Other programmes and resources Individual appointments and drop-ins Our learning advisors can work with you individually on any of the topics covered in the workshops. We can give you in-depth feedback on wrien draſts and conference presentaons, and help you refine your database search strategy. Resources you can use independently For more resources to help you improve your research and wring skills, see our website at hps://ltl.lincoln.ac.nz/ or see our displays on in L003. Our website also includes a step-by-step guide to thesis deposit. Presenng and publishing your research Making the most of your Thr3sispresentaon Expected audience: Entrants in the Lincoln University Three Minute Thesis compeon Find out more about Thr3sis and pick up some ps on how to present your research in just 3 minutes. Presenng a conference paper Expected audience: Conference presenters A praccal session that focuses on the key principles of effecve structure and delivery of presentaons. Subming a polished final product Expected audience: Dissertaon or thesis writers Get some ps from an experienced technical editor on how to create a professional looking final product. Publishing in Journals Expected audience: Dissertaon or thesis writers Find out the inside storyon how to get published. Copyright Expected audience: All postgraduate students Using other peoples images etc? How to manage Third Party Copyright material in a research output/thesis. For bookings and further informaon, visit hps://ltl.lincoln.ac.nz or contact Caitriona Cameron [email protected] We run new workshops and repeats of workshops on demand”. If you have a request for a new workshop or cannot aend a scheduled workshop, please contact us through the website. Library, Teaching and Learning New Zealands specialist land-based university Want to find out more? www.lincoln.ac.nz 0800 10 60 10 in NZ +64 3 325 2811 internaonal Photograph © LincolnConnect CC-BY Postgraduate Wring and Research Workshops 2018

presentation Expected audience Writing and Research · uilding research skills Getting started with EndNote (EN) Expected audience: All postgraduate students How to use EndNote with

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Page 1: presentation Expected audience Writing and Research · uilding research skills Getting started with EndNote (EN) Expected audience: All postgraduate students How to use EndNote with

Other programmes and resources

Individual appointments and drop-ins Our learning advisors can work with you individually on any of the topics covered in the workshops. We can give you in-depth feedback on written drafts and conference presentations, and help you refine your database search strategy. Resources you can use independently For more resources to help you improve your research and writing skills, see our website at https://ltl.lincoln.ac.nz/

or see our displays on in L003. Our website also includes a step-by-step guide to thesis deposit.

Presenting and publishing your research Making the most of your “Thr3sis” presentation Expected audience: Entrants in the Lincoln University Three Minute Thesis competition Find out more about Thr3sis and pick up some tips on how to present your research in just 3 minutes.

Presenting a conference paper Expected audience: Conference presenters A practical session that focuses on the key principles of effective structure and delivery of presentations. Submitting a polished final product Expected audience: Dissertation or thesis writers Get some tips from an experienced technical editor on how to create a professional looking final product. Publishing in Journals Expected audience: Dissertation or thesis writers Find out the “inside story” on how to get published.

Copyright Expected audience: All postgraduate students Using other people’s images etc? How to manage Third Party Copyright material in a research output/thesis.

For bookings and further information, visit https://ltl.lincoln.ac.nz

or contact Caitriona Cameron [email protected]

We run new workshops and repeats of workshops “on demand”. If you have a request for a new workshop or cannot attend a scheduled workshop, please contact us

through the website.

Library, Teaching and Learning

New Zealand’s specialist land-based university

Want to find out more?

www.lincoln.ac.nz 0800 10 60 10 in NZ +64 3 325 2811 international

Photograph © LincolnConnect CC-BY


Writing and Research



Page 2: presentation Expected audience Writing and Research · uilding research skills Getting started with EndNote (EN) Expected audience: All postgraduate students How to use EndNote with

Building research skills Getting started with EndNote (EN) Expected audience: All postgraduate students How to use EndNote with Library databases, insert references into Word and generate a bibliography. Introduction to research design Expected audience: All postgraduate students An introduction to experimental design. Learn the basics of good and robust research design techniques. Human ethics Expected audience: Dissertation or thesis writers Learn about the general principles of ethics in research with humans, and how to apply for ethics approval. Finding the literature: Database searching Expected audience: All postgraduate students This workshop looks at developing an effective search strategy and includes exploring the advanced search features of a number of the library databases.

Engaging with the literature

Getting started on a literature review Expected audience: All postgraduate students Explore the purpose and structure of a literature review. Critiquing and integrating the literature Expected audience: All postgraduate students Learn how to integrate and critique the literature.

Managing research Surviving your thesis/dissertation Expected audience: Dissertation or thesis writers in the first few months of a research degree An introduction to what you “need to know” to research, write and submit on time. Becoming a productive writer Expected audience: Dissertation or thesis writers Strategies for making the writing of your thesis easier and for avoiding “writers block”. The what, why and how of research data management (Data management Part 1) Expected audience: Dissertation or thesis writers Learn the basics of managing your research data, including proper storage and backup, metadata, data formats and file and folder names. Completing a data management plan (Data management Part 2) Expected audience: Dissertation or thesis writers A data management plan can help avoid unpleasant surprises by helping you determine what storage and support you need to successfully complete your study. Stress management Expected audience: All postgraduate students

Analysing data Expected audience: All postgraduate students Introduction to alternative statistical methods Introduction to statistical packages workshops: - Introduction to statistics 1 - Introduction to statistics 2 - Introduction to Genstat - Introduction to Minitab - Introduction to SPSS - Introduction to R-Commander

Writing a thesis or dissertation The essential elements of a thesis or dissertation Expected audience: Dissertation or thesis writers Explore the key criteria of a good thesis or dissertation and typical thesis structures. Writing a research proposal Expected audience: Dissertation or thesis writers Clarify the purpose of a research proposal and what it should contain. Writing an abstract

Expected audience: Dissertation or thesis writers A practical “hands-on” workshop for those currently writing an abstract. Writing the Results and Discussion chapters Expected audience: Dissertation or thesis writers A practical “hands-on” workshop for those currently writing the results and discussion sections.

Polishing your writing Strengthening sentences Expected audience: All postgraduate students Learn how to write sentences so that your reader can more easily understand the meaning and emphasis. Writing concisely

Expected audience: All postgraduate students Practise making your writing style clearer and more concise. Developing coherence in writing Expected audience: All postgraduate students Learn how to construct sentences and paragraphs so that your writing has a smooth, logical “flow”. Using TurnItIn to check your own drafts for plagiarism Expected audience: All postgraduate students Learn how to use this software to check your drafts and interpret the findings.

Go to https://ltl.lincoln.ac.nz for dates, times and bookings