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Question 6 presentation

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Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from

the process of constructing the product?

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The process of constructing our final product was a very beneficial time for the members of our group as we became educated upon concepts that we were completely unaware of in previous times. It was a major learning curve in terms of media topics and the aspects used throughout the filming industry. Technology played a huge role in the creation of our G321 film and without it the final piece will have been to a much lower standard of quality if we had not taken advantage of the benefits that accompanies its use.

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Filming the project was a vital segment in the construction process

obviously and it was extremely important that we used the camera to the

best of our abilities to achieve high quality shots that displayed our

ability. Prior to this we had very limited experience with using the

cameras we had been supplied with, however we did pick up basic

concepts and tricks when recording our prelim task so we would have

some knowledge of the equipment when it came to actually creating our

G321 film. Though some of our camera shots may have been improvised

in some places but in general I feel as if our camera work was done to the

best of our ability’s given our limited experience and short time frame to

complete these tasks.

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• Throughout the process of editing our projects we had to make sure that we were

familiar with the editing software (Final Cut). At first glance the program came as

very complicated and difficult to grasp. Although once we had become more

comfortable with the software, we were able to cut clips and render them for

viewing as well adding in sound effects we had created/found. Though there were

many aspects the program that were left undiscovered or unused due to our

familiarity but we were still able to produce a finished product for both our prelim

and G321 task.

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The sound and the different effects in which the viewer can hear and take in when watching any

film is one of the most important aspects. To grasp this aspect and to ensure that it was too a high

enough standard of quality to equate to a professional degree, we made sound one of our main

focus points, and technology helped this greatly. The Garage band software in which we decided

to use played a major role in acquiring the needed effects and backing tracks to help make our film

fit the horror genre suitably. Before the project we struggled in using the software to help create

the required elements as we were uneducated on how to use it. However, as time went on and we

continued to try and use the software in the creation process of our project, we became more

knowledgeable upon the use of the garage band software with the constant use of the Loops

feature, the ability to record sounds and to create unique tracks with provided musical elements.

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The research process of our G321 task was very important, however we didn’t know

about the alternative resources that technology provides. We were given websites like

‘Box Office Mojo’ and ‘IMDB’ to find statistics of films that we were closely relation our

project to. ‘Box Office Mojo’ is a website which contains an archive of information from

the film industry. This includes studio market shares, net profits and how much money

films and their studios made on the first week of release etc. These resources helped us

massively in the research process because it gave us a better idea of what to aim for

when we were creating our own film.

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• We used software such as Photoshop throughout our project for creating our

company logo and our Opie Task. Once again we had very limited experience

when using the program so we had to learn as we were using it, although we

found it pretty straight forward and we were able to use Photoshop to a

respectable standard and also in the process we had learned some skills that

would be translatable to other pieces of software.

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