Production Mangement Intro

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  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    Introduction to Production/Operations Management

    Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    Over view o Production ! OperationOver view o Production ! Operation



  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    #nit $

    Contents in POMContents in POM #nit $ " Introduction:

    Concept o Production% Objectives% &cope

    o Production and Operations

    Management% 'istorica( deve(opment%

    Production &)stem: C(assi*cation o

    production s)stem% T)pes + P(ant (ocation:

    ,actors in-uencing p(ant (ocation. P(ant

    (a)out: Objectives% C(assi*cation o

    (a)out. ercise: Prob(ems in Productivit).0

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    #nit 1

    Contents in POMContents in POM #nit 1 " Production

    P(anning and Contro(: Objectives%

    2ggregate p(anning% Master

    production schedu(e 3MP&4% Materia(

    re5uirement p(anning 3M6P4% M6P II%

    Capacit) re5uirement p(anning 3C6P4.

    ercise: Prob(ems in MP& and M6P.


  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    #nit 0

    Contents in POMContents in POM #nit 0 " Inspection and

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    #nit 7

    Contents in POMContents in POM #nit 7 " Maintenance:

    Objective% T)pes ?ork stud):

    Objectives% Method stud): &teps%

    6ecording techni5ues% &e(ection%

    amine% Time stud): &teps in time

    stud) ?ork &amp(ing: Concepts%

    &teps% ercise:Prob(ems in &tandard

    time and work samp(ing.@

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    Tet ooks:Tet ooks:#illiam $! Ste%enson, 01, Operations

    Management Theor) and Practice,Mcra'"(ill, 11th )dition!

    *annersel%amR, 01, Production andOperations Management, *(I+ e'

    -elhi, .rd )dition!

    Mar/s brea/"u in the eam+ >7 A +Theor) and 17 A + Prob(ems.


  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...



    10 Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    *roduction23erations management is therocess 'hich combines and transforms%arious resources used in the*roduction23erations subsstem of the

    organi5ation into %alue addedroducts2ser%ices in a controlled manneras er the olicies of the organi5ation!

    11 Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    1 Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    Introduction3erations management is the management

    of an organi5ations roducti%e resources orits roduction sstem!

    7 roduction sstem ta/es inuts and

    con%erts them into oututs!8he con%ersion rocess is the redominant

    acti%it of a roduction sstem!

    8he rimar concern of an oerationsmanager is the acti%ities of the con%ersionrocess!

    1. Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

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    3rgani5ational Model









    14 Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    3erations as a Sstem

    InputsInputsInputsInputs OutputsOutputsOutputsOutputs





    Prouction SystemProuction System





    19 Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    Inuts of an 3erations Sstem

    )ternal:egal, )conomic, Social, 8echnological

    Mar/etCometition, Customer -esires, *roduct Info!

    *rimar ResourcesMaterials, *ersonnel, Caital, ;tilities

    16 Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    Con%ersion Subsstem


  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    3ututs of an 3erationsSstem-irect*roducts




    8echnological 7d%ances

    1@ Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    *roduction function is that art of anorgani5ation, 'hich is concerned 'ith thetransformation of a range of inuts into thereAuired oututs

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    *roduction is dened as the step-by-stepconversion of one form of material intoanother form through chemical or mechanical

    process to create or enhance the utility of the

    product to the user.Thus production is a value addition process.

    At each stage of rocessing, there 'ill be

    %alue addition!

    )d'ood DuEa denes roduction as Fa processby which goods and services are created.

    0 Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    Imortance of the roductionmanagement8he obGecti%e of the roduction

    management is Fto roduce goods ser%ices

    of right Aualit and Auantit at the righttime and right manufacturing cost!

    $. 6I'T

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    1. 6I'T

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    ". 6I'T TIM8imeliness of deli%er is one of the

    imortant arameter to Gudge theeEecti%eness of roduction deartment! So,

    the roduction deartment has to ma/e theotimal utili5ation of inut resources toachie%e its obGecti%e!

    . Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    0. 6I'T M29#,2CT#6I9 CO&TManufacturing costs are established before

    the roduct is actuall manufactured!(ence, all

    attemts should be made to roduce theroducts at re"established cost, so as toreduce the

    %ariation bet'een actual and the standard

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    (istorical Milestones in 3M

    8he Industrial Re%olutionScientic Management

    (uman Relations and Deha%iorism

    3erations Research8he Ser%ice Re%olution

    9 Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

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    6 Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    ? Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    @ Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    M7H) or D; -)CISI3

    7n automobile coman has etra caacitthat can be used to roduce gears that thecoman has been buing for rs!.00 each! ifthe coman ma/es the gears, it 'ill incur

    materials cost of rs!B0 er unit, labour cost ofRs!10 er unit and %ariable o%erhead cost ofrs!.0 er unit!

    the annual ed cost associated 'ith theunused caacit is rs!,40,000! demand o%erthe net ear is estimated at 4000 units!

    B Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    M7H) or D; -)CISI3

    7 manufacturer of motor ccles bus sidebo at Rs!40 each! in case he ma/es ithimself, the ed and %ariable costs 'ould beRs!.,00,000 and Rs!B0 er side bo,

    resecti%el! Should the manufacturer ma/eor bu the side bo if there is a demand o%erthe net ear is estimated at 900 sideboesJ

    .0 Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    8he Industrial Re%olution

    8he industrial re%olution de%eloed in)ngland in the 1?00s!

    8he steam engine, in%ented b $ames #attin 1?64, largel relaced human and 'ater

    o'er for factories!7dam Smiths The Wealth of Nationsin 1??6

    touted the economic benets of theseciali5ation of labor!

    8hus the late"1?00s factories had not onlmachine o'er but also 'as of lanningand controlling the tas/s of 'or/ers!

    .1 Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    8he Industrial Re%olution8he industrial re%olution sread from )ngland to

    other )uroean countries and to the ;nited Sates!

    In 1?B0 an 7merican, )li #hitne, de%eloed theconcet of interchangeable arts!

    8he rst great industr in the ;S 'as the tetileindustr!

    In the 1@00s the de%eloment of the gasolineengine and electricit further ad%anced there%olution!

    D the mid"1@00s, the old cottage sstem ofroduction had been relaced b the factorsstem!

    ! ! ! more. Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    *ost"Ci%il #ar *eriod

    -uring the ost"Ci%il #ar eriod greateansion of roduction caacit occurred!

    D ost"Ci%il #ar the follo'ingde%eloments set the stage for the great

    roduction elosion of the 0th centur+increased caital and roduction caacitthe eanded urban 'or/forcene' #estern ;S mar/ets

    an eEecti%e national transortation sstem

    .. Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    Scientic Management

    >rederic/ 8alor is /no'n as the father ofscientic management! (is sho sstememloed these stes+)ach 'or/ers s/ill, strength, and learning abilit

    'ere determined!Sto'atch studies 'ere conducted to recisel

    set standard outut er 'or/er on each tas/!

    Material secications, 'or/ methods, and routingseAuences 'ere used to organi5e the sho!

    Suer%isors 'ere carefull selected and trained!Incenti%e a sstems 'ere initiated!

    .4 Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    Scientic Management

    In the 1B0s, >ord Motor Comansoeration embodied the /e elements ofscientic management+standardi5ed roduct designs

    mass roductionlo' manufacturing costs

    mechani5ed assembl lines

    seciali5ation of labor

    interchangeable arts

    .9 Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    (uman Relations andDeha%ioralism In the 1B?"1B. eriod, researchers in the

    (a'thorne Studies reali5ed that humanfactors 'ere aEecting roduction!

    Researchers and managers ali/e 'ere

    recogni5ing that schological andsociological factors aEected roduction!

    >rom the 'or/ of beha%ioralists came agradual change in the 'a managersthought about and treated 'or/ers!

    .6 Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

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    3erations Research

    -uring #orld #ar II, enormous Auantities ofresources

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    8he Ser%ice Re%olution

    8he creation of ser%ices organi5ationsaccelerated sharl after #orld #ar II!

    8oda, more than t'o"thirds of the ;S

    'or/force is emloed in ser%ices!

    7bout t'o"thirds of the ;S -* is fromser%ices!

    8here is a huge trade surlus in ser%ices!

    In%estment er oLce 'or/er no' eceeds the

    in%estment er factor 'or/er!8hus there is a gro'ing need for ser%ice

    oerations management!

    .@ Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    8he Comuter Re%olution

    )losi%e gro'th of comuter andcommunication technologies

    )as access to information and the a%ailabilitof more information

    7d%ances in soft'are alications such as)nterrise Resource *lanning

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    *roduction as an 3rgani5ation>unction;S comanies cannot comete 'ith

    mar/eting, nance, accounting, andengineering alone!

    #e focus on 3M as 'e thin/ of global

    cometiti%eness, because that is 'here the%ast maGorit of a rms 'or/ers, caitalassets, and eenses reside!

    8o succeed, a rm must ha%e a strongoerations function teaming 'ith the otherorgani5ation functions!

    40 Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

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    -ecision Ma/ing in 3M

    Strategic -ecisions3erating -ecisions

    Control -ecisions

    41 Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

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    Strategic -ecisions

    8hese decisions are of strategic imortanceand ha%e long"term signicance for theorgani5ation!

    )amles include deciding+the design for a ne' roducts roduction


    'here to locate a ne' factor

    'hether to launch a ne'"roduct

    de%eloment lan

    4 Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    3erating -ecisions

    8hese decisions are necessar if theongoing roduction of goods and ser%ices isto satisf mar/et demands and ro%iderots!

    )amles include deciding+ho' much nished"goods in%entor to carr

    the amount of o%ertime to use net 'ee/

    the details for urchasing ra' material net


    4. Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

  • 7/25/2019 Production Mangement Intro...


    Control -ecisions

    8hese decisions concern the da"to"daacti%ities of 'or/ers, Aualit of roductsand ser%ices, roduction and o%erheadcosts, and machine maintenance!

    )amles include deciding+labor cost standards for a ne' roduct

    freAuenc of re%enti%e maintenance

    ne' Aualit control accetance criteria

    44 Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

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    49 Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

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    8*)S 3> *R3-;C8I3SS8)M

    46Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR

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    Karthick.K Assistant Professor RVS IMSR