THE SAINT PAUI, GLOBE, SUNDAY, JUNE 14. 1896. 15 Good Morning==The People's Wants Are Told Below==Read Them. WIHTS felY BE LEFT At the* tolH«\viii'i liitdtloui, for Inser- tion ln tbe Daily and Sunday Globe, at tbe same rates as are charged hy the nut In ottiee. HAAI LI NE. Hamline Pharmacy Drug Store 73.1 KNELLING AVENUE. . OATTOMfS. BjMOJFFj Eever Westby Drug Store 679 EAST THIRD STREET- LOWER TOWN. AVllllam K. Collier Drug Store SEVENTH AND SIBLEY. Joseph Argay DrußJj,,,?re COR. GROVE AND JACKSON STREETS. M. D. Merrill News Stand 442 BROADWAY; MERRIAM PARK. A L. Woolsey DruS stor-- st. Anthony" and prior avenues. St. Anthony hill. Einil Bull .•JT ÜBB,St GRAND AY. AND ST. ALBANS. W. A. Frost & Co üBS-ESq SELBY AND WESTERN AVENUES. Straight Bros J^S a St°r<* RONDO AND GROTTO STREETS. A. A. Campbell Drag Store 235 RONDO STREET. A. T. Guernsey Drug Store 171 DALE STREET. Erackett's Pharmacy VICTORIA AND SELBYjVVENUES^___ " WEST SIDE. Tbe Eclipse Drug Store. '. S. ROBERT AND FAIRFIELD AVENUE. George Marti D. rY&MT?£ E WABASHA AND FAIRFIELD AVENUE. Concord Street Prescription Store. CORNER STATE AND CONCORD. A T Hall Drugstore COR. S. WABASHA AND ISABEL. ITPER TOWN. B H Reeves Drug Store MOORE BLOCK.' SEVEN CORNERS. C T. Heller Colonnade Drug Store ST. PETER AND TENTH STREETS. B. J. Witte Drug Store 29 EAST SEVENTH STREET. F. M. Crudden Confectioner 496 RICE STREET. W. E. Lowe Dni* S tore ROBERT AND TWELFTH STREETS. R. T. Wincott & Co Drug Store CORNER RICE AND IGLEHART. ARLINGTON HILLS. C. R. Marelius Drug Store CORNER BEDFORD AND DECATLR. A. & G. A. Schumacher Drug Store 954 PAYNE AVENUE. WEST SEVENTH STREET. A. & G. A. Schumacher Drug Store 499 WEST SEVENTH STREET. J. J. Muller Drug Store COR. JAMES AND WEST SEVENTH. T Rfi V EL E KsTdU IDE. Trains TLeaer and lrrit-eSI. Paul an Follows: Union Depot, Sibley St. a^ti^s. TICKET OFFICE LUJJ 162 XffiS' EAST THIRD ST. Dining Cdrs on Winnipeg and ,—ST. PAUL.--, Pacific Coast Trainit Leave. Arrive. Paciflc Mail (daily, for Fargo Bozeman, Butte, Helena, Mls- »ou)a, Spokane, Tacoma. Seattle and Portland...- 2:45 pm 5:55 p.m Dakota Express fdally) for Moorhead, Fargo, J "mestown, Fergus Falln, Wahpeton, Crookston, Grand Forks, Graf- ton and Winnipeg 8:00 pm 7*.10a.m Fnrpo Local (dally except Sun- day, for St. Cloud, Brainerd ami Fargo 9:r>r* am "):Tip.m P'-llmiin Firm Class nnd Towris* 'MopriPrw jtgmmMi mm-. r ffiu£S&^™ ROBERT ST., S MJljjjgg^W CORNER SIXTH, P^-Vjßffgy (TEONE 480) AND 'f^TOiSlSll UNWN DEPOT. Irate. | tEx. Sun. •Dally. I Arrive. "•;-:l< am /-» if \u25a0 /-* a *7:*>oftm *l:l'pm ***"**\u25a0 +9.55 p__, +1( :li am .Duluth, Superior, Ashland. t.*>:sopm *H:(ipm Duluth mid Sunenor *6:soam *J( :(f am Su City, Omaha &Kan. City *ri:W pm tjt:(: am'Elmore, Su Falls, Pipestone tf.:n'pm +1:31 pm .Mankato. New Ulm, Tracy. tfl:3sam 131 :(ftun .Watartown. Huron, Pierre. -Hi:r)sprn •«• :lf pm Sioux City, Omaha, Khb. Cy. **7:21 an ** :1 pm ('ilifoniis in Thrco Pays"' *7:'",nni &REAT NORTHERN HAILWAIT. Ticket Office, X Third St. 'Phone It:. Leave. ]*Daily. tExcKPT Sunday. Abrivb it :\u25a0 am llreck. Division -*\u25a0 Branches +5:35 pm li:', sun It us Falls Div. & Branches \u25a0HJ*.('sj;m i; :; i pm^Willmar via St. Cloud +10:40 am *'.-.'. pmßreck., FnTf;c,Gs3.F,s,W'peg *7:50 am *;••-'• j m Montana ar.cl Pacific Coast.. *6:20 pm *t:V pmfStCfdhd, ( r'fcst'n. Cd.F'ks. *7:lsam t li-.ii )<m[Excelsior& Hutchinson.... +10:0Pam fc.Ai.fEBN["MIiIMESOTA-JI. . if. •MtiSi DUIUUl* WeSt t,UT>erior *! *3"t?a£ ~rJOSTHERN STEAftsSHIP CO. North West. INortli E^and- JZjrvhi.virrl y Pit mettger. Leave Duluth 1:15 r<- m. Tuesdays ana Saturlays 2.'uvr 'infl'fiVol':.'.' 1 p.m. T.iesdays and Fridays Chicago, Miiwaokes & St." Paul Raiiroii. Lv—ST.PAUL—Ar. Ch'caso "D-ay" Express.. KHam +l'J:lop"in «. Licago. •'AtiaiiUc" Ex. .. r\ :f... pm *11:35 am C'b:ciigi> "Fest Mail" \u25a0*( :.'\u25a0 j, m *? : (X) pra \u25a0Chicago :Ve*4;i)iii9"Lim. »?:I''t>;tv *?:50am CliicßßO vJaDuLiuoue.. . \u25a0MsWpm tlltf-am Dubuque via La Crosse... If.'Cfaa +l|*:l<-pm Peoria vis RasOß City.... ** :, rx" pn. *11:0uam El. Louis and kaosns City. *c '"ifa m *C:33 om Kiibank and Way.... ... It:ita*n *l^:s-pra At-f-rdecn ar.d Dakota Ex- press *7:f:spr- -?:l'a*a •'D.'.ily. +Ex. Sum tßfx. Sat. TEx. Mon- i- it full information, call at Ticket Office. Chicago Great Western H:i!iE LiftF ROUTE. TicketOSces: Cor. Lot crt and sth Sts. and Union Depot. Trains Jeave Upion Depot, St. Paul, at 8:10 P. M. Daily, u].X:'l>A. M M Except Sunday. for Dubuque, CHICAGO, Waterloo, Cedar Falls. Marshall- town, Dcs Moinas, St. Joseph, Leavenworth and KAN-^AS CITY. Dodge Center Local leaves at3:.'sP. M. Daily. """""ruins from Kansas City arrive at 7:15 A. M. r."tidl:'s P. M. Daily, anil 7:28 P. M., Except and from Chicago at 7:45 A.M. and 1 ::< P.M. Daily. and 7:l'8 P. M.. Except Sunday. STrPAUL^TTOLUTfI^RTR: Lfiiv-* Arrive r-!.Paul. *Daily. +Ex. Sunday. SL Paul. +X?~m. CUJL^JTIi ~ ;7:15a.H \u25a0y •' | m i W. SUPERIOR \u25a0. \u25a0 fo« p. m. Frci.i I'nion Depot. CITYTICKET OFFICE, .'! i l'oi,,?u Street. Trains leave St. Paul Union De mgnnT* pot as folicwa.* Daily, 1 :4 'p. in.. M'StifWABJ *or?-svv York, Boston, Montreal !^___ffjlffi>f and Eastern points. Dining car M^erfic' a:l^ throuuh Boston Sleeper at- liOil ifs-' ladied. Daily, 0:05 a. m.. for Se- KJe^***® ottle, Tecoma, Portland and Pa* W '' J "if r*Coast pclnte. Throughsleep* *r to Seattle attached. Daily txcepi Sunday. f':"op. m. for Olenwood from iii ,;enjaOlls. "From Broadway fetation, except SJUEdcy. Wisconsin Div. Local, uri'ia. m.: St. Crcix Falls Accommodation. < :'\u25a0 P- m. WISCONSIN CENTRAL City OIHo?, 373 Robert Street. 'Phone No. 6&L , , „., Leave Arrive AH Trains Daily. St. Paul. St Paul. fiau Tlaire. Chippewa "I F,jy '\u25a0""«**£ .Hur-j s r . 3Pam- 6*15 a.m. 'cv, Oshkosh.MUwau- ! d a d zee, Wautesht.au.fm"^ "uso md Uie East and j y F^ -Sou*. j ' •AnivcT:-!* p. m, on Sundays. P Leave Union Depot for ChieagG, St Lonls and downriver pcicte. 7*30 a ra.*. Arrives from Chicnpo, Leaves f nion Depot for Chicago and St. Louis, *4i p. in. Arrive* trom same points ':«., a. m. daily- SITUATIONS OFFERED- MALES. AGENTS wanted for tbe authentic history of the great cyclone: 450 pages, 150 special photographs; grand, thrilling^ complete; agents report 100 orders daily; act quick. Cyclone publishing Cq„ St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS WANTED FOR POLITICAL CAM- paign buttons, all parties; suit anyone. Also new Aluminum Novelties lust out; 200 per cent profit.- Secure territory and cata- logue of 500 engravings. Sample 10c. Aluminum Novelty' Company, 335 Broad- way, New York. AGENTS—Hustlers make $5 dally selling only revolving griddle cake turner. Sample, 20c. O. E. Miekel, Manufacturer, Haverhill, Mass. AGENTS TO HANDLE OUR TELEPHONE Tablet, Lawn Sprinkler and High Grade Sper.'iaities. pays $srooo5rOOO yearly. Victory Mfg. Co., Cleveland, O. AGENTS—GiId 'Glass Sign's, Name Plates, Numbers. Readable darkest nights. Write for samples. Thomas & Co., Englewood. Ills. COOK—Good cook wanted at'the*'Modern cafe. 850 Payne aye. WANTED—Amateur alto and clarinet players for brass band. Address M. 95, Globe. WANTED—Canvassers for city and country to represent manufacturer; staple goods; big profit. Address M, 80, Globe. BA.RBER-AWant.ed, a barber Immediately. Luke Doyle, Stillwater, Mlrrri. TINNER wanted at North Star Roohng and Cornice Company's, Eagle st., near Seven corners. STONE MASONS—Wanted 6 good stone ma- sons to go out of town; steady work. Ap- ply Cor. 6th and Cedar Sts. or 569 Brewster Aye. BOY WANTED—Boy who has had experience ln plumbing trade. D. J. Harrington & Co., 151 University aye., cor. Rice st. THE BANKERS* LIFE ASSOCIATION, asset* $650,900, largest, strongest and best Minne- sota Life Company, wants a few more agents. Every assistanco given. Expenses of good men guaranteed. Address Douglas Putnam, Secretary, St. Paul, Minn. WANTED—Agents for Ball's combination kitchen tool, knife and saw; rapid seller; kitchen necessity. Send 35c for sample post- paid. The Standard Steel Tool Co., Ak- ron, O. AGENTS WANTED—for "Tales of the Civil War,'' as told by 400 veterans on both sides; something new; hundred's of great war pictures; 608 pages; one agent reports 110 orders for fifteen days; write quick. People's Fub. Co., 3941 Market St., Phil- delphia. MAN AND WlFE—Without children, wanted on farm; call at 295 Jackson st. DRAUGHTSMAN WANTED—Must be compet- ent :n patent office drawings. American Patent Market and Novelty works, 279 Wil- st., cor Pine. Call after 6 p. m. MACHlNlST—Machinist ' wanted to take charge of shop; must be first-class. 355 Minnesota st. AGENTS WANTED—Agents for cigar house; $12 weekly and expenses tc beginners. Box 12ia, Chicago. WANTED—Permanent sample distributors everywhere by both sex; $5 per thousand; encl se sUimp. .Geneva Pharmacal Co., Chi- cago. " AGENTS—De y.ur' own manufacturers and empjty agente: article in universal demand; 500 per cent, met; will sell formula for $5; send stamp lor particulars. J. V. Allen, Holyoke, Mass. PAINTERS WANTED—First-class. Call dur- ing the day from.. 3 tc 6 p. m. Walter Tauscher, 848 West 3d St., bet Seven Cor's. and Smith av£. WANTED—Salesmen in every town and city in t' c U. S. for cur National Sliver Badge. $25 a day made.. Send ,15c. for sample and particulars. Butcher Badge Co., 506 Cooper Blk., Denver, Colo. DON'T BE POOR—I work for F. Gray & Co., Columbus. 0., selling Hoyal Platers, plat- ing, knives, forks, spoons, etc. Quickly plated by dipping' in melted metal: fine finish; plate Guaranteed sto 10 years. Made $45 last week; this week $59. Easy job; good pay; write for place. Everybody has goods to plats. WANTED—Good salesmen foi 1 country trade tc sell staple article to dry goods and notion trade; small sample, good commis- sions. Address Jas. Chadwlck & Bro., Ltd., ISO sth ay.; Chicago, 111. AVANTED—Man with small capital to open office and represent manufacturer; salary or commission. Ohio Manufacturing Co., Dayton, Ohio. WANTED AGENTS—Big pay; choice terri- tory Pays, sick, accident, death and en- dowment benefits. Address American Benev- olent Association, St. Louis, Mo. SALESMEN AVANTED—To sell our goods tc- the wholesale and retail trade; our gcods sell 0-: sight; liberal salary cr commission paid. For particulars, address Centennial Mfg. Co., Atlanta, Ga. Factory, Milwaukee, AVls. ' AMBITION IS THE MASCOT OF PRO- flciency in any line of development; it is the torch that - lights the soul to-success and victory. There it no person In this universe that Is the peer of another. If you have an Idea, patent it. Come and consult our ex- perts; their services are at your disposal free. Yau po:sess the ability to rise to the top, if you will only take advantage-of our liberal terms in securing patents. Write and get our book on patents-athe finest-book ever published for free distribution, with list of inventions wanted. ASSOCIATION AMERICAN INVENTORS, 1111-1119 Betz Building, Phila., Pa. Long distance telephone 4940. WANTED—An Idea. Write John AVedderburn & Co.. Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C, for their SI.SOO prize offered to inventors. MAN AVANTED—Good mati for- kitchen work ir. restaurant. L. D. Phillips. 282 Sibley st. SALESMEN WANTED in every district; new season; samples free; salary or commis- sion with expenses from start. Luke Bros. Co., Chicago. LABORERS WANTED—Fifty railroad labor- ers wanted for lowa. Company work. Free fare. Ship tonight. Moore & Co., 179 East Third st- \u25a0 . AVANTED—TWO YOUNG MEN with $200 to $300 each; one fcr secretary and one for vice president and general manager; a safe , paying position to the right part- ies. Address E. 81 Globe. WANTED—Salesmen to sell cigars; $100 to $150 monthly; salary and expenses; exper- ience unnecessary. Reply with stamp. Su- perior Cigar Co., Chicago. AVANTEll—Salesmen for Minnesota, and Wis- consin on comnvsslon. Hosiery, gloves, mit- tens and knit goods. AA'estern D, G. Com- mission Co", 233 Jackson st., Chicago. ONE SUPREME DEPUTY and five special deputies as organizers. Business or life in- surance men or officers of fraternal subordi- nate lodges will be given liberal contracts. Guarantee. Hav,e,several special.advantages not given by other orders. Assessments limited to one each month during life. Ad- dress National Benevolent Legien,American Tract Society Building, New York. WANTED—Men and women to work at home; I pay $8 to $16 per week for making Crayon Portraits; new patented method; any one wh can read and write can do the work at home in spare time, day or evening; send for particulars and begin work at once. Address H. A. Grlpp, German Artist, Tyrone, Pa. .\u25a0..-. $75 TO $150 A MONTH and expenses paid salesmen for cigars: experience unneces- sary; standard goods. Little Clerk cigar machine free to each customer. Bishop & Kline, St. Louis. Mo. WANTEr-i—Agents can make $50 weekly la any locality, failure utterly impossible. AVill prove It cr forfeit one hundred dol- lars. Address P. O. Box 5308. Boston, Mass. $30 WEEKLY AND EXPENSES for salesman to sell our cigars; experience unnecessary; best inducement to dealers. Folk Ritchie & Co., St. Lauls. WANTED—lntelligent gentlemen and ladieß in every town to work at home; neat, steady employment. We pay salary. In- close stamp. Standard Mfg. Co., 142 West Twenty-third st, New York. WANTED—First-class carpenter for a few days inside work; wages $1.75. Address X 96, Globe. , WANTED—First-class barber. 539 Missis- sippi St. WANTED—Barber, 413 Jackson St. WANTED—AII around meat and pastry cook; lunch counter. 381 Robert street. WANTED—Reliable party to represent Chi- cago Co. ln this city. Party must Inveßt $500 for which security is given. Address W. I. C. C- HO4 Ashland block, Chicago. 111. _ k _, I cj___^ LaDIEP: Chichester's English Pennyroyal PilU (Diamond Brand) are the best. Safe, rt liable, take no other. .Send 4c.. stamps, for particulars. "Relief tar Ladles." tetter by return snaiL At Druggist*. Chl~ | Kicster Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. SITUATIONS OFFERED- FEMALES. COOK—Wanted a good plain cook and laun- dress. Family of four. Wages $16 per month. Apply at once. Address, Z, SO Globe. COOK—Wanted a girl as cook and laundress in a family of four. Apply, Mrs. Murten, Clark aye. White Bear Lake. COOK WANTED—First-class, neat, and pas- try ccok, woman preferred; must furnish good references. Address Worthington hotel, Worthlngton, Minn. COOK WANTED—Competent cook wanted at 353 Summit aye. COOK WANTED—A good cook ln a private family or laundry; can leave city; one who can give references. Call at 447 East Bth. COOK—A competent cook, with references; Apply at 495 Summit Aye. COOK—Competent cook wanted at 353 Sum- mit aye. GIRL WANTED—For general housework; good wages. 4,30 Robert. HOUSEKEEPER—Good, neat, capable work- ing housekeeper; write, stating full partic- ulars and wages required. Box 21, Apple- ton, Minn. , COMPANION—Wanted, partner, lady or gen- tleman, to go to New Orleans on a flat boat fitted up in good shape; a six months trip. Address V. 93 Globe. GIRL WANTED—GirI for general housework; must be competent cook. Apply at 27 Sher- burne aye. PASTRY COOK—A first-class woman pastry cook. Call at 464 Jackson st. PASTRY COOK—A first-class woman pastry cook wanted, dining room girls and vege- table cook for summer resort Apply at 738 Payne aye. HOUSEWORK—Wanted at once, competent girl for general housework, 549 Portland avenue. German preferred. HOUSEWORK—GirI for general or light housework for lake. Call Thursday, be- tween 3 and 5, 209 Charles St. NURSE—Wanted, a young nurse maid im- mediately; one who can go home at night; references required. Apply 520 Summit avenue. " WANTED—Good girl for general housework. 1128 Reaney st. GIRL WANTED—62I John St.; small family; no children; no washing and ironing; neat girl and good plain cook, one preferred who could go home nights. HOUSEWORK—Wanted, competent girl for general housework; German preferred. No. 9 St. Albans. WANTED—GirI for general housework in small family; White Bear Lake, state salary expected. Address X 82, Globe. | HOUSEWORK—Wanted, a neat appearing young girl about fourteen years old to do light work around the house; will pay moderate wages. Inquire of L. J. Bernster, 639 Canada st. GIRL WANTED—A good girl as a house- keeper; good place for good girl. 182 Fair- field aye. WANTED—GirI at No. 62 College aye., at once. HOUSEWORK—Wanted, girl for general housework: Apply to 379 Lookout Place: Take Miss. St. car. GIRL WANTED—A girl to do good plain cook- ing. Apply at 388 Woodward aye. GIRL WANTED—GIr) for general housework. 938 DeSoto st _^_ %HOUSEWORK—GirI for general housework; good wges and steady work. Mrs. J. W. Smith, W. 7th St., one west Montreal. *»*, prentice girl: 493 Marshall Aye. GIRL WANTED—For general. housework; three ln family; good wages. 586 Portland,, aye. \u25a0 WANTED—An experienced taffy and AJda water man. Call Sunday 9 a. m., Como Park Pavilion. GIRL WANTED for general housework, 936 Goodrich aye. _^ GIRL WANTED—German girl''for housework.' 109 Summit aye.. " GIRL WANTED—A girl for general house- work. 458 Laurel aye. '*** *"•"" GIRL WANTED —For general housework, good wages. Call at 561 Canada st. _, !—. ; * £\u0084 HOUSEWORK—Wanted.competent girl^ for^, general housework. Wages $4.00 per *wek~' Apply at 1276 Keston St., St. Anthony Park. HOUSEWORK—Wanted, a girl for genera' housework; must be willing to go to Min- netonka for the summer. Call 100 Western Aye. HOUSEWORK—Wanted, good girl for gen- eral housework; no washing; wages $15.00 per manth,-references required. Inquire 635 Dayton Aye. , WANTED—GirI for general housework at 952 Ashland avenue; small family. HOUSEWORK—Good girl for general house- work; small house, small family; no.wash- in^jgoodwages^T^aTgo^Ced^st. MILLNER—Wanted a first-class woman for general housework at 209 East Seventh st. %HOUSEWORK—Good girl wanted for gen- eral housework. 216 Hoffman Aye. HOUSEWORK—Gin wanted for general housework; 638 Holly Aye.at once. WANTED—GirI for general housework. 580 Westminster. WANTED—3S girls at 393 Selby avenue. HOUSEWORK—GirI for general housework. 819 Burr st. . HOUSEWORK—Wanted, girl for general housework in small private family. 340 Grove St., near Pine. WOMAN WANTED—To do washing and scrubbing or any kind of housework by the day. Please call at 198 East 10th st. HOUSEWORK—Wanted, girl for general housework; must understand cooking. In- quire at 659 East Third st. WANTED—Good competent girl for general housework. 819 Partland aye. PROFESSIOXAIa. ST. PAUL VIAVI COMPANY HAS MOVED to 54 Mannheimer building. Mrs. S. Stout, manager. Health book and consultation free. PATENTS—Wm. H. Babcock, Counsellor at Patent Law and Solicitor of U. S. and For- eign Patents, &c, 709 G st., N. W., Wash- ington, D. C.; formerly examiner in patent office; twenty years in continuous practice in the same place. Fees in U. S. cases sent during June and July need not be paid until allowance. Write for particulars. MISS HULL, successor to Mrs. Baldwin, re- moves superfluous hair, moles, etc., by elec- tricity; only positive and permanent remedy; references given. 307 Merrill Block, corner Fifth and St. Peter sts. I.\STHlit'TlO*l. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN PUBLIC school branches given during summer va- cation by thoroughly competent teacher. Call afternoons, or address 15 East Central aye. LAW COURSE. SPECIAL, $5; COMPLETE education for law practice. National School, South Bend, Ind. ST. AGATHA'S ACADEMY OF MUBIC AND Art. 26 East Exchange St.. St. Paul—Piano. violin gulter. banjo and mandolin taught. Lesson* given in drawing and painting. Call or send for orosoectua, M. & ST. L. DEPOT^ Broadway and Fourth. MINNEAPOLIS & ST. LOUIS R. R "ALBERT L.KA ROUTE." Leave | *Daiiy, Sunday. | Arrive J Alb'tLea, Dcs Moines, I •I0:15 .a.re. I Ced. RpMs, Kan. City J f7:4op.m. \u25a0if-cDa-m. Walert'n & Bed. Falls Ex. +4:55 p.m. •7:00 p.m. Dcs Moines & Omaha Lim *8:55 a.m *7:U p.m. Chicago & St. Louis Lia. *B:s6a.m* 14:48 p.m. Albert Lea & Mankato Loc t10:35 a.m LEVEE Foot of Sib ey Street. <l^P > St Paul Will leave for St. Louis and Intermediate land- ings ."Monday, Juno 15, at IO A. 3H. For full information regarding passenger and freight rates address C. R. BROCK WAY, General Agent, Office, foot of Sibley street, opposite Union Depot. St. PauL Telephone call, tti SITUATIONS WANTED- Mmle. BOOKKEEPER—Wanted, position by young man as bookkeeper or salesman on the road; best of references. Address L 87. Globe. I BOOKKEEPER—An experienced bookkeeper and good penman would accept a position with reliable arm. Address J. M. 8., 2817 Fourteenth ay. south, Minneapolis, Minn. "'- " ' CLERK, experienced In groceries and general merchandise, wants position ln city or coun- try store; best of references. H., 826 Sher- burne ay. WANTED—By an experienced young man, position as Janitor or elevator man; can furnish best of reference. Address O. P., 307% Sherburne aye. SITUATION, wanted by an honest and sober young German-American of any kind of work. One who Is not afraid to work and well acquainted with horses. Call or ad- dress A. 8., 227 West Third st. COOK—Wanted.a first class cook at 475 Summit Aye. Call Tuesday or Wednesday between 1 and 2. WANTED—A young man wants work in com- mission or wholesale house. Good penman and a hustler. Ad'Jrem, C. F., ?43 Spruce et DELIVERY CLERK—Young man 19 years eld wants work; worked last in hardware store, driving delivery wagon; can clerk; has references. Address V. W. 427 Harri- son Aye. SITUATION WANTED—A good, all-around man of 24 seeks position of some kind. Drive or care of horses or drive delivery wagon. Good man around horses or any other general work offered. Is sober and honest Well acquainted in city; good references. Address C. W., 415 Rosabel St. BOY WOULD LIKE POSITION EITHER DE- llvering, call boy, office work or as an ele- vator boy. Grace, general delivery. WANTED-r-A place by a nice colored man who can do anything about the house. Is a good waiter. Care for office, or janitor work. Reed Court flat 2 Selby aye. ERRAND BOY—A boy thirteen years of age wishes a position as cash or errand boy; Address 537 Broadway, in the rear. SITUATION WANTED—Good, honest boy. 14 years old, would like work as a cash boy, or any work. Address J. Sager, 525 Van Buren st. MALE STENOGRAPHER—Six years exper- ience, desires a position. No. 234 West sth st, second flat A FIRST, CLASS j, SALESMAN and book- keeperXwlth eight years' city experience, wants a s'milju* .-position; needs work. Address Slitiinei**; city delivery. WANTED—Customers to have their lace cur- tains and drapery cleaned; drapery hung also; take orders for new shades; refitting and rehanging your own shades; lowest prices; best work* -"Drop postal to Henry« Arnstein. 502 Beaumont St. .— ——\u25a0 r—r —jrl«" \u25a0 1\u25a0 WANTED—Work on farm hy y.oung Scandi- navian; good drher and ran milk. Address 439 Sibley g__~__~_ COOK—Wanted, *ir«t class meat and pastry- cook woman preferred; must furnish good refences. Address Worthington Hotel, Worthington, Minn. WANTED—A posiitioi as a butcher; have two years' experience; willingto go •'rut of town and will work cheap. Address E. C. J. M. 418 N. Exchange St., st. Paul, Mina. SITUATION JUA*P3D--A wants' Work. Call 220 Robinson St SITUATION WANTED—A place in a grocery store by a young man with eight years' experience. H. F. Phifer, 387 Cherokee Aye. EMRLQYMBJMH-Young rxttaxn * ege» nineteen years, wants wtirk; worked last In hard- ware store; hasrefereftce! "Address V.W., 427 Harrison ay. ' SITUATION "^WnTED-A young man 21 years of age desires-position in an office; is strictly temperate; can give good references. Address G. L. Clfester, 333 Magnolia st. %CIERK—In a general store; 8 years' expe- rience; German American; good references; ;work cheap. Direct P. O. Box 221 Shak- opa. Minn. j ',* EMPLOYMENT—A reliable trustworthy man is open |or engagement ,can* fill almost any position; wilLacfertany tflnd; of-work, as he has a large farnllV tar support. Please ad- dresa _________ 461 SeJby Aye. ..,. -POSUaOJC WANTED ybm a>*yx___|K man 18 ' "yfe«rs cl«" in office, or a place where he can learn business of s-j*ae kind; am willing to start in with reasonable wages; can furnish best of references. Address 636 Jackson st. SITUATION WANTED-A.bright honest boy would like a position as office boy; age 15 years. Address or call J. L. S., 508 W. Min- nehaha. - <-,*,: \u25a0\u25a0- EMPLOYMENT—A sober.trustworthy Scan- dinavian mau,of 24 seeks a position of some kind. Will .drive or care for hcrses In city or at lake; useful and willing to do any other work that .Is offered; good references ;address C. W. 415 Robert st. WANTED—By registered pharmacist a posl- tion ln city or country; can furnish best of references; single, sober and not afraid of work. T 97, Globe, WANTED—A good honest young man of 18 would like to get work of any kind. Ad- dress G. Demrow t 7 89 Garfield street. WANTED—A poslttoU in drug store by young man of three years experience; salesman and fountain 'Attendant. Address E 84, Globe. WANTED—By an experienced bookkeeper ! employment in that capacity; will work first two weeks free. Address S. 97, Globe. WANTED—A young man seeks a position; used to drive and take care of horses; will- ing to do any other kind of work that is offered him; no objection to leaving the city; good reference. Address P. A., 415 Rosabel street." WANTED—A boy of 16 would like work of any kind. Address 379 Erie street. SODA WATER AND ICE CREAM DIS— penser wishes situation; city or summer place outside; competent, steady and reli- able. Address Globe; E. 95. WANTED—Employment by sober young man, willing to do any kind of work; understands private family. Call or address 542 Cedar street. SITUATION WANTED—Young married man would like employment of any kind: has good references.- Address B. F. S., 816 Ocean St., St. Paul. BOARD WASTED. WANTED—Board and pleasant room, with use of bath, by man and wife. Must be in desirable locality within ten minutes' walk of court house. Address H. 95, Globe. ROOM AND BOARD WANTED BY TWO young ladles, central location; state terms. Address P SO, Glebe. | ROOMS FOR RENT—Nicely furnished; mod- | crn conveniences; central location; board if j desired. 26 Summit aye., near St. Peter st. WANTED—Furnished room, with board, in desirable locality; references. Address P. 92, Globe. WANTED—Two furnished rooms and beard by married couple without children. Must ! be near business* part of town. Address with terms. C. 86. "e.U OOAHD OFFERED. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms, with board, bath, parlor anS plane; $3.5 C per week. 64 ] Iglehart st FURNISHED ROOMS FOR ONE OR TWO; | board if desired* Aice location; modern. 254 Pleasant aye. i____ l FIRST CLASS TABLE BOARD $3.00 per j week; r.ieal tictfetr $3.50. 509 Wabasha st. FOR RENT—Large furnished parlor with flrst class table board; terms reasonable fcr two for summer. . P 88. Globe. FOR RENT—I7I West 4th st., one cozy room with board. Two or three table boarders wanted. Nice beard $3 per week; house modern. " _ BOARD—Nicely furnished rooms, with beard; 6 o'clock dinner. 614 Central Park east, Summit and Minnesota. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD—6I6 Central Park, east. FOR RENT—Neatly furnished rooms, hot and cold bath, and good table board. 309, sth and Broadway. BOARD OFFERED—NeatIy furnished room, hot and cold bath; also good table board; use of parlor and piano for two gentlemen. 417 East Tenth street TABLE BOARD AND ROOMS AT REDUCED rates for the summer months at the Cclcn- n&de. aor. lftth and St. Peter. BOARD—First-class board with or without room; bath and everything modern. In- quire 524 Cedar st_ HOTEL ARLINGTON Seven Comers—Ex- cellent board and mom, $5-00 per week. SITUATIONS WASTED-FEMALE, BOOKKEEPER—Young lady thoroughly ca- pable and willing to work wishes position as bookkeeper or office assistant. Address X 92, Globe. BOOKKEEPER—Wanted, situation as book- keeper oi any kind of office work; best of city reference. Address J. H. S., 456 Pleas- ant ay. DRESSMAKER WANTS SEWING BY THE day in families. Address Z. 84 Globe. DESSMAKER—Good, experienced dressmak- er desires more engagements ln families. Address Miss E. Godboilt, 201 East Wini- fred at. HOUSE WORK—A first-class cook desires a situation ln American family of two or three adults. Call or address 46 West Ninth street. DRESSMAKER—Wanted—Young lady with experience ln dressmaking wants position with private dressmaker. Call or address 551 Broadway. SITUATION WANTED-A girl who is a good cook will take a place in a small family; can give best references. Call at 139 East 10th st. STENOGRAPHER—Wanted. position by young lady as stenographer and assistant bookkeeper; has head experience in general office work; can furnish reference; will .ac- cept UaOde.'ate salary. Address X 84, Globe. SEWING—A dressmaker wants sewing by the day In families. Call or address 215 Ren- dc st. STENOGRAPHER—Young lady desires post- tion as stenographer and typewriter; has had experience ln office work. Address L. C, Globe. WANTED—Young lady thoroughly capable and willing to work, having employment part of the day, would like place to work for her board; where she can have a pleas- ant home; best of references. Address X 92, Globe. SITUATION WANTED—An experienced young lady wants work of some kind; wishes wash- ing, scrubbing or ironing to do. Call at 163 Charles st. SITUATION WANTED—A competent woman wishes a situation as housekeeper or to do general housework where there will be no objection to a child three years old. Call at 203 East Bth st. YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION IN dental office In exchange for dentistry. Grace Bell, general delivery. STENOGRAPHER—Wanted, position by thoroughly competent and experienced young lady stenographer and typewriter; highest references; St. Paul and Chicago; position more object than salary; knowledge of bookkeeping. Address C 91, Globe. STENOGRAPHER^Young lady stenographer and typewriter wishes to secure a perma- nent position; willing to leave city; will work for moderate salary; can do assistant bookkeeping. Please address Stenographer, 46 Germania Life Building. STENOGRAPHER Thoroughly competent young lady stenographer, owning machine. would like to secure some pieece work; will call at ycur office, take the dictation and deliver work; satisfaction guaranteed. M. D.. 46 Germania Life Building. WANTED—Competent young lady steno- grapher desires a position; experienced In railroad work and can furnish very best reference. L 81, Globe. SITUATIONS WANTED—Two young colored girls would like places to care for children. Address 15a East 12th st. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER wishes pos- ition for afternoon; experienced and ican furnish referencees. Address A. S., 11 West Exchange st. LAUNDRESS—A first-class laundress Would like rough dry washing to do at home; 5 dozen for $1; clothes called for and de- livered and good work guaranteed. Ad- dress Laundress, 456 East Sixth st DRESSMAKER—First-class, would like a couple of weeks' engagements in families. First-class work guaranteed; $1.25 per day. Address Miss Beatrice, general delivery. WASHING—Wanted, washing or general work,, Mary Jorgensen, 433 Case st WASHING—Want washing] ttT go out. or scrubbing. Call on Mr. Seymour, No. 15, on the Upper Flats. WASHING —Tak9 In washing and go out. 201 West Sixth st. WANTED—A lady wants day work, either washing or ironing or sweeping. 200 E. 10th St WANTED—A woman would like to get day work of any kind; call at 456 East Seventh street, third floor, room 17. WANTED—A girl would like to get chamber work or light housework; call at 456 East Seventh street, third floor, room 17. WANTED—A seamstress would like a steady place In private family; will help with second work, and willing to go to the lake. Call or address 200 E. 10th St. POSITION WANTED—Good laundress wants position. Call at 938 DeSoto st. LADIES CAN FIND COOKS AND GENERAL housework girls waiting at Mrs. Merry- weather's, 543 Wabasha St. WANTED—An experienced laundress wishes work by the day; call after 6 o'clock. 200 East Tenth street.. WANTED—Woman of experience would like place to do light housework or day work; no objection to go home nights. Call at 623 York street. WASHING—A woman would like to go out washing. Address 533 Edmond st. DRESSMAKER—In family or at home; will sew cheap for the next 30 days; call aud be convinced; 515 Robert st. Room 1. AND TYPEWRITER— Position wanted by a young lady stenog- rapher and typewriter; good references; book-keeping if required; address Mattie E. Kirk, Bradner, Ward Co.O. * LAUNDRESS—An experienced laundress wishes work in private families, by the day. Call after 6 o'clock. 200 East Tenth st. EMPLOYMENT —An experienced young lady wants work of some kind. I am willing to <io any kind of work as I am a widow and have two little ch'ldren; please call or ad- dress 727 Mrs. Kagerer. WASHING—Wanted, washing, housecleaning or work of any kind. Mrs. Wiiders, 175 Thirteenth st. WASHING —Woman goes out washing, iron- ing and housecleaning. Inquire at No. 499 St. Peter and Exchange, second floor. WASHING, Ironing and housecleaning want- ed. Miss Wiiders. 145 Eva st —r, " T STENOGRAPHER—Competent stenographer owning machine would like to secure some piece-work at a reasonable price. Will call for and deliver work. Will dc substituting. Address Stenographer, '46 Germania Life i JBldg- | SEWING —An experienced dressmaker wants sewing by the day in families. Call or address 215 Rondo st DRESSMAKER—A competent dressmaker desires work in families. Terms reason- able. Call or address 200 East Tenth st HOUSEKEEPER—A competent woman wishes a situation as housekeeper or gen- eral housework, where there wil be no ob- jection to a child three years old.; cal at 203 E. Eight st. LAUNDRESS—Experienced laundress to go out washing or take washing at home. Call or address 200 East Tenth st I NURSE—Experienced in confinement or any kind of sickness; will do light house work if desired; can furnish good references. Call 515 Robert, room L ! STENOGRAPHER—Position by young lady as stenographer and assistant book-keeper; has had experience in general office work can furnish references. Address K. 84. STENOGRAPHER—Position by young lady stenographer; can assist on the books If desired; best of references. Address 128 E. 4th st. NURSE GlßL—Situation wanted by a cain- petent nurse girl. 59 West Tenth st. WANTED—Competent young lady steno- grapher desires position; have had exper- ience in general office work; can assist en books; can furnish references: willing to accept moderate salary. Address X 84, Globe. WANTED—An experienced lady wants tc go out washing; can give satisfaction. Addreiss 3,35 Walnut st, rear. WANTED—Washing by the stay and to go out washing. ?81 Jenksjit DRESSMAKER—Wants sewing ln families, or to do at heme; cutting aa£ fitting; call or address 315 Bast 7th st .third floor. WANTED—To go out washing, ironing and cleaning. Call at 641 Charles street. WANTED—To go out washinging.lroning .and cleaning. Call at 711 Edmcnd street. WANTED—A good cook wants a place la a private family. Call vt ,»ddre*t -547 Cedar street, M. K. ' ALCTION SALES. FURNITURE. CARPETS, ETC.. AT PUB- lic aaction. I will sell at public auction ln the store. No. 236 E. 7th St., on Saturday, June 13th, at 10 a. m.. and continue all day, a very large and fine lot of household goods, consisting of 12 bedroom suites, S folding beds, a white iron beds, 6 extension tables. 5 square dining room tables, ele- gant sideboards. S wardrobes, center tables. 3 parlor suites, fine Baldwin refrigerator. 10 barrels crockery were. 100 dining room chairs, 25 rockers, ladies' writing desks. piano lamps. Japanese goods, an odd lot of dry goods, bedding of all descriptions, bu- reaus, commodes, gas and steel ranges, also a fine lot of carpets, rugs, etc. This is an elegant lot of goods and can be inspected Friday. A. G. JOHNSON, Auctioneer. 2.TS and 240 E. 7th-st. FOR UEXT—HOUSES. BOUletf. FOR RENT—At White Bear Lake for the sea- son, a very desirable seven-room cottage. Terms reasonable. Ads—reas G 94 Globe. FOR RENT—Five room cottage, nicely fur- nished, if taken Sunday, ?15.00. 747 St. Peter st. FOR RENTs-Six-room house, with water and sewer, half block from .Maria ay. line, at 661 E. 3d - MANNING'S RENTING AGENCY. DAVID- son block, cor. 4th and Jackson sts. Houses. flat.- and rooms for rent in all parts of the city and at all prices. -'/ ELEVEN ROOM HOUSE AND BARN; GAS, screens, storm windows and lawn. Inquire 635 Cable aye. FOR RENT—During summer, well furnished 8-room house. Modern conveniences. Maria Aye. car half a block. Terms cheap. Ad- dress Z 95, Globe. FOR RENT—Seven room house ln good re- pair, city water. ?S p«- month. 600 Fau- quier st. . FOR RENT—Six room house; all modern im- provements, in thorough order; also three rooms for light housekeeping. 265 East University avi*\ FOR RENT—Pleasant *>ix or -eight roomed house, hardwood finish, in Central Terrace, ,82 West Central aye. FOR RENT—Five rooms; all modern Improve- ments. 651- Gaultier st. FOR RENT—3 vacant rooms for housekeep- ing^ water) : f!B2_Plne^_St FOR RENT CHEAP—New house, six rooms, garret, city water, fine yard. 433 Sherburne aye. ' J. W. SHEPARD. 34 East Fourth st., rents houses, stores, offices, etc-am-heated apart- meats; collects reut_; acts as owners' agent TAVLOU-S RENTING -MIKNOI GLOBE. BUILDING WE RENT HOUSES. STORES. OFFICES. TAKE CHARGE Of RENTED PROPERTY AaND MAKES COL- LKCTIONS. HOUSE -For rent, houso 54 Cedar st;s_ robms. liOTELS. HOTEL ABBEY-189 East Eighth—Furnished rooms; first-class accomnudations for transients; open ail* night. F. D. Abbey. FOR REXT- Flnts. FOR RENT—Newly furnished flat, 3 rooms, $12.50; 5 newly furnished rooms. Virginia Horn», 54 W. 10th St. UTOPIA—493,, St. Peter St.—Pleasant front rooms, single or en suite transients can be accommodated. \u25a0\u25a0 - \u25a0\u25a0 FLAT—For rent, flat of thre rooms and al- cove; modern conveniences; bath, etc.; partly furnished. 673 St Peter st FLATS—NewIy papered and calelmlned three, four and five-room flats, and one store, for rent cheap at 474 Rite st. Rooms. FOR RENT—A fuTnTshed, room; all modern c.nvi.i.iiHU'cs. i.K-UKJiiii- bath: private fam- lly. Flat 4, "Tha I)aJffghX _**7-»__, !_*] by Aye. POR RENT—Two :>r lhn>4 ni-o r.i-nn:, tor housekeeping; everything complete; private hall. Cheap to ri^ht party. 307 W<*st Till St.. 2d floor. ' FOR RENT—Cor. Western Aye. and Fuller St. 4 large'TooDift? down stairs; nvoder*h. i FOR RENT—Three unfurnished roon.s. all modern conveniences, for light housekeep- ing. 309 S. Frank liv. FOR RENT—Pleasant furnishe;! rtvom for gent in private family. 368 N. Exchange st PARLOR MILLINERY 'trimming. 35c; re- shaping. 35c. Mme. Marcelle. 7 E. 10th st. FOR RENT—Corner room, wee! bay window; furnished or unfurnished. ?:l Buckingham. FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished front rooms. 688 Selby ay. FOR RENT—Furnished front room; south facing; che^. FOR RENT—Suite of four rooms, second floor; with bath. 62 West Central aye. _ WANTED—A nice front room with board for two gentlemen; also bath, at 77 Iglehart st. FOR RENT—Threee rooms, furnished or un- furnished, for housekeeping; rent cheap. 630 E 3d St PARK AVe.. 415, near Wabasha—For rent, furnished alcove room; alao connecting one if desired; modern coDtt-nience. FOR RENT—I 49 Pleasant aye. front rooms for rent, nicely furnished, with or without board; bath. Table boarders wanted. FURNISHED ROOMS—Nicely furnished rooms to gentlemen only. Will rent cheap. 140 E. 9th St. ; POR RENT-rNewly papert-d and nicely fur- nished rooms at 35 East 9th st.; rent reason- able. PEKSOSALS. MRS. DR. MOSS—The celebrated clairvoyant, now lor-ated at No. 513 Wabasha, opposite capitol. Since the beginning of history man hits heen persistent in his efforts to And out the things.that would do him good. The scientific mind has been at work investigat- ing the hidden mysteries of nature, trying 'to solve the many questions that would benefit him and his kind. The lady whose name begins this article is one of nature's pure, noble women, and her power simply , borders on the miraculous. She is so en- dowed that she can be of inestimable help to her' fellow man. and In all things-, stands ready to lend a helping hand. She can re- veal the secrets of tbe .past, and accurately foretell the coming events of the future. She tells where hidden treasure may be found. She advises In matrimony, divorce, ! love, businesfej and troubles of sJI kinds, j The very best business people of the city i consult her-»dai!y. and she has been the means of saving many a man from finan- cial ruin. These t-hfni**- tsUen into consid- eration, she is pre-eminent.y one of the World's great wonders, and the many thou- I sands of our readers who are in need of i pure help and advice should not hesitate to | consult her at once, and they will bless the , day they read this article. ATTENTION, LADIES! "EMMA" RUrTT ' developer will enlarge your bust five i incheis; guaranteed; sealed instructions. 2 j cent 3,* or* 24-page Hhritrated catalogue 6 | centß by maiL Etama Toilet Ba_aar, Bos- ton, Mass. * "-*" \u25a0 v REMOVED—MRS. HAY_S—Lares, lace cur- talns and kid dotes cleaned, -'.rl West Third et., cor. Plc,»eu-BX aye. \u25a0__ A RELIABLE CLAIRVOYANT— Madame Toitsworfh; """prices reduced 50 cents; thirty years' experience. 13 Eighth street "" '\u25a0'"* FREE! FREE!!— Will-Ares* one side of the face free with Lavender Blossom, which positively remove* -fee <_epc-st wrinkles, the blackest tan, freckles, pimples, blackheads, etc.; sample botUu, 20,„ceßte. Mme. I3u- j chane, 514 Nicollet ay., F!st 2, Minneapolis. MRS. DR. MOSS. 'St "Pa*_Ts most popular clairvoyant, fihoui- be consulted at once by all wh:> wish to biSftfti trl'elr condition of life. 613 Wabasha st^ojjposite the ear_lto!. MME. CAROLLI tells your entire life; 25c, 50c and upy_i_ .233 JEaat. Seventh at.. Room 1. : —-r —- - yon SALE. FOR SALE—Baby carriage. cheap, if taken j today. 215 drove at., Hpotaiis. FOR SALE CHEAP—One National cash regis- ter suitable for reta-1 trade cf any kind, cost jn.'.OO; t»*o .butcher scales, fancy, one Fairhank's platform scale, one laige hang- ing lam?. E&4U-6*»am 206 Uaiik of Minne- sota. —**sr;— FOR SALE—A 30-foct et«j»m. 1_ inch, in good condition; will b- s6ld at a-iargaln to-: cash. John T. Mullen, Litcbflc-H; Mian^ FOR SALE—Six foot oekah6w cam with iron ] stand, in g'.-od coudlti{^i.-_t SW Rice st. FOR SALE— Sax foct *Acw case with irso , stand and oak cose In good condition. CASH REGISTER—A aew ca*b register f*T 1 sale cheap. Inquire 347 Eaat ecvenih et WANTED TO BUT. WANTED—To buy 6or 7 room house'la good location. State improvement and lowest cash price. Address V M Globe. BABY CARRIAGE—Wanted, a bat. In good order; must be cheap. A-lilress Joe Stelner. 238 B. 13th St @TENT—Wanted to buy a la Call at 468 Minnesota. WANT TO BUY—Old shelving; must b_ cheap for cash. Address W. Tausoher. 2-16 W*-gt Third st. to Lvnit\(;i: NEW GOODS for second-hand? Ryan Kur- niture and Exchange Co.. 142 and HI I" i-it Seventh. R. N. Cardoza. Proprietor. DVB WOKKS. KAHLERT _ MI.N'T EL— Minnesota S *.*___• Py» Works 244 East Seventh. LOST AITD FOUND. LOST—Brown spaniel white breast aiu name *'Doc." Reward. »47 Mississippi _____ _Tel. 384-4. _______IB_ LOST—An ear horn between Kent and W'-st- ern aye. If returned to 268 Xt-nt will re- ceive suitable reward. LOST—A young dapple gray horse with hal- ter on. Anybody finding su.'h hone pi notify and receive reward. Frank Meir- wttzski. 1147 Pacific ay.. Dayton's Bluff. RING CASE—Lost, Jeweler's pocket ring case with rings; liberal reward offered. Re- port at 22 Schutte building. LOST—Bay pony; return him to 97 Park and University ayes. and get paid for your trouble. LOST—The first week In June, probably on Sherman St.. a small silver watch. Please return to 287 South Exchange and receive reward. LOST—About four week 3ago. five-year-old gray horse; weight abrut SOO; cut on left hind leg; white mane and tail; return to 585 Dale and receive reward. LOST—Between Fuller and University, small hand bag containing purse with $10 gold piec«, ring and some small change. Please leave at Conger's drug store and receive re- ward. LOST—A ladles' gold watch. Finder will be suitably rewarded by returning It to T. A. Lacay. care Edison Klc-uic Co.. St. Paul. LOST—A black feather boa in front of Cath- edra] church Wednesday morning at 11:30; leave at this office and receive reward. RING—Lost, plain gold riiig.nanru- and date in- side. A liberal reward will be paid If re- turr.cej to :"k".*, Westminster st. WASTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT—A small cottage i r Address P 87, Qk>b . WANTED -By a mull family of adults, a modern house, on th" hill preferred, w iiU bam. Rent not mere than $20 |>ci- month. Good pay. Address M-94, Globe, WANTED TO RENT—Five cr six living rooms, or small bouse; must be cheap; r.o children. Address T 94. Globe. WANTED—Tc rent a house of modern im- provements, within 16 minutes' wall center of city. Address O. Schuihackw Easi Third st. BUSINESS CUANCKS. A BUSINESS PARTNER having seme uuncy to Invest, rati join an energetic, pract! al mecbanlc and electrical expert, iv a genera] construction and repair business, where the staple articles In supplies may be car- ried. The party seeking smh ' partner has a fair trade already establish- ,1 ml also a good location aeleectod; r, ,'.r, i ,es >-x.- 'hunged. C. <'.. Globe SALOON AND SI MM Kit GARDEN V cheap; will tr.iil.* for fan;,. Reese & Co., 129 East 4i h sf. CHICAGO Kl*r,'-, paying iloon, v.ill s- H or trade for Mini) l business ir ; r perty. Mueller, I", Jackson St., : Chicago. , FOR .SALE C nfectionery -.n<l .ir-ir store, '! i- illg gOOd I.tlK'!. R< 7ih -.t. FOI? SALE \u25a0' h. ,i:i. *n.' .if the be on tho bent kxpted ;i*cet in St. i'aii!. A '.elr-s-i M. -... Globe. WANTED Capabl | arttb Si.ooo imrry sf.ck of good* and manage bi for Chicago house; .sjlary Sl'.'.'i per month and ull experts.a; nl*- extra percentage; per- maucni position with goi>d future proa] Addre«s James Barton, l'S> Franklin rtt.. Chicago. WE HAVE . i'!l!*f('US> IX-.1 RANCB business in tliias i]iv. will bear Investigation. _Reem- & (' ... 12;) Kant 4th st. LIVE PARTY WITH $.'!". l CAN MAKE CON- nection to pay upwards of JIO" per month. No interference with present occupation. You handle your own money. Address P. O. box 1285, New York. FOR SALE—Manufacturing business requir- ing from |t,(MX) to *1..V» for sale; K".*,l and payiug Vu-da established. Adelretw K. 81, Globe. PARDNER WANTED—I have tf/.-OO to Invest. What can you offer? C. B. 133. . FOR SALE—Cash or trade; a Dargaln; ono of the best lively, boarding and sale stables on South Side. Address L. Daube, 202 West Lake St.. Chicago, 111. FIXANCIAIa. $80 REALIZED IN ONI' WEEK ON \N vestment of $25. Increase your capital by speculating. Dividends paid every *'«'.*k. Particulars free. Condon & Co., CUatcn Building. Covington, Ky. $25C PROFIT DC RING JULY ON S-'A) i tal. I.i straight, legitimate' busine*-* specula- tion. For prospectim. address C F. North & C>., 234 LaS.-.lle St.. ChtoagOj >. ANY ONE CAN BORROW MONEY, any amount, on diamonds, watches. Jewelry. furs, bicycle!*, typewriter, at Lytle's, -ill Robert opposite Ryan hotel. Watchee and diamonds for sale at half their value at Lytie'fc, 411 Robert rt. $50^1*0 fSOO SHORT TIME LOANS ON PER- •onal property, collateral paper, household goods, diamonds, seal garments and all goods in etorage. Note?! dmcou'it-d Ohio Investment Comrmny, seventh floor. Globe bailding; meet trivate officii In the city. .MONEY TO LOAN—On furniture, pianos, etc., tc remain with Oic owner; also on watches, diamonds, sea! cloak.-., etc.; loans can be repaid by installment**; business strictly private. Room 7, First National Bank Building, corner Fuurth and Jackson; M'nnesota Mortgage Loan Co. MONEY TO LOAN on rood security at low- ed rates without charge for commission, at our State Savings Bank, Germania Life BuJid'ng, Fourth ar.d Minnesota sta. * 1290 INVESTED earns |_B weekly; pftWOftl i,roofs frer-. F. Daly. 123^ Broadway N. Y. BICYCLES. BICYCLES—High grade gecfe tn_ la'lteV "96 wheels, $42.00. guarantees., ja.x.d as new. Steams. 'S5. ln first-class orier, \o2.h'). 234 West 3d sL . BICYCLES—High grads-. gem's n.n-1 l->.i)es' *9G wheels. Sli-CX guaranteed, good a Steams, '%, in Unit-class order, $"_.;<.'. 234 West M_sL, WANTED—Bicycle for palnt'..'.g cr pi.-or hanging 211 Annapolis st, BICYCLES-4100 wheels, higli grade, direct from manufacturer, Co. Address P. 93, Globe. PIANOS. PIANOS! PIANOS! BOTH NEW ft Bl.fGHT- uxed at bargain prices. Don't fail to \u25a0:** lh«u_ W. J. Dyer & Bro., 21 and 23 Wast sth at * _.. PIANO BARGAINS. Jf-Oft. PRACTICE USE: One Andrew Neyer upright, Sia; one French ly used at ix-i-gain prteos. Don't fall to »co J. Dyer fe Br?., 21 and 23 West Dili at. AX \u25a0 OOf C EM X JITS. IIOTEL ARLINGTON-Seven— Cor&e»ra— TJa- der new raanagetnent; stear., heat; elv.- tric Ughte: lathe; refurnished; firet-claae aoard and r«j**i*3, V>.§ per wek. GET TOL'R ROoi'lNG AND "COBNISE work _ci:<» by th* MlaneaoU Rocflng aim? Con-ice Co-. 411 Selby ay. ciHJUJPOeOi.vr. CHTROPODIST - Good' tbltsg for tor* fe.t {Good Luck Sal»e); care euro for ehllMalna and an oth« freet bitea. If /our diurglit »111 not get It for "on, eend or cell on W. H Lockwood. chiropodist 293 sttad 294 Endl- cott Arcade Bulllla«. C cenU. &0 ceaU ai4

Good Morning==The People's Wants Are Told Below==ReadTHE SAINT PAUI, GLOBE, SUNDAY, JUNE 14. 1896. 15 Good Morning==The People's Wants Are Told Below==Read Them. WIHTS felY BE LEFT

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Page 1: Good Morning==The People's Wants Are Told Below==ReadTHE SAINT PAUI, GLOBE, SUNDAY, JUNE 14. 1896. 15 Good Morning==The People's Wants Are Told Below==Read Them. WIHTS felY BE LEFT


Good Morning==The People's Wants Are Told Below==Read Them.WIHTS felY BE LEFT

At the* tolH«\viii'i liitdtloui, for Inser-tion ln tbe Daily and Sunday Globe,

at tbe same rates as are charged hy

the nut In ottiee.


Hamline Pharmacy Drug Store73.1 KNELLING AVENUE.. OATTOMfS. BjMOJFFj

Eever Westby Drug Store679 EAST THIRD STREET-


AVllllam K. Collier Drug StoreSEVENTH AND SIBLEY.


M. D. Merrill News Stand442 BROADWAY;

MERRIAM PARK.A L. Woolsey DruS stor--

st. Anthony" and prior avenues.St. Anthony hill.

Einil Bull .•JT ÜBB,St




A. A. Campbell Drag Store235 RONDO STREET.

A. T. Guernsey Drug Store171 DALE STREET.

Erackett's Pharmacy




Concord Street Prescription Store.CORNER STATE AND CONCORD.


ITPER TOWN.B H Reeves Drug Store

MOORE BLOCK.' SEVEN CORNERS.C T. Heller Colonnade Drug Store


29 EAST SEVENTH STREET.F. M. Crudden Confectioner

496 RICE STREET.W. E. Lowe Dni* Store




A. & G. A. Schumacher Drug Store954 PAYNE AVENUE.

WEST SEVENTH STREET.A. & G. A. Schumacher Drug Store

499 WEST SEVENTH STREET.J. J. Muller Drug Store


T Rfi VEL EKsTdU IDE.Trains TLeaer and lrrit-eSI. Paul

an Follows:Union Depot, Sibley St.


XffiS' EAST THIRD ST.Dining Cdrs on Winnipeg and ,—ST. PAUL.--,

Pacific Coast Trainit Leave. Arrive.

Paciflc Mail (daily, for Fargo

Bozeman, Butte, Helena, Mls-»ou)a, Spokane, Tacoma.Seattle and Portland...- 2:45 pm 5:55 p.m

Dakota Express fdally) forMoorhead, Fargo, J "mestown,Fergus Falln, Wahpeton,Crookston, Grand Forks, Graf-ton and Winnipeg 8:00 pm 7*.10a.m

Fnrpo Local (dally except Sun-day, for St. Cloud, Brainerdami Fargo 9:r>r* am "):Tip.m

P'-llmiin Firm Class nnd Towris* 'MopriPrw

jtgmmMi mm-.r ffiu£S&^™ ROBERT ST.,

S MJljjjgg^W CORNER SIXTH,P^-Vjßffgy (TEONE 480) AND

'f^TOiSlSll UNWN DEPOT.Irate. | tEx. Sun. •Dally. I Arrive.

"•;-:l< am /-» if \u25a0 /-* a *7:*>oftm

*l:l'pm***"**\u25a0+9.55 p__,

+1( :li am .Duluth, Superior, Ashland. t.*>:sopm*H:(ipm Duluth mid Sunenor *6:soam*J( :(fam Su City, Omaha &Kan. City *ri:Wpmtjt:(:am'Elmore, Su Falls, Pipestone tf.:n'pm+1:31 pm .Mankato. New Ulm, Tracy. tfl:3sam

131 :(ftun .Watartown. Huron, Pierre. -Hi:r)sprn•«• :lfpm Sioux City, Omaha, Khb. Cy. **7:21 an** :1 pm ('ilifoniis in Thrco Pays"' *7:'",nni

&REAT NORTHERN HAILWAIT.Ticket Office, X Third St. 'Phone It:.

Leave. ]*Daily. tExcKPT Sunday. Abrivb

it :\u25a0 am llreck. Division -*\u25a0 Branches +5:35 pmli:', sun Itus Falls Div. &Branches \u25a0HJ*.('sj;mi; :; i pm^Willmar via St. Cloud +10:40 am*'.-.'. pmßreck., FnTf;c,Gs3.F,s,W'peg *7:50 am

*;••-'• jm Montana ar.cl Pacific Coast.. *6:20 pm*t:V pmfStCfdhd, ( r'fcst'n. Cd.F'ks. *7:lsam

tli-.ii )<m[Excelsior& Hutchinson.... +10:0Pamfc.Ai.fEBN["MIiIMESOTA-JI. . if.

•MtiSi DUIUUl* WeSt t,UT>erior *! *3"t?a£~rJOSTHERN STEAftsSHIP CO.

North West. INortli E^and-JZjrvhi.virrly Pit mettger.

Leave Duluth 1:15 r<- m. Tuesdays ana Saturlays2.'uvr 'infl'fiVol':.'.'1 p.m. T.iesdays and Fridays

Chicago, Miiwaokes & St." Paul Raiiroii.Lv—ST.PAUL—Ar.

Ch'caso "D-ay" Express.. KHam +l'J:lop"in«.Licago. •'AtiaiiUc" Ex. .. r\ :f... pm *11:35amC'b:ciigi> "Fest Mail" \u25a0*( :.'\u25a0 j, m *? :(X) pra\u25a0Chicago :Ve*4;i)iii9"Lim. »?:I''t>;tv *?:50amCliicßßO vJaDuLiuoue.. . \u25a0MsWpm tlltf-amDubuque via La Crosse... If.'Cfaa +l|*:l<-pmPeoria vis RasOß City.... ** :,rx" pn. *11:0uamEl. Louis and kaosns City. *c '"ifa m *C:33 omKiibank and Way.... ... It:ita*n *l^:s-praAt-f-rdecn ar.d Dakota Ex-

press *7:f:spr- -?:l'a*a•'D.'.ily. +Ex. Sum tßfx. Sat. TEx. Mon-i- it fullinformation, call at Ticket Office.

Chicago Great WesternH:i!iE LiftF ROUTE. TicketOSces: Cor.Lot crt and sth Sts. and Union Depot. TrainsJeave Upion Depot, St. Paul, at 8:10 P. M. Daily,u].X:'l>A. MM Except Sunday. for Dubuque,CHICAGO, Waterloo, Cedar Falls. Marshall-town, Dcs Moinas, St. Joseph, Leavenworth andKAN-^ASCITY.

Dodge Center Local leaves at3:.'sP. M. Daily."""""ruinsfrom Kansas City arrive at 7:15 A. M.r."tidl:'s P. M. Daily, anil 7:28 P. M., Except

and from Chicago at 7:45 A.M. and1 ::< P.M. Daily. and 7:l'8 P. M.. Except Sunday.

STrPAUL^TTOLUTfI^RTR:Lfiiv-* Arriver-!.Paul. *Daily. +Ex. Sunday. SL Paul.

+X?~m. CUJL^JTIi ~ ;7:15a.H\u25a0y •' | m iW. SUPERIOR \u25a0. \u25a0 fo« p. m.Frci.i I'nion Depot. CITYTICKET OFFICE,

.'! i l'oi,,?u Street.

Trains leave St. Paul Union DemgnnT* pot as folicwa.* Daily, 1 :4 'p. in..

M'StifWABJ *or?-svv York, Boston, Montreal!^___ffjlffi>f and Eastern points. Dining carM^erfic' a:l^ throuuh Boston Sleeper at-

liOilifs-' ladied. Daily, 0:05 a. m.. for Se-KJe^***® ottle, Tecoma, Portland and Pa*W '' J "ifr*Coast pclnte. Throughsleep*

*r to Seattle attached. Dailytxcepi Sunday. f':"op. m. for Olenwood fromiii,;enjaOlls. "From Broadway fetation, exceptSJUEdcy. Wisconsin Div. Local, uri'ia. m.: St.Crcix Falls Accommodation. < :'\u25a0 P- m.

WISCONSIN CENTRAL• City OIHo?, 373 Robert Street. 'Phone No. 6&L

, „ , „., Leave ArriveAH Trains Daily. St. Paul. St Paul.

fiau Tlaire. Chippewa "IF,jy'\u25a0""«**£ .Hur-j sr .3Pam- 6*15 a.m.'cv, Oshkosh.MUwau- ! d a„dzee, Wautesht.au.fm"^"uso md Uie East and j y F^

-Sou*. j '•AnivcT:-!*p. m, on Sundays.

PLeave Union Depot for

ChieagG, St Lonls anddownriver pcicte. 7*30 ara.*. Arrives from Chicnpo,

Leaves fnion Depot forChicago and St. Louis, • *4ip. in. Arrive* trom samepoints ':«., a. m. daily-


AGENTS wanted for tbe authentic historyof the great cyclone: 450 pages, 150 specialphotographs; grand, thrilling^ complete;agents report 100 orders daily; act quick.Cyclone publishing Cq„ St. Louis, Mo.

AGENTS WANTED FOR POLITICAL CAM-paign buttons, all parties; suit anyone.Also new Aluminum Novelties lust out; 200per cent profit.- Secure territory and cata-logue of 500 engravings. Sample 10c.Aluminum Novelty' Company, 335 Broad-way, New York.

AGENTS—Hustlers make $5 dally selling onlyrevolving griddle cake turner. Sample, 20c.O. E. Miekel, Manufacturer, Haverhill,Mass.

AGENTS TO HANDLE OUR TELEPHONETablet, Lawn Sprinkler and High GradeSper.'iaities. pays $srooo5rOOO yearly. Victory Mfg.Co., Cleveland, O.

AGENTS—GiId 'Glass Sign's, Name Plates,Numbers. Readable darkest nights. Write

for samples. Thomas & Co., Englewood. Ills.

COOK—Good cook wanted at'the*'Modern cafe.850 Payne aye.

WANTED—Amateur alto and clarinet playersfor brass band. Address M. 95, Globe.

WANTED—Canvassers for city and countryto represent manufacturer; staple goods;

big profit. Address M, 80, Globe.

BA.RBER-AWant.ed, a barber Immediately.Luke Doyle, Stillwater, Mlrrri.

TINNER wanted at North Star Roohng andCornice Company's, Eagle st., near Sevencorners.

STONE MASONS—Wanted 6 good stone ma-sons to go out of town; steady work. Ap-ply Cor. 6th and Cedar Sts. or 569 BrewsterAye.

BOY WANTED—Boy who has had experienceln plumbing trade. D. J. Harrington &Co., 151 University aye., cor. Rice st.

THE BANKERS* LIFE ASSOCIATION, asset*$650,900, largest, strongest and best Minne-sota Life Company, wants a few moreagents. Every assistanco given. Expensesof good men guaranteed. Address DouglasPutnam, Secretary, St. Paul, Minn.

WANTED—Agents for Ball's combinationkitchen tool, knife and saw; rapid seller;

kitchen necessity. Send 35c for sample post-paid. The Standard Steel Tool Co., Ak-ron, O.

AGENTS WANTED—for "Tales of the CivilWar,'' as told by 400 veterans on bothsides; something new; hundred's of greatwar pictures; 608 pages; one agent reports110 orders for fifteen days; write quick.People's Fub. Co., 3941 Market St., Phil-delphia.

MAN AND WlFE—Without children, wantedon farm; call at 295 Jackson st.

DRAUGHTSMAN WANTED—Must be compet-ent :n patent office drawings. AmericanPatent Market and Novelty works, 279 Wil-

st., cor Pine. Call after 6 p. m.MACHlNlST—Machinist ' wanted to take

charge of shop; must be first-class. 355Minnesota st.

AGENTS WANTED—Agents for cigar house;$12 weekly and expenses tc beginners. Box

12ia, Chicago.

WANTED—Permanent sample distributorseverywhere by both sex; $5 per thousand;

encl se sUimp. .Geneva Pharmacal Co., Chi-cago. "

AGENTS—De y.ur' own manufacturers andempjty agente: article in universal demand;

500 per cent, met; will sell formula for $5;send stamp lor particulars. J. V. Allen,Holyoke, Mass.

PAINTERS WANTED—First-class. Call dur-ing the day from.. 3 tc 6 p. m. WalterTauscher, 848 West 3d St., bet Seven Cor's.and Smith av£.

WANTED—Salesmen in every town and cityin t' c U. S. for cur National Sliver Badge.

$25 a day made.. Send ,15c. for sample andparticulars. Butcher Badge Co., 506 CooperBlk., Denver, Colo.DON'T BE POOR—I work for F. Gray & Co.,

Columbus. 0., selling Hoyal Platers, plat-ing, knives, forks, spoons, etc. Quicklyplated by dipping' in melted metal: finefinish; plate Guaranteed sto 10 years. Made$45 last week; this week $59. Easy job;good pay; write for place. Everybody hasgoods to plats.

WANTED—Good salesmen foi1 countrytrade tc sell staple article to dry goods andnotion trade; small sample, good commis-sions. Address Jas. Chadwlck & Bro., Ltd.,ISO sth ay.; Chicago, 111.

AVANTED—Man with small capital to openoffice and represent manufacturer; salary

or commission. Ohio Manufacturing Co.,Dayton, Ohio.

WANTED AGENTS—Big pay; choice terri-tory Pays, sick, accident, death and en-

dowment benefits. Address American Benev-olent Association, St. Louis, Mo.

SALESMEN AVANTED—To sell our goods tc-the wholesale and retail trade; our gcods

sell 0-: sight; liberal salary cr commissionpaid. For particulars, address CentennialMfg. Co., Atlanta, Ga. Factory, Milwaukee,AVls. '

AMBITION IS THE MASCOT OF PRO-flciency in any line of development; it is

the torch that -lights the soul to-success andvictory. There it no person In this universethat Is the peer of another. If you have anIdea, patent it. Come and consult our ex-perts; their services are at your disposal free.Yau po:sess the ability to rise to the top,if you will only take advantage-of our liberalterms in securing patents. Write and getour book on patents-athe finest-book everpublished for free distribution, with list ofinventions wanted.ASSOCIATION AMERICAN INVENTORS,

1111-1119 Betz Building, Phila., Pa.Long distance telephone 4940.

WANTED—An Idea. Write John AVedderburn& Co.. Patent Attorneys, Washington, D.C, for their SI.SOO prize offered to inventors.

MAN AVANTED—Good mati for- kitchen workir. restaurant. L. D. Phillips. 282 Sibley st.

SALESMEN WANTED in every district; newseason; samples free; salary or commis-sion with expenses from start. Luke Bros.Co., Chicago.

LABORERS WANTED—Fifty railroad labor-ers wanted for lowa. Company work. Freefare. Ship tonight. Moore & Co., 179 EastThird st- \u25a0 • .

AVANTED—TWO YOUNG MEN with $200 to$300 each; one fcr secretary and one forvice president and general manager; asafe , paying position to the right part-ies. Address E. 81 Globe.

WANTED—Salesmen to sell cigars; $100 to$150 monthly; salary and expenses; exper-ience unnecessary. Reply with stamp. Su-perior Cigar Co., Chicago.

AVANTEll—Salesmen for Minnesota, and Wis-consin on comnvsslon. Hosiery, gloves, mit-tens and knit goods. AA'estern D, G. Com-mission Co", 233 Jackson st., Chicago.

ONE SUPREME DEPUTY and five specialdeputies as organizers. Business or life in-surance men or officers of fraternal subordi-nate lodges will be given liberal contracts.Guarantee. Hav,e,several special.advantagesnot given by other orders. Assessmentslimited to one each month during life. Ad-dress National Benevolent Legien,AmericanTract Society Building, New York.

WANTED—Men and women to work at home;I pay $8 to $16 per week for making CrayonPortraits; new patented method; any onewh can read and write can do the workat home in spare time, day or evening;send for particulars and begin work atonce. Address H. A. Grlpp, German Artist,Tyrone, Pa. .\u25a0..-.

$75 TO $150 A MONTH and expenses paidsalesmen for cigars: experience unneces-sary; standard goods. Little Clerk cigarmachine free to each customer. Bishop &Kline, St. Louis. Mo.

WANTEr-i—Agents can make $50 weekly laany locality, failure utterly impossible.AVill prove It cr forfeit one hundred dol-lars. Address P. O. Box 5308. Boston, Mass.

$30 WEEKLY AND EXPENSES for salesmanto sell our cigars; experience unnecessary;best inducement to dealers. Folk Ritchie& Co., St. Lauls.

WANTED—lntelligent gentlemen and ladießin every town to work at home; neat,steady employment. We pay salary. In-close stamp. Standard Mfg. Co., 142 WestTwenty-third st, New York.

WANTED—First-class carpenter for a fewdays inside work; wages $1.75. Address X96, Globe. ,

WANTED—First-class barber. 539 Missis-sippi St.

WANTED—Barber, 413 Jackson St.

WANTED—AII around meat and pastrycook; lunch counter. 381 Robert street.

WANTED—Reliable party to represent Chi-cago Co. ln this city. Party must Inveßt$500 for which security is given. AddressW. I. C. C- HO4 Ashland block, Chicago. 111._


LaDIEP: Chichester's English Pennyroyal

PilU (Diamond Brand) are the best. Safe,rtliable, take no other. .Send 4c.. stamps,

for particulars. "Relief tar Ladles." 1»tetter by return snaiL At Druggist*. Chl~

| Kicster Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa.


COOK—Wanted a good plain cook and laun-dress. Family of four. Wages $16 permonth. Apply at once. Address, Z, SOGlobe.

COOK—Wanted a girl as cook and laundressin a family of four. Apply, Mrs. Murten,Clark aye. White Bear Lake.

COOK WANTED—First-class, neat, and pas-try ccok, woman preferred; must furnishgood references. Address Worthington hotel,Worthlngton, Minn.

COOK WANTED—Competent cook wanted at353 Summit aye.

COOK WANTED—A good cook ln a privatefamily or laundry; can leave city; one whocan give references. Call at 447 East Bth.

COOK—A competent cook, with references;Apply at 495 Summit Aye.

COOK—Competent cook wanted at 353 Sum-mit aye.

GIRL WANTED—For general housework;good wages. 4,30 Robert.

HOUSEKEEPER—Good, neat, capable work-ing housekeeper; write, stating full partic-ulars and wages required. Box 21, Apple-ton, Minn. ,

COMPANION—Wanted, partner, lady or gen-tleman, to go to New Orleans on a flat boat

fitted up in good shape; a six monthstrip. Address V. 93 Globe.

GIRL WANTED—GirI for general housework;must be competent cook. Apply at 27 Sher-

burne aye.

PASTRY COOK—A first-class woman pastrycook. Call at 464 Jackson st.

PASTRY COOK—A first-class woman pastrycook wanted, dining room girls and vege-table cook for summer resort Apply at 738Payne aye.

HOUSEWORK—Wanted at once, competentgirl for general housework, 549 Portlandavenue. German preferred.

HOUSEWORK—GirI for general or lighthousework for lake. Call Thursday, be-tween 3 and 5, 209 Charles St.

NURSE—Wanted, a young nurse maid im-mediately; one who can go home at night;references required. Apply 520 Summitavenue. "

WANTED—Good girl for general housework.1128 Reaney st.

GIRL WANTED—62I John St.; small family;no children; no washing and ironing; neatgirl and good plain cook, one preferred whocould go home nights.

HOUSEWORK—Wanted, competent girl forgeneral housework; German preferred. No.9 St. Albans.

WANTED—GirI for general housework insmall family; White Bear Lake, statesalary expected. Address X 82, Globe.


HOUSEWORK—Wanted, a neat appearingyoung girl about fourteen years old to dolight work around the house; will paymoderate wages. Inquire of L. J. Bernster,639 Canada st.

GIRL WANTED—A good girl as a house-keeper; good place for good girl. 182 Fair-field aye.

WANTED—GirI at No. 62 College aye., atonce.

HOUSEWORK—Wanted, girl for generalhousework: Apply to 379 Lookout Place:Take Miss. St. car.

GIRL WANTED—A girl to do good plain cook-ing. Apply at 388 Woodward aye.

GIRL WANTED—GIr) for general housework.938 DeSoto st


%HOUSEWORK—GirI for general housework;good wges and steady work. Mrs. J. W.Smith, W. 7th St., one west Montreal. *»*,

prentice girl: 493 Marshall Aye.

GIRL WANTED—For general. housework;three ln family; good wages. 586 Portland,,aye. \u25a0

WANTED—An experienced taffy and AJdawater man. Call Sunday 9 a. m., ComoPark Pavilion.

GIRL WANTED for general housework, 936Goodrich aye.


GIRL WANTED—German girl''for housework.'109 Summit aye.. "

GIRL WANTED—A girl for general house-work. 458 Laurel aye. '*** *"•""

GIRL WANTED—For general housework,good wages. Call at 561 Canada st. _,

!—. ; * £\u0084HOUSEWORK—Wanted.competent girl^ for^,

general housework. Wages $4.00 per *wek~'Apply at 1276 Keston St., St. AnthonyPark.

HOUSEWORK—Wanted, a girl for genera'housework; must be willing to go to Min-netonka for the summer. Call 100 WesternAye.

HOUSEWORK—Wanted, good girl for gen-eral housework; no washing; wages $15.00per manth,-references required. Inquire 635Dayton Aye. ,

WANTED—GirI for general housework at952 Ashland avenue; small family.

HOUSEWORK—Good girl for general house-work; small house, small family; no.wash-in^jgoodwages^T^aTgo^Ced^st.

MILLNER—Wanted a first-class woman forgeneral housework at 209 East Seventh st.

%HOUSEWORK—Good girl wanted for gen-eral housework. 216 Hoffman Aye.

HOUSEWORK—Gin wanted for generalhousework; 638 Holly Aye.at once.

WANTED—GirI for general housework. 580Westminster.

WANTED—3S girls at 393 Selby avenue.

HOUSEWORK—GirI for general housework.819 Burr st. .

HOUSEWORK—Wanted, girl for generalhousework in small private family. 340Grove St., near Pine.

WOMAN WANTED—To do washing andscrubbing or any kind of housework by theday. Please call at 198 East 10th st.

HOUSEWORK—Wanted, girl for generalhousework; must understand cooking. In-quire at 659 East Third st.

WANTED—Good competent girl for generalhousework. 819 Partland aye.


ST. PAUL VIAVI COMPANY HAS MOVEDto 54 Mannheimer building. Mrs. S. Stout,manager. Health book and consultation free.

PATENTS—Wm. H. Babcock, Counsellor atPatent Law and Solicitor of U. S. and For-eign Patents, &c, 709 G st., N. W., Wash-ington, D. C.; formerly examiner in patentoffice; twenty years in continuous practicein the same place. Fees in U. S. cases sentduring June and July need not be paid untilallowance. Write for particulars.

MISS HULL, successor to Mrs. Baldwin, re-moves superfluous hair, moles, etc., by elec-tricity; only positive and permanent remedy;references given. 307 Merrill Block, cornerFifth and St. Peter sts.


PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN PUBLICschool branches given during summer va-cation by thoroughly competent teacher.Call afternoons, or address 15 East Centralaye.

LAW COURSE. SPECIAL, $5; COMPLETEeducation for law practice. National School,South Bend, Ind.

ST. AGATHA'S ACADEMY OF MUBIC ANDArt. 26 East Exchange St.. St. Paul—Piano.violin gulter. banjo and mandolin taught.Lesson* given in drawing and painting.Call or send for orosoectua,

M. & ST. L. DEPOT^Broadway and Fourth.


Leave | *Daiiy, Sunday. | Arrive

J Alb'tLea, Dcs Moines, I•I0:15 .a.re. I Ced. RpMs, Kan. City J f7:4op.m.\u25a0if-cDa-m. Walert'n & Bed. Falls Ex. +4:55 p.m.

•7:00 p.m. Dcs Moines & Omaha Lim *8:55 a.m*7:U p.m. Chicago & St. Louis Lia. *B:s6a.m*14:48p.m. AlbertLea & Mankato Loc t10:35 a.m

LEVEEFoot of Sib ey Street.

<l^P> St PaulWillleave for St. Louis and Intermediate land-ings ."Monday, Juno 15, at IO A. 3H.

For full information regarding passenger andfreight rates address C. R. BROCK WAY, GeneralAgent, Office, foot of Sibley street, oppositeUnion Depot. St. PauL Telephone call, tti


BOOKKEEPER—Wanted, position by youngman as bookkeeper or salesman on theroad; best of references. Address L 87.Globe. I

BOOKKEEPER—An experienced bookkeeperand good penman would accept a positionwith reliable arm. Address J. M. 8., 2817Fourteenth ay. south, Minneapolis, Minn.

"'- " ' •CLERK, experienced In groceries and general

merchandise, wants position ln city or coun-try store; best of references. H., 826 Sher-burne ay.

WANTED—By an experienced young man,position as Janitor or elevator man; canfurnish best of reference. Address O. P.,307% Sherburne aye.

SITUATION, wanted by an honest and soberyoung German-American of any kind of

work. One who Is not afraid to work andwell acquainted with horses. Call or ad-dress A. 8., 227 West Third st.

COOK—Wanted.a first class cook at 475Summit Aye. Call Tuesday or Wednesdaybetween 1 and 2.

WANTED—A young man wants work in com-mission or wholesale house. Good penmanand a hustler. Ad'Jrem, C. F., ?43 Spruceet

DELIVERY CLERK—Young man 19 yearseld wants work; worked last in hardwarestore, driving delivery wagon; can clerk;has references. Address V. W. 427 Harri-son Aye.

SITUATION WANTED—A good, all-aroundman of 24 seeks position of some kind.Drive or care of horses or drive deliverywagon. Good man around horses or any othergeneral work offered. Is sober and honestWell acquainted in city; good references.Address C. W., 415 Rosabel St.

BOY WOULD LIKE POSITION EITHER DE-llvering, call boy, office work or as an ele-vator boy. Grace, general delivery.

WANTED-r-A place by a nice colored manwho can do anything about the house. Is agood waiter. Care for office, or janitorwork. Reed Court flat 2 Selby aye.

ERRAND BOY—A boy thirteen years of agewishes a position as cash or errand boy;Address 537 Broadway, in the rear.

SITUATION WANTED—Good, honest boy. 14years old, would like work as a cash boy,or any work. Address J. Sager, 525 VanBuren st.

MALE STENOGRAPHER—Six years exper-ience, desires a position. No. 234 West sthst, second flat

A FIRST, CLASS j, SALESMAN and book-keeperXwlth eight years' city experience,wants a s'milju* .-position; needs work.Address Slitiinei**; city delivery.

WANTED—Customers to have their lace cur-tains and drapery cleaned; drapery hung

also; take orders for new shades; refittingand rehanging your own shades; lowestprices; best work* -"Drop postal to Henry«Arnstein. 502 Beaumont St..— ——\u25a0 r—r—jrl«" \u25a0 1\u25a0 •WANTED—Work on farm hy y.oung Scandi-

navian; good drher and ran milk. Address439 Sibley g__~__~_

COOK—Wanted, *ir«t class meat and pastry-cook woman preferred; must furnish goodrefences. Address Worthington Hotel,

Worthington, Minn.WANTED—A posiitioi as a butcher; have two

years' experience; willingto go •'rut of townand will work cheap. Address E. C. J. M.418 N. Exchange St., st. Paul, Mina.SITUATION JUA*P3D--A wants'

Work. Call 220 Robinson StSITUATION WANTED—A place in a grocery

store by a young man with eight years'experience. H. F. Phifer, 387 Cherokee Aye.

EMRLQYMBJMH-Young rxttaxn *ege» nineteenyears, wants wtirk; worked last In hard-ware store; hasrefereftce! "Address V.W.,427 Harrison ay.

' SITUATION "^WnTED-A young man 21years of age desires-position in an office; isstrictly temperate; can give good references.Address G. L. Clfester, 333 Magnolia st.

%CIERK—In a general store; 8 years' expe-rience; German American; good references;

;work cheap. Direct P. O. Box 221 Shak-opa. Minn. j ',*

EMPLOYMENT—A reliable trustworthy manis open |or engagement ,can* fillalmost anyposition; wilLacfertany tflnd; of-work, as hehas a large farnllV tar support. Please ad-dresa _________ 461 SeJby Aye. ..,.

-POSUaOJC WANTED ybm a>*yx___|K man 18' "yfe«rs cl«" in office, or a place where he can

learn business of s-j*ae kind; am willing tostart in with reasonable wages; can furnishbest of references. Address 636 Jackson st.

SITUATION WANTED-A.bright honest boywould like a position as office boy; age 15

years. Address or call J. L. S., 508 W. Min-nehaha. - <-,*,: \u25a0\u25a0-

EMPLOYMENT—A sober.trustworthy Scan-dinavian mau,of 24 seeks a position ofsome kind. Will .drive or care for hcrsesIn city or at lake; useful and willingtodo any other work that .Is offered; goodreferences ;address C. W. 415 Robert st.

WANTED—By registered pharmacist a posl-tion ln city or country; can furnish best ofreferences; single, sober and not afraid ofwork. T 97, Globe,

WANTED—A good honest young man of 18would like to get work of any kind. Ad-dress G. Demrow t7 89 Garfield street.

WANTED—A poslttoU in drug store by youngman of three years experience; salesmanand fountain 'Attendant. Address E 84,Globe.

WANTED—By an experienced bookkeeper !employment in that capacity; will workfirst two weeks free. Address S. 97, Globe.

WANTED—A young man seeks a position;used to drive and take care of horses; will-ing to do any other kind of work that isoffered him; no objection to leaving thecity; good reference. Address P. A., 415Rosabel street."

WANTED—A boy of 16 would like work ofany kind. Address 379 Erie street.

SODA WATER AND ICE CREAM DIS—penser wishes situation; city or summerplace outside; competent, steady and reli-able. Address Globe; E. 95.

WANTED—Employment by sober young man,willingto do any kind of work; understandsprivate family. Call or address 542 Cedarstreet.

SITUATION WANTED—Young married manwould like employment of any kind: hasgood references.- Address B. F. S., 816Ocean St., St. Paul.


WANTED—Board and pleasant room, withuse of bath, by man and wife. Must be in

desirable locality within ten minutes' walkof court house. Address H. 95, Globe.ROOM AND BOARD WANTED BY TWO

young ladles, central location; state terms.Address P SO, Glebe. |

ROOMS FOR RENT—Nicely furnished; mod- |crn conveniences; central location; board if jdesired. 26 Summit aye., near St. Peter st.

WANTED—Furnished room, with board, indesirable locality; references. Address P.

92, Globe.

WANTED—Two furnished rooms and beardby married couple without children. Must !be near business* part of town. Addresswith terms. C. 86.


FOR RENT—Furnished rooms, with board,bath, parlor anS plane; $3.5 C per week. 64 ]Iglehart st

FURNISHED ROOMS FOR ONE OR TWO; |board if desired* Aice location; modern. 254Pleasant aye. i____ l

FIRST CLASS TABLE BOARD $3.00 per jweek; r.ieal tictfetr $3.50. 509 Wabasha st.

FOR RENT—Large furnished parlor withflrst class table board; terms reasonable fcrtwo for summer. . P 88. Globe.

FOR RENT—I7I West 4th st., one cozy roomwith board. Two or three table boarderswanted. Nice beard $3 per week; housemodern. " _

BOARD—Nicely furnished rooms, with beard;6 o'clock dinner. 614 Central Park east,Summit and Minnesota.


FOR RENT—Neatly furnished rooms, hot andcold bath, and good table board. 309, sth

and Broadway.

BOARD OFFERED—NeatIy furnished room,hot and cold bath; also good table board;use of parlor and piano for two gentlemen.417 East Tenth street

TABLE BOARD AND ROOMS AT REDUCEDrates for the summer months at the Cclcn-n&de. aor. lftth and St. Peter.

BOARD—First-class board with or withoutroom; bath and everything modern. In-quire 524 Cedar st_

HOTEL ARLINGTON — Seven Comers—Ex-cellent board and mom, $5-00 per week.


BOOKKEEPER—Young lady thoroughly ca-pable and willingto work wishes positionas bookkeeper or office assistant. AddressX 92, Globe.

BOOKKEEPER—Wanted, situation as book-keeper oi any kind of office work; best ofcity reference. Address J. H. S., 456 Pleas-ant ay.

DRESSMAKER WANTS SEWING BY THEday in families. Address Z. 84 Globe.

DESSMAKER—Good, experienced dressmak-er desires more engagements ln families.Address Miss E. Godboilt, 201 East Wini-fred at.

HOUSE WORK—A first-class cook desires asituation ln American family of two orthree adults. Call or address 46 WestNinth street.

DRESSMAKER—Wanted—Young lady withexperience ln dressmaking wants positionwith private dressmaker. Call or address551 Broadway.

SITUATION WANTED-A girl who is a goodcook will take a place in a small family;can give best references. Call at 139 East10th st.

STENOGRAPHER—Wanted. position byyoung lady as stenographer and assistantbookkeeper; has head experience in generaloffice work; can furnish reference; will .ac-cept UaOde.'ate salary. Address X 84,Globe.

SEWING—A dressmaker wants sewing by theday In families. Call or address 215 Ren- •dc st.

STENOGRAPHER—Young lady desires post-tion as stenographer and typewriter; hashad experience ln office work. Address L.C, Globe.

WANTED—Young lady thoroughly capableand willing to work, having employmentpart of the day, would like place to workfor her board; where she can have a pleas-ant home; best of references. Address X92, Globe.

SITUATION WANTED—An experienced younglady wants work of some kind; wishes wash-ing, scrubbing or ironing to do. Call at 163Charles st.

SITUATION WANTED—A competent womanwishes a situation as housekeeper or to dogeneral housework where there will be noobjection to a child three years old. Callat 203 East Bth st.

YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION INdental office In exchange for dentistry. GraceBell, general delivery.

STENOGRAPHER—Wanted, position bythoroughly competent and experiencedyoung lady stenographer and typewriter;highest references; St. Paul and Chicago;position more object than salary; knowledgeof bookkeeping. Address C 91, Globe.

STENOGRAPHER^Young lady stenographerand typewriter wishes to secure a perma-nent position; willing to leave city; willwork for moderate salary; can do assistantbookkeeping. Please address Stenographer,46 Germania Life Building.

STENOGRAPHER — Thoroughly competentyoung lady stenographer, owning machine.would like to secure some pieece work; willcall at ycur office, take the dictation anddeliver work; satisfaction guaranteed. M.D.. 46 Germania Life Building.

WANTED—Competent young lady steno-grapher desires a position; experienced Inrailroad work and can furnish very bestreference. L 81, Globe.

SITUATIONS WANTED—Two young coloredgirls would like places to care for children.Address 15a East 12th st.

YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER wishes pos-ition for afternoon; experienced and icanfurnish referencees. Address A. S., 11 WestExchange st.

LAUNDRESS—A first-class laundress Wouldlike rough dry washing to do at home;5 dozen for $1; clothes called for and de-livered and good work guaranteed. Ad-dress Laundress, 456 East Sixth st

DRESSMAKER—First-class, would like acouple of weeks' engagements in families.First-class work guaranteed; $1.25 per day.Address Miss Beatrice, general delivery.

WASHING—Wanted, washing or generalwork,, Mary Jorgensen, 433 Case st

WASHING—Want washing] ttT go out. orscrubbing. Call on Mr. Seymour, No. 15,on the Upper Flats.

WASHING—Tak9 In washing and go out.201 West Sixth st.

WANTED—A lady wants day work, eitherwashing or ironing or sweeping. 200 E.10th St

WANTED—A woman would like to get daywork of any kind; call at 456 East Seventhstreet, third floor, room 17.

WANTED—A girl would like to get chamberwork or light housework; call at 456 EastSeventh street, third floor, room 17.

WANTED—A seamstress would like a steadyplace In private family; will help withsecond work, and willingto go to the lake.Call or address 200 E. 10th St.

POSITION WANTED—Good laundress wantsposition. Call at 938 DeSoto st.

LADIES CAN FIND COOKS AND GENERALhousework girls waiting at Mrs. Merry-weather's, 543 Wabasha St.

WANTED—An experienced laundress wisheswork by the day; call after 6 o'clock. 200East Tenth street..

WANTED—Woman of experience would likeplace to do light housework or day work;no objection to go home nights. Call at623 York street.

WASHING—A woman would like to go outwashing. Address 533 Edmond st.

DRESSMAKER—In family or at home; willsew cheap for the next 30 days; call audbe convinced; 515 Robert st. Room 1.

AND TYPEWRITER—Position wanted by a young lady stenog-rapher and typewriter; good references;book-keeping if required; address MattieE. Kirk, Bradner, Ward Co.O. *

LAUNDRESS—An experienced laundresswishes work in private families, by theday. Call after 6 o'clock. 200 East Tenthst.

EMPLOYMENT—An experienced young ladywants work of some kind. I am willingto<io any kind of work as I am a widow andhave two little ch'ldren; please call or ad-dress 727 Mrs. Kagerer.

WASHING—Wanted, washing, housecleaningor work of any kind. Mrs. Wiiders, 175Thirteenth st.

WASHING—Woman goes out washing, iron-ing and housecleaning. Inquire at No. 499St. Peter and Exchange, second floor.

WASHING, Ironing and housecleaning want-ed. Miss Wiiders. 145 Eva st— —r, " T

STENOGRAPHER—Competent stenographerowning machine would like to secure somepiece-work at a reasonable price. Will callfor and deliver work. Will dc substituting.Address Stenographer, '46 Germania Life

i JBldg-| SEWING —An experienced dressmaker wants

sewing by the day in families. Call oraddress 215 Rondo st

DRESSMAKER—A competent dressmakerdesires work in families. Terms reason-able. Call or address 200 East Tenth st

HOUSEKEEPER—A competent womanwishes a situation as housekeeper or gen-eral housework, where there wil be no ob-jection to a child three years old.; cal at203 E. Eight st.

LAUNDRESS—Experienced laundress to goout washing or take washing at home.Call or address 200 East Tenth st

I NURSE—Experienced in confinement or anykind of sickness; will do light house workif desired; can furnish good references.Call 515 Robert, room L

! STENOGRAPHER—Position by young ladyas stenographer and assistant book-keeper;has had experience in general office workcan furnish references. Address K. 84.

STENOGRAPHER—Position by young ladystenographer; can assist on the books Ifdesired; best of references. Address 128 E.4th st.

NURSE GlßL—Situation wanted by a cain-petent nurse girl. 59 West Tenth st.

WANTED—Competent young lady steno-grapher desires position; have had exper-ience in general office work; can assist enbooks; can furnish references: willingtoaccept moderate salary. Address X 84,Globe.

WANTED—An experienced lady wants tc goout washing; can give satisfaction. Addreiss3,35 Walnut st, rear.

WANTED—Washing by the stay and to goout washing. ?81 Jenksjit

DRESSMAKER—Wants sewing ln families,or to do at heme; cutting aa£ fitting; callor address 315 Bast 7th st .third floor.

WANTED—To go out washing, ironing andcleaning. Call at 641 Charles street.

WANTED—To go out washinging.lroning .andcleaning. Call at 711 Edmcnd street.

WANTED—A good cook wants a place la aprivate family. Call vt ,»ddre*t -547 Cedarstreet, M. K. '


FURNITURE. CARPETS, ETC.. AT PUB-lic aaction. I will sell at public auction lnthe store. No. 236 E. 7th St., on Saturday,June 13th, at 10 a. m.. and continue allday, a very large and fine lot of householdgoods, consisting of 12 bedroom suites, Sfolding beds, a white iron beds, 6 extensiontables. 5 square dining room tables, ele-gant sideboards. S wardrobes, center tables.3 parlor suites, fine Baldwin refrigerator. 10barrels crockery were. 100 dining roomchairs, 25 rockers, ladies' writing desks.piano lamps. Japanese goods, an odd lot ofdry goods, bedding of all descriptions, bu-reaus, commodes, gas and steel ranges, alsoa fine lot of carpets, rugs, etc. This is anelegant lot of goods and can be inspectedFriday. A. G. JOHNSON,

Auctioneer.2.TS and 240 E. 7th-st.


FOR RENT—At White Bear Lake for the sea-son, a very desirable seven-room cottage.Terms reasonable. Ads—reas G 94 Globe.

FOR RENT—Five room cottage, nicely fur-nished, if taken Sunday, ?15.00. 747 St.Peter st.

FOR RENTs-Six-room house, with water andsewer, half block from .Maria ay. line, at 661E. 3d -

MANNING'S RENTING AGENCY. DAVID-son block, cor. 4th and Jackson sts. Houses.flat.- and rooms for rent in all parts of thecity and at all prices. -'/

ELEVEN ROOM HOUSE AND BARN; GAS,screens, storm windows and lawn. Inquire635 Cable aye.

FOR RENT—During summer, well furnished8-room house. Modern conveniences. MariaAye. car half a block. Terms cheap. Ad-dress Z 95, Globe.

FOR RENT—Seven room house ln good re-pair, city water. ?S p«- month. 600 Fau-quier st. .

FOR RENT—Six room house; all modern im-provements, in thorough order; also threerooms for light housekeeping. 265 EastUniversity avi*\

FOR RENT—Pleasant *>ix or -eight roomedhouse, hardwood finish, in Central Terrace,

,82 West Central aye.

FOR RENT—Five rooms; all modern Improve-ments. 651- Gaultier st.

FOR RENT—3 vacant rooms for housekeep-ing^water): f!B2_Plne^_St

FOR RENT CHEAP—New house, six rooms,garret, city water, fine yard. 433 Sherburneaye. '

J. W. SHEPARD. 34 East Fourth st., rentshouses, stores, offices, etc-am-heated apart-meats; collects reut_; acts as owners'agent


HOUSE -For rent, houso 54 Cedar st;s_robms.


HOTEL ABBEY-189 East Eighth—Furnishedrooms; first-class accomnudations fortransients; open ail* night. F. D. Abbey.

FOR REXT- Flnts.

FOR RENT—Newly furnished flat, 3 rooms,$12.50; 5 newly furnished rooms. VirginiaHorn», 54 W. 10th St.

UTOPIA—493,, St. Peter St.—Pleasant frontrooms, single or en suite transients can beaccommodated. \u25a0\u25a0 - \u25a0\u25a0

FLAT—For rent, flat of thre rooms and al-cove; modern conveniences; bath, etc.;partly furnished. 673 St Peter st

FLATS—NewIy papered and calelmlned three,four and five-room flats, and one store,for rent cheap at 474 Rite st.


FOR RENT—A fuTnTshed, room; all modernc.nvi.i.iiHU'cs. i.K-UKJiiii- bath: private fam-

lly. Flat 4, "Tha I)aJffghX _**7-»__, !_*]by Aye.

POR RENT—Two :>r lhn>4 ni-o r.i-nn:, torhousekeeping; everything complete; privatehall. Cheap to ri^ht party. 307 W<*st TillSt.. 2d floor. '

FOR RENT—Cor. Western Aye. and FullerSt. 4 large'TooDift? down stairs; nvoder*h. i

FOR RENT—Three unfurnished roon.s. allmodern conveniences, for light housekeep-

ing. 309 S. Frank liv.FOR RENT—Pleasant furnishe;! rtvom for

gent in private family. 368 N. Exchange stPARLOR MILLINERY 'trimming. 35c; re-

shaping. 35c. Mme. Marcelle. 7 E. 10th st.

FOR RENT—Corner room, wee! bay window;furnished or unfurnished. ?:l Buckingham.

FOR RENT—Two nicely furnished frontrooms. 688 Selby ay.

FOR RENT—Furnished front room; southfacing; che^.

FOR RENT—Suite of four rooms, secondfloor; with bath. 62 West Central aye. _

WANTED—A nice front room with board fortwo gentlemen; also bath, at 77 Iglehart st.

FOR RENT—Threee rooms, furnished or un-furnished, for housekeeping; rent cheap.

630 E 3d St

PARK AVe.. 415, near Wabasha—For rent,furnished alcove room; alao connecting oneif desired; modern coDtt-nience.

FOR RENT—I49 Pleasant aye. front roomsfor rent, nicely furnished, with or withoutboard; bath. Table boarders wanted.

FURNISHED ROOMS—Nicely furnishedrooms to gentlemen only. Will rent cheap.140 E. 9th St. ;

POR RENT-rNewly papert-d and nicely fur-nished rooms at 35 East 9th st.; rent reason-able.


MRS. DR. MOSS—The celebrated clairvoyant,now lor-ated at No. 513 Wabasha, oppositecapitol. Since the beginning of history manhits heen persistent in his efforts to Andout the things.that would do him good. Thescientific mind has been at work investigat-ing the hidden mysteries of nature, trying'to solve the many questions that wouldbenefit him and his kind. The lady whosename begins this article is one of nature'spure, noble women, and her power simply ,borders on the miraculous. She is so en-dowed that she can be of inestimable helpto her' fellow man. and In all things-, standsready to lend a helping hand. She can re-veal the secrets of tbe .past, and accuratelyforetell the coming events of the future.She tells where hidden treasure may befound. She advises In matrimony, divorce, !love, businesfej and troubles of sJI kinds, jThe very best business people of the city i

consult her-»dai!y. and she has been themeans of saving many a man from finan-cial ruin. These t-hfni**- tsUen into consid-eration, she is pre-eminent.y one of theWorld's great wonders, and the many thou- Isands of our readers who are in need of i

pure help and advice should not hesitate to |consult her at once, and they will bless the ,day they read this article.

ATTENTION, LADIES! "EMMA" RUrTT 'developer will enlarge your bust five iincheis; guaranteed; sealed instructions. 2 jcent3,* or* 24-page Hhritrated catalogue 6 |centß by maiL Etama Toilet Ba_aar, Bos-ton, Mass. * "-*"

\u25a0 v

REMOVED—MRS. HAY_S—Lares, lace cur-talns and kid dotes cleaned, -'.rl WestThird et., cor. Plc,»eu-BX aye. \u25a0__

A RELIABLE CLAIRVOYANT—Madame Toitsworfh; """prices reduced 50cents; thirty years' experience. 13 Eighthstreet "" '\u25a0'"*

FREE! FREE!!—Will-Ares* one side of theface free with Lavender Blossom, whichpositively remove* -fee <_epc-st wrinkles, theblackest tan, freckles, pimples, blackheads,etc.; sample botUu, 20,„ceßte. Mme. I3u- jchane, 514 Nicollet ay., F!st 2, Minneapolis.

MRS. DR. MOSS. 'St "Pa*_Ts most popularclairvoyant, fihoui- be consulted at once byall wh:> wish to biSftfti trl'elr condition oflife. 613 Wabasha st^ojjposite the ear_lto!.

MME. CAROLLI tells your entire life; 25c,50c and upy_i_ .233 JEaat. Seventh at..Room 1.

: — —-r —- -yon SALE.

FOR SALE—Baby carriage. cheap, if taken jtoday. 215 drove at., Hpotaiis.

FOR SALE CHEAP—One National cash regis-ter suitable for reta-1 trade cf any kind,cost jn.'.OO; t»*o .butcher scales, fancy, oneFairhank's platform scale, one laige hang-ing lam?. E&4U-6*»am 206 Uaiik of Minne-sota.

—**sr;—FOR SALE—A 30-foct et«j»m. 1_ inch, in good

condition; will b- s6ld at a-iargaln to-: cash.John T. Mullen, Litcbflc-H; Mian^

FOR SALE—Six foot oekah6w cam with iron ]stand, in g'.-od coudlti{^i.-_t SW Rice st.

FOR SALE—Sax foct *Acw case with irso ,stand and oak cose In good condition.

CASH REGISTER—A aew ca*b register f*T1 sale cheap. Inquire 347 Eaat ecvenih et


WANTED—To buy 6or 7 room house'lagood location. State improvement andlowest cash price. Address V M Globe.

BABY CARRIAGE—Wanted, a bat.In good order; must be cheap. A-lilressJoe Stelner. 238 B. 13th St

@TENT—Wanted to buy a la Callat 468 Minnesota.

WANT TO BUY—Old shelving; must b_cheap for cash. Address W. Tausoher. 2-16W*-gt Third st.

to Lvnit\(;i:

NEW GOODS for second-hand? Ryan Kur-niture and Exchange Co.. 142 and HI I" i-itSeventh. R. N. Cardoza. Proprietor.


KAHLERT _ MI.N'TEL—Minnesota S *.*___•Py» Works 244 East Seventh.


LOST—Brown spaniel white breast aiuname *'Doc." Reward. »47 Mississippi_____

_Tel. 384-4. _______IB_LOST—An ear horn between Kent and W'-st-ern aye. If returned to 268 Xt-nt will re-

ceive suitable reward.

LOST—A young dapple gray horse with hal-ter on. Anybody finding su.'h hone pinotify and receive reward. Frank Meir-wttzski. 1147 Pacific ay.. Dayton's Bluff.

RING CASE—Lost, Jeweler's pocket ringcase with rings; liberal reward offered. Re-port at 22 Schutte building.

LOST—Bay pony; return him to 97 Park andUniversity ayes. and get paid for yourtrouble.

LOST—The first week In June, probably onSherman St.. a small silver watch. Pleasereturn to 287 South Exchange and receivereward.

LOST—About four week 3ago. five-year-oldgray horse; weight abrut SOO; cut on lefthind leg; white mane and tail; return to585 Dale and receive reward.

LOST—Between Fuller and University, smallhand bag containing purse with $10 gold

piec«, ring and some small change. Pleaseleave at Conger's drug store and receive re-ward.

LOST—A ladles' gold watch. Finder will besuitably rewarded by returning It to T. A.Lacay. care Edison Klc-uic Co.. St. Paul.

LOST—A black feather boa in front of Cath-edra] church Wednesday morning at 11:30;leave at this office and receive reward.

RING—Lost, plain gold riiig.nanru- and date in-side. A liberal reward will be paid If re-turr.cej to :"k".*, Westminster st.


WANTED TO RENT—A small cottage i rAddress P 87, Qk>b .

WANTED -By a mull family of adults, amodern house, on th" hill preferred, w iiUbam. Rent not mere than $20 |>ci- month.Good pay. Address M-94, Globe,

WANTED TO RENT—Five cr six livingrooms, or small bouse; must be cheap; r.ochildren. Address T 94. Globe.

WANTED—Tc rent a house of modern im-provements, within 16 minutes' wallcenter of city. Address O. SchuihackwEasi Third st.


to Invest, rati join an energetic, pract! almecbanlc and electrical expert, iv a genera]construction and repair business, wherethe staple articles In supplies may be car-ried. The party seeking smh ' partnerhas a fair trade already establish- ,1 mlalso a good location aeleectod; r, ,'.r, i ,es >-x.-'hunged. C. <'.. Globe

SALOON AND SI MM Kit GARDEN Vcheap; will tr.iil.* for fan;,. Reese & Co.,129 East 4ih sf.

CHICAGO Kl*r,'-, paying iloon,v.ill s- H or trade for Mini) l

business ir ;r perty. Mueller, I", Jackson St.,: Chicago., FOR .SALE C nfectionery -.n<l .ir-ir store, '! i-

illg gOOd I.tlK'!. R< 7ih -.t.

FOI? SALE \u25a0' h. ,i:i. *n.' .if the beon tho bent kxpted ;i*cet in St. i'aii!.

A '.elr-s-i M. -... Globe.WANTED Capabl • | arttb Si.ooo

*« imrry sf.ck of good* and manage bifor Chicago house; .sjlary Sl'.'.'i per monthand ull experts.a; nl*- extra percentage; per-maucni position with goi>d future proa]Addre«s James Barton, l'S> Franklin rtt..Chicago.

WE HAVE . i'!l!*f('US> IX-.1 RANCBbusiness in tliias i]iv. will bear Investigation.

_Reem- & (' ... 12;) Kant 4th st.

LIVE PARTY WITH $.'!".lCAN MAKE CON-nection to pay upwards of JIO" per month.No interference with present occupation.You handle your own money. Address P. O.box 1285, New York.

FOR SALE—Manufacturing business requir-ing from |t,(MX) to *1..V» for sale; K".*,l and

payiug Vu-da established. Adelretw K. 81,Globe.

PARDNER WANTED—I have tf/.-OO to Invest.What can you offer? C. B. 133. .

FOR SALE—Cash or trade; a Dargaln; onoof the best lively, boarding and salestables on South Side. Address L. Daube,202 West Lake St.. Chicago, 111.


$80 REALIZED IN ONI' WEEK ON \Nvestment of $25. Increase your capital by

speculating. Dividends paid every *'«'.*k.Particulars free. Condon & Co., CUatcnBuilding. Covington, Ky.

$25C PROFIT DC RING JULY ON S-'A) ital. I.i straight, legitimate' busine*-* specula-

tion. For prospectim. address C F. North &C>., 234 LaS.-.lle St.. ChtoagOj >.

ANY ONE CAN BORROW MONEY, anyamount, on diamonds, watches. Jewelry.furs, bicycle!*, typewriter, at Lytle's, -illRobert opposite Ryan hotel. Watchee anddiamonds for sale at half their value atLytie'fc, 411 Robert rt.


•onal property, collateral paper, household

goods, diamonds, seal garments and allgoods in etorage. Note?! dmcou'it-d OhioInvestment Comrmny, seventh floor. Globebailding; meet trivate officii In the city.

.MONEY TO LOAN—On furniture, pianos,etc., tc remain with Oic owner; also onwatches, diamonds, sea! cloak.-., etc.; loanscan be repaid by installment**; businessstrictly private. Room 7, First NationalBank Building, corner Fuurth and Jackson;M'nnesota Mortgage Loan Co.

MONEY TO LOAN on rood security at low-ed rates without charge for commission,at our State Savings Bank, Germania LifeBuJid'ng, Fourth ar.d Minnesota sta. *

1290 INVESTED earns |_B weekly; pftWOftli,roofs frer-. F. Daly. 123^ Broadway N. Y.


BICYCLES—High grade gecfe tn_ la'lteV"96 wheels, $42.00. guarantees., ja.x.d as new.Steams. 'S5. ln first-class orier, \o2.h'). 234West 3d sL .

BICYCLES—High grads-. gem's n.n-1 l->.i)es'*9G wheels. Sli-CX guaranteed, good aSteams, '%, in Unit-class order, $"_.;<.'. 234West M_sL,

WANTED—Bicycle for palnt'..'.g cr pi.-orhanging 211 Annapolis st,

BICYCLES-4100 wheels, higli grade, directfrom manufacturer, Co. Address P. 93,



PIANOS! PIANOS! BOTH NEW ft Bl.fGHT-uxed at bargain prices. Don't fail to \u25a0:**lh«u_ W. J. Dyer & Bro., 21 and 23 Waststh at * _..

PIANO BARGAINS. Jf-Oft. PRACTICE USE:One Andrew Neyer upright, Sia; one Frenchly used at ix-i-gain prteos. Don't fall to »coJ. Dyer fe Br?., 21 and 23 West Dili at.


IIOTEL ARLINGTON-Seven— Cor&e»ra— TJa-der new raanagetnent; stear., heat; elv.-tric Ughte: lathe; refurnished; firet-claaeaoard and r«j**i*3, V>.§ per wek.

GET TOL'R ROoi'lNG AND "COBNISEwork _ci:<» by th* MlaneaoU Rocflng aim?Con-ice Co-. 411 Selby ay.


CHTROPODIST - Good' tbltsg for tor* fe.t{Good Luck Sal»e); care euro for ehllMalnaand an oth« freet bitea. If /our diurglit»111 not get It for "on, eend or cell on W.H Lockwood. chiropodist 293 sttad 294 Endl-cott Arcade Bulllla«. C cenU. &0 ceaU ai4