Northern Saskatchewan Health Indicators August 2016 Community Characteristics: Population Profile

Population Profile...Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016 AHA Population = 2,573 2: AHA population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent

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Page 1: Population Profile...Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016 AHA Population = 2,573 2: AHA population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent


Northern Saskatchewan

Health Indicators

August 2016

Community Characteristics:

Population Profile

Page 2: Population Profile...Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016 AHA Population = 2,573 2: AHA population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent

Northern Saskatchewan Health Indicators

Community Characteristics: Population Profile August, 2016 2

Table of Contents

Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................................. 2

Key Messages .......................................................................................................................................................... 3

Population Characteristics of Northern Health Authorities ................................................................. 4

Appendix A - Data Notes.................................................................................................................................. 23

1. Data Sources ............................................................................................................................................ 23

2. Definitions ................................................................................................................................................ 24

Appendix B - Revised names by CSD characteristics and total population, Northern

Saskatchewan, 2015 .............................................................................................................. 26

Appendix C - First Nations community status areas by revised names and CSD

characteristics, Northern Saskatchewan, 2015........................................................... 28

Appendix D - Rescodes by community area and health authority, Northern Saskatchewan,

2015 ............................................................................................................................................. 30

Appendix E - Rescodes by health centre service area and health authority, Northern

Saskatchewan, 2015 .............................................................................................................. 31

Appendix F – Glossary of Acronyms ........................................................................................................... 32

Appendix G – Index of Figures ...................................................................................................................... 33

Refer to A Guide to the Reports: Understanding the Presentation of Data for an explanation of the variety of ways

data is presented.

Suggested reference: Irvine J, Quinn B. Northern Saskatchewan Health Indicators, Community Characteristics:

Population Profile. Athabasca Health Authority, Keewatin Yatthé Health Region and Mamawetan Churchill River

Health Region. Population Health Unit, La Ronge, 2016.

Copies of this document and related reports can be downloaded from the Population Health Unit website


Page 3: Population Profile...Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016 AHA Population = 2,573 2: AHA population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent

Northern Saskatchewan Health Indicators

Community Characteristics: Population Profile August, 2016 3

Key Messages

The two main data sources used in this report include the Saskatchewan Covered Population, used for

community area, health centre service area, and health authority estimates and the Statistics Canada

Annual Population estimates used for individual communities and First Nations community status areas.

Additional information on First Nations populations can be found with Aboriginal Affairs and Northern

Development Canada.

In 2015, close to 40,000 individuals lived in northern Saskatchewan. Compared to the province,

the northern health authorities have larger proportions of their populations in the younger age

categories, while most of Saskatchewan’s population is in the middle and older age groups.

The northern Saskatchewan health authorities have between 27.9 and 31.8 % of the population

that is less than 15 years of age and only between 4.7 and 6.9% of the population aged 65 years

and above. Saskatchewan has 19.3% less than 15 years and 14.5% that is 65 years and above.

The northern Saskatchewan health authorities continue to have growing populations, increasing

between 11.6 and 12.4% over the last 10 years. This equated to changes of 268, 838, and 2704

individuals in AHA, KY and MCR, respectively. Similarly, Saskatchewan increased by 14.5% over

the same time period, which equated into an increase of 145,212 individuals.

There have been shifts in the population over the last 20 years. Compared to 1996, in 2015

there have been decreases of between 6.3 and 9.0% in the proportion of the population less

than 15 years of age within the three northern health authorities. At the same time, the

proportion of the population aged 65 and over has increased between 1.1 and 2%. During the

same time period, the proportion of the population less than 15 years of age in Saskatchewan

decreased by 3.4%, while the proportion of the population aged 65 and over increased by 0.1%.

Dependency ratio is the ratio of the combined child population (aged 0 to 19) and elderly

population (aged 65 and over) compared to the working age population (aged 20 to 64). In 2014,

MCRHR along with KYHR and AHA had the highest dependency ratios of all health authorities in

Canada. Most of the dependency ratio in the north is attributable to the under 20 population,

which makes up over 40% of the population. In comparison, Saskatchewan’s dependency ratio is

more affected by the elder population, which makes up approximately 15% of its population.

Over 85% of northern Saskatchewan people identify themselves as Aboriginal, compared to 15%

in Saskatchewan. The proportion of Aboriginal people in the northern health authorities ranges

from 82.5% in MCRHR to 95.9% in AHA. The proportion of the northern Saskatchewan

population that self-identifies as Aboriginal is similar to some northern Canadian regions but is

substantially higher than others.

Close to 68% of the people in northern Saskatchewan identify themselves as First Nations, 19%

as Metis, and fewer than 14% as non-Aboriginal. In contrast, 84% of the total Saskatchewan

population self-identifies as non-Aboriginal, 5% as Métis, and 10% as First Nations.

Although northern communities share many commonalities, they also vary greatly among one

another in terms of population structures, growth rates, and self-reported Aboriginal identity.

Page 4: Population Profile...Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016 AHA Population = 2,573 2: AHA population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent

Northern Saskatchewan Health Indicators

Community Characteristics: Population Profile August, 2016 4

Population Characteristics of Northern Health Authorities

Figure 1: Map of northern Saskatchewan health authorities and total population, 2015

Page 5: Population Profile...Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016 AHA Population = 2,573 2: AHA population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent

Northern Saskatchewan Health Indicators

Community Characteristics: Population Profile August, 2016 5

8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0

0 to 45 to 910 to 1415 to 1920 to 2425 to 2930 to 3435 to 3940 to 4445 to 4950 to 5455 to 5960 to 6465 to 6970 to 7475 to 7980 to 8485 to 8990+

% of population

Male Female SK Female SK Male

Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016

AHA Population = 2,573

Figure 2: AHA population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent of population by sex and age group, 2015

8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0

0 to 45 to 910 to 1415 to 1920 to 2425 to 2930 to 3435 to 3940 to 4445 to 4950 to 5455 to 5960 to 6465 to 6970 to 7475 to 7980 to 8485 to 8990+

% population

Male Female SK Female SK Male

Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016

KY Population = 12,197

Figure 3: KY population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent of population by sex and age group, 2015

Page 6: Population Profile...Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016 AHA Population = 2,573 2: AHA population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent

Northern Saskatchewan Health Indicators

Community Characteristics: Population Profile August, 2016 6

8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0

0 to 45 to 910 to 1415 to 1920 to 2425 to 2930 to 3435 to 3940 to 4445 to 4950 to 5455 to 5960 to 6465 to 6970 to 7475 to 7980 to 8485 to 8990+

% population

Male Female SK Female SK Male

Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016

MCR Population = 24,442

Figure 4: MCR population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent of population by sex and age group, 2015

8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0

0 to 45 to 910 to 1415 to 1920 to 2425 to 2930 to 3435 to 3940 to 4445 to 4950 to 5455 to 5960 to 6465 to 6970 to 7475 to 7980 to 8485 to 8990+

% population

Male Female SK Female SK Male

Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016

North Population = 39,212

Figure 5: North population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent of population by sex and age group, 2015

Page 7: Population Profile...Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016 AHA Population = 2,573 2: AHA population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent

Northern Saskatchewan Health Indicators

Community Characteristics: Population Profile August, 2016 7

< 5 5 to 14 15 to 24 25 to 44 45 to 64 65 +

2006 293 494 506 644 270 98

2015 234 585 468 750 414 122














Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016

Figure 6: Population by broad age group, Athabasca Health Authority, 2006-2015

< 5 5 to 14 15 to 24 25 to 44 45 to 64 65 +

2006 1,064 2,363 2,264 3,181 1,861 626

2015 1,240 2,169 2,162 3,295 2,491 840









# in




Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016

Figure 7: Population by broad age group, Keewatin Yatthé, 2006-2015

Page 8: Population Profile...Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016 AHA Population = 2,573 2: AHA population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent

Northern Saskatchewan Health Indicators

Community Characteristics: Population Profile August, 2016 8

< 5 5 to 14 15 to 24 25 to 44 45 to 64 65 +

2006 2,457 4,777 4,127 5,739 3,584 1,054

2015 2,542 4,977 4,399 6,453 4,585 1,486













Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016

Figure 8: Population by broad age group, Mamawetan Churchill River, 2006-2015

< 5 5 to 14 15 to 24 25 to 44 45 to 64 65 +

AHA 9.1 22.7 18.2 29.1 16.1 4.7

KY 10.2 17.8 17.7 27.0 20.4 6.9

MCR 10.4 20.4 18.0 26.4 18.8 6.1

North 10.2 19.7 17.9 26.8 19.1 6.2

Saskatchewan 6.7 12.6 13.1 27.7 25.4 14.5









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Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016

Figure 9: Population by broad age group, AHA, KY, MCR, Northern Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan, 2015

Page 9: Population Profile...Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016 AHA Population = 2,573 2: AHA population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent

Northern Saskatchewan Health Indicators

Community Characteristics: Population Profile August, 2016 9

Name 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Change

AHA 2,305 2,319 2,375 2,435 2,557 2,743 2,608 2,602 2,638 2,573 268

KY 11,359 11,512 11,674 11,199 10,588 12,032 12,001 12,217 12,312 12,197 838

MCR 21,738 22,017 22,427 22,766 22,674 24,226 23,833 24,210 24,480 24,442 2,704

North 35,402 35,848 36,476 36,400 35,819 39,001 38,442 39,029 39,430 39,212 3,810

Sask 1,003,231 1,014,649 1,035,544 1,036,284 1,070,477 1,084,127 1,090,953 1,122,537 1,147,733 1,148,443 145,212

Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

AHA 0.0 0.6 3.0 5.6 10.9 19.0 13.1 12.9 14.4 11.6

KY 0.0 1.3 2.8 -1.4 -6.8 5.9 5.7 7.6 8.4 7.4

MCR 0.0 1.3 3.2 4.7 4.3 11.4 9.6 11.4 12.6 12.4

North 0.0 1.3 3.0 2.8 1.2 10.2 8.6 10.2 11.4 10.8

Saskatchewan 0.0 1.1 3.2 3.3 6.7 8.1 8.7 11.9 14.4 14.5











in t


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m 2



Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016

Figure 10: Population change, northern Saskatchewan health authorities and Saskatchewan, 2006-2015

Page 10: Population Profile...Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016 AHA Population = 2,573 2: AHA population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent

Northern Saskatchewan Health Indicators

Community Characteristics: Population Profile August, 2016 10

AHA KY MCR North Saskatchewan

1996 40.3 37.0 37.0 37.2 22.7

2015 31.8 27.9 30.8 30.0 19.3











% p




n <




Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016

Figure 11: Proportion of the population < 15 years of age, northern Saskatchewan health authorities and Saskatchewan, 1996-2015

AHA KY MCR North Saskatchewan

1996 3.6 4.6 4.1 4.2 14.4

2015 4.7 6.9 6.1 6.2 14.5










% p




n 6

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Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016

Figure 12: Proportion of the population 65 years and above, northern Saskatchewan health authorities and Saskatchewan, 1996-2015

Page 11: Population Profile...Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016 AHA Population = 2,573 2: AHA population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent

Northern Saskatchewan Health Indicators

Community Characteristics: Population Profile August, 2016 11

Figure 13: Population by age group, northern health authorities and Saskatchewan, 1996-2015

Health Authority

AHA KY MCR North Saskatchewan


< 15 927 3,761 6,953 11,641 233,249

15-64 1,289 5,940 11,061 18,290 646,562

65+ 83 472 765 1,320 147,740

Total 2,299 10,173 18,779 31,251 1,027,551


< 15 819 3,409 7,519 11,747 221,451

15-64 1,632 7,948 15,437 25,017 760,240

65+ 122 840 1,486 2,448 166,752

Total 2,573 12,197 24,442 39,212 1,148,443


< 15 -108 -352 566 106 -11,798

15-64 343 2,008 4,375 6,726 113,678

65+ 39 368 721 1,128 19,012

Total 274 2,024 5,662 7,960 120,892

Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016

Figure 14: Percent of total population by age group, northern health authorities and Saskatchewan, 1996-2015

Health Authority

AHA KY MCR North Saskatchewan


< 15 40.3 37 37 37.2 22.7

15-64 56.1 58.4 58.9 58.5 62.9

65+ 3.6 4.6 4.1 4.2 14.4

Total 100 100 100 100 100


< 15 31.8 27.9 30.8 30 19.3

15-64 63.4 65.2 63.2 63.8 66.2

65+ 4.7 6.9 6.1 6.2 14.5

Total 100 100 100 100 100


< 15 -8.5 -9 -6.3 -7.3 -3.4

15-64 7.4 6.8 4.3 5.3 3.3

65+ 1.1 2.2 2 2 0.1

Total 0 0 0 0 0

Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016

Page 12: Population Profile...Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016 AHA Population = 2,573 2: AHA population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent

Northern Saskatchewan Health Indicators

Community Characteristics: Population Profile August, 2016 12

Northern Health Authority

Dependency ratio

Seniors, 65 years and over (% total population)

Youth, under 20 years (% total population)

KY 87.3 6 40.6 AHA 87.2 6.1 40.5 MCR 87.2 6 40.6 NorthSask 87.2 6 40.6 Nunavik, QC 86 3.6 42.6 NRHA, MB 83.6 6.8 38.7 James Bay, QC 82.1 5.2 39.8 Nunavut 77.2 3.7 39.9 NWHU, ON 74 14.2 28.3 Saskatchewan 66.1 14.5 25.3 NWHSDA, BC 65.2 13.9 25.6 Canada 60.8 15.7 22.1 North Zone, AB 58.8 9.3 27.7 LGRIHA, NL 56.4 12.4 23.7 NT 53.6 6.6 28.3 Yukon 49.5 10.5 22.6

Source: Statistics Canada CANSIM Table 109-5346, Prepared by PHU, Nov 2015

Figure 15: Dependency ratio by northern region in Canada, 2014

49.5 53.6

56.4 58.8

60.8 65.2 66.1

74 77.2

82.1 83.6

86 87.2 87.2 87.2 87.3

0 20 40 60 80 100


LGRIHA, NLNorth Zone, AB


SaskatchewanNWHU, ON

NunavutJames Bay, QC

NRHA, MBNunavik, QC

AHANorth Sask


Number of dependent population per 100 population aged 20-64

Source: Statistics Canada CANSIM Table 109-5346, Prepared by PHU, Nov 2015

Page 13: Population Profile...Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016 AHA Population = 2,573 2: AHA population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent

Northern Saskatchewan Health Indicators

Community Characteristics: Population Profile August, 2016 13

North MCR KY AHA Sask

Non-Aboriginal 13.2 17.5 6.5 3.9 84.4

Other 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.0 0.2

Métis 18.6 6.9 46.1 3.0 5.2

First Nations 67.9 75.4 47.1 92.7 10.2












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Source: Statistics Canada 2011 NHS Health profile Catalogue no. 82-228-XWE, Prepared by PHU, May 2014

Figure 17: Population by Aboriginal identity, Northern Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan, 2011

Figure 16: Aboriginal population by Canadian health authority, 2011

Page 14: Population Profile...Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016 AHA Population = 2,573 2: AHA population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent

Northern Saskatchewan Health Indicators

Community Characteristics: Population Profile August, 2016 14

Figure 18: Population by community, health authority and age group, Northern Saskatchewan, 2015

HA Revised name


Total 0 1 to


5 to 9

10 to 14

15 to 19

20 to 64

65+ % < 15

% < 20

% 20-64

% 65+

Dep. ratio


Black Lake 1,190 15 128 151 99 102 643 52 33 42 54 4 85

Fond du Lac 958 13 102 119 84 80 507 53 33 42 53 6 89

Stony Rapids 259 6 16 26 21 13 156 21 27 32 60 8 66


Beauval 807 21 53 80 80 69 430 74 29 38 53 9 88

Buffalo Narrows 1,274 31 106 115 98 102 710 112 27 35 56 9 79

Canoe Lake 751 10 58 74 62 83 397 67 27 38 53 9 89

Clearwater River 850 16 78 87 85 95 450 39 31 42 53 5 89

Cole Bay 237 5 26 20 23 30 124 9 31 44 52 4 91

Dillon 812 12 78 70 69 60 486 37 28 36 60 5 67

Dore Lake 30 0 0 0 0 0 23 7 0 0 77 23 30

English River 524 4 33 47 36 29 318 57 23 28 61 11 65

Green Lake 471 3 43 35 35 27 258 70 25 30 55 15 83

Île-à-la-Crosse 1,486 36 101 146 137 130 809 127 28 37 54 9 84

Jans Bay 195 10 31 22 16 24 83 9 41 53 43 5 135

La Loche 2,818 83 278 274 259 288 1,525 111 32 42 54 4 85

La Plonge 114 1 4 11 15 10 62 11 27 36 54 10 84

Michel Village 70 2 4 2 3 3 53 3 16 20 76 4 32

Patuanak 66 0 3 3 11 5 36 8 26 33 55 12 83

St. George's Hill 102 4 10 4 13 9 55 7 30 39 54 7 85

Turnor Lake 616 8 53 73 53 71 317 41 30 42 51 7 94


Air Ronge 1,141 17 77 114 82 79 718 54 25 32 63 5 59

Brabant Lake 55 2 4 4 2 5 36 2 22 31 65 4 53

Creighton 1,639 16 77 123 118 97 993 215 20 26 61 13 65

Denare Beach 898 12 57 61 47 73 545 103 20 28 61 11 65

Deschambault Lake 1,284 56 150 178 116 138 614 32 39 50 48 2 109

Flin Flon, SK 252 5 9 14 15 18 156 35 17 24 62 14 62

Grandmother's Bay 340 6 37 43 34 33 171 16 35 45 50 5 99

Hall Lake 660 28 76 90 70 74 291 31 40 51 44 5 127

Hatchet Lake 1,368 38 170 161 136 143 677 43 37 47 49 3 102

Kinoosao 42 1 1 7 5 4 24 0 33 43 57 0 75

Kitsakie 684 19 49 70 56 64 378 48 28 38 55 7 81

La Ronge 3,037 69 218 241 221 202 1,888 198 25 31 62 7 61

Lac La Ronge 2,078 63 221 259 189 228 1,039 79 35 46 50 4 100

Missinipe 40 1 0 0 2 5 25 7 8 20 63 18 60

Montreal Lake 1,073 27 130 124 123 105 531 33 38 47 49 3 102

Pelican Narrows 2,874 11 5 338 370 389 321 1,261 80 42 53 44 3 128

Pinehouse 1,053 15 107 133 136 106 518 38 37 47 49 4 103

Sandy Bay 1,336 36 142 205 183 117 595 58 42 51 45 4 125

Southend 968 36 115 107 96 101 485 28 37 47 50 3 100

Stanley Mission 1,772 56 179 208 165 192 912 60 34 45 51 3 94

Sturgeon Weir 62 0 2 11 6 7 34 2 31 42 55 3 82

Sucker River 423 14 38 49 39 43 215 25 33 43 51 6 97

Timber Bay 102 0 10 13 10 9 54 6 32 41 53 6 89

Weyakwin 136 5 12 22 15 11 66 5 40 48 49 4 106

North Div. 18, Unorg 1,600 21 85 133 126 104 875 256 23 29 55 16 83 Source: Statistics Canada population estimates for Census subdivisions 2015. *Revised name uses the more commonly used community name and

combines many individual First Nations IRI’s into one. For example, Black Lake is used instead of Chicken 224 and 225. Prepared by PHU, Mar 2016

Page 15: Population Profile...Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016 AHA Population = 2,573 2: AHA population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent

Northern Saskatchewan Health Indicators

Community Characteristics: Population Profile August, 2016 15

Figure 19: Population change by community and health authority, Northern Saskatchewan, 2006-2015

HA Revised name Year

Change from 2006

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 # %


Black Lake 1,194 1,162 1,153 1,134 1,132 1,113 1,140 1,146 1,167 1,190 -4 0

Fond du Lac 827 840 862 880 899 905 916 932 939 958 131 16

Stony Rapids 263 258 256 256 253 250 252 254 254 259 -4 -2


Beauval 827 807 806 793 790 777 782 801 798 807 -20 -2

Buffalo Narrows 1,109 1,117 1,134 1,154 1,175 1,188 1,202 1,225 1,250 1,274 165 15

Canoe Lake 846 833 824 800 782 737 737 745 752 751 -95 -11

Clearwater River 696 704 737 760 797 820 828 828 844 850 154 22

Cole Bay 161 177 192 207 221 237 238 235 235 237 76 47

Dillon 764 762 782 782 793 790 792 797 808 812 48 6

Dore Lake 30 30 32 30 29 29 30 29 29 30 0 0

English River 539 533 529 525 520 497 502 512 520 524 -15 -3

Green Lake 370 380 396 413 419 428 434 444 456 471 101 27

Île-à-la-Crosse 1,382 1,388 1,397 1,400 1,407 1,399 1,418 1,440 1,454 1,486 104 8

Jans Bay 186 186 186 183 187 192 194 195 196 195 9 5

La Loche 2,423 2,443 2,516 2,596 2,653 2,707 2,732 2,758 2,785 2,818 395 16

La Plonge 142 138 134 130 126 118 118 118 117 114 -28 -20

Michel Village 81 80 76 74 70 69 67 68 68 70 -11 -14

Patuanak 86 81 76 73 69 65 67 65 64 66 -20 -23

St. George's Hill 22 36 53 68 84 103 103 104 105 102 80 364

Turnor Lake 545 555 580 604 615 613 611 615 615 616 71 13


Air Ronge 1,061 1,062 1,073 1,070 1,081 1,073 1,085 1,095 1,116 1,141 80 8

Brabant Lake 68 65 63 60 56 53 54 53 53 55 -13 -19

Creighton 1,529 1,512 1,535 1,550 1,546 1,534 1,569 1,597 1,620 1,639 110 7

Denare Beach 807 811 826 834 847 842 846 865 883 898 91 11

Deschambault Lake 854 921 989 1,065 1,143 1,234 1,240 1,251 1,275 1,284 430 50

Flin Flon, SK 248 244 243 241 239 235 239 246 249 252 4 2

Grandmother's Bay 329 330 337 344 350 347 341 336 342 340 11 3

Hall Lake 420 457 505 543 586 636 629 645 646 660 240 57

Hatchet Lake 994 1,043 1,097 1,156 1,223 1,299 1,304 1,328 1,355 1,368 374 38

Kinoosao 58 56 53 49 45 41 42 42 42 42 -16 -28

Kitsakie 689 684 682 688 676 663 671 684 686 684 -5 -1

La Ronge 2,827 2,812 2,830 2,831 2,850 2,854 2,880 2,934 2,987 3,037 210 7

Lac La Ronge 1,587 1,644 1,720 1,811 1,894 1,982 2,002 2,023 2,053 2,078 491 31

Little Hills 10 9 6 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 -10 -100

Missinipe 6 13 20 26 34 40 39 39 39 40 34 567

Montreal Lake 908 924 942 973 1,013 1,028 1,044 1,048 1,066 1,073 165 18

Pelican Narrows 2,011 2,118 2,263 2,418 2,574 2,773 2,773 2,795 2,843 2,874 863 43

Pinehouse 1,105 1,082 1,067 1,054 1,040 1,007 1,010 1,017 1,032 1,053 -52 -5

Sandy Bay 1,213 1,220 1,245 1,254 1,269 1,268 1,273 1,289 1,304 1,336 123 10

Southend 934 931 937 932 927 931 937 942 962 968 34 4

Stanley Mission 1,520 1,531 1,565 1,612 1,647 1,685 1,702 1,724 1,753 1,772 252 17

Sturgeon Weir 68 67 68 67 66 63 63 62 64 62 -6 -9

Sucker River 300 316 341 365 387 412 412 415 416 423 123 41

Timber Bay 142 133 126 119 110 96 95 100 101 102 -40 -28

Weyakwin 102 111 116 123 128 139 140 139 137 136 34 33

North Div. 18, Unorg 1,255 1,294 1,348 1,396 1,443 1,466 1,492 1,529 1,560 1,600 345 27

Source: Statistics Canada population estimates for Census subdivisions 2015. *Revised name uses the more commonly used community name and combines many individual First Nations IRI’s into one. For example, Black Lake is used instead of Chicken 224 and 225.

Prepared by PHU, Mar 2016

Page 16: Population Profile...Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016 AHA Population = 2,573 2: AHA population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent

Northern Saskatchewan Health Indicators

Community Characteristics: Population Profile August, 2016 16

Figure 20: Population by First Nation’s community status, health authority and age group, Northern Saskatchewan, 2015




Total < 1 1 to 4 5 to 9 10 to

14 15 to

19 20 to

64 65+ % < 15

% < 20

% 20-64

% 65+

Dep. ratio


off-reserve 384 8 22 38 31 23 226 36 26 32 59 9 70

on-reserve 2,148 28 230 270 183 182 1,150 105 33 42 54 5 87

Total 2,532 36 252 308 214 205 1,376 141 32 40 54 6 84


off-reserve 7,969 202 678 738 700 713 4,334 604 29 38 54 8 84

on-reserve 3,733 51 307 365 331 353 2,066 260 28 38 55 7 81

Total 11,702 253 985 1,103 1,031 1,066 6,400 864 29 38 55 7 83


off-reserve 10,243 183 742 975 878 755 5,887 823 27 34 57 8 74

on-reserve 13,683 461 1,510 1,681 1,426 1,458 6,668 479 37 48 49 4 105

Total 23,926 644 2,252 2,656 2,304 2,213 12,555 1,302 33 42 52 5 91


off-reserve 18,596 393 1,442 1,751 1,609 1,491 10,447 1,463 28 36 56 8 78

on-reserve 19,564 540 2,047 2,316 1,940 1,993 9,884 844 35 45 51 4 98

Total 38,160 933 3,489 4,067 3,549 3,484 20,331 2,307 32 41 53 6 88

Source: Statistics Canada population estimates 2015, Prepared by PHU, Feb 2016

Figure 21: Population change by First Nation’s community status and health authority, Northern Saskatchewan, 2006-2015

HA FN Area Year

Change from 2006

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 # %


off-reserve 361 359 361 365 365 365 368 373 376 384 23 6

on-reserve 2,021 2,002 2,015 2,014 2,031 2,018 2,056 2,078 2,106 2,148 127 6

Total 2,382 2,361 2,376 2,379 2,396 2,383 2,424 2,451 2,482 2,532 150 6


off-reserve 6,967 7,032 7,192 7,337 7,468 7,569 7,647 7,757 7,844 7,969 1,002 14

on-reserve 3,618 3,606 3,662 3,674 3,702 3,640 3,655 3,680 3,720 3,733 115 3

Total 10,585 10,638 10,854 11,011 11,170 11,209 11,302 11,437 11,564 11,702 1,117 11


off-reserve 9,518 9,492 9,593 9,632 9,693 9,644 9,744 9,903 10,060 10,243 725 8

on-reserve 10,750 11,096 11,568 12,086 12,589 13,147 13,214 13,348 13,556 13,683 2,933 27

Total 20,268 20,588 21,161 21,718 22,282 22,791 22,958 23,251 23,616 23,926 3,658 18


off-reserve 16,846 16,883 17,146 17,334 17,526 17,578 17,759 18,033 18,280 18,596 1,750 10

on-reserve 16,389 16,704 17,245 17,774 18,322 18,805 18,925 19,106 19,382 19,564 3,175 19

Total 33,235 33,587 34,391 35,108 35,848 36,383 36,684 37,139 37,662 38,160 4,925 15

Source: Statistics Canada population estimates 2015, Prepared by PHU, Feb 2016

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Figure 22: Population by community area, health authority and age group, Northern Saskatchewan, 2015

HA Community area 2015

Total < 1 1 to 4 5 to

9 10 to

14 15 to

19 20 to

64 65+

% < 15

% < 20

% 20-64 % 65+ Dep. ratio


Camsell Portage and Uranium City area

93 0 4 4 5 12 53 15 14 27 57 16 75

Fond du Lac area 913 23 62 116 88 98 482 44 32 42 53 5 89

Stony Rapids and Black Lake area

1,567 29 116 199 173 130 857 63 33 41 55 4 83

Total 2,573 52 182 319 266 240 1,392 122 32 41 54 5 85


Beauval, English River, Patuanak area

1,962 42 113 149 163 163 1,124 208 24 32 57 11 75

Birch Narrows and Turnor Lake area

657 14 55 71 64 43 368 42 31 38 56 6 79

Buffalo Narrows, Dillon, Michel Village and St. George's Hill area

2,348 40 180 235 148 195 1,376 174 26 34 59 7 71

Canoe Lake, Canoe Narrows, Jans Bay and Cole Bay area

1,375 32 142 171 146 108 699 77 36 44 51 6 97

Dore Lake 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Green Lake and Sled Lake area

608 16 43 62 35 46 336 70 26 33 55 12 81

Île-à-la-Crosse 1,338 19 121 108 96 113 777 104 26 34 58 8 72

La Loche, Clearwater, and surrounding area

3,909 80 343 400 321 347 2,253 165 29 38 58 4 74

Total 12,197 243 997 1,196 973 1,015 6,933 840 28 36 57 7 76


Creighton and Flin Flon

2,068 19 83 150 141 126 1,249 300 19 25 60 15 66

Denare Beach 690 5 29 46 44 47 420 99 18 25 61 14 64

La Ronge, Air Ronge, Lac La Ronge and Stanley Mission area

11,073 208 937 1,163 955 902 6,276 632 29 38 57 6 76

Montreal Lake and Timber Bay area

1,182 29 112 145 125 108 616 47 35 44 52 4 92

Continued on the next page

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HA Community area 2015

Total < 1 1 to 4 5 to

9 10 to

14 15 to

19 20 to

64 65+

% < 15

% < 20

% 20-64 % 65+ Dep. ratio


PBCN, Pelican Narrows, Deschambault Lake, Sandy Bay, Southend, and Sturgeon Landing area

6,617 168 657 845 734 702 3,240 271 36 47 49 4 104

Pinehouse 1,204 15 102 140 121 125 647 54 31 42 54 4 86

Weyakwin and Ramsey Bay area

206 0 11 15 20 13 112 35 22 29 54 17 84

Wollaston Lake and Hatchet Lake area

1,402 28 139 188 145 132 722 48 36 45 51 3 94

Total 24,442 472 2,070 2,692 2,285 2,155 13,282 1,486 31 40 54 6 84

North Total 39,212 767 3,249 4,207 3,524 3,410 21,607 2,448 30 39 55 6 81

Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016

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Figure 23: Population change by community area and health authority, Northern Saskatchewan, 2006-2015

HA Community


Year Change from


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 # %


Camsell Portage and Uranium City area

105 107 109 108 85 111 89 87 100 93 -12 -11

Fond du Lac area

834 872 884 895 974 1,057 965 953 951 913 79 9

Stony Rapids and Black Lake area

1,366 1,340 1,382 1,432 1,498 1,575 1,554 1,562 1,587 1,567 201 15

Total 2,305 2,319 2,375 2,435 2,557 2,743 2,608 2,602 2,638 2,573 268 12


Beauval, English River, Patuanak area

1,748 1,751 1,713 1,760 1,663 1,819 1,999 2,037 2,030 1,962 214 12

Birch Narrows and Turnor Lake area

596 609 621 624 596 697 630 662 664 657 61 10

Buffalo Narrows, Dillon, Michel Village and St. George's Hill area

2,182 2,215 2,322 1,909 1,952 2,213 2,309 2,348 2,388 2,348 166 8

Canoe Lake, Canoe Narrows, Jans Bay and Cole Bay area

1,262 1,291 1,304 1,345 1,388 1,595 1,347 1,351 1,359 1,375 113 9

Dore Lake 28 28 28 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 -28 -100

Green Lake and Sled Lake area

555 544 582 580 469 540 579 599 585 608 53 10

Île-à-la-Crosse 1,556 1,537 1,522 1,487 1,118 1,385 1,370 1,353 1,350 1,338 -218 -14

La Loche, Clearwater, and surrounding area

3,432 3,537 3,582 3,466 3,402 3,783 3,767 3,867 3,936 3,909 477 14

Total 11,359 11,512 11,674 11,199 10,588 12,032 12,001 12,217 12,312 12,197 838 7


Creighton and Flin Flon

2,010 2,001 2,089 2,053 2,048 2,054 2,074 2,127 2,152 2,068 58 3

Denare Beach 788 825 840 889 674 730 690 709 698 690 -98 -12

La Ronge, Air Ronge, Lac La Ronge and Stanley Mission area

9,375 9,609 9,744 9,815 10,016 10,787 10,518 10,755 10,923 11,073 1,698 18

Montreal Lake and Timber Bay area

1,127 1,167 1,168 1,216 1,219 1,220 1,255 1,246 1,254 1,182 55 5

Continued on the next page

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Community Characteristics: Population Profile August, 2016 20

HA Community


Year Change from


2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 # %


PBCN, Pelican Narrows, Deschambault Lake, Sandy Bay, Southend, and Sturgeon Landing area

5,943 5,891 5,995 6,159 6,456 6,901 6,545 6,560 6,615 6,617 674 11

Pinehouse 1,085 1,087 1,097 1,114 799 977 1,144 1,198 1,208 1,204 119 11

Weyakwin and Ramsey Bay area

222 214 223 230 163 211 239 217 215 206 -16 -7

Wollaston Lake and Hatchet Lake area

1,188 1,223 1,271 1,290 1,299 1,346 1,368 1,398 1,415 1,402 214 18

Total 21,738 22,017 22,427 22,766 22,674 24,226 23,833 24,210 24,480 24,442 2,703 12

North 35,402 35,848 36,476 36,400 35,819 39,001 38,442 39,029 39,430 39,212 3,810 11

Source: Saskatchewan Covered Population 2015, Prepared by PHU, Jan 2016

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Figure 24: Aboriginal identity population by community and health authority, Northern Saskatchewan, 2011

HA CSD Name Common name* GNR (%)

Total population in

private households

by Aboriginal identity

Aboriginal identity


First Nations


Métis (%)

Inuk (%)

Multiple Aboriginal identities


Aboriginal identities

not included

elsewhere (%)


identity (%)


Chicken 224 Black Lake 15 1,060 99 98 0 0 0 0 1

Fond du Lac 227 Fond du Lac 16 890 97 96 0 0 0 0 3

Stony Rapids Stony Rapids 24 235 89 74 15 0 0 0 11


Beauval Beauval 36 760 84 18 64 0 0 0 16

Buffalo Narrows Buffalo Narrows 20 1,155 87 4 82 0 0 0 13

Canoe Lake 165 Canoe Lake 41 720 99 96 3 0 0 0 0

Clearwater River Dene 222

Clearwater River 9 790 97 96 3 0 0 0 2

Cole Bay Cole Bay 15 230 96 89 0 0 0 0 0

Buffalo River Dene Nation 193 - Peter Pond Lake 193

Dillon 18 760 99 93 6 0 0 0 2

Dore Lake Dore Lake 50 Wapachewunak 192D

English River 5 480 99 98 0 0 0 0 0

Green Lake Green Lake 50

Île-à-la-Crosse Île-à-la-Crosse 50

Jans Bay Jans Bay 40 190 82 82 0 0 0 0 16

La Loche La Loche 17 2,625 97 28 68 0 0 0 3

La Plonge 192 La Plonge 14 115 100 83 9 0 0 0 9

Michel Village Michel Village 49 50 90 80 0 0 0 0 0

Patuanak Patuanak 21 60 108 100 0 0 0 0 0

St. George's Hill St. George's Hill 45 50 90 90 0 0 0 0 0

Turnor Lake 193B Turnor Lake 50


Air Ronge Air Ronge 50

Brabant Lake Brabant Lake 44 50 100 110 0 0 0 0 0

Creighton Creighton 43 1,495 19 8 12 0 0 0 81

Denare Beach Denare Beach 10 670 28 21 6 0 0 0 71 Kimosom Pwatinahk 203 - Deschambault Lake

Deschambault Lake 21 1,195 97 97 0 0 0 0 3

Flin Flon - Part Flin Flon, SK 50 Grandmother's Bay 219

Grandmother's Bay 13 335 100 100 0 0 0 0 0

Morin Lake 217 Hall Lake 29 725 100 99 0 0 0 0 0

Lac La Hache 220 Hatchet Lake 20 1,255 100 99 0 0 0 1 1

Kitsakie 156B Kitsakie 33 830 99 98 1 0 0 0 0

La Ronge La Ronge 50

Lac La Ronge 156 Lac La Ronge 13 1,915 98 96 3 0 0 0 2 Montreal Lake 106

Montreal Lake 14 980 100 99 0 0 0 0 0

Pelican Narrows Pelican Narrows 31 905 97 96 1 0 0 0 3 Pelican Narrows 184B

Pelican Narrows 20 1,905 99 98 1 0 0 0 1

Pinehouse Pinehouse 32 1,135 94 33 62 0 0 0 5

Sandy Bay Sandy Bay 29 1,235 98 94 4 0 0 0 2

Southend 200 Southend 14 900 99 99 0 0 0 0 2

Stanley 157 Stanley Mission 10 1,625 99 99 1 0 0 0 1

Continued on the next page

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Northern Saskatchewan Health Indicators

Community Characteristics: Population Profile August, 2016 22

HA CSD Name Common name* GNR (%)

Total population in

private households

by Aboriginal identity

Aboriginal identity


First Nations


Métis (%)

Inuk (%)

Multiple Aboriginal identities


Aboriginal identities

not included

elsewhere (%)


identity (%)


Sturgeon Weir 184F

Sturgeon Weir 31 60 100 92 0 0 0 0 0

Sucker River 156C - Nemeiben River 156C

Sucker River 13 400 99 96 0 0 0 0 3

Timber Bay Timber Bay 5 95 95 74 16 0 0 0 0

North Division No. 18, Unorganized

Div. 18, Unorg 50

Source: 2011 NHS Profile 99-014-X2011016 Prepared by PHU, Dec 2015 *Common name refers to the more commonly used name for the individual community.

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Appendix A - Data Notes

1. Data Sources

Saskatchewan Covered Population – Covered Population is based on eligibility for health insurance

benefits in Saskatchewan. All residents of Saskatchewan are included except: (a) members of the

Canadian Forces and inmates of federal prisons and (b) people not yet meeting the residency

requirement. The covered population estimates are derived from the person health registry system

which collects information on multiple addresses, when available, in an attempt to distinguish between

correspondence (i.e. mailing address) and residence addresses. In northern Saskatchewan, many

communities share postal codes and thus it is difficult to determine exactly which community the person

lives in. For example, La Ronge, Air Ronge, and several Lac La Ronge communities share two postal

codes. First Nations are assigned residence based on band affiliation. In southern Saskatchewan, some

reassignment of residence codes occurs based on additional residence information; however this does

not occur in northern Saskatchewan due to the difficulty in distinguishing between residence on

reserves and northern towns and villages. As a result, individuals may be assigned to a band but not an

actual community. For example, many individuals are assigned to the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation as

opposed to the communities of Pelican Narrows, Sandy Bay, Deschambault Lake, Southend, or Sturgeon

Landing. As a result of these limitations, the covered population is thought to be a good estimation of

the populations for community areas, health centre service areas, and health authorities but not

individual northern communities. For further details on the covered population methodology please

refer to the 2015 covered population website (http://population.health.gov.sk.ca/main.htm).

Statistics Canada Annual Population Estimates – Every year, the PHU purchases data from Statistics

Canada containing population estimates for First Nations community status areas and census

subdivisions that fall within the boundaries of AHA, KY and MCR. First Nations community status areas

are defined by the PHU using Statistics Canada defined census subdivisions. The estimates are currently

based on the 2011 census counts adjusted for census net undercoverage (including adjustment for

incompletely enumerated Indian reserves and population reviews). The years between 2001 and 2010

are considered final intercensal estimates, 2011 is considered a final postcensal estimate, 2012-2013 are

considered updated postcensal estimates, and 2014 is considered a preliminary postcensal estimate. As

the Statistics Canada estimates are based more on residence address as opposed to correspondence

address (i.e. mailing address), these estimates are thought to be better at estimating individual

community and First Nations community status area populations.

2011 National Household Survey (NHS) – The NHS provides information about the demographic, social

and economic characteristics of people living in Canada, as well as the housing units in which they live.

Previous to 2011, this information was collected by the mandatory long-form census questionnaire;

however, in 2011, major changes in the format resulted in this data being collected as part of the

voluntary NHS. The survey was distributed to a random sample of 33% of all private dwellings in Canada,

which resulted in varying response rates. Data has been released at various levels of geography

including Canada, provinces and territories, census metropolitan areas/census agglomerations, census

divisions, census subdivisions, census tracts, federal electoral districts and health regions.

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Dependency Ratio CANSIM Table – Statistics Canada. Table 109-5346 - Dependency ratio (2011 Census

and administrative data), by age group for July 1st, Canada, provinces, territories, health regions (2014

boundaries) and peer groups, annual.

2. Definitions

Dependency Ratio – The ratio of the combined population aged between 0 to 19 years old and the

population aged of 65 years and over, to the population aged between 20 to 64 years old. This ratio is

usually presented as the number of dependents for every 100 people in the working age population.

Census Subdivision (CSD) Name – Census subdivision is the general term for municipalities (as

determined by provincial/territorial legislation) or areas treated as municipal equivalents for statistical

purposes (e.g., Indian reserves, Indian settlements and unorganized territories). First Nations

communities are often split into many separate land holding areas. For example, the community of Fond

du Lac is broken up into Fond du Lac 227, 229, 231, and 232.

Revised Name – The revised name uses the more commonly used community name and combines many

individual First Nations IRI’s into one. For example, Black Lake is used instead of Chicken 224 and 225.

Please see Appendix B for a list of revised names by their corresponding CSD characteristics.

Common Name – The common name uses the more commonly used community name. Unlike the

revised name it does not combine the individual First Nations communities into one larger region. This is

because it is referring to NHS data that uses random rounding processes which would result in a

compounding error by adding smaller communities into a larger area.

First Nations Community Status Area – These areas refer to First Nations communities that would

generally be considered living “on or off-reserve” in relation to many, although not all, public health and

primary care services they receive. This definition of “on or off-reserve” is derived within the PHU and

may not match up identically with other definitions such as census geographies. For example, Pelican

Narrows IRI and Pelican Narrows are both considered “on-reserve” using the PHU definition. Please see

Appendix C for a list of First Nations community status areas by revised names and CSD characteristics.

Community Area – A community area is a grouping of several communities that are generally in close

proximity, often share postal codes and are difficult to separate into their individual communities.

However, by grouping these communities together we are able to more accurately describe the sub-

region as a whole by various characteristics. Please see Appendix D for a list of rescodes by community


Health Centre Service Area – Health centre service areas group communities based on their proximity to

one another as well as the tendency for the individuals within those communities to receive

hospital/health centre services from certain locations. This is, in part, due to the geographic spread of

northern communities resulting in vastly different travel distances between communities and local

health centres. For example, it is more realistic for individuals living in Creighton, SK to seek hospital

services in Flin Flon, Manitoba then it is to travel to La Ronge, SK to receive those services. Please see

Appendix E for a list of rescodes by health centre service areas.

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Global Non-response Rate (GNR) – For the 2011 NHS estimates, the GNR is used as an indicator of data

quality. This indicator combines complete non-response (household) and partial non-response

(question) into a single rate. A higher GNR indicates a higher risk of non-response bias and as a result, a

higher risk of inaccuracy. The threshold used for estimates' suppression is a GNR of 50% or more.

Aboriginal Identity – In the 2011 NHS, 'Aboriginal identity' refers to whether the person reported being

an Aboriginal person, that is, First Nations (North American Indian), Métis or Inuk (Inuit) and/or being a

Registered or Treaty Indian (that is, registered under the Indian Act of Canada) and/or being a member

of a First Nation or Indian band.

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Appendix B - Revised names by CSD characteristics and total

population, Northern Saskatchewan, 2015

HR Revised name CSD ID CSD Type

CSD Name Population



Black Lake 4718823 IRI Chicken 225 0

4718828 IRI Chicken 224 1,190

Fond du Lac

4718824 IRI Fond du Lac 227 958

4718833 IRI Fond du Lac 229 0

4718846 IRI Fond du Lac 232 0

4718847 IRI Fond du Lac 231 0

Stony Rapids 4718100 NH Stony Rapids 259


Beauval 4718033 NV Beauval 807

Buffalo Narrows 4718070 NV Buffalo Narrows 1,274

Canoe Lake 4718817 IRI Canoe Lake 165 751

Clearwater River 4718829 IRI Clearwater River Dene Band 223 20

4718839 IRI Clearwater River Dene 222 830

Cole Bay 4718028 NH Cole Bay 237

Dillon 4718818 IRI Buffalo River Dene Nation 193 - Peter Pond Lake 193 812

Dore Lake 4718023 NH Dore Lake 30

English River 4718814 IRI Wapachewunak 192D 524

Green Lake 4718021 NV Green Lake 471

Île-à-la-Crosse 4718067 NV Île-à-la-Crosse 1,486

Jans Bay 4718030 NH Jans Bay 195

La Loche 4718074 NV La Loche 2,818

La Plonge 4718807 IRI La Plonge 192 114

Michel Village 4718072 NH Michel Village 70

Patuanak 4718069 NH Patuanak 66

St. George's Hill 4718071 NH St. George's Hill 102

Turnor Lake 4718075 NH Turnor Lake 183

4718819 IRI Turnor Lake 193B 433


Air Ronge 4718042 NV Air Ronge 1,141

Brabant Lake 4718825 S-É Brabant Lake 55

Creighton 4718051 T Creighton 1,639

Denare Beach 4718049 NV Denare Beach 898

Deschambault Lake 4718852 IRI Kimosom Pwatinahk 203 - Deschambault Lake 1,284

Flin Flon, SK 4718052 CY Flin Flon - Part 252

Four Portages 4718813 IRI Four Portages 157C 0

Grandmother's Bay 4718831 IRI Grandmother's Bay 219 340

Hall Lake 4718808 IRI Morin Lake 217 660

Hatchet Lake 4718832 IRI Lac La Hache 220 1,368

Kinoosao 4718854 IRI Kinoosao-Thomas Clark 204 42

Kitsakie 4718812 IRI Kitsakie 156B 684

Continued on next page

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HR Revised name CSD ID CSD Type

CSD Name Population


La Ronge 4718041 T La Ronge 3,037

Lac La Ronge 4718809 IRI Lac La Ronge 156 2,078

Little Hills 4718844 IRI Little Hills 158 0

4718849 IRI Little Hills 158B 0

Missinipe 4718062 NH Missinipe 40

Montreal Lake 4718802 IRI Montreal Lake 106 1,073

Pelican Narrows 4718055 NV Pelican Narrows 839

4718820 IRI Pelican Narrows 184B 2,035

Pinehouse 4718065 NV Pinehouse 1,053

Potato River 4718810 IRI Potato River 156A 0

Sandy Bay 4718058 NV Sandy Bay 1,336

Southend 4718822 IRI Southend 200 968

Stanley Mission 4718803 IRI Stanley 157 1,772

Sturgeon Weir 4718821 IRI Sturgeon Weir 184F 62

Sucker River 4718811 IRI Sucker River 156C - Nemeiben River 156C 423

Timber Bay 4718012 NH Timber Bay 102

Weyakwin 4718015 NH Weyakwin 136

North Div. 18, Unorg 4718090 NO Division No. 18, Unorganized 1,600

Source: Statistics Canada population estimates for Census subdivisions 2015

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Appendix C - First Nations community status areas by revised

names and CSD characteristics, Northern Saskatchewan, 2015

HA FN Area Revised name CSD Area Name Type


off-reserve Stony Rapids 4718100 Stony Rapids NH

Div. 18, Unorg portion 4718090 Division No. 18, Unorganized portion NO


Black Lake 4718823 Chicken 225 IRI

4718828 Chicken 224 IRI

Fond du Lac

4718824 Fond du Lac 227 IRI

4718833 Fond du Lac 229 IRI

4718846 Fond du Lac 232 IRI

4718847 Fond du Lac 231 IRI



Beauval 4718033 Beauval NV

Buffalo Narrows 4718070 Buffalo Narrows NV

Cole Bay 4718028 Cole Bay NH

Dore Lake 4718023 Dore Lake NH

Green Lake 4718021 Green Lake NV

Île-à-la-Crosse 4718067 Île-à-la-Crosse NV

Jans Bay 4718030 Jans Bay NH

La Loche 4718074 La Loche NV

Michel Village 4718072 Michel Village NH

St. George's Hill 4718071 St. George's Hill NH

Div. 18, Unorg portion 4718090 Division No. 18, Unorganized portion NO


Canoe Lake 4718817 Canoe Lake 165 IRI

Clearwater River 4718829 Clearwater River Dene Band 223 IRI

4718839 Clearwater River Dene 222 IRI

Dillon 4718818 Buffalo River Dene Nation 193 - Peter Pond Lake 193 IRI

English River 4718814 Wapachewunak 192D IRI

La Plonge 4718807 La Plonge 192 IRI

Patuanak 4718069 Patuanak NH

Turnor Lake 4718075 Turnor Lake NH

4718819 Turnor Lake 193B IRI



Air Ronge 4718042 Air Ronge NV

Creighton 4718051 Creighton T

Denare Beach 4718049 Denare Beach NV

Flin Flon, SK 4718052 Flin Flon - Part CY

La Ronge 4718041 La Ronge T

Missinipe 4718062 Missinipe NH

Pinehouse 4718065 Pinehouse NV

Sandy Bay 4718058 Sandy Bay NV

Timber Bay 4718012 Timber Bay NH

Weyakwin 4718015 Weyakwin NH

Div. 18, Unorg portion 4718090 Division No. 18, Unorganized portion NO

on-reserve Brabant Lake 4718825 Brabant Lake S-É

Deschambault Lake 4718852 Kimosom Pwatinahk 203 - Deschambault Lake IRI

Continued on next page

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Northern Saskatchewan Health Indicators

Community Characteristics: Population Profile August, 2016 29

HA FN Area Revised name CSD Area Name Type


Four Portages 4718813 Four Portages 157C IRI

Grandmother's Bay 4718831 Grandmother's Bay 219 IRI

Hall Lake 4718808 Morin Lake 217 IRI

Hatchet Lake 4718832 Lac La Hache 220 IRI

Kinoosao 4718854 Kinoosao-Thomas Clark 204 IRI

Kitsakie 4718812 Kitsakie 156B IRI

Lac La Ronge 4718809 Lac La Ronge 156 IRI

Little Hills 4718844 Little Hills 158 IRI

4718849 Little Hills 158B IRI

Montreal Lake 4718802 Montreal Lake 106 IRI

Pelican Narrows 4718055 Pelican Narrows NV

4718820 Pelican Narrows 184B IRI

Potato River 4718810 Potato River 156A IRI

Southend 4718822 Southend 200 IRI

Stanley Mission 4718803 Stanley 157 IRI

Sturgeon Weir 4718821 Sturgeon Weir 184F IRI

Sucker River 4718811 Sucker River 156C - Nemeiben River 156C IRI

Source: Statistics Canada population estimates for Census subdivisions 2015

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Appendix D - Rescodes by community area and health authority,

Northern Saskatchewan, 2015

HA Community area Rescodes


Creighton and Flin Flon 80530 Creighton

80575 Flin Flon Creighton Unorg

Denare Beach 80571 Denare Beach

La Ronge, Air Ronge, Lac La Ronge and Stanley Mission area

72482 Lac La Ronge Indian Band

80430 La Ronge

80470 Air Ronge

80474 Stanley Mission

Montreal Lake and Timber Bay area 72684 ML residents assigned to MCR

80475 Timber Bay

PBCN, Pelican Narrows, Deschambault Lake, Sandy Bay, Southend, and Sturgeon Landing area

72082 Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation

80473 Southend

80572 Pelican Narrows

80573 Sandy Bay

80574 Sturgeon Landing

Pinehouse 80472 Pinehouse

Weyakwin and Ramsey Bay area 80471 Weyakwin

Wollaston Lake and Hatchet Lake area 72882 Hatchet Lake Nation

80174 Wollaston Lake


Beauval, English River, Patuanak area

75180 English River First Nation

80370 Beauval

80375 Patuanak

Birch Narrows and Turnor Lake area 74580 Birch Narrows First Nation

80273 Turnor Lake

Buffalo Narrows, Dillon, Michel Village and St. George's Hill area

74780 Buffalo River Dene Nation

80270 Buffalo Narrows

80271 Dillon

Canoe Lake, Canoe Narrows, Jans Bay and Cole Bay area

74680 Canoe Lake First Nation

80371 Canoe Narrows

Dore Lake 80372 Dore Lake

Green Lake and Sled Lake area 80373 Green Lake

Île-à-la-Crosse 80374 Île-à-la-Crosse

La Loche, Clearwater, and surrounding area

74880 Clearwater River Dene Nation

80272 La Loche


Camsell Portage and Uranium City area 80170 Camsell Portage

80175 Uranium City

Fond du Lac area 75082 Fond du Lac Denesuline First Nation

80172 Fond du Lac

Stony Rapids and Black Lake area 74982 Black Lake First Nation

80173 Stony Rapids

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Appendix E - Rescodes by health centre service area and health

authority, Northern Saskatchewan, 2015

HA Health centre service area Rescodes


La Ronge Health Centre service area

72482 Lac La Ronge Indian Band

72882 Hatchet Lake Nation

80174 Wollaston Lake

80430 La Ronge

80470 Air Ronge

80472 Pinehouse

80474 Stanley Mission

MCR East Central service area

72082 Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation

80473 Southend

80572 Pelican Narrows

80573 Sandy Bay

80574 Sturgeon Landing

MCR East service area

80530 Creighton

80571 Denare Beach

80575 Flin Flon Creighton Unorg

MCR South service area

72684 ML residents assigned to MCR

80471 Weyakwin

80475 Timber Bay


KY Southwest service area

74680 Canoe Lake First Nation

80371 Canoe Narrows

80372 Dore Lake

80373 Green Lake

La Loche Health Centre service area

74580 Birch Narrows First Nation

74880 Clearwater River Dene Nation

80272 La Loche

80273 Turnor Lake

St. Joseph’s Health Centre service area

74780 Buffalo River Dene Nation

75180 English River First Nation

80270 Buffalo Narrows

80271 Dillon

80370 Beauval

80374 Île-à-la-Crosse

80375 Patuanak

AHA Stony Rapids Health Centre service area

74982 Black Lake First Nation

75082 Fond du Lac Denesuline First Nation

80170 Camsell Portage

80172 Fond du Lac

80173 Stony Rapids

80175 Uranium City

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Appendix F – Glossary of Acronyms


Alberta AHA

Athabasca Health Authority


British Columbia


Country CANSIM

Statistics Canada's key socioeconomic database


Census Division


Cypress Health Region


Census Subdivision



Five Hills Health Region


Global Non-response Rate


Health Authority


Heartland Health Region


Indian Reserve


Kelsey Trail Health Region


Keewatin Yatthé (Health Region)


Labrador-Grenfell Regional Integrated Health Authority (NL)


Manitoba MCR

Mamawetan Churchill River (Health Region)


Montreal Lake


Northern Hamlet


National Household Survey


Newfoundland & Labrador




Northern Regional Health Authority (MB)


Northwest Territories


Northern Village


Northwest Health Service Delivery Area (BC)


Northwestern Health Unit (ON)


Ontario PAPHR

Prince Albert Parkland Health Region


Population Health Unit


Prairie North Health Region


Province QC



Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region


Sun Country Health Region


Indian Settlement


Saskatoon Health Region




Sunrise Health Region



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Community Characteristics: Population Profile August, 2016 33

Appendix G – Index of Figures

Figure 1: Map of northern Saskatchewan health authorities and total population, 2015 .......................... 4

Figure 2: AHA population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent of population by sex and

age group, 2015 ........................................................................................................................... 5

Figure 3: KY population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent of population by sex and age

group, 2015 .................................................................................................................................. 5

Figure 4: MCR population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent of population by sex and

age group, 2015 ........................................................................................................................... 6

Figure 5: North population pyramid (on and off-reserve populations), percent of population by sex and

age group, 2015 ........................................................................................................................... 6

Figure 6: Population by broad age group, Athabasca Health Authority, 2006-2015 ................................... 7

Figure 7: Population by broad age group, Keewatin Yatthé, 2006-2015 ..................................................... 7

Figure 8: Population by broad age group, Mamawetan Churchill River, 2006-2015................................... 8

Figure 9: Population by broad age group, AHA, KY, MCR, Northern Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan,

2015 ............................................................................................................................................. 8

Figure 10: Population change, northern Saskatchewan health authorities and Saskatchewan, 2006-2015

..................................................................................................................................................... 9

Figure 11: Proportion of the population < 15 years of age, northern Saskatchewan health authorities

and Saskatchewan, 1996-2015 .................................................................................................. 10

Figure 12: Proportion of the population 65 years and above, northern Saskatchewan health authorities

and Saskatchewan, 1996-2015 .................................................................................................. 10

Figure 13: Population by age group, northern health authorities and Saskatchewan, 1996-2015 ........... 11

Figure 14: Percent of total population by age group, northern health authorities and Saskatchewan,

1996-2015 .................................................................................................................................. 11

Figure 15: Dependency ratio by northern region in Canada, 2014 ........................................................... 12

Figure 16: Aboriginal population by Canadian health authority, 2011 ...................................................... 13

Figure 17: Population by Aboriginal identity, Northern Saskatchewan and Saskatchewan, 2011 ............ 13

Figure 18: Population by community, health authority and age group, Northern Saskatchewan, 2015 .. 14

Figure 19: Population change by community and health authority, Northern Saskatchewan, 2006-2015

................................................................................................................................................... 15

Figure 20: Population by First Nation’s community status, health authority and age group, Northern

Saskatchewan, 2015................................................................................................................... 16

Figure 21: Population change by First Nation’s community status and health authority, Northern

Saskatchewan, 2006-2015 ......................................................................................................... 16

Figure 22: Population by community area, health authority and age group, Northern Saskatchewan,

2015 ........................................................................................................................................... 17

Figure 23: Population change by community area and health authority, Northern Saskatchewan, 2006-

2015 ........................................................................................................................................... 19

Figure 24: Aboriginal identity population by community and health authority, Northern Saskatchewan,

2011 ........................................................................................................................................... 21