16 TtlE RAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE: SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, 1890.— T WENT Y-FO UK FagisS. POPULAR WANTS. It Kl> OF THIS WEEK. Itlomlny. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED. William Ashton Nellie Thomai Parents. ' births befohted. sex. Mr. and Mrs. Bentmann. 583 Edmund... Boy Mr. and Mrs. Tobin. Goffav Girl Mr. and Mrs. Arnold, 521 Ellen St.. ... .Girl Mr. and Mrs. Glassburn, 914 Beech 5t.. ..80y Mr. and Mrs. Craig. Mr. aud Mrs. Eaule, Tenth & Temper" Girl Mr. and Mrs. Gamble. John st Girl Mr. and Mrs. Small, Robert st .....Boy Mr. and Mrs. Bragdon. John st Girl' Mr. ami Mrs. Eveuson, 771 Wabasha. .Girl Mr. and Mrs. Godbout.2ol E. Winifred.. .Girl Name. deaths rerouted. Age. PbtllpLiebig Kellerav Frederick Richter, Lake Johanna.. ...6 days Thomas O'Leary .34 S East Sixth Tuesday. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED. Gustav Krause Augusta Schroicntenborg William Henry Sanders.. Jennie Ann Collins Joseph Ysak Barbara Conoly W. 11. Greselman ".. .....ilayDwyer BIRTIIS KErOBTED. Parents. Sex. Mr. and Mrs. Vakul, Bohemian flats Girl 51r. aud Mrs. Sullivan.city hosuital.Twin girls Mr.and Mrs. Qonder. 7oOMinnehaha....Boy Mr. and Mrs. Wilgus, Ramsey hill ..Girl DEATHS RErOKTED. Name. Ace. Francis Leo Gurrin. University 5 years Glover Pen-in, 366 Nelson ay 67 years Baby Lonergan 344 Martin st John Peel;. 138 East Fifth 03 years J. M. Morns, Valley si 26 years Wednesday* MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED. Edwin A. Jaggard Anna M. Averill Hatbias Gabriel Catheriue Hood FredericK Bggert llulda Neitzer Joseph Graves Lena Nelson Bartholomaus C. Miller Martha Fitba BIRTHS RETORTED. Parents. Sex. Mr. a-id Mrs. Wallin, 107 Jessamine St.. .Boy Mr. and Mrs. Canden Boy Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman Boy Mr. and Mrs. Fay, 337 Canada st, Boy DEATHS REPORTED. Name. Age. Mamie Oolbourn, 401 Goodrich... lV2 months Mrs. Kalmann 26 years Thursday. fe, Parents. bibthsbbpobtkd. Sex. Mr. and Mrs. Dewer. St-Albans it Girl Mr. and Mrs. Clawson, H>(>7 Gaultier st .Girl Mr.and Mrs- Monisse. 57 Merrill st Boy Mr. ana Mrs. Leech, 1421 Abemarle Girl Mr. and Mrs. Grant, 235 Louis st Boy Mr. ana Mrs. Fleisner. 501East Eighth... Girl Mr. and Mrs. Sorenson. 564 L'Orient .. .Boy Mr. aud Mrs. Hogbaum, 33 College ay... Girl Name. deaths reported. Ace. Johu'G. Kelly. 7.'2 Iglehart 28 years Fred Smith, 175 West Fourth 11 weeks Margaret Flynn, -l^J Superior st 63 years Mary Griffin. 895 Reaney st 74 years John Carlson, Lake Comb 25 years MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED. John J. Swansea Annie S. Sundgren. Edward Prestou James. Lillian Stirling Poice. Charlie Larson Annie C. Anderson. Douglas Ross AliaB. Griswold. . Mathins Kunz Josephine Roth. Charles Weuson Jenuie Peterson. Friday. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED. Anton Nelson Sophie Johnson C.A. Loger Margaretta Elleuson John Wickstedt Hilda Molin BIRTHS REPORTED. Name ofParents. Sex. Mr. and Mrs, E. D. Nolle. Fairvie way.... Girl Mr. and Mrs. Grass, Eva st Girl Mr. and Mrs. Delos. WooaDridgest Boy Mr. and Mrs. Yunggoist, 070 Simmes St.. Boy Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Oleson,l"88 EdKerton.Gir Mr. and Mrs. Nuzill 247 Richmond ay...80 Mr. and Mrs. Koblik.Bohemia Boy Name. deaths reported. Age. Benjamin Jansen 705 Simmes st Charles Mplod, 914 Geranium st 6 yrs. Peter Francis. City Hospital 41 vrs Charles Record. Lawsonst 4mo Saturday. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISBURD. 5^ C3 l Fred Eden Rosa Donbacher John Strichen Alice Brener Carl Matthias Johnson Barbra Vike BIRTHS REFOBTED. rName of Parents. Sex Mr. and Mrs. Grosse. 391Fairview Boy Mr. and Mrs. Molinkc. St. Albans Girl Mr. and Mrs. Wuldengel, St. Anthony .. Boy Mr. and Mrs. Kentig. Dayton avenue. ... Girl Mr. and Mrs. Molineux, Annapolis Girl Mr. and Mrs. Wells, East Seventh Girl Name. . deaths repokted. Mary Griffin s!)5 Reaney street Albert li. Peterson ...591 Sberburue avenue Hermann F. Greth. Aruudel street BabyKilberg..:. ..:.. Albermarlo street Ferdinand Hicks : Jessamine street WII4I. ESTATE FOR S AI.E. ii, yV* <•!\u25a0.!>. Rogers Block, Corner Fifth and Cedar. (jCIO (\t 1/ \ UUY> a beautiful home, *!pL^^\J\J\J very sightly and centrally located, on very easy terms; or would ex- change for business properly. G.W. Gray, Rogers Block, corner Fifth and Cedar. eOkfV i\ BUYS a handsome resi- *&A/*J*\Jkj\J dence and large grounds in extra fine location, on easy terms, or will ex- change for good business property. G. W. Gray, Rogers Block, corner Fifth and Cedar. CrQn Of 10 BUYf * one of the best busi- *i?A>/\J^\J\J\J ness corners on South Rob- ert St., or will exchange for unimproved property. G. W. Gray, Rogers Block, corner Fifth and Cedar. CiHEAP One lot onPage st. within one \u25a0> block of Hendricks school, three blocks to street railway, and three blocks to motor station; will \u25a0 sell $100 less than adjoining lots are selling for. and on easy payments. O. W. Gray, Rogers Block, corner Fifth and Cedar. --.-y- : <5;11 *7nn BUYS a fine improved, well- •4PJ.l*,/ \JVJ rented business corner on University ay. : investigate this; It's a great bargain; will make terms very easy. G. W. Gray, Rogers Block, corner Fifth and Cedar. "1 O FINE lots, all south-facing, one and XA> two blocks from Concord st. electric and motor lines; willsell singly or together at sacrifice price, and on terms to suit. . G. W. Gray, Rogers Block, corner Fifth and Cedar. O_) ACRES of the finest land overlook- A**J ing McC'arron's lake, for sale at a great bargain and easy terms. G. W. Gray, corner Fifth and Cedar. FINE business lot on East Seventh sL to A exchange for St. Anthony Hill prop- erty amounting in value to $9.<>00 to $10,- --000. G. W. Gray, Rogers Block, corner Fifth and Cedar. I HAVE choice business and residence property to exchange for acre property close to or adjoining citylimits. G. W. Gray, Rogers Block, corner Fifth and Cedar. ' South St. Paul. LOTS and houses aud lots for sale or trade; houses to rent. E.E.Parker, 30 East Fourth st. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 Suburban. PUVE or ten acres fine gardsn land, near Burlington Heights, SISO per acre; easy terms. Address J 43, Globe. I 'OR SALE or traae, stock farm of 445 J- acres, improved 140 acres, good build- ings and water; number one land. Apply to D. E. Dwyer, Albert Lea, P. O. B. 44. 'OR SALE, very cheap, 5, 1" or 2O acres A of fine gardening Una, only two and a half miles from the court; house. For full particulars inquire of Michaud & Michaud corner Seventh and Wnbasha. WAN To rent for two years, with option of purchase, a housa aDd barn, with about five acres of land, not more than fivemiles from city. Address P 37. Globe. .V!is<*cl tan con*. CHRISTMAS GIFT worth having. Ascholarship In Metropolitan Business School, fourth floor. Pioneer tress. - CASH PAID for real estate, improved or ' unimproved, if a positive snap. E. E Globe. EXCHANGE-5',200 equity innew house. No. 1000 Iglehart St., for clear property; willoffer bargain for cash. Address N. K. Potter, Northern Pacific General Office, Ta- coma. Wash. I'OR SALE OR TRADE— House and lot on Laurel ay., near Dale st. Apply San- Borne, 182 West Fourth. Poll SALE—The most beautiful vacant* A- residence property in St. Paul. viz.: 171x142 feet to 20-foot alley, northeast cor- ner Summit ay. and Dale st. ; south front on asphalt pavement; sewer, water and gas con- nections all made; will sell in parcels to suit first-class purchasers on easy terms ofpay- ment; also for sale, Boulevard addition lots" on Summit, Marshall, Dayton and other ave- nues. Wm: G. Robertson. 27 Globe building. f'OK SALE CHEAP, if taken this month, J- a new eight-room bouse, No. 975 Laurel ay. ; hardwood finish; modern improvements; easy terms ; monthly payments or will trade Inquire of the owner. -It) West Seventh st F«OR SALE OR EXCHANGE— low price, two new eight-room houses, near East Seventh st power house; also 160 acres at Huron. Dak 312 Lumber Exchange. f~ 'ORCE SALE— Must be taken at once; nine-room modern house: built three years; full lot; St. Anthony . Hill; east of Meckubin st; 81,500 less than it can be duplicated for. (Address "Owner," Sr6be Office. . '.c. \u25a0\u25a0;• \u25a0 .. I'- HOUSES— For sale, two six-room warmly LI built houses, all modern, Nos. 293, 297 Chatsworth st, near cable; terms to suit. tames O\M.eara &Bro., 3"* >*•»*«_* m. PfIPIIIAR WANTS KF.4L KSTATE FOR BAfJR. " Miscellaneous. NoilCE— Have large list if improved and unimproved real estate: for sale or exchange; parties who wish to trade, sell or purchase willdo well to call or correspond with us. P. Scbouorth Jr., No. 131 East Fourth St., M. Paul. -'. \u25a0\u25a0 ' -\u25a0\u25a0 WN YOUR OWN HOME—F0r 54,500 we offer an eight-room house, corner of Martin st. and St. Anthony ay.; finished in oak on the first floor, furnacf, bath, gas, bay i windows, cement cellar, back-plastcrud; a' complete house: corner lot: terms to suitpur- chaser. Smith &Taylor. 333 Robert st. .-- ; TUKKK i.OTs for bale, in Jackson &Bid- X well's addition, or will trade for im- proved " property. Inquire "of owner, 749 Armstrong ay., 'st. Paul. " WAN i KD—House in the Midway distric) worth about $5.000; . will trade one strictly first-class new family carriage as part payment. Address C. C. C, Globe. ' \u25a0 \u25a0 UJ AN IJKD—l'o buy residence In St. Paul or Minneapolis for cash; $2.<»«'O, $3,00 no objection to outside property if desirably located ; must be a big bargain. Address XV Z, Globe, Minneapolis. . ' :\u25a0 WILL SELL equity in my -eight-room residence at a sacrifice of over $1,000 iftaken at once; modern improvements; built two years ago: centrally located. Ad- dress X40. Globe. \u25a0 WILL TRADE eight-room house, with bath, for stock of groceries; titty-foot corner, near University cable; or $I,s<.'<> be- low actual value lor cash. Address M34, Globe. •\u25a0::\u25a0: '\u25a0-* T-u? \./HY I>O YOU PAY RENT? BUY" A VV homo !!!! You are invited to consider carefully this most excellent opportunity 10 buy a home, six and seven-room dwellings in an unexceptionable neighborhood, twenty minutes' walk from the court nou&e. : These dwellings are built f i m the very best . ma terial the market affords, warm, convenient, substantial, cellar under the entire house, walk around house; all conveniences; lots two feet above grade, level and beautiful ; streets, graded; near street cars; electric motor to be built within one minute's walk from houses: near parks and attractive views. This property has a better future be- fore it than any oilier residence property in the city The terms offered are the easiest, fairest and most attractive ever yet devised to enable you to buy a home; $2O and $25 per month : nothingdowu to the right peoule. Do not neglect this chance to obtain a home. Cut this out. Come at once, and remember, Charles Rudolph. 132 East Fourth st. <Btl / ll)(l 8118 south-facing lot on •Pl^VJiJv/ Hague, lie block west of Lex- netou: Ramsey's addition. Faricy &Daly, 30 \Vest Fourth. \u25a0 FOIE SALE. A— BE SOLD at your price, several diamonds, solid gold and filled watches. Room 1, 34 East Third st. SSIGNED STOCK of fur capes, boas, robes, etc., for sale at auction Tuesday, Dec. 23. Ib 9(», at 349 Wabasha st. C. Vv. Youngmau. Assignee. A FINE corner sign for sale at a bargain. Address L. J., Daily Globe. St. Paul. ASSIGN SALE of furs, robes, rugs, hats, counters, shelving and fixtures on Dec. H3, 1800. 10 a. m., at the store, 349 Wabasha st. C. W. Youngman, Receiver. BASE BURNER— Used one season, cost 545, for S l B. Address Q 45, Globe. BED SPRING— For sale, bed spring and mattress; also heating stove. join 8, Forepauuh Block, Seven corners. BICYCLE— For sale. $2 , 54-inch bicycle, worth $100. Address Henry, C, M. & St. P. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0'; ;\u25a0--;,; BIRDS —German canary, linnet, goldfinch ; very fine; twenty-three days from Eu- rope; also mocking bird, reubird, thrush, lory, etc., to reduce private collection, at 000 Wabasha St.. every day after 2 p. m. ANAKYbirds for sale ud stairs. No. V-V 13 East Eighth. A»ii CA-.KiERS— For sale, two De- troit cash carriers at a bargain. Address L.J., Daily Globe, St. Paul. CARPET— For sale, cheap, 40 yards fine Moquette carpet; cost $1.60, tor 5c per yard, if takeu at once. Apply 422 Wabasba. COAT Splendid longbuffalo coat for sale cheap. Address O02, Globe. OWs— New milch cows for sale. T. R. Palmer, 00 Globe . Building, or 923 Grand ay. . - !-'.:; OG— Ualf-mastifF and half St. Bernard dog. one year and a half old; good : watch dog. Call at 55 Leighton. DOGS— Newfoundland •. pups, .four, XJ and a ' half months, for sale byM. M. Ingraham, Lake City, Minn. DOG— For sale, pug dog, cheap. 245 Ramsey st. OG.-> lOit THE CHILDREN— I. will . sell a few choice cocKer spaniels and Chesapeake bay puppies lor $10 each ; apply at once. Gustav Hausen, Osccola Mills, Wis. OK SALE—St. Bernards for Christmas— Thoroughbred puppies: pedigree; prices low if taken at once. O. Bergman, 357 Jackson St., St. Paul. .. OURNITURE— For sale cheap, plush par- S. lor - suit, extension table, bedroom suit, coal base-burner heating stove and a few other pieces. 182 West Fourth, corner Ex- change. .-\u25a0:-.* D>UKNITURE— For sale, a lot of bedroom JO furniture with two stoves; the lot will be disposed of very cheap. Apply at office, Hampton House, 151 East Third st. GAS ENGINE—For sale, 5-horse-power Otto Gas Engine. 264-266 East Seventh st. S. N.Adler. . :\u25a0-'-\u25a0\u25a0' pi ET A CHRISTMAS PRESENT at the VT assignee fur sale, 349 \Yabasha st. C. W. Youuaman, Assignee. . OVEKCOAT— For Sale— s4o takea a good . mink-lined, otter-trimmed overcoat; size, large 36; too small for owner. Address E 50. Globe. \u25a0 OSTOCK0 STOCK FUKMTUKE- sale, office furniture and gas fixtures, cheap. S. N. Adler, 264-266 East Seventh st. . OOL TABLE—Second-hand pool and billiard table, small size, or will exchange. Address M22, Globe, Minneapolis. T> UPI'IES— Two-black and tan puppies \u25a0JT-" of the finest breed, one male and one female, two months old; weigh less than one pound call Sunday or Monday. \u25a0 544 Tem- perance st. I___^______ pUPPIEs— For sale, black and tan pup- L pies; weigh less than one pound;- ten weeks old. Call at 330 Goodrich ay., .Mon- day. T>IANO— For sale, a square piano: fine X condition: will sell very cheap; this is a bargain for immediate purchaser. Address W -8. Globe, PIANOS at factory cost; two elegant up- right pianos to be sold for the manufuct- urerfs; old established makes; cash only; see them; will be sold at one-half usual prices. Raudenbufb, 03 East Third St.. second floor. CjAFh— second-hand safe cheap. O 264-266 East Seventh. SAFE new Hall's safe; good kj size; will sell cheap. Address U 44, Globe. PtiUCE CHRISTMAS TKEES at 310 East Seventh at wholesale and retail; we will suit customers ou*pnces and quality ; come early. Clinton &Co. TEiiEOI'TICON— sale, a calcium O light dissolving stereopticon ; also a self- condensing oxygen cylinder. Room 10, Nic- ollet House, 200 East Sixth. THREES— Gar load Christmas trees from A thirty to two feel high; wholesale a spe- cialty. On Fourth st., between Robert and Jackson sts. Qi:£)i)F\ BUYS a fine Gabler Upright *^)AjAj\J Piano; a great sacrifice; cost $350 short time ago: also two other uprights of best makes at i 75 . and S2 o, worth double the prices; these are special bargains; call immediately. Raudeubush, 03 East ThirdSt., second floor. *Sllf \C\ ASH buys my fine square Knabe «4?lUv/ piano, if taken a t once. C. E. Hale, 534 Selby ay. - WA«TED TO BUY. \u25a0> A CHRISTMAS GIFT worth having. A scholarship inMetropolitan Business School, fourth floor. Pioneer Press. aBY CARRIAGE wanted cheap for cash. 250 Rice st. CLOTHING— Wanted to buy, gentlemen's v/.- second-hand clothing for cash. Address X4, Globe. . AP—Wanted" to buy,latest map of the city. F. O. Hammer, . 100 East Ser- enth st. . FFICE DESK— Wanted, a second-hand office desk. Address, stating price, Yl, Globe. RI NTING PRESS— to buy, a Pearl or Gordon printingpress, 7x11; it must be in fair condition. O 61. Globe. OFA— Wanted to buy, a sofa; must be cheap for cash. 259 West Fifth st. . TEAM YACHT— Wanted, a steam yacht about forty feet long; must be fast and ; safe. Address Q 48, Globe, giving full de- scription and lowest cash price. . TYPEWRITER— Wanted, to buy a sec- X ondhand ßemington typewriter; cash. Address X 70, Globe. \u25a0 * ~ \u25a0 WOMAN'S" RECORD— Wanted, Dec«m- ber copies of the Woman's Record: to PfliiJJil 1 Ul ULnll If nil I FOR KENT. ; .. - I OIISC*. '\u0084- —.. .. ..j... . i.OU.._!S, STOIcKS. OF- J\ KICKS. TAKE CHARGE OF RENTED PROPERTY. TAYLOR'S RENTING AGEN- CY, GLOBE BUILDING. ANY ONE warning houses. Hats, stores, cilices, too Merrill &Owens, Iteming and Collection Agency, 41 Kast Fourth st. \u25a0 pOTTAUKs-Kor rent, a cottage of six vy and one of four rooms, half block from Rice car. Inquire 180 Charles st . -.: COTTAGES For rent, two six-room A_/ warmly built cottages, all modern, '2'Xi, 297 Chatsworth st., near cable; cheap for winter. James O'Meara<& 8r0., . 50S Jackson st. OK KENT- 073 St Peter St., east front, second door above Tiltonst., due brick tenement, all modern conveniences ana in perfect repair: willlease at low rate to good tenant; also three line new brick stores, with modern tenements on second floor, on the corner ofEast Seventh and Fauquier sts. ; also rear room over our office, I'M East Seventh st., between Jackson and Sibley 6ts. ; J. P. Gribbeu Lumber Co. \u25a0 HOUSES— For rent, houses near Seventh street cable, from $8 to SI2 per mouth. A.F. Manehser, 105 East Seventh st. OUSE AND BAKN— Nine rooms good for two families; cistern; city water. 374 North Fort. HOUSE— No. 385 Washington St.— Has ten rooms newly papered; in good re- pair; only half block from Grand opera house. Host & Cresey, corner Third and Robert sts. j ...'\u25a0\u25a0 OUSES— per mouth: we have six rive-room houses onlyhalf a block from the East Seventh st. cable, corner Fauquier and Atlantic sis. ; each house separate; in a good and healthy neighborhood: rent re- duced from §1_.50 to 557.50 per month; don't fail to kco them. Kost & Crescy, corner Third and Robert sta. . __ __ HOUSE— rent, line new house withall modem improvements, cheap, corner Canada and East University ay. - \u25a0••-.- HOUSE— For rent, house of live rooms on Reaney st., near Arcade. Apply 50 Globe Building. *"\u25a0 HOUSE— £10 Per Month—Five- room house n in good repair: five minutes' walk from union depot. Inquire at 343 East Fifth st. Of Ki:rli t-room house on hill at half price; bath, gas, good barn. 318 \Ya- ba&ba st. OI'SE— For rent, new steam-heated brick house, hot wmer, baths, etc.; teu min- uses' walk from Third street; terms low. Ap- ply at No. 0 st. Pierre Terrace, corner Colo- railo and South Robert. . HOUSE— For rent, seven-room house with barn; 309 Rondo, three blocks from Rice st. Inquire at 442 Pine at., between Seventh and Eighthsts. ' HOUSES- For rent, a 14-room house cm Canada and a-12-room house on Wa- coutast.; furnace, bath and everything con- venient. Apply '221 East Seventh st. : HOUSES— For rent first class t>rick and stone residences, near corner of Laurel and Ninaavs., St. Anthony hill: one block from cable line: all modern conveniences; steam and furnace beat. For terms inquire of W. C. Riley, 3 Drake Block, or 291 Laurei ' aye. * OUSE AND BAUN at 21" Front st. for rent or sale, cheap. Maguire Bros., 318 Pioneer Press. 0»% tuuiS Ov\ .\u25a0» uu.tir. For $4,50 'we offer an eight-room house, corner of Martin st. and St. Anthony a y.; finished in oak on the first floor; furnace, bath, gas, bay windows, cement cellar, buck-plastered: a complete bouse; corner lot: terms to suit pur- chaser. Smith &Taylor, 333 Robert st. <8?Of ) PER aiOJN Xli— New eight- room *&Aj\J house on St. Anthony hill; has sewer, water, gas, bath and furnace. E. P. Wilgus, 134 East Fourth £t. Flats. FLAT rooms, city water, bath, plenty of closet room, on Rondo, near Rice st. J. W. Jacgar, 328 Robert st. FLAT— Six-room fiat; *team heat and all modern conveniences; central and de- sirable location. X 50, Globe. FLAT Seven-room steam-heated flat, \u25a0 with hot and cold water, gas range, fix- tures and globes, window shades, double windows and screens; walls decorated. »-tc. ; janitor service; two squares from \u25a0 capitol; four from Ryan. 93 East Eleventh st. FLAT*— For rent, nine three-room flats in brick building. 203 Norri3 St.. corner Sibley. . .. "" . . : . FLAT— nicely furnished six-room flat, in whole or in part: \u25a0 desirable location; steam heat and all modem improvements. Address P 40, Globe. __^ FLAT A very nice six-room '. flat : on sec- ond-floor; newly papered all modern improvements: cheap tent; only 100 feet from West Seventh st. electric cars. Apply 351 Qoodhuest. .. .-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 ...\u25a0 PLAT-Anew first-elnss flu». for rent oppo- -T site Albion, on Se"lb> ay., with steam beat ; prices, $25, $35 and . $40. Inquire of Lovering, the Shoe Man. FLAT— Eleven rooms for rent (one flat) in Hardy block, corner. Third and Smith ay. Inquire of N. Hardy," 2"2 Smith ay. <u?1 A Pr, it MONTH tor new eight-room «4P-l-^fc flats; have sewer, water, bath, etc. E. P.Wilgus, 134 East Fourth st. \u25a0 - Stores. ANTED—I willmake it an object for a first-class druggist to rent store room in Grand Opera house building; just the lo- cation for one. Frank L. Bisby. - \u25a0• cTOKE- For rent, store, corner Fuller and O Mackubin; good location. Inquire at 50" Martin st. \u25a0. -•\u25a0•:' \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0':'\u25a0\u25a0 STOKE— At 272 Rondo St., with living rooms in the rear; nice business location. Applyto J. W. Jaggar. 320 Robert st. STOKE Corner store and four rooms in block corner Robert and Tenth sts. In- quire at-">os Robert si. ;'\u25a0. Smut-.— For rent, store, corner Fuller and Mackubin; good location. Inquire at s<>O Martin st. STOKE— For rent, ' first-class wholesale store building, Nos. 213 and 215 East Third, near Sibley st. ; five stories and base- ment, 3 i>3xl2s ft.; private alley, freight elevator, line office and all appointments complete for a large wholesale business; the location is unsurva-scd: possession Jan. 1, 185IO: now occupied by Detroit Stove Works. William G. Robertson, Room 27. Globe Building. \u25a0 . ,; STOic lor rent in wholesale district, 22'_\ 224 and 220 East Fourth st. ; the build- ing now occupied by the undersigned, - de- sirably located in the center of the jobbing district, is offered for rent on a two or five years' lease from Jan. Ist, 1891; size of building, five stories and Basement soxlOO to a 20-foot alley inthe rear, where the ship- ping and receiving of goods is conducted; steam heat and power, steam elevator, auto- matic hatchway doors, hardwood floor in first story, oak stairways to basement and upper floors, and every modern improve- ment; this is one of the most desirable stores in the city, and willbe leased to one tenant or divided to suit several tenants. For fur- ther particulars apply to Joseph W. Blabon & Co., 222. 224 and 226 East Fourth st. Rooms. —HOTEL BRUNSWiCK, for gentle- men only; fifty modern steam-healed rooms by day, week or month. \u25a0' - A PARTMENT —To rent, apartment; x two rooms and bath, with steam heat. InLaurel Terrace, cornar Nina and Laurel ays., St. Anthouy hill. W. C. Riley, No. 3 Drake Block. \u25a0 '' ROADWAY, 067— good rooms: furnished or unfurnished for house- keeping: modern improvements; private house: first floor. *EDAK ST.. 577— Otic Block and a Half vy Above Capitol— room and alcove, furnished ; heated. fI^EDAK. 528—For rent, one front room, \y with alcove; suitable for three gents; with or without board. . ' UESTNUT ST., 321— Block From V^ Seven Corners— room, neatly fur- nished, $5. - " . r^iHRISTMASTREES— We will have for vy sale Monday morning a carload of ele- gant Christmas trees; price, 5 cents to $2.50 each; holly, 30 cents Id.; wreathing moss. 8 cents lb.; "Christmas caudles, 12 cents lb. Golden Rule. XCHANGE ST.. 16, WEST- For rent, nicely furnished or unfurnished rooms. OKT ST., 37«, NORTH—Five rooms', city water and cellar, suitable for house- keeping^^ .- .\u25a0 - - FOURTH ST., 52, WEST—Nicely fur- nished rooms for rent, from $8 and up- ward. , .. - Tj^URNISHED or unfurnished rooms on JO first or second floor. Board if desired. 555 Robert st. ' : FULLER ST., 21::—For light housekeep- ing, nice rooms; city water ; and bath. 212 Fuller st. GROVE ST., 213— T0 rent, elegantly fur- nished for housekeeping, five rooms, pantry, bath and shed ; rent reasonable. ; - OTKL BARTE.AU,; 57 Furnished room, modern convenience; suitable for lady or gentleman. ;\u25a0-..-,-. II OTKL BARTEAU, 52*—Nicely fur- XJ nished rooms with steam heat and gas. \u25a0pj ash, vfftrm, furnished front room. POPULAR WANTS; , ' «i:\t. - ttoom*. t. \u25a0 vi:3f-ri« AOKSON, .. »2—Pleasant furnished Bin. - glo nun double rooms, with modern \u25a0 Im- provements, homo \u25a0- comforts; - prices mod- \u25a0 crate. . \u25a0\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•; i.e. :.. •-,..-\u25a0. JACKSON ST., 627-Furuished front room suitable for man aud wife or.two gentle- men. . . ' . Q \u25a0'-'.' JACKSON ST.. 309i,ij- Third Floor—Large unfurnished front room, 88; very desira- ble location. . -\u25a0:\u25a0 . M~~ AUXIN «T., 359-Forrent, umurnished . rooms for housekeeping; : modern con- veniences; cheap. ...'.'-, ',":.. AItMH ALI. A Y., 4 19—One nicely -fur- nished front room. Bailable for two, with or without board. Call up stairs.. ' ..:\u25a0-:-•; NASH Si 1 ., 268— Suites of three and four rooms; rent, $ 5 to 810, city water In- cluded. \u25a0 \u25a0 " ~ .. . c . •. KLSON AY., 205—A nicely furnished" li room, ten minutes' walK from v post- office, and near Rood boarding place; rent $5 per month to riuht party." "_'. . " ...-'.. jV! iNTtI .NT., 343 EAST—Furnished room \u25a0L™ for rent. \u25a0 \u25a0<•. -\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0.;\u25a0 NINTH, 317. EAST- Near Broadway- Small front room (heated) $5; private family; gentlemen only. . '".'... ARK I'LACE. NO. 02—Handsomely furnished front room and alcove; fur- nace beat; $l<>. \u25a0 . -: :.. OO.H—A neatly furnished room in pri- vato family; heated; for lady only. In- quire at i! 9-' St. Anthony ay. ;-.:.h; ROOM— For rent, large, elegantly fur- nished room, with first-class tablc'board, for gentleman, aud wife, two gentlemen or ladies: steam heat, electric light, hot and cold water bath in - connection. Address II - 4.0, Globe. .-..;--- Rooms— Furnished or unfurnished rooms lor rent, suitable for housekeeping. Ap- plyat 20 West Third st. -. ROOMS— Two or three unfurnished rooms, pleasant ana centrally located, first-class in every way; references exchanged. Ad- dress X 47, Globe. ... \u25a0 , . , ;\u25a0 ROOMS— Front and back parlor, nicely. XV furnished, with steam heat and all mod- ern improvements;. -desirable location; pri- vate family: to one or two gentlemen or gentleman and wite. Address P 38, Globe. SELBY AV.. 257 For rent, very desirable front rujiii, with board. .:..'. liVEN en, 22-, tiAS i —To rent, ur- uished and unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. Inquire at Kooni 1. . \u25a0 .•:-.-„\u25a0.•-: SEVENTH ST., 15 1, VVrJS T—Near Seven O Corners— Three large unfurnished rooms for rent for housekeeping. * ..VE.>THSt.. 1 Ha. Wi£» —Furnished front room: steam heat, bath, etc. .-.. . StVi.Ain.vT., 1«5. UJiSi—Front fur- nished room; sieam heal: cheap: bath. . EVi!.Ni'ii »*., 4-9, CAST—Koom 1— For rent, one nicely furnished front room; $7 per month. SHERMAN Si., 34?)— Nicely furnisned WJ room for one or two gentlemen: second floor; low rent. ' IXTti 5.., 3 9, EAST— rent, fur- nished rooms. T.PETER ST., Room I— Furnished suite ot front rooms; cheap; to gentle- men or ladies. SUMMIT PLACE, 285—For rent, a fur- nished room, and bath, cheap. U Aim . AY., ;>l— Near St. Peter— For rent, comfortable ' trout room, with gas litrbt, use of witn: suitable for one or two gentlemen: lowrent. SC MmYt AY., 84— For rent, nicely fur- uished room : has eras and all modern conveniences; very reasonable. rpiSN Mi ST., 19 and 21, Ka Pleasant X rooms at "The Miner;"., opposite the capitol. -'\u25a0;,; ; THEN'TH ST.. 27!) EAST—Pleasant fur- X '\u25a0 nished room, suitable for one or two gentlemen, reasonable. .. »r»ENrii si., 3/ EAiT- Elegantly iar- X nished and well heated rooms; gas, bath, furnace heat. . mEMPEKAJiCE ST.. s*o Furnished X rooms, with or without board. ' EMPcKANCt; ST., 528—Elegant fur- nished front room and alcove for rent; use of bath; one door from Tenth st. ••-'.-:-. rj'HIRDST., 242; W.;S r— rent, room X furnished complete for housekeeping. nHHIKDST., 334. WEST- For rent, three X rooms for housekeeping, ; unfurnished or partly furnished. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 - .'\u25a0:\u25a0-.-.;.:".\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 'TMVEL.FI'ti Sl\, 1 03—Nicely - furnished! X ; room: private family; $3 per month.' '• f W ABASHA ST., 44 —Three \u25a0 or \u25a0: five steam-heated rooms for rent cheap; hot and cold water; very central; references required. F. Knit. iLL-—. \~VT AH ASHA— Corner; •• Ninth—For rent, VV two nicely furnished suites ofrooms at the Wabasha: board if desired. - Offices. FFICE KOOMS-For Rent- We still have \J a few unoccupied office rooms in Grand Opera house building; we want good tenants for their society; rents no object; better have a look at them. Frank L. Bixby, manager Grand. '" ._ '".'.- FFiCE ANI» DESK uoum for rent on \J ground floor. 132 East Fourth St., op- posite Pioneer Press ouilding. - \u25a0 \u25a0 UIL.DING 107 Sibley st., between Sixth and Seventh sts.. 25x130 feet, 4 . stories and basement; possession March 1, 1891, or earlier ifdesired. Apply to A. 11. Wilder, 522 Endicott building. rpHE ATTENTION of societies and clubs X desiring to rent a ball for dances or en- tertainments during the season is called to Garfield Post Hall, 348 and 352 East Seventh st Janitor may be seen at bull. . - - \u25a0 WA3TEP TO REST. A— Tllii EXKit Jb'O UKROOMS wanted ; good tenant; ten minutes of Globe. Address W. D., Globe. - CiOTTAGE of four to six rooms on Day- J ton's bluff; in Van Buren district. 683 North st. - --- " H USE— Want a five to seven-room house; near corner 31 ackubin and University; give description and terms. " Address 483 University. . ;.'."i..' HotlSK Wanted, a furnished or unfur- nished house; medium size; on the- hill. Address W. J.. 528 St. Peter st. \u0084-, \u25a0-*- - OWN YOLK OWN HOME— For $4,500 we offer .an eight-room house, corner <>f Martin st. and St. Anthony ay.; finished in oak on the first floor: furnace, bath, gas, bay windows, cement cellar, back-plastered; a 1 complete house; corner lot: terms to suit pur- chaser. Smith &Taylor, 333 Robert st. : FF*CE— to rent, by : a lawyer, part of an office in Pioneer Press or Globe building. Address J 52. Globe. ROOM— Wanted by young man. a small room, neaily furnished, in private fam- ily, wheio all home comforts i can be had; state price with answer. Address W 31, Globe. . - . . .\u25a0.-.. . ... \u25a0- . RO.»MS— Want to rent by two young men, nicely furnished rooms, with all mod- ern improvements.* Address J 48, Globe. ROOMS— Wanted, . two or three vnfur- uished rooms, with heat, within ten minutes' walk of court house: references given and required; state particulars. \u25a0 Ad- dress 01, Globe. \u25a0 . ; ROOMS— Wanted, four or rive unfurnished rooms . with modern conveniences; steam heat preferred. Address P. D. Q.. Globe. \__ \u25a0 \u25a0 '.- -. oiOKK wanted inthe wholesale district; O two large floors and basement or three floors; possession wanted Jan. 1. Answer to U 34. Globe. * TOT3XC It AISOiE DENTISTRY in exchange for architect- ure. Address J., Globe. . . 'po EXCHANGE— worth clean X dry goods for clear lot. west of Victoria. Address Q 45, Globe. - •\u25a0\u25a0 < ;.., -.;-..\u25a0, T"~ O EXCHANGE—GoId watch and chain, worth $1 25 for piano. Address Q, Aft, Globe. \u25a0 . ...'-\u25a0'- -:\u25a0-.. TO EXCHANGE—Fine top buggy for good, gentle horse. Address A. G. 8., 464 Superior st. O EXCHANGE— WiII take a stock of cigars, tobacco and groceries as first pay- ment on a house on St. Anthony hill. Apply to owner. 49 West Seventh st. rpo EXCHANGE—choice city property to X. exchange for good farm land, improved or unimproved. G. W. Gray, Rogers Block, corner Fifth and Cedar. . . - - O EXCHANGE— CentraI lot, . five-room house, with city water and barn, for lot. 165 Martin st. : - . \u25a0- ... - -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0' TO EXCHANGE— Good 40-foot lot for horse, buggy and cutter. 309Vj Jackson st. Room 2. TO EXCIIANGK— Lot to exchange for safe and other office fixtures. 3091* Jackson, Room 2. -•-/ -.;." -;"".' . \u25a0 rpo EXCHANGE— house and X barn to exchange for furniture \u25a0or fur- nlshed flat. 3"9 i& Jackson st.. Room 1. TO EXCHANGE—Lease and , furniture .of good - paying hotel, in good running order, to \u25a0 trade :for farm lands or cityprop- 1 erty. Address T 10, Globe. . POPULAR WANTS. AUCTION BAI,FM. Kuvunufflt & Joliuwoii, Auttlou- ' . ; ' ! .- \u25a0; «crs. : 'INK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT ' Auction— We will Bell at public auction i at the residence. No. 37* Franklin m., (near Seventh). on Tuesday, Dec. 23, at 10 a.m., all toe line furniture, consisting of one par- lor milt, easy chairs, divans, settees, one Howe and one Davis hewingmachine, exten- sion table, center tables, hall rack, one blnck \u25a0walnut marblo top and lour very -fine bod- rooia miitM. together with the. sprint; mat- trwsies, . pillows, bedding, bureaus, . com- niodt'H, all the dliibes and one | new Monarch .gtuujiiio stove: and all the carpets, consisting of -lino body Brussels aud ingrains. Parties in starch of bargains in household furniture cannot afford to miss this sale, as the goods ore. almost as gooa as new. Kavanagh & ' Johnson, Auctioneers, 187 and 189 East ifeLxthst. , - -\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0 \u25a0, FINK PICTURES AT AUCTION— We will close out the \u25a0 balance of the line Oil Paintings, Oleographs, Mother of Pearl and Historical Pictures, Pastels, etc., at auc- tion at lit* East Seventh st. ; 'parties inter- ested in pictures will also do well to attend \u25a0 this sale, rb the pictures that are left are ali \u25a0, line subjects and finely framed, and must : positively ;. be sold regardless of their value; ' sale* every day at 2:30 and 7p. in. Kavan- ujjh&Johnson. Auctioneers. ' '\u25a0 A.11. i\i<*«>lnj , Auctioneer. A UCTION—l.arge pawnbroker's sale of xi. unredeemed pledges at auction, embrac- inga large siock of fine jewelry, gold and silver watches, . diamonds, silverware, cut- lery.' firearms, musical instruments, opera glasses, etc., etc Everything guaranteed as represented. The term of six months hav- ingexpired, these goods willbo sold, accord- \u25a0 ing to law. to the highest bidders. This sale offers great inducements to the public, as .th3 goods are - mostly suitable for holiday - I resents. Everybody invited to attend and secure first-class goods at great bargains. Wo will guarantee every sale, as we intend to re- main in business. Sales every afternoon and evening at Perlrnan & Pavlan's, Pawn- brokers, established in ISsO. 2U5 East Sev- enth st.. between Wncouta and Rosabel sts. A. 11. Nicolay.: Auctioneer. . - K. llolloway. Auctioneer. IANO AND FUKNITUItE AT AUC. X tiou—l will sell at \u25a0 the residence No- -4SB Cedar St., Monday, Dec.22, at 10 o'clock- all the furniture at the -. above number, con, sisting in part of piano of a well-known make. parlor and bedroom suits, carpets, stoves, kitchen ware, etc., etc. This is clean, nice furniture, and parties in search of any- thin!; in this line cannot afford to miss it. E. Holloway, Auctioneer. . BOARD OFFERED. A FEW MOKE day hoarders can be ac- commodated at "The Miner." 19 ana 21 East Tenth. / •„ BOAKOEKS WANTED—If you have any horses to board call at "Wright's Livery," 37<> East Ninth st B. AKJ> Furnished front room with board at 8:> East Eighth st. BOA .!>— Furnished room with board at J> 85 East Eighth st. . OAiiD— .Nuely fun.ishid front room suitable for gentleman and wife or two gentlemen; best of board; largo modern house. 210 East Ninth, corner Sibley. BuAKl»—^ls Grove St.— Two nicely fur- nished rooms for rent, with board if desired: gentlemen only. \u25a0 - OA.UO—Nicely furnished rooms with board. 83 per week ; also, an unfurnish- ed front room. 660 daemon st. BOARD Nicely furnished rooms, with board, use of bath. 232 West Seventh. BOAKO and well-furnished front rooms ; JJ modern conveniences;" private family; reference required. 136 West Fourth. ?i BOA Nicely f uru.utied front room and ;J_> board for gentleman and wife, or two gentlemen, in priva a family; St. Anthony hill i terms very moderate. Address U 44, Globe ..-\u25a0 -. BOAKD 227 East Tenth Pleasant rooms: all modern improvements; also, : excellent table board. 6 o'clock dinners. _ BOAKD Nicely furnished rooms and table board. The OldDavidson Home- stead, 513 Jackson. . ; .: -\u25a0.\u25a0 \u25a0 OARD—32S Grove St.— Warm, pleasant rooms, with board, in . private family; .; very central; references. .-.•.;-: OAKD—I7I West Fourth— fur- ' JJ . nished front rooms with use of bath and board and gas; furnace heat..'/' •. .. - BOARD— furnished roams, heat- ed with furnace, and Doard; 04 Iglehart si. : use. of parlp.r and piano; at.s4 week. OAKD— '-The ; Miner" •— Pleasant front room with board. 19 arid 21 East Tenth. BOARD— Furnished room with beard, for two gentlemen; modern" conveniences, 544 Selby ay. - :. - :; ~T BOAKD— Pleasant front room with board; very reasonable. 57 East Tenth St., half block from capitol. - BOARD— Large alcove and one smaller room, unfurnished ;•,-\u25a0 also furnished room: gas, furnace heat, bath; with board. 328 Van Slvke Court, corner of Eleventh and Pine. . ..'•..\u25a0 BOA it D—uood board and comfortable rooms at reasonable prices: steam heat; hot water in bath. 77 Summit ay. BOARD— Good furnished room and strict- lyfirst-class board at 590 John st. OAivD- Nicely furnished front and side rooms, with or without board. 478 Cedar.' .. - . BOAKD A>D ROOM—Nieeiv furnished room and board; bath and modern con- veniences; use of piano; terms moderate. 241 Sherman st. . - " ;- .^v-. \u25a0„\u25a0\u25a0. BOAKD— For rent, single and double , rooms, withboard, at 192 East Tenth st. OARD—For rent, furnished rooms, witn board, use of bath and piano, suitable for ladies or :gentlemen-; reasonable terms. 270 Pleasant ay. ; ; ' BOARD Single and double rooms, newly' furnished; modern improvements: with or without board ; prices moderate. 229 and 231 Spruce st. ~ BOARD Furnished front room and also table board, at 85 East Eighth st. BOARD Four rooms, well furnished, with .excellent board, at the Benedick, 200 Dayton, corner Summit. . ' - ORWO..D HOUSE— East Ninth and 1* Wabasha best equipped boarding house in the city: quick service; excellent table; wrm rooms ; $-1, 54-50, $5 per week. <2»»_) PER WEEK, BOAKD, ROOM and «JP»3 use of sitting room; lor two ladies. 814 Selby ay. ... - \u25a0 \u25a0 , IMI&CJEJLLAIVEOirS. A SSIGNED STOCK of fur capes, boas, •rt."' robes, etc., for sale at auction Tuesday, Dec. 23, 1890, at 349 Wabasha St. C. W. "Youngman, Assignee. ASSIGNEE SALE of furs, robes, rugs, xl hats, counters, shelving and fixtures on Dec. 23, 1890. 1" a. m., at the ; store, 349 Wabasha st. . C. W. Youngman, Receiver. D 4 U XPRESS your opinion that any dis- J3 ease is incurable, investigate the TWO GREAT CURES. Cure No. 1 was discovered by an American D. D., and positively cures all Kidney Diseases, Incipient Consumption, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints. Heart Disease,' Piles. Constipation, etc. ;• while Cure No. 2, discovered by a German M. D. (not Prof. -Koch), positively cures Syphilis, Rheuma- tism. Diphtheria, Cholera, Yellow Fever, \u25a0Paralysis, etc. The secret for 25 cents. If : you doubt, send lor testimonials unsolicited from the most noted people in the country ; cured by these remedies. Address \u25a0 Natural ; Remedy Company, dox 2279, St. Paul, Minn. FIXE New Year's calling cards at the O. £ F. Derringer Printing Company, 108 East Seventh st. .. - ' \u25a0\u25a0 ETACHRISTMAS PRESENT at the < assignee fur sale, 349 Wabasha st. C. W. Youngman, Assignee. \u25a0 \u25a0 LADIES' PRIVATE HOSPITAL,— 3ITS. ; H. Stenzel, 254 Martin st. •|\/| ASQUERADE AND THEATER COS- :.ixX tnmes. wigs and beards, grease paints for stag? use ; orders promptly attended to >Irs. L. Neitman. 56 East Seventh St., St Paul. Minn. - - j PKItSOSAB-S. I f IDRTAINS ICURTAINS!— Lace, Mad- v_/ - ras, and all '\u25a0\u25a0 kinds of curtains ; cleaned equal to new: fine point lace cleaned; kid gloves cleaned, and warranted not to smell or fade. Mrs.' J. A.Hayes, 3QVg West Third. MRS. MARY A. TUSSEY treats all ichronic and nervous . troubles; mag- ' netic and massage treatments ; sittings daily. 223 East Eighthst. . MRS. KATE llOSßlNS—Magnetic heal- er, psvebometric and trance medium. 2JSVe WeswSeventh st. ;' ORANGE BLOSSOM— Sure cure for all . female disease: sample two cents. Jen- ; nic Nelson, 59 Kauyalston ay., Minneapolis, Minn.' . : . ;.-, . :...;. ... :.'. -.. :. r- \u25a0 . \u25a0 OATKONS of country clubs will find the X : best rigs and accommodating drivers at . "Wright's Livery,", 370 East Ninth st. ; : give ;us a call. ; W. D. - Wright, ! manager ; C. B. Hoss, proprietor. ;. '..-.-..:- .-- njuiH COSTUME COMPANY—Masque O ball and ; stage costumes lent on hire;; .greas paints gold and silver trimmiiigs.span- clcs and theatrical goods. 390. Wabasha st, St. Paul; 508 Kicollet ay., Minneapolis. D ; POPULAR WANTS. BUSIKESS CHAKCK!*. Itlclicniicy. Irvine «fc Alexander, New York Life-Building, Sixth and Mlnne- -• sola, Room 913. FINE horse, harness and carpenter wagon at your own price, or will trade for lot or good watch and chain. - - - EAUTIFIiiTiTbAIE, Selby avenue dis- trlct: furnace heat, hath, all modern convenience; in bon ton neighborhood; on easy payments or will rent very cheap. :- (Si I Qf\ PUTS you into 13-room fiat; every \u2666IPA iv» J room full; balance installment. TWO beautiful lots on Seventh street and cash for grocery store. , ST) A -ROOM IIOAKDING; splendid loca- /wii - lion; no trouble to Keep itfull; cheap rent; half cash handles it. YOU WANT A PIANO for Christ- mas? We have, three which we will make prices on that will tako : your breath away, or will trade. . ACRE LOTS, three miles from court house: splendid garden land under cul- tivation; $150 per aero less than adjoining property, or will traae. I / HOUSE— AII modern conven- x\J lences; down town; suitable for board- ing house; extraordinary inducements to good tenautH. <£;•.)) \, I CASH handles restaurant clear- <&As\J\J ing 8125 per month. <&Ui U \ TAKES RESTAURANT doing »IPDUU $50 per day. \u25a0' -J. \u25a0 COME TO US for business chances of any kind; ifyour business or property has become a burden wo can unload you with good profit to yourself and make you happy for Christmas. McKeuney, Irvine _ Alexan- der. 1\ C Abbot Bargains* 32 ChamDcr of Commerce. Cj?O F\f\(\ BUYS hotel of fifty rooms; *]P»J^*J\J\J very central; every room light; cheap rent; new brick; will trade, cityprop- erty or good farm; this month only. ({,9 (\(\l \ BUYS best restaurant in this •D/C^UUU city: clearing S3OO monthly: first-class in every respect; private reasons for selling. . «£Cnn- INVOICE! Best money- •JPOWV/ : making cigar, confectionery! news, and stationery stand in city; bicki.e.-'S compels a sale; this is bona ride. C?£l, (\ BUYS small restaurant on Seventh «JPUW\_/ clearing 9200 per month: fine opening for restaurant man; established trade. CO W \ AND 83.500— rooms, v'/^v/L/U . well located and doing a clean, paying business. Investigate! \u25a0 CI A{)fk-LOI>GING HOTEL; no «S>l ? tyUU bother with feeding; simply lodging; fine corner, only three Blocks from Union depot; 100 beds; first-class; too much other business only reason for selling. \u25a0 OLD ESTABLISHED MILLINERY on East Seventh at invoice; dressmaking establishment; old stand; oceans of work; manufacturing plant at invoice; in fact, any- thing you want; the Globe is too small for complete list; call and examine personally. Self &Allyn's Business List. Room 58, National German-American Bank. *£! O(\; I WORTH of new first-class %> l)O\J(J modern furniture to trade for real estate in the Twin Cities, or will sell cheap for cash. Uh CARPETS and part of the furniture in a modern lu-room house for sale dirt cheap. _• . . WHAT have you to trade for a six-room house .' and lot on Curtice st., near electric- line? "Worth §2.000; mortgage, s9so; will take any kind of personal property. ARTIES with business chances for sale will do well to list them with us, as we have a number of buyers waiting. " . "1 (\ CLEAR LOTS in St. Paul to trade for ' \J stock of groceries, boots and shoes, dry goods, clothing or any kind of merchan- dise. ..-. . O YOU WANT TO BUY a hotel, board- ing house, .furnished flat, groceries, hardware, dry goods, boots and shoes or millineryand dressmaking: store? If so, call and look over what we have to offer at a bar- gain. - : .*'.\u25a0....-,. THE FURNITURE complete in an eight- room fiat on Ninth st. for sale cheap. ANDY LITTLE cigar and confectionery -L/ store for sale cheap. \u25a0 QUICK SALES and satisfaction guaran- teed for business chances and personal, property listed . withus at a bargain. Self & Allyn. Room 58, Narlonal German-Amer- ican Bank. \u25a0\u25a0• . ;. \u25a0:•- . Miscellaneous Business Chances 4 CHRISTMAS GIFT worth having. -C\. A scholarship in Metropolitan Business School, -fourth floor. Pioneer Press. \u25a0 : A SUCCESSFUL farm machinery factory xl \u25a0 is contemplating to remove to either St. Paul or West Superior to greatly enlarge its business; new company will have §100,000 capital; propositious as to location and in- ducements will be carefully considered. Ad- dress B. TV, 322 Sibley St., St. P«ul. _^ NY ONE HAVING 8250 to 500 cash can learn of a nice, clean, paying busi- ness for sale by callingat 53 East Fifth. pVRESSMAKERS I— l want to get a part- JLf ncr, one that understands dressmaking thoroughly; must be an American, Protest- ant, single, and between twenty and twenty- five years old; please say how much you can put In the business. Address M 39, Globe. FOR SALE—Oue new covered wagon, 30- --£ gallon milk route and horse. Address 48, Globe. - \u25a0 ' •_• FOR RENT—Snelling house, seventeen rooms, stable, etc. bar fixtures and fur- niture for sale : corner of West Seventh and Smith ay. Apply300 Chestnut st. OR SALS- Half interest in well estab- lisbed job \u25a0 printing orHee. doing good business; easy terms. Address VB. Globe. FOR First-class, good-paying ho- tel, sample room connected. - Address J. 8., Globe. . / \u25a0-. . PARTNER— Wanted, partner in first- S. class hand laundry; more work than I can do alone. Address X 08, Globe. PARTNER wanted for new enterprise. Address 11. L., St. Paul, care Globe. PARTNER WANTED in general store -L: -: to increase business; Scandinavian pre- ferred, with SSOO to $1,500; one acquainted with business, with good references; will guarantee big percentage on the invest- ment or no deal. Address S 28, Globe, Min- neapolis. \u25a0- .. ,;\u25a0.*\u25a0\u25a0 .-- : : SALOON for rent or sale, with or without fixtures; location Fifth and Robert tits. Apply 3UO Chestnut st. WANTED— Good, steady man to take half interest in good restaurant; willhave full control of the business;, this is a good opportunity for the right man. Address L 26. Globe, Minneapolis. \u25a0 LOST ASP FOtTi\n. BAG FOUND— Lady's leather bag con- taining purse, money and - valuables. Call at 421 Marshall ay. :. CORKS LOST— . bag of corks. Finder *-> will please return the same to Noyes Bros. & Cutler and receive reward. NVELOPE LOST, containing a railroad pass and permits, and also two letters; think they were lost somewhere in the neigh- borhood ofNorthern Pacific railway offices, or Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul offices, or -on street car lines: finder receive thanks from poor sister, and leave same at Globe office. ' FOUND— Sure cure for rheumatism, no matter how bad you suffer; trial sam- ple; send address. Albert, 20 Carroll st. OTES ANDPAPERS LOST— Bundle li of notes and papers; return to A. H. Comfort, 47 Valentine Block, City, and re- ceive reward. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•:' LOST Nobody lost that leaves orders at "Wright's Livery,"37o East Ninth st. LD FRIENDS FOUND at "Wright's Livery,"' 3~0 East Ninth st. C. B. Hess and W. D. Wright will take caro of your wants. -• . .- \u25a0 - ATCH LOST— gold watch ami chain: finder leave at 170 West Ninth St. third floor, receive reward. TYPEWKITEKS AMD 'SUF- ' PI.IES. qp_PEWRITERS RENTED— JL gratis in case of purchase. SUPPLIES— Ribbons etc., guaranteed. PAPERS— We make a specialty of "fine lin- ens:" prices reasonable; estimates on. stationery furnished. : REPAIRS— We employ experienced and competent adjusters and answer calls promptly and guarantee satisfaction. Complete facilities for overhauling. THE REMINGTON STANDARD embraces the fundamental principles of typewriter mechanism, and is kept improved with \u25a0 the advance of knowledge in the art. Re- turn C. O. D. in thirty days ifdesired. : THE ONLY MACHINE" WITH COMPACT key board, enabling operator to read copy simultaneously. Send for, circulars of machines, cabinets, papers, supplies, etc. WTOKOFF, -SEAMANS &BENEDICT, - : .- :: No. 94 East Fourth St., St Paul. Telephone, 400-2. ' a •'-:; . _, results, largest circulation the : J^ a A "§• most i advantageous - rates are Km __?__ I given by the Globs, Ino great •-* V w * ''Want" »eOiuai, \u25a0 , POPULAR WANTS. OTiVAXCIAI,. KM. NEWPORT & SON, INVEST- IX* mont Bankers, loan money on Im- proved property in St. Paul and Minneap- olis at C per cent "on or before." Offices. New Pioneer Press Building. St. Paul, and Bank of Minneapolis Building. Minneapolis. CHKINTMAN ofFT worth having. A scholarship in Metropolitan Business School, fourth floor, Pioneer Preh». A— YOU WANT TO liOKKuIV money at a lower rate than you can borrow through any other agency? The American Mortgage Loan company. Room 7, Firs: National bank building, corner Fourth and Jackson stß., will let you have any amount, $10, 520, 525. $40, »75, 8100 or $2dO— in fact, ; any' turn you wish, on your gold watch, diamonds, household furniture, horse, buggy, piano, carriage, etc.. at a lower rate than you can possibly get it elsewhere. Goods can remain in your possession, and you can bay a part any time you want and ptop interest. Business private and confi- dential. You can have your own time la paying up principal. - ANY ONE wanting a loan on furniture, pianos, horses, carriages, watches, dia- monds, or anything of value, can get it of. Hunt & Straueh, 34 East Third St.. up stairs, on easier terms than of any one else In the city; can be paid back at any time by install- ments or otherwise; no charge for making out papers or examining property; it will cer- tainly be to your advantage to see us * before getting a loan elsewhere. ORItOWKKS, ATTENTION— Having opened a loan office at Room IC, Ger- mania Bank Building, corner Fifth and Wabasha Bts., I am prepared to make loans on furniture, pianos, diamonds, watches, etc., property to remain in your possession; you can repay loan by installments; privacy, honorable treatment and lowest possible rates consistent with Bound business meth- ods guaranteed; private room lor ladies; take elevator. S. C. Hortou. OME LOAN COMPANY loau money on personal property and chat tels at lowest rates. 103 K. Fourth, Room 4 JAKOB AMOUN TS ofmoney to loan on J Improved property at 0 per cent. Oilman &Co., New YorkLire Building. JOANS MADK on furniture, pianos, J-i horses, diamonds, gold watches, etc. Minnesota Mortgage Loan Company, Rooms X;, 14, First National Bank building, corner Fourth and Jackson sts. ONKIT TO LOAN without delay, from $10 upward, on furniture, horses, jew- elry, etc.; time checks, notes and second real estate mortgages bought. Minnesota Loan Co., 17 East Fourth st. MONEY LOANED on life insurance pol- icies; or boueht. L. P. Van Norman, Gls Guaranty Loan Building. Minneapolis. MONEY MONEY $2i».. will bring SI,CM>O; $1,000 will brine $5,000 In ninety days. R. M., Globe. PRIVATE LOANS ON FURNITURE, X pianos, diamonds, watches, etc. ; drop a line, stating nature of security and amount wanted, and we willcall. Address Box 2375, P.O. . -- SECURITY LOAN CO., " 156 East Third st. Anyamount of money to loan on furniture, horses, carriages, diamonds and jewelryat the lowest rates. Business . strictly private. J. E. Flanigan, Manager. J. kAVAAAUU& CO., )'_'t> EAST Third St. Money to loan on real or personal property; time checks cashed at lowest rates. h\ MOKITZ, <J-2o FiO.\ ucK I'kE.t>S Building Mortgage loans made promptly; C, 7 and 8 per cent; mortgages bought. II 7 ANT TO BORROW $1,100 for three »V years; will pay S per cent; no com- mission: good security. Address C. J., Globe. LjR I \f\l \ TO$50 ; ANY SUMS to loan wtsiyjyjyj on vacant or improved. H. Caidwell, chamber of commerce. HORSES AIW CARRIAGES FOR SALE CHEAP— black saddle pony; sound and gentle. Address (J 44, Globe. .. FOR SALE— three-year-old mare; she makes a very gentle familydriving horse, and has been "used to cable and railroads. 103S Lexington ay. OK SALE—Three set of light bobs; cheap. 32 West Tnird st. FOR SALE—Team horses, harness and wagon; will sell cheap for cash ;can be seen at 130 Western ay. OR SALE— Shetland pony, cart and har- ness; also runners for cart; finest pony rig inthe city. Address F 44, Globe. : : OK SALE—A foal mare, or trade lor smaller horse. - Inquire at 1110 East Seventh st. \u25a0 •...'. \u25a0 \u25a0 Fon SALE— Horse, quiet and gentle; also I? j buggy and harness: cheap. .' 15 Alice st. - OR s A uE— finest saddle horse in the state. Address W 30, Globe. OR SALE—A gentleman's fine road horse, with buggy and harness. Address W 27, Globe. FOR SALE— A team of black horses, weight 2.G011, seven and eight years old, sound and gentle; very cheap, at 203 Martin. POUK-YEAK-OLD MARK; gentle family a. horse; drives single and double; will trade for piano, jewelry, or sell cheap for cash; also new double set of harness. Ad- dress X18, Globe. - FOR SALE— horse, harness, buggy and cutter, cheap. 427 University ay. C«OK SALE OR EXCHANGE— X? drivinghorse and phaeton. F. O. Ham- mer, 190 East Seventh st. FOR SALE—A nice two-seated sleigh; also a jump-seat sleigh. Address <\.,Glo c OR SALE—Afine familyhorsa, perfectly sound and gentle. Address P., Globe. - HORSES, harness and delivery wagon; the outfit of the S. N. Adler Furniture company :to be seen at 204-200 East Seventh. HOKSES wintered for S7 per month: good Ll stables; sheltered yards; satisfaction guaranteed ; eood reference. William T. Guernsey, Aftbn, Minn. OitSE WORTH $150— Will exchange for $100 in cash, groceries, dry goods or clothing. 43 West Fourth st. PRACTICALhorse clipping by an im-. i proved machine: the only flexible shaft clipping machine in the city. James Carr, at King's stables. INuLE HAKN« SS—Wanted, a light, good one, with collar and haines. Address 624 Bates ay. rO EXCHANGE—One six-glass coupe, nearly new, with pole, shafts and sleitth ruuners, for two good single top buggies, with pole iuid shafts. Address F 49. Globe. ANTED A 1,2>'0 or 1.300-pound horse for its board this winter, or will . trade fora two-seated wagon. Address F45, Globe. ANTED—Good, cheap Concord or low VV open buggy. Call Monday at 237 West Third. - - ANTED TO BUY FOR CASH—SO : head Western horses: must be young, : cheap, and weighnot less than 900 pounds. Look Box 2. Long Prairie, 'Minn. CHURCH SERVICES. ~" PLYMOUTH CHURCH- CORNER OF X Wabaslia and Summit Ay. The pas- tor. Rev. A.11. Heath, D. 1)., will preach at 10:30 a. m.: no service inthe evening; con- gregation invited to meeting of Congrega- tional Union at People's church at 7:30 p. m. UKINT EPISCOPAL CliliiC'll J West Fourth St., corner Franklin st. Rev. Charles D. Andrews, rector; Sunday, Dee. 21, fourth Sunday in Advent; the holy communion, a. m. ; morning prayer, 11 a. m. ; evensong and sermon, 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school and men's Bible class, taught by the rector. 12:3-' p. m., immediately after morning service. A cordial invitation is extended to attend all the services of the church; especially are young men invited to join the rector's Bible class; meets in the guild hall adjoining church. PIRITUALISTS PUBLIC MEET O ings every Sunday at Odd Fellows' hall, corner Fifth and Wabasha: m., test and conference meeting; 8 p. m., lecture and tests by Mrs.Dr. Russell. ST. PETER'S CHURCH— DAYTON'S Bluff— Fourth and Maple Sts.— seats free; Rev. S. Mills,rector; fourth a uuday in Ad- vent: holy communion. 8 a. m.. matins, lit- any and sermon, 11 a. m. ; Sunday school, 3 p. m.; evensong aud seimon, 7:3<» p. m. St. John's, White Bear— Fourth Sunday in•Ad- vent: evensong and sermon, 3:15 p.m,: Rev. S. Mills, rector. OT, PAUL'S CHURCH (EPISCOPAL) O Corner of Ninth and Olive Sts.— Rev. John Wright D. D., rector; holy communion at 8 a. m.; morning prayer and sermon at 11 a. m.; Sunday school at 2:30 p. m.: choral service : and sermon at 7:30 p. in. Visitors cordially welcome. . - .\u25a0 .' - AST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH— John A. Stemen, the pastor, will preach at 10:3" a. m., "The Day Before and the Day After the i First Christmas;" at 7:30 there will be a Christmas song service; Sunday school at noon; Society, of Endeavor, 6:45. Ail are welcome. , \u25a0 . _»ROFESSIO3iAT,. UPEKFLOLS HAIR,moles, warts, etc., permanently removed by electricity. Mrs. Baldwin, Suite 205, The Colonnade, corner St. Peter Mid Tenth; entrance, oa St. Peter. POPULAR WANTS. CAN BE LEFT .-...f0r-— INSERTION IN THE GLOBE: P. VAN DUYNE, Druggist. 823 East Sev- enth street. A. T. GUERNSEY. Corner Dale and Selbjr . Avenue. P. LLILLYBECK. comer Seventh and John reels. HOTEL RYAN DRUG STORE, 398 Robert street. M. C. LYONS. Druggist. 707 East Third street, corner Butts. MOUNTS & SAWYER, Grocers, corner Adv. . land avenue and Dale street. A. P. WILKES, Druggist. 759 and 701 WeU Seventh street BERKMAN & CO.. 422 Dakota avenaa. E. FOX, I'JG Rice street FRANK L. OSBURG. 173 Western avenash J. H. HAVES, 441 West Seventh street. BIPPLER &COLLYER, Drugglaat. 199 Bart ' Seventh street. JOHN FURLONG GROCERY COMPANY, Corner Eighth and Jackson streets. WILKBS 1 PHARMACY, Seven Corner* M.D. MERRILL. Book* and Stationery. 442 Broadway. HELLER'S PHARMACY, comer Tenth and St. Peter streets. R. SCIIIFKMAN & SON. Druggist, cornet Thirdand Maria. A. LYONS. Druggist. Corner Third and Maria. ' D. P. PETTIGREW. corner Rice and Igl» hart. W. M. RICHARDSON. 760 Wab?<?ha. MRS. JENNIE CLINTON. 051 East Seventh street. G.H. WEBB, SGG Broadway. B. J. WITTE, 527 Lafayette avenua. V.A.HIRSCHER, 235 Rondo. ROUES', 412 N. Exchange. IWUSICAB,. Gill EDITIONS OF MUSIC HOOKS, ' elegantly bound, in great variety and at low prices, at W. J. Dyer & Bro.'s, 148 and 150 East Third st. IANOS, $75 to Sl.OiM); Organs, $30 to 6150; Musical Boxes. 50 cents to S-'OO; small instruments at all price* at W. J. Dyer & Bro.'s. its and 150 East Third St. BARGAINS IX SECOND-HAND IN-' struments, good for many years of serv- ice, can always be found n't "W. J. Dyer A Bra's, 148 and 150 East Third st. ORGANS AND PIANOS Bold on easy monthly payments, and every one fully warranted, at W. J. Dyer & Bro/s. 14« and 15" East Third st. . TV YuU WANT a piano or organ, don't A fail to see W. J. Dyer & Bro , 148 and 150 East ThirdSt., before you bay. VJERYTHING you can think of fora musical gift will ba found at W. J. Dyer <fc Bro.'s. 143 and 150 East Third st. ik\l7OMr.X iN MUSlC'*— One of the » » newest and best things in musical literature. W. J. Dyer &Bro., 143 and 150 East Third st. VIOLINS, banjos, guitars, accordions and all kinds of musical instruments, large and small, at lowest prices, at W. J. Dyer Si Bro.'s, MS and 150 East Third st. TMiE FINEST PIANOS and organs, and A the lowest prices, willbe found at W. J. Dyer &Bro.'s, 1 48 and 15» East Tnirdst. O YOU WANT a nice Chrisflfias gift for a musical friend? See some of the bean- tiful books of music at W. J. Dyer &Bro.'o. 148 and 150 East Third st _* BUY YOUR musical instruments of A, Peterson. 418 East Seventh st.: pianos and organs sold on easy terms; sheet musla 10 cents t>er copy. PIANOS at factory cost: two elegant up- JT right pianos to be sold for the manufact* urers; old established makes: cash only: se« them; will be sold at one-half usual prices. Raudenbush, 03 East Thirdat., second floor, PIANO TUNING— SI.SO: first-class wore guaranteed. Samuel E. Crutcnett, 523 Wabasha St.. Room 2; city references. \u0084 :... .. \u25a0 . PIANO— For sale, a square piano; fin* condition; willsell very cheap; this is a bargain for immediate purchaser. Address W 28, Globe. .-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. . \u25a0 I'KKiHT pianos AT FACTORY" Cost— elegant upright pianos for sale for the manufacturers at half usual Drices: cash only: must goat? once. S. W. Raudenbush, No. 03 East Third St.. up stairs. " FRIGHT PIANO for sale at one-half! value first-class maker, litleused ; good reason tor selling. Address II I' 17, Globe. t£99R BUI'S a line Gabler . Upright *S)a*/^,kj Piano; a great sacrifice: cost 5350 short time ago; also two other uprights of best makes at Si 7s and S'-tK>, worth double the prices; these are special bargains: call immediately. Raudenbush, G3 East Third st, second floor. INSTRUCTION. ' CHRISTMAS GIFT worth having." A scholarship in Metropolitan Business School, fourth floor. Pioneer Press. So PER MONTH—Shorthand: even} ing; Standard system: lessons day ana by mail. Miss J. D. Hess, eighth door, Pion- eer tress Building. C 1 LOCUTION LESSONS taught DrivaH J-J and class: special course to student* Miss Haas, 832 Osceola ay , near Victoria. SHORTHAND —Graham system; full O course, $10; no boots required; instruct tion guaranteed. Wm. Shepfer, 274 Rondo, ST. AGATHA'S ACADEMY OF MLSId and Art, 20 East Exchange St. Lesson* to ladies and children given on piano, organ, violinand guitar; also a thorough course in. drawing and puiuting, including crayon,pas- tel, water colors and decorative work. Fox terms, call or address the Superioress. PIE WORKS. A LL LADIES of st. Paul and elsewhere^ xl bringyour feathers to the only practi« ' cal dyer; tips curled at 5 cents each; dyed, 5 : cents bunch: plumes dyed, 50 cents each. 30ij West Third. Hayes. J. KOCHtX, N. W. Steam Dye Worts; office, - 41(5 Robert st., Ryan blocKi works. 55 and 57 Indiana ay. JAAII>ON <& v...., New York- Steam Dye V\ orks; ladies' and gents' clothiug a spe- cialty. 14 West Sixth st. AHLERI & MI.MXI., Miunesata Steam Dye Works. 244 East Seventh st. BOARD WASTE R. BOA HO— Wanted, one or two rooms, with board, for man, wife and child on St, Anthony hill, convenient to cable. Addresi P 53, Globe. BOA>.D— Wantei. by man and wife, large alcove room, furbished or unfurnished, with board; must be reasonable. Address U 4t>. Globe. ' OAiJD Wanted, by_ young man and wife.* two pleasant furnished rooms or large alcove room and board with private family, where no other roomers kepi; must be re- spectable, refined and pleasant people: fur- nace or steam-heated: nice locality: refer- ence* necessary, Address X 42. Globe. STORE ASP BAB FI.VTIKKS. NEW AND SECOND-HAND SALOON fixtures, ice boxes, mirrors, pool and billiard tables, counters and . shelving. 218 Washington aye. north. Minnett'THN. STORE ASP BAR FIXTURES. v Billiard and Pool Tables and Materials. t lt?K3ransp^jiHmmm'.i^ ~WW\ STBRE&SALGOM! l^B ; UpSS . -* FIXTURES*- fi {§1? I J IIIIBIIeIi \ NT.F.RNPW aiMl - D icalChem- . llJjIl«DK iaild TechuiealChfia ist; Office and Lab. No. 133 E. \u25a0\u25a0 Firth"'- street, St. Paul, Minn. Personal latteaI attea tion given to all kinds of Assayincr.Ana- yizing and Testn«. Chemistry applied tor all arts and manufactures.

POPULAR WANTS. PfIPIIIAR WANTS PfliiJJil Ul IJ« POPULAR ...€¦ · Charles Rudolph. 132 East Fourth st

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Page 1: POPULAR WANTS. PfIPIIIAR WANTS PfliiJJil Ul IJ« POPULAR ...€¦ · Charles Rudolph. 132 East Fourth st




William Ashton Nellie ThomaiParents. '

births befohted. sex.Mr. and Mrs. Bentmann. 583 Edmund... Boy

Mr. and Mrs. Tobin. Goffav GirlMr. and Mrs. Arnold, 521 Ellen St.. ... .GirlMr.and Mrs. Glassburn, 914 Beech 5t....80yMr.and Mrs. Craig.Mr.aud Mrs. Eaule, Tenth &Temper" GirlMr.and Mrs. Gamble. John st GirlMr.and Mrs. Small, Robert st .....BoyMr.and Mrs. Bragdon. John st Girl'Mr. ami Mrs. Eveuson, 771 Wabasha. .GirlMr. and Mrs. Godbout.2ol E. Winifred.. .Girl

Name. deaths rerouted. Age.PbtllpLiebig KelleravFrederick Richter, Lake Johanna.. ...6 daysThomas O'Leary .34 SEast Sixth


Gustav Krause Augusta SchroicntenborgWilliam Henry Sanders.. Jennie Ann CollinsJoseph Ysak Barbara ConolyW. 11. Greselman ".. .....ilayDwyer


Mr. and Mrs. Vakul,Bohemian flats Girl51r. aud Mrs. Sullivan.cityhosuital.Twin girlsMr.and Mrs. Qonder. 7oOMinnehaha....BoyMr. and Mrs. Wilgus, Ramsey hill ..Girl


Francis Leo Gurrin. University—

5 yearsGlover Pen-in, 366 Nelson ay 67 yearsBaby Lonergan 344 Martin stJohn Peel;. 138 East Fifth 03 yearsJ. M. Morns, Valley si 26 years


Edwin A.Jaggard Anna M.AverillHatbias Gabriel Catheriue HoodFredericK Bggert llulda NeitzerJoseph Graves Lena NelsonBartholomaus C. Miller Martha Fitba


Mr.a-idMrs. Wallin, 107 Jessamine St.. .BoyMr. and Mrs. Canden BoyMr. and Mrs. Zimmerman BoyMr.and Mrs. Fay, 337 Canada st, Boy


Mamie Oolbourn, 401 Goodrich... lV2monthsMrs. Kalmann 26 years

Thursday. fe,Parents. bibthsbbpobtkd. Sex.

Mr.and Mrs. Dewer. St-Albans it GirlMr.and Mrs. Clawson, H>(>7 Gaultier st .GirlMr.and Mrs- Monisse. 57 Merrillst BoyMr. ana Mrs. Leech, 1421 Abemarle GirlMr.and Mrs. Grant, 235 Louis st BoyMr. ana Mrs. Fleisner. 501East Eighth...GirlMr. and Mrs. Sorenson. 564 L'Orient .. .BoyMr. aud Mrs. Hogbaum, 33 College ay...Girl

Name. deaths reported. Ace.Johu'G. Kelly.7.'2 Iglehart 28 yearsFred Smith, 175 West Fourth 11 weeksMargaret Flynn,-l^J Superior st 63 yearsMary Griffin.895 Reaney st 74 yearsJohn Carlson, Lake Comb 25 years

MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED.John J. Swansea Annie S. Sundgren.Edward Prestou James. Lillian StirlingPoice.Charlie Larson Annie C. Anderson.Douglas Ross AliaB. Griswold. .Mathins Kunz Josephine Roth.Charles Weuson Jenuie Peterson.


Anton Nelson Sophie JohnsonC.A. Loger Margaretta ElleusonJohn Wickstedt Hilda Molin

BIRTHS REPORTED.Name ofParents. Sex.

Mr. and Mrs,E. D. Nolle. Fairvie way....GirlMr.and Mrs. Grass, Eva st GirlMr.and Mrs. Delos. WooaDridgest BoyMr.and Mrs. Yunggoist, 070 Simmes St..BoyMr.and Mrs. C. A.Oleson,l"88 EdKerton.GirMr.and Mrs. Nuzill247 Richmond ay...80

Mr.and Mrs. Koblik.Bohemia BoyName. deaths reported. Age.Benjamin Jansen 705 Simmes stCharles Mplod, 914 Geranium st 6 yrs.Peter Francis. City Hospital 41 vrsCharles Record. Lawsonst 4mo


Fred Eden Rosa DonbacherJohn Strichen Alice BrenerCarl Matthias Johnson Barbra Vike

BIRTHS REFOBTED.rName of Parents. SexMr.and Mrs. Grosse. 391Fairview BoyMr.and Mrs. Molinkc. St. Albans GirlMr.and Mrs. Wuldengel, St. Anthony .. BoyMr.and Mrs. Kentig.Dayton avenue. ... GirlMr.and Mrs. Molineux, Annapolis GirlMr.and Mrs. Wells, East Seventh Girl

Name. . deaths repokted.

Mary Griffin s!)5 Reaney streetAlbertli.Peterson ...591 Sberburue avenueHermann F. Greth. Aruudel streetBabyKilberg..:. ..:.. Albermarlo streetFerdinand Hicks : Jessamine street

WII4I.ESTATE FOR S AI.E.ii,yV* <•!\u25a0.!>.

Rogers Block,Corner Fifth and Cedar.(jCIO (\t 1/ \ UUY> a beautiful home,*!pL^^\J\J\J very sightly and centrallylocated, on very easy terms; or would ex-change for business properly. G.W. Gray,Rogers Block, corner Fifth and Cedar.eOkfV i\ BUYS a handsome resi-*&A/*J*\Jkj\J dence and large grounds inextra fine location, on easy terms, or willex-change for good business property. G. W.Gray, Rogers Block,corner Fifth and Cedar.

CrQn Of 10 BUYf*one of the best busi-*i?A>/\J^\J\J\J ness corners on South Rob-ert St., or will exchange for unimprovedproperty. G. W. Gray, Rogers Block, cornerFifth and Cedar.


One lot onPage st. within one\u25a0> block of Hendricks school, three blocks

to street railway, and three blocks to motorstation; will \u25a0 sell $100 less than adjoininglots are selling for. and on easy payments.O. W. Gray, Rogers Block, corner FifthandCedar. --.-y-:

<5;11 *7nn BUYS a fine improved, well-•4PJ.l*,/ \JVJ rented business corner onUniversity ay.:investigate this; It's a greatbargain; willmake terms very easy. G.W.Gray, Rogers Block, corner Fifth and Cedar."1O FINE lots, all south-facing, one andXA> two blocks from Concord st. electricand motor lines; willsell singly or togetherat sacrifice price, and on terms to suit. .G.W.Gray, Rogers Block, corner Fifth andCedar.O_) ACRES of the finest land overlook-A**J ingMcC'arron's lake, forsale at a greatbargain and easy terms. G. W. Gray, cornerFifthand Cedar.

FINE business lot on East Seventh sL toA exchange for St. Anthony Hill prop-erty amounting in value to $9.<>00 to $10,---000. G. W. Gray, Rogers Block, cornerFifth and Cedar.

IHAVE choice business and residenceproperty to exchange foracre property

close to or adjoining citylimits. G. W. Gray,Rogers Block, corner Fifth and Cedar.'

South St. Paul.

LOTS and houses aud lots forsale or trade;houses to rent. E.E.Parker, 30 East

Fourth st. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0


PUVE or ten acres fine gardsn land, nearBurlingtonHeights, SISO per acre; easy

terms. Address J 43, Globe.

I'OR SALE or traae, stock farm of 445J- acres, improved 140 acres, good build-ings and water; number one land. ApplytoD.E. Dwyer,Albert Lea, P. O. B.44.

'OR SALE, very cheap, 5, 1" or 2O acresA of fine gardening Una, only two and ahalf miles from the court; house. For fullparticulars inquireof Michaud & Michaudcorner Seventh and Wnbasha.

WAN To rent for two years, withoption ofpurchase, ahousa aDd barn,with about five acres of land, not more thanfivemiles from city. Address P 37. Globe.

.V!is<*cltan con*.

CHRISTMAS GIFT worth having.Ascholarship In Metropolitan BusinessSchool, fourth floor. Pioneer tress.


CASH PAID for real estate, improved or'unimproved, ifa positive snap. E. E

Globe.EXCHANGE-5',200 equityinnew house.No. 1000 Iglehart St., forclear property;willoffer bargain for cash. Address N. K.Potter, Northern Pacific General Office, Ta-coma. Wash.

I'ORSALE OR TRADE—House and loton Laurel ay., near Dale st. ApplySan-Borne, 182 West Fourth.Poll SALE—The most beautiful vacant*

A- residence property in St. Paul. viz.:171x142 feet to20-foot alley, northeast cor-ner Summit ay. and Dale st.; south front onasphalt pavement; sewer, water and gas con-nections all made; willsell in parcels to suitfirst-class purchasers on easy terms ofpay-ment; also for sale, Boulevard addition lots"on Summit, Marshall, Dayton and other ave-nues. Wm: G.Robertson. 27 Globe building.

f'OK SALE CHEAP, iftaken this month,J- anew eight-room bouse, No. 975 Laurelay.;hardwood finish;modern improvements;easy terms ;monthly payments or will tradeInquireof the owner. -It) West Seventh st

F«OR SALE OR EXCHANGE— lowprice, two new eight-room houses, nearEast Seventh st power house; also 160 acresat Huron. Dak 312 Lumber Exchange.

f~ 'ORCE SALE—Must be taken at once;nine-room modern house: built threeyears; full lot; St. Anthony . Hill;east of

Meckubin st; 81,500 less than it can beduplicated for. (Address "Owner," Sr6beOffice. . '.c. \u25a0\u25a0;• \u25a0.. I'-

HOUSES— For sale, two six-room warmlyLI built houses, all modern, Nos. 293, 297Chatsworth st, near cable; terms to suit.tames O\M.eara &Bro., 3"*>*•»*«_*m.



NoilCE— Have• large list ifimproved

and unimproved real estate: for sale orexchange; parties who wish to trade, sell orpurchase willdo well to call or correspondwith us. P. Scbouorth Jr., No. 131 EastFourth St., M. Paul. -'.



WN YOUR OWN HOME—F0r 54,500we offer an eight-room house, corner of

Martin st. and St. Anthony ay.; finished inoak on the first floor, furnacf, bath, gas, bay iwindows, cement cellar, back-plastcrud; a'complete house: corner lot: terms to suitpur-chaser. Smith &Taylor. 333 Robert st. .--;TUKKKi.OTs forbale, in Jackson &Bid-X well's addition, or will trade for im-

proved "property. Inquire "of owner, 749

Armstrong ay., 'st. Paul."

WANiKD—House in the Midway distric)worth about $5.000; .will•trade one

strictly first-class new family carriage as partpayment. Address C. C. C, Globe. '

\u25a0 \u25a0

UJ ANIJKD—l'o buy residence In St. Paulor Minneapolis for cash; $2.<»«'O,

$3,00 no objection to outside property ifdesirably located ;must be a big bargain.Address XVZ, Globe, Minneapolis. .' :\u25a0

WILLSELL equity in my -eight-roomresidence at a sacrifice of over $1,000

iftaken at once; modern improvements;built two years ago: centrally located. Ad-dress X40. Globe. •


WILL TRADE eight-room house, withbath, for stock ofgroceries; titty-foot

corner, near University cable; or $I,s<.'<>be-low actual value lor cash. Address M34,Globe. •\u25a0::\u25a0: '\u25a0-* T-u?

\./HYI>O YOU PAY RENT? BUY" AVV homo !!!!You are invited to consider

carefully this most excellent opportunity 10buya home, six and seven-room dwellingsinan unexceptionable neighborhood, twentyminutes' walk from the court nou&e. :Thesedwellings are built fim the very best .material the market affords, warm, convenient,substantial, cellar under the entire house,walk around house; all conveniences; lotstwo feet above grade, level and beautiful ;streets, graded; near street cars; electricmotor to be built within one minute's walkfrom houses: near parks and attractiveviews. This property has a better future be-fore it than any oilier residence property inthe city The terms offered are the easiest,fairest and most attractive ever yet devisedto enable you to buy a home; $2O and $25per month :nothingdowu to the rightpeoule.Do not neglect this chance to obtain a home.Cut this out. Come at once, and remember,Charles Rudolph. 132 East Fourth st.

<Btl / ll)(l8118 south-facing lot on•Pl^VJiJv/ Hague, lieblock west of Lex-netou: Ramsey's addition. Faricy &Daly,30 \Vest Fourth.

\u25a0 FOIE SALE.

A— BE SOLD at your price, severaldiamonds, solid gold and filled

watches. Room 1,34 East Thirdst.SSIGNED STOCK of furcapes, boas,

robes, etc., forsale at auction Tuesday,Dec. 23. Ib9(», at 349 Wabasha st. C. Vv.Youngmau. Assignee.

AFINE corner sign forsale at a bargain.Address L. J.,Daily Globe. St. Paul.

ASSIGN SALE of furs, robes, rugs,hats, counters, shelving and fixtures on

Dec. H3, 1800. 10 a. m., at the store, 349Wabasha st. C. W. Youngman, Receiver.

BASE BURNER—Used one season, cost545, for SlB. Address Q 45, Globe.

BED SPRING— For sale, bed spring andmattress; also heating stove. join 8,

Forepauuh Block, Seven corners.

BICYCLE—For sale. $2 ,54-inch bicycle,worth $100. Address Henry, C, M.&

St. P. \u25a0

\u25a0 \u25a0'; ;\u25a0--;,;

BIRDS —German canary, linnet, goldfinch ;very fine; twenty-three days from Eu-

rope; also mocking bird, reubird, thrush,lory, etc., to reduce private collection, at000 Wabasha St.. every day after 2 p. m.

ANAKYbirds for sale ud stairs. No.V-V 13 East Eighth.

A»ii CA-.KiERS— For sale, two De-troit cash carriers at a bargain. Address

L.J., Daily Globe, St. Paul.

CARPET— For sale, cheap, 40 yards fineMoquette carpet; cost $1.60, tor 5c per

yard, iftakeu at once. Apply422 Wabasba.


Splendid longbuffalo coat forsalecheap. Address O02, Globe.

OWs— New milch cows for sale. T. R.Palmer, 00 Globe .Building, or 923

Grand ay. . -!-'.:;

OG—Ualf-mastifF and half St. Bernarddog. one year and a half old; good

:watch dog. Call at 55 Leighton.

DOGS— Newfoundland •. pups, .four,XJ and a

'half months, for sale byM. M.

Ingraham, Lake City, Minn.

DOG— For sale, pug dog, cheap. 245Ramsey st.

OG.-> lOit THE CHILDREN—I.will. sell a few choice cocKer spaniels andChesapeake bay puppies lor $10 each ;applyat once. Gustav Hausen, Osccola Mills,Wis.

OKSALE—St. Bernards for Christmas—Thoroughbred puppies: pedigree; prices

low if taken at once. O. Bergman, 357Jackson St., St. Paul. . .OURNITURE— For sale cheap, plush par-S. lor

-suit, extension table, bedroom suit,

coal base-burner heating stove and a fewother pieces. 182 West Fourth, corner Ex-change. .-\u25a0:-.*D>UKNITURE—For sale, a lot of bedroomJO furniture with two stoves; the lot willbe disposed of very cheap. Applyat office,Hampton House, 151 East Third st.

GAS ENGINE—For sale, 5-horse-powerOtto Gas Engine. 264-266 East Seventh

st. S.N.Adler. . :\u25a0-'-\u25a0\u25a0'piETACHRISTMAS PRESENT at theVT assignee fur sale, 349 \Yabasha st. C.W. Youuaman, Assignee. .OVEKCOAT—For Sale—s4o takea a good

. mink-lined, otter-trimmed overcoat;size, large 36;too small forowner. AddressE 50. Globe. \u25a0

OSTOCK0 STOCK FUKMTUKE- sale, officefurniture and gas fixtures, cheap. S. N.

Adler, 264-266 East Seventh st. .OOL TABLE—Second-hand pool andbilliard table, small size, or willexchange.

Address M22, Globe, Minneapolis.

T>UPI'IES—Two-black and tan puppies\u25a0JT-" of the finest breed, one male and onefemale, twomonths old; weigh less than onepound call Sunday or Monday. \u25a0 544 Tem-perance st. I___^______pUPPIEs— For sale, black and tan pup-L pies; weigh less than one pound;- tenweeks old. Call at 330 Goodrich ay., .Mon-day.

T>IANO—For sale, a square piano: fineX condition: willsell very cheap; this is abargain for immediate purchaser. AddressW -8. Globe,

PIANOS at factory cost; two elegant up-rightpianos tobe sold for the manufuct-

urerfs; old established makes; cash only;seethem; willbe sold at one-half usual prices.Raudenbufb, 03 East Third St.. second floor.CjAFh— second-hand safe cheap.O 264-266 East Seventh.


new Hall's safe; goodkj size; will sell cheap. Address U 44,Globe.

PtiUCE CHRISTMAS TKEES at 310East Seventh at wholesale and retail;

we willsuit customers ou*pnces and quality;come early. Clinton &Co.

TEiiEOI'TICON— sale, a calciumO lightdissolving stereopticon ;also a self-condensing oxygen cylinder. Room 10, Nic-ollet House, 200 East Sixth.THREES— Gar load Christmas trees fromA thirty to two feel high; wholesale a spe-cialty. On Fourth st., between Robert andJackson sts.Qi:£)i)F\ BUYS a fine Gabler Upright*^)AjAj\JPiano; a great sacrifice; cost $350short time ago: also two other uprights ofbest makes at i75.and S2 o, worth doublethe prices; these are special bargains; callimmediately. Raudeubush, 03 East ThirdSt.,second floor.

*Sllf \C\ ASH buys my fine square Knabe«4?lUv/ piano, if taken a t once. C. E.Hale, 534 Selby ay. -

WA«TED TO BUY. \u25a0>

A CHRISTMAS GIFT worth having.Ascholarship inMetropolitan Business

School, fourth floor. Pioneer Press. •

aBY CARRIAGE wanted cheap forcash. 250 Rice st.

CLOTHING—Wanted to buy, gentlemen'sv/.-second-hand clothingforcash. AddressX4, Globe. .

AP—Wanted" to buy,latest map of thecity. F. O. Hammer, .100 East Ser-

enth st. . —FFICE DESK— Wanted, a second-hand

office desk. Address, stating price, Yl,Globe.

RINTING PRESS— to buy, aPearl or Gordon printingpress, 7x11;it

must be in fair condition. O 61. Globe.OFA—Wanted to buy, a sofa; must be

cheap forcash. 259 West Fifth st. .TEAM YACHT—Wanted, a steam yacht

about forty feet long; must be fast and;safe. Address Q 48, Globe, giving full de-scription and lowest cash price. .TYPEWRITER— Wanted, to buy a sec-X ondhand ßemington typewriter; cash.Address X 70, Globe. \u25a0

* ~\u25a0

WOMAN'S"RECORD— Wanted, Dec«m-ber copies of the Woman's Record: to

PfliiJJil1 Ul ULnll IfnilIJ«FOR KENT. ; ..- IOIISC*.


ANYONE warning houses. Hats, stores,cilices, too Merrill &Owens, Iteming

and Collection Agency, 41 Kast Fourth st. \u25a0

pOTTAUKs-Kor rent, a cottage of sixvy and one offour rooms, half block fromRice car. Inquire 180 Charles st . •



For rent, two six-roomA_/ warmlybuilt cottages, all modern, '2'Xi,297 Chatsworth st., near cable; cheap forwinter. James O'Meara<& 8r0.,.50S Jackson st.

OK KENT-073 St Peter St., east front,second door above Tiltonst., due brick

tenement, all modern conveniences ana inperfect repair: willlease at low rate to goodtenant; also three line new brick stores, withmodern tenements on second floor, on thecorner ofEast Seventh and Fauquier sts. ;also rear room over our office, I'MEastSeventh st., between Jackson and Sibley 6ts. ;J. P. Gribbeu Lumber Co. \u25a0

HOUSES— For rent, houses near Seventhstreet cable, from $8 toSI2 per mouth.

A.F.Manehser, 105 East Seventh st.OUSE AND BAKN—Nine rooms good

for two families; cistern; city water.374 North Fort.

HOUSE— No. 385 Washington St.— Hasten rooms newly papered; in good re-

pair; only half block from Grand operahouse. Host & Cresey, corner Third andRobert sts. j ...'\u25a0\u25a0

OUSES— per mouth: we have sixrive-room houses onlyhalf ablock from

the East Seventh st. cable, corner Fauquierand Atlantic sis. ;each house separate; in agood and healthy neighborhood: rent re-duced from §1_.50 to 557.50 per month; don'tfail to kco them. Kost & Crescy, cornerThird and Robert sta. . __ __HOUSE— rent, line new house withall

modem improvements, cheap, cornerCanada and East University ay.


HOUSE— For rent, house of liverooms onReaney st., near Arcade. Apply 50

Globe Building. *"\u25a0

HOUSE— £10 Per Month—Five-room housen in good repair: fiveminutes' walk fromunion depot. Inquire at 343 East Fifth st.

Of Ki:rlit-room house on hillat halfprice; bath, gas, good barn. 318 \Ya-

ba&ba st.

OI'SE— For rent, new steam-heated brickhouse, hot wmer, baths, etc.; teu min-

uses' walk from Third street; terms low. Ap-plyat No. 0 st. Pierre Terrace, corner Colo-railo and South Robert. . •

HOUSE— For rent, seven-room house withbarn; 309 Rondo, three blocks from

Rice st. Inquire at 442 Pine at., betweenSeventh and Eighthsts.


HOUSES- For rent, a 14-room house cmCanada and a-12-room house on Wa-

coutast.; furnace, bath and everything con-venient. Apply'221 East Seventh st. :

HOUSES— For rent first class t>rick andstone residences, near corner of Laurel

and Ninaavs., St. Anthony hill:one blockfrom cable line: all modern conveniences;steam and furnace beat. For terms inquireof W. C. Riley, 3Drake Block, or 291 Laurei'aye.


OUSE AND BAUNat 21" Front st. forrent or sale, cheap. Maguire Bros., 318

Pioneer Press.

0»% tuuiS Ov\ .\u25a0» uu.tir.—

For $4,50'we offer an eight-room house, corner of

Martin st. and St. Anthony ay.; finished inoak on the first floor; furnace, bath, gas, baywindows, cement cellar, buck-plastered: acomplete bouse; corner lot:terms to suit pur-chaser. Smith &Taylor, 333 Robert st.

<8?Of ) PER aiOJN Xli—New eight- room*&Aj\J house on St. Anthony hill; hassewer, water, gas, bath and furnace. E. P.Wilgus, 134 East Fourth £t.


FLAT— rooms, city water, bath, plenty

of closet room, on Rondo, near Rice st.J. W. Jacgar, 328 Robert st.

FLAT—Six-room fiat; *team heat and allmodern conveniences; central and de-

sirable location. X 50, Globe.


Seven-room steam-heated flat,\u25a0 with hot and cold water, gas range, fix-

tures and globes, window shades, doublewindows and screens; walls decorated. »-tc.;janitorservice; two squares from \u25a0 capitol;four from Ryan. 93 East Eleventh st.

FLAT*—For rent, nine three-room flats inbrick building. 203 Norri3St.. corner

Sibley. . . . "" . . :.FLAT— nicelyfurnished six-room flat, in

whole or in part: \u25a0 desirable location;steam heat and all modem improvements.Address P 40, Globe.



A very nice six-room '. flat:on sec-ond-floor; newly papered all modern

improvements: cheap tent; only 100 feetfrom West Seventh st. electric cars. Apply351 Qoodhuest. . . .-\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 ...\u25a0

PLAT-Anew first-elnss flu».for rent oppo--T site Albion, on Se"lb> ay., with steambeat ;prices, $25, $35 and .$40. Inquire ofLovering, the Shoe Man. •

FLAT—Eleven rooms forrent (one flat) inHardy block, corner. Third and Smith

ay. Inquire of N.Hardy," 2"2 Smith ay.

<u?1 A Pr,itMONTH tornew eight-room«4P-l-^fc flats; have sewer, water, bath, etc.E. P.Wilgus, 134 East Fourth st. \u25a0


ANTED—Iwillmake itan object forafirst-class druggist to rent store room

in Grand Opera house building; just the lo-cation forone. Frank L.Bisby. -


cTOKE-For rent, store, corner Fuller andO Mackubin; good location. Inquire at50" Martin st. \u25a0. -•\u25a0•:' \u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0':'\u25a0\u25a0

STOKE—At 272 Rondo St., with livingrooms in the rear; nice business location.

Applyto J. W. Jaggar. 320 Robert st.

STOKE Corner store and four rooms inblock corner Robert and Tenth sts. In-

quire at-">os Robert si.


Smut-.— For rent, store, corner Fuller andMackubin; good location. Inquire at

s<>O Martin st.

STOKE— For rent,' first-class wholesale

store building,Nos. 213 and 215 EastThird, near Sibley st.; five stories and base-ment, 3 i>3xl2s ft.; private alley, freightelevator, line office and all appointmentscomplete fora large wholesale business; thelocation is unsurva-scd: possession Jan. 1,185IO: now occupied by Detroit Stove Works.William G. Robertson, Room 27. GlobeBuilding. \u25a0 . ,;

STOic lor rent in wholesale district, 22'_\224 and 220 East Fourth st.; the build-

ingnow occupied by the undersigned,-

de-sirably located in the center of the jobbingdistrict, is offered for rent on a two or fiveyears' lease from Jan. Ist, 1891; size ofbuilding,five stories and Basement soxlOOto a 20-foot alley inthe rear, where the ship-ping and receiving of goods is conducted;steam heat and power, steam elevator, auto-matic hatchway doors, hardwood floorinfirst story, oak stairways to basement andupper floors, and every modern improve-ment; this is one of the most desirable storesin the city,and willbe leased to one tenantor divided tosuit several tenants. For fur-ther particulars apply to Joseph W. Blabon& Co., 222. 224 and 226 East Fourth st.

Rooms.—HOTEL BRUNSWiCK, for gentle-• men only; fifty modern steam-healed

rooms byday, week or month. \u25a0' -A PARTMENT —To rent, apartment;x two rooms and bath, with steam heat.InLaurel Terrace, cornar Nina and Laurelays., St. Anthouy hill. W. C. Riley, No. 3Drake Block. \u25a0


ROADWAY, 067— good rooms:furnished or unfurnished for house-

keeping: modern improvements; privatehouse: first floor.

*EDAK ST.. 577— Otic Block and a Halfvy Above Capitol— room and alcove,furnished ;heated.

fI^EDAK. 528—For rent, one front room,\y with alcove; suitable for three gents;with or without board. . '

UESTNUT ST., 321— Block FromV^ Seven Corners— room, neatly fur-nished, $5. - " .r^iHRISTMASTREES— We willhave forvy sale Monday morning a carload of ele-gant Christmas trees; price, 5 • cents to $2.50each; holly,30 cents Id.;wreathing moss. 8cents lb.; "Christmas caudles, 12 cents lb.Golden Rule.

XCHANGE ST.. 16, WEST- For rent,nicely furnished or unfurnished rooms.

OKT ST., 37«, NORTH—Five rooms',city water and cellar, suitable forhouse-

keeping^^ .- .\u25a0

- -

FOURTH ST., 52, WEST—Nicely fur-nished rooms for rent, from $8 and up-

ward. ,. . -Tj^URNISHED or unfurnished rooms onJO first or second floor. Board if desired.555 Robert st.

' :

FULLER ST., 21::—For lighthousekeep-ing,nice rooms; city water ; and bath.

212 Fuller st.

GROVE ST., 213— T0 rent, elegantly fur-nished for housekeeping, five rooms,

pantry, bath and shed ;rent reasonable. ;-


Furnishedroom, modern convenience; suitable for

lady or gentleman. ;\u25a0-..-,-.

IIOTKL BARTEAU, 52*—Nicely fur-XJ nished rooms with steam heat and gas.

\u25a0pjash, vfftrm,furnished front room.




ttoom*. t. \u25a0 vi:3f-ri«AOKSON, ..»2—Pleasant furnished Bin.-

glo nundouble rooms, with modern \u25a0Im-provements, homo \u25a0- comforts; -

prices mod- \u25a0

crate. . \u25a0\u25a0 . \u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•; i.e. :.. •-,..-\u25a0.

JACKSON ST., 627-Furuished frontroomsuitable forman aud wife or.two gentle-

men. . . '. Q \u25a0'-'.'

JACKSON ST.. 309i,ij-ThirdFloor—Largeunfurnished frontroom, 88; very desira-

ble location. • . -\u25a0:\u25a0 .

M~~ AUXIN«T.,359-Forrent, umurnished. rooms for housekeeping; :modern con-veniences; cheap. ...'.'-, ',":..

AItMHALI.AY.,419—One nicely -fur-nished frontroom.Bailable for two, with

or withoutboard. Call up stairs..'


NASH Si1., 268— Suites of three and fourrooms; rent, $5 to 810, city water In-

cluded. \u25a0 \u25a0" ~ .. . • c . •.

KLSON AY., 205—A nicely furnished"li room, ten minutes' walK from v post-office, and near Rood boarding place; rent $5per month to riuht party." "_'. . "

...-'..jV!iNTtI.NT., 343 EAST—Furnished room

\u25a0L™ forrent. \u25a0 \u25a0<•. -\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0.;\u25a0

NINTH, 317. EAST-Near Broadway-Small front room (heated) $5; private

family; gentlemen only. . '".'...ARK I'LACE. NO. 02—Handsomely

furnished front room and alcove; fur-nace beat; $l<>. \u25a0 . -: :..

OO.H—A neatly furnished room in pri-vato family;heated; forlady only. In-

quire at i!9-' St. Anthonyay. ;-.:.h;

ROOM—For rent, large, elegantly fur-nished room, with first-class tablc'board,

forgentleman, aud wife, two gentlemen orladies: steam heat, electric light, hot andcold water bath in

-connection. Address II-

4.0, Globe. .-..;---

Rooms— Furnished orunfurnished roomslor rent, suitable forhousekeeping. Ap-

plyat 20 West Third st. -.ROOMS— Two or three unfurnished rooms,

pleasant ana centrally located, first-classin every way; references exchanged. Ad-dress X 47, Globe. ... \u25a0 , . , ;\u25a0

ROOMS— Front and back parlor, nicely.XV furnished, with steam heat and all mod-ern improvements;. -desirable location; pri-vate family: to one or two gentlemen orgentleman and wite. Address P 38, Globe.

SELBY AV.. 257—

For rent, very desirablefront rujiii,with board. .:..'.

liVENen, 22-, tiASi—To rent, ur-uished and unfurnished rooms for

housekeeping. Inquire at Kooni 1. . \u25a0


SEVENTH ST., 15 1, VVrJS T—Near SevenO Corners— Three large unfurnished roomsforrent for housekeeping.


..VE.>THSt.. 1 Ha. Wi£» —Furnishedfront room:steam heat, bath, etc. .-.. .

StVi.Ain.vT., 1«5. UJiSi—Front fur-nished room; sieam heal: cheap: bath. .

EVi!.Ni'ii »*., 4-9, CAST—Koom 1—For rent, one nicely furnished front

room; $7 per month. •

SHERMAN Si., 34?)— Nicely furnisnedWJ room forone or two gentlemen: secondfloor; low rent.


IXTti5.., 3 9, EAST— rent, fur-nished rooms.

T.PETER ST., Room I—Furnishedsuite ot front rooms; cheap; to gentle-

men orladies.

SUMMIT PLACE, 285—For rent, a fur-nished room, and bath, cheap.

UAim. AY., ;>l—Near St. Peter— Forrent, comfortable

'trout room, with gas

litrbt, use of witn: suitable for one or twogentlemen: lowrent.

SC MmYt AY.,84—For rent, nicely fur-uished room:has eras and all modern

conveniences; veryreasonable.rpiSN MiST., 19 and 21, Ka PleasantX rooms at "The Miner;".,opposite thecapitol. -'\u25a0;,;;THEN'TH ST.. 27!) EAST—Pleasant fur-X '\u25a0 nished room, suitable for one or two

gentlemen, reasonable. ..»r»ENrii si., 3/ EAiT-Elegantly iar-X nished and wellheated rooms; gas, bath,furnace heat. .mEMPEKAJiCE ST.. s*o


X rooms, with or without board.'

EMPcKANCt;ST., 528—Elegant fur-nished front room and alcove for rent;

use of bath; one door from Tenth st. ••-'.-:-.rj'HIRDST., 242; W.;S r— rent, roomX furnished complete for housekeeping.

nHHIKDST., 334. WEST- For rent, threeX rooms for housekeeping, ;unfurnished

or partly furnished. \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0


'TMVEL.FI'ti Sl\,1

03—Nicely - furnished!X ;room: private family;$3 per month.' '• f

WABASHA ST., 44 —Three \u25a0 or \u25a0:fivesteam-heated rooms for rent cheap;

hot and cold water; verycentral; referencesrequired. F. Knit. iLL-—.\~VTAHASHA—Corner; •• Ninth—For rent,VV two nicely furnished suites ofrooms

at the Wabasha: board ifdesired.-

Offices.FFICE KOOMS-For Rent- We stillhave

\J a few unoccupied office rooms in GrandOpera house building; we want good tenantsfor their society; rents no object; better havea look at them. Frank L. Bixby, managerGrand. • '"

._ '".'.-FFiCE ANI»DESK uoum forrent on

\J ground floor. 132 East Fourth St., op-posite Pioneer Press ouilding.

-• \u25a0


UIL.DING 107 Sibley st., between Sixthand Seventh sts.. 25x130 feet, 4 . stories

and basement; possession March 1, 1891, orearlier ifdesired. Apply to A. 11. Wilder,522 Endicott building.

rpHE ATTENTIONof societies and clubsX desiring to rent aball fordances or en-

tertainments during the season is called toGarfield Post Hall, 348 and 352 East Seventhst Janitor may be seen at bull.. - -



A—TlliiEXKitJb'O UKROOMS wanted ;• good tenant; ten minutes of Globe.Address W. D., Globe.

-CiOTTAGE offour to six rooms on Day-

J ton's bluff;inVan Buren district. 683North st. - --- "

H USE— Want a five to seven-room house;near corner 31ackubin and University;

give description and terms." Address 483

University. . ;.'."i..'


Wanted, a furnished or unfur-nished house; medium size; on the-

hill. Address W. J.. 528 St. Peter st. \u0084-, \u25a0-*- -

OWN YOLK OWN HOME—For $4,500weoffer .an eight-room house, corner <>f

Martin st. and St. Anthony ay.; finished inoak on the first floor: furnace, bath, gas, baywindows, cement cellar, back-plastered; a

1 complete house; corner lot: terms to suit pur-chaser. Smith &Taylor, 333 Robert st. :

FF*CE— to rent, by:a lawyer,part of an office in Pioneer Press or

Globe building. Address J 52. Globe.

ROOM— Wanted by young man. a smallroom, neaily furnished, in private fam-

ily,wheio all home comforts ican be had;state price with answer. Address W 31,Globe. . - . . .\u25a0.-.. . ... \u25a0- .

RO.»MS— Want to rent by two young men,nicely furnished rooms, with all mod-

ern improvements.* Address J 48, Globe.

ROOMS— Wanted, . two or three vnfur-uished rooms, with heat, within ten

minutes' walk of court house: referencesgiven and required; state particulars. \u25a0 Ad-dress 01, Globe. \u25a0 . ;

ROOMS— Wanted, four or rive unfurnishedrooms .with modern conveniences;

steam heat preferred. Address P. D. Q..Globe. \__ \u25a0

\u25a0 '.- -.oiOKK wanted inthe wholesale district;O two large floors and basement or threefloors; possession wanted Jan. 1. Answer toU 34. Globe.*


DENTISTRY in exchange forarchitect-ure. Address J., Globe. . .

'po EXCHANGE— worth cleanX dry goods for clear lot.west of Victoria.

Address Q45, Globe.-

•\u25a0\u25a0 <;..,-.;-..\u25a0,

T"~ O EXCHANGE—GoId watch and chain,worth $1 25 forpiano. Address Q, Aft,

Globe. \u25a0 . ...'-\u25a0'- -:\u25a0-..

TO EXCHANGE—Fine top buggy forgood, gentle horse. Address A. G. 8.,

464 Superior st.O EXCHANGE— WiII take a stock ofcigars, tobacco and groceries as first pay-

ment on ahouse on St. Anthonyhill. Applytoowner. 49 West Seventh st.rpo EXCHANGE—choice city property toX. exchange for good farm land, improvedor unimproved. G. W. Gray, Rogers Block,corner Fifth and Cedar. . . - -

O EXCHANGE— CentraI lot, .five-roomhouse, with city water and barn, forlot.

165 Martinst. :- . \u25a0- ... -


TO EXCHANGE—Good 40-foot lot forhorse, buggy and cutter. 309Vj Jackson

st. Room 2.

TO EXCIIANGK—Lot to exchange forsafe and other office fixtures. 3091*

Jackson, Room 2. -•-/-.;." -;"".' . \u25a0

rpoEXCHANGE— house andX barn to exchange for furniture \u25a0or fur-

nlshed flat. 3"9i&Jackson st.. Room 1.

TO EXCHANGE—Lease and ,furniture.of good -

paying hotel, in good runningorder, to \u25a0 trade :for farm lands or cityprop- 1erty. Address T 10, Globe. .


Kuvunufflt & Joliuwoii, Auttlou-'. ;' !.- \u25a0; «crs.:'INK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT' Auction— We willBell at publicauction i

at the residence. No. 37* Franklin m., (near•Seventh). on Tuesday, Dec. 23, at 10 a.m.,all toe line furniture, consisting of one par-lor milt, easy chairs, divans, settees, one•Howe and one Davis hewingmachine, exten-

sion table, center tables, hall rack, one blnck\u25a0walnut marblo top and lour very -fine bod-rooia miitM. together with the. sprint; mat-trwsies, . pillows, bedding, bureaus, . com-niodt'H, all the dliibes and one |new Monarch.gtuujiiiostove: and all the carpets, consistingof-lino body Brussels aud ingrains. Partiesinstarch of bargains in household furniturecannot afford to miss this sale, as the goodsore. almost as gooa as new. Kavanagh &

'Johnson, Auctioneers, 187 and 189 East

ifeLxthst. , --\u25a0 \u25a0•\u25a0


FINK PICTURES AT AUCTION—Wewillclose out the \u25a0 balance of the line

OilPaintings, Oleographs, Mother of Pearland Historical Pictures, Pastels, etc., at auc-• tion at lit*East Seventh st.;'parties inter-ested in pictures willalso do well to attend

\u25a0 this sale, rb the pictures that are left•are ali \u25a0,line subjects and finely framed, and must:positively ;. be sold regardless of their value;

'sale* every day at 2:30 and 7p. in. Kavan-ujjh&Johnson. Auctioneers.'

'\u25a0 A.11. i\i<*«>lnj,Auctioneer.A UCTION—l.arge pawnbroker's sale ofxi. unredeemed pledges at auction, embrac-inga large siock of fine jewelry, gold andsilver watches, .diamonds, silverware, cut-lery.' firearms, musical instruments, operaglasses, etc., etc Everything guaranteed asrepresented. • The term of six months hav-ingexpired, these goods willbo sold, accord- \u25a0

ing to law. to the highest bidders. This saleoffers great inducements to the public, as

.th3goods are-mostly suitable for holiday -

Iresents. Everybody invited to attend andsecure first-class goods at great bargains. Wowillguarantee every sale, as we intend to re-main in business. Sales every afternoonand evening at Perlrnan & •Pavlan's, Pawn-brokers, established in ISsO. 2U5 East Sev-enth st.. between Wncouta and Rosabel sts. A.11. Nicolay.: Auctioneer. . -

K. llolloway. Auctioneer.IANO AND FUKNITUItE AT AUC.

X tiou—lwill sell at \u25a0 the residence No--4SB Cedar St., Monday, Dec.22, at 10 o'clock-all the furniture at the -.above number, con,sisting in part of piano of a well-knownmake.

• parlor and bedroom suits, carpets,stoves, kitchen ware, etc., etc. This is clean,nice furniture, and parties insearch of any-thin!;in this line cannot afford to miss it. E.Holloway,Auctioneer. .


AFEW MOKE day hoarders can be ac-commodated at "The Miner." 19 ana

21 East Tenth. / •„

BOAKOEKS WANTED—If you haveany horses toboard call at "Wright's

Livery,"37<> East Ninth st

B. AKJ>—

Furnished front room withboard at 8:> East Eighth st.

BOA .!>— Furnished room with board atJ> 85 East Eighth st. .

OAiiD—.Nuely fun.ishid front roomsuitable for gentleman and wife or two

gentlemen; best of board; largo modernhouse. 210 East Ninth, corner Sibley.

BuAKl»—^ls Grove St.— Two nicely fur-nished rooms for rent, with board if

desired: gentlemen only. \u25a0-

OA.UO—Nicely furnished rooms withboard. 83 per week ;also, an unfurnish-

ed front room. 660 daemon st.


Nicely furnished rooms, withboard, use of bath. 232 West Seventh.

BOAKO and well-furnished front rooms ;JJ modern conveniences;" private family;reference required. 136 West Fourth.

?iBOA Nicely furu.utied front room and;J_> board for gentleman and wife,or twogentlemen, in priva a family; St. Anthonyhilliterms very moderate. Address U 44,Globe ..-\u25a0 -.


227 East Tenth—

Pleasantrooms: all modern improvements; also,

:excellent table board. 6 o'clock dinners. _ •


Nicely furnished rooms andtable board. The OldDavidson Home-

stead, 513 Jackson. . ;.: -\u25a0.\u25a0 \u25a0

OARD—32S Grove St.— Warm, pleasantrooms, with board, in. private family;

.;very central; references. .-.•.;-:

OAKD—I7I West Fourth— fur-'JJ .nished front rooms with use ofbath andboard and gas; furnace heat..'/' •. ..

-BOARD— furnished roams, heat-

ed with furnace, and Doard; 04 Iglehartsi.:use. ofparlp.r and piano; at.s4 week.

OAKD—'-The ;Miner" •— Pleasant frontroom with board. 19 arid 21East Tenth.

BOARD—Furnished room with beard, fortwo gentlemen; modern" conveniences,

544 Selby ay.- :.

-:; ~T

BOAKD—Pleasant front room with board;very reasonable. 57 East Tenth St.,

halfblock from capitol. -

BOARD— Large alcove and one smallerroom, unfurnished ;•,-\u25a0 also furnished

room: gas, furnace heat, bath; with board.328 Van Slvke Court, corner ofEleventh and •

Pine. • . •..'•..\u25a0

BOAitD—uood board and comfortablerooms at reasonable prices: steam heat;

hot water in bath. 77 Summit ay.

BOARD—Good furnished room and strict-lyfirst-class board at 590 John st.

OAivD-Nicely furnished front and siderooms, with or without board. 478

Cedar.' . . - .BOAKD A>D ROOM—Nieeiv furnished

room and board; bath and modern con-veniences; use of piano; terms moderate.241Sherman st. . •

- " ;- .^v-. \u25a0„\u25a0\u25a0.

BOAKD—For rent, single and double, rooms, withboard, at 192 East Tenth st.

OARD—For rent, furnished rooms, witnboard, use of bath and piano, suitable

forladies or:gentlemen-; reasonable terms.270 Pleasant ay. ; ;



Single and double rooms, newly'furnished; modern improvements: withor without board ;prices moderate. 229 and

231Spruce st.~


Furnished front room and alsotable board, at 85 East Eighthst.


Four rooms, well furnished, with.excellent board, at the Benedick, 200Dayton, corner Summit. . ' -

ORWO..D HOUSE— East Ninth and1* Wabasha

—best equipped boarding

house in the city: quick service; excellenttable; wrm rooms ;$-1, 54-50, $5 per week.<2»»_) PER WEEK, BOAKD, ROOM and«JP»3 use of sitting room; lor two ladies.814 Selby ay. ... - \u25a0


, IMI&CJEJLLAIVEOirS.A SSIGNED STOCK of fur capes, boas,

•rt."' robes, etc., for sale at auction Tuesday,Dec. 23, 1890, at 349 Wabasha St. C. W."Youngman, Assignee.

ASSIGNEE SALE of furs, robes, rugs,xl hats, counters, shelving and fixtures onDec. 23, 1890. 1" a. m., at the ;store, 349Wabasha st. .C. W. Youngman, Receiver.

D4 UXPRESS your opinion that any dis-J3 ease is incurable, investigate the TWOGREAT CURES. Cure No. 1was discoveredby an American D. D., and positively curesall Kidney Diseases, Incipient Consumption,Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints. Heart Disease,'Piles. Constipation, etc. ;• while Cure No. 2,discovered by a German M. D. (not Prof.-Koch), positively cures Syphilis, Rheuma-tism. Diphtheria, Cholera, Yellow Fever,

\u25a0Paralysis, etc. The secret for25 cents. If:you doubt, send lor testimonials unsolicitedfrom the most noted people in the country;cured by these remedies. Address \u25a0 Natural;Remedy Company, dox 2279, St. Paul, Minn.

FIXE New Year's calling cards at the O.£ F.Derringer Printing Company, 108 EastSeventh st. . . - '


ETACHRISTMAS PRESENT at the< assignee fur sale, 349 Wabasha st. C.W. Youngman, Assignee. •


LADIES' PRIVATE HOSPITAL,—3ITS.;H.Stenzel, 254 Martin st.

•|\/|ASQUERADE AND THEATERCOS-:.ixX tnmes. wigs and beards, grease paintsfor stag? use ;orders promptly attended to>Irs. L.Neitman. 56 East Seventh St., StPaul. Minn. - -



ras, and all '\u25a0\u25a0 kinds of curtains ;cleanedequal tonew: fine point lace cleaned; kidgloves cleaned, and warranted not to smellor fade. Mrs.' J. A.Hayes, 3QVg West Third.

MRS. MARY A. TUSSEY treats allichronic and nervous .troubles; mag-


netic and massage treatments ;sittings daily.223 East Eighthst. .MRS. KATEllOSßlNS—Magnetic heal-

er, psvebometric and trance medium.2JSVe WeswSeventh st. ;'

ORANGE BLOSSOM— Sure cure forall. female disease: sample two cents. Jen-;nicNelson, 59 Kauyalston ay., Minneapolis,Minn.'. : . ;.-, . :...;.... :.'.-.. :. r- \u25a0 . \u25a0

OATKONS ofcountry clubs will find theX :best rigs and accommodating drivers at."Wright's Livery,", 370 East Ninth st.;:give

;us a call. ;W. D.-Wright,!manager ;C. B.

Hoss, proprietor. ;. '..-.-..:- .--njuiHCOSTUME COMPANY—MasqueO ball and ;stage • costumes lent on hire;;

.greas paints gold and silver trimmiiigs.span-clcs and theatrical goods. 390. Wabashast, St. Paul; 508 Kicollet ay., Minneapolis. D ;


Itlclicniicy.Irvine «fc Alexander,New York Life-Building, Sixth and Mlnne--•

sola, Room 913.•

FINE horse, harness and carpenterwagon at your own price, or will trade

forlotor good watch and chain.- - -

EAUTIFIiiTiTbAIE,Selby avenue dis-trlct: furnace heat, hath, all modernconvenience; inbon ton neighborhood; on

easy payments or willrent very cheap. :-

(SiIQf\PUTS you into 13-room fiat; every\u2666IPA iv»J room full; balance installment.

TWO beautiful lots on Seventh street andcash forgrocery store. ,

ST) A -ROOM IIOAKDING;splendid loca-/wii -lion; no trouble to Keep itfull;cheaprent; half cash handles it.

YOU WANT A PIANO for Christ-mas? We have, three which we will

make prices on that will tako :your breathaway, or willtrade. .ACRE LOTS, three miles from court

house: splendid garden land under cul-tivation; $150 per aero less than adjoiningproperty, or willtraae.I/ HOUSE— AIImodern conven-x\J lences; down town; suitable forboard-ing house; extraordinary inducements togood tenautH.<£;•.)) \, ICASH handles restaurant clear-<&As\J\J ing 8125 per month.<&UiU \ TAKES RESTAURANT doing»IPDUU $50 per day. \u25a0' -J. \u25a0

COME TOUS for business chances of anykind; ifyour business or property has

become a burden wo can unload you withgood profit to yourself and make you happyfor Christmas. McKeuney, Irvine_ Alexan-der.

1\ C Abbot Bargains*32 ChamDcr of Commerce.

Cj?O F\f\(\ BUYS hotel of fifty rooms;*]P»J^*J\J\J verycentral; every room light;cheap rent; new brick; willtrade, cityprop-erty or good farm; this month only.

({,9 (\(\l\ BUYS best restaurant in this•D/C^UUU city:clearing S3OO monthly:first-class in every respect; private reasonsfor selling. .«£Cnn- INVOICE! Best money-•JPOWV/ :making cigar, confectionery!news, and stationery stand in city; bicki.e.-'Scompels a sale; this is bona ride.C?£l, (\BUYS small restaurant on Seventh«JPUW\_/ clearing 9200 per month: fineopening for restaurant man; establishedtrade.CO W \ AND 83.500— rooms,v'/^v/L/U.well located and doing a clean,paying business. Investigate! \u25a0

CI A{)fk-LOI>GING HOTEL; no«S>l ?tyUU bother with feeding; simplylodging; fine corner, only three Blocks fromUnion depot; 100 beds; first-class; too muchother business only reason forselling. \u25a0

OLDESTABLISHED MILLINERYonEast Seventh at invoice; dressmaking

establishment; old stand; oceans of work;manufacturing plant at invoice; in fact, any-thing you want; the Globe is too small forcomplete list; call and examine personally.

Self &Allyn'sBusiness List.Room 58, National German-American Bank.

*£! O(\; I WORTH of new first-class%> l)O\J(J modern furniture to trade forreal estate in the Twin Cities, or will sellcheap for cash.

Uh CARPETS and part of the furnitureina modern lu-room house forsale dirt

cheap. _• . • .WHAThave you to trade for a six-room

house .'and lot on Curtice st., nearelectric- line? "Worth §2.000; mortgage, s9so;willtake any kind of personal property.

ARTIES with business chances for salewilldo well to list them with us, as we

have a number of buyers waiting. " ."1(\CLEAR LOTS in St. Paul to trade for'

\J stock of groceries, boots and shoes,dry goods, clothing or any kindof merchan-dise. ..-. .

O YOU WANT TOBUY a hotel, board-ing house, .furnished flat, groceries,

hardware, dry goods, boots and •shoes ormillineryand dressmaking: store? Ifso, calland look over what wehave to offer at abar-gain. - : .*'.\u25a0....-,.

THEFURNITURE complete inan eight-room fiaton Ninth st. for sale cheap.

ANDYLITTLEcigar and confectionery-L/ store forsale cheap. \u25a0

QUICKSALES and satisfaction guaran-v£ teed for business chances and personal,property listed . withus at a bargain. Self &Allyn. Room 58, Narlonal German-Amer-ican Bank. \u25a0\u25a0• . ;. \u25a0:•- .Miscellaneous Business Chances4 CHRISTMAS GIFT worth having.

-C\. Ascholarship inMetropolitan BusinessSchool, -fourth floor. Pioneer Press. •

\u25a0 : • •A SUCCESSFUL farm machinery factoryxl\u25a0 is contemplating toremove to either St.Paul or West Superior to greatly enlarge itsbusiness; new company will have §100,000capital; propositious as to location and in-ducements willbe carefully considered. Ad-dress B. TV,322 Sibley St., St. P«ul.


NYONE HAVING 8250 to 500 cashcan learn of a nice, clean, payingbusi-

ness forsale by callingat 53 East Fifth.pVRESSMAKERS I—lwant toget a part-JLf ncr, one that understands dressmakingthoroughly; must be an American, Protest-ant, single, and between twenty and twenty-five years old; please say how much you canputIn the business. Address M 39,Globe.

FOR SALE—Oue new covered wagon, 30---£ gallonmilkroute and horse. Address

48, Globe.-

\u25a0' •_•

FOR RENT—Snelling house, seventeenrooms, stable, etc. bar fixtures and fur-

niture forsale:corner of West Seventh andSmith ay. Apply300 Chestnut st.

OR SALS-Half interest in well estab-lisbed job \u25a0 printing orHee. doing good

business; easy terms. Address VB.Globe.

FOR First-class, good-paying ho-tel, sample room connected. -Address

J.8., Globe. . / \u25a0-. .PARTNER— Wanted, partner in first-S. class hand laundry; more work than Ican do alone. Address X 08, Globe.

PARTNER wanted for new enterprise.Address 11. L.,St. Paul, care Globe.

PARTNER WANTED in general store-L: -: to increase business; Scandinavian pre-ferred, with SSOO to $1,500; one acquaintedwith business, with good references; willguarantee big percentage on the invest-ment or no deal. Address S 28, Globe, Min-neapolis. \u25a0- .. • ,;\u25a0.*\u25a0\u25a0 .--::SALOON forrent or sale, with or without

fixtures; location Fifth and Robert tits.Apply3UO Chestnut st.

WANTED—Good, steady man to take halfinterest in good restaurant; willhave

fullcontrol of the business;, this is a goodopportunity for the right man. Address L26. Globe, Minneapolis. \u25a0


BAG FOUND—Lady's leather bag con-taining purse, money and


Call at 421 Marshall ay. :.CORKS LOST— . bag of corks. Finder*-> will please return the same to NoyesBros. &Cutler and receive reward.

NVELOPE LOST, containing a railroadpass and permits, and also two letters;

think they were lost somewhere in the neigh-borhood ofNorthern Pacific railway offices,or Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul offices, or

-on street car lines: finder receive thanksfrom poor sister, and leave same at Globeoffice. '

FOUND— Sure cure for rheumatism, nomatter how bad you suffer; trial sam-

ple; send address. Albert, 2 0 Carroll st.OTES ANDPAPERS LOST—Bundle

li• of notes and papers; return to A. H.Comfort, 47 Valentine Block, City, and re-ceive reward. • \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•:'


Nobody lost that leaves orders at"Wright's Livery,"37o East Ninthst.

LD FRIENDS FOUND at "Wright'sLivery,"'3~0 East Ninth st. C. B.Hess

and W. D.Wright will take caro of yourwants.

-• . .- \u25a0

-ATCH LOST— gold watch ami

chain: finder leave at 170 West NinthSt. third floor, receive reward.


qp_PEWRITERS RENTED—JL gratis incase ofpurchase.

SUPPLIES— Ribbons etc., guaranteed.PAPERS— We make a specialty of "fine lin-

ens:" prices reasonable; estimates on.stationery furnished. :

REPAIRS—We employ experienced andcompetent adjusters and answer callspromptly and guarantee satisfaction.Complete facilities for overhauling.

THE REMINGTON STANDARD embracesthe fundamental principles of typewritermechanism, and is kept improved with

\u25a0 the advance ofknowledge in the art. Re-turn C. O. D.in thirty days ifdesired. :

THE ONLY MACHINE" WITH COMPACT• keyboard, enabling operator to read copysimultaneously. Send for,circulars ofmachines, cabinets, papers, supplies, etc.

WTOKOFF,-SEAMANS &BENEDICT,- :.- :: No. 94 East Fourth St., St Paul.Telephone, 400-2.


a•'-:; . _, results, largest circulation the: J^a A"§•most iadvantageous -

rates areKm__?__ Igiven by the Globs, Ino great•-*Vw *

''Want" »eOiuai, \u25a0 ,


KM. NEWPORT & SON, INVEST-IX*mont Bankers, loan money on Im-proved property in St. Paul and Minneap-olis at C per cent "on or before." • Offices.New Pioneer Press Building. St. Paul, andBank of Minneapolis Building.Minneapolis.

CHKINTMANofFT worth having.Ascholarship inMetropolitan Business

School, fourth floor, Pioneer Preh».

A— YOU WANT TO liOKKuIVmoney at a lower rate than you can

borrow through any other agency? TheAmerican Mortgage Loan company. Room 7,Firs: National bank building, corner Fourthand Jackson stß., will let you have anyamount, $10, 520, 525. $40, »75, 8100 or$2dO—in fact, ;any' turn you wish,on yourgold watch, diamonds, household furniture,horse, buggy, piano, carriage, etc.. at a lowerrate than you can possibly get itelsewhere.Goods can remain in your possession, andyou can bay a part any time you want andptop interest. Business private and confi-dential. You can have your own time lapayingup principal. -ANY ONE wanting a loan on furniture,

pianos, horses, carriages, watches, dia-monds, or anything ofvalue, can get it of.Hunt &Straueh, 34 East Third St.. up stairs,on easier terms than of any one else In thecity;can be paid back at any time by install-ments or otherwise; no charge formakingout papers or examining property; itwillcer-tainly be to your advantage to see us


beforegettinga loan elsewhere.ORItOWKKS, ATTENTION—Having

opened a loan office at Room IC, Ger-mania Bank Building, corner Fifth andWabasha Bts.,Iam prepared to make loanson furniture, pianos, diamonds, watches,etc., property to remain in your possession;you can repay loan by installments; privacy,honorable treatment and lowest possiblerates consistent with Bound business meth-ods guaranteed; private room lorladies; takeelevator. S. C. Hortou.

OME LOAN COMPANY loaumoney on personal property and chat

tels at lowest rates. 103 K. Fourth, Room 4

JAKOB AMOUNTS ofmoney to loan onJ Improved property at 0 per cent.

Oilman &Co., New YorkLire Building.

JOANS MADK on furniture, pianos,J-i horses, diamonds, gold watches, etc.Minnesota Mortgage Loan Company, RoomsX;,14, First National Bank building, cornerFourth and Jackson sts.

ONKITTO LOANwithout delay, from$10 upward,on furniture, horses, jew-

elry, etc.; time checks, notes and secondreal estate mortgages bought. MinnesotaLoan Co., 17 East Fourth st.

MONEY LOANED onlifeinsurance pol-icies; or boueht. L. P. Van Norman,

Gls Guaranty Loan Building.Minneapolis.



$2i».. will bringSI,CM>O; $1,000 will brine $5,000 In

ninety days. R. M.,Globe.PRIVATE LOANS ON FURNITURE,X pianos, diamonds, watches, etc. ;drop aline,stating nature of security and amountwanted, and we willcall. Address Box2375,P.O. . --SECURITY LOAN CO.,

"156 East Third st.

Anyamount of money to loan on furniture,horses, carriages, diamonds and jewelryat •the lowest rates. Business .strictly private.J. E. Flanigan, Manager.

J. kAVAAAUU& CO., )'_'t> EAST• Third St. Money to loan on real orpersonal property; time checks cashed atlowest rates.

h\MOKITZ,<J-2o FiO.\ucK I'kE.t>S• Building—

Mortgage loans madepromptly; C, 7 and 8 per cent; mortgagesbought.

II7ANT TO BORROW $1,100 for three»V years; willpay S per cent; no com-

mission: good security. Address C. J., Globe.LjRI\f\l\ TO$50 ;ANY SUMS toloanwtsiyjyjyj on vacant or improved. H.Caidwell, chamber ofcommerce.


FOR SALE CHEAP— black saddlepony; sound and gentle. Address (J44,

Globe. ..FOR SALE— three-year-old mare; she

makes a verygentle familydrivinghorse,and has been "used to cable and railroads.103S Lexington ay.

OK SALE—Three set of light bobs;cheap. 32 West Tnird st.

FOR SALE—Team horses, harness andwagon; willsell cheap forcash ;can be

seen at 130 Western ay.

OR SALE—Shetland pony, cart and har-ness; also runners forcart; finest pony

riginthe city. Address F 44, Globe. ::OK SALE—A foal mare, or trade lor

smaller horse. - Inquire at 1110 EastSeventh st. \u25a0 •...'. \u25a0


Fon SALE—Horse, quiet and gentle; alsoI? jbuggy and harness: cheap. .' 15 Alice st.

-OR s AuE— finest saddle horse in

the state. Address W 30, Globe.OR SALE—A gentleman's fine road

horse, with buggy and harness. AddressW 27, Globe.

FOR SALE— A team of black horses,weight2.G011, seven and eight years old,

sound and gentle; very cheap, at 203 Martin.POUK-YEAK-OLDMARK;gentlefamilya. horse; drives single and double; willtrade for piano, jewelry, or sell cheap forcash; also new double set of harness. Ad-dress X18, Globe. -

FOR SALE— horse, harness, buggyand cutter, cheap. 427 University ay.

C«OK SALE OR EXCHANGE—X? drivinghorse and phaeton. F. O. Ham-mer, 190 East Seventh st.

FOR SALE—A nice two-seated sleigh;also a jump-seat sleigh. Address <\.,Glo cOR SALE—Afine familyhorsa, perfectlysound and gentle. Address P., Globe.

-HORSES, harness and delivery wagon;

the outfit of the S. N. Adler Furniturecompany :to be seen at 204-200 East Seventh.

HOKSES wintered forS7 per month: goodLl stables; sheltered yards; satisfactionguaranteed ;eood reference. William T.Guernsey, Aftbn, Minn.

OitSE WORTH $150— Will exchangefor$100 in cash, groceries, drygoods or

clothing. 43 West Fourth st.

PRACTICALhorse clipping by an im-.iproved machine: the only flexibleshaft clippingmachine in the city. JamesCarr, at King's stables.

INuLE HAKN« SS—Wanted, a light,good one, with collar and haines. Address

624 Bates ay.

rO EXCHANGE—One six-glass coupe,nearly new, with pole, shafts and sleitth

ruuners, for two good single top buggies,with pole iuid shafts. Address F 49. Globe.


A 1,2>'0 or 1.300-poundhorse forits board this winter, or will

. trade fora two-seated wagon. Address F45,Globe.

ANTED—Good, cheap Concord orlowVV open buggy. CallMonday at 237 West

Third. - -ANTED TO BUY FOR CASH—SO:head Western horses: must be young, :

cheap, and weighnot less than 900 pounds.Look Box 2. Long Prairie, 'Minn.



—The pas-

tor. Rev. A.11. Heath, D.1)., will preach at10:30 a. m.:no service inthe evening; con-gregation invited to meeting of Congrega-tionalUnion at People's church at 7:30 p. m.


J West Fourth St., corner Franklin st.Rev. Charles D. Andrews, rector; Sunday,Dee. 21, fourth Sunday in Advent; the holycommunion, a. m.;morning prayer, 11a. m.;evensong and sermon, 7:30 p. m.;Sunday school and men's Bible class,taught by the rector. 12:3-' p.m.,immediatelyafter morning service. A cordial invitationis extended to attend all the services of thechurch; especially are young men invited tojointhe rector's Bible class; meets in theguild hall adjoining church.


PUBLIC MEETO ings every Sunday at Odd Fellows' hall,corner Fifth and Wabasha: m., test andconference meeting; 8 p. m., lecture andtests by Mrs.Dr.Russell.

ST. PETER'S CHURCH—DAYTON'SBluff—Fourth and Maple Sts.— seats free;

Rev. S. Mills,rector; fourth auuday in Ad-vent: holy communion. 8 a. m.. matins, lit-any and sermon, 11a. m.;Sunday school, 3p. m.; evensong aud seimon, 7:3<» p.m. St.John's, White Bear—Fourth Sunday in•Ad-vent: evensong and sermon, 3:15 p.m,:Rev.S. Mills,rector.OT,PAUL'S CHURCH (EPISCOPAL)

—O Corner of Ninth and Olive Sts.— Rev.John Wright D.D., rector; holy communionat 8 a.m.; morning prayer and sermon at 11a. m.;Sunday school at 2:30 p.m.:choralservice :and sermon at 7:30 p.in. Visitorscordially welcome. . -

.\u25a0 .'-

AST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH—John A.Stemen, the pastor, willpreach

at 10:3" a. m., "The Day Before and the DayAfter the iFirst Christmas;" at 7:30 therewill be a Christmas song service; Sundayschool at noon; Society, of Endeavor, 6:45.Ailare welcome. , \u25a0


UPEKFLOLS HAIR,moles, warts, etc.,permanently removed by electricity. Mrs.

Baldwin, Suite 205, The Colonnade, cornerSt. Peter MidTenth; entrance, oa St. Peter.




enth street.A. T. GUERNSEY. Corner Dale and Selbjr.Avenue.P. LLILLYBECK.comer Seventh and John

reels.HOTEL RYAN DRUG STORE, 398 Robert

street.M. C. LYONS. Druggist. 707 East Third

street, corner Butts.MOUNTS & SAWYER, Grocers, corner Adv.. land avenue and Dale street.A. P. WILKES, Druggist. 759 and 701 WeU

Seventh street

BERKMAN&CO.. 422 Dakota avenaa.E. FOX, I'JG Rice streetFRANK L. OSBURG. 173 Western avenashJ. H.HAVES, 441 West Seventh street.BIPPLER &COLLYER, Drugglaat. 199 Bart



Corner Eighth and Jackson streets.WILKBS1 PHARMACY,Seven Corner*M.D.MERRILL.Book* and Stationery. 442


HELLER'S PHARMACY,comer Tenth andSt. Peter streets.

R. SCIIIFKMAN& SON. Druggist, cornetThirdand Maria.

A. LYONS. Druggist. Corner Third andMaria.


D.P. PETTIGREW. corner Rice and Igl»hart.

W.M.RICHARDSON. 760 Wab?<?ha.MRS. JENNIE CLINTON. 051 East Seventh

street.G.H. WEBB, SGG Broadway.B. J. WITTE, 527 Lafayette avenua.V.A.HIRSCHER, 235 Rondo.ROUES', 412 N.Exchange.


Gill EDITIONS OF MUSIC HOOKS,'elegantly bound, in great variety and at

low prices, at W. J. Dyer & Bro.'s, 148 and150 East Thirdst.

IANOS, $75 to Sl.OiM); Organs, $30 to6150; Musical Boxes. 50 cents to S-'OO;

small instruments at all price* at W. J. Dyer&Bro.'s. its and 150 East Third St.

BARGAINS IX SECOND-HAND IN-'struments, good formany years of serv-

ice, can always be found n't "W. J. Dyer ABra's, 148 and 150 East Third st.

ORGANS AND PIANOS Bold on easymonthly payments, and every one fully

warranted, at W. J. Dyer & Bro/s. 14« and15"East Thirdst. .TV YuU WANT a piano or organ, don'tA fail to see W. J. Dyer &Bro,148 and150 East ThirdSt., before you bay.

VJERYTHING you can think of foramusical gift will ba found at W. J.Dyer <fc Bro.'s. 143 and 150 East Thirdst.

ik\l7OMr.X iN MUSlC'*— One of the» » newest and best things inmusicalliterature. W. J. Dyer &Bro., 143 and 150East Third st.

VIOLINS,banjos, guitars, accordions andall kinds of musical instruments, large

and small, at lowest prices, at W. J. Dyer SiBro.'s, MSand 150 East Third st.

TMiE FINEST PIANOS and organs, andA the lowest prices, willbe found at W.J. Dyer &Bro.'s, 148 and 15» East Tnirdst.

O YOU WANTa nice Chrisflfias giftforamusical friend? See some of the bean-

tifulbooks of music at W. J. Dyer &Bro.'o.148 and 150 East Thirdst _*BUY YOUR musical instruments of A,

Peterson. 418 East Seventh st.: pianosand organs sold oneasy terms; sheet musla10 cents t>er copy.

PIANOS at factory cost: two elegant up-JT right pianos to be sold for the manufact*urers; old established makes: cash only:se«them; willbe sold at one-half usual prices.Raudenbush, 03 East Thirdat., second floor,

PIANO TUNING—SI.SO: first-class woreguaranteed. Samuel E. Crutcnett, 523

Wabasha St.. Room 2; city references. \u0084 :..... \u25a0 .PIANO—For sale, a square piano; fin*condition; willsell verycheap; this isabargain for immediate purchaser. AddressW 28, Globe. .-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. . \u25a0

I'KKiHT pianos AT FACTORY"Cost— elegant upright pianos for

sale for the manufacturers at half usualDrices: cash only: must goat? once. S. W.Raudenbush, No.03 East Third St.. up stairs.


FRIGHT PIANO for sale at one-half!value first-class maker, litleused ;good

reason tor selling. Address III'17, Globe.t£99R BUI'S a line Gabler .Upright*S)a*/^,kjPiano; a great sacrifice: cost 5350short time ago; also two other uprights ofbest makes at Si7s and S'-tK>, worth doublethe prices; these are special bargains: callimmediately. Raudenbush, G3 East Thirdst,second floor.


CHRISTMAS GIFT worth having."Ascholarship in Metropolitan Business

School, fourth floor. Pioneer Press.—So PER MONTH—Shorthand: even}• ing; Standard system: lessons day ana

by mail. Miss J. D.Hess, eighth door, Pion-eer tress Building.

C1LOCUTION LESSONS taught DrivaHJ-J and class: special course to student*Miss Haas, 832 Osceola ay ,near Victoria.

SHORTHAND —Graham system; fullO course, $10; no boots required; instructtion guaranteed. Wm. Shepfer, 274 Rondo,

ST. AGATHA'S ACADEMY OF MLSIdand Art, 20 East Exchange St.


to ladies and children given on piano, organ,violinand guitar; also a thorough course in.drawing and puiuting, includingcrayon,pas-tel, water colors and decorative work. Foxterms, call or address the Superioress.

PIE WORKS.A LLLADIES ofst. Paul and elsewhere^xl bringyour feathers to the only practi«

'cal dyer; tips curled at 5 cents each; dyed,5:cents bunch: plumes dyed, 50 cents each.30ij West Third. Hayes.

J. KOCHtX,N. W. Steam Dye Worts;• office, - 41(5 Robert st., Ryan blocKiworks. 55 and 57 Indiana ay.

JAAII>ON <& v...., New York- Steam DyeV\orks; ladies' and gents' clothiug a spe-

cialty. 14 West Sixth st.AHLERI & MI.MXI., Miunesata

Steam Dye Works. 244 East Seventh st.


BOAHO—Wanted, one or two rooms, withboard, forman, wife and child on St,

Anthony hill,convenient to cable. AddresiP 53, Globe.

BOA>.D— Wantei. by man and wife, largealcove room, furbished orunfurnished,

withboard; must be reasonable. Address U4t>. Globe. '


Wanted, by_ young man and wife.*two pleasant furnished rooms or large

alcove room and board with private family,where no other roomers kepi; must be re-spectable, refined and pleasant people: fur-nace or steam-heated: nice locality: refer-ence* necessary, Address X 42. Globe.


NEW AND SECOND-HAND SALOONfixtures, ice boxes, mirrors, pool and

billiard tables, counters and . shelving. 218Washington aye. north. Minnett'THN.

STORE ASP BAR FIXTURES.v Billiard and Pool Tables and Materials.





icalChem-. llJjIl«DKiaildTechuiealChfiaist; Office and Lab. No. 133 E. \u25a0\u25a0Firth"'-street, St. Paul, Minn. Personal latteaI atteation given to allkinds ofAssayincr.Ana-yizing and Testn«. Chemistry appliedtorall arts and manufactures.