Product Lifecycle Management CATIA V5 Knowledgeware & Automation North Texas Regional User Group January 25, 2002 Johnny Hicks Johnny Hicks Tom Toomey Tom Toomey Lee Encapera Lee Encapera IBM PLM Solutions IBM PLM Solutions


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CATIA V5 Knowledgeware & Automation

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Product Lifecycle Management

CATIA V5Knowledgeware &

AutomationNorth Texas Regional User Group

January 25, 2002

Johnny HicksJohnny Hicks

Tom ToomeyTom Toomey

Lee EncaperaLee Encapera

IBM PLM Solutions IBM PLM Solutions

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Product Lifecycle Management

Agenda - CATIA V5Knowledgeware

• Why Knowledgeware and Automation

• CATIA Native Capabilities– Parameters, Formulae, Design Tables– Templates, Power Copies

• CATIA Knowledgeware– Knowledge Advisor (KWA)– Knowledge Expert (KWE)

– Generative Knowledge (KWG)– Product Engineering Optimizer(PEO)– Product Knowledge Template (PKT)

• Demonstration

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Product Lifecycle Management

Why Automation andKnowledgeware

• Intellectual Capital & KnowledgeManagement– The need to Pull Information from the

Knowledge repository inhibits opportunities forinnovation

– Need to ensure that Knowledge capture is easyand develop a knowledge aware culture

– Need to automate delivery of knowledgerequired at the point of use and to ensureconsistent application.

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Product Lifecycle Management

Why Automation andKnowledgeware

• Cost Reduction– Improved Efficiencies

– Improved Quality Through Standardization

• Customization– Provide additional functionality not provided in

native products

– Manipulate existing function to better fitcustomer processes

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Product Lifecycle Management

Why Automation andKnowledgeware

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Product Lifecycle Management

V5 Automation Tiers

Native CATIA

CATIA Knowledgeware

VB and VBA







e of





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Product Lifecycle Management

Native CATIA Automation

• Parameters– A feature defining a document or object property.

• Formulas– A feature used to define or constrain a parameter

• Design Table– A table containing values to be applied to a document to

manage parameter values

• Templates(Seed Files)– A Document used to store and reuse intent

• Power Copy– A set of features (geometric elements, relations, constraints)

grouped in a generic context to be used in a specific context

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Product Lifecycle Management

More About Parameters

• Intrinsic Parameters– Parameters inherent to a CATIA Document or Feature

• User Defined– Parameters created by the user for a specific purpose

• Magnitude (Real, Length, Speed)

• String

• Boolean

• Geometric (Point, Circle, Plane)

• Import From Spread Sheet

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Product Lifecycle Management

More About Formulae

• Formulae– Relations specifying a constraint on a parameter. The formula relation is a

one-line statement. Its left part is the parameter to be constrained, the rightpart is a relation taking as its variables other parameters. A formula is afeature. In the document specification tree, it is displayed as a relation thatcan be activated or deactivated. Like any feature, a formula can bemanipulated from its contextual menu.

• Formula Wizard– A tool provided to assist with the syntax and format while applying a

formula to a parameter.

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More About Design Tables

• Design Table– A member of the Relations collection allowing the definition of

multiple configurations of Parts and Products from a singledocument. The multiple configurations are defined by assigningPart or Product Parameters to cells within a table.

– An associative link is created between spread sheet and Part orProduct

– Spread Sheet can be internalized to allow portability between Unixand Windows

• Table formats– Excel Spread Sheet (Windows Only)– Lotus 1-2-3 Spread Sheet (Windows Only)– Tab Delimited Text Files (Windows and Unix)– Vertical or Horizontal

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Product Lifecycle Management

More About Templates

• Template– A document (Part, Product, Drawing, Process) created in a general context for

reuse in a specific context. The new context is defined be modifying parameters orreplacing specification geometry.


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Product Lifecycle Management

More About Power Copy

• PowerCopy– A feature containing Geometry, Parameters and Relations created in a

general context for reuse in a specific context. The new context is definedby selecting geometric inputs and specifying public parameters.

– A Graphical interface is provide to guide user through selection of inputsand valuation of parameters.

– Can be instantiated from a Document or from a feature catalog.

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Product Lifecycle Management

CATIA KnowledgewareApplications

• Knowledgware Advisor– Powerful tool to organize and manipulate parameters, create

flexible rules and specification checks.

• Knowledgware Expert– A tool to analyze and manipulate features across a design, to

ensure product designs are per company standards.

• Generative Knowledge– Provides an easy way to describe the data used to create

documents and to store this data in a script file.

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CATIA KnowledgewareApplications(cont.)

• Product Engineering Optimizer– Allows the engineer to minimize, maximize or target a

specification through multiple parameter variation.

• Product Knowledge Template– Provides the capability to create a user defined feature.

• Product Functional Definition– Maps a product’s functional definition to

the physical representation– Understand the problems associated with

each concept

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Product Lifecycle Management

More About Knowledge Advisor

• Rule: A rule is a set of instructions whereby you can controlcertain parameters and events according to a context

• Check: A Check is a set of instructions used to analyze the valueof specific parameters. It causes no events. It simply providesfeedback to users

– Silent : No message is displayed

– Information: A user defined message is displayed

– Information: A user defined message is displayed

• Behavior: A Behavior is a set of instructions, written in VBScript,to be executed when a shape feature, such as a hole or pad, isdragged and dropped.

• Parameter Explorer: The Parameter Explorer allows for theassignment of parameters to features.

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More About KnowledgeAdvisor(cont.)

• Set of Parameters: Allows for the creation of sets of Parameters toprovide additional organization capabilities for user definedParameters.

• Set of Relations: Allows for the creation of sets of Relations toprovide organizational capabilities for formulae, rules, checks etc..

• VB with Arguments: Allows for the creation of VBScript Macroswith user defined assignments. Macros written in this context do notrequire input boxes.

• Sets of Equations: Provides the capability to solve a system ofunknown variables

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Product Lifecycle Management

Knowledge Advisor Rules

• KWA Rule use a simple syntax based on VBScript

• Conditional statements created using If, Else If and Else statements(Then is not required)

• Standard operators: >, < , <=, => , <> ,==, And, Or, etc..

• Multiple statements can be executed for each conditional statement, butmust be bracketed with the “{curly bracket}”.

•If (MCU_NB ==1)

{MCU_A_1 = true

MCU_A_2 = false

MCU_A_3 = false

MCU_A_4 = false

MCU_A_5 = false

MCU_A_6 = false


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Product Lifecycle Management

Knowledge Advisor Rules Ex1.Spring Back for HydroBlock

• Spring Back for Hydroblockis defined base upon:– Material– Bend Radius– Part Material Thickness

• Rule was written referencingvalues being used today inan Existing V4 Spring BackMacro

If (Part_Material == "ALUMINUM 2024-O") And(Part_Thickness == 0.018in)

{If Part_Bend_Radius1 == 0.06in

Spring_Back_Angle1 = (Part_Angle1/90deg) * 3deg

If Part_Bend_Radius1 == 0.09in

Spring_Back_Angle1 = (Part_Angle1/90deg) * 4deg

If Part_Bend_Radius1 == 0.12in

Spring_Back_Angle1 = (Part_Angle1/90deg) *5.5deg

If Part_Bend_Radius1 == 0.16in

Spring_Back_Angle1 = (Part_Angle1/90deg) * 6deg

If Part_Bend_Radius1 == 0.19in

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Product Lifecycle Management

Knowledge Advisor Rules Ex2.Manufacturing Context

• KWA Rule for Controlling Cutter Feeds and Speedsbased on Work Piece Material.

If (ncmat == "Aluminium")

{Rough = 40in_mn

Finish = 40in_mn

Retract = 100in_mn

Approach = 20 in_mn

Cut_Depth = .25in}

If (ncmat == "Titanium")

{Rough = 15in_mn

Finish = 10in_mn

Retract = 15in_mn

Approach = 5 in_mn

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Product Lifecycle Management

Knowledge Advisor Rules Ex3.Product Context

• KWA Rule for Ensuring Casters for ABF toolmeet minimum specifications

• Utilizes Measure Inertia Function to Obtainmass parameter for Rule

• Utilizes Rule inserted from feature Catalog

• Rule executes VBScript macro if certainconditions are met.

CATIA ProductIf `Part\External Parameters\Mass` > Caster\Max_Load * 4 LaunchMacroFromFile("c:\KW-Auto\Measures_Catalog_MacroCall\Caster_Change.CATScript")

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Product Lifecycle Management

Knowledge Advisor Rules Ex4.Avionics Box Configurator

• Multiple KWA Rules in both Product and PartContexts

• Product Context Rules define the Configuration andset Parameters driving Part Rules

• Part Context Rules define the activity of features andsize of part to match the specifications of the productconfiguration.

• Internal VB script uses Product and Part Parametersto define content and location of cable Connectors.

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Product Lifecycle Management

More About KnowledgewareExpert

• The Knowledge Expert product allows you to create andmanipulate relation-type features. These particular features areorganized into a hierarchy. The rule base object is at the top ofthis hierarchy, the expert rules and expert checks are theterminal objects. In between you can find the rule sets whichgather rules and checks.

– Expert Rule: An expert rule is a set of instructions whereby you can startan action for any object having a type defined in a type list.

– Expert Check: An expert check is a relation which only verifies that acondition is true for all the objects of one or more given types. It does notmodify the document it is applied to.

– Solve: The user action which fires an expert Rule or Check

– Report: A Rule Base report will provide information regarding thecompliance of the product design relative to the rule base

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Product Lifecycle Management

Knowledgeware Expert Example

• Scenario: Company has developed a rule base forClips and Angled Clips. This rule base specifies thatonly certain pilot hole diameters and fillet sizes canbe used. We will apply this rule base to a clip whichis already modeled.

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Product Lifecycle Management

More About ProductEngineering Optimizer

• The Product Engineering Optimizer is tool to optimizeproduct and part designs by minimizing, maximizing ortargeting specific parameter values. These parameter valuescan be driven by a function or shape.

– Optimizing Algorithms• Conjugate Gradient : Best used when the function being optimized is

known, continuous and has a single optimum• Simulated Annealing: Best used when the objective function shape is

not known (mass of a product).

– Termination Criteria• Max Number of Update Cycles

• Max Number of Update Cycles without improvement

• Max Time

– Optimizing constraints can be applied to check optimizationresults against design intent.

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Product Lifecycle Management

Product Engineering OptimizerExample

• Scenario: We will be designing the locating surface ofan ABF. We have a design specification dictatingthat the area of the locating surface of an ABF mustbe at least twice that of the surface it is locating. Wewill use PEO to ensure we comply with thisspecification.

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Product Lifecycle Management

Success Stories

• PSA Peugeot Citroen -– Tooling Knowledge Embedded in PowerTrain Parts and

Assemblies– Automatic Rule Based System For Tooling Generation– Automated Validation Process with embedded Checks

– Business Impacts• Productivity : Tooling Design Time Reduced by 50%• Reactivity : Generic Intelligent Tooling Models Anticipate


• Asset creation : Knowledge Captured and shared as areference for all

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Product Lifecycle Management

Success Stories

• Valeo - Wiper Systems– 3D design is based on Structure (wireframe) model– Wipe Pattern is developed and analysed by VALEO captured

Knowledge (checks and rules)– Generic associative system template– Easy to use automated 3D system design– Business Impacts

• Productivity : Reduce Wiper System development time byreusing smart catalogs.

• Reactivity : Anticipate customer changes ( windshield orcar body) and to offer customers more options.

• Asset creation : Knowledge Captured and shared to ensurequality and assist designers.

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Product Lifecycle Management

Success Stories

• KREBS Engineers –– Intelligent Master Model for Cyclone and Cyclone Manifold

Systems– Rules Generate Design and Propagate Changes Based on

Technological Performance Specifications– Automated Validation Process with embedded Checks– Business Impacts

• Productivity : Entire Manifold System Created in under anhour. "15 times Faster than Previous Methods"

• Reactivity : Design driven only by Key inputs provided bySales Engineers.

• Asset creation : Knowledge Captured and shared as areference.