RESEARCHING + PLANNING Q7. Looking back at the Prelim Task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Presentation Question 7

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RESEARCHING + PLANNINGQ7. Looking back at the Prelim Task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

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In the Prelim, I did not research anything before filming. This is because I was given a small sheet of the scenario that was to be filmed which was only 2 sentences long. Therefore, I could tell that the footage I would be filming would be very short.

Before filming the opening of 2Lives, a lot of research was taken into coming up with the idea for the opening. This was done in great detail as there was a lot of time, thus, the use of more resources.

The internet was a great help for research as I was able to go on YouTube and look at different film openings along with typical forms and conventions which would have then inspired me to make my own

I also learnt how to present my research in different ways through the various programs I would be able to use such as Prezi or Timetoast.

(Other research in blogging I used are shown in a Camtasia video I done below).

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In the Prelim and the Teen Film Opening, I've used a storyboard for both so I would know what shot would be filmed. The only difference is that the Teen Film Opening was more detailed and included things like timing and editing as well.

Therefore, I already knew how essential it was for a storyboard to be needed before filming. But from the Teen Opening, I learnt it is better to give in depth and give as much detail as possible in terms of camera shots, timing, movement, editing and sound to make it easier and clearer for us when filming.

We did our planning for our film in great detail compared to the Prelim task.

I've learnt how to use more programs such as Creative Commons to find Copy right music and be able to add sound effects to Final Cut Pro which I didn't know before when doing the Prelim task.

(More on planning on Camtasia video I done below.)

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In the Prelim, since I was the one acting, I didn't do any filming.

But when filming the Teen Opening, I participated a lot and also developed my camera skills from the Prelim.

I learnt the basics such as how to put the camcorder onto the tripod and fig rig which I struggled with before in the Prelim and even when I was researching for the opening.

I learnt the settings of the camera, so the difference between Auto and Manual.

The lighting was more better in the Prelim than it was in our teen opening as we had to reshoot some of the opening due to bad light.

In the teen opening, I used a number of shots whereas in the prelim, the maximum used was 10-15 shots.

The shots in the teen opening were more sophisticated in terms of camera work. For example, I used 360 degree pan when filming the character take of her headscarf. Other shots used were extreme closeup on the character's face when she is putting on make up.

The Mis en scene was quite limited in the Prelim, as all there was is a scene of the outside and inside of the classroom and the only props we used were the chair and desks .

In the teen opening I used a range of misenscene such as costume (the burka and the short dress), we used props such as the prayer mat, cigarette, drink. We used more location such as the interior and exterior of the two house, the alleyway and the street.

All these elements were used together to create the representation of our two characters-a good girl and a bad girl.

Therefore, I decided to develop this in my opening and use more shots, so different park of the house and the streets.

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• (Other camera shot I used are shown in a Camtasia video I done below).

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As I was didn't do any editing, all I learnt in Final Cut Pro was the basics of editing, e.g. input and output to cut the shots and

After doing the prelim, I progressed so much as I know how to add effects, transition, texts and blend in music using cross fade.

Plus I used a crosscut between two separate scenes to provide a contrast between the two characters.

I used filters as well to edit character's face.

To add MP4 music into the timeline, I learnt how to first convert it into AIFF format so I was able to play and edit it in Final Cut Pro.

Also, I know how to export the file to MP4 using Quick Time Conversion and HandBrake when uploading it in the blog.

(Other effects I used are shown in a Camtasia video I done below).