PPMK MAGAZINE Jln. Bantul, Gedongkiwo MJ/831, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Phone :+6281802639435, www.ppmk.net , email:[email protected] History of PPMK Our activities started during a major earthquake in Central Java and Yogyakarta on 27 May 2006. We personally provide logistic support, such as food, fresh vegetables and tarps directly to earthquake victims, especially in kerekan, bulus kulon,sumberagung, Jetis, Bantul. This activity last approximately 3 months during the emergency period in which the victims of the earthquake have not been able to move the economy We took the initiative to continue the activities that we have started, for a longer period and more organized, based on our desire to continue help people, we establish non- governmental organization named PKWJ (Small Women Entrepreneurs in Yogyakarta). Organized by several people from different backgrounds, and funding by JackWilson with his personal fund. PKWJ runs for approximately 2 years with a focus on improving nutrition activity for children victims of the earthquake. The program we have been implemented are: providing free milk and fresh fruit to the children who study in kindergarten school, the age‟s of 3 to 5 years. In 12 September 2009 we changed the name to PPMK (Empowering Women to Fight Poverty) by notaries deed of Reni Anggraiani, SH., M. Kn, and are registered in the secretariat Court of Yogyakarta with registration number:W13.41 / 255.LL/NK.00/XI/ 09 Mission And Vision Vision PPMK envisions a world in which all women and children are free of poverty Mission The mission of PPMK is to empower poor women and children and does so by the following programs: 1) Microcredit 2) Health, and 3) Scholarship. The underlying goals of the programs implemented by PPMK are to empower poverty stricken women and children. In highly impoverished countries, women and the children they nurture represent the most vulnerable sector of society. Here at PPMK, we realize that giving a woman the ability to improve her circumstances also improves the quality of care given to children. By administering micro-loans to destitute women we facilitate their ability to change their quality of life

PPMK Magazine#1

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Page 1: PPMK Magazine#1

PPMK MAGAZINE Jln. Bantul, Gedongkiwo MJ/831, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Phone :+6281802639435, www.ppmk.net , email:[email protected]

History of PPMK

Our activities started during a major earthquake in Central Java and Yogyakarta on

27 May 2006. We personally provide logistic support, such as food, fresh vegetables and

tarps directly to earthquake victims, especially in kerekan, bulus kulon,sumberagung, Jetis,

Bantul. This activity last approximately 3 months during the emergency period in which the

victims of the earthquake have not been able to move the economy

We took the initiative to continue the activities that we have started, for a longer period and more organized, based on our desire to continue help people, we establish non-governmental organization named PKWJ (Small Women Entrepreneurs in Yogyakarta). Organized by several people from different backgrounds, and funding by JackWilson with his personal fund.

PKWJ runs for approximately 2 years with a focus on improving nutrition activity for children victims of the earthquake. The program we have been implemented are: providing free milk and fresh fruit to the children who study in kindergarten school, the age‟s of 3 to 5 years.

In 12 September 2009 we changed the name to PPMK (Empowering Women to Fight Poverty) by notaries deed of Reni Anggraiani, SH., M. Kn, and are registered in the secretariat Court of Yogyakarta with registration number:W13.41 / 255.LL/NK.00/XI/ 09

Mission And Vision


PPMK envisions a world in which all women

and children are free of poverty


The mission of PPMK is to empower poor

women and children and does so by the

following programs:

1) Microcredit

2) Health, and

3) Scholarship.

The underlying goals of the programs implemented by PPMK are to empower poverty stricken women and children. In highly impoverished countries, women and the children they nurture represent the most vulnerable sector of society. Here at PPMK, we realize that giving a woman the ability to improve her circumstances also improves the quality of care given to children. By administering micro-loans to destitute women we facilitate their ability to change their quality of life

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Our Program

Medical Program

What Our Activities ??

A. The program activities we have

been implemented:

1. Free Milk distribution: 125 ml, 2

times a week at 4 kindergarten


2. Free medical checks up in bulus

kulon village, for 100 households in

May 2009

3. Small business loans in villages,

jetakan, sumberagung, Jetis, Bantul

B. The program activities are still


1. Free Milk distribution: 200ml, 2

times a week at:

a. Canden village , for 60 children

age under 5 years old

b. 20 Children ages 2 to 5 years in


2. Education / scholarship Currently PPMK give full support

to one child from a poor family

to pursue education up to 6 years into the future, expect to

graduate from elementary school.

3. Microfinance : we have provided loans to

women in rural area to start or

expand small businesses that they owned. Presently our

microfinance program giving loan to 17 women group

,approximately 140 women 8

sub village of Sumber Agung village, Bantul Regency

PPMK or Empowering Women to Fight Poverty officially started on the 12

th of

September, 2009. PPMK had already been active in Bulus village by providing microcredit for the villagers in order to start or expand their small businesses. This is for assisting the economy of rural communities to grow by empowering especially women.

The Objectives of the Program The purpose of this program is, 1) To give free medical service for poor

people in Bulus village. 2) To obtain basic information on the

health condition of the community so that the next-step program will be designed to be effective and on target.

Bulus is one of the villages which lie in Kalurahan Sumberagung, sub-district of Bantul Jetis regency. Bulus consists of five RTs (the smallest unit of the district system in Indonesia). The target area of this program is RT 3 and RT 4, which are poorer part of Bulus. The total population of RT3 and RT 4 is 360. The villagers here are construction workers, farmers, tailors, small business owners and housewives. And for the women who have a job, the average monthly wage ranges from 300,000 up to 500,000 IDR. (in USD around $30 to $50 )

Program Description A. This program was implemented on May 20, 2010, from 09:00 until 12:00. PPMK selected 100 participants and distributed invitations to them before. And that day, 86 villagers came and got medical checkup, 63 females and 23 males.

B. There were two medical-support teams

that joined this program to give medical service to villagers. One team consists of one doctor, two nurses and one pharmacist. The medical checkup followed this process. One of the nurses helps villagers with registration and decides the order for getting the service. After registration, a villager comes to the second nurse to check blood pressure and fill out a form asking their personal information. And then the villager sees a doctor for consultation and a physical examination. Doctors prescribe a medicine to the patient and the patient gets it from the pharmacist. C. The village community also participated in this program. Especially the women from PPMK loan groups assisted PPMK as volunteers. They helped in preparing the place for the program and provided food and drink.

Results and Findings of the Program

A. The most common diseases of the villagers were as follows. 1. Headache caused by tension

2. Osteoartitis

3. Rheumatism 4. Fungal infections 5. Hypertension

6. Influenza

7. Asthma

8. Eczema

B. The doctors gave recommendations how to avoid or treat these diseases, which are applicable in villagers’ everyday life. And they emphasized that village people need more knowledge and education about healthcare. C. Some villagers who came and got the medical checkup were so old that they could not answer when asked how old they were

And some villagers didn’t understand the meaning of blood pressure. There were two old men, and after checking their blood pressure, one of them suggested that he would give 30 from his blood pressure which reached 170 to the other, whose highest blood pressure was 120. This anecdote is one of examples which show that people's awareness of health and modern medical service is very low. D. These results and findings will be used for designing the next-step medical & nutrition program of PPMK. .

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Community milk program

Education Program

PPMK start the education program by giving scholarship to poor children,

we got small donation from our private donor to support one student

for one year. This year we support

one child to start study in elementary school.We got information from our

field officer that there was a child who didn‟t able to study because of

poverty. With the information we go

to the field directly to meet this child and his family.It‟s not too difficult to

find his place. The condition of this family is miserable.

We met with his father, Mr. Lasiman ,

he is around 65 years and Mrs.

Sutirah is around 40 years old. Ahmat is the only son and he is 9

years old.Three of them stay in very small house, it‟s very small place

(3x3M) and they have nothing inside,

all their activity from cooking until sleep are doing in the same small

chamber, so it‟s quiet messy chamber.We ask Mr. Lasiman ,how

much is his income for a month. He

works as labor in kotogede cemetery, he is quiet shy to answer our

question , he said that his salary is very small, maybe only enough too

buy 2 packet of cigarette. How can they live with that amounts of


Presently, we already send Ahmat to

study in SD kepuhan,jombor, Sewon ,Bantul

This school located very close from

his place, so he can go to school by himself

PPMK only has budget in scholarship

to support him for a year, we still need more money to support Ahmat

finish his elementary school.

For almost 1 year we have been support around 50 kindergarten children from 2 kindergartens school in gatak sub village and titang sub village with our milk program. We gave these children free milk twice a week.

We decide to move our school milk program to community milk program. Started this week, we will support children community in canden village.

Since July 19, 2011, we give free milk to children age 2 until 5 years old in canden village. We cooperate with posyandu in canden village to monitor the health improvement of these children. Posyandu recommend the list of the children whom still have not enough nutrition. We registered 60 children to get free milk twice a week, every Tuesday and Friday. PPMK community milk program will serve canden community until 6 months a head and we will serve another poor village selected after it.

Plastic waste Project This Project is implemented in Canden village,Bantul Regency ,Yogyakarta.

There are 17 women selected join the training skills, the selection base on criteria:

1) Women in productive age (20-40 years old or married) 2) Women who have household responsibility expenses,

3) Women who have no income and have no opportunity to work in other

place because of low education.

After the skills training given, small business group will be formed, 4 women from the training group with best skill will be selected and get

bookkeeping training. They are will be responsible for the business group

management; the others women will be participate as freelancer and still have opportunity to make income.

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1. Gedong Kiwo Women Group

Name : Asti Mitayani

Present income : Rp. 20.000/day

Present business : mobile units of credits Loan Proposal : Rp. 1.000.000

Approved : 1.000.000 Mrs. Asti Mitayani 21 years old.

so far he must earn additional money to

get married, because her income as batik shop keeper was not enough for

the cost of getting married and start new life herself. She and her future

husband sell/provide mobile credits together. They want to provide more

mobile credit and get more profit from it.

Name : TH. Siti Mariyam Present income : Rp. 90.000/weeks

Present business : Groceries

Loan proposal :Rp. 2.000.000 Approved : 1.000.000

Mrs. TH. Siti Maryam is 51 years old. In her age she must effort for her life after

her husband‟s death while her children

do not live with her anymore. She started her business with small capital,

she sell daily needs stuff in her house.

By PPMK loan she hopes she can buy special cupboard to put on her stuffs.

Besides, she wants to add more stuff to sell. And get more profit

Name : Sri Porwanti Present income : Rp. 60.000/day

Present business : groceries

Loan proposal : 1.000.000 Approved : 1.000.000

Mrs Sri Porwanti 43 years old. He has three children and all of them are

married and settle down themselves. Now she lives with her husband. To

support their daily needs, she started to

open „warung makan(food stall)‟ with a small capital. She sells snacks, drinks,

cooked vegetable and so on. She propose loan from PPMK to expand her

existing business.

Name : M.Wahzir Present income : Rp. 35.000/day

Profil Of Loaner Group

Present business : selling groceries Loan proposal : 2.000.000

Approved : 1.000.000 Mr. Wahzir is 52 years. He lives with his

wife and their two children and their

daughter in law. So far, his main income comes from selling groceries. And now

he wants to get additional capital to add more stuff, provide more supplies to sell

so he can get more profit from his

business to fill the family‟s daily need.

Name : Sutiyanti

Present income : 100.000/day Present business : groceries

Loan proposal : 3.000.000 Approved : 1.000.000

Mrs. Sutiyanti is 50 years. At home she

lives with her husband and her three sons and two daughters, her mother,

and two grand children. In the night, she sells noodles in front of her house

and she also running cafeteria in her husband office. She has two attendants

to help her. She proposes loan to PPMK

to start bussiness, she want to open groceries which sell daily needs.

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2. Sanggrahan 1 women group

1. Name : Mrs. Mujiyem Present business : Chicken meat

seller Present income : Rp. 30.000/day

Loan Proposal : Rp. 1.500.000

Mrs. Mujiyem is 41 years old, she has 2

children, one 20 years old son and 5 years old daughter. She has small

business in selling chicken meat door to

door around her village using her old bicycyle. Sometimes she get order from

her neighboor or customer to provide lot of chicken meat and she has to borrow

money to buy the chicken. She still has responsible for her daughter who‟s still 5

years old,and hope better future for her

daughter,with her business she hope can give better education She is propose

loan Rp.1.500.000 to buy new tools for her business, and to buy more chicken.

2. Name : Mrs. Esti Lestari

Present business : Groceries

Income ; Rp.25.000/day Loan proposal : Rp. 1.500.000

Mrs. Esti lestari is 42 years old, she live

with her husband who is working as labour and with her youngest daughter

11 years old. She start her business a year ago with very small investment.

She want to sell more stuff in her shop and get more profit and give her

daughter better education.

3. Name : Mrs. Sadirah

Present business : Garbage collector

Income : Rp. 15-20.000/day

Loan proposal ; Rp. 1.500.000

Mrs. Sadirah is 50 years old, she has 2 children one married and one still stay

with her. She become garbage collector business for 25 years. The income from

this is business is small because she only

has small amount of money for this business. She propose loan to PPMK to

buy new bicycle and tools for the bussines, almost everyday she use her

bicycle from place to place, collecting

garbage and sell it for profit.

4. Name : Suyanti Bussiness : Bakso/noddle seller

Income : Rp.20.000/day

Loan proposal : Rp. 1.500.000

Mrs. Suyanti live with her daughter,son

in law and with her grand daughter. Her husband was pass away long time ago.

To survive she was open small waroeng

which sell friend rice and noddle. She also sell vegetable from place to place.

She want to expand her business by selling another things.


Name : Mrs. Slamet Lestari

Business : - Income : -

Loan proposal : Rp 1.500.000

Mrs. Slamet lestari is 29 years old and

she is a mother for 4 children. Her husband is a rice field labour with

uncertain income. She didn‟t get proper education because of financial

problem,but she is a smart woman. She had groceries business before but it was

destroyed by the earthquake in 2006.

She was also try to had ice cream business and it was stop because she

had baby and all the investment money use for her son birth.

Now she propose loan to PPMK to re-

start her ice cream and snacks business . She want a better future for her

children,and able to give better education for them.

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3. Titang 1 Women Group

1. Siti Ngatirah

Loan prop : Rp. 1.000.000

Business : wood coal seller Mrs. Sri Ngatirah is 39 years old with 3 children, 2 of her children are still in school. She has wood coal business for long time, she get the wood coal from dealer and she sell directly to customer. She has lot of order from customer but don’t have enough stock of the product. She applies to ppmk to buy more stock of the wood coal and able to comply the order from her customer, and get more profit from it.

2. Kawit Loan prop : Rp.1.000.000 Bussiness : Duck farming (start) Mrs. Kawit is 43 years old mother with 3 children; she is only a house wife and takes care of children. Her husband is a shoes/sandals repairing man, he has uncertain income. He peddles his bike from place to place to find customer who need fixing their broken sandals/shoes. Mrs. Kawit wants to start chicken farming to make her own income and help support family. She applies loan from ppmk to buy chicken, making the cage and buy the chicken food. She hopes with this business she will able to get another income and has better life.

3. Wiji Astuti Loan prop: Rp. 1.000.000 Bussiness : chicken farming Mrs. Wiji astuti is a house wife, with one child, her husband working as driver with income around Rp.30.000/day. She start make chicken farming few months ago for her activity and to get income from it. She applies loan from ppmk to buy more chicken, make the cage and to provide the chicken food.

4.Tuminem Loan prop : Rp. 1.000.000 Bussiness : multi business ( tailor,chicken farm, flat tire repairing) Mrs. Tuminem live with her husband Mr.jumali, he is a tailor, Mr. jumali is handicap and difficult for him to get proper job. He has skill in sewing so he open tailor to support his family life. Mr tuminem working as recycle garbage collector to help her husband. And they also sell benzene in front of their house and provide service in repairing flat tire. They both propose loan to ppmk to increase their business activity.


5. Sudiasih Loan prop : Rp.1.000.000 Bussiness : wood coal seller Mrs.Sudiasih is 38 years old with 2 children, her husband working as driver. She has wood coal business for long time. She sells her wood coal in traditional market. She needs more investment to expand her wood coal business she applies loan to ppmk and want use this loan to expand her business.

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4. Bangeran 1 Women Group

1.Name : Adik kurniawati Bussiness : mobile credits Loan prop: Rp. 1.000.000 Adik Kurniawati is 20 years old, she was married when she 18 years old. She has 1 son now. Her husband works as truck driver. She sells mobile credits to get her own income. She able to sell Rp.500.000 deposit credits in 3 days. She propose loan to provide more credits and get more profit.

2. Name : Bardanah Bussiness : mobile credits Loan : Rp. 1.000.000 Mrs. Bardanah , selling mobile credits from her handphone. She has 2 children and both children are independent. She lives with her husband who’s working as security. She applies to able sell more mobile credits.

3. Name : siti sumarni Business : cassava chips Loan : Rp. 1.000.000 Mrs siti sumarni has snacks business. she making sweet n spicy chips from sweet potatoes mix it with little bit peanut, packaging in small plastic bag and then sell it from market to market. she has lot of customer already. She makes the chips every 3 days, in ones she makes 30 kg of sweet potatoes, packaging in to around 30 pieces. She can make around Rp.50.000 profit from 30 kg of sweet potatoes.

4. Name : Tumilah Business : food and snack Loan : Rp. 1.000.000 Mrs.tumilah is 43 years old with 2 children, her husband working as rice farming labor with uncertain income. Mrs. Tumilah has food and snack business. She is not selling food everyday but base on the order from customer. Usually she get order to make snack for party , meetings or gathering, she only make snack but also sometimes make main course food such : rice ,vegetable and chicken. At least she can get 2 orders in a week. She sells 3 kind piece of snack in a small box for Rp.3.000

7.Name : Sunarjilah Bussiness : food stall Loan : Rp. 1.000.000 Mrs.sunarjilah has food stall business, she sell snacks, drinks and soto (chicken soup) in her place. She only has 1 son, 22 year old and married. She lives only with her husband who’s working as labor. She propose loan to make her business growing.

9. Name : Ismi Yuliani Bussiness : groceries Loan : Rp. 1.000.000 She is young and motivated; she is 24 years old mother with 1 daughter. Her husband works in electric company. She has groceries shop to get more income for their family. She propose loan to provide more stuff in her groceries shop.

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5. Manggung 2 Women Group

1. Name : Mrs. Mujiati

Bussiness : Bamboo matting

Income : Rp. 50.000/week Loan prop : Rp. 1.000.000

Mrs. Mujiati is a mother of 5 children, she is 40 years old and married to Mr.

mujiono , he is working as becak driver

with uncertain income. She was never get education, she is illiterate, do not

able to read or write. Her physic condition also not so well, she can‟t hear

and see properly. 3 of her children only

able finished junior high school and couldn‟t continue to higher education

cause lack of money. two of her children still in elementary school. To support her

family expenses , she make bamboo mat, with this business she can earn

around rp.50.000/week ( $6/week) she

propose rp.1.000.000 loan to expand and keep this business running.

2. Name : Mujinah Bussiness : Selling porriadge

Income : Rp.30.000/day Loan prop : Rp. 1.000.000

Mrs. Mujinah start this business around

2 years ago after the earth quake hit the place she lived, she lost everything. She

is 40 years old and has 3 children, only one child still in her responsibility, her

husband working as becak driver and

the income he gets is up and down. She

got no education and make her can‟t write or read. She makes porridge from

1 kg of rice everyday. When she able to

sell all her product she will get income around rp. 30.000($4). She wants to

increase the product she sells, buying proper cycle and tools for her porridge

business, in order to increase her

income. She propose rp.1.000.000 loan from PPMK

3. Name : Mrs.Pardilah Bussiness : Bamboo matting

Income : rp. 600.000/month

Loan prop : Rp. 1.000.000 Mrs. Pardilah has bamboo matting

business. She starts this business since 1990 to help her husband support family

needs. Her husband working as building construction labor, when he has the job,

he will get around rp.40.000/day but if

no order he will help Mrs.pardilah with the bamboo matting business. They

have 3 children; all of them are not in school anymore, one of the children still

living with Mrs.pardilah and still under

her responsibility. She want expand this business and get more income for a

better life.

4.Name : Mrs. Tuyem

Bussiness : Bamboo matting

Income : rp. 90.000/week Loan prop : Rp. 1.000.000

Mrs. Tuyem has bamboo matting business too. She is 62 years old; she

daily needs, coz her husband pass away

already. She can earn around rp.90.000/week ($10) depend how many

bamboo mat she can made.

has 9 children, mostly of her children

already married and has their own family, only 1 child still stay with her.

She has this business to comply her daily needs, coz her husband pass away

already. She can earn around rp.90.000/week ($10) depend how many

bamboo mat she can made.

5. Name : Juminem Bussiness : groceries

Income : rp.500.000/week Loan prop : Rp. 1.000.000

Mrs. Juminem had big success groceries shop before, and then her business

going down coz lack of investment, and also more competition with others new

groceries shops. She needs lot of money

to pay his son education in university. She also sells fresh vegetable and fruits.

She want to make her groceries shop better than now, provide more stuff to

sell and get more income from it. She propose rp.1.000.000 loan to PPMK to

support her groceries business.

6. Name : Suratmi Bussiness : making tempe

Income : rp. 600.000/month Loan prop : Rp. 1.000.000

Mrs. Suratmi has tempe business. tempe

is fermented soya bean wrapping with banana leaf or plastic. It‟s very popular

food here. She starts this business since 1982. She can make tempe everyday

from 10 kg soy bean. She can get

around rp.600.000/month income. Her husband is a farmer with income only

when they have harvest it‟s around once

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6. Bulus 3.2 Women Group

1. Name : Pasmidah

Business : groceries shop Loan prop: Rp. 2.000.000

Miss. Pasmidah propose for second loan

from PPMK, Last year she got first loan with amounts Rp.1.000.000. She used

the loan to expand her groceries shop. In a year she able to provide more stuff

in her shop and sell more things. Her income is increase. she able to support

her mother and her life from her

business. This time she proposes more amounts of loan from ppmk to continue

expanding her groceries shop.

2. Name : Waljiah

Business : rice farming Loan : Rp. 1.000.000

Mrs. Waljiah propose loan to continue her rice farming activity. Her husband

works as labor with uncertain income,

one of her daughter is working in Malay and sometimes send money to help her.

Her youngest daughter is 3 years old and she still has 3 children in school.

Beside income from her husband, mrs.

Waljiah planting rice in her field. She able to get income when harvest time,

usually every 3 months.

3. Name : Jiwo utomo

Business : Making tempe Loan : Rp. 1.000.000

Mrs. Jiwo is 51 years old and she has 5 children, 3 of her children are married

and have their own family. She still has

to responsible for 2 children. Her husband Mr. Jiwo doesn‟t able to

working anymore because of old age. Mrs. Jiwo has tempe business, tempe is

fermented soy bean. It‟s common and popular food in here. She makes tempe

every 3 days. She makes around 300

pieces of tempe from 10 kg of soy bean. She can make profit around Rp. 50.000

from 10 kg bean she made. She propose loan to ppmk to expand this business

4. Name : Nurhayati

Business : Duck farming Loan : Rp. 1.000.000

Nur, she is famous in ppmk office. That‟s the name we always call her. She

is a strong woman; she is 42 years old

with 3 children. All children are in school, her husband working as

contraction labor with uncertain income. To support family expense she is

working and also she has duck farming business. Nur is working part time maid

in ppmk office. Twice a week she come

from her village to our office with bicycle and also bringing her youngest

daughter, on the back of the bike, she peddle around 1 hour from her place.

She is proposing loan to re-start her

duck business.

5. Name : Rubiah

Bussines : farming Loan : Rp. 1.000.000

Mrs. Rubiah lives with her husband Mr. Harto utomo, they have 4 children. All of

them married and live separately from her. Mrs. Rubiah is a farmer but

sometimes also working as a rice

planting labor. This last harvest she loss, because her farming plants attack by the

insects. It‟s make her can‟t get good income and not enough money to begin

new plants. She propose loan to re-start planting new crops.

6. Name : Juminah

Bussiness: rice farming Loan Rp. 1.000.000

Mrs. Juminah live with her husband, mr.

siswowiharjo. They have 5 children and

they all live independently with their own family. Both Mrs.juminah and her

husband are farmers, they have piece of land. In the rainy season they plant their

land with rice, and in dry season they

plant with others crops such corn, peanut, or vegetables. Every 3 months

she will get harvest, half of it they keep for themselves, and half of it sell. She

propose loan to ppmk to restart

planting, plowing, buy the fertilizer act.

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7. Name : Istiyanti

Bussiness : goat farming Loan : Rp. 1.000.000

Mrs. Istiyati is 37 years old with 3

children, her husband working as driver

with uncertain income. This time she has 2 goat and 1 baby

goat, she propose loan to buy more goat and to start a snacks business. She

hopes with this business she can help

support her family expense and send her children to school.

8. Name : Eni Rejeki

Bussiness : groceries Loan : Rp. 1.000.000

Mrs. Eni rejeki got Rp. 500.000 loan

from ppmk to continue groceries shop she had. She has 3 children and all of

them still in school. Her husband works

as building contraction labor. She needs lot of money for her children education.

Last week her groceries shop was closed cause nothing to sell anymore, she use

the money for her children education.

She propose new loan to re-start her groceries shop again.

7. Guntur 1 Women Group

1. Name : Mrs. Paijah

Business: Vegetables trade

Loan propose: Rp.1.000.000 ( $100)

Mrs paijah is 46 years old with 2

children. She sells vegetables from place

to place using her old bicycle since 1995.

Her husbands pass away 1 month ago.

She become household leader and has

to responsibility for her children. One of

her daughter is married and another one

is still study in high school. She

starts her business activity at 5 am

everyday ,peddle her bike to traditional

market to buy fresh vegetables, after it

she will peddle her bike to her customer

place to offer the vegetables and sell it

with some profit.

2. Name: Mrs. Suyati

Business: recycle garbage collector

Loan propose: Rp.1.000.000 ($100)

Mrs.suyati has 2 children and both of

them still study. Her oldest daughter

study in high school and her son study in

kindergarten school. Her husband works

as building labor with uncertain income

3. Name : Mrs. Suparsih

And she uses some money from her

investment to cover it. Time by time all

of her investment finished and her

business stopped. She propose loan to

re-start . Mrs suyati started her

business 3 years ago, but couple months

ago her business was down. The

expenses for her children education are

high. her business again. With her

previous experience hope she will do

better management for her business.

3. Name : Mrs. Suparsih

Business: Vegetables and soybean milk

Loan prop : Rp. 1.000.000

Mrs. Suparsih has 6 children, her

husband works as building labor.

Presently Mrs suparsih live with her

husband and one of her daughter, Her

others children are married and live

separately from her. Her daughter is

mentally handicapped, she need extra

attention from Mrs. Suparsih . She

started her business since 2001, she

sells vegetables and soybean milk from

village to village using bicycle. She

propose loan to ppmk to expand her

business , she want to open small

waroeng/stall in her house so she will

has more time for her daughter.

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4.Name : Mrs.Sugiyanti


Loan prop: Rp. 1.000.000Mrs. Sugiyanti

is a widower, she has 2 children and

both of them got married. Mrs. Sugiyanti

lives with her daughter‟s family. She has

vegetables business since 10 years ago.

She starts her business activity at 4 am.

She peddles to central traditional market

to buy vegetables she will to sell. The

traditional market located around 5 KM

from her place, after she gets all

vegetables she need, she will peddle to

her customer place from one village to

another village. She propose loan to buy

more stuff and get more profit.

5. Name : Heni purwanti

Business: fried peanut

Loan prop : Rp. 1.000.000

Mrs. Heni is 26 years old, she is

expecting her first child. Her husband

works as security. Mrs. Heni worked as

clerk. She started making fried peanut

and sells it from shop to shop since 1

year ago. Her mother helps her in

making the product, she propose loan to

provide more stuff and get more profit.

8.Special Loan Mrs. Kaminah

Name : Mrs. Kaminah

Income : Rp.15.000/day ($10)

Business : fried snacks

Loan propose : Rp.1.000.000 ( $117)

Mrs. Kaminah is 54 years old; she is a

widower with 4 children, her husband

pass way three years ago. Life is harder

after it. She has responsibility to raise 4

children by herself. Her oldest daughter

works in other city and every month able

to help her by send her some amounts

of money. She is illiterate but she

doesn‟t want her children ended like her

that‟s why she sends all of them to

school for better education and better

future. Mrs. Kaminah works very hard to

pay all the expenses; she takes any kind

of labor job offering for her. She is

occasionally laborer in rice field, cooking,

cleaning ect. Beside the uncertain labor

job she also has small business in

making “peyek” (peanut cracker) and

also fried snacks such fried banana, fried

tofu, fried tempe ect. The other women

groups in her place reject her to join in

the group; we give her special loan so

she doesn‟t need to join in women group

to get loan from PPMK.

9. Group Profile: Sanggrahan 4 women Group

Name: Suprihatin /Sihdirjo Business: making/sell bamboo chair

Income: $ 3/day Mrs. Suprihatin is a house wife, mother

of 2 children. Mrs. Suprihatin husband, Mr. sihdirjo is bamboo chairs maker.

They both run this business together,

Mrs. Suprihatin help her husband in making the bamboo chairs. She also

works part time as labor, any kind labor job her neighbors ask her to do, such

washing cloths, ironing, cleaning garden/house. Mr.sihdirjo able to make

one bamboo chair in 3 days, when it‟s

finish he will sell the chair door to door using bicycle.

Mr. sihdirjo has side job as street singer, he sing from bus to bus to collect coins

from bus passenger, he also singing in

traffic light and collect coins from drivers. They both propose loan from

ppmk to expand their small business. Wish that if their business success they

don‟t need to be beggar anymore in the bus or traffic light.

Name: saliyem Business: rycycle garbage collector

Income : $ 5/day

Mrs. Saliyem is 51 years old, he is married to mr. marji, they don‟t have

any child. Mrs. Saliyem has small business in collecting recycle garbage ,

she collecting garbage which still have value, buying from people and then sell

to the garbage dealer with profit. Her

husband has small business in making bamboo chair. They both old and still

have to work to fulfill their family expenses without anyone helped them.

They propose loan to expand small

business they had.

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10. Sanggrahan 3 group : profile


Loan prop: Rp.1.000.000

Business : wood fire seller Mrs. Astutik is 22 years old. She has one

daughter. Lyvi Anantya is one year old. She lives with her husband and her child

in her parent‟s house. Her husband

works as labor with Rp. 35.000,00/day income. She has small business in selling

wood fire. Her customers are people live around who still use traditional way to

cook by using wood. She get the wood

fire from wood fire dealer , the dealer send the wood to her house .She

planning to get the wood from the farmer directly which is mean she has to

buy a lot of size but with cheaper price if compare get wood from dealer. She will

get more profit and more wood fire

stock from the farmer.

2.Minarsih Loan prop: Rp. 1.000.000

Business: handicraft

Mrs. Minarsih is 36 years old. She lives

with her husband who works in company with income Rp.800.000/month. She has

2 children, Sulasmi 13 years old and

Putri 4 years old. After the earthquake in 2006, she started the business to make

handicraft. And now, everyday she can

get income around Rp. 50.000,00/day. She needs more money to buy material

of her product. She apply loan to PPMK expand her bag/handicraft business.

3. Rondiyah Loan prop : Rp.1.000.000

Business: selling porridge

Mrs. Rondiyah is 48 years old. She has

one daughter, 14 years old. Her daughter studies in junior high schools.

Her husband work as becak driver with income Rp. 15.000,00/day. She started

her business in 2000 with small capital. Every day she sells porridge with her old

bicycle, cycling from place to place.

Income from this business is very small because she only able to running this

business with limited product to sell. She hopes she can expand her business by

selling more products and get more

profit. She has not enough money to buy the material of porridge and the

tools she had is old. She needs new equipment to keep the quality of her


4.Komarudin Loan prop : Rp. 1.000.000

Business : making bamboo chair

Mr. Komarunsih is 34 years old. He lives

with his wife Mrs Yanti and his son, Ary

Firmanyah, 6 years old. His child studies in kindergarten. Since 2009 years ago,

he was starting to make bamboo chair. He making the bamboo chair in his

house, his income is around

Rp.35.000,00/day. The main material he need is bamboo, He does not sell the

product by himself but the retail seller will take his product and sell place to

place with profit. He apply loan to PPMK

to buy the main material of this product which is bamboo.

7. Wakiman Loan prop : rp. 1.000.000

Bussiness : bamboo chair seller

Mr. Wakiman is 59 years old. He has 2

daughters, both of them are married; he lives with one of her daughter. In his

age now he works as bamboo chair seller. He use bicycle everyday to sell

bamboo chair from one place to other

place. He apply loan to PPMK to buy more bamboo chairs from the maker and

get more income by selling more product.

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11. Mrs. Marsiyah living from Making emping crackers

Background special loan:

Mrs.Marsiyah was applied loan with her others friends, name‟s jombor group, but

when we want to survey, the others members were cancel because didn‟t

want follow our process of giving out the

loan. Mrs. Marsiyah really need loan to expand her business and she doesn‟t

mind and like to follow our survey, training ect. We see her motivation to be

more success with her business so we decide to give special loan for her.


Mrs. Marsiyah is mother of 2 children, she is 44 years old. Her husband is

freelance labor, with income rp.20.000/day. Mrs. Marsiyah has small

business of making emping ( mlinjo

bean cracker) . This business is the main source of income of her family because

her husband has uncertain income. Both of her children are in school.

Mrs.marsiyah has regular customer

whose buy emping from her, she send her emping product in other city.

Everyday she able to makes emping from 10kg of mlinjo bean. She need

more money to expand her business, she apply rp.1.000.000 to PPMK

12. Spesial Loan Agus Purnomo

Name : Agus Eko Purnomo/Wiwik Present business : bus conductor

Present income : Rp.150.000/weeks

Loan proposal : Rp. 1.000.000 Approved : Rp. 1.000.000

Mr. Agus Eko Purnomo is 33 years old.

Married to Mrs.wiwik and has 2 children. He works as bus conductor. Everyday he

leaves his house at 06.00 am and

returns at 18.00 pm. If he has many passengers, he can get Rp. 25.000/day.

His wife, Mrs. Parjilah is 31 years old, she has health problem and she has no

job, her activity is only take care of her 2

children and husband, she wants to start a small business of duck farming.

Therefore, theyloans to PPMK hoping that they can set up the duck farming;

build the duck cage, buy baby duck and

the ducks food. Hope from this business they get another income to fulfill their

needs. Mrs.Parjilah has dream to give a better place to stay for their children,

this time they still live under the plastic terpal house.

13. Bulus 1-3 Women Group Profile

1.Name : Siti aisyah

business : emping/chips income : $ 3-5/day

1st Loan : $ 100 2nd loan : Rp.1.000.000 ($100)

She is 30 years old with 1 child, she has

small business in making emping(mlinjo bea chips)

She got rp.1000.000 from ppmk and use

this money to expand her previous business, buy more mlinjo bean (un

peeling) which is only rp 2000-4000/kg, possess became emping(chips) and sell

it with rp 15000-20000/kg. Now she applies for 2nd loan to expand her

“emping business” and also want to

have goat farming.

2. Name : Pariyem

Business : recycle garbage Loan : $ 100

2nd loan : Rp. 1.000.000

She get another loan from ppmk, her business is still recycle garbage. She

always need lot of cash to buy the chosen garbage and then sell it to the

dealer with profit, she working everyday

7 days a week. With her income she can pay her children education. her husband

only a becak driver with uncertain income, and not so healthy. So she is

responsible for family. She applies for 2nd loan to continue her recycle garbage

collector business. She needs more

investment to keep her business running and able to buy the product.

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3. Name: Suprihatin loan: $ 100

Business: sell chiken meat n snack

waroeng Income: $ 3-10/day

2nd loan: Rp. 1.000.000 She has chicken meat business before

and she get loan rp.1.000.000 ($100) to

expand her previous business. Now she also open small waroeng/shop sell daily

need . After 1 year both her business is running well, now she apply for 2nd loan

to expand her groceries business , buy

more stuff and get more profit from it

4.Name : Ronjilah business : duck

farm First Loan : $ 50 income : $


Prop 2nd loan : Rp. 1.000.000 She got loan rp.500.000 ($ 50)..She has

few ducks before and she want to buy more ducks, with rp. 500.000 She will

buy 27 duck and including the ducks

food. She get profit from the eggs and from the meat. This time she able to

open small groceries, selling snacks, benzene, cigarette, etc. Now she apply

2nd loan to expand her groceries business and provide more stuff.

5. Name : Soginem

business : printing

First loan : Rp.2.000.000 income : $50-70/month

Prop 2nd loan : Rp. 1.000.000 She has printing business in the village,

the location is not so strategic but she

has regular customer already .sometimes she not accept the order

cause don‟t have money to start, her customer only pay the deposit and pay

all printing fee after finish. And to buy

the paper is expensive. she use rp.2.000.000($200) to buy the papers

for printing. Her printing business is running well, now she apply 2nd loan to

buy new tools for her business, so will able to increase the printing production

and get more profit from it.

6. Name: Handini/Edi yuanto Loan prop: Rp. 1.000.000

Business: Fruits ice and siomay maker/seller

Mrs. Handini is 34 years old with 2 children. She was working in factory but

lost her job couple months ago. Before her husband, Mr. edi yuanto is stay

home and take care of his kids while his

wife working. After his wife lost her job, he starts small business few months

ago. Before her husband, Mr. edi yuanto is stay home and take care of his kids

while his wife working. After his wife lost her job, he starts small business few

months ago. He sell siomay and es buah

( sweet fruits with ice) . They need more investment to increase and running this

business, they apply loan to ppmk to make more investment, selling more

stuff and get more profit.

8. Name : Arif yuli asih Loan prop : Rp. 500.000

Bussiness : vegetables n snack vendor

Mrs. Arif Yuli Asih is 30 years old, she is a single mother with 2 children.

Presently she still stays with her brother‟s family because she has no own

place yet. She has small business “selling vegetables and snack „in

traditional market. She apply loan to

ppmk to increase her business by. Provide more stuff to sell and get more


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14. Jetakan 1-2 Women Group Profile

1. Mrs. SUPARTINI Business: Groceries

Loan prop: Rp. 2,000,000 ($ 200) Mrs. Supartini has a small shop which

provides daily necessities. Before the

earthquake 3 years ago, her shop was bigger and had more things to sell. She

opened it again last year and now needs a loan from PPMK in order to buy more

goods for her shop. Last year she got first loan from ppmk Rp. 1.000.000, she

uses the loan to increase her vegetables

and fruits stock. She proposes for 2nd loan which is Rp. 2.000.000 to expand

her small business which is already running better than last year.


Business : Making cassava chips and selling snacks

Loan prop: Rp. 2,000,000 ($ 200) Mrs. Sarjiyem is 48 years old with 3

children; one of them is still in school.

She has a business of selling cassava chips and snacks (like tofu, tempe, fried

banana). After making cassava chips at home, she sells them door to door and

shop to shop. Her business now is very

small, so she wants to expand it with PPMK loan. She will purchase new tools,

more materials for making cassava chips and buy more snacks to sell. Last year

she also got Rp. 1.000.000($100) loan

from ppmk for her snacks business, beside she also have other business as

rycycle garbage collector. This business running well and now she propose 2nd

loan to expand her rycycle garbage business.

3. Mrs. SUYATI

Business : Selling siomay Loan : Rp. 2,000,000 ($ 200)

Mrs. Suyati and her husband sell

„siomay‟ (meatball-like-food made from

flour and fish) from place to place using bicycle. She wants to get a loan to

expand her business by buying a new tool – „gerobak‟, a steaming pot - and

more ingredients for making siomay.

(The steaming pot she has now is a small one. With a bigger steaming pot,

she can put it on her motorbike so that she can cover more areas and sell more

siomay.) She is proposing for 2nd loan after, last year she got Rp.

1.000.000($100) from PPMK. She is

doing good business in siomay, she able to save and now with the 2nd loan she

planning to expand her business in bigger scale and also want to buy cow

as investment.

4. Mrs. TRI SUWANTI Business : Selling firewood

Loan : Rp. 2,000,000 ($ 200) Mrs. Tri Suwanti has a small business of

selling firewood. Selling firewood still has

a good prospect because people in village prefer firewood to gas/electric

stove when cooking. She has bought

wood from a dealer so far and wants to buy firewood directly from a farmer so

that she can make more profit. The price of one truck of firewood is Rp. 800,000.

She applies for 2nd loan now to start other business besides selling firewood.

She wants to have duck farming so she

will able to get more income


Business: Breeding fish Loan: Rp. 2,000,000 ($ 200)

Mrs. Gedriyem is a 40 years old woman

with two children, one of them still in school. She became disabled from the

earthquake in 2006. Her house fell down, buried her and broke her leg. She

walks with a limp now. Right after the

earthquake, an NGO helped her by making a pool for growing fish in front of

her house. She has no fish in it now and wants to get a loan to buy baby fish and

fish food. During a year of this loan she able to had harvest twice. Now she

applies for 2nd loan to increase the fish

amount and get more often harvest.


Business: Making rice crackers and

recycle garbage Loan: Rp. 2,000,000 ($ 200)

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Mrs. Tukirah is 43 years old and has two

children, all of whom are still in school. She has a recycled garbage business

and also makes rice crackers. She buys

garbage and then resells it to a dealer with some profit. She wants a loan in

order to collect more garbage and buy new tools for making rice crackers. Now

she applies for 2nd loan... Her recycles garbage business running very well and

become her primary business. She is

also able to buy sewing machine for her daughter. She applies 2nd loan to

increase her investment in her business and also she want to buy another

sewing machine.


Business: Selling Garbage Loan: Rp. 2,000,000 ($ 200)

Mrs. Saryanti is 34 years old with 3 children; two of them still babies and

one in school. Before the earthquake in 2006, she had a small business of selling

flour porridge. But the earthquake destroyed her house and all the tools

she had including her bicycle, which was

used in her business. Now she wants to start selling porridge again. She wants to

use PPMK loan in buying a bicycle, tools and ingredients for making porridge. She

bought becak(tricycle) for her husband,

so her husband able to get regular and higher income for family. She is able to

start again, her porridge business. and it‟s running well until today, Now she

apply 2nd loan to start another business ,

she want start goat farming beside her primary business as porridge seller.

9. Mrs. Wartini

Business: Peanut business Loan prop: Rp. 1.000.000

She is 57 years old, with 3 children. She lives with her husband who is working as

rice farmer. She also helps her husband

in the rice field. Before she had small business “peeling peanut” .She bought

peanut from farmer, and she will drying and then peel it, separate peanut from

the skin. She will sell the peeling peanut

with higher price. This business was stop coz not enough money, she apply ppmk

loan to re-start this business.

10. Mrs. Waljiyah Bussiness : Peanut Bussiness

Loan prop : Rp. 1.000.000 Mrs. Waljiyah is 52 years old with 4

children. All of her children are married

and live separately from her. She lives

with her husband who is working as a

farmer. They only get income every 3

month which around Rp. 1.000.000/ 3

month. Before she had “peeling peanut

15.Bulus 5 women group profile.

Name : Surip Loan prop : Rp. 1.000.000

Business : food/ snack vendor Mrs. Surip is 49 years old. She has 5

children and 3 of them were married. There are 2 children live with her. Both

of them are still in school. Her husband,

Mr. Tumijo works as labor with income Rp. 150.000,00/weeks. She has small

business of snack/food vendor from place to place. Usually she will go to

place that have event and many people

attend like festival, carnival, ect. She sell drinks, peanut, many kind of snacks and

cigarette. If there is no festival, she will sell snack at parangkusumo beach. She

has high motivation to expand her

business because her income is very small. So she apply loan from PPMK in

order that she provide more things to sell and get more profit from it.

Name : Sarijah Loan prop : Rp. 1.000.000

Business : rice farming Mrs. Sarijah is 50 years old. Her

husband, pujawiyono works as labor with income 150.000/weeks. She has 2

children Mardiyah 31 years and Marjinah

26 years. Both were married Marjinah

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and her husband lives with her. Every

day she works as rice farmer. The income from rice farming is very small,

she only get income every 3 months .So

she works also as labor to get another income to support family expense. She

gets Rp. 100.000/week occasionally. . She apply loan to PPMK to continue her

rice farming business, provide new seed,

fertilizer. ect.

Name: Ponijem Loan prop: Rp. 1.000.000

Business: Angkringan/ food stall

Mrs. Ponijem is 36 years old. Her husband, Mr Rusno works as labor with

income Rp. 250.000,00/weeks. She has 2 children. Both are still in school. She

started the business with small capital. She have business food stall since 2010.

From her business she gets income

Rp.150.000,00/week. She wants her business bigger than before. She needs

more money to expand her business. She wants to buy more things to sell in

her food stall.

Name : Kemi

Loan prop : Rp. 1.000.000 Bussiness : rice farming and salty duck


Mrs. Kemi is 47 years old. Her husband works as labor with income Rp.

250.000/weeks. She has 4 children. Mrs

Kemi has small business; she is making

salty duck eggs. From her business she can get income Rp.

100.000,00/weeks.Before her product was famous ,she has difficulty to get the

duck eggs and also has difficulty in money to grow her business , she has

another activity as rice farmer, she apply

loan to ppmk to continue both of her source of income and help support of

her family expense.

5. Name : Wagirah

Loan prop : Rp. 1.000.000 Business : rice farming

Mrs. Wagirah is 47 years old. Her Husband, Mr. Parji works as Labor with

income Rp. 168.000,00/weeks. She has

4 children, in the village her family famous as low educated family because

her son doesn‟t finished the Elementary school. She also illiterate, she can‟t read

and write at all. Every day she works as rice farmer and labor, from her works

she can get Rp. 150.000,00/weeks. She

wants her children have better education and she doesn‟t want her children ended

like her, she works harder to get more income for her children education. She

apply loan from PPMK and hope she can

expand her business and get more income.

Name : Marjinah Loan prop : Rp. 1.000.

Bussiness : selling mobile Credits and


Mrs. Marjinah is 27 years old. Her husband,

Mr. Sigit every day works as labor with small income. Mr sigit income is Rp.

150.000,00/weeks. She has a daughter,

Selly Oktavia. Her daughter is four month old. She sells mobile Credit and

Lamps. From her business she can get income Rp.15.000,00/day. She want to

selling Gas stove, because she know

selling gas stove can be a good business because every household use gas to

cooking. She applied for loans to PPMK and hopes she can expand her business

and she can buy the gas stove, raise the mobile Credit deposit and buy more

lamps to sells.

Name : Ika

Loan prop: Rp. 1.000.000 Business : selling hp credits ( Batal)

Mrs. Imani Rahayu is 22 years old. She and her husband, her son also still live

with her parents‟ coz they don‟t have housed yet. Her husband works as

technical with income Rp.

400.000,00/month. Her mother, Mrs. Imani rahayu every day works as tailor

with income around Rp. 600.000/month. She apply loan to PPMK for her business:

selling mobile credit. She needs more

money to provide more mobile credits. By provide lot of mobile credits she will

get more profit from it.

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16.Profile : Sanggrahan 2 Women


1. Name : Sunestri

Present Business : Garbage Collector Present income : Rp. 40.000,00/day

Loan proposal : Rp. 1.000.000,00

Mrs. Sunestri is 38 years old. She has 2 children who still study. To finance her

children‟s study, she has to work as a garbage collector because her husband's

salary is too little and only enough for

food. She started her business with small capital. She uses old bicycle,

cycling from one to another place collecting and buy valuable garbage

from people. She borrows the bike cycle from her brother. Income from this

business is very small because she only

has little money to run this business. She applied for loans to PPMK to buy a

bike cycle and raise capital to buy the recycle garbage and get more profit

from it.

2. Name : Mrs. Ngadiyem

Present business : sell chicken

Present income : Rp.100.000,-/weeks Loan Proposal : Rp 1.000.000,-

Mrs. Ngadiyem is 48 years old. She lives with her husband. She works as a maid

in one family in Sewon. Mrs. Ngadiyem

applies for loan to PPMK to buy a new bike and to increase her husband‟s

capital to sell chicken.

Name : Mrs. Temu Titik Lestari

Present business : selling porridge Present income : Rp.225.000,00/day

Loan Proposal : Rp. 1.000.000,00

Mrs. Temu Titik Lestari is 39 years old. She has 2 children, one is18 years and

another one is 10 years. She has a small

business selling porridge. She delivers her merchandise by bicycle around Jetis.

She applied for loans to PPMK to raise capital to make porridge and start

making peyek, one of Indonesian‟s

traditional snacks.

Name : Mrs. Yati Present business: selling “jadah tempe”

Present income : RP. 100.000/week

Loan proposal : Rp. 1.000.000 Mrs. Yati is 50 years. She has a 30

years old daughter who helps her in Gabusan traditional market to sell

everyday; she has a business of selling

selling “jadah tempe”. She leaves her

house at 08.00 pm and returns at 18:00 pm everyday. Everyday she can sell 7 kg

“jadah tempe”. She only sells 7 kg because her capital is only enough to

buy 7 kg raw materials.

Name : Poniyem

Present business : Selling cracker

Present income : Rp. 50.000,00 Loan proposal : 1.000.000

Mrs. Poniyem is 50 years. She lives with her husband who works as a seller of

veil. Selling cracker has become his main job. With a loan from PPMK she hopes it

can be used to increase his husband‟s

capital of business. So that her husband can improve the business.

Name : Mrs. Maryati

Present business : -

Present income : - Loan proposal : Rp. 1.000.000

Mrs. Maryati is 50 years. She has 3

children and all are of them still study.

Her husband works as a driver with a small salary.

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She wants to start a business of selling

groceries and hopes can support her

husband's income because this family needs a lot of money to send the three

children to school.

Name : Mrs. Sumiyati

Present business : sell satay. Present income : Rp. 20.000/day

Loan Proposal : Rp. 1.000.000

Mrs. Sumiati is 33 years old. She has

one 7 years old daughter. Her husband works as a becak driver. He can earn Rp.

600,000.00 / month. Mrs. Sumiati herself

has a business of selling satay. She sells satay in market in Bantul, everyday her

husband drops her to go there. She cannot sell satay when she can only

earn little money because it wills not enough to buy their raw materials of

satay. She applied for loans to PPMK

hoping that she can buy equipment and materials to sell satay.

Name : Mrs. Ponirah

Present business : duck cattle Present income : RP. 10.000,00

Present Proposal : Rp. 1.000.000,00

Mrs. Ponirah is 51 years old. She lives

with her husband and 1 son who is18 years old. She has a duck cattle

business. She now has 11 ducks and she

plans to buy 20 ducks more. From the ducks that she took the eggs she sells to

neighbors or the market. She applied for a loan of Rp.1.000.000, 00 to buy 20

ducks and buy food for ducks so she can get more profit.

Name : Mrs. Poniyem Present business : make scarring

Present income : 40.000/weeks Loan proposal : Rp. 1.000.000,00

Mrs. Poniyem is 51 years old. She has 3

children, 2 boys who are 30 years and 17 years, one daughter, 22 years. Her

husband works as a shoe sole repair with 20.000/day income. She has a

make scarring business. Everyday she

can make 5 scarring and after 1 week she sells them for the range price of Rp.

2000.00 - Rp.6000, 00. With the equipment she has now she can not

make a lot of scarring. Through a loan from PPMK she hopes to buy the

equipment so that she could make more

amount of scarring.

Name : Mrs. Sumiyem Present business : works at a home

industry of bag Present income : 60.000/weeks

Loan Proposal : Rp. 1.000.000

Mrs. Sumiyem is 42 years old. She had a

kid who is 6 years old who are studying in kindergarten. Her husband works as

becak driver with 25.000/day income.

During this time she works at a home industry of bag with revenues of Rp.

60000.00 / week. She applied for loans to PPMK with the hope she can make his

own craft business of bag so that she can build her own business.

17. Manggung 3 Women Group

1.Name : Mrs. Is Komariyah

Income : Rp. 600.000/month

Business : Ducks farming Loan Propose : Rp. 1.000.000

Mrs. Is komariyah is 38 years old mother

with 2 children, one child is 19 years old

and another one is 8 years old. When

the earth quake in 2006 destroyed her

house, one of her daughter who‟s only 2

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years old was buried under the rubble of

their house, fortunately she was able to survive but it‟s make her daughter

mentally slower than the normal children. Her husband running ducks

farming and Mrs. Komariyah help her

husband running their business, their business is up and down but they are

not give up. This time they have 30 ducks and chickens, beside sell ducks for

the meat, mrs. Komariyah also make salty duck egg which is the price is more

expensive from normal duck egg. They

are proposing Rp.1.000.000 loan to expanding their ducks farming business.

2. Name : Mrs. Marjilah

Income : Rp. 200.000/month Business: -

loan prop : Rp. 1.000.000 Mrs. Marjilah works as labor with

uncertain income around

rp.200.000/month. She was working as administration staff in local company but

the company is collapse and she loss her job. Her husband work as contraction

labor with income Rp. 300.000/month.

They have 2 children, one child is work already and another child still study.

Mrs. Marjilah want to start chicken farming business to support her

household expense, she propose rp.1.000.000 loan to start chicken


3. Name : Mrs. Suhartini Income : Rp. 400.000/month

Bussiness : groceries Loan propose : Rp. 1.000.000

Mrs. Suhartini is 59 years old with 3

children; all of her children are married and live with their own family. Mrs.

Suhartini and her husband live with one of her child family and they share the

household expense together. Mrs.

Suhartini has small groceries in her house, she sell daily needs. Her husband

is a stonemason. She propose loan to expand her groceries business, provide

more daily needs stuff in her groceries shop and get more profit.

4. Name : Anik Rusmiyati Income: Rp. 300.000/month

Business : Chicken farm n bamboo mats

loan prop : rp. 1.000.000

Mrs. Anik Rusmiyati has college education background, but she can‟t find

a proper job for herself. She has 2 children, both of her children are still

study in elementary school. She has

small business in farming and making bamboo mats. She able to get Rp.

300.000 from her business. She propose loan to expand her

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Upcoming Project

Komposting Project

This Project is implemented in Bulus Wetan village,Bantul Regency ,Yogyakarta. There are

16 Member selected join the project.

How to Donate Us

To donate, you can transfer


Pemberdayaan Perempuan Untuk Memerangi Kemiskinan

Jln. Bantul, Gedongkiwo MJ/831, Yogyakarta, Indonesia



[email protected]