Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin Rick Lumpkin ([email protected]) ([email protected]) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) Miami, Florida USA CLIMODE PI workshop, 6-7 August 2008

Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin ([email protected]) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

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Page 1: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation

Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation

Rick LumpkinRick Lumpkin([email protected])([email protected])

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML)

Miami, Florida USA

CLIMODE PI workshop, 6-7 August 2008

Page 2: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

.)('2 tx

Ensemble average


U t



Page 3: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Richardson’s 4/3 law

Richardson (1926): observed smoke spreading from a stack. Realized that diffusion must be scale-dependent (bigger at larger separation distances). Proposed

Obukov (1941): Richardson’s law is a result of energy cascade from large to small scales (inertial subrange) in 3D turbulence.




y in



Wavenumber k



y E


Energy cascade

Enstrophy cascade


3/5k2D turbulence: energy cascade to large scale, enstrophy cascade to small scale (Kraichnan, 1967). Richardson’s law followed in energy cascade range; exponential growth of particle separation in enstrophy cascade range (Lin, 1972).

Page 4: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Finite Scale Lyapunov Exponents (FSLEs)


U t

Separation distance

Pick such that growth of is given by ).exp(0 t

(Exponential growth if is constant, but more generally can vary with .)

Page 5: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

FSLEs, continued.

Over interval (n, n+1) in which is approximately constant,

)./ln()( 11 nnnn tt

For n+1 = n, this becomes:

nn t



where tn is the mean time for the separation distance to grow from n to n.

Unlike dispersion, which averages the data in time, this approach averages the data in separation distance.

Page 6: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Dispersion regimes

D2(t) Regime

exp(0t) 0 exponential

t2 ballistic

t3 Richardson

t diffusive

Relative Dispersion FSLE Dispersion

From Haza et al., 2007

Page 7: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Relative dispersion observations in the oceanLaCasce and Bower, 2000: float pairs in the western North Atlantic. Dispersion follows Richardson’s law from the smallest resolvable distance (>deformation radius of 20km) to 60—100km.

LaCasce and Ohlmann, 2003: drifter pairs in the Gulf of Mexico.

Separation is exponential at scales smaller than deformation

radius(~45km). Richardson law behavior at larger scales.




Page 8: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Limitations of earlier data LaCasce and Bower (2000), LaCasce and Ohlmann (2003) were forced to rely on chance pairs. Floats: not enough chance pairs at distances smaller than 1st Baroclinic Rossby radius.Drifters: Dense array allowed resolution at smaller scales, but Argos positioning system provided only a few fixes per day on average, with gaps as long as a day common.

Do chance pairs present an unbiased sample of the statistics of the turbulent field? This cannot be tested without intentional pairs: pairs launched close to each other at various points in the turbulent field.

What is the effect of undersampling in time? Higher frequency data is needed. Argos multisatellite processing: introduced January 2005. Mean time between fixes decreased from 6 hours to 1 hour.

Page 9: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Drifter observations during February—March 2007 cruise, R/V Knorr

Goal: measure dispersion, eddy fluxes

CLIMODE observations

Page 10: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

60 drifters deployed: 16 trios, 6 pairs.

Median spacing of satellite fixes: 1.2 hours

Page 11: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

60 drifters deployed: 16 trios, 6 pairs. One drifter failed.

Median spacing of satellite fixes: 1.2 hours

Page 12: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)


rms displacement: 1.5km


55 pairs with earliest fixes <700m

Solid black: zonal. Dashed black: meridional.

Grey dashed: D2=(3.5109 m2 s3 )t3

(Richardson’s Law)

Noise level of Argos positioning


(5.8104 m2 /s)

(2.9104 m2 /s)

Page 13: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Evidence of exponential behavior at short times?

Dashed black:.

95% confidence


Page 14: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)


Stars: methodology of LaCasce (first crossing approach).

Circles: methodology of Haza, Özgökmen (fastest crossing approach).

Methodologies converge at large scales. Slopes very different at intermediate scales.

nn t



Neither approach indicates exponential behavior (constant ) from the smallest scales to the first baroclinic Rossby radius, ~30 km (Chelton et al., 1998).

Page 15: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Early behavior (<1.5km)

.2urmseff Tu

~rmsu 1—2 m/s

~uT 5—20 s

eff 25 m2/s

Page 16: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Long time behavior (>300km)

Diffusive behavior, governed by a two-particle diffusivity of K=3—6

104 m2/s at separation scales greater than 300—500 km. This is consistent with a single-particle effective diffusivity of eff=1.5—3 104 m2/s.

Page 17: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Single-particle diffusivities

Davis (1991):

Zhurbas and Oh (2003): Use minor principle component for robust scalar lateral diffusivity in presence of mean shear.

.),|(),|(),( 00'

00' tttdttvt kjjk xxx

Left: single-particle diffusivity from 1500 unique drifters in the Gulf Stream and recirculation region, 1989—present.

Pair dispersion: eff=1.5—3 104 m2/s. Comparison suggests that mean shear amplifies zonal pair spreading, but not meridional spreading, to lowest order.

Mean interpolated onto CLIMODE drifter positions:

1.6104 m2/s (std.dev. 7103)

Mean semimajor axis:

5.8 104 m2/s.

Page 18: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

1.5 km—300 km:

Then diffusion .2





1 3/43/12rmsxax


,' 2/32 axxrms .1043




Lagrangian structure function vs. separation distance for 55 CLIMODE drifter pairs. Inertial range behavior is seen for separations from 1.5-300km.


21 )(d




Intermediate behavior

Page 19: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Why no enstrophy cascade in Gulf Stream recirculation? (Why so different from Gulf of Mexico drifters of LaCasce and Ohlmann, 2003?)

Hypothesis 1: there isn’t an observable enstrophy cascade in CLIMODE region at these scales (with respect to dispersion).

• Significant energy input at a scale of 1-2 km (2—4x mixed layer depth) to the first baroclinic Rossby radius. Mixed layer submesoscale turbulence. This is overwhelming an enstrophy cascade from larger scales.

• Richardson’s Law scaling may not be due to energy cascade. E.g., Bowden, 1965: 4/3 law behavior can be caused by small-scale mixing superimposed on large-scale shear.

Test of hypothesis 1a: in a more quiet part of the ocean, away from the energetic Gulf Stream region, drifters will behave more like LaCasce and Ohlmann’s Gulf of Mexico drifters and demonstrate enstrophy cascade-like behavior at scales smaller than 1st BC.

Page 20: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Eastern subtropical Atlantic drifters

Drifters deployed as part of a 2005—2006 comparison study of drifters from different manufacturers.

All drifters deployed within a few meters of each other.

18 drifter pairs had initial separation distances less than 700m (accuracy of Argos positioning).

Page 21: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Eastern subtropical Atlantic drifters

Page 22: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Why no enstrophy cascade in Gulf Stream recirculation? (Why so different from Gulf of Mexico drifters of LaCasce and Ohlmann, 2003?)

Hypothesis 2: chance pairs (like in LaCasce and Ohlmann) present a biased sampling of the statistics of the turbulent field.

• Where energetic submesoscale features exist, they may prevent chance encounters. Convergent regions may be characterized by a steeper wavenumber spectral slope.

Test of hypothesis 2: repeat study for chance pairs in the Gulf Stream region.

Page 23: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Gulf Stream chance pairs

29 chance pairs in the region 25—45°N, 40—80°W, 2005—2007, that came within 10 km of each other (bullets). Trajectories before (light grey) and after (dark grey) closest approach are also shown.

Only 9 pairs came within 700m of each other.

Page 24: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Gulf Stream chance pairs

Page 25: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Why so different from Gulf of Mexico drifters of LaCasce and Ohlmann, 2003?

Hypothesis 3: Increased temporal resolution of these data, due to multisatellite processing introduced since LaCasce and Ohlmann (2003).

• Some transitions from to are extremely fast, even for relatively large . These would be missed at daily resolution, and lead to smaller FSLEs.

Test of hypothesis 3: repeat study for CLIMODE drifters subsampled to daily resolution.

LaCasce (2008, in press): original Gulf of Mexico data, daily resolution (open white stars). Interpolated to higher resolution (stars, triangles): plateau of constant shifts to very small scales.

Page 26: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

CLIMDE drifter FSLEs, daily resolution

Page 27: Relative dispersion in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation Rick Lumpkin (Rick.Lumpkin@noaa.gov) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)


• As part of CLIMODE, an array of 60 drifters were deployed in February and March 2007 to resolve relative dispersion, mixing and stirring in the Gulf Stream and its recirculation.

• Drifters collected velocity and SST measurements at ~hourly resolution.

• Relative dispersion consistent with Richardson’s Law behavior at separation of 1.5—300 km. At larger separation, pairs exhibit diffusive spreading with effective eddy diffusivities of 1—3 x 104 m2/s.

• No evidence of enstrophy cascade at sub-deformation scales.

• Most likely reason: significant energy input at submesoscale, via frontal and mixed layer instabilities.

• This appears to be a ubiquitous characteristic of the ocean, even away from the Gulf Stream front, as suggested by eastern subtropical Atlantic drifters.

• Earlier results consistent with QG turbulence expectations at sub-mesoscale were affected by temporal resolution of those data.