ORIGINAL ARTICLE PREditOR: a synthetic biology approach to removing heterochromatin from cells Oscar Molina & Mar Carmena & Isabella E. Maudlin & William C. Earnshaw Received: 11 November 2016 /Revised: 13 November 2016 /Accepted: 16 November 2016 /Published online: 6 December 2016 # The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Abstract It is widely accepted that heterochromatin is necessary to maintain genomic stability. However, direct experimental evidence supporting this is slim. Previous studies using either enzyme inhibitors, gene knockout or knockdown studies all are subject to the caveat that drugs may have off-target effects and enzymes that modify chromatin proteins to support heterochromatin formation may also have numerous other cellular targets as well. Here, we describe PREditOR (protein reading and editing of residues), a synthetic biology approach that allows us to directly remove heterochromatin from cells without either drugs or global interference with gene function. We find that removal of heterochromatin perturbs mitotic progres- sion and causes a dramatic increase in chromosome segregation defects, possibly as a result of interfering with the normal centromeric localization of the chromo- somal passenger complex. Keywords Heterochromatin . Chromosome segregation . Centromeres . Mitosis Introduction Eukaryotic genomes are organized as a spectrum of global chromatin states with differing epigenetic pro- files. The first of these to be identified in interphase nuclei as regions of compacted and decompacted chro- matin were termed heterochromatin and euchromatin (Bannister and Kouzarides 2011). Heterochromatin is a transcriptionally repressive chromatin state that can be either facultative or constitutive (Oberdoerffer and Sinclair 2007). The former is a transient epigenetic state found at promoters that changes in response to the environment and during development to establish tissue-specific gene expression and differentiation. Con- stitutive heterochromatin remains compacted perma- nently throughout cell differentiation and in different cell types. Most constitutive heterochromatin is found at pericentromeric regions, although it can also be found at other sites, including telomeres (Saksouk et al. 2015) and the long arm of the Y chromosome in mammals. Centromeres, defined cytologically as the primary constriction of mitotic chromosomes, are the loci that direct chromosome segregation during cell division (Fukagawa and Earnshaw 2014). Human centromeres contain long stretches of non-coding alpha-satellite DNA organized in high-order repeats (Aldrup-Macdon- ald and Sullivan 2014). Centromeres can be divided into two major compartments, the core centromere of Bcentrochromatin^ (Sullivan and Karpen 2004) and the pericentromere. Centrochromatin nucleates the assem- bly of the kinetochore, a multi-protein complex that binds microtubules and directs chromosome segregation Chromosome Res (2016) 24:495509 DOI 10.1007/s10577-016-9539-3 Responsible Editor: Conly Rieder. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10577-016-9539-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. O. Molina (*) : M. Carmena : I. E. Maudlin : W. C. Earnshaw (*) Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 3BF, UK e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

PREditOR: a synthetic biology approach to removing … · 2017. 8. 27. · synthetic biology approach that allows us to directly removeheterochromatinfromcells withouteitherdrugs

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Page 1: PREditOR: a synthetic biology approach to removing … · 2017. 8. 27. · synthetic biology approach that allows us to directly removeheterochromatinfromcells withouteitherdrugs


PREditOR: a synthetic biology approach to removingheterochromatin from cells

Oscar Molina & Mar Carmena & Isabella E. Maudlin &

William C. Earnshaw

Received: 11 November 2016 /Revised: 13 November 2016 /Accepted: 16 November 2016 /Published online: 6 December 2016# The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Abstract It is widely accepted that heterochromatin isnecessary to maintain genomic stability. However,direct experimental evidence supporting this is slim.Previous studies using either enzyme inhibitors, geneknockout or knockdown studies all are subject to thecaveat that drugs may have off-target effects andenzymes that modify chromatin proteins to supportheterochromatin formation may also have numerousother cellular targets as well. Here, we describePREditOR (protein reading and editing of residues), asynthetic biology approach that allows us to directlyremove heterochromatin from cells without either drugsor global interference with gene function. We find thatremoval of heterochromatin perturbs mitotic progres-sion and causes a dramatic increase in chromosomesegregation defects, possibly as a result of interferingwith the normal centromeric localization of the chromo-somal passenger complex.

Keywords Heterochromatin . Chromosomesegregation . Centromeres . Mitosis


Eukaryotic genomes are organized as a spectrum ofglobal chromatin states with differing epigenetic pro-files. The first of these to be identified in interphasenuclei as regions of compacted and decompacted chro-matin were termed heterochromatin and euchromatin(Bannister and Kouzarides 2011). Heterochromatin is atranscriptionally repressive chromatin state that can beeither facultative or constitutive (Oberdoerffer andSinclair 2007). The former is a transient epigenetic statefound at promoters that changes in response to theenvironment and during development to establishtissue-specific gene expression and differentiation. Con-stitutive heterochromatin remains compacted perma-nently throughout cell differentiation and in differentcell types. Most constitutive heterochromatin is foundat pericentromeric regions, although it can also be foundat other sites, including telomeres (Saksouk et al. 2015)and the long arm of the Y chromosome in mammals.

Centromeres, defined cytologically as the primaryconstriction of mitotic chromosomes, are the loci thatdirect chromosome segregation during cell division(Fukagawa and Earnshaw 2014). Human centromerescontain long stretches of non-coding alpha-satelliteDNA organized in high-order repeats (Aldrup-Macdon-ald and Sullivan 2014). Centromeres can be divided intotwo major compartments, the core centromere ofBcentrochromatin^ (Sullivan and Karpen 2004) and thepericentromere. Centrochromatin nucleates the assem-bly of the kinetochore, a multi-protein complex thatbinds microtubules and directs chromosome segregation

Chromosome Res (2016) 24:495–509DOI 10.1007/s10577-016-9539-3

Responsible Editor: Conly Rieder.

Electronic supplementary material The online version of thisarticle (doi:10.1007/s10577-016-9539-3) contains supplementarymaterial, which is available to authorized users.

O. Molina (*) :M. Carmena : I. E. Maudlin :W. C. Earnshaw (*)Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology, University of Edinburgh,Edinburgh EH9 3BF, UKe-mail: [email protected]: [email protected]

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(Fukagawa and Earnshaw 2014). Centrochromatin ischaracterized by the presence of nucleosomes contain-ing the centromere-specific histone H3 CENP-A(Earnshaw and Migeon 1985) interspersed with nucle-osomes containing canonical histone H3 bearing epige-netic modifications associated with transcriptionallyactive chromatin, such as H3K4me2 and H3K36me2(Sullivan and Karpen 2004; Bergmann et al. 2011;Fukagawa and Earnshaw 2014). Centrochromatin isflanked by pericentromeric heterochromatin distin-guished by the presence of characteristic histone modi-fications, including histone H3 trimethylated on lysine 9(H3K9me3), which binds heterochromatin protein 1(HP1) and histone H4 trimethylated on lysine 20(H4K20me3) (Allshire et al. 1995; Ekwall et al. 1995;Bannister et al. 2001).

Diverse functional roles have been attributed topericentromeric heterochromatin. These include facili-tating sister chromatid cohesion by recruiting andretaining cohesin complexes in metaphase (Bernardet al. 2001; Nonaka et al. 2002; Yamagishi et al. 2008;Gartenberg 2009), suppressing inappropriate homolo-gous recombination between repetitive DNA elements(Peng and Karpen 2007) and kinetochore maintenance.Indeed, euchromatin-heterochromatin boundaries havebeen suggested to be preferred sites for kinetochoreformation in yeast and Drosophila melanogaster(Folco et al. 2008; Olszak et al. 2011).

Despite disagreements regarding its functions(Bernard et al. 2001; Koch et al. 2008), the importanceof proper regulation andmaintenance of pericentromericheterochromatin is suggested by the finding that knock-out mice for the H3K9-specific methyltransferaseSuv39h1 show increased chromosomal instability(CIN), embryonic lethality and are prone to tumourformation (Peters et al. 2001). Furthermore, cancer cellswith lower levels of pericentromeric heterochromatinshow CIN (Slee et al. 2012). However, the precise roleof heterochromatin in regulating proper chromosomesegregation remains unclear.

Epigenetic regulation of chromatin can bedescribed as a series of consecutive steps in whichan EDITOR (writer or eraser) makes or removes a MARK

on a chromatin protein. A READER can either recog-nize this MARK or cease to do so if the mark isremoved. The binding of the READER establishes aCHROMATIN STATE, such as euchromatin, heterochroma-tin or centrochromatin. We refer to this as an E →M → R → C pathway. Here, we present a novel

synthetic biology approach called PREditOR (proteinreading and editing of residues) to dissect and manip-ulate E → M → R → C pathways and analyse theirfunctional outcome.

In order to study the role(s) of heterochromatin onchromosome segregation, we designed a PREditORstrategy that allows us to remove heterochromatin with-out drug treatments or global protein knockdowns. Ourstudies reveal that heterochromatin removal frompericentromeric regions leads to chromosome segrega-tion defects as a result of disruption of kinetochorestructure, chromosome passenger complex delocaliza-tion and decreases in centromeric stiffness duringmitosis.

Material and methods

Expression constructs

The SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP constructs were obtainedas follows. The chromodomain of SUV39H1 wasamplified from a custommade cDNA library fromHeLacells and cloned into the NheI and AgeI restriction sitesof the pYIP-EYFP vector (Bergmann et al., 2011) gen-erating SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP, which contains 3′ attLand attR sites for Gateway cloning (Fisher Technolo-gies). Full length JMJD2Dwas PCR amplified from ourcDNA library using the oligonucleotides JMJD-Fw (5′-caccatggaaactatgaagtc −3 ′) and JMJD-Rv (5 ′-ttaaacgggcacagg-3′). The PCR product was used forgateway cloning following the manufacturer’s instruc-tions (Fisher Technologies), to generate the constructpYIP-SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DWT, whichexpress this fusion protein from a CMV promoter andconfers resistance to puromycin. To generate the D195A

�Fig. 1 Tethering JMJD2D to heterochromatin decreaseH3K9me3 levels. a Schematic of the PREdiTOR approach totether chromatin modifiers to heterochromatin regions. bSchematic drawings of the SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP fusionconstructs. c Diagram of the experimental design. dRepresentative immunofluorescence images of HeLa cellsexpressing the indicated SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP fusion proteinsand stained for H3K9me3. Scale bar 10 μm. e Quantification offluorescence signals of H3K9me3 staining in individualtransfected cells as in d plotted as arbitrary fluorescence units(A.F.U). Solid bars indicate the medians of three independentexperiments and error bars represent the standard error of themean (s.e.m). Asterisks indicate statistical significant differencescompared to EYFP (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.001; Student’s t test)

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mutant of JMJD2D and the W64AY67A double mutantof SUV39H1ΔSET, the pYIP- SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-

JMJD2DWT construct was subjected to site-directedmutagenesis using the QuikChange II kit (Stratagene).

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Cell culture, transfections and drug treatments

HeLa cells were maintained in DMEM supplementedwith 5% FBS (Invitrogen), 100 U/ml penicillin G and100μg/ml streptomycin sulphate (Invitrogen). Cells were

grown at 37 °C in 5% CO2 in a humidified atmosphere.Transfections were performed using Xtremegene-9(Roche) following the manufacturer’s instructions. Inbrief, for transfections of cells growing in 24-well plateson polylysine-coated glass coverslips, transfection

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complexes containing 3 μl Xtremegene-9 reagent and1 μg plasmid DNA were prepared in 100 μl OptiMEM(Invitrogen). After 20 min of incubation at room temper-ature, 25 μl of transfection complexes was added drop-wise in each well. After 24 h, transfected cells wereselected adding 2 μg/ml of Puromycin (Sigma) andgrown for 24 additional hours before fixation.

For RNAi treatments, HeLa cell transfections wereperformed using Polyplus jetPRIME (PEQLAB, South-ampton, UK) with the indicated amounts of siRNAoligos and 500 ng of plasmid DNA. After 24 h, freshDMEM was added and cells were maintained for 24additional hours before fixation.

Indirect immunofluorescence and microscopy

Indirect immunofluorescence staining of cells fixed in 2.6to 4% Formaldehyde/1xPBS was performed followingstandard procedures. The following antibodies were used:rabbit anti-H3K9me3 (abcam ab8898, 3% formaldehyde,1/500), mouse anti-HP1α (Millipore MAB3584, 2.6%Formaldehyde, 1/1000), rabbit anti-CENP-C (R554,2.6% formaldehyde, 1/500), rabbit anti-CENP-B(WCEB4, 2.6% formaldehyde, 1/500), mouse anti-

HEC1 (abcam AC3612, 2.6% formaldehyde, 1/1000),mouse anti-Tubulin (Sigma B516, 1/2000), rabbit anti-SGO1 (A. Losada, 4% formaldehyde, 1/1000), rabbitanti-SMC2 (A. Losada, 4% formaldehyde, 1/1000), rab-bit anti-Pericentrin (abcam AB4448; 4% formaldehyde,1/500), rabbit anti-Survivin (Cell Signalling, 4% formal-dehyde, 1/400) and rabbit anti-INCENP (Cell SignallingP240, 4% formaldehyde, 1/500). Fluorophore-conjugatedsecondary antibodies were purchased from Jackson Labs.

Microscope images were acquired on a DeltaVisionCore system (Applied Precision) using an invertedOlympus IX-71 stand, with an Olympus UPlanSApo×100 oil immersion objective (numerical aperture(NA) 1.4) and a LED light source. Camera (Photomet-rics Cool Snap HQ), shutter and stage were controlledthrough SoftWorx (Applied Precision). Z-series werecollected with a spacing of 0.2 μm, and image stackswere subsequently deconvolved in SoftWorx. Immuno-fluorescence signals in deconvolved images wereanalysed using ImageJ software (National Institutes ofHealth, Bethesda,MD). For HEC1 signal quantification,a custom-made macro in ImageJ modified from (Bodoret al. 2014) was used. Intercentromeric distances weremeasured with ImageJ using multiple z-stack images.The distances between individual kinetochore pairs thatwere clearly identified in individual z-stacks weremeasured.

Immunoblotting analysis

Whole-cell extracts were prepared from HeLa cellstransfected with control siRNA, SMC2 siRNA and theindicated vector DNAs. Immunoblotting analysis wasperformed using the following primary antibodies:rabbit anti-SMC (WCE 1:500) and mouse anti-Tubulin(Sigma B512, 1:10,000). For protein detection andquantification, we used donkey anti-mouse and anti-rabbit fluorescence secondary antibodies (LI-CORBioscience 1:10,000).


PREditOR (protein reading and editing of residues)effectively removes heterochromatinfrom pericentromeric regions

To manipulate the epigenetic status of defined chroma-tin classes, we designed a novel synthetic biology

�Fig. 2 Heterochromatin removal disrupts mitosis andchromosome segregation. a Analysis of the frequency of mitoticcells after expressing the indicated SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP fusionproteins. Data represent the mean and standard error of the mean(s.e.m) of five independent experiments. b Analysis of thefrequency of every individual mitotic phase in relation of thetotal number of mitoses. Data represents the mean and thestandard error of the mean (s.e.m) of six independentexperiments. c Representative IF images showing mitoticabnormalities in HeLa cells. Images show examples ofchromosome bridges (top), lagging chromosomes (middle) anduncongressed chromosomes (bottom). d Analysis of thefrequency of abnormal mitoses after expressing the indicatedSUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP fusion proteins. Data represent the meanand standard error of the mean (s.e.m) of four independentexperiments. e Analysis of the frequency of mitotic cellsshowing bridges or lagging chromosomes after expression of theindicated SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP fusion proteins. Data representthe mean and standard error of the mean (s.e.m) of fourindependent experiments. f Representative IF images showinginterphase abnormalities in HeLa cells. Images show a cell withmicronucleus (top), and a binucleate cell (bottom). gQuantification of interphase abnormalities after expressing theindicated SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP fusion proteins. Data representthe mean and standard error of the mean (s.e.m) of threeindependent experiments. Asterisks indicate statistical significantdifferences compared to EYFP (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01,***P < 0.001; Student’s t test)

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approach that allows us to tether chromatin EDITORS tospecific regions of the genome, protein reading andediting of residues (PREditOR). PREditOR is based onthe use of fusion proteins consisting of three domains(Supplementary Figure 1a): (i) a READER domain thatrecognizes specific epigenetic modifications, (ii) a fluo-rescent marker to follow the localization of the fusionprotein and (iii) a chromatin EDITOR that functions spe-cifically at or near the tethering site. In order to analysethe role of pericetromeric heterochromatin on chromo-some segregation, we fused the N-terminalchromodomain of H3K9-specific methyltransferaseSUV39H1 (SUV39H1ΔSET) (a READER of H3K9me3)to an EYFP marker (Fig. 1a, b). Removal of the SETdomain ensures that this molecule functions solely as aREADER and not as an enzymatically active EDITOR.

Immunofluorescence analysis after expression of theSUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP fusion protein in HeLa cellsshowed colocalization with H3K9me3 and CENP-Bfoci (Fig. 1d and Supplementary Figure 1b). Thus, thisfusion protein targets specifically to pericentromericheterochromatin. SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP is releasedfrom chromatin in early mitosis and rebinds later inanaphase (Supplementary Figure 1c). This is most likelydue to a methyl/phos switch effect caused by phosphor-ylation of histone H3 on Serine 10 catalysed by AuroraB kinase (Fischle et al. 2005; Hirota et al. 2005).

As an EDITOR to remove H3K9me3 frompericentromeric regions, we fused SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP to the H3K9me3-specific demethylaseJMJD2D /KDM4 (SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP -JMJD2DWT) (Fig. 1b, c). Two control molecules werealso constructed (Fig. 1b, c). The first was a catalyticallydeadmutant of JMJD2D carrying a mutation in its jmjC-enzymatic domain fused to SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP(SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DD195A). This mole-cule targets to heterochromatin but cannot demethylateH3K9. The second was a binding-deficient mutant ofSUV39H1ΔSET bearing two mutations of itschromatin-binding domain fused to wild type JMJD2D(SUV39H1ΔSETW61AY67A-EYFP-JMJD2DWT). Thismolecule has an active demethylase but cannot targetspecifically to heterochromatin.

Transient expression of SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DWT in HeLa cells for 48 h efficiently removedH3K9me3 from pericentromeric loci. Immunofluores-cence analysis revealed significantly decreased levels ofH3K9me3 levels in cells expressing SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DWT compared to the transfection and

tethering controls (EYFP and SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP,respectively) (Fig. 1d, e). Importantly, no differences inH3K9me3 levels were observed after expressing eitherthe catalytically dead mutant (SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DD195A) or the binding-deficient mutant(SUV39H1ΔSETW61AY67A-EYFP-JMJD2DWT)(Fig. 1d, e). Apparently, JMJD2D only efficientlydemethylates H3K9me3 when it is tethered to hetero-chromatic regions. Consistent with these results,immunofluorescence staining for HP1α, anotherhallmark of heterochromatin, revealed a strongly signif-icant decrease in HP1α foci in cells expressingSUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DWT compared withcells expressing the other control constructs(Supplementary Figure 1d and e).

We also investigated whether chromosomes overalllooked more decondensed after expression ofSUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DWT fusion protein.Although there did appear to be some slightdecompaction in live images, when chromosomes werefixed and spreads prepared, no significant differenceswere seen.

We conclude that PREditOR can effectively removeH3K9me3 and specifically disrupt heterochromatin,releasing downstream heterochromatin READERS suchas HP1α. Importantly, JMJD2D only removes hetero-chromatin when it is tethered to the pericentromericregions of chromosomes.

Heterochromatin removal causes a mitotic accumulationand chromosome segregation defects

To analyse the effects of heterochromatin removal once l l d iv i s i on , we exp res s ed the d i f f e r en tSUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP fusion proteins in HeLa cellsfor 48 h and examined their effects on mitosis. Ourresults show a threefold increase in the mitotic indexof cells expressing SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DWT

compared to cells expressing the control fusion proteins(Fig. 2a). The control results demonstrate thatSUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP binding to pericentromericregions does not interfere with mitotic progression andthat the increase in mitotic index is due to thedemethylase activity of JMJD2D.

We observed significantly decreased levels of pro-phase, metaphase and anaphase cells expressingSUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DWT compared to con-trols (Fig. 2b). No difference was observed in the

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frequency of cells in telophase, though a small increasewas seen for cells in cytokinesis.

In order to analyse the effects of heterochromatinremoval on chromosome segregation, we quantified thefrequencies of mitotic abnormalities in HeLa cellsexpressing the different SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP fusionproteins. We quantified the frequencies of anaphase brid-ges, lagging chromosomes, uncongressed chromosomesin metaphase and malformed spindles. Overall, cellsexpressing SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DWT showeda significantly increased frequency of abnormal mitosiscompared to cells expressing the other vectors (40 vs 8–15%, respectively) (Fig. 2c, d). In particular, we observedsignificantly increased frequencies of lagging chromo-somes and bridges in cells expressing SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DWT (Fig. 2e). Although there was nosignificant increase in multipolar spindles as judged bypericentrin staining, we did see a high frequency of otherspindle malformations (Supplementary Figure 2). Con-sistent with the increased frequencies of mitoticabnormalities, we also observed significantly increasedfrequencies of micronuclei, a sensitive reporter for chro-mosome segregation defects, in interphase cells express-ing SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DWT compared withcontrols (13 vs 4–6%) (Fig. 2f, g).

These data suggest that heterochromatin is necessaryfor correct chromosome segregation during mitosis andthat its removal interferes with mitotic progression andchromosome segregation fidelity.

Perturbing heterochromatin leads to centromere defects

Centromeres direct the assembly the kinetochore, amulti-protein complex that binds to microtubules anddirects chromosome segregation (Fukagawa andEarnshaw 2014). However, some kinetochore proteins,including the Mis12 complex, have been reported tobind to the heterochromatin flanking the corecentrochromatin (Obuse et al. 2004). In view of thechromosome segregation defects reported above, weasked whether heterochromatin removal is associatedwith kinetochore defects.

Immunofluorescence staining for the outer kineto-chore protein HEC1 was performed after expression ofthe different SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP fusion proteins for48 h (the time point at which we observed significantdefects on chromosome segregation). We observed mildbut significant decreases in levels of HEC1 in cellsexpressing all of the SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP vectors

compared to the transfection control (Fig. 3a, b). Thissuggests that the binding of SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFPalone has an effect on kinetochore structure.

Although all constructs showed statistically significantdecreased levels of HEC1 compared with cells expressingEYFP, the greatest decreasewas observed in cells express-ing SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DWT (−49%). Lesserdecreases were observed in cells expressingSUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP (−36%), SUV39H1ΔSET-E Y F P - J M J D 2 D D 1 9 5 A ( − 2 4 % ) a n dSUV39H1ΔSETW61AY67A-EYFP-JMJD2DWT (−9%).Therefore, perturbing heterochromatin has a deleteriouseffect on kinetochore structure. The SUV39H1ΔSETmodule may exert a dominant-negative effect bycompeting with READERS that bind to H3K9me3. This isconsistent with the observation that the SUV39H1ΔSETbinding mutant exhibited the mildest phenotype.

Pericentromeric heterochromatin has been associatedwith the maintenance of cohesin in metaphase (Nonakaet al. 2002). After prophase, cohesin complexes areremoved from the chromosome arms, but are retainedat centromeres as a result of the activity of Shugoshin 1(SGO1) (Losada et al. 2002). Given previous linksbetween heterochromatin and cohesin in S. pombe(Nonaka et al. 2002), we analysed the localization ofSGO1 after expressing the different SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP fusion proteins in HeLa cells. In transfectioncontrols, SGO1 showed a clear centromeric localizationin 95% of the cells (Fig. 3c, d). Expression of thedifferent SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP proteins resulted insignificant increases in the frequency of cells withSGO1 dispersed on chromosome arms (Fig. 3c, d).T h u s , SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP b i n d i n g t opericentromeric heterochromatin perturbs SGO1 centro-meric localization. As was the case for HEC1 staining,cells expressing SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DWT

more frequently exhibited SGO1 localization defectsthan did cells expressing other SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFPcontrols (Fig. 3c, d).

We conclude that SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP fusion pro-teins binding to pericentromeres generate mild defects onthe kinetochore and SGO1. However, these defects areconsistently higher after removing heterochromatin.

Heterochromatin cooperates with condensin to maintaincentromeric stiffness

We and others previously showed that the condensincomplex is important for maintaining the rigidity of the

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centromere (Gerlich et al. 2006; Ribeiro et al. 2009;Jaqaman et al. 2010). We hypothesized that condensinmight act by regulating the compliance of centromericheterochromatin (Ribeiro et al. 2009). To test the effect

of removing heterochromatin on centromere stiffness,we expressed the various SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFPfusion proteins in HeLa cells for 48 h and analysed thedistances between sister kinetochores on metaphase

Fig. 3 Heterochromatin removal leads to centromere defects. aRepresentative immunofluorescence images of HeLa cellsexpressing the indicated SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP fusion proteinsand stained for HEC1. Scale bar 10 μm. b Quantification offluorescence signals of HEC1 staining in individual cellstransfected as in (a) plotted as arbitrary fluorescence units(A.F.U). Solid bars indicate the medians of two independentexperiments and error bars represent the standard error of the

mean (s.e.m). c Representative immunofluorescence imagesshowing prometaphase cells with localized (top) or dispersed(bottom) SGO1, using CENP-A as centromere marker. Scale bar10 μm. d Analysis of the frequency of cells showing localized ordispersed SGO1 staining after expressing the indicatedSUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP fusion proteins. Data represent the meanand standard error of the mean (s.e.m) of three independentexperiments

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chromosomes.We observed a significant increase in thisdistance after expressing SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DWT compared with controls (Fig. 4a, b). Thissupports the notion that pericentromeric heterochroma-tin has a role in maintaining centromeric stiffness.

In order to investigate our hypothesis that there is aninteraction between condensin and heterochromatin inmaintaining centromeric stiffness, we partly depletedSMC2 in HeLa cells using published siRNAs (Gerlichet al. 2006). Western blot analysis showed a 61%decrease in SMC2 levels after siRNA transfection(Supplementary Figure 3a). This was confirmed byimmunofluorescence analysis, which showed a reduc-tion of SMC2 levels on chromosomes compared withthe control siRNA (Supplementary Figure 3b).Although 39% of the SMC2 remained in cells underthese conditions, we observed the characteristic pheno-types of condensin-depleted cells, including dramaticchanges in chromosome morphology, increased fre-quencies of lagging chromosomes and chromosomebridges (Supplementary Figure 3b and c).

Once the conditions for SMC2 depletion with siRNAwere established, we analysed the intercentromericdistances of metaphase chromosomes after expressingeither SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP or SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DWT in the presence or absence ofSMC2 depletion (Fig. 4c). Consistent with previousresults from our group (Ribeiro et al. 2009), weobserved a strong increase in intercentromeric distancesin cells depleted of SMC2 compared with thosetransfected with the control siRNA (Fig. 4d, e). Strik-ingly, our analysis showed further significant increasesof intercentromeric distances in cells expressingSUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DWT compared withcontrols expressing SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP. This addi-tional effect upon removal of heterochromatin was seenboth in the presence and absence of SMC2 (Fig. 4d, e).

These results show that heterochromatin cooperateswith condensin to maintain centromeric stiffness. How-ever, the additive nature of the observed effect suggeststhat condensin and heterochromatin make at least partlyindependent contributions.

Heterochromatin is essential for proper chromosomepassenger complex localization

The chromosome passenger complex (CPC) ofSurvivin, INCENP, Borealin and its catalytic subunitAurora B Kinase localizes to different targets during

mitosis, where it regulates key mitotic events(Carmena et al. 2012). In early mitosis, the CPC islocalized at inner centromeres, where it ensures thatkinetochore-microtubule attachments are correct andregulates the spindle assembly checkpoint. During ana-phase, it transfers to the midzone where it regulates thecompletion of cytokinesis (Fig. 5a) (Carmena et al.2012).

It has been reported that centromeric HP1 targets theCPC to centromeres in early mitosis (Ainsztein et al.1998; Liu et al. 2014). In order to study the role ofheterochromatin on CPC localization at centromeres,we expressed the different SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFPvectors in HeLa cells for 48 h and analysed the locali-zation of the CPC by staining for Survivin (Fig. 5a, b).In control cells expressing SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP, theCPC concentrates at centromeres during prometaphase(Fig. 5a, c). Strikingly, our immunofluorescence analy-sis of cells expressing SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DWT showed an increased frequency of cellswith the CPC dispersed on the chromosome arms inearly mitosis (Fig. 5b, c). Moreover, we observeddefects in CPC transfer to the midzone in late mitosis(Fig. 5a , b, bot tom panels) . Expression ofSUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DWT led to an increasedfrequency of cells in late mitosis in which the CPCremained attached to chromosomes and failed to con-centrate at the spindle midzone.

We conclude that heterochromatin is necessary forefficient CPC localization at centromeres and also for itstransfer to the midzone in late mitosis.


The ever-expanding panoply of histone modificationsfunction by influencing the overall structure of chroma-tin and by regulating the binding of chromatin READERS

(Bannister and Kouzarides 2011). Epigenetics can bethought of as functioning through EDITOR → MARK →READER → CHROMATIN STATE (E → M → R → C)pathways that can be artificially engineered by our syn-thetic biology approach PREditOR. Three examplesamongst the many READERS that bind to specific histonemodifications include the chromatin remodeller CHD1,which binds to H3K4me2/3 (Sims et al. 2005), thepolycomb repressor complex subunit PRC1, whichbinds to H3K27me3 (Cao et al. 2002; Levine et al.2002) and the H3K9 methyltransferase SUV39H1,

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which binds to H3K9me2/3 (Rea et al. 2000). OurPREditOR approach can be applied to study any of thesepathways as we have shown in several previous studiesfocused on the epigenetic landscape of the centromere ofa synthetic human artificial chromosome (HAC –(Nakano et al. 2008; Cardinale et al. 2009; Bergmannet al. 2011; Martins et al. 2016; Molina et al., 2016).

Here, we describe the first use of PREditOR to studynative human chromosomes. We designed a specificPREditOR strategy to tether an EDITOR to constitutiveheterochromatin regions as a fusion to the chromodomainof the H3K9-specific methyltransferase SUV39H1 linkedto EYFP. It was previously reported that the truncatedSUV39H1 protein maintaining only its chromodomaintargets specifically to pericentromeric regions (Melcheret al. 2000; Krouwels et al. 2005), which comprise thebulk of constitutive heterochromatin in eukaryotic cells.Consistent with those reports, we observed a strongcolocalization of SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP with hetero-chromatin foci containing the centromeric proteinCENP-B in HeLa cells. We also observed a similarcolocalization after expressing SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFPin other human cell lines, including HT1080 andRPE1hTERT (data not shown). Immunofluorescenceanalysis staining for H3K9me3 and HP1α after express-ing SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DWTshowed residualdiffuse antibody signals in all nuclei, but a loss of thecharacteristic heterochromatin foci (Fig. 1d andSupplementary Figure 1d). These results suggest thatSUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP express ion dis rup tspericentromeric heterochromatin.

Removal of heterochromatin leads to defects inmitosis subsequent to delays in prometaphase.Many of these may be explained by defects inlocalization of the CPC observed after heterochro-matin removal (Fig. 5). The CPC controls theproper attachment of kinetochores to microtubulesand activates the spindle assembly checkpoint untilchromosomes are properly aligned (Carmena et al.,2012).

Importantly, cells expressing several controlSUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP fusion proteins behaved likethe transfection control (EYFP alone). Thus,SUV39H1ΔSET binding did not interfere with normalmitotic progression. In contrast, other authors haveobserved a mitotic arrest after inhibiting SUV39H1 byits specific inhibitor chaetonin, which decreases thelevels of heterochromatin (Chu et al. 2014; Chu et al.2012). This stronger phenotype could be due to off-

target effects of the drug or to the action of SUV39H1on other targets required for mitotic progression.

Disruption of pericentromeric heterochromatin hasbeen reported to affect chromosome segregation and toincrease genomic instability in yeast (Ekwall et al.1995), mice (Peters et al. 2001) and human cells (Sleeet al. 2012). Surprisingly, although double null mutantsfor Suv39h1 and Suv39h2 in mice show severelyimpaired viability, a low level of live offspring (33%)was obtained. These double null or Suv39h1-null miceshowed an increased predisposition to B cell lympho-mas with hyperdiploid karyotypes, suggesting that lackof pericentromeric heterochromatin might increasegenomic instability by impairing chromosome segrega-tion (Peters et al. 2001). Consistent with these results,our data show a threefold increase on chromosomesegregation defects after removing heterochromatin byexpressing SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DWT inhuman cells for 48 h. Since HeLa cells divide approxi-mately once every 24 h, chromosome segregationdefects must occur in the first or at most the secondmitosis after heterochromatin removal.

Heterochromatin removal appeared to affect severalprotein complexes that are important for centromerefunction. Two of these effects were expected. First, weobserved that heterochromatin depletion causes anincrease in the compliance (stretchiness) of inner cen-tromeres, with the result that the distance between sisterkinetochores is increased. This is consistent with previ-ous suggestions that condensin regulates centromeric

�Fig. 4 Heterochromatin is necessary to maintain the stiffness oft h e c en t r ome r e i n me t a ph a s e . a Rep r e s e n t a t i v eimmunofluorescence images of HeLa cells expressing theindicated SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP fusion proteins and stained forCENP-C and Tubulin. b Quantification of intercentromeric dis-tances in chromosomes under tension after expressing the indicat-ed SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP fusion proteins. Data represent themean and standard error of the mean (s.e.m) of three independentexperiments. c Immunoblot of whole HeLa cell protein extracttransfected with the indicated siRNA and DNAs. Immunoblot forSMC2 with Tubulin as a loading control. d Representative immu-nofluorescence images of HeLa cells expressing the indicatedSUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP fusion proteins and transfected with theindicated siRNA. eQuantification of intercentromeric distances inchromosomes under tension after expressing the indicatedSUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP fusion proteins and siRNAs. Data repre-sent the mean and standard error of the mean (s.e.m) of threeindependent experiments. Asterisks indicate statistical significantdifferences compared to EYFP (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01,***P < 0.001; Student’s t test)

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stiffness by regulating the compliance of centromericheterochromatin (Ribeiro et al. 2009; Jaqaman et al.

2010). It is not clear if this effect is due to changes inthe higher-order packing of the chromatin fibre or is

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Fig. 5 Heterochromatin removal disrupts chromosomal passengerlocalization in mitosis. a, b Representative immunofluorescenceimages of HeLa cells expressing SUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP (a) orSUV39H1ΔSET-EYFP-JMJD2DWT (b) fusion protein andstained for Survivin and Tubulin. Scale bar 10 μm. c Analysis ofthe frequency of cells showing dispersed CPC in prometaphase

and metaphase after expressing the indicated SUV39H1ΔSETfusion proteins. Data represent the mean and standard error ofthe mean (s.e.m) of two independent experiments. Asterisks indi-cate statistical significant differences compared to EYFP(*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01; Student’s t test)

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mediated by centromeric cohesin complexes, as hetero-chromatin removal resulted in SGO1 displacement,which might result in lower levels of cohesin at thecentromere. The association of heterochromatin withcohesin is currently a matter of debate (Bernard et al.2001; Koch et al. 2008). Since SGO1 is involved incohesin complex maintenance at centromeres after pro-phase until anaphase onset, our results suggest thatinterfering with SGO1 targeting to centromeres causedby heterochromatin removal might perturb sister chro-matid cohesion.

We also observed that centromeric heterochromatinis required for efficient localization of the chromosomalpassenger complex (CPC) to inner centromeres duringearly mitosis. This could be predicted from results indi-cating that binding to SGO1 (Yamagishi et al. 2010) andto heterochromatin protein HP1α are both important fortargeting of the CPC in early mitosis. As stated above,defects in CPC localization may explain many of themitotic defects observed following heterochromatinremoval.

Binding of SUV39H1ΔSET fusion proteins topericentromeric heterochromatin had a small, but repro-ducible effect on assembly of the kinetochore. This wasnot expected, because the kinetochore assembles on thesurface of CENP-A-containing centrochromatin and noton the pericentromere. Indeed, in preliminary results, wenoticed an increase in the amount of CENP-A associatedwith centromeres when heterochromatin was depleted.This is consistent with previous results in which the Rbpathway was perturbed, leading to a decrease in H3K9methylation (Sullivan et al. 2011). SUV39H1 has a dualrole in heterochromatin formation and maintenance: itacts as a methyltransferase and also has a structural roleat pericentromeric heterochromatin by binding HP1α(Haldar et al. 2011). Overexpressed SUV39H1ΔSETmight affect kinetochore assembly either by perturbingHP1α dynamics, or possibly as a result of its effects onSGO1 or CPC localization.

The present results demonstrate the utility of thePREditOR approach for epigenetic engineering—in thiscase to specifically remove heterochromatin from divid-ing cells. It had been widely assumed that heterochro-matin would be important for mitotic chromosome seg-regation, but previous studies were plagued by the pos-sibility of off-target effects of drugs and genetic manip-ulations. Here, we confirm that heterochromatin isindeed important for mitotic chromosome segregation,although the effects of heterochromatin removal on

pericentromeric heterochromatin structure, mitotic pro-gression and on chromosome segregation are remark-ably mild. We conclude that heterochromatin at centro-meres is necessary to maintain genomic stability.

Acknowledgements We thank Nuno Martins for interestingdiscussions that contributed to the development of the PREditORapproach. O.M. was funded by the European Molecular BiologyOrganization (long-term EMBO fellowship; ALTF-453-2012).This work was funded by the Wellcome Trust, of which W.C.E.is a Principal Research Fellow (grant number 073915). TheWellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology is supported by core grantnumbers 077707 and 092076.

Compliance with ethical standards

Conflict of Interest The authors declare that they have noconflict of interest.

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of theCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestrict-ed use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, providedyou give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source,provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate ifchanges were made.


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