Question 4 presentation

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Page 2: Question 4 presentation

Using the internet in order to gain feedback from my

film was very useful and helped me out a lot, not only

because the internet is a very popular search engine,

therefore more of my target audience are likely to see

it, but also it made the whole process a lot easier.

I used different social networking sites such as

Facebook, by using web 2.0 it enabled me to gain

feedback a lot faster rather than gaining secondary

information through things such as questionnaires. This

therefore enabled me to make changes and re adjust

my film to conform more to what my target audience

were looking for.

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By having the internet through the use of YouTube for example, this

also helped the process of making my film and ancillaries must more

easier and quicker, to the best ability possible. This is because as I

used YouTube to watch professional, already existing films that fitted

into the same hybrid genre as mine, it helped me, like mentioned in

my own YouTube video, gain different ideas. When finishing my film,

looking back at pre existing films such as Paranormal Activity and

Blair Witch Project i was able to compare my film to these in order to

see if it would be likely to appeal to my target audience.

The internet also enabled to to search for preexisting material of

film posters and magazine reviews in order to see the forms and

conventions of what they look like so I was able to follow these

conventions in order to gain a professional looking product.

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Screen Shots of the use of the internet.

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Despite the use of the internet and the different websites

helping me out through my media coursework process,

there is along with pros, various cons.


Fast easy feedback

Different effective tools, eg Wordle

Helpful information


Internet may be slow- not very helpful

Could gain feedback which isn’t very constructive, but

rather offensive and therefore it could offend people

Self taught

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Due to there being feedback which can be

offensive to me as I have created a short film from

scratch, I wanted to get feedback from a group of

people who had never seen my film before in order

to get more views of my film from a different variety

of people.

Like shown in the post below, I showed my film to a

group of school students which I gained a lot of very

useful feedback from which I hadn’t particularly

heard before.

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IMovie was also one of the most important tools which I used in

the making of my coursework. This is because this was the

programme, like mentioned in the previous presentation to make

my film.

At first I had never used the programme before, and so I didn’t

enjoy using it as I wasn’t really sure how to use it. However,

throughout the making of my short film I began to understand how

to use it, therefore I began to enjoy making my film and the editing

stages a lot


Once I had made my film, in order to gain feedback I

used IMovie in order to edit any feedback which I received

if their was any pauses etc.

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The second most important programme which I used was

Photoshop. This was because this was the programme in which I

created both of my ancillary pieces. As I had used this programme for

media last year I was familiar with it, however there were some

aspects which I needed to remind myself of as I had either not used it

last year, or I had forgot how to do it, I either asked peers in my class

how to do it, or I looked at Youtube tutorials. This helped me lot as I

was therefore able to know what to do and again go ahead in the

process of making both my movie poster and magazine review. I

really enjoyed making both of these as I was able to look at already

pre existing materials and see all of the usual codes and conventions

which you would find in both of these products and once I had

finished the process, again I was able to compare my items to

professional ones.

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One of my most useful programmes which I used was

Slideshare, this was so I was able to create powepoints

in ‘Microsoft Word Powerpoint’ and then convert the film

in order for it to be able to be viewed onto my blog. I

think that it helped me out a lot, and also enabled

different aspects to show and evaluate my work rather

than to just post it straight to my blog.

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The most important use of equipment that I used

throughout my whole media coursework process was my

camcorder. Despite me using my own, I had never before

had any need to use it, and therefore I didn’t particularly

know how to use it, or even how to upload any footage

from my camcorder to a computer. Therefore filming a

short film was likely to be a hard task for me to create ,

however, through the use of different preliminary tasks to

practice my camera skills, lighting and different shots

enabled me to get use to how to use the camcorder and

what would be effective within the hybrid genre that I was

likely to create.

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The previous slide which held four different pictures were

screen shots from two of the preliminary filming's that I

created. I wanted to film as much as I could before I

created my film in order to not only understand how to

work everything, but also to make it as good as it could be.

The use of the camcorder helped me a lot as it enabled

me to actually shoot my film, and it stored all of the shots

which I created in one place if I needed to go back to them.

Not only this it was really easy to upload to the computer

through a fire wire cable that opened up the film in Imovie.