Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial Times Start of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrializat ion, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

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Page 1: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

Powerpoint JeopardyColonial Times Start of a Nation New Republic

through Reconstruction

Industrialization, Reform &


Modern Era

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Page 2: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

Which factor directly affected the settlement of New England in the 1600s?

a.Religious persecution in Great Britainb.The opportunity to cultivate tobacco c.Growing conflict with Southern farmersd.The chance to participate in the slave


Colonial Times – 10 points

Page 3: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

• A. Religious persecution in Great Britain.

• New England’s climate was suitable for tobacco and they didn’t have an interest in the slave trade.

• Puritans choose New England to get away from religious persecution in Great Britain.

Page 4: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

Benjamin Franklin was born in 1706, the tenth child of a father who was a soap maker. Franklin would later go on to be one of the most revered people in American history.

This passage illustrates this country’sA. reliance on large families.B. Protestant religious heritage.C. importance placed on education.D. belief that anyone can succeed.

Colonial Times – 20 points

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• D. Belief that anyone can succeed.

• Since Franklin was from a very humble background, his story serves as an example that anyone is capable of success in the United States (or in what it was at that time).’

• Social Mobility!!!

Page 6: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

In the United States, the Marquis de Lafayette is best known for

A. giving away secrets to the Germans in World War II.

B. his role in the XYZ Affair with the French government.

C. fighting for the United States in the American Revolution.

D. leading the French Resistance to aid American pilots in World War II.

Colonial Era – 30 points

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C. fighting for the United States in the American Revolution.

• The aristocratic, young (19 years old!) French soldier not only trained colonial troops but was also fighting for the United States in the American Revolution. After the war, Lafayette returned to France where, eventually, he was a leader in that country’s revolution.

Page 8: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

What is the BEST explanation for the limited role of the government in the national economy in the years following the American Revolution?

A)It was a compromise between the industrial North and agricultural South.

B) It evolved as an effort to compete with the French as they expanded westward.

C) It emerged as the best strategy to pay off our massive war debts to Great Britain.

D) It evolved as a reaction to the oppressive economic policies that existed during the colonial era.

Colonial Era – 40 points

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D) It evolved as a reaction to the oppressive economic policies that existed during the colonial era.

• The limited role of the government in the national economy in the years following the American Revolution evolved as a reaction to the oppressive economic policies that existed during the colonial era. Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson both worked to "protect the common man from political and economic tyranny," which Americans had lived with under British colonial rule.

Page 10: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

The Treaty of Paris of 1783

A.ended French colonial holdings in North America.

B. granted the United States independence from England.

C. ensured Loyalists would not be compensated for their lands.

D. established an alliance between the United States and France.

Colonial Era – 50 points

Page 11: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

B. granted the United States independence from England.

The Treaty of Paris of 1783 granted the United States independence from England. The French actually benefited from the Treaty, and while they did aid the U.S. in its fight for independence, the French did not become permanent allies with the U.S. as a result of this agreement.

Page 12: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

· Took place on September 17, 1862· Robert E. Lee and George McClellan faced each other· The Confederate offensive was stopped· Was the bloodiest day of the Civil War

These are describing the Civil War Battle ofA)Antietam. B) Chickamauga.C) Gettysburg.D) Vicksburg.

New Republic Through Reconstruction – 10 points

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• A. Antietam

• The Battle of Antietam took place in Sharpsburg, Maryland. The Confederate foray into Union territory proved roundly unsuccessful, though both sides lost tens of thousands of troops in a matter of just hours.

Page 14: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

Which of the following was NOT characteristic of politics and government in the period following the Civil War?

A)The brightest and most capable people were hesitant to run for office.

B) Being in government was considered the only honorable way to serve the country.

C) The usual practice was to use public office to get rich rather than serve the people.

D) Corruption flourished at every level of government, both local, state and the national level.

New Republic Through Reconstruction– 20 points

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• B. Being in government was considered the only honorable way to serve the country.

• It was not the general opinion that being in government was considered the only honorable way to serve the country. In fact, government became increasingly dominated by wealthy and "connected" people, leaving less and less room for the average person.

Page 16: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

In 1860, the area in red would have been LEAST likely to

A)use forced labor in its agricultural production.B) vote for Abraham Lincoln for President of the

United States.C) push for expansion of slavery in western states

and territories.D) support the notion of "popular sovereignty" in the

debate over slavery.

New Republic Through Reconstruction – 30 points

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B) vote for Abraham Lincoln for President of the United States.

• The areas in red are the Confederate States of America, so they would NOT have voted for Abraham Lincoln for President of the United States in 1860. In fact, he did not even appear on the ballot in many southern states.

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· Established by Congress on March 3, 1865· Provided employment and medical assistance to former

slaves· Trained teachers and built over 1,000 schools

Disbanded in 1869 due to a lack of success and funding

All of these are describingA)Jim Crow laws. B) the Black Codes. C) the Freedman's Bureau.  D) Presidential Reconstruction.

New Republic Through Reconstruction– 40 points

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• C) the Freedman's Bureau.

• The Freedman's Bureau was originally intended to operate for just one year. After the "Radical Reconstruction" period began, however, the program was extended, despite President Andrew Johnson's veto. Even though it had the best of intentions, it was unable to full accomplish all of its goals.  

Page 20: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

Which of these BEST describes the efforts of William Lloyd Garrison?

• organized an unsuccessful slave revolt in 1826.B) advocated the settling of Liberia by freed slaves.C) believed slavery should be phased out over a

period of time.D) urged immediate emancipation of slaves in the

United States.

New Republic Through Reconstruction– 50 points

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• D) urged immediate emancipation of slaves in the United States.  

• Garrison founded The Liberator in 1831, with an anti-slavery message. Rather than suggest a gradual elimination of of slavery, he urged immediate emancipation of slaves in the United States. His fiery abolitionist sentiments were somewhat unusual for the day, especially given the fact that he was not an African-American.

Page 22: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

Which person would have been LEAST likely to be considered a "Progressive" in the early 20th century?

A)FarmerB) SocialistC) JournalistD) suffragette

Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism – 10 points

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• A. Farmer

• A farmer would have been least likely to be a "Progressive" in the early 20th century. Farmers tended to be associated with the Populist movement of the late 19th century, whereas the Progressives attracted urban audiences.

Page 24: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

The United States experienced major foreign policy issues in the late 1800’s with all of the following EXCEPT

A)Argentina.B) Philippines.C) Spain.D) Venezuela.

Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism– 20 points

Page 25: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

• A. Argentina

• The US intervened in a border dispute between Venezuela and Britain, and fought with Spain and with Filipino freedom fighters, but did not have profound international issues with Argentina.

Page 26: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

Which president believed that a US-controlled canal across Central America was a vital strategic interest to America, and so was largely responsible for construction of the Panama Canal?

A)William Taft B) William McKinley C) Henry Cabot Lodge D) Theodore Roosevelt

Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism– 30 points

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D) Theodore Roosevelt

• The U.S. president who believed that a U.S. controlled canal across Central America was a vital strategic interest to America and was largely responsible for construction of the Panama Canal was Theodore Roosevelt. Roosevelt was able to secure rights to the area by trading American support for Panama's revolt against Colombia.

Page 28: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

The Rough Riders, pictured here, were a group of soldiers that fought in the famed ‘Battle of San Juan Hill’ against what country?

A)ItalyB) SpainC) MexicoD) North Korea

Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism– 40 points

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• B. Spain

• The Rough Riders fought against forces from Spain. In the middle is future-president Theodore Roosevelt, surrounded by his volunteer regiment serving in the Spanish-American war in 1898.

Page 30: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

The United States felt that it was important to complete the construction and control of the Panama Canal because

A) it would help spread democracy to smaller nations.B) it would prevent Russia from doing the same thing.C) it allowed the United States to colonize Central and South America.D) it allowed ships to cross directly between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism– 50 points

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D) it allowed ships to cross directly between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

• The completion of the Panama Canal allowed ships to cross directly between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. No longer did ships, American or otherwise, have to sail around the southern tip of South America to access Atlantic or Pacific port. U.S. control of the Panama Canal gave them more power in international trade between the two oceans.

Page 32: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

The cartoon from 1933 is expressing the belief thatA) FDR's programs are straying too far from American ideals.  B) the New Deal is succeeding in ending the Great Depression. C) the New Deal was a failure in ending the Great Depression. D) FDR needs to try to use some of the ideas created by Karl


Establishments as a World Power – 10 points

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• A. FDR's programs are straying too far from American ideals.

• This cartoon is critical of the changes in the U.S. in 1933, believing that FDR's programs are straying too far from American ideals. The title of the cartoon- "The Joker"- refers to the card- 'Socialistic Experiments"- that is being dealt by FDR. Many people were worried that the U.S. might become a socialist- or even communist- state because of the programs.

Page 34: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

The Red Scare of the 1920s was caused primarily by

A)the influenza outbreak.B) fear of airborne diseases.C) the actions of Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy.D) fear of communist infiltration of the United States.

Establishments as a World Power– 20 points

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• D) fear of communist infiltration of the United States.

• There were two ‘Red Scares’ in U.S. history, but the first one (in the 1920s) was a reaction to the fear of communist infiltration of the United States following World War I. The ‘scare’ proved largely pointless, as the Communist Party in the U.S. failed to gain popularity or strength.

Page 36: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

Which New Deal agency built more than half a million miles of roads?

A)Civil Works Administration (CWA)B) Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)C) Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)D) National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA)

Establishments as a World Power– 30 points

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A) Civil Works Administration (CWA)

• The Civil Works Administration (CWA) built more than half a million miles of roads in addition to building 40,000 schools and paying the salaries of more than 50,000 schoolteachers.

Page 38: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

During the Great Depression, the unemployment rate in the U.S. reached approximately

A)10%.B) 25%.C) 40%.D) 50%.

Establishments as a World Power– 40 points

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B) 25%.

• During the Great Depression, the unemployment rate in the U.S. reached a record of 25% of the work force. From 1929 until the onset of the Second World War, one out of every four American families relied on "soup kitchens" and "bread lines" for their survival.

Page 40: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

Which event would have FIRST caused the United States to begin reversing its Neutrality Acts in the early stages of World War II?

A)Germany's attack on London’B) Germany's invasion of PolandC) Japan's attack on Pearl HarborD) Japan's attack on the Midway Islands

Establishments as a World Power– 50 points

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• B) Germany's invasion of Poland

• This could be a tricky question. Germany's invasion of Poland is the right answer because it happened before any of the other issues here. True, the United States began the process of revising the Neutrality Acts before that, but the question is not asking that. The invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, caused President Roosevelt to ask Congress to change the Neutrality Acts to prevent giving "passive aid" to the enemies.

Page 42: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

The National Defense Education Act (1958) was created to

A)educate students on the evils of the Soviet Union.B) educate students on how to survive a nuclear

attack.C) provide scholarships to students who wanted to

go to a US military academy.D) improve the advancement of education in the

areas of science, math, and foreign languages.

Modern Era – 10 points

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D) improve the advancement of education in the areas of science, math, and foreign languages.

• After Russia launched Sputnik in 1957, Americans scrambled to “catch up” in the quest to explore space. Therefore, the US Congress passed the National Defense Education Act, providing funding to improve the advancement of education in the areas of science, math, and foreign languages.

Page 44: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

The post-World War II ‘baby boom’ was caused, in part, by

A)marriage at an earlier age.B) the loss of population during the war.C) women refusing to go back to work after the

war.D) the invention and distribution of the birth

control pill.

Modern Era– 20 points

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• A. marriage at an earlier age.

• The ‘baby boom’ took place after troops returned home from Europe and the Pacific. Many entered marriage at an earlier age , marrying quickly and resulting in a massive increase in population over the next two decades.

Page 46: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

The Interstate Highway System was authorized by the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 for the PRIMARY purpose of

A)allowing people to live further from their places of work.

B) encouraging more people to settle sparsely populated regions.

C) helping strengthen our national defense by creating an easier means of transporting people and goods in an emergency.

D) building a network of roads that would help to send work crews around the country to ease the effects of the Great Depression.

Modern Era– 30 points

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C) helping strengthen our national defense by creating an easier means of transporting people and goods in an emergency.

• The primary purpose of the creation of the Interstate Highway System was to help strengthen our national defense by creating an easier means of transporting people and goods in an emergency. The law that created it was also known as the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act of 1956 and was loosely based on the German "Autobahn" President Eisenhower had seen in World War II. Its main purpose now, though, is to move great amounts of people through major cities.

Page 48: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

All of the following describes the Selma to Montgomery Marches of the mid-1960s EXCEPT

A)was met with violence.B) attracted national media attention.C) was broken up by the Federal government.D) was meant to challenge voting laws in the south.

Modern Era– 40 points

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• C) was broken up by the Federal government.

• The Selma to Montgomery Marches attempted to raise awareness of the abuses of voting rights in the American south. The local and state police brutally crushed the peaceful protesters, bringing great amounts of negative national attention to Selma, but it was NOT broken up by the Federal government.

Page 50: Powerpoint Jeopardy Colonial TimesStart of a Nation New Republic through Reconstruction Industrialization, Reform & Imperialism Modern Era 10 20 30 40

The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 came to an end when

A)the Soviet Union agreed to withdraw its nuclear missiles from Cuba.

B) CIA-backed rebels were defeated by the Cuban army at the Bay of Pigs.

C) the United Nations allowed the US to install nuclear missiles in Key West.

D) a nuclear disarmament plan for the US and the Soviet Union was agreed upon.

Modern Era– 50 points

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A) the Soviet Union agreed to withdraw its nuclear missiles from Cuba.

The world came to the brink of nuclear war in October of 1962 when the US discovered the Soviet Union had missiles installed in Cuba. Disaster was narrowly averted, though, when the Soviet Union agreed to withdraw its nuclear missiles from Cuba, in exchange for a US promise NOT to invade Cuba.