izv. prof. dr. sc. Danijela Horvatek Tomić, dr. med. vet. Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Veterinarski fakultet, Heinzelova 55, 10000 Zagreb Project proposal and Evaluation Criteria – presentation from a regular H2020 evaluator Projektni prijedlog i kriteriji evaluacije – iskustvo evaluatora Informativni dan za Obzor 2020. Zagreb, 28.11.2019. – Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU (AMPEU)

Project proposal and Evaluation Criteria presentation from ... · Registered as an expert in January 2016 on Funding & Tenders Portal (EU Login) Completed profile on the portal

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Page 1: Project proposal and Evaluation Criteria presentation from ... · Registered as an expert in January 2016 on Funding & Tenders Portal (EU Login) Completed profile on the portal

i zv. p rof. d r. sc . Danijela Horvatek Tomić, dr. med. vet .

Sveuči l i šte u Zagrebu, Veter inarsk i fakultet , He inzelova 55, 10000 Zagreb

Project proposal and Evaluation Criteria – presentationfrom a regular H2020 evaluator

Projektni prijedlog i kriteriji evaluacije – iskustvo evaluatora

Informativni dan za Obzor 2020.Zagreb, 28.11.2019. – Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU (AMPEU)

Page 2: Project proposal and Evaluation Criteria presentation from ... · Registered as an expert in January 2016 on Funding & Tenders Portal (EU Login) Completed profile on the portal



Evaluation procedure – remote evaluation

Evaluation criterion, IER and CR

Tips and tricks

Informativni dan za Obzor 2020.Zagreb, 28.11.2019. – Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU (AMPEU)

Page 3: Project proposal and Evaluation Criteria presentation from ... · Registered as an expert in January 2016 on Funding & Tenders Portal (EU Login) Completed profile on the portal


DVM, Associate Professor

Department of Poultry Diseases with Clinic since 2002

Vice-dean for quality control, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb since 2018

Field of interest:

Bacterial diseases of poultry and other birds with a special emphasis on zoonoses (campylobacteriosis, avian chlamydiosis), standard and molecular

diagnostic methods, treatment of poultry, other birds and reptiles, accreditation

Informativni dan za Obzor 2020.Zagreb, 28.11.2019. – Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU (AMPEU)

Page 4: Project proposal and Evaluation Criteria presentation from ... · Registered as an expert in January 2016 on Funding & Tenders Portal (EU Login) Completed profile on the portal

To become an evaluator

„A push” from my previous mentor to apply

Registered as an expert in January 2016 on Funding & Tenders Portal (EU Login)

Completed profile on the portalLanguages

Area of expertise


Employment history


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First asigment• Contacted in December 2016 via email - check the willingness and availability to act as evaluator of proposals which will be submitted within the following topic:

SFS-46: Alternative production systems to address anti-microbial drug usage, animal welfare and the impact on health

Conflict of interest

•Before confirming your availability, please verify that, to the best of your knowledge, you do not have a conflict of interest in relation to a proposal submitted to this call


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Remote evaluation process•February 23, 2017- acceptance as an evaluator

•February 24, 2017 – confirmation of contract signature

•Access to the assigned proposals through on-line evaluation system (SEP) –6 project proposals

•Evaluation of the first stage proposals done fully remotely

•The process duration March 7 – April 12

•In contact with project officer a 2 vice-Chairs• contact via email and SEP

• smooth development of the process

• providing feedback on IER and supporting the finalisation of the CR

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IER and CR•Individual Evaluation Reports (IER) and Consensus Reports (CR)

•All experts participated in IER (individually)

•Rapporteurs (each expert for 2 or 3 proposals) sumarising IER into CR

•IER – template provided, suggestions from the project officer:• Use all possible range of scores • Be consistent – scores should reflect the comments! • Do not evaluate the “implementation” side of the proposals • Justification of assessment (weaknesses/shortcomings and strengths) should

be provided

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Page 9: Project proposal and Evaluation Criteria presentation from ... · Registered as an expert in January 2016 on Funding & Tenders Portal (EU Login) Completed profile on the portal

Criterion 1Excellence: C1.1 Clarity and pertinence of the objectivesC1.2 Soundness of the concept and credibility of the proposed methodology C1.3 Extent that proposed work is beyond the state of the art, and demonstrates innovation potential (e.g. ground-breaking objectives, novel concepts and approaches, new products, services or business and organisational models)C1.4 Appropriate consideration of interdisciplinary approaches and, where relevant, use of stakeholder knowledge

For example: C1.1: Strength: The objectives are clearly defined and quantified C1.1: Weakness: The objectives are only partially pertinent for the topic because…

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Page 11: Project proposal and Evaluation Criteria presentation from ... · Registered as an expert in January 2016 on Funding & Tenders Portal (EU Login) Completed profile on the portal

Rapporteurs and CR•Rapporteur prepare the draft CR once all the IER are completed (merging the 3 IERS into one word file)•CR draft is opened for discussion between the 3 experts; all should agreed on strengths, weaknesses and shortcomings for each criterion/subcriterion and final scores.

•Other experts don't see the other IER comments or scores, so it is important that the rapporteur makes an accurate draft CR that does not discount or omit any comments from the other experts that are in opposition to the prevailing view.

• Final check done by project officer

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•Suggested method to develop a CR as rapporteur:• group the strengths/shortcomings/weaknesses into the

same subcriterion, to identify areas of agreement and disagreement

• if all agrees - choose one of the comments to represent all experts (if it accurately summarises everybody’s thoughts), or rewrite a single new strength or weakness to pick up the relevant comments from each expert for that subcriterion. • if not – add "Points for discussion" to each of the sections,

and summarise what the dispute is

Rapporteurs and CR

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•Call H2020-MSCA-IF-2018

•Evaluation started on October 8th, 2018 –ended on October 28th, 2018 (IER)

•3 project proposals

•Self-assessment questionnaire on the briefing materials

Evaluation of the 2018 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)

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Overview of the workflow

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Some suggestions for evaluators

• Fill your profile with all necesarry details andexpertise

• Be on time (respect the given dates)

• Check the manuals for each specific call / evaluation process

• Be prepare for a tons of emails and longdiscussions

Informativni dan za Obzor 2020.Zagreb, 28.11.2019. – Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU (AMPEU)

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Some suggestions for project proposaladapt the project proposal to all requirements of the corresponding call write project proposal clearly, precisely and accurately, without factual or linguistic errorsshow relevant knowledge of previous scientific research, results of related projects, guidelines and policies select reliable partners with proven experience, involve stakeholders outside academia, (SMEs, local stakeholders, if call allows)clearly define the roles of all partners and delineate the task of work packages

Develop sound dissemination strategy and be creative by using non-traditional methods(social networks, Youtube, forums, press releases, interviews), appoint a dissemination manager)

align the budget with the scope of the activityInformativni dan za Obzor 2020.

Zagreb, 28.11.2019. – Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU (AMPEU)

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Zahvaljujem na pažnji!

Informativni dan za Obzor 2020.Zagreb, 28.11.2019. – Agencija za mobilnost i programe EU (AMPEU)