doi: 10.1098/rstb.2010.0119 , 2711-2722 365 2010 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B Frans B. M. de Waal and Malini Suchak Prosocial primates: selfish and unselfish motivations References http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/365/1553/2711.full.html#ref-list-1 This article cites 107 articles, 13 of which can be accessed free Rapid response http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/letters/submit/royptb;365/1553/2711 Respond to this article Subject collections (1389 articles) behaviour Articles on similar topics can be found in the following collections Email alerting service here right-hand corner of the article or click Receive free email alerts when new articles cite this article - sign up in the box at the top http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/subscriptions go to: Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B To subscribe to This journal is © 2010 The Royal Society on August 3, 2010 rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org Downloaded from

Prosocial primates: selfish and unselfish motivations · Prosocial primates: selfish and unselfish motivations Frans B. M. de Waal* and Malini Suchak Living Links, Yerkes National

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Page 1: Prosocial primates: selfish and unselfish motivations · Prosocial primates: selfish and unselfish motivations Frans B. M. de Waal* and Malini Suchak Living Links, Yerkes National

doi: 10.1098/rstb.2010.0119, 2711-2722365 2010 Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B

 Frans B. M. de Waal and Malini Suchak Prosocial primates: selfish and unselfish motivations  


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Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B (2010) 365, 2711–2722



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Prosocial primates: selfish and unselfishmotivations

Frans B. M. de Waal* and Malini Suchak

Living Links, Yerkes National Primate Research Center and Psychology Department,Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA

Non-human primates are marked by well-developed prosocial and cooperative tendencies asreflected in the way they support each other in fights, hunt together, share food and console victimsof aggression. The proximate motivation behind such behaviour is not to be confused with theultimate reasons for its evolution. Even if a behaviour is ultimately self-serving, the motivationbehind it may be genuinely unselfish. A sharp distinction needs to be drawn, therefore, between(i) altruistic and cooperative behaviour with knowable benefits to the actor, which may leadactors aware of these benefits to seek them by acting cooperatively or altruistically and (ii) altruisticbehaviour that offers the actor no knowable rewards. The latter is the case if return benefits occurtoo unpredictably, too distantly in time or are of an indirect nature, such as increased inclusivefitness. The second category of behaviour can be explained only by assuming an altruistic impulse,which—as in humans—may be born from empathy with the recipient’s need, pain or distress.Empathy, a proximate mechanism for prosocial behaviour that makes one individual share another’semotional state, is biased the way one would predict from evolutionary theories of cooperation (i.e.by kinship, social closeness and reciprocation). There is increasing evidence in non-human primates(and other mammals) for this proximate mechanism as well as for the unselfish, spontaneous natureof the resulting prosocial tendencies. This paper further reviews observational and experimentalevidence for the reciprocity mechanisms that underlie cooperation among non-relatives, for inequityaversion as a constraint on cooperation and on the way defection is dealt with.

Keywords: cooperation; prosocial behaviour; non-human primates; reciprocity

1. INTRODUCTIONThe common claim that humans are the only trulyaltruistic species, since all non-human animals areself-interested and only care about return benefits(e.g. Dawkins 1976; Kagan 2000; Fehr & Fischbacher2003; Silk et al. 2005), conflates individual motivationwith the possible reason for a behaviour’s evolution,i.e. it confuses proximate and ultimate causes. Inorder to be literally selfishly motivated, an animalneeds to be aware how its behaviour will ultimatelybenefit itself or its immediate kin. For most altruisticbehaviour (e.g. behaviour that increases the fitness ofthe recipient while decreasing the actor’s direct fit-ness), evidence for such awareness is lacking.Therefore, the more parsimonious assumption aboutthe proximate motivation behind altruistic behaviouris that it is either unconcerned with outcomes orsimply altruistic.

It may be useful to divide cooperative and altruisticbehaviour into two categories: (i) behaviour thatbenefits others, but also benefits the actor in such away that the actor can potentially learn about thesebenefits and (ii) behaviour that benefits others,

r for correspondence ([email protected]).

ntribution of 14 to a Theme Issue ‘Cooperation andn: from evolution to mechanisms’.


whereas its potential return benefits remain obscureeither because they are not open to direct experience(e.g. increased inclusive fitness) or so unpredictableand/or distant in time that it is unlikely that the actorwill associate them with the original behaviour.Whereas the first category may lead to selfishly motiv-ated altruism and cooperation, this cannot hold for thesecond category. Even though the second categorymay very well be evolutionarily self-serving (e.g. ultim-ately increases the actor’s fitness through reciprocalaltruism or inclusive fitness), such behaviour is bestconsidered motivationally autonomous in the same waythat sexual motivation is autonomous, i.e. independentof the ultimate goal of reproduction. Thus, from aproximate perspective, aiding behaviour may be genu-inely altruistic in that the actor performs it withoutselfish ends in mind (de Waal 2008).

In humans, the most widely assumed autonomousmotivation for altruism is empathy (Batson 1991),which has also been proposed for other mammals(de Waal 1996, 2008). Empathy is the capacity to (i) beaffected by and share the emotional state of another(e.g. emotional contagion), (ii) assess the reasons forthe other’s state and/or (iii) identify with the other,adopting his or her perspective (de Waal 2008). Notall altruistic behaviour requires empathy, though.When animals alert others to an outside threat, sacrificethemselves by stinging an intruder or vocally attract

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others to discovered food, biologists may speak ofaltruism or cooperation, yet such behaviour is unlikelyto be based on empathy with the beneficiary. Indeed,these behaviours are probably inborn responses to cer-tain stimuli performed with little consideration for theexact situation of the recipients. The role of empathyis limited to so-called directed altruism, defined as help-ing or comforting behaviour directed at an individualin need, pain or distress. A detailed discussion of theneural basis of this mechanism is beyond the scopeof this paper, but it has been proposed that empathyrelies on automatically activated state-matching thatproduces shared representations and similar emotions(Preston & de Waal 2002; Decety & Jackson 2006).Probably, this mechanism is a mammalian universal,given that part of its assumed neural underpinningswere first discovered in macaques (e.g. mirror neur-ons; Rizzolatti et al. 1996) and that emotionalcontagion (often considered the starting point ofempathy) is increasingly studied in rodents (Langfordet al. 2006; Chen et al. 2009; Grenier & Luthi 2010).Mirroring mechanisms permit one individual to res-onate with the emotional state of another, thuspriming this individual for actions appropriate to theother’s state, such as when a mother is distressed athearing the distress calls of her young resulting incomforting behaviour (Panksepp 1996). Oxytocinacts as a hormonal mechanism to facilitate empathy,which in game theory experiments causes humans tobecome more generous (Zak et al. 2007; Barraza &Zak 2009).

This paper introduces terminology related to theproximate side of cooperation and prosocial behaviourand starts out with behaviour of which the pay-offs areknowable to the actors, thus permitting them to strivefor these pay-offs. Next, it will address cooperationand altruism that serve others without any direct,knowable benefits to the actor, ranging from so-calledother-regarding preferences to spontaneous consolationof distressed parties. Finally, we will consider circum-stances under which these behavioural mechanismsare inhibited or thwarted, and how animals handlecheaters. By the nature of our own research, thisreview will be biased towards non-human primates,even though the discussed mechanisms probablyapply outside the primate order.


Perhaps the easiest way to learn the benefits ofcooperation is when all parties receive benefitsimmediately following the cooperative act. Suchcooperation has been observed in a great variety oftaxa, including the mutual grooming of impala, mob-bing of predators by European blackbirds andcooperative predation on the embryos of large fish byschools of wrasse in order to overcome paternaldefences (Dugatkin 1997).

A typical example is cooperative hunting in whichthe pay-off quickly follows the effort. Among primates,group hunting and meat-sharing are known of capu-chin monkeys (Perry & Rose 1994; Rose 1997) and

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chimpanzees (Boesch 1994). Among chimpanzees atTaı Forest, in Ivory Coast, meat is almost alwaysshared, and active participants in the hunt haveeasier access to it than individuals that did not helpcapture the prey (Boesch 1994). It is important tonote, however, that meat-sharing following huntingseems to be dependent on whether or not multipleindividuals are required to catch the prey. Thus, inGombe National Park chimpanzees do not reliablyhunt cooperatively, since there is high success forsingle hunters, and as a result there may be lessemphasis on sharing (Stanford 1996). Differences inmeat-sharing may therefore be explained by differinglevels of cooperation required to obtain the food,so that sharing functions more as reciprocal benefitsfor participating in the hunt than as altruisticprovisioning.

Cooperative hunting can be mimicked in the labora-tory by letting individuals work together to gain accessto food. The first such experiment was conducted byCrawford (1937), who let two juvenile chimpanzeespull ropes simultaneously to bring in a box with foodtoo heavy for a single individual to bring in. Aftertraining, the apes worked together and demonstratedtheir understanding of the task by recruiting reluctantpartners whose motivation had been reduced by foodintake prior to the test. They activated these partnersby gently slapping their backs.

Crawford’s classical mutualism experiment inspiredmany others, including a test by Melis et al. (2006a) onthe chimpanzees’ understanding of their partner’s role.Chimpanzees were allowed to choose whether or notto recruit a helper. In the solo condition, the apparatuswas set up such that the individual could pull in adrawer with food alone. In the mutualism condition,the individual needed a partner to help them obtainfood for both. The chimpanzees were able to open adoor to give partners access to the testing apparatusand did so significantly more often when theyneeded help than when they were able to pull by them-selves. Furthermore, after learning that certainindividuals were more reliable collaborators thanothers, when given the option of recruiting differentcollaborators, chimpanzees preferentially gave accessto the best ones. A follow-up study gave subjects theoption of recruiting a ‘nice’ partner (who had collabor-ated with them in the past) and a ‘mean’ partner(who had chosen to collaborate with another partnerthan the subject in the past). After a brief learningperiod to establish the reputation of the partner as‘nice’ or ‘mean’, the chimpanzees more often recruitedthe ‘nice’ partner than they had done before (Meliset al. 2008).

Whereas these experiments confirm and expandupon Crawford’s (1937) initial chimpanzee study,the same level of understanding was thought to belacking in non-apes. But this may have been due tothe fact that the cooperative skills of monkeys wereinitially tested with a different, less intuitive paradigm.Instead of pulling a box towards themselves, twocapuchin monkeys had to press levers or buttons atexactly the same time to receive food. They didsucceed at this task, yet without any indication thatthey actually understood their partner’s contribution

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Figure 1. In the cooperative pulling task two capuchin mon-keys are situated in adjacent sections of a test chamber,separated by mesh. The apparatus consists of a counter-weighted tray with two pull bars, with each monkey having

access to one bar. If both cups are filled, success requiresmutualistic cooperation, whereas if only one cup is filled(as shown here) cooperation is sustained by sharing throughthe mesh by the advantaged individual, who pays for the

other’s labour (de Waal & Berger 2000). Drawing by SarahBrosnan.

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(Chalmeau et al. 1997; Visalberghi et al. 2000;Brosnan & de Waal 2002). A related experiment withblue jays rewarded two birds for simultaneouslypecking at a ‘cooperation’ key (Clements & Stephens1995). But since the jays were equally successfulregardless of whether or not they could see theirpartner, and since success seemed to reflect accidentalco-occurrence of pecking, it has been argued thattheir behaviour had little to do with cooperation(Roberts 1997).

In sum, when monkeys (or birds) cannot observethe incremental results of collective action, and needto act in perfect synchrony, they seem to have troublelearning about each other’s contributions. They neverachieve true cooperation which requires an under-standing that their partner is necessary to achieve agoal. But does this mean that such cooperation isbeyond their capacity? Cotton-top tamarins weremore likely to act in a handle-pulling task when theirpartner was present than when their partner wasabsent (Cronin et al. 2005). Although partner pres-ence may have served as a conditioned stimulus foraction, without the monkeys realizing that their part-ner was actually helping, there were indications thatthe monkeys understood they needed their partner’shelp. For example, individuals would sustain pullingon the apparatus and wait for their partner to pulltheir handle also before releasing.

When capuchin monkeys were tested with an appar-atus similar to Crawford’s (1937; figure 1), theyshowed immediate success. The pulling task has theadvantage of both visual and kinesthetic feedback inthe course of collective action towards a shared goal,which may be essential to learn about the partner’scontribution. When an opaque barrier was placedbetween both monkeys, their success rate dropped dra-matically even though the partner’s presence was clear:both monkeys could see each other through a hole atthe back of the partition. Knowing that another

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monkey was there, they nevertheless failed to coordin-ate. In other tests, the same monkeys would wait forthe return of partners who had wandered awaybefore initiating pulling actions. These monkeys gaveevery indication, therefore, of understanding theneed for coordination (Mendres & de Waal 2000).

Outside of the primate order, social carnivores suchas hyenas exhibit cooperation and coordination withother individuals in the group. In one experiment,hyenas coordinated their behaviour with a partner toobtain food from a hidden platform (Drea & Carter2009). They modified their behaviour in response tosocial stimuli, showing sensitivity to the need for apartner and coordination with other individuals intheir group. In fact, experienced hyenas facilitatedcooperation with a naive partner by increasing visualmonitoring and coordination.

An even higher level of understanding was demon-strated in an experiment in which capuchin monkeyshad to perform a closely coordinated sequence toobtain food (Hattori et al. 2005). First one partnerhad to pull a tab, which then allowed the other partnerto slide a block. If both actions were done in sequence,both individuals would obtain food. The second indi-vidual spent more time looking at its partner whenthey needed help than when they were able to solvethe task by themselves, which suggests visual coordin-ation. As opposed to the lever or button pressingparadigms, where individuals can act independentlyand succeed by coincidence, in ‘communicativecooperation’ individuals need to coordinate closely tosucceed (reviewed by Noe 2006).

What these mutualism experiments demonstrate isthat both monkeys and apes are able to learn thebenefits and pay-offs of cooperation and develop afairly good grasp of the need for and role of a partner,thus achieving true cooperation. The same learningprocess probably underlies collective action in thefield, such as hunting together followed by sharing.Since cooperation produces benefits that are hard orimpossible to attain by any individual alone, the result-ing behaviour is essentially self-serving even if itbenefits others at the same time.

(b) Contingent reciprocity

Not all forms of cooperation produce immediatebenefits, however. Whenever benefits are exchangedafter a time interval, we speak of reciprocal altruism,or reciprocity (Trivers 1971). In the way reciprocityis modelled, it requires certain cognitive abilities(Brosnan et al. 2010b), which are sometimes assumedtoo complex for most or all animals (Hammerstein2003; Stevens & Hauser 2004), whereas in factreciprocity can be produced by a range of proximatemechanisms, not all of which are cognitively demand-ing. There is evidence for a variety of thesemechanisms in non-human primates (de Waal &Brosnan 2006).

One such mechanism is attitudinal reciprocity,according to which individuals mirror the attitudes oftheir partners over short time intervals (table 1).This type of reciprocity was first experimentallydemonstrated in capuchin monkeys using a delayed

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Table 1. Various proximate mechanisms that ensure a reciprocal distribution of helping behaviour. These mechanisms are

arranged from top to bottom from the least to the most cognitively demanding. Modified from de Waal and Brosnan (2006).

mechanism catch phrase definition

generalized reciprocity ‘Thank goodness!’ increased tendency to assist any others after having

received assistance: no partner-specific contingencysymmetry-based reciprocity ‘We’re buddies’ symmetrical relationship characteristics (e.g. association)

prompt similar behaviour in both directions within adyad without a high degree of contingency

attitudinal reciprocity ‘If you’re nice, I’ll be nice’ Parties mirror each other’s social attitudes with a high

degree of short-term contingencycalculated reciprocity ‘What have you done for me lately?’ scorekeeping of given and received favours resulting in

partner-specific delayed contingency

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exchange task. First, one partner was given pieces ofapple for 20 min while her partner sat at the otherside of a mesh partition. In the following 20 min, theother was given pieces of carrot. It was found thatthe amount of food shared through the mesh by thesecond individual correlated with the amount of foodhe/she had received from the first. It is important tonote that these results do not necessarily indicatethat the monkeys were keeping track of food amounts,repaying food with food, even though this was theend result. They may simply have been respondingto their partner’s tolerant or intolerant attitude bybeing, respectively, tolerant or intolerant in return(de Waal 2000). The same monkeys exchanged foodpreferentially with partners who had just helpedthem in a cooperative pulling task (figure 1; de Waal &Berger 2000).

Benefits exchanged in close temporal successionallow actors to learn about behavioural contingencies.These contingencies may be used to develop success-ful cooperation. In other words, they learn that theirpartner’s behaviour at trial t is contingent upon theirown behaviour at trial t 2 1. If they additionallylearn to change their own behaviour so as to manipu-late their partner’s future behaviour, we speak ofcontingent reciprocity. Whereas capuchin monkeysseem capable of establishing these contingenciesover short time intervals, longer delays may interferewith the learning process. Contingent reciprocity isconstrained, therefore, by the time delay betweenexchanges and the memory capacity of the speciesunder study (see Brosnan et al. 2010b).

Experiments with apes have yielded conflictingresults. Chimpanzees failed to change their behaviourin response to their partner’s previous behaviour:they were equally likely to donate food to a partnerregardless of whether or not they had previouslyreceived food from this partner (Brosnan et al.2009). This study, however, used a set-up that hasthus far never produced altruistic giving in chimpan-zees (Silk et al. 2005; Jensen et al. 2006), thusremoving any basis to learn the advantages ofreciprocity. Another ape study provides a contrast inthat two orangutans learned to reciprocally exchangetokens when each had access to tokens that were ofvalue only to the other (Dufour et al. 2009). Theorangutans’ behaviour was particularly interesting inthat one individual seemed to initiate token transfers,

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but that over time reciprocity emerged and both part-ners began to alternate transfers to each other.Similarly, when chimpanzees were given the opportu-nity to exchange other rewarding tokens, theylearned to alternate donating rewards to each other(Yamamoto & Tanaka 2009). However, this type ofexchange might be limited to a very specific situationfacilitated by human experimenters. For example, acomparative study of many ape species foundexchanges to be limited to orangutans (Pele et al.2009), whereas chimpanzees have thus far failed toshow reciprocal exchange without human facilitation(Brosnan & Beran 2009; Yamamoto & Tanaka 2009).

Despite these negative experimental results, weshould not forget that observations of reciprocity inchimpanzee’s natural behaviour strongly suggest learn-ing over longer time intervals, i.e. the development notjust of attitudinal reciprocity, but also calculated recipro-city based on scorekeeping of given and receivedfavours (§3; table 1). For example, male chimpanzeesin Bossou, Guinea, sometimes raid papaya plantations(a risky endeavour) and share the highly prized fruitsspecifically with females, which they hypothesizedwas a strategy for obtaining future copulations (Hock-ings et al. 2007). This is similar to observations ofStanford et al. (1994) of male chimpanzees atGombe National Park hunting especially at timeswhen there are oestrus females around and sharingmeat with these females. It should be added, though,that this ‘meat-for-sex’ hypothesis has come underdebate. Other researchers have reported no effect ofa female’s reproductive state on the frequency ofhunting or food-sharing (Mitani & Watts 2001; Gilby2006; Gilby et al. 2006). Rather, it has been suggestedthat the primary function of meat-sharing is tofoster reciprocal relationships among males. Thus,one population of wild chimpanzees showed a strongassociation between meat-sharing and agonisticsupport, thus suggesting that meat plays a ‘political’role (Mitani & Watts 2001).

Throughout the literature one finds similar sugges-tions of chimpanzees currying favours with others forstrategic reasons in situations which may involve plan-ning. Some of these reports are anecdotal, such as amale at a zoo who secured hard to obtain food andshared it generously with potential supporters ataround the time that he began to challenge the estab-lished alpha male (de Waal 1982) or the wild male

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Figure 2. Interactions over sharable food are generally toler-ant and peaceful, such as here in a cluster of chimpanzees atthe Yerkes Field Station. The female in the top-right corneris the possessor of branches with leaves. The female in the

lower left corner is tentatively reaching out for the firsttime. Whether or not she will be able to feed will dependon the possessor’s reaction. Photograph by Frans de Waal.

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chimpanzee who retained alpha status for an extra-ordinarily long time while selectively rewarding alliesthrough a ‘bribery’ system (Nishida et al. 1992).There is at least one systematic study confirmingthese reports for a large zoo colony. Chimpanzeesselectively groomed supporters the day before theyneeded their help in an agonistic confrontation thatthey themselves initiated. The investigators suggestthat chimpanzees groom others in anticipation offuture recruitment of their assistance (Koyama et al.2006). If so, reciprocity in chimpanzees may involvemore than learning the benefits of exchange, butinclude planning for these benefits and undertakingactions to secure them. Other studies have confirmedfuture planning in other contexts in a variety ofape species, for example, in collecting and storingtools or weapons that were needed many hours later(Mulcahy & Call 2006; Osvath 2009).

But even if primates learn the benefits of exchangeafter considerable time intervals, we should keep inmind that spontaneous prosocial tendencies are apre-condition for such learning (§3). Reciprocity isnever purely a product of learning, but rather of aprosocial tendency fortified by learning. In addition,learned reciprocity is not the only kind in existence.The majority of exchanges may not depend on cogni-tively monitored contingencies, but rather grow out oflong-term social bonds. If members of a species prefer-entially direct favours to their closest associates, thedistribution of favours will automatically be reciprocalowing to the symmetrical nature of association (i.e.if individual A associates with B, B also associateswith A). Such symmetry-based reciprocity obviates theneed for scorekeeping, hence should be the defaultassumption whenever animals show reciprocity inlong-term relations—such as between ‘mates’,‘friends’ or ‘buddies’—whether it is among vampirebats (Wilkinson 1984) or primates (e.g. Barrett et al.1999; Gomes & Boesch 2009). Matrix correlationsbetween favours given and received across all dyadsin a population can be fully explained by thiscognitively less demanding mechanism (de Waal &Luttrell 1988). Affiliative ties act as an overarchingemotional and neurohormonal mechanism (such asoxytocin; see Soares et al. 2010) to produce mutualbenefits, as also suggested for humans (Brown &Brown 2006).


Qualitative descriptions of spontaneous assistanceamong primates are abundant, ranging from bringinga mouthful of water to an incapacitated individual toslowing down travel for injured companions (Boesch1992; de Waal, 1996, 1997a). Similar descriptionsexist for both elephants (e.g. Hamilton-Douglaset al. 2006; Bates et al. 2008) and cetaceans (e.g.Caldwell & Caldwell 1966; Connor & Norris 1982).The help provided can be quite costly. For example,when a female chimpanzee reacts to the screams ofher closest associate by defending her against anaggressive male, she takes enormous risks on behalf

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of the other. Alliances are among the best documentedforms of cooperation in primatology, involving manystudies and thousands of observations (de Waal1982, 1992).

Another well-known form of assistance is food-sharing. Outside the mother–offspring relation orimmediate kin-group, sharing is rare in the primateorder (Feistner & McGrew 1989), yet common incallitrichid monkeys, capuchin monkeys and chimpan-zees. The two main hypotheses to explain this kindof food-sharing are (i) the sharing-under-pressurehypothesis and (ii) the reciprocity hypothesis.According to the sharing-under-pressure hypothesis,individuals share in order to be left alone by potentiallyaggressive beggars (Blurton-Jones 1987; Stevens &Stephens 2002; Gilby 2006). This hypothesis iscontradicted, however, by the fact that the most gener-ously sharing individuals are often fully dominant (deWaal 1989; Nishida et al. 1992), aggression is moreoften shown by food possessors than non-possessors(figure 2; de Waal 1989), food transfers occur even ifnegative behaviour is prevented by physical separation(Nissen & Crawford 1932; de Waal 1997a) and manyprimates—including wild chimpanzees (Wrangham1977)—vocally announce the presence of sharablefood, thus attracting beggars. In fact, chimpanzee beg-ging behaviour is rarely of a threatening nature as itderives from infant and juvenile expressions of needaimed at the mother (e.g. pouting, whimpering andholding out a hand; van Lawick-Goodall 1968).None of the above observations fits the sharing-under-pressure hypothesis.

The reciprocity hypothesis, on the other hand, pre-dicts that food is part of a service economy, henceexchanged for other favours. It has indeed beenshown that adult chimpanzees are more likely toshare with individuals who have groomed them earlierin the day. In other words, if A groomed B in themorning, B was more likely than usual to share foodwith A in the afternoon. Rather than representing

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Figure 3. Consolation behaviour is common in humans and

apes, but largely absent in monkeys. A juvenile chimpanzeeputs an arm around a screaming adult male, who has beendefeated in a fight. Photograph by Frans de Waal.

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generalized reciprocity (i.e. increased altruism to anypartner upon receipt of a favour, cf. Rutte & Taborsky2007, for rats), food-for-grooming exchanges amongchimpanzees have been shown to be partner-specific(de Waal 1997b). Of all examples of reciprocal altru-ism in non-human animals, these exchanges comeclosest to fulfilling the requirements of calculated reci-procity, i.e. exchange with the same partner after asignificant time delay reflecting memory of previousevents and a psychological mechanism described,which Trivers (1971) described as ‘gratitude’(Bonnie & de Waal 2004).

The extent to which non-human primates engage inreciprocity is not well recognized in the human litera-ture, however, which often attributes non-humanprimate altruism and cooperation to kin selection,thus calling human cooperation with non-relatives a‘huge anomaly’ in the animal kingdom (Fehr &Fischbacher 2003; Gintis et al. 2003; Boyd 2006; seeMelis & Semmann 2010, for further discussionof this topic). Even though there is ample evidencethat this claim does not hold for captive chimpanzees(de Waal 1982, 1992, 1997b; Koyama et al. 2006), ithas only recently been effectively countered for wildchimpanzees. DNA data from the field demonstratesthat most of the cooperative relationships amongmale chimpanzees are of a reciprocal nature andconcern individuals without family ties (Mitani 2006;Langergraber et al. 2007). Bonobos may show thesame pattern, since females maintain a close cooperativenetwork that allows them to collectively dominate themales (Furuichi 1997; de Waal 1997c) despite the factthat females are also the migratory sex, hence largelyunrelated within each community (Kano 1992). Itseems, then, that both of our closest relatives aremarked by frequent cooperation among non-relatives.

A final common form of spontaneous assistance isso-called consolation, defined as friendly, reassuringcontact directed by an uninvolved bystander at the

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loser of a previous aggressive incident (figure 3). Forexample, a third party goes over to the loser andputs an arm around his or her shoulders or providescalming grooming. de Waal & van Roosmalen (1979)based their conclusions on hundreds of post-conflictobservations, and a replication by de Waal & Aureli(1996) included an even larger sample in which theysought to test two simple predictions. If third-partycontacts indeed serve to alleviate the distress of con-flict participants, these contacts should be directedmore at recipients of aggression than at aggressors,and more at recipients of intense than mild aggression.Comparing third-party contact rates with baselinelevels, the authors found support for both predictions.

Whether consolation produces any direct benefitsfor the actor remains unclear. In one study, this behav-iour was disproportionately directed at conflictparticipants likely to aggress the actor, hence mayhave served to forestall aggression (Koski & Sterck2009). Yet, given the extreme rarity of redirectedaggression in chimpanzees (i.e. ,0.5% of agonisticincidents) and that other studies have found consola-tion to be predominantly provided by friends andrelatives, the chief function of this behaviour is prob-ably reassurance of distressed parties (Fraser et al.2008; Romero & de Waal in press). In supportof this hypothesis, Fraser et al. (2008) found thatconsolation reduced stress in the victims of aggression.

(b) Experimental approaches

The above observational studies show how commonhelping is, especially among chimpanzees. This behav-iour may be partly based on learned contingenciesbetween help given and received (§2), yet since thesecontingencies are highly probabilistic and occur overintervals lasting days, weeks or longer, it is hard tosee how they might explain high-risk helping, suchas when Washoe, the world’s first language-trainedchimpanzee, heard another female scream and hitthe water. Fouts & Mills (1997, p. 180) describehow Washoe raced across two electric wires, whichnormally contained the apes, to reach the victim andwaded into the slippery mud to reach the wildlythrashing female and grab one of her flailing arms topull her to safety. Washoe barely knew this female,having met her only a few hours before.

Even if contingent reciprocity were to play a role, itis good to realize that it is impossible to learn behav-ioural contingencies without spontaneously engagingin the behaviour in the first place. We must thereforeassume an impulse that propels individuals todefend, share with or rescue others. In the case ofWashoe, this impulse needed to be strong enough toovercome her species’ hydrophobia (chimpanzeescannot swim). Empathy has the potential to providesuch an impulse as it produces a stake in the recipient’swell-being through shared representations. In thewords of Hoffman (1981, p. 133), empathy has theunique property of ‘transforming another person’smisfortune into one’s own feeling of distress’. Inas-much as both humans and other animals are mostempathic towards past cooperators and socially closeindividuals, empathy biases altruistic behaviour

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Figure 4. One capuchin monkey reaches through an armholeto choose between differently marked pieces of pipe while

her partner looks on. The pipe pieces can be exchangedfor food. One token feeds both monkeys; the other feedsonly the chooser. Capuchins typically prefer the ‘prosocial’token (de Waal et al. 2008). Drawing from a video still by

Frans de Waal.

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precisely as predicted by theories of kin selection andreciprocal altruism (Preston & de Waal 2002; deWaal 2008).

For both practical and ethical reasons, however,there is a scarcity of experiments on emotionallycharged situations that could trigger costly altruism.This is not only true for animal altruism, but equallyso for human altruism. Instead, experiments concernlow-cost altruism, sometimes called ‘other-regardingpreferences’. A typical paradigm is to offer onemember of a pair the option to either secure food foritself by manipulating part A of an apparatus orsecure food for both itself and the other by manipulat-ing part B of the same apparatus. In the first suchexperiment, Colman et al. (1969) found 1 of 4 testedmacaques to be consistently other-regarding. Whenreplications failed to find the same tendency in chim-panzees, however, this led to the suggestion thatother-regarding preferences may be uniquely human(Silk et al. 2005; Jensen et al. 2006). It is impossibleto prove the null hypothesis, however, and recentstudies with different methodologies have yieldedresults more in line with expectations based onnaturalistic primate behaviour.

In one study, investigators tried to rule out recipro-city by having apes interact with humans they barelyknew, and on whom they did not depend for food orother favours (Warneken et al. 2007). The investigatorsalso ruled out the role of immediate return benefits bymanipulating the availability of rewards. In this experi-ment, chimpanzees spontaneously assisted personsregardless of whether or not this yielded rewards andwere also willing to open a door for conspecifics sothat these could reach a room with food. One wouldthink that rewards for the actor, even if not strictlynecessary, at least stimulated helping actions, but infact rewards proved irrelevant. The decision tohelp did not seem based on a cost/benefit calculation,therefore, consistent with predictions fromempathy-induced altruism.

Spontaneous helping has also been experimentallydemonstrated in both capuchin monkeys (de Waalet al. 2008; Lakshminarayanan & Santos 2008) andmarmosets (Burkart et al. 2007; although not inclosely related cotton-top tamarins, Cronin et al.2009; see also Jaeggi et al. 2010). In our study, twocapuchin monkeys were placed side by side separatedby mesh. One of them needed to barter with us withsmall plastic tokens, which we would first give to amonkey, after which we would hold out an openhand to let them return the token for a tidbit(figure 4). The critical test came when we offered achoice between two differently coloured tokens withdifferent meaning: one token was ‘selfish’, the other‘prosocial’. If the bartering monkey picked the selfishtoken, it received a small piece of apple for returningit, but its partner remained unrewarded. The prosocialtoken, on the other hand, rewarded both monkeys withapple at the same time. Since the monkey who did thebartering was rewarded either way, the only differencewas in what the partner received.

Monkeys preferentially bartered with the prosocialtoken. This preference could not be explained byfear of future punishment because dominant partners

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proved to be more prosocial than subordinate ones.Familiarity biased the choices in the predicteddirection: the stronger the social tie between two mon-keys, as measured by how much time they associatedin the group, the more they favoured the prosocialtoken. Moreover, choices were reflected in accompany-ing behaviour, with greater orientation towards thepartner during prosocial choices (de Waal et al. 2008).

In short, there is mounting evidence from bothnaturalistic observations and experiments that pri-mates care about each other’s welfare and followaltruistic impulses in some contexts, probably basedon empathy, which in both humans and other animalsincreases with familiarity. The empathy mechanismautomatically produces a stake in the other’s welfare,i.e. the behaviour comes with an intrinsic reward,known in the human literature as the ‘warm-glow’effect. Actions that improve another’s conditioncome with pleasant feelings (Andreoni 1989), so thathumans report feeling good when they do goodand show activation of reward-related brain areas(Harbaugh et al. 2007). It will be important todetermine if the same self-reward system extends toother primates.

4. CONSTRAINTS ON COOPERATIONAND ALTRUISM(a) Inequity aversion and tolerance

How skewed can a pay-off distribution get before itbegins to undermine cooperation? Fehr & Schmidt(1999) have argued that the well-known human aver-sion to disadvantageous inequity relates to the need tomaintain cooperation. Similarly, cooperative animalsmay be guided by a set of expectations about pay-offdistribution. Thus, de Waal (1996, p. 95) proposed

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familiarity andbonding


cooperation andprosociality



Figure 5. Cooperative and prosocial behaviour is enhanced

by familiarity and bonding between parties both via theempathy mechanism, thought to regulate the altruisticimpulse and by increased social tolerance, which ensuresrewards for the subordinate party. Familiarity and bondingalso reduce sensitivity to inequity, while sensitivity under-

mines cooperative and prosocial behaviour if certainindividuals gain conspicuously more than others. Finally,whenever cooperation produces knowable return benefitsfor the actor, there is the potential of learned reciprocity inwhich individuals cooperate in order to secure future

return favours.

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a sense of social regularity, defined as ‘a set of expect-ations about the way in which oneself (or others)should be treated and how resources should bedivided’. Note that the expectations are not specified:they are species-typical. Some primates are so hier-archical that subordinate individuals cannot expectanything, whereas in other species dominant individu-als are prepared to share and, correspondingly, thespecies has evolved a repertoire of begging signals toextract food from them. These animals negotiatetheir share and may protest if it is too small.

In one experiment, capuchin monkeys were pairedto perform a simple task 25 times in a row, alternatingbetween both of them. Food rewards varied from lowvalue (a cucumber piece) to high value (a grape). Inequity tests, both the subject and its partner did thesame work for the same low-value food. In inequitytests, the subject received low-value rewards, whereasits partner received high-value rewards for the sameeffort. It turned out that the capuchins were far lesswilling to complete the task or accept the reward iftheir partner received a better deal. Subjects receivingthe low-value reward in inequity tests showed bothpassive negative reactions (i.e. refusal to perform orrefusing the reward) and active negative reactions(i.e. throwing out the token or the reward; Brosnan &de Waal 2003).

It could be argued that the mere presence of high-value food is what triggers these reactions (e.g. acontrast effect; Roma et al. 2006; Silberberg et al.2009). In other words, subjects are holding out forsomething better. The first argument against thisalternative is that if food is merely made available,without any task, there is no sign of inequity aversioneven in the same monkeys as those of the originalstudy (e.g. Dubreuil et al. 2006; Dindo & de Waal,2007; Fontenot et al. 2007). The second counter-argu-ment is that showing grapes before every equity trial, inwhich both monkeys receive cucumber, has no effect:the monkeys do not work any less for cucumber afterhaving seen grapes. The grapes need to serve asrewards for the partner to affect a monkey workingfor cucumber, which implies that the social aspect ofthe task plays a critical role (van Wolkenten et al.2007). Other task-oriented studies have found signsof inequity aversion in chimpanzees (Brosnan et al.2005, 2010a), capuchin monkeys (Fletcher 2008;Takimoto et al. 2010) and domestic dogs (Rangeet al. 2008), whereas one study yielded mixed results,with an apparent inequity response in bonobos butnot in other apes (Brauer et al. 2009). A study oncotton-top tamarins, finally, found behaviouralchanges over time that might reflect inequity aversion(Neiworth et al. 2009).

Given the above, it is not surprising that unequaloutcomes reduce cooperative tendencies. For example,when capuchin monkeys pull cooperatively to obtainunequally distributed food, the most successful pairsare those that alternate positions so that both partiesshare in the best rewards. In contrast, pairs tend tofail if one individual tries to monopolize the bestfood (Brosnan et al. 2006). Similarly, when inequitywas introduced in the aforementioned prosocialversus selfish choice paradigm with capuchin monkeys,

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their prosociality disappeared. In other words, whenprosocial choices produced better food for the partnerthan the chooser herself, prosocial tendencies fellto chance levels (de Waal et al. 2008). However, ina similar study also with capuchin monkeys,unequal rewards led to higher prosocial behaviour(although this could have resulted from the trainingprocedures, rather than an understanding of the task;Lakshminarayanan & Santos 2008).

Outcome calculations are very much part of thedecision to cooperate: tolerance promotes cooperationand competition undermines it. A real-life example isgroup hunting (i.e. several individuals cooperate, butonly one of them obtains the prize), which iscommon in both wild chimpanzees and capuchinmonkeys (Boesch 1994; Perry & Rose 1994). Sincegroup hunting is sustainable only if the prey isshared at the end, Rose (1997) has proposed a conver-gent evolution of food-sharing in these two distantprimates. The way tolerance affects cooperation hasbeen tested in the laboratory by comparing the effectof clumped versus dispersed food rewards. The morecompetitive the dominant party in a pair of cooper-ating capuchin monkeys, the less cooperation willtake place when food is monopolizable, whereascooperation is unaffected under the dispersed con-dition (de Waal & Davis 2003). When chimpanzeesand bonobos face a similar task, both speciescooperate equally for a dispersed food source, butwith a clumped source the bonobos are more success-ful because of their more effective conflict resolutiontechniques (de Waal 1987) resulting in increased toler-ance around a clumped reward (Hare et al. 2007).Another illustration of the same principle is that bothcapuchins and chimpanzees cooperate most readilywith partners with whom they are socially close,hence enjoy the greatest food tolerance (figure 5; deWaal & Davis 2003; Melis et al. 2006b).

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(b) Free loaders

Individuals who give less than they receive need to bediscouraged if cooperation is to survive (Trivers 1971).Active punishment may be rare in non-humanprimates, yet in the food-for-grooming study ofde Waal (1997b), food possessors showed increasedaggressive resistance to approaching beggars who hadfailed to groom them. They were more than threetimes as likely to threaten such beggars than thosewith whom they had previously groomed. This is notpunishment per se, but an aggressive reaction to thosewho try to get without giving, which psychologicallyspeaking may not be far removed.

Chimpanzees also reciprocate in the negative sense:retribution is the flip side of reciprocity. Data on sev-eral thousand aggressive interventions show a healthycorrelation between how often individual A intervenesagainst B and how often B intervenes against A. Asa result, every choice has multiple consequences,both positive and negative. The supported party in aconflict may repay the favour, whereas the slightedparty may try to get even in what has been called arevenge system (de Waal & Luttrell 1988; see alsoJensen 2010).

By far the most common tool to enforcecooperation, however, is partner choice. Unsatisfac-tory relationships can be abandoned and replaced byones with greater benefits. With each individual shop-ping for the best partners and selling its own services,the framework becomes one of supply and demand, asformalized in Noe & Hammerstein’s (1994) Biologicalmarket theory. This theory applies whenever tradingpartners can choose with whom to deal. Marketmechanisms are an effective way of sidelining profiteers.

It takes much energy, though, to keep a watchful eyeon cheaters and the flow of favours. This is why bothhumans and other animals rely on simpler forms ofreciprocity much of the time. Instead of keepingtrack of each and every instant of positive or negativebehaviour, events get pooled into the larger frameworkof a social bond with mutually positive attitudes,resulting in symmetry-based reciprocity (§2). Whenit comes to distant relations, on the other hand, wetend to keep mental records and react more stronglyto inequities. In humans, the reciprocity dynamics ofclose relationships are radically different from thosebetween distant partners (Clark & Grote 2003). Thebetter two individuals know each other, the longerthe time frame over which they seem to evaluatetheir relationships so that momentary imbalancesmatter less. This may also apply to chimpanzees,in which familiarity appears to reduce sensitivityto inequity (Brosnan et al. 2005) and in which one-on-one exchanges of favours are less pronounced thecloser the social relationship between both parties(de Waal 1997b).

5. CONCLUSIONProsocial behaviour can be categorized based onwhether or not the actor knows or can potentiallylearn about its long-term consequences. There isconsiderable support from both field observationsand laboratory experiments that non-human primates

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exhibit prosocial behaviour both when they know itsbenefits, such as when they help each other reach acommon goal, and when there is little chance forthem to have this knowledge. In the latter case, theymust be motivated by an altruistic impulse perhapssimilar to the main mechanism thought to underliehuman altruism: empathy with the distress, pain orneed of another. While considerable attention hasbeen given to the ultimate explanations for altruisticbehaviour, this paper reviewed proximate mechanismsand concluded that since ultimate reasons rarely figureat the proximate level, primate altruism must occurin many cases without any selfish motivations. Onthe other hand, inequity aversion, intolerance andnegative reactions to cheating constitute constraintson prosocial behaviour. Together, this array of mech-anisms provides an understanding of the proximatedecision-making regarding prosocial behaviour.

We thank the editors of this volume as well as twoanonymous reviewers for constructive comments on thisreview. Writing was supported by Emory’s College ofArts and Sciences, the Living Links Center, as well asthe Base Grant by the National Institutes of Health tothe Yerkes National Primate Research Center (YNPRC)(RR-00165). The YNPRC is fully accredited by theAmerican Association for Accreditation for LaboratoryAnimal Care.

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