14 November 2009 Prepared For: Prepared by Social Change Online For the GOV2 Taskforce An Analysis of Submissions to the Gov2 Taskforce

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14 November 2009

Prepared For:

Prepared by

Social Change Online

For the GOV2 Taskforce

An Analysis of Submissions to the Gov2 Taskforce

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The GOV2 Taskforce

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia Licence




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This report was produced in collaboration with NICTA. The report is based on an analysis of the content of the submissions and commentaries found on the GOV2 Taskforce web site.

The principal tool used for the analysis was the “OpinionWatch” software developed by NICTA


Mr Geoff CaseyPrincipal ConsultantSocial Change Online

Dr Wray BuntineGroup Manager Machine Learning Group NICTA

Mr Roger HausmannGeneral ManagereGovernment Cluster


Australian eGovernment Technology Cluster

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The Vision 5

Executive Summary 6

About this Report 8




Key Findings

Interpreting the Topic Names

Links between Submissions and Commentary

Appendix I - Index of Topic from Submissions

Appendix II – Index of Topics for the Blog entries.

Appendix III - Table (Links between Submissions and Commentary)

Appendix IV - OpinionWatch Product Information


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The GOV2 Taskforce has sought to demonstrate WEB2 technologies and their value to the community and public policy makers.

The web is now a ubiquitous tool. The demographics of social web technologies are skewed to younger generations.

Social media technologies may over represented in Gen X,Y and Z, but this demographic is traditionally under represented in the community engagement on issues of public policy.

The adoption of social media has been so extensive with younger audiences that traditional communication strategies for social policy issues for all demographic groups are threatened.

Advertisers have been relatively quick to adjust their patterns of expenditure in targeting their traditional markets, especially these high spending consumers. Traditional media’s response to the revenue challenges has been widely reported to have been to reduce costs.

This implies an increasing proportion of the population informing itself via social media and the decline of the traditional media’s business model with a consequent impact on traditional communication strategies fro government. Taken together these observations support the view that WEB2 technologies will be disruptive and that social media or Web2 will be of greater importance to government in the future.

This study demonstrates a web technology designed to facilitate the interaction with the wider community by providing concise, meaningful indexes into the content of submissions and commentaries hosted on the GOV2 website. As such it is a model of ways the government may facilitate inclusive community access to public policy debate.

The combination of sentiment and semantic analysis is expected not only to facilitate an appreciation of the content of materials contributed to the public policy debate but to act as a stimulant to the debate itself.


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Executive SummaryOne of the themes of the submissions and commentary was the challenge posed by the aggregation

of data without the ability to distil the content of that data.

The results of the OpinionWatch analysis in the Key Findings section of this report allow us to say

with confidence this concern was not the most topical of topics identified by the work of the GOV2

Taskforce. Indeed the sentiment for the topics “Document accessibility and Reputation were far

more contentious.

Ironically the fact that the result “proves” that the public has greater concerns than the technology

underpinning the delivery of web sites, is in itself evidence of that OpinionWatch can discriminate

relative levels of public sentiment.

This study demonstrates that it is possible to provide a reliable, high level appreciation of the

content and sentiment as it applies to diverse and complex issues of public policy.

As with all statistical projects the granularity of the results is determined by the size of the sample;

and the relevance of the results determined by the representativeness of the audience. The results

attained from these techniques become more relevant with success of the programs in engaging

diverse audiences relevant to the issues under consideration. The audience the GOV2 web site

attracted was the principal determinate of the sentiment this study was able to measure.

It is also recognised that OpinionWatch is still a formative toolset, albeit based on accepted

techniques. The toolset could be expected to improve over time however the more relevant

consideration is role sentiment analysis may play in attractive a more diverse audience to the

“debate” on public policy.

Providing OpinionWatch information dynamically, as part of the web experience, could be expected to assist program managers in stimulating the quality and diversity on the on-line debate. This is new ground. A metaphor might be the distinction between “news broadcasts” and “talk back” on radio. Inclusion of sentiment information in the site may be the spark which encourages a greater diversity of feedback and opinion by the public to matters of public interest.

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About this Report


This report

1) labels the topics raised in GOV2 Taskforce submissions and

2) represents the sentiment and subjectivity of the commentary on those topics

using the “OpinionWatch” toolset from NICTA.

The submissions ingested for the analysis are the submissions published on the GOV2 website. Four submissions were not ingested (either because the content of the submission was electronically protected or because it was published as an image (scanned image of the submission)

Topics have been distilled the from the GOV2 Taskforce submissions using semantic analysis. This provides a useful index to contributor’s content.

The sentiment or subjectivity analysis (i.e. community support for or against the content on a topic) is an “at a glance” indicator of commentators support for the content of submissions.

This report provides an analytical snapshot of the topics in the GOV2 submissions. This engagement did not present the topics or sentiment on the GOV2 website although there is believed to be much value in the ability for commentators to see topics and sentiment dynamically on a web site. This would have meant deploying the OpinionWatch user interface as part of the GOV2 web site.

The “OpinionWatch” user interface (out of scope for this engagement due to time constraints) would have provided time poor reviewers of the GOV2 website with the ability to navigate to the content of submissions via topics of interest, or investigate the commentary by sentiment throughput the consultative phases of the GOV2 project.

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This report is intended to provide a systematic analysis of the content of the submissions and commentary posted on the GOV2 website.

The tool used to do the analysis also provides insight into the potential for semantic analysis to make the content more accessible to interested parties and reviewers of that content.

Reviewers often do not have the time to review the entire corpus of contributed materials to identify which submissions make commentary on topics of particular interest. Reviewer adopt strategies which limit their exploration of the content to submissions e.g. submissions from parties whose interests are possible already known to them, or perhaps those submissions which have attained a degree of topicality in the commentary.

As the volume of the contributed material increases the ability of interested parties and reviewers to monitor and provide commentary is mitigated by the effort associated with participation in the process.

The project was intended to explore whether or not semantic and sentiment analysis would add value to submissions and the related commentary by the identification of meaningful topics and displaying measured sentiment.


The premise of OpinionWatch is that by applying statistical and semantic analytical techniques it is possible to build a model of a collection of textual artifacts which provides insight into the topics discussed in those artifacts, and the sentiment of the authors towards those topics.

The sentiment is measured by determining the “positivity” or “negativity” of the language used by the authors. The measure for sentiment , “subjectivity”, is the sum of the scores of “positivity” and “negativity” in the text. Subjectivity is an approximate score for the degree of opinion (versus fact) in the content

Unstructured textual data is harvested by the toolset. In this case the data is the content of the submissions to the GOV2 Taskforce and related metadata on the GOV2 web site. Larger submissions and Taskforce entries have been broken up into paragraph-sized chunks to allow higher fidelity. The text is subject to a rigorous statistical analysis designed to identify topics within and between elements of the harvested text. This function is referred to here as the semantic analysis.


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The GOV2 web site also contains commentary on the submissions (blog entries). This text is also harvested and subjected to semantic analysis. This identifies the topics in the commentary. Additionally the commentary is “scored” to measure its sentiment.

The sentiment of a commentary is a measure of the support or opposition of the commentary with respect to the topic(s) it is discussing. The data set used to score the commentary is an externally validated “word by word” database of scores indicting the “in context” meaning of the word and its accepted positivity (or negativity) to the topic under discussion.

The results of the analysis are subject to interpretation and at this stage of the development of the tool set some experience and common sense is used to validate the analysis.

Techniques used in the analysis have wide circulation and acceptance in academic communities. The methodology is subject to continuing evolution and results vary with analytical tools and the experience of the individual analyst. There is also potential for cultural bias as the scoring database have not been localised. Nevertheless the consistent application of the technique produces statistically significant discrimination and a meaningful overview of the unstructured data.

Further information on the techniques is available in the proceeding of the 1st International CIKM Workshop on Topic-Sentiment Analysis for Mass Opinion Measurement, held in Hong Kong. This event covered many aspects of sentiment and opinion mining but no work looks extensively at the interaction between topic models for text and sentiment/opinion mining. Topic models for text analysis have been pioneered in recent years, most notably by David Blei of Princeton, and researchers at UC Irvine are also well represented here. Combining detailed text analysis with topic models has been explored at Stanford and at through a NICTA-Uni. of Melbourne effort, where they explore the impact of part of speech and named entity recognition. Ryan McDonald of Google Labs has started exploring the use of topic models for online reviews, but more to extract the facets of the review than to understand sentiment or opinion.









Opinion and Sentiment

















2 1 2

Themes and Mood




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Topic models are mostly used for the analysis of text, but have also beenable to uncover factions (or voting blocks) within individualpolitical parties in joint work between political scientists La Piraand Brasher and computer scientists Jakulin and Buntine.

@article { buntine_polanal, author = "Jakulin, A. and Buntine, W. and La Pira, T. and Brasher, H.", year = "2009", journal = "Political Analysis", volume = 17,> number = 3, title = "Analyzing the {U.S. Senate} in 2003: Similarities, Clusters, and Blocs", month = "June" , note="doi:10.1093/pan/mpp006"

Topic models are a discrete version of PCA that allowsfor better interpretation, and is thus suited for semanticanalysis. Early papers (Buntine and Jakulin, 2004) lookedat different kinds of preprocessing, different algorithms,and hierarchical methods.

@inproceedings{BuntineJakulin04, author = "W.L. Buntine and A. Jakulin", title = "Applying Discrete {PCA} in Data Analysis", booktitle = "Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the Twentieth Conference", year = "2004", address = "Banff, Canada"}


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Key Findings

Lets us consider the following scenario:

Knowing that you have spent a long time reviewing the submissions and commentary on the GOV2 Taskkforce web site a colleague asks

1) “What were the GOV2 submissions about?” and 2) “What did the public write about when they posted blog responses?”

Now this question has to be answered before your colleague finishes his cup of coffee, and without you having the opportunity to prepare a detailed report.

Below are tag clouds representing the topics the OpinionWatch toolset has determined were in the submissions. The relative sizes of the topics discussed in the submissions are determined by the “subjectivity” of the commentary of the submissions. The “subjectivity” is a measure of the sentiment of those who responded and posted a blog entry.

We could answer the first question - “What were the submissions about?”

“The GOV2 submissions wrote about the following topics and the public expressed most sentiment about the topics in larger font.”

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We could answer the second question - . “What did the public write about when they posted blogs?”

“When the public responded they wrote about the following issues and their sentiment was strongest about the issues in larger font.”

We would be confident that our responses were exhaustive and consistent. We would know that while our responses were based on the subjective judgements of the public the results were free from our own subjective inputs.

The inclusion of tag clouds which represent topics and sentiment complements other uses of tag clouds and potentially allows both a high level appreciation of the content of extensive and complex repositories as well as providing a navigation capability based on key topics and sentiment. In many ways this mimics the intuitive behaviour of a curious observer.

Each of the topics in tag cloud above is a label for a collection of words which are used to link the content of the text between the various submissions and blog entries. Those terms are themselves described as tag clouds later in this report.


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Interpreting the Topic Names

Topics were extracted from the documents contained in the GOV2 web site. One set of topics was determined from the documents which are indentified on the web site as submissions and the “official” blog entries. A second set of topics was determined from the commentary provided by the public in the form of blog entries.

The tag cloud below indicate the (statistical) contribution of particular words to the concept identified by the topic name, that is to say the topic name is a conceptual label for the text behind the words in the tag cloud. The size of the font in the text cloud indicates the relative importance of the word to the label for this particular analysis.

(See Appendix I)

Index of Topic from Submissions

Topics in decreasing order of proportion:

Community and process




Data and applications

Value and service

Copyright material


Public issues

Online availability




Information commissioner


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Quality issues


Disability issues


Public service


Museums and collections

Gov2.0 and Taskforce submissions



Human rights commission


Public sector information (PSI)




Accountability and openness

The Contest


Spatial information


Bureau of Meteorology



Strategic planning


Index of Topics for the Blog entries.Topics in decreasing order of proportion:


Comments other


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Community issues (Taskforce, Gov2.0, etc.)

Public servant issues



Formats and APIs


Domains and culture

Web stuff


Public interest

Licensing and CC

Online participation

APS conduct

Cost issues

Web technology issues

Releasing data

Microsoft contract


AusIndustry and websites

Dealing with citizens

Mashup competition

Copyright, publishing and AGIMO

Document accessibility

Tools and policy




Using social media

Governments and content

Work and open source

Taskforce issues


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Government spatial data


Reports, policies and GILF

Taskforce and AGIMO

Department innovation

Social networks






Rules and systems






(See Appendix II)


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Links between Submissions and Commentary

The table (Appendix III) provides an analysis which details the topics for each of submissions.

The first line is the submission title. It is follow by a link to the submission and the name of the author.

The next section details the sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission. This an aggregate of sentiment about the submission as expressed by the related blogs. The score are of “subjectivity”, “positive sentiment”, “negative sentiment”. Subjectivity is the sum of the positive sentiment and the negative sentiment.

Each submission then has a table of three cells detailing the topics contained in the submission, the commentary on that submission and the sentiment expressed by the authors of the blogs related to that submission. In some cases the volume of comments may be so low as to make the analysis somewhat vague e.g. be mainly about the generic topic Comments. It is suggested the toolset could be improved in this respect for future engagements.

In the first cell of the table, “Submission Topics”, the font size is indicative of the strength of the correlation between the submission and the topic.

The second cell, “Topics inferred from comments”, details the blog topics on this submission and the font size indicates the strength of the correlation.

The last cell, “Subjectivity of comments” details the blog topics which had the highest subjectivity in the commentary about this submission. The size of the font is indicative of the relative subjectivity of the blog topics.

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I Index of Topic from Submissions

II Index of Topics from the commentary (Blog entries)

III Table (Links between Submissions and Commentary)

IV OpinionWatch Product Information

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Appendix I - Index of Topic from Submissions

IndexTopics in decereasing order of proportion: Community and process Gov2.0 People Management Data and applications Value and service Copyright material Taskforce Public issues Online availability Submissions Economy Privacy Information commissioner Quality issues Blogs Disability issues Cost Public service Policy Museums and collections Gov2.0 and Taskforce submissions Projects <unnamed> Human rights commission Democracy Public sector information (PSI) Licensing Education ABS Accountability and openness The Contest Metadata Spatial information <unnamed> Bureau of Meteorology Politics FOI Strategic planning Organisations

Topic = Community and process

access australia because benefit business case challenge change community control decision develop however identify increase individual interest issue level life long opportunity

Proportion = 0.08518Average positive sentiment = 0.213Average Negative sentiment = 0.319Average subjectivity = 0.532

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organization other people place political private problem process provide public require risk significant solution system take term trust Documents:"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 31, on 2009-08-24"Re - PayPal Australia Submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by PayPal Australia, part 10, on 2009-08-23"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 16, on 2009-08-01"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 72, on 2009-08-24"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 15, on 2009-08-01"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 13, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 21, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 22, on 2009-08-24"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 14, on 2009-08-01"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 35, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 49, on 2009-08-24"Re - PayPal Australia Submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by PayPal Australia, part 21, on 2009-08-23

Topic = Gov2.0

between build citizen Proportion = 0.06938Average positive sentiment = 0.218Average Negative sentiment = 0.301


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collaboration communication community consultation conversation create discussion encourage engage engagement experience Gov-2.0 great important innovation issue member new online-engagement online open opportunity other participate participation people platform public share social-medium social space Task-Force technology tool Web-2.0 web

Average subjectivity = 0.519

Documents:"Government 2.0 – It’s the Community, Stupid"by Tim Watts, part 2, on 2009-08-11"Government 2.0 – It’s the Community, Stupid"by Tim Watts, part 1, on 2009-08-11


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"Government 2.0 Taskforce Digital Engagement through Innovation"by Flink Labs, part 1, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0 DATA as a SERVICE"by SPACE-TIME RESEARCH, part 10, on 2009-08-10"Government 2.0 – It’s the Community, Stupid"by Tim Watts, part 3, on 2009-08-11"Government 2.0 Issues Paper Submission"by Paul Roberts, part 9, on 2009-08-25"Government 2.0 Taskforce Digital Engagement through Innovation"by Flink Labs, part 5, on 2009-08-01

Topic = People

allow around ask back because

big challenge change come course create day effort even

example find first give help idea internet know least look new other people possible put say start take talk tell thing think time want work world

Proportion = 0.06672Average positive sentiment = 0.215Average Negative sentiment = 0.308Average subjectivity = 0.523

Documents:"If I could start with a blank piece of paper… (part 2)"by David Eaves, part 5, on 2009-11-11"If I could start with a blank piece of paper… (part 2)"by David Eaves, part 1, on 2009-11-11"Congratulations Ben Crothers – designer of our banner and logo!"by Nicholas Gruen, part 1, on 2009-07-10"If I could start with a blank piece of paper… (part 2)"by David Eaves, part 3, on 2009-11-11


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Topic = Management

access across address agency approach appropriate australian best-

practice culture department develop development ensure establish framework Gov-2.0 government-agency government-

information include initiative issue issues level manage management paper policy practice process provide provided require requirement role share standard support

Proportion = 0.06128Average positive sentiment = 0.213Average Negative sentiment = 0.312Average subjectivity = 0.525


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system whole work Documents:"Access and transparency of government data"by Craig Thomler, part 18, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 39, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0"by D. Hocking, part 28, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0"by D. Hocking, part 13, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Alaine King, Russell McCaskie, part 5, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 38, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0"by D. Hocking, part 12, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 22, on 2009-08-24"Records Management Association of Australasia Submission RTF"by Veronica Pumpa, part 2, on 2009-08-23"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 13, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Alaine King, Russell McCaskie, part 3, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, part 2, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, part 8, on 2009-08-01"Access and transparency of government data"by Craig Thomler, part 21, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 41, on 2009-08-24

Topic = Data and applications

access accessible agency allow application available data department develop easily

Proportion = 0.04160Average positive sentiment = 0.197Average Negative sentiment = 0.274Average subjectivity = 0.471


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enable example format g Google Gov-2.0 gov government-information http issues map open-source open other paper promote provide PSI public question reuse search-engine search service useful user value web-site web www Documents:"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 15, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 7, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 34, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 19, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0 DATA as a SERVICE"by SPACE-TIME RESEARCH, part 6, on 2009-08-10"Data.gov and lessons from the open-source world"by Alan Noble, part 4, on 2009-08-26"Data.gov"by Brian Fitzgerald, part 2, on 2009-06-28"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 14, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 39, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0"by Roxanne Missingham, part 11, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 44, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 33, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 49, on 2009-08-01


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Topic = Value and service

agency APS business capability change client create customer deliver demand design develop drive element environment focus future governance ICT mean model network organization policy potential power process programme public-sector public-service public require

service-delivery service state strategy structure support understand value

Proportion = 0.03991Average positive sentiment = 0.229Average Negative sentiment = 0.318Average subjectivity = 0.547

Documents:"Policy 2.0: towards whole-of-government policy development"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, part 4, on 2009-10-08


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"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 7, on 2009-08-01"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 25, on 2009-08-01"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 8, on 2009-08-01"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 9, on 2009-08-01"Online engagement"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, part 1, on 2009-07-27"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 6, on 2009-08-01"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 1, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Taskforce Digital Engagement through Innovation"by Flink Labs, part 2, on 2009-08-01"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 10, on 2009-08-01"Online engagement"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, part 5, on 2009-07-27"Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorology"by Bureau of Meteorology, part 20, on 2009-08-01

Topic = Copyright material

access accessible australian available

case commonwealth consider copyright-act copyright-material copyright council create department educational example include institution issues licence material note other paper permission principle provision PSI publication publish recommend relevant

Proportion = 0.03757Average positive sentiment = 0.167Average Negative sentiment = 0.278Average subjectivity = 0.445


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report response result right school Task-

Force view web-site Documents:"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by ADVISORY GROUP OF THE SCHOOLS RESOURCING TASKFORCE, part 8, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by ADVISORY GROUP OF THE SCHOOLS RESOURCING TASKFORCE, part 7, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by ADVISORY GROUP OF THE SCHOOLS RESOURCING TASKFORCE, part 9, on 2009-08-01"Australian Copyright Council: Response to Government 2.0 Taskforce Issues Paper"by Ian McDonald, part 3, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by ADVISORY GROUP OF THE SCHOOLS RESOURCING TASKFORCE, part 6, on 2009-08-01"Australian Copyright Council: Response to Government 2.0 Taskforce Issues Paper"by Ian McDonald, part 5, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by ADVISORY GROUP OF THE SCHOOLS RESOURCING TASKFORCE, part 4, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by ADVISORY GROUP OF THE SCHOOLS RESOURCING TASKFORCE, part 5, on 2009-08-01"Liberating heritage collections (Part One)"by Adrian Cunningham, part 5, on 2009-09-11"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 52, on 2009-08-24"Australian Copyright Council: Response to Government 2.0 Taskforce Issues Paper"by Ian McDonald, part 9, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by ADVISORY GROUP OF THE SCHOOLS RESOURCING TASKFORCE, part 2, on 2009-08-01"Australian Copyright Council: Response to Government 2.0 Taskforce Issues Paper"by Ian McDonald, part 1, on 2009-08-01

Topic = Taskforce

access accessible achieve approach assist Proportion = 0.03742Average positive sentiment = 0.239Average Negative sentiment = 0.325


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consideration culture development example Gov-2.0 government-

information include initiative innovation issue issues opportunity paper policy promote provide question raise recommendation reference release response submission Task-Force technology view Web-2.0

Average subjectivity = 0.564

Documents:"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by ADVISORY GROUP OF THE SCHOOLS RESOURCING TASKFORCE, part 1, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 1, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 20, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Issues Paper submission"by Mark Nottingham, part 18, on 2009-08-13"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 43, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: an Issues Paper"by Jim Alexander, part 1, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Adam Flynn, Tyrilly Bolton, part 1, on 2009-08-24"Help us finalise our Issues Paper"by Nicholas Gruen, part 2, on 2009-07-18"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 29, on 2009-08-24"Official Issues Paper Released"by Nicholas Gruen, part 1, on 2009-07-23"A response to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Sally Rose, part 10, on 2009-08-24"SUBMISSION IN RESPONSE TO GOVERNMENT 2.0 TASKFORCE ISSUES PAPER"by Olaf Hedberg, part 6, on 2009-08-24


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Topic = Public issues

application between citizen consultation country database demand eGovernment establish Europe even first FOI free g Gov-2.0 governmental industry issue item lack legal legislation major market

national paper PPP private PSI public-datum public question regard service since source take US year

Proportion = 0.03267Average positive sentiment = 0.206Average Negative sentiment = 0.311Average subjectivity = 0.517

Documents:"Public Consultation regarding “Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper”"by Gerhard Wagner, part 11, on 2009-08-01"Public Consultation regarding “Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper”"by Gerhard Wagner, part 53, on 2009-08-01"Public Consultation regarding “Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper”"by Gerhard Wagner, part 27, on 2009-08-01"Public Consultation regarding “Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper”"by Gerhard Wagner, part 14, on 2009-08-01"Public Consultation regarding “Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper”"by Gerhard Wagner, part 24, on 2009-08-01"Public Consultation regarding “Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper”"by Gerhard Wagner, part 28, on 2009-08-01


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"Public Consultation regarding “Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper”"by Gerhard Wagner, part 55, on 2009-08-01"Public Consultation regarding “Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper”"by Gerhard Wagner, part 31, on 2009-08-01"Public Consultation regarding “Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper”"by Gerhard Wagner, part 62, on 2009-08-01"Public Consultation regarding “Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper”"by Gerhard Wagner, part 66, on 2009-08-01"Public Consultation regarding “Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper”"by Gerhard Wagner, part 2, on 2009-08-01"Public Consultation regarding “Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper”"by Gerhard Wagner, part 40, on 2009-08-01"Public Consultation regarding “Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper”"by Gerhard Wagner, part 44, on 2009-08-01"Public Consultation regarding “Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper”"by Gerhard Wagner, part 5, on 2009-08-01"Public Consultation regarding “Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper”"by Gerhard Wagner, part 58, on 2009-08-01

Topic = Online availability

able access agency australia australian available community content currently department digital example fund Gov-2.0 gov government-

Proportion = 0.03071Average positive sentiment = 0.189Average Negative sentiment = 0.276Average subjectivity = 0.465


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agency government-

information high http internet library long national online policy provided public publication publicly publish purpose release report require research resource service support web-site www Documents:"Towards Government 2.0"by Sue Hutley, part 11, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0"by Sue Hutley, part 8, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0"by Roxanne Missingham, part 4, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0"by Sue Hutley, part 7, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0"by Sue Hutley, part 12, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0"by Sue Hutley, part 6, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0"by Roxanne Missingham, part 6, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0"by Roxanne Missingham, part 3, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0"by Roxanne Missingham, part 7, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0"by Sue Hutley, part 26, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0"by Sue Hutley, part 17, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0"by Sue Hutley, part 16, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0"by Sue Hutley, part 10, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0"by Sue Hutley, part 13, on 2009-08-25


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Topic = Submissions

analysis application around

between commercial community concept consumer cost create culture datamining develop encourage environment establish

expectation Gov-2.0 grow identify knowledge level major new offer open-source opportunity participant policy protocol provided relationship share submission success system Task-Force traditional US value

Proportion = 0.02871Average positive sentiment = 0.232Average Negative sentiment = 0.319Average subjectivity = 0.552


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Documents:"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 58, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 7, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 18, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 32, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 66, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 67, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 62, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 57, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 64, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 25, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 56, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 14, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 6, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 68, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 38, on 2009-08-24

Topic = Economy

australia australian between broadband capacity capital change connectivity country creation economic economy enterprise expectation factor future global grow harness individual industry

Proportion = 0.02829Average positive sentiment = 0.173Average Negative sentiment = 0.270Average subjectivity = 0.443


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infrastructure innovation investment knowledge level market national new other per power product productivity quality service social society technology world Documents:"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 18, on 2009-08-01"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 21, on 2009-08-01"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 19, on 2009-08-01"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 24, on 2009-08-01"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 4, on 2009-08-01"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 12, on 2009-08-01"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 13, on 2009-08-01"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 17, on 2009-08-01"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 23, on 2009-08-01"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 11, on 2009-08-01"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 20, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0"by Sue Hutley, part 5, on 2009-08-25"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 15, on 2009-08-01"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 22, on 2009-08-01"Harnessing the power of government"by Patrick Callioni, part 26, on 2009-08-01

Topic = Privacy

agency appropriate consider develop ensure Proportion = 0.02564Average positive sentiment = 0.205


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example handle help identify include individual initiative issues law note office online other paper personal-information possible practice Privacy-Act privacy risk security system technology trust Web-2.0

Average Negative sentiment = 0.325Average subjectivity = 0.530

Documents:"Towards Government 2.0: Issues Paper"by Office of the Privacy Commissioner, part 12, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: Issues Paper"by Office of the Privacy Commissioner, part 7, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: Issues Paper"by Office of the Privacy Commissioner, part 8, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: Issues Paper"by Office of the Privacy Commissioner, part 14, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: Issues Paper"by Office of the Privacy Commissioner, part 17, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: Issues Paper"by Office of the Privacy Commissioner, part 13, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: Issues Paper"by Office of the Privacy Commissioner, part 9, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: Issues Paper"by Office of the Privacy Commissioner, part 2, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: Issues Paper"by Office of the Privacy Commissioner, part 4, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: Issues Paper"by Office of the Privacy Commissioner, part 1, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: Issues Paper"by Office of the Privacy Commissioner, part 16, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: Issues Paper"by Office of the Privacy Commissioner, part 10, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: Issues Paper"by Office of the Privacy Commissioner, part 19, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: Issues Paper"by Office of the Privacy Commissioner, part 11, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: Issues Paper"by Office of the Privacy Commissioner, part 18, on 2009-08-24

Topic = Information commissioner


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access act agency appropriate authority balance broad concern consider create culture department disclosure encourage FOI freedom Gov-2.0 government-information guideline information-commissioner issues legal legislation office OIC openness other paper PIAC policy privacy propose protection publication publish reason relation release risk

Proportion = 0.02377Average positive sentiment = 0.186Average Negative sentiment = 0.304Average subjectivity = 0.490


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scheme Documents:"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 10, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 10, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 17, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 11, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 74, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 11, on 2009-08-01"Balancing information, privacy and accessibility: some comments on Towards Government 2.0"by Robin Banks, Lizzie Simpson, Deirdre Moor, part 10, on 2009-08-23"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 12, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: an Issues Paper"by Jim Alexander, part 3, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: Issues Paper"by Office of the Privacy Commissioner, part 6, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 21, on 2009-08-01"Balancing information, privacy and accessibility: some comments on Towards Government 2.0"by Robin Banks, Lizzie Simpson, Deirdre Moor, part 9, on 2009-08-23"Balancing information, privacy and accessibility: some comments on Towards Government 2.0"by Robin Banks, Lizzie Simpson, Deirdre Moor, part 2, on 2009-08-23

Topic = Quality issues

access account appropriate available case consider cost critical easy ensure Gov-2.0 hand high important instance large

Proportion = 0.02305Average positive sentiment = 0.248Average Negative sentiment = 0.363Average subjectivity = 0.611


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likely limited off option order other place point possible principle provide provided quality question reasonable release require resource source step support take time user Documents:"Towards Government 2.0"by Roxanne Missingham, part 12, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0"by Sue Hutley, part 24, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 42, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0"by D. Hocking, part 17, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0"by D. Hocking, part 16, on 2009-08-24"Making more government data and information available"by Ann Steward, part 1, on 2009-08-21"Government 2.0 Issues Paper submission"by Mark Nottingham, part 14, on 2009-08-13"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 47, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorology"by Bureau of Meteorology, part 11, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Issues Paper submission"by Mark Nottingham, part 7, on 2009-08-13"Access and transparency of government data"by Craig Thomler, part 7, on 2009-08-01"Access and transparency of government data"by Craig Thomler, part 3, on 2009-08-01"Access and transparency of government data"by Craig Thomler, part 8, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorology"by Bureau of Meteorology, part 12, on 2009-08-01

Topic = Blogs41

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area blog blogs citizen comment consider consultation content contribute contribution education enable example generate government-agency identify important include keep know moderation name other personal policy post process publish require

run service site submission system twitter user video wish work YouTube

Proportion = 0.02273Average positive sentiment = 0.187Average Negative sentiment = 0.279Average subjectivity = 0.466

Documents:"Education.au Submission DOCX"by Education.au, part 8, on 2009-08-01"Education.au Submission DOCX"by Education.au, part 10, on 2009-08-01


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Topic = Disability issues

access accessibility accessible action API area australia australian communication consumer design disability DOC ensure feature fully Gov-2.0 include internet law life low network other participate participation people person promote provide provided public right service software submission system take technology vision

Proportion = 0.02136Average positive sentiment = 0.257Average Negative sentiment = 0.365Average subjectivity = 0.623

Documents:"Australian Communications Consumer Action Network Submission DOC"by Elissa Freeman, part 9, on 2009-08-01"Australian Communications Consumer Action Network Submission DOC"by Elissa Freeman, part 13, on


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2009-08-01"Balancing information, privacy and accessibility: some comments on Towards Government 2.0"by Robin Banks, Lizzie Simpson, Deirdre Moor, part 6, on 2009-08-23"Australian Communications Consumer Action Network Submission DOC"by Elissa Freeman, part 3, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0 By Vision Australia"by Brandon Ah Tong-Pereira, part 7, on 2009-08-21"Australian Communications Consumer Action Network Submission DOC"by Elissa Freeman, part 1, on 2009-08-01"Australian Communications Consumer Action Network Submission DOC"by Elissa Freeman, part 17, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0 By Vision Australia"by Brandon Ah Tong-Pereira, part 12, on 2009-08-21"Towards Government 2.0 By Vision Australia"by Brandon Ah Tong-Pereira, part 4, on 2009-08-21"Australian Communications Consumer Action Network Submission DOC"by Elissa Freeman, part 4, on 2009-08-01"Australian Communications Consumer Action Network Submission DOC"by Elissa Freeman, part 2, on 2009-08-01"Australian Communications Consumer Action Network Submission DOC"by Elissa Freeman, part 5, on 2009-08-01"Australian Communications Consumer Action Network Submission DOC"by Elissa Freeman, part 12, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0 By Vision Australia"by Brandon Ah Tong-Pereira, part 10, on 2009-08-21"Australian Communications Consumer Action Network Submission DOC"by Elissa Freeman, part 10, on 2009-08-01

Topic = Cost

access activity add agency available benefit charge commercial consideration cost-recovery cost distribution

free Gov-2.0 government-agency market organization other pay private-sector

Proportion = 0.01994Average positive sentiment = 0.187Average Negative sentiment = 0.287Average subjectivity = 0.474


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produce product profit provided purpose question reduce service user value Documents:"Towards Government 2.0"by Roxanne Missingham, part 14, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 43, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 17, on 2009-08-01"Australian Copyright Council: Response to Government 2.0 Taskforce Issues Paper"by Ian McDonald, part 14, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorology"by Bureau of Meteorology, part 15, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0"by D. Hocking, part 19, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0"by D. Hocking, part 21, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0 DATA as a SERVICE"by SPACE-TIME RESEARCH, part 11, on 2009-08-10"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 44, on 2009-08-24"Government 2.0 Issues Paper submission"by Mark Nottingham, part 10, on 2009-08-13"Access and transparency of government data"by Craig Thomler, part 5, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0"by D. Hocking, part 20, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0"by D. Hocking, part 14, on 2009-08-24

Topic = Public service

act agency apply APS australian capacity code comment commission

Proportion = 0.01854Average positive sentiment = 0.199Average Negative sentiment = 0.317Average subjectivity = 0.517


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communication conduct draft employee engage ensure expectation framework Gov-

2.0 guidance guideline include interim-protocol internet issue legislation medium official online other paper participation policy private protocol public-servant public-service public relevant staff value Documents:"Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Carmel McGregor, part 4, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Carmel McGregor, part 5, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Carmel McGregor, part 1, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Carmel McGregor, part 7, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Carmel McGregor, part 8, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 69, on 2009-08-24"Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Carmel McGregor, part 2, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 68, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, part 6, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Alaine King, Russell McCaskie, part 9, on 2009-08-25"Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Carmel McGregor, part 10, on 2009-08-01


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"Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Carmel McGregor, part 11, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Carmel McGregor, part 6, on 2009-08-01

Topic = Policy

city collaboration collaborative community development plan

policy process programme stakeholder tool wiki

Proportion = 0.01835Average positive sentiment = 0.178Average Negative sentiment = 0.229Average subjectivity = 0.406

Documents:"Policy 2.0: towards whole-of-government policy development"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, part 5, on 2009-10-08"Policy 2.0: towards whole-of-government policy development"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, part 2, on 2009-10-08"A response to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Sally Rose, part 9, on 2009-08-24"Policy 2.0: towards whole-of-government policy development"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, part 3, on 2009-10-08"Policy 2.0: towards whole-of-government policy development"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, part 1, on 2009-10-08"Policy 2.0: towards whole-of-government policy development"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, part 6, on 2009-10-08"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 26, on 2009-08-01"Policy 2.0: towards whole-of-government policy development"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, part 7, on 2009-10-08"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 28, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Issues Paper submission"by Mark Nottingham, part 17, on 2009-08-13"Capturing and preserving authentic and accessible evidence of Government 2.0 (Part Two)"by Adrian Cunningham, part 5, on 2009-09-14"Policy 2.0: towards whole-of-government policy development"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, part 9, on 2009-10-08


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Topic = Museums and collections

australia australian CAMD collection community content cultural develop Flickr Gov-2.0 image major museum national new online project research resource social-

medium submission Task-Force

user web-site world

Proportion = 0.01770Average positive sentiment = 0.242Average Negative sentiment = 0.321Average subjectivity = 0.563

Documents:"Submission to Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Council of Australasian Museum Directors, part 2, on 2009-08-01"Submission to Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Council of Australasian Museum Directors, part 21, on 2009-08-01"Submission to Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Council of Australasian Museum Directors, part 20, on 2009-08-01"Submission to Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Council of Australasian Museum Directors, part 22, on 2009-08-01"Submission to Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Council of Australasian Museum Directors, part 10, on 2009-08-01"Submission to Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Council of Australasian Museum Directors, part 6, on 2009-08-01"Submission to Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Council of Australasian Museum Directors, part 4, on 2009-08-01"Submission to Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Council of Australasian Museum Directors, part 29, on 2009-08-01"Submission to Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Council of Australasian Museum Directors, part 28, on 2009-08-01"Submission to Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Council of Australasian Museum Directors, part 16, on


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2009-08-01"Submission to Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Council of Australasian Museum Directors, part 15, on 2009-08-01"Submission to Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Council of Australasian Museum Directors, part 26, on 2009-08-01"Submission to Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Council of Australasian Museum Directors, part 14, on 2009-08-01

Topic = Gov2.0 and Taskforce submissions

around australia disclosure ensure Gov-2.0 individual issue online-

engagement PayPal PSI public-sector

submission tag Task-


Proportion = 0.01691Average positive sentiment = 0.189Average Negative sentiment = 0.246Average subjectivity = 0.435

Documents:"A Submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Andrae Muys, part 6, on 2009-07-01"SUBMISSION IN RESPONSE TO GOVERNMENT 2.0 TASKFORCE ISSUES PAPER"by Olaf Hedberg, part 17, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0"by Roxanne Missingham, part 16, on 2009-08-25"Richard Goodwin Submission RTF (15k)"by Richard Goodwin, part 2, on 2009-08-23"Re - PayPal Australia Submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by PayPal Australia, part 16, on 2009-08-23"Access and transparency of government data"by Craig Thomler, part 23, on 2009-08-01"Individual Submission, Public Sector Information, Web 2.0"by Asa and Mandy, part 2, on 2009-07-01"Matthew Landauer (OpenAustralia Foundation) Submission RTF"by Matthew Landauer, part 2, on 2009-08-13"Individual Submission, Public Sector Information"by Andrew Leigh, part 2, on 2009-07-01"Towards Government 2.0"by D. Hocking, part 33, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0"by Sue Hutley, part 27, on 2009-08-25"Australian Broadcasting Association Submission PDF"by Mark Scott, part 1, on 2009-08-27


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Topic = Projects

agency category fund Gov-2.0 help idea improve include project proposal report Task-Force

Proportion = 0.01675Average positive sentiment = 0.214Average Negative sentiment = 0.282Average subjectivity = 0.496

Documents:"Draft Project Fund Contract"by Peter Alexander [Taskforce Secretariat], part 1, on 2009-09-30"Over the Rainbow – Not for Profit PSI Project Ideas"by Peter Alexander [Taskforce Secretariat], part 2, on 2009-10-09"Submit a quote for our round two projects"by Nicholas Gruen, part 3, on 2009-09-17"Posting proposed projects for public pontification"by Nicholas Gruen, part 1, on 2009-08-18"Posting proposed projects for public pontification"by Nicholas Gruen, part 2, on 2009-08-18"Allocating the project fund: we want your ideas"by Peter Alexander [Taskforce Secretariat], part 1, on 2009-09-22"Over the Rainbow – Not for Profit PSI Project Ideas"by Peter Alexander [Taskforce Secretariat], part 1, on 2009-10-09

Topic = <unnamed>

accessible act add archives available capture challenge collection commonwealth concern digital evidence future Gov-2.0 image issues management material

Proportion = 0.01646Average positive sentiment = 0.210Average Negative sentiment = 0.292Average subjectivity = 0.502


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national-archives new online paper principle process public record recordkeep request resource right web wish Documents:"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 25, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 24, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 51, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 57, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 58, on 2009-08-24"Capturing and preserving authentic and accessible evidence of Government 2.0 (Part Two)"by Adrian Cunningham, part 6, on 2009-09-14"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 12, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 30, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 29, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 55, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 53, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 45, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 23, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 60, on 2009-08-24

Topic = Human rights commission

access accessibility-guideline accessibility accessible agency AGIMO australian

Proportion = 0.01608Average positive sentiment = 0.287Average Negative sentiment = 0.414Average subjectivity = 0.701


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commission complaint content DDA department disability discrimination-act document follow format Gov-2.0 group guideline human-rights issue online page paper people plan promote recognize recommend site standard submission Task-Force W3C WCAG web-site web wide world Documents:"Australian Human Rights Commission submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce – Towards Government 2.0 an issues paper"by Australian Human Rights Commission, part 3, on 2009-10-01"Australian Human Rights Commission submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce – Towards Government 2.0 an issues paper"by Australian Human Rights Commission, part 5, on 2009-10-01"Australian Human Rights Commission submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce – Towards Government 2.0 an issues paper"by Australian Human Rights Commission, part 9, on 2009-10-01"Australian Human Rights Commission submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce – Towards Government 2.0 an issues paper"by Australian Human Rights Commission, part 6, on 2009-10-01"Australian Human Rights Commission submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce – Towards Government 2.0 an issues paper"by Australian Human Rights Commission, part 7, on 2009-10-01"Australian Human Rights Commission submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce – Towards Government 2.0 an issues paper"by Australian Human Rights Commission, part 2, on 2009-10-01"Australian Human Rights Commission submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce – Towards Government 2.0 an issues paper"by Australian Human Rights Commission, part 8, on 2009-10-01


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"Australian Human Rights Commission submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce – Towards Government 2.0 an issues paper"by Australian Human Rights Commission, part 12, on 2009-10-01"Australian Human Rights Commission submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce – Towards Government 2.0 an issues paper"by Australian Human Rights Commission, part 14, on 2009-10-01"Australian Human Rights Commission submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce – Towards Government 2.0 an issues paper"by Australian Human Rights Commission, part 11, on 2009-10-01"Australian Human Rights Commission submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce – Towards Government 2.0 an issues paper"by Australian Human Rights Commission, part 15, on 2009-10-01"Australian Human Rights Commission submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce – Towards Government 2.0 an issues paper"by Australian Human Rights Commission, part 1, on 2009-10-01"Opening Pandora’s Box – Making Government 2.0 Websites More Accessible"by Peter Alexander [Taskforce Secretariat], part 3, on 2009-10-14

Topic = Democracy

accessible australia author citizen contain CPD debate

decision democracy document easy event follow

following forme give group hold improvement inquiry meeting online open-source open org other parliament process public publish research

Proportion = 0.01548Average positive sentiment = 0.180Average Negative sentiment = 0.267Average subjectivity = 0.448


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run small software transparency transparent university upgrade web-site work Documents:"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 1, on 2009-08-01"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 15, on 2009-08-01"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 14, on 2009-08-01"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 2, on 2009-08-01"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 12, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 – It’s the Community, Stupid"by Tim Watts, part 7, on 2009-08-11"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 3, on 2009-08-01"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 10, on 2009-08-01"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 11, on 2009-08-01"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 4, on 2009-08-01"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 31, on 2009-08-01"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 13, on 2009-08-01"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 16, on 2009-08-01"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 29, on


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2009-08-01"Online Platforms for Deliberative Engagement"by Ron Lubensky, part 1, on 2009-08-22

Topic = Public sector information (PSI)

access apply australia benefit body business collect committee enterprise generate Google inquiry instance national OECD open-access openness policy principle product PSI public recommendation report review statutory-

authority useful

Proportion = 0.01505Average positive sentiment = 0.197Average Negative sentiment = 0.268Average subjectivity = 0.465

Documents:"Towards Government 2.0"by Sue Hutley, part 18, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0"by Roxanne Missingham, part 8, on 2009-08-25"Access to PSI – Policy"by Brian Fitzgerald, part 1, on 2009-06-27"A League ladder of PSI openness?"by Nicholas Gruen, part 3, on 2009-09-19"A League ladder of PSI openness?"by Nicholas Gruen, part 2, on 2009-09-19"Towards Government 2.0"by D. Hocking, part 3, on 2009-08-24"Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorology"by Bureau of Meteorology, part 3, on 2009-08-01"Public Consultation regarding “Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper”"by Gerhard Wagner, part 15, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: an Issues Paper"by Jim Alexander, part 2, on 2009-08-01"Public Consultation regarding “Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper”"by Gerhard Wagner, part 16, on 2009-08-01"A League ladder of PSI openness?"by Nicholas Gruen, part 1, on 2009-09-19"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by ADVISORY GROUP OF THE SCHOOLS RESOURCING


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TASKFORCE, part 3, on 2009-08-01"BTalk Australia Interview"by Nicholas Gruen, part 1, on 2009-11-04"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Adam Flynn, Tyrilly Bolton, part 2, on 2009-08-24

Topic = Licensing

apply author available condition copyright Creative-Commons intellectual-property licence license licensing public release right subject term version

Proportion = 0.01495Average positive sentiment = 0.190Average Negative sentiment = 0.279Average subjectivity = 0.470

Documents:"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by ADVISORY GROUP OF THE SCHOOLS RESOURCING TASKFORCE, part 11, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0"by Roxanne Missingham, part 13, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0"by Sue Hutley, part 25, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0: an Issues Paper"by Jim Alexander, part 7, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Issues Paper submission"by Mark Nottingham, part 9, on 2009-08-13"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by ADVISORY GROUP OF THE SCHOOLS RESOURCING TASKFORCE, part 13, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 37, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 13, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Adam Flynn, Tyrilly Bolton, part 4, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0: an Issues Paper"by Jim Alexander, part 8, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0"by D. Hocking, part 18, on 2009-08-24"Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorology"by Bureau of Meteorology, part 14, on 2009-08-01"Our design competition"by Nicholas Gruen, part 2, on 2009-06-22"Access and transparency of government data"by Craig Thomler, part 2, on 2009-08-01


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Topic = Education

able agree challenge change collaboration consider context cultural-change development education embrace environment ICT innovation internet learn national new-technology online opportunity programme project provide public-service report sector service sharing skill social-networking software student suggest support take technology tool training

via Web-2.0

Proportion = 0.01483Average positive sentiment = 0.231Average Negative sentiment = 0.333Average subjectivity = 0.565

Documents:"Education.au Submission DOCX"by Education.au, part 4, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0 DATA as a SERVICE"by SPACE-TIME RESEARCH, part 3, on 2009-08-10


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"Education.au Submission DOCX"by Education.au, part 6, on 2009-08-01"Education.au Submission DOCX"by Education.au, part 3, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, part 11, on 2009-08-01"Education.au Submission DOCX"by Education.au, part 1, on 2009-08-01"Education.au Submission DOCX"by Education.au, part 5, on 2009-08-01"Government role in Trust"by Robert Smart, part 2, on 2009-08-23"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 9, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Carmel McGregor, part 3, on 2009-08-01"Education.au Submission DOCX"by Education.au, part 2, on 2009-08-01"Education.au Submission DOCX"by Education.au, part 13, on 2009-08-01"Lots of Gov 2.0 learning still to do…"by Anna York, part 1, on 2009-10-09

Topic = ABS

ABS agency available collection dissemination encourage expertise framework Gov-2.0 government-

information guideline improve include

inform international issues look maximize metadata OECD organization paper possible principle public quality question recommendation

relate share staff submission

Proportion = 0.01483Average positive sentiment = 0.235Average Negative sentiment = 0.318Average subjectivity = 0.553


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support Documents:"ABS Submission to the Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Australian Bureau of Statistics, part 12, on 2009-08-01"ABS Submission to the Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Australian Bureau of Statistics, part 10, on 2009-08-01"ABS Submission to the Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Australian Bureau of Statistics, part 25, on 2009-08-01"ABS Submission to the Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Australian Bureau of Statistics, part 23, on 2009-08-01"ABS Submission to the Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Australian Bureau of Statistics, part 13, on 2009-08-01"ABS Submission to the Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Australian Bureau of Statistics, part 8, on 2009-08-01"ABS Submission to the Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Australian Bureau of Statistics, part 9, on 2009-08-01"ABS Submission to the Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Australian Bureau of Statistics, part 1, on 2009-08-01"ABS Submission to the Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Australian Bureau of Statistics, part 17, on 2009-08-01"ABS Submission to the Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Australian Bureau of Statistics, part 7, on 2009-08-01"ABS Submission to the Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Australian Bureau of Statistics, part 14, on 2009-08-01"ABS Submission to the Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Australian Bureau of Statistics, part 5, on 2009-08-01"ABS Submission to the Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Australian Bureau of Statistics, part 2, on 2009-08-01"ABS Submission to the Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Australian Bureau of Statistics, part 6, on 2009-08-01"ABS Submission to the Government 2.0 Issues Paper"by Australian Bureau of Statistics, part 4, on 2009-08-01

Topic = Accountability and openness


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accountability ask blog Canada change citizen data difference digital executive federal-

government first he his law minister New-Zealand note Obama office open openness party post practice promise public-sector reform report resource senior state step three tool transparency UK US work year

Proportion = 0.01461Average positive sentiment = 0.191Average Negative sentiment = 0.267Average subjectivity = 0.458

Documents:"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 6, on 2009-08-01"Introducing Tim Watts"by Nicholas Gruen, part 1, on 2009-08-11"Towards Government 2.0"by D. Hocking, part 30, on 2009-08-24"The Three Laws of Open Data"by David Eaves, part 1, on 2009-10-20"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 36, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Google, part 18, on 2009-08-01"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 7, on 2009-08-01"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 8, on 2009-08-01"When Goliath Does Social Media…"by Mia Garlick, part 2, on 2009-09-26


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Topic = The Contest

australia australian benefit building community contest council crime datasets developer enable entry event example file GovHack govt great help hold hour local location mash mashup open-access provided relation release show site state Task-Force team tell term thank update web-site web

Proportion = 0.01384Average positive sentiment = 0.252Average Negative sentiment = 0.325Average subjectivity = 0.577

Documents:"Hack, Mash and Innovate: Contests Coming Soon"by Mia Garlick, part 5, on 2009-08-13"Innovate, Mash, Camp: Govt 2.0 Contest Update"by Mia Garlick, part 1, on 2009-09-22"Your Invitation to MashUpAustralia"by Mia Garlick, part 1, on 2009-09-30"SUBMISSION – LOCALISING INFORMATION EXCHANGE – COMMUNITY WEBSITES CURRENTLY ABLE TO DO THIS"by Leonie Dunbar, part 2, on 2009-08-18

Topic = Metadata


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apply appropriate b case centralize communication computer context database describe different document facility fact format Gov-2.0 great however importance important improve interoperability large level metadata provide query question RDF record require scale search searchable share standard structure style usable XML

Proportion = 0.01384Average positive sentiment = 0.218Average Negative sentiment = 0.310Average subjectivity = 0.528

Documents:"Government 2.0 Taskforce Emailed Submission"by Alexander Biggs, part 1, on 2009-08-18"A Submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Andrae Muys, part 5, on 2009-07-01"A Submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Andrae Muys, part 4, on 2009-07-01"Towards Government 2.0"by Sue Hutley, part 20, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0"by Roxanne Missingham, part 10, on 2009-08-25"Public Consultation regarding “Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper”"by Gerhard Wagner, part 39, on 2009-08-01"Towards Government 2.0"by Sue Hutley, part 14, on 2009-08-25"Towards Government 2.0"by D. Hocking, part 7, on 2009-08-24


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Topic = Spatial information

access accessible adopt application available basis business council data datasets demand develop directory distribution encourage include

industry interoperability licensing maintain mechanism metadata NSDI position product publish quality response sector share SIBA spatial-datum spatial-information spatial standard strategy submission technology Victoria victorian

Proportion = 0.01199Average positive sentiment = 0.231Average Negative sentiment = 0.325Average subjectivity = 0.556



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on 2009-08-24"SUBMISSION IN RESPONSE TO GOVERNMENT 2.0 TASKFORCE ISSUES PAPER"by Olaf Hedberg, part 16, on 2009-08-24"SUBMISSION IN RESPONSE TO GOVERNMENT 2.0 TASKFORCE ISSUES PAPER"by Olaf Hedberg, part 13, on 2009-08-24"SUBMISSION IN RESPONSE TO GOVERNMENT 2.0 TASKFORCE ISSUES PAPER"by Olaf Hedberg, part 7, on 2009-08-24"SUBMISSION IN RESPONSE TO GOVERNMENT 2.0 TASKFORCE ISSUES PAPER"by Olaf Hedberg, part 3, on 2009-08-24"SUBMISSION IN RESPONSE TO GOVERNMENT 2.0 TASKFORCE ISSUES PAPER"by Olaf Hedberg, part 1, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0"by D. Hocking, part 1, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0"by D. Hocking, part 7, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0"by D. Hocking, part 32, on 2009-08-24"SUBMISSION IN RESPONSE TO GOVERNMENT 2.0 TASKFORCE ISSUES PAPER"by Olaf Hedberg, part 2, on 2009-08-24

Topic = <unnamed>

activity around article best com company contract correct course developer entry

exchange g group hour launch line million month original per platform post potential product provide recognize regard

Proportion = 0.01079Average positive sentiment = 0.211Average Negative sentiment = 0.319Average subjectivity = 0.531


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remain soon source successful technology text top week Wikinomics Wikipedia world year Documents:"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 16, on 2009-08-24"Recognising the volunteers: Jhempenstall is my hero – who is yours?"by Nicholas Gruen, part 2, on 2009-09-29"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 42, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 44, on 2009-08-24"Recognising the volunteers: Jhempenstall is my hero – who is yours?"by Nicholas Gruen, part 5, on 2009-09-29"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 11, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 17, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 15, on 2009-08-24"You’re on our new server"by Taskforce Secretariat, part 1, on 2009-07-18"Welcome to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Nicholas Gruen, part 1, on 2009-06-22"Recognising the volunteers: Jhempenstall is my hero – who is yours?"by Nicholas Gruen, part 1, on 2009-09-29"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 9, on 2009-08-24"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 43, on 2009-08-24

Topic = Bureau of Meteorology

available bureau deliver exchange Gov-

2.0 initiative meteorology o

Proportion = 0.01030Average positive sentiment = 0.210Average Negative sentiment = 0.329Average subjectivity = 0.539


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other provided provision service submission value water Documents:"Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorology"by Bureau of Meteorology, part 16, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorology"by Bureau of Meteorology, part 4, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorology"by Bureau of Meteorology, part 17, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorology"by Bureau of Meteorology, part 1, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorology"by Bureau of Meteorology, part 5, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorology"by Bureau of Meteorology, part 19, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorology"by Bureau of Meteorology, part 18, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorology"by Bureau of Meteorology, part 20, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorology"by Bureau of Meteorology, part 10, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorology"by Bureau of Meteorology, part 13, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorology"by Bureau of Meteorology, part 3, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorology"by Bureau of Meteorology, part 6, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorology"by Bureau of Meteorology, part 21, on 2009-08-01"Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorology"by Bureau of Meteorology, part 22, on 2009-08-01

Topic = Politics


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australia australian better broad business challenge contact DNS

email example face general generally group individual internet issue last member month other party people political put

rate right service strategic study term

traditional UK via view vote web-

site web www year

Proportion = 0.01013Average positive sentiment = 0.151Average Negative sentiment = 0.214Average subjectivity = 0.366

Documents:"Strategic Business Challenges Facing Australian Political Parties"by Charles Ashton, part 4, on 2009-08-01"Strategic Business Challenges Facing Australian Political Parties"by Charles Ashton, part 5, on 2009-08-01"Strategic Business Challenges Facing Australian Political Parties"by Charles Ashton, part 11, on 2009-08-01"Strategic Business Challenges Facing Australian Political Parties"by Charles Ashton, part 8, on 2009-08-01"Strategic Business Challenges Facing Australian Political Parties"by Charles Ashton, part 1, on 2009-08-01"Strategic Business Challenges Facing Australian Political Parties"by Charles Ashton, part 7, on 2009-08-01"Strategic Business Challenges Facing Australian Political Parties"by Charles Ashton, part 10, on 2009-08-01"Strategic Business Challenges Facing Australian Political Parties"by Charles Ashton, part 6, on 2009-08-01"Strategic Business Challenges Facing Australian Political Parties"by Charles Ashton, part 3, on 2009-08-01"Strategic Business Challenges Facing Australian Political Parties"by Charles Ashton, part 9, on 2009-08-01"Strategic Business Challenges Facing Australian Political Parties"by Charles Ashton, part 2, on 2009-08-01"Re - PayPal Australia Submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by PayPal Australia, part 15, on 2009-08-23"Speech: Launch of the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Lindsay Tanner, part 4, on 2009-06-22"Individual Submission, Internet Filtering"by Anonmouse, part 1, on 2009-07-01"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by National Archives of Australia, part 31, on 2009-08-24


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Topic = FOI

access act agency answer assistance available benefit build case clear compliance culture decision-making decision disclose easy educational FOI guidance important information-commissioner law

lead legal long new office online open-access other outcome practical privacy-principle question quickly red-tape reform request thus tool

Proportion = 0.00927Average positive sentiment = 0.151Average Negative sentiment = 0.246Average subjectivity = 0.397

Documents:"Building an open access culture"by Anna Johnston, part 8, on 2009-08-10"Building an open access culture"by Anna Johnston, part 4, on 2009-08-10"Building an open access culture"by Anna Johnston, part 3, on 2009-08-10"Building an open access culture"by Anna Johnston, part 7, on 2009-08-10"Building an open access culture"by Anna Johnston, part 5, on 2009-08-10"Taskforce Q&A – Live Audio Stream"by Taskforce Secretariat, part 2, on 2009-08-21"Building an open access culture"by Anna Johnston, part 6, on 2009-08-10


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"Building an open access culture"by Anna Johnston, part 9, on 2009-08-10"Building an open access culture"by Anna Johnston, part 2, on 2009-08-10"Building an open access culture"by Anna Johnston, part 1, on 2009-08-10"Taskforce Q&A – Live Audio Stream"by Taskforce Secretariat, part 1, on 2009-08-21"Building an open access culture"by Anna Johnston, part 10, on 2009-08-10

Topic = Strategic planning

achieve against area argue building case-

study choose come commitment community decision-making

different economic evidence freely his important include measure meeting ongoing open-access opening

outside perspective plan process proposal publish quite represent result shift South-Australia South-Australian state strategic target transparency university

Proportion = 0.00700Average positive sentiment = 0.183Average Negative sentiment = 0.266Average subjectivity = 0.449


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Documents:"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 9, on 2009-08-01"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 20, on 2009-08-01"Posting proposed projects for public pontification"by Nicholas Gruen, part 2, on 2009-08-18"Congratulations Ben Crothers – designer of our banner and logo!"by Nicholas Gruen, part 1, on 2009-07-10"A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tony Cutcliffe, part 53, on 2009-08-24"UPGRADING DEMOCRACY"by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider, part 22, on 2009-08-01"Submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce"by Tikka Wilson, part 1, on 2009-08-24"Towards Government 2.0"by D. Hocking, part 30, on 2009-08-24

Topic = Organisations

ATO australia australian available detail DGR enterprise entry however increase industry list office organization pro-bono profit-sector profit provide provided publicly register status system tax

Proportion = 0.00638Average positive sentiment = 0.196Average Negative sentiment = 0.278Average subjectivity = 0.474

Documents:"Government 2.0 Taskforce – Submission from Pro Bono Australia"by Pro Bono Australia, part 2, on 2009-08-23"Government 2.0 Taskforce – Submission from Pro Bono Australia"by Pro Bono Australia, part 1, on 2009-08-23"Government 2.0 Taskforce – Submission from Pro Bono Australia"by Pro Bono Australia, part 3, on 2009-08-23


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"Government 2.0 Taskforce – Submission from Pro Bono Australia"by Pro Bono Australia, part 4, on 2009-08-23"Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paper"by Alaine King, Russell McCaskie, part 8, on 2009-08-25"Access and transparency of government data"by Craig Thomler, part 10, on 2009-08-01


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Appendix II

Index of Topics for the Blog entries.

IndexTopics in decereasing order of proportion: Comments Comments, other Community issues (Taskforce, Gov2.0, etc.) Public servant issues Individuals <unnamed> Formats and APIs Video Domains and culture Web stuff Data Public interest Licensing and CC Online participation APS conduct Cost issues Web technology issues Releasing data Microsoft contract Projects AusIndustry and websites Dealing with citizens Mashup competition Copyright, publishing and AGIMO Document accessibility Tools and policy Google AGLS Blogs Using social media Governments and content Work and open source Taskforce issues Government spatial data Reputation Reports, policies and GILF Taskforce and AGIMO Department innovation Social networks APIs Crime Libraries PSI Gov2.0 Rules and systems Disability Tax Submissions <unnamed> Democracy

Topic = Comments

actually agency agree already always another because come comment even example find give great happen help idea issue know look mean open other people perhaps point public

Proportion = 0.21396Average positive sentiment = 0.218Average Negative sentiment = 0.315Average subjectivity = 0.533

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really right say seem something start sure take thing think time want work Documents:"comment-1198"by Denis Hawkins, on 2009-09-06"comment-2149"by David Moutou, on 2009-10-09"comment-912"by Reem, on 2009-08-24"comment-623"by Bec, on 2009-08-13"comment-3636"by Alexander Sadleir, on 2009-11-05"comment-958"by asa letourneau, on 2009-08-26"comment-2317"by simonfj, on 2009-10-15"comment-657"by Stephen Collins, on 2009-08-14"comment-664"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-08-14"comment-821"by Gordon Grace, on 2009-08-20"comment-3635"by Hugh Barnes, on 2009-11-05"comment-1065"by Daniel OConnor, on 2009-08-31"comment-3338"by Nicholas Gruen, on 2009-11-01"comment-740"by Jimi Bostock, on 2009-08-18"comment-204"by mark, on 2009-07-02

Topic = Comments, other

access address agency agree

allow appropriate available benefit between build comment community

Proportion = 0.07850Average positive sentiment = 0.214Average Negative sentiment = 0.324Average subjectivity = 0.539


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different easy ensure example first however issue level other people possible principle provide provided purpose release require service share standard support system term

time user view web-site work Documents:"comment-903"by xtfer, on 2009-08-24"comment-64"by Paul Shirren, on 2009-06-22"comment-1806"by Andrew Perry, on 2009-09-30"comment-425"by Craig Thomler, on 2009-07-28"comment-734"by Andrew Devenish-Meares, on 2009-08-18"comment-725"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-08-18"comment-3109"by Hugh Barnes, on 2009-10-29"comment-540"by Lloyd Bunting, on 2009-08-07"comment-745"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-08-18"comment-4117"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-11-13"comment-344"by Jeffery, on 2009-07-15"comment-750"by Silvia Pfeiffer, on 2009-08-18

Topic = Community issues (Taskforce, Gov2.0, etc.)


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able already blog collaboration comment community content contribute conversation create discussion effort engagement exist first focus forward Gov-2.0 great group hope idea initiative interest look move new

online people post process project site support Task-Force time twitter Web-2.0 web work

Proportion = 0.05594Average positive sentiment = 0.217Average Negative sentiment = 0.293Average subjectivity = 0.510

Documents:"comment-145"by Canada, on 2009-06-26"comment-977"by xtfer, on 2009-08-27"comment-2290"by simonfj, on 2009-10-14"comment-52"by NigePresto, on 2009-06-22"comment-1128"by asa letourneau, on 2009-09-02"comment-76"by Aaron Osterby, on 2009-06-23"comment-121"by Nicholas Gruen, on 2009-07-04"comment-625"by James Dellow, on 2009-08-13"comment-55"by Helen Palmer, on 2009-06-22"comment-2216"by Russell Kallman, on 2009-10-11


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"comment-846"by Jimi Bostock, on 2009-08-21"comment-321"by Reem, on 2009-07-10"comment-1775"by Brad Peterson, on 2009-09-29"comment-2526"by Kerry Webb, on 2009-10-21

Topic = Public servant issues

assume BBQ change clear conduct conversation culture debate develop discussion engage experience express give guideline he issue level line martin medium online personal perspective point policy professional public-sector public-servant public-service public real risk say senior

simple situation view Web-2.0 wrong

Proportion = 0.03965Average positive sentiment = 0.200Average Negative sentiment = 0.334Average subjectivity = 0.534

Documents:"comment-3157"by Michael W, on 2009-10-30"comment-2607"by Public Servant, on 2009-10-23"comment-713"by Mia Garlick, on 2009-08-17"comment-2888"by Nicholas Gruen, on 2009-10-27"comment-3508"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, on 2009-11-03"comment-3260"by Craig Thomler, on 2009-10-31"comment-230"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, on 2009-07-01


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"comment-3414"by Michael W, on 2009-11-02"comment-832"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-08-21

Topic = Individuals

ability able access allow ask because citizen control database department difficult electronic-

presence electronic give health hold idea identify identity implement individual know multiple organization other people person presence

privacy prove provider question reason record relationship single system themselves thing want

Proportion = 0.02831Average positive sentiment = 0.184Average Negative sentiment = 0.288Average subjectivity = 0.473


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Documents:"comment-2866"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-10-27"comment-2970"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-10-28"comment-765"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-08-19"comment-4044"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-11-12"comment-338"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-07-13"comment-5040"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-12-01"comment-684"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-08-17"comment-707"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-08-17"comment-644"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-08-14"comment-686"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-08-17"comment-856"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-08-22"comment-4115"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-11-13

Topic = <unnamed>

agree blog comment hi link page paper please post regard site submission Task-Force thank

Proportion = 0.02625Average positive sentiment = 0.228Average Negative sentiment = 0.302Average subjectivity = 0.530

Documents:"comment-3160"by Taskforce Secretariat, on 2009-10-30"comment-1616"by Peter Alexander [Taskforce Secretariat], on 2009-09-23"comment-139"by Alex Lanevski, on 2009-06-25"comment-699"by Jimi Bostock, on 2009-08-17"comment-334"by jojo, on 2009-07-13"comment-347"by ben rogers, on 2009-07-14"comment-2226"by Tina, on 2009-10-12"comment-4104"by andy, on 2009-11-13"comment-146"by James, on 2009-06-26"comment-2380"by Peter Alexander, on 2009-10-17"comment-710"by Jimi Bostock, on 2009-08-17"comment-3421"by Taskforce Secretariat, on 2009-11-02


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"comment-371"by Nicholas Gruen, on 2009-07-19"comment-860"by Jimi Bostock, on 2009-08-22

Topic = Formats and APIs

ABS access add agency API available comment control CSV data database dataset datasets easily example exist file format gov important individual link list location look machine open provide public-datum public publish require resource significant tag though update URL web XML

Proportion = 0.02538Average positive sentiment = 0.198Average Negative sentiment = 0.281Average subjectivity = 0.480

Documents:"comment-956"by Martynas, on 2009-08-26"comment-900"by Jimi Bostock, on 2009-08-24"comment-737"by Gordon Grace, on 2009-08-18"comment-968"by Gordon Grace, on 2009-08-27"comment-973"by xtfer, on 2009-08-27


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"comment-784"by Sean Carmody, on 2009-08-19"comment-844"by Mo McKinnon, on 2009-08-21"comment-978"by xtfer, on 2009-08-27"comment-810"by dan mackinlay, on 2009-08-20"comment-975"by Daniel OConnor, on 2009-08-27"comment-812"by Sean Carmody, on 2009-08-20"comment-1066"by Andrae Muys, on 2009-08-31"comment-830"by Nicholas Gruen, on 2009-08-20"comment-132"by Michael T, on 2009-07-14

Topic = Video

agency channel search site video Proportion = 0.02357Average positive sentiment = 0.177Average Negative sentiment = 0.267Average subjectivity = 0.444

Documents:"comment-4365"by Gordon Grace, on 2009-11-18"comment-4342"by Gordon Grace, on 2009-11-18"comment-57"by Andrew Harvey, on 2009-06-22"comment-4357"by Silvia Pfeiffer, on 2009-11-18"comment-668"by Silvia Pfeiffer, on 2009-08-14"comment-895"by Silvia Pfeiffer, on 2009-08-24"comment-869"by Silvia Pfeiffer, on 2009-08-22"comment-4390"by Silvia Pfeiffer, on 2009-11-19"comment-4661"by Jimi Bostock, on 2009-11-24"comment-705"by Silvia Pfeiffer, on 2009-08-17"comment-893"by James Dellow, on 2009-08-24

Topic = Domains and culture

after AGOSP although area Proportion = 0.02341Average positive sentiment = 0.168Average Negative sentiment = 0.250


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australian believe citizen community conference consider culture database different domain education every forum global gov GovDex he idea include institution medium national network open place run say share space stream talk three

tool web world year

Average subjectivity = 0.418

Documents:"comment-3316"by simonfj, on 2009-11-01"comment-651"by Peter J Cooper (@pc0), on 2009-08-14"comment-841"by simonfj, on 2009-08-21"comment-1739"by simonfj, on 2009-09-27"comment-454"by simonfj, on 2009-08-01"comment-2712"by simonfj, on 2009-10-26"comment-2316"by simonfj, on 2009-10-15"comment-3677"by simonfj, on 2009-11-06"comment-4239"by simonfj, on 2009-11-16"comment-416"by simonfj, on 2009-07-28"comment-1796"by simonfj, on 2009-09-30"comment-669"by simonfj, on 2009-08-15"comment-1444"by simonfj, on 2009-09-18


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"comment-2168"by Peter Alexander [Taskforce Secretariat], on 2009-10-10"comment-2969"by simonfj, on 2009-10-28

Topic = Web stuff

com comment day event Google

gov http index interest org user video www

Proportion = 0.02256Average positive sentiment = 0.178Average Negative sentiment = 0.260Average subjectivity = 0.438

Documents:"comment-1682"by Brad Spencer, on 2009-09-25"comment-946"by Matthew Landauer, on 2009-08-26"comment-3627"by Pia Waugh, on 2009-11-05"comment-867"by Rob Manson, on 2009-08-22"comment-595"by Bob, on 2009-08-12"comment-117"by Cait, on 2009-07-04"comment-629"by Seb Chan, on 2009-08-13"comment-419"by elton lester, on 2009-07-28"comment-4776"by Silvia Pfeiffer, on 2009-11-25"comment-1681"by Brad Spencer, on 2009-09-25"comment-789"by Taskforce Secretariat, on 2009-08-19"comment-687"by Bec, on 2009-08-17"comment-945"by Daniel OConnor, on 2009-08-26"comment-889"by Mia Garlick, on 2009-08-24"comment-214"by Bec, on 2009-07-07

Topic = Data


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aggregate approach bazaar because big case central comment cover data describe

development different distribute easy establish gov leave likely link manage metadata model offer option place plan point purpose raise repository service simple since site source start suggest user version

Proportion = 0.02088Average positive sentiment = 0.203Average Negative sentiment = 0.280Average subjectivity = 0.483

Documents:"comment-1080"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-09-01"comment-948"by Henare Degan, on 2009-08-26"comment-1081"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-09-01"comment-954"by Dan, on 2009-08-26"comment-974"by Mia Garlick, on 2009-08-27"comment-938"by Sherif Mansour, on 2009-08-26"comment-73"by Gordon, on 2009-06-23"comment-955"by David Weinberger, on 2009-08-26"comment-1062"by Mike Nelson, on 2009-08-31"comment-951"by Craig Thomler, on 2009-08-26"comment-4115"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-11-13


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Topic = Public interest

act action against agency apply APS balance case consider consideration cover decision definition difficult disclose disclosure employee fact government-information look matter minister NSW open opinion other person post principle provision public-

access public-interest reference release say second section thing think useful

Proportion = 0.02042Average positive sentiment = 0.182Average Negative sentiment = 0.325Average subjectivity = 0.508

Documents:"comment-3682"by Michael W, on 2009-11-06"comment-3648"by posterboy, on 2009-11-05"comment-3697"by posterboy, on 2009-11-06"comment-902"by xtfer, on 2009-08-24


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"comment-5056"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-12-01"comment-3414"by Michael W, on 2009-11-02

Topic = Licensing and CC

above apply approach appropriate argue argument australia australian CC-

BY CC-zero clear consider contract copyright Creative-Commons database dataset datasets framework important issue last law legal licence licensing New-Zealand product public-domain

recommend release right UK US

Proportion = 0.02003Average positive sentiment = 0.193Average Negative sentiment = 0.286Average subjectivity = 0.479

Documents:"comment-1870"by Puneet Kishor, on 2009-10-01"comment-1821"by Mia Garlick, on 2009-09-30"comment-1818"by Cameron Neylon, on 2009-09-30"comment-1834"by Mia Garlick, on 2009-09-30"comment-1826"by Cameron Neylon, on 2009-09-30"comment-768"by Richard Best, on 2009-08-19"comment-59"by Jacques Chester, on 2009-06-22"comment-1890"by Kylie Pappalardo, on 2009-10-02"comment-337"by professorbrianfitzgerald, on 2009-07-13"comment-1840"by Cameron Neylon, on 2009-09-30"comment-839"by Fitzroyalty, on 2009-08-21


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Topic = Online participation

affect blog challenge channel communication consultation critical cultural development early engage engagement exercise face individual internal involve large occur online opportunity

participate participation particularly policy process public raise reflect response restrict

shift skill social solve staff take team though thought

Proportion = 0.01862Average positive sentiment = 0.210Average Negative sentiment = 0.290Average subjectivity = 0.500

Documents:"comment-88"by Sally Rose, on 2009-06-23"comment-718"by Mia Garlick, on 2009-08-17"comment-708"by cynan_sez, on 2009-08-17"comment-2238"by Laura Sommer, on 2009-10-12"comment-577"by Stephen Collins, on 2009-08-11"comment-427"by Laura Sommer, on 2009-07-29"comment-570"by Stephen Collins, on 2009-08-11"comment-3352"by Paul Johnston, on 2009-11-01


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Topic = APS conduct

accept administration advocate

APS central code concern conduct control couple current debate decide direction disclosure enable fundamental impact include interaction interest itself knowledge management Obama online-

engagement platform position pretty principle problem public-service public recognize reflect relatively role statement value world

Proportion = 0.01763Average positive sentiment = 0.184Average Negative sentiment = 0.283Average subjectivity = 0.467

Documents:"comment-105"by AKR, on 2009-06-24"comment-1817"by Paul Roberts, on 2009-09-30"comment-3015"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, on 2009-10-28


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"comment-321"by Reem, on 2009-07-10"comment-196"by Gordon, on 2009-06-23"comment-69"by Ric, on 2009-06-23"comment-443"by Craig Thomler, on 2009-07-31"comment-760"by Sean M, on 2009-08-18

Topic = Cost issues

access agency apply argument article charge collect commercial company cost delivery department due efficient free fund funding government-agency low model money objective organization

pay programme public quality reach reason relevant scale service simple single supply system tool university user worth

Proportion = 0.01759Average positive sentiment = 0.190Average Negative sentiment = 0.279Average subjectivity = 0.470

Documents:"comment-351"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-07-15"comment-349"by Lloyd Bunting, on 2009-07-14


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"comment-2355"by Leonard Cohen, on 2009-10-16"comment-813"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-08-20"comment-80"by Gordon, on 2009-06-23"comment-941"by Marghanita da Cruz, on 2009-08-26"comment-367"by Craig Thomler, on 2009-07-19

Topic = Web technology issues

AGIMO development digital emerge forward great IE6 industry knowledge martin new next opinion skill space start table technology tf thing thought Web-2.0 web world wrong year

Proportion = 0.01614Average positive sentiment = 0.212Average Negative sentiment = 0.272Average subjectivity = 0.483

Documents:"comment-113"by Jimi Bostock, on 2009-06-30"comment-226"by Jimi Bostock, on 2009-06-30"comment-233"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, on 2009-07-01"comment-241"by Jimi Bostock, on 2009-07-01"comment-2174"by Craig Thomler, on 2009-10-10"comment-4252"by Jimi Bostock, on 2009-11-16"comment-229"by Peter Alexander, on 2009-06-30"comment-51"by Craig Thomler, on 2009-06-22"comment-254"by Valeri, on 2009-07-15"comment-227"by Jimi Bostock, on 2009-06-30"comment-3582"by Christopher, on 2009-11-04"comment-240"by Jimi Bostock, on 2009-07-01"comment-728"by Jimi Bostock, on 2009-08-18"comment-4619"by Chris, on 2009-11-23


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Topic = Releasing data

above access along available business capture care clear collect cost data department emergency-service figure future gov great hold lack mandate meta-datum metadata month name New-Zealand non open point policy privacy reason release reuse standard state stream system time trust word

Proportion = 0.01606Average positive sentiment = 0.224Average Negative sentiment = 0.335Average subjectivity = 0.559

Documents:"comment-442"by David Weinberger, on 2009-07-31"comment-1090"by Matt, on 2009-09-01"comment-1083"by Peter J Cooper (@pc0), on 2009-09-01"comment-2555"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-10-22"comment-741"by Laurence Millar, on 2009-08-18"comment-641"by James Dellow, on 2009-08-14"comment-340"by Yvonne R Thompson, on 2009-07-14"comment-727"by Gordon Grace, on 2009-08-18


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"comment-919"by Craig Thomler, on 2009-08-24"comment-2526"by Kerry Webb, on 2009-10-21"comment-759"by colin seeger, on 2009-08-18"comment-897"by Ann Steward, on 2009-08-24"comment-820"by Craig Thomler, on 2009-08-20

Topic = Microsoft contract

between clear commercial commonwealth company competition contract control draft employee entity establish explain fine-print forward fund give IP issue legal Microsoft money pay post private process project quote receive relationship result run seem sign Task-Force term thank wiki

Proportion = 0.01582Average positive sentiment = 0.208Average Negative sentiment = 0.270Average subjectivity = 0.478

Documents:"comment-1819"by Steve, on 2009-09-30"comment-1830"by Steve, on 2009-09-30"comment-1827"by Steve, on 2009-09-30"comment-1828"by John Sheridan, on 2009-09-30"comment-1824"by Andrew Perry, on 2009-09-30"comment-1812"by James Purser, on 2009-09-30"comment-1814"by Steve, on 2009-09-30


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"comment-1816"by John Sheridan, on 2009-09-30"comment-1804"by Andrew Perry, on 2009-09-30"comment-1815"by Steve, on 2009-09-30"comment-2154"by Nicholas Gruen, on 2009-10-09"comment-1780"by Peter Alexander [Taskforce Secretariat], on 2009-09-29"comment-1803"by James Purser, on 2009-09-30

Topic = Projects

activity amount australian bit commercial computer

department design drive fail focus fund funding initiative innovation involve minister money other possible power press profit

programme project public scale

sector sharing spend success support technology tf US Web-2.0 whole yes

Proportion = 0.01535Average positive sentiment = 0.203Average Negative sentiment = 0.274Average subjectivity = 0.478

Documents:"comment-1593"by Alan Noble, on 2009-09-22"comment-1027"by Matt, on 2009-08-29"comment-786"by Jimi Bostock, on 2009-08-19"comment-214"by Bec, on 2009-07-07"comment-92"by Sally Rose, on 2009-06-23"comment-3082"by Peter Alexander [Taskforce Secretariat], on 2009-10-29


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"comment-1886"by Bill Caelli, on 2009-10-02"comment-1557"by Craig Thomler, on 2009-09-21

Topic = AusIndustry and websites

agency alone AusIndustry australia commercial content day feed find gov include innovation late link list media-release other page permission please provided RSS site web-site

Proportion = 0.01511Average positive sentiment = 0.136Average Negative sentiment = 0.194Average subjectivity = 0.330

Documents:"comment-690"by Gordon Grace, on 2009-08-17"comment-796"by Gordon Grace, on 2009-08-19"comment-826"by Bec, on 2009-08-20"comment-910"by ANON, on 2009-08-24"comment-792"by Bec, on 2009-08-19"comment-1752"by Brad Peterson, on 2009-09-28"comment-720"by Bec, on 2009-08-17"comment-647"by AJ Jack, on 2009-08-14"comment-991"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, on 2009-08-27"comment-735"by Jimi Bostock, on 2009-08-18"comment-951"by Craig Thomler, on 2009-08-26"comment-982"by Gordon Grace, on 2009-08-27"comment-771"by Gordon Grace, on 2009-08-19


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Topic = Dealing with citizens

able agency apply b business capability channel citizen client common deliver delivery department design engagement facilitate feedback find focus help high human interactive knowledge manner

method other problem process provide result service solution solve staff structure tend

useful want Web-2.0

Proportion = 0.01436Average positive sentiment = 0.267Average Negative sentiment = 0.331Average subjectivity = 0.597

Documents:"comment-2787"by Daniel OConnor, on 2009-10-26"comment-439"by Neil Henderson, on 2009-07-30"comment-4112"by Neil Henderson, on 2009-11-13"comment-208"by Ron Lubensky, on 2009-06-28"comment-1774"by Neil Henderson, on 2009-09-29"comment-4848"by Neil Henderson, on 2009-11-27"comment-612"by James Dellow, on 2009-08-13"comment-730"by Stephen Collins, on 2009-08-18"comment-704"by Gordon Grace, on 2009-08-17"comment-608"by Peter Gray, on 2009-08-13


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Topic = Mashup competition

add after answer australia available big ca competition consider content contest continue cross data dataset datasets design end entry gov grow hard

include late licence link mashup mia next NSW possible question release site submit Task-Force UK US web year

Proportion = 0.01436Average positive sentiment = 0.255Average Negative sentiment = 0.327Average subjectivity = 0.582

Documents:"comment-1838"by Craig Thomler, on 2009-09-30"comment-3616"by Lindsay Holmwood, on 2009-11-05"comment-1854"by Mia Garlick, on 2009-10-01"comment-3841"by Mia Garlick, on 2009-11-08"comment-4655"by Taskforce Secretariat, on 2009-11-24"comment-2058"by John OBrien, on 2009-10-07"comment-4630"by Eddie, on 2009-11-23"comment-1850"by Jeffery Candiloro, on 2009-10-01


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"comment-90"by Sally Rose, on 2009-06-23"comment-3150"by Hugh Barnes, on 2009-10-30

Topic = Copyright, publishing and AGIMO

across AGIMO apply archives australian comment commercial commonwealth concept content copyright-act copyright couple department form format guide law legal library management material national note owner permission produce provide publish publishing record

Proportion = 0.01366Average positive sentiment = 0.177Average Negative sentiment = 0.260Average subjectivity = 0.437


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reference regard request requirement state store take web-site web Documents:"comment-3140"by Gordon Grace, on 2009-10-30"comment-3892"by Gordon Grace, on 2009-11-09"comment-908"by ANON, on 2009-08-24"comment-1359"by William Oates, on 2009-09-14"comment-906"by ANON, on 2009-08-24"comment-4054"by Nicholas G, on 2009-11-12"comment-411"by Craig Thomler, on 2009-07-26

Topic = Document accessibility

access accessibility accessible AGIMO alternative application approach australian benefit computer content cost currently design document example experience feature

feedback file find format guideline

Proportion = 0.01360Average positive sentiment = 0.354Average Negative sentiment = 0.462Average subjectivity = 0.816


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HTML improve include level office online PDF properly review standard structure tag technology tool understand user web Documents:"comment-445"by Peter Alexander (AGIMO Secretariat), on 2009-07-31"comment-413"by Stephen Collins, on 2009-07-28"comment-393"by Peter Alexander (AGIMO Secretariat), on 2009-07-24"comment-390"by Andrew Devenish-Meares, on 2009-07-24"comment-420"by Andrew Devenish-Meares, on 2009-07-28"comment-216"by Bec, on 2009-07-07"comment-579"by Rae Buerckner, on 2009-08-11"comment-327"by Ron Lubensky, on 2009-07-12

Topic = Tools and policy

able access australian broad Canberra capability collaborative communication community develop discussion enable end engagement

ensure express functionality g

Proportion = 0.01237Average positive sentiment = 0.200Average Negative sentiment = 0.274Average subjectivity = 0.474


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GLAM governance government-

information help infrastructure institution keep knowledge measure model new policy potential process PSI simple structure technology tool traditional value year Documents:"comment-245"by lisaharvey, on 2009-07-02"comment-218"by Ben Searle, on 2009-06-29"comment-150"by Jonathan, on 2009-06-29"comment-537"by Rob Manson, on 2009-08-07"comment-68"by Grendel, on 2009-06-23"comment-2289"by simonfj, on 2009-10-14"comment-1470"by James Dellow, on 2009-09-19

Topic = Google

access allow available common company content cost Flickr generate

Proportion = 0.01233Average positive sentiment = 0.197Average Negative sentiment = 0.281Average subjectivity = 0.478


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Google his image later map Microsoft open OSM query remember search service site source useful want

yes Documents:"comment-128"by Alan Gresley, on 2009-07-04"comment-63"by snorkel, on 2009-06-22"comment-358"by Paul Rowe, on 2009-07-17"comment-1568"by Brad Peterson, on 2009-09-21"comment-377"by Paul Rowe, on 2009-07-20"comment-345"by Chris, on 2009-07-14"comment-1082"by Andrae Muys, on 2009-09-01"comment-580"by Tom, on 2009-08-11"comment-348"by Andrea Di Maio, on 2009-07-14"comment-4621"by Neil Henderson, on 2009-11-23"comment-1541"by Michal Migurski, on 2009-09-20"comment-252"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, on 2009-07-12

Topic = AGLS

AGLS although associate big core currently data define definition describe document element email excellent FOAF

Proportion = 0.01206Average positive sentiment = 0.227Average Negative sentiment = 0.339Average subjectivity = 0.566


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give gov HTML implement include jurisdiction law link machine

mandate mean metadata model once PDF RDF RDFS review search seem SKOS standard text version XML Documents:"comment-980"by Andrae Muys, on 2009-08-27"comment-1061"by Mike Nelson, on 2009-08-31"comment-1008"by xtfer, on 2009-08-28"comment-2778"by Brad Peterson, on 2009-10-26"comment-1073"by Dave Bath, on 2009-08-31"comment-4394"by Alexander Sadleir, on 2009-11-19"comment-1064"by xtfer, on 2009-08-31"comment-1066"by Andrae Muys, on 2009-08-31"comment-616"by Nicholas G, on 2009-08-13"comment-1082"by Andrae Muys, on 2009-09-01"comment-2529"by Gordon Grace, on 2009-10-21"comment-981"by Andrae Muys, on 2009-08-27

Topic = Blogs

allow approach area audience

author blog blogs

Proportion = 0.01206Average positive sentiment = 0.233Average Negative sentiment = 0.366Average subjectivity = 0.599


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channel communicate DBCDE demonstrate department different discuss engagement even forum help human identify increase individual mia new organization participant personal perspective place process risk single sometimes take Task-Force team therefore topic voice write Documents:"comment-722"by Craig Thomler, on 2009-08-18"comment-697"by Jimi Bostock, on 2009-08-17"comment-700"by Bec, on 2009-08-17"comment-706"by Neil Henderson, on 2009-08-17"comment-702"by elton, on 2009-08-17

Topic = Using social media

although APS attempt blog Proportion = 0.01194Average positive sentiment = 0.236Average Negative sentiment = 0.343


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civil-servant company complex consider contribution difficult effort employee feel first guideline he his love maintain manager martin minister organization other policy practice press private-sector quite reality recognize right sense

social-medium social UK want wo word write

Average subjectivity = 0.579

Documents:"comment-2059"by Mike Ridout, on 2009-10-07"comment-3365"by Paul Johnston, on 2009-11-01"comment-3652"by Paul Johnston, on 2009-11-05"comment-237"by Nicholas Gruen, on 2009-07-01"comment-56"by Fitzroyalty, on 2009-06-22"comment-2683"by Nicholas Gruen, on 2009-10-25"comment-3846"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, on 2009-11-08"comment-4242"by simonfj, on 2009-11-16"comment-3328"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, on 2009-11-01"comment-3873"by Michael W, on 2009-11-09


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Topic = Governments and content

access across australia basic content cost council delivery demand federal feed Flickr health high knowledge local-government local low measure mention museum nation never number online organization people policy promise public-sector question resource share site

spend stage state suggest think Victoria

Proportion = 0.01128Average positive sentiment = 0.228Average Negative sentiment = 0.316Average subjectivity = 0.544

Documents:"comment-911"by Reem, on 2009-08-24"comment-352"by Geoff Barker, on 2009-07-15"comment-2061"by Michael Cordover, on 2009-10-07"comment-370"by Yvonne R Thompson, on 2009-07-19"comment-94"by Wayne Eddy, on 2009-06-23


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"comment-144"by Peter, on 2009-06-26"comment-648"by Stephen Collins, on 2009-08-14"comment-833"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-08-21

Topic = Work and open source

above acknowledge ask australian company competition creative

design email event experience fact feedback free high idea member name open-source opinion opportunity pay please request skill software strategy team work world

Proportion = 0.01122Average positive sentiment = 0.218Average Negative sentiment = 0.341Average subjectivity = 0.559

Documents:"comment-143"by Dan F, on 2009-06-25"comment-142"by Anne (Brisbane), on 2009-06-26"comment-322"by professorbrianfitzgerald, on 2009-07-11"comment-3130"by Alf Ingham, on 2009-10-30"comment-140"by Lisa Harvey, on 2009-06-25"comment-324"by Nicholas Gruen, on 2009-07-11"comment-1098"by Mike, on 2009-09-01"comment-148"by Todd Lopez, on 2009-06-27"comment-53"by Paul Shirren, on 2009-06-22"comment-155"by Jacques Chester, on 2009-07-01"comment-661"by Neil Henderson, on 2009-08-14"comment-141"by Richard Chan, on 2009-06-25"comment-211"by Cait, on 2009-07-04


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"comment-4906"by Felx the Cat, on 2009-11-28"comment-234"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, on 2009-07-01

Topic = Taskforce issues

assist change cultural culture democracy embrace expectation great happen help his hope innovation legislation member model organization perspective place please public-policy release report risk role senior

take Task-Force tool US year yes

Proportion = 0.01063Average positive sentiment = 0.201Average Negative sentiment = 0.292Average subjectivity = 0.493

Documents:"comment-1714"by Rae Buerckner, on 2009-09-26"comment-123"by Paul Roberts, on 2009-07-04"comment-49"by Mike Smith, on 2009-06-22"comment-779"by Stephen Collins, on 2009-08-19"comment-2626"by Andy Williamson, on 2009-10-23"comment-3656"by Hugh Barnes, on 2009-11-05"comment-2969"by simonfj, on 2009-10-28

Topic = Government spatial data


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agency amount application before behind big broad community datasets Google govt highly location map national-security open-datum per privacy private-sector provide public publish reasonable service share spatial-

datum spatial useful

Proportion = 0.01033Average positive sentiment = 0.218Average Negative sentiment = 0.322Average subjectivity = 0.540

Documents:"comment-967"by Dee, on 2009-08-27"comment-1635"by Brad Spencer, on 2009-09-23"comment-949"by asa letourneau, on 2009-08-26"comment-1594"by Brad Spencer, on 2009-09-22"comment-825"by Gordon Grace, on 2009-08-20"comment-1633"by Rae Buerckner, on 2009-09-23"comment-346"by ben rogers, on 2009-07-14"comment-2665"by Mark Hudson, on 2009-10-25"comment-1622"by Brad Spencer, on 2009-09-23"comment-4619"by Chris, on 2009-11-23"comment-834"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-08-21"comment-4776"by Silvia Pfeiffer, on 2009-11-25

Topic = Reputation

access action activity advantage Proportion = 0.00906Average positive sentiment = 0.337Average Negative sentiment = 0.486


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authority available circumstance communication concern context define establish identity important involve keep level mean mechanism network official party people person personal public reputation social store sufficient take themselves time understand

Average subjectivity = 0.823

Documents:"comment-479"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-08-04"comment-415"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-07-28"comment-424"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-07-28"comment-1024"by Craig Thomler, on 2009-08-29

Topic = Reports, policies and GILF

account act adoption again bureau committee council country education

Proportion = 0.00861Average positive sentiment = 0.151Average Negative sentiment = 0.239Average subjectivity = 0.389


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future GILF identify improve input inquiry lead licence licensing meteorology MIT policy PSI recent recently report research respond strategy student victorian water year Documents:"comment-364"by Baden Appleyard, on 2009-07-18"comment-379"by Professor Brian Fitzgerald, on 2009-07-20"comment-374"by Jim Macnamara, on 2009-07-20"comment-350"by Yvonne R Thompson, on 2009-07-14

Topic = Taskforce and AGIMO

add AGIMO audience BBQ blog couple date decision different empower exchange experience factor he home hour

Proportion = 0.00823Average positive sentiment = 0.201Average Negative sentiment = 0.335Average subjectivity = 0.536


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increasedly jurisdiction local maybe mean minister officer piece public-domain question recent recommendation report research responsible senior start state status store Task-Force test thread world Documents:"comment-433"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, on 2009-07-30"comment-3942"by ben rogers, on 2009-11-10"comment-3509"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, on 2009-11-03"comment-738"by Henare Degan, on 2009-08-18"comment-232"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, on 2009-07-01"comment-4906"by Felx the Cat, on 2009-11-28"comment-3651"by posterboy, on 2009-11-05"comment-3408"by Kerry Webb, on 2009-11-02"comment-77"by Ric, on 2009-06-23"comment-60"by Andrew Harvey, on 2009-06-22"comment-1011"by xtfer, on 2009-08-28"comment-3719"by simonfj, on 2009-11-07


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Topic = Department innovation

ability aspect balance big bring certain charge commercial control core deal department eGovernment employee executive experience GOVIS govt however innovation integrate keep lack low management MBA next non once operation opportunity public-service remove seem senior service-delivery thought top view world

Proportion = 0.00770Average positive sentiment = 0.208Average Negative sentiment = 0.302Average subjectivity = 0.511

Documents:"comment-4347"by Christopher Hire, Executive Director, 2thinknow, on 2009-11-18


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"comment-4116"by Christopher Hire, Executive Director, 2thinknow, on 2009-11-13"comment-4109"by Christopher Hire, Executive Director, 2thinknow, on 2009-11-13"comment-112"by Cait, on 2009-07-04

Topic = Social networks

action awareness back base based challenge come common depend engage experience facilitate factor form

generate important interaction interest internet

link mobile-phone multiple nature

new participant participation platform play potential power practice role share social-network social space themselves thinking via web

Proportion = 0.00736Average positive sentiment = 0.187Average Negative sentiment = 0.219Average subjectivity = 0.406


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Documents:"comment-578"by Paul Roberts, on 2009-08-11"comment-210"by Paul r, on 2009-07-02"comment-219"by westciv, on 2009-06-29"comment-798"by Paul Roberts, on 2009-08-19"comment-1605"by asa letourneau, on 2009-09-22

Topic = APIs

agree alternative API appropriate australia author availability before certainly collaboration develop developer development document encourage end-user framework large license machine member non open-data open-source open-standard open opinion particular presentation product result section

Proportion = 0.00728Average positive sentiment = 0.272Average Negative sentiment = 0.341Average subjectivity = 0.613


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small solution technical transparent upon US W3C work Documents:"comment-1069"by Mike Nelson, on 2009-08-31"comment-331"by Rob Manson, on 2009-07-13"comment-1820"by Andrew Perry, on 2009-09-30"comment-332"by Scott Hollier, on 2009-07-15"comment-398"by Jose M. Alonso, on 2009-07-26

Topic = Crime

again anything application because boundary category collection

competition contain crime current developer directly distribution economic enable entry focus fully identify individual inform interesting join LGA major manage map mash mashup opinion past

Proportion = 0.00720Average positive sentiment = 0.247Average Negative sentiment = 0.342Average subjectivity = 0.589


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powerful real relate SDMX spatial store tell value Documents:"comment-1016"by Don Weatherburn, on 2009-08-28"comment-367"by Craig Thomler, on 2009-07-19"comment-4240"by Jo Deeker, on 2009-11-16"comment-950"by Tony Cutcliffe, on 2009-08-26"comment-1015"by Don Weatherburn, on 2009-08-28"comment-624"by Paul Taylor, on 2009-08-13

Topic = Libraries

AAF acknowledge APO australian behind catalogue common current event future

govt include involve library matter medium Melbourne national net number other piece platform policy power

public put recently

Proportion = 0.00694Average positive sentiment = 0.176Average Negative sentiment = 0.266Average subjectivity = 0.442


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recommendation remember research resource result sharing social tag text university value wiki Documents:"comment-3625"by John Allsopp, on 2009-11-05"comment-884"by Amanda Lawrence, on 2009-08-24"comment-613"by Richard Ferrers, on 2009-08-13"comment-392"by Dale Bowerman, on 2009-07-24"comment-111"by Cait, on 2009-07-04"comment-4117"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-11-13

Topic = PSI

action add agenda awareness benefit comment conference context continue conversation day debate democracy detail direct economic effort

engage exchange feedback forum important initiative issue

Proportion = 0.00692Average positive sentiment = 0.205Average Negative sentiment = 0.261Average subjectivity = 0.465


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listen next past plan policy PSI receive respond sector share soon successful thank three various Documents:"comment-336"by professorbrianfitzgerald, on 2009-07-13"comment-747"by Henare Degan, on 2009-08-18"comment-572"by Silvia Pfeiffer, on 2009-08-11"comment-2947"by Carol Tullo, on 2009-10-28"comment-681"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, on 2009-08-16"comment-202"by Jonathan, on 2009-06-29

Topic = Gov2.0

address area australia australian bring broadband case-study center challenge city connectivity Creative-Commons digital-economy digital Gov-2.0 internet itself local major

Proportion = 0.00682Average positive sentiment = 0.112Average Negative sentiment = 0.172Average subjectivity = 0.284


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month NBN offer participate people place potential practical private Queensland show strong Sydney Task-Force task three upgrade video Web-2.0 web-site YouTube Documents:"comment-917"by Silvia Pfeiffer, on 2009-08-24"comment-2158"by Bill Caelli, on 2009-10-09"comment-751"by Jimi Bostock, on 2009-08-18"comment-915"by Reem A, on 2009-08-24"comment-835"by Marghanita da Cruz, on 2009-08-21"comment-914"by Silvia Pfeiffer, on 2009-08-24

Topic = Rules and systems

able achieve arise build culture ensure everyone fit follow government-information

interaction particular person principle rule seem store system together transparency trust

Proportion = 0.00669Average positive sentiment = 0.217Average Negative sentiment = 0.324Average subjectivity = 0.541

Documents:"comment-1728"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-09-27


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"comment-415"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-07-28"comment-749"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-08-18"comment-777"by Nicholas Gruen, on 2009-08-19

Topic = Disability

access accessibility-guideline AGIMO AHRC australian below capacity contact directory disability discrimination-act discrimination-commissioner document expert find follow highly his human-rights itself late lead MAA manager national new-media offer particular PDF peter PM potential powerful prime-minister recommendation research show term variety wide

Proportion = 0.00589Average positive sentiment = 0.208Average Negative sentiment = 0.339Average subjectivity = 0.546


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Documents:"comment-447"by Gordon Grace, on 2009-07-31"comment-450"by Peter Alexander, on 2009-07-31"comment-448"by Stephen Collins, on 2009-07-31"comment-221"by Colin Steele, on 2009-07-04

Topic = Tax

ABC actually aggregate bit city country difference distribute event evidence flow grow hi imagine instead item late little nation NIC occur other outcome pay per problem publicly real-time security site situation society source stop study tax technical wiki word year

Proportion = 0.00538Average positive sentiment = 0.146Average Negative sentiment = 0.328Average subjectivity = 0.474

Documents:"comment-359"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-07-17"comment-248"by Peter J Cooper (@pc0), on 2009-07-03"comment-1605"by asa letourneau, on 2009-09-22"comment-126"by Jimi Bostock, on 2009-07-04"comment-824"by asa letourneau, on 2009-08-20"comment-1029"by Nicholas Gruen, on 2009-08-29"comment-136"by Ray, on 2009-06-24


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Topic = Submissions

additional early enable existing facility freedom function help improve interest interested-party IPS NSW prepare process publication register risk submission topic vote

Proportion = 0.00502Average positive sentiment = 0.160Average Negative sentiment = 0.235Average subjectivity = 0.395

Documents:"comment-566"by glen, on 2009-08-11

Topic = <unnamed>

add barrier create directory ensure entry express hand key learn list listen o outside public-servant publicly side single sound tag work

Proportion = 0.00494Average positive sentiment = 0.182Average Negative sentiment = 0.296Average subjectivity = 0.478

Documents:"comment-990"by Martin Stewart-Weeks, on 2009-08-27"comment-772"by Gordon Grace, on 2009-08-19"comment-692"by Peter J Cooper (@pc0), on 2009-08-17"comment-1738"by Nicholas Gruen, on 2009-09-27


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Topic = Democracy

address age agency alternative

APS article better call clear connect craig demand democracy drive education email employee entry example help improvement inform internal medium meeting new pay per place reflect representative run sign stage tell TFN vote week wide wrong

Proportion = 0.00460Average positive sentiment = 0.105Average Negative sentiment = 0.215Average subjectivity = 0.320

Documents:"comment-1770"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-09-29"comment-4012"by Neil Henderson, on 2009-11-11"comment-1795"by Kevin Cox, on 2009-09-30"comment-3591"by Jose Diacono, on 2009-11-04


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Appendix III

Data data everywhere but not a scrap of sensehttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/11/16/data-data-everywhere-but-not-a-scrap-of-sense/ by Pip Marlow

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.472964, positive sentiment: 0.196516, negative sentiment: -0.276448,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Blogs Community-and-

process Data-and-applications Manageme

nt People

The-Contest Value-and-


Comments Domains


Comments Comments

-other Community-issues-(Taskforce-

Gov2.0-etc.) Crime Do

mains-and-culture Web-technology-issues

If I could start with a blank piece of paper… (part 2)http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/11/11/blank-piece-of-paper-2/ by David Eaves

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.533345, positive sentiment: 0.220619, negative sentiment: -0.312725,

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Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Blogs Community-and-process People Public-service


Comments-other Depar

tment-innovation Individ


Comments Comments-other Community-issues-


Cost-issues Data Dealing-with-citizens Democracy D

epartment-innovation Individuals Online-participation Public-


GovHack: govt data + hackers + caffeine == good timeshttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/11/05/govhack/ by John Allsopp

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.569562, positive sentiment: 0.261294, negative sentiment: -0.308268,

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Data-and-applications People


Comments Community

-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Web-stuff Comments

Comments-other Community-issues-

(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Do


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The-Contest mains-and-culture Web-


BTalk Australia Interviewhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/11/04/btalk-australia-interview/ by Nicholas Gruen

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Blogs Gov2.0 People Public-sector-information-(PSI)

Australia, You Have Been Mashedhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/11/18/australia-you-have-been-mashed/ by Mia Garlick

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 1.049440, positive sentiment: 0.489740, negative sentiment: -0.559700,

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Data-and-applications Pe



Comments Community-issues-(Taskforce-


Comments Community-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.)


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Structured Brainstorming Competition: Congratulations to all our winners!http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/11/19/structured-brainstorming-winners/ by Peter Alexander [Taskforce Secretariat]

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.754493, positive sentiment: 0.370253, negative sentiment: -0.384240,

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Gov2.0 People


Comments Community-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-


Comments Community-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-


Do we have a Best Blog Post in our midst?http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/11/09/do-we-have-a-best-blog-post-in-our-midst/ by Nicholas Gruen

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.308220, positive sentiment: 0.085620, negative sentiment: -0.222600,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Blogs Community-and-process Museu

ms-and-collections People Comments


Comments Domains-and-culture


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Emergency 2.0 Australiahttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/11/11/emergency-2-0-australia/ by Maurits van der Vlugt

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.973163, positive sentiment: 0.326733, negative sentiment: -0.646430,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Gov2.0 Management People Projects Taskforce The-Contest

Comments Web-stuff

Comments Web-stuff

Video Killed the …. ?http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/11/18/video-killed-the/ by Jimi Bostock and Silvia Pfeiffer

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.380078, positive sentiment: 0.140354, negative sentiment: -0.239724,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Blogs Data-and-

applications Online-

availability People

Comments Commen

ts-other Video

Blogs Comments Comments-

other Community-issues-(Taskforce-

Gov2.0-etc.) Copyright-publishing-and-AGIMO Data Google Video Web-



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Whole of Government Information Publication Schemehttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/11/09/whole-of-government-information-publication-scheme/ by Eric Wainwright

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.325670, positive sentiment: 0.141930, negative sentiment: -0.183740,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments



Comments Comments-

other Copyright-publishing-and-AGIMO For

mats-and-APIs Submissions Web-stuff

Comments Comments-other Formats-and-APIs Submissions


Congratulations Ben Crothers – designer of our banner and logo!http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/07/10/congratulations-ben-crothers-designer-of-our-banner-and-logo/ by Nicholas Gruen

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.686322, positive sentiment: 0.338915, negative sentiment: -0.347407,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

People Comments Comments Community


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-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Work-and-open-source

Making Government Data More “Hack”ablehttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/10/28/making-government-data-more-hackable/ by Pamela Fox

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.790130, positive sentiment: 0.371520, negative sentiment: -0.418610,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments






Copyright-publishing-and-AGIMO Formats-and-APIs



Comments-other Community-issues-

(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Copyright-publishing-and-AGIMO Data Do

mains-and-culture Formats-and-APIs Mashup-competition Work-and-open-source


Page 130: Project 16 Report DOC (2461k) - gov2.net.augov2.net.au/files/2009/12/Project-16-Final-Report.doc  · Web viewThe data set used to score the commentary is an externally validated

Lots of Gov 2.0 learning still to do…http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/10/09/lots-of-gov-2-0-learning-still-to-do%e2%80%a6/ by Anna York

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.316166, positive sentiment: 0.140773, negative sentiment: -0.175393,

Submission topics Topics inferred from commentsSubjectivity of comments

Democracy Economy

Education Gov2.0 Managem

ent People Submissions Taskforce

Comments Community-

issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Domains-and-

culture Web-stuff Web-technology-issues

Comments Comm


etc.) Domains-

and-culture Taskforce-issues Web-stuff Web-technology-


When Goliath Does Social Media…http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/09/26/when-goliath-does-social-media%e2%80%a6/ by Mia Garlick

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.450317, positive sentiment: 0.176915, negative sentiment: -0.273402,

Submission topics Topics inferred from Subjectivity of comments


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openness Community-and-

process Education Gov2.0


Comments Community-issues-(Taskforce-


APS-conduct Comments Com

ments-other Community-issues-

(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Dealing-with-citizens Democrac

y Domains-and-culture Online-

participation Rules-and-

systems Taskforce-issues

Allocating the project fund: we want your ideashttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/09/22/allocating-the-project-fund-we-want-your-ideas/ by Peter Alexander [Taskforce Secretariat]

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.427814, positive sentiment: 0.186610, negative sentiment: -0.241204,

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Blogs People



Comments-other Community-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Microsoft-contract

Comments Comments-other



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Connection – the real value for Content and Communityhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/07/31/connection-the-real-value-for-content-and-community/ by Pip Marlow

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.531075, positive sentiment: 0.224930, negative sentiment: -0.306145,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process Cos

t Gov2.0






Accessibility and Government 2.0http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/07/12/accessibility-and-government-2-0/ by Lisa Harvey

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.551809, positive sentiment: 0.243626, negative sentiment: -0.308183,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments


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People Taskforc




Comments-other Documen

t-accessibility Projects

APIs Comments Comments-

other Community-issues-(Taskforce-

Gov2.0-etc.) Data Dealing-with-citizens Document-accessibility Projects Video Web-stuff

Inquiries 2.0: Part 3.0http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/10/23/inquiries-2-0-part-3-0/ by Nicholas Gruen

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.325503, positive sentiment: 0.128597, negative sentiment: -0.196907,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Accountability-and openness

Blogs Democracy Education


People Politics


Community-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Domains-and-culture




etc.) Domains-and-culture



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Data.gov and lessons from the open-source worldhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/08/26/lessons-from-the-open-source-world/ by Alan Noble

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.517677, positive sentiment: 0.223302, negative sentiment: -0.294375,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments



AGLS Comments

Comments-other Data Formats-and-


AGLS APIs Comments Comments

-other Community-issues-

(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Data Formats-

and-APIs Google Government-spatial-data Governments-and-content Individuals Mashup-competition Microsoft-contract Projects Public-servant-issues Releasing-data Tools-and-policy Using-social-media Video Web-stuff W


Government 2.0 – It’s the Community, Stupidhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/08/11/government-2-0-%e2%80%93-it%e2%80%99s-the-community-stupid/ by Tim Watts

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.441571, positive sentiment: 0.190764, negative sentiment: -0.250807,


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Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process Gov2.0 People

Comments Commen

ts-other Community-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Dealing-


Comments Comments-other C


Gov2.0-etc.) Dealing-with-

citizens Department-innovation Online-

participation Public-servant-

issues Social-networks Using-


Help us finalise our Issues Paperhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/07/18/help-us-finalise-our-issues-paper/ by Nicholas Gruen

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.669809, positive sentiment: 0.287398, negative sentiment: -0.382412,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Blogs People Taskforce

Comments Co



Comments Comments-other Community-issues-(Taskforce-

Gov2.0-etc.) Online-


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participation Reports-policies-

and-GILF Web-stuff

Government 2.0 Taskforce Guest Blogger Policyhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/07/12/government-2-0-taskforce-guest-blogger-policy/ by Nicholas Gruen

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.000000, positive sentiment: 0.000000, negative sentiment: -0.000000,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Blogs Gov2.0 People Taskforce Comments Web-


Access to PSI – Who is doing what?http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/07/12/access-to-psi-who-is-doing-what/ by Brian Fitzgerald

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.387971, positive sentiment: 0.150962, negative sentiment: -0.237009,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Blogs Licensing



Comments-other Community

Comments Comments-other C

ommunity-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Formats-and-APIs Indi


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Projects Public-sector-


-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Individuals

Licensing-and-CC PSI

Releasing-data Reports-


viduals Licensing-and-CC Releasing-data Reports-


If you could start with a blank sheet of paper…http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/10/21/if-you-could-start-with-a-blank-sheet-of-paper%e2%80%a6/ by Martin Stewart-Weeks

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.548178, positive sentiment: 0.197385, negative sentiment: -0.350793,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Gov2.0 People



Public-interest Public-

servant-issues Using-


APS-conduct Blogs Comments Com

ments-other Community-issues-

(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Domains-

and-culture Online-participation Public-interest Pu

blic-servant-issues Taskforce-and-

AGIMO Taskforce-issues Usin



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Innovate, Mash, Camp: Govt 2.0 Contest Updatehttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/09/22/innovate-mash-camp-govt-2-0-contest-update/ by Mia Garlick

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.706710, positive sentiment: 0.305705, negative sentiment: -0.401005,

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments





etc.) Mashup-competition




Welcome to the Government 2.0 Taskforcehttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/06/22/launch-speech/ by Nicholas Gruen

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.513155, positive sentiment: 0.225971, negative sentiment: -0.287183,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process Gov

2.0 Comments AGLS APIs APS-conduct


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Public-service Taskforce




Comments-other Community-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-

etc.) Copyright-publishing-and-


Cost-issues Data

Dealing-with-citizens Domains-and-culture Formats-and-APIs Google Gov2.0

Governments-and-content Licensing-and-CC Mi


Online-participation Releasing-data Taskforce-



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Tools-and-policy Usin

g-social-media Web-stuff We



SUBMISSION – LOCALISING INFORMATION EXCHANGE – COMMUNITY WEBSITES CURRENTLY ABLE TO DO THIShttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/au-community-domains/ by Leonie Dunbar

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.417286, positive sentiment: 0.166951, negative sentiment: -0.250334,

Submission topics

Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments


submissions Onlin

e-availability The-Contest

Comments Communit


Comments Comments-other Community-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-

etc.) Document-accessibility F

ormats-and-APIs Google Online-participation Projects Social-networks Video Web-stuff Web

-technology-issues Work-and-open-



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Our design competitionhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/06/22/our-design-competition/ by Nicholas Gruen

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.663051, positive sentiment: 0.162515, negative sentiment: -0.500536,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments


Licensing People



Community-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Work-and-open-





Cost-issues Data

Governments-and-content Microsoft-contract




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The ‘Faceless Bureaucrat’ and Web 2.0http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/08/17/the-%e2%80%98faceless-bureaucrat%e2%80%99-and-web-2-0/ by Mia Garlick

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.466151, positive sentiment: 0.186786, negative sentiment: -0.279366,

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Blogs Community-and-process Gov2.




Blogs Comments Community-



APS-conduct Blogs


Comments-other Community-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-

etc.) Governments-and-

content Online-

participation Projects

Public-servant-issues S

ocial-networks Web-



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Opening Pandora’s Box – Making Government 2.0 Websites More Accessiblehttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/10/14/accessibility-comp/ by Peter Alexander [Taskforce Secretariat]

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.616263, positive sentiment: 0.227427, negative sentiment: -0.388837,

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Gov2.0 Human-rights-commission


People Projects





Your Invitation to MashUpAustraliahttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/09/30/your-invitation-to-mashupaustralia/ by Mia Garlick

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.552577, positive sentiment: 0.235625, negative sentiment: -0.316951,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Gov2.0 Licensing Museums-and-

collections People Projects





Comments Comments-other Community-issues-

(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Cop

yright-publishing-and-AGIMO Fo143

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rmats-and-APIs Licensing-and-CC

Mashup-competition Microsoft-contract Web-

stuff Work-and-open-source

Online engagementhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/07/27/online-engagement/ by Martin Stewart-Weeks

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.659932, positive sentiment: 0.289041, negative sentiment: -0.370891,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments


Gov2.0 People




Comments-other Community-issues-


Dealing-with-citizens Domains-and-culture Online-participation Reputation Using-social-media

Comments Comments-

other Community-issues-

(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Deal

ing-with-citizens Domains-and-

culture Online-participation Proje

cts Public-servant-issues Reputation


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Web-stuff Rules-and-systems Using-social-media Web-


What data should we be releasing?http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/08/17/what-data-should-we-be-releasing/ by Nicholas Gruen

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.562040, positive sentiment: 0.215524, negative sentiment: -0.346516,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments


applications Online-

availability People The-Contest

Comments Commen

ts-other Formats-and-APIs APS-conduct Comments Comment

s-other Community-issues-

(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Cost-

issues Crime Data Format

s-and-APIs Google Governmen

t-spatial-data Government

s-and-content Individuals Lic

ensing-and-CC Mashup-

competition Online-

participation Projects Public-


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interest Public-servant-

issues Releasing-data Reports-policies-and-GILF Rules-and-systems Ta

skforce-issues Video Web-stuff We


Speech: Launch of the Government 2.0 Taskforcehttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/06/22/speech-launch-of-the-government-2-0-taskforce/ by Lindsay Tanner

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.456714, positive sentiment: 0.179763, negative sentiment: -0.276951,

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments




People Taskforce



Comments-other Community-issues-(Taskforce-

Gov2.0-etc.) Gov2.0 Web-stuff



Community-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Gov2.

0 Online-participation Web-


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Taskforce Q&A – Live Audio Streamhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/08/21/taskforce-qa-live-audio-stream/ by Taskforce Secretariat

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Disability-issues FOI People Projects Task


Some early reflectionshttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/06/30/some-early-reflections/ by Martin Stewart-Weeks

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.557624, positive sentiment: 0.245698, negative sentiment: -0.311926,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Gov2.0 People Taskforc

e Comments Commun

ity-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Web-


Comments Comments-

other Community-issues-

(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Dealing-with-citizens Projects Publi


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c-servant-issues Taskfor

ce-and-AGIMO Tools-and-policy Web-stuff Web-


"Its gunna cost ya" – who pays?http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/07/14/its-gunna-cost-ya-who-pays/ by Seb Chan

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.475100, positive sentiment: 0.193711, negative sentiment: -0.281389,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments





People Public-



Comments-other Cos

t-issues Google Governm

ents-and-content Web-stuff

Comments Comments-other C

ommunity-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Cost-issues Data Google Government-spatial-data Governments-and-content Releasing-data Reports-policies-and-GILF Tax Web-stuff


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The Three Laws of Open Datahttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/10/20/the-three-laws-of-open-data/ by David Eaves

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.310365, positive sentiment: 0.081002, negative sentiment: -0.229362,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Accountability-and-openness C

ommunity-and-process Data-and-

applications Gov2.0


Comments Community-

issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Domains-and-culture Formats-and-APIs Releasing-data

Comments Community-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Domains-

and-culture Formats-and-APIs

Submit a quote for our round two projectshttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/09/17/submit-a-quote-for-our-round-two-projects/ by Nicholas Gruen

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.497685, positive sentiment: 0.231990, negative sentiment: -0.265695,

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

People Projects Comments Comments-

other Community-issues-(Taskforce-




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Gov2.0-etc.) Domains-

and-culture Projects


Community-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Doma

ins-and-culture Projec


Liberating heritage collections (Part One)http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/09/11/liberating-heritage-collections/ by Adrian Cunningham

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.326052, positive sentiment: 0.104686, negative sentiment: -0.221366,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments









Comments Copyright



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Data.govhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/06/28/data-gov/ by Brian Fitzgerald

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.505045, positive sentiment: 0.225140, negative sentiment: -0.279905,

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Accountability-and-openness Data-and-applications Gov

2.0 Public-sector-information-(PSI) Spatial-


Comments Comments-other Community-issues-

(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Data Document-

accessibility Domains-and-culture Tools-and-

policy Web-stuff

Comments Comme

nts-other Community-issues-(Taskforce-

Gov2.0-etc.) Data Document-accessibility Do

mains-and-culture To

ols-and-policy Web-


Over the Rainbow – Not for Profit PSI Project Ideashttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/10/09/not-for-profit-psi/ by Peter Alexander [Taskforce Secretariat]

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.558217, positive sentiment: 0.244071, negative sentiment: -0.314146,

Submission Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments


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Organisations People


Comments Community-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-


Comments Comments-other Community-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Cost-issues

Layered Participationhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/06/25/layered-participation/ by Nicholas Gruen

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.511074, positive sentiment: 0.204647, negative sentiment: -0.306427,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Accountability-and-openness Community-and-process Gov2.0 People





Social-networks Web-stuff

Comments Comments-other Community-issues-(Taskforce-



Online-participation Social-networks Web-stuff


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Capturing and preserving authentic and accessible evidence of Government 2.0 (Part Two)http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/09/14/capturing-and-preserving-authentic-and-accessible-evidence-of-government-2-0-part-two/ by Adrian Cunningham

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.183640, positive sentiment: 0.091820, negative sentiment: -0.091820,

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process Gov







Our input wanted: Key challenges in government content discoverability and e-service accessibilityhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/10/24/our-input-wanted-key-challenges-in-government-content-discoverability-and-e-service-accessibility/ by Nicholas Gruen

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.645447, positive sentiment: 0.279407, negative sentiment: -0.366040,


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Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Blogs Community-and-






AGLS Comments

Dealing-with-citizens Web-stuff

AGLS Comments




Draft Project Fund Contracthttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/09/30/draft-project-fund-contract/ by Peter Alexander [Taskforce Secretariat]

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments



Government 2.0 Taskforce Emailed Submissionhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/alexander-biggs/ by Alexander Biggs


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Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.503506, positive sentiment: 0.227745, negative sentiment: -0.275761,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments



Metadata People




APIs Comments Comments-

other Community-issues-

(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Micro



Access to PSI – Policyhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/06/27/access-to-psi-policy/ by Brian Fitzgerald

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.206615, positive sentiment: 0.051655, negative sentiment: -0.154960,

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Democracy Public-sector-information-(PSI)

Comments Document-accessibility



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Recognising the volunteers: Jhempenstall is my hero – who is yours?http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/09/29/recognising-the-volunteers-jhempenstall-is-my-hero-who-is-yours/ by Nicholas Gruen

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.466288, positive sentiment: 0.184540, negative sentiment: -0.281748,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

People Projects

Comments Community-issues-(Taskforce-


Dealing-with-citizens Domains-and-culture





Domains-and-culture Libraries

Online-participation Projects

Making more government data and information availablehttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/08/21/making-more-government-data-and-information-available/ by Ann Steward

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.504297, positive sentiment: 0.202151, negative sentiment: -0.302147,


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Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments







AGLS Comments

Comments-other Community-issues-(Taskforce-


Cost-issues Data Formats

-and-APIs Licensing-

and-CC Releasing-data Web-technology-issues

The great promise of Web 2.0http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/08/10/the-great-promise-of-web-2-0/ by Martin Stewart-Weeks

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.474860, positive sentiment: 0.196920, negative sentiment: -0.277940,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Gov2.0 Comments Comments Comments-

other Community-157

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(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Su





PSI Submissions Using-social-media

Canberra one day, London the nexthttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/10/26/canberra-one-day-london-the-next/ by Nicholas Gruen

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.495624, positive sentiment: 0.198548, negative sentiment: -0.297076,

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Blogs Cost People


Comments Domains-and-culture






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Individuals PSI


Hack, Mash and Innovate: Contests Coming Soonhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/08/13/hack-mash-and-innovate-contests-coming-soon/ by Mia Garlick

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.465638, positive sentiment: 0.191255, negative sentiment: -0.274383,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Data-and-applications Gov2.0







Comments Comments-

other Community-issues-(Taskforce-



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Cost-issues Data



Document-accessibility D

omains-and-culture Formats-and-APIs Google Gov2.0 Government-spatial-data Governments-and-content Individuals Libraries


Projects Public-

servant-issues Tax Tools

-and-policy Video Web-stuff Web-technology-issues Work-and-open-


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Posting proposed projects for public pontificationhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/08/18/posting-proposed-projects-for-public-pontification/ by Nicholas Gruen

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.502041, positive sentiment: 0.234479, negative sentiment: -0.267563,

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments



Comments Community-issues-

(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Web-stuff


Community-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Domains-and-culture



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Policy 2.0: towards whole-of-government policy developmenthttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/10/08/policy-2-0-towards-whole-of-government-policy-development/ by Martin Stewart-Weeks

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.320080, positive sentiment: 0.125043, negative sentiment: -0.195037,

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process Management Peopl

e Policy


Comments Comment

s-other Community-issues-(Taskforce-

Gov2.0-etc.) Domains-and-culture Online-participation Tools-and-policy

Comments Comments-

other Community-issues-

(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Domains-

and-culture Online-participation Tool


Introducing Tim Wattshttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/08/11/introducing-tim-watts/ by Nicholas Gruen

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.593777, positive sentiment: 0.126690, negative sentiment: -0.467087,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Accountability-and-openness Blogs


Comments Community-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.)


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Gov2.0 People

Official Issues Paper Releasedhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/07/23/official-issues-paper-released/ by Nicholas Gruen

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.666632, positive sentiment: 0.288717, negative sentiment: -0.377914,

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments



AusIndustry-and-websites Comments







Community-issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Copyright-publishing-and-

AGIMO Disability





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Projects Submissions


You’re on our new serverhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/07/18/youre-on-our-new-server/ by Taskforce Secretariat

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.443790, positive sentiment: 0.197240, negative sentiment: -0.246550,

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Blogs People Domains-and-culture


A League ladder of PSI openness?http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/09/19/a-league-ladder-of-psi-openness/ by Nicholas Gruen

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.437181, positive sentiment: 0.173847, negative sentiment: -0.263334,

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process People


Comments-other Government-spatial-data

AusIndustry-and-websites Comments



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Public-sector-information-(PSI) Quality-issues


(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Cost-

issues Domains-and-culture Formats-and-APIs Google Government-spatial-data Li

censing-and-CC Projects

A Submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforcehttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/andrae-muys/ by Andrae Muys

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-


Management Metadata

Public-service Taskforce

Individual Submission, Public Sector Informationhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/andrew-leigh/ by Andrew Leigh

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments


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Individual Submission, Internet Filteringhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/anonmouse/ by Anonmouse

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Data-and-applications Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-submissions People


Individual Submission, Public Sector Information, Web 2.0http://gov2.net.au/submissions/asa-and-mandy/ by Asa and Mandy

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments


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Gov2.0 Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-submissions Online-

availability People Policy

Attorney-General’s Department Submission PDFhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/attorney-generals-department/ by Renee Leon

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Copyright-material Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-submissions Management

ABS Submission to the Government 2.0 Issues Paperhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/australian-bureau-of-statistics/ by Australian Bureau of Statistics

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

ABS Management


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Australian Communications Consumer Action Network Submission DOChttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/australian-communications-consumer-action-network/ by Elissa Freeman

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments


Australian Copyright Council: Response to Government 2.0 Taskforce Issues Paperhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/australian-copyright-council/ by Ian McDonald

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments


Australian Human Rights Commission submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce – Towards Government 2.0 an issues paperhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/australian-human-rights-commission/ by Australian Human Rights Commission

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Disability-issues Human-rights-


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commission Taskforce

Towards Government 2.0http://gov2.net.au/submissions/australian-library-and-information-association/ by Sue Hutley

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process Data-and-applications Management Online-availability Taskforce

Submission to Government 2.0 Issues Paperhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/australian-national-health-and-medical-research-council/ by Andrew Smith

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

ABS Gov2.0 Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-submissions Information-

commissioner Management People

Taskforce The-Contest


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Government 2.0 Taskforcehttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/australian-policy-online/ by Australian Policy Online

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Blogs Gov2.0 Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-submissions Metadata

Online-availability Policy

Government 2.0 Issues Paperhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/australian-public-service-commission/ by Carmel McGregor

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process Management Public-service

Government 2.0 Initiative: Submission by the Bureau of Meteorologyhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/bureau-of-meteorology-submission/ by Bureau of Meteorology

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments


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UPGRADING DEMOCRACYhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/centre-for-policy-development/ by Miriam Lyons, Mark Elliott, Darren Sharp, Matt Cooperrider

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Accountability-and-openness Community-and-




People Policy

Strategic Business Challenges Facing Australian Political Partieshttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/charles-ashton/ by Charles Ashton


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Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process People Politics

Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paperhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/copyright-advisory-group-of-the-school-resourcing-taskforce-of-the-ministerial-council-on-employment-education-training-and-youth-affairs/ by ADVISORY GROUP OF THE SCHOOLS RESOURCING TASKFORCE

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Copyright-material Licensing Taskforce

Towards Government 2.0: an Issues Paperhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/copyright-agency-limited/ by Jim Alexander

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Copyright-material Cost Gov2.0-

and-Taskforce-submissions Inform

ation-commissioner Licensing Publ


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ic-sector-information-(PSI) Taskforce

Submission to Government 2.0 Taskforcehttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/council-of-australasian-museum-directors/ by Council of Australasian Museum Directors

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments



Access and transparency of government datahttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/craig-thomler/ by Craig Thomler

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments


Data-and-applications Gov2.0



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Online-availability Quality-issues

Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paperhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/department-of-agriculture-fisheries-and-forestry/ by Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Education Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-submissions Information-commissioner Management Taskforce

DEEWR Response on Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paperhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/department-of-education-employment-and-workplace-relations/ by Helen Skrzeczek

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Gov2.0 Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-

submissions Management Taskforce

Department of Human Serviceshttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/department-of-human-services/ by Marie Johnson


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Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments


Harnessing the power of governmenthttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/enterprise-intelligence/ by Patrick Callioni

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments



Management People


Government 2.0 Taskforce Digital Engagement through Innovationhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/flink-labs/ by Flink Labs

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments



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Public Consultation regarding “Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper”http://gov2.net.au/submissions/gerhard-wagner/ by Gerhard Wagner

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments


Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paperhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/google/ by Google

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Data-and-applications Gov2.0 Informati


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on-commissioner Taskforce

Institute for Information Management Submission PDFhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/institute-for-information-management/ by Institute for Information Management

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Bureau-of-Meteorology Community-and-process Gov2.0

Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-submissions Management Taskforce

Submission to Gov 2.0 Taskforcehttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/jimi-bostock/ by Jimi Bostock

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process Gov2.0 Gov2.0-

and-Taskforce-submissions People Taskforce

Government 2.0 Issues Paper submissionhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/mark-nottingham/ by Mark Nottingham


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Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments


process Data-and-

applications Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-

submissions Management People Quality-

issues Taskforce

Matthew Landauer (OpenAustralia Foundation) Submission RTFhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/matthew-landauer-openaustralia-foundation/ by Matthew Landauer

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments



Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-submissions People

Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paperhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/national-archives-of-australia/ by National Archives of Australia


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Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process Copyright-material Inform




Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paperhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/new-south-wales-young-lawyers-communications-entertainment-and-technology-law-committee/ by Adam Flynn, Tyrilly Bolton

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Copyright-material Data-

and-applications Gov2.0 Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-


Licensing Management

Online-availability Public-sector-



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Towards Government 2.0: Issues Paperhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/office-of-the-privacy-commissioner/ by Office of the Privacy Commissioner

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments


A response to the Government 2.0 Taskforcehttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/open-forum/ by Sally Rose

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process Gov2.0 Gov2.0-

and-Taskforce-submissions Management Policy Taskforce

Towards Government 2.0http://gov2.net.au/submissions/parliamentary-library/ by Roxanne Missingham

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments


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Public-sector-information-(PSI) Quality-issues Taskforce

Government 2.0 Taskforcehttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/paul-henman/ by Paul Henman

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process Gov2.0

Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-submissions Policy




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Government 2.0 Issues Paper Submissionhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/paul-roberts/ by Paul Roberts

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process Gov2.0 Gov2.0-

and-Taskforce-submissions Management P

eople Taskforce

Re - PayPal Australia Submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforcehttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/paypal-australia/ by PayPal Australia

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-submissions

Government 2.0 Taskforce – Submission from Pro Bono Australiahttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/pro-bono-australia-submission/ by Pro Bono Australia

Submission topics Topics inferred from Subjectivity of


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comments comments


submissions Organisations

Balancing information, privacy and accessibility: some comments on Towards Government 2.0http://gov2.net.au/submissions/public-interest-advocacy-centre/ by Robin Banks, Lizzie Simpson, Deirdre Moor

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process Disability-

issues Gov2.0 Information-commissioner Privacy Taskforce

Records Management Association of Australasia Submission RTFhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/records-management-association-of-australasia/ by Veronica Pumpa

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-submissions Infor

mation-commissioner Management


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Reengineering Submission RTFhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/reengineering/ by Adrian Walker

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Blogs Data-and-applications Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-submissions People


Richard Goodwin Submission RTF (15k)http://gov2.net.au/submissions/richard-goodwin/ by Richard Goodwin

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process Democracy Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-submissions People

Government role in Trusthttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/robert-smart/ by Robert Smart


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Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process Education Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-

submissions People


Online Platforms for Deliberative Engagementhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/ron-lubensky/ by Ron Lubensky

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Democracy Gov2.0 Gov2.0-

and-Taskforce-submissions Online-availability

Building an open access culturehttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/salinger-privacy/ by Anna Johnston

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

FOI Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-submissions Informati



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Silvia Pfeiffer Submission RTFhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/silvia-pfeiffer/ by Silvia Pfeiffer

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Blogs Data-and-

applications Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-

submissions Management

People Projects

Towards Government 2.0 DATA as a SERVICEhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/space-time-research/ by SPACE-TIME RESEARCH

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

ABS Community-and-process

Cost Data-and-applications Gov2.0

Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-submissions Privacy



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Towards Government 2.0http://gov2.net.au/submissions/spatial-industries-business-association/ by D. Hocking

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Community-andprocess Cost




Spatial-information Taskforce

A submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforcehttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/the-eureka-project/ by Tony Cutcliffe

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process Submissions


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Towards Government 2.0: An Issues Paperhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/the-treasury/ by Alaine King, Russell McCaskie

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Gov2.0 Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-submissions Management Public-service Taskforce

Submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforcehttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/tikka-wilson/ by Tikka Wilson

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Gov2.0 Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-submissions Management Museums-and-

collections People Taskforce

SUBMISSION IN RESPONSE TO GOVERNMENT 2.0 TASKFORCE ISSUES PAPERhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/victorian-spatial-commission/ by Olaf Hedberg

Submission topicsTopics inferred from comments

Subjectivity of comments

Gov2.0-and-Taskforce-submissions Management Spatial-information Tas


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Towards Government 2.0 By Vision Australiahttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/vision-australia/ by Brandon Ah Tong-Pereira

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process Disability-issues Gov2.0 Taskforce

Online Engagement Reviewhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/11/30/online-engagement-review/ by Darren Sharp

Sentiment inferred from the comments attached to the submission:subjectivity: 0.570025, positive sentiment: 0.255491, negative sentiment: -0.314533,

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Community-and-process Gov2.0






Comments Comments-other Community-

issues-(Taskforce-Gov2.0-etc.) Copyright-publishing-

and-AGIMO Dealing-with-citizens Domains-and-culture Individuals Online-

participation Submissions Video Web-stuff



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Online Engagement Reviewhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/11/30/online-engagement-review/ by Darren Sharp

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Draft Report – out on Mondayhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/12/05/draft-report-out-on-monday/ by Nicholas Gruen

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Engage: Getting on with Government 2.0: Draft report for commenthttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/12/07/draftreport/ by Peter Alexander [Taskforce Secretariat]

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Submission Gov2.0http://gov2.net.au/submissions/education-au/ by Jenny Millea

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments


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Engage: Getting on with Government 2.0: Draft report for commenthttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/12/07/draftreport/ by Peter Alexander [Taskforce Secretariat]

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Draft Report – out on Mondayhttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/12/05/draft-report-out-on-monday/ by Nicholas Gruen

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

AIIA response to the government 2.0 taskforce Issues paperhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/australian-information-industry-association/ by Australian Information Industry Association

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Whose data is it? Integrated client information online for social inclusionhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/brotherhood-of-saint-laurence/ by May Lam

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Government 2.0 Issue Paperhttp://gov2.net.au/submissions/australian-broadcasting-corporation/ by Mark Scott

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments


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The column of the draft reporthttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/12/09/the-column-of-the-draft-report/ by Nicholas Gruen

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

Blegging the power of the bleghttp://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/12/13/blegging-the-power-of-the-bleg/ by Nicholas Gruen

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments

And the Mashie Goes To…[drum roll]http://gov2.net.au/blog/2009/12/14/and-the-mashie-goes-to/ by Mia Garlick

Submission topics Topics inferred from comments Subjectivity of comments


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Appendix IX - OpinionWatch Product Information

Interactive Government

Following the successful election campaign of Barack Obama1, there has been increased interest around the world in the power of web 2.0 technologies and social networking (Facebook, Youtube, Myspace, Twitter, etc,) and the influence of these technologies on political processes. eDemocracy, interactive government, accessible government, and blogging with ministers have quickly become hot topics in eGovernment.

The Australian Government has begun piloting official blog sites2 to solicit opinion from citizens on a range of topics. Government agencies are experimenting with blogs to see if they work as an immediate way for government to inform and engage with the public and create communities of interest. Experience with these blogging pilots have shown that a specific topic, say the "Digital Economy", can generate thousands of individual blog entries over a period of 2 or 3 weeks. These informal submissions from citizens contain a diversity of opinions about the topic of interest. However, to review this material to glean citizens’ opinions and analyse sentiment on this topic can take several days if not weeks of effort. It is unreasonable to expect a government minister or departmental secretary to have sufficient time to read through thousands of blog entries to discover these opinions and form an overall impression of sentiment expressed on the topic of interest. Whilst it may be possible to employ staff to review and analyse this material, by the time a report is produced and a ministerial response is posted, the mood of citizens may have changed, and the immediacy and interactive nature of the blogging experience has been lost.

Why OpinionWatch?

OpinionWatch is a software solution that provides automated analysis of blogs to identify frequently expressed opinions on a topic of interest, and for each opinion, the general sentiment (for/against) expressed on this opinion. This analysis can be performed quickly and routinely so that a real-time barometer of opinion is continually available for inspection by the sponsor of the blogging site. As government announcements are posted on the website, citizens' reaction can be analysed and tracked over time. Of course, there are existing techniques such as online surveys using questionaires which can be used to gauge public opinion. Online questionnaires can be constructed quickly and can also be automatically analysed.

However, the highly structured nature of questionaires with pre-selected questions and fixed format of response will not capture all opinions of citizens. The free text format of blogging allows citizens to express whatever opinions they choose, and they are unconstrained in their expression of sentiment. Blogs are a common forum for public discussion, but they are only one example of an increasing number of social networking mediums. Automated data analysis is not limited to blogs,

1 http://www.barackobama.com/index.php2 http://www.australia.gov.au/have-your-say/blogs


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and OpinionWatch can be configured to receive information feeds through a variety of channels (blog entries, RSS feeds, tweets, emails, SMS, etc)









Opinion and Sentiment

















2 1 2

Themes and Mood



Figure 1 – Context of OpinionWatch

NICTA has a collection of document processing technologies developed in the Automated Data Analysis project. These technologies are based on Statistical Machine Learning (SML) research conducted in NICTA over several years3. The OpinionWatch software is a working prototype that demonstrates the application of NICTA's text and document processing technologies to a specific eGovernment problem. The core technologies are already mature enough to perform the text analysis to a sufficient level of accuracy to be effective in this context. Supporting the core technologies, additional software components for implementation of the user interface, configuring and importing data from diverse feeds, storing/archiving of results, and generation of graphical display of results, have been engineered to create a secure and robust platform for OpinionWatch development and delivery. During 2009-2010, versions of OpinionWatch will be made available to collaborators who are interested in participating in field trials of this software. Through this series of trial deployments, NICTA intends to refine and validate the core text/document processing technologies to demonstrate the effectiveness of automated data analysis in various application domains, and to identify opportunities for potential commercialisation of these technologies.

What does OpinionWatch mean to NICTA?

OpinionWatch is important to NICTA in several ways.

Whilst the quality of NICTA's Automated Data Analysis research may be world-class, it can be difficult for a non-academic audience to understand the value of this work and to appreciate the

3 http://sml.nicta.com.au/194

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benefit of its application. OpinionWatch provides a highly visual, understandable, and topical demonstration of the application of this technology using a popular (social networking) medium.

The primary audience for the demonstrator includes key NICTA stakeholders who can directly use OpinionWatch in their immediate workplace.

OpinionWatch is one example of a number of NICTA e-Government demonstrators. These demonstrators showcase NICTA technology in realistic business scenarios. If the demonstrator generates sufficient interest and there is a market opportunity, these prototypes may be further engineered into production systems for commercial exploitation.

Most importantly, the feedback derived from users’ experience of the demonstrators can identify new directions for technology development and provides valuable input to the research processes of NICTA.

Who is using OpinionWatch?

During 2009, a version of OpinionWatch has been trialled by the organisers of the Public Sphere series of events4 convened by Senator Kate Lundy. This exercise has provided valuable feedback to NICTA researchers, and it is assisting in the refinement and validation of the core technologies. NICTA is currently seeking additional collaborators who are prepared to trial OpinionWatch within their organisation, event, or initiative. The current delivery platform has an extensible and re-configuration software architecture that can be adapted to support a variety of data feeds, different kinds of topic/theme/sentiment analysis, and client-specific interfaces (see Figure 2). During the field trials phase, each collaborator effectively has a custom version of OpinionWatch built to support the collaborator’s particular requirements. Usually, this version will reside on a dedicated secure server within NICTA. Creation of a custom version of OpinionWatch does involve additional software engineering effort. NICTA is not providing a commercial service to collaborators, and NICTA does not charge a fee for this service. However, collaborators are expected to contribute towards the engineering costs that NICTA incurs in the creation and maintenance of the collaborator-specific instance of an OpinionWatch server.

4 http://www.katelundy.com.au/2009/08/31/public-sphere-3-wrapup/195

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Figure 2 – Extensible Architecture of OpinionWatch

How do Collaborators engage with NICTA?

OpinionWatch is primarily a technology demonstrator and a development vehicle for NICTA’s automated data analysis technologies. NICTA has a range of engagement models for ICT vendors, government agencies, and user organisations to collaborate with NICTA in the development of these technologies. As these technologies mature, IT companies and user organisations can explore opportunities to partner with NICTA in the commercialisation of these technologies. For more information about NICTA’s OpinionWatch and these engagement models, contact the OpinionWatch Project Leaders (details below).

Customer liaison:

Jonathan Gray, Project Leader, e-Government0438 223056 [email protected]

Technical lead:

Wray Buntine, Project Leader, Automated Data Analysis02 6267 6323 [email protected]

Expert User

Data Feed


Data Feed


Data Feed


Local Data Storage

Results Storage

Themes Module

Sentiment Module

Topics Module

Usage / Stats




Blog site

User Interface / Results Display by OPEN GI

Data Marshalling

Feed FB Twitt LI MS etc.

Social site

Feed Matrix Including Social API Future developments PLUS MORE

WEB2.0 and GOV2.0 state of the art media site, eg ABC

Open-Bus based Scalable Service Oriented Multimedia WEB platform with integrated Business Process, Content and Records Management; plus Predictive Tools. eg AGIMO AGOSP