Thoughts on IEEE Member and Geographic Activities and Geographic Activities for 2011 Howard E. Michel IEEE VP-MGA Region 2 Meeting Erie, PA 16 April 2011

Thoughts on IEEE Member and Geographic Activities for 2011sites.ieee.org/r2/files/2013/08/Michel-thoughts_on_MGA_for_region_2... · Thoughts on IEEE Member and Geographic Activities

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Thoughts on IEEE Member and Geographic Activities and Geographic Activities for 2011

Howard E. MichelIEEE VP-MGA

Region 2 MeetingErie, PA16 April 2011

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MGA Mission & VisionVision: Ensure Quality Member Opportunities Through Continuous Engagement

Mission: Inspire, Enable, Empower and Engage Members of IEEEF th fFor the purpose of…

- Fulfilling the mission of IEEE- Enhancing the member’s growth and development through their life cycle- Providing a professional home

Principles• The member is IEEE and IEEE is the member.• Members shape IEEE's future.

M b ll b IEEE' f• Members collaborate to create IEEE's future.• IEEE enhances members' future.

Goals• Increase member engagement.• Improve relationships with and between members.• Increase operational efficiency and effectiveness.• Enhance collaboration with other business units.

I b hi• Increase membership.


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Member and Geographic ActivitiesMember and Geographic Activities





M b

HQ/ Direct

•Communications from HQ/Direct Geounits Memberfrom HQ/Direct Marketing•Direct Access to IEEE Products &


IEEE Products & Services

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The LandscapeThe Landscape

Tactical– Continuity—delivering value in 2011In between– ConferencesStrategic– Re-invigorate and re-invent geo unitsg g Define in 2011 Bring together in 2012

I l t i 2013 Implement in 2013

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Continuity—delivering value in Continuity delivering value in 2011

Solidify the Membership MessageRegion 1-6 Strategyg gyMembership growth—400K+Center for Leadership ExcellenceCe te o eade s p ce e cevToolsSC11SC11

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The Member MessageThe Member MessageFocus on the MemberFocus on the Member, the Result will be Membership Growth, the Result will be Membership Growth


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The Region 1-6 StrategyThe Region 1 6 StrategyA Layered Strategy

•Software EngineeringPartnership

New Elements of Strategy

•Smart Grid•Wireless Communication•Intellectual Property Professional

•Industry & Employment Assistance• The Member Message

PartnershipMGAIEEE-USAComputer SocietyPower & Energy SocietyCommunications Society

Geographic Unit Revitalization


• The Member Message• Communication Campaign• New Models for


• The Physical Geographic k

Communications Society


Member Engagement

The Member

Network• IEEE Member Outreach• Metropolitan Workshops


MGAComputer Society MGA

The Member MGA


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Elements of the Region 1-6 Elements of the Region 1-6 Strategy Under-represented Markets & Value of Membership

•Software Engineering Package Bundle•Computing Professionals Conference

Computer Society

Employment Assistance & Career TransitionUnder-represented Markets & Value of Membership


•Smart Grid•Plain Talk Courses

Power & Energy Society

Employment Assistance & Career TransitionUnder-represented Markets & Value of Membership

•Plain Talk Courses Society

• Wireless Communications• Wireless Telecommunications

Communications S i

Employment Assistance & Career Transition

• Wireless Telecommunications CoursesSociety

•Intellectual Property Professionals•On Line Career ManagerIEEE USA

Under-represented Markets & Value of Membership

Value of Membership

•On-Line Career Manager•Employment Networks


• Industry Engagement & Employment MGA

Employment Assistance & Career Transition


Employment Assistance & Career Transition

Assistance• Consumer Awareness


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Member & Geographic ActivitiesMember & Geographic ActivitiesGeographic Unit Revitalization

Regional seed money focused on geographic unit – Regional seed money focused on geographic unit revitalization.

– Regions provide matching funds for projects focused on member-focused engagement.member focused engagement.

Metropolitan Area Workshops– Inter-Regional workshops that focus on the elements of

the Region 1-6 strategy.

Communication CampaignMobilize the physical geographic network of Regions – Mobilize the physical geographic network of Regions, Sections, Chapters, and Student Branches.

– Deliver new marketing material.

Industry Engagement & Employment Assistance – 2010 – Region 3 Pilot … NIC funding– 2011 – Export best practices to other Regions9

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Metropolitan Area WorkshopsMetropolitan Area WorkshopsFocus on large metropolitan areas to maximize participants and accessibility.Large-scale, multi-day, multi-track event focused on training and certification of technical professionals and education of the local consumer.Focus is on under represented markets and potential growth Focus is on under-represented markets and potential growth sectors.Hosted by Regions, Sections and Chapters with technical content provided by Societies to maximize engagement and collaboration.

Plenary PresentationsPlenary PresentationsSmartSmart Grid Grid –– Software Engineering Software Engineering –– Wireless CommunicationsWireless Communications

For the Technical ProfessionalFor the Technical Professionalprovided by Societies to maximize engagement and collaboration.Segments potentially simulcast or webcast to other geographic units.Include IEEE and Society membership information and drive.

For the Technical ProfessionalFor the Technical ProfessionalSmart Grid Track Software Engineering

TrackCommunications Track

For the Technical

For the Non-Technical


Information Technology

2-Day Wireless Communication

Multiple ½-Day Tutorialy p

Geographic units facilitate pre-workshop virtual preparation. Professional

PES Plain Talk courses about the Smart Grid


PES Plain Talk courses for the

Non-Engineering Power

g g gyCourse


Multiple ½-Day Tutorial

Coursesthe Smart Grid for Power


Power Professional

Banquet Plenary PresentationsBanquet Plenary PresentationsFocus on the LocalFocus on the Local Community Community –– The Local ConsumerThe Local Consumer10

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IEEE Membershipp397,001


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The IEEE Center for Leadership E ll (CLE) d l th Excellence (CLE) develops the member as a volunteer and f t l dfuture leader


Best Practices




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vTools projectsMeetings and L31– Available for use now!WebInABoxWebInABox– Available for use now!Votingg– Available for use now!Finance

W ki t fi d l ti f T– Working to find a solution for TreasurersStudent Branch Reporting– Beta started in May, 2010Beta started in May, 2010

Visit http://vtools.ieee.org

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SC 2011 - Focus AreasT i iTraining– Emphasize the member – Member Development &

resourcesC i t th l f b hi / b – Communicate the value of membership/member engagement

Feedback/Continuous Engagementf ff– Refined efficient recommendation process to create

member-focused recommendations

Networking– Opportunities for section leaders from around the world to

connect with all aspects of the IEEE to improve services for their membersPoster sessions including local activities and membership – Poster sessions including local activities and membership opportunities

– Connections with IEEE societies, councils and affinity groups such as at the Sunday CHM eventg oups suc as at t e Su day C e e t

– Exhibits on IEEE Services/Products available14

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Developing RecommendationsDeveloping Recommendations

Each Region is requested to develop g q precommendations that think “long term”– How will geographic units – volunteer and members – be

doing business differently as result of technology?– How should Sections be rethinking their volunteer and

member engagement strategies?member engagement strategies?– By 2015, people born between the years of 1977-1998 will

make up more than 40% of the workforce. How does IEEE prepare for this future workforce and their needs? How p pdoes IEEE attract this segment of the workforce to engage with IEEE?

– The paradigm is shifting. How can IEEE think locally and l b ll i hi i ?act globally in this new environment?


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In Between --In Between Conference Tiger Team

Develop mutually supportive relationships with other IEEE OUsSt t i t d b d th Strategies to grow and broaden the conference program

conferences relevant to geographic units – conferences relevant to geographic units and working professions

– emerging cross-disciplinary fields of emerging cross disciplinary fields of interest.

Provide input on an MGA conference pbusiness strategy


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Strategica g

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Member is important and nowMember is important, and now…

Re-Invigorateand Re Invent Geo Unitsand Re-Invent Geo Units

Agree on a set of functions and processes & empower and processes, & empower geo units to achieve them

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Central ThoughtCentral Thought

Define SuccessReward Good BehaviorEmpower Innovation

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Define Success – 2011Define Success 2011

Develop a comprehensive set of Develop a comprehensive set of Region and Section functions –that support the new paradigmpp p g

Establish a baseline at the Region Establish a baseline at the Region level

VC Geographic Units Operational Support Committee to take the Support Committee to take the lead

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Reward Good Behavior – 2011Reward Good Behavior 2011

Look at all the money coming into MGA, what type of activities , ypgenerate income, and where it goesg

Region Finance ad hoc committee to Region Finance ad hoc committee to take the lead

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Empower Innovation – 2011Empower Innovation 2011

Operationalize Regional Geographic Strategy that empowers innovation gy pand collaboration – that supports the new paradigmp g

VC Strategic Development and VC Strategic Development and Environmental Assessment Committee to take the leadCommittee to take the lead

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If we are successful we will If we are successful, we will have…

Delivered member products and value!SC11Developed Regional Geo StrategiesDelivered on Region 1 – 6 StrategyMembership growth—400K+ Laid the foundation so that in 2012 the IEEE Member Message will resonate with all Geo units