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  • 8/2/2019 Proposal Pn.suzaida - Copy





    The relationship between interest rate and stock market has become the focus of

    interest among recent researchers in identifying the long-run implications between

    these two variables. This study has become essential in stock market after the 1997

    stock market crash in Asean countries. The interest rate are said to be linked with

    the deposit rates, lending rates and discount rates .Interest rates are also

    fundamental to a capitalist society with variables like investment, inflation and

    unemployment. As for stock market, it normally serves as a channel to direct funds

    from individuals to investors by mobilizing individual owned resources. This

    implies that stock market must have a significant relationship with real and

    financial sectors and the entire economy. The main stock prices in ASEAN-5

    countries are namely Malaysia (KLCI), Indonesia (IDDOW), Singapore (SGDOW),

    Philippines (PSEi) and Thailand (SET).

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    1.1.1 Stock Market

    A stock market is a place where stocks, shares and other financial instruments are

    traded through exchanges and over the counter.1A stock market normally serves

    as a channel to direct the funds from individuals to investors by mobilizing

    individual owned resources.2 Therefore, through these function of stock market,

    changes in interest rate can give a major effect to the performance of the financial

    sectors of the economy. It is a public market for the trading of company stock and

    derivatives at an agreed price; these are securities listed on a stock exchange as well

    as those only traded privately.

    __________________________1 Wikipedia2 Euro Journals

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    1.1.2 Interest Rate

    An interest rate is the rate at which interest is paid by a borrower for the use of

    money that borrows from a lender. 3Interest rates are fundamental to a capitalist

    society. Interest rates are normally expressed as a percentage rate over the period of

    one year. Interest rates are also a vital tool of monetary policy and are taken into

    account when dealing with variables like investment, inflation and unemployment.

    The proxies of interest rates are deposit rate, lending rate and discount rate.

    ________________________3 Wikipedia

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    1.1.3 ASEAN -5

    The term ASEAN-5 countries namelyMalaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines

    and Thailand was founded in August 1967 and known as a region of promising

    potential. Association for South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a political and

    economic organization of 10 countries in South East Asia formed originally by

    Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand.4 The ASEAN-5 has now

    undergone transformations in economic development, in which each country has

    experienced economic growth due to the adoption of export-oriented trade policy,

    the rapid flow of foreign direct investment (FDI), and sound macroeconomic



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    4Asia Econ5E.U-Tokyo


    A study on interest rate and the stock market has been a major issue in economics.

    This study has been undertaken to examine the impacts of interest rate on stock

    market in selected ASEAN- 5 countries. If, the stock market has a relationship with

    interest rate, hence, the stock market may no longer efficient. As well, statistical

    methods of measurement have been employed in order to comprehend the

    correlation between interest rate and stock market return in a particular country.

    The stock market reaction towards interest rate is observed to identify the

    movement of this co integration in short term causality and long term linkages.

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    General objective

    To analyze the relationship between interest rate and stock market return.

    Specific objective

    To observe the long run cointegration relationship between interest rate and

    stock market return.

    To examine the causality between interest rate and stock market return.


    This study has central idea for understanding how interest rate can influence the

    stock market, since interest rate is one of the macroeconomic indicator that plays an

    important role of emerging stock market as well as stock market is considered as

    the primary indicator of a countrys economic strength and development.

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    In this study, the research is conducted in term to study the correlation among

    interest rate and stock market in Asian five countries which consists of Malaysia,

    Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines and Thailand. These founding members are

    developed countries in term of their financial instruments and one of the leading

    countries. It begins with resource and report of data, which comprises year of the

    study from January 2000 until December 2009, as monthly in these countries.

    Subsequently is the clear explanation to the model specification, which, the sign of

    coefficient is affirmed based to earlier theoretical frameworks. As a final point, the

    causality test is used to examine on the efficiency of the stock prices, where the

    hypothesis stated that if there is a causal relationship between stock prices and

    interest rate, hence, the stock market is consider no longer efficient.

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    This paper has been organized into a few chapters in order to make it convenient to

    be used as a reference in future studies.

    Chapter Two reviews the relevant literature done in previous studies. In this

    chapter, the literature reviews summarize related studied and analysis to provide a

    better understanding as well as increase breadth of knowledge in undertaking the


    Chapter Three provides a brief description on the data and methodology employed

    in the analysis of this study. This chapter further presents the empirical results and

    findings with illustration of tables and graph.

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    Gupta and Sayekt (1997) examined the relationship between the interest rate, exchange rate

    and stock price in the Jakarta Stock exchange from 1993 to 1997.This study was

    undertaken by applying Granger-Causality tests and auto regressive integrated moving

    average (ARIMA) model testing as the nature of time series data is necessary to test

    stationary of each variable. The empirical evidence suggests that in most of the instances

    there were no strong causal relationship between stock price and the interest rate or

    exchange rate.Also,in this research, the results of Granger Causality indicate that only in

    sub period one and three causality relationship between the variables under study have

    been observed. The findings also indicate that the interest rates trend to have more

    causality relationship with the stock price rather than exchange rate.Finally,causality

    evidence fails to establish that historical information generally offers sufficient significant

    a significant short-term predictive content for stock price.

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    Khrawish et al. (2010) studied on the effect of interest rates on stock market

    capitalization rate in Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) from 1999 to 2008.This study

    was undertaken by applying Multiple Regression Model, Simple Regression Model

    and Ordinary Least-Square (OLS) regression method. In this study, they found that

    there is significant and positive relationship between government prevailing interest

    rate and stock market capitalization rate. They also found that government stock

    rate exerts negative influence on stock market capitalization rate where it shows

    significant and negative relationship between government prevailing interest rate

    and government development stock rate.Hence, they conclude that policy directions

    might encourage the supply of investment funds through significant favoring

    control of interest rate in order to stimulate the growth of stock market.

    Ciffer et al. (2007) conducted a study to investigate the impacts of changes in

    interest rates on stock returns by applying Wavelet analysis, Granger-Causality test,

    Unit root test and Cointegration test. In this study, they found that interest rates

    have a crucial role in determining stock returns. They also found that by using daily

    closing values of the ISE 100 Index and compounded interest rates, it is proven that

    starting with 9 days time-scale effect, interest rate is granger cause of ISE 100

    Index and the effects of interest rates on stock return increases with higher time-

    scales.Finally, the evidence of bond market has significant long-term effect on

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    stock market for Turkey and traders should consider long-term money market

    changes as well as short-term changes.

    Alam and Uddin (2009) revised on market efficiency of fifteen countries and also

    effect of interest rate on share price and changes of interest rate on changes of share

    price. They analyzed the market efficiency by utilizing on country-wise Time

    Series Analysis, Panel Data Analysis and market efficiency test. In this study, they

    applied Random Walk Model. The randomness of stock return is the basic

    assumption of Efficient Market Hypothesis that is violated for all countries where

    these markets are not efficient in weak form. From this study, they found that for all

    countries interest rate has significant negative relationship with changes of share

    price.Further, if the interest rate is controlled for these countries, it will benefit in

    share market.

    Ologunde et al. (2006) investigated the relationships between stock market

    capitalization rate and interest rate. They analyzed the relationships from 1981 to

    2000 by utilizing on Time Series data and Stock Market Efficiency obtained from

    Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and Nigeria Stock Exchange (NSE).In this study,

    they used Ordinary Least-Square (OLS) regression method to investigate the

    relationships between stock market and interest rate. They found that interest rate

    and government development stock rate of the stock market is controlled as well as

    the great benefit of the stock market will be enhanced. They drawn a conclusion

    that in all stages of economic growth in Nigeria, great reliance has been placed on

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    the stock market as the medium interaction of long term funds within the units to

    achieve optimal financial growth.

    Ahmad et al. (2010) had investigated the relationship between stock return, interest

    rate and exchange rate in Pakistani economy over the period of 1998 to 2009.They

    estimated data of short term interest rate and stock market returns (KSE-100) by

    using Multiple Regression Model, to test the significance of change in interest rate

    and exchange on stock returns. Their findings show that both the change in interest

    rate and change in exchange rate has a significant impact on stock returns over the

    sample period.Moreover,they discovered that changes in interest rate has a negative

    impact while change in exchange rate has positive impact. They concluded that the

    increase interest rate increases the cost of business and lowers the returns while a

    decline in interest rate gives a positive sign to the a stock market and stock returns

    increases eventually.

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    Banerjee and Adhikary (2006) studied the dynamic effects of interest rate on

    Bangladesh Stock Market (Dhaka Stock Exchange) returns. The data used for this

    study consists of monthly data from January 1983 to December 2006.They used

    Cointegration method and Vector Error Correction model (VECM) to see the causal

    relationship between dependent variable and two independent variable. Their

    findings shows that the long-run equilibrium relationship among the variables from

    interest rate and stock market returns in Bangladesh does exist.Further, they seem

    to have no significant influences on the stock market in the short run of interest rate

    in Bangladesh.

    Kazi (2009) conducted a study to identify the influential risk factors for the

    Australian Stock Market. The data used in the analysis consists of quarterly data

    from 1983 to 2002.They applied Cointegration technique, Philip-Perron (PP),

    Augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Unit root test to check for stationary for the

    interest rate and stock market index series. From this study, they drawn a

    conclusion that the bank interest rate, dividend yield, and global market influence

    are significant for the Australian Stock Market returns in the long-run whereas the

    stock prices are adjusted each quarter by its own market performance where the

    interest rate and global stock market movements of previous quarter.

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    Hamrita et al. (2008) had examined the multi-scale relationship between the interest

    rate, exchange rate and stock price for the period of 1990:1-2008:12.This study was

    undertaken by applying Wavelet Cross-Correlation transform and Granger causality

    test. Their finding shows that the relationship between interest rate is not

    significantly different from zero at all scales.Hence, the relationship between

    interest rate returns and stock index returns is significantly different zero only at the

    highest scales.

    Chiarella et al. (2002) investigated well known model of the stock market, interest

    rate and output interaction. This study was undertaken by applying Blanchard

    model, RBC models and VAR models. Their finding shows that the model captures

    a number of features of the data. They illustrates that the changes in stock market is

    dependent on the state of the economy. They concluded that the nonlinear models

    perform reasonably well on most of the measures which is the interest rate, stock

    price and output interaction.

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    2.1.1 Literature Review Summary Table






    Gupta and Sayekt


    To examined the


    between interest


    exchange rate

    and stock price in


    Stock Exchange


    1993 to 1997.


    Causality test







    The analysis shows

    that interest rates

    trend to have more


    relationship with

    the stock price

    rather than

    exchange rate.Khrawish et al.(2010) To study on the

    effects of interest

    rates on stock market

    capitalization rate in

    Amman Stock

    Exchange (ASE) from

    1999 to 2008.


    Regression Model


    Regression Model

    Ordinary Least-

    Square (OLS)

    regression method

    Government stock rate

    exerts negative

    influence on stock

    market capitalization

    rate where it shows

    significant and

    negative relationship

    between interest rate

    and stock rate.

    Cifter et al. (2007) To investigate the

    impacts of changes in

    interest rates on stock



    Unit Root Test

    The interest rate is

    granger cause of

    ISE 100 Index and

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    returns by applying

    Wavelet Analysis.

    Co Integration


    the effects of

    interest rates on

    stock returns

    increases with

    higher time-scales.

    Alam and Uddin


    To investigate the

    market efficiency of

    fifteen countries and

    also effect of interest

    rate on share price

    and changes of interest rate on

    changes of share


    Random Walk


    They found that for all

    countries interest rates

    has significant negative

    relationship with

    changes of share price.

    Ologunde et al.


    To study on the

    relationships between

    stock market

    capitalization rate

    and interest rate from

    1981 to 2000.

    Ordinary Least-

    Square (OLS)



    Interest rate and


    development stock rate

    of the stock market is

    controlled as well as the

    great benefit of the

    stock market will be


    Ahmad et al.(2010) To investigate the

    relationships between

    stock return, interest



    The increase interest

    rate increases the cost

    of business and lowers

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    rate and exchange rate

    in Pakistani economy

    over the period of

    1998 to 2009.

    the returns while a

    decline in interest rate

    gives a positive sign to

    the stock market and

    stock returns increases


    Banerjee and

    Adhikary (2006)

    To study the

    dynamic effects

    of interest rate

    on Bangladesh

    stock market

    (Dhaka StockExchange)

    returns consists

    of monthly data

    from January

    1983 to



    Co Integration


    Vector Error


    Model (VECM)

    Long run


    relationship among

    the variables from

    interest rate and

    stock market

    returns in

    Bangladesh does


    Kazi (2009) To identify the

    influential risk factors

    for Australian Stock


    Philip- Perron





    Unit Root Test

    Co Integration


    The interest rate

    are significant for

    the Australian


    Market returns in

    the long-run.

    Hamrita et al. (2008) To examine the multi-

    scale relationship

    between interest rate

    and stock price for the

    period of 1990:1 to

    Wavelet Cross-




    The relationship

    between interest rate

    returns and stock index

    returns is significantly

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    2008:12. test different zero only at

    the highest scales.

    Chiarella et al.(2002) To investigate well-

    known model of stock

    market, interest rate

    and output


    Blanchard model

    RBC model

    VAR model

    Nonlinear models


    reasonably well on

    most of the

    measures which is

    the interest rate,

    stock price and

    output interaction.

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    This chapter provides the facts on the method that will be applied in this study,

    where the procedures is clearly stated and defined. It starts with source and

    description of data, which includes year of the study from January 2000 until

    December 2009 in ASEAN-5 countries, as well as background of the data.

    Subsequently, is the explanation to the model specification, where the sign of

    coefficient is stated based to earlier theoretical frameworks. Finally, efficiency of

    the stock market is tested by using co integration test, whereby the hypothesis

    stated that if there is a causal relationship between stock market return and interest

    rate, hence, the stock market is consider no longer efficient.

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    The data employed in this study are consisting of monthly observations of changes

    in stock price; Malaysia (INDEX: KLCI), Indonesia (INDEX: IDDOW), Singapore

    (INDEX: SGDOW), Philippines (INDEX: PSEi) and Thailand (INDEX: SET) and

    interest rate, from 2000: 1 to 2009: 12. The data of market index for each country

    are obtained from the International Financial Statistic, IMF.


    Independent variable

    Independent variable defined as variable whose quantitative value is independently

    controlled by the researcher. Independent variable for this study will be the changes

    in stock price which set on monthly basis for Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore,

    Philippines and Thailand.

    Dependent variable

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    Dependent variable defined as variable whose quantitative value is expected to

    depend on the effects of the independent variable. In this study, there is main

    selected dependent variable, namely interest rate.


    The objective of this study is to test the co integration between interest rate ( fi )

    and stock market ( SP ).The investigation on the long run relationship between

    interest rate fluctuations and stock market is based on simple general model where

    the stock market ( SP ) is dependent variables, and is a function of interest rate

    ( fi ).Changes in interest rate may affect stock prices through changes in portfolio

    substitution or inflationary expectation. The model has been illustrated as below:

    SPt = f ( fit) (3.1)

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    Regression Model

    Where SPrepresents changes in stock prices andfi represents the interest rate; tis

    the time trend. As for interest rate, in general it has been indicated to have negative

    or positive effect on stock market return. A study done by Banerjee and Adhikary

    (2006) has proved that interest rate is confirmed to have a long run equilibrium

    relationship with stock price. Prior to the analysis, all data are transformed into

    natural linear regressions, as such the equation becomes:

    Y= 0 + 1 I1 + (3.2)

    In this case, 0, 1 are the parameters to be estimated; is the missing or error

    values, y represents dependant variable (stock market return) and I represents

    independent variables (I

    = interest rate).

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    3.3.1 Stationary and Unit Root Test

    Whether a variable is stationary or non- stationary is very crucial. This is the case

    where if variables in a model are non- stationary, then the usual standard

    econometrics methods do not apply. Hence, it is very important to check the time

    series properties (integration and co integration) not only to see whether the

    variables establish a long- run equilibrium but even more important is to avoid

    spurious and misleading inference. Therefore, stationarity of a time series is

    important implications upon modeling of time series analysis. The shock that

    occurred in stationary time series is impermanent in nature and would dispel

    (Enders, 1995). Then it will revert to its long- run mean level, in which the long-

    term forecasts of this stationary time series would converge to its unconditional

    mean. In one hand, a stationary time series has a finite variance that is time-

    invariant and theoretical correlogram that will diminish as lag length increases, and

    mean reversion fluctuates around a constant long-run mean. On the other hand, a

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    non- stationary series posses a permanent component that did not possess a long run

    mean to which the series returns, and its theoretical autocorrelation may not

    decompose, but in finite samples, the correlogram samples will eliminate slowly. In

    addition, it has time dependant variance that goes to infinity as time approaches

    infinity. Simple approach defining stationary as below;

    The variableytis stationary if it possesses the following three properties;

    a. E(Yt) = , the mean valueytis constant and independent of time,

    b. Var(Yt) = 2 , the variance ofyt, is constant across time,

    c. Cov(Yt , Yt-s) = s , the covariance is dependant only on the distance s between

    the observation and independent of time t

    It should be noted that the variable is non- stationary if one or more than one of the

    above mentioned conditions are not fulfilled. If the variables in an econometric

    model are stationary then the standard distribution of the test statistics are valid.

    However, this is not the case if the variables are non- stationary. That is the

    application of conventional econometric techniques to non- stationary (integrated)

    time series can give rise to misleading inference. It is therefore essentially

    important to test for non-stationary. One way to make a non-stationary time series

    to a stationary time series is to take differences of the variables. However, this will

    lead to lots of long-run information.

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    In order to test the stationary of a time series, unit root test is applied. To illustrate

    the concept of unit root, let consider that the real interest rate series sp followed an

    autoregressive one process:

    (spt- ) = (spt-1 - ) + t (3.3)

    wherespt is stock prices in logarithm form at time t, is the constant term and t

    is the error term with properties of zero mean, no serial correlation and has constant

    variance. Interest rate rin considered to be stationary if 0

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    Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF)

    Initially, the unit root test was tested using Dickey Fuller (DF), which developed by

    Dicker and Fuller in 1979. However, due to it less superiority as compared to ADF

    (Dickey and Fuller, 1981) which was taken place in testing the unit root test.

    Therefore, for a unit root test in each series is conducted with and without a

    deterministic trend (t) by using ADF methodology. The general form of ADF test is

    estimated by the following regression is used to determine whether the variables are

    trend stationary using Equation (3.4) and whether the variables are stationary

    without trend using Equation 3.5;

    Xt= 0 + xt-1 + iXt-i + t (3.4)

    Xt= 0+ t + xt-1 + ni=1 iXt-i + t (3.5)

    where t

    is white noise, andn

    is the number of lagged changes inXt

    . If the

    variables are non-stationary, then it will be tested for the presence of unit root by

    differencing at first difference using equation below;

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    2Xt= 0 + Xt-1 + ni=1 i2Xt-i + t (3.6)

    2Xt= 0 + t + Xt-1 + ni=1 i2Xt-i + t (3.7)

    where t is white noise, and n is the number of lagged changed inXt. Equation (3.6)

    denotes the regression in ADF without a trend and Equation (3.7) denotes the

    regression without a trend.

    The null hypothesis (H0) is tested against the alternative hypothesis (H1) where,

    H0:Xtis nonI(0)


    The null hypothesis (H0) is rejected and the series are shown to be stationary or

    integrated of order zero when the ADF statistics are more than their critical values

    for Equation (3.6), however, when null hypothesis is rejected, the series are shown

    to be stationary or integrated of first orderI(1) when the tabulated ADF statistics

    are more than their critical values for Equation (3.7).

    Additionally, enough lagged differences are included to include ensuring that the

    error term becomes white noise. Besides, if the autoregressive representation ofYt

    contains a unit root, the t ratio for 1 should be consistent with the hypothesis,

    which is

    1 =0. Otherwise, if the coefficient is significantly different from zero then

    the hypothesis that Ytcontains a unit root is rejected and thus it accepted as Yt is

    stationary rather than integrated. In the ADF test, the variables are tested whether

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    unit roots are present with and without a deterministic time trend. Stock price (SP),

    M1 and M2 series are tested in their levels and in their first difference.

    Phillips- Perron (PP)

    As mentioned above, the unit roots tests, which have developed by Phillips (1987),

    and Phillips and Peron (1988), is taken into consideration, on the levels and first

    differences of real interest rates. The Phillips- Perron 1988 (PP) test, is able to

    identify serial correlation and time dependant heteroscedasticity and if there is a

    structure break within a series. This gives an added advantage over the ADF test,

    therefore in this study; PP test is also used to test on the data series to further verify

    the presence of unit root in the series. The PP test is a test of the hypothesis =1 in

    the equation;

    Xt= 1 +Xt-1 +1t (3.8)

    Xt= 2 + t + X t-1 +2t (3.9)

    whereXt represents the first difference ofXt-1, tdenotes the trend of the variable

    andt is the white noise.

    The purpose of the PP test is the same as the ADF test, which is to test on the

    stationarity of the variable. Thus, the hypothesis for the test is as such;

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    H0: Xtis non- stationary

    H1:Xt is stationary

    The tabulated t-statistics results for the PP test should be negative and significantly

    different from zero forXt to be stationary in which the null hypothesis (H0) is

    rejected. This is generalization to DF procedure, however it is a powerful test to

    moderate and small sample size. As compared to ADF test, PP test has no lagged

    difference terms. Instead the equation is estimated by ordinary least squares and the

    t- statistic of the coefficient is corrected for serial correlation in t. In Eviews, it uses

    the Newey- West (1987) procedure to adjust the standard error.

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    3.3.2 Co integration Test

    This study is attempted to use of the technique Johansen and Juselius (1990) who

    devised a method to estimate whether two or more variables are co integrated via

    multivariate maximum- likelihood procedure that overcomes many of the

    limitations of the bivariate test of Engle and Granger (1987). These limitations

    require that one of the two variables is considered exogenous, while these test do

    not have well- defined limiting distribution and, therefore, their critical values are

    sensitive to sample sizes (Hall, 1989).

    Johansen maximum likelihood procedure begins by expressing a process, ifY1is a

    vector ofn variables, all of which areI(I) processes; there exist klag VECM with

    Gaussian errors of the following form:

    Y1= + k-1i-1 1Yt-1 +kYt-k+ (3.10)

    where is vector of drift, the matrixs are matrices of parameters, andt is a white

    noise vector.

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    The confined point of conducting Johansens co integration test is to determine the

    rank (r) of matrixk. There are three possible outcomes, which it can be of full rank

    (r-n), which imply that the interest rate series is a stationary process that would

    contradict the earlier finding of non- stationary. Besides that, the rank ofk can be

    zero (r=0), which case it indicates that there is no long run relationship among the

    national nominal interest rates. In particular case, when k is of either full rank or

    zero rank, it will be appropriate to estimate the model in either level of first

    differences, respectively. Finally, in the intermediate case when there are most rco

    integrating vectors 0 r n (i.e. reduced rank) it suggests that there are (n-r)

    common stochastic trends.

    The co integration procedure yields two likelihood ratio test statistics, referred to as

    the Trace test and the Maximum eigenvalue ( max) test, which will help determine

    which of the three possibilities is supported by the data. The Johansen trace test

    statistic of null hypothesis that are at most rco integrating vectors 0 r n , and

    therefore (n-r) common stochastic trends is

    trace = -T ni=r+1 ln (1- i), (3.11)

    whereis are the n-r smallest square canonical correlations of Yt-k with respect to

    Y1 series corrected for lagged differences of the Yt and T is the sample size

    actually used for estimation. The max statistic is given by:

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    max = Tln (1- r+ 1) (3.12)

    Since the asymptotic distribution of the Trace and and max test statistic follow 2

    distribution, a simulation procedure is needed to identify proper critical values for

    each test.11

    3.3.3 TECM Granger Causality Test

    Granger causality test is a technique for examining the causal relations among

    variables that are non-stationary and co integrated. Otherwise a VAR model is used

    in the case of no co integration found among the variables (Granger, 1969). The

    standard Granger Causality test examines if there is exist feedback (bi directional)

    or one- way causality between variables. Considering two series, Xt and Yt , the

    Granger Causality test is in the form as follows:

    Xt = 1 + n1

    i=1 11 (i) Xt-i+ m1j=1 12 (j) Yt-j + Xt (3.13)

    Yt = 2 + 21 (i) Xt-i+ m2j=1 22 (j) Yt-j + Yt (3.14)

    Where Xt and Yt are stationary random processes intended to capture other

    pertinent information not contained in lagged values of Xtand Yt. The lag lengths,

    n and m, are decided by AIC in this study. Therefore, the series Yt fails to Granger

    cause Xt if12 (j) = 0(j=1, 2,3,m1) ; and these series Xtfails to cause Ytif21(i) =

    0(i=1, 2,3,n1).

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    Hypothesis can be divided into two types:

    a. Null hypothesis (H0)

    Null hypothesis states there is no difference between the parameters.

    b. Alternative hypothesis (H1, H2, H3, Hx)

    Alternative hypothesis states there exists a difference between the parameters.

    3.4.1 Unit Root Test

    H0: The data series are non stationary.

    H1: The data series are stationary.

    3.4.2 Co integration Test

    H0: There is no existence of co integration between interest rate and stock market


    H1: There is an existence of co integration between interest rate and stock market


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    3.4.3 TECM Granger Causality Test

    Hypothesis 1

    H0: Interest rate do not Granger Cause stock market return.

    H1: Interest rate do Granger Cause stock market return.

    Hypothesis 2

    H0: Stock market return does not Granger Cause interest rate.

    H1: Stock market return does Granger Cause interest rate.

  • 8/2/2019 Proposal Pn.suzaida - Copy





    1.1 Introduction

    1.1.1 Stock Market1.1.2 Interest Rate1.1.3 ASEAN-5

    1.2 Problem Statement

    1.3 Research Objectives

    1.3.1 General Objectives

    1.3.2 Specific Objectives1.4 Significance of the Study

    1.5 Scope of the Study

    1.6 Format of Project Paper



    2.1 Previous Studies

    2.1.1 Summary of Literature Review



    3.1 Introduction

    3.2 Source of Data3.3 Model Specification

    3.4 Methodology

    3.4.1 Stationarity and Unit Root Test3.4.2 Co Integration Test

    3.4.3 TECM Granger Causality Test

    3.5 Hypothesis




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    SEMESTER 1, 2010/2011


    (FICB 344)