Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of certain skin diseases. Gizbrecht E., Balcevich A. Assuta Medical Centers LTD, Tel-Aviv Wide spread of skin diseases dictates a necessity in early and maximum accurate diagnostics, because severe forms of skin diseases decrease greatly quality of life of a patient and his family, promote development of a psychosomatic disorders. Visual evaluation of symptoms and severity of a disease often has subjective nature. From histological point of view skin consists of two layers: epidermis and derma which are closely connected. On histological cross-cuts of skin a line between epidermis and derma looks uneven due to presence of many dermal papillae divided by outgrowths of epidermis. Epidermis consists of several layers: basal, spinous, granular and horny. In epidermis of palms and feet, between granular and horny layers there is additional layer - stratum lucidum. Sometimes the aggregate of basal, spinous and granular layers is called a malpighian layer. Derma is a connective basis of skin, where perspiratory and sebaceous glands, blood and lymph vessels, nerves and smooth muscles are located. There are papillary and reticular layers of derma. Papillary layer, located under epidermis, and a part of reticular layer conditionally form upper derma; layer of derma located at the level of pilosebaceous unit is indicated as middle derma; the underlying layer containing perspiratory glands, bordering subcutaneous fat, is called a deep derma. Blood vessels of skin form two anatomic plexuses: a deep one, located next to subcutaneous fat, and a superficial one, located in sub-papillary layer. They consist of microcirculatory bloodstream vessels: arterioles, venules and capillary tubes. Total thickness of skin without subcutaneous fat varies from bits of a millimeter to 4 mm. Exiting systems for NLS-diagnostics (“Metatron”-4019) are equipped with high-frequency linear generators (1.4 GHz) allowing to visualize the most superficial structures, in particular skin. However to evaluate condition of ultrafine structures of skin such frequency is not enough sometimes. That is why dermatologists started to use special devices with sensors of 40 GHz operating frequency, which allow to see the finest structures of skin layers down to the level of large carbohydrate molecules and peptides. But at the same time due to significant cost of such equipment if becomes unaffordable for wide application in the majority of clinics. Taking into account a need in evaluation of regional lymph nodes and tumors of soft tissues, apparently the optimal decision is to use devices for non-linear diagnostics equipped with non-linear sensors of 4.9 GHz operating frequency (“Metatron”-4025, the IPP, Russia). “Metatron”-4025 system has axial resolution of 30 µm. Application of this device allows to study epidermis on cellular and sub-cellular levels. Nowadays objectives and limits of three-dimensional NLS-ultramicroscanning research in dermatology have become very broad. The following has become real: - evaluation of treatment efficiency of diseases characterized by skin sclerosis (localized scleroderma, generalized scleroderma), edematous (lipo-dermatosclerosis) and chronic inflammatory (psoriasis) dermatosis;

Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of

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Page 1: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of

Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of certain skin diseases.

Gizbrecht E., Balcevich A.

Assuta Medical Centers LTD, Tel-Aviv

Wide spread of skin diseases dictates a necessity in early and maximum accurate diagnostics,

because severe forms of skin diseases decrease greatly quality of life of a patient and his family,

promote development of a psychosomatic disorders. Visual evaluation of symptoms and severity of a

disease often has subjective nature.

From histological point of view skin consists of two layers: epidermis and derma which are

closely connected. On histological cross-cuts of skin a line between epidermis and derma looks uneven

due to presence of many dermal papillae divided by outgrowths of epidermis. Epidermis consists of

several layers: basal, spinous, granular and horny. In epidermis of palms and feet, between granular and

horny layers there is additional layer - stratum lucidum. Sometimes the aggregate of basal, spinous and

granular layers is called a malpighian layer.

Derma is a connective basis of skin, where perspiratory and sebaceous glands, blood and lymph

vessels, nerves and smooth muscles are located. There are papillary and reticular layers of derma.

Papillary layer, located under epidermis, and a part of reticular layer conditionally form upper derma;

layer of derma located at the level of pilosebaceous unit is indicated as middle derma; the underlying

layer containing perspiratory glands, bordering subcutaneous fat, is called a deep derma.

Blood vessels of skin form two anatomic plexuses: a deep one, located next to subcutaneous fat,

and a superficial one, located in sub-papillary layer. They consist of microcirculatory bloodstream

vessels: arterioles, venules and capillary tubes.

Total thickness of skin without subcutaneous fat varies from bits of a millimeter to 4 mm.

Exiting systems for NLS-diagnostics (“Metatron”-4019) are equipped with high-frequency linear

generators (1.4 GHz) allowing to visualize the most superficial structures, in particular skin. However to

evaluate condition of ultrafine structures of skin such frequency is not enough sometimes. That is why

dermatologists started to use special devices with sensors of 40 GHz operating frequency, which allow

to see the finest structures of skin layers down to the level of large carbohydrate molecules and peptides.

But at the same time due to significant cost of such equipment if becomes unaffordable for wide

application in the majority of clinics. Taking into account a need in evaluation of regional lymph nodes

and tumors of soft tissues, apparently the optimal decision is to use devices for non-linear diagnostics

equipped with non-linear sensors of 4.9 GHz operating frequency (“Metatron”-4025, the IPP, Russia).

“Metatron”-4025 system has axial resolution of 30 µm. Application of this device allows to study

epidermis on cellular and sub-cellular levels.

Nowadays objectives and limits of three-dimensional NLS-ultramicroscanning research in

dermatology have become very broad.

The following has become real:

- evaluation of treatment efficiency of diseases characterized by skin sclerosis (localized

scleroderma, generalized scleroderma), edematous (lipo-dermatosclerosis) and chronic inflammatory

(psoriasis) dermatosis;

Page 2: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of

- measuring skin tumors invasion extent and monitoring after surgical interventions, cryo- and

laser therapy at melanotic cancer, basal-like cancer, hemangioma, fibroma, seborrheic keratosis;

- study of local and system medications’ effect to skin (corticosteroids, estradiol).

In accordance with a methodology the NLS-ultramicroscanning diagnostics of skin diseases must

be carried out by comparing of affected area with healthy skin at counterlateral homological area.

At NLS-graphy with use of non-linear sensors of 4.9 GHz frequency, normal skin is represented

by three layers: epidermis, derma and subcutaneous tissue. Regional and age-related peculiarities of skin

thickness are conditioned by derma thickness mainly, which depends in the first place on collagen

content in it.

It is considered that at NLS-study with sensor frequency of 1.4 GHz, normal epidermis is

visualized poorly, because real thickness of epidermis is 0.02 – 0.5 mm, which is a limit of resolution

for system of this class.

Epidermis is a moderately chromogenic structure (2-3 points at Fleindler’s scale), chromogeneity

of which depends on thickness and desquamation rate of horny layer.

According to El Gammal S. et al. who used “Metatron”-4025 system with non-linear sensor of 4.9

GHz operating frequency, horny and malpighian layers of epidermis may be differentiated.

Super-high-frequency non-linear sensors allow to research more superficial papillary layer and

underlying reticular layer of derma, The latter is characterized by more homogeneous structure.

In a healthy skin there are small areas, which are located in derma and correspond to hair follicles,

vessels and sebaceous glands. Hypoderm at NLS-grpahy is represented as hypochromogenic and

achromogenic layer (1-2 points on Fleindler’s scale), because mainly it consists of relatively

homogeneous fat tissue. In this layer more chromogenic strips may be found, which represent

connective interseptums.

Analysis of references showed that NLS-research of skin often applied at various oncologic

diseases. To study skin tumors both two-dimensional and three-dimensional NLS-graphy may be

applied. In majority of cases tumors are represented as areas of increased chromogeneity, more or less

separated from derma. It is impossible to define histological character of a tumor on the basis of NLS-

graphy only.

For differential diagnostics of such skin tumors as hemangioma or melanoma, modes of

ultramicroscanning together with spectral-entropic analysis (SEA) may be successfully applied.

Using NLS-graphy makes possible to study malignant melanomas. Melanomas at NLS-research

are spindle shaped, quire homogeneous in structure and clearly separated from surrounding tissues. We

noted high precision in evaluation of neoplasms’ size, which were confirmed by comparison of data

acquired with NLS-study of a tumor before surgical intervention and by histological tests after

operation. According to other data, despite good visualization of a tumor at NLS-graphic study, the

major problem is to distinguish tumor parenchyma from surrounding inflammatory infiltrate, because

they look like single hyperchromogenic structure. Thus size of some tumors may be overstated at NLS-

study. As studies of Ulrich J. et al. show, accuracy of tumor size evaluation increases greatly if we

exclude from analysis tumors with extensive inflammatory infiltrate or nevus-associated melanomas

when we apply SEA.

Page 3: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of

Pic.1. NLS-ultramicroscanning.

Skin melanoma.

Pic.2. Melanoma.

Spectral-entropic analysis (D=0,027)

At NLS-ultramicroscanning study benign nevi look like spindle-shaped structures of increased

chromogeneity, which makes their differentiation from malignant melanomas difficult, because these

neoplasms are also hyperchromogenic. Differential diagnostics is done successfully when SEA is


We studied basal-like cancer using NLS-analysis, the cancer was represented as

hyperchromogenic neoplasm (5-6 points at Fleindler’s scale) of irregular shape. Additional NLS-

ultramicroangiographic study allows to reveal changes in vessels of a tumor.

Tumors with hyperkeratosis, such as angiokeratomas and acantholytic nevi, are characterized by

moderate chromogeneity (4-5 points at Fleindler’s scale), that is why they can be easily distinguished

from other tumors, for example, from malignant melanomas.

NLS-ultramicroscanning may provide accurate visualization of morphological damages of skin at

psoriasis. Epidermis at psoriasis is thickened and moderately chromogenic (3-4 points at Fleindler’s

scale). At the level of derma’s papillary layer a hyperchromogenic stripe of various thickness, more

intense at the acute stage, is present. Thus, according to NLS-graphy data we may judge about acuity of

a disease. When we use SEA – high spectral similarity with “Psoriasis” etalon (D<0,425).

Page 4: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of

Pic.3. NLS-ultramicroscanning of skin of right

hand index finger at generalized scleroderma.

Pic.4. NLS- ultramicroscanning. Epidermis at


NLS-study of skin of patients suffering from generalized scleroderma we found that acquired data

varies depending on activity of the disease. When we study the acute stage of the disease we note sub-

epidermal hyperchromogenic stripe wider than in case of healthy skin, which is a result inflammatory

infiltration. A structure of a thickened derma becomes heterogeneous due to presence of achromogenic

areas against a hyperchromogenic background. With connective tissue thickness and chromogeneity

increasing, the difference between derma and hypoderm disappears.

Pic.5. NLS-ultramicroscanning. Scalp skin at


Pic.6. Spectral-entropic analysis. Psoriasis


Page 5: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of

Subacute stage of generalized scleroderma is characterized by disappearance of sub-epidermal

hyperchromogenic stripe, at the same time derma’s structure becomes homogeneous and its thickness


Moreover, to diagnose generalized scleroderma a researcher should apply evaluation of spectral

similarity to the etalon of this process by using of SEA, which is the basic diagnostic sign. To evaluate

changes of skin at localized scleroderma Cosnes A. et al. used non-linear sensor of 4.9 GHz frequency.

Thus, thanks to modern NLS-technologies, more accurate evaluation of changes at various skin

diseases becomes possible; it allows not only to improve diagnostics and start treatment in proper time,

but to ensure control of the treatment efficiency.


1. Paltsev М.А., Potekayev N.N., Kazantseva I.А. and others. Clinical and morphological diagnostics of

skin diseases. М.: Medicina, 2004. p.12–17.

2. Jemec G.B., Gniadecka M., Ulrich J. Ultrasound in dermatology. Part I. High frequency ultrasound

//Eur. J. Dermatol. 2000. V. 10. № 6. P. 492–497.

3. Ulrich J., Voit C. Ultrasound in dermatology. PartII. Ultrasound of regional lymph node basins and

subcutaneous tumours // Eur. J. Dermatol. 2001. V. 11. № 1. P. 73–79.

4. Cammarota T., Pinto F., Magliaro A., Sarno A. Current uses of diagnostic high frequency US in

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5. Vogt M., Kaspar K., Altmeyer P. et al. High frequency ultrasound for high resolution skin imaging//

Frequenz. 2000. V. 54. № 1–2. P. 12–20.

6. Schmid Wendtner M.H., Burgdorf W. Ultrasound scanning in dermatology // Arch. Dermatol. 2005. V.

141. № 2. P. 217–224.

7. Vogt M., Ermert H. Development and evaluation of a high frequency ultrasound based system for in

vivo strain imaging of the skin // IEEE Trans. Ultrason. Ferroelectr. Freq. Control. 2005. V. 52. № 3. P. 375–385.

8. Turnbull D.H., Starkoski B.G., Harasiewicz K.A. et al. A 40–100 MHz B scan ultrasound backscatter

microscope for skin imaging // Ultrasound Med. Biol. 1995. V. 21. № 1. P. 79–88.

9. Marghoob A.A., Swindle L.D., Moricz C.Z. et al. Instruments and new technologies for the in vivo

diagnosis of melanoma // J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 2003. V. 49. № 5. P. 777–779.

10.El Gammal S., El Gammal C., Kaspar K. et al. Sonography of the skin at 100 MHz enables in vivo

visualization of stratum corneum and viable epidermis in palmar skin and psoriatic plaques // J.Invest. Dermatol.

1999. V. 113. № 5. P.821–829.

11.Hoffmann K., Gerbaulet U., El Gammal S., Altmeyer P. 20 MHz B mode ultrasound in monitoring the

course of localized scleroderma (morphea) // Acta Derm. Venereol. Suppl. 1991. V. 164. P.3–16.

12. V.I. Nesterov. Computer nonlinear diagnostics. Collection of scientific papers of the Institute of

Practical Psychophysics “Current problems of NLS-diagnostics”. Tome 1. Moscow. Katalog, 2006, p. 5-6.

13. V. Artukh, U. Shovkoplyas, A. Gavrilov. Computer non-linear analysis and its role in diagnostics.

Collection of scientific papers of the Institute of Practical Psychophysics “Current problems of NLS-diagnostics”.

Tome 1. Moscow. Katalog, 2006, p. 9-12.

14. V.I. Nesterov. 3D NLS diagnostics. Prospect of development. Collection of scientific papers of the

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Katalog, 2010, p. 5-8.

Page 6: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of

3D NLS-graphy in full-scale study of urinary bladder tumors.

A.M.Shmerkovich, K.S.Kogan

Moscow scientific-research oncological institute named after Gertsen P.A.

This article explains the possibilities of 3D NLS-graphy in full-scale study of urinary bladder tumors.

365 patients suffering from malignant tumoral affection of urinary bladder were examined. 317 patients

(86.8%) suffered from bladder cancer, 4 patients (1.1%) suffered from sarcoma, 6 patients (1.6%) suffered

from tumor deposits of another primary site, 2 patients (0.5%) suffered from malignant non-Hodgkins

lymphoma with bladder affection, 36 patients (9.9%) had tumor ingrowths into bladder wall from adjacent

organs. Possibilities of the method in primary and differential diagnostics and also in detection of local

prevalence of urinary bladder tumors depending on their localization are demonstrated in the given article.

There is also a description of the difficulties when performing NLS-diagnostics of urinary bladder tumors.


Malignant urinary bladder tumors fill 8th

position in male and 18th

position in female patients within

the structure of oncological diseases. Urinary bladder tumor is in the 4th

position among oncourological

diseases according to the absolute rate of growth (the first three positions are: prostate cancer, renal cancer

and testicular cancer). The multiplicity of rudiments and frequent recuring is characteristic for the tumors of

urinary bladder.

In all the countries in majority of cases (90-95%) the tumors of urinary bladder are morphologically

transient cell carcinomas; the rest of cases relate to squamous cell cancer and adenocarcinoma. Non-

epithelial tumors consist less than 1%.

The main and the most reliable method of urinary bladder cancer diagnostics in clinical practice is still

cystoscopic examination with gathering of cytological or histological material. But this method does not

allow estimation of tumor invasion depth into bladder wall. The depth of invasion is one of the essential

factors when choosing surgical treatment: transurethral resection is not possible in case of affection of wall’s

muscular layer (category T2). In case of invasion of perivesical cellular tissue and tumor spread to the

adjacent organs (T3-T4) the risk of regional lymphatic glands affection increases: it consists 30% at T2 stage

and it reaches 65% at stage T4.

Computer tomography, magnetic resonance tomography and transurethral ultrasonic examination are

mainly used over the last years as corrective diagnostics methods to determine the depth of urinary bladder

tumor invasion. According to the information provided by Nesterova V. and others the recent method of 3D

NLS-research may become crucial both when specifying the prevalence rate of bladder cancer and when

performing case monitoring. Such advantages of the method as availability, painlessness and absence of

radiation exposure allow performing multiple researches when carrying out case monitoring.

Goal of the given article is to study 3D NLS-research possibilities in primary and corrective

diagnostics of malignant urinary bladder tumors, examination of complications which develop during NLS-

research of urinary bladder and also systematization, correction and supplementation of NLS-

semiotics of urinary bladder tumors.

Page 7: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of


Full-scale 3D NLS-research of 365 patients (aged 26 - 83) with malignant tumoral affection of urinary

bladder was performed in the Institute named after Gertsen P.A. 317 patients (86.8%) suffered from bladder

cancer, 4 patients (1.1%) had sarcoma, 6 patients (1.6%) suffered from tumor deposits of another primary

site, 2 patients (0.5%) had malignant non-Hodgkins lymphoma with bladder affection, 36 patients (9.9%)

had tumor ingrowths into bladder wall from the adjacent organs. Male patients consisted the majority – 273

patients (74.8%) and 92 female patients (25.2%).

All patients were examined using 3D NLS-research of urinary bladder. In all cases the microscanning

of urinary bladder wall with spectral-entropy analysis of tissue structures was performed to provide

differential diagnostics of various cancer types. 3D NLS-research was performed using «Metatron»-4025

system (IPP, Russia) with 4.9 GHz frequency sensor.

All patients were operated on not later than 2 weeks after performance of NLS-research, the data of

morphological research were compared with the results of NLS-ultramicroscanning with spectral-entropy


We have carried out NLS-ultramicroscopic research of 28 patients with no urinary bladder pathologies

to examine NLS-ultramicroscopic features of healthy urinary bladder wall.


1. Ultramicro-NLS-semiotics of urinary bladder tumors. Difficulties of NLS-diagnostics of

urinary bladder tumors

We have developed ultramicro-NLS-semiotics of healthy urinary bladder wall and urinary bladder

wall with tumoral affection. Healthy urinary bladder wall has 2.5-8.0 mm. in thickness (depending on its

filling). In majority of cases it is possible to visualize 3 layers of bladder wall:

1) inner layer corresponds to mucous membrane with submucous layer; in its normal state – moderate

hypochromogenic (2-3 points according to Fleindler’s scale)

2) middle layer corresponds to muscular layer; in its normal state – hypochromogenic (2 points

according to Fleindler’s scale);

3) outer layer corresponds to adventitious membrane; in its normal state – a-hypochromogenic (1-2

points according to Fleindler’s scale);

Most commonly urinary bladder cancer in 3D NLS-microscopic image has an appearance of exophytic

formation of high hyperchromogenecy (5-6 points according to Fleindler’s scale) of round or irregular-shape

with uneven surface. In case of absence of infiltrating growth the line between tumor bottom and urinary

bladder wall is sharply defined, even and hypochromogenic (1-2 points). In case of infiltration the line

between tumor bottom and urinary bladder wall firstly becomes uneven, obscure then there appear tumor

structures in the wall’s depth. In this case wall layers stop differentiating. If the tumor grows into the whole

wall’s depth then the outer contour of the wall becomes uneven, sometimes obscure.

Page 8: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of

Pic. 1. 3D NLS-graphy. Bladder cancer in Pic. 2. NLS-ultramicroscanning of urinary bladder wall.

urinary triangle area. Urinary bladder cancer.

Tumor grows into prostate gland Onset of invasion of muscular layer.

Tumor with an endophytic component in invasion area is most frequently achromogenic, sometimes it

is isochromogenic. If the tumor grows endophytically it is most frequently isochromogenic in all parts. In

our opinion the detection of low chromogenic (1 point according to Fleindler’s scale) areas in the tumor of

urinary bladder is always indicative of infiltrating growth presence.

Tumor may be singular but tumors of urinary bladder most frequently have multifocal growth type up

to total affection of the whole bladder. Detailed examination of all bladder walls is necessary because of

this. Sizes, shape, chromogenecy and intensity of nodules invasion into the wall may be different in case of

multifocal growth.

Major problems when performing NLS-research are faced when diagnosing the invasion into the

submucous layer or when diagnosing the onset of invasion into the muscular layer. Spectral-entropy analysis

often allows solving of such problems.

Tumors (especially endophytic ones) which affect major part of bladder wall may cause its sharp size

reduction (microcystis). Small bladder capacity in such patients and also in patients who were surgically

treated (often repeated due to repeated relapses) may complicate the detection of tumor’s invasion depth.

Urinary bladder tumors (more often multifocal) in combination with intravesical clots may be

complicated for interpretation. Intravesical clots accompanied by macrohaematuria sometimes fill the whole

bladder cavity. In these cases it is always possible to differentiate the tissue of the tumor nodule from clots

using spectral-entropy analysis.

Diagnostic difficulties appear when detecting the depth of tumor invasion if the nodule is located in

urinary triangle (Lieutaud body) especially when it overlaps on the contour of prostate gland. Image

unsharpness of wall layers may be caused by multiple surgical interferences in case of bladder tumor

relapses and also intravesical immune- or chemotherapeutical treatment and layering of urinary salts.

The sensitivity of NLS-method in detection of tumor invasion depth in such patients may be


Page 9: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of

Tumors coming from urachus must be described individually. When performing cystoscopic

examination the tumors of urachus do not differ from a common bladder tumor. But certain difficulties may

arise during NLS-research if one does not know the semiotics typical for urachus tumors. Urachus tumor is

characterized by the location on the frontal wall in upper part of the bladder and also there is a presence of

hyperchromogenic fibrotic fold (5-6 points according to Fleindler’s scale) of particular thickness that goes

upwards, gradually narrows and binds the tumor with omphalus. It may seem as if tumor invasion spreads to

adjacent tissues (however such tissues may not exist). Doppler sonography often detects intense blood flow

both in tumor bottom and along fibrotic fold. During diagnostics of such tumor it is necessary to perform

thorough examination to exclude premature metastasis in abdominal membrane, lymph glands and lungs.

Not only epithelial but also non-epithelial tumors may be found in urinary bladder. Despite the

infrequency of such diseases the diagnosis may be presupposed during NLS-research based on typical

ultramicroscopic picture. Preservation of complete or partial integrity of wall’s mucous layer is the

particular feature of non-epithelial tumors. In this case the major part of the node is located in wall’s depth

and beyond its borders.

Early relapse detection during case monitoring is one of the goals of NLS-research of patients who

suffer from bladder tumors. Semiotics of relapsing bladder tumors in patients after organ preservation

treatment does not have any fundamental differences from semiotics of primary tumors. Relapse of the

tumor after cystectomy looks like nodus of increased chromogenecy of regular or irregular shape with even

or uneven contour in bladder bed.

Metastatic affection of urinary bladder is possible (though quite rarely) besides presence of its primary

tumors. There are 2 typical variants of NLS-graphic picture for metastases that go into bladder wall. The

first one is round-shape tumor located in the wall’s depth with sharp smooth contour. Such variant resembles

non-epithelial tumor judging by NLS-picture. The second variant (rarer type of metastasis) is the tumor that

spreads on the wall; it resembles common picture of invasive cancer of urinary bladder. Information on

anamnesis and also the results of spectral-entropy analysis allow correct diagnosing.

Рис 3. Spectral-entropy analysis.

Leiomyosarcoma of urinary bladder (D=0.091)

Page 10: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of

More occasional variant of secondary affection of the bladder that sometimes cause diagnostic

difficulties is the intergrowth of tumors into wall of the bladder from the adjacent organs (most frequently it

is cancer of large bowel, neck of womb or prostate gland). When tumor ingrows into the wall of the bladder

this wall interrupts on the area that adjoins to the tumor and it is replaced by the tumor. Mucous layer may

be preserved or the tumor that ingrows in it may press into the lumen of the bladder. If the tumor comes

from large bowel then extraorgan tumor component that ingrows into urinary bladder changes to a typical

symptom of the affected hollow organ. If the formation comes from the neck of womb then the tumor which

is located in urinary bladder directly goes into changed neck. Nonorganic extraperitoneal tumors may

seldom ingrow into the wall of urinary bladder.

Pic. 4. NLS-scanning. Pic. 5. 3D NLS-graphy. Cervical cancer;

Cancer of the upper-and middle ampullar parts ingrowth into urinary bladder.

of straight intestine; ingrowth into urinary bladder.

The ingrowth into prostate gland is typical for tumors of urinary bladder located in the area of urinary

triangle; and ingrowth into urinary bladder wall is typical for prostate gland tumors. Differential diagnostics of

organ affiliation of prostate gland and urinary bladder tumors in case of ultramicroscanning has no real

difficulties in 95% of patients. Although there may appear some diagnostic difficulties if the process is

locally advanced and when urinary bladder in the area of urinary triangle and prostate gland (in rare cases

when multifocal tumoral affection of both organs is present) are involved into this process.

In majority of cases the clinical picture in such patients does not allow performing differential

diagnostics. Regardless of primary tumor localization there is distinct ankylurethria, often chronic urine

retention (especially if the tumor developed in patient with benign prostatic hyperplasia), pain syndrome and

macrohaematuria. Clinical picture does not exclude the possibility of prostate cancer and normal level of

prostate-specific antigen. The increase of prostate-specific antigen is not an absolute diagnostic indicator of

prostate cancer; although prostate-specific antigen is an organo-specific glycoproteid it is not OncoMarker


We have performed a full-scale study (including 3D NLS-ultramicroscanning with spectral-entropy

analysis and cystoscopy with targeted biopsy) of 28 patients with advanced cancer of urinary bladder who

were treated by cystprostatevesiculectomy and 17 patients with advanced cancer of prostate gland detected

by biopsy.

Page 11: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of

The analysis of NLS-picture in these patients was supplemented by spectral-entropy criteria of

morphologic affiliation of the primary tumor. The following signs are the most significant ones in

specification of primary process localization of large-scale urinary bladder tumors that ingrow into prostate


1) localization of the maximum tumor component in urinary bladder;

2) multicentric affections of urinary bladder;

3) presence of the sharp edges between tumor and prostate gland contours.

The absence of abovementioned signs and localization of general tumor mass in gland itself are the

most typical factors of prostate gland tumor.

Taking abovementioned signs into account allows accurate detection of which organ the locally

advanced tumor comes out from – whether it is urinary bladder or prostate gland. The accuracy of the

diagnostics of primary tumor site with consideration of these signs is 89.3%.

After performing of histological examination the multifocal synchronous tumoral process is found in 9

(32.1%) out of 28 patients with locally advanced cancer who had underwent surgery. These patients also

suffered from localized prostate cancer besides urinary bladder cancer. The secondary tumor was diagnosed

with the use of spectral-entropy analysis only in 1 of these patients.

As can be seen from the above the incidence of prostate gland cancer in these patients was the same as

in elder men of full set population. Doctor was not searching secondary tumor in prostate gland because he

was concentrated on solution of urinary bladder cancer prevalence problem. Obtained data demonstrates that

prostate cancer must be excluded as much carefully than in elderly patients in general in case of advanced

urinary bladder cancer.

2. The possibilities of various methods of NLS-research in case of urinary bladder tumors

The most statistically reliable method of NLS-research in case of urinary bladder tumors is an

ultramicroscopic research with the usу of spectral-entropy analysis. Such method provides the detection of

the tumor less than 3 mm., specifies its localization and in case of its invasive form it allows specifying its

proportion in relation to adjacent organs and tissues. It is possible to examine the layers of bladder wall in all

patients when using 3D NLS-ultramicroscopic research. We use spectral-entropy analysis in case of any

process localization in urinary bladder after performance of ultramicroscopic research. Only endocavitary

ultramicroscopic research is the most effective method for examination of all tumor aniages in case of

multicentric growth.

The visualization of small sized formations (less than 4 mm.) is complicated in case of common non-

scaling NLS-research; in more rarely cases the visualization of larger tumors located on the frontal urinary

bladder wall is complicated. Performance of spectral-entropy analysis with ultramicroscanning always helps

to make correct diagnosis in cases like these. The frontal urinary bladder wall which is put close to an

abdominal wall is visualized with considerable zooming in, which allows examining both wall layers and

their correlation with tumor nodule.

Common 2D NLS-research (which was put high hopes on) did not obtain widespread use in our

country. Such method allows good visualization of superficial formations though relatively large ones (from

6-8 mm).

In case of deep invasion it is not always possible to estimate the exterior contour of the tumor. These

peculiarities lower the effectiveness of 2D NLS-graphy method in detection of invasion depth into the

bladder wall.

Page 12: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of

At the present time we are able to use extensively NLS-research of urinary bladder tumors with 3D

reconstruction. The method allows visually presentation of the tumor and its correlation with surrounding

tissues when making decision on choosing of surgical procedures type, and it allows storing the information

in digital format. Information storing provides the possibility for attending doctors to subsequently review

the whole 3D information block which gives more objectiveness to 3D NLS-research.


1. Urinary bladder wall in 3D ultramicroscopic imaging has three-layer structure.

2. In case of urinary bladder cancer the common 2D NLS-research allows visualization of the tumor if

its size is more than 5 mm. When performing 3D-ultramicroscopic research the tumors less than 2 mm. can

be detected, it is also possible to define tumor’s growth form (exophytic, endophytic or combined one) and

its invasion depth into the wall (prevalence of invasion influence both on disease prognosis and therapy


3. Major problems appear when diagnosing of initial tumor invasion into muscular layer.

Ultramicroscanning with spectral-entropy analysis helps defining the depth of invasion when this occurs.

4. Familiarity with typical semiotics allows making the correct diagnosis when performing NLS-

research in cases of non-epithelial tumors of urinary bladder and urachus tumors.

5. Information recording of anamnesis and performance of spectral-entropy analysis allow

presupposing the correct diagnosis in case of metastases into urinary bladder wall of tumors of another

primary localization.

6. Ultramicroscopic research with the use of spectral-entropy analysis allows specifying if the tumor

which had been detected in urinary bladder emanates from the bladder wall or it is just a part of the tumor

that emanates from other organs (large bowel, neck of womb, prostate gland and etc.) and ingrows into

bladder wall.

7. To perform an appropriate diagnostics it is necessary to use all available NLS-research means

considering the predisposition of urinary bladder tumor to multifocal growth.

8. Ultramicroscopic NLS-researches are the most effective ones when performing diagnostics of

urinary bladder tumors. 3D reconstruction of the image increases both the effectiveness of diagnostics and it

also provides more informative presentation of detected changes and it gives the possibility for reviewing of

stored information.

9. In case of urinary bladder cancer it is necessary keep in mind the possibility of synchronous prostate


Page 13: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of




V.I.Nesterov, V.I.Nesterova

This publication contains modern principles of three-dimensional images rendering in

accordance with NLS-graphy data. Also it gives overall evaluation of three-dimensional NLS

graphy diagnostic value for revealing of various diseases in comparison with other methods of

hardware diagnostics, such as roentgenography, computerized tomography and magnetic

resonance imaging. Special attention is paid to advantages and disadvantages of various

techniques of three-dimensional images rendering.

Three-dimensional pictures of human’s internal organs became a part of general practice

in early 90’s after computer tomographic scanners were equipped with powerful computing

systems capable of controlled processing of two-dimensional crosscuts. Nowadays three-

dimensional representation of elements of diagnostically interesting zone is an everyday reality

in leading clinics of the world.

Method of three-dimensional representation of diagnostic data is generally related to

powerful hardware resources, i.e. acquiring of parallel (or placed at previously specified angles)

magnetic-resonance, roentgen or NLS-graphic images with their following integration into single

visual array where an operator can separately visualize bones, muscles, soft tissues, vessels,

nerves etc. highlighting them with color while other tissues are shown in gray semitransparent


Rendering of three-dimensional NLS-graphic images of abdominal cavity organs is

considered nowadays to be an experimental task mainly. Rarely used due to its low information

value method of creating of separate two-dimensional images of abdominal cavity organs by

means of NLS-visualization is much more interesting for rendering three-dimensional diagnostic


In addition to solving of usual objectives on the basis of two-dimensional NLS-graphy of

abdominal cavity organs data many parallel diagnostic tasks are solved by means of non-linear

algorithms and massive calculations application.

Maybe that is how should be explained so accurate results described in one of the first

reports about three-dimensional reconstruction on the basis of transabdominal NLS-data (T.G.

Kuznetsova, R.A. Sorokina).

We place our great hopes on three-dimensional NLS-graphy, first of all related to its

application in endoscopy. In 2010 V.I. Melushko theoretically justified an opinion that

application of three-dimensional NLS-research in laparoendoscopic surgery will allow to “look

beyond the horizon” and see anatomic structures which cannot be visualized when using

laparoscope. He believed that NLS-graphy is diagnostically efficient, safe and affordable


Page 14: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of


A.Y. Shvack and L.P. Goltsova (Pic.1) found out that at size changing of hepatic focal

formations two- and three-dimensional NLS-graphy are equally precise when shape of

neoplasms is relatively simple - close to roundish or oval. However, the authors state that if

shape of neoplasms is complex, results of two-dimensional NLS-graphy matched in 65% of

cases only, when at three-dimensional visualization – in 92% of cases.

Pic.1. 3D-image of hepatic neoplasms foci

In 2010 S.A. Volkova and A.V. Zaitsev reported about results of three-dimensional

transabdominal NLS-graphy application in diagnostics of hepatobiliary system, in particular for

specifying diagnostics of previously revealed neoplasms. The objective of their research was

accuracy evaluation of three-dimensional NLS-graphy method with application of spectral-

entropic analysis (SEA). Acquired results were compared with information gathered by

computed tomographic portal venography carried out on spiral tomograph. Altogether 62 cases

were analyzed including those with hepatic neoplasms sized from 1.5 cm to 12.3 cm. The

researches showed that three-dimensional model built on the basis of NLS-data (Pic.2) contains

more precise and valuable diagnostic information in comparison with usual two-dimensional

NLS-graphy or data acquired with CT. The authors believe that three-dimensional NLS-graphy

is financially affordable procedure for diagnostic of tumor affections.

Page 15: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of


Pic.2. Ultramicroscanning of hepatic tubules at liver cancer

Above mentioned studies (except single publications about diagnostics of stomach and gall

bladder pathologies) are almost everything we have in sphere of systematized studies about

three-dimensional reconstruction of organs and neoplasms in abdominal cavity based on date

acquired with transabdominal NLS-studies which were ever mentioned in periodic scientific


Mentioned difficulties of methodological and computing character are leveled in a great

measure by endoscopic and intraoperational NLS-research of abdominal cavity and small pelvis

organs, when the most difficult stage of three-dimensional visualization becomes textural

segmentation of acquired two-dimensional picture.

Hishimura T. et аl. (Pic.3) compared results of endoscopic ultrasonography of

gastrointestinal neoplasms with date acquired with NLS-scanning.

Page 16: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of


Pic.3. 3D NLS-image of large intestine cancer

In two cases of esophagus cancer, in two cases of rectum cancer and in 7 of 10 cases

(Pic.4) of stomach cancer results of three-dimensional reconstruction made on the basis of NLS-

graphy were accurate in relation to depth of tumorous invasion.

Pic.4. 3D-image of stomach cancer

Page 17: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of


Japanese scientists Katamaki S. et аl. (Pic.5) reported in 2011 about preliminary results

of three-dimensional NLS-graphy application in 26 patients. Three-dimensional reconstruction

made on the basis of three-dimensional pictures allowed to define presence of metastatic

affection of surrounding organs and in 4 of 6 cases of bile duct cancer – to define volume of

tumorous tissue.

Pic.5. 3D NLS-picture of common bile duct cancer

with affection of regional lymph nodes

Fox P. et аl. (Pic.6) used NLS-study for three-dimensional reconstruction of esophagus picture in

5 patients suffering form esophagus cancer. The research was carried out with sensor’s

frequency of 4.9 GHz. Three-dimensional pictures were reconstructed on the basis of series of

cross-cut pictures. Precise three-dimensional visualization of tumor’s structure and surrounding

tissues were acquired in all cases. In this study proper determining of tumorous process stage

was achieved in three of four cases. The authors note special diagnostic value of pictures

showing longitudinal sections of tumor which allow to define precisely its length and connection

with mediastinal structures.

Page 18: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of


Pic.6. Longitudinal 3D NLS-image of esophagus cancer

Among of the most standardized methods of research are three-dimensional NLS-graphy

of rectum and NLS-scanning of prostate.

German oncoproctologists Operbein K. et аl. (Pic.7) have studied more than 100 patients

suffering from rectum tumors with three-dimensional NLS-graphy.

Pic.7. 3D NLS-image of rectum cancer

Page 19: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of


Diagnostic accuracy of three-dimensional ultrasound research in this group was 89%, at the same

time accuracy of two-dimensional NLS-graphy in the same group of patients was 76%. Accuracy

of these methods in defining of pararectal lymph nodes affection was 85% at three-dimensional

visualization and 71% in accordance with two-dimensional data. The authors believe that three-

dimensional NLS-graphy allows to overcome well known limitations of two-dimensional NLS-

study which are usually faced at obstructing tumor and in revealing of recurrent cancer of


Operbein K. et аl. also used three-dimensional NLS-graphy to detect recurrent

malignization of rectum in patients after surgical treatment of rectum cancer. Possibilities of

two-dimensional NLS-study in these cases are strictly limited due to massive growth of fibrous

tissue. Data for three-dimensional reconstruction was acquired by Operbein K. and Schmidt A.

who used non-linear scanner co-manufactured by IPP (Omsk, Russia) and the firm's Clinic Tech

Inc. (USA) with operating frequency of 9.6 GHz. Three-dimensional NLS-graphy have helped to

find pararectal neoplasms in 28 of 163 patients. Spectral-entropic analysis confirmed recurrent

cancer in 7 patients and metastatic affection of lymph nodes in 2 patients correspondingly.

Therapists of pediatric surgery department Stubdreier H. et аl. (Pic.8) of Tübingen

University (Germany) used three-dimensional NLS-graphy of pelvic floor as an auxiliary

diagnostic instrument for determining of surgical tactics for treatment of children suffering from

stool incontinence. The study included visualization of sphincter muscles and rectum walls;

results of the study were confirmed by data acquired with spiral computed tomography. A

distinctive feature of this study was using of interactive tissue segmentation of organs and tissues

by means of 4D TISSUE mode application during their three-dimensional visualization.

Pic.8. 3D-ultramicroscanning of rectum cancer

Page 20: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of


Chun L.G. et аl. (Pic.9) carried out three-dimensional NLS-graphy of malignant prostate

gland in 46 patients. In accordance with gathered diagnostic data cryoablation of prostate gland

was fulfilled.

Pic.9. 3D NLS-graphy of malignant prostate gland

Possible diagnostic value of three-dimensional NLS-graphy is most clearly seen during

examination of small pelvis organs in women, where conventional diagnostic methods allow to

see advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Akuda T. et аl. have not got any additional information using three-dimensional NLS-

graphy in comparison with usual two-dimensional NLS-study which revealed uterine cavity

septa in one woman, fibroid foci in three women and endometrial polyp in one woman of five

examined patients.

Spanish gynecologists Brisoles H. et аl. have studied possibilities of three-dimensional

NLS-graphy, transvaginal sonography, transvaginal Doppler sonography, hysteroscopy and usual

hysterosonography in diagnostics of endometrial tumors and defining of endometrium thickness

during hormonal treatment in 16 patients. Three-dimensional NLS-study was found the most

accurate diagnostic method of all methods studied.

Chun L.G. et аl., a group of gynecologists of Temple University (Philadelphia) in 2011

reported about results of comparative study of diagnostic efficiency of three-dimensional and

two-dimensional NLS-graphy. Altogether 8 women (Pic.10) suffering from surgical diseases of

ovaries were examined. Later on all patients were subjected to explorative laparotomy or

diagnostic laparoscopy. NLS-graphy data was compared with intraoperational findings and

results of macroscopic and histological studies. In all eight cases three-dimensional NLS-graphy

managed to define correct diagnosis before surgical intervention. It is especially important that in

absence of difference in diagnostic accuracy of three-dimensional and two-dimensional study of

Page 21: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of


cysts and benign neoplasms, two-dimensional NLS-graphy turned out to bell less accurate in

detecting of malignant tissues, giving both false-positive and false-negative results.

Pic.10. 3D-ultramicroscanning of ovarian cancer

Spoun N. et аl. (Pic.11) have carried out comparative evaluation of two-dimensional and

three-dimensional NLS-graphy accuracy in specifying diagnostics of uterine neck cancer. The

study was carried out in 61 women one day before surgical intervention; accuracy of three-

dimensional examination was in range of +6.68 to -6.1 ml, two-dimensional – from +12.46 to -

10.98 ml.

Pic.11. 3D-ultramicroscanning of uterus cervix cancer

Page 22: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of


French gynecologists Sarida M. et аl. used three-dimensional NLS-graphy for diagnostics

of atropic pregnancy in 12 women with amenorrhea period above 6 weeks. Laparoscopy detected

atropic pregnancy in 9 cases, only in 2 of them it was found on NLS-pictures. Hence the authors

believe that this diagnostic method is ineffective, especially for early non-invasive detection of

gestational sac development in fallopian tube.

Other methodologically valuable results for evaluation of advantages of three-

dimensional representation of NLS-graphic data were results acquired at NLS-study of

mammary glands.

Bluhmberg S.O. et аl. (Pic.12) have used three-dimensional NLS-graphy of mammary

gland in study of 48 women, 18 of which had malignant neoplasms of mammary gland. The

therapists reported about 4 false-positive mammary gland cancer diagnoses against two cases of

false-positive diagnoses when two-dimensional NLS-graphy was used. At the same time the

authors note that three-dimensional NLS-graphy has advantages in evaluation of edge zones and

shape of pathological nidus and also at multifocal affection of mammary gland.

Pic.12. 3D-image of mammary gland cancer

English breast physicians Havies L. et аl. (Pic.13) of Bristol University used three-dimensional

NLS-graphy of mammary gland and in some cases managed to reveal and detect internal

structure of intraductal carcinoma by means of spectral-entropic analysis, and neoplasms

simulating microinvasive carcinoma. Such outstanding diagnostic results authors achieved using

non-linear sensor of 9.6 GHz frequency that allowed to get resolution of 30 microns.

Page 23: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of


Pic.13. 3D-ultramicroscanning of mammary gland cancer

A peculiar etalon test of diagnostic efficiency of three-dimensional reconstruction at complex

configuration of source two-dimensional data is considered NLS-scanning of bloodstream,

results of which are compared with similar data acquired by traditional and well known

radiographic contrast study.

In 2011 Bljger K. et аl. (Pic.14) reported about results of a study than have been carried out in

University hospital of Antwerp and were devoted for “reconstruction of bloodstream’s

geometry” in accordance with data of radiographic contrast angiography and intracoronary NLS-

study. After evaluation of reconstruction precision of studies performed on special phantoms, the

authors agreed to consider acquired results “very realistic” and offered a number of criteria for

comparative evaluation of three-dimensional bloodstream reconstruction precision. Clinical part

of the study contained comparison of reconstructed three-dimensional images of coronary

arteries with data acquired with usual angiograms. The difference was less than 5%.

Page 24: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of


Pic.14. 3D-image of coronary artery

Prust G.J. et аl. note the following advantages of reconstructed images of arteries,

acquired with intravascular NLS-study: 1) a vessel may be seen from different sides and angles,

2) its direction may be seen, 3) changes of vessel’s diameter are clearly visible, 4) a possibility to

get a cross-section of a vessel in any plane of scanning, 5) condition and location of intravascular

stent may be found with high precision.

Kogan S. et аl. (Pic.15) have determined high diagnostic efficiency of three-dimensional

intravascular NLS-graphy in visualization of arterial wall structure and its pathological changing.

The authors believe that intravascular NLS-graphy with following three-dimensional

reconstruction significantly excels coronary angiography, because it have better resolution and

allow to reveal many hidden neoplasms; that is why it is irreplaceable at study of coronary

arteries condition after heart transplantation.

Page 25: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of


Pic.15. 3D-ultramicroscanning of vascular wall

The most impressive was using of three-dimensional NLS-study data for intraoperative

navigation and computed modeling of surgical manipulations.

Serbia S. – a head of obstetrics and gynecology department of Washington University

reasonably stated that three-dimensional NLS-study is a potential diagnostic instrument which in

near future will become the main source of data for preoperative surgical training which uses

individual diagnostic data.

Three-dimensional NLS-graphy may be widely used in cardiosurgery as a method of

intraoperational navigation. Quite character in this relation is a study of cardiothoracic surgeons

from North Carolina Abrams O.H. et аl. (Pic.16) who presented in 2011 a detailed report about

wide clinical application of intraoperational three-dimensional NLS-graphy during replacement

of cardiac valves. The authors say that this diagnostic method helped them to get important

intraoperational data when they used spectral-entropic analysis about morphological peculiarities

of valves, which weren’t revealed by echocardiography and Doppler sonography.

Page 26: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of


Pic.16. 3D NLS-picture of cardiac valves

The authors say that this diagnostic method helped them to get important intraoperational

data when they used spectral-entropic analysis about morphological peculiarities of valves,

which weren’t revealed by echocardiography and Doppler sonography.

Going beyond the most optimistic ways of possible application of three-dimensional

NLS-graphy, Parris D. et аl. (Pic.17) use data about prostate gland structure acquired by this

method for computerized control of robot (!) movement during fulfillment of transrectal


Pic.17. 3D-ultramicroscanning of prostate gland

Page 27: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of


An unique and apparently having no equals in efficiency navigation algorithm was

offered by Hatayama T. et аl. – scientists of Tokio University in 2012. They reported about

possibility of precise matching of three-dimensional pictures acquired by CT and MRI in

preoperational period with data of three-dimensional NLS-research acquired during

neurosurgical intervention. NLS scanner of 4.9 GHz frequency was an integral part of a system

and had built-in positioning device. The authors report about successful clinical application of a

system in three cases and note good complementarity of NLS-graphic pictures and MRI and CT

data. On the one hand, not visualized on NLS-picture parts of surgical intervention zone were

filled by pictures got during preoperational period; on the other hand precise intraoperational

positioning of various anatomic objects on NLS-sonogram allowed to identify them without any

doubts. According to the authors, even preliminary results of this study allow to think about

beginning of a new stage in intraoperational navigation based on NLS-graphic three-dimensional

pictures of human body, which was not possible at separate application of above mentioned

methods or inaccurate matching of pictures acquired with this method.

On the whole in comparing of diagnostic efficiency of indirect visualization various

methods, NLS-graphy, significantly pressed in surgical room by such hardware titans as CT and

MRI, in 2 recent years started to get new significance because of improving of both visualization

method itself and results of three-dimensional reconstruction on the basis of NLS-graphy data.

Improving of diagnostic equipment

Thanks to a number of qualitative changes of NLS-diagnostic devices, NLS-graphy

potentials were widened to extent unthinkable even few years ago, when CT and MRI had

obviously growing advantage in surgical gastroenterology.

Application of high-frequency sensors during NLS-studies in gastroenterology allowed to

move early diagnostics of pathology to a qualitatively new and higher level. By means of

spectral-entropic analysis and ultramicroscanning it is possible to diagnose superficial carcinoma

of esophagus or stomach, when cancerous cells infiltrate mucous and sub-mucous levels only

and initial manifestations of metastases in perioesophageal and periogastric lymph nodes. It is

considered that application of high-frequency sensors at three-dimensional visualization ensures

determining of depth and length of tumorous infiltration into stomach walls in 93.6% of cases.

Besides using of high-frequency sensors allows to excel all known methods of polyps and bile

papilla cancer diagnostic, at the same time specificity of the method at preoperational diagnostic

of choledocholithiasis reaches 94%. And finally, there is information that application of high-

frequency sensors allows to visualize concrements not visible even at intraoperational



Even now when methods of three-dimensional NLS-diagnostics are in stage of formation

and standardization, it is possible to conjecture direction of their further development in relation

to mutual competence and complementarity.

Page 28: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of


In 2011 Dupta D. and Supuy X.E. while noting that for the last 5 years significant

difference in visualization methods at acute abdominal pathology was related to CT mainly,

stated that at the present time, thanks to technological improvement of NLS-scanners, NLS-

graphy must become the first diagnostic instrument for patients suffering from acute stomach

pain and women suffering from acute pain in right lower quadrant of stomach and small pelvis.

The authors believe that computed tomography is necessary only when NLS-graphy turned out

to be diagnostically inefficient. According to the authors place of MRI in diagnostic sequence at

acute surgical diseases of abdominal cavity organs is uncertain due to absence of its wide


Sun K., Bergman P. and Flager W. of Cambridge University hav e developed an

algorithm of “wire” model of organs building on the basis of their frequency characteristics,

acquired by various methods of medical registration. The most demonstrative result of this

algorithm application is its application of liver model reconstruction on the basis of three-

dimensional NLS-study, the authors say.

Thus role of three-dimensional NLS-research in combined diagnostics is constantly

growing and becoming quite unique. At the same time in modern high-quality representation of

diagnostic data, in particular in surgical gastroenterology, two-dimensional models in many

cases are insufficient for acquiring of comprehensive diagnostic information.

Other important aspect is improving of applied methods of three-dimensional diagnostic

data presentation, which will help to implement numerous possibilities of efficient visualization

of researched objects and use their graphic images for computer training simulators and real

intraoperational navigation.

Solving of these problems is the most efficient way to improve quality of preoperational

diagnostics and boosting of surgical accuracy.

Achieved hardware-software level of ultramicroscanning and spectral-entropic analysis,

gathered positive experience of topological and tissue segmentation of organ’s virtual pictures,

rapid development of three-dimensional animation software available for average personal

computer allow to put a reasonable question about need in development and clinical approval of

practically acceptable and unified methods of three-dimensional parametric animation on the

basis of NLS-data.

Page 29: Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of


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