c POPULAR WANTS Yon know. Of course; Then why not put your Want Ad. in the Globe and see it circulate? Any drug store will take Globe Want Ads. at a pen- ny a word. AGENTS AND AGENCIES. tGENTS make big money celling automa- tic screen door catches and household specialties; sample postpaid 25c. Auto Door Catch Co., Chicago. AGENTS—Knormuus profits selling our "Harness Riveter;" complete repair shop in one tool; every horse owner buys; failure impossible; write for sam- ple. Lewis Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. .\YANTED--Good responsible lady agents in St. Paul to handle the best selling toilet article on the market. Addrcde The Neu-rot-ice Medicine Co., Hornells- ville. N. Y. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALES. Anybody oat of vrnrk In St. Paul or Blinneapolls may lnxert an Htlver- tittement nnder this heading; free of cbnrttc. A. MARRIED man wants job of any kind; thirty-three years old; good references. Address S. Glover, St. Paul, Minn. A YOUNG MAN of eighteen would like work of some kind; references, etc. Ad- dress 133 V; East Eleventh st. BUTCHER—Young man with experience as meat cutter desires work; low wages for immediate employment. Address or call on R. D. Jolly, Bethel, foot Sibley st. BOOKKEEPER—Young man having a good knowledge of bookkeeping and ulso understands use of typewriting ma- chine, wants a position; very moderate salary accepted; willing to leave the City. Address TS 181, Globe. BOOKKEEPER—Competent and experi- enced bookkeeper wants position. N 197. Globe. CASHIER—Wanted, position as cashier- in leading restaurant, or time keeper In wholesale or manufacturing estab- lishment; will furnish cash bond; am strictly sober. M 155, Globe. CLERK—First-class shipping clerk bill or stuck clerk want;; position; A No. 1 references. Address J. 11.. 460 Beau- mont. COOK—A head cook wishes situation in a first-ciass hotel; can do all kinds of cooking. Address 411 Jay st., St. Paul. COACHMAN Experienced coachman wants position. X 181. Globe. COLL ECTO R—Experienced collector or .solicitor wants steady position; well ac- quainted with city; can furnish refer- ences. Cfc(j Charles st. COOK—Situation wanted as chef cook in hotel or country; fifteen years' ex- perience. Address F. Clement's Box factory, WestSt^Pau^Minn. PAINTER and paperhanger wants work- have tools lor Job work. Painter, -130 Wabasha st. Postal will bring me. PAINTER—Wants work by day or job 405 Virginia ay. SALESMAN—Situation wanted by young man; best of references; would leave city; bond if required. Address H C 251 Rondo. SITUATION in real estate, loan insur- ance or broker's office. 107 Colonnade hotel. SITUATION wanted in creamery or on nr..k wagon; eight years' experience. Address \\ illiam Anderson. General De- livery, P. O. ETHNOGRAPHER - Male stenographer", with own Remington machine and good references, desires a permanent posi- tion. S. S, 78 Eleventh St., city. BTENOGRAPHER^YoJn7in^n"stenogra- pher wishes a position; has experience _and lirst-class references. E 179, Globe. TKAMSTER-Situation ""wanted- by mar- ried man driving team of any kind- well acquainted in city. Address Wil- __liam Anderson. General Delivery. TRUCK DRIVER-SU^tron^TanTed"!^ married man driving a truck, wholesale or retail; city references. W. Ander son, General Delivery, city. WORK—A good, steady man wants work m^sflt^TT c-H- Hedstrom- •WLANTED J - by experienced grocery and hardware man, position in grocery or hardware &tore, or in wholesale house _ J Add!ess L^: _L.,_463_Robert st. .WANTED—Position by gooiTconveyancer and general office man. Address ~J 466 Aurora ay. PIANOS. PIANO—For sale, a high-grade piamTaT a very low cash price; an inspection of the instrument will be permitted on Address X 165, Globe. WANTED TO BUY. "irT^ 2°m ACRES swamp lands; also 15,000 acres of prairie lands at bottom Address X 187, Globe. PROFESSIONAL. CIIIROPODIST-Dr. Betty's powder for facia! massage; foot balm for swollen burning feet, 25 cents. 27 East Sev' enth. Kendrick block. HBI.IBP SOCIETY" Employment Register. Sfllce, 141 East Ninth St. Telephone 133. AN—We can lurnish a good, strong handy man for wholesale house, or any other such work. BOY—A bright, wining boy for office or errand boy; needs work badly REPAIRING of trunks and valises want- ed by a man who understands the wor* thoroughly. KURSEB— Wf ran furnish efficient worn- to care for the sick. -onhi-~ Tci plal," 'evvin&- washing, onuig and liousecleaning; nan be had ,7'jiu this office; also men to do odd jobs, wooU eawiaff. etc PfIPBLAR^jyANTS HELP WANTED—MALES. BARBER wanted; must be flrst-class, registered barber; good wages. Address R. A. Holmberg, Faribault, Minn. IF YOU WISH to earn good pay for a short day's work, where you will be jour own boss, apply at 453 Wacouta Bt GOING "TO~LEARN TELEGRAPHY ?— Answer this advertisement and save great deal of tuition fee. Address Z 153, Globe, St. Paul, Minn. REPORTERS—LocaI and traveling, where we are not now represented; good pay; badge, credentials, etc. New Century, Aurora, 111. SOLICITOR—Good advertising solicitor; only those with experience in novelty advertising need apply. 115 East Third st.; third floor 1 _ SELF-HYPNOTIC—HEALING—The tri- umph of the century; lessons for 10c by return mail that will cure any disease or bad habit in ten days; worth $10. THREE FIRST-CLASS specialty sales- men to call on drug and general store trade; commission only; full time and bond required; good territory still open. Address Manager, 1006, 185 Dearborn, Chicago. WANTED Skilled non-union mstal workers, stonecutters, plasterers, paint- ers, carpenters, plumbers and steam ] litters. Apply to Secretary of Master Builders' Exchange, No. 209 Postal Tel- __egra_ph Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED—Experienced traveling sales- men to place high grade specialty line with the general merchandise trade; j.osition permanent; territory exclusive iiiid line up to date. Box 608, St. Louis, M O. WANTED—Christian man to qualify for permanent position here or home coun- ty; $SOO yearly; enclose self-addressed I stamped envelope to General Manager, care M 191, Globe. j WANTED—Students to join class in ; grammar, arithmetic, penmanship; also bookkeeping and shorthand. Will move to Ryan building, East Seventh st., about June 1. Pioneer Business School. WANTED—A strong boy or young man I to herd cows. Corner St. Clair and ! Snelling. WANTED, a good bright boy, sixteen years of age, to work in drug store. Apply at F. 11. Reeves, Seven corners. WANTED ruptured men to cure free; to prove easy; safe cure; quick method. Dr. Spelrs. Box 400, Westbrook, Me. WANTED—Man evenings and mornings to milk cow. 493 Holly ay. BUSINESS CHANCES. GOOD business opportunity for right parties; $100 monthly, or nothing; only those meaning business need apply; no investment. C. D. Fraunfelter, Lock Box No. 99, Zanesville, O. HANDSOME tv.enty-fcur-room boarding house in Minneapolis; low rent; full furniture and lease cheap; fortune for unlncumbered woman. Skidmore's Agency, 400 Bank Commerce, Minneap- olis^ NICE SEVENTH ST. store, with five rooms above, toilet, good furnace, for small manufacturing or retail business, $50. 107 Colonnade Hotel. STOCK of jewelry and watches for sale at a bargain. 156 East Seventh st. INSTRUCTION. ELOCUTION, oratory, dramatic art. Francis Lee Chauvan, author of "Thoughtful Voice Development." WTrite Flat 102, the Dartmouth, 493 St. Peter st. STUDENTS to join classes in grammar, arithmetic and penmanship as well as i bookkeeping and shorthand; will move to Ryan Bldg., East Seventh st., June 10, Pioneer Business School. THOROUGHLY competent stenographer and bookkeeper wishes class of twenty- five pupils In Pitman shorthand, type- writing; also bookkeeping; day and evening class; summer $1 month. V 185, Globe. LOST AND FOUND. DOG LOST—On evening of May 30, an English setter; whit-i, black and tan; on the corner of Washington and Third sts. Please return to 160 West Third street and receive reward. HORSE TOST— Small, black mare. Apply 146_ East Fifth st., and receive reward. HORSES AND CARRIAGES. HORSEMEN, BREEDERS, SPECULATORS. Watch for our second great consign- ment of hardy Western horses, con- sisting of brood mares, driving, delivery and draft horses. This will be the sec- ond shipment of the 8,000 head that we have arranged for consignment to us from the famous ranchers of Washing- ton and Montana. They will be sold at auction to the highest bidders without reserve and regardless of value at our Midway Sale Stables, at 10 a. m. Wed- nesday, June 6. This great bunch of horses are In prime condition and will be worthy of the attention of horsemen, breeders and speculators throughout the country. BARRETT & ZIMMERMAN, Midway Horse Market, on Interurban Car Line, Between St. Paul and Minne- apolis. CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE—One hun- dred and fifty head of horses taken on chattel mortgage must be sold regard- less of value; can be seen at Barrett & Zimmerman's Midway Hone Maiket, St. Paul. FOR SALE—Two pair carriage horses; hackney, young and stylish. H E Thompson. 383 Woodward ay. FOR SALE—Horse and buggy. Call at 578 Edmund St. PHAETON without, top $10; also good baby buggy $3.50. 278 Charles st. TWO-SEATED two horse carriage, Schurmeier make, used one year; for sale cheap. 749 Jessie st. n-i ' | BICYCLES. FOR SALE—A good combination tandem, in good condition; cheap if taken at once. Address 470 Fuller st. HIGH-GRADE second-hand lady's wheel cheap for cash; in good order. Call 51 Union block. RAMBLERS—Better than ever and only $40; second-hand wheels, $3 to ?30; we repair all makes, call for and deliver. Telephone 772 Valley; our tin can has been taken out. Bird Cycle Co. RTDE A MONARCH—New wheels, $25, $30 and $40; best in the city; second-hand wheels $3 up; repairs at lowest prices St. Paul Cycle Co., 324 Wabasha. CLAIRVOYANTS. ALICE M'BAlN—Spiritual readings dai- ly; test circles, Tuesdays. 8 p. m., promptly. 27 East Seventh st.. Room 305. MASSAGE. DO YOU wish an excellent massage or bath? Call at Mme. Lauretta's swell parlors, 819 Jackson st. ELITE BATH and massage parlor by a French lady; furnished rooms; tran- sient. 320 St. Peter st. FIRST-CLASS massage parlors and for- tune telling. Mrs. Thomas, removed to 457 St. Peter st. MASSAGE—3SO Cedar st., Room 26, sec- ond floor, massage, steam baths, alco- hol rubs; osteopathy and electric treat- ments; open daily. MISCELLANEOUS. IF YOU want good repairs on all kinds of gasoline stoves, lamps, bicycles, lawn mowers, etc., go to Seeger Mfg. Co 's Successor, 261 East Seventh. G. F. GEORGE, furrier, removed to 274 East Se^onth st., will store your furs and neatly repair them; reasonable prices. Call on me. YELLOWSTONE PARK TOUR Best outing this year, cheap. A. D. Hall, 1713 Nicollct ay., Minneapolis, POPULAR WANTS HELP WANTED —FEMALES. COOK—Wanted, competent cook ana a. dishwasher at the Zenith Restaurant, 462 Jackson st.; none others need apply. COOK—Wanted, good woman cook to go to Idaho next week. Call at Room 2, National German-American Bank, for particulars. COOK—A neat, competent cook; no laun- dry work. Apply at 172 Summit ay. DRESSMAKERS—Two first-class dress- makers for out of city; good wages; steady position. Call at J. Rothschild _& Co., 175 East Fourth st. DRESSMAKER—Wanted, one that un- derstands cutting and fitting and de- signing. Address J 174, Globe. DRESSMAKER—Wanted, girl to work In dressmaking shop; must have experi- ence. 343 St. Peter st. DISHWASHER-Wanted, girl for dish- washing and chamber work and laun- dry work. 600 Cedar st. DINING ROOM GlßL—Wanted, dining room girl and dishwasher at 20 Summit ay.; must corns prepared to work. GIRLS wanted to learn dressmaking. 53 West Seventh st. HOUSEWORK—Competent girl for gen- eral housework. 472 Collins, Mrs. J. K. Hoffman. HOUSEWORK—Wanted, a competent girl for general housework; small fam- ily. 897 Laurel ay. HOUSEKEEPER Wanted. reliable housekeeper for small family, at North St. Paul. Inquire Joseph Herman, Charles and Seventh st. HOTTSEWORK—Wanted, girl for general housework; no house cleaning. Apply 425 East Eighth st. HOUSEWORK—GirI for general house- work; small family; good wages. Mrs. _ Hugo Schlenk. 161 Portland. HOUSEWORK—GirI for general house- work. 787 Marshall ay. LADY —To travel; easy work; salary SSO per month and expenses to start; ex- perience unnecessary. Call Monday aft- ernoon at 26 Summit ay. LAUNDRY GlßL—Wanted, good laundry girl at Weller restaurant, 406 Wabasha at., at once. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALES Anj l»mi> oat of uork in St. I'iial or Minneapolis may Insert an ativer- tUement under tlil» Ueadinjr tret of chnrice. A GOOD washwoman wants to go out washing; any kind of scrubbing, house- cleaning, or take washing at home. Please call or address 614 Rose st. A GOOD washwoman would like washing, ironing or housecleaning. 121 Smith ay. A LADY of good character desires a po- sition as cashier in restaurant or clerk in confectionery or department store; speaks English and German; will work cheap. Address ISS East Tenth st. AN EXPERIENCED dining room girl would like dinner work at once. A. M. W., third floor, 180 East Seventh st. BOOKKEEPER—Lady bookkeeper de- sires to take charge of a small set of double entry books, or half-day work; has experience In general ofilce work, and willing to work for a moderate compensation. H., 266 Selby ay. COOK—First-class lady Wiener (German) cook wishes a position in restaurant, hotel or private family. Call or address 621 Lafayette ay. DRESSMAKER wants sewing in fami- lies, or to do at home; cutting and fit- ting. Please call or address 315 East Seventh, third floor. HOUSEKEEPER—Wanted, a position as housekeeper or to take care of fur- nished rooms. Address P 185, Globe. STENOGRAPHER-A girl of eighteen wishes a position as a stenographer; position more of an object than salary; or as copyist. Address to 405 Michi- gan ay. STENOGRAPHER—Competent lady ste- nographer and typewritist desires posi- tion; substituting or piece work ac- cepted; can furnish machine; moderate compensation; willing to leave city. Please address J. E., 318 New York Life building. STENOGRAPHER—Wanted, by a com- petent young lady, position as stenog- rapher; will accept moderate salary. _ Address L. C, C2 West Central. STENOGRAPHER—Wanted? by a com- petent young lady position as stenog- rapher; will accept moderate salary. Address 438 Fuller st. STENOGRAPHER—Lady stenographer desires to do copying and addressing en- velopes, etc.; willing to do work for a small compensation. H., 350 Cadar st. SEWING! —Warted, shirt waist, bicycle skirt and plain sewing to do at home. Call 206 Carroll. STENOGRAPHER—Young lady desires position as stenographer or office work. Address L. G., 363 Aurora ay. WANTED —Plain sewing and washing; lace curtains done up; family washing by the piece, or any kind of day work. 552 Wabasha, first floor. WASHING-A German lady would like to take family washing at home. Call at M. W., 809 Mississippi st. WASHING—A German woman would like a few more places to do washing. 451 East Sixth st. WANTED—Good home by an elderly lady; good housekeeper; country pre- ferred. Address Mrs. Chase, 163 Pleas- ant ay., St. Paul, Minn. WANTED—Washing and ironing and housecleaning; also cleaning offices. Address M., 128 West Sixth St.. room CARPET CLEANING. CARPETS, rugs, mattresses cleaned, ren- ovated, refitted and relaid; mattresses, feathers renovated. Help's Carpet Clean- Ing Works. 115 University ay.: tel. 2143-2. CARPETS CLEANED, refitted and laid" Electric Carpet Cleaning Works, 230 West Seventh. Telephone, 2127-2. ProG66dinas in Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States. District of Minne- sota, Third Division. In the Matter of \ William Davern,\ In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. \ To the Hon. William Lochren, Judge of the District Court of the United States for the District of Minnesota. William Davern, of the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, in said district, respectfully represents that on the 3rd day of March, last past, he was duly adjudged bankrupt under the acts of Congress relating to bankruptcy; that - he has duly surrendered all his prop- erty and rights of property, and has fullycomplied with aii trie requirements of said acts and of the orders of the court touching his bankruptcy. Wherefore, he prays that he may be decreed by the Court to have a full" dis- charge from all debts provable against his estate under said bankrupt acts, ex- cept such debts as are excepted by law from such discharge. Dated this 2nd day of June, A. D 1900 WILLIAMDAVERN, Bankrupt. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT District of Minnesota, Third Division —ss. On this 2nd day of June, A. D. 1900, on reading the foregoing petition, it is Ordered by the, Court, that a hearing be had upon the same on the 18th day of June, A. D. 1900, before said Court ut St. Paul, in said District, at ten o'clock in the forenoon; and that notice thereof be published in the St Paul Globe, a newspaper printed in said District, and that all known creditors and other persons in interest may ap- pear at said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why the pray- er of the said petitioner should not be granted. And It is further ordered by the Court that the Clerk shall send by mail to all known creditors copies of said petition and this order, addressed to them at their places of residence as stated Witness the Honorable William Loch- ren, Judge of the said Court, and the seal thereof, at St. Paul, in «aid Dis- trict, on the 2nd day of June 1900 CHARLES L. SPENCER, ClerU- By Margaret L. Mullane. (Seal of the Court.) Deputy Cler*. POPULAR WANTS FINANCIAL. \u2666m We think we have come very close to your ideas in: fli^plicity and easy business methods. Our success depends upon promptness, secrecy, honesty ?t™l OWfT ates' A Httle hel P at the right RF^™^ 8, 6'8 a man on his feet- «.MBExl l! no=morteage, indorser or publicity. No unnece&ary charge. In- ducements we offer astonish and be- wilder competitors. Economically dls- P kS, J borrowers seeking lower rates sljould see us AT ONCE The most reliable, the most liberal company. In case of sickness or unem- ployment, time will be gladly extended. KJi,LIABLE CREDIT CO., Germania Bank Building. Room "J," S. W. Cor. Wabasha and_F\fth sts. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. SALARY LOANS $30 to $200. You can not fail to be interested enough ...to at least PROCURE OUR RATES. PERFECT SATISFACTION GUARAN- CALL for proofs that ours are LOWEST RATES offered in town. All BUSINESS SACRED AND CONFI- DENTIAL. You wish lowest rates, OF COURSE, SO CALL UPON US TODAY ST. PAUL FINANCIAL CO., THIRD FLOOR, Room 301, New York Life Buiiding. CALL. FOR TERMS on icana to salaried people, or loans on household furniture, planoß, etc.: they ne the lowest; no ln- dorsers; easy payments: confidential. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Company, 217 Pioneer Pi ess building:. MONEY LOANED on diamonds and watches; low rates for large loans. George R. Holmes, Jeweler, 141 East Seventh st. 4% TO 6 PER CENT MONEY, with the on or before" privilege, to loan on im- proved property In St. Paul and Minne- apolis. R. M. Newport & Son. Pioneer Press Bldg., St. Paul. 6 AND 6 PER CENT MONEY to loan on Improved property in St. Paul and Min- neapolis. V. C. Oilman. New York Life PER^NAL. ATTRACTIVE young lady, independent- ly wealthy, would marry soon; would assist capable husband financially; bank and other references. Miss D. H., 5808 Michigan, ay., Chicago. 111. BELGIAN HARES-BritaJn Rabbitry, V\ atsonville, Cal., breeders and jobbers of fine pedigreed stock. Write for deajers' prices--. LADIES—Free; harmless monthly regu- lator; cannot fail Mrs. B. Rowan, R 104, Milwaukee. Wis. LADIES—A secret to enlarge your bust 'Penes free. Zanzemetto Co., Dept. 90, Milwaukee, Wis. r: RESPECTABLE, refined attractive lady would like to meet an agreeable, re- spectable, well-situated gentleman of good morals, fair size, nice looking, from thirty-eight to fifty. A. M., St Paul Globe. FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Steam laundry, cheap. Ap- ply 146 East Fifth st.; also machinery °t__all_ description. FOR SALE-City sTeam heating plant, just completed, twenty-five years' fran- chise; shows good dividends. Arthur Moody, Keokuk, 10. FOR SALE—One Ames engine, ten-horse power, and one Garr & Scott engine and boiler, eight-horse power; in good order. Address X 91, Globe. ' " EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE COM- PANY. Principal office, Dcs Moines lowa (Or- ganized in 1867.) F. M. Hubbeil, Presi- dent. J. C. Cummins, Secretary. Attor- ney to accept service in Minnesota: In- surfince Commissioner. Cash capital, INCOME IN 1899. First years' premiums $71,98199 Renewal premiums 294,105.18 Dividends and surrender values applied to purchase paid up insurance and annuities 19,685.10 Total premium income $385,772.27 Rents and interest 117,493.49 From all other sources 5,203.54 Total income $508,460.30 DISBURSEMENTS IN 1899. Death claims and matured en- dowments $55,341.62 Annuities and premium notes, voided by lapse 1,584 82 Dividends to policy holders..., 37,934.48 Surrender values to policy hold- ers 27.40 C.79 Total paid policy holders $122,267 71 Dividends to stockholders 7,000.00 Commissions, salaries, and ex- penses of agencies 75,415.90 Salaries of officers, employes and examiners' fees 25,337.89 All other disbursements 20,668.16 Total disbursements $250,689.66 Excess of income over disburse- ments $257,779.64 ASSETS DEC. 31, 1899. Value of real estate owned $45,231.91 Mortgage loans : 1,628,308.48 Collateral loans } 3,700.00 Premium notes and policy loans 91',939!00 Bonds and stocks owned 177,851.16 Cash in office and in bank 36,553 39 Accrued interest and rents 44,668 28 Deferred and unpaid premiums. 35,730 .">1 All other admitted assets 5,989.34 Total admitted assets $2,069,972,07 1 Assets not admitted $14,232.03 LIABILITIES. Net value of outstanding poli- cies, actuaries 4 per cent... .$1,633,931.17 Claims adjusted and not due, and unadjusted and reported! 807 00 Dividends due policy holders 1187 78 All other liabilities 1,239!25 Total liabilities on policy holders' account .-.51,637,165.20 Gross divisible surplus $332,806.07 Capital stock paid up $100,000.00 EXHIBIT OF POLICIES, 1£93 BUSI- NESS. _, \u0084 . , No. Amount. Policies in force at begin- ning of the year 7,151 $10,091,959.27 Policies in force at close of the year 7,988 11,246,287.01 Net increase 837 $1,154,327.74 Issued, revived and in- creased during the year.1,433 $2,066 646 99 ' i.otal terminated during «the^ yeilr ' 5% 912,319.25 By death 51 54,511.r8 By maturity 4 1.G37.04 By expiration 2.552 22 By surrender 97 i29'>'Uin By lapse .... 415 li^ll By change and decrease. . iv>7 nn <n Not taken .._js _jilfmM BUSINESS IN MINNESOTA IN 1899. Policies in force at begin- N°* Amount- ning of the year \u0084.. 114 $176,000 Issued during the year... 14 19 000 Ceased to be in force dur- ing the year 9 27,400 In lorcc Dec. 31, 1a5t...... 119 167,600 Cash received fo£ premi- ums I ?•• $6,914.51 Total receipts $6,914.51 State of Minnesota, Department of Insurance. Whereas, the Equitable Life Insurance Company, a corporation organized under the laws of Jjwa.has f.uily complied with the provisions of the laws of this State relative to the admission and authoriza- tion of insurance companies of its class. Now. therefore, I, tne undersigned. In- surance Commissioner, do hereby empower and authorize the said above named Com. pany to transact its appropriate bus.ness of Life insurance in the State of Minne- sota, according to the laws thereof, until the thirty-first day of January, A. D. 1901, unless said authority be revolted or other- wise legally terminated prior thereto In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at St. Paul, this 31st day of January A D. lUOO. J. A. OSHaUGHNESSy! Insurance Commissioner. J THE ST. PAUL GLOBE, MONDAY, JUNE 4, 190t>. POPULAR WANTS HOUSES FOE RENT. j HOUSE— Will rent for the summer to re- sponsible party furnished house at 306 King st., West side. HOUSE—For rent, house; eleven rooms. nil modern; s^B Pine et. Inquire of J. K. Kingsley. 410 Dale st. HOUSE—For rent, seven-room house, No. 404 North Exchange St., near Sixth; modern improvements. ROOMS FOR RENT. ROOMS—At Hotel~Fey, corner Cedar and Seventh, furnislr-d rooms by the day or week; steam heat and bath; tran- sient trade solicited. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room, with alcove; all modern conveniences; rent reasonable. Call at 234 West Fifth st., second floor. FOR RENT—A nicely furnished room, suitable for two. 180 Smith ay., call before 11 a. m. and after 7 p. m., third IGLEHART, 52— For rent, furnished room, with bath, gas jamd telephone. SEVENTH ST., 151 EAST-Near" Jacks™ —Nicely furnished rooms by day week or month. FIATS FOR RENT. FLAT—For rent, five-room modern i!at, bath, mantel and screens, at XCi Banfil- also five-room flat 535 West Seventh st. *'LAT—Seven-room flat, second floor, 156 West Ninth st.; also an eight-room house, 467 Marshall aye. Inquire 52 East Seventh st. FOR RENT-SUBURBAN. SIX OR TEN rooms of the Abbott cot- tage, lake front, White Bear Proixr near Clark ay., White Bear. No/ioi Colonnade Hotel. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE BY OWNER—A good nine- room house and Sot arranged for one or two families, on Front St., near Rice; city water; price $1,100. Inquire 170 West Ninth St., third flour. BOARD OFFERED. BOARD—Large, cool front room.suitable for two, with good board; house mod- ern; fine location: also one other room. 368 East Tenth st. SMITH AY., 137-For rent, newly fur- nished front alcove room; suitable for two; also single room; with board. SIXTH ST., 260 WEST—Large double front room; also g lngle room. WANTED TO RENT. KOOM—Young man wants furnished room, within twenty minutes' walk of Robert and Fourth. L 174, Globe. WANTED TO RENT—Neat cottage or small house; West side preferred. X 163, Globe. WANTED—A small, unfurnished sleep- ing room; state rent. Address X 162, Globe. UNION CENTRAL, LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Principal office, Cincinnati Ohio. (Or- ganized in 1567.) John M. Pattison, Pres- ident. E. P. Marshall, Secretary. Attor- ney to accept service in Minnesota: In- surance Commissioner. Cash capital, $100,000.00. INCOME IN 1599. First year's premiums $903,309.34 Renewal premiums 3,271,048.41 Dividends and surrender values applied to purchase paid up insurance and annuities 218,471.08 Total premium income $:.3W,SSS.>>3 Rents and interest 1,845,478.17 Total income $5,735,367.00 DISBURSEMENTS IN 1893. Denth claims and matured en- dowments $1,397,632.92 Annuities and premium notes, voided by lapse 1G2 f<i39.18 Dividends to policy holders 224,530.24 Surrender values to policy holders 206,2:55.52 Total paid policy holders.. $1,991,038.16 Dividends to stockholders 10,000.00 Commissions, salaries, and ex- penses of agencies 736,939.10 Salaries of officers, employes and examiners' fees 176,885.68 All other disbursements 446,525.16 Total disbursements . $3,361,388.10 Excess of income over dis- bursements $2,376,978.90 ASSETS DEC. 31. 1899. Value of real estate owned $570,240.18 Mortgage loans 17,4L»7,V23.65 I'remium notes and policy loans 3,319,048.31 Bonds and stocks owned 397,'J37.50 Ca^h in office and in bank sl"j 214.77 Accrued Interest and rents 674.118.02 Deferred and unpaid premiums 32&.660 15 All other admitted assets 92,2i>J.9l Total admitted assets $23,485,058.62 Assets not admitted $218,115.84 LIABILITIES. Net value of outstanding pol- icies, actuaries 4 per cent....520,112,.m.00 Claims due and unpaid 14,400.00 Claims adjusted and not due, and unadjusted and reported 45,478.00 Claims resisted 58,448 00 Dividends due policy holders.. 9.i;:JB 93 All other liabilities 216,720!13 Total liabilities on policy holders' account .".$20,457,296.36 Gross divisible surplus $3,027,762.16 Capital stock paid up $100,000.00 EXHIBIT OF POLICIES, 1899 BUSI- NESS. No. Amount. Policies in force at begin- ning of the year 66,119 $120,573,677 Policies in force at close of the year 74,068 136,157,485 Net increase 7,949 $15,583,808 Issued, revived and in- creased during the year.17,556 $37,429,456 Total terminated during the year 9,607 21,845,688 Reversionary and can- celed 10,323 By death 513 1,049,065 By maturity 380 573,508 By expiration 156 273.100 By surrender 409 1,232,379 By lapse 5,166 9,802,7<i2 By change and decrease.. 204 l,3s>C.S'9O Not taken 2,779 7,f.97,671 BUSINESS IN MINNESOTA IN 1899. No. Amount. Policies in force at begin- ning of the year 826 $1,331,049 Issued during the year ... 218 -407,544 Ceased to be in force dur- ing the year 97 185,(00 In force Dec. 31 last 947 1,613,5.'3 Losses and claims Incurred during the year $5,C00 00 Losses and claims settled during the year, in cash $5,000.00 Total $5,000.00 Cash received for premiums.. $47,055.91 Total receipts $47,055.91 State of Minnesota, Department of Insurance. Whereas, the Union Central Life In- surance Company, a corporation organiz- ed under the laws of Ohio, has fully complied with the provisions of the laws of this State, relative to the ad- mission and authorization of insurance companies of Its class. Now, Therefore, I. the undersigned, In- surance Commissioner, do hereby em- power and authorize the said above nam- ed company to transact its appropriate business of life insurance in the State of Minnesota, according to the laws thereof, until the thirty-first day of Jan- uary, A. D. 1901. unless said authority be revoked or otherwise legally ter- minated prior thereto. In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at St. Paul, this 31st day of January, A- D. 1900. J. A. O'SHAI'GHNKSSV Insurance Commissioner. Proc66dlnas in BankruiJtcy. UNITED STATES DISTRICT GOI'RT, District of Minnesota, I'birU I>l- -vision. In the Matter of \ Henry S. Fair- \ln Bankruptcy, cbfld, Bankrupt. \ To the Honorable William Lochren, Judge of the District Court of the Unit- ed States for the District of Minnesota. Henry S. Fairchild. of the City of Saint Paul, in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, in said district, respect- fully represents that on the twenty- seventh day of April, last past, he was duly adjudged bankrupt under the acts of Congress relating- to bankruptcy; that he has duly surrendered all his property and rights of property, and has fully complied with all the requirements of said acts and of the orders of the court touching his bankruptcy. Wherefore he prays that he may be decreed by the court to have a full dis- charge from all debts provable against his estate under said bankrupt acts ex- cept such debts as are excepted by law from such discharge. Dated this second day of June, A. D. HENRY S. FAIROHILD, Bankrupt. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT District of Minnesota, Third Division— ss. On this 2nd day of June, A. D 1900 on reading the foregoing petition, it is' Ordered by the court, that a hearing be had upon the same on the 18th o!hv of June, A. D. ISOO, before said court at St. Paul, in said district, at ton o'clock in the forenoon; and that notice there- of be published in the St. Paul Globe, a newspaper printed in said district, and. that all known creditors and other persons in interest may appear at the said time and place and show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be "granted. And it is further ordered by the court, that the clerk shall send by mail to all known creditors copies of said petition and this order, addressed to them at their places of residence as stated. Witness the Honorable William Loch- ren, judge of the said court, and the seal thereof, at the City of St. Paul, in Bald district, on the 2nd day of June 1900. CHARLES L. SrENCER, Clerk. By Margaret L. Mullane. (Seal of the Court.) Deputy Clerk. Articles of Incorporation of The Montrose Company. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED. HEREBY associate ourselves together for the purpose of b:coming a corporation, under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Minnesota, and do hereby adopt and sign the following articles of incorporation: ARTICLE I. The name of this Corporation shall be The Montrose Company. The general nature of the business of the corporation shall be buying, owning, improving, soiling, leasing and dealing in lands, tenements, and hereditaments, real, mixed and personal estate and prop- erty; and building, buying, selling, leas- ing and operating apartment houses. The principal place of transacting said business shall be St. Paul, Minnesota. ARTICLE 11. Said corporation shall commence on the fifth day of June, 1900, and the period of its continuance shall be thirty yean. ARTICLE 111. The amount of the capital stock of said corporation shall be Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000) and shall be divided into 350 shares, of One Hundred Dollars ($100) each, and issued and paid in as the Board of Directors of said cor- poration shall determine. ARTICLE IV. The highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which said corporation shall at any time be subject shall be Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.) ARTICLE V. The names and the places of residence of the persons forming said association for incorporation, are as follows: Edwin M. Ware, George B. Ware and Howard F. Ware, all residing at St. Paul, Min- nesota. ARTICLE VI. The government of this corporation and the management of its business and affairs shall be vested in a board of three di- rectors, which board shall have power, among other things, to borrow money, from time to time, on behalf of the cor- poration, and to cause to be executed by the proper officers of the corporation,' its note or notes therefor, and a good and sufficient mortgage or mortgages upon any or all of the property of the corpora- tion, to secure the payment thereof, upon such terms and conditions as to said board shall seem best. Said board "hall be elected annuailv, by and from the stockholders of said corporation at each annual meeting thereof, which shall be held on the first Monday in each and every year, at the principal office of taid corporation in St. Paul, Minnesota Said directors shall hold office for one year, or until their successors are elect- ed in their stead. The annual meeting of the Board of Di- rectors of this corporation shall be held at its principal office in St. Paul imme- diately after the adjournment of each annual meeting of said stockholders ,The, fl£ 3, t {i OiV; d of Erectors shall con- sist of Edwki M. Ware. George B War* and Howard F. Ware, who shall hold of- fice until the annual meeting of the cor- poration for the year V.W, or until their successors are elected in their stead ARTICLE VII. The officers of the corporation shall be a president, vice president, secretary and a treasurer, who shall be elected by the Board of Directors, at each annual meet ing thereof, and shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected in their stead. They shall perform such duties and have such powers as are in- cident to their respective t fflce? or as the by-laws of the corporation shall pre- scribe. The office of secretary and treas urer may be held by the same person" The first officers of the corporation shall President, Edwin M. Ware. Vice president. George B. Ware Secretary and Treasuier. Howard F \\ are. And they Khali hold office until tbe in nual meeting of the Board of Directors for the year 1901, or until their succes- sors are elected in their stead Special meetings of said Beard of Di- rectors or stockholders may be he!d at such times and under such rules as the by-laws of the corporation may D.-e-ciibe and. until such time as suitable by-iawj are adopted, special meetings of said Board of Directors may be held at tn>- time uoon one day's written notice given personally to each member thereof by the secretary, of the corporation 'an 1 special meetincs of the stockholders nviy be held at any time, uoon ten days' writ- ten notice thereof, served personally on each stockholder, or by mailing to such stockholder, at his last known address a cony of such notice, at least ten days before the date of such meetin? In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 24th day of May. 1900. EDWIN M. WARE. (Seal ) GEORGE B. WARE. (Seal) HOWARD F. WARE. (Seal!) In Dresence of Geo. W. Markham. Edward A. Knapp. STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY O™ Ramsey—ss. On this 24th day of May. 1900. personally auneared before me Edwin M Ware <Teor«?e B. Ware and Howard F. Ware' to me known to be the .=am° persons who executed the foregoing instrument and each for himself did acknowledge that he executed the same freely an I voluntarily for the uses and. purposes therein expressed. GEO. W. MARKHAM, (Notarial Seal.) Notary Public Ramsey County, Minnesota, STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OF Ramsey—ss. On this 25th day of May. 1900. nersonal- lv appeared before me Howard F. Ware to nic known to be one of the persons described in and who executed the fore- iroine instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same freely and volun- ! tarily for the uses and purposes therein expressed. JANET D. McCULiLOCH (Notarial Seal) Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minnesota. *&^^&\ CBSJ YOURBSIF? ?tZizf J?Z^« " lr. rlt»*'3n« or i.lcerationt 'T^VONCiHHAiI,O.P~I Bold by Dran(l!!<i l V \' ll'/ i r!' r "nt in P'-lt= -vrtpptr TRAVELERS' GUIDE. mtioa depot, suslev kthskt. Trains leave and arrive at St. Paul a* follow: jPifiViVt~ *" if v IWnai i' ii>rinnM| Electric Lisriited—Obsar-ca- !**\u25bc« Arrlre Hon Cars to Portland, Ore., via a-Kii ? .Of) Butte, Seattle and Tacoma, dally. "'" pnjf Pacific Express Fargo. Helena, Bntte, Spokane, 10:35 7:49 Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, dally. p. m . ..m, Farpo and Leech Lake Local St. Cloud, Brainerd, Walker, fl-IR G'Otf Beinldjl, Fargo, dally ex. Sunday. "-^ O °££ Dakota & Manitoba Express Fergus Falls, Wahpeton, Fargo, ---_,_ Mocrhead, Oookston, Grand] 8:00 7*13 ££ r m 8; riLtto. ni -—l^ eg>. -<aaUy'' p- mt *\u25a0"• \u25a0 Dining and Pullman Standard Sleeping Cars I on Coast and Winnipeg Trains. Tourist Sleeping Cars en Coast Trains. "North-Western LIW'-C. St. P. M. &OJIy. Office 395 Robert St. 'Phone 480. tEx. sun. ;t x. bat i ~~ ?Ex.Mon. Others Daily, f LEAVE ARRIVE Badger State Express \ 8.30 10.15 1 Chli-aso.Mllwaukee. Madison/ am vm I Chicago "Atlantic Ex"..111. 10 pm 11.30 am Chicago "Fast MaH"....| $.55 pm 8.10 am North-Western ! _.- ... Limited %i° L* 5 Chlcago.Mllwaukee.MadlsonJJ Wansan, F. dv Lac, Oreen Cay 6.66 pra 8.10 »m i Manltowoc, Sheboygac tt O.r>s j.ni 3 8.10 am Dulutli, Superior, Ashland \fb.os am t 8.40 pm Twilight Limited I 4.30 0.50 Dnluth, Superior, Ashland / Pm Pm Mankato, St. James, Su. City * 7.40 am t 4.80 pm Dead wood. Black Hills. > 7.40 am 7.25 am Elinore, Algona, Dcs Molnes.. It 7.40 am t 7.46 pin Omaha Express I 10.00 7.45 Su. City, Omaha, Kan. City/ aja P™ St. James, New Ulin,Tracy.... 10.00 am 7.46 pn New Ulin, Klmore * 4.60 pru +10 06 an Fairmont, St. James t 4.50 pm'tlO.o6 au Omaha Limited \ 8.30 7.25 gg^Clty, Omaha, Kan. City/ l'!n _32— \u25a0" Tl«kot O'Hce 3C5 Robert at. 'Phone US -gi!>Pg!»y,__b^c I_Bun.l_Bun. [ Lea veT^^riyT" Chicago. La Crosse, Mn.laS:!W)amialo:lßpm Ch cago, La Croa.se, Mll.|all:2spm|all:«am inieago La Crosse. Mll.:aß:s6prnl a2:sopm cicooo Pter wed" *k iu*V 49 Cm. Faribault, Dubuque a4:4or>m|all:ooarn Jb'eorla, via Mason City..ia4:4Upmj;ai:ooam M V™-a Crosse. Winona! a3:2opm!all :45am Red \Ving and Rochester:ba:2opm!bll:4sam La C Rock Isl., St.Loul.s:aß:3oam' a7:4sam ! Northfield. F'b'lt, St. L. aS:4oam| a6:2T,pm : Milbank and Aberdeen.. bS:2oam b6:3opm ! OrtonviUe. Aberdeen ... a7:ospm| a«:0oum Nor field. F'bault & Aua b7:2opm| b9:2oam Ticket OfnVf>—332~Robert BtTCor. Fourth 'Phone Main 1999. Leave. | a Dally. b_Ejx. Sunday | Arrtre. bS:Bsam!St. Cl'd, F'rs F'la. F'rffol M :05pra bß:3sam|W|llmar, via St. Cloudj bs:ospm a9:ooam|Flyer Mont. & P. Coaatl a2-45pra b9-10amt fWllmar. S. F.. Y'kton) , v^,.,^.,, II 1 (Bx City> Brown's Val) 'M' 25 fm b3:oopm Elk R., M. <fe Sandstone bil.4oam t>4Mspm ..Excel. & Hutchinson.. bll:3oam a7:Gspm Breck.. Fargo,O.F W'pg a7:4sam aß:3Opm|...Mlnn. & Dak. Exp... a7:3oara EASTERN MINNESOTA RAIEwATT" Sleeper for 11:16 p. m. train can b«"00 ! cupled at any time after 9 p. m. Lake Mlnnetonka trains leave St. Paul: Except Sunday, 8:50 a. m.. 4:35 p. m. Sun- day only. 9:35 a. m. Dally 5:55 p. m. Chicago Great WesternE 'The Maple Leal Route." City Ticket OffJce.jth & Robert Sts.. St. Paul. t Ei. Snnday;other* dafir LEW FOB iPRIVEFHOM Kenyon, Dodge Center, t S lOamf B :;o pni Oelrtviu. Diibiujue, Free- 8lO]»mi 7.50 am port. Oisicat:<> and East. 11.M pm; 12.6 T. pin fedarJr'Hlls. V?aterloo,Mar-" +~8 10 nniW 8 30 pm Kli:illU>\vn. Dcs MoTnes, B.lopin 7 Wain jtt I Joy[)h, Kansas City. 11.20 pml 12 66 pm Cannon Kails," T*ed Wing, r 8.10 am r 8.30 pm Nortlmelil, Faribault, 6.1* imi 9Coaiu "Wateivllle, Mankato. Mantdrvllle Local 6 or pm| 9 ribnm §Ss chicago and Bh liW.rPf>|W|| 5jf |_OU!S HKiafflj Lv^For I _ STATIONS. j Ar.Fron; Siloauf Wir.oua, La Crosse. Dubuqua and Chicago, except Sinirliiy 12:55 jhe B:lsam Winona, La Crosse, Dubaqna and St. Louis, except Sunday B:o3pm Winuna, La Crosse. Dubuque, I Chicago and St. Louis, daily 7:48 am Ticket Office 400 Robert Street. Tel. Main 3f M., ST. P. & S. S. M. R'Y. •$[ City Ticket Office 879 Robert St. TeL 1051 Union Depot, St. PauL I^ive.l EAST. I Arrive; 7.2opmj. Atlantic Limited (dally). B:4sam B:4samfßhlne!ander Local (exSun) s:ospm 6:l6pm|Bt. Crolx Falls Local, ex Sunday. From Broadway Depot, foot Fourth St... 9:lsan WEST. 9:osam .Pacific Limited CPaclflc I Coast) daily. 7:oopra 6:lspmiGlenwood Local (ex. Sun) 9:3sara WISCONSIN CENTHAt R'Y CO. City Office. 373 Robert Bt. 'Phone No. 634. Bt^lf' All Train. Pally. " ]£*& jEau Claire. Chip. Falls SiOOam'Mllwaukee and Chicago B:lsam lAshland. Chlppewa F'la. 7:4opml.Osbki)Bh. Mil, and Chi. s:ooprn ST. PAUL & DULUTH R. R. Union Depot. 'Dally. +Ex. Btitirt*y. Lv 9 oo«m7 Trallufor Dlllutl { Ar. *7>ts »» "»ii:isPm| mnd Superior. | « t,.^ pM M. A St. L. Depot—Brood way * 4thT Mlnnaapa^is &. St, Louis 9tR Ofiice,j396 Robert. 'Phona 661. St. Louis Depot. Leave. 1 *Daily. Sunday. i Arrive. NEW SHORT LIMZ TO I 19:00 t7:3) am OMAHA n, •^ 00 A-COES-O^S. Albert Lea, Cedar Rapids, Chl- t9:ooam csgo, Kansaa City t7:3opm *7:oopm ..Chicago & St. Louis Limited.. •8:40»^i Watertown, New Ulm. St. James, Sherburne and Esther- tß:3sam villa +s:3opm I New U'.m Local, St. James, 1 »s:oCrrn'. Sharburne and Est}iervi!le *1 i OOar. '^^P^ Dubuque Will leave St. Paul for St. Lou's and in- termediate landings on Wednu-dny Juno 6th at 10 a. m. SPECIAL EXCURSION KATE. SL Paul 10 St. I.auU aud rcuira, includiuj nieais and berth, Only $^0.00. Tickets kooU to return umi: June :!:»th. For full information reganliug pas.- and frtißht rates, address Harry Clark. Agent; office, foot Sibley street, opposite Union Depot. St. I*a.\x'.. Tclcphonu oaii Main 93.

POPULAR WANTS PfIPBLAR^jyANTS WANTS€¦ · c POPULAR WANTS Yon know. Of course; Then why not put your Want Ad. in the Globe and see it circulate? Any drug store will take Globe Want

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Page 1: POPULAR WANTS PfIPBLAR^jyANTS WANTS€¦ · c POPULAR WANTS Yon know. Of course; Then why not put your Want Ad. in the Globe and see it circulate? Any drug store will take Globe Want



Yon know. Of course;

Then why not put yourWant Ad. in the Globeand see it circulate?

Any drug store will takeGlobe Want Ads. at a pen-ny a word.


tGENTS make big money celling automa-tic screen door catches and householdspecialties; sample postpaid 25c. AutoDoor Catch Co., Chicago.

AGENTS—Knormuus profits selling our"Harness Riveter;" complete repairshop in one tool; every horse ownerbuys; failure impossible; write for sam-ple. Lewis Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis.

.\YANTED--Good responsible lady agentsin St. Paul to handle the best sellingtoilet article on the market. AddrcdeThe Neu-rot-ice Medicine Co., Hornells-ville. N. Y.

SITUATIONS WANTED—MALES.Anybody oat of vrnrk In St. Paul or

Blinneapolls may lnxert an Htlver-tittement nnder this heading; freeof cbnrttc.

A. MARRIED man wants job of any kind;thirty-three years old; good references.Address S. Glover, St. Paul, Minn.

A YOUNG MAN of eighteen would likework of some kind; references, etc. Ad-dress 133V; East Eleventh st.

BUTCHER—Young man with experienceas meat cutter desires work; low wagesfor immediate employment. Address orcall on R. D. Jolly, Bethel, foot Sibleyst.

BOOKKEEPER—Young man having agood knowledge of bookkeeping andulso understands use of typewriting ma-chine, wants a position; very moderatesalary accepted; willing to leave theCity. Address TS 181, Globe.

BOOKKEEPER—Competent and experi-enced bookkeeper wants position. N197. Globe.

CASHIER—Wanted, position as cashier-in leading restaurant, or time keeperIn wholesale or manufacturing estab-lishment; will furnish cash bond; amstrictly sober. M 155, Globe.

CLERK—First-class shipping clerk billor stuck clerk want;; position; A No. 1references. Address J. 11.. 460 Beau-mont.

COOK—A head cook wishes situation ina first-ciass hotel; can do all kinds ofcooking. Address 411 Jay st., St. Paul.COACHMAN — Experienced coachman

wants position. X 181. Globe.COLL ECTO R—Experienced collector or

.solicitor wants steady position; well ac-quainted with city; can furnish refer-ences. Cfc(j Charles st.

COOK—Situation wanted as chef cookin hotel or country; fifteen years' ex-perience. Address F. Clement's Boxfactory, WestSt^Pau^Minn.

PAINTER and paperhanger wants work-have tools lor Job work. Painter, -130Wabasha st. Postal will bring me.

PAINTER—Wants work by day or job405 Virginia ay.

SALESMAN—Situation wanted by youngman; best of references; would leavecity; bond if required. Address H C251 Rondo.

SITUATION in real estate, loan insur-ance or broker's office. 107 Colonnadehotel.

SITUATION wanted in creamery or onnr..k wagon; eight years' experience.Address \\ illiam Anderson. General De-livery, P. O.

ETHNOGRAPHER - Male stenographer",with own Remington machine and goodreferences, desires a permanent posi-

tion. S. S, 78 Eleventh St., city.

BTENOGRAPHER^YoJn7in^n"stenogra-pher wishes a position; has experience

_and lirst-class references. E 179, Globe.TKAMSTER-Situation ""wanted- by mar-

ried man driving team of any kind-well acquainted in city. Address Wil-__liam Anderson. General Delivery.TRUCK DRIVER-SU^tron^TanTed"!^married man driving a truck, wholesaleor retail; city references. W. Anderson, General Delivery, city.WORK—A good, steady man wants work

m^sflt^TT c-H- Hedstrom-

•WLANTEDJ - by experienced grocery andhardware man, position in grocery orhardware &tore, or in wholesale house_JAdd!ess L^:_L.,_463_Robert st.

.WANTED—Position by gooiTconveyancerand general office man. Address ~J 466Aurora ay.

PIANOS.PIANO—For sale, a high-grade piamTaT

a very low cash price; an inspectionof the instrument will be permitted onAddress X 165, Globe.


"irT^ 2°m ACRES swamp lands; also15,000 acres of prairie lands at bottomAddress X 187, Globe.

PROFESSIONAL.CIIIROPODIST-Dr. Betty's powder forfacia! massage; foot balm for swollenburning feet, 25 cents. 27 East Sev'

enth. Kendrick block.

HBI.IBP SOCIETY"Employment Register.

Sfllce, 141 East Ninth St. Telephone 133.AN—We can lurnish a good, stronghandy man for wholesale house, or anyother such work.

BOY—A bright, wining boy for office orerrand boy; needs work badly

REPAIRING of trunks and valises want-ed by a man who understands the wor*thoroughly.KURSEB— Wf ran furnish efficient worn-to care for the sick.

-onhi-~ Tci k° plal," 'evvin&- washing,• onuig and liousecleaning; nan be had,7'jiu this office; also men to do oddjobs, wooU eawiaff. etc


BARBER wanted; must be flrst-class,registered barber; good wages. AddressR. A. Holmberg, Faribault, Minn.

IF YOU WISH to earn good pay for ashort day's work, where you will bejour own boss, apply at 453 WacoutaBt

GOING "TO~LEARN TELEGRAPHY ?—Answer this advertisement and savegreat deal of tuition fee. Address Z 153,Globe, St. Paul, Minn.

REPORTERS—LocaI and traveling,where we are not now represented;good pay; badge, credentials, etc. NewCentury, Aurora, 111.

SOLICITOR—Good advertising solicitor;only those with experience in noveltyadvertising need apply. 115 East Thirdst.; third floor1


umph of the century; lessons for 10c byreturn mail that will cure any diseaseor bad habit in ten days; worth $10.

THREE FIRST-CLASS specialty sales-men to call on drug and general storetrade; commission only; full time andbond required; good territory still open.Address Manager, 1006, 185 Dearborn,Chicago.

WANTED — Skilled non-union mstalworkers, stonecutters, plasterers, paint-ers, carpenters, plumbers and steam ]litters. Apply to Secretary of MasterBuilders' Exchange, No. 209 Postal Tel-

__egra_ph Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.WANTED—Experienced traveling sales-

men to place high grade specialty linewith the general merchandise trade;j.osition permanent; territory exclusiveiiiid line up to date. Box 608, St. Louis,MO.

WANTED—Christian man to qualify forpermanent position here or home coun-ty; $SOO yearly; enclose self-addressed Istamped envelope to General Manager,care M 191, Globe. j

WANTED—Students to join class in ;

grammar, arithmetic, penmanship; alsobookkeeping and shorthand. Will moveto Ryan building, East Seventh st.,about June 1. Pioneer Business School.

WANTED—A strong boy or young man Ito herd cows. Corner St. Clair and !Snelling.

WANTED, a good bright boy, sixteenyears of age, to work in drug store.Apply at F. 11. Reeves, Seven corners.

WANTED ruptured men to cure free; toprove easy; safe cure; quick method.Dr. Spelrs. Box 400, Westbrook, Me.

WANTED—Man evenings and morningsto milk cow. 493 Holly ay.


GOOD business opportunity for rightparties; $100 monthly, or nothing; onlythose meaning business need apply; noinvestment. C. D. Fraunfelter, LockBox No. 99, Zanesville, O.

HANDSOME tv.enty-fcur-room boardinghouse in Minneapolis; low rent; fullfurniture and lease cheap; fortune forunlncumbered woman. Skidmore'sAgency, 400 Bank Commerce, Minneap-olis^

NICE SEVENTH ST. store, with fiverooms above, toilet, good furnace, forsmall manufacturing or retail business,$50. 107 Colonnade Hotel.

STOCK of jewelry and watches for saleat a bargain. 156 East Seventh st.


ELOCUTION, oratory, dramatic art.Francis Lee Chauvan, author of"Thoughtful Voice Development." WTriteFlat 102, the Dartmouth, 493 St. Peter st.

STUDENTS to join classes in grammar,arithmetic and penmanship as well as ibookkeeping and shorthand; will move toRyan Bldg., East Seventh st., June 10,Pioneer Business School.

THOROUGHLY competent stenographerand bookkeeper wishes class of twenty-five pupils In Pitman shorthand, type-writing; also bookkeeping; day andevening class; summer $1 month. V 185,Globe.

LOST AND FOUND.DOG LOST—On evening of May 30, an

English setter; whit-i, black and tan; onthe corner of Washington and Thirdsts. Please return to 160 WestThird street and receive reward.

HORSE TOST— Small, black mare. Apply146_ East Fifth st., and receive reward.



Watch for our second great consign-ment of hardy Western horses, con-sisting of brood mares, driving, deliveryand draft horses. This will be the sec-ond shipment of the 8,000 head that wehave arranged for consignment to usfrom the famous ranchers of Washing-ton and Montana. They will be sold atauction to the highest bidders withoutreserve and regardless of value at ourMidway Sale Stables, at 10 a. m. Wed-nesday, June 6. This great bunch ofhorses are In prime condition and willbe worthy of the attention of horsemen,breeders and speculators throughoutthe country.

BARRETT & ZIMMERMAN,Midway Horse Market, on Interurban

Car Line, Between St. Paul and Minne-apolis.

CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE—One hun-dred and fifty head of horses taken onchattel mortgage must be sold regard-less of value; can be seen at Barrett &Zimmerman's Midway Hone Maiket, St.Paul.

FOR SALE—Two pair carriage horses;hackney, young and stylish. H EThompson. 383 Woodward ay.

FOR SALE—Horse and buggy. Call at578 Edmund St.

PHAETON without, top $10; also goodbaby buggy $3.50. 278 Charles st.

TWO-SEATED two horse carriage,Schurmeier make, used one year; forsale cheap. 749 Jessie st.

n-i ' |

BICYCLES.FOR SALE—A good combination tandem,

in good condition; cheap if taken atonce. Address 470 Fuller st.

HIGH-GRADE second-hand lady's wheelcheap for cash; in good order. Call 51Union block.

RAMBLERS—Better than ever and only$40; second-hand wheels, $3 to ?30; werepair all makes, call for and deliver.Telephone 772 Valley; our tin can hasbeen taken out. Bird Cycle Co.

RTDE A MONARCH—New wheels, $25, $30and $40; best in the city; second-handwheels $3 up; repairs at lowest pricesSt. Paul Cycle Co., 324 Wabasha.

CLAIRVOYANTS.ALICE M'BAlN—Spiritual readings dai-

ly; test circles, Tuesdays. 8 p. m.,promptly. 27 East Seventh st.. Room305.

MASSAGE.DO YOU wish an excellent massage or

bath? Call at Mme. Lauretta's swellparlors, 819 Jackson st.

ELITE BATH and massage parlor by aFrench lady; furnished rooms; tran-

sient. 320 St. Peter st.

FIRST-CLASS massage parlors and for-tune telling. Mrs. Thomas, removed to457 St. Peter st.

MASSAGE—3SO Cedar st., Room 26, sec-ond floor, massage, steam baths, alco-hol rubs; osteopathy and electric treat-ments; open daily.

MISCELLANEOUS.IF YOU want good repairs on all kinds

of gasoline stoves, lamps, bicycles, lawnmowers, etc., go to Seeger Mfg. Co 'sSuccessor, 261 East Seventh.

G. F. GEORGE, furrier, removed to274 East Se^onth st., will store yourfurs and neatly repair them; reasonableprices. Call on me.

YELLOWSTONE PARK TOUR — Bestouting this year, cheap. A. D. Hall, 1713Nicollct ay., Minneapolis,


COOK—Wanted, competent cook ana a.dishwasher at the Zenith Restaurant,462 Jackson st.; none others need apply.

COOK—Wanted, good woman cook to goto Idaho next week. Call at Room 2,National German-American Bank, forparticulars.

COOK—A neat, competent cook; no laun-dry work. Apply at 172 Summit ay.

DRESSMAKERS—Two first-class dress-makers for out of city; good wages;steady position. Call at J. Rothschild

_& Co., 175 East Fourth st.DRESSMAKER—Wanted, one that un-

derstands cutting and fitting and de-signing. Address J 174, Globe.

DRESSMAKER—Wanted, girl to work Indressmaking shop; must have experi-ence. 343 St. Peter st.

DISHWASHER-Wanted, girl for dish-washing and chamber work and laun-dry work. 600 Cedar st.

DINING ROOM GlßL—Wanted, diningroom girl and dishwasher at 20 Summitay.; must corns prepared to work.

GIRLS wanted to learn dressmaking. 53West Seventh st.

HOUSEWORK—Competent girl for gen-eral housework. 472 Collins, Mrs. J. K.Hoffman.

HOUSEWORK—Wanted, a competentgirl for general housework; small fam-ily. 897 Laurel ay.

HOUSEKEEPER — Wanted. reliablehousekeeper for small family, at NorthSt. Paul. Inquire Joseph Herman,Charles and Seventh st.

HOTTSEWORK—Wanted, girl for generalhousework; no house cleaning. Apply425 East Eighth st.

HOUSEWORK—GirI for general house-work; small family; good wages. Mrs._ Hugo Schlenk. 161 Portland.

HOUSEWORK—GirI for general house-work. 787 Marshall ay.

LADY—To travel; easy work; salary SSOper month and expenses to start; ex-perience unnecessary. Call Monday aft-ernoon at 26 Summit ay.

LAUNDRY GlßL—Wanted, good laundrygirl at Weller restaurant, 406 Wabashaat., at once.

SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALESAnj l»mi> oat of uork in St. I'iial or

Minneapolis may Insert an ativer-tUement under tlil» Ueadinjr tretof chnrice.

A GOOD washwoman wants to go outwashing; any kind of scrubbing, house-cleaning, or take washing at home.Please call or address 614 Rose st.

A GOOD washwoman would like washing,ironing or housecleaning. 121 Smith ay.

A LADY of good character desires a po-sition as cashier in restaurant or clerkin confectionery or department store;speaks English and German; will workcheap. Address ISS East Tenth st.

AN EXPERIENCED dining room girlwould like dinner work at once. A. M.W., third floor, 180 East Seventh st.

BOOKKEEPER—Lady bookkeeper de-sires to take charge of a small set ofdouble entry books, or half-day work;has experience In general ofilce work,and willing to work for a moderatecompensation. H., 266 Selby ay.

COOK—First-class lady Wiener (German)cook wishes a position in restaurant,hotel or private family. Call or address621 Lafayette ay.

DRESSMAKER wants sewing in fami-lies, or to do at home; cutting and fit-ting. Please call or address 315 EastSeventh, third floor.

HOUSEKEEPER—Wanted, a position ashousekeeper or to take care of fur-nished rooms. Address P 185, Globe.

STENOGRAPHER-A girl of eighteenwishes a position as a stenographer;position more of an object than salary;or as copyist. Address to 405 Michi-gan ay.

STENOGRAPHER—Competent lady ste-nographer and typewritist desires posi-tion; substituting or piece work ac-cepted; can furnish machine; moderatecompensation; willing to leave city.Please address J. E., 318 New York Lifebuilding.

STENOGRAPHER—Wanted, by a com-petent young lady, position as stenog-rapher; will accept moderate salary._ Address L. C, C2West Central.

STENOGRAPHER—Wanted? by a com-petent young lady position as stenog-rapher; will accept moderate salary.Address 438 Fuller st.

STENOGRAPHER—Lady stenographerdesires to do copying and addressing en-velopes, etc.; willingto do work for asmall compensation. H., 350 Cadar st.

SEWING! —Warted, shirt waist, bicycleskirt and plain sewing to do at home.Call 206 Carroll.

STENOGRAPHER—Young lady desiresposition as stenographer or office work.Address L. G., 363 Aurora ay.

WANTED—Plain sewing and washing;lace curtains done up; family washingby the piece, or any kind of day work.552 Wabasha, first floor.

WASHING-A German lady would liketo take family washing at home. Callat M. W., 809 Mississippi st.

WASHING—A German woman would likea few more places to do washing.451 East Sixth st.

WANTED—Good home by an elderlylady; good housekeeper; country pre-ferred. Address Mrs. Chase, 163 Pleas-ant ay., St. Paul, Minn.

WANTED—Washing and ironing andhousecleaning; also cleaning offices.Address M., 128 West Sixth St.. room

CARPET CLEANING.CARPETS, rugs, mattresses cleaned, ren-

ovated, refitted and relaid; mattresses,feathers renovated. Help's Carpet Clean-Ing Works. 115 University ay.: tel. 2143-2.

CARPETS CLEANED, refitted and laid"Electric Carpet Cleaning Works, 230West Seventh. Telephone, 2127-2.

ProG66dinas in Bankruptcy.IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE

United States. District of Minne-sota, Third Division.

In the Matter of \

William Davern,\ InBankruptcy.Bankrupt. \

To the Hon. William Lochren, Judge ofthe District Court of the United Statesfor the District of Minnesota.

William Davern, of the City of St. Paul,in the County of Ramsey and State ofMinnesota, in said district, respectfullyrepresents that on the 3rd dayof March, last past, he was dulyadjudged bankrupt under the acts ofCongress relating to bankruptcy; that- he has duly surrendered all his prop-erty and rights of property, and hasfullycomplied with aii trie requirementsof said acts and of the orders of thecourt touching his bankruptcy.

Wherefore, he prays that he may bedecreed by the Court to have a full"dis-charge from all debts provable againsthis estate under said bankrupt acts, ex-cept such debts as are excepted bylaw from such discharge.

Dated this 2nd day of June, A. D 1900WILLIAMDAVERN,

Bankrupt.UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTDistrict of Minnesota, Third Division—ss.On this 2nd day of June, A. D. 1900, onreading the foregoing petition, it is

Ordered by the, Court, that a hearingbe had upon the same on the 18th dayof June, A. D. 1900, before said Courtut St. Paul, in said District, at teno'clock in the forenoon; and that noticethereof be published in the St PaulGlobe, a newspaper printed in saidDistrict, and that all known creditorsand other persons in interest may ap-pear at said time and place and showcause, if any they have, why the pray-er of the said petitioner should not begranted.

And It is further ordered by the Courtthat the Clerk shall send by mail to allknown creditors copies of said petitionand this order, addressed to them attheir places of residence as stated

Witness the Honorable William Loch-ren, Judge of the said Court, and theseal thereof, at St. Paul, in «aid Dis-trict, on the 2nd day of June 1900


By Margaret L. Mullane.(Seal of the Court.) Deputy Cler*.


\u2666m We think we have come very closeto your ideas in: fli^plicity and easybusiness methods. Our success dependsupon promptness, secrecy, honesty?t™lOWfTates' A Httle helP at the rightRF^™^ 8,6'8 a man on his feet-«.MBExll! no=morteage, indorser orpublicity. No unnece&ary charge. In-ducements we offer astonish and be-wilder competitors. Economically dls-PkS, J borrowers seeking lower ratessljould see us AT ONCE

The most reliable, the most liberalcompany. In case of sickness or unem-ployment, time will be gladly extended.KJi,LIABLE CREDIT CO., GermaniaBank Building. Room "J," S. W. Cor.Wabasha and_F\fth sts.


not fail to be interested enough...to at least PROCURE OUR RATES.PERFECT SATISFACTION GUARAN-

CALL for proofs that oursare LOWEST RATES offered in town.



New York Life Buiiding.

CALL. FOR TERMS on icana to salariedpeople, or loans on household furniture,planoß, etc.: they ne the lowest; no ln-dorsers; easy payments: confidential.Minnesota Mortgage Loan Company, 217Pioneer Pi ess building:.

MONEY LOANED on diamonds andwatches; low rates for large loans.George R. Holmes, Jeweler, 141 EastSeventh st.

4% TO 6 PER CENT MONEY, with theon or before" privilege, to loan on im-proved property In St. Paul and Minne-apolis. R. M. Newport & Son. PioneerPress Bldg., St. Paul.

6 AND 6 PER CENT MONEY to loan onImproved property in St. Paul and Min-neapolis. V. C. Oilman. New York Life

PER^NAL.ATTRACTIVE young lady, independent-

ly wealthy, would marry soon; wouldassist capable husband financially; bankand other references. Miss D. H., 5808Michigan, ay., Chicago. 111.

BELGIAN HARES-BritaJn Rabbitry,V\atsonville, Cal., breeders and jobbersof fine pedigreed stock. Write fordeajers' prices--.

LADIES—Free; harmless monthly regu-lator; cannot fail Mrs. B. Rowan, R104, Milwaukee. Wis.

LADIES—A secret to enlarge your bust

™ 'Penes free. Zanzemetto Co., Dept.90, Milwaukee, Wis. r:

RESPECTABLE, refined attractive ladywould like to meet an agreeable, re-spectable, well-situated gentleman ofgood morals, fair size, nice looking,from thirty-eight to fifty. A. M., StPaul Globe.

FOR SALE.FOR SALE—Steam laundry, cheap. Ap-

ply 146 East Fifth st.; also machinery°t__all_ description.

FOR SALE-City sTeam heating plant,just completed, twenty-five years' fran-chise; shows good dividends. ArthurMoody, Keokuk, 10.

FOR SALE—One Ames engine, ten-horsepower, and one Garr & Scott engineand boiler, eight-horse power; in goodorder. Address X 91, Globe. ' "


Principal office, Dcs Moines lowa (Or-ganized in 1867.) F. M. Hubbeil, Presi-dent. J. C. Cummins, Secretary. Attor-ney to accept service in Minnesota: In-surfince Commissioner. Cash capital,

INCOME IN 1899.First years' premiums $71,98199Renewal premiums 294,105.18Dividends and surrender valuesapplied to purchase paid up

insurance and annuities 19,685.10

Total premium income $385,772.27Rents and interest 117,493.49From all other sources 5,203.54

Total income $508,460.30

DISBURSEMENTS IN 1899.Death claims and matured en-

dowments $55,341.62Annuities and premium notes,

voided by lapse 1,584 82Dividends to policy holders..., 37,934.48Surrender values to policy hold-

ers 27.40 C.79Total paid policy holders $122,267 71

Dividends to stockholders 7,000.00Commissions, salaries, and ex-

penses of agencies 75,415.90Salaries of officers, employes

and examiners' fees 25,337.89All other disbursements 20,668.16

Total disbursements $250,689.66

Excess of income over disburse-ments $257,779.64

ASSETS DEC. 31, 1899.Value of real estate owned $45,231.91Mortgage loans : 1,628,308.48Collateral loans } 3,700.00Premium notes and policy loans 91',939!00Bonds and stocks owned 177,851.16Cash in office and in bank 36,553 39Accrued interest and rents 44,668 28Deferred and unpaid premiums. 35,730 .">1All other admitted assets 5,989.34

Total admitted assets $2,069,972,07 1Assets not admitted $14,232.03

LIABILITIES.Net value of outstanding poli-

cies, actuaries 4 per cent... .$1,633,931.17Claims adjusted and not due,

and unadjusted and reported! 807 00Dividends due policy holders 1187 78All other liabilities 1,239!25

Total liabilities on policyholders' account .-.51,637,165.20

Gross divisible surplus $332,806.07

Capital stock paid up $100,000.00


_, \u0084 . , No. Amount.Policies in force at begin-ning of the year 7,151 $10,091,959.27Policies in force at closeof the year 7,988 11,246,287.01

Net increase 837 $1,154,327.74

Issued, revived and in-creased during the year.1,433 $2,066 646 99 'i.otal terminated during

«the^ yeilr ' 5% 912,319.25By death 51 54,511.r8By maturity 4 1.G37.04By expiration 2.552 22By surrender 97 i29'>'UinBy lapse .... 415 li^llBy change and decrease. . iv>7 nn <nNot taken .._js _jilfmM


Policies in force at begin-N°* Amount-

ning of the year\u0084.. 114 $176,000

Issued during the year... 14 19 000Ceased to be in force dur-ing the year 9 27,400

In lorcc Dec. 31, 1a5t...... 119 167,600

Cash received fo£ premi-ums I ?•• $6,914.51

Total receipts $6,914.51

State of Minnesota,Department of Insurance.

Whereas, the Equitable Life InsuranceCompany, a corporation organized underthe laws of Jjwa.has f.uily complied withthe provisions of the laws of this Staterelative to the admission and authoriza-tion of insurance companies of its class.

Now. therefore, I, tne undersigned. In-surance Commissioner, do hereby empowerand authorize the said above named Com.pany to transact its appropriate bus.nessof Life insurance in the State of Minne-sota, according to the laws thereof, untilthe thirty-first day of January, A. D. 1901,unless said authority be revolted or other-wise legally terminated prior thereto

In testimony whereof, I have hereuntoset my hand and affixed my official sealat St. Paul, this 31st day of January AD. lUOO. J. A. OSHaUGHNESSy!

Insurance Commissioner. J



j HOUSE— Will rent for the summer to re-sponsible party furnished house at 306King st., West side.

HOUSE—For rent, house; eleven rooms.nil modern; s^B Pine et. Inquire of J.K. Kingsley. 410 Dale st.

HOUSE—For rent, seven-room house, No.404 North Exchange St., near Sixth;modern improvements.

ROOMS FOR RENT.ROOMS—At Hotel~Fey, corner Cedar and

Seventh, furnislr-d rooms by the dayor week; steam heat and bath; tran-sient trade solicited.

FOR RENT—Nicely furnished front room,with alcove; all modern conveniences;rent reasonable. Call at 234 West Fifthst., second floor.

FOR RENT—A nicely furnished room,suitable for two. 180 Smith ay., callbefore 11 a. m. and after 7 p. m., third

IGLEHART, 52—For rent, furnishedroom, with bath, gas jamd telephone.

SEVENTH ST., 151 EAST-Near" Jacks™—Nicely furnished rooms by day weekor month.

FIATS FOR RENT.FLAT—For rent, five-room modern i!at,

bath, mantel and screens, at XCi Banfil-also five-room flat 535 West Seventh st.

*'LAT—Seven-room flat, second floor, 156West Ninth st.; also an eight-roomhouse, 467 Marshall aye. Inquire 52East Seventh st.

FOR RENT-SUBURBAN.SIX OR TEN rooms of the Abbott cot-tage, lake front, White Bear Proixrnear Clark ay., White Bear. No/ioiColonnade Hotel.


room house and Sot arranged for one ortwo families, on Front St., near Rice;city water; price $1,100. Inquire 170 WestNinth St., third flour.

BOARD OFFERED.BOARD—Large, cool front room.suitable

for two, with good board; house mod-ern; fine location: also one other room.368 East Tenth st.

SMITH AY., 137-For rent, newly fur-nished front alcove room; suitable fortwo; also single room; with board.

SIXTH ST., 260 WEST—Large doublefront room; also g lngle room.

WANTED TO RENT.KOOM—Young man wants furnished

room, within twenty minutes' walk ofRobert and Fourth. L 174, Globe.

WANTED TO RENT—Neat cottage orsmall house; West side preferred. X163, Globe.

WANTED—A small, unfurnished sleep-ing room; state rent. Address X 162,Globe.


Principal office, Cincinnati Ohio. (Or-ganized in 1567.) John M. Pattison, Pres-ident. E. P. Marshall, Secretary. Attor-ney to accept service in Minnesota: In-surance Commissioner. Cash capital,$100,000.00.

INCOME IN 1599.First year's premiums $903,309.34Renewal premiums 3,271,048.41Dividends and surrender values

applied to purchase paid upinsurance and annuities 218,471.08

Total premium income $:.3W,SSS.>>3Rents and interest 1,845,478.17

Total income $5,735,367.00

DISBURSEMENTS IN 1893.Denth claims and matured en-

dowments $1,397,632.92Annuities and premium notes,

voided by lapse 1G2 f<i39.18Dividends to policy holders 224,530.24Surrender values to policy

holders 206,2:55.52

Total paid policy holders.. $1,991,038.16Dividends to stockholders 10,000.00Commissions, salaries, and ex-

penses of agencies 736,939.10Salaries of officers, employes

and examiners' fees 176,885.68All other disbursements 446,525.16

Total disbursements . $3,361,388.10

Excess of income over dis-bursements $2,376,978.90

ASSETS DEC. 31. 1899.Value of real estate owned $570,240.18Mortgage loans 17,4L»7,V23.65I'remium notes and policy

loans 3,319,048.31Bonds and stocks owned 397,'J37.50Ca^h in office and in bank sl"j 214.77Accrued Interest and rents 674.118.02Deferred and unpaid premiums 32&.660 15All other admitted assets 92,2i>J.9l

Total admitted assets $23,485,058.62

Assets not admitted $218,115.84

LIABILITIES.Net value of outstanding pol-

icies, actuaries 4 per cent....520,112,.m.00Claims due and unpaid 14,400.00Claims adjusted and not due,

and unadjusted and reported 45,478.00Claims resisted 58,448 00Dividends due policy holders.. 9.i;:JB 93All other liabilities 216,720!13

Total liabilities on policyholders' account .".$20,457,296.36

Gross divisible surplus $3,027,762.16

Capital stock paid up $100,000.00


No. Amount.Policies in force at begin-

ning of the year 66,119 $120,573,677Policies in force at close

of the year 74,068 136,157,485

Net increase 7,949 $15,583,808

Issued, revived and in-creased during the year.17,556 $37,429,456

Total terminated duringthe year 9,607 21,845,688

Reversionary and can-celed 10,323

By death 513 1,049,065By maturity 380 573,508By expiration 156 273.100By surrender 409 1,232,379By lapse 5,166 9,802,7<i2By change and decrease.. 204 l,3s>C.S'9ONot taken 2,779 7,f.97,671


Policies in force at begin-ning of the year 826 $1,331,049

Issued during the year ... 218 -407,544Ceased to be in force dur-

ing the year 97 185,(00In force Dec. 31 last 947 1,613,5.'3

Losses and claims Incurredduring the year $5,C00 00

Losses and claims settledduring the year, in cash $5,000.00

Total $5,000.00

Cash received for premiums.. $47,055.91

Total receipts $47,055.91

State of Minnesota,Department of Insurance.

Whereas, the Union Central Life In-surance Company, a corporation organiz-ed under the laws of Ohio, has fullycomplied with the provisions of thelaws of this State, relative to the ad-mission and authorization of insurancecompanies of Its class.

Now, Therefore, I. the undersigned, In-surance Commissioner, do hereby em-power and authorize the said above nam-ed company to transact its appropriatebusiness of life insurance in the Stateof Minnesota, according to the lawsthereof, until the thirty-first day of Jan-uary, A. D. 1901. unless said authoritybe revoked or otherwise legally ter-minated prior thereto.

In testimony whereof. I have hereuntoset my hand and affixed my official sealat St. Paul, this 31st day of January, A-D. 1900.

J. A. O'SHAI'GHNKSSVInsurance Commissioner.

Proc66dlnas in BankruiJtcy.

UNITED STATES DISTRICT GOI'RT,District of Minnesota, I'birU I>l--vision.

In the Matter of \

Henry S. Fair- \ln Bankruptcy,cbfld, Bankrupt. \

To the Honorable William Lochren,Judge of the District Court of the Unit-ed States for the District of Minnesota.Henry S. Fairchild. of the City of SaintPaul, in the County of Ramsey and Stateof Minnesota, in said district, respect-fully represents that on the twenty-seventh day of April, last past, he wasduly adjudged bankrupt under the actsof Congress relating- to bankruptcy; thathe has duly surrendered all his propertyand rights of property, and has fullycomplied with all the requirements ofsaid acts and of the orders of the courttouching his bankruptcy.

Wherefore he prays that he may bedecreed by the court to have a full dis-charge from all debts provable againsthis estate under said bankrupt acts ex-cept such debts as are excepted by lawfrom such discharge.

Dated this second day of June, A. D.


UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURTDistrict of Minnesota, Third Division—ss.On this 2nd day of June, A. D 1900 onreading the foregoing petition, it is'Ordered by the court, that a hearing

be had upon the same on the 18th o!hvof June, A. D. ISOO, before said court atSt. Paul, in said district, at ton o'clockin the forenoon; and that notice there-of be published in the St. Paul Globe,a newspaper printed in said district,and. that all known creditors and otherpersons in interest may appear at thesaid time and place and show cause, ifany they have, why the prayer of thesaid petitioner should not be "granted.

And it is further ordered by the court,that the clerk shall send by mail to allknown creditors copies of said petitionand this order, addressed to them attheir places of residence as stated.

Witness the Honorable William Loch-ren, judge of the said court, and theseal thereof, at the City of St. Paul, inBald district, on the 2nd day of June1900.

CHARLES L. SrENCER,Clerk.By Margaret L. Mullane.(Seal of the Court.) Deputy Clerk.

Articles of Incorporation of TheMontrose Company.

WE, THE UNDERSIGNED. HEREBYassociate ourselves together for the

purpose of b:coming a corporation, underand by virtue of the laws of the State ofMinnesota, and do hereby adopt and signthe following articles of incorporation:

ARTICLE I.The name of this Corporation shall be

The Montrose Company.The general nature of the business of

the corporation shall be buying, owning,improving, soiling, leasing and dealing inlands, tenements, and hereditaments,

real, mixed and personal estate and prop-erty; and building, buying, selling, leas-ing and operating apartment houses.

The principal place of transacting saidbusiness shall be St. Paul, Minnesota.

ARTICLE 11.Said corporation shall commence on the

fifth day of June, 1900, and the period ofits continuance shall be thirty yean.

ARTICLE 111.The amount of the capital stock of

said corporation shall be Thirty-FiveThousand Dollars ($35,000) and shall bedivided into 350 shares, of One HundredDollars ($100) each, and issued and paidin as the Board of Directors of said cor-poration shall determine.

ARTICLE IV.The highest amount of indebtedness or

liability to which said corporation shallat any time be subject shall be TwentyThousand Dollars ($20,000.)

ARTICLE V.The names and the places of residenceof the persons forming said association

for incorporation, are as follows: EdwinM. Ware, George B. Ware and HowardF. Ware, all residing at St. Paul, Min-nesota.

ARTICLE VI.The government of this corporation and

the management of its business and affairsshall be vested in a board of three di-rectors, which board shall have power,among other things, to borrow money,from time to time, on behalf of the cor-poration, and to cause to be executed bythe proper officers of the corporation,' itsnote or notes therefor, and a good andsufficient mortgage or mortgages uponany or all of the property of the corpora-tion, to secure the payment thereof, uponsuch terms and conditions as to saidboard shall seem best. Said board "hallbe elected annuailv, by and from thestockholders of said corporation at eachannual meeting thereof, which shall beheld on the first Monday in each andevery year, at the principal office of taidcorporation in St. Paul, MinnesotaSaid directors shall hold office for oneyear, or until their successors are elect-ed in their stead.

The annual meeting of the Board of Di-rectors of this corporation shall be heldat its principal office in St. Paul imme-diately after the adjournment of eachannual meeting of said stockholders,The,fl£3,t {iOiV;d of Erectors shall con-sist of Edwki M. Ware. George B War*and Howard F. Ware, who shall hold of-fice until the annual meeting of the cor-poration for the year V.W, or until theirsuccessors are elected in their stead

ARTICLE VII.The officers of the corporation shall bea president, vice president, secretary anda treasurer, who shall be elected by theBoard of Directors, at each annual meeting thereof, and shall hold office for oneyear or until their successors are electedin their stead. They shall perform suchduties and have such powers as are in-

cident to their respective t fflce? or asthe by-laws of the corporation shall pre-scribe. The office of secretary and treasurer may be held by the same person"The first officers of the corporation shallPresident, Edwin M. Ware.Vice president. George B. WareSecretary and Treasuier. Howard F\\ are.And they Khali hold office until tbe in

nual meeting of the Board of Directorsfor the year 1901, or until their succes-sors are elected in their steadSpecial meetings of said Beard of Di-rectors or stockholders may be he!d atsuch times and under such rules as theby-laws of the corporation may D.-e-ciibeand. until such time as suitable by-iawjare adopted, special meetings of saidBoard of Directors may be held at tn>-time uoon one day's written notice givenpersonally to each member thereof bythe secretary, of the corporation 'an 1special meetincs of the stockholders nviybe held at any time, uoon ten days' writ-ten notice thereof, served personally oneach stockholder, or by mailing to suchstockholder, at his last known addressa cony of such notice, at least ten daysbefore the date of such meetin?

In witness whereof we have hereuntoset our hands and seals this 24th day ofMay. 1900.


In Dresence ofGeo. W. Markham.Edward A. Knapp.

STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY O™Ramsey—ss.On this 24th day of May. 1900. personally

auneared before me Edwin M Ware<Teor«?e B. Ware and Howard F. Ware'to me known to be the .=am° personswho executed the foregoing instrumentand each for himself did acknowledgethat he executed the same freely an Ivoluntarily for the uses and. purposestherein expressed.

GEO. W. MARKHAM,(Notarial Seal.) Notary Public

Ramsey County, Minnesota,

STATE OF MINNESOTA. COUNTY OFRamsey—ss.On this 25th day of May. 1900. nersonal-

lv appeared before me Howard F. Wareto nic known to be one of the personsdescribed in and who executed the fore-iroine instrument, and acknowledged thathe executed the same freely and volun- !tarily for the uses and purposes thereinexpressed.

JANET D. McCULiLOCH(Notarial Seal) Notary Public,

Ramsey County, Minnesota.


?tZizf J?Z^« "lr.rlt»*'3n« or i.lcerationt

'T^VONCiHHAiI,O.P~I Bold by Dran(l!!<ilV \' ll'/ir!'r "nt in P'-lt= -vrtpptr

TRAVELERS' GUIDE.mtioa depot, suslev kthskt.

Trains leave and arrive at St. Paul a*follow:

jPifiViVt~ *" if vIWnai i' ii>rinnM|

Electric Lisriited—Obsar-ca- !**\u25bc« ArrlreHon Cars to Portland, Ore., via a-Kii ? .Of)Butte, Seattle and Tacoma, dally. "'" pnjf

Pacific ExpressFargo. Helena, Bntte, Spokane, 10:35 7:49

Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, dally. p.m. ..m,

Farpo and Leech Lake LocalSt. Cloud, Brainerd, Walker, fl-IR G'OtfBeinldjl,Fargo, dally ex. Sunday.

"-^O °££

Dakota &Manitoba ExpressFergus Falls, Wahpeton, Fargo, ---_,_Mocrhead, Oookston, Grand] 8:00 7*13

££rm8; riLtto. ni -—l eg>. -<aaUy'' p- mt *\u25a0"•

\u25a0 Dining and Pullman Standard Sleeping Cars Ion Coast and Winnipeg Trains.

Tourist Sleeping Cars enCoast Trains.

"North-Western LIW'-C. St. P. M. &OJIy.Office 395 Robert St. 'Phone 480.tEx. sun. ;tx. bat i ~~

?Ex.Mon. Others Daily, f LEAVE ARRIVE

Badger State Express \ 8.30 10.151 Chli-aso.Mllwaukee. Madison/ am vmI Chicago "Atlantic Ex"..111. 10 pm 11.30 am

Chicago "Fast MaH"....| $.55 pm 8.10 amNorth-Western ! _.- ...

Limited %i° L*5

Chlcago.Mllwaukee.MadlsonJJWansan, F. dv Lac, Oreen Cay 6.66 pra 8.10 »mi Manltowoc, Sheboygac tt O.r>s j.ni3 8.10 amDulutli, Superior, Ashland \fb.os am t 8.40 pm

Twilight Limited I 4.30 0.50Dnluth, Superior, Ashland / Pm PmMankato, St. James, Su. City *7.40 am t 4.80 pmDead wood. Black Hills. >7.40 am 7.25 amElinore, Algona, Dcs Molnes.. It 7.40 am t 7.46 pin

Omaha Express I 10.00 7.45Su. City, Omaha, Kan. City/ aja P™St. James, New Ulin,Tracy.... 10.00 am 7.46 pnNew Ulin, Klmore * 4.60 pru +10 06 anFairmont, St. James t 4.50 pm'tlO.o6 au

Omaha Limited \ 8.30 7.25gg^Clty, Omaha, Kan. City/ l'!n _32— \u25a0"

Tl«kot O'Hce 3C5 Robert at. 'Phone US

-gi!>Pg!»y,__b^c I_Bun.l_Bun. [ Lea veT^^riyT"Chicago. La Crosse, Mn.laS:!W)amialo:lßpmCh cago, La Croa.se, Mll.|all:2spm|all:«aminieago La Crosse. Mll.:aß:s6prnl a2:sopm

cicooo Pter wed" *kiu*V49™Cm. Faribault, Dubuque a4:4or>m|all:ooarnJb'eorla, via Mason City..ia4:4Upmj;ai:ooam

M V™-a Crosse. Winona! a3:2opm!all :45amRed \Ving and Rochester:ba:2opm!bll:4samLa C Rock Isl., St.Loul.s:aß:3oam' a7:4sam! Northfield. F'b'lt, St. L. aS:4oam| a6:2T,pm

: Milbank and Aberdeen.. bS:2oam b6:3opm! OrtonviUe. Aberdeen ... a7:ospm| a«:0oumNor field. F'bault & Aua b7:2opm| b9:2oam

Ticket OfnVf>—332~Robert BtTCor. Fourth'Phone Main 1999.

Leave. | a Dally. b_Ejx. Sunday | Arrtre.bS:Bsam!St. Cl'd, F'rs F'la. F'rffol M:05prabß:3sam|W|llmar, via St. Cloudj bs:ospma9:ooam|Flyer Mont. & P. Coaatl a2-45prab9-10amt fWllmar. S. F.. Y'kton) ,

v^,.,^.,,II 1 (Bx City> Brown's Val) 'M'25fmb3:oopm Elk R., M. <fe Sandstone bil.4oamt>4Mspm ..Excel. & Hutchinson.. bll:3oama7:Gspm Breck.. Fargo,O.F W'pg a7:4samaß:3Opm|...Mlnn. & Dak. Exp... a7:3oaraEASTERN MINNESOTA RAIEwATT"

Sleeper for 11:16 p. m. train can b«"00! cupled at any time after 9 p. m.

Lake Mlnnetonka trains leave St. Paul:Except Sunday, 8:50 a. m.. 4:35 p. m. Sun-day only. 9:35 a. m. Dally 5:55 p. m.

Chicago Great WesternE'The Maple Leal Route."

City Ticket OffJce.jth &Robert Sts.. St. Paul.tEi. Snnday;other* dafir LEW FOB iPRIVEFHOM

Kenyon, Dodge Center, t S lOamf B :;o pniOelrtviu. Diibiujue, Free- 8lO]»mi 7.50 amport. Oisicat:<> and East. 11.M pm; 12.6T. pin

fedarJr'Hlls. V?aterloo,Mar-" +~8 10 nniW 8 30 pmKli:illU>\vn. Dcs MoTnes, B.lopin 7 WainjttIJoy[)h, Kansas City. 11.20 pml 12 66 pm

Cannon Kails," T*ed Wing, r 8.10 am r 8.30 pmNortlmelil, Faribault, 6.1* imi 9Coaiu"Wateivllle, Mankato.

Mantdrvllle Local 6 or pm| 9 ribnm

§Ss chicago and BhliW.rPf>|W|| 5jf |_OU!S HKiafflj

Lv^For I _ STATIONS. j Ar.Fron;Siloauf Wir.oua, La Crosse. Dubuqua

and Chicago, except Sinirliiy 12:55 jheB:lsam Winona, La Crosse, Dubaqnaand St. Louis, except Sunday

B:o3pm Winuna, La Crosse. Dubuque,I Chicago and St. Louis, daily 7:48 am

Ticket Office 400 Robert Street. Tel. Main :«

3f M., ST. P. & S. S. M. R'Y. •$[City Ticket Office 879 Robert St. TeL 1051

Union Depot, St. PauL

I^ive.l EAST. IArrive;7.2opmj. Atlantic Limited (dally). B:4samB:4samfßhlne!ander Local (exSun) s:ospm6:l6pm|Bt. Crolx Falls Local, ex

Sunday. From BroadwayDepot, foot Fourth St... 9:lsanWEST.

9:osam .Pacific Limited CPaclflcI Coast) daily. 7:oopra

6:lspmiGlenwood Local (ex. Sun) 9:3saraWISCONSIN CENTHAt R'Y CO.City Office. 373 Robert Bt. 'Phone No. 634.

Bt^lf' All Train. Pally."

]£*&jEau Claire. Chip. Falls

SiOOam'Mllwaukee and Chicago B:lsamlAshland. Chlppewa F'la.

7:4opml.Osbki)Bh. Mil, and Chi. s:ooprn

ST. PAUL & DULUTH R. R.Union Depot. 'Dally. +Ex. Btitirt*y.

Lv 9 oo«m7 Trallufor Dlllutl { Ar. *7>ts »»"»ii:isPm| mnd Superior. | « t,.^ pM

M. A St. L. Depot—Brood way * 4thT

Mlnnaapa^is &. St, Louis 9tROfiice,j396 Robert. 'Phona 661. St. Louis Depot.Leave. 1 *Daily. Sunday. i Arrive.

NEW SHORT LIMZ TO I19:00 t7:3)am OMAHA n,•^

00 A-COES-O^S.Albert Lea, Cedar Rapids, Chl-

t9:ooam csgo, Kansaa City t7:3opm*7:oopm ..Chicago & St. Louis Limited.. •8:40»^i

Watertown, New Ulm. St.James, Sherburne and Esther-

tß:3sam villa +s:3opmINew U'.m Local, St. James,

1 »s:oCrrn'. Sharburne and Est}iervi!le *1 i OOar.

'^^P^ DubuqueWill leave St. Paul for St. Lou's and in-termediate landings on Wednu-dny Juno6th at 10 a. m.

SPECIAL EXCURSION KATE.SL Paul 10 St. I.auU aud rcuira, includiuj

nieais and berth,Only $^0.00.

Tickets kooU to return umi: June :!:»th.For full information reganliug pas.-

and frtißht rates, address Harry Clark.Agent; office, foot Sibley street, oppositeUnion Depot. St. I*a.\x'.. Tclcphonu oaiiMain 93.