8/12/2019 Prayer Changes Things_ Taking Y - Jhonson, Beni http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/prayer-changes-things-taking-y-jhonson-beni 1/102  CONTENTS  Introduction by Beni Johnson CHAPTER 1Let Your Yes be Yes by Don Nori Sr. CHAPTER 2Spirit-Empowered Prayer Storm by James Goll  CHAPTER !ystics" !ystica# E$periences" and Contemp#ati%e Prayer by Beni Johnson CHAPTER &Hea#in' and Inter%entiona# Answers by Elmer L. Towns CHAPTER (Prayer T)at Ta*es Ho#d o+ t)e Impossib#e, by Morris Cerullo CHAPTER T)e Power Source by Suzette T. Caldwell CHAPTER .Prayin' in Anot)er /imension by Sue Curran CHAPTER 0T)e Li+e- C)an'in' ene+its o+ astin' by Mahesh Chavda CHAPTER 3Prayer Can e Power+u# 4or 5t)erwise6 by C. eter !a"ner  

Prayer Changes Things_ Taking Y - Jhonson, Beni

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 Introduction by Beni Johnson CHAPTER 1Let Your Yes be Yes by Don Nori Sr.

CHAPTER 2Spirit-Empowered Prayer Storm by James Goll  CHAPTER !ystics"!ystica# E$periences" and Contemp#ati%e Prayer by Beni Johnson CHAPTER &Hea#in'

and Inter%entiona# Answers by Elmer L. Towns CHAPTER (Prayer T)at Ta*es Ho#d o+ t)eImpossib#e, by Morris Cerullo CHAPTER T)e Power Source by Suzette T. Caldwell 

CHAPTER .Prayin' in Anot)er /imension by Sue Curran CHAPTER 0T)e Li+e-C)an'in' ene+its o+ astin' by Mahesh Chavda CHAPTER 3Prayer Can e Power+u# 4or 

5t)erwise6 by C. eter !a"ner  

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  /ESTI7Y I!A8E 559S Y E7I :5H7S57

  The #a$$y %nter&essor 

  The Joy o' %nter&ession

   Beauti'ul (ne wit) Heidi a*er et a#

   E)$erien&in" the #eavenly *ealm wit) :udy ran*#in

  !al+in" in the Su$ernatural  wit) i## :o)nson et a#


559S A7/ A;TH5RS>

  The rayer God Loves to ,nswer  by /on 7ori Sr?

   rayer Storm by :ames =? 8o##

  The #a$$y %nter&essor  by eni :o)nson

   #ow God ,nswers rayer  by E#mer L? Towns

   #ow to ray by !orris Ceru##o

   rayin" to Chan"e -our Li'e by Su@ette T? Ca#dwe##

   rayer in ,nother Dimension by Sue Curran

  The #idden ower o' rayer and astin"  by !a)es) C)a%da

   rayin" !ith ower  by C? Peter =a'ner 


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 Ta+in" -our Li'e to

the Ne)t rayer Level 

  C5!PILE/ by E7I :5H7S57


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  Copyri')t 2B12Compi#ed by eni :o)nson

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  At et)e# in Reddin'" w)ere we pastor" we )a%e a ministry sc)oo#? 5ne day w)i#eteac)in' on intercession and prayer" I ended t)e session and opened it up +or Duestions? 5ne

o+ our youn' men said" JI dont +ee# #i*e I +it into t)e w)o#e intercession t)in'?K !yresponse was" J=ait" w)at do you t)in* you are doin' w)en we 'et you up on t)e sta'e todanceK You see" t)is youn' man )ad an ama@in' abi#ity to dance in a war#i*e dance to brin' a spiritua# c)an'e to t)e atmosp)ere? I to#d )im t)at w)en )e did t)at" t)in's)appened in t)e spirit rea#m? T)en I to#d t)e w)o#e c#ass t)at t)ere are many ways to prayand mo%e in intercession" t)at its not a#ways about words" and t)at 8od uses our 'i+ts +orintercession?  At et)e# C)urc) e%ery Saturday we )a%e w)at we ca## Hea#in' Rooms? Peop#ecome +rom a## o%er t)e wor#d to t)is p#ace to recei%e prayer +or )ea#in'? 5ne o+ t)e t)in'st)at peop#e do +irst w)en t)ey come to t)e Hea#in' Rooms is to sit and soa* in t)e presenceo+ 8od? =e )a%e #i%e wors)ip and our prop)etic artists paintin' in one o+ t)e rooms" w)ic)

we ca## t)e Encounter Room" and as t)e peop#e wait to recei%e prayer" t)ey sit in t)e roomand 'et a## saturated in t)e presence o+ 8od?  5ne o+ our prop)etic intercessors" w)o )appens to be an artistpainter" p#aced one o+ )er paintin's in our Hea#in' Room one day? A #ady wa#*ed up to t)at beauti+u# paintin'wit) t)e word ho$e on it" and stood in +ront o+ it and be'an to cry? Here is t)e account o+t)e ama@in' )ea#in' t)at resu#ted> 

5n 5ctober 1." 2BB3" at t)e Hea#in' Rooms" Tom1 )ad ca##ed out a word o+*now#ed'e in t)e Encounter Room +or a prob#em wit) t)e bac* o+ t)e )ead 4w)ic) is w)erea woman )ad a cancerous tumor6? Tom prayed and t)e woman said not)in' )appened? Tom Must encoura'ed )er to *eep 'ettin' prayer and t)at 8od was 'oin' to do somet)in'? Later

on" /an ca##ed out a word o+ *now#ed'e +or tumors" and )e a#so went to pray +or )er? =)en)e was t)ere" s)e to#d )im t)at w)en Tom )ad prayed +or )er" s)e was )ea#ed o+ tunne#%ision 4w)ic) s)e ne%er e%en mentioned t)at s)e )ad6? 

9at)y" w)o a#so ministers in t)e Hea#in' Rooms" spo*e to )er" and s)e to#d 9at)yt)e doctors )ad said )er situation was J)ope#ess"K so 9at)y too* )er into t)e Hea#in' Roomand s)owed )er t)e paintin' t)at one o+ t)e artists )ad painted" on w)ic) was written t)eword" JHope?K S)e bro*e down in tears as s)e #oo*ed at it" and 8od resurrected )ope in )er)eart? 

T)en s)e returned to t)e Encounter Room" and two men too* )er and )er +iancN

o%er and s)e to#d t)em t)e doctors )ad said s)e )ad on#y two mont)s to #i%e and )er cancerwas inoperab#e? T)ey dec#ared li'e and touc)ed )er? S)e said t)e pain and pressure weresudden#y 'one" and as t)ey were praisin' 8od" s)e cried out and 'rabbed )er ear? S)e as*ed+or a nap*in as it was serious#y drainin'? 5ne o+ t)e men 'ot )er some tissues? Incidenta##y")er +iancN )ad s)a*in' o+ t)e )ands" art)ritis in )is wrists" and #ower bac* pain? T)ey as*ed)im )ow )e was doin'" and )e cou#dnt +ind any o+ t)ose t)in's anymore, T)e ne$t day atc)urc) )e sti## )ad no more prob#ems wit) t)ose t)in's" and s)e said s)e )ad stopped ta*in't)e morp)ine as t)ere was no more pain? S)e )ad no wit)drawa#s +rom morp)ine" eit)er?

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 T)ursday s)e e-mai#ed and said t)e tumor )ad been t)e si@e o+ a 'o#+ ba## and )ad

s)run* to t)e si@e o+ a p#um pit and )ad no +#uid in it" and t)e doctors said t)ey cou#d +indno cancer ce##s in )er? Praise :esus,2

  8ods +irst #an'ua'e is not En'#is) nor is it any ot)er #an'ua'e? =)en it comes to

 prayer and intercession" words are important but not necessary? I be#ie%e w)en t)at #adystood in +ront o+ t)at paintin'" it re#eased in )er )ope and it re#eased )ea#in'?  In t)is boo* t)e %erse in :ames ( is mentioned a +ew times? 

Con'ess your tres$asses to one another1 and $ray 'or one another1 that you may be

healed. The e''e&tive1 'ervent $rayer o' a ri"hteous man avails mu&h 4:ames (>16?  T)is %erse )as +or me been a %erse o+ muc) t)ou')t and meditation" especia##y t)e#ast part o+ t)e %erse? I )a%e #oo*ed it up in many trans#ations and t)ou')t about w)at itcou#d mean? Let me 'i%e you a +ew o+ t)ose trans#ations" and t)en we wi## study t)is more? 

The earnest  4)eart+e#t" continued6 $rayer o' a ri"hteous man ma+es tremendous $ower available 2dynami& in its wor+in"3. 4A!P6 

The insistent $rayer o' a ri"hteous $erson is $ower'ully e''e&tive. 4T)eEastern8ree* 5rt)odo$ ib#e" E56 

 or the $ower o' the $rayer whi&h a ri"hteous $erson $rays is "reat. 4T)e 5ri'ina#Aramaic 7ew Testament in P#ain En'#is)6  Two t)in's stand out to me as important in t)e #ast part o+ t)is %erse> 16 bein' ari')teous person and 26 e++ecti%e prayers 'et t)e Mob done? To me bein' ri')teous p#ays a%ery important ro#e in causin' our prayers to be e++ecti%e" or" as t)e Amp#i+ied %ersion saysso beauti+u##y" Jdynamic in its wor*in'?K  In !att)ew (" we +ind t)e +ourt) beatitude ta#*s o+ ri')teousness> 

 Blessed are those who hun"er and thirst a'ter ri"hteousness1 'or they shall be 'illed.

  T)e 8ree* word +or Jri')teousK is di+alos1 and t)e 8ree* word +or Jri')teousnessKis di+aiousyne? T)e Hebrew word +or Jri')teousnessK is seda4a. Seda4a denotes Jare#ations)ip?K T)is seems to say to us t)at bein' ri')teous )as to do wit) bein' inre#ations)ip? an Rod in (ld Testament Theolo"y writes t)at J+rom t)e ear#iest times Israe#ce#ebrated :a)we) as t)e one w)o bestowed on His peop#e t)e a## embracin' 'i+t o+ Hisri')teousness and t)is tsd4h 5ri"hteousness6 bestowed on Israe# is a#ways a sa%in' 'i+t?K&

  ein' in ri')t re#ations)ip wit) 8od is w)at I%e a#ways )eard was t)e de+inition o+ bein' ri')teous? ein' ri')teous is a## about bein' in a re#ations)ip wit) our Lord? Its not Must )a%in' t)e Lord but *nowin' Him? I )a%e my )usband as my )usband because we aremarried" but I a#so )a%e a re#ations)ip wit) )im because I spend time wit) )im? I *now )im?I can Must be sa%ed" w)ic) wi## 'et me to )ea%en" but I #on' +or t)at ri')teous re#ations)ipwit) my 8od" to *now )im more and more, T)at is #on'in' +or ri')teousness?  See" w)en I *now 8od as muc) as I can and He *nows me so muc) more" t)ere is a power in t)at? T)ere is some rea# aut)ority t)at )appens? T)ere is trust t)at )appens? I cantrust 8od" and He can trust me? T)e idea o+ 8od trustin' me enou') to te## me His secrets isa## I need to 'et my prayers 'oin' in t)e ri')t direction? T)at one t)ou')t" Jt)at 8od cantrust meK turns my wor#d upri')t?

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  T)e more we see* a+ter ri')teousness" t)e more our prayers wi## be e++ecti%e? I dontwant #i+e#ess prayers? I want prayers t)at wi## c)an'e t)e wor#d? =)en I pray" I want to*now t)at I am ma*in' a di++erence? See*in' a+ter ri')teousness wi## accomp#is) t)at?  T)e psa#mist writes in Psa#m 1.>1(" ,s 'or me1 % will see -our 'a&e in ri"hteousness6

 % shall be satis'ied when % awa+e in -our li+eness.

  T)e Amp#i+ied ib#e reads" ,s 'or me1 % will &ontinue beholdin" -our 'a&e inri"hteousness 5ri"htness1 7usti&e1 and ri"ht standin" with -ou86 % shall be 'ully satis'ied1

when % awa+e 2to 'ind mysel'3 beholdin" -our 'orm 2and havin" sweet &ommunion with

-ou3.  And" t)e Rot)er)ams Emp)asi@ed ib#e reads" % in ri"hteousness shall behold thy

 'a&e1 shall be satis'ied when awa+ened by a vision o' thee.

  I be#ie%e t)at w)en we stand be+ore 8od in ri')tness" Mustice and ri')t standin' wit)8od" we wi## see Him? And in seein' Him" we wi## understand His ways and see w)at He isdoin'? T)en" as we petition at)er wit) our prayers" t)ose prayers can be not)in' bute++ecti%e?  I #i*e to e$periment wit) prayer and try new t)in's to see w)at wi## wor*?  I was te$tin' wit) a +riend w)o was te##in' me t)at s)e was ministerin' to a 'uyw)o was a roya# in a cu#t? S)e as*ed +or some prayer in t)e matter? I to#d )er I wou#d pray? I be'an prayin'" and I 'ot an idea? ot) my +riend and I cou#d +ee# t)at 8od was a## o%er t)is"and I *new it was Must a matter o+ time? ecause I am a tweeter on Twitter" a socia# networ*accessed by p)one or computer" I decided to be+riend t)is youn' man to 'et an idea o+ w)at)e was about? I do be#ie%e in bein' in+ormed about t)in's so I can pray better? So" I be+riended )im? =)en I saw )is tweet come up on my p)one" I 'ot t)is idea" JIm 'oin' to pray +or )im e%ery time I see )is tweet?K  So t)ats w)at I did" but I decided to say t)e +irst t)in' t)at wou#d come to my )eadand pray t)at +or )im? It was rea##y +un? As t)e wee* went by t)ere were many tweets" and Iwou#d Must spea* out t)e +irst t)in' t)at wou#d come to my )ead" simp#e t)in's #i*e" J8odyou are so a+ter )imK or J8od 'et )imO brin' )im to you?K 5ne day )e posted a %erse" and I*new at t)at point )e was c#ose? Sure enou') t)e ne$t day my +riend #et me *now t)at )e)ad come to t)e Lord? A 'roup o+ Ho#y 8)ost youn' peop#e w)o )ad Must come +rom one o+ our 'at)erin's +or t)e wee*end went bac* )ome and 'ot a )o#d o+ )im? T)is youn' mansaw t)e e$treme c)an'e in t)ese youn' peop#e and cou#dnt )e#p but Mump ri')t into 8od?  !any times w)en I am teac)in' on prayer" I wi## )a%e peop#e wait be+ore 8od" andt)en in t)e waitin'" I wi## )a%e t)em re-as* 8od about a reDuest t)ey )a%e been prayin' +or?Sometimes we need t)e +res) wind o+ 8od on our prayers t)at wi## ma*e t)em moree++ecti%e? ut we +irst need to be)o#d 8od? In waitin'" we #oo* at Him and not t)e prob#emor reDuest? =e abide in HimO t)en in turn He abides in us? T)ats w)en t)e +res) wind o+8od can b#ow on us?  I )a%e enMoyed readin' eac) c)apter in t)e compi#ation boo*" t)e creati%ity and eac) persons t)ou')ts on prayer and w)at ma*es it wor* +or t)em? =)et)er its usin' t)e wordor +astin' or soa*in' or w)en t)e tra%ai# o+ t)e Lord comes on your spirit" w)ate%er t)etoo#" t)ere is a ri')t standin' be+ore 8od t)at ties it a## to'et)er? T)at ma*es t)e prayerswor*?  5ne more t)ou')t on bein' ri')teous be+ore 8od? Isaia) 2>1. reads> 

 ,nd the wor+ o' ri"hteousness shall be $ea&e6 and the e''e&t o' ri"hteousness

4uietness and assuran&e 'or ever.

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  5ne o+ t)e +ruits o+ ri')teousness is peace? I be#ie%e t)at its %ery important to prayout o+ a p#ace o+ peace? I+ we are in ri')t standin' wit) 8od in re#ations)ip 4ri')teous6" wewi## )a%e t)at peace +rom )ea%en? And w)en we pray +rom a p#ace o+ peace and not +ear" wewi## see +ruit? I+ +ear comes" we must  step bac*" ta*e a breat) o+ )ea%en" and +ind our peaceand pray +rom t)ere? T)e ib#e says" Do not be a'raid o' sudden terror1 Nor o' trouble 'rom

the wi&+ed when it &omes 4Pro%? >2(6?  Seated ri')t wit) 8od in re#ations)ip" we are seated in t)e )ea%en#y rea#m and cansee +rom His %anta'e point? T)ere is not terror +rom t)ere? Prayin' +rom +ear on#y puts us ina p#ace o+ )a%in' to contro#? It ma*es you +ee# #i*e you are t)e on#y one w)o can c)an'e t)ecircumstance and brin's on stress" an$iousness and stri%in'" w)ic) 'ets you now)ere?=)en prayin'" c)ec* yourse#+ and see i+ you are prayin' +rom +ear or peace Am I in ri')tstandin' wit) 8od  T)ere are times w)en prayer is #i*e bein' in #abor and )a%in' a baby? It ta*es wor*and #ots o+ +ocus? I%e been in on many birt)s and prayed t)rou') many o+ t)em? 5ne o+ t)et)in's a woman must understand is t)at )er body wi## wor* best durin' #abor i+ s)e can+ocus on bein' peace+u# and not 'ettin' a+raid? =)en our dau')ter" Lea)" went t)rou') )er+irst #abor e$perience? I was )er coac)? ein' t)e coac)" I was ri')t in )er +ace t)e w)o#etime" coac)in' )er into e%ery contraction? At one point towards t)e end" I noticed t)at s)ewas 'ettin' rea##y an$ious and +ear+u#? T)e t)ou')t came to me to spea* peace to )er as s)estarted eac) contraction? It was ama@in' )ow t)at wor*ed? As we spo*e peace" t)e Shalom o+ )ea%en" you cou#d +ee# it come once a'ain? 5%er and o%er" we spo*e it unti# t)at babywas born?  It is t)e same wit) our prayers? =e must be +ocused and sittin' in a p#ace o+ peace"in )ea%en#y p#aces" and prayin' +rom a p#ace o+ peace? ind 8od" and you +ind peace? ind peace" and you wi## +ind t)e answer?  As you read t)rou') t)ese c)apters" be reminded once a'ain t)at 8od uses our 'i+tsand our persona#ities" and re'ard#ess o+ our e$periences in prayer" we a## )a%e one t)in' incommon> 8od and our re#ations)ip wit) Him are w)at brin' us into t)is 'reat ministry o+ prayer?


 1.The names of the people have been changed.


cancer $.%es&s thro&gh 'iddle Eastern E(es. )g.* +as ,&oted in

Old Testament Theolog( b( -on ad 0.+%es&s thro&gh 'iddle

Eastern E(es. )g. "* +as ,&oted in Old Testament Theolog( b(

-on ad

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 C)apter 1

 ET O3 


 by Don Nori, Sr.

  7ow t)is is t)e con+idence t)at we )a%e in Him"t)at i+ we as* anyt)in' accordin' to His wi##"He )ears us? And i+ we *now t)at He )ears us"

w)ate%er we as*" we *now t)at we )a%e t)e petitionst)at we )a%e as*ed o+ Him 41 :o)n (>1&-1(6?

  In How to 5btain u##ness o+ Power" E?!? ounds writes" JT)ere are many peop#e'reat#y pu@@#ed because t)eir prayers ne%er seem to reac) t)e ear o+ 8od" but +a## bac*"unanswered" to t)e eart)? T)ere is no mystery about it? It is because t)ey )a%e not met t)eone 'reat" +undamenta# condition o+ pre%ai#in' prayera surrendered wi## and asurrendered #i+e? It is w)en we ma*e 8ods wi## ours" t)at He ma*es our wi## His?K  T)is w)at :esus means w)en He te##s us to #et our yes be yes? T)is is %ita##yimportant teac)in' +rom t)e )eart o+ our !aster? It is c#ear t)at He wants us to say yes toHim" but our yes needs to be +ar more t)an Must #ip ser%iceO it must be t)e centra# +ocus o+our #i%es? or our yes to be yes" it must be #i%ed and be#ie%ed" not Must spo*en" and our #i%esand wi##s must be surrendered +u##y to Him?  So" yes is +ar more t)an Must a word? Indeed" it is more t)an Must a prayer? It is a#i+esty#e commitment and an attitude o+ )eart t)at perse%eres in a'reement wit) 8od andHis dream +or you" no matter w)at t)e ne'ati%e peop#e and ne'ati%e circumstances aroundyou mi')t dec#are?

  You must be stron' in be#ie%in' t)at 8od wi## a#ways do w)ats best +or you?

  To #et your yes be yes" you must be stron' in be#ie%in' t)at 8od wi## a#ways dow)ats best +or you? As a yes be#ie%er" you wi## wa#* by +ait)" not by si')t" a#ways trustin'in t)e Lord" see*in' to abide in His presence" and endea%orin' to +o##ow t)e dream He )as+or you?

  T)ere are rea##y on#y two responses to 8od and His wi##O t)ey are eit)er yes or no?T)ere is no midd#e 'round" no 'ray area? You eit)er a++irm t)e wi## o+ 8od in your #i+e" oryou deny Him and His wi##? E%en w)en you do not understand w)at t)e wi## o+ 8od is" your wi##in'ness to a'ree wit) His wi## opens t)e doors o+ opportunity and possibi#ity t)at cancome in no ot)er way?  I *now t)at t)ere are some w)o insist t)at you must *now t)e wi## o+ 8od be+oreyou can trust Him +or it? ut t)at is on#y true w)en you do not be#ie%e 8od )as on#y His best ready +or you?

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  =)en you be'in to understand t)at 8ods dream is t)e )appiest" t)e most +u#+i##ed"and t)e most e++ecti%e #i+e you can #i%e" it wi## become easier to rest in Him" especia##yw)en you dont )a%e a rea# c#ue about His p#ans +or you?  =E ARE J;7/ER C57STR;CTI57K

  =)en you say yes to t)e Lord" your #i+e becomes a c#eared bui#din' siteHis property" i+ you wi##? In ot)er words" you are under construction? He )as purc)ased you sot)at He mi')t be ab#e to #i%e wit)in you and bui#d His 9in'dom in you and t)rou') you? ToHim" t)ere+ore" you are %a#uab#e Jrea# estate?K  =)en you a##ow yourse#+ to be His bui#din' site" you wi## t)en be wi##in' +or Him toc#ear your )eart" 'ent#y and #o%in'#y remo%in' a## t)ose t)in's t)at are no #on'er importantto you or Him? He is preparin' a )abitation +or Himse#+ wit)in you?  Pau# writes" J5r do you not *now t)at your body is t)e temp#e o+ t)e Ho#y Spiritw)o is in you" w)om you )a%e +rom 8od" and you are not your own or you were bou')tat a priceO t)ere+ore '#ori+y 8od in your body and in your spirit" w)ic) are 8odsK 41 Cor?>13-2B6?  =)en you say JyesK to 8od" you do not be#on' to yourse#+ any #on'er? You are purpose+u##y #ayin' aside your wi##" be#ie%in' t)at His wi## is +ar better t)an yours? You areembracin' His dream +or you? You are His" and" as His possession" He can now be'in t)emost e$citin' time o+ your #i+e? He is now be'innin' to bui#d you and to #ead you into yourdestiny?  or Him to bui#d His 9in'dom wit)in you" 8od understandab#y remo%es a##e$istin' structures t)at you )ad bui#t w)i#e you were constructin' your own persona#*in'dom? He wi## c#ear t)e #andscape o+ your )eart" #ea%in' it comp#ete#y bare" ready to)a%e His +oundation and bui#din' put on your site? He wi## merci+u##y 'o deep into your #i+eso as to remo%e e%eryt)in' t)ats o#d" decayin'" and use#ess? E%en t)e o#d +oundation uponw)ic) your #i+e was bui#t may need to be adMusted or e%en remo%ed so it can be rebui#t inHis way and accordin' to His dream +or you?  He wants to bui#d a )ouse o+ His own c)oosin'" a bui#din' not made wit) )uman)ands" but one in w)ic) He wi## #i%e and 'i%e you true +u#+i##ment e%ery day o+ your #i+e?His wor* is a#ways power+u# and uniDue? In a %ery rea# sense" we are sti## bein' +ear+u##yand wonder+u##y made,

  You are sti## bein' +ear+u##y and wonder+u##y made,


  T)e Ho#y Spirit #i%es wit)in you? T)is means t)at you are a 8od-possessed person?  As suc)" 8od is ca##in' you to a )i')er p#ace in t)e Spirit" a p#ace w)ere you can)ear His %oice" e$perience an e%er-deepenin' +ait)" and enMoy His pro%idence" +a%or" and pro%ision w)ere%er you are?  T)is is t)e !ost Ho#y P#ace t)at I re+erred to ear#iert)e p#ace w)ere you wi## )a%e+e##ows)ip wit) t)e at)er and )ear Him spea*in' to you" waitin' +or you to respond in +u##surrender wit) His wi##?  I remember a time w)en :onat)an and /ona#d" my two o#dest sons" were se%en and+i%e years o#d" and t)eir mot)er was in t)e *itc)en ba*in' c)oco#ate c)ip coo*ies? T)e boyswere watc)in' )er" as s)e pu##ed t)e +res)#y ba*ed treats out o+ t)e o%en?  Im sure t)e boys were enMoyin' t)e si')t and sme## o+ t)e coo*ies" and t)ey were

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sure#y anticipatin' t)eir taste? Cat)y put t)e ba*in' tray on t)e counter and said" J/onttouc) t)e coo*ies" oys? T)ey are too )ot,K  J59" !ommy,K t)ey said?  S)e stepped out o+ t)e *itc)en +or a moment" and t)e boys )eaded ri')t to t)ecoo*ies, 7eed#ess to say" t)ey burnt t)eir +in'ertips and be'an to cry? It was a #esson t)ey

needed to #earn on#y once" +or t)e ne$t time Cat)y made coo*ies" s)e pu##ed t)e tray out o+t)e o%en" and :onat)an as*ed" JAre t)e trays )otK  JYes" %ery )ot"K s)e rep#ied?  J=i## you te## me w)en t)eyre coo# enou')K was )is ne$t Duestion?  :onat)an and /ona#d )ad #earned t)eir #esson" but it was a )ard" pain-+i##ed #essont)at wou#d not )a%e been necessary )ad t)ey simp#y #istened to t)eir mot)ers %oice andresponded wit) a true yes +rom t)eir )earts? T)ey )ad said yes" but t)ey did not tru#y meanit? In actua#ity" t)eir yes )ad been a no?

  In actua#ity" t)eir yes )ad been a no?

  =)en we say JyesK to t)e at)er" we must do so wit) a wi##in' )eart" one t)at wantsto do w)at He te##s us to do?  Pau# writes" JI beseec) you t)ere+ore" bret)ren" by t)e mercies o+ 8od" t)at you present your bodies a #i%in' sacri+ice" )o#y" acceptab#e to 8od" w)ic) is your reasonab#eser%ice? And do not be con+ormed to t)is wor#d" but be trans+ormed by t)e renewin' o+ your mind" t)at you may pro%e w)at is t)at 'ood and acceptab#e and per+ect wi## o+ 8odK 4Rom?12>1-26?  Presentin' your w)o#e #i+e to 8od as a #i%in' sacri+ice is tru#y a reasonab#e ser%iceto Him in #i')t o+ a## His mercies to you? 5++erin' yourse#+ to Him comp#ete#y is aresoundin' yes to Him t)at is )eard t)rou')out Hea%en? It reac)es His )eart wit) t)esweetness o+ )oney and t)e innocence o+ a newborn c)i#d? It is t)en t)at you wi## disco%erand be'in to #i%e His per+ect#y wonder+u# dream +or your #i+e?  =EA97ESS /5ES 75T /ISQ;ALIY

  You must ne%er a##ow your )uman wea*ness to disDua#i+y you +or w)at 8od )as p#anned +or you? Your +ai#ures do not pro%e t)at you are wic*edO t)ey simp#y pro%e t)at youare )uman? T)ou') you are +i##ed wit) 8od" its important to remember t)at you are a)uman bein' w)o is +i##ed wit) 8od?  T)ats w)y you need to enter and stay in t)e yes o+ 8od" +or t)ere you wi## bere+ined" stren't)ened" )ea#ed" tau')t" and made w)o#e in e%ery way?  Run to 8od" not away +rom Him" w)en you +ai#? Pau# said" JAnd He said to me"!y 'race is su++icient +or you" +or !y stren't) is made per+ect in wea*ness? T)ere+oremost '#ad#y I wi## rat)er boast in my in+irmities" t)at t)e power o+ C)rist may rest upon me?T)ere+ore I ta*e p#easure in in+irmities" in reproac)es" in needs" in persecutions" indistresses" +or C)rists sa*e? or w)en I am wea*" t)en I am stron'K 42 Cor? 12>3-1B6?  Pau# was a man w)o *new )e )ad wea*nesses" but )e used )is wea*nesses as a si'nt)at )e )ad to run to t)e Lord +or stren't)? Re#i'ion" on t)e ot)er )and" causes peop#e to runaway +rom 8od w)en t)ey +ai#" due to 'ui#t and s)ame? 8od" )owe%er" wants us to run toHim" so He can continue His wor* in our #i%es?  =EA97ESS 5R STRE78TH

  How cou#d Pau# ma*e suc) a statement as t)is> J=)en I am wea*" t)en I am

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stron'K It doesnt seem to ma*e muc) sense" does it ut t)e answer is simp#e? T)ewea*est part o+ Pau# became t)e stron'est part o+ )im because )e con+essed )is wea*nessand as*ed t)e Lord to ma*e it stron'? 5%er time" t)ere+ore" )is wea* points became )isstron' points?  =ea*ness and +ai#ure ne%er stopped Pau#? =)at t)ey did was teac) )im to pray? He

did not a##ow wea*ness to disDua#i+y )im +or w)at 8od )ad in store +or )im? He c)ose notto #i%e in 'ui#t? He +ound +or'i%eness t)rou') simp#e repentance and t)en )e *ept onmo%in' +orward?  He proc#aimed" JT)ere is t)ere+ore now no condemnation to t)ose w)o are in C)rist:esus" w)o do not wa#* accordin' to t)e +#es)" but accordin' to t)e SpiritK 4Rom? 0>16?  =e need to say t)e same t)in' to ourse#%es w)ene%er we stru''#e wit) wea*nessand +ai#ure? It is critica# t)at we understand t)is? T)e enemy accuses us and causes us to#oo* at t)e part o+ us t)at sti## needs to be )ea#ed? T)e Ho#y Spirit" on t)e ot)er )and" causesus to #oo* at t)e parts o+ us t)at do +unction proper#y and t)at are doin' e$act#y w)at 8odwants t)em to do?

  Hea#in' comes as you surrender your wi## to His?

  =)en we see our wea*ness" it s)ou#d remind us to pray t)e Js*e#eton *ey prayerK tot)e at)er" to repent o+ our sins" and to surrender our #i%es to Him a+res)? =)o#eness comesas we #earn to respond to Him in t)ese ways? Hea#in' comes as we surrender our wi##s toHis?  8od is acti%e#y in%o#%ed in your #i+e in so many di++erent ways? T)ere is not)in'about you t)at He does not a#ready *now? He is not surprised by your +ai#ures? He *nowsyour wea*nesses" but He sti## #o%es you and wants you to 'et bac* Jon trac*K a'ain and+o##ow Him?  YES" YES" YES,

  As t)e dai#y pressures o+ #i+e press in upon us" it is o+ten di++icu#t to remember t)att)e Lord is a #i%in' ein' inside o+ us? =e tend to +or'et too easi#y t)at He )as a mind o+His own" a wi## o+ His own" and desires o+ His own?  He wants so muc) +or us to yie#d ourse#%es to Him so He can #i%e His #i+e t)rou')us? He is not interested in our J#oo*in' spiritua#"K w)ate%er t)at means? 7or is He interestedin )a%in' us act spiritua#?  5ur 8od wants our yes to be yes? He doesnt want us to pretend t)at He is inside o+us? He doesnt want us to be re#i'ious eit)er? He wants us to 'i%e up a## t)at +#es)y stu++ and'i%e our #i%es to Him in comp#ete submission to His Lords)ip?  8od wants us to stop tryin' to be C)ristians? Instead" He wants us to 'i%e ourse#%esto Him" so He can do in us w)ate%er He wants to do? T)e prob#em in a## t)is" )owe%er" ist)at were used to doin' t)in's in certain ways t)at need c)an'in'? =e o+ten )a%e )abits o+t)ou')t" re#i'ion" practice" and +ee#in' t)at are opposed to 8od and His ways?

  Re#a$ and #et Him do His wor* in you and t)rou') you?

  He wants you to be wi##in' to c)an'e? As you #earn to #oo* at Him as He tru#y is"e%eryt)in' wi## be'in to c)an'e? 5+ course" I am assumin' t)at you are wi##in' to a##owHim to c)an'e you, !y 'uess is t)at since you )a%e come t)is +ar in t)is boo*" your )eartis open and so+t to Him" and your 'reatest desire is to simp#y re#a$ and #et Him do His wor* in you and t)rou') you?

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  8od is immeasurab#y 'reat? T)e psa#mist said" J8reat is t)e Lord" and 'reat#y to be praisedK 4Ps? &0>16?  He is 'reater t)an our )abit patterns" 'reater t)an our denominations" 'reater t)anour p)i#osop)ies" 'reater t)an our education" and 'reater t)an our e$perience? He is 'reatert)an our #i+esty#e as we##? I+ we a##ow Him to do so" He wi## s)ow us )ow 'reat He is" and

He wi## 'i%e us opportunities t)at we cannot possib#y ima'ine?  So" as* 8od to 'i%e you t)e coura'e to say no to your own ways" doctrines"#imitations" and +ears? He wi## )e#p you say no to t)e ways o+ t)is wor#d and t)e t)in's o+t)e past" and He wi## ma*e a## t)in's new in your #i+e?  To #et your yes be yes" t)en" is to #et your #i+e be con+ormed to His wi##? T)is is w)atPau# is sayin' in )is #etter to t)e Romans> 

And do not be con+ormed to t)is wor#d" but be trans+ormed by t)e renewin' o+ yourmind" t)at you may pro%e w)at is t)at 'ood and acceptab#e and per+ect wi## o+ 8od4Romans 12>26?  THE =RITTE7 =5R/ 5R THE LII78 =5R/

  T)ere is a bi' di++erence between t)e written =ord and t)e #i%in' =ord? =e canmanipu#ate t)e written =ord to +it into our own p#ans and desires? Li*ewise" we caninterpret t)e written =ord in a %ariety o+ ways?  Some peop#e" +or e$amp#e" interpret some %erses +rom t)e ib#e as meanin' t)atwomen s)ou#d ne%er ta#* in c)urc)" wear ma*eup or Mewe#ry" or e%er wear s#ac*s? 5t)er peop#e interpret ot)er %erses as meanin' t)at one s)ou#d not 'o to a mo%ie" dance" watc)te#e%ision" or )a%e instrumenta# music in ser%ices?  I t)in* you 'et t)e idea? =e need t)e #i%in' =ord o+ 8odt)e Lord :esus C)rist to 'uide us in understandin' His written =ord? =e need to )ear Him spea* to our )earts?=e need to dwe## in His !ani+est Presence? T)e #i%in' =ord cannot be manipu#ated? ort)e Lord Himse#+ acts accordin' to t)e counse# o+ His own wi##" w)ic) t)e written =ordre+#ects? =)en t)e #i%in' =ord acts in a way t)at is contrary to w)at we be#ie%e t)e written=ord says" we must understand t)at t)e #i%in' =ord is not be)o#den to our doctrines" He ison#y be)o#den to Himse#+? In t)e !ost Ho#y P#ace" His !ani+est Presence" He cannot bemanipu#ated" +or t)is is t)e rea#m o+ Ja## 8od?K Here" we see Him as He is and we areinstructed in t)e ways o+ t)e #i%in' =ord Himse#+?  :esus said" Jut t)e He#per" t)e Ho#y Spirit" w)om t)e at)er wi## send in !y name"He wi## teac) you a## t)in's" and brin' to your remembrance a## t)in's t)at I said to youK4:o)n 1&>26? Let t)e Ho#y Spirit teac) you and 'uide you into a## trut)?  5ne time not #on' a'o I was sc)edu#ed to 'o to London? It was durin' a period o+'reat persona# turmoi#" so I ended up not bein' ab#e to 'o? Howe%er" I sent a +riend in my p#ace w)o a#so )appened to be named /on? Since a## t)is came about at t)e #ast minute"communication between my o++ice and London bro*e down?  !y secretary )ad 'i%en my description to t)e person w)o was 'oin' to meet me att)e Heat)row airport? S)e to#d )im t)at I was a bi' 'uy wit) a beard and a ponytai# and t)atI wore '#asses? Per)aps s)e a#so said I #oo*ed a #itt#e weird,  Certain#y" wit) t)at description in )is mind" I s)ou#d )a%e been easy to spot?Howe%er" t)e person w)o went to London was anot)er /on" but )e was Duite t)e oppositeo+ me, He was a t)in man wit) s)ort )air" no beard" no ponytai#" and no '#asses? T)e one

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and on#y ob%ious simi#arity between us was our name,  He 'ot o++ t)e p#ane" reco%ered )is #u''a'e" and be'an #oo*in' +or t)e one w)o wassupposed to ta*e )im to t)e )ote#? A#most e%eryone e#se )ad 'one be+ore )e noticed a manw)o appeared to be waitin' +or someone? /on too* note o+ t)e mans pu@@#ed +acia#e$pression and )ow )e scratc)ed )is )ead as )e was readin' t)e scrap o+ paper )e c#utc)ed

ti')t#y in )is )and?  !y +riend wa#*ed up to t)e En'#is)man and said" JE$cuse me" are you waitin' +orsomebody +rom /estiny Ima'e by any c)anceK  JYes" I am?K  J=e##" Im t)e one youre waitin' +or?K  J=)at It cant be true? T)is note says youre a bi' man wit) a ponytai# and a beardand '#asses, You cannot possib#y be t)e one I am #oo*in' +or,K  E%entua##y t)ey reac)ed an understandin' and /on was ab#e to 'o wit) )im" but t)einterestin' t)in' is t)at t)e En'#is)man was bound to t)e written word instead o+ be#ie%in'w)at )is eyes were s)owin' )im and )is ears were te##in' )im? He initia##y c)ose to sayJyesK to t)e written word and JnoK to t)e #i%in' word? 5n#y a+ter muc) con%ersation was )eab#e to be#ie%e t)e #i%in' rea#ity rat)er t)an w)at was written on t)e paper?  !any C)ristians are t)e same way? E%en i+ #i%in' proo+ seemin'#y contradicts t)ewritten =ord 4or t)eir interpretation o+ t)at =ord6" t)ey become resistant? !any times t)eywi## e%en 'row adamant" re+usin' to c)an'e?  P#ease dont 'et me wron'? I be#ie%e in t)e ib#e? In +act" I #o%e t)e written =ord o+8od? I )a%e ei')t di++erent %ersions o+ t)e Scriptures" and I read and study t)em dai#y? I be#ie%e t)e =ord o+ 8od" and I be#ie%e t)at 8od )as ne%er %io#ated His =ord?  He is a#ways true to His =ord" and He cannot #ie? He ne%er 'oes a'ainst His =ord?Howe%er" e%ery day He wi## %io#ate w)at my persona# interpretation is w)en it does notaccurate#y represent t)e rea#ity o+ t)e #i%in' =ord, 8od is not bound to act accordin' tow)at I be#ie%e about Him? Rat)er" we are bound to be#ie%e Him as He demonstratesHimse#+ to us?  I want to e$perience t)e #i%in' =ord? !y +e##ows)ip is ne%er wit) t)e #etter o+ t)e=ord" because I *now t)at t)e #etter *i##s? T)is is not )eresy? !y re#ations)ip is not wit) a boo*O it is wit) :esus C)rist" w)o is re%ea#ed in t)e oo*? T)e #i%in' Spirit o+ t)e =ordimparts #i+e to me? 4See Second Corint)ians >?6  EYES HAE 75T SEE7

  T)e apost#e Pau# Duoted t)e prop)et Isaia)" w)o wrote" JEye )as not seen" nor ear)eard" nor )a%e entered into t)e )eart o+ man t)e t)in's w)ic) 8od )as prepared +or t)osew)o #o%e HimK 41 Cor? 2>36?  He t)en went on to e$p#ain" Jut 8od )as re%ea#ed t)em to us t)rou') His Spirit?or t)e Spirit searc)es a## t)in's" yes" t)e deep t)in's o+ 8odK 41 Cor? 2>1B6?  T)is is a beauti+u# description o+ t)e di++erence between ad)erin' to t)e written=ord and respondin' to t)e #i%in' =ord? e#ie%in' t)at 8od )as prepared eac) +or mema*es me wa*e up e%ery day wit) a renewed sense o+ wonder and anticipationbecause Irea#i@e t)at eac) new day is an opportunity to e$perience t)e #i%in' Presence o+ :esus" as He#eads me step by step and re%ea#s Himse#+ and His ways to me?  T)e Ho#y Spirit re%ea#s t)e deep t)in's o+ 8od to us" and I want to )ear His %oicespea*in' to me and s)owin' me t)ose wonder+u#" deep t)in's? I am not )appy wit)anyt)in' #ess t)an t)e !ani+est Presence o+ 8od?

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  Your Lord )as a #ot to say to you?

  =)en I stand be)ind a pu#pit" I cannot Must preac) a sermona written" we##- po#is)ed treatise t)at I%e prepared +or t)e peop#e? I Must cant do it t)at way anymore? I+ Idont *now t)at t)e #i%in' Presence o+ A#mi')ty 8od is spea*in' t)rou') me" I dont )a%e

anyt)in' to say to t)e peop#e? To spea* to +o#*s wit)out t)e *now#ed'e t)at 8od )assomet)in' to say to t)em t)rou') me" at t)at moment" is 'ross#y un+air to t)e peop#e and#ea%es t)em and me un+u#+i##ed" not to mention a## t)e wasted time in%o#%ed,  5ur Lord )as a #ot to say to us? ut He wi## most#y spea* to us Spirit to spirit? Hewi## 'i%e us amp#e opportunity to a'ree wit) Him and His p#an" i+ we wi## 'et out o+ t)eway? T)is is )ow we can )ear His %oice?  He )as more +or us t)an we can possib#y ima'ine" so w)en He spea*s" it wi## mosto+ten be outside o+ our com+ort @one as we## as beyond w)at our re#i'ious instruction permits? =e need to Duiet our )earts and #isten to Him" t)e 5ne w)o is waitin' to #ead usinto t)e most wondrous ad%entures o+ our #i%es?  =)en you )ear Him" your response s)ou#d natura##y be" JYes" Lord,K T)is a##owsHea%en to open its doors and manipu#ate circumstances so as to do w)at He is s)owin' youto do? I+ He can part t)e Red Sea" He can ma*e His own way t)rou') t)e systems andstru''#es o+ t)e wor#d in order to accomp#is) t)e dream He )as most certain#y dreamed +oryou, 

He w)o ca##s you is +ait)+u#" w)o a#so wi## do it 41 T)essa#onians (>2&6? 

About /on 7ori" Sr?

  /on 7ori" Sr? )as wor*ed in t)e pub#is)in' industry and ministered internationa##y+or more t)an 2( years" wor*in' wit) peop#e o+ a## races and nationa#ities? /on and )iswi+e" Cat)y" #i%e at t)e +oot o+ t)e Appa#ac)ian !ountains in sout) centra# Pennsy#%aniaw)ere t)ey raised t)eir +i%e sons and now enMoy t)eir dau')ters-in-#aw and t)eir'randc)i#dren?


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 C)apter 2


)8E STO'

 by James Goll 

  JI )a%e )eard you"K rep#ied :eremia) t)e prop)et? JI wi## certain#y pray to t)e Lord

your 8od as you )a%e reDuestedO I wi## te## youe%eryt)in' t)e Lord says and wi## *eep not)in'

 bac* +rom youK 4:eremia) &2>& 7I6?

  or t)is c)apter" I )a%e c)osen to use t)e term" Spirit-empowered prayer" a#t)ou') I)a%e presented simi#ar bib#ica# o%er%iews o+ prayer under di++erent )eadin's suc) as prop)etic intercession or re%e#atory prayer? It seems t)at t)e idea o+ Spirit-empowered prayer is easier to 'rasp t)an some o+ t)e ot)er terms t)at I and ot)ers )a%e o+ten used?=)at do I mean by t)e term Its strai')t+orward enou')O Im ta#*in' about prayer t)at isdirected and #ed by t)e Ho#y Spirit?  T)is *ind o+ prayer is #i*e bein' in a 'reat wa#t@ in w)ic) you #et t)e Ho#y Spiritta*e t)e #ead? He not on#y #eads you" but He a#so prope#s you? He not on#y nud'es you t)isway and t)at" but He sometimes *eeps you dancin' a## ni')t, Spirit-empowered prayer is#i*e 'ettin' a booster to your prayer roc*et? :ust #i*e He did on t)e day o+ Pentecost in t)eoo* o+ Acts 4see Acts 26" t)e Ho#y Spirit comes upon you and rises up wit)in you? He'i%es you a burst o+ power" ener'y" and insi')t t)at you did not possess pre%ious#y?

  T)e Ho#y Spirit 'i%es you a re+res)in' burst o+ power" ener'y" and insi')t?

  Pau# wrote t)ese words to t)e c)urc) in Rome> JA## w)o are bein' #ed by t)e Spirito+ 8od" t)ese are t)e sons o+ 8odK 4Rom? 0>1& 7AS6? As 8ods c)i#dren" natura##y wewant to be #ed by Him? =e want to *eep up wit) Him? =e want to wa#* in His +ootsteps? Itdoesnt ta*e us %ery #on' be+ore we rea#i@e t)at we cannot accomp#is) t)is wit)out t)e power o+ t)e Ho#y Spirit? In our )umanity" we do not come eDuipped wit) t)e *ind o+ power  t)e impetus" t)e insi')t" t)e in+#uencet)at is reDuired to accomp#is) 8ods wor*? =e

need to be +i##ed wit) di%ine power?  Prop)etic intercession is t)e abi#ity to recei%e an immediate prayer reDuest +rom8od and to pray about it in a di%ine#y anointed utterance? Prop)etic prayer is waitin' be+ore8od in order to J)earK or recei%e 8ods burden 4w)ic) means 8ods concern" warnin'"conditions" %ision" promise" or word6 and t)en respondin' bac* to t)e Lord and to t)e peop#e" wit) appropriate actions? T)e types o+ prayer" w)ate%er you want to ca## t)em4prop)etic intercession" prop)etic prayer" re%e#atory prayer6" and t)e appropriate actions4responses and Jtec)niDuesK o+ prayer6 are a## inc#uded under Spirit-empowered prayer?

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  In my boo*" T)e Prop)etic Intercessor" I de%e#oped t)e bib#ica# basis +or prop)eticintercession wit) t)orou') teac)in' and numerous e$amp#es +rom C)urc) )istory and myown #i+es Mourney? ut +or t)is c)apter" #et me simp#y 'i%e you an o%er%iew o+ t)is subMect

t)at is so dear to my )eart?  In t)e Scripture I Duoted at t)e be'innin' o+ t)is c)apter" :eremia) t)e prop)eta'reed to pray on be)a#+ o+ t)e peop#e" and )e a'reed to #isten to 8od +or t)em? T)is is w)at prop)ets dot)ey can J)earK 8od 4w)et)er or not t)ey )ear an audib#e %oice6" and t)ey areab#e to te## peop#e w)at 8od )as said? In t)is instance" :eremia) was combinin' )is prop)etic ro#e wit) t)e priest#y ro#e o+ intercession?  In prop)etic intercession" t)e ro#es o+ priest and prop)et are brou')t to'et)er? 7ota## prop)ets are intercessors" and not a## priests are prop)ets? ut w)en t)ese two cometo'et)er" it can be power+u#, In aut)entic prop)etic intercession" t)e 'races and burdens o+t)e prop)et and t)e priest are united? T)e priest p#eads t)e needs o+ t)e peop#e to t)e Lord?T)e prop)et p#eads t)e interests o+ 8od be+ore t)e peop#e? T)e prop)etic intercessor does bot)?  PR5PHETIC I7TERCESSI57PLEA/S THE PR5!ISES

  As an intercessor rises in wors)ip" )e or s)e becomes secure#y seated wit) C)rist:esus in t)e )ea%en#y p#aces? As a resu#t" t)e intercessor recei%es a re%e#ation o+ His )eart?=it) t)at re%e#ation" t)e intercessor is ab#e to pray wit) 8od instead o+ mere#y to Him +rom)is or )er own #imited perspecti%e and passion? T)e intercessor becomes prop)etic? T)ewords o+ intercession become reiterations o+ 8ods =ord? T)ey matc) up wit) t)e wi## o+8od? T)e prop)etic intercessor p#eads t)e promises o+ 8od?  T)is ma*es an ama@in' di++erence in t)e e++ecti%eness o+ prayer? =)en 8od enab#esyou to pray #i*e t)is" your prayers can be based not on#y on t)e co%enant promises o+ 8odt)at He )as made to His peop#e and t)at are recorded in t)e ib#e" but a#so on t)e rest o+ t)eun+u#+i##ed promises t)at He )as made to His peop#e t)rou')out )istory?  You are #i*e :o)n t)e e#o%ed" #eanin' your )ead upon t)e c)est o+ t)e !essia)?You are )earin' t)e %ery )eartbeat o+ Hea%en" and t)at )eartbeat be'ins to resonate wit)inyou? Your words o+ prayer arise +rom your )eart" w)ic) is +i##ed wit) His Spirit" and t)atmeans t)at t)ey are 'uaranteed to be in a'reement wit) 8odw)ic) ma*es t)em )i')#ye++ecti%e?  T)e words o+ t)is *ind o+ re%e#atory prayer pa%e t)e way +or t)e rea#i@ation o+ as-yet-un+u#+i##ed prop)etic promises? In t)is *ind o+ prop)etic intercession" t)e Spirit o+ 8od p#eads t)rou') you as a be#ie%er? Your prayer Jtar'etsK are painted wit) 'reater accuracy? 7ot on#y does t)e Spirit ur'e you to pray prayers t)at )a%e been prayed +or centuries4JCome" Lord :esusK6" but He a#so enab#es you" as a Spirit-+i##ed intercessor" to Jpic* uponK immediate prayer reDuests t)at are on t)e )eart o+ 8od 4JLord" anoint t)e preac)in' o+Your =ord t)is e%enin'K6? T)e Ho#y Spirit nud'es you to pray +or particu#ar t)in's in particu#ar ways so t)at He can inter%ene? You are 'i%en re%e#ation +or situations aboutw)ic) you )a%e %ery #itt#e *now#ed'e in t)e natura#? =)et)er your prayer reDuests aresma## or #ar'e" you *now you can be con+ident t)at t)ey wi## be brin'in' +ort) His wi## ont)e eart) as it is wi##ed in Hea%en?  THE A77A C5!PA7Y

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  8od is #oo*in' +or a particu#ar *ind o+ peop#e? He is #oo*in' +or Ho#y 8)ost pus)ers? Hes #oo*in' +or peop#e w)o He can put on assi'nment" peop#e w)o wi## press and pus) in t)eir prayin' unti# somet)in' )appens? He wants t)ese peop#e to Moin )ands and ta*et)eir p#aces as watc)men on t)e wa## +or His sa*e" +or t)e sa*e o+ His comin' 9in'dom? He

is #oo*in' +or Annas and Simeons w)o wi## pray re#ent#ess#y>  7ow t)ere was a man in :erusa#em ca##ed Simeon" w)o was ri')teous and de%out?

He was waitin' +or t)e conso#ation o+ Israe#" and t)e Ho#y Spirit was upon )im? It )ad beenre%ea#ed to )im by t)e Ho#y Spirit t)at )e wou#d not die be+ore )e )ad seen t)e LordsC)rist 4Lu*e 2>2(-2 7I6? 

And t)ere was a prop)etess" Anna t)e dau')ter o+ P)anue#" o+ t)e tribe o+ As)er S)ewas ad%anced in years and )ad #i%ed wit) )er )usband se%en years a+ter )er marria'e" andt)en as a widow to t)e a'e o+ ei')ty-+our? S)e ne%er #e+t t)e temp#e" ser%in' ni')t and daywit) +astin's and prayers? At t)at %ery moment s)e came up and be'an 'i%in' t)an*s to8od" and continued to spea* o+ Him to a## t)ose w)o were #oo*in' +or t)e redemption o+:erusa#em 4Lu*e 2>-0 7AS6?  Annas assi'nment was prayer" speci+ica##y prayer t)at wou#d prepare t)e way +ort)e comin' o+ t)e !essia)? Her story )e#ps us understand our own prayer assi'nments? S)estayed t)ere in t)e temp#e" +astin' and prayin'" day a+ter day" wee* a+ter wee*" year a+teryear? S)e wors)iped and prayed t)rou') t)e promises o+ 8od? 8od )ad promised to send aSa%ior? S)e was waitin' +or Him" not passi%e#y or wit) resi'nation" but acti%e#y" wit) prayer?  I be#ie%e t)at" Must as 8od )ad Anna and Simeon be+ore t)e +irst comin' o+ :esus" soit wi## be be+ore His Second Comin'? I be#ie%e t)at t)ere wi## be consecrated" 'i+ted" prop)etic intercessors w)o wi## #ay )o#d o+ t)e purposes o+ 8od? !ay it )appen in t)is'eneration, T)e Lord wants to raise up an Anna company in our day" intercessors w)o wi## pa%e t)e way +or t)e second comin' o+ t)e Lord? He is #oo*in' +or new recruitsO t)e Ho#ySpirit is sendin' out in%itations? Ha%e you responded yet

  Are you waitin' +or Him" not passi%e#y" but acti%e#y" wit) prayer

  7ow w)en I say JAnna company"K I dont mean t)at t)is assi'nment is +or womenon#y? Its true t)at many o+ t)e 'reatest intercessors o+ our time )a%e been women? T)ey)a%e a natura# sensiti%ity o+ spirit and a passion +or t)e t)in's o+ 8od? T)ey are ready toyie#d t)eir )earts to Him to p#ead )is cause? ut t)e Anna company is made up o+ bot) menand women" youn' as we## as o#d? T)e on#y Dua#i+ication t)at you need" in order to be#on'"is an e%er-'rowin' con%iction o+ t)e end-time purposes o+ 8od and a desire to pray t)rou')8ods promises unti# you see t)em +u#+i##ed?  T)e members o+ t)e Anna company *now )ow t)e burden o+ prop)etic intercession be'ins as a sma## +#ame and soon consumes e%eryt)in' around it as re%e#ation increases?T)ey *now )ow t)e burden 'rows t)rou')out its J'estation period"K and t)ey #earn )ow totra%ai# and )ow to pus) in prayer in order to brin' 8ods purposes to birt)? A## prop)eticintercession carries wit) it t)e stru''#e o+ birt)? T)e )earts o+ prop)etic intercessors becomes wombs in w)ic) 8ods prop)etic purposes can 'row unti# its time +or t)em tocome +ort)? Arise" peop#e o+ 8od" and put o++ your s#umber, Let us become stead+ast andsin'#e-minded" #i*e Anna" more t)an 2"BBB years a'o? =)en we see Him" #et us cry out"

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Je)o#d t)e C)rist,K  PR5PHETIC I7TERCESSI57 C57SPIRI78

  T)e word conspire means Jto breat)e to'et)er?K =)en 8od created man +rom t)edust o+ t)e eart)" He breat)ed into )is nostri#s t)e breat) o+ #i+e" and man became a #i%in'

 bein' 4see 8en? 2>.6? T)is Hebrew word t)at we trans#ate Jbreat)edK can mean breat)in'%io#ent#y" suc) as w)en t)e %io#ent" rus)in' wind +i##ed t)e upper room on t)e day o+Pentecost?1

  T)e prop)etic intercessor conspires wit) 8od t)at His '#ory wi## be seen" +e#t" and*nown in t)e eart)? Prop)etic intercession is our conspirin' 4breat)in' to'et)er6 wit) 8od" breat)in' %io#ent#y into situations t)rou') prayer in order to brin' +ort) #i+e? Heres ane$amp#e +rom my own #i+e?  Some years bac*" I was in 8ermany? In t)e midd#e o+ t)e ni')t" I too* a train +romHeide#ber' to Rosen)eim" w)ic) is in t)e part o+ sout)ern 8ermany t)at is *nown asa%aria? It was a si$-)our trip? A## ni')t #on'" as I attempted to rest on t)e train" I *ept)earin' t)e 'ent#e" consistent %oice o+ t)e Ho#y Spirit? A+ter a w)i#e" it was as i+ I were breat)in' t)ese words wit) Him? T)e same p)rase rumb#ed o%er and o%er wit)in my mindand )eart as t)e train rumb#ed its way across 8ermany> J=)ere are my /anie#s =)ere aremy Est)ers =)ere are my /ebora)s =)ere are my :osep)sK I )eard it o%er and o%er?J=)ere are my /anie#s =)ere are my Est)ers =)ere are my /ebora)s =)ere are my:osep)sK  I *new He was ta#*in' to me as an indi%idua# intercessor" but I a#so +e#t He wasimpartin' to me a burden to raise up a band o+ peop#e w)o wou#d %o#unteer t)emse#%es +ort)e tas* o+ prayer? It was as i+ t)e Spirit and I were con-spirin'" breat)in' to'et)er" +or t)e purpose o+ brin'in' #i+e into somet)in' t)at was in t)e )eart o+ 8od? =)ere are His/anie#s" Est)ers" /ebora)s" and :osep)s Are you one o+ t)em Ha%e you been positionedJ+or suc) a time as t)isK 4See Est)er &>1&?6 Ha%e you been brou')t +ort) +or t)is prop)eticintercessory tas* =i## you be one o+ t)e answers to His persistent p#ea  !any years a'o" I saw a %ision o+ J%e#%et warriorsK mo%in' +orward on t)eir *nees?It was t)e army o+ t)e Lord" but t)ey were comin' so muc) more s#ow#y t)an I wou#d )a%eanticipated? =)en I saw t)em come to t)e top o+ a )i##" I cou#d see w)yt)ey weremarc)in' on t)eir *nees? T)en t)e Spirit described t)em to me as %e#%et warriors? T)isindicated t)at t)ey were part o+ an arisin' 'eneration t)at *new t)at its stren't) was on bended *nee?

  =i## you be one o+ t)e answers to His persistent p#ea

  T)at army is sti## assemb#in'" and many %acancies sti## e$ist in itO you can sti## si'nup? Its not too #ate to answer t)e ca##? You can %o#unteer +or on-t)e-Mob trainin' and becommissioned as one o+ 8ods ser%ant warriors? I t)in* I can )ear drumbeats in t)e bac*'round? I t)in* I can )ear anot)er sound ca##in' +ort) watc)men to mount t)eir wa##s?=)o wi## answer t)ese ca##s =)o wi## b#end t)eir )eartbeat and t)eir )earts cry wit) His  5R!S 5 SPIRIT-E!P5=ERE/ PRAYER 

  Spirit-empowered prayer can ta*e many +orms" as t)e Spirit b#ows w)ere%er Hewis)es? ut two +orms o+ Spirit-inspired prayer" w)ic) are comp#ete#y bib#ica# andcomp#ete#y under t)e o%ersi')t o+ t)e Ho#y Spirit" are prayin' in t)e Spirit t)rou') t)e 'i+to+ ton'ues and prayin' in t)e Spirit t)rou') intense" +er%ent prayer 4prayer t)at is so intense

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it is #i*e t)e Jtra%ai#K o+ natura# c)i#dbirt)6? Ton'ues and tra%ai#? I want to spend t)e rest o+t)e c)apter on t)ese two +orms o+ prayer?  T)e 8i+t o+ Ton'ues

  T)e 'i+t o+ ton'uesw)at a wonder+u# dimension o+ prayer, I #o%e to pray in

ton'ues? I probab#y pray in t)is way more t)an I do in any ot)er way? 5+ course" I pray inEn'#is) a## t)e time? I read t)e =ord o+ 8od" and t)en I pray it? ut one o+ t)e *eys t)atopens re%e#ation +or me is prayin' in ton'ues" +irst in a de%otiona# way and t)en" as t)eSpirit arises wit)in me" in t)e intercessory dimension o+ t)e 'i+t? Im not sayin' t)at its t)eon#y way to pray" because its notO its Must a way? T)ere are many +orms o+ Spirit-#ed"Spirit-empowered prayer? ut prayin' wit) t)e 'i+t o+ ton'ues is one o+ t)e primary ones?  =)en you pray in t)e Spirit" your spirit is communicatin' direct#y wit) 8od? Its astrai')t s)ot? You can pray in your prayer #an'ua'e as muc) as you want to" usin' it to raiseyourse#+ up to new #e%e#s in praise" wors)ip" and intercession? T)e =ord te##s us> Joranyone w)o spea*s in a ton'ue does not spea* to men but to 8od? Indeed" no oneunderstands )imO )e utters mysteries wit) )is spiritK 41 Cor? 1&>2 7I6?  =)en you pray pri%ate#y in t)is way" w)et)er Duiet#y or #oud#y" sittin' at your des*"standin' at t)e *itc)en sin*" or dri%in' your car" you are edi+yin' and bui#din' yourse#+ upin t)e Lord" utterin' +ar more e$pressi%e praises to Him t)an you cou#d t)in* up on yourown?  ut you can a#so use t)is spiritua# 'i+t to intercede? You can brin' a concern" care" or  burden be+ore t)e Lord and yie#d it to Him wit) words in your prayer #an'ua'e? In t)is way"t)e Ho#y Spirit intercedes t)rou') your spirit> 

T)e Spirit )e#ps us in our wea*ness? =e do not *now w)at we ou')t to pray +or" butt)e Spirit Himse#+ intercedes +or us wit) 'roans t)at words cannot e$press? And He w)osearc)es our )earts *nows t)e mind o+ t)e Spirit" because t)e Spirit intercedes +or t)e saintsin accordance wit) 8ods wi## 4Romans 0>2-20 7I6? 

or i+ I pray in an un*nownU ton'ue" my spirit by t)e Ho#y Spirit wit)in meU prays" but my mind is unproducti%e it bears no +ruit and )e#ps nobodyU 41 Corint)ians1&>1& A!P6?  Since none o+ us a#ways *nows )ow or w)at to pray in a 'i%en situation" brin'in'your prayer be+ore t)e Lord by prayin' in t)e Spirit enab#es t)e Ho#y Spirit" your He#per" to pray wit)in t)e Lords wi##? ;sin' a prayer #an'ua'e is a way o+ bein' dependent upon8od" because you cannot dup#icate it or in%ent it on your own? Sometimes peop#e mi')t act proud o+ it" as in JI )a%e somet)in' better t)an you do"K but need#ess to say" a## t)at re%ea#sis a c)aracter wea*ness in t)e spea*er" not a +#aw in t)e 'i+t itse#+?  Years a'o" w)en I did not yet e$ercise t)e 'i+t o+ ton'ues" I t)ou')t I didnt need it?I said" J8od 'i%es t)at to t)ose w)o need it" and I dont need it?K As t)e ne$t +ew mont)swent by" t)e Lord con%inced me t)at t)e +irst part o+ my statement was tota##y correct? 8oddoes 'i%e t)e 'i+t to t)ose w)o need it? ut t)e second part o+ my statement was not correct" because I did need it, I )ad come up a'ainst some circumstances in my #i+e t)at I cou#d notso#%e? I wasnt trained enou')? I wasnt *now#ed'eab#e enou')? I wasnt e$periencedenou')? I didnt seem to )a%e enou') prayer power on my own" so I yie#ded to t)e Ho#ySpirit? I now )ad a new re%e#ation> 8od 'i%es t)e 'i+t to t)ose w)o need it? And" 'uessw)at" t)at inc#udes me? T)at was )umb#in'?

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  E%en t)ou') prayin' in t)e Spirit sounds nonsensica# to your ear 4because yourea##y dont *now w)at youre sayin'6" your prayer #an'ua'e )as de+inite meanin'? Itdoesnt matter w)et)er or not you understand it" because 8od does" and He is t)e 5ne youare prayin' to? He w)o inspired it a#so compre)ends it? irst Corint)ians 1&>1B e$p#ains t)atJundoubted#y t)ere are a## sorts o+ #an'ua'es in t)e wor#d" yet none o+ t)em is wit)out

meanin'K 47I6?  ;se t)is 'i+t o+ten" because it wi## edi+y your spirit? You wi## be bui#t up andstren't)ened" encoura'ed and rein%i'orated +or your intercessory war+are tas*? =e reada'ain in t)e 1&t) c)apter o+ irst Corint)ians> J5ne w)o spea*s in a ton'ue edi+ies )imse#+K41 Cor? 1&>&a 7AS6? In t)e oo* o+ :ude" we read" Jut you" dear +riends" bui#dyourse#%es up in your most )o#y +ait) and pray in t)e Ho#y SpiritK 4:ude 2B 7I6? So i+ youwant to be in t)e Spirit and stay in t)e Spiritpray in t)e Spirit,

  You wi## be bui#t up and stren't)ened" encoura'ed and rein%i'orated +or your intercessory war+are tas*?

  Prayin' in t)e Spirit )as t)e +u## aut)ority o+ Hea%en be)ind it, T)ere is no way youcou#d *now in t)e natura# w)en satan and )is demonic +orces are about to #aunc) an attac*" but t)e Ho#y Spirit wi## prompt you at t)e strate'ic" opportune time and wi## *eep you ont)e a#ert? And because you *now t)at Jt)e e++ecti%e prayer o+ a ri')teous man canaccomp#is) muc)K 4:ames (>1b 7AS6" you can be sure t)at you wi## pre%ai#? You Must prayed prayers t)at were inspired by t)e Spirit? And w)o is more ri')teous t)an t)e Ho#ySpirit  You can pray bot) ways" in t)e Spirit and wit) your mind? T)ats w)at Pau# did> JVI wi## pray wit) t)e spirit and I wi## pray wit) t)e mind a#soO I wi## sin' wit) t)e spirit and Iwi## sin' wit) t)e mind a#soK 41 Cor? 1&>1( 7AS6? Li*e Pau#" you can pray in t)e Spirit tore'ain territory +rom t)e demonic *in'dom" and you can e$press your prayers wit)un+ai#in' +ait) and unwa%erin' Moy" praise" and wors)ip? T)is prayer and praise weapon is power+u#" and its a#ways on tar'et? Prayin' in t)e Spirit is 8ods anti-ba##istic missi#e" andit )its t)e mar* e%ery time,  Pau# +urt)er instructed us about t)e 'i+t o+ ton'ues> 

 7ow concernin' spiritua# 'i+ts" bret)ren" I wou#d not )a%e you i'norantV? 7owt)ere are di%ersities o+ 'i+ts" but t)e same Spirit? And t)ere are di++erences o+administrations" but t)e same Lord? And t)ere are di%ersities o+ operations" but it is t)esame 8od w)ic) wor*et) a## in a##? ut t)e mani+estation o+ t)e Spirit is 'i%en to e%ery manto pro+it wit)a#V? 7ow ye are t)e body o+ C)rist" and members in particu#ar? And 8od )at)set some in t)e c)urc)" +irst apost#es" secondari#y prop)ets" t)ird#y teac)ers" a+ter t)atmirac#es" t)en 'i+ts o+ )ea#in's" )e#ps" 'o%ernments" di%ersities o+ ton'ues 41 Corint)ians12>1"&-."2.-20 9:6?  He was sayin'" ob%ious#y" t)at t)ere are di++erent *inds o+ ton'ues? T)ey sounddi++erentrea##y di++erent+rom eac) ot)er? In t)at passa'e" t)e word trans#atedJdi%ersitiesK is 'enos in t)e 8ree*" and it re+ers to a co##ection o+ di++erent t)in's t)at be#on' to t)e same 'roup or +ami#y" J*inK or Jo++sprin'?K2 In ot)er words" di%ersities o+ton'ues are a## )ea%en#y utterances t)at are as di++erent as t)e members o+ a +ami#y or 'roupcan be" but t)ey re#ated to one anot)er by t)e same Spirit?  As you *now" t)e Ho#y Spirit #o%es di%ersity? I+ you )a%e e%er tra%e#ed wide#y" youwi## *now w)at I mean? 7ot on#y is 8ods creation %ast and +i##ed wit) in+inite %ariety" but

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)uman cu#tures and #an'ua'es are too? I )a%e tra%e#ed in we## o%er &B di++erent nations ona## o+ t)e continents" and I )a%e )eard some %ery stran'e dia#ects? Some #an'ua'es sound#i*e baby ta#* or Must noise to my ear? ut t)ey are a## #an'ua'es" and t)ey a## )a%e meanin'?So i+ you )ear ot)er peop#e spea*in' in prayer #an'ua'es t)at dont sound %erysop)isticated to yout)ats 59? E%en in one persons ran'e o+ e$perience wit) t)is 'i+t"

we see di%ersity?  T)is may be a bit o+ a re%iew" but )ere are some di%erse app#ications +rom t)e ib#e+or t)e 'i+t o+ ton'ues>  Ton'ues at t)e +i##in' o+ t)e Ho#y Spirit 4See Acts 2>1-&O 1B>&&-&O !ar* 1>1.?6Ton'ues +or interpretation 4See 1 Corint)ians 12>.-1BO Isaia) 20>11?6 Ton'ues o+edi+ication 4See :ude 2BO 1 Corint)ians 1&>&?6 Ton'ues as a si'n to t)e unbe#ie%er 4See 1Corint)ians 1&>22?6 Ton'ues o+ intercession 4See Romans 0>2? T)e word 'roanin's int)is %erse can be trans#ated as Jinarticu#ate speec)"K and it re+ers to speec) t)at does notori'inate in t)e inte##ect or wit) t)e understandin'" speec) t)at is not re#ated to race ornationa#ity? Inarticu#ate speec) inc#udes" but is not #imited to" Jot)er ton'ues?K6  Ton'ueso+ war+are 4Sometimes t)e Ho#y Spirit 'oes on t)e o++ensi%e? He batt#es t)rou') us?Sometimes He coup#es to'et)er t)e 'i+t o+ ton'ues wit) t)e 'i+t o+ +ait) or t)e 'i+t o+discernin' o+ spirits? You wi## +ee# a risin' up inside and a pus) or an ur'e to #aunc) outa'ainst demonic +orces? You attac* t)e powers o+ dar*ness" ta*in' aut)ority o%er satan andreMectin' )is p#ans" and you do it by t)e power o+ t)e Ho#y Spirit w)o dwe##s wit)in you?T)is is your ton'ue o+ intercession en'a'ed in war+are" brin'in' de#i%erance" )ea#in'" and#iberty?6 T)e Prayer o+ 8roanin' and Tra%ai#

  Lets e$amine more in dept) t)e Scripture I cited abo%e under Jton'ues o+intercession?K e+ore #on'" most committed intercessors )a%e t)e e$perience described inRomans 0>2-2." t)e e$perience o+ t)e Ho#y Spirit 'roanin' and wrest#in' t)rou') t)eir prayers? Here are two trans#ations o+ t)ese two %erses> 

In t)e same way t)e Spirit a#so )e#ps our wea*nessO +or we do not *now )ow to prayas we s)ou#d" but t)e Spirit Himse#+ intercedes +or us wit) 'roanin's too deep +or wordsOand He w)o searc)es t)e )earts *nows w)at t)e mind o+ t)e Spirit is" because He intercedes+or t)e saints accordin' to t)e wi## o+ 8od 4Romans 0>2-2. 7AS6? 

So too t)e Ho#yU Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our wea*nessO +or wedo not *now w)at prayer to o++er nor )ow to o++er it wort)i#y as we ou')t" but t)e SpiritHimse#+ 'oes to meet our supp#ication and p#eads in our be)a#+ wit) unspea*ab#e yearnin'sand 'roanin's too deep +or utterance? And He =)o searc)es t)e )earts o+ men *nows w)atis in t)e mind o+ t)e Ho#yU Spirit w)at His intent isU" because t)e Spirit intercedes and p#eads be+ore 8odU in be)a#+ o+ t)e saints accordin' to and in )armony wit) 8ods wi##4Romans 0>2-2. A!P6?  !any times we ca## t)is *ind o+ prayin' Jtra%ai#"K because it is so muc) #i*e natura#c)i#dbirt)? It is t)e wi## o+ 8od to 'i%e birt) to His purposes" but t)at process o+ birt)in' isnot instantaneous or pain#ess? It can be Duite a stru''#e? =ords a#one cant accomp#is) it?T)e Ho#y Spirit in us mo%es beyond words to si')s" 'roans" and inarticu#ate #on'in's? =emo%e wit) our prayers? =e may stand up and reac) up to 8od" t)en pace" t)en +a## to t)e+#oor" e%en writ)in' as we yearn +or t)e re#ie+ o+ t)e #on'ed-+or Jbirt)?K Its wor*? Its %erymuc) #i*e #abor" purpose+u# and intense? In t)e )eat o+ t)e e++ort" we no #on'er worry about

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maintainin' our di'nity?  T)is *ind o+ prayin' is +er%ent? It is )ot? 4T)e word +er%ent comes +rom t)e Latinword +or Jto boi#O )ot?K6& In t)is *ind o+ intercession" we see 8ods intense desire to createan openin' t)rou') w)ic) He can brin' new #i+e" c)an'e" 'rowt)" or +ruit? E#iMa) mode#ed it+or us>

  E#iMa) was a man wit) a nature #i*e ours" and )e prayed earnest#y t)at it wou#d notrain" and it did not rain on t)e eart) +or t)ree years and si$ mont)s? T)en )e prayed a'ain"and t)e s*y poured rain and t)e eart) produced its +ruit 4:ames (>1.-10 7AS6?  Prayer t)at in%o#%es 'roanin' and pantin' under t)e power o+ t)e Ho#y Spirit" #i*e awoman in c)i#dbirt)" can a#so be compared to t)e )eat o+ a con+#ict on a batt#e+ie#d? Loo* attwo more %erses" w)ic) )appen to combine t)e two ima'es> 

T)e Lord wi## 'o +ort) #i*e a mi')ty man" He wi## rouse up His @ea#ous indi'nationand %en'eance #i*e a warriorO He wi## cry" yes" He wi## s)out a#oud" He wi## do mi')ti#ya'ainst His enemies? T)us says t)e LordU I )a%e +or a #on' time )e#d !y peace" I )a%e been sti## and restrained !yse#+? 7ow I wi## cry out #i*e a woman in tra%ai#" I wi## 'asp and pant to'et)er 4Isaia) &2>1-1& A!P6?  :esus is our e$amp#e in +er%ent prayer? 5+ten He was not )us)ed and Duiet w)en He prayed? He was stirred to t)e dept)s o+ His bein'" to t)e point t)at He cou#d not suppressHis e$p#osi%e si')s? 4Remember t)e story o+ La@arus deat) and resurrection in :o)n 11>-&&?6 T)e writer o+ Hebrews te##s us t)at w)en :esus wa#*ed t)e eart) as t)e Son o+ !an" oneway He s)owed His )umanity was by t)e way He prayed> JIn t)e days o+ His +#es) :esusUo++ered up de+inite" specia# petitionsVand supp#ications wit) stron' cryin' and tearsK 4Heb?(>.a A!P6?  JStron' cryin' and tears"K especia##y t)e 8ree* term +or it" 'i%es t)e idea t)at Hecried out #oud#y in prayer" e%en s)outin' and screamin'?( It was t)e sound o+ t)e batt#e+ie#d"a stru''#e o+ #i+e and deat)? In no way was it timid or restrained?  T)e prayer o+ 'roanin' brin's de#i%erance +rom wit)in and pus)es bac* t)e pressures o+ dar*ness +rom wit)out? =a##s o+ resistance toward 8od are wit)in eac) o+ us?=e )ard#y see t)em" and we de+inite#y cannot de#i%er ourse#%es +rom t)em" but t)is *ind o+ prayer is )i')er t)an our understandin'? It is #ar'er t)an our #imited compre)ension" because it bypasses our minds and a##ows t)e Ho#y Spirit to mo%e us into t)e +reedom t)at8od desires?  T)e prayer o+ 'roanin' ori'inates deep wit)in our spirits? It is deep ca##in' untodeep? It brin's re#ease +rom t)e 'ra%e c#ot)es o+ dead wor*s" strippin' us so t)at we mi')t be re-c#ot)ed by t)e Spirit o+ 8od? =e #on' +or e%en a +oretaste o+ t)in's to come" and wewant to be prepared> Jor indeed in t)is )ouse we 'roan" #on'in' to be c#ot)ed wit) ourdwe##in' +rom )ea%enK 42 Cor? (>2 7AS6?  Tra%ai#in' prayer comes be+ore t)e promise is born" but not be+ore t)e promise isconcei%ed? Intimacy wit) 8od a##ows t)e Jconception"K as t)e promise is re%ea#ed andrecei%ed into our spirits? ut tra%ai# is )ow t)e birt) is ac)ie%ed? It opens up t)e way"remo%es t)e )indrances and constraints" and creates a broad J)i')wayK +or 8ods promiseto be s)own +ort) into t)e #i')t o+ day 4see Isa? &B>6?  =)en E#iMa) prayed" )e 'a%e it a## )e )ad 4see :ames (>1.6? =e )a%e a descriptiono+ )is posture)e prayed wit) )is +ace between )is *nees" crouc)ed to t)e eart) 4see 19in's 10>&26? T)at is a tra%ai#in' posture? Its not t)e on#y *ind o+ prayerO its Must one *ind?

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ut its 'ood to be aware o+ it in case t)e Ho#y Spirit brin's you into t)e e$perience or youare in a p#ace 4)ope+u##y a be)ind-t)e-scenes p#ace6 wit) ot)er intercessors w)ere it)appens?  A 'ood e$amp#e o+ t)is *ind o+ prayin' )appened to mea#on' wit) a team o+ men in 130 in Haiti? I )ad 'one t)ere many times" but t)is time I was t)ere wit) my +riend"

!a)es) C)a%da" doin' intercession be+ore" durin'" and a+ter )is times o+ preac)in'? !anymirac#es )ad occurred" and many peop#e )ad come to :esus? =e##" one time" in t)e midd#eo+ t)e ni')t" I went wit) a sma## team up to an out#oo* o%er Port-au-Prince" t)e capita# city?=e +e#t t)at t)e Ho#y Spirit wanted us to 'o t)ere? T)is was bac* w)en :ean-C#aude Jaby/ocK /u%a#ier was dictator o+ t)e country" and )e was as rut)#ess and decadent as )is +at)er 4JPapa /ocK6 )ad been? T)e country )ad su++ered +or so #on'O it )ad become t)e poorestnation in t)e western )emisp)ere?  =e 'ot up in t)e midd#e o+ t)e ni')t and went up to t)e o%er#oo*" burdened +or t)enation o+ Haiti? As a team" we )ad been prayin' and +astin'? T)ere in t)e dar*ness"o%er#oo*in' t)e #i')ts o+ t)e city" tra%ai#in' prayer came upon us #i*e a b#an*et" in a sp#itsecond" as i+ t)e team members were one man? Instant#y" we were prayin' in a'reement in a prayer dimension t)at went beyond our understandin' and pre%ious e$perience? 5ur prayerswent beyond t)e articu#ation o+ natura# speec)? =e were #i*e women in tra%ai#?

  5ur prayers went beyond t)e articu#ation o+ natura# speec)?

  ein' men" none o+ us )ad e%er )ad c)i#dren" so you cou#d ar'ue t)at I dont *noww)at Im ta#*in' about? ut I )ad been wit) my wi+e +our times in t)e birt)in' room" so It)in* I do *now" at #east partia##y" w)at its #i*e? 5ne t)in' I *now about it is t)at" onceyoure underway" you cant bac* up? You cant Must put tra%ai# on Jpause"K e%en i+ you wantto" anymore t)an you can stop #abor and de#i%ery +rom )appenin'? Youre committed to it"and you 'o wit) it" e%en i+ you dont #oo* %ery ca#m" coo#" and co##ected w)i#e its)appenin'?  =e tra%ai#ed unti# t)e Spirit #i+ted" and t)en we went bac* to w)ere we )ad beenstayin'? T)e ne$t day" we )eard t)e news> aby /oc )ad +#ed t)e country? He was 'one")eaded +or e$i#e in rance? His dictators)ip )ad ended? T)is opened a season o+ mercy +ort)e Haitians? It didnt so#%e e%ery prob#em" but t)ey did )a%e t)e +irst democratic e#ectionin t)eir )istory" and t)e ru#e o+ t)e /u%a#ier +ami#y )ad ended?  E TE7ACI5;S

  I want to mention one more t)in'? Tra%ai# ta*es time? You )a%e to be tenacious? Youwi## 'o t)rou') stretc)es w)en you are not cryin' out? In +act" not)in' seems to be)appenin'? Its more #i*e bein' a watc)man on a wa## w)en not)in' is )appenin'? ut youstay t)ere? You dont abandon your post? You *eep a#ert? You dont +#a' in your attention?You perse%ere? You need to be ready i+ t)e Ho#y Spirit is ready?  T)e psa#mist wrote" JI pursued my enemies and o%ertoo* t)em" and I did not turn bac* unti# t)ey were consumedK 4Ps? 10>. 7AS6? =)en did )e Duit =)en t)e batt#e waso%er? He didnt Duit in t)e midd#e" and )e didnt ta*e a brea*?  T)ats w)at Spirit-empowered prayer is #i*e? T)e Ho#y Spirits ener'y does not +#a'?=)en youre prayin' in t)e power o+ t)e Spirit" you wi## not 'i%e up? You wi## be ab#e to 'o+ar beyond your norma# abi#ity to pray" e%en i+ you possess a #ot o+ natura# ener'y and @ea#?You are breat)in' to'et)er" Jcon-spirin'?K As you do it" you 'et better at it? You *eep pursuin' your enemy unti# you o%er ta*e )im" and you *eep #aborin' unti# you )a%e a

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 brea*t)rou')?  =)en you underta*e Spirit-empowered prayer" you operate wit) a watc)mansanointin'? You watc) to see t)in's in t)e Spirit? =)at is t)e enemy up to =)at does 8odwant to do about it You ta*e t)e *eys o+ t)e 9in'dom in your )and" and you bind up t)edar*ness? You we#come t)e Spirit o+ t)e Lords presence? You are %i'i#ant and determined?

You communicate wit) your +e##ow watc)ers? To'et)er" you maintain t)e watc)? at)er" I want to ma*e a di++erence, I want to be one o+ t)e members o+ your

spiritua# armed +orces" and I want to )e#p to brin' in Your 9in'dom by +orce 4see !att?11>126? Anoint me wit) Spirit-empowered prayer power t)at 'oes beyond my natura# mind?Ta*e me +urt)er in prayer t)an I )a%e e%er been be+ore" +or Your 9in'doms sa*e? I want tostorm a'ainst t)e +oe in prayer? Your 9in'dom come" Your wi## be done" on eart) as it is inHea%en? In :esus name" amen? 

About /r? :ames =? 8o##

  /r? :ames =? 8o## is t)e President o+ Encounters 7etwor*" /irector o+ PrayerStorm" and coordinates Encounters A##iance" a coa#ition o+ #eaders? He is t)e ounder o+ t)e8od Encounters Trainin' E-Sc)oo# o+ t)e Heart and )as s)ared :esus in more t)an &Bnations wor#dwide? Teac)in' and impartin' t)e power o+ intercession and prop)eticministry" e$a#tin' C)rist :esus and #i%in' a #i+e +i##ed wit) t)e Ho#y Spirit is His passion?


 1. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th ed.9 s.v.

Conspire;< from atin conspirare.; 4reathed; or

Naphach;< http://www.st&d(light.org/le=/heb/view.cgi>

n&mber?@$1. 2.Aenos;< see


$.Aroanings;< http://www.st&d(light.org/le=/grB/view.cgi>

n&mber?0"2. 0. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 11th

ed.9 s.v. Dervent.; @.isch&ros/forcible9;


Bra&ge/cr(ing9; http://www.st&d(light.org/le=/grB/view.cgi>

n&mber?2!< daBr&/tears9;


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 'ST5CS9 'ST5C8



 by Beni Johnson

  /eep ca##s unto deep at t)e noise o+ Your 

water+a##sO a## Your wa%es and bi##ows)a%e 'one o%er me 4Psa#m &2>.6?

  T)is c)apter is dedicated to t)e mystics" t)e contemp#ati%es" t)ose now and t)osew)o )a%e 'one on be+ore us" t)ose w)o )a%e #i%ed in deep communion wit) t)e T)ree-ness"t)e Trinity? T)e mystics ca## t)eir communion" Jecstasies?K As you read t)is c)apter" my)ope and prayer is t)at you wi## e$perience t)e rea#ms o+ ecstasy" t)e rea#ms w)ere you areca##ed to t)e deep p#aces o+ 8od" and t)at His water wi## +#ow o%er you?  I%e +ound myse#+ bein' drawn to #earnin' as muc) as I can about t)e mystics? Tome" JmysticsK are t)e peop#e w)o )a%e #aid down t)eir entire #i%es to see* a+ter one t)in'"t)e %ery )eart o+ 8od? 5ne o+ t)e t)in's t)at ma*e JmysticsK di++erent +rom ot)er peop#e is

t)at t)ey )a%e on#y one desire" to *now 8od in His +u##ness?  !ystics are peop#e w)o #i%e in ri')t re#ations)ip wit) 8od and w)o )a%e tru#ysurrendered t)emse#%es to *nowin' Him more" no matter w)at t)e cost? !ystics do not see* a+ter +ame" '#ory" or wor#d#y desires" but t)ey )a%e c)osen instead to #ay t)eir entire #i%esdown so t)at t)ey can )ear t)e )eartbeat o+ Hea%en? !ystics are peop#e w)o )a%e acontinua# awareness o+ 8od?

  !ystics see beyond t)is rea#ity and into t)e spirit rea#m?

  !ystics are not satis+ied wit) w)at is in +ront o+ t)em? T)ey want to see more?!ystics see beyond t)is rea#ity and into t)e spirit rea#m?  To t)em" 8od is more rea# t)an #i+e? 8od is t)eir #i+e? !ystics see )ow t)e spirit

rea#m connects wit) t)e wor#d#y rea#ms? In ot)er words" t)ey see )ow and w)ere Hea%en isin%adin' eart)? T)ey ta*e a## o+ t)ose connections" and t)ey put t)em to'et)er and ma*esense o+ it a##? !ystics are ab#e to see into t)e spiritua# rea#m and use it to )e#p de+ine w)atis 'oin' on in t)e eart)#y rea#m? In t)is sense" t)ey )e#p to brin' Hea%en to eart)?  To t)e mystic" t)e spirit rea#m is a sa+e p#ace? To t)em" t)e spiritua# rea#m can o+tenseem more rea# t)an t)e eart)#y rea#m? In +act" a mystic t)ri%es on e$periencin' t)at)ea%en#y rea#m?  T)ere are many di++erent types o+ mystics? 5ne o+ t)ose types is w)at some ca## a

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ca%e dwe##er? T)e /esert at)ers w)o #i%ed as )ermits are o+ten re+erred to as ca%edwe##ers? A ca%e dwe##er #i*es to be a#one wit) 8od and wou#d spend a## o+ )is time a#onewit) 8od i+ )e cou#d? 5nce" w)en I was tra%e#in'" I met a youn' man w)o I instant#y *newwas a ca%e dwe##er? I as*ed )im" and )e a'reed t)at )e was a ca%e dwe##er? I cant rea##ye$p#ain )ow I *new t)at )e was a ca%e dwe##er" but I cou#d Must te##? I cou#d see it in )is eyes

and on )is +ace and a## around )im in t)e spiritua# rea#m? I cou#d te## t)at )e was one w)o pre+erred to spend )is time a#one wit) 8od? I cou#d te## t)at )e was a +riend o+ 8od?  Anot)er type o+ mystic is a seer? A seer is ab#e to see into t)e spiritua# rea#m anddiscern t)e times and seasons t)at we are #i%in' in? 5ne e$amp#e o+ t)at type o+ mystic isob :ones? ob :ones is a seer prop)et?  C577ECTI57 =ITH 85/

  I *now w)en I am rea##y in t)at p#ace w)ere I +ee# comp#ete#y connected to 8od because I )a%e an instant peace? =)en I am in t)at p#ace" it +ee#s as t)ou') e%eryt)in'ma*es sense and becomes JcenteredK in an instant? In t)at p#ace" I e$perience a peace andwarmt) t)at cou#d be described as not)in' but tru#y di%ine? It is a#most sayin' Jaa)))K inmy spirit" sou#" and body? T)ere is not)in' on eart) t)at is #i*e t)at +ee#in'? It is pureecstasy?  I )a%e +ound t)at" because I )a%e spent time in t)e presence o+ 8od and )a%e#earned )ow to access His presence" it )as become easier +or me to connect wit) 8od? And because I )a%e de%e#oped t)at connection" w)en I turn my attention to 8od" I canimmediate#y be'in to +ee# His presence?  ecause I *now w)at it +ee#s #i*e to be connected wit) 8od" I )a%e become muc)more aware o+ )ow it +ee#s w)en I )a%e #ost t)at connection? I )a%e #earned t)at" w)en I amnot wa#*in' in t)at connectin' p#ace wit) 8od w)ere I +ee# His presence" I be'in to +ee#insecure? T)e best way t)at I can describe t)is +ee#in' is t)at" a## o+ a sudden" e%eryt)in' be'ins to +ee# out o+ sorts" and I )a%e to reconnect wit) t)e )eart o+ 8od and His presenceto ma*e e%eryt)in' +ee# #i*e it )as +a##en bac* into its ri')t p#ace a'ain" and once t)in's +a## bac* into p#ace" t)ey become Jri')t#y +itted?K  Anot)er way t)at I can te## i+ Im not at t)at connectin' p#ace wit) 8od is t)at I be'in to #et outside in+#uences a++ect my emotions" my spirit man" and my decisions because I am not connected to w)at is tru#y rea#? J=)i#e we do not #oo* at t)e t)in's w)ic)are seen" but at t)e t)in's w)ic) are not seen" +or t)e t)in's w)ic) are seen are temporary" but t)e t)in's w)ic) are not seen are eterna#K 42 Cor? &>106?  =)en we connect wit) 8od" we ma*e ourse#%es aware t)at He is ri')t t)ere a## t)etime? And I )a%e #earned t)at I can e$perience t)at rea#ity o+ t)e presence o+ 8od no matterw)ere I am or w)at I am doin'? It is an awareness t)at He is ri')t t)ere w)en I am in mycar" w)i#e I am ta*in' a wa#*" or p#ayin' wit) my 'randc)i#dren? And because I )a%e spenttime wit) 8od" +ocusin' on His presence" I )a%e +ound t)at I now )a%e access to an instantconnection?  !YSTICSS;PER A7/ 7AT;RAL

  To me" t)e mystics are Must norma# peop#e? T)ey are norma# peop#e consumed by t)e presence o+ 8od? T)ey are norma# peop#e w)o enMoy bein' wit) 8od and w)o *now )ow tomo%e in and out o+ t)e secret p#ace?  I used to t)in* o+ mystics as peop#e w)o Must stayed sec#uded wit) 8od and )idt)emse#%es away +rom ot)er peop#e and +rom t)e wor#d? ut many o+ t)e mystics did not

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stay sec#uded? In +act" a #ot o+ t)em #i%ed in t)e wor#d and touc)ed t)e wor#d? Saints Patric*and Co#umba are e$amp#es o+ two mystics w)o c)ose to impact t)e wor#d around t)emwit) t)e 9in'dom o+ 8od? T)ese two men were 'reat e%an'e#ists w)o mo%ed in si'ns andwonders? A#t)ou') t)ey #i%ed +or t)e )eartbeat o+ Hea%en" t)ey a#so c)ose to brin' t)e9in'dom o+ Hea%en to t)e eart)? T)ey *new )ow to touc) t)e at)ers )eart" yet t)ey

mo%ed amon' t)e peop#e and ministered? And a #on' time a'o" I decided t)at" i+ t)ey can do bot)" I can do bot)?  A #ot o+ times" w)en peop#e t)in* o+ mystics" t)ey t)in* o+ sec#uded peop#e w)o runaway +rom e%eryt)in'" but t)at is not a#ways t)e case? Some o+ t)e peop#e w)om I wou#ddescribe as modern-day mystics #i%e e$treme#y norma# #i%es? Some o+ t)e most mystica# peop#e I *now today are ab#e to +unction in t)e wor#d around t)em" e%en t)ou') t)ey spendmuc) o+ t)eir time #i%in' in t)e spiritua# rea#m? T)ey 'et t)eir #i+e and t)eir breat) +rom t)esecret p#ace? T)e most important t)in' to t)em is see*in' t)e +ace o+ 8od" and t)ey )a%e adesire and a passion to *now w)at 8od is doin' and to )ear w)at He is sayin'? T)ey aredesperate to )ear t)e )eartbeat o+ Hea%en? =it)out t)at connection wit) Hea%en" t)ey be'into +ee# unba#anced?  T)e mystics are no di++erent t)an you and me? T)ey are e%eryday peop#e w)o )a%ec)osen to #ay t)eir #i%es down to see* a+ter 8od? T)ey do not #imit 8od? !ystics see* a+ter8od wit) t)eir w)o#e )earts? T)ey 'o be+ore 8od and say" J8od" You are a## t)at I desire? 7o matter w)at it #oo*s #i*e" or w)at it costs me" I must )a%e more o+ You?K T)e )eart cryo+ t)e mystic is" JTa*e t)e wor#d but 'i%e me You?K  In t)e ib#e" 9in' /a%id was a mystic? /a%id did t)in's way be+ore )is time? ore$amp#e" /a%id opened up wors)ip +or e%erybody? He opened it up +or peop#e to wors)ipand be wit) 8od in t)e tabernac#e? He made wors)ip a%ai#ab#e? He said" we can a## do t)is?  A mystica# person w)o is in a ri')t re#ations)ip wit) 8od and )uman*ind wi##natura##y open t)e 'ates +or ot)er peop#e to 'o to t)e same p#aces in t)e spiritua# rea#m t)at)e or s)e )as disco%ered? =e see t)is in Psa#m 2.>&" w)en /a%id cries" J5ne t)in' I )a%edesired o+ t)e Lord" t)at wi## I see*> t)at I may dwe## in t)e )ouse o+ t)e Lord a## o+ t)e dayso+ my #i+e" to be)o#d t)e beauty o+ t)e Lord and to inDuire in His temp#e?K  T)ere are so many t)in's t)at we can '#ean +rom t)e #i+e o+ /a%id? =)en we readt)e ib#e" we can see t)at /a%id made a #ot o+ mista*es? ut Pau# writes" Duotin' +rom t)e5#d Testament" in Acts 1>22" about 8od sayin' o+ /a%id" JI )a%e +ound /a%id t)e son o+:esse" a man a+ter !y own )eart" w)o wi## do a## !y wi##?K /a%id was a man a+ter t)e )earto+ 8od? He pursued t)e Lord and His presence and was desperate to intimate#y *now t)e)eart o+ 8od? /a%id was Must a man? ut )e )ad a )eart a+ter 8od? And /a%ids )eart a+ter8od )ad t)at mystica# essence to it? =e can see t)at in )is writin' o+ t)e Psa#ms" in )isearnest desire to be one wit) )is !a*er and to be *nown by His 8od? T)is is t)e )eart cryo+ t)e mystic> to be one wit) 8od?  THE 57E7ESS

  =)en I spend time in t)e secret p#ace" a#one wit) 8od" I become so wrapped up inHis presence t)at e%ery ot)er desire #oses its importance to me? =)en I a##ow His presenceto consume me" I surrender myse#+ so comp#ete#y to His wi## t)at my desires be'in to #ineup wit) His? I become +u##y en'u#+ed in His presence" #ost in a sea o+ His beauty" andcapti%ated by His #o%e? In t)at p#ace is t)e +u##ness o+ Moy" t)e +u##ness o+ peace" t)e +u##nesso+ #o%e" and t)e +u##ness o+ acceptance? In t)at p#ace" I become one wit) Him? And in t)at p#ace" I )a%e +ound myse#+ Jcau')t upK in many di++erent types o+ mystica# e$periences?

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  8od wants us to understand His wor#d and His 9in'dom? He wants us to *now a##about Him and to *now Him intimate#y? He wants to te## us His secrets and to s)are His)eart wit) us? 5+ten" w)en we e$perience t)ese t)in's" t)ey come t)rou') mystica#

e$periences? !ystica# e$periences are o+ten di++icu#t +or our eart)#y minds to compre)end?It is as t)ou') t)ey come +rom anot)er wor#d" secrets w)ispered to us +rom abo%e?  Se%era# years a'o in one o+ our ser%ices" I )ad an encounter wit) Hea%en t)at Iwou#d describe as a mystica# e$perience? /urin' t)is e$perience" t)e Lord too* me into a%ision w)ere I wa#*ed out onto a beauti+u# rid'e? T)ere was a so+t #i')t o%er t)e rid'e? As Iwa#*ed out onto t)is rid'e" I saw" o++ to t)e ri')t o%er#oo*in' a %ast %a##ey" :esus sittin'? I#oo*ed into t)e %a##ey? It went on +ore%er? T)ere seemed to be no end to t)e %a##ey? In t)e%a##ey were t)ousands o+ peop#e Must standin'? T)e best way to describe t)em was t)at t)ey#oo*ed #i*e dead men wa#*in'? T)ey )ad t)e +orm o+ )umans but were empty inside? T)e+unny t)in' is t)at t)ey were a## )o#din' suitcases? As I #oo*ed on" I rea#i@ed t)at t)ey werestartin' to ascend to t)e top o+ t)e rid'e one at a time? As t)e +irst man came up t)e rid'e")e came and stood ri')t in +ront o+ me? T)e +ee#in' was t)at t)ey were in desperate need"+or t)ey were dead inside? T)ey needed someone to )e#p t)em? ut" at t)e same time" t)eydidnt *now t)at t)ey needed )e#p?

  T)ey didnt *now t)at t)ey needed )e#p?

  I #oo*ed o%er at :esus and didnt understand w)y He wasnt comin' to )e#p? T)erewas no %erba# communication between :esus" but we communicated spirit-to-Spirit" w)ic) It)in* o+ as Spirit ta#*? As I #oo*ed to :esus" out +rom be)ind Him came +#yin' t)e Ho#ySpirit? He was not in )uman +orm but in a b#ue-w)ite ener'y +orm? He was t)is ama@in'+orm o+ ener'y t)at +#ew in e%ery direction? He came ri')t to t)e dead man and be'an +#yin'and swir#in' around )im? :esus communicated to me at t)at moment t)at it was myresponsibi#ity to )e#p t)e man? =)at )e )ad in )is suitcase was t)e *ey +or )e#p? I reac)eddown and opened t)e suitcase and pu##ed out c#ot)in'? T)e c#ot)in' was spirit c#ot)in'? Itwas destiny" )is persona# 'i+tin's" and w)o t)is man rea##y was? I Must be'an dressin' )im"and t)e Ho#y Spirit was eDuippin' )im by swir#in' around )im? As I dressed )im in w)o )ewas ca##ed to be" t)e deat) #e+t )im? He was a#i%e in spirit? T)at was t)e end o+ t)e %ision?T)e %ision +i##ed me wit) a #ot o+ emotion? T)e t)in' t)at was impressed on me t)e mostwas my partnerin' wit) t)e Ho#y Spirit w)o is #i')t and ener'y?  I%e t)ou')t about t)at %ision many times? I rea#i@e now t)at in t)e %ision :esusdidnt do anyt)in' because He a#ready )ad done it on t)e cross? T)e Ho#y Spirit came because t)e Ho#y Spirit was sent to )e#p us? I #earned in t)at %ision t)at t)e Ho#y Spirit iswi#d and +u## o+ )ea%en#y ener'y? He ne%er stops? He is a#ways on t)e mo%e? Im sot)an*+u# +or t)at %ision because it 'a%e me more understandin' o+ t)e Trinity? =)en 8od'i%es us %isions and dreams" it is to 'i%e us instruction and re%e#ation into His rea#m? It is tounderstand t)at deep rea#m o+ t)e Spirit? JI wi## 'i%e you t)e treasures o+ dar*ness and)idden ric)es o+ secret p#aces t)at you may *now t)at I" t)e Lord" w)o ca## you by yourname" Am t)e 8od o+ Israe#K 4Isa? &(>6?  LET THE =ALLS C5!E /5=7

  Some peop#e +ear t)e intimate p#aces o+ t)e Lord? T)ey are a+raid t)at 8od is not'ood and t)at He wont protect t)em? T)ey +ear t)e t)in's o+ 8od and t)e spiritua# rea#m?

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As a resu#t" t)ey put up wa##s to 8od because t)ey are a+raid? ut w)en we come to a p#acew)ere we tru#y be#ie%e t)at 8od is 'ood" t)at He is our )ea%en#y at)er" we can put t)ose+ears aside and di%e into new rea#ms o+ t)e Spirit and be'in to e$perience t)e +u##ness o+ t)e'oodness o+ 8od?  /IERE7T TYPES 5 PRAYER 

  T)ere are so many di++erent types o+ prayer and so many di++erent ways to pray? I'rew up be#ie%in' t)at i+ I was 'oin' to pray" I )ad to use words? I )a%e disco%ered t)at ison#y one +orm o+ prayer? T)ere are many ot)er +orms o+ prayer? 5+ten w)en I am in prayer"I do not use words at a##? And sometimes w)en I am in t)at p#ace" t)e Lord brin's me intodi++erent types o+ prayer or intercessory e$periences w)ere t)e way t)at I pray be'ins toc)an'e? I do not 'o see*in' t)ese e$periences out" but sometimes w)en I am in t)at p#ace"t)ey come upon me? Some o+ t)ose di++erent types o+ prayer inc#ude tra%ai#" broodin'"ecstasies" and types o+ contemp#ati%e prayer?  TRAAIL

  5ne type o+ prayer is tra%ai#? Tra%ai# is a type o+ prayer w)ere a person J#aborsK in prayer? A 'reat e$amp#e o+ tra%ai# is w)at :esus did in t)e 8arden o+ 8et)semane? In Lu*e22>&& it says" Jein' in a'ony" He prayed more earnest#y? T)en )is sweat became #i*e 'reatdrops o+ b#ood +a##in' down to t)e 'round?K Tra%ai# is an intense +ee#in' o+ 'i%in' birt) tosomet)in'? /urin' tra%ai#" your prayers are deep cries and 'roans t)at come +rom yourinner man? T)ere are times w)en a## t)at you can do is act out in a p)ysica# way w)at is)appenin' in t)e spirit rea#m? T)ese p)ysica# acts become prop)etic? T)ey become t)e %eryt)in' t)at wi## cause a re#ease to come in w)at you are prayin' +or?  It may be easier to describe w)at tra%ai# is wit) an e$amp#e? 5ne e%enin' at c)urc)"i## and I bot) noticed one o+ t)e youn' #adies w)o was )a%in' a di++icu#t time? At t)e time"s)e was in c#ose re#ations)ip wit) someone w)o )ad been dia'nosed wit) cancer? T)eyoun' #ady came o%er to us and be'an to cry and s)a*e? I *new immediate#y t)at s)e wasmo%in' into tra%ai#? I *new it was not somet)in' t)at s)e )ad pic*ed because it is not in )er  persona#ity at a##? I e$p#ained to )er w)at was )appenin' and to#d )er t)at s)e was intra%ai#? I prayed wit) )er t)rou') t)e entire process and #et )er tra%ai# t)rou') t)e rest o+t)e wors)ip ser%ice? I sat wit) )er as deep 'roans came up out o+ )er? A+ter a #itt#e w)i#e" I*new t)at s)e needed to be re#eased +rom t)e tra%ai#" and I to#d )er to re#ease t)e prayer burden t)at s)e was e$periencin' bac* to 8od? As soon as s)e re#eased t)e burden bac* to8od" you cou#d see t)e re#ease come o%er )er? T)e youn' #ady as*ed me i+ s)e cou#d useone o+ t)e +#a's and 'o up on t)e p#at+orm? T)is was so out o+ c)aracter +or )er t)at I *newit was 8od? S)e went up on sta'e and used t)e +#a' as wors)ip? =)en s)e did t)is" I +e#t #i*et)ere was a re#ease +or )er and t)at t)is was somet)in' s)e needed to dosomet)in' in t)e p)ysica# rea#m as t)e +ruit o+ w)at )ad Must )appened in t)e spiritua# rea#m? S)e did notcarry t)at tra%ai# or t)e )ea%iness anymoreO s)e )ad re#eased it and 'i%en it to 8od?  Let me 'i%e you anot)er e$amp#e o+ tra%ai#? :ames 8o##" an itinerant minister" was%isitin' our c)urc) years a'o +or a con+erence? /urin' t)e con+erence" :ames came up tome and ca##ed me a weepin' intercessor? At t)at point in my #i+e" it was #i*e re+res)in'water to my spirit to )ear t)ose words? He was ri')t w)en )e ca##ed it out to me? I +e#t #i*et)at was a## I was doin'" Must cryin' in tra%ai# a## o+ t)e time? I was as*in' 8od" J=)y am Idoin' a## t)is cryin'K !any o+ us +ee# 8od in di++erent ways? And sometimes we s)ow p)ysica# mani+estations o+ t)ose +ee#in's? =)en I +ee# 8od" I usua##y cry? It cou#d )a%e been

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 because I was +ee#in' His Moy and I was cryin' tears o+ Moy" or sometimes I was +ee#in' Hisstron' presence and His desire or His #o%e +or t)e wor#d? ee#in' His #o%e +or t)is wor#d is a%ery intense +ee#in' and wi## undo you e%ery time? His #o%e is %ast and 'reat and t)osewords dont come c#ose to describin' His #o%e +or us?

  ee#in' His #o%e +or t)is wor#d is a %ery intense +ee#in' and wi## undo you e%ery


  Sometimes" w)en a person is in tra%ai#" it can a#most appear as i+ s)e is in t)e process o+ c)i#dbirt)? I remember a #ot o+ peop#e were +a##in' into tra%ai#in' prayer durin't)e #ate 3Bs w)en t)ere was so muc) c)an'e t)at was ta*in' p#ace in t)e spiritua#atmosp)ere o+ t)e C)urc)? I cou#d +ee# it a##? It was ama@in' to +ee# and see w)at 8od wasdoin'? It was a pus)in' in t)e spiritua# rea#m? At t)e c)urc)" we were )a%in' prayermeetin's durin' t)e wee*? T)ere were meetin's t)at were +i##ed wit) tra%ai# and 'reatce#ebration? Peop#e in t)e c)urc) cou#d +ee# w)at was )appenin'? I dont *now i+ weunderstood a## t)at was )appenin'" but we *new t)at 8od was doin' somet)in' rea##y bi'?T)ere were p)ysica# prop)etic acts o+ #abor at times in t)ese meetin's? It #oo*ed as t)ou')t)ey were birt)in' t)e t)in's o+ t)e Lord in t)eir prayers? Some peop#e wou#d )a%e w)at wea++ectionate#y ca##ed Jt)e crunc)es?K In one o+ our ser%ices I remember t)ere were se%era#o+ us women w)o be'an to doub#e o%er wit) #abor type symptoms? It #oo*ed #i*e we were)a%in' contractions?  /urin' t)at season" we spent )ours #au')in' and cryin' to'et)er? Litt#e did we *noww)at 8od wou#d be estab#is)in' in t)e years to come? =e +e#t it but didnt )a%e comp#etede+inition +or it?  Tra%ai# is a deep ca##in' in your spirit? E%eryt)in' in you is e$p#odin' wit)'roanin's t)at words cant e$press? It s)a*es your %ery core? Psa#m &2>. says> 

/eep ca##s to deep at t)e sound o+ Your water+a##sO A## Your brea*ers and Yourwa%es )a%e ro##ed o%er me 47AS6?  T)in* about t)is %erse? 8ods sound" #i*e water+a##s" )as ca##ed you to t)e deep p#aceO a## o+ His brea*ers and wa%es ro## o%er you? I+ and w)en t)is )appens" you become amess? You become a comp#ete mess +or 8od? It ma*es you cry out +or 8od a## t)e more?;n+ortunate#y" some peop#e can #et t)emse#%es stay in t)at p#ace o+ tra%ai# #on' a+ter t)eLord )as ca##ed t)em to it? I+ t)ey are not care+u#" t)ey can and wi## carry t)e +ee#in's o+ t)atrea#m and turn t)em into sou# +ee#in's" w)ic) wi## on#y #ead to sorrow? I cant te## you )owmany intercessors )a%e ended up consumed by wor#d#y sorrow? =e )a%e to understand t)att)e de%i# does not p#ay +air? He wi## ta*e a %ery anointed time and twist it and turn it" andyou wi## +ind yourse#+ in a state o+ depression because you carried sorrow +or too #on'? Ins)ort" somet)in' birt)ed by t)e Spirit can become +#es)#y i+ we are not care+u#?  R55/I78

  T)ere are times w)en t)e Ho#y Spirit 'i%es us speci+ic t)in's to pray +or? And t)eywont 'o away? T)at is broodin'" a type o+ prayer w)ere we Jsit onK or Jponder o%erK anissue t)at we are prayin' about?  I t)ou')t I wou#d use t)is prayer too# one day w)en I )ad a mot)er come to me andas* +or prayer +or )er son w)o was in prison? He needed 8od? So I s)ared wit) )er aboutt)is broodin' o+ t)e Ho#y Spirit? =e prayed and as*ed t)at t)e Ho#y Spirit wou#d come and brood o%er and around )im" to cause #i+e to come to )im? A s)ort time a+ter t)at" s)e came

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 bac* to me and to#d me t)at )er son )ad 'i%en )is #i+e to t)e Lord? I remember t)in*in'"JT)at was +ast?K So" I be'an usin' t)at w)ene%er a parent wou#d come and as* +or prayer+or a c)i#d? 5n one occasion" I )ad a +at)er come w)o was so bro*en o%er )is dau')tersc)oices +or )er #i+e? S)e )ad turned away +rom 8od? As we prayed" we re#eased t)e Ho#ySpirit to come and brood o%er )er so t)at s)e wou#d +ee# t)e presence o+ t)e Ho#y Spirit? He

came to me t)e ne$t wee* wit) a 'reat report? He )ad met wit) )er a+ter a wee*" and t)eywent +or a wa#*? S)e opened up and to#d )im" JI dont *now w)at you did" /ad" but I )a%e+e#t 8od t)is wee*? It is #i*e He is ri')t ne$t to me?K  =)en t)e Ho#y Spirit Jmo%esK o%er %oid" empty t)in's" #i+e can be t)e on#y resu#t?=)en we are in t)is p#ace o+ broodin'" we stay %ery +ocused in our prayers? =e are dri%en by Hea%en to see an answer come? 

T)e eart) was wit)out +orm" and %oidO and dar*ness was on t)e +ace o+ t)e deep?And t)e Spirit o+ 8od was )o%erin' o%er t)e +ace o+ t)e waters 48enesis 1>26?  =)en we brood" we brin' t)e issues Junder our win'sK so to spea* and *eep t)emc#ose to our )earts and pray unti# t)e birt) comes? In )is boo* Intercessory Prayer" /utc)S)eets 'i%es a 'reat word study on t)e word )o%erin'?1 It is a creati%e word? =)en t)e Ho#ySpirit J)o%eredK or Jmo%edK or Jbrooded o%er"K it produced #i+e w)ere t)ere was %oid"not)in'ness? T)e word )o%er is used as a term +or w)en a )en broods o%er )er c)ic*s?  AY CHIC9S

  Let me te## you a story to i##ustrate t)is broodin' prayer? Years a'o" w)en ourc)i#dren were youn'" we decided t)at we wou#d raise some c)ic*ens? It was so muc) +un?T)e *ids and I wou#d race to t)e pen to see )ow many e''s we cou#d co##ect? 5ne mornin'I noticed t)at one o+ t)e )ens was sittin' on )er e''s? So e%ery mornin'" we wou#d #oo*inside t)e nest to see t)e pro'ress? =e were so e$cited and waited an$ious#y +or t)e newc)ic*s? 5ne %ery co#d mornin' as I wa#*ed into t)e pen" t)e mama )en stood up and out+rom )er win's +e## two #itt#e c)ic*s? S)e )ad birt)ed t)em" and t)ey were ama@in'? I t)in*about t)at picture o+ten w)en it comes to prayer?  !any times t)at is w)at we are doin' w)en we intercede? =e are broodin' o%ersomet)in'" causin' #i+e to come? I ne%er saw t)ose e''s w)i#e t)at mama was sittin'? T)eywere )idden away? It was a secret p#ace? T)at )en was protectin' t)ose c)ic*s wit) a## o+)er mi')t? Can you see t)e Moy o+ anticipation in t)e broodin' process Yes its wor* and itta*es endurance" but t)ere is an e$citement because you *now t)at t)e answer is comin'?T)at mama )en Must sat and waited? =e do t)e same? =e wait and protect" creatin' t)eatmosp)ere t)at enab#es t)e birt) to )appen? =)at Moy,  CA;SE A7/ EECT

  I )ad a +riend come to me and te## me t)at s)e saw t)at I was prayin' +or t)reet)in's? T)e picture s)e saw was o+ a )en t)at was broodin' o%er )er e''s? =)en s)e to#dme t)is" it )e#ped me identi+y w)at I was +ee#in' about t)ree di++erent t)in's t)at I )ad been prayin' about? I was producin' or creatin' somet)in' in my prayers t)at was causin' #i+e tocome" t)at was causin' an answer? Its cause and e++ect? Cause and e++ectt)e way perspecti%es" obMecti%es" andor measures interact in a series o+ cause-and-e++ectre#ations)ipsdemonstrates t)e impact o+ ac)ie%in' an outcome? You are t)e ri')t personat t)e ri')t time causin' increase as you pray? !any times intercessors +ee# t)at t)ey are)o%erin' o%er an issue t)at t)e at)er is birt)in' in t)em? T)ey can actua##y +ee# t)e #i+e

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comin' as t)ey pray?  Sometimes t)e Ho#y Spirit wi## )a%e us Jbrood o%erK a topic t)at we are prayin'about? or me" a #ot o+ t)e t)in's t)at I +ind myse#+ Jbroodin' o%erK are issues o+ more'#oba# concern? =)en t)is )appens" 8od wi## re#ease prayer strate'ies to me #itt#e by #itt#e"and I wi## sit on t)at t)in' unti# I see t)e answer? And I *now w)en it )as been Jbirt)edK

 because I see t)e answer come? Sometimes" w)at I see is a process o+ answers or a pro'ression o+ answered prayer? or e$amp#e" sometimes I wi## )ear about an answer o+somet)in' t)at I )a%e been broodin' o%er in a news story or in a casua# con%ersation? Ima*e sure t)at" w)en I am broodin' o%er somet)in'" I continua##y #oo* +or an answer because I *now t)at 8od a#ways answers my prayers? I e$pect it?  REATH PRAYERS

  T)ere are some prayers t)at seem to come up out o+ your inner se#+? I ca## t)ese breat) prayers? T)eyre not #on' prayers" but t)ey are spirit-breat)ed? !any times w)en Isoa* in 8ods presence" I wi## e$perience t)is breat)? It wi## start deep inside o+ me and stirme to w)ere my own breat) is ta*en away? !any times t)ere are no words t)at come" on#y breat)in' Him in and breat)in' my prayers out?  A THI7 PLACE

  A t)in p#ace is a p#ace w)ere Hea%en and eart) are c#ose? It is easier to e$periencet)e spiritua# rea#m in t)ese p#aces? A #ot o+ times" you can te## w)en you are in a Jt)in p#aceK because t)ere are a #ot o+ spiritua# or creati%e peop#e w)o are 'at)ered t)ere?E$amp#es o+ t)is inc#ude Sedona" Ari@onaO As)#and" 5re'onO and many parts o+ Ire#and"w)ic) is *nown +or its t)in p#aces? In contemp#ati%e prayer" you disco%er t)at t)eatmosp)ere around you becomes t)in to t)e point t)at t)ere is no di%ision between Hea%enand eart)? A +riend and I were wa#*in' down a trai# one day to %isit a water site t)at wewanted to pray at? =e were prayin' as we wa#*ed? ot) o+ us at t)e same time ran ri')t intoa t)in p#ace? =e bot) stopped and said" J=ow? /o you +ee# t)atK =e +e#t #i*e we )ad Mustentered into a p#ace w)ere our wor#d and t)e rea#m o+ Hea%en co##ided? =e 'ot so drun* int)e Spirit +rom wa#*in' into t)at t)in p#ace t)at we cou#d )ard#y ma*e it t)e rest o+ t)e waydown t)e tria#?  /AR9 7I8HT 5 THE S5;L

  T)ere are times in our #i%es t)at we 'o t)rou') rea##y )ard stu++? =e can do one o+two t)in's> run away +rom 8od or run to Him? I%e +ound t)at runnin' to Him is t)e on#yanswer? /urin' t)is dar* ni')t o+ t)e sou# 8od a##ows us to come to a bro*enness t)at brin's us to comp#ete surrender? I+ we turn to Him in surrender and re#ease e%eryt)in' toHim" a peace wi## come and sett#e deep in us? It wi## +ee# #i*e an oi# o+ )ea#in' bein' pouredo%er and in us? T)e sweetness o+ t)is peace wi## ta*e away t)e bro*enness?  T)ere are ot)er times t)at we are in 'reat tra%ai# o%er somet)in'? T)e burden o+ t)iscan +ee# so o%erpowerin' t)at we +ee# as t)ou') we cou#d die? T)ese are times t)at we needto stay %ery c#ose and continua##y 'i%e Him t)e burden? =e need to turn t)e dar* ni')t o+t)e sou# o%er to Him? T)e wor#d doesnt need our sadnessO t)ey need our Moy?  ECSTASIES

  An ecstasy cou#d be de+ined as a period o+ time in prayer w)en t)e awareness o+ t)esou# is suspended and t)e on#y +ocus t)at t)e person )as is t)e incredib#e presence o+ t)e

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Lord?  Sometimes my on#y prayer is" J8od I want to be one wit) you?K T)e on#y desire o+my )eart is to *now Him and be *nown by Him? =)en I am in t)at p#ace" sometimes I +indmyse#+ s#ippin' into t)e ecstasies o+ 8od? =)en I s#ip into t)e ecstasies o+ 8od" I s#ip intoan eterna# rea#m w)ere I become so consumed by t)e presence o+ 8od t)at it +ee#s #i*e I

cease to e$ist outside o+ His 'oodness? In t)at p#ace" I become comp#ete#y consumed byHim? In t)at p#ace" I become comp#ete#y *nown by Him? In t)at p#ace" I become one wit)Him?  5ne mystic w)o was o+ten swept up into JecstasiesK was St? Teresa o+ A%i#a? Aut)or o+ 4amon' ot)er boo*s and writin's6 Interior Cast#e" a c#assic boo* about union wit) 8odand contemp#ati%e prayer" Teresa o+ A%i#a was a Spanis) mystic w)o #i%ed +rom 1(1(-1(02?Here is )ow s)e described )er e$perience o+ union wit) 8od> 

It p#eased our Lord t)at I s)ou#d see t)e +o##owin' %ision a number o+ times? I sawan an'e# near me" on t)e #e+t side" in bodi#y +orm? T)is I am not wont to see" sa%e %eryrare#yV? In t)is %ision it p#eased t)e Lord t)at I s)ou#d see it t)us? He was not ta##" buts)ort" mar%e#ous#y beauti+u#" wit) a +ace w)ic) s)one as t)ou') )e were one o+ t)e )i')esto+ t)e an'e#s" w)o seem to be a## o+ +ire> t)ey must be t)ose w)om we ca## Serap)imV? Isaw in )is )ands a #on' 'o#den spear" and at t)e point o+ t)e iron t)ere seemed to be a #itt#e+ire? T)is I t)ou')t t)at )e t)rust se%era# times into my )eart" and t)at it penetrated to myentrai#s? =)en )e drew out t)e spear )e seemed to be drawin' t)em wit) it" #ea%in' me a##on +ire wit) a wondrous #o%e +or 8od? T)e pain was so 'reat t)at it caused me to utterse%era# moansO and yet so e$ceedin' sweet is t)is 'reatest o+ pains t)at it is impossib#e todesire to be rid o+ it" or +or t)e sou# to be content wit) #ess t)an 8od? 2


  Contemp#ati%e prayer is an inner prayer" a spirit-to-spirit prayer" a +orm o+meditation" a dwe##in' on Him? I cou#d a#so de+ine contemp#ati%e prayer as an awareness o+ 8od? A #ot o+ t)e di++erent types o+ prayer a#ready mentioned in t)is boo* are types o+contemp#ati%e prayer? =)en I am in a p#ace o+ contemp#ati%e prayer" I wou#d say t)at I amin a p#ace w)ere I am aware o+ t)e presence o+ 8od?  I +ind myse#+ +a##in' into contemp#ati%e prayer w)en I Duiet myse#+ be+ore 8od" andI start by Must adorin' Him? or me" I simp#y be)o#d t)e 'oodness o+ 8od" and I +ind myse#+ s#ippin' away wit) Him? I dont 'et t)ere by stress or stri%in'O it is simp#y by surrenderin'to His presence? 

Readin' see*s" meditation +inds 4meanin'6" prayer demands" contemp#ation tastes48od6? 

Readin' pro%ides so#id +ood" meditation masticates 4c)ews6O prayer ac)ie%es asa%orO contemp#ation is t)e sweetness t)at re+res)es? 

Readin' is on t)e sur+aceO meditation 'ets to t)e inner substanceO prayer demands by desireO contemp#ation e$periences by de#i')t? Teresa o+ A%i#a

  Some peop#e" w)en contemp#atin' 8od" wi## ta*e a %erse or word pertainin' to 8od"#i*e His 'reatness" and be'in to meditate on it? As t)ey put t)emse#%es in t)is Duiet p#ace"t)ey be'in to )a%e an awareness o+ 8od and His presence indwe##in' t)em? T)is is w)ere

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words arent important anymoreO its communication o+ t)e Spirit *ind? T)ere are manyw)o" +rom t)is p#ace" wi## be'in to )a%e )ea%en#y e$periences?  !E/ITATI57

  orma# C)ristian meditation be'an wit) t)e ear#y C)ristian monastic practice o+

readin' t)e ib#e s#ow#y? !on*s wou#d care+u##y consider t)e deeper meanin' o+ eac) %erseas t)ey read it? T)is s#ow and t)ou')t+u# readin' o+ Scripture" and t)e ensuin' ponderin' o+its meanin'" was t)eir meditation? T)is spiritua# practice is ca##ed Jdi%ine readin'"K or #ectiodi%ina? 

Sometimes t)e mon*s +ound t)emse#%es spontaneous#y prayin' as a resu#t o+ t)eirmeditation on Scripture" and t)eir prayer wou#d in turn #ead on to a simp#e" #o%in' +ocus on8od? T)is word#ess #o%e +or 8od t)ey ca##ed contemp#ation? 

T)e pro'ression +rom ib#e readin'" to meditation" to prayer" to #o%in' re'ard +or8od" was +irst +orma##y described by 8ui'o II" a Cart)usian mon* and prior o+ 8randeC)artreuse in t)e 12t) century? 8ui'o named t)e +our steps o+ t)is J#adderK o+ prayer wit)t)e Latin terms #ectio" meditatio" oratio" and contemp#atio?&

  A## o+ t)ese peop#e )ad t)e same t)in' in common> a passion and +ire wit)in to see*a+ter 8od? =e cant be a+raid to enter t)is rea#m wit) 8od? =e cant be a+raid t)at it mi')t be somet)in' demonic? or years in t)e C)urc)" meditation )as been misunderstood assomet)in' t)at be#on's on#y to di++erent cu#ts? Listen" many o+ t)e t)in's in cu#ts are Must per%ersions o+ t)e rea#? T)e practice o+ meditation" in many cu#ts" is t)e practice o+emptyin' your )ead o+ a## t)in's? T)at is w)at t)ey ca## meditation? As be#ie%ers" w)en wemeditate on t)e Lord" we are actua##y +i##in' our )eads wit) t)e wonders o+ 8od and His'reatness? 

e an'ry" and do not sin? !editate wit)in your )eart on your bed" and be sti##? Se#a)4Psa#m &>&6?  y now you )a%e +i'ured out t)at )a%in' an intimate re#ations)ip wit) t)e T)ree-ness" t)e Ho#y Trinity" is %ita# in an intercessors #i+e? =e must #earn to *now t)e at)er" t)eSon" and t)e Ho#y Spirit? ein' ri')teous is bein' in ri')t standin' wit) 8od" t)e Trinity?T)e ib#e says t)at t)e e++ecti%e" +er%ent prayers o+ a ri')teous man a%ai#s 4pro+its6 muc)4see :ames (>16? T)e !essa'e ib#e says it t)is way> JT)e prayer o+ a person #i%in' ri')twit) 8od is somet)in' power+u# to be rec*oned wit)?K =e must )a%e an on'oin're#ations)ip wit) t)e Trinity and be constant in our pursuit o+ t)is )ea%en#y presence? =emust e$perience t)e 8od)ead?  L5SE Y5;RSEL I7 HI!

  A## o+ t)e words in t)is boo* come down to one t)in'> time spent wit) 8od? T)ere isa p#ace in a## o+ us t)at cannot be +i##ed wit) anyt)in' but 8od? Its a deep p#ace +or us todwe## wit) our )ea%en#y at)er? In order +or us to 'et to t)is p#ace" we must Duiet ourse#%esinside and #earn to *now and +ee# Him?  Toni')t" as you #ay your )ead on your pi##ow" #et a## o+ t)e stu++ +rom your day Must+a## o++" and be'in to t)in* on Him? !editate in your )eart about His 'oodness? Read a%erse or pic* a word t)at describes Him and be'in to connect your spirit wit) His? Ta*esome time and practice bein' sti## be+ore Him? =ords wont be necessary? 5ne o+ t)e

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 proposed meanin's o+ t)e word se#a) is Jto pause and ponder?K Ponder t)e t)in's o+ 8od?As you practice t)is" you wi## soon be #ost and cau')t up in His presence? You wi## be'in tounderstand His wor#d? 

About i## and eni :o)nson

  i## and eni :o)nson are t)e Senior Pastors o+ et)e# C)urc)? To'et)er t)ey ser%ea 'rowin' number o+ c)urc)es t)at )a%e partnered +or re%i%a#? eni o%ersees et)e#sintercessors and Prayer House? Her approac) to intercession ma*es supernatura# connectionwit) t)e Lord accessib#e to a##? i## and eni )a%e t)ree c)i#dren and t)eir spouses? T)eya#so )a%e ei')t 'randc)i#dren?


 1.7&tch Sheets9 Intercessory Prayer  +-ent&ra9 C8: egal 4ooBs9

1!!9 1@". 2.Teresa of 8vila9 ,&oted in 8llison E. )eers9 St!ies

o" the S#anish Mystics, $ol. % +New orB: The 'acmillan Co.91!2"9 1!". $.Teresa of 8vila ectio9;

http://www.pra(ingch&rch.org/teresa.html< accessed 8pril 1$9

2*. 0.Christian 'editation9;

http://en.wiBipedia.org/wiBi/ChristianFmeditation< accessed

8pril 1$9 2*.

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 C)apter &

 GE85NA 8N7


 by &lmer '. (o)ns


  C)ar#es Hu')es was an outstandin' upperc#assman at Liberty ;ni%ersity w)o wasca##ed into e%an'e#ism? 8ods power )ad rested upon )im" +or )e preac)ed in some o+ t)e#ar'est c)urc)es in America 4o%er ("BBB in attendance6 and )ad 'reat resu#ts in sou#s sa%ed"yet )e was sti## an under'raduate at Liberty ;ni%ersity?  C)ar#es was tra%e#in' to an e%an'e#istic crusade in Harrisbur'" Pennsy#%ania" in13.0 w)en t)e %an in w)ic) )e was ridin' was )it by an ei')teen-w)ee#er semi and wascomp#ete#y demo#is)ed? C)ar#es )ead was crus)ed and to sa%e )is #i+e t)e doctors remo%edt)e top o+ )is s*u## because o+ intense interna# swe##in' o+ t)e brain?  A+ter doin' e%eryt)in' possib#e" t)e doctors to#d :erry a#we## and )is +at)er" /r?Robert Hu')es" /ean o+ Liberty T)eo#o'ica# Seminary" t)at C)ar#es wou#d die? T)e doctorsas*ed t)e +ami#y i+ t)ey wou#d si'n papers to donate )is or'ans to #i%in' recipients? T)e

medica# community +e#t t)at C)ar#es was as 'ood as dead?  =)en +aced wit) t)is emer'ency" a#we## ca##ed a day o+ +astin' and prayer by t)eentire ministry +ami#y o+ Liberty ;ni%ersity and T)omas Road aptist C)urc)? Somead%ised :erry not to do it because C)ar#es was Jas 'ood as dead?K  ut :erry be#ie%ed prayer and +astin' wou#d sa%e C)ar#es #i+e? T)e +o##owin' ni')tat T)omas Road aptist C)urc) auditorium :erry announced" JI am so sure t)at C)ar#eswi## be )ea#ed" t)at I am in%itin' )im to be t)e spea*er at Libertys 'raduation t)is year?K Att)at time" 'raduation was on#y +i%e mont)s away" and C)ar#es was )an'in' on to a +aints#i%er o+ #i+e?  Sometimes 8od 'i%es an inner assurancesupernatura# +ait)t)at Hes about to dosomet)in' 'reat? T)is is ca##ed Jt)e prayer o+ +ait) t)at wi## sa%e t)e sic*K 4:ames (>1(PE6? A prayer o+ +ait) is bein' abso#ute#y sure t)e answer wi## come be+ore it )appens?

  A prayer o+ +ait) is bein' abso#ute#y sure t)e answer wi## come be+ore it )appens?

  i%e mont)s #ater" C)ar#es sat on t)e p#at+orm wit) :erry a#we##" a )u'e banda'earound )is )ead? T)e days 'reatest mirac#e was C)ar#es )imse#+" not t)e resu#ts o+ t)emessa'e t)at )e was 'oin' to brin'? Sad#y" muc) o+ t)e power t)at C)ar#es )ad as a youn'man was #ost? His messa'e was a%era'e" but e%eryone present a'reed t)at t)e 'reatestmirac#e t)at day was t)at C)ar#es was a#i%e? T)e e%ent was e#ectri+ied? 8od )onored t)e+ait) o+ t)e entire T)omas Road aptist C)urc) +ami#y and Liberty student body? Today"

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C)ar#es )as 'one on to earn )is bac)e#ors" masters" and doctorate de'rees?  And w)at does C)ar#es do today +or ministry He is in c)ar'e o+ t)e Prayer Room atLiberty ;ni%ersity? He doesnt )a%e to say muc) to encoura'e students to prayO Must )is #i+ein t)e Prayer Room is a testimony to a## t)at J8od answers prayers?K  LETS PRAY 75=

  =)en you be'in to pray +or someone w)o needs )ea#in'" e$amine w)et)er t)ey aresic* because o+ sin in t)eir #i+e? 7otice t)e promise o+ )ea#in' is attac)ed to t)e condition o+ con+essin' sin and 'ettin' +or'i%eness" JT)e prayer o+ +ait) s)a## sa%e t)e sic*Vand i+ )e)as committed sins )e wi## be +or'i%en" t)ere+oreU con+ess your trespassesK 4:ames (>1(-1PE6? =)y does t)e ib#e connect sic*ness to sin or two reasons> irst" because certainsins cause p)ysica# i##ness? =e *now t)at ci'arette smo*in' #eads to cancer" and e$cessi%ea#co)o# drin*in' #eads to cirr)osis o+ t)e #i%er" and a se$ua##y +i#t)y #i+esty#e can #ead toAI/S? T)ere+ore" sin can be t)e direct cause o+ a persons i##ness" or it can be an indirectcause t)rou') circumstances t)at brin' about i##nesssin destroys a persons se#+-discip#ineandor c#ean#iness" so t)at a +i#t)y #i+esty#e introduces 'erms and in+ections into t)e body?Second" t)eir i##ness is a Mud'ment o+ 8od? 5n anot)er occasion" J!any are wea* and sic*amon' youVK 41 Cor? 11>B PE6?  So t)e sic* person must dea# wit) t)eir sins +or )ea#in'? 7otice a'ain t)e passa'esays" JCon+ess your trespasses one to anot)erVt)at you may be )ea#edK 4:ames (>1 PE6?Sins must be dea#t wit) be+ore 8od wi## administer )ea#in'?  :ames introduced t)e section on prayin' +or sic* peop#e by pointin' us to t)econseDuences o+ sin" J#est you +a## into Mud'mentK 4:ames (>12 PE6?  T)e e#ders o+ t)e c)urc) must be in%o#%ed in prayin' +or )ea#in'? :ames te##s us" JVca## +or t)e e#dersVK 4:ames (>1& PE6? =)y e#ders and not a tra%e#in' e%an'e#ist" or someot)er person ecause e#ders )a%e spiritua# o%ersi')t o+ t)e +#oc* o+ 8od" and t)ey probab#y *now o+ any sin or rebe##ion in t)e #i+e o+ t)e sic* person t)at #ed to )is or )eri##ness? ecause e#ders )a%e t)e command to Js)ep)erd t)e +#oc*K 41 Peter (>2 PE6" t)eymust *now t)eir +#oc* to e$ercise Jwatc)-careK o%er t)eir +#oc*" and pray +or t)ose in t)eir+#oc*? T)ere+ore" based on t)eir spiritua# re#ations)ip to t)e sic* person" t)ey can pro%ide)ea#in' +or t)e sou# be+ore t)ey pro%ide prayer +or t)e body? Per)aps many w)o )a%e prayed +or )ea#in' didnt 'et it because t)ey #e+t out t)e ministry o+ t)eir #oca# c)urc)?  =)en you pray +or )ea#in'" you are as*in' 8od to 'i%e t)e person spiritua# and p)ysica# #i+e? Remember" t)e ib#e teac)es" JE%ery 'ood 'i+t and e%ery per+ect 'i+t is +romabo%e"K 4:ames 1>1. PE6? T)ere+ore" it is 8od w)o 'i%es 'ood )ea#t)?

  8ood )ea#t) comes +rom 8od" but it a#so comes +rom t)e body?

  8ood )ea#t) comes +rom 8od" but it a#so comes +rom t)e body? T)e body )as t)eabi#ity to )ea# itse#+? A doctor" medicine" or any ot)er t)erapy doesnt rea##y )ea# t)e person?T)e body )ea#s itse#+? A doctor may prescribe a medicine to e#iminate a cause o+ i##ness 'erms" in+ections" or ot)er causa# +actors? A#so a doctor may cut away in+ection in sur'ery?ut in t)e +ina# ana#ysis" t)e body )ea#s itse#+? So w)en you pray +or someones )ea#in'"youre prayin' +or somet)in' t)e body is a#ready tryin' to do'et we##?  =)en you pray +or )ea#in'" you s)ou#d a#so as* 8od to re%ea# any un*nown orunseen +actors t)at cause sic*ness? !aybe a doctor )as not made t)e patient any better?!aybe t)eres somet)in' t)at causes a person to be sic* t)at )asnt been treated? Yourresponsibi#ity is to pray +or insi')t to disco%er w)at caused t)e i##ness?

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  =)en I was teac)in' at Trinity E%an'e#ica# /i%inity Sc)oo# in t)e #ate Bs" I )ad aco##ea'ue w)o became %ery sic* and t)e medica# community was unab#e to disco%er t)ecause o+ t)e i##ness? ut a+ter a day or two in t)e )ospita#" )e 'ot we## and went bac* towor*?  T)is )appened a coup#e o+ times" and on#y w)en )e was )ospita#i@ed did )e 'et

 better?  T)en t)e entire +ami#y came down wit) t)e same symptoms" t)ey stopped prayin'+or )ea#in'" and be'an as*in' 8od to re%ea# t)e unseen cause o+ t)eir p)ysica# prob#ems?S)ort#y t)erea+ter" t)ey disco%ered t)at a beauti+u# set o+ C)ina cups t)at )ad been 'i%en tot)em )ad not been t)orou')#y +ired in a *i#n to sea# t)e ceramic +inis)? T)e #ead paintme#ted in t)e )ot tea" and t)ey were un*nowin'#y poisonin' t)emse#%es? So )ow did 8od)ea# t)e +ami#y y )e#pin' t)em disco%er t)e cause o+ t)eir sic*ness?  Pray +or 8od to e++ecti%e#y use t)e dru's andor t)erapy described by t)e p)ysician?T)e same wit) e$ercise and p)ysica# t)erapy? Pray +or t)e re%ita#i@ation o+ t)e body w)ent)erapy is used?  /ont be discoura'ed i+ 8od doesnt answer your prayer +or )ea#in'? Its not 8odswi## t)at e%eryone be )ea#ed? Remember" Pau# prayed t)ree times +or 8od to ta*e away )isJt)orn in t)e +#es)"K but 8od didnt answer t)at reDuest 42 Cor? 12>0 PE6? A#so" Pau# said)e #e+t Trop)imus sic* in !i#etum 42 Tim? &>2B PE6? E%en :esus didnt )ea# e%ery sic* person He met? He encountered a 'reat mu#titude at t)e Poo# o+ et)esda 4see :o)n (>PE6" but He on#y )ea#ed one man w)o )ad been #ame +or 0 years 4see :o)n (>(-3 PE6?5n anot)er occasion" :esus cured a## w)o came to see Him 4see !att? 12>1( PE6" but onanot)er occasion" Jt)ey brou')t to Him a## w)o were sic*K and JHe )ea#ed many w)o weresic* wit) %arious diseasesK 4!ar* 1>2"& PE6? /id you see t)at a## were brou')t" but He)ea#ed on#y many T)at su''ests :esus did not )ea# a##?  ina##y" t)e *ey to )ea#in' is not your +ait)" nor is it t)e se%erity o+ t)e sic* person?Hea#in' power is wit) 8od? =)en you e$ercise t)e Jprayer o+ +ait)"K remember it is +ait) int)e source o+ )ea#in'8odt)at you must reco'ni@e" not +ait) in your prayer" or e%en+ait) in your +ait)? You must )a%e +ait) in w)at 8od can do? Since 8od can do a## t)in's"8od can )ea# anyone? ut since 8od doesnt do e%eryt)in' t)at is as*ed o+ Him" but Heon#y does His wi##O t)en #ets pray in t)e wi## o+ 8od? Lets pray Jnot !y wi##" but Yours bedoneK 4Lu*e 22>&2 PE6?

  Since 8od can do a## t)in's" 8od can )ea# anyone?

  PRAYI78 5R W( !ILLI57

  In 1330 I was sittin' in a p#annin' committee meetin' +or i##y 8ra)ams trainin'committee ca##ed Amsterdam 2BBB? i##y p#anned to brin' to'et)er 1B"BBB e%an'e#ists +rom2( nations o+ t)e eart)? =)i#e a## wou#d be as*ed to pay t)eir own e$penses" most o+ t)emcou#d not attend wit)out si'ni+icant subsidy? T)e con+erence wou#d raise +unds to )e#p to pay t)eir e$penses to Amsterdam" 7et)er#ands" inc#udin' air+are" +ood" andaccommodations +or 1B days?  JI want to train t)em to do e%an'e#ism" Must #i*e I do it"K i##y said to t)e 1 o+ ust)rou') :o)n Corts" t)e E$ecuti%e /irector o+ t)e i##y 8ra)am E%an'e#istic Association?So we were see*in' to in%ite on#y e%an'e#ists w)o proc#aim t)e 'ood news o+ C)rist" ur'e a persona# response to C)rist" and pro%ide nurture to incorporate new be#ie%ers into #oca#c)urc) +e##ows)ips?

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  i##y said" J!y 'reatest #e'acy is not a sc)oo# o+ e%an'e#ism wit) my name on it" but to )a%e 1B"BBB e%an'e#ists doin' sou#-winnin' t)e way I understand e%an'e#ism" butdoin' it in t)eir own nati%e ton'ue wit)in t)eir cu#tura# e$pressions o+ t)eir nati%e )ome?K  Pre%ious#y" i##y )ad or'ani@ed Amsterdam 0 +or "BBB participants andAmsterdam 0 +or anot)er "BBB itinerant e%an'e#ists? It )ad cost W( mi##ion? 7ow" 1

years #ater we were p#annin' to train 1B"BBB more e%an'e#ists and t)ere )ad been 1 yearso+ in+#ation? ut a+ter s*i##+u# p#annin' and care+u# bud'etin' t)at incorporated w)at was#earned +rom pre%ious mista*es and e$perience" t)e committee +e#t it cou#d put onAmsterdam 2BBB +or t)e same per person cost o+ W"(BB" or W( mi##ion +or 1B"BBB participants?  I7TERE7TI57AL A7S=ERS> Inter%entiona# answers are w)en we want 8od to

remo%e a serious barrier to His wor* or pro%ide a miracu#ous supp#y o+ resources?

  I c)o*ed at t)e amount because I am not a 'reat man o+ +ait)?  I *new )ow )ard it was to raise moneymass mai#in's" radio appea#s" p#ed'e cards"myriad p)one ca##s" %isits" and contacts" repeatin' t)e story" and as*in' +or contributions? It)ou')t to myse#+" JIts not easy to raise t)irty-+i%e mi##ion do##ars? I%e ne%er seen :errya#we## 'o a+ter t)at muc) money?K  T)en we were to#d" Ji##y said" It## be easy?K T)e opposite o+ w)at I t)ou')t?  JI## write and as* t)irty-+i%e t)ousand peop#e to 'i%e me W1"BBB eac)?K He went onto e$p#ain" JT)ere are about t)at many peop#e w)o )a%e" o%er t)e years" eac) 'i%en W1"BBBor more to t)e i##y 8ra)am E%an'e#istic Association?K  T)en )e added" JIt may be as simp#e as writin' a #etter to ("BBB peop#e and trustin'8od to touc) t)eir )earts and enab#e t)em to support t)e %ision?K  T)en I impu#si%e#y raised my )and" JI## 'i%e t)e +irst W1"BBB?K  =)at was insurmountab#e to me was a simp#e +ait) statement to i##y 8ra)am? He be#ie%ed 8od cou#d supp#y mi##ions o+ do##ars because it inc#uded carryin' out t)e ca## o+8od upon )is #i+e? i##y be#ie%ed 8od cou#d pro%ide W( mi##ion because it wou#d #ead towinnin' sou#s to C)rist?  LETS PRAY 75=

  Its a## ri')t to as* +or bi' e$traordinary t)in's" but ma*e sure t)e t)in' +or w)ic)you as* is 8ods wi##? Searc) your )eart to ma*e sure you are not as*in' +or se#+is) reasons"or +or your ease" ric)es" or '#ory? You must as* +or t)in's t)at are t)e wi## o+ 8od?  irst" you must )a%e con+idence t)at your prayers are based on 8ods wi##? JT)is iscon+idenceVt)at i+ we as* accordin' to His wi## He )ears us" and we *now w)en He )earsus" we )a%e t)e answers we see* o+ HimK 41 :o)n (>1&-1( ELT6? You +ind 8ods wi## in8ods =ord? Sometimes it is 8ods wi## t)at a person dies Must as it may be 8ods wi## +oryou to +ai# so He can #ead you in anot)er direction? Pau# prayed t)ree times +or )ea#in' butdidnt 'et it 4see 2 Cor? 12>0-3 PE6?  Second" you must be care+u# not to as* somet)in' t)at 8od )as not promised in His=ord? :esus te##s us" JI+ you abide in !e" and !y words abide in you" you wi## as* w)atyou desire" and it s)a## be done +or youK 4:o)n 1(>. PE6?  Accordin' to t)is %erse" t)ere are t)ree t)in's t)at 'et your prayers answered> 16you must be abidin' in :esus" w)ic) means you )a%e yie#ded yourse#+ to Him" 26 8ods=ord must contro# your t)in*in' and as*in'" and 6 you must as* to recei%e? T)ere+ore"your prayers wi## be answered w)en you as* +or t)in's promised by t)e ib#e?

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  T)ird" you must tie your reDuest to +astin' and continua# prayer? :esus said" JVi+you )a%e +ait)Vyou wi## say to t)is mountainV mo%eVand it wi## mo%eV? Howe%er" t)is*ind does not 'o out e$cept by prayer and +astin'K 4!att? 1.>2B-21 PE6?  Can we rea##y e$pect 8od to respond i+ we dont in%est an enormous amount o+time and a'ony in prayer :ust ma*in' a bo#d reDuest doesnt mo%e mountains?

  So w)at must we do =e must ma*e bo#d +ait) reDuests +rom t)e %ery dept)s o+ our bein's? =e must pray wit) a## our )earts" 'i%in' up s#eep +or an a##-ni')t prayer meetin'?=e must +ast and pray +or a day" or +or a wee*" or +or &B days? =e must sacri+ice becausewe *now 8od can answer and we must *eep prayin' unti# 8od does answer?

  =e must sacri+ice because we *now 8od can answer and we must *eep prayin'unti# 8od does answer?

  A casua# reDuest ro##in' o++ our ton'ues doesnt mo%e 8odO but 8od responds w)enwe pray so di#i'ent#y t)at we cry and weep? So #et me as*" w)ens t)e #ast time you be''ed8od +or somet)in'  ourt)" because we *now 8od can answer" we ne%er Duit? =e *eep prayin' e%enw)en e%eryt)in' seems b#ac*? A stron'" bo#d +ait) reDuest is not somet)in' we pray onceand t)en +or'et? 7o, =)en our +ait) te##s us t)at t)e answer wi## come" we cant Duit? =eas* +or it w)en we 'et up in t)e mornin' and w)en we pray at a mea#? =e as* +or it w)i#edri%in' around our city" and we as* +or it ri')t be+ore we 'o to s#eep? =e *eep prayin'" because we be#ie%e in a persona# 8od w)o is 'uidin' us to ma*e e$traordinary reDuests?  T)e +i+t) princip#e is not doubtin' in t)e dar* w)at 8od )as s)own us in t)e #i')t?T)e condition +or answers is to Jnot doubt in )is )eartV)e wi## )a%e w)ate%er )e saysK4!ar* 11>2 PE6? =e cant wor* up con+idence in t)e +#es)? 7eit)er does it come +romcircumstances? Con+idence comes +rom 8od w)o )as t)e abi#ity to answer? 

About /r? E#mer Towns

  /r? E#mer Towns" %ice president o+ Liberty ;ni%ersity" co##e'e and seminary pro+essor" dean o+ t)e Sc)oo# o+ Re#i'ion" is a#so t)e aut)or o+ numerous popu#ar andsc)o#ar#y wor*s? He is t)e recipient o+ t)e co%eted 8o#d !eda##ion Award awarded by t)eE%an'e#ica# C)ristian Pub#is)ers Association +or t)e oo* o+ t)e Year" T)e 7ames o+ t)eHo#y Spirit? He and Rut)" )is wi+e o+ ( years" )a%e t)ree c)i#dren and ten 'randc)i#dren?


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 C)apter (



 by Morris Cerllo

  VI+ ye )a%e +ait) as a 'rain o+ mustard seedO yes)a## say unto t)is mountain" Remo%e )ence to

yonder p#aceO and it s)a## remo%eO and not)in's)a## be impossib#e to you 4!att)ew 1.>2B 9:6?

  Prayer is" wit)out a doubt" t)e most power+u# +orce on eart)?  It is un#imited and unsurpassed in its scope and power?  Prayer *nows no boundaries and is not #imited by time or space?  R?A? Torrey %ery e#oDuent#y and power+u##y said concernin' t)e power o+ prayer> 

Prayer can do anyt)in' 8od can do? A## t)at 8od is and a## t)at 8od )as is at t)edisposa# o+ prayer?  T)rou') prayer we are transported into t)e )ea%en#ies w)ere we stand be+ore

A#mi')ty 8od in His '#orious maMesty" seated upon His T)rone? =e are ab#e" t)rou') prayer" to tap into t)e un#imited power o+ 8od and ta*e )o#d o+ t)e impossib#e? T)e %ast"unsearc)ab#e resources o+ Hea%en are at our disposa# t)rou') prayer,  8od )as 'i%en us JVe$ceedin' 'reat and precious promisesO t)at by t)ese ye mi')t be parta*ers o+ t)e di%ine natureVK 42 Pet? 1>& 9:6? T)ere are appro$imate#y ."BBB promises in 8ods =ord, rom 8enesis to Re%e#ation" 8od )as 'i%en us His promises"w)ic) ma*e pro%ision +or e%ery need in e%ery area o+ our #i%es to be met?  y His promises" 8od puts a## t)in's He possesses into our )ands? Prayer and +ait)

 put us in possession o+ t)is bound#ess in)eritance?

  -E?! 5;7/S

  y His promises" He )as p#aced a## t)in's He possesses in our )ands? Prayer and+ait) enab#e us to ta*e possession o+ t)ose promises and appropriate t)em in our #i%es? =ecan )a%e a## t)at 8od )as,  Prayer can transcend t)e #aws o+ nature" in%ade t)e rea#m o+ t)e dead" and restore#i+e? Prayer can 'i%e instant access to anyw)ere> into any )ome" )ospita#" o++ice" courtroom" prison ce##" or any ot)er #ocation desired?  I wi## ne%er +or'et w)en my dar#in' wi+e" T)eresa" was at t)e point o+ deat)? S)e)ad been at deat)s door se%era# times but 8od )ea#ed )er? 5ne day in a Partners

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Con+erence a man came up to us and said" JT)eresa" )oney" is e%eryt)in' a## ri')tKT)eresa answered" JYes" it is now?K He said" J=e##" on suc) and suc) a day 8od wo*e meup and +or t)ree days I prayed and interceded +or you?K T)ose were t)e t)ree days T)eresa)ad )o%ered between #i+e and deat)?  T)rou') prayer" entrance can be 'ained into nations o+ t)e wor#d considered

Jc#osedK to t)e 8ospe#? 7ot)in' can stop or )inder entrance into communist-contro##edareas suc) as 7ort) 9orea" ietnam" or remote %i##a'es )idden away in t)e Mun'#es o+A+rica or Sout) America? 8od )as 'i%en us a secret weapon ca##ed prayer t)at 'i%es usaccess to anyw)ere in t)e wor#d,  Your prayers can be used by 8od to impact cities and nations" brin' sa#%ation")ea#in'" and de#i%erance to peop#e in India" A+rica" C)ina" Indonesia" Saudi Arabia" or anyot)er country?  T)rou') prayer" an'e#s can be brou')t down to protect you and your +ami#y?  Your prayers can 'o into a )ospita# operatin' room and )e#p 'uide t)e sur'eons)ands and re#ease a +#ow o+ 8ods )ea#in' power into a #o%ed one?  T)e +o##owin' is a true story about a minister w)o was in critica# condition in a Sanrancisco )ospita#? or se%era# days )e )un' between #i+e and deat)" e$periencin'e$cruciatin' pain in )is #e'? T)e ministers o+ )is denomination were in a con+erence andwere ca##ed to pray +or )im? In t)e midd#e o+ t)eir session" t)ey *ne#t as a 'roup and be'anto pray earnest#y +or )im? At t)at e$act moment" t)e pain #e+t )is body?  A day or two #ater )e #ost consciousness and )ad a %ision o+ Hea%en? As )e ta#*edwit) :esus in t)is %ision" )e saw two ministers" one standin' on eac) side o+ )im? T)eywere two o+ )is best +riends w)o were in Los An'e#es intercedin' +or )im at t)at %erymoment? A#t)ou') t)ey were in Los An'e#es" p)ysica##y separated by many mi#es" t)rou') prayer t)ey were at )is side?  AS5L;TELY 75THI78 ISI!P5SSILE THR5;8H PRAYER,

  You can #i%e in a dimension o+ power+u#" penetratin' prayer w)ere not)in' isimpossib#e to you? It may be di++icu#t to understand" but it is true? T)is is not Must an emptystatement or spiritua# Mar'on to ma*e one +ee# 'ood? It is 8ods promise based upon His=ord?  :esus said> 

VI+ ye )a%e +ait) as a 'rain o+ mustard seedO ye s)a## say unto t)is mountain"Remo%e )ence to yonder p#aceO and it s)a## remo%eO and not)in' s)a## be impossib#e to you4!att)ew 1.>2B 9:6?  :esus #ater emp)asi@ed t)is power o+ doin' t)e impossib#e w)en He cursed t)e +i'tree and it dried up accordin' to His =ord? 

VI+ you )a%e +ait)" and do not doubt" you s)a## not on#y do w)at was done to t)e+i' tree" but e%en i+ you say to t)is mountain" Je ta*en up and cast into t)e sea"K it s)a##)appen? And a## t)in's you as* in prayer" be#ie%in'" you s)a## recei%e 4!att)ew 21>21-22 7AS6?  :esus said t)at i+ you )a%e +ait) and do not doubt" Ja## t)in's you as* in prayer" be#ie%in'" you s)a## recei%e?K =)en He said Ja##"K He didnt mean one or two t)in's? Hedidnt mean (B percent o+ t)e t)in's we as* +or? He meant w)at He said? A## means 1BB

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 percent,  Si$ times in His +ina# )ours wit) His discip#es" C)rist emp)asi@ed t)e un#imitede$tent o+ prayer usin' t)e a##-inc#usi%e words> Ja## t)in's"K Janyt)in'"K Jw)atsoe%er"K Ja##t)in's w)atsoe%er?K  T)ese promises are 'reat and t)e possibi#ities o+ prayer are %ast" yet t)e maMority o+

C)ristians today )a%e not been ab#e to ta*e )o#d o+ t)em and are #i%in' +ar be#ow w)at 8od)as pro%ided +or t)em? T)e C)urc)" as a w)o#e" seems a#most unaware o+ t)e power t)at8od )as p#aced into its )ands?  T)e un#imited possibi#ities o+ prayer are #in*ed to t)e in+inite and omnipotent power o+ 8od? T)ere is not)in' too )ard +or Him? He )as saidO Je)o#d" I am t)e Lord" t)e 8od o+a## +#es)> is t)ere any t)in' too )ard +or !eK 4:er? 2>2. 9:6?  C)rist )as promised" Jor e%eryone t)at as*et) recei%et)O and )e t)at see*et)+indet)O and to )im t)at *noc*et) it s)a## it be openedK 4!att? .>0 9:6? 8od )as boundHimse#+ to us wit) His =ord and He wi## not wit))o#d anyt)in' +rom +ait) and prayer? Asour at)er" He +inds t)e 'reatest p#easure in answerin' and meetin' our needs? :esus said"JVHow muc) more s)a## your at)er w)ic) is in )ea%en 'i%e 'ood t)in's to t)em t)at as*HimK 4!att? .>11 9:6?

  /o not brin' be+ore 8od sma## petitions and narrow desires and say" JLord" doaccordin' to t)ese?K As* +or 'reat t)in's" +or you are be+ore a 'reat t)rone?


  8od )as c)osen to p#ace Himse#+ and a## He )as at our disposa# and directs us to as*?He )as said" JVAs* !e o+ t)in's to come concernin' !y sons" and concernin' t)e wor* o+ !y )ands command ye !eK 4Isa? &(>11 9:6?  8od is so%erei'n" un#imited" and a##-power+u#, He )as a master p#an and is wor*in'upon eart) to +u#+i## t)at p#an? He is in contro#? He is not sittin' in t)e )ea%ens wit) His)ands +o#ded? He is so%erei'n#y wor*in' in t)e #i%es o+ men and nations" and He )asordained prayer as a means w)ereby He wi## wor* t)ou') His peop#e to accomp#is) Hiswi## on eart)? Prayer is t)e maMor +orce t)rou') w)ic) He wor*s on eart)? 5ur #ac* o+ prayer causes us to +or+eit His b#essin's" di%ine inter%ention" and pro%ision He wou#d )a%e'i%en )ad we prayed?  His di%ine inter%ention in t)e circumstances o+ our #i%es in meetin' t)e desperateneeds in our cities and nations" He )as made dependent upon our prayers?  In essence" 8od is sayin' to His peop#e> JI )a%e ca##ed and ordained you to carryout !y wor* on eart)? I )a%e made +u## pro%ision +or a## t)at you need and desire? I am t)eCreator" t)e Hi') and Ho#y 5ne" t)e 'reat I A!? =)ate%er you need to +u#+i## !y p#an and purposes" as* !e and I wi## do it? A## t)at you need accomp#is)ed" a## t)e pro%ision youneed" command !e? I am t)e Creator o+ Hea%en and eart) and e%eryt)in' in itO as* #ar'e#y?/o not be s#ac*" ne'#i'ent" or #imited in your as*in'" and I wi## not be s#ac* or #imited in!y 'i%in'?K  THE !ASTER 9EY T5 PRAYER 

  T)e master *ey to prayer is de%e#opin' a stron' re#ations)ip wit) C)rist t)rou') prayer? To )a%e power wit) 8od t)rou') prayer" you must #i%e in unbro*en +e##ows)ip wit)8od? Power in prayer is not a resu#t o+ mans endea%ors" but o+ t)e Spirit o+ t)e #i%in' 8od,It doesnt matter )ow #oud or )ow #on' you pray? It doesnt matter w)et)er you are

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*nee#in'" standin'" sittin'" or #yin' prostrate on your +ace be+ore 8od? It doesnt e%en rea##ymatter concernin' t)e words or termino#o'y you use w)en you pray?  :ust t)e sma##est w)isper o+ a prayer spo*en in +ait) wi## mo%e 8od on your be)a#+?  T)ere are many C)ristians w)o be#ie%e t)ey must 'o t)rou') some type o+Jspiritua# 'yrationsK o+ a set +ormu#a o+ prayer in order +or 8od to re#ease His power in

answer to t)eir prayers?  As I )a%e stated many times be+ore" JPower does not tra%e# t)rou') wordsO it tra%e#st)rou') re#ations)ips,K  T)e power and e++ecti%eness o+ your prayers are dependent upon a persona# intimatere#ations)ip wit) 8od? =it)out a stron' re#ations)ip t)at )as been bui#t t)rou') communionwit) Him" your prayers are not)in' more t)an mere words? :esus said" JI+ ye abide in !e"and !y words abide in you" ye s)a## as* w)at ye wi##" and it s)a## be done unto youK 4:o)n1(>. 9:6?

  T)e 'reat peop#e o+ eart) are t)e peop#e w)o pray? I do not mean t)ose w)o ta#* about prayerO nor t)ose w)o say t)ey be#ie%e in prayerO nor yet t)ose w)o can e$p#ain about

 prayerO but I mean t)ose peop#e w)o ta*e time to pray?

  S?/? 85R/57

  =)en you )a%e de%e#oped a stron' re#ations)ip wit) 8od" w)ere you are #i%in' inunbro*en +e##ows)ip and communion wit) Him" your prayers become mi')ty t)rou') 8odto t)e Jpu##in' down o+ stron')o#ds?K  T)e apost#e Pau# to#d t)e Corint)ians> 

or t)ou') we #i%e in a wor#d" we do not wa'e war as t)e wor#d does? T)e weaponswe +i')t wit) are not t)e weapons o+ t)e wor#d? 5n t)e contrary" t)ey )a%e di%ine power todemo#is) stron')o#ds 42 Corint)ians 1B>-& 7I6?  Prayer is a mi')ty spiritua# weapon t)at 8od )as 'i%en you to demo#is) satansstron')o#ds? ut )ow is it acti%ated  E#iMa) was a mi')ty man o+ prayer? He prayed and +ire came +rom 8od out o+Hea%en,  He prayed and t)e dead were raised,  He prayed and t)e )ea%ens were s)ut +or t)ree and a )a#+ years,  He prayed a'ain and t)e )ea%ens were opened,  or a moment #et us #oo* at t)e prayers E#iMa) prayed t)at resu#ted in ademonstration o+ t)e supernatura# power o+ 8od?  =)en t)e son o+ t)e widow woman o+ Garap)et) died" s)e brou')t )im to E#iMa)?T)is woman )ad seen t)e mirac#e power o+ 8od re#eased? T)e cruse o+ oi# and barre# o+mea# were super-natura##y mu#tip#ied to meet )er need? ut w)en )er son died s)e waso%ercome wit) 'rie+ and brou')t )im to E#iMa)?  Ima'ine t)at traumatic scene, 7o doubt t)e woman was tota##y distrau')t" o%ercomewit) emotion" weepin' and wai#in'?  E#iMa) too* t)e boy in )is arms and carried )im to t)e room in t)e widows )ousew)ere )e was stayin'? He #aid t)e boy on )is bed? T)en )e be'an to cry out to 8od? JV5Lord my 8od" )ast T)ou a#so brou')t e%i# upon t)e widow wit) w)om I soMourn" by s#ayin')er sonK 41 9in's 1.>2B 9:6?  At +irst" E#iMa) did not understand w)y 8od )ad a##owed t)e boy to die? T)is prayer

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wasnt an e$pression o+ E#iMa)s doubt? It was simp#y )is )onest" )eart+e#t cry?  E#iMa) *new 8od intimate#y? He *new 8ods un#imited power? As an act o+ +ait)"E#iMa) stretc)ed )imse#+ upon t)e c)i#d t)ree times and cried" JV5 Lord my 8od" I prayT)ee" #et t)is c)i#ds sou# come into )im a'ainK 41 9in's 1.>21 9:6?  E#iMa) did not pray a #on'" drawn-out prayer? His prayer was simp#e and direct? It

was a prayer o+ +ait) based upon )is persona# *now#ed'e o+ A#mi')ty 8od?  8od responded to E#iMa)s )eart+e#t cry and restored t)e c)i#ds #i+e? JAnd t)e Lord)eard t)e %oice o+ E#iMa)O and t)e sou# o+ t)e c)i#d came into )im a'ain" and )e re%i%edK 419in's 1.>22 9:6?  Loo* at t)e prayer E#iMa) prayed w)en 8od sent +ire +rom Hea%en to consume t)esacri+ice on t)e a#tar? His prayer wasnt to draw attention to )imse#+ or to some)ow pro%e)e was a man o+ power? He c)a##en'ed t)e prop)ets o+ aa# and t)e c)i#dren o+ Israe# w)o)ad +a##en into ido#atry and were wors)ipin' aa#? T)e prop)ets o+ aa# and a## t)e peop#ea'reed to'et)er wit) )im t)at t)e 8od w)o answered by +ire was t)e one" true" #i%in' 8od?  T)e power re#eased t)rou') E#iMa)s prayer was t)e resu#t o+ )is re#ations)ip wit)8od? He *new 8ods power? He *new t)at 8od )ad anointed )im as His prop)et" and )e*new 8od wou#d answer?  =)en t)e time came to o++er t)e e%enin' sacri+ice" E#iMa) stood be+ore t)e a#tar and be'an to pray> 

VLord 8od o+ Abra)am" Isaac" and o+ Israe#" #et it be *nown t)is day t)at T)ou art8od in Israe#" and t)at I am T)y ser%ant" and t)at I )a%e done a## t)ese t)in's at T)y word?Hear me" 5 Lord" )ear me" t)at t)is peop#e may *now t)at T)ou art t)e Lord 8od" and t)atT)ou )ast turned t)eir )eart bac* a'ain 41 9in's 10>-. 9:6?  8od )eard E#iMa)s prayer and answered by sendin' +ire +rom Hea%en? His prayers bro*e t)rou') a## natura# #imitations, 

T)en t)e +ire o+ t)e Lord +e##" and consumed t)e burnt sacri+ice" and t)e wood" andt)e stones" and t)e dust" and #ic*ed up t)e water t)at was in t)e trenc) 41 9in's 10>09:6?  =)en 8od directed E#iMa) to dec#are a t)ree and a )a#+ year +amine" E#iMa) simp#ydec#ared" 

VAs t)e Lord 8od o+ Israe# #i%et)" be+ore w)om I stand" t)ere s)a## not be dew norrain t)ese years" but accordin' to my word 41 9in's 1.>1 9:6?  Accordin' to t)e word E#iMa) spo*e at 8ods direction" t)e )ea%ens were s)ut up?E#iMa)s prayer transcended t)e #aws o+ nature, T)ere was no rain or dew and t)e +amine#asted t)ree and a )a#+ years? Later" w)en )e prayed +or t)e )ea%ens to be opened" )e a'ain prayed accordin' to w)at 8od )ad directed )im to do? 

VT)e word o+ t)e Lord came to E#iMa) in t)e t)ird year" sayin'" 8o" s)ew t)yse#+unto A)abO and I wi## send rain upon t)e eart) 41 9in's 10>1 9:6?  E#iMa) acted in +ait) upon t)e word t)e Lord spo*e to )im and went to A)ab? He to#dA)ab" JV8et t)ee up" eat and drin*" +or t)ere is a sound o+ abundance o+ rainK 41 9in's10>&1 9:6? E#iMa) wasnt +ear+u# to approac) A)ab? He *new t)e word t)e Lord )adspo*en to )im wou#d come to pass?  T)en E#iMa) went up to !ount Carme# w)ere )e prayed" JVAnd )e cast )imse#+

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down upon t)e eart)" and put )is +ace between )is *neesK 41 9in's 10>&2 9:6?  He to#d )is ser%ant to 'o and #oo* toward t)e sea to see i+ t)ere was any si'n o+ rain?T)e ser%ant went and #oo*ed" but t)ere was no si'n o+ rain? He returned and to#d E#iMa)"JT)ere is not)in'?K E#iMa) sent )is ser%ant a second time? A'ain" )e returned wit) t)e samereport" JT)ere is not)in'?K

  E#iMa) did not stopO )e perse%ered in prayer? He sent )is ser%ant a'ain and a'ain" at)ird" +ourt)" +i+t)" si$t)" and se%ent) time? 5n t)e se%ent) time t)e ser%ant returned toE#iMa) and said" JVe)o#d" t)ere ariset) a #itt#e c#oud out o+ t)e sea" #i*e a mans )andK 419in's 10>&& 9:6?  T)e )ea%ens were opened a+ter a t)ree and a )a#+ year +amine" and t)ere was a 'reatrain in answer to E#iMa)s prayer?  ELI:AH /I/ 75T 5LL5= A5R!;LA 5R PRAYER 

  T)e *ey to t)e re#ease o+ 8ods power t)rou') E#iMa)s prayer was not because o+ aJ+ormu#aK t)at E#iMa) +o##owed? It was not because o+ t)e words )e spo*e? It was because o+E#iMa)s re#ations)ip wit) 8od?  E#iMa) was not super)uman? He was a man wit) a nature t)at was subMect to t)esame +ee#in's" passions" and desires t)at you and I )a%e? o##owin' )is 'reat %ictory o%ert)e prop)ets o+ aa#" w)en 8od sent +ire +rom Hea%en in answer to )is prayer" E#iMa) was+ear+u# and discoura'ed" and )e e%en as*ed 8od to #et )im die? 

E#iMa) was a )uman bein' wit) a nature suc) as we )a%e wit) +ee#in's" a++ectionsand a constitution #i*e ourse#%esU and )e prayed earnest#y +or it not to rain" and no rain +e##on t)e eart) +or t)ree years and si$ mont)s? And t)enU )e prayed a'ain and t)e )ea%enssupp#ied rain and t)e #and produced its crops as usua#U 4:ames (>1.-10 A!P6?  E#iMa) prayed" in +ait)" accordin' to w)at 8od directed )im to do? He *new 8odwou#d do e$act#y w)at )e said? T)ere was no doubt or wa%erin'?

  5n#y di%ine prayin' can operate di%ine promises or carry out di%ine purposes?

  E?!? 5;7/S

  8od )as p#anned +or you to )a%e t)is same power t)rou') prayer, :ames said" JT)e prayer o+ +ait) s)a## sa%e t)e sic*VK 4:ames (>1( 9:6? He said" JT)e earnest" 4)eart+e#t"continued6 prayer o+ a ri')teous man ma*es tremendous power a%ai#ab#e dynamic in itswor*in'UK 4:ames (>1 A!P6?  T)ere are many C)ristians w)o pray but are on#y spea*in' empty words? T)ey )a%enot de%e#oped an intimate re#ations)ip wit) 8od w)ere t)ey tru#y *now Him and *now t)atHe wi## )ear and do a## He )as promised in His =ord? =it)out t)is intimate re#ations)ipt)ere can be no rea# power?  Y5;R RELATI57SHIP =ITH CHRIST IS THE5;7/ATI57 5R Y5;R P5=ER I7 PRAYER 

  To become a power+u# end-time spiritua# warrior" you must a#so come into a position w)ere you *now C)rist" w)ere you are one wit) Him" w)ere you are ab#e to JseeKand J)earK in t)e Spirit w)at He wants you to do and to say?  5ne o+ 8ods purposes +or your #i+e is +or you to 'row and de%e#op unti# you come

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into t)e J+u## and accurate *now#ed'eU o+ t)e Son o+ 8odVK 4Ep)? &>1 A!P6?  T)ere is on#y one way t)at you wi## be ab#e to do t)is and t)at is t)rou') prayer,  T)e on#y way you wi## be ab#e to rea##y *now C)rist in a## His +u##ness is byspendin' time a#one wit) Him in prayer?  T)e on#y way you wi## be ab#e to *now His wi## +or your #i+e is t)rou') prayer?

  T)e on#y way you wi## be ab#e to penetrate into t)e rea#m o+ t)e Spirit" w)ere youare ab#e to JseeK and J)earK w)at He wants you to do and to say" is t)rou') prayer?  :ust as it was necessary +or :esus" in t)e +orm o+ )uman +#es)" to use prayer as ameans o+ communicatin' wit) 8od and *nowin' His wi##" it is necessary +or you to use prayer as a means o+ comin' into t)e J+u## and accurate *now#ed'eK o+ :esus?  T)ere is a decision and commitment you must ma*e? Your *now#ed'e o+ C)rist"your re#ations)ip" and your union wit) Him t)rou') prayer is t)e source 4t)e +oundation6 o+ your stren't)? ;n#ess you are wi##in' to discip#ine your #i+e" as :esus did" to inc#udeconsistent times o+ prayer a#one wit) Him w)ere you are a##owin' Him to re%ea# Himse#+and His wi## to you" you wi## not be ab#e to sur%i%e?  I+ you are not wi##in' to ma*e t)is commitment" i+ you are not wi##in' to discip#ineyour #i+e" you may as we## 'i%e up? You are a#ready de+eated e%en be+ore you be'in, ;n#essyou )a%e t)is stron' +oundation o+ *nowin' C)rist t)rou') prayer" you wi## not be ab#e touse t)e ot)er spiritua# weapons 8od )as 'i%en you?  Ta*e a moment ri')t now to t)in* about t)e time you are spendin' eac) day in prayer? Time w)en you are 'ettin' to *now C)rist more +u##y and a##owin' Him to re%ea#His wi## to you? Im not spea*in' about t)e type o+ prayer w)ere you spend +i%e or tenminutes petitionin' 8od +or somet)in' or +or your #o%ed ones? I am spea*in' about t)e typeo+ prayer w)ere you are waitin' be+ore Him in His Presence and see*in' earnest#y to *nowHim" )un'erin' +or Him to re%ea# Himse#+ to you?  As* yourse#+" JHow muc) time am I spendin' in prayer comin' into a +u## andaccurate *now#ed'e o+ :esusK  Are you spendin' 1 )ourVB minutesV1(" 1B" or e%en ( minutes a day  =)ate%er your commitment is ri')t now" increase it? I rea#i@e t)at t)e demands onyour time are 'reat? You may )a%e a +ami#y to care +or" a Mob" commitments t)at +i## a#moste%ery wa*in' )our? ut you must not a##ow any o+ t)ese t)in's to crowd out your timea#one wit) C)rist?  Re'ard#ess o+ )ow muc) time you t)in* you )a%e" increase t)e amount o+ time youare now spendin' in prayer bui#din' your re#ations)ip wit) C)rist?  As you do t)is" you wi## be stren't)ened? You wi## be prepared to +ace e%ery attac*o+ t)e enemy as :esus did? As C)rist be'ins to re%ea# Himse#+ and His wi## to you durin't)ese times o+ prayer" you wi## come into a 'reater *now#ed'e o+ w)o He is and w)o youare as a c)i#d o+ t)e #i%in' 8od? :esus said" JV=)ate%er t)e at)er does t)e Son a#so doesK4:o)n (>13 7I6? As C)rist mani+ests Himse#+ to you and re%ea#s to you a## t)at He is anddoes t)rou') prayer" you wi## be ab#e to do t)e same wor*s,  85/ =ILL ;SE Y5; T5 SHAPE THE;T;RE THR5;8H Y5;R PRAYERS

  8od )as estab#is)ed a uni%ersa# princip#e concernin' His actions bein' dependentupon our prayers? He )as bound Himse#+ to act in response to our prayers? =e see t)isi##ustrated at t)e dedication o+ t)e Temp#e? A+ter So#omon prayed" 8od appeared to )im andsaid>

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 I )a%e )eard t)y prayer" and )a%e c)osen t)is p#ace to !yse#+ +or an )ouse o+

sacri+ice? I+ I s)ut up )ea%en t)at t)ere be no rain" or i+ I command t)e #ocusts to de%our t)e#and" or i+ I send pesti#ence amon' !y peop#eO i+ !y peop#e" w)ic) are ca##ed by !y name"s)a## )umb#e t)emse#%es" and pray" and see* !y +ace" and turn +rom t)eir wic*ed waysO

t)en wi## I )ear +rom )ea%en" and wi## +or'i%e t)eir sin" and wi## )ea# t)eir #and? 7ow !ineeyes s)a## be open" and !ine ears attent unto t)e prayer t)at is made in t)is p#ace 42C)ronic#es .>12-1( 9:6?  =e o+ten Duote %erse 1& abo%e in re#ation to prayer and be#ie%in' 8od +or re%i%a#and an outpourin' o+ His Spirit upon our cities and nations? ut t)ere is anot)er power+u# princip#e t)at 8od wants us to understand?  8od to#d So#omon t)at w)ene%er )e saw t)e #and p#a'ued by drou')t" #ocusts" orot)er pesti#ences amon' t)e peop#e" t)at t)rou') t)e prayers and repentance o+ His peop#e"He wou#d )ea# t)e #and? He wou#d open t)e )ea%ens and pour out re+res)in' rain oncea'ain? He wou#d dri%e out t)e #ocusts p#a'uin' t)eir crops" and t)eir crops wou#d oncea'ain +#ouris)? He wou#d dri%e out a## pesti#ence +rom amon' t)e peop#e" and t)ey wou#dwa#* in t)e +u##ness o+ His b#essin's?  8od said t)eir prayers wou#d arise to His T)rone and He wou#d )ear t)eir cries andwou#d answer? T)eir prayers wou#d brin' His di%ine inter%ention upon eart) into t)eircircumstances?  8od is raisin' up a peop#e today w)o understand t)is power+u# uni%ersa# princip#et)at He )as set in motion" ma*in' prayer t)e most power+u# +orce on eart)? He )as p#acede%eryt)in' at our disposa#? E%ery concei%ab#e b#essin' +or our persona# #i%es" +ami#ies"cities" and nations He )as made a%ai#ab#e and is waitin' to re#ease?

  T)e power o+ t)e C)urc) to tru#y b#ess rests on intercessionO as*in' and recei%in')ea%en#y 'i+ts to carry to man?

  A7/RE= !;RRAY

  He stands ready to inter%ene in t)e crises p#a'uin' our wor#d? He #on's to re%erset)e curse o+ +amine" pesti#ence" sic*ness" and disease t)at )as come upon t)e eart) t)rou')mans sin and disobedience? ut He is waitin' on t)e prayers o+ His peop#e to act?  He is #oo*in' +or a 'eneration o+ men and womenintercessorsw)o wi##intercede" weep" 'roan" and tra%ai#O w)o t)rou') t)eir prayers wi## mo%e His )and tointer%ene upon eart) and re#ease His +u## pro%ision?  8od intends you to s)ape t)e +uture t)rou') your prayers, T)e destiny o+ peop#eand nations are in t)e )ands o+ His intercessors? 8od )as said" JAnd I sou')t +or a manamon' t)em" t)at s)ou#d ma*e up t)e )ed'e" and stand in t)e 'ap be+ore !e +or t)e #and"t)at I s)ou#d not destroy itVK 4E@e*? 22>B 9:6?  8od is more t)an ready to pour out t)e +u##ness o+ His power and b#essin'? He isspea*in' to us today" JAs* !e o+ t)in's to come concernin' !y sons" and concernin' t)ewor* o+ !y )ands command ye !e,K 4Isa? &(>11 9:6?  T)e +o##owin' is a true story o+ a woman w)o be#ie%ed 8od and too* )o#d o+ t)eimpossib#e? Her )usband was in a )ospita# in P)i#ade#p)ia in %ery critica# condition? Hewei')ed #ess t)an 1BB pounds?  His doctor to#d t)e wi+e )e was dead? ut s)e said" J7o" )e is not dead? He cannot be dead? I )a%e prayed +or )im +or twenty-se%en years" and 8od )as promised me t)at )e

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wou#d be sa%ed? /o you t)in* 8od wou#d #et )im die now a+ter I )a%e prayed twenty-se%enyears and 8od )as promised" and )e is not sa%edK  J=e##"K t)e doctor rep#ied" JI dont *now anyt)in' about t)at" but I *now t)at )e isdead?K =it) t)at t)ey drew a screen around t)e bed t)at" in t)e )ospita# separates betweent)e #i%in' and t)e dead?

  Se%en ot)er p)ysicians were brou')t in to e$amine )er )usband" and a## con+irmedt)at )e was dead? T)e woman continued to *nee# at t)e side o+ )er )usbands bed insistin't)at )e was not deadt)at i+ )e were dead 8od wou#d brin' )im bac* +or He )ad promised)er t)at )e wou#d be sa%ed?  T)e woman as*ed t)e nurse +or a pi##ow +or )er to p#ace under )er *nees w)i#e*nee#in' at )er )usbands bedside?  5ne )our" two )ours" t)ree )ours passed as s)e *ne#t beside t)e #i+e#ess body o+ )er)usband? our" +i%e" si$" t)irteen )ours passed as s)e continued *nee#in' at )is side? =)ent)ey tried to 'et )er to #ea%e" s)e re+used" insistin' t)at 8od wou#d brin' )im bac* +rom t)edead?  At t)e end o+ 1 )ours )er )usband opened )is eyes and to#d )is wi+e )e wanted to'o )ome? T)rou') prayer s)e saw )er )usband raised +rom t)e dead and sa%ed by t)e power o+ 8od,  85/ HAS LI79E/ 5;R PRAYERS =ITHTHE ;LILL!E7T 5 HIS E7/-TI!E PLA7

  Anot)er i##ustration o+ t)e awesome power 8od )as p#aced in t)e )ands o+ His peop#e t)rou') prayer is +ound in t)e oo* o+ Re%e#ation? :o)n was 'i%en a '#impse o+ 8odseated upon His T)rone? Around t)e t)rone were 2& e#ders and +our an'e#ic bein's" a##wors)ipin' 8od? T)e Lion o+ t)e Tribe o+ :uda)" w)o appeared as t)e Lamb o+ 8od w)o)ad been s#ain" came +orward and too* t)e scro## +rom t)e ri')t )and o+ 8od? 

And w)en )e )ad ta*en t)e boo*" t)e +our #i%in' creatures and t)e twenty-+oure#ders +e## down be+ore t)e Lamb" )a%in' eac) one a )arp and 'o#den bow#s +u## o+ incense"w)ic) are t)e prayers o+ t)e saints 4Re%e#ation (>0 7AS6?  Here we see t)at be+ore t)e sea#s and t)e awesome Mud'ments o+ 8od be'in" t)e prayers o+ 8ods peop#e are o++ered up wit) incense? 5ur prayers )ere on eart) on be)a#+ o+t)e #ost" our cries to Him re'ardin' t)e wic*edness and immora#ity surroundin' us and +or8ods wi## and purposes to be +u#+i##ed do not disappear into t)in air? T)ey are not +or'otten?T)ey ascend be+ore 8od and are as sweet-sme##in' incense in His nostri#s?  A+ter t)e #ast sea# is opened" be+ore t)e Mud'ments o+ 8od are poured out upon t)eeart)" t)ere is tota# si#ence in Hea%en +or one-)a#+ )our? A## o+ Hea%en waits in )us)edsi#ence +or w)at wi## soon be re%ea#ed?  Standin' be+ore 8ods T)rone is a stron' an'e# )o#din' in )is )and a 'o#den censer?T)e an'e# is 'i%en incense" w)ic) )e mi$es wit) t)e prayers o+ a## saints t)rou')out t)ea'es and o++ers it as an o++erin' to 8od on t)e 'o#den a#tar be+ore t)e T)rone?  T)e air is permeated wit) t)e beauti+u# +ra'rance o+ t)e prayers" and t)e c#oud o+incense surrounds t)e T)rone? JAnd t)e smo*e o+ t)e incense" w)ic) came wit) t)e prayerso+ t)e saints" ascended up be+ore 8od out o+ t)e an'e#s )andK 4Re%? 0>& 9:6?  In t)e same way t)at Aaron" on t)e /ay o+ Atonement" too* t)e censer +u## o+ burnin' coa#s o++ t)e a#tar and went into t)e Ho#y o+ Ho#ies and o++ered incense be+ore t)e!ercy Seat" t)e an'e# ta*es t)e censer wit) t)e incense and prayers" and impre'nates t)e air 

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wit) t)is )o#y o++erin'?  T)e wors)ip in t)e Tabernac#e was to be a type o+ t)e )ea%en#y wors)ip? T)e !ercySeat was w)ere 8od appeared in a '#ory c#oud? 8od directed t)at Aaron" t)e Hi') Priest"co%er t)e !ercy Seat wit) a c#oud o+ incense? 

And )e s)a## put t)e incense upon t)e +ire be+ore t)e Lord" t)at t)e c#oud o+ t)eincense may co%er t)e mercy seat t)at is upon t)e testimony" t)at )e die not 4Le%iticus1>1 9:6?  T)e c#oud o+ incense co%erin' t)e !ercy Seat in t)e Tabernac#e was symbo#ic o+ t)ec#oud o+ incense mi$ed wit) t)e prayers o+ 8ods peop#e t)at wi## be o++ered to 8od uponHis T)rone be+ore His Mud'ments are poured out upon t)e eart)?  T)is )ea%en#y scene re%ea#s t)e tremendous si'ni+icance and %a#ue t)at 8od p#acesupon our prayers?  ut" t)ere is more?  In :o)ns %ision" a+ter co%erin' t)e T)rone o+ 8od wit) t)e c#oud o+ incense and prayers" t)e an'e# ta*es t)e censer" mi$es it wit) +ire +rom o++ t)e a#tar" and casts it down tot)e eart)?  7ow" notice t)e resu#ts> 

VT)ere were %oices" and t)underin's" and #i')tnin's" and an eart)Dua*e4Re%e#ation 0>( 9:6?  =)at tremendous +orce is t)is t)at )as brou')t 8ods power down to eart)  T)e prayers o+ 8ods peop#e,  8od )as 'i%en us t)is '#impse o+ )ow prayer is %ita##y #in*ed wit) t)e +u#+i##ment o+His end-time p#an? It isnt unti# t)e prayers o+ 8ods peop#e are o++ered to Him t)at t)ean'e#s are re#eased to sound t)e trumpets? T)en 8ods Mud'ments come upon t)e wic*ed?T)e an'e#s are 8ods means o+ administerin' t)e %ictory" but it wi## be t)e saints and t)eir prayers t)at wi## win t)e +ina# %ictory?  I7CE7SEVTH;7/ERVLI8HT7I78,

  I be#ie%e t)is '#orious scene a#so re%ea#s Hea%ens perspecti%e o+ prayer and w)atour prayers #oo* #i*e in Hea%en? 5ur prayers today are #i*e incense risin' up be+ore 8od onHis T)rone? T)ey are mi$ed wit) +ire +rom His a#tar and +#un' bac* to eart)as spiritua#t)under" #i')tnin'" and eart)Dua*es, 5ur prayers resu#t in 8ods di%ine inter%ention andwi## bein' done upon t)e eart)?  /a%id 'i%es us a '#impse o+ w)at )e saw in t)e Spirit w)en )e prayed +orde#i%erance in )is time o+ troub#e? JIn my distress I ca##ed to t)e LordO I cried to my 8od +or )e#p? rom His temp#e He )eard my %oiceO my cry came be+ore Him" into His earsK 4Ps?10> 7I6?  7ow notice w)at )appened as a resu#t o+ )is prayers> 

T)e eart) tremb#ed and Dua*ed" and t)e +oundations o+ t)e mountains s)oo*O t)eytremb#ed because He was an'ry? He parted t)e )ea%ens and came down" dar* c#ouds wereunder His +eet? 5ut o+ t)e bri')tness o+ His presence c#ouds ad%anced" wit) )ai#stones" and bo#ts o+ #i')tnin'? T)e Lord t)undered +rom )ea%enO t)e %oice o+ t)e !ost Hi') resounded4Psa#m 10>."3"12-1 7I6?  Eart)Dua*e, Li')tnin', T)under, T)is is w)at /a%id saw in t)e spirit rea#m as to

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)ow 8od answered )is prayer? He 'i%es us anot)er '#impse into t)e )ea%en#y rea#mconcernin' t)e awesome power 8od re#eased in answer to prayer?  In response to /a%ids prayer 8od be'an to act? T)e resu#t was t)at 8od de#i%ered)im out o+ t)e snare o+ )is enemies? /a%id testi+ied o+ 8ods answer to )is prayer> 

He rescued me +rom my power+u# enemy" +rom my +oes w)o were too stron' +orme? T)ey con+ronted me in t)e day o+ my disaster" but t)e Lord was my support? He brou')t me out into a spacious p#aceO He rescued me because He de#i')ted in me 4Psa#m10>1.-13 7I6?  A spiritua# eart)Dua*e" +ire" and a mi')ty wind was re#eased as t)e incense o+ t)e prayers o+ 12B men and women ascended be+ore 8od upon His T)rone? JT)ese a##continued wit) one accord in prayer and supp#ication" wit) t)e women" and !ary t)emot)er o+ :esus" and wit) His bret)renK 4Acts 1>1& 9:6?  In response to t)eir prayers" t)e at)er sent t)e Ho#y Spirit in a demonstration o+ power? 

And sudden#y t)ere came a sound +rom )ea%en as o+ a rus)in' mi')ty wind" and it+i##ed a## t)e )ouse w)ere t)ey were sittin'? And t)ere appeared unto t)em c#o%en ton'ues#i*e as o+ +ire" and it sat upon eac) o+ t)em? And t)ey were a## +i##ed wit) t)e Ho#y 8)ost"and be'an to spea* wit) ot)er ton'ues" as t)e Spirit 'a%e t)em utterance 4Acts 2>2-& 9:6?  T)rou')out t)e )istory o+ t)e ear#y C)urc) we see t)at w)ene%er t)e C)urc) prayed" incense went up be+ore t)e at)erspiritua# eart)Dua*es" #i')tnin'" t)under 8ods power was re#eased" resu#tin' in His wi## bein' accomp#is)ed on eart)? 

And t)ey continued stead+ast#y in t)e apost#es doctrine and +e##ows)ip" and o+ brea*in' o+ bread" and in prayers? And +ear came upon e%ery sou#> and many wonders andsi'ns were done by t)e apost#es 4Acts 2>&2-& 9:6?  Are you be'innin' to see t)e awesome power and pri%i#e'e 8od )as 'i%en you to partner wit) Him to brin' His power" '#ory" and wi## down to eart)  PRAYER THAT REA9S THR5;8HALL 7AT;RAL LI!ITATI57S

  T)rou')out t)e =ord we )a%e an indisputab#e record o+ t)e awesome" un#imited power o+ prayer? =e are surrounded by an innumerab#e )ost o+ witnesses, Let us considert)e +o##owin' w)o )a%e #e+t a #i%in' memoria# to 8od t)rou') t)eir answered prayers?  To !oses it was 'i%en by intercession to p#ace )is )and upon 8ods t)rone? To you" by 'race" it is 'i%en to sit wit) C)rist on His t)rone and t)ere to intercede and pre%ai# +or 

His *in'dom?

  =ESLEY L? /;E=EL

  !oses and t)e c)i#dren o+ Israe# stood on t)e ban*s o+ t)e Red Sea? P)arao) and )is'reat army wit) t)eir c)ariots were be)ind t)em in )ot pursuit? T)ey cried out to 8od" andHe ro##ed bac* t)e Red Sea? 

And !oses stretc)ed out )is )and o%er t)e seaO and t)e Lord caused t)e sea to 'o bac* by a stron' east wind a## t)at ni')t" and made t)e sea dry #and" and t)e waters were

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di%ided? And t)e c)i#dren o+ Israe# went into t)e midst o+ t)e sea upon dry 'round> and t)ewaters were a wa## unto t)em on t)eir ri')t )and" and on t)eir #e+t 4E$odus 1&>21-22 9:6?  PRAYER THAT REA9S THECHAI7S 5 /EATH

  Prayer *nows no boundaries because 8od is un#imited in power, Prayer can reac)into t)e rea#m o+ t)e dead and brea* t)e c)ains o+ deat),  E#is)as prayers in%aded t)e rea#m o+ t)e dead and raised t)e S)unammites son+rom )is deat)bed? 

=)en E#is)a reac)ed t)e )ouse" t)ere was t)e boy #yin' dead on )is couc)? He wentin" s)ut t)e door on t)e two o+ t)em and prayed to t)e Lord? T)en )e 'ot on t)e bed and #ayupon t)e boy" mout) to mout)" eyes to eyes" )ands to )ands? As )e stretc)ed )imse#+ outupon )im" t)e boys body 'rew warm? E#is)a turned away and wa#*ed bac* and +ort) in t)eroom and t)en 'ot on t)e bed and stretc)ed out upon )im once more? T)e boy snee@edse%en times and opened )is eyes 42 9in's &>2-( 7I6?  Peter was summoned to :oppa by t)e discip#es to pray +or /orcas w)o )ad died?=)en )e arri%ed at t)e )ouse" it was +i##ed wit) mourners? ut t)at did not stop Peter? Peter*new w)at it was to pray wit) de#e'ated aut)ority, 

ut Peter put t)em a## +ort)" and *nee#ed down" and prayed 4Acts 3>&B 9:6?  7otice t)at a+ter )e )ad prayed" Peter acted in +ait)? He spo*e to /orcas dead body, 

VAnd turnin' )im to t)e body said" Tabit)a" arise? And s)e opened )er eyes> andw)en s)e saw Peter" s)e sat up? And )e 'a%e )er )is )and" and #i+ted )er up" and w)en )e)ad ca##ed t)e saints and widows" presented )er a#i%e 4Acts 3>&B-&1 9:6?  Consider Smit) =i''#eswort)" w)o ministered +rom t)e ear#y 13BBs to t)e 13&Bs?He was ca##ed t)e JApost#e o+ ait)K because )e be#ie%ed and preac)ed t)at 8od cou#d dot)e impossib#e? It is reported t)at durin' )is ministry 2B peop#e were raised +rom t)e deada+ter )e prayed +or t)em?  Smit) depended w)o##y on t)e Ho#y Spirit to +#ow t)rou') )im? He #i%ed inunbro*en communion and +e##ows)ip wit) 8od and was continuous#y see*in' 8odsPresence? He said t)at )e ne%er went )a#+ an )our wit)out prayin'? He constant#y prayed inton'ues?  5ne day a woman #ay at t)e point o+ deat)? S)e )ad a tumor" and )er body waswrac*ed wit) pain? An e#der +rom )er c)urc)" by t)e name o+ !r? is)er" brou')t Smit)=i''#eswort) to pray +or )er?  Smit) to#d )er" JI *now you are %ery wea*" but i+ you wis) to be )ea#ed and cannot#i+t your arm" or mo%e it at a##" it mi')t be possib#e t)at you can raise your +in'er?K  =it) a## t)e stren't) s)e cou#d muster" s)e +ocused on raisin' )er +in'er? T)ensudden#y" )er body went #imp and s)e died?  !r? is)er was panic-stric*en? JS)es dead? S)es dead"K )e cried? He )ad brou')t=i''#eswort)" )opin' t)at s)e mi')t be )ea#ed" and now s)e )ad died?  =i''#eswort) pu##ed bac* t)e co%ers" reac)ed into t)e bed" and pu##ed )er out? Hecarried )er #i+e#ess body across t)e room and propped it up a'ainst t)e wa##? T)ere was no pu#se" no breat)? S)e was dead?  He #oo*ed into )er +ace and commanded" JIn t)e name o+ :esus" I rebu*e t)is

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deat),K T)e womans w)o#e body be'an to tremb#e?  JIn t)e name o+ :esus" I command you to wa#*?K T)e woman awo*e to +ind )erse#+wa#*in' across )er bedroom +#oor? T)e pain was 'one" and t)e tumor )ad disappeared,  Smit) =i''#eswort) prayed wit) de#e'ated aut)ority, T)is is t)e power+u#dimension o+ prayer t)at 8od intends His peop#e to operate in to meet t)e desperate needs

around us today as #i%in' proo+ t)at He is t)e one true #i%in' 8od?  PRAYER THAT C5!!A7/STHE 5RCES 5 7AT;RE

  :os)ua and Isaia) commanded t)e +orces o+ nature t)rou') t)eir prayers,  In t)e batt#e a'ainst t)e Amorites +or 8ibeon" 8od +ou')t +or Israe#? He rained)ai#stones down upon t)eir enemies? :os)ua prayed to t)e Lord and commanded t)e sunand moon to stand sti##?  5n t)e day t)e Lord 'a%e t)e Amorites o%er to Israe#" :os)ua said to t)e Lord in t)e presence o+ Israe#> 

J5 sun" stand sti## o%er 8ibeon" 5 moon" o%er t)e a##ey o+ AiMa#on?K So t)e sunstood sti##" and t)e moon stopped" ti## t)e nation a%en'ed itse#+ on its enemies" as it iswritten in t)e oo* o+ :as)ar? T)e sun stopped in t)e midd#e o+ t)e s*y and de#ayed 'oin'down about a +u## day? T)ere )as ne%er been a day #i*e it be+ore or since" a day w)en t)eLord #istened to a man? Sure#y t)e Lord was +i')tin' +or Israe# 4:os)ua 1B>12-1& 7I6?  =)at mi')ty +orce commanded t)e +orces o+ nature and t)ey obeyed  It was :os)uas prayer?  8od )eard )is prayer and stopped t)e sun and moon in t)eir courses unti# :os)uaand t)e c)i#dren o+ Israe# )ad a%en'ed t)emse#%es on t)eir enemies?  And )eres anot)er e$amp#e> 9in' He@e*ia) was at deat)s door? He cried out to8od" and 8od promised to )ea# )im and add 1( years to )is #i+e? He@e*ia) reDuested a si'n+rom Isaia) t)at )e wou#d be )ea#ed? T)e Lord responded> 

T)is si'n s)a#t t)ou )a%e o+ t)e Lord" t)at t)e Lord wi## do t)e t)in' t)at He )at)spo*en> s)a## t)e s)adow 'o +orward ten de'rees" or 'o bac* ten de'rees And He@e*ia)answered" It is a #i')t t)in' +or t)e s)adow to 'o down ten de'rees> nay" but #et t)e s)adowreturn bac*ward ten de'rees 42 9in's 2B>3-1B 9:6?  T)rou') )is prayer" Isaia) tapped into t)e un#imited power o+ 8od and 8od turned bac* time, JAnd Isaia) t)e prop)et cried unto t)e Lord> and )e brou')t t)e s)adow tende'rees bac*ward" by w)ic) it )ad 'one down in t)e dia# o+ A)a@K 42 9in's 2B>11 9:6?  /ARE T5 RISE ;P A7/ TA9E H5L/ 5THE I!P5SSILE THR5;8H PRAYER 

  T)e power o+ prayer is un#imited" Must as 8od is un#imited, T)e maMor prob#em int)e C)urc) is t)at we )a%e #imited an un#imited 8od t)rou') our #ac* o+ *now#ed'e ande$perience in prayer and t)rou') our unbe#ie+?  T)e record stands true? 8od )as pro%en Himse#+ +ait)+u# to answer t)e prayers o+His peop#e and supernatura##y inter%ene to de#i%er t)em out o+ t)e )ands o+ t)eir enemies?  =)en Pau# and Si#as were beaten and t)rown into prison" 8od )eard t)eir prayers?T)eir prayers and praise arose as incense be+ore t)e at)er" and He responded by sendin'an eart)Dua*e to brea* t)eir c)ains and set t)em +ree?

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 And at midni')t Pau# and Si#as prayed" and san' praises unto 8od> and t)e

 prisoners )eard t)em? And sudden#y t)ere was a 'reat eart)Dua*e" so t)at t)e +oundations o+ t)e prison were s)a*en> and immediate#y a## t)e doors were opened" and e%ery ones bandswere #oosed 4Acts 1>2(-2 9:6?

  =)at mi')ty +orce caused t)e eart) to con%u#se and t)e +oundations o+ t)e prison tos)a*e T)e on#y +orce on eart) power+u# enou') to do t)is> t)e prayers o+ 8ods ser%ants"Pau# and Si#as? T)eir prayers mo%ed t)e )and o+ 8od and brou')t supernatura# de#i%erance?  T)e record stands, =e read about t)ose mi')ty warriors o+ +ait)> 

Vw)o t)rou') +ait) subdued *in'doms" wrou')t ri')teousness" obtained promises"stopped t)e mout)s o+ #ions" Duenc)ed t)e %io#ence o+ +ire" escaped t)e ed'e o+ t)e sword"out o+ wea*ness were made stron'" wa$ed %a#iant in +#i')t" turned to +#i')t t)e armies o+ t)ea#iens? =omen recei%ed t)eir dead raised to #i+e a'ainV 4Hebrews 11>-( 9:6?  =)at mi')ty +orce enab#ed t)em to accomp#is) t)ese 'reat spiritua# conDuests  ait) and prayer, ait) and prayer are inseparab#e? ait) must )a%e a %oice toe$press itse#+? True prayer is t)e %oice o+ +ait),  rom t)ese brie+ e$amp#es" we are ab#e to see t)e a##-encompassin'" un#imited power o+ prayer and )ow 8od )as committed Himse#+ into t)e )ands o+ His peop#e w)o*now Him and )a%e #earned )ow to pray?  L5R/" TEACH ;S T5 PRAY,

  T)e un#imited potentia# o+ prayer is beyond our natura# understandin'? ut t)erecord remains true? =it) 8od a## t)in's are possib#e" and a## t)in's are possib#e to t)osew)o *now )ow to pre%ai# wit) 8od in prayer?  It is e$citin' to read about !oses" E#iMa)" E#is)a" :os)ua" Peter" and Pau# and )ow8ods awesome power was un#eas)ed upon eart) t)rou') t)eir prayers? 8od )as notc)an'ed, He is t)e same a##-power+u#" mirac#e-wor*in' 8od? He doesnt want us to #oo* bac*? He wants us to remo%e e%ery #imitation we )a%e p#aced upon Him t)rou') ourunbe#ie+? He is raisin' up an end-time army o+ intercessors today in e%ery nation" w)o wi## pray wit) a power+u#" +iery prayer anointin' and be used to see cities and nations s)a*en byHis power?  T)rou') t)eir prayers" t)ey wi## brin' 8ods supernatura# power down to eart) tomeet t)e desperate needs o+ t)e wor#d? T)ey wi## dare to rise up in +ait) to ta*e )o#d o+ t)eimpossib#e t)rou') prayer?  E?!? ounds )as said concernin' t)e un#imited possibi#ities o+ prayer> 

How %ast are t)e possibi#ities o+ prayer, How wide its reac), It #ays its )and onA#mi')ty 8od and mo%es Him to do w)at He wou#d not do i+ prayer was not o++ered?Prayer is a wonder+u# power p#aced by A#mi')ty 8od in t)e )ands o+ His saints" w)ic) may be used to accomp#is) 'reat purposes and to ac)ie%e unusua# resu#ts? T)e on#y #imits to prayer are t)e promises o+ 8od and His abi#ity to +u#+i## t)ose promises?1


  T)is is an )our un#i*e any ot)er? As t)e C)urc) prepares +or t)e Lords return" wemust by +ait) be'in to tap into t)e un#imited power o+ 8od" t)rou') prayer" to see a mi')ty

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wa%e o+ His power and '#ory sweep across t)is wor#d?  T)rou')out )istory" e%ery 'reat mo%ement o+ 8ods power in re%i%a# )as come as aresu#t o+ +er%ent" pre%ai#in' prayer?  /urin' t)e 8reat Awa*enin' in t)e ;nited States in 10(." in one year more t)an onemi##ion peop#e were sa%ed? It be'an wit) a man o+ prayer" :eremia) Lanp)ier? He and two

ot)er men be'an to pray +or re%i%a#? T)ey soon opened a dai#y noon prayer meetin' in t)eupper room o+ t)e /utc) Re+ormed C)urc) in !an)attan and in%ited ot)ers to Moin t)em?  At +irst on#y si$ peop#e s)owed up? T)e +o##owin' wee* t)ere were 1&" and t)en 2?T)ey started meetin' e%ery day and soon +i##ed t)e /utc) Re+ormed C)urc)" t)e !et)odistC)urc)" and e%ery pub#ic bui#din' in downtown 7ew Yor*?  In 7ew Yor* City" 1B"BBB peop#e a wee* were sa%ed? T)e news concernin' t)e prayer meetin' spread to out#yin' cities" and ot)er prayer 'roups spran' up? A+ter si$mont)s" 1B"BBB businessmen were meetin' dai#y at noon in 7ew Yor* City a#one? In ei')tmont)s" +rom September unti# !ay" (B"BBB peop#e in 7ew Yor* City were sa%ed andcommitted t)eir #i%es to t)e Lord?  T)e mo%e o+ 8od spread t)rou')out 7ew En'#and w)ere peop#e wou#d meet to pray t)ree times a day? T)e re%i%a# spread up t)e Hudson Ri%er and down t)e !o)aw*? T)e+ire spread +rom 7ew Yor* to ot)er cities and t)en swept o%er t)e entire country?  5ur w)o#e nation was s)a*en by t)e power o+ 8od as it )ad ne%er been s)a*en be+ore? T)e re%i%a# crossed t)e At#antic" bro*e out in 7ort)ern Ire#and" Scot#and" =a#es"En'#and" Sout) A+rica" and Sout)ern India?  our men in 7ort)ern Ire#and united to'et)er and met e%ery Saturday ni')t to pray+or re%i%a#? T)ey spent t)e w)o#e ni')t in prayer? 8od )eard t)eir prayers" and t)e +ire o+8od +e##" and re%i%a# be'an to spread across Ire#and?  8ods power was so stron' in some parts o+ Ire#and t)at courts adMourned becauset)ere were no cases to try? :ai#s were c#osed because t)ere were no prisoners to incarcerate?!any o+ t)e notorious and )ardened sinners in t)e #and were con%erted,  T)e destiny o+ cities" nations" peop#e 'roups" and t)is wor#d is in t)e )ands o+intercessors w)o wi## be'in to see t)e un#imited power o+ prayer? It is in t)e )ands o+ t)osew)o wi## submit t)emse#%es into t)e )ands o+ 8od to be used" t)rou') t)eir prayers" to brin' down His power and a mo%e o+ His Spirit t)at wi## resu#t in a wor#dwide )ar%est o+sou#s?  4In C)apter o+ How to Pray" I s)are 8ods prop)etic purpose +or prayer and t)e position 8od is ca##in' His intercessors to +i##?6  =i## you respond to t)e ca## o+ t)e Spirit  =i## you rise up and ta*e your position in t)e 'reat army o+ intercessors t)at 8od ismobi#i@in' in t)is )our to wa'e war in t)e )ea%en#ies to brin' sa#%ation" )ea#in'" andde#i%erance to a dyin' wor#d  L5R/" TEACH ;S T5 PRAY,

  /ear at)er"  T)an* You +or t)e awesome power You )a%e made a%ai#ab#e to us t)rou') prayer?or'i%e us +or #imitin' You t)rou') our unbe#ie+? 5pen our spiritua# eyes to see t)eun#imited resources You )a%e 'i%en us" and )ow You )a%e c)osen to brin' Your power and'#ory down to meet t)e desperate needs in t)is wor#d t)rou') our prayers? Teac) us to praywit) new spiritua# %ision t)at +ocuses upon You and Your un#imited power? rea* e%ery#imitation +rom our natura# minds )inderin' us +rom prayin' prayers t)at wi## be used to

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impact t)is wor#d and resu#t in a wor#dwide )ar%est o+ sou#s? =e want to bui#d a #i%in'memoria# to You t)rou') answered prayer t)at wi## demonstrate to t)e wor#d t)at You aret)e 5ne true #i%in' 8od? 

About /r? !orris Ceru##o

  /r? !orris Ceru##o )as aut)ored more t)an 1B boo*s? ew ministers )a%e )ad suc)an impact on t)e destiny o+ t)e nations o+ t)e wor#d? His #i+e )as been sacri+icia##ydedicated to trainin' and spiritua##y eDuippin' pastors" #ay peop#e" and e%an'e#ists to reac)t)eir nations +or C)rist wit) a supernatura# endowment o+ 8ods power?


 1.E.'. 4o&nds9 (he Classic Collection on Prayer by &.M.

 Bon!s +Aainsville9 D: 4ridge#ogos )&blishers9 22.

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 by S*ette (. Cal!)ell 

  T)e 'rass wit)ers" t)e +#owers +ade" but t)e=ord o+ our 8od stands +ore%er 4Isaia) &B>06?

  !y dad came to %isit one wee*end to see our c)i#dren p#ay in t)eir bas*etba## and baseba## #ea'ues? Instead o+ /ad )a%in' to rent a car" I o++ered )im our +ami#ys o#d ToyotaSeDuoia? =e )ad purc)ased a new car" and t)e SeDuoia was Must ta*in' up space in t)edri%eway?  A +ew days be+ore my dads arri%a#" my )usband decided to +i## t)e tan* wit) 'as"ta*e it to t)e car was)" and 'et t)e oi# c)ec*ed? =)en )e turned t)e i'nition t)e car wou#dnot start? He tried it a'ain" but t)ere was no sound? T)e battery was dead? A+ter sittin' +ormont)s" it )ad #ost its c)ar'e? #essed#y" a +ami#y +riend was at t)e )ouse and s)e 'a%e t)ecar a Mumpstart? In Must a +ew minutes" my )usband was on )is way?  Li*e our cars" prayer reDuires a power source to operate? T)e power source" or battery" +or our prayers is 8ods =ord? Prayer t)at is #oaded wit) 8ods =ord is c)ar'edwit) #i+e and power? T)at #i+e and power causes prayer to enter into t)e supernatura# rea#m"retrie%e 8ods p#ans +or our #i%es" and brin' t)em bac* into t)e natura# rea#m to bemani+ested as eart)#y rea#ities?  8ods peop#e are reDuired to pray e++icacious" power+u# prayers? So many C)ristians)a%e a #ac*#uster" ine++ecti%e prayer #i+e because t)ey do not incorporate t)e Scriptures intot)eir prayers? =)en you use t)e =ord o+ 8od in your prayers" you wi## e$perience positi%eresu#ts?  THE A;TH5R 5 THE =5R/

  Accordin' to Pau#s #etter to Timot)y" T)e =ord o+ 8od was created by 8od> 

A## Scripture is 'i%en by inspiration o+ 8od" and is pro+itab#e +or doctrine" +or

reproo+" +or correction" +or instruction in ri')teousness" t)at t)e man o+ 8od may becomp#ete" t)orou')#y eDuipped +or e%ery 'ood wor* 42 Timot)y >1-1.6?  T)e entire ib#e was created by 8od? T)ere are t)ose peop#e w)o wou#d #i*e todiscredit Scripture by pro+essin' it to be +u## o+ errors and dec#arin' t)at it contradicts itse#+?ut t)e =ord o+ 8od was ne%er meant to be comp#ete#y understood by t)e )uman minda#one> 8od 'a%e us t)e Ho#y Spirit to )e#p re%ea# t)e ib#es meanin' and app#y it to our#i%es? It is trustwort)y and re#iab#e +or us in e%ery area o+ our #i%es today 4see Ps? 13>.-116?  8od is t)e aut)or o+ Scripture? T)e 8ree* word +or JinspirationK +ound in Second

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Timot)y >1 is t)eXpneustos" w)ic) means J8od-breat)ed?K1 E%ery time 8od breat)es intoor onto somet)in'" He in+uses it wit) #i+e?

  E%ery time 8od breat)es into or onto somet)in'" He in+uses it wit) #i+e?

  Scripture te##s us t)at" a+ter He created Adam" 8od breat)ed #i+e into )is bein'>

  And t)e Lord 8od +ormed man o+ t)e dust o+ t)e 'round" and breat)ed into )isnostri#s t)e breat) o+ #i+eO and man became a #i%in' bein' 48enesis 2>.6?  As 8od-breat)ed creations" we carry His ima'e upon us? ecause He is t)e aut)oro+ His =ord" it a#so bears His ima'e? =)en we carry 8ods =ord into our prayers" we become partners wit) Him" eDuipped +or e%ery 'ood wor* and ab#e to breat)e #i+e into ourwor#d?  THE =5R/ ECA!E LESH

  !uc) o+ t)e wor#d is acDuainted wit) :esus" t)e Son o+ 8od w)o came to eart) and#i%ed in t)e +#es)? ut :esus" t)e second member o+ t)e Trinity" e$isted #on' be+ore Heappeared on t)e eart)? He )as e$isted +or a## eternity" as t)e 8ospe# o+ :o)n indicates> 

In t)e be'innin' was t)e =ord" and t)e =ord was wit) 8od" and t)e =ord was 8od?He was in t)e be'innin' wit) 8od? A## t)in's were made t)rou') Him" and wit)out Himnot)in' was made t)at was made? In Him was #i+e" and t)e #i+e was t)e #i')t o+ men? Andt)e #i')t s)ines in t)e dar*ness" and t)e dar*ness did not compre)end it 4:o)n 1>1-(6?  8ods =ord e$isted in t)e be'innin' o+ time? I+ we cou#d see as +ar bac* as time'oes" we wou#d +ind t)at 8ods =ord e$isted e%en be+ore t)at?  T)e =ord was wor*in' wit) 8od and t)e =ord was 8od? ut" )ow is t)at possib#eT)e answer to t)is Duestion is +ound in t)is di%ine trut)> :esus was in e$istence wit) 8od int)e be'innin'in t)e +orm o+ t)e =ord?  How do we *now t)at t)e J=ordK spo*en o+ in :o)n 1>1-( re+ers to :esus Considert)e +o##owin' Scriptures> 

or t)ere are t)ree t)at bear witness in )ea%en> t)e at)er" t)e =ord" and t)e Ho#ySpiritO and t)ese t)ree are one 41 :o)n (>.6? 

He was c#ot)ed wit) a robe dipped in b#ood" and His name is ca##ed T)e =ord o+8od 4Re%e#ation 13>16? 

And t)e =ord became +#es) and dwe#t amon' us" and we be)e#d His '#ory" t)e '#oryas o+ t)e on#y be'otten o+ t)e at)er" +u## o+ 'race and trut) 4:o)n 1>1&6?  :esus was wor*in' wit) 8od in t)e be'innin'" and He was 8od? He )ad not yetta*en on )uman +ormO He )ad not yet been born in et)#e)em? He )ad not yet died on t)ecross or been '#ori+ied as C)rist? He was in t)e +orm o+ t)e =ord?  T)e mystery o+ t)e Trinity is one o+ t)e 'reatest mysteries in t)e ib#e? 8od t)eat)er" 8od t)e Son" and 8od t)e Ho#y Spirit are a## eDua#" yet t)ey +unction in di++erentways on t)e eart)?  In t)e creation o+ t)e wor#d" a## t)ree members o+ t)e 8od)ead were present andacti%e? T)e ib#e is %ery speci+ic re'ardin' t)e ro#e o+ t)e =ord in a## t)at occurred?Scripture te##s us t)at Ja## t)in's were made t)rou') Him t)e =ordUK 4:o)n 1>6? Hebrews

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11> dec#ares" JVT)e wor#ds were +ramed by t)e word o+ 8od" so t)at t)e t)in's w)ic) areseen were not made o+ t)in's w)ic) are %isib#e?K  How does t)is ro#e in creation re#ate to t)e topic o+ prayer and its power sourceery simp#y> wit)out t)e =ord o+ 8od spea*in' t)in's into e$istence" not)in' wou#d )a%e been created? T)e eart) wou#d )a%e remained Jwit)out +orm and %oid"K Must as 8enesis 1>2

describes its condition Jin t)e be'innin'?K  =e can see w)y it is so important +or us to use 8ods =ord in our prayers today,8od Himse#+ used t)e =ord in t)e creation o+ t)e wor#d? =e must +o##ow His e$amp#e anduse t)e =ord to brin' about t)e JcreationK o+ His p#ans )ere on eart)?  A## aspects o+ 8ods wi## are accomp#is)ed t)rou') His =ord? T)e =ord brin's #i+eand #i')t to men? It is t)e #i')t o+ t)e wor#d and a #i')t to our indi%idua# pat)s? T)e =ordi##uminates t)e dar*ness" brin's c#arity to con+usion" and directs us in t)e ways we s)ou#d'o?

  T)e =ord brin's #i+e and #i')t to a##?

  T)e =ord eDuips us +or #i+e? =e were ne%er meant to #i%e our #i%es in t)e dar*ness?In t)e dar*ness" our minds" our emotionst)e e#ements o+ w)at we ca## t)e +#es)scream+or re#ie+? In t)e dar*ness" we operate out o+ our own wi##O we are preoccupied by t)e +#es)and do not care about t)e t)in's o+ 8od? rom t)e perspecti%e o+ t)e dar*ness" our +#es)*nows on#y t)at it wi## someday die" and so it see*s t)e p#easures o+ today +or temporarysatis+action?  ut we do not )a%e to #i%e in t)e dar*ness? =e are ca##ed to be c)i#dren o+ #i')t" peop#e o+ t)e =ord,  In :o)n 1" =ord is actua##y trans#ated +rom t)e 8ree* word #X'os? T)e word #X'osmeans Jt)e di%ine e$pressionK o+ 8od?K2

  T)e Lo'os" or =ord" described in t)is passa'e is :esus" and w)en you pray t)e =ordo%er a certain situation" you are #itera##y Japp#yin' :esusK to t)at prob#em or circumstance?  5n t)e ot)er )and" w)en you dont use t)e =ord in your prayers" no matter )owsincere you may be" you are not actua##y app#yin' :esus to t)e situation?  Additiona##y" spea*in' t)e written =ord 4Scripture6 a##ows t)e Li%in' =ord 4:esusC)rist6 to operate in t)e eart)? =)en you spea* 8ods =ord" it is in+used wit) power" and it be'ins to wor* to accomp#is) 8ods wi##?  Hear me on t)is> #earn to use 8ods =ord in your prayers so t)at :esus" t)e 5ne wit)a## o+ t)e aut)ority and power" can mo%e in your #i+e and produce 8ods p#ans +or you?  =)en :esus Himse#+ tau')t about prayer" He warned a'ainst usin' meanin'#esswords> J=)en you pray" do not use %ain repetitions as t)e )eat)en do? or t)ey t)in* t)att)ey wi## be )eard +or t)eir many wordsK 4!att)ew >.6?  =e must #earn to ma*e our words in prayer count, T)e #en't) o+ our prayers meansnot)in' i+ we are not prayin' t)e =ord" prayin' e++ecti%e prayers t)at wi## yie#d resu#ts?  THE P;RP5SE 5 THE =5R/

 A## Scripture is 'i%en by inspiration o+ 8od" and is pro+itab#e +or doctrine or

teac)in'U" +or reproo+" +or correction" +or instruction in ri')teousness" t)at t)e man o+ 8odmay be comp#ete" t)orou')#y eDuipped +or e%ery 'ood wor* 42 Timot)y >1-1.6?  T)ere are many purposes +or t)e =ord o+ 8od> to teac)" to repro%e" to correct" toinstruct" but a## o+ t)ese re#ate to t)e +ina# resu#t in t)e #i+e o+ t)e be#ie%er> ri')teousness?

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  =)ene%er you are in doubt about w)at you s)ou#d be doin'" 'o to t)e =ord?=)ate%er decisions you )a%e to ma*e" 'o to t)e =ord and see w)at it )as to say about t)esituations you are +acin'? T)e =ord wi## distin'uis) between w)at is ri')t and w)at iswron'?  Second Timot)y >1 te##s us t)at t)e =ord is Jpro+itab#e?K T)e word pro+itab#e

means Jyie#din' ad%anta'eous returns or resu#ts?K

 =)en we pray t)e =ord o+ 8od" we wi##see our prayers become e++ecti%eO we wi## witness t)e ad%anta'eous resu#ts t)ey yie#d? It isto our ad%anta'e to use t)e =ord w)en we pray,

  T)e =ord distin'uis)es between ri')t and wron'?

  I+ you want to see any sort o+ positi%e c)an'e in your #i+e" you must use t)e =ord o+ 8od? You can read se#+-)e#p boo*s i+ you #i*e" but t)e basis +or c)an'e in your #i+e s)ou#d be t)e ib#e" not se#+-)e#p boo*s?  Readin' C)ristian boo*s" suc) as t)e one you are )o#din' in your )ands ri')t now"can be %ery )e#p+u#? oo*s #i*e t)is one encoura'e your +ait) and teac) t)e ways o+ 8od?Yet" t)ese boo*s must a#ways be considered supp#ements to t)e )i')est oo*" t)e =ord o+8od?  As Pau# e$p#ained in )is #etter to Timot)y" t)e =ord is Jpro+itab#eK in many ways?Lets +ocus on t)ree>  T)e =ord teac)es us? T)e word teac) means Jto impart *now#ed'e o+ or s*i## in?K& 8ods=ord brin's #i+e as it imparts *now#ed'e and 'i%es us s*i##s to operate in 8ods 9in'dom?T)e =ord repro%es us? T)e word repro%e means Jto e$press disappro%a# o+?K( T)eScriptures are t)e measurin' stic* by w)ic) we can Mud'e our t)ou')ts" attitudes" and be)a%iors? How can we *now w)et)er we are doin' somet)in' wron' Loo* in t)e =ord?And )ow do we *now w)et)er we are doin' somet)in' ri')t A'ain#oo* in t)e =ord? Itis t)e standard by w)ic) we must measure ourse#%es? T)e =ord trains us in ri')teousness?T)e ib#e instructs us in t)e ways o+ 8od" w)ic) are comp#ete#y +orei'n to our )umannature? C)ristians are ca##ed to #i%e by a di++erent set o+ ru#es +rom t)e one t)e wor#d+o##ows? T)e wor#d says t)at it is per+ect#y +ine to ar'ue wit) your nei')bors" e%en Jcusst)em outK i+ necessary" w)en t)ey do somet)in' t)at an'ers you? ut t)at is not a Jper+ect#y+ineK way +or C)ristians to be)a%e? T)e Scriptures say to J#o%e your enemyK and Jturn t)eot)er c)ee*?K And t)at is w)at t)e C)ristian is ca##ed to do? How does a C)ristian #earn to be)a%e in 'od#y ways Simp#y by +o##owin' t)e =ord? As we )umb#e ourse#%es be+oret)e Lord and a##ow His =ord to teac) us" repro%e us" correct us" and train us inri')teousness" se%era# t)in's wi## be'in to ta*e p#ace>  irst" t)e condition o+ our )earts wi## be re%ea#ed? You may be comp#ete#y unawareo+ an issue in your )eart t)at 8od wants to address" but as you di#i'ent#y meditate on His=ord" 'o to ib#e studies" 'o to c)urc)" and pray t)e =ord" 8od wi## brin' it to yourattention? T)e =ord wi## pinpoint t)e condition o+ your )eart?  Second" our minds wi## be renewed? T)is process produces a spiritua# c)ain reactiont)at #eads to t)e +u#+i##ment o+ 8ods wi## in our #i%es? Consider Pau#s words> 

And do not be con+ormed to t)is wor#d" but be trans+ormed by t)e renewin' o+ yourmind" t)at you may pro%e w)at is t)at 'ood and acceptab#e and per+ect wi## o+ 8od4Romans 12>26?  e+ore t)e a## o+ )uman*ind" t)e minds o+ Adam and E%e ne%er needed to berenewedO t)ey were not contendin' wit) a sin nature? ut since t)at time" we must

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continua##y batt#e a'ainst t)e carna# mind? =e must continue to 'o to c)urc)" study t)e=ord" and spend time in prayer" or our minds wi## immediate#y be'in to s#ip bac* intonatura#" wor#d#y ways o+ t)in*in'? T)e mind must constant#y be renewed" and t)at can on#yta*e p#ace t)rou') t)e =ord o+ 8od?  T)ird" t)e =ord )e#ps us to understand w)o 8od is? =it)out t)e Scriptures" it wou#d

 be di++icu#t to 'et to *now our )ea%en#y at)er" to #earn o+ His 'reatness and powerandHis #o%e? ut He )as pro%ided us wit) His =ord" an account o+ His dea#in's wit))uman*ind t)rou')out t)e a'es" a #i%in' testimony to His c)aracter" a way to ma*e Himse#+ *nown to us?

  His =ord ma*es Himse#+ *nown to you?

  T)e oo* o+ Psa#ms a#one contains power+u# teac)in's about w)o 8od is? T)e psa#ms spea* o+ His wor*s re%ea#ed in nature" His mi')ty acts o+ de#i%erance" and t)e)istory o+ His dea#in's wit) )umanity? T)e psa#ms dec#are 8ods '#ory" maMesty" 'reatness"and #o%e +or a## o+ His creation?  ourt)" t)e =ord is t)e one weapon t)at wi## *eep t)e enemy under our +eet?  Consider :esus response w)en t)e de%i# came to Him wit) temptation? :esus simp#ysaid> JIt is writtenVK 4!att? &>&"."1B6? E%ery time He was tempted" :esus responded wit)t)ese words" and satan cou#d not 'ain a +oot)o#d?  :esus pro%ided t)is as a pattern +or us to use to de+eat t)e enemy in our own #i%es?=e are to respond sayin'> JIt is writtenV?K  :esus passed His aut)ority on to His +o##owers> JI 'i%e you t)e aut)ority to tramp#eon serpents and scorpions" and o%er a## t)e power o+ t)e enemy" and not)in' s)a## by anymeans )urt youK 4Lu*e 1B>136?  =)en we spea* t)e =ord in t)e aut)ority o+ t)e name o+ :esus" satan tremb#es, =ede+eat )im wit) t)e =ord o+ 8od?  THE P5=ER 5 THE =5R/

  T)e =ord o+ 8od is uniDue#y power+u#O it is ab#e to create w)at did not e$ist be+ore"and it is mi')ty in brin'in' c)an'e to our circumstances? 

or t)e =ord o+ 8od is #i%in' and power+u#" and s)arper t)an any two-ed'ed sword" piercin' e%en to t)e di%ision o+ sou# and spirit" and o+ Moints and marrow" and is a discernero+ t)e t)ou')ts and intents o+ t)e )eart? And t)ere is no creature )idden +rom His si')t" buta## t)in's are na*ed and open to t)e eyes o+ Him to w)om we must 'i%e account 4Hebrews&>12-16?  T)is passa'e o+ Scripture bri##iant#y describes t)e dynamism o+ t)e =ord? It remindsus t)at t)e =ord was 'i%en wit) a purposeto brin' +ort) 8ods wi## in e%ery #i+e and ine%ery situation?  T)e =ord o+ 8od is a#i%e? JT)e =ord o+ 8od is #i%in'?K In t)e same way t)at prayer is a #i%in' entity" t)e =ord o+ 8od is a#i%e unto itse#+?  As we #earned +rom :o)n 1" t)e =ord is 8odO it is :esus in =ord +orm? As #on' as8od is a#i%e and seated on His t)rone" :esus is a#i%e? And i+ :esus is a#i%e" t)e =ord o+ 8odis a#i%e? ecause it is a#i%e and )as a bein' and a distinct e$istence" it is capab#e o+ causin't)in's to )appen" o+ creatin' c)an'e upon t)e eart)? 8od is purpose+u# re'ardin' His =ord>JHe sends out His command to t)e eart)O His word runs %ery swi+t#yK 4Ps? 1&.>1(6?  T)e =ord o+ 8od is power+u#? JT)e =ord o+ 8od is #i%in' and power+u#?K 8ods

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=ord is Jener'etica##y e++icaciousK, It )as t)e abi#ity to act or per+orm wit) e++ecti%eness it 'ets t)in's done, It is a +orce" a cause o+ motion unto itse#+?  T)e power o+ 8ods =ord can be most easi#y seen in t)e creation o+ t)e wor#d? In8enesis 1" we read words #i*e t)is> JT)en 8od said" Let t)ere beVO and t)ere wasVK 4see%erses -2&6? =)ate%er 8od said )appened?

  Hebrews 11> dec#ares> Jy +ait) we understand t)at t)e wor#ds were +ramed by t)eword o+ 8od" so t)at t)e t)in's w)ic) are seen were not made o+ t)in's w)ic) are %isib#e?K=e )a%e been 'i%en t)e same aut)ority in t)e eart)" to spea* +ort) 8ods =ord and seeresu#ts? 8od )as in%ested a 'reat dea# in our abi#ity as )umans to spea*? His =ord says>J/eat) and #i+e are in t)e power o+ t)e ton'ue" and t)ose w)o #o%e it wi## eat its +ruitK4Pro%? 10>216?  T)e =ord o+ 8od is a s)arp weapon? JT)e =ord o+ 8od isV s)arper t)an any two-ed'ed sword?K T)e =ord o+ 8od is t)e sword t)at we use to de+eat t)e enemy? It is t)eweapon we use to recapture e%eryt)in' t)e de%i# )as sto#en +rom our #i%es and t)e #i%es o+our +ami#y members and #o%ed ones?  T)e =ord can be used de+ensi%e#y to *eep t)e enemy at bay? ut it can a#so be usedas an o++ensi%e weapon to destroy t)e enemys p#ans? =)en we pray 8ods =ord" it produces w)at 8od wants +or us?  T)e =ord o+ 8od separates t)e sou# and t)e spirit? JT)e =ord o+ 8od isVs)arpert)an any two-ed'ed sword" piercin' e%en to t)e di%ision o+ sou# and spirit" and o+ Moints andmarrow?K T)e =ord wi## separate t)e carna# man 4t)e +#es)" t)e sou#6 +rom t)e spiritua# man?  T)e 8ree* word +or Jsou#K t)at is used )ere is psuc)e 4psoo*)ay6" and it #itera##ymeans Jt)e seat o+ t)e +ee#in's" o+ desire" o+ t)e a++ections and o+ a%ersions?K. T)e sou#contains a## o+ our +#es)#y desires" a++ections" and emotionst)e t)in's t)at our )eartscra%e w)en we are not in +u## submission to t)e Lord?  In contrast" t)e 8ree* word +or JspiritK is pneuma 4pnyoo-ma)6"0 w)ic) re+ers tot)at part o+ man t)at is recepti%e to t)e Spirit o+ 8od? T)e =ord o+ 8od is t)e on#y t)in't)at can discern" separate" or distin'uis) between t)e carna# person and t)e spiritua# person?  T)e =ord o+ 8od discerns our t)ou')ts and intentions? JT)e =ord o+ 8od isVadiscerner o+ t)e t)ou')ts and intents o+ t)e )eart?K T)e =ord o+ 8od is capab#e o+ Mud'in't)e deepest parts o+ our )earts? It can discern w)at is 'oin' on inside a personO it is ab#e tore%ea# w)at a persons true moti%es" intents" and t)ou')ts aree%en t)e ones t)ey wou#dne%er s)are wit) anyone e#se?  Put t)is princip#e to t)e test? I+ you are e$periencin' di++icu#ty at your p#ace o+emp#oyment 4or in your )ome" business" c)urc)" etc?6" be'in to pray t)e =ord in t)at p#ace?8o t)ere be+ore ot)er peop#e arri%e or stay #ate a+ter e%eryone )as #e+t? Spea* t)e =orda#oud in your o++ice" )ome" or c)urc)? A##ow t)e =ord time to do its wor* o+ discernin' t)et)ou')ts and intents o+ peop#es )earts? =atc) and see w)at is re%ea#ed? T)e trut) a#wayscomes out w)en 8ods =ord is spo*en?  T)e =ord o+ 8od is trut)? JA## t)in's are na*ed and open to t)e eyes o+ Him tow)om we must 'i%e account?K 8ods =ord is Trut)? T)e 8ree* word +or Jtrut)K is a#et)eia3

w)ic) means Jw)at is true in any matter under consideration?K1B T)e word true indicates"Jt)e state o+ bein' t)e case o+ t)e +act?K11 :esus prayed t)at we wou#d be sancti+ied by 8ods=ord" w)ic) is Trut)> 

ut now I come to You" and t)ese t)in's I spea* in t)e wor#d" t)at t)ey may )a%e!y Moy +u#+i##ed in t)emse#%es? I )a%e 'i%en t)em Your wordO and t)e wor#d )as )ated t)em

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 because t)ey are not o+ t)e wor#d" Must as I am not o+ t)e wor#d? I do not pray t)at Yous)ou#d ta*e t)em out o+ t)e wor#d" but t)at You s)ou#d *eep t)em +rom t)e e%i# one? T)eyare not o+ t)e wor#d" Must as I am not o+ t)e wor#d? Sancti+y t)em by Your trut)? Your wordis trut)? As You sent !e into t)e wor#d" I a#so )a%e sent t)em into t)e wor#d 4:o)n 1.>1-106?

  To be sancti+ied by Trut) is to become more and more C)rist#i*e and bettereDuipped to 'o into t)e wor#d and do 8ods biddin'? Ear#ier we considered t)e process o+sancti+ication +rom t)e speci+ic perspecti%e o+ renewin' t)e mind> 

I a#soU beseec) you" t)ere+ore" bret)ren" by t)e mercies o+ 8od" t)at you presentyour bodies a #i%in' sacri+ice" )o#y" acceptab#e to 8od" w)ic) is your reasonab#e ser%ice?And do not be con+ormed to t)is wor#d" but be trans+ormed by t)e renewin' o+ your mind"t)at you may pro%e w)at is t)at 'ood and acceptab#e and per+ect wi## o+ 8od 4Romans 12>1-26?  T)e )ope +ound in t)is passa'e +rom Romans is t)at we wou#d be res)aped byTrut)" t)at our minds and our prayers wou#d be so +i##ed wit) 8ods =ord t)at we wou#d becomp#ete#y trans+ormed? =)en t)at occurs" our prayers wi## yie#d ama@in' resu#ts +or t)e9in'dom o+ 8od,  THE =5R/S :5 /ESCRIPTI57

  :ust as 7ASAs mission is accomp#is)ed t)rou') t)e combined wor* o+ astronautsw)o per+orm di++erent Mob descriptions" 8ods wi## is carried out t)rou') His =ord" w)ic)a#so )as mu#tip#e JMob +unctions?K T)ose +unctions are set in motion e%ery time we #oad His=ord into our prayers? =)en wor*in' in combination" t)ese +unctions are ab#e to comp#etet)e necessary wor* to accomp#is) 8ods mission4s6 +or our #i%es?  T)e =ords mu#tip#e Mob +unctions inc#ude> 1?A 7a%i'ation System> T)e =ord o+ 8od directs and 'uides our prayers to t)e p#anso+ 8od in t)e supernatura# and brin's t)em bac* to t)e eart)? It a#so 'uides our #i%es inaccordance wit) 8ods wi## and 'i%es us direction? T)e ib#e says> JYour =ord is a #amp tomy +eet and a #i')t to my pat)K 4Ps? 113>1B(6? 2?An Irri'ation System> T)e =ord o+ 8od waters t)e seeds t)at )a%e been sown in t)e+orm o+ =ord-+i##ed prayers and brin's +ort) t)e intended +ruit? It pro%ides t)e necessarymoisture +or #i+e and 'rowt)? =)en E@e*ie# spo*e 8ods =ord to t)e dry bones in E@e*ie#." )is spo*en word watered t)e bones and t)ey be'an to #i%e a'ain?  T)e ib#e describes t)e )ea%en#y Jirri'ation processK t)is way> 

or as t)e rain comes down" and t)e snow +rom )ea%en" and do not return t)ere" butwater t)e eart)" and ma*e it brin' +ort) and bud" t)at it may 'i%e seed to t)e sower and bread to t)e eater" so s)a## my word be t)at 'oes +ort) +rom !y mout)O it s)a## not return to!e %oid" but it s)a## accomp#is) w)at I p#ease" and it s)a## prosper in t)e t)in' +or w)ic) Isent it 4Isaia) ((>1B-116? ?A Support System> T)e =ord o+ 8od pro%ides t)e support necessary to bui#d ane++ecti%e prayer?  T)e wor#d t)at we #i%e in is +ramed by 8ods =ord? T)is +rame can be #i*ened to t)e+rame o+ a )ouse? =)en a )ouse is bein' bui#t" a +rame must be erected to 'i%e t)e )ouses)ape? T)e +rame de+ines t)e s)ape o+ t)e )ouse and supports t)e necessary components o+t)e )ouse? =it)out t)e +rame" t)ere can be no )ouse? S)eetroc* is #aid on t)e +rame"

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e#ectrica# wirin' is #aced t)rou') t)e +rame" and p#umbin' is p#aced wit)in t)e +rame? T)ecritica# e#ements +or bui#din' a )ouse are supported by t)e +rame?  8ods =ord is t)e *ey support +or our e$istence? E%ery important e#ement o+ #i+e)an's on His =ord? A prayer un+ramed by t)e =ord o+ 8od does not yie#d resu#ts? Heresw)at t)e =ord says about itse#+>

  y +ait) we understand t)at t)e wor#ds were +ramed by t)e word o+ 8od" so t)at t)et)in's w)ic) are seen were not made o+ t)in's w)ic) are %isib#e 4Hebrews 11>6? &?A !anu+acturin' System> T)e =ord o+ 8od ma*es on eart) w)at 8od )as created inHea%en? =)en we spea* His =ord" it be'ins to construct t)e eart)#y mani+estation o+ 8ods p#ans +or our #i%es? Anyt)in' we e$perience on eart) t)at re+#ects His 9in'dom )as a#ready been +ormu#ated in Hea%en? Prayin' 8ods =ord connects us wit) His rea#ity and ma*esHis rea#ity ours? T)e creation demonstrates t)is dynamic> JT)en 8od said" Let t)ere be#i')tO and t)ere was #i')tK 48en? 1>6 (?A Hea#in' A'ent> T)e =ord o+ 8od is medicine +or our sou#s and our bodies? =)en weare sic*" we are to spea* #i+e into t)e sic*ness usin' His =ord? It is true t)at 8od wi## usedoctors to brin' about )ea#in'" but 8ods =ord is w)at brin's t)e cure? T)e ib#e is c#earon t)is> 

8odU sent His =ord and )ea#ed t)em" and de#i%ered t)em +rom t)eir destructions4Psa#m 1B.>2B6? 

!y son" 'i%e attention to !y wordsO inc#ine your ear to !y sayin's? /o not #ett)em depart +rom your eyesO *eep t)em in t)e midst o+ your )eartO +or t)ey are #i+e to t)osew)o +ind t)em" and )ea#t) to a## t)eir +#es) 4Pro%erbs &>2B-226? ?ood +or Li%in'> T)e =ord o+ 8od is t)e nouris)ment t)at *eeps us a#i%e and )ea#t)y? 7atura# +ood a#one wi## not sustain t)e be#ie%er? wit)out t)e spiritua# nutrition o+ 8ods=ord" we wi## die a s#ow deat)? :esus said as muc)> JIt is written" !an s)a## not #i%e by bread a#one" but by e%ery word t)at proceeds +rom t)e mout) o+ 8odK 4!att? &>&6? .?A Sur'ica# Too#> T)e =ord o+ 8od is a doub#e-ed'ed sword t)at )as t)e power todi%ide t)e sou# +rom t)e spirit? It is ab#e to remo%e or repair anyt)in' t)at pre%ents us +rom bein' per+ected to do His wi##? T)e +o##owin' passa'e bears repeatin'> 

T)e =ord o+ 8od is #i%in' and power+u#" and s)arper t)an any two-ed'ed sword" piercin' e%en to t)e di%ision o+ sou# and spirit" and o+ Moints and marrow" and is a discernero+ t)e t)ou')ts and intents o+ t)e )eart 4Hebrews &>126? 0?A =eapon> T)e =ord o+ 8od enab#es us to stand toe-to-toe wit) t)e de%i# and pre%ai#a'ainst )im? In !att)ew &>1-11" :esus s)owed us )ow to +oi# t)e p#ans o+ t)e de%i# by usin'8ods =ord so t)at t)e !asters p#an succeeds? T)ou') tempted t)ree times by satan" :esusused t)e mi')t o+ t)e =ord to remain stead+ast and to cause t)e tempter to +#ee> 

:esusU answered and said" JIt is written> !an s)a## not #i%e by bread a#one" but bye%ery word t)at proceeds +rom t)e mout) o+ 8odK 4%erse &6?  :esus said to )im" JIt is written a'ain" You s)a## not tempt t)e Lord your 8odK4%erse .6?  :esus said to )im" JAway wit) you" satan, or it is written" You s)a## wors)ip t)eLord your 8od" and Him on#y you s)a## ser%eK 4%erse 1B6?

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  T)e aut)ority :esus )ad is t)e aut)ority we )a%eto use t)e =ord o+ 8od? =)enwe do" t)e de%i# wi## +#ee +rom us" )is actions wi## be destroyed" and 8ods p#ans wi##succeed?  It is on#y w)en we pray" usin' 8ods =ord" t)at we can tru#y say" J!issionaccomp#is)ed,K T)e ib#e ma*es t)is endurin' promise>

  So s)a## !y word be t)at 'oes +ort) +rom !y mout)O it s)a## not return to !e %oid" but it s)a## accomp#is) w)at I p#ease" and it s)a## prosper in t)e t)in' +or w)ic) I sent it4Isaia) ((>116?  PRACTICE PRAYI78 THE =5R/

  e+ore we mo%e on in our study o+ prayer" t)is is an e$ce##ent time +or you to be'into practice prayin' 8ods =ord?  e#ow are scriptura# prayer e$amp#es and e$ercises? T)e e$amp#es demonstrate )owyou can persona#i@e Scriptures and pray t)em direct#y to 8od? T)e e$ercises are youropportunity to do t)e persona#i@in' yourse#+?  As you read t)e +o##owin' Scripture passa'es and prayers" notice )ow t)e prayers)a%e been reworded to position you as t)e pray-er en'a'ed in =ord-based con%ersationwit) 8od?  A+ter you )a%e comp#eted E$ercises 1 and 2" you wi## be ready to open your ib#e"c)oose a passa'e 4t)e oo* o+ Psa#ms is a 'ood p#ace to start6" persona#i@e it" and pray it bac* to 8od? 4See E$ercise ?6  !a*e t)is a practice in your dai#y #i+eespecia##y in conMunction wit) t)e princip#es+ound t)rou')out t)is boo*? You wi## be'in to e$perience more power in your prayer #i+eand you wi## see better resu#ts,  E<A!PLE 1>PRAYER 5 PRAISE 4+rom Psa#m 3.>1-6

  T)e +o##owin' Scripture passa'e contains e$pressions o+ praise to 8od?  Scripture Passa'e 

T)e Lord rei'nsO #et t)e eart) reMoiceO #et t)e mu#titude o+ is#es be '#ad, C#ouds anddar*ness surround HimO ri')teousness and Mustice are t)e +oundation o+ His t)rone? A +ire'oes be+ore Him" and burns up His enemies round about? His #i')tnin's #i')t t)e wor#dO t)eeart) sees and tremb#es? T)e mountains me#t #i*e wa$ at t)e presence o+ t)e Lord" at t)e presence o+ t)e Lord o+ t)e w)o#e eart)? T)e )ea%ens dec#are His ri')teousness" and a## t)e peop#es see His '#ory?  Scriptura# Prayer  

at)er" You rei'nO #et t)e eart) reMoiceO #et t)e mu#titude o+ t)e is#es be '#ad, C#oudsand dar*ness surround YouO ri')teousness and Mustice are t)e +oundations o+ Your t)rone? A+ire 'oes be+ore You" and burns up Your enemies round about? Your #i')tnin's #i')t t)ewor#dO t)e eart) sees and tremb#es? T)e mountains me#t #i*e wa$ at Your presenceO at Your presence" t)e Lord o+ t)e w)o#e eart)? T)e )ea%ens dec#are Your ri')teousness and a## t)e peop#es see Your '#ory? Amen?  E<ERCISE 1>PRAYER 5 PRAISE

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4+rom Psa#m 3(>1-(6

  Read t)e +o##owin' Scripture passa'e? T)en proceed to t)e scriptura# prayer and +i##in t)e b#an*s to persona#i@e it? 4T)e +irst two b#an*s )a%e been +i##ed in +or you?6  Scripture Passa'e

  5) come" #et us sin' to t)e Lord, Let us s)out Moy+u##y to t)e Roc* o+ our sa#%ation?Let us come be+ore His presence wit) t)an*s'i%in'O #et us s)out Moy+u##y to Him wit) psa#ms? or t)e Lord is t)e 'reat 8od" and t)e 'reat 9in' abo%e a## 'ods? In His )and aret)e deep p#aces o+ t)e eart)O t)e )ei')ts o+ t)e )i##s are His a#so? T)e sea is His" +or Hemade itO and His )ands +ormed t)e dry #and?  Scriptura# Prayer  

Today I come to sin' to You" Lord, s)out Moy+u##y to t)e Roc* o+ sa#%ation? come be+ore presence wit) t)an*s'i%in'O s)out Moy+u##y to wit) psa#ms? or are t)e 'reat 8od and t)e 'reat 9in' abo%ea## 'ods? In )and are t)e deep p#aces o+ t)e eart)O t)e )ei')ts o+ t)e )i##s are  a#so? T)e sea is " +or made itO and )ands +ormed t)e dry#and?  4See Appendi$ A in T)e Power Source +or t)e comp#eted %ersion o+ t)is prayer?6  E<A!PLE 2>PRAYER 5 LESSI78 5R TH5SE =H5EAR THE L5R/ 4+rom Psa#m 1206

  T)e +o##owin' Scripture passa'e contains promiss o+ 8od +or you and your #o%edones?  Scripture Passa'e 

#essed is e%ery one w)o +ears t)e Lord" w)o wa#*s in His ways? =)en you eat t)e#abor o+ your )ands" you s)a## be )appy" and it s)a## be we## wit) you? Your wi+e s)a## be#i*e a +ruit+u# %ine in t)e %ery )eart o+ your )ouse" your c)i#dren #i*e o#i%e p#ants a## aroundyour tab#e? e)o#d" t)us s)a## t)e man be b#essed w)o +ears t)e Lord? T)e Lord b#ess youout o+ Gion" and may you see t)e 'ood o+ :erusa#em a## t)e days o+ your #i+e? Yes" may yousee your c)i#drens c)i#dren? Peace be upon Israe#?  Scriptura# Prayer  

at)er" I am b#essed because I +ear You and wa#* in Your ways? =)en I eat t)e #abor o+ my )ands" I s)a## be )appy" and it s)a## be we## wit) me? !y spouse s)a## be #i*e a+ruit+u# %ine in t)e %ery )eart o+ my )ouse" my c)i#dren #i*e o#i%e p#ants a## around mytab#e? e)o#d" I s)a## be b#essed because I +ear You" Lord? Lord" b#ess me out o+ Gion" and Iwi## see t)e 'ood o+ :erusa#em a## t)e days o+ my #i+e? Yes" I wi## see my c)i#drens c)i#dren?Peace be upon Israe#? Amen?  E<ERCISE 2>ILICAL C57ESSI57 A5;T THEELIEER 4+rom Psa#m 32>12-1(6

  Read t)e +o##owin' Scripture passa'e? T)en proceed to t)e scriptura# prayer and +i##

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in t)e b#an*s to persona#i@e it?  Scripture Passa'e 

T)e ri')teous s)a## +#ouris) #i*e a pa#m tree" )e s)a## 'row #i*e a cedar in Lebanon?T)ose w)o are p#anted in t)e )ouse o+ t)e Lord s)a## +#ouris) in t)e courts o+ our 8od? T)ey

s)a## sti## bear +ruit in o#d a'eO t)ey s)a## be +res) and +#ouris)in'" to dec#are t)at t)e Lord isupri')tO He is my roc*" and t)ere is no unri')teousness in Him?  Scriptura# Prayer  

As t)e ri')teous" s)a## +#ouris) #i*e a pa#m tree? s)a## 'row #i*e acedar in Lebanon? p#anted in t)e )ouse o+ t)e Lord" ands)a## +#ouris)in t)e courts o+ 8od? s)a## bear +ruit in o#d a'eO s)a## be+res) 4+at6 and +#ouris)in' 4'reen6" and dec#are t)at t)e Lord is upri')tO  my roc*" and t)ere is no unri')teousness in? 

4See Appendi$ A in T)e Power Source +or t)e comp#eted %ersion o+ t)is prayer?6  E<ERCISE >/ECLARATI57 5 85/S =ILL 5R S;CCESS;L LII78 4+rom Psa#m 16

  7ow" try prayin' 8ods =ord strai')t +rom your ib#e? Read Psa#m 1 and persona#i@e it so t)at it becomes a prayer +rom you or a prayer +or a #o%ed one? I+ necessary"write out t)e Scripture and p#u' yourse#+ into it? Pray t)is Scripture o%er your #i+e"e$pectin' it to accomp#is) 8ods promises +or you?  A+ter writin' your scriptura# prayer" compare it to t)e e$amp#e pro%ided inAppendi$ A? P#ease note t)at it is 59 to articu#ate Scripture s#i')t#y di++erent#y +rom t)eway it is written in t)e ib#e? It is usua##y necessary to c)an'e t)e wordin' somew)at inorder to p#u' yourse#+ into t)e scriptura# prayer?  or e$amp#e" Psa#m 32>12-1( be'ins> JT)e ri')teous s)a## +#ouris) #i*e a pa#mtreeV?K Your scriptura# prayer usin' t)is psa#m be'ins" JAs t)e ri')teous" I s)a## +#ouris)#i*e a pa#m tree?K Psa#m 3(>1-( starts out wit) J5) come" #et us sin' to t)e Lord,K T)escriptura# prayer usin' t)is psa#m starts out wit) JToday I come to sin' to You" Lord,K  Persona#i@e t)e Scripture to inc#ude yourse#+" but do not add" de#ete" or a#ter wordst)at wou#d c)an'e t)e conte$t or meanin' o+ t)e Scripture? I recommend t)at you use aib#e %ersion t)at c#ose#y communicates t)e ori'ina# meanin' o+ Scripture? T)e e$amp#esand e$ercises in t)is c)apter are based on t)e 7ew 9in' :ames ersion o+ t)e ib#e?Howe%er" t)e 7ew Li%in' Trans#ation is anot)er 'reat %ersion to use because it is written incontemporary #an'ua'e and reads c#oser to t)e way we e$press ourse#%es today? 

About Su@ette Ca#dwe##

  =it) an intense determination to imp#ement 8ods purpose +or )er #i+e" PastorSu@ette Ca#dwe## )as studied and tau')t prayer +or 1. years? S)e is Associate Pastor +or=indsor i##a'e ;nited !et)odist C)urc) and oard C)airman +or t)e 9in'dom ui#dersPrayer Institute? Su@ette is married to Pastor 9irbyMon H? Ca#dwe##? T)ey )a%e t)reec)i#dren?


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 1.%ames Strong9 (he Ne) Strong’s &+hastie Concor!ance o" 

the Bible +Nashville: Thomas Nelson )&blishers9 1!!@9 s.v.

theJpne&stos; +K2$1@. 2.%ames Strong9 s.v. lJgos; +K$@.

$. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 1th ed.9 s.v.

profitable.; 0.Webster’s Ne) niersal nabri!ge! Dictionary,

1!!09 s.v. teach.; @.5bid.9 s.v. reprove.; .%ames Strong9 s.v.

ps&che; +K@@!. ".4ible6orBs "9 C7#O'9 version "9

4ible6orBs. *.%ames Strong9 s.v. pne&ma; +K01@1. !.%ames

Strong9 s.v. aletheia; +K22@. 1.4ible6orBs "9 C7#O'9

version "9 4ible6orBs. 11. Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate

 Dictionary, 1th ed.9 s.v. tr&e.;

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 C)apter .

 )85NA 5N


 by Se Crran

  So continuin' dai#y wit) one accord in t)etemp#e" and brea*in' bread +rom )ouse

to )ouse" t)ey ate t)eir +ood wit) '#adnessand simp#icity o+ )eart 4Acts 2>&6?

  In t)e nations w)ere 8od is mo%in' mi')ti#y" it is norma# +or be#ie%ers to bein%o#%ed in continua# prayer" corporate#y and indi%idua##y? You can 'o to t)eir sanctuaries atany )our o+ t)e day or ni')t and +ind be#ie%ers prayin'? T)eir c)urc)es )a%e tru#y becomew)at :esus ordained t)em to be> Ja )ouse o+ prayer +or a## nations?K T)ey )a%e embracedt)e bib#ica# pattern o+ prayer" w)ic) )as un#oc*ed t)e power o+ 8od into t)eir #i%es? Andt)eir )earts )a%e tru#y become temp#es o+ 8od" committed to a #i+esty#e o+ prayer?  C5!!IT!E7T T5 PRAYER 

  /o you rea#i@e t)at t)e nation o+ Israe# was accustomed to prayin' t)ree times a dayas t)eir re'u#ar prayer #i+esty#e /anie# prayed t)ree times a day? T)e psa#mist /a%iddec#ared> JE%enin' and mornin' and at noon I wi## pray" and cry a#oud" and He s)a## )earmy %oice? He )as redeemed my sou# in peace +rom t)e batt#e t)at was a'ainst meK 4Ps?((>1.-10a6? And +ire came down +rom Hea%en w)en E#iMa) prayed at t)e e%enin' )our o+ prayer?  T)is bib#ica# pattern o+ dai#y prayer was maintained in t)e #i%es o+ t)e ear#y C)urc)?=e read in t)e oo* o+ Acts t)at Peter and :o)n were 'oin' to t)e temp#e at t)e )our o+ prayer w)en t)ey )ea#ed t)e #ame man at t)e 8ate eauti+u#? It was t)e +irst )our o+ prayerw)en t)e Ho#y Spirit +e## on t)e day o+ Pentecost? And it was t)e )our o+ prayer w)en Peterwent up to t)e roo+top to pray and )ad )is re%e#ation to ta*e t)e 'ood news to t)e 8enti#es?In t)e oo* o+ Acts we read t)at t)e C)urc) 'at)ered dai#y in prayer> JSo continuin' dai#ywit) one accord in t)e temp#e" and brea*in' bread +rom )ouse to )ouse" t)ey ate t)eir +oodwit) '#adness and simp#icity o+ )eartK 4Acts 2>&6?  E%en today" practicin' :ews pray t)ree times a day" and !us#ims respond to a ca## to prayer +i%e times a day? =)i#e ministerin' in India" I was awa*ened at (>B a?m? by t)e!us#im ca## to prayer? To t)is day I can )ear t)e )auntin'" mourn+u# cry o+ t)at ca##" tow)ic) an entire popu#ation responds" )a#tin' a## acti%ity to pray to t)eir 'od?

  =)en )e prayed to :esus" )e was *een#y aware t)at Someone was t)ere" #istenin'?

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  5ne +ormer !us#im testi+ied t)at )e )ad prayed o%er ("BB )ours to A##a)? =)en He+ound :esus as His true Sa%ior" )e reMoiced at t)e 'reat di++erence )is persona# re#ations)ipwit) C)rist made in prayer? =)en )e prayed to :esus" )e was *een#y aware t)at Someonewas t)ere" #istenin'? Yet" e%en in )is re#i'ious dar*ness" )e )ad been committed to prayer to+u#+i## )is ob#i'ation to A##a)? As a C)ristian" t)is estab#is)ed prayer commitment cou#d now

ser%e )im we##" as )e #earned to enter into t)e presence o+ t)e #i%in' 8od t)rou') prayer?  5L/ TESTA!E7T PATTER7

  8od promised 5#d Testament saints> JCa## to !e" and I wi## answer you" and s)owyou 'reat and mi')ty t)in's" w)ic) you do not *nowK 4:er? >6? T)e word ca## trans#ated)ere is t)e Hebrew word DarZ" w)ic) imp#ies Jaccostin' a person" cryin' out to t)em" proper#y ca##in' t)em by nameK 4Stron's [.1216? It in%o#%es perse%erance" determination"commitment" and inner tenacity? Suc) +er%ent prayer brin's re%e#ation o+ 8ods wi## intospeci+ic situations t)at can on#y be c)an'ed t)rou') prayer?

  Today" nations are bein' in+#uenced by t)e power o+ prop)etic prayer?

  History records t)e e$p#oits o+ 'reat men and women o+ prayer? Queen ictoria o+En'#and" in t)e pomp and power o+ )er rei'n dec#ared> JI +ear not)in' e$cept t)e prayers o+ :o)n 9no$?K T)e En'#is)man" Reese Howe##s" a mi')ty intercessor" prayed earnest#ydurin' =or#d =ar II +or )is nation? He announced t)at t)e 8ermans wou#d not in%adeEn'#and? Howe%er" w)en t)ey be'an t)eir in%asion" Howe##s went bac* to 8od in +er%ent prayer? It was t)en t)at Hit#er aborted )is p#anned in%asion o+ En'#and" sendin' t)e troopsto Russia instead?  Today" nations are bein' in+#uenced as we## by t)e power o+ prop)etic prayer anddec#aration? Arc)bis)op /uncan-=i##iams prop)esied t)at a certain 'enera# wou#d bee#ected t)e ne$t president o+ 7i'eria? !any +ound it )ard to be#ie%e )im because t)at'enera# )ad a#ready been president 2B years ear#ier? Howe%er" it )appened as )e )ad prop)esied it wou#d? T)e nation e#ected t)is %eteran 'enera# a'ain to be president o+ 7i'eria? 8od re%ea#s His p#ans to t)ose w)o intercede +or His wi## in t)e nations?  7E= TESTA!E7T PATTER7

  T)e oo* o+ t)e Acts o+ t)e Apost#es re%ea#s a deep commitment o+ t)e ear#yC)urc) to a #i+esty#e o+ +er%ent prayer? T)e apost#es estab#is)ed t)eir #i%es on prayer and t)ereadin' o+ t)e =ord" de#e'atin' t)e ser%in' o+ tab#es to ot)er 'ood men" +u## o+ t)e Ho#ySpirit and wisdom 4see Acts 6? Step)en" one o+ t)ose ser%ers" w)o a#so did 'reat wondersand si'ns amon' t)e peop#e 4see Acts >06" prayed +or )is murderers w)en t)ey stoned )imto deat)" ma*in' )im a martyr +or t)e 'ospe#? T)ese ear#y C)ristians prayed +or t)eirenemies" +or protection" +or bo#dness" +or de#i%eranceO t)ey prayed to'et)er and w)en t)eywere a#one? T)ey prayed consistent#y" se%era# times a day?  C)ristians w)o do 'reat t)in's and )a%e 'reat power wit) 8od are peop#e w)o aredeep#y committed to prayer? /r? Yon''i C)o sets aside t)ree times a day +or prayer? e+oreministerin' in t)e pu#pit" )e prays +or t)ree )ours? =)en ministerin' in :apan" )e prays +orsi$ )ours be+ore preac)in'? He )as estab#is)ed a p#ace ca##ed JPrayer !ountain" w)ere peop#e 'o to stay in tiny 'rottoes a#one +or days and wee*s at time to pray and +ast? T)ereare 2("BBB peop#e prayin' t)ere e%ery day" and t)is )as been continuin' +or o%er 2B years?A'ain" /uncan-=i##iams admonis)es be#ie%ers> 

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  I+ you want to see t)e mirac#es o+ 8od" commit yourse#+ to prayer #i*e cra@y? !a*e prayer a #i+esty#e? Commit to it unti# you die? T)e reason we dont )a%e mirac#es in t)ec)urc) today is t)at we dont pray? Ta*e it up to anot)er #e%e#? App#y more pressure to t)eenemy? !a*e up your mind to Jpus)K to birt) t)e purposes o+ 8od? =)en you +ee# t)e paino+ tra%ai#" dont stop prayin'?1

  !y +riend" is)op art Pierce pastors Roc* City C)urc) in a#timore" !ary#and?


 He made t)is 'enera# comparison +rom w)at )e obser%ed amon' t)e A+ricans> JT)ey do notsit w)en t)ey prayO t)ey stand? T)ey wa#*" t)ey 'et #oud" t)ey pray wit) +er%or? In contrast"my obser%ation o+ American C)ristians in prayer meetin's is t)at t)ey want to sit" be Duiet"and not use ener'y or s)ow stron' emotion?K

  I+ you want to see t)e mirac#es o+ 8od" commit yourse#+ to prayer #i*e cra@y?


  As American C)ristians" we desperate#y need a paradi'm s)i+t concernin' ourcommitment to prayer? T)e c)urc)s bib#ica# purpose +or e$istin' is to become a )ouse o+ prayer? T)ere+ore" e%ery be#ie%er must ma*e a commitment to +u#+i## t)at purpose?5t)erwise" t)e c)urc) wi## not be a dwe##in' p#ace +or t)e presence and power o+ 8od we sodesperate#y need? Sou#s cannot be sa%ed wit)out t)at di%ine power? Persona# destiny cannot be rea#i@ed wit)out it? 7eit)er can t)e enemy o+ our sou#s be %anDuis)ed wit)out t)esupernatura# power o+ 8od?  ILICAL PRAYER PATTER7S

  ;nti# I be'an to teac) American be#ie%ers re'ardin' prayer in anot)er dimension" I persona##y did not rea#i@e )ow committed we are to our traditiona# attitudes? =e areopposed to c)an'in' e%en our postures and approac)es to prayer" many o+ w)ic) are not bib#ica#? art Pierce conc#uded t)at in America too o+ten we )a%e a##owed re#i'ious peop#eto estab#is) t)e en%ironment +or our prayer ministry? Re#i'ious tradition is one step away+rom rea#ity" pre+errin' +orm and +ami#iarity to +er%or and +unction? =)i#e our traditionsa##ow us a +ee#in' o+ re#i'ious satis+action" t)ey +a## s)ort o+ brin'in' e++ecti%e resu#ts in t)e#i%es and situations o+ )urtin' peop#e?  =)en art Pierce ministered at our c)urc)" one o+ our more astute members madet)is obser%ation concernin' )is manner o+ prayin'> JI dont t)in* I )a%e e%er seen anyone pray as +er%ent#y" wit)out ceasin'" as Pastor Pierce did durin' our pre-ser%ice prayer? Hisintense +ocus was impressi%e?K Accordin' to Pierce" t)ere are at #east +i%e speci+icc)aracteristics o+ t)e *ind o+ prayer A+ricans en'a'e in t)at ma*es t)eir #i%es and c)urc)esso power+u#? He obser%ed t)e +o##owin' e#ements in t)e prayers o+ t)e A+ricans t)at )e#pt)em pray in anot)er dimension> 1?T)eir prayers are %oca#" rat)er t)an si#ent? 2?T)ey pray +er%ent#y" +ocused on speci+icneeds? ?T)ey consistent#y pray t)e =ordt)rou') proc#amation? &?T)eir entire +ocus is%ertica#" addressin' 8od a#one? (?T)eir prayers are +u## o+ t)e aut)ority o+ a prop)eticanointin'?  I be'an to study t)e bib#ica# +oundation +or eac) o+ t)ese c)aracteristics o+ prayer%oca#" +er%ent" proc#aimin' t)e =ord" %ertica#" prop)etict)at c)aracteri@e t)e power+u# prayer #i%es o+ be#ie%ers in ot)er nations? As I did" w)at became %ery c#ear" bycontrast" was t)e #ac* o+ ener'y" +ocus" aut)ority" and prop)etic anointin' t)at c)aracteri@esmuc) o+ t)e prayin' in our American c)urc)es? I+ we #earn to yie#d our )earts and minds4our o#d wines*ins6 to bib#ica# patterns o+ prayer" we can be'in to see t)e power o+ 8od

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re#eased in our c)urc)es and our nation" Must as t)ese precious C)ristians in ot)er nations)a%e e$perienced? T)e prayer #i%es o+ C)ristians in t)ese re%i%a# nations c#ose#y resemb#et)e +er%ency o+ t)e 5#d Testament prop)ets as we## as t)e 7ew Testament C)urc)?  5ur c)urc) is on a Duest to estab#is) ourse#%es in t)e *ind o+ power+u# prayer #i+e weare obser%in' in ot)er nations? =e want to see t)e same proportions o+ )ar%est o+ sou#s" t)e

*inds o+ )ea#in' and mu#tip#ied mirac#es" e%en to t)e raisin' o+ t)e dead" as 8od is doin' int)ese re%i%a# nations? It is time +or American c)urc)es to ta*e a Duantum #eap into prayer inanot)er dimension? =e need to #earn to use prayer as a weapon a'ainst t)e ons#au')t o+ t)eenemy" w)o continues to Jstea#" *i##" and destroyK 4see :o)n 1B>1B6? He continua##y attac*st)e spiritua# #i%es and inte'rity o+ our +ami#ies" our c)urc)es" and our nation? =e must insiston t)e %ictory o+ Ca#%ary and brin' t)e 9in'dom o+ 8od to eart) t)rou') power+u#" persistent prayer?  IE S!55TH ST57ES

  ;nti# we 'rasp t)e +act t)at t)e essence o+ true prayer is spiritua# and must beaccomp#is)ed t)rou') t)e Ho#y Spirit wor*in' e++ecti%e#y in our spiritua# #i+e" we wi## notenter into anot)er dimension o+ prayer? =e )a%e to #ay aside inte##ectua# prayers" based on+acts and *now#ed'e? Ana#y@in' situations and e$p#ainin' t)em to 8od is a +uti#e attempt to pray? 8ods perspecti%e o+ #i+e is muc) di++erent +rom ours? =e cannot pray e++ecti%e#y i+ weare +i##ed wit) stri+e and comp#aint or ot)er ne'ati%e emotiona# responses? =e must #earn toabandon ourse#%es in comp#ete trust and con+idence in 8od" w)o )as 'i%en us t)e recourseo+ prayer to present our petitions in +ait) to Him?  :esus made it %ery c#ear to His discip#es t)at He wanted t)em to as*" to see*" and to*noc*" to recei%e answers to prayer 4see Lu*e 11>36? He dec#ared> JAnd in t)at day you wi##as* !e not)in'? !ost assured#y" I say to you" w)ate%er you as* t)e at)er in !y name Hewi## 'i%e you? ;nti# now you )a%e as*ed not)in' in !y name? As*" and you wi## recei%e"t)at your Moy may be +u##K 4:o)n 1>2-2&6?

  It is time +or American c)urc)es to ta*e a Duantum #eap into prayer in anot)er dimension?

  !y dear +riend" /r? uc)sia Pic*ett" s)ared wit) me on one occasion a spiritua#%ision 8od 'a%e )er in w)ic) He tau')t )er )ow to use spiritua# weapons o+ war+are? S)ewas an a%id student o+ t)e =ord o+ 8od" as a !et)odist pro+essor" be+ore s)e wasmiracu#ous#y )ea#ed +rom )er deat)bed and bapti@ed wit) t)e Ho#y Spirit? S)e )ad not be#ie%ed in eit)er t)e rea#ity o+ )ea#in' +or t)e C)urc) today or Ho#y Spirit baptismunti#s)e recei%ed bot) on t)e same mornin'? T)en 8od be'an to teac) )er His ways" as s)eyie#ded )er stron' inte##ect as we## as )er t)eo#o'ica# de'rees to Him? S)e #earned toapproac) 8od in t)e simp#icity o+ a c)i#d? /r? Pic*ett recorded t)is %ision in )er boo*"Stones o+ Remembrance"& w)ic) I )a%e summari@ed )ere> 

I was prayin' be+ore I went to bed and t)e Lord spo*e to me" JI+ you wi## spend t)eni')t wit) !e" as t)e day dawns I wi## teac) you )ow to )a%e power o%er t)e de%i#?K V:ustas t)e dawn came" I +e## into a trance and be'an to see a youn' man wit) broad s)ou#dersand a ruddy +ace? He )ad a s)ep)erds s#in' draped o%er )is s)ou#der? As I #oo*ed at )im" Isaid" JYou are /a%id?K T)en I be'an to watc) a drama un+o#d? As /a%id reac)ed into t)e broo* at )is +eet and pic*ed up +i%e stones" I saw a )u'e person wa#* into t)e ot)er side o+t)e room? I #oo*ed up" start#ed by )is si@e" and w)ispered" JYou are 8o#iat)?K T)en I saw

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/a%id put +our stones away and s#in' one stone at t)e 'iant? T)e Ho#y Spirit as*ed me" JInw)at aut)ority did )e s#in' t)at roc*K I remembered /a%ids words to 8o#iat)> JVbut Icome to you in t)e name o+ t)e Lord o+ HostsK 41 Sam? 1.>&(6? 

I watc)ed in t)e %ision as 8o#iat) +e## w)en /a%ids smoot) stone +ound its mar* in

)is +ore)ead? T)en I became a part o+ t)e %ision" as t)e Ho#y Spirit said" J7ow" you ta*e t)eot)er +our stones and p#ace t)em in your s#in'?K 7ow I )ad to use t)ese stones to de+eat t)eenemy? irst" t)e Ho#y Spirit as*ed me" J=)at stone did :esus t)row at t)e de%i#K Ianswered" J:esus response to t)e de%i# was It is written?K T)en I )ur#ed t)e stone o+ t)e=ord at t)e enemy? T)en t)e Spirit as*ed me" J=)at is t)e #ine t)e enemy cannot crossK Iresponded" JT)e b#ood o+ :esus? T)at is w)at t)e Passo%er was a## about?K And I )ur#ed t)esecond stone? T)en I )eard t)e Duestion" J=)at is t)e source o+ your stren't) +or batt#eK Iresponded" JIt is not by mi')t" nor by power" but by !y spirit" sait) t)e Lord o+ )ostsK4Gec)? &> 9:6? I understood t)at t)is stone represented t)e power o+ t)e Ho#y Spirit?ina##y" t)e Ho#y Spirit as*ed" J=)ose +ait) is itK And I responded wit) t)e words o+ Pau#"JT)e #i+e w)ic) I now #i%e in t)e +#es) I #i%e by t)e +ait) o+ t)e Son o+ 8odK 48a#? 2>2B9:6? I understood t)at de+eatin' t)e enemy is not about standin' and ye##in' and stompin'our +eet? It in%o#%es usin' t)e di%ine arsena# o+ weapons 8od )as 'i%en ust)e name o+ t)eLord" His =ord" His b#ood" t)e power o+ His Spirit" and His +ait)? T)en t)e Ho#y Spiritinstructed me" JPut t)ose +i%e smoot) stones in t)e s#in' o+ praise and 'o conDuer t)eenemy?K  In t)is dramatic %ision" 8od tau')t uc)sia Pic*ett more about prayer and de+eatin't)e enemy o+ our sou#s t)an s)e )ad #earned +rom )er t)eo#o'ica# studies? Too o+ten we)a%e based our prayers on our ideas" our comp#aints" or our re#i'ious p)rases to try to de+eatt)e de%i#? Satan is not a+raid o+ our re#i'ious +ormu#as" our own t)ou')ts" or our inte##ectua#c)a##en'es? =e must #earn to use t)e e++ecti%e spiritua# weapons a'ainst )im t)at 8od )as'i%en to us?  T)e =ord o+ 8od was)es us" sancti+ies us" and renews our minds 4see :o)n 1.>1.ORom? 12>1-26? T)e b#ood o+ C)rist sa%es us +rom our sin and pro%ides )ea#in' +or us 4see 1Pet? 2>2&O 1 :o)n 1>.6? =)en we are prayin' a'ainst principa#ities and powers in spiritua#war+are wit) t)e enemy" we need to dec#are our co%erin' in t)e b#ood o+ :esus in t)atmoment? =e are doin' %ery rea# batt#e a'ainst spirits wit)out bodies and Jspiritua#wic*edness in )i') p#acesK 4Ep)? >12 9:6?  T)e Scriptures teac) t)at +ait) is a 'i+t o+ 8od 4see Ep)? 2>06 and t)at it comes by)earin' t)e =ord o+ 8od 4see Rom? 1B>1.6? T)e apost#e Pau# dec#ared> JT)e #i+e w)ic) Inow #i%e in t)e +#es) I #i%e by t)e +ait) o+ t)e Son o+ 8od" w)o #o%ed me and 'a%e Himse#++or meK 48a#? 2>2Bb6? And :o)n dec#ared" JT)is is t)e %ictory t)at o%ercomet) t)e wor#d"e%en our +ait)K 41 :o)n (>&b 9:6? =e need to #earn to use t)is mi')ty weapon o+ +ait) andas* 8od to increase it?  =e are a#so admonis)ed in t)e Scriptures to be +i##ed wit) t)e Spirit and to wa#* int)e Spirit> JI say t)en> =a#* in t)e Spirit" and you s)a## not +u#+i## t)e #ust o+ t)e +#es)K 48a#?(>16? And :esus tau')t us to as* in His name in order to recei%e w)at we need 4see :o)n1> 2-2&6?  As we a##ow our o#d wines*ins to be renewed by t)e =ord o+ 8od" we wi## #earn toe++ecti%e#y use t)ese spiritua# weapons 8od )as 'i%en us to de+eat t)e enemy o+ our sou#s>His =ord" His b#ood" His +ait)" His Spirit" and His name? T)eir supernatura# power" w)enre#eased t)rou') +er%ent prayer" wi## 'i%e to us t)e %ictory o%er t)e enemy o+ our sou#s t)at

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we so desperate#y need? 

About Sue Curran

  Sue Curran and )er )usband" :o)n" are co+ounders and pastors o+ S)e*ina) C)urc)

in #ount%i##e" Tennessee? /r? Curran earned a !asters and /octor o+ /i%inity de'ree +romC)ristian Li+e Sc)oo# o+ T)eo#o'y" and is an adMunct pro+essor +or eacon Institute o+!inistry?  S)e is t)e aut)or o+ se%era# boo*s" and )er ministry e$tends to a## continents andcrosses many cu#tura# and et)nic boundaries?


 1.8rchbishop Nicholas 7&ncan#6illiams9

www.actionworshipcenter.org. 2.4ishop 4art )ierce9 )astor9

ocB Cit( Ch&rch9 4altimore9 '7.9

http://www.rocBcit(ch&rch.com. $.5bid. 0.D&chsia )icBett9

 Stones o" emembrance +aBe 'ar(9 D: Charisma Go&se9

1!!*9 "#"".

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 C)apter 0



 by Mahesh Cha!a

  J7ow" t)ere+ore"K says t)e Lord" Jturn to!e wit) a## your )eart" wit) +astin'" wit)

weepin'" and wit) mournin'K 4:oe# 2>126?

  7ear#y e%ery C)ristian I )a%e ta#*ed wit) )as )ad some Duestions andmisconceptions about +astin'? I t)in* it is sa+e to say t)at +astin' is one o+ t)e mostmisunderstood subMects in t)e ib#e? T)at is sad w)en you be'in to disco%er t)e incredib#e bene+its you recei%e t)rou') +astin' accordin' to 8ods =ord? T)ere are 12 speci+ic bene+its o+ t)e J+ast t)at 8od )as c)osenK #isted in t)e oo* o+ Isaia)> 

Is t)is not t)e +ast t)at I )a%e c)osen> to #oose t)e bonds o+ wic*edness" to undo t)e)ea%y burdens" to #et t)e oppressed 'o +ree" and t)at you brea* e%ery yo*e 

Is it not to s)are your bread wit) t)e )un'ry" and t)at you brin' to your )ouse t)e poor w)o are cast outO w)en you see t)e na*ed" t)at you co%er )im" and not )ide yourse#++rom your own +#es) 

T)en your #i')t s)a## brea* +ort) #i*e t)e mornin'" your )ea#in' s)a## sprin' +ort)speedi#y" and your ri')teousness s)a## 'o be+ore youO t)e '#ory o+ t)e Lord s)a## be yourrear 'uard? 

T)en you s)a## ca##" and t)e Lord wi## answerO you s)a## cry" and He wi## say" JHereI am?K I+ you ta*e away t)e yo*e +rom your midst" t)e pointin' o+ t)e +in'er" and spea*in'wic*edness" 

I+ you e$tend your sou# to t)e )un'ry and satis+y t)e a++#icted sou#" t)en your #i')ts)a## dawn in t)e dar*ness" and your dar*ness s)a## be as t)e noonday? 

T)e Lord wi## 'uide you continua##y" and satis+y your sou# in drou')t" andstren't)en your bonesO you s)a## be #i*e a watered 'arden" and #i*e a sprin' o+ water" w)osewaters do not +ai#? 

T)ose +rom amon' you s)a## bui#d t)e o#d waste p#acesO you s)a## raise up t)e

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+oundations o+ many 'enerationsO and you s)a## be ca##ed t)e Repairer o+ t)e reac)" t)eRestorer o+ Streets to /we## In 4Isaia) (0>-126?  Isaia) (0 is one o+ t)e best c)apters in t)e ib#e on t)e subMect o+ +astin'? I cou#dstay on t)is passa'e +or se%era# c)apters or an entire boo*, It is wonder+u#? T)ere are at#east 12 speci+ic bene+its o+ Jt)e +ast t)at 8od )as c)osenK in t)is passa'e>

 1?Re%e#ation 2?Hea#in' and w)o#eness ?Ri')teousness &?T)e presence o+ t)e s)e*ina)'#ory o+ 8od (?Answered prayers ?Continua# 'uidance .?Contentment 0?Re+res)in'3?Stren't) 1B?=or* t)at endures 4#i*e an e%er-+#owin' sprin'6 11?Raisin' up o+ +uture'enerations 12?Restoration How does +astin' rea##y wor* I dont *now a## t)e answers because t)is is one o+ 8ods 'reat mysteries" but I can s)are w)at I%e #earned up to t)is point? or one t)in'" demons 'et %ery uncom+ortab#e w)en C)ristians be'in +astin'? =e*now +rom t)e Scriptures t)at many o+ t)e diseases" ai#ments" menta# prob#ems" and c)ronic be)a%iora# prob#ems a++#ictin' man*ind are insti'ated or perpetuated by demonic +orcesw)o want to )inder 8ods peop#e and 'enera##y torment 8ods )i')est creation?  I o+ten recommend to peop#e w)o are see*in' a )ea#in' +rom t)e Lord t)at t)ey +ast be+ore t)ey come to our )ea#in' ser%ices? T)ose w)o )eed t)is ad%ice o+ten recei%e asupernatura# )ea#in' +rom t)e Lord %ery Duic*#y? I te## peop#e" JI+ your #o%ed one comes toser%ices" )a%e t)em +ast be+ore)and? As* t)em to drin* +ruit or %e'etab#e Muices" or to 'et byon sa#ad?K T)e obser%ation o+ some *ind o+ +ast is important because it s)ows a desperationand determination to Jtouc) t)e Lord"K w)o a#one is t)e Source o+ a## )ea#in'? /emonscannot stay around too #on' w)en a person +asts" because +astin' unto 8od creates a tota##ydi++erent atmosp)ere t)at we#comes t)e )o#y and repe#s t)e un)o#y? T)at is w)y demonicspirits 'et %ery uncom+ortab#e around a person w)o +asts?  Any pastor or minister w)o is in a )ea#in' and de#i%erance ministry o+ any *inds)ou#d ma*e +astin' part o+ )is re'u#ar #i+esty#e? It is t)e spiritua# eDui%a#ent o+ an at)#etewor*in' out at t)e 'ym? As you +ast and see* 8ods +ace" He wi## be'in to p#ant anaut)ority in you born out o+ intimacy wit) Him t)at t)e demons wi## reco'ni@e and +ear?

  /emonic spirits 'et %ery uncom+ortab#e around a person w)o +asts?

  I remember recei%in' a p)one ca## in 13. +rom two pastors w)o said" Jrot)er!a)es)" we were prayin' +or a man w)o is a )omose$ua# and sudden#y a demon be'anta#*in' t)rou') )im, =e are a+raid?K I said" J=e##" Must cast t)e demon out o+ )im"K buta'ain t)ey to#d me t)at t)ey were a+raid? Jut you are pastors"K I said? T)e men persisted"sayin'" JP#ease" come )e#p us"K and +ina##y I a'reed to 'o?  I dro%e to t)eir #ocation and opened t)e +ront door to t)e )ouse and +ound t)em)idin' in t)e broom c#oset, =)en I said" J=)at are you doin' )ereK t)ey motioned towardanot)er part o+ t)e )ouse and said" JHes out t)ere?K  I )ad been +astin'" and I went into t)e room w)ere t)is man was waitin'? T)e man)ad been a )omose$ua# +or 10 years" and w)en I entered t)e room" )e was standin' t)ere asi+ waitin' +or a c)ance to intimidate a'ain? I cou#d see t)at t)e demon )ad come to t)esur+ace? He was #itera##y starin' out o+ t)e man? I cou#d see it because t)e mans w)o#ecountenance )ad been trans+ormed into a mas* o+ e%i#? He saw me and said in an incredib#ye%i# tone" J5)" anot)er man? Come in" Id #i*e to )a%e +e##ows)ip wit) you?K  7ow it was my turn to do t)e ta#*in' by t)e power o+ t)e Ho#y Spirit?  JYou want to )a%e +e##ows)ip wit) me /o you *now w)at t)e Scriptures say Vi+ we wa#* in t)e #i')t as He is in t)e #i')t" we )a%e +e##ows)ip wit) one anot)er" and t)e b#ood o+ :esus C)rist c#eanses us +rom a## sin? 4See 1 :o)n 1>.?6

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  7ow it was my turn to do t)e ta#*in' by t)e power o+ t)e Ho#y Spirit?

  J7ow demon" can you say" T)e b#ood o+ :esus T)e t)in' cou#d on#y 'row# att)is point? T)e coc*y tone disappeared instant#y?U /emon" say t)e b#ood o+ :esus now,Come on,K

  T)e mans )ands started twistin'" and I cou#d #itera##y )ear bones crac*in'? T)en t)emans an*#es be'an to twist in a contorted manner" and )e +e## on t)e +#oor and startedwrit)in'? I said" JStop doin' t)at? Say" T)e b#ood o+ :esus? Say it now,K ina##y )e said"JT)e b#" t)e b#?K T)en t)e man seemed to re'ur'itate" and t)e demon came outscreamin'?  I returned to t)at area +i%e years #ater" and a man *noc*ed on my )ote# door? Iremembered )is +ace" but t)e #ast time I )ad seen t)e man" )e was #yin' on t)e +#oor w)i#etwo ministers )udd#ed in a broom c#oset in anot)er room? T)is time" )e said" Jrot)erC)a%da" I want to introduce you to someone?K He stepped aside so I cou#d see t)e youn'#ady w)o was wit) )im and )e said" J=e )a%e been married +or +i%e years" and I want youto *now t)at w)en you prayed +or me t)at day" I was tota##y de#i%ered? 7ow Im marriedand )a%e norma# desires?K  Praise 8od, He is t)e 'reat /e#i%erer?  Anot)er time I was ministerin' in t)e mornin' ser%ice o+ a c)urc) in a uni%ersitytown in t)e Sout)west? I )ad Must come t)rou') a season o+ +astin' and prayer" and t)eser%ices were 'oin' %ery we## in t)e #ar'e c)urc) bui#din'? T)e a#tar was so #ar'e t)at itcou#d accommodate )undreds o+ peop#e at once" and I +e#t #i*e t)e Lord wanted to b#ess t)ew)o#e audience at once" so I brou')t t)em a## up to t)e a#tar? As t)e Lord anointed t)e peop#e" many were +a##in' or respondin' to 8ods presence in di++erent ways?  Ri')t in t)e midd#e o+ t)e a#tar ser%ice" t)e Spirit o+ 8od prompted me to say" JT)eLord te##s me t)ere are twe#%e )omose$ua#s and #esbians )ere? I+ you## raise your )andsand repent ri')t now" t)e Lord wi## de#i%er eac) one o+ you?K  Twe#%e )ands went up instant#y? Ei')t o+ t)e peop#e were #esbians" and w)en t)eyraised t)eir )ands it #oo*ed #i*e t)ey were sudden#y dropped to t)e +#oor by a b#ow +rom a#ar'e )ammer, I *new t)e Lord wanted to do more" so I went down to w)ere t)ey #ay on t)ecarpet? I didnt *now muc) about #esbians? I t)ou')t t)ey a## )ad mens )aircuts and wore Means and bossed e%erybody around? 5ne particu#ar youn' woman )ad con+essed t)at s)ewas a #esbian" but s)e de+ied t)e usua# stereotype? S)e was a beauti+u#" 21-year-o#d" b#onde-)aired youn' woman" but w)en I #oo*ed at )er" )er entire %isa'e turned dar*?  I to#d )er" JYou are bein' de#i%ered +rom a demon o+ deat)? In +act" it is a spirit o+suicide? You tried to commit suicide Must recent#y" )a%ent youK S)e started weepin' and pu##ed up t)e s#ee%es o+ )er #on'-s#ee%ed dress to s)ow me t)e %i%id scars +rom t)e dayon#y two wee*s ear#ier w)en s)e )ad s#as)ed )er wrists in an attempt to commit suicide?Ri')t t)en and t)ere" under t)e o%erpowerin' anointin' o+ 8od" t)at youn' woman wastota##y de#i%ered +rom t)e spirit o+ suicide and t)e spirit o+ #esbianism?  =)en I went bac* to t)at c)urc) a year #ater" I reMoiced to see t)at t)is sister was p#ayin' a *ey ro#e on t)e wors)ip team? S)e came up to me wit) a bi' smi#e and proud#y pu##ed out a picture and said" JI Must want you to *now t)at I 'ot married t)ree wee*s a'o"and t)is is t)e man I married? 7ow Im ser%in' t)e Lord,K  I want you to see t)e peop#e w)o are in bonda'e a## around you? T)ey are bro*en")urtin'" and desperate under demoni@in' in+#uences? Psyc)o#o'ists cannot )e#p t)em" norcan psyc)iatrists? 8ods =ord says t)at t)is *ind wont e%en come out by a simp#e

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command in t)e name o+ :esus C)ristt)ey do not come out e$cept t)rou') prayer and+astin'? T)at" my +riend" is w)at t)e Lord is as*in' us to do? Are you wi##in' to pay t)e price to set t)e capti%es +ree Are you wi##in' to set t)e capti%es +ree in your c)urc)" in your nei')bor)ood" and in your city

  S)e was tota##y de#i%ered +rom t)e spirit o+ suicide and t)e spirit o+ #esbianism?

  =e s)ou#dnt be satis+ied to stop t)ere? T)ere are desperate#y wic*ed yo*es o+ bonda'e c)o*in' t)e peop#e in our inner cities? I want t)e C)urc) o+ :esus C)rist to rise upin 8ods '#ory? Im tired o+ us s)ootin' at eac) ot)er w)en t)ere are so many desperateneeds out in t)e wor#d? =e are ca##ed to set t)e capti%es +ree" and t)e Lord )as 'i%en usmi')ty weapons to pu## down t)e stron')o#ds?  E%eryone see*in' de#i%erance +rom an entan'#in' sin or c)ronic wea*ness needs to'et desperate? I+ parents want to see t)eir c)i#dren )ea#ed or set +ree o+ demonic oppression"t)en t)ey need to 'et desperate +or t)eir c)i#dren? I+ t)ey are tru#y )umb#e and desperate be+ore t)e Lord as t)ey +ast +or t)emse#%es or +or t)eir c)i#dren" t)en t)ey wi## o+ten +indt)at it becomes easy to e$perience or minister de#i%erance?  =HY /5 =E AST

  I%e compi#ed a #ist o+ nine bib#ica# reasons w)y we +ast" and t)ey dont necessari#y para##e# t)e #ist o+ 12 bene+its o+ +astin' #isted in Isaia) (0? !any o+ t)ese points 'et downto t)e Jnitty 'rittyK areas o+ t)e C)ristian #i+e" and t)ey answer some o+ t)e most commonDuestions I%e been as*ed about +astin' o%er t)e past two decades? 1?=e +ast in obedience to 8ods =ord? astin' is deep#y embedded in 8ods =ord? Itis a too# o+ o%ercomin' #eaders in bot) t)e 5#d and 7ew Testaments? I+ t)e ib#e record isany indication" t)en J=inners +ast and #osers dont?K Here is a %ery brie+ samp#in' o+ w)at8od )as to say to be#ie%ers" and ministers in particu#ar" about +astin'> 

J7ow" t)ere+ore"K says t)e Lord" Jturn to !e wit) a## your )eart" wit) +astin'" wit)weepin'" and wit) mournin'K 4:oe# 2>126? 

ut in a## t)in's we commend ourse#%es as ministers o+ 8od> in muc) patience" intribu#ations" in needs" in distresses" in stripes" in imprisonments" in tumu#ts" in #abors" ins#eep#essness" in +astin'sO by purity" by *now#ed'e" by #on'su++erin'" by *indness" by t)eHo#y Spirit" by sincere #o%e 42 Corint)ians >&-6? 

And :esus said to t)em" JCan t)e +riends o+ t)e bride'room mourn as #on' as t)e bride'room is wit) t)em ut t)e days wi## come w)en t)e bride'room wi## be ta*en away+rom t)em" and t)en t)ey wi## +astK 4!att)ew 3>1(6? 2?=e +ast to )umb#e ourse#%es be+ore 8od and obtain His 'race and power? Howo+ten do you need 'race /o you need to tap into 8ods power to accomp#is) t)e ca##in'sand %ision He )as p#aced in your )eart =e a## need His continuous power to #i%e t)e%ictorious C)ristian #i+e dai#y? So wou#d it )urt to +ast at #east one day per wee* to J*eep t)e p#u's c#eanK in your #i+e astin' *eeps you )onest? :ames t)e apost#e made t)is pointabundant#y c#ear> I+ you want power and 'race +rom 8od" t)en you )a%e to )umb#eyourse#+> JHumb#e yourse#%es in t)e si')t o+ t)e Lord" and He wi## #i+t you upK 4:ames?&>1B6? T)e Ho#y Spirit is ca##ed t)e Spirit o+ 'race? I+ you want t)e Spirit o+ 'race" i+ youwant t)e anointin'" you )umb#e yourse#+?

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 ?=e +ast to o%ercome temptations in areas t)at *eep us +rom mo%in' into 8ods power? I+ t)e anointin' is not +#owin' +ree#y t)rou') you" t)at is a 'ood si'n t)at you need to +ast and pray? It is time to c#ear t)e c)anne# so 8ods Spirit can +#ow t)rou') you? 5nce a'ain" turnto t)e pattern o+ t)e 'reat Pioneer o+ our +ait)" :esus? Accordin' to Lu*e c)apter &" :esuscame out o+ a wi#derness o+ temptation in t)e power o+ t)e Spirit? I+ you want t)e same"

t)en do w)at He did? :esus ate not)in' +or &B days" and a+terward t)e de%i# came to temptHim w)en He was )un'ry? =)en :esus )ad sound#y w)ipped t)e de%i#" He went +ort) in power? &?=e +ast to be puri+ied +rom sin 4and to )e#p ot)ers become puri+ied as we##6?

Accordin' to t)e =ord o+ 8od" :esus C)rist too* away a## t)e sins o+ t)e wor#d ont)e cross at Ca#%ary? Yet many 4i+ not a##6 o+ us )a%e to dea# wit) Jbesettin'K orJentan'#in'K sins t)at seem to *eep poppin' up a'ain and a'ain? 8od wants us not on#y tode+eat t)ese entan'#in' sins in our own #i%es" but a#so to 'o beyond our own needs to standin t)e 'ap as intercessors +or ot)ers? I+ t)ere is a )abit or c)ronic sin t)at *eeps croppin' upin your #i+e" t)en )umb#e your sou# in +astin'" and 8od wi## puri+y you? e prepared" t)en"+or t)e time t)e Lord as*s you to ta*e upon yourse#+ 4t)rou') intercession6 t)e sins o+ot)ers and combine your intercessory prayer wit) +astin'? T)e 'reat mode#s +or t)is are:esus C)rist and t)e prop)et /anie#> 

T)en I set my +ace toward t)e Lord 8od to ma*e reDuest by prayer andsupp#ications" wit) +astin'" sac*c#ot)" and as)es? And I prayed to t)e Lord my 8od" andmade con+ession" and said" J5 Lord" 'reat and awesome 8od" w)o *eeps His co%enant andmercy wit) t)ose w)o #o%e Him" and wit) t)ose w)o *eep His commandments" we )a%esinned and committed iniDuity" we )a%e done wic*ed#y and rebe##ed" e%en by departin'+rom Your precepts and Your Mud'mentsK 4/anie# 3>-(6?  =e can pray t)is 'reat mode# prayer +or ourse#%es" +or our con're'ation" +or ourc)i#dren" and e%en +or our city and nation? It says" J8od" we )a%e sinned? =e )a%e departed+rom Your ways" 5 8od? =e are in de+eat because o+ our sins and trans'ressions?K 7owremember t)at t)e man w)o was prayin' t)ese t)in's" /anie#" was t)e most ri')teous manin )is 'eneration, T)is was t)e man w)o wou#d rat)er pray t)an escape t)e #ions den" yet)e said" J8od" we )a%e sinned?K  !any times I%e s)ared t)is princip#e wit) pastors w)o protested" sayin'" JYoudont understand, =e are +ine? =e are 59? =e #i%e 'od#y #i%es )ere?K I te## t)em" JListen"you dont understand, =e may be 59" but our cities and our nations are crumb#in', =eneed to ta*e upon ourse#%es t)is burden and say" 8od" we )a%e sinned" we )a%e become#a@y? or'i%e us and restore us?K  As be#ie%ers and intercessors in t)e pattern o+ t)e 8reat Intercessor" we are ca##edand e$pected to ta*e upon ourse#%es t)e burdens o+ ot)ers? It is simp#y an una%oidab#e parto+ Jta*in' up our cross dai#y?K At times" entire cities or nations +ast to repent and be puri+ied+rom sin? T)is )appened in t)e days o+ :ona)? T)e 7ine%ites were a wic*ed and %io#ent peop#e w)o were about to be Mud'ed and anni)i#ated by 8od" but t)en t)ey went on a +ast4e%en t)e don*eys" came#s" and 'oats were put on a +ast,6> 

So t)e peop#e o+ 7ine%e) be#ie%ed 8od" proc#aimed a +ast" and put on sac*c#ot)"+rom t)e 'reatest to t)e #east o+ t)em? T)en word came to t)e *in' o+ 7ine%e)O and )e arose+rom )is t)rone and #aid aside )is robe" co%ered )imse#+ wit) sac*c#ot) and sat in as)es? 

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  And )e caused it to be proc#aimed and pub#is)ed t)rou')out 7ine%e) by t)e decreeo+ t)e *in' and )is nob#es" sayin'" Let neit)er man nor beast" )erd nor +#oc*" taste anyt)in'Odo not #et t)em eat" or drin* water? ut #et man and beast be co%ered wit) sac*c#ot)" andcry mi')ti#y to 8odO yes" #et e%ery one turn +rom )is e%i# way and +rom t)e %io#ence t)at isin )is )ands? =)o can te## i+ 8od wi## turn and re#ent" and turn away +rom His +ierce an'er"

so t)at we may not peris) T)en 8od saw t)eir wor*s" t)at t)ey turned +rom t)eir e%i# wayO and 8od re#ented

+rom t)e disaster t)at He )ad said He wou#d brin' upon t)em" and He did not do it 4:ona)>(-1B6?  astin' +or purity can be pretty con+usin' at times because o+ t)e %ery nature o+ t)ec#eansin' process? astin' )as a way o+ brin'in' e%ery nasty )abit and irritation you%e 'ot Must bubb#in' to t)e sur+ace? You wi## Duic*#y noticeespecia##y on #on'er +astst)at i+you )a%e a bad temper )idden down t)ere w)ere no one e#se 4but 8od and your spouse6 cansee" t)en it wi## come ri')t to t)e sur+ace and you## start roarin' at peop#e? e patient and be encoura'ed" and dont 'i%e up? T)e Lord wi## c#ean you out? (?=e +ast to become wea* be+ore 8od so 8ods power can be stron'? astin' is ac)oice +or 8od and a'ainst t)e +#es)? =)en you +ast" you are ma*in' a conscious inwardc)oice demonstrated by an outward act t)at you want 8ods power to +#ow t)rou') you" notyour own? You want 8ods answer" not yours?  !any years a'o w)en I was Must be'innin' to step out in t)e ministry" I recei%ed aca## +rom a coup#e w)om I #o%ed and )ad prayed +or o+ten? I didnt )a%e any money to spareat t)e time" but my )eart went out to t)is coup#e w)en t)ey said" \rot)er !a)es)" we arein need?K T)ey were bot) in 'raduate sc)oo# at t)e time and t)ey wou#d )a%e to drop out i+t)ey didnt +ind money +or tuition some)ow or somew)ere?

  astin' is a c)oice +or 8od and a'ainst t)e +#es)?

  T)ey to#d me" J!a)es)" we Must want you to be in prayer"K but I #o%ed t)em somuc) t)at I said" J=e##VK and was about to say t)at I was 'oin' to send t)em a## t)emoney I )ad in my ban* account? I was sti## ta*in' some courses at t)e uni%ersity myse#+"and I needed w)at money I )ad mana'ed to sa%e so I cou#d re'ister +or my +ina# series o+c#asses? As t)ey ta#*ed" I said to myse#+" JIm 'oin' to ta*e a## t)at I%e sa%ed +orre'istration and 'i%e it to t)em?K It was t)e Jarm o+ t)e +#es)K spea*in'? T)eres not)in'wron' wit) 'i%in' to t)ose in need" but t)is time t)ey were ca##in' me to pray and I wasabout to simp#y send t)em money instead?  Sudden#y 8od seemed to spea* to me in t)e ot)er ear" J!a)es)" do you want to)e#p t)em or wou#d you rat)er t)at I )e#p t)emK I said" JYou" Sir"K and I prayed +or t)em?  T)e %ery ne$t day" bot) o+ t)ese peop#e recei%ed +u## sc)o#ars)ips to t)e uni%ersity?T)e mirac#e o+ pro%ision didnt stop t)ere, 8od continued to ta*e care o+ a## t)eir needssupernatura##y +or t)e ne$t two years, In contrast" t)e Jwea* arm o+ t)e +#es) o+ !a)es)Kcou#d )a%e )e#ped my +riends +or about t)ree days at besti+ Id tota##y emptied my s#im ban* account? 8ods way is a#ways best? Consider w)at 8ods =ord )as to say> 

!y *nees are wea* t)rou') +astin'" and my +#es) is +eeb#e +rom #ac* o+ +atness? Ia#so )a%e become a reproac) to t)emO w)en t)ey #oo* at me" t)ey s)a*e t)eir )eads? He#pme" 5 Lord my 8od, 5)" sa%e me accordin' to Your mercy" T)at t)ey may *now t)at t)isis Your )andO t)at You" Lord" )a%e done it, Let t)em curse" but You b#essV 4Psa#m 1B3>2&-

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And He said to me" J!y 'race is su++icient +or you" +or !y stren't) is made per+ectin wea*ness?K T)ere+ore most '#ad#y I wi## rat)er boast in my in+irmities" t)at t)e power o+C)rist may rest upon me? T)ere+ore I ta*e p#easure in in+irmities" in reproac)es" in needs" in

 persecutions" in distresses" +or C)rists sa*e? or w)en I am wea*" t)en I am stron' 42Corint)ians 12>3-1B6?  I%e #earned t)at it is important +or us as ministers o+ 8od to become comp#ete#ywea* be+ore 8od? It is at t)at point t)at t)e Lord wi## send us out in His power? ?=e +ast to obtain 8ods support in order to accomp#is) His wi##? T)e #eaders at t)ec)urc) in Antioc) +asted and prayed be+ore t)ey sent out arnabas and Pau#? T)is was doneso t)e #eaders wou#d ma*e t)e ri')t c)oice" and it was done to ensure t)eir success in t)e'ospe# mission? arnabas and Pau# +o##owed t)e same pattern in t)e +orei'n cities w)eret)ey estab#is)ed c)urc)est)ey +asted and prayed be+ore appointin' e#ders in t)ose cities?T)e +astin' and prayer )e#ped 'uide t)eir c)oices and )e#ped ensure t)e success+u# ministryo+ t)ose e#ders? T)ey wanted 8ods support to continue in t)ose c)urc)es #on' a+ter t)eapost#es )ad 'one 4see Acts 1>-&O 1&>26? .?=e +ast in times o+ crisis? !en and women )a%e a#ways turned to 8od in prayer and+astin' in times o+ crisis? T)e oo* o+ Est)er records w)at was probab#y t)e most critica#time in t)e )istory o+ t)e :ewis) nation? E%en t)ou') Hit#er bruta##y massacred si$ mi##ion:ews durin' =or#d =ar II in a terrib#e )o#ocaust" t)ousands o+ :ews sti## sur%i%ed in ot)er p#aces around t)e wor#d? In Est)ers time" t)e :ews )ad not yet been dispersed and Hamanwas actua##y on t)e %er'e o+ success+u##y destroyin' t)e entire :ewis) race, T)e *in' o+ t)ePersians and !edes )ad a#ready si'ned t)e deat) warrant w)en Est)er commanded t)e:ews to obser%e a +ast be+ore s)e ris*ed )er #i+e to enter t)e *in's presence to obtain mercyand pardon +or )er peop#e? 

T)en Est)er to#d t)em to rep#y to !ordecai> J8o" 'at)er a## t)e :ews w)o are present in S)us)an" and +ast +or meO neit)er eat nor drin* +or t)ree days" ni')t or day? !ymaids and I wi## +ast #i*ewise? And so I wi## 'o to t)e *in'" w)ic) is a'ainst t)e #awO and i+ I peris)" I peris),K 4Est)er &>1(-16  In times o+ crisis" we may need to +ast t)e most a''ressi%e +ast o+ a## and tota##yabstain +rom +ood and water? Howe%er" I wou#d ne%er counse# you to do t)at +or more t)ant)ree days un#ess you are in t)e #itera# '#ory and presence o+ 8od? T)is t)ree-day +ast is t)e+ast t)at Est)er as*ed t)e :ews to obser%e? In t)e end" 8od turned t)at crisis around and brou')t de#i%erance to a## t)e :ews?  A'ain in Second C)ronic#es 2B" :uda) was about to be destroyed by enemies w)en9in' :e)os)ap)at put t)e peop#e on a +ast? In t)e end" t)ey witnessed one o+ t)e mostdramatic acts o+ supernatura# de#i%erance recorded in t)e ib#e as t)e an'e#s o+ 8od cameand wiped out t)e armies o+ t)ree in%adin' nations, 0?=e +ast w)en see*in' 8ods direction?

T)en I proc#aimed a +ast t)ere at t)e ri%er o+ A)a%a" t)at we mi')t )umb#e ourse#%es be+ore our 8od" to see* +rom Him t)e ri')t way +or us and our #itt#e ones and a## our possessions? or I was as)amed to reDuest o+ t)e *in' an escort o+ so#diers and )orsemen to)e#p us a'ainst t)e enemy on t)e road" because we )ad spo*en to t)e *in'" sayin'" JT)e)and o+ our 8od is upon a## t)ose +or 'ood w)o see* Him" but His power and His wrat) area'ainst a## t)ose w)o +orsa*e Him?K So we +asted and entreated our 8od +or t)is" and He

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answered our prayer 4E@ra 0>21-26?  =)en you need 8ods direction" w)en you are con+used about w)ic) way to 'o" oneo+ t)e best t)in's you can do is +ast? T)is is especia##y true in t)e sometimes con+usin' areao+ persona# re#ations)ips" particu#ar#y +or t)ose be#ie%ers tryin' to ma*e a c)oice aboutw)om to marry? T)e Lord tau')t me t)is princip#e o+ +astin' be+ore I 'ot married" and I

+asted +or my wi+e e%en t)ou') I was not yet married and didnt e%en *now )er, I *new t)at8od )ad not ca##ed me to #i%e a#one" and I *new t)at 8od *new w)ere and w)o s)e wasO soI +asted and prayed +or )er? onnie and I compared notes #ater on and disco%ered t)at at t)emost critica# time in )er #i+e" a+ter )er parents 'ot a di%orce" s)e went t)rou') some %eryintense times? T)at was t)e time period w)en I was +astin' +or )er and prayin' t)at 8odwou#d 'i%e )er de#i%erance, 3?=e +ast +or understandin' and di%ine re%e#ation? As be#ie%ers" we need more t)andirection? =e need re%e#ation and understandin' o+ certain matters" situations" or trut)s int)e ib#e? T)e ib#e says" JYou 'o" t)ere+ore" and read +rom t)e scro## w)ic) you )a%ewritten at my instruction" t)e words o+ t)e Lord" in t)e )earin' o+ t)e peop#e in t)e Lords)ouse on t)e day o+ +astin'VK 4:er? >6?  Sometimes t)e Lords re%e#ation doesnt necessari#y come at t)e time o+ t)e +ast" but#ater on? T)is )appened to me t)e time t)e Lord s)owed me a wonder+u# princip#e o+)ea#in' durin' a mass crusade in Haiti? T)e meetin's were )e#d immediate#y a+ter t)e/u%a#ier re'ime +e## in t)at nation" and 8od )ad 'i%en us some wonder+u# mirac#es in t)eser%ices? Howe%er" t)e #oca# %oodoo priests and witc) doctors )ad become so disturbed byour crusade t)at +or t)e +irst time e%er t)ey issued a nationwide radio broadcast ca##in' +or ameetin' between a## t)e %oodoo priests and practitioners to put curses on us, I said" J=ow"wonder+u#, Lets see w)at you can do?K 4I responded in t)is way because #i*e E#iMa) be+oreme" I *new 8od was surroundin' us wit) His '#ory?6

  I *new 8od was surroundin' us wit) His '#ory?

  /urin' t)is same series o+ meetin's" a certain woman w)o )ad been born b#ind was brou')t to t)e +ront by )er 'randdau')ter? Eac) time t)is #itt#e #ady wou#d come to t)e +rontwit) )er )and on )er 'randdau')ters s)ou#der" and I wou#d pray +or )er? E%ery time t)eanointin' o+ 8od wou#d )it )er and s)e wou#d +a## down #i*e I )ad )it )er wit) a## mystren't)" a#t)ou') I bare#y touc)ed )er? I *new somet)in' )ad )appened" but eac) time I)e#ped )er up and as*ed" JHow are you" 8randmaK s)e wou#d b#in* )er sti## b#ind eyes andsay" JI cant see?K I cou#d on#y answer" J59? Come a'ain?K  T)e same t)in' )appened eac) ser%ice a+ter t)at +or se%en days and ni')ts? S)ewou#d be #ed +orward by )er 'randdau')ter? T)e power o+ 8od wou#d )it )er" )er bodywou#d s)a*e" and down s)e wou#d 'o? I *new it was t)e 'enuine power o+ t)e Lord )ittin')er? It was so ob%ious t)at I a#most wanted t)e Lord to be 'ent#e? Yet eac) time I )e#ped )er up a'ain and as*ed" JHow are youK s)e wou#d s)a*e )er )ead and say s)e sti## cou#dntsee?  I was rea##y stru''#in' wit) t)is situation? As you mi')t ima'ine" w)en you areconductin' )ea#in' ser%ices" you dont necessari#y want t)e +irst peop#e to come up +or prayer to be born b#ind, T)eres a stron' temptation to as* +or t)e warts or )eadac)es +irst?T)e Lord doesnt t)in* t)at way?  y t)e +ourt) day" I was 'ettin' tired o+ seein' 8randma comin' +orward +or prayer?T)an* 8od s)e wasnt #oo*in' to me +or )ea#in'" s)e was #oo*in' to t)e Lord? 5nce a'ain"t)e same t)in' )appened? In +act" t)e same t)in' )appened on t)e +i+t) day and t)e si$t)

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day? S)e wou#d come +orward" I wou#d pray" s)e wou#d +a## down" I wou#d )e#p )er up" s)ewou#d s)a*e )er )ead no" and I wou#d say" J8od b#ess you" come bac* a'ain"K and so on?  5n t)e #ast ser%ice o+ t)e #ast day o+ t)e crusade in Haiti" my +a%orite 'randmot)ercame +orward to t)e +ront once a'ain wit) )er )and on )er 'randdau')ters s)ou#der? 5ncea'ain I prayed +or )er" and a'ain t)e incredib#e power o+ 8od )it )er so )ard t)at s)e was

abso#ute#y *noc*ed to t)e +#oor" Must #i*e e%ery ser%ice be+ore t)at? 5nce a'ain I *ne#t downand said" J8od b#ess you" 8randma"K and went on? ut t)is time t)e Lord said" JHe#p )erup?K So I said" J59?K I went bac* to )e#p t)is dear #ady to )er +eet?  5nce a'ain I as*ed )er" JHow are you" 8randmaK S)e b#in*ed )er eyes and said" JIcan see you c#ear#y,K 8od )ad tota##y recreated )er eyes and 'i%en )er si')t +or t)e +irsttime in )er #i+e, 5utward#y I e$c#aimed" JHow wonder+u#,K but inward#y I said" You *now"Lord" You cou#d )a%e done t)is t)e +irst day,  !any mont)s #ater durin' an e$tended time o+ +astin' and prayer" I was dri%in'down a street in Sout) #orida w)ere I #i%ed at t)e time? I was mindin' my own businessand wasnt e%en prayin' on t)e ei')teent) day o+ t)e +ast w)en sudden#y" ri')t in +ront o+my eyes" I be'an to %iew scenes o+ t)e times I )ad prayed +or t)at precious Haitian'randmot)er? It was a#most as i+ I was watc)in' a +u##-co#or %ideotape o+ t)ose prayertimes?

  /ont 'et discoura'ed? 9eep prayin' unti# you see )ea#in' and de#i%erance,

  I )ad wondered many times about t)e se%en days I )ad prayed +or t)at b#ind woman"and sudden#y I +ound myse#+ re#i%in' t)ose times in #i%in' co#or? 5n#y t)is time I *new Iwas seein' t)rou') t)e eyes o+ t)e Spirit? As t)is woman came up +or prayer in eac)ser%ice" t)e Lord s)owed me t)at t)ere was a creature t)at #oo*ed simi#ar to an octopuswit) se%era# tentac#es wrapped around t)e womans eyes? E%ery time I prayed" t)eanointin' o+ 8od wou#d )it )er and *noc* o++ one o+ t)e tentac#es?  /urin' t)e second prayer" a second tentac#e was supernatura##y remo%ed? /urin' t)et)ird prayer" a t)ird tentac#e came o++? ina##y" on t)e #ast ni')t in t)e #ast ser%ice" t)ewoman came +orward wit) a sin'#e tentac#e sti## wrapped around )er eyes? It was #i*e aspirit o+ b#indness" t)e main demon t)at )ad *ept )er bound in a wor#d o+ dar*ness? =)en I prayed +or )er t)e #ast day" t)e #ast tentac#e came o++ and s)e cou#d see c#ear#y?  T)e Lord re%ea#ed to me t)at at times" demonic obstructions )o#d us or c#in' to uswit) se%era# arms? E%ery time you pray under t)e anointin'" somet)in' )appens? You cancount on t)at? T)e Lord says to many o+ us" J/ont 'et discoura'ed? 9eep prayin' t)rou')unti# t)e #ast tentac#e comes o++ and you see t)e )ea#in' and de#i%erance,K 

About !a)es) C)a%da

  !a)es) C)a%da is t)e +ounder and senior pastor o+ A## 7ations C)urc) in C)ar#otte" 7ort) Caro#ina? An internationa# e%an'e#ist" !a)es) and )is wi+e" onnie" )a%e #ed moret)an .BB"BBB peop#e to C)rist around t)e '#obe? T)ey a#so o%ersee t)e wor#dwide J=atc)o+ t)e LordK prayer mo%ement and conduct trainin' con+erences t)at teac) C)ristians to dot)e wor*s o+ :esus and to mo%e in t)e anointin' o+ t)e Ho#y Spirit? T)e C)a%das and t)eir+our c)i#dren reside in C)ar#otte" 7ort) Caro#ina?


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 C)apter 3

 )8E C8N 4E



 by C. Peter Wagner 

  You as* and do not recei%e" becauseyou as* amissV 4:ames &>6?

  T)e name o+ t)e c)urc) is T)e Prayer Ca%e? =)en Pastor T)omas !ut)ee +oundedt)e c)urc) in t)e sma## city o+ 9iambu not #on' a'o" prayer )ad p#ayed suc) a %ita# ro#e +or)im t)at ca##in' it JT)e Prayer Ca%eK was a natura#? 4T)is mi')t seem #i*e an odd name tot)e ears o+ most American be#ie%ers? A## across 9enya" )owe%er" t)e most prominent nationo+ East A+rica" creati%ity rei'ns in assi'nin' c)urc) names?6  7o ot)er c)urc) I am aware o+ better e$emp#i+ies w)at t)is c)apter is a## about  prayin' wit) power? I t)in* it is important +or us to understand t)at prayer is not someet)erea# e$ercise t)at )as #itt#e measurab#e e++ect on t)e rea# wor#d in w)ic) we #i%e? I *nowo+ no better way to be'in to understand )ow power+u# prayer can be t)an to e$p#ore aconcrete e$amp#e suc) as T)e Prayer Ca%e in 9iambu" 9enya? I wi## te## you more soon?  PRAYER TR;LY =5R9S

  !eanw)i#e" a centra# t)esis under#yin' a## my writin's about prayer is t)at prayerwor*s? 7ot a## prayer wor*s" but e++ecti%e prayer does? Power+u# prayer wor*s? I )a%eemp)asi@ed t)ose adMecti%es to )i')#i')t w)at many o+ us a#ready *now in our )earts" butsometimes )esitate to admitnot a## prayer is eDua#? :ust as some prayer is e++ecti%e" sosome is ine++ecti%e" and some is in between? :ust as some prayer is power+u#" so"un+ortunate#y" some is eDua##y impotent? I am enou') o+ a born pra'matist to )a%e %irtua##yno incenti%e to write a series o+ boo*s about prayer in 'enera#? !y interest is a#moste$c#usi%e#y in power+u# prayer" not in t)e ot)er *inds?  T)e essence o+ prayer is a persona# re#ations)ip between a be#ie%er and 8od? Someca## it Jintimacy wit) t)e at)er?K T)is is true" and it is important? or t)is reason it wou#dnot be correct to say t)at any be#ie%in' prayer is bad per se? I wou#d not want to ma*e adistinction between 'ood prayer and bad prayer" +or e$amp#e? Some prayer" )owe%er" wemust admit" can be mis'uided and t)ere+ore #ac* t)e power it cou#d )a%e? :ames says" JYouas* and do not recei%e" because you as* amissVK 4:ames &>6? =ron' moti%es can wea*en prayer" as can sin in our #i%es and many ot)er t)in's I wi## mention +rom time to time as we

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mo%e on?  T)e distinction I am ma*in' is" more accurate#y" between 'ood prayer and better prayer? !y wi+e" /oris" #i*es to say" J7o prayer is wasted?K A## 'ood prayer can be seen asa step in t)e ri')t direction" but some o+ t)ose steps may be sma##er t)an t)ey need to be? I+you are readin' t)is boo*" t)e odds are )i') t)at you )a%e a burnin' desire in your )eart to

 pray more power+u##y t)an you ordinari#y )a%e been doin'? You may be on a re#ati%e#y #ow#e%e# ri')t now" but you do not want to stay t)ere? You may be on a )i') #e%e# o+ prayer power" but you *now t)at t)ere are )i')er #e%e#s yet" and t)at is w)ere you want to be?  !EAS;RI78 THE P5=ER 5 PRAYER 

  How wi## you *now w)en you reac) a )i')er #e%e# o+ prayer 5ne way is to see anincrease in concrete" measurab#e answers to your prayers? T)at is w)y I #i*e to assert t)at prayer wor*s? :ames does not say" Jt)e prayer o+ a ri')teous man a%ai#s muc)?K He seemsto 'o out o+ )is way to say t)at Jt)e e++ecti%e" +er%ent prayer o+ a ri')teous personU a%ai#smuc)K 4:ames (>1" emp)asis added6? I+ )e )ad #e+t it at t)at point" t)e statement wou#dcertain#y )a%e been true" a#t)ou') somew)at %a'ue? To a%oid t)is" :ames immediate#y 'oeson to ma*e it more concrete? He uses E#iMa)" a )uman bein' Must #i*e us" as )is e$amp#e?E#iMa) prayed t)at it wou#d not rain" and it did not? T)en )e prayed t)at it wou#d rain" and itdid? E#iMa)s prayers wor*ed, 4See :ames (>1.-10?6  I wis) a## my prayers wou#d be #i*e E#iMa)s? I must con+ess" )owe%er" t)at I )a%enot arri%ed at E#iMa)s #e%e#yet? I am not e%en at t)e #e%e# o+ many o+ my c#osest +riends yet? 5ne t)in' I do *now is t)at I am on a )i')er #e%e# t)an I was #ast year" and t)at ne$tyear I intend" wit) 8ods )e#p" to be )i')er t)an I am now? I may ne%er reac) E#iMa)s #e%e#" but it is not because suc) a t)in' is impossib#e?  In t)e passa'e I am citin'" :ames ta*es pains to point out t)at JE#iMa) was a manwit) a nature #i*e oursK 4:ames (>1.6? It is certain#y possib#e t)at 8od cou#d use you andt)at He cou#d use me t)e way He used E#iMa)? =)y not T)at is e$act#y w)at I desire? Iwant my prayers to be more e++ecti%e in t)e +uture t)an t)ey )a%e been in t)e past?  I )a%e no doubt t)at w)at +o##ows wi## )e#p your prayers become more power+u#t)an t)ey )a%e been in t)e past? :ust +ee#in' t)e pu#se o+ a dynamic c)urc) suc) as T)ePrayer Ca%e wi## +i## you wit) renewed +ait) and )ope +or e++ecti%e prayer in your persona##i+e" in t)e #i%es o+ your +ami#y" in your c)urc)" and in your community? I t)in* you wi##a'ree wit) me t)at Pastor T)omas !ut)ee is +air#y c#ose to t)e E#iMa) #e%e#?  THE 9E7YA PRAYER CAE

  Pastor T)omas !ut)ee is a %a#ued persona# +riend? He is my East A+rican directoro+ t)e Internationa# Spiritua# =ar+are 7etwor*? He is a c#ear t)in*er" articu#ate" wise" andrespected by )is peers in A+rica and ot)er parts o+ t)e wor#d?  I say t)is" not to in+#ate my +riend T)omas" but simp#y to assure t)e readers t)at weare not ta#*in' about some obscure +#a*e" but about a c)urc) #eader o+ 'ood reputation and)i') inte'rity?  As a side note" I am deep#y 'rate+u# to my co##ea'ue" 8eor'e 5tis :r? o+ T)e Sentine#8roup" +or introducin' me to Pastor T)omas !ut)ee and +or inter%iewin' )im to co##ectdetai#s o+ t)is remar*ab#e story? T)e +o##owin' story is parap)rased +rom 8eor'e 5tis :r?s boo*" T)e Twi#i')t Labyrint)?1

  T)omas !ut)ee wou#d be common#y identi+ied as a me'a-c)urc) pastor? T)ePrayer Ca%e c)urc) is 'rowin' rapid#y and" at t)is writin'" approac)in' &"BBB members" or

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( percent o+ 9iambus popu#ation o+ 0B"BBB? A#most a## t)e members are new con%erts because %ery +ew residents o+ 9iambu were C)ristians w)en T)omas arri%ed? How did t)isc)urc) 'row so %i'orous#y" and )ow did it come to )a%e suc) a measurab#e in+#uence on t)ew)o#e city  =it)out any )esitation w)atsoe%er" T)omas !ut)ee wou#d say t)at it )appened

t)rou') power+u# prayer?  T)omas and )is wi+e )ad returned to 9enya +rom a time in Scot#and? He wasministerin' as an itinerant e%an'e#ist" and )is wi+e was teac)in' sc)oo#? =)i#e in prayerone day" )e )eard t)e Lord say to )im" JI want you to p#ant a c)urc) in 9iambu?K  4Hearin' +rom t)e Lord in prayer was not a new e$perience +or T)omas" a#t)ou') itwou#d be +or many C)ristians w)om I *now? T)is is suc) a %ita# component o+ power+u# prayer t)at I )a%e dedicated an entire c)apter to t)e subMect o+ two-way prayer in my boo*"Prayin' =it) Power?6  A+ter spendin' a 'ood dea# more time wit) t)e Lord and testin' t)e word wit) )iswi+e and ot)ersa#ways a 'ood sa+e'uardT)omas was certain t)is was indeed t)ecommand o+ 8od +or a new career and +or a new p#ace o+ residence? T)ere was no Duestionin )is mind t)at )e )ad to obey? T)omas" )owe%er" did not #oo* +orward to t)e assi'nmentwit) one bit o+ p#easure?  A !;R/ER CAPITAL A7/ APREACHERS 8RAEYAR/

  5n#y a +ew mi#es distant +rom t)e beauti+u# capita# city o+ 7airobi" 9iambu )ad'ained a nationa# reputation +or )a%in' t)e worst crime" %io#ence" drun*enness" immora#ity"t)ie%ery" and )uman de'radation? Pub#ic disorder was t)e ru#e" and #oud roc* music was b#arin' +rom spea*ers in +ront o+ barrooms t)rou')out t)e ni')ts? It was t)e murder capita#o+ 9enya" re'isterin' up to ei')t *i##in's in a 'i%en mont)? T)e economy o+ t)e city was so bad t)at 'o%ernment o++icia#s reported#y paid bribes to t)eir superiors so as not to beassi'ned to 9iambu?  A c#oud o+ mystery a#so )un' o%er t)e city? E%eryone t)ere *new t)at in one certain p#ace many" and o+ten une$p#ainab#e" automobi#e accidents re'u#ar#y occurred? It wasconsidered a 'ood mont) w)en as +ew as t)ree +ata#ities were reported as a resu#t o+ tra++icaccidents? Stran'er sti## was t)e +act t)at no matter )ow man'#ed t)e bodies o+ t)e accident%ictims were" to a## intents and purposes" no b#eedin' occurrede%er, At times" somereported )earin' screec)in' tires and cras)in' meta#" but w)en t)ey ran to t)e site" no carscou#d be seen at a##,  A#t)ou') )e )ad ne%er %isited 9iambu" T)omas *new its reputation we##" and )e didnot #i*e t)e city" muc) #ess t)e prospects o+ ma*in' )is )ome t)ere? Add to t)at t)e +act t)at"a#t)ou') )e )ad been in C)ristian ministry +or years" )e )ad ne%er contemp#ated p#antin' anew c)urc)? He be#ie%ed )e )ad t)e 'i+t o+ an e%an'e#ist" and )e was usin' it success+u##yas )e tra%e#ed around t)e nation?  E%en i+ )e )ad intended to p#ant a c)urc)" 9iambu wou#d )a%e been T)omas #astc)oice as a #i*e#y site because t)e city )ad a#so 'ained t)e reputation as a preac)ers'ra%eyard? Pastor a+ter pastor tried to p#ant a c)urc) t)ere and soon #e+t de+eated anddiscoura'ed? T)e Pentecosta#C)arismatic *ind o+ c)urc)es" w)ic) were 'rowin'%i'orous#y in ot)er parts o+ 9enya" cou#d not seem to 'row eit)er in 9iambu? T)e #ar'est" pastored by a wonder+u#" dedicated man o+ 8od" )ad 'rown to #ess t)an B members a+ter1( years o+ +ait)+u# ministry, Anot)er" a#so 1( years o#d" )ad &B members" and anot)er on#y

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B?  SI< !57THS 5 PRAYER A7/ ASTI78

  T)e assi'nment was c#earO but )ow to imp#ement it I+ T)omas )ad ta*en my courseat u##er in c)urc) p#antin'" )e mi')t )a%e conducted demo'rap)ic sur%eys" +easibi#ity

studies" pub#ic opinion po##s" and cost ana#yses studies? 7ot t)at any o+ t)ese are badIcontinue to recommend t)em )i')#y to t)e best o+ inte##i'ent c)urc) p#anters? 8od")owe%er" 'a%e T)omas a di++erent strate'y +ew c)urc) p#anters )a%e used" but in t)is case itwas probab#y t)e one way a city as en'u#+ed by spiritua# dar*ness as 9iambu cou#d be penetrated to any si'ni+icant de'ree by t)e 'ospe#?  y mentionin' t)is" I do not want to #ea%e t)e impression t)at I am su''estin'T)omas !ut)ees met)od s)ou#d be substituted +or tried-and-true c)urc) 'rowt) andc)urc)-p#antin' princip#es? I de+inite#y do" )owe%er" want to #ea%e t)e impression t)atc)urc) p#anters o+ any stripe wou#d do we## to ta*e a c#ose #oo* at w)at T)omas did"discern t)e spiritua# princip#es be)ind )is acti%ities" and" a#t)ou') t)ey decide not to copy)is met)od" at #east consider emp#oyin' t)e princip#es?  8ods p#an +or T)omas and )is wi+e was +or t)em to pray and +ast +or si$ mont)s"w)ic) t)ey +ait)+u##y did? T)omas did not so muc) as %isit 9iambu" on#y 1B mi#es +rom )is)ome" durin' t)at time period? T)ey practiced a %ariety o+ +asts durin' t)ose mont)s"sometimes +astin' a mea# or two" sometimes +or e$tended periods" drin*in' Muice or wateron#y" as we## as some abso#ute +asts w)en t)ey consumed no +ood or drin*?  I persona##y )eard T)omas describe t)is season o+ waitin' on t)e Lord? He saw it as proacti%e spiritua# war+are? He said" JI+ we are 'oin' to win t)e batt#e +or 9iambu" we mustwin it in t)e air? T)e 'round troops must not in%ade t)e territory o+ t)e enemy wit)out +irstac)ie%in' %ictory in t)e in%isib#e wor#d? I wou#d not want to step my +oot into 9iambu unti#t)e spiritua# +orces o+ dar*ness o%er t)e city )a%e #ost t)eir 'rip?K  T)omas was no stran'er to t)e de%ices o+ satan? He was an e$perienced intercessor"and in )is e%an'e#istic wor* )e )ad con+ronted t)e enemy in power encounters on a %arietyo+ #e%e#s? He )ad #earned t)at t)e de%i# assi'ns certain speci+ic demons o%er towns" cities"and nations" as we## as +ami#ies? He said" J5%er t)is e$tended time o+ prayer and +astin'" Iwanted to *now e$act#y w)at was *eepin' 9iambu so po#itica##y" socia##y" economica##y"and spiritua##y oppressed?K  T)e term many o+ us are usin' +or t)e Duest t)at was en'a'in' T)omas !ut)ee att)e time is Jspiritua# mappin'?K T)e maMor purpose o+ spiritua# mappin' is to tar'et our prayers as accurate#y as possib#e? As T)omas prayed" )e +ound )imse#+ as*in' more andmore +or t)e e$act identity o+ t)e maMor principa#ity o%er t)e city? As I o+ten say" it is notnecessary to *now t)e name o+ t)e c)ie+ spirit to pray e++ecti%e#y +or a city suc) as 9iambu" but i+ 8od c)ooses to re%ea# t)e name" it is an ad%anta'e? In t)is case" T)omas be#ie%ed )es)ou#d as* speci+ica##y +or t)e name?  THE P5=ER 5ER THE CITY> =ITCHCRAT

  8od answered" t)is time t)rou') a %ision? In t)e %ision" T)omas c#ear#y saw t)e principa#ity o%er 9iambu" and its name was J=itc)cra+t?K He a#so saw many ot)er demonsaround =itc)cra+t and under its command? rom t)at point onward" t)e prayers o+ T)omasand )is wi+e were muc) more speci+ica##y tar'eted" and t)ey sensed in t)e Spirit t)atconsiderab#e dama'e was bein' done in t)e in%isib#e wor#d to t)e dar* an'e#s t)at )adenMoyed suc) a +ree rei'n o%er 9iambu +or 'enerations?

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  T)e name t)ey recei%ed was a +unctiona# namea spirit o+ witc)cra+t? T)at demonmi')t we## )a%e a#so )ad a proper name" simi#ar to some we read about in t)e ib#e suc) asJ=ormwoodK or JAbaddonK or Jee#@ebub"K but in t)is instance T)omas apparent#y didnot need to *now w)at it was? I+ )e needed it" 8od wou#d undoubted#y )a%e re%ea#ed it to)im? At t)e same time" t)e %ision was so c#ear t)at T)omas assi'ned t)e proper name"

J=itc)cra+t"K to t)e spirit w)o was contro##in' t)at acti%ity and t)ereby in+#uencin' muc)o+ w)at was )appenin' in t)e city?  At t)e end o+ t)e si$ mont)s o+ prayer and +astin'" T)omas +e#t peace in )is )eartand mind? He sensed t)at t)e maMor p)ase o+ t)e ministry to reac) 9iambu wit) t)e 'ospe#)ad been comp#eted? He saw in t)e Spirit t)at t)e spiritua# atmosp)ere o%er 9iambu )ad been su++icient#y c#eared t)rou') power+u# prayer and t)at t)e +orces o+ dar*ness o%er t)ecity were #osin' t)eir stran'#e)o#d on t)e city and were now in disarray? It was time +or t)e'round +orces to mo%e into enemy territory?  I7ASI57> Y A7 AR!Y 5 T=5,

  T)e 'round +orces consisted o+ on#y two peop#eT)omas and )is wi+e? =)en t)eymo%ed t)ere" t)ou')" t)ey disco%ered t)at t)e way )ad been prepared so we## t)at t)ey weret)e +irst C)ristian ministers a##owed to use t)e 9iambu municipa# )a## to preac) t)e 'ospe#?  T)eir strate'y was to win peop#e t)rou') pub#ic e%an'e#istic meetin's" so T)omas"drawin' on )is e$tensi%e e$perience as an e%an'e#ist" be'an t)e meetin's in :anuary 1303?5ne o+ t)e +irst t)in's )e did was to borrow some used tires +rom a #oca# mec)anic" becauseT)omas is %ery s)ort?

  =)at is 'ained by prayer must be maintained by prayer,

  He pi#ed t)em up" +as)ioned a p#at+orm" preac)ed t)e =ord" and saw ei')t peop#esa%ed t)e +irst ni')t,  T)e e%an'e#istic )ar%est continued" and t)e new c)urc) met in t)e municipa# )a##+or more t)an a year? T)omas became more and more dissatis+ied" t)ou')" because t)eycou#d not pray as )e wanted on site? T)ey )ad use o+ t)e bui#din' on Sundays and on=ednesday ni')ts on#y? T)omas %ision was t)at )is c)urc) +aci#ity s)ou#d be used +or prayer 2& )ours a day" e%ery day? He *new we## w)at I )a%e )eard many intercessors say"J=)at is 'ained by prayer must be maintained by prayer,K He was con%inced t)at i+ )isnew c)urc) was to continue to 'row and u#timate#y )a%e an in+#uence on t)e w)o#e city o+9iambu" prayer )ad to be t)e most prominent on'oin' component o+ )is p)i#osop)y o+ministry?  Soon t)ey were ab#e to mo%e out o+ t)e municipa# )a##" but on#y into t)e basemento+ anot)er bui#din'? It mi')t )a%e been rat)er dar* and din'y" but +rom t)e day t)ey mo%edin" t)e 2&-)our prayer )as ne%er stopped, 8oin' into t)e basement +e#t somet)in' #i*e 'oin'into a ca%e" so peop#e natura##y be'an re+errin' to it as T)e Prayer Ca%e" and t)e namestuc*? T)e c)urc)" as mi')t be e$pected" )as a more o++icia# name 4=ord o+ ait) C)urc)6" but it is *nown +ar and wide on#y as T)e 9iambu Prayer Ca%e" a#t)ou') it no #on'er meetsin t)e basement?  THE SPIRIT;AL C5;7TERATTAC9 

  T)e way I am narratin' t)is case study mi')t sound as i+ t)e +irst coup#e o+ years o+T)e Prayer Ca%e were a piece o+ ca*eno prob#ems" no )eartac)es" no setbac*s? 5n t)econtrary" t)e spiritua# counterattac* was +ierce? T)omas soon disco%ered t)at t)e )uman

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 bein' w)om t)e principa#ity o%er t)e city" =itc)cra+t" was usin' t)e most was a notorioussorcerer named J!ama :ane?K S)e did )er witc)cra+t and +ortune-te##in' in a p#ace s)e )ad per%erse#y named JEmmanue# C#inic?K S)e was considered by many as t)e most power+u# person in t)e city" and bot) po#iticians and businesspeop#e +reDuented Emmanue# C#inic to)a%e t)eir +ortunes to#d and to recei%e !ama :anes b#essin'?

  5ne more t)in't)e Emmanue# C#inic )appened to be #ocated near an open mar*etand precise#y at t)at part o+ t)e city w)ere t)e mysterious +ata# tra++ic accidents )ad beenoccurrin' mont) a+ter mont),  E%ery Saturday ni')t !ama :ane went to T)omas c)urc) site" per+ormed ma'ic"and cast )er spe##s and curses? S)e #et it be *nown to t)e city o++icia#s t)at s)e cou#d not)e#p t)em wit) )er +ortune-te##in' as muc) as s)e used to because t)is new c)urc) seemedto be Jcuttin' )er #ines o+ communication?K ConseDuent#y" one o+ t)e outcomes was t)at noton#y t)e city aut)orities" but a#so t)e pastors o+ ot)er C)ristian c)urc)es be'an attac*in' t)eministry o+ T)e Prayer Ca%e? T)at part o+ it was no +un,  T)omas !ut)ee and t)e c)urc) members" prayin' 2& )ours a day" did w)at t)eycou#d to counteract t)e demonic attac*s a'ainst t)e c)urc)? Some C)ristian #eaders seem tot)in* t)at C)ristians are immune to satans attac*s? T)ey tri%ia#i@e t)e de%i# by ca##in' )ima Jtoot)#ess #ion?K Suc) an attitude o+ denia# on#y p#ays into satans )ands and 'i%es )im+ree rein to continue )is p#ans Jto *i##" stea# and destroyK 4:o)n 1B>1B6? Suc) was not t)ecase wit) t)e members o+ T)e Prayer Ca%e? T)ey *new we## t)at !ama :anescounterattac* was rea#" it was power+u#" and it was doin' considerab#e dama'e to t)e causeo+ C)rist? T)e C)ristians" day a+ter day" cried out to 8od +or more power?  =AS !A!A :A7ES S5RCERY T55 !;CH

  8od answered by brin'in' T)omas !ut)ee and )is con're'ation to a p#ace o+desperation? T)e power o+ e%i# )ad in%aded t)e c)urc) to t)e point t)at t)ey cou#d )ard#y pray? 5ne day it 'ot so bad t)at t)ey started a wors)ip son' and were ne%er ab#e to +inis) it,Somet)in' was 'oin' on, T)ey went outside and +ound t)e remains o+ +res) p#aces o+sacri+ices and ritua#s #e+t be)ind by !ama :ane?  A+ter t)at" T)omas !ut)ee went be+ore t)e Lord" cryin' in a'ony? =as t)is wor*'oin' to +ai# =as 9iambu tru#y a 'ra%eyard o+ pastors =ou#d )is spiritua# tombstone beadded to t)e ot)ers y t)is time" !ut)ee was t)orou')#y con%inced t)at t)e demonic powers entrusted to !ama :ane )ad been t)e %ery +orces t)at )ad dri%en pastor a+ter pastorout o+ 9iambu? J8od"K )e prayed" J/o not #et me be t)e ne$t to 'os)ow me t)e way+orward,K  8od answered t)is prayer in a sti##" sma## %oice by simp#y su''estin'" J!y son" Iwant you to 'et intercessors on t)e Mob?K  ortunate#y" T)omas understood w)at 8od meant? He rea#i@ed t)at a#t)ou') )e )ada con're'ation o+ many" many pray-ers" )e )ad not reco'ni@ed" desi'nated" empowered"and re#eased intercessors? :ust as a## C)ristians are e$pected to be witnesses +or C)rist ando+ t)em on#y a +ew are c)osen by 8od to be e%an'e#ists" so a## C)ristians are e$pected to be pray-ers" but on#y a +ew o+ t)em are c)osen to be intercessors? T)is is anot)er one o+ t)oseimportant components o+ a +u##-orbed prayer ministry I )a%e inc#uded in C)apter . o+ my boo* Prayin' =it) Power?  7ot wantin' to ma*e a mista*e or stretc) t)e time #ine" T)omas came ri')t to t)e point and said" JLord" I am ready to do it? =)o are t)e intercessors You )a%e c)osenKRemar*ab#y" 8od immediate#y answered and to#d )im +i%e intercessors )ad been se#ected at

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t)e present time? He a#so 'a%e T)omas t)eir names,  5ne approac) mi')t )a%e been to brin' t)e +i%e to'et)er to +ast and pray once awee*? A muc) more radica# strate'y seemed to be ca##ed +or" t)ou')? T)omas assi'ned eac)intercessor to +ast and pray +or a w)o#e day" t)en anot)er +or t)e ne$t day and so on? T)atway" one o+ t)e intercessors was a#ways +astin' and prayin'?


  T)e initia# resu#ts seemed to be positi%e" but t)e intercessors be'an su++erin' seriousattac*s? 5n t)eir desi'nated +astin' days" sic*ness and ot)er t)in's debi#itated t)em and pre%ented t)eir prayers +rom bein' as power+u# as t)ey s)ou#d be? Pastor T)omas as*ed t)eLord to re%ea# w)at s)ou#d be done" and 8od too* )im to t)e bib#ica# story o+ :onat)an"w)o" un#i*e 9in' Sau#" went to war )a%in' an armor bearer at )is side? T)rou') t)isseemin'#y tri%ia# detai#" 8od s)owed T)omas t)at eac) intercessor needed armor bearers ont)e speci+ic day desi'nated +or +astin' and prayin'?  T)omas ca##ed to'et)er )is intercessors" w)o by t)en )ad 'rown to a team o+ nine"and to#d t)em t)at eac) person w)o was desi'nated to +ast on a particu#ar day wou#d beco%ered by two armor bearers? 5ne wou#d be t)e person w)o )ad +asted and prayed t)e day be+ore" and t)e ot)er wou#d be t)e one w)o was sc)edu#ed to +ast and pray t)e +o##owin'day? T)ese two wou#d +orm a protecti%e )ed'e o+ prayer around t)e one on duty?  T)ey did it" and it wor*ed, T)e spiritua# )arassment sudden#y stopped? T)e armor- bearer p#an )as been in p#ace e%er since" and at t)is writin' t)e intercession team )as 'rownto &BB )i')#y-committed indi%idua#s? Instead o+ on#y one intercessor +astin' and prayin'eac) day" t)ey are now di%ided into b#oc*s o+ 1( or 2B" w)ic) means t)at e%ery sin'#e dayeit)er 1( or 2B are prayin' and )a%e a prayer s)ie#d spread o%er eac) one by two ot)erintercessors?  In T)omas !ut)ees opinion" addin' t)e serious intercessors to t)e prayer ministryo+ T)e Prayer Ca%e was t)e decisi%e turnin' point in t)e spiritua# batt#e +or 9iambu? Anincreasin' number o+ !ama :anes c#ients were becomin' C)ristians and pub#ic#y burnin't)e c)arms and +etis)es s)e )ad so#d t)em? T)e way was now open +or !ut)ee to issue a pub#ic u#timatum> J!ama :ane eit)er 'ets sa%ed and ser%es t)e Lord or s)e #ea%es town,T)ere is no #on'er room in 9iambu +or bot) o+ us,K In p#ain terms" T)omas !ut)ee )adc)a##en'ed !ama :ane to a power encounter" muc) as E#iMa) )ad c)a##en'ed t)e priests o+aa#?  THE P5=ER E7C5;7TER 

  y now t)e word was spreadin' around to t)e city o++icia#s t)at !ama :ane did notseem to )a%e t)e power s)e used to )a%e? Her c#ients were embarrassin' )er by open#y burnin' +etis)es and renouncin' curses? Some be'an pointin' out t)at it cou#d be nocoincidence t)at )er Emmanue# C#inic was ri')t ne$t to t)e area w)ere t)e seriousaccidents were occurrin'? T)e w)o#e process was brou')t to a c#ima$ w)en t)ree youn'c)i#dren were *i##ed in one o+ t)e mysterious accidents? T)e peop#e o+ t)e city were +urious?T)ey suspected t)at it was !ama :anes b#ac* ma'ic t)at was causin' t)e accidents? T)eywanted to stone )er,  T)e po#ice were ca##ed in" and t)ey entered !ama :anes )ouse to in%esti'ate? Inone room o+ t)e )ouse t)ey were start#ed to +ind one o+ t)e #ar'est pyt)ons t)ey )ad e%erseen? T)ey immediate#y s)ot t)e sna*e and *i##ed it? T)at natura# act caused t)e spiritua# batt#e to end? !ama :ane was ta*en by t)e po#ice +or Duestionin' and was #ater re#eased?

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S)e Duic*#y and wise#y opted to #ea%e town +or 'ood? Instead o+ a preac)ers 'ra%eyard"9iambu )ad miracu#ous#y been trans+ormed to a witc)s 'ra%eyard,  Lets not #ose t)e si'ni+icance o+ t)e sna*e? T)at was t)e e%ent in t)e %isib#e wor#dt)at re+#ected w)at )ad been )appenin' in t)e in%isib#e wor#d? e+ore )e )ad arri%ed in9iambu" T)omas !ut)ee )ad been in+ormed by 8od t)at =itc)cra+t was t)e principa#ity

ru#in' t)e city" supported by any number o+ #esser spirits? =itc)cra+ts )uman %e)ic#e wast)e witc)" !ama :ane" w)o )ad b#asp)emed 8od by ca##in' )er den o+ iniDuity JEmmanue#C#inic?K S)e )ad a#so become t)e most power+u# woman in 9iambu?  =)en t)e apost#e Pau# arri%ed in P)i#ippi" )e encountered a simi#ar situation? T)emost spiritua##y-power+u# woman in P)i#ippi was a s#a%e 'ir# Jpossessed wit) a spirit o+di%ination or witc)cra+tUK 4Acts 1>16? T)e detai#s were di++erent" but a+ter a time" Pau#a#so pro%o*ed a power encounter and said to t)e spirit" JI command you in t)e name o+:esus C)rist to come out o+ )erK 4%? 106? T)e s#a%e 'ir# immediate#y #ost )er ma'ica# powers" many mirac#es too* p#ace" and a stron' c)urc) was p#anted in P)i#ippi?  =)at about t)e sna*e !ost o+ our trans#ations use t)e p)rase Jspirit o+ di%inationKor Jspirit o+ c#air%oyance"K w)ic) is t)e +unctiona# name o+ t)e territoria# spirit o%erP)i#ippi? ib#ica# sc)o#ars" )owe%er" te## us t)at a more #itera# renderin' o+ t)e 8ree* wou#d'i%e t)e spirit a proper name? or e$amp#e" Simon 9istema*er points out t)at t)e best wayto trans#ate t)e 8ree* is Ja spirit" name#y a Pyt)on?K2

  Here is one indication o+ t)e re#ations)ip o+ t)e sna*e in t)e %isib#e wor#d to spiritso+ witc)cra+t in t)e in%isib#e wor#d? It is common t)at in art desi'ned to '#ori+y t)edemonic" sna*es are +reDuent#y used to represent witc)cra+t?  It comes as no surprise" t)en" to t)ose +ami#iar wit) spiritua# war+are and spiritua#mappin' t)at a )u'e pyt)on was +ound in !ama :anes )ouse" and t)at *i##in' t)e sna*ewas t)e +ina# b#ow to )er e%i# power in 9iambu?  P5=ER;L PRAYER CA7 CHA78E A CITY,

  T)e point I am tryin' to ma*e in t)is c)apter is t)at power+u# prayer wor*s? 5urcase study o+ T)e Prayer Ca%e is a con%incin' e$amp#e? T)e spiritua# de+eat o+ !ama :aneis con%incin' enou')" but t)at is not a##? =)at e++ect did t)e prayer ministry o+ T)e PrayerCa%e )a%e on t)e city o+ 9iambu as a w)o#e  =)en !ama :ane #e+t t)e city" t)in's be'an to c)an'e Duic*#y and dramatica##y? T)eunbe#ie%ers in t)e city a#so reco'ni@ed t)e cause-and-e++ect re#ations)ip between t)e powerencounter and t)e subseDuent c)an'es in t)e community?  Economica##y" t)e city is now prosperous? 8o%ernment o++icia#s" instead o+ a##e'ed#y payin' bribes so as not to be assi'ned to 9iambu" now are said to pay bribes to 'et t)eassi'nment?  T)e crime and %io#ence associated wit) t)e city in t)e nationa# media is now%irtua##y 'one? T)e c)ie+ o+ po#ice )as recent#y %isited Pastor !ut)ee and to#d )im t)at because o+ w)at )e )as done to 9iambu" )e )as been 'ranted permission to preac)anyw)ere at any timeO )e can use any %o#ume on t)e #oudspea*ers and does not need a permit? Some o+ t)e most notorious crimina#s o+ t)e city are now sa%ed and are members o+T)e Prayer Ca%e? 5ne o+ t)e worst dru' dea#ers )as renounced suc) be)a%ior and isenro##ed in t)e c)urc) ib#e sc)oo#O )e p#ays bass 'uitar in t)e wors)ip team" and )e uses)is spare time to e%an'e#i@e patients in t)e )ospita#s?  A#co)o#ism is notab#y diminis)ed in 9iambu? T)e intercessors went on prayerwa#*saround t)e barrooms" and t)e #oud music is a t)in' o+ t)e past? 5ne o+ t)e most prominent

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)i')-%o#ume discos is now a c)urc), A sma## %a##ey near t)e city )ad been notorious as aden o+ boot#e''ers" producin' and se##in' nati%e beer on t)e b#ac* mar*et? T)e intercessorstar'eted it +or prayerwa#*in'? T)e sti## is now c#osed" and T)e Prayer Ca%e )as purc)asedt)e #and to bui#d its new c)urc) +aci#ity,

  /o not +or'et t)e centra# cause o+ t)e awesome c)an'es in t)e city o+ 9iambu"

9enyapower+u# prayer?

  =)at about t)e mysterious automobi#e accidents As you mi')t )a%e 'uessed" nosuc) accidents )a%e occurred since t)e day on w)ic) t)e symbo#ic pyt)on was destroyed?=itc)cra+t was de+eated,  ina##y t)e 9in'dom o+ 8od is comin' to 9iambu? 7o more )osti#ity is presentamon' C)ristian pastors? Repentance and reconci#iation is t)e order o+ t)e day? C)urc)es o+ a## denominations across t)e city are now 'rowin' rapid#y" t)e same as t)ey )a%e in ot)er parts o+ 9enya? Pastors re'u#ar#y eat to'et)er and pray to'et)er? At t)is writin'" t)ey arema*in' p#ans +or t)e +irst Moint e%an'e#istic citywide crusade t)at 9iambu )as e%er *nown?  PRAYER P5=ER I7 AR8E7TI7A

  !ama :ane 'ot o++ easi#y" compared to two cases o+ power+u# prayer in Ar'entina?!y wi+e" /oris" and I )a%e been wor*in' wit) Ed Si#%oso" aut)or o+ T)at 7one S)ou#dPeris) 4Re'a# oo*s6" in Ar'entina +or many years? T)e +irst season o+ ministry was in t)ecity o+ Resistencia in nort)ern Ar'entina? 5ne o+ t)e territoria# spirits t)at )ad Resistenciaunder its contro# was San La !uerte" t)e spirit o+ deat)? !u#titudes wors)iped t)is spirit because it promised t)em Ja 'ood deat)?K  T)in* o+ t)e desperation and )ope#essness t)at must )a%e been present in t)e )eartso+ t)ose peop#e to 'rasp )o#d o+ suc) a promise, /eat) was wors)iped in 1 s)rines aroundt)e city? !any peop#e wou#d ta*e one o+ its ima'es" car%ed +rom )uman bone" and )a%e itsur'ica##y imp#anted under t)eir s*in so t)at no matter w)ere t)ey went t)ey wou#d beassured o+ a 'ood deat),  A 'reat dea# o+ +er%ent prayer be'an to be o++ered in Resistencia a+ter seminarsabout intercession were tau')t by /oris" Cindy :acobs" Ar'entine Pastor Eduardo Loren@o"and ot)ers? =)en t)e time came +or t)e c#imactic e%an'e#istic e%ent" /oris and Cindy +#ewto Resistencia and were met wit) a start#in' piece o+ news? T)e wee* be+ore t)ey arri%ed"t)e )i') priestess o+ t)e cu#t o+ San La !uerte )ad been smo*in' in bed? S)e +e## as#eep")er bed cau')t on +ire" and on#y t)ree t)in's were consumed by t)e +#ames> )er mattress")erse#+" and )er statue o+ San La !uerte" w)ic) was in anot)er room, 7ot)in' e#se in t)e)ouse was touc)ed? T)e one w)o )ad promised ot)ers a 'ood deat) )ad died a )orrib#edeat) )erse#+,  7eed#ess to say" t)e )ar%est was 'reat in Resistencia? In a s)ort time" t)e number o+ be#ie%ers t)ere )ad increased by 1B2 percent, T)e spirit o+ deat) was de+eated by power+u# prayer" and t)e 9in'dom o+ 8od poured t)rou') Resistencia?  C57R57TI78 =ITCHCRATI7 !AR /EL PLATA

  T)e ot)er incident in Ar'entina too* p#ace in t)e resort city o+ !ar de# P#ata? A+tercare+u# p#annin' and painsta*in' spiritua# mappin'" /oris" Cindy" Eduardo Loren@o" andot)ers +e#t #ed to ta*e a team o+ #oca# pastors and intercessors to pray in t)e centra# p#a@a o+t)e city a+ter conductin' a prayer and spiritua# war+are seminar? T)ey prayed +or a coup#e o+ 

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)ours" as*in' 8od to brea* t)e spiritua# stron')o#ds t)ere? As t)ey were prayin' out #oud"speci+ica##y a'ainst t)e spirit o+ witc)cra+t" w)ic) t)ey )ad discerned was t)e maMor principa#ity o%er t)e city" se%era# noticed t)at t)e be##s in t)e cat)edra# ran' +or aconsiderab#e period o+ time at e$act#y & p?m?  T)e news did not reac) t)em unti# t)e ne$t day" w)en t)ey )eard +rom one o+ t)e

 pastors w)o )ad attended t)e seminar but +e#t #ed to pray at )ome rat)er t)an 'o to t)e p#a@a? T)is pastors )ome )appened to be ri')t across t)e street +rom t)e )ome o+ a!acumba witc) o+ !ar de# P#ata" t)e one w)o )ad boasted o+ Moinin' ot)er witc)es in#aunc)in' spiritua# attac*s a'ainst t)e C)ristian pastors o+ t)e city? S)ort#y a+ter & p?m?" t)e pastor saw an ambu#ance pu## up to t)e witc)s )ouse and carry )er away" dead? S)e )ad been in +ine )ea#t)" but witnesses said t)at s)e sudden#y dropped dead at & p?m? +or noapparent cause,  Cindy :acobs comments about t)e incident> J=e were stunned w)en we )eard t)isreport? =)i#e we were not )appy t)at t)e woman )ad died" we were acute#y aware t)at 8odwas sendin' a c#ear messa'e o+ Mud'ment a'ainst witc)cra+t?K


  In t)e case in !ar de# P#ata" t)e attitude o+ 8od a'ainst witc)cra+t )ad not beenc)an'ed by t)e prayer action in t)e p#a@a? Had it not been +or t)e prayer" )owe%er"witc)cra+t in !ar de# P#ata wou#d )a%e been business as usua#" at #east accordin' to my bestunderstandin' o+ t)e t)eo#o'y o+ prayer? T)e prayer in t)e p#a@a was tar'eted" it wasa''ressi%e" it was empowered by t)e Ho#y Spirit" and it was intentiona#? It was an E#iMa)*ind o+ prayer? E$act#y t)e same t)in' cou#d be said about t)e prayer in Resistencia and in9iambu" 9enya? In eac) case" prayer mo%ed t)e )and o+ 8od to s)ow His power in t)e%isib#e wor#d? A#t)ou') prayer did not c)an'e 8ods attitude" it did in+#uence His actions?  How does t)e prayer action o+ )uman bein's re#ate to t)e so%erei'nty o+ 8od T)isis a *ey issue in understandin' t)e di++erence between prayer in 'enera# and e++ecti%e"+er%ent prayer?  =)en I was +irst mo%in' deep#y into my study and understandin' o+ prayer someyears a'o" one o+ t)e statements t)at )e#ped me most was a c)apter tit#e in :ac* Hay+ords boo* Prayer Is In%adin' t)e Impossib#e> JI+ =e /ont" He =ont?K :ac* Hay+ord did notsay" JI+ we dont" He cant?K T)at wou#d )a%e been terrib#e t)eo#o'y? 8od is so%erei'n" andHe can do anyt)in' He wants to do? T)e so%erei'n 8od" )owe%er" apparent#y )as c)osen toorder His creation in suc) a way t)at many o+ His actions are contin'ent on t)e prayers o+His peop#e? It is as i+ 8od )as a P#an A He wi## imp#ement i+ be#ie%ers pray? I+ t)ey do not"He )as a P#an ? P#an A is ob%ious#y better +or a## concerned t)an P#an ? T)e c)oice"accordin' to 8ods desi'n" is ours? I+ we c)oose to pray and i+ we pray power+u##y" more b#essin' wi## come and 8ods 9in'dom wi## be mani+ested )ere on eart) in a more '#oriousway t)an i+ we c)oose not to?  I #o%e t)e way one o+ t)e 'reat sc)o#ars o+ prayer o+ our 'eneration" Ric)ard oster" puts it" J=e are wor*in' wit) 8od to determine t)e +uture? Certain t)in's wi## )appen in)istory i+ we pray ri')t#y?K&

  Any w)o mi')t doubt t)is need on#y as* T)omas !ut)ee or Cindy :acobs or" +ort)at matter !ama :ane" to dispe# doubts and to bui#d +ait) t)at power+u# prayer can" indeed"determine t)e )istory o+ our cities and nations? 

About C? Peter =a'ner 

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  C? Peter =a'ner ser%es as oundin' President o+ 8#oba# Har%est !inistries andC)ance##or o+ =a'ner Leaders)ip Institute? =a'ners aposto#ic ministry con%enes strate'ic'roups o+ apost#es" prop)ets" de#i%erance ministers" and educators on a re'u#ar basis? Peterand /oris =a'ner ser%ed as +ie#d missionaries in o#i%ia +rom 13( to 13.1? rom 13.1 to

2BB1" )e tau')t c)urc) 'rowt) in t)e u##er T)eo#o'ica# Seminary Sc)oo# o+ =or#d!ission? He is t)e aut)or o+ o%er .B pub#is)ed wor*s? He and /oris ma*e t)eir )ome inCo#orado Sprin's and )a%e t)ree c)i#dren" nine 'randc)i#dren" and t)ree 'reat-'randc)i#dren?


 1?8eor'e 5tis :r?" T)e Twi#i')t Labyrint) 48rand Rapids" !I> C)osen oo*s" 133.6?2?Simon :? 9istema*er" E$position o+ t)e Acts o+ t)e Apost#es 48rand Rapids" !I> a*er 

oo* House" 133B6" (3&? ?Cindy :acobs" Possessin' t)e 8ates o+ t)e Enemy 48randRapids" !I> a*er oo* House" 1331O re%? ed? 133&6" 1B? &?Ric)ard oster" Ce#ebration o+ 

/iscip#ine 4San rancisco" CA> HarperSanrancisco" 13006" (?

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