEEE R&D initiatives f. Updates on the productivity and collaboration tool being jointly developed

by MGA, TAB, PSPB, and PSC

2. PSC approved a motion expressing support for changing the status of the

Product Ideation subcommittee, which comes up with ideas for new publications: a. PSC supports the drafting of a committee charter for consideration in June


b. The proposed structure of the new committee would have 7 voting members. Two of these spots would rotate among representing EAB, SA,

MGA, and IEEE-USA. 3. Interactive Content Project update

a. Updates on plagiarism detection with CrossCheck software: 93% of periodicals and 29% of conferences are using it.

b. Update on progress getting legacy content into Xplore and in converting archived publications to XML.

4. Conference committee update

a. Revisiting policy on what to do with conference papers that are accepted

but not actually presented. Right now, they are excluded from Xplore. b. Seeking to expand use of CrossCheck to 100% of conference publications

over the next few years.

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REPORT M11192- 1 of 2

C:\Documents and Settings\gsheedy\Desktop\Committee Agendas and Minutes for Web\REPORTS for Web Page\Committee - combined for web\2014

March Reports\00 Reports and Info - 2013.06 June\PSC Report - 11192.doc

TO: IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board - 29 June 2013

FROM: Suzanne Rivoire, MGA Liaison to IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee (PSC)

SUBJECT: IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee (PSC) Report (27 June 2013 Meeting)

1. The following matters were discussed in executive session. If individual

members of MGA would like more information on the content of these

discussions, they should contact PSC chair John Baillieul ([email protected]). a. Updates on sales of the IEEE Electronic Library

b. IEEE’s publication pricing strategy. c. IEEE’s open access strategy d. IEEE’s new open access publications

e. Initiatives to introduce new content, including collaborations with Morgan-Claypool and MIT Press

f. Collaborations on e-learning products in India 2. Recent enhancements to Xplore were presented:

a. Improved author search b. Open Access portal

c. New journal homepages emphasizing recent updates d. Inclusion of graphics in abstracts e. Improved article-level metrics on downloads and citations

f. Information on patents that cite articles

3. The Product Ideation subcommittee presented an update about its budget and composition, as it transitions from being an ad-hoc to a standing subcommittee. This committee is where volunteers influence publications products at an early


4. The Conference Publications Committee presented an update: a. The distribution of revenue from conferences and conference proceedings

is extremely complicated. The Committee recommends producing training materials for Societies so that they can value their conference portfolios accurately.

b. The committee wants to create a single portal for conference organizers with links to all of the tools used in generating and publishing

proceedings. c. The committee has adopted conference quality initiatives to prevent

abuse of the IEEE name.

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March Reports\00 Reports and Info - 2013.06 June\PSC Report - 11192.doc

5. Several new and upcoming tools were presented: a. FundRef is a new standardized format for including information about

funding sources in publications. It is being collaboratively developed by a group of publishers, including IEEE. This is increasingly important because different funders have different open access mandates.

b. Digital tools for authors: reference preparation assistant, graphics checking tool, PDF checkers, etc.

c. Technical Navigator (TechNav): portal to make IEEE content more accessible to non-researchers by doing a keyword search across the entire IEEE site (including, but not limited to Xplore).

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REPORT M9593- 1 of 1

R:\MGA ADMINISTRATION\0 - 2013.02 FEBRUARY BOARD MEETING\Agenda Items - 2013.02 February Agenda Items\Reports - 2013.02 February\PSC

Report - 9593.doc

TO: IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board - 16 February 2013

FROM: Suzanne Rivoire, MGA Liaison to IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee (PSC)

SUBJECT: IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee (PSC) Report (14 February 2013 Meeting)

1. The following matters were discussed in executive session. If individual

members of MGA would like more information on the content of these

discussions, they should contact PSC chair John Baillieul ([email protected]). a. Updates on IEEE publications products and sales

b. Conditions in the scientific publishing industry c. Updates on open access, including the forthcoming IEEE Access journal

and policies for IEEE authors posting articles on their own websites

d. Updates on 2012 changes to IEEE Xplore e. Updates on projects under development

2. The Conference Publication subcommittee presented a summary of their 2012

activities and goals for 2013.

a. Net income from conferences increased in 2012, but the number of sponsored conferences decreased slightly due to a decrease in TAB-

sponsored conferences. MGA-sponsored conferences increased in 2012.s b. In 2012, the average time to post conference proceedings to Xplore

reached an all-time low of 53.81 days.

3. The ad-hoc Product Ideation subcommittee was renewed for another year and

may become a standing committee in the future. While there is no formal representation on this committee for any OU, the current 5-member committee includes Marko Delimar to represent the MGA perspective.

4. Several enhancements to Xplore were presented:

a. Scanning and inclusion of “missing” articles, including several years of Spectrum from the late 1970s and early 1980s

b. Updates on the ongoing of Xplore content to XML/HTML format c. Updates on using CrossCheck tool to check all publications for plagiarism

5. Details on 2012 online subscription sales: a. Revenue from the corporate market grew by 9% over 2011.

b. Revenue from academia grew 8%, largely due India, China, and Mexico. c. In 2012, Asia-Pacific became the largest market by publication revenue

(over North America).

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REPORT M5619- 1 of 1

R:\MGA ADMINISTRATION\0 - 2012.06 JUNE BOARD MEETING\Agenda Items - 2012.06 June Agenda Items\00 Reports - 2012.06 June\TAB PSPB PSC

Report - 5619.doc

TO: IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board - 30 June 2012

FROM: Om Malik, MGA Liaison IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee (PSC)

SUBJECT: IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee Report (28 June 2012 Meeting)

1. Last year, the IEEE TAB/PSPB PSC eliminated the Conference Acquisition

payments for all technically co-sponsored conferences. At its meeting on

June 28, 2012, the IEEE TAB/PSPB PSC decided to recommend the elimination of Conference Acquisition payments for financially sponsored

conferences also. The IEEE Xplore revenue received by IEEE MGA previously was a net sum as the acquisition payments made directly to the conferences were deducted from the gross portion of IEEE MGA portion. This action to

eliminate conference acquisition payments will mean that the revenue to the conferences will be reduced by this sum and it will now flow to the IEEE MGA.

During 2011 a total of 601 financially sponsored conferences were held. This decision is expected to net just over 0.5 million extra dollars to IEEE MGA in respect of the IEEE Geo. Unit financially sponsored conferences.

2. IEEE TAB/PSPB PSC has recommended the establishment of a new style IEEE Journal, IEEE AccessTM. It will be a fully electronic, open access journal with

no print. It will have interdisciplinary, application oriented papers with a broad scope covering all IEEE fields of interest. The review process will be relatively easy, compared to standard Transactions papers, with

reject/accept decision. It will now be submitted for IEEE PSPB and IEEE TAB for approval before submitting to the IEEE Board for approval.

3. It was agreed to enter into a third party agreement with MIT to include MIT e-books in IEEE Xplore.

4. It is just for information that IEEE STM sales are of the order of $200 million

per year. 5. New enhancements in the presentation of articles in IEEE Xplore are taking

place during 2012.

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REPORT M2172- 1 of 1

C:\Documents and Settings\gsheedy\Desktop\0 - Committee Agendas and Minutes for Web\00 REPORTS for Web Page\Liaison Reports\psc_report_2012.02.doc

TO: IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board - 18 February 2012 FROM: Om Malik, MGA Liaison IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services

Committee (PSC) SUBJECT: IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee Report A summary of relevant items discussed at the IEEE TAB/PSPB PSC meeting on Feb. 16, 2012 is given below:

- Custom Technical Seminars A proof of concept proposal to present custom technical seminars on customer selected, interdisciplinary topics hosted at customer locations and attended by large number of attendees from customer’s business and delivered by IEEE endorsed presenters was approved by the PSC.

- Possible implementation details for a new type of open access journal, approved by the IEEE Board in 2011, were discussed. This open access journal is to contain applied articles for rapid publication and will have a broad, interdisciplinary scope.

- Forty new e-book titles are being added annually. - The question of all IEEE journals, conference publications, magazines, etc.

going to open access was discussed in detail. The current practices of various IEEE technical Societies in this regard were discussed. Further discussion on this topic will be on going.

- Publcation sales are doing well with 4.5 % increase in 2011 over 2010. - IEEE Xplore usage is going up every year with a new high achieved in 2011. - XML/HTML content conversion of Xplore content is in progress in response to

a schedule approved by the IEEE Board in 2011. Plan includes digital publishing to keep IEEE competitive in digital publishing and provide enhanced features, capabilities and contents.

- A total of 1305 conferences were acquired in 2011. 1209 conferences proceedings were received of which 381 were from Geo. Units. New technically conferences co-sponsored: 2010 – 103; 2011 – 93 New financially co-sponsored|: 2010- 55; 2011- 52 Submitted: Om Malik

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TO: IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board - 19 November 2011 FROM: Om Malik, MGA Liaison to IEEE TAB/PSPB PSC SUBJECT: IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee Report Highlights from the IEEE TAB/PSPB Products and Services Committee meeting of 2011-11-17 are given below.

- Special emphasis is being placed by the IEEE Marketing and Sales Design group to make IEEE products unique in respect of platform design, product design global sales, digital marketing and branding.

- A generic Top Level Domain, gTLD, name for IEEE is being pursued for registration by early 2012.

- A proof of concept for Custom Technical Seminars aimed at industry (corporate and government) customers, leveraging existing IEEE talent and assets, was approved for a period of 24 months.

- Misuse of IEEE Xplore and IEL by individual subscribers of these services has been noticed lately. A slightly revised access policy for individual subscribers to these services was approved.

- Four new releases of IEEE Xplore have been issued during 2011. Xplore now provides Cross-refs, citation by linking programs. Many more enhancements are coming in 2012.

- Advertising on the non-authenticated (public) Xplore traffic is being experimented with. It will add a new revenue stream for IEEE when implemented.

- A five point plan for the author pays option, giving the authors a choice to publish their work as open access (OA) has been extended to all IEEE journals. Extension of a variation of this to IEEE conferences is under consideration. Further experiments in OA publishing are being encouraged.

- A new style of journal, “IEEE Forum”, that is 100% OA with competitive author fee is being considered. It will publish in rapid time, electronic only articles with a broad scope that will focus on development, design and application papers. The papers will have a simplified peer review that will evaluate only the validity of presentation rather than its novelty or importance.

- IEEE Xplore is expanding to carry additional content. Also, IEEE is trying to establish a strengthened and competitive position in publishing.

- An Interactive Conference Content, ICX, project is underway and work is progressing on establishing conference publications requirements for ICX.

- Conference publication program surplus forecast for 2011 is about US$ 7 million and the forecast budget surplus for 2012 is US$ 7.6 million. It expects to acquire a total of 1315 conference proceedings during 2011, 683 financially sponsored, 547 technically sponsored and 85 non-sponsored. It is expected that about 500 MGA sponsored conference proceedings will be acquired in 2011.

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TO: IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board - 25 June 2011 FROM: Om Malik, MGA Liaison to PSPB/TAB Products and Services Committee SUBJECT: PSPB/TAB Products and Services Committee Report The committee met on 23 June 2011, and highlights of this meeting are given below:

- A proposal to revise the charter of the committee is under consideration although nothing definite has been put forward yet.

- IEEE Enterprise and e-books were the strongest contributors to the financial picture of the publications. IEL forecast an increase of over 9 million dollars over 2010 but 1 million under the 2011 budget. Overall 2011 results are forecast to just meet the 2011 budget. There is an indication that the revenues from IEEE Xplore are flattening out.

- All IEEE journals are now available in both print and online versions to institutions and subscribers.

- An increase of just under 5 % over 2011 pricing for all IEEE Publication packages was approved for 2012.

- Just like the IBM journal, VDE and Siam journals wil now be distributed through IEEE Xplore and there is a plan to distribute two journals from China, currently published in English, in the near future.

- It is proposed to introduce select third party ads into IEEE Xplore “non-authenticated” page views typically by non-subscribers.

- An extensive set of IEEE Education offerings through IEEE e-learning and IEEE iTunes University Beyond Campus are now available.

- IEEE-Wiley eBooks Library is available to all IEEE Members.

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TO: IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Board - 19 February 2011 FROM: Om Malik, MGA Liaison to PSPB/TAB Products and Services Committee SUBJECT: PSPB/TAB Products and Services Committee Report The committee met in Miami on 17 February 2011. Some of the items of interest are given below.

- With a strong revenue growth of 9.7 % over 2009, the year 2010 was a very successful year for Products and Services.

- New capabilities are being provided on IEEE Xplore. Xplore had four major releases in 2010 with significant enhancements and two more releases are planned for 2011.

- Third Party Partnerships are being pushed for extra products on Xplore. For this, the first thing is to establish a principle for evaluating third part content.

- Producing interactive content using XML project is making progress. Work on interactive articles will be done in stages over 24 months. This is a part of the Next Generation Article in Xplore. Demonstration of a pilot on Next Generation Article was given.

- Xplore is now available on mobile devices and it has started to draw good traffic.

- A new product ideation process to select new products is being explored. - IEEE Expert Now has now been replaced by eLearning. eLearning content and

webinars can be hosted at no charge to any IEEE unit.