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KONCANI UHAČ, I., KOS, V., MIHOLJEK I., 2008. - Ida Koncani Uhač, Vedran Kos, Igor Miholjek, Poluotok uronjen u more-podmorska arheologija južne Istre u antici, Pula.

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    ISSN 1845-8025






  • Arheoloki muzej istre / ArchAeologicAl museum of istriAkAtAlog 75 / cAtAlogue n 75

    Organizator izlobe / Exhibition organizerArheoloki muzej istre Pula

    Za organizatora i izdavaa / For the organizer and publisherkristina Din

    Urednik kataloga / Catalogue editorida koncani uha

    Autor izlobe / Exhibition authorida koncani uha

    Autori tekstova / Text byida koncani uha, Vedran kos, igor miholjek

    Fotografije / PhotographsDavor Buli, ida koncani uha, Vedran kos, igor miholjek, robert moskovi, marko uha, igor zirojevi, Arhiva Arheolokog muzeja istre, Arhiva hrvatskog restauratorskog zavoda

    Ilustracije / Illustrationsteodora alov

    Postav izlobe / Exhibition set-upida koncani uha, mario Devi, Andrea sardoz

    Rekonstrukcija grae / Reconstruction of artefactslaboratorij Arheolokog muzeja istre / laboratory of the Archaeological museum of istria

    Autor replika / Replicas byAndrea sardoz

    Prijevod / TranslationAlenka zupii

    Prijevod legendi / Translation of legendskatarina zenzerovi

    Lektor za hrvatski jezik / Croatian proof-readersnenad Patrun, lina Pliko

    Lektor za engleski jezik / English language revisionmark Davies

    Korektura / Proof-readerskatarina zenzerovi (engleski), milena pigi (hrvatski)

    Tajnik urednitva / Managing editorAdriana gri torga

    Oblikovanje kataloga i pozivnice / Catalogue and invitation card designigor zirojevi

    Realizacija / Realisationstoer, Pula

    Naklada / No. of copies printed1000

    Realizaciju izlobe pomogli / Exhibition sponsored bytV nova Pula, tgt Adriatic

    Zatieno autorskim pravom Arheolokog muzeja Istre. Sva prava pridrana. Copyright by the Archaeological Museum of Istria. All rights reserved.

  • 3Istra je poluotok u sjevernom Jadranu, podruju kojim se Sredozemno more najdublje usjeklo u europsko kopno, sve do samoga podnoja Alpa i tako stvorilo najkrai i najekonominiji prometni put iz srednje i sjeverne Europe prema Levantu i dalje na Istok. Jadran je i kolijevka davne civilizacije, o kojoj su nam ostala sauvana mnogobrojna materijalna svjedoanstva, a koja marne ruke arheologa, povjesniara i antropologa postupno iznose na svjetlo dana iz tame podmorja Jadrana, uz koji su prije vie tisua godina obitavali njegovi itelji. Za pojedine predjele na istarskoj obali, kao i za neke otoke - u prvom redu one koji su bili najpristupaniji, za ivot najpovoljniji i za obranu najsigurniji - pronaeni su dokazi o postojanju naselja iz davnih razdoblja. Ta istraivanja dala su nove podatke o najstarijoj povijesti obalnih krajeva, potvrujui injenicu da je najstarija povijest ovjeanstva najue povezana s morem i ivotom u moru te da more ne razdvaja, ve spaja narode i njihove kulture.Prvi Peljar po Jadranu Pseudo Skilaka iz 4. st. pr. Kr. opisuje i plovidbene putove uz istarsku obalu, navodei udaljenosti, kao i sigurne zaklone za noenje brodova, tereta i mornara, ali i opasne vjetrove koji ih ovdje mogu zatei.Mnogi brodovi nisu izbjegli zlu kob boanskog Boriae zatitnika snanog sjeveroistonog vjetra bure - i svoja su putovanja zavrili u tminama pliina uz istarske obale. S druge je strane moni boanstveni Neptun, uz opjevane Nereide, bio naklonjen plovidbi najfrekventnijom pomorskom rutom uz istarsku obalu prema sjevernojadranskim odreditima omoguivi siguran iskrcaj putnika i roba u gradskim sreditima, ali i stambenim i gospodarskim zdanjima uzdu obale.

    Istria is a peninsula in the northern Adriatic where the Mediterranean Sea cuts most deeply into the European land, reaching all the way to the foot of the Alps, thus creating the shortest and most economic traffic route from central and northern Europe, and heading towards the Levant and further to the East. The Adriatic is the cradle of an ancient civilisation of which we have many preserved material remains. These remains have been gradually brought to light by the diligent hands of archaeologists, historians and anthropologists. They have been recovered from the depths of the Adriatic, along whose shores people have lived for thousands of years. Evidence exists that there were ancient settlements in certain areas along the Istrian coast, as well as on some of the Istrian islands, primarily those which were most accessible, offered the most favourable conditions for living, and which were the easiest to defend. Investigations have yielded new data regarding the oldest history of the costal area, corroborating the fact that the most ancient history of mankind was closely linked to the sea and sea life, and that the sea does not separate but links peoples and their cultures.The first navigation map of the Adriatic, dated in the 4th century BC, is the work of the antique writer Pseudo-Scylax. Among other things, it also describes navigational routes along the Istrian coast, stating distances, safe havens for ships, cargo and seafarers to stop during the night, as well as dangerous winds which the ships could meet there.Many ships did not escape the misfortune of the divine Boriae, the patron of the strong northeasterly wind called the bora, and ended their voyage in the dark shallows along the Istrian coast. On the other hand, the powerful and divine Neptune, along with the Nereids celebrated in song, was kind to navigation on the most frequented maritime route along the Istrian coast towards destinations in the north Adriatic, providing safe landing





  • 4Kako bi ove povijesne istine prethodnih povijesnih razdoblja mogle ugledati svjetlo dana pobrinula se prije vie od pedeset godina skupina zaljubljenika u istraivanje povijesti podmorja predvoena prof. tefanom Mlakarom, koji je na tragu starijih zapisa Antona Gnirsa i Attilija Degrassija krenuo u biljeenje zateenog na terenu. Jezgra prvih hidroarheologa na istarskom podruju, ali i ire, stvorena je upravo u Arheolokom muzeju Istre u Puli, u suradnji s Centrom za podvodne aktivnosti Pula (CPA) i kolegama iz Ljubljane i tadanje ehoslovake.

    U novije doba podvodna istraivanja u istarskom priobalju provode arheolozi Zdenko Brusi, Dasen Vrsalovi, Smiljan Gluevi, Mario Jurii, Marijan Orli, Vladimir Kovai, Igor Miholjek, Ida Koncani Uha, Davor Buli i Zrinka Ettinger Stari iz vie ustanova koje djeluju na podruju Republike Hrvatske.

    Potrebno je posebno istaknuti otkrie novih pristanita i operativnih obala u uvali Budava, na Viuli kod Medulina, Pomeru, Dragoneri, uvali Mari, Tarskoj vali, uvali Sv. Anton u Novigradu te nova saznanja u Katoru i Staroj Savudriji.Uloga prof. tefana Mlakara znaajna je i za pohranu i izlaganje hidroarheolokih nalaza koje uva Arheoloki muzej Istre u Puli. U podzemlju pulskog amfiteatra 8. svibnja 1969. godine, u sklopu izlobe Maslinarstvo i vinogradarstvo Istre u antici, javnosti su predstavljeni i ostaci brodoloma sjevernoistarskog priobalja u obliku tereta amfora koje su sluile za prijevoz vina i ulja morem.Nakon gotovo etrdeset godina, Arheoloki muzej Istre ponovno je zapoeo s intenzivnom djelatnou u podruju podvodne arheologije.

    Kustosica Arheolokog muzeja Istre Ida Koncani Uha izlobom i katalogom Poluotok uronjen u more. Podmorska arheologija june Istre u antici nastavlja slijed istraivanja i predstavljanja arheologije istarskog podmorja zaetnika podvodne arheologije u Istri prof. tefana Mlakara, a koju je ostvarila u suradnji s Igorom Miholjekom, voditeljem Odjela za podvodnu arheologiju Hrvatskog restauratorskog zavoda iz Zagreba, te Vedranom Kosom, kustosom Narodnog muzeja u Labinu.

    places for passengers and goods close to town centres, and residential and production facilities along the coast.More than fifty years ago, a group of enthusiasts interested in investigating the hidden history of the waters, led by Professor tefan Mlakar, ensured that the historical truths were brought to light. Following the traces left in the works of Anton Gnirs and Attilio Degrassi, Mlakar started by recording the state of affairs in the field. The cradle of the first hydro-archaeologists in Istria and the wider area was the Archaeological Museum of Istria in Pula, which collaborated with the Centar za podvodne aktivnosti - CPA (Centre for Underwater Activities) from Pula, colleagues from Ljubljana and from the former Czechoslovakia.

    In recent times, underwater investigations of the Istrian waters have been carried out by archaeologists Zdenko Brusi, Dasen Vrsalovi, Smiljan Gluevi, Mario Jurii, Marijan Orli, Vladimir Kovai, Igor Miholjek, Ida Koncani Uha, Davor Buli and Zrinka Ettinger Stari, coming from different institutions of the Republic of Croatia.

    It should be emphasised that wharfs and port installations have been discovered in the cove of Budava, in Viula near Medulin, Pomer, Dragonera, the cove of Mari, the cove of Tarska Vala, the cove of Sv. Anton in Novigrad. New data have also been documented regarding sites at Kator and Stara Savudrija.Professor tefan Mlakar also played a significant role in putting the hydro-archaeological finds on display or in storage at the Archaeological Museum of Istria in Pula. On 8 May 1969, in the underground spaces of the amphitheatre of Pula, the remains of shipwrecks located in the northern Istrian waters, or more precisely the remains of ship cargo of amphorae in which wine and oil were transported across the sea, were put on public display in an exhibition entitled Olive Growing and Viticulture of Antique Istria.After almost forty years, the Archaeological Museum of Istria has once again initiated intensive activities in the field of underwater archaeology.

    Ida Koncani Uha, Curator of the Archaeological Museum of Istria, with the exhibition entitled Peninsula imersed in the Sea. Underwater Archaeology of Southern Istria in

  • 5Ova multimedijalna izloba svjedoi da su more i pomorstvo tijekom vremena predstavljali intenzivnu vezu sa svijetom i tako iteljima istarskog poluotoka omoguili mnoge gospodarske i kulturne veze, stvarajui tako bogati multikulturalni prostor.

    Pula, srpanj 2008.

    Ravnateljica Arheolokog muzeja Istre Mr. sc. Kristina Din

    Roman Antiquity and the pertaining catalogue, continues a series of archaeological investigations and presentations regarding the waters of Istria started by Professor tefan Mlakar, the father of underwater archaeology of Istria. Ida Koncani Una has organised the exhibition in cooperation with Igor Miholjek, Head of Department of Underwater Archaeology of the Croatian Conservation Institute in Zagreb, and Vedran Kos, Curator of Labin Museum.This multimedia exhibition bears witness to the fact that the sea and navigation have allowed Istria to experience an intense connection with the rest of the world in the course of time, thus enabling the inhabitants of the Istrian peninsula to enjoy many economic and cultural relations, and, therefore, to create a rich multicultural environment for itself.

    Pula, July 2008

    Director of the Archaeological Museum of Istria

    Kristina DIN MSc

  • 6Rimski nalazi iz podmorja Pomera.Roman finds from the waters of Pomer.


    UVOD Zamisao o izlobi koja e arheologiju obojiti morem poela se razvijati dok sam itala i prelistavala stare poutjele izvjetaje jednoga od doajena podmorske arheologije ili, kako se tada uobiavala nazivati, hidroarheologije. Izvjetaji arheologa tefana Mlakara, zapisani pisaim strojem na tankome papiru, mirisali su na zanesenjatvo i strast arheologa koji je otkrivao prolost skrivenu u plavim dubinama. Slova izvjetaja, koja su briljivo i oprezno kucana jer nisu trpjela popravke, stvarala su rijei kojima su opisivane hidroarheoloke akcije aice zanesenjaka, zaljubljenika amatera i malog broja strunjaka. Brodolomi, amfore, sidra, luke, luice, sidrita, pa opet amfore, stvorile su kratku priu o vietisuljetnoj povijesti koja e barem na trenutak ovom izlobom pokuati zaroniti u svijet podmorske arheologije.Zaronimo, dakle, barem na trenutak u arheoloke vode vrha poluotoka uronjena u more.


    INTRODUCTIONThe idea for an archaeological exhibition conveying the colours of the sea started developing while I was leafing through the old, yellowed reports of one of the doyens of underwater archaeology, or hydro-archaeology as it was called in his times.The reports of the archaeologist tefan Mlakar, typewritten on thin paper, were imbued with the enthusiasm and passion of an archaeologist discovering the past hidden in the blue depths. Each letter of the report, carefully and cautiously typed, as there was no room for error, formed words describing the hydro-archaeological investigations of a small group of archaeology enthusiasts, and a few experts.Shipwrecks, amphorae, anchors, harbours, small ports, anchorages, and then amphorae again, tell a short story that goes back in history for thousands of years. For at least a moment, this short story, presented in the current exhibition, will lead us into the world of underwater archaeology.Let us take a moment, then, and dive into the waters of archaeology, splashing the tip of the Istrian peninsula.

  • POVIJEST bAVLJENJA ANTIKOM PODMORSKOM ARHEOLOGIJOM U ISTRIPrve zabiljeke o potonulim antikim objektima u moru donosi renesansni kartograf i zemljopisac Pietro Coppo. Godine 1540. u djelu Del Sito de lIstria, u kojem objavljuje jednu od prvih cjelovitijih karata Istre, pie o postojanju antikoga pristanita u Simonovu

    THE HISTORY OF UNDERWATER ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF ROMAN ANTIQUE ISTRIAThe first annotations of the antique buildings under the sea in the local waters of Istria were the work of the Renaissance cartographer and geographer Pietro Coppo. In 1540, in his work Del Sito de lIstria, he published one of the first integral maps of Istria. In the same work, he wrote about the existence of an antique wharf in the cove of Simon near Izola. He also mentioned the buildings located in the local waters of Vrsar, and said they belonged to the Roman family Orsina who had moved to the area after the destruction of Rome. Further on, he described Cape Cissana where you can see, extending two miles in length under the water, walls and the remains of buildings indicating that there was a settlement. The information about the antique Cissa, located between Cape Muraci and Kolone near Bale, would later raise the interest of many researchers, and many divers would go and search for the sunken city. Coppo also mentioned the remains of a sunken settlement in a cove located near the small bridge of Sv. Juraj, four miles from the mouth of the River Raa.A century after Coppos annotations, in about 1641, the Bishop of Novigrad, Giacomo Filippo Tommasini, collected information on the then known underwater finds in his work De Commentari storici geografici della Provincia dellIstria. The work was published in the magazine Archeografo Triestino only in 1837. Relying on Coppos annotations, Tommasini described in greater detail the antique ports in the cove of Simon and in Stara Savudrija. He also wrote about the sunken antique buildings in the local waters of the islands of Brijuni and in the local waters of Medulin.In the mid 19th century, French journalist and publicist Charles Yriarte mentioned the remains of the antique port of Pore, which could be seen in the clear waters at low tide.

    Novinski prilog o istraivanju rimskog brodoloma na rtu Savudrija, 1963. god.A newspaper article on the survey of the Roman shipwreck site at Cape Savudrija in 1963.

  • 9zaljevu kod Izole te o potonulim stambenim zgradama u podmorju Vrsara, koje je pripisao rimskoj obitelji Orsina koja se na taj prostor doselila nakon unitenja Rima. Dalje spominje prostiranje rta Cissana na kojem se u moru u duini od dvije milje vide zidovi i sruene zgrade koje pokazuju da je tu nekada bilo naselje. Podatak o antikoj Cissi, smjetenoj izmeu rta Muraci i Kolona kod Bala, probudit e kasnije zanimanje brojnih istraivaa pa e tako u potragu za potopljenim gradom krenuti mnogi ronioci.Coppo jo spominje ostatke potonula naselja u zaljevu kod prijelaza Sv. Jurja, udaljena etiri milje od ua rijeke Rae.Stoljee kasnije, nakon Coppovih zapisa, oko 1641. godine, novigradski biskup Giacomo Filippo Tommasini u svome djelu De Commentari storici geografici della Provincia dellIstria, objavljenom tek 1837. u asopisu Archeografo Triestino, prikupio je podatke o podmorskim nalazima. Oslanjajui se na Coppove zabiljeke, Tommasini podrobnije opisuje antike luke u Simonovu zaljevu i u Staroj Savudriji. Pie o potopljenim antikim zdanjima u podmorju Brijuna i u podmorju Medulina. Sredinom 19. stoljea, ostatke antike luke Porea koja se nazire u bistroj vodi za oseke

    This description could be found in the part of his travel book devoted to Istria.In the second half of the 19th century, Pietro Kandler, a historian and archaeologist from Trieste, continued the archaeological work related to the underwater archaeological sites more comprehensively. He published information on the sites of antique ports located between Izola and Pula in the weekly LIstria and in the magazine La Provincia dellIstria which he himself had founded and which he edited. Attilio Degrassi, a historian and epigraphist from Trieste, continued Kandlers work. In 1954, he published the work I porti romani dellIstria, where he wrote about all the known sunken ports and wharves located on the coast of Istria. Since his work was the first synthesis on the subject regarding Istria, he could be regarded in this part of the world as the father of the study of sunken wharf installations.After the Second World War, and with the development of diving on an individual basis, interest in recreational diving has been steadily growing. At the same time, interest developed in underwater archaeological monuments. The negative side of this is the collecting business and the plundering of sites for profit. The sites in the local waters of Istria were systematically looted after the Second World War. A large number of sites have been completely devastated, to the point that only a few fragments of amphorae remain.Even though awareness of the cultural heritage is at a much higher level than it was some fifty years ago, underwater sites are still being plundered. The rich underwater heritage of Croatia ends up in the hands of private collectors, and is being taken away to other countries to be sold.The archaeologist tefan Mlakar from the Archaeological Museum of Istria, Pula, started professional underwater archaeology research in Istria. On his initiative, the first underwater research was conducted in the local waters of Cape Savudrija in the 1960s. In 1963, in cooperation with the Centar za podvodna raziskovanja (Underwater Research Center) from Ljubljana, Mlakar started extensive protective archaeological research of the Roman shipwreck site from the 1st century AD. A smaller Roman merchant ship, carrying some two hundred wine amphorae, sank, probably after being struck by the bora (the northeasterly wind) on the eastern side of Cape Savudrija. The amphorae which constituted part of the ships cargo, the Roman lead anchor stock, and a grindstone were recovered in the course of the investigations in 1963 and 1964 and are kept in the

    Ronilaka ekipa. Pretraivanje rovinjskog podmorja, 1970. god.Diving team. Survey of the waters of Rovinj in 1970.

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    Pula amphitheatre as a part of the permanent exhibition entitled Olive Growing and Viticulture of Antique Istria.In 1965, the seabed of Savudrija port was studied. The research was conducted in the vicinity of the antique wharf, leading to the discovery of a vessel crushed by heavy machinery with remains of antique provincial pottery. In the same year, the local waters to the south of Pula were surveyed (Sv. Ivan at Verudica, Veruda, the islands of Fratarski, Veliki Fraker and Mali Fraker, and Cape Bumbite) in cooperation with the Czech divers of Mlade Fronte from Prague, and the divers of Uljanik Diving Club from Pula.After the Second World War, with the development of underwater archaeology and diving, a number of divers gradually grouped together around the archaeologist Mlakar at the Centar za podvodne aktivnosti - CPA (Centre for Underwater Activities) in Pula. The group was formed in 1965, and was trained to participate in underwater archaeological investigations. Thus, the trained diver-archaeologists, with divers from Jugoslavenska ratna mornarica - JRM (the Yugoslav Navy) participated in the survey of the Istrian local waters.In 1966, the seabed of the Lim Channel, the shallows of Polari and Sv. Ivan na puini, and the local waters of the island of Fraker were surveyed with the help of the divers from the Uljanik Diving Club. In order to compile the underwater archaeological topography, Mlakar, assisted by a group of divers, led a survey of the west Istrian underwater area to the south of Rovinj in 1969 and 1970.In 1971, Mlakar and a group of divers surveyed the northern and southern waters of the Lim Channel. In the course of the mentioned work, several amphorae sites were discovered that could have belonged to smallish wrecks, and numerous fragments of archaeological ceramic material was found which ended up in the sea from the Roman villa, as Mlakar stated in his report of that year.In 1972, an investigation was conducted of the seabed to the north of the Lim Channel. More precisely, the cove of Vrsar and the local waters of Vrsar were surveyed, and a survey was made at the islands of Sv. Juraj and Galinera. The seabed was investigated starting from Cape Kaval all the way to within the coves of Velike Vinjole and Male Vinjole located on the east coast of Istria. A rare and unique find was discovered in the port of Vinjola. An antique amphora was found, dated in the late 2nd century AD. It represents the only entirely preserved example of its kind in the Adriatic.

    spomenut e francuski novinar i publicist Charles Yriarte u svojim putopisima o Istri.U drugoj polovici 19. stoljea, arheoloki rad na poznavanju podmorskih arheolokih nalaza opirnije e nastaviti transki povjesniar i arheolog Pietro Kandler. U tjedniku LIstria i u asopisu La Provincia dellIstria, iji je pokreta i urednik, objavio je nalaze antikih luka od Izole do Pule. Njegov e rad nastaviti transki povjesniar i epigrafiar Attilio Degrassi. U svome radu I porti romani dell Istria iz godine 1954. obradio je tada poznate luke i pristanita na prostoru istarske obale. S obzirom na to da je njegov rad prva sinteza takve problematike za istarsko podruje, u tom ga kontekstu moemo smatrati zaetnikom prouavanja potopljenih operativnih lukih ureaja. Nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, razvojem autonomnog ronjenja, jaa zanimanje za bavljenje samostalnim ronjenjem, a usporedo se poinje javljati i zanimanje za podmorske arheoloke

    Ronilaka ekipa. Pretraivanje podmorja istone obale, 1974. god.Diving team. Survey of the east Istrian underwater area in 1974.

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    The surveys of the east Istrian coast continued in 1974 and 1975. At that time, the underwater area from the port of Krnica to Cape Arne, which forms the north-eastern side of the port of Vinjole, were surveyed, and also the underwater area from the port of Krnica to the entrance of the port of Budava in the direction of Cape Fortica. The waters of Rovinj, to the north of Cape Gustinje and the eastern shore of the small island of Velika Sestrica were investigated once more the same year.

    From the second half of the last century, the underwater archaeological activity of the Archaeological Museum of Istria brought to light numerous underwater finds. The survey of the Istrian local waters revealed Roman shipwrecks, amphorae locations, single archaeological items, and anchors. Sunken port installations were discovered, as well as parts of sunken Roman residential and production facilities, some of which have only

    spomenike. Negativna strana u razvoju ronilatva jest kolekcionarstvo i pljakanje nalazita radi zarade. Nalazita u istarskome podmorju sustavno su pljakana nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, a velik ih je broj u potpunosti devastiran tako da su od nalazita ostale tek pokoje krhotine amfore. Iako je danas svijest o kulturnoj batini na puno vioj razini nego prije pedesetak godina, i danas se pljaka podmorje. Bogata podmorska batina odlazi u ruke privatnih kolekcionara i preprodaje se u inozemstvo.Pravu istraivaku podmorsku arheologiju zapoet e arheolog tefan Mlakar iz Arheolokog muzeja Istre u Puli. Njegovom e inicijativom, ezdesetih godina prologa stoljea, biti izvedeni prvi pothvati podmorskog istraivanja na rtu Savudrija.Godine 1963., u suradnji s Centrom za podvodna raziskovanja iz Ljubljane, Mlakar e zapoeti s opsenim zatitnim arheolokim istraivanjem rimskoga brodoloma iz 1. stoljea. Taj manji rimski trgovaki brod, koji je potonuo s teretom od dvjestotinjak amfora namijenjenih prijevozu vina, stradao je vjerojatno pod naletima bure s istone strane rta Savudrija. Brodski teret amfora, olovna preka rimskoga sidra i kameni rvanj, otkriveni prilikom istraivanja 1963. i 1964., danas se nalaze u sklopu stalne izlobe Maslinarstvo i vinogradarstvo Istre u antici u amfiteatru u Puli.Godine 1965. pretraivano je podmorje unutar Savudrijske luke u blizini antikoga pristanita gdje je otkriven bagerom zdrobljeni plovni objekt s ulomcima antikog provincijalnog keramikog posua. Iste je godine u suradnji s ekim roniocima Mlade Fronte iz Praga i s roniocima Centra Pula Uljanik preronjeno podmorje juno od Pule (od Sv. Ivana na Verudici, Veruda, otoci: Fratarski, Veliki i Mali Fraker te rt Bumbite.Razvojem podmorske arheologije i ronilatva nakon Drugog svjetskog rata stasava jedna skupinica ronilaca u Centru za podvodne aktivnosti (CPA) u Puli koja se 1965. okuplja oko arheologa Mlakara. Ronioci se obuavaju za sudjelovanje u arheolokim akcijama, pa tako obueni ronioci arheolozi uz ronioce Jugoslavenske ratne mornarice (JRM) sudjeluju u pretraivanjima istarskoga podmorja.Sa skupinom ronilaca Ronilakog kluba Uljanik rekognoscirano je 1966. podmorje Limskog kanala, pliaci Polari i Sv. Ivan na puini te podmorje otoka Frakera. U cilju izrade podmorske arheoloke topografije Mlakar surauje s roniocima te 1969. i 1970. provodi pretraivanja zapadne istarske obale juno od Rovinja.

    Nalazi iz rovinjskog podmorja, 1975. god.Finds from the waters of Rovinj, 1975.

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    Godine 1971. sudjelovali su u pretraivanju sjeverne i june obale Limskog kanala. Tom su akcijom pronaena rastresita nalazita amfora koja su mogla pripadati leitima potonulih manjih plovila te brojni ulomci arheolokoga keramikog materijala koji je dospio u more iz rimske vile, kako navodi Mlakar u svome izvjetaju iz iste godine.Godine 1972. provedena je akcija pretraivanja podmorja sjeverno od Limskog kanala, odnosno zaljeva Vrsar i vrsarskog priobalja, Sv. Jurja i Galinere. Pretraeno je podmorje od rta Kaval do u unutranjost uvale Velike i Male Vinjole na istonoj istarskoj obali. U luci Vinjola pronaen je usamljeni nalaz vrlo rijetke antike amfore iz kasnog 2. stoljea, jedini cjeloviti primjerak takve amfore na Jadranu.

    partly been researched.In 1988 and 1989, the Republic Institute for the Protection of Monuments from Zagreb started to research the Roman shipwreck located at a depth of only 9 metres at Cape Praarica in the cove of Raa. The study was headed by Marijan Orli. The amphorae recovered from the underwater site are kept in Labin Museum.In 1988, the Native Museum of Pore started a survey of the southern waters of Pore, from the Lim Channel and Vrsar to the port of Pore and the island of Sv. Nikola. The survey was headed by Vladimir Kovai. The research was carried out in cooperation with the Sergej Maera Maritime Museum in Piran, the National Museum of Slovenia

    Ronilaka ekipa. Pretraivanje podmorja istone obale, 1974. god.Diving team. Survey of the east Istrian underwater area in 1974.

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    Pretraivanja istone istarske obale nastavljena su 1974. i 1975. kada je preronjeno podmorje od luke Krnica do rta Arne, koji sa sjeveroistone strane zatvara luku Vinjole, te obale od luke Krnica do ulaza u luku Budava prema rtu Fortica.Iste je godine ponovno pregledano i rovinjsko podmorje, sjeverno od rta Gustinje te istona obala otoia Velika Sestrica.Podmorsko arheoloka djelatnost Arheolokog muzeja Istre od druge polovice prologa stoljea iznjedrila je brojne nalaze iz mora. Pretraivanjem istarskoga podmorja otkriveni su rimski brodolomi, amforita, usamljeni potonuli predmeti i sidra. Otkriveni su dotad nepoznati luki ureaji i potonuli dijelovi rimskih stambenih i gospodarskih zdanja, od kojih su neki tek djelomino istraivani.

    Godine 1988. i 1989. Republiki zavod za zatitu spomenika iz Zagreba pod vodstvom Marijana Orlia istrauje rimski brodolom na dubini od svega devet metara na nalazitu kod rta Praarica u Rakom zaljevu. Amfore s tog nalazita danas se uvaju u Narodnom muzeju Labin.Godine 1988. Zaviajni muzej Poretine, pod strunim vodstvom Vladimira Kovaia, zapoinje akciju pretraivanja junoga dijela porekog podmorja od Lima i Vrsara do poreke luke i otoka Sveti Nikola. Pretraivanje podmorja provedeno je u suradnji s Pomorskim muzejom Sergej Maera iz Pirana, Narodnim muzejom iz Ljubljane te Odjelom arheologije Filozofskoga fakulteta iz Ljubljane. Pretraivanja porekoga podmorja nastavljena su 1989. te 1990. godine, a akcija je iznjedrila brojne vrijedne podmorske arheoloke nalaze koji se mogu datirati od antike do razvijenog srednjeg vijeka.U porekoj luci otkriven je nalaz antikoga kamenog sidra. Rekognosciranja porekog akvatorija nastavio je Zaviajni muzej Poretine 1994. godine.Iste godine, u suradnji sa Sveuilitem iz Bordeauxa i Sveuilitem iz Padove zapoinje s kopnenim i podvodnim istraivanjima antikog keramiarskog proizvodnog centra Lorun. Godine 1987., u uvali Verige na Brijunima, tadanji Republiki zavod za zatitu spomenika kulture u Zagrebu pod vodstvom Marija Juriia i Marijana Orlia, a u suradnji s Nacionalnim parkom Brijuni, zapoeo je s podmorskim arheolokim istraivanjem potopljene antike luke i dijela sklopa raskonoga carskog ljetnikovca koji pripada vremenu od 1. do 5. stoljea. U sklopu podmorskoga istraivanja dokumentirani su ostaci rimske luice, ostaci ribnjaka te ostaci termalnog sklopa. Postojanje ostataka rimske vile, od koje

    in Ljubljana, and the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana. The survey of the local waters of Pore continued in 1989 and 1990. At that time, numerous valuable underwater archaeological finds were made, dated from ancient times to the Late Middle Ages. An antique stone anchor was discovered in the harbour of Pore. The survey of the local waters of Pore continued under the initiative of the Native Museum of Pore in 1994. The same year, the museum started both land and underwater investigations of an antique ceramic production centre in Lorun in cooperation with the University of Bordeaux and the University of Padua.In 1987, the underwater archaeological research of a sunken antique port and part of a sunken complex of a luxurious imperial summer residence was undertaken in the cove of Verige on the island of Veliki Brijun. The site was dated from the 1st to the 5th centuries AD. The research was organised by what was then the Republic Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments from Zagreb and headed by Mario Jurii and Marijan Orli, with the cooperation of Brijuni National Park. The remains of a small Roman port, fish-pond, and thermae were documented. From as early as in 1901, the Austrian conservator Anton Gnirs, who worked for the Central Board for the Protection of Monuments for the districts of Pula, Pazin and Rovinj, documented the existence of Roman villa remains, partly under the sea, in the cove of Verige.Research of a sunken wharf in the cove of Verige continued in two other investigations, one in 1996 and the other in 1997. The research was headed by Jurii, in cooperation with Bayerische Gesellschaft fr Unterwasserarcheologie, the University of Passau Archeologie des Rmischen Provinzen, and Brijuni National Park.In 1995, the Department for the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage of the State Administration in Zagreb, and the Archaeological Museum of Istria started underwater archaeological trenches and the documenting of an antique complex located in the local waters of the peninsula of Viula in the bay of Medulin. The archaeological study was initiated as a part of the Project of Cultural and Historical Archaeological Research and the Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage of the municipality of Medulin.In ancient times, the peninsula of Viula sat on a sea route. For this reason, there is a whole complex of luxurious Roman summer villas here, parts of which are under the sea today. Underwater archaeological research has revealed the remains of a building

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    Podizanje amfore s morskog dna, otoje Brijuni, 1985. god.Drawing out an amphora from the seabed, The islands of Brijuni, 1985.

    Nalaz rimskog sidra, Luka Brijuni, 1985. god.Roman anchor, the port of the Brijuni islands, 1985.

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    se neki dijelovi nalaze potopljeni u moru u uvali Verige, zabiljeio je austrijski konzervator Anton Gnirs iz Sredinjeg povjerenstva za zatitu spomenika za okruge Pulu, Pazin i Rovinj jo davne 1901. godine.Istraivaki radovi potopljene operativne obale u uvali Verige pod Juriievim su vodstvom nastavljeni kroz dvije kampanje 1996. i 1997. godine, u suradnji s Bayerische Gesellschaft fr Unterwasserarcheologie i Sveuilitem u Passau Archeologie des Rmischen Provinzen te Nacionalnim parkom Brijuni.Odjel za zatitu arheoloke batine Dravne uprave u Zagrebu i Arheoloki muzej Istre zapoeli su 1995. s podmorskim arheolokim sondiranjem i dokumentiranjem antikoga sklopa u podmorju poluotoka Viule u Medulinskom zaljevu. Arheoloki radovi su pokrenuti u sklopu Projekta kulturno-povijesnoga arheolokog istraivanja i zatite kulturne i prirodne batine opine Medulin.Poluotok Viula u antici se nalazio na pomorskoj plovidbenoj ruti, stoga se na njemu nalazi itav sklop rimskih raskonih ljetnikovaca od kojih je jedan dio pod morem. Arheolokim podmorskim istraivanjima otkriveni su ostaci graevinskih sklopova, luki ureaji i bogat arheoloki materijal od keramikog kuhinjskog i raskonog posua do staklenog, kotanog i drvenog materijala. Arheoloka istraivanja toga dijela obale nastavljena su 1997. i 2000. pod Juriievim vodstvom te najnovija 2007., pod vodstvom Igora Miholjeka.Otkrivanju arheolokih spomenika u podmorju istarske obale uvelike je pridonio i Arheoloki muzej Zadar. Tako je 1995., pod vodstvom Zdenka Brusia, provedeno istraivanje i dokumentiranje najvee antike luke na sjevernoj obali Jadrana. Postojanje antike luke u uvali Pian u Staroj Savudriji zabiljeio je ve 1540. transki kartograf Pietro Coppo. Nakon njega spominje ju novigradski biskup Tommasini, zatim Kandler i Gnirs, a Degrassi se opirnije pozabavio njome. Antika luka Savudrija, poznata pod imenima Silbo, Silbio ili Silbionis, prvi se put spominje na Peutingerovoj karti, odnosno u Kozmografiji Anonimna Ravenjanina u 7. stoljeu, a smjetena je izmeu Sipra i Pirana. Degrassi prvi temeljitije prikazuje luku s dva antika lukobrana koja su zatvarala savudrijsku uvalu, objavljuje njihove dimenzije i skicu.Luka Savudrija nalazila se na najvanijoj plovidbenoj ruti, a svojom velianstvenou (lukobrani, svjetionik toranj) i stratekim poloajem predstavlja jedinstveni spomenik takve vrste antikoga graditeljstva na Jadranu.Nastavak istraivanja antike luke u uvali Stara Savudrija, prije privoenja uvale dananjoj

    complex, port installations, and other rich archaeological finds, such as kitchenware, fine luxurious pottery, glass, bone and wooden items. Archaeological research of the mentioned coastline, headed by Jurii, continued in 1997 and 2000. The most recent investigation, related to the same research, was led by Igor Miholjek in 2007.The Archaeological Museum of Zadar has also greatly contributed to discovering archaeological sites in the local waters of Istria. In 1995, the museum organised underwater archaeological research and the documenting of the biggest antique port on the North Adriatic coast. The research was headed by Zdenko Brusi. Long ago in 1540, the cartographer Pietro Coppo from Trieste annotated the existence of an antique port in the cove of Pian in Stara Savudrija. Later, the port was mentioned by Tommasini, Bishop of Novigrad, and then by Kandler, Gnirs, and Degrassi, who gave a more detailed account of the port. The antique port of Savudrija, known as Silbo, Silbio or Silbionis, was first mentioned on a map by Peutinger, that is, it appeared in the Ravenna Cosmography compiled by Anonymous of Ravenna in the 7th century AD, and was located between Sipar and Piran. The first more accurate account of the port was given by Degrassi, who described two antique breakwaters that enclosed the cove of Savudrija. Degrassi published their dimensions and a sketch that had been made.The port of Savudrija was located on the most important sea route. On account of its monumentality (the breakwaters, the lighthouse tower) and its strategic position, the port is a unique monument of antique architecture in the Adriatic.Additional research of an antique port in the cove of Stara Savudrija was conducted by the Department for the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage of the State Administration in Zagreb, before the cove was transformed to meet the needs of a modern port. Twenty-seven underwater archaeological trenches were made at that time. The archaeological finds recovered indicated that the port was in operation from the 1st century to the present times.The Archaeological Museum of Zadars protective underwater archaeological research of the north Istrian coastal line was carried out at Katoro near Umag and in the cove of Sv. Antun near Novigrad. The research was headed by Smiljan Gluevi. The investigations at Katoro near Umag were carried out by Umag Town Museum in cooperation with the Underwater Archaeology Department of the Archaeological Museum in Zadar in 2001 and 2002. The remains of a Roman port with wooden pillars and other rich archaeological

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    lukoj funkciji, proveo je Odjel za zatitu arheoloke batine Dravne uprave u Zagrebu. Tom je prigodom istraeno dvadeset i sedam podmorskih sondi u kojima je pronaen arheoloki materijal to je posvjedoio o postojanju luke od 1. stoljea do danas.Zatitna podmorska istraivanja na sjevernoj istarskoj obali, koja je takoer proveo Arheoloki muzej Zadar, obavljena su u Katoru kod Umaga i u uvali Sv. Antuna kod Novigrada, oba pod vodstvom Smiljana Gluevia. U Katoru kod Umaga istraivanja su proveli Muzej grada Umaga u suradnji s Odjelom za podmorsku arheologiju Arheolokoga muzeja Zadar u dva navrata, 2001. i 2002. godine. Istraivanjima su otkriveni ostaci rimske luke s drvenim pilonima i vrlo bogatim arheolokim materijalom.U uvali Sv. Antona kod Novigrada 2003. godine otkrivena je antika luka koja se prema pronaenome arheolokome materijalu datira od 1. do kraja 4. stoljea.Podmorska arheoloka istraivanja porekoga podmorja na lokalitetu Kupanja kod mjesta Tar koja je 2004. godine poeo provoditi Zaviajni muzej Poretine u sklopu meunarodnog projekta Istra i more otkrila su postojanje velikoga antikog ribnjaka. Od 2006. provode se i arheoloka istraivanja u uvali Valeta gdje su otkriveni ostaci potopljene rimske arhitekture gospodarske namjene te ostaci pristanita.Mjesni su ronioci 2006. godine prijavili postojanje brodoloma na pliini Buje kod Umaga. Djelatnici Odjela za podvodnu arheologiju Hrvatskoga restauratorskog zavoda, nakon uviaja, utvrdili su da se radi o antikome brodolomu s teretom grko-italskih amfora iz 2. st. pr. Kr. U istarskome akvatoriju to je prvi i zasad jedini brodolom zatien eljeznim kavezom.Arheoloki muzej Istre, nakon gotovo tri desetljea stanke, ponovno zapoinje s podmorskom arheolokom djelatnou. Godine 2007. suraivao je s Hrvatskim restauratorskim zavodom u podmorskim istraivanjima rimske luke na Viuli kod Medulina. Nakon toga proveo je zatitna podmorska istraivanja rimskoga pristanita raskonog rimskog ljetnikovca u Pomeru, takoer u Medulinskom zaljevu. Ovom se prigodom okuplja i jedna mala skupina ronilaca - arheologa, koji svojim poletom i trudom daju novu dimenziju pulskoj arheolokoj prii.Arheoloki muzej Istre je od 2007. godine, pod vodstvom autorice teksta, obavio nekoliko podmorskih rekognosciranja od rta Sv. Stjepana na istonoj obali do uvale Kolone juno od Bala s ciljem ubikacije potopljenih antikih objekata i luka.

    Ida Koncani Uha

    material were recorded.In 2003, an antique port was discovered in the cove of Sv. Anton near Novigrad. It was dated from the 1st century AD to the end of the 4th century AD according to the archaeological material recovered.In 2004, the Native Museum of Pore started underwater archaeological research of the local waters of Pore as part of the international project entitled Istria and the Sea.The same year, a large antique fish-pond was discovered in the locality of Kupanja near Tar. Since 2006 archaeological investigations have taken place in the cove of Valeta. Remains of Roman production facilities and of a Roman wharf were discovered.In 2006, local divers reported a shipwreck located in the shallow of Buje near Umag. Experts from the Department of Underwater Archaeology of the Croatian Conservation Institute carried out a survey of the shipwreck. They identified remains of an antique boat transporting Greek-Italic amphorae. The amphorae were dated in the 2nd century BC. The shipwreck site is the first and only underwater archaeological site in Istria protected by an iron cage.After almost three decades, the Archaeological Museum of Istria has started to organise underwater archaeological research. In 2007, the museum, along with the Croatian Conservation Institute, carried out underwater archaeological research of a Roman port located on the peninsula of Viula near Medulin. Subsequently, the museum carried out protective underwater research of a Roman wharf, part of a luxurious Roman summer villa in Pomer. The latter site is also situated in the bay of Medulin. In the course of the mentioned underwater archaeological investigations, a group of archaeologists-divers was formed. With their enthusiasm and dedicated work, they have given a new dimension to Pulas archaeological story.Since 2007, the Archaeological Museum of Istria has carried out several underwater archaeological surveys from the cape of Sv. Stjepan situated on the east Istrian coast, to the cove of Kolone situated to the south of Bale. The surveys were headed by the author of this text with the aim of locating sunken antique buildings and ports.

    Ida Koncani Uha

  • 17Akcija vaenja amfora kod Ribarske kolibe, 1965. god.Drawing out of amphoras from the waters near Ribarska koliba in 1965.

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    PODMORSKA ARHEOLOGIJA JUNE ISTRE U ANTICIPlovidba je od prapovijesti do danas predstavljala poseban izazov i nosila sa sobom velike opasnosti. U prilog poecima pomorske trgovine uzdu istarskoga priobalja govore neolitika nalazita u Istri (od 5750. god. pr. Kr. do oko 4500. god. pr. Kr.) na kojima su pronaene alatke od kvalitetnoga ronjaka iz udaljenih leita te od opsidijana (stakla vulkanskoga podrijetla) s prostora june Italije. Prvi pisani izvori spominju Histre kao vjete moreplovce, a to potvruje i likovni prikaz pomorske bitke na nezakcijskoj bronanoj situli iz 500. god. pr. Kr.Antiki pisac Pseudo Skilak u svome djelu Periplous, prvome peljaru za istoni Jadran iz 4. st. pr. Kr., pie o plovidbi uz histarsku obalu u trajanju od jednog dana i jedne noi. Prvi arheoloki ostaci koji govore o plovidbi potjeu iz vremena osnivanja grkih kolonija u 4. st. pr. Kr., kada na sjeverozapadnoj obali Jadrana nastaje grki emporij Atri, rimska Adria po kojoj je Jadran dobio ime.Zapisi antikih pisaca spominju i ostale istonojadranske narode kao vrsne moreplovce, ali i kao drske gusare koji presretaju rimske trgovake brodove. Stoga Rim u poetku svoje ekspanzionistike politike organizira odred od dvadeset brodova za zatitu pomorske trgovine Jadranom i za potpomaganje kopnenih snaga u njihovu osvajakom pohodu. Rimskim osvajanjem Cisalpinske Galije i osnivanjem kolonije Akvileje (Aquileia) 181. pr. Kr., omoguena je zatita rimskih interesa u novopokorenim krajevima. Uspostavljeni su temelji za daljnje osvajanje prema jugu, u zalee transkoga Krasa, na istarski poluotok i dalje u unutranjost Ilirskoga poluotoka i Panonsku nizinu. Godine 177. pr. Kr., Rimljani osvajaju glavni histarski grad Nezakcij (Nesactium) na junoj istarskoj obali, nakon ega dolazi do rimske vojne prevlasti u istarskim krajevima. Od sredine 1. st. pr. Kr. zapoinje intenzivno naseljavanje, odnosno romanizacija stanovnitva istarskoga poluotoka. Glavna sredita rimske uprave i vojno-politike vlasti razvijaju se u primorskim gradovima s podjelom na tri kolonijalna podruja: ager pulske kolonije,

    UNDERWATER ARCHAEOLOGY OF SOUTHERN ISTRIA IN ROMAN ANTIQUITYFrom prehistory to modern times, navigation has been both a challenge and a dangerous endeavour. Tools made of quality hornstone originating from distant deposits, and tools made of obsidian (volcanic glass) from southern Italy have been found at Neolithic archaeological sites. They bear witness to the beginnings of maritime trade along the Istrian coast (from 5750 BC to about 4500 BC).The earliest written sources describe the Histri as skilled seamen. This fact is corroborated by the figurative representation of a naval battle on a bronze situla found in Nesactium and dated in 500 BC.The antique writer Pseudo-Scylax wrote about navigation along the coast of the land of the Histri in his work Periplous, the first navigation map of the East Adriatic, dated in the 4th century BC. He stated that navigation along the coast of the territory of the Histri lasted one day and one night.The first archaeological remains that testify to navigation in the Adriatic are dated in the times of the founding of the Greek colonies in the 4th century BC. It was the time when the Greek emporium Atri (the Roman Adria, which gave its name to the Adriatic Sea) was founded on the northwest coast of the Adriatic. The antique writers also described other peoples from the east Adriatic coast as skilled seamen. However, they also described them as daring pirates who intercepted Roman merchant ships. That is why Rome, at the beginning of its expansionist policy, formed a fleet of twenty ships for the protection of maritime trade in the Adriatic and as an aid to the ground forces in their conquest of new territories. Roman interests in the newly conquered colonies were secured after the conquest of Cisalpine Gaul and the founding of the colony of Aquileia in 181 BC. Thus, the ground was set for further Roman penetration to the south, into the hinterland of the Karst of Trieste, the peninsula of Istria and further inland into the Illyrian peninsula and the Pannonian Basin.In 177 BC, the Romans conquered Nesactium, the capital of the Histri, situated on the

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    Karta june Istre s antikim podmorskim lokalitetima.Map of south Istria with antique underwater sites.

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    ager poreke kolonije i ager transke kolonije. Ager pulske kolonije (Colonia Iulia Pola) obuhvaao je prostor od Rakog zaljeva na istoku, Barbana, minja, Kanfanara i Limske drage na sjeveru do Limskog kanala na zapadu. Sjeverno od Limskog kanala zapoinjao je poreki ager (Colonia Iulia Parentium).Uspostavljanjem ovakve teritorijalno-gospodarske podjele omogueno je brzo ukljuenje Istre u sferu rimske trgovake ekonomije, jer se istarski poluotok nalazio na plovidbenome putu koji je povezivao sjevernoitalski prostor preko Akvileje, glavnoga izlaznog punkta za pomorsku trgovinu Jadranom. Trgovaki put iz podunavskih provincija Carstva vodio je do akvilejske luke odakle su trgovaki brodovi kretali prema junoj Italiji i prostoru Sredozemlja te obratno. Trgovalo se razliitim proizvodima kao to su zaini, ulje, vino, masline, konzervirano voe, riblje preraevine, stoarski i ostali poljoprivredni proizvodi.Brodovi su takoer prevozili razna rudna i prirodna bogatstva ukrtavajui putove i povezujui znanja i razliitosti ljudskih kultura uzdu itave sredozemne obale.Zahvaljujui pogodnom zemljopisnom poloaju, blizini mora i plodnoj zemlji, istarski poluotok bio je idealan za intenzivniji uzgoj sredozemnih kultura. Vaan istarski izvozni proizvod bilo je maslinovo ulje za koje rimski pisac Plinije Stariji donosi podatak da je tree po kvaliteti na prostoru Rimskog Carstva. Istarsko maslinovo ulje izvoeno je na prostor Cisalpinske Galije, Norika, Panonije, pa i samog Rima. Radionika sredita u kojima su se proizvodile amfore oleariae tipa Dressel 6 B zasad su arheolokim istraivanjima u Istri potvrena u ervaru i Loronu kod Porea te prilikom zatitnog arheolokog istraivanja tijekom zime 2007. godine u Faani.Drugi izvozni proizvodi, kako navode antiki izvori, bili su istarsko vino, razne riblje preraevine, koljke, sol, vuna te kvalitetan istarski kamen. Veina tih proizvoda prevoena je morskim putem.Na istonoj istarskoj obali, pomorci su mogli pristajati u luci antikog Plomina (Flanona), zaljevima Rabac ili Prtlog kao lukama antikog Labina (Alvone) te u duboko uvuenom Rakom zaljevu. Iza Rakog zaljeva sidrenje je bilo sigurno u uvali Krnica, gdje je obavljen vei broj terenskih pregleda podmorja, a u prilog tome govore i ulomci amfora otkriveni na samom ulazu u uvalu.Luka Vinjola je na plovidbenome putu od junoga rta istarskoga poluotoka bila jednom od itavog niza luica na tome dijelu obale, koja je vjerojatno od samih poetaka plovidbe

    southern coast of Istria. Subsequently, Istria fell under Roman military domination. After the middle of the 1st century BC, intense settling, or, more precisely, the Romanisation of the Istrian population, took place. The main centres of Roman administration and military-political rule were established in the coastal towns. The territory was divided into three colonial areas: the ager of the colony of Pula, the ager of the colony of Pore, and the ager of the colony of Trieste. The ager of the colony of Pula (Colonia Iulia Pola) extended from, and included, the cove of Raa in the east, Barban, minj, Kanfanar and Limska draga in the north, all the way to the Lim Channel in the west. The ager of the colony of Pore (Colonia Iulia Parentium) was to the north of the Lim Channel.With the organisation of the Roman territorial and economic system, the swift integration of Istria into the system of the Roman trading economy was ensured. The peninsula of Istria became an important link on the North Italic sea route, where Aquileia was the most important port for maritime trade in the Adriatic. From the Danube basin provinces of the Empire, the trade route led to the port of Aquileia from where merchant ships would leave for southern Italy and the Mediterranean, and back. Different merchandise was traded, such as spices, oil, wine, olives, preserved fruits, and fish, animal and agricultural products. Beside these, the antique merchant ships would also carry different ores and natural resources. The ships would cross at sea, thus linking the different cultures and knowledge of the Mediterranean peoples all along the Mediterranean coast.The peninsula of Istria offered ideal conditions for the intensive cultivation of Mediterranean crops due to its geographical position, the vicinity of the sea and its fertile soil. Olive oil was an important Istrian export product. The Roman writer Pliny the Elder stated that Istrian olive oil was the third best by quality in the Roman Empire. Istrian olive oil was exported to Cisalpine Gaul, Noricum, Pannonia, and even to the city of Rome.So far, archaeologists have discovered three amphorae production centres in Istria, where amphorae oleariae Dressel 6 B were produced. They were located in ervar, in Loron near Pore, and in Faana. The Faana production centre was discovered during protective archaeological research in the winter of 2007. According to antique written sources, other Istrian export products were wine, different fish products, seashells, salt, wool, and high quality stone. Most of these products were transported on merchant ships.The eastern Istrian coast offered several places for ships to put ashore: the port of antique

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    Razliiti tipovi amfora iz podmorja june Istre. Various types of amphoras from south Istrian waters.

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    u prapovijesti do danas ostala frekventnom plovidbenom tokom u kojoj su se brodice mogle skloniti od vjetrova iz zapadnoga kvadranta. Od antike do razvijenog srednjeg vijeka ta je luica bila vana za mjesnu razmjenu dobara, od prehrambenih proizvoda do vapna i kamena, iji su brojni ostaci i danas vidljivi na morskome dnu. U moru u uvali Velika Vinjola uz obalni rub vidljiv je pristan od pravilnih blokova u koji su uzidane gotovo cjelovite amfore tipa Lamboglia II. Prva strateki vana luka pulskog agera na histarskoj obali bio je zaljev ispod antikog Nezakcija (Nesactium) iji je toan smjetaj do danas ostao otvorenim pitanjem. Transki povjesniar Degrassi, u svom radu o rimskim lukama Istre, osvrnuo se na luku antikog Nezakcija, u kojem pie da se ispod samoga grada na sjevernoj obali zaljeva Budave u moru, tridesetak metara od obale, nalaze kameni blokovi u duini od tridesetpet metara. Pretraivanjem zaljeva Budava sedamdesetih godina, otkriveno je vie ulomaka rimske keramike, ali od konstrukcije lukobrana nema ni traga. Najnovijim prologodinjim pretraivanjem ove duboko uvuene luke takoer nisu utvreni nikakvi nalazi koji bi upuivali na postojanje arhitektonske konstrukcije. Mogue je da su slojevi mulja koji prekrivaju dno zaljeva Budava prekrili i kamene konstrukcije lukog ureaja. Izglednije je pak da su trgovaki brodovi ostajali usidreni na sredini zaljeva, a da su se manjim brodicama uvlaili u zaljev ili su pak brodove nasukavali tj. izvlaili na samu obalu koju danas uz ogromne naslage mulja prekriva a i trstika. Svakako bi trebalo ovom problemu pristupiti na multidisciplinaran nain s vie razliitih znanstvenih stanovita. Luka antikog Nezakcija zahtijevala bi opirnu istraivaku studiju koja bi, osim arheolokog prouavanja, ukljuivala i razna geofizika istraivanja itavog potencijalnog prostora dananjeg zaljeva Budava. Naselje koje je imalo status punopravnog rimskog grada, kao jedino takvo na histarskoj obali kvarnerskog zaljeva nakon liburnske granice, moralo je imati ivu trgovaku djelatnost, o emu svjedoe bogati arheoloki nalazi.Prije krajnje june toke istarskog poluotoka, rta Premanture (Promontorium Polaticum), koji je esto zbog nepovoljnih hidrometeorolokih prilika oteavao plovidbu, brodovi su se sidrili unutar Medulinskog zaljeva gdje se nalazio niz rimskih gospodarskih zdanja. Zatitnim arheolokim istraivanjem provedenim u Medulinskom zaljevu kod Pomera tijekom 2007. godine otkriveno je rimsko pristanite. To je pristanite bilo dijelom

    Plomin (Flanona), the coves of Rabac and Prtlog, which were the two ports of antique Labin (Alvona), and the cove of Raa which extended well inland. The next safe anchorage after the cove of Raa was the cove of Krnica. Numerous underwater surveys have been carried out in the waters of the cove of Krnica. The fact that antique ships used it as a safe anchorage has been corroborated by fragments of amphorae recovered from the sea at the entrance to the cove.The port of Vinjola was only one of a series of small ports on the sea route leading from the southern cape of the Istrian peninsula northward. From the very beginning of navigation, most probably from prehistory to the present day, the port of Vinjola has remained a very busy safe haven for all vessels looking for shelter from the westerly winds. From ancient times to the Late Middle Ages, this port was a strategic point for the local exchange of goods, ranging from food products to lime and stone, the remains of which are still visible on the seabed. An antique wharf can be seen running along the coast in the waters of the cove of Velika Vinjola. The wharf was built of regular stone blocks, and there are almost integral amphorae of the Lamboglia II type built into the wharf.The first strategic port on the coast of the Histri (the ager of Pula) was a cove located under the antique Nesactium. The exact location of the port still remains unknown.Degrassi, a historian from Trieste, mentioned the port of antique Nesactium in his work on Roman ports in Istria. Degrassi stated that there were stone blocks in the water, some thirty metres from the shore, and that they extended thirty-five metres in length. According to his description, the port was located just below the town, on the northern coast of the cove of Budava. In the 1970s, the cove of Budava was investigated, and even though several fragments of Roman pottery were recovered, there was no sign of the antique ports breakwaters. Even the most recent survey, the archaeological research of this long cove, undertaken in 2007, did not yield any finds indicating the presence of an architectonic structure. It is possible that the stone constructions of the antique port are covered by several layers of ooze covering the bottom of the entire cove of Budava. However, it is more likely that merchant ships would either cast anchor in the middle of the cove for smaller boats to carry their cargo to the shore, or they would run aground and beach on the shore. Today, the shore is covered with layers of ooze, reed and cane. In searching for the antique port, a multidisciplinary approach and different scientific standpoints are certainly needed. The port of antique Nesactium calls for a more extensive

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    Medulinski zaljev.The bay of Medulin.

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    stambenog sklopa vile, a istraivanja su istovremeno provedena i pod vodom i na kopnu. Uz ostatke rimskog pristanita ubicirani su i dijelovi zdanja koja su pripadala prvoj terasi rimske vile, a koji su zbog glacioeustatikih promjena zavrili ispod razine mora. Ubicirani temelji zidova su zbog djelovanja mora i vjetra sauvani u loem stanju te zbog loe vidljivosti mora nisu u cijelosti dokumentirani.Sauvana duina pristanita iznosi 7 m, irina 9,2 m, a visina 1 m. Pristanite s vanjske strane uokviruju vei pravilno obraeni kameni blokovi, posloeni u dva reda. Donji red kamenih blokova lei neposredno na ivoj stijeni.Unutranjost pristanita bila je ispunjena manjim kamenjem i odbaenim rimskim graevinskim materijalom krovnom graom. U moru je uz elo pristanita istraena i jedna arheoloka sonda u kojoj su pronaeni arheoloki nalazi koji se mogu pripisati sjevernoitalskim i egejskim radionicama od 1. do kraja 2. st. po. Kr. Zanimljiv je nalaz rimske bronane udice koja svjedoi o kontinuitetu bavljenja ribarstvom na ovim prostorima.

    study to include not only archaeological investigations but also geophysical studies of the whole cove of Budava. Nesactium was the only settlement on the coast of the Histri land of Kvarner Bay, after the Liburnian border, which was granted the status of a Roman city. Accordingly, it must have also been a busy trading centre, and there are rich archaeological finds that testify to this.Cape Premantura (Promontorium Polaticum) is the southernmost point of the Istrian peninsula. The waters around the cape were often difficult to navigate due to unfavourable sea and weather conditions. Just before Cape Premantura, there was the bay of Medulin, another anchorage for ships. There was a whole series of Roman production complexes in the bay. In 2007, protective archaeological research was undertaken in the bay of Medulin near Pomer. As a result, a Roman wharf was discovered, belonging to a residential complex of a Roman villa. Underwater investigation of the wharf and research of the villa on land were carried out at the same time. A Roman wharf and remains of buildings belonging to the first terrace of the Roman villa were found. The buildings had disappeared under the sea as a result of glacioeustatic changes occurring over time. Being exposed to the sea and winds, the wall foundations were in a bad condition. Because of the poor visibility under water, the foundations were only partly investigated and documented. The preserved length of the wharf is 7 m, the width 9.2 m and the height 1 m. The wharf was built of two rows of large, regular stone blocks on the outside, while it was filled on the inside with small stones and Roman construction debris generally composed of roof elements. The lower row of stone blocks sits on live rock. An underwater archaeological trench, placed near the head of the wharf, yielded finds whose origin could be ascribed to north Italic and Aegean workshops. The finds were dated from the 1st century AD to the end of the 2nd century AD. A find that should also be mentioned is a Roman bronze hook which testifies to the long history of fishing in this area.It is also in the bay of Medulin, on the peninsula of Viula that archaeological research has been going on for several years now, investigating sunken parts of an antique villa. The research is funded by the Ministry of Culture. The investigations of this part of the coast started in 1995. The archaeological study was initiated as part of the Project of Cultural and Historical Archaeological Research and the Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage of the municipality of Medulin. Investigations were carried out in 1997 and 2000, while the most recent study took place in 2007*. Several building complexes,

    Nalaz kotanog falusa iz podmorja Viule.Find of bone phallus in the waters of Viula.

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    Rimski nalazi iz podmorja

    Pomera.Roman finds

    from the waters of Pomer.

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    Arheoloko istraivanje rimskog pristanita u podmorju Viule.Archaeological investigation of a Roman wharf on the peninsula of Viula.

    Nalazi rimske keramike zdjele i rimskog drvenog elja iz podmorja Viule.Roman ceramic bowl and a wooden comb from Viula.

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    Arheoloki nalazi iz podmorja Viule.Archaeological finds from the waters of Viula.

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    Takoer, u Medulinskom zaljevu na poluotoku Viula ve se niz godina pod okriljem Ministarstva kulture istrauju ostaci potopljenih dijelova sklopa antikog ljetnikovca. Istraivanja na ovom dijelu obale zapoela su 1995. godine kada su arheoloki radovi pokrenuti u sklopu Projekta kulturno-povijesnoga arheolokog istraivanja i zatite kulturne i prirodne batine opine Medulin. Istraivanja su provedena 1997. i 2000. godine, a najnovija su uslijedila 2007. godine*. Utvreno je postojanje nekoliko, danas potopljenih, graevinskih sklopova te ostaci veeg antikog pristanita. Istraivanjem je utvreno da je pristanite najmanje tri puta pregraivano. Pristanite je bilo graeno od velikih pravilno obraenih kamenih blokova dok je s unutarnje strane bilo ispunjeno manjim kamenjem i otpadnim materijalom. Sondanim istraivanjima je utvren vremenski kontinuitet koritenja pristanita od 1. do 5. stoljea, s tim da je u 2. stoljeu pristanite bilo najvie u upotrebi.Na jugozapadnoj strani istarskog poluotoka postoji itav niz dobro zatienih uvala, ali se svojim obiljejima posebno izdvojio strateki vaan i izuzetno pogodan zaljev antike Pule. Duboko uvueni zaljev s izvorom vode uza samo more bio je najvanija toka na pomorskom trgovakom putu od juga prema Akvileji i obratno. Toan smjetaj luke antike Pule danas se temelji iskljuivo na pretpostavkama. Austrijski konzervator A. Gnirs prvi je locirao luku u zaljevu juno od grada na mjestu ondanjeg Arsenala. Razlog ovakvim pretpostavkama mogla je biti neposredna blizina Foruma koji je uz luku morao biti najivlji dio grada, a u ijoj su se blizini iza gradskih bedema iskrcavali trgovaki tereti. Na ovom dijelu zaljeva brodovi su bili zatieni od vjetrova iz sjevernog kvadranta, a otoii Sv. Florijan, Sv. Andrija, Sv. Katarina i Sv. Petar titili su od junih vjetrova. Cijela zapadna istarska obala svojom je razvedenou i pristupanou omoguavala sigurnu plovidbu, sidrenje te nesmetan razvoj trgovine. Uza strateki vane i velike luke, postojao je i itav niz manjih operativnih luica koje su se nalazile u sklopu gospodarskih zdanja razasutih uzdu itave obale, kao npr. luica maritimne vile u uvali Valbandon juno od Faane, operativna luica keramiarskog proizvodnog sredita u Faani te rt Sv. Grgura sjeverno od perojskog portia, gdje se nalaze ostaci rimske vile. U moru su vidljivi temeljni zidovi prostorija te ostaci dva antika pristanita.Na podruju oko Barbarige utvren je vei broj rimskih gospodarskih zdanja od kojih neka imaju sauvane operativne obale. To su gospodarski sklop kod Dragonere, ispred

    all currently under water, and the remains of a large antique wharf, were recorded. The study revealed that the wharf had been restructured on at least three occasions. The wharf was built of large, regular stone blocks and filled on the inside with small stones and debris. Trenches revealed that the wharf was used from the 1st century AD to the 5th century AD, and that it was predominantly used in the 2nd century AD.There is a whole series of well-protected coves and bays on the southwestern coast of the Istrian peninsula. However, the characteristics of the bay of antique Pula made it the most strategically valuable and favourable bay for the building of a port. This well-protected bay, with a spring of drinking water on the shore, was the most important location on the merchant sea route from the south to Aquileia and back. The exact location of the antique port of Pula can still only be surmised. The Austrian conservator Anton Gnirs was the first to propose that the port was located in the bay to the south of the city, in what was then the Arsenal. The reasoning behind such a conclusion was most probably based on the vicinity of the Forum. The Forum must have been the most important part of the antique city, apart from the citys port. There is also the fact that merchant goods were unloaded in the vicinity of the Forum, behind the city walls. Ships were protected from the northerly winds in that area of the bay, while the islands of Sv. Florijan, Sv. Andrija, Sv. Katarina and Sv. Petar sheltered the ships from the southerly winds.The whole of the western Istrian coast is well indented and easily approachable from the sea. For this reason, navigation was safe, anchorage available and trade could develop undisturbed. Beside the strategically important and large harbours, there was a whole series of small ports belonging to production complexes scattered all along the western coast, including the small port of the maritime villa in the cove of Valbandon to the south of Faana, the small port of the production centre in Faana, and Cape Sv. Grgur to the north of the harbour of Peroj. The remains of a Roman villa exist at Cape Sv. Grgur and the foundations of the walls and the remains of two antique wharfs are visible in the water.A large number of remains of Roman production facilities have been found in the area around Barbariga. Some of them still have well preserved operational wharfs. An example is the Roman production complex near Dragonera with the remains of a large wharf

    *Zahvaljujem kolegi Igoru Miholjeku iz HRZ a na ustupanju arheoloke grae s lokaliteta Viula.*I would like to thank my colleague Igor Miholjek from HRZ on lending me the archeological finds from the site of Viula.

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    Neki primjeri rimskih lukih objekta, Zaljev Mari, Dragonera, Pomer.Examples of Roman port facilities: the bay of Mari, Dragonera, Pomer.

    Neki primjeri rimskih lukih objekta, Zaljev

    Mari, Dragonera, Pomer.Examples of Roman port

    facilities: the bay of Mari, Dragonera, Pomer.

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    koje se u moru pruaju ostaci veeg mula, graenog od monolitnih kamenih blokova. Dalje se uz obalu nastavljaju luice i pristanita u uvali Lakua, u uvali Mari, Kolone, uvala Sv. Pavla, Rovinj i Val Saline. Tijekom ljeta 2007. godine, u uvali Mari istraen je sklop antike luke operativne infrastrukture. Na dubini od oko tri metra otkrivena su tri lukobrana, od kojih je najvei dug devedeset metara, a irok od tri do osam metara. Ovaj monumentalni lukobran zatvara uvalu Mari titei je od utjecaja zapadnih vjetrova, a vjerojatno je sluio za prihvat veih trgovakih brodova. U neposrednoj blizini otkriveno je i manje pristanite, graeno od dva vanjska mula koji su naknadno dograivani prema zapadu. Kako su na kopnu, u neposrednoj blizini uvale, otkriveni ostaci dvije rimske gospodarske vile i ostaci uljare, moe se pretpostaviti da su u ovoj velikoj luci pristajali trgovaki brodovi radi pretovara poljoprivrednih proizvoda. Brojni pokretni keramiki nalazi prikupljeni s morskoga dna svjedoe o intenzitetu plovidbe na tom dijelu Jadrana te o zaljevu Mari kao vanoj pomorskoj pristaninoj toki od antike do razvijenog srednjeg vijeka.Na otoju Brijuni poznata su antika zdanja u uvali Verige, u uvali Dobrika, na brdu Kolci, u zaljevu Sv. Nikole i na otoiu Vanga. U uvali Verige na Velikom Brijunu nalazio se raskoni gospodarski sklop maritimne vile s hramovima, portikom i termalnim dijelom*. Ovaj arhitektonski sklop pruao se du itave obale koja je imala izgraenu rivu. Juni mul operativne obale u uvali Verige bio je graen od velikih kamenih blokova koji su bili poloeni na ivac, a obavljena sondiranja na junom dijelu obale utvrdila su izgradnju mula tek od 4. stoljea. Na sjevernoj strani obale nalazilo se malo luko postrojenje s ostacima mula te s dijelovima potopljenih zdanja i kanalizacijskim sustavom. Istraivanja na sjevernoj antikoj obali pretpostavila su izgradnju prije 2. st. te su ukazala na intenzivan promet na ovom dijelu vezan uz gospodarsku djelatnost vile.Na podruju porekog agera, sjeverno od Limskog kanala, brodovi su pristajali u luci Vrsara, Valkanele, Mulindrije, Sv. Eleutrija kod Porea, porekoj luci, uvali Sv. Martina, Valeti, Tarskoj uvali, pa sve do ua Mirne, odakle je trgovaki put vodio u unutranjost poluotoka. Plovei dalje prema sjeverozapadu na prostoru transkog agera pristajanje je bilo mogue u uvali Sv. Antuna kod Novigrada, u Lovreici, u Sv. Ivanu Kornetskom, Katoru, Sipru

    extending under water. The wharf was built of monolithic stone blocks. Further along the coast, there are other small ports and wharfs, including the cove of Lakua, the cove of Mari, Kolone, the cove of Sv. Pavao, Vetar, Rovinj, and Valsaline.During the summer of 2007, a complex of antique port installations was investigated in the cove of Mari. Three breakwaters were found at a depth of some three metres. The largest of the breakwaters was ninety metres long and from three to eight metres wide. This monumental breakwater protected the cove of Mari from the westerly winds, and most probably served for the docking of large merchant ships. A small wharf was discovered in the vicinity. It was built of two small piers, which were subsequently elongated westward. The remains of two Roman production villas and of an oil works were discovered in the very vicinity of the cove. This leads to the supposition that merchant ships would dock in the large port to load agricultural products. Numerous pottery finds recovered from the sea testify to intensive navigation in this part of the Adriatic, and to the fact that the cove of Mari was an important docking location from ancient times to the Late Middle Ages.The islands of Brijuni hold several archaeological sites. They are located in the cove of Verige, the cove of Dobrika, Kolci hill, the cove of Sv. Nikola and on the small island of Vanga. A luxurious complex of a maritime villa with temples, a portico and thermae was built on the island of Veliki Brijun, in the cove of Verige*. The complex of the villa extended along the entire edge of the cove, and an embankment was constructed. The south pier of the wharf in the cove of Verige was built of large stone blocks placed on live rock. Trench works carried out in the southern part of the wharf have revealed that the pier was not built before the 4th century AD. There was a small port installation on the northern part of the wharf, where the remains of another pier were found, and also parts of sunken buildings with the remains of a sewage system. Based on the investigation of the northern area of the antique wharf, this part of the wharf was probably built before the 2nd century AD. There are indications that this part of the wharf saw intense traffic linked with the economic activities of the villa.In the ager of Pore, to the north of the Lim Channel, ships would dock in the ports of

    *Zahvaljujem se Javnoj ustanovi NP Brijuni, Pododsjeku za zatitu kulturnih dobara, na ustupanju arheolokih predmeta iz uvale Verige, za potrebe izlobe.

    *I would like to thank Javna ustanova NP Brijuni, Pododsjek za zatitu kulturnih dobara (Public institution Brijuni National Park, Department for the protection of cultural heritage) on lending me the archeological finds from Verige cove for the purpose of this exhibiton.

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    Arheoloki nalazi iz podmorja uvale Verige na

    Velikom Brijunu.Archaeological finds from

    Verige cove on the island of Veliki Brijun.

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    i drugdje. Sasvim na sjeverozapadnom rtu Istre nalazila se antika luka u uvali Pian ili Staroj Savudriji.Luka Savudrija (Silbio) nalazila se na najvanijoj plovidbenoj ruti, a svojom velianstvenou (lukobrani, svjetionik toranj) i stratekim poloajem smatra se jedinstvenim spomenikom takve vrste antikoga graditeljstva na Jadranu.Ovako smjetena luka bila je posljednja sigurna luka prije konanog pristajanja u jednoj od luka dananjeg transkog zaljeva ili Akvileji. Uz dva velika lukobrana u unutranjosti zaljeva nalazilo se manje pristanite sa zdanjima na obali koja su danas djelomino unitena. Izvori koji spominju naselje Silbo, Silbio i Silbonis poznati su iz geografske karte Tabule Peutingeriane iz 3. stoljea te iz pisanih podataka Anonimnog Ravenjanina koji u svojoj Kozmografiji navodi postojanje Silbia. Brojna rekognosciranja junog istarskog podmorja i manji broj provedenih zatitnih podmorskih istraivanja omoguili su bolje poznavanje ovih lukih toaka, odnosno bolje poznavanje pomorskog trgovakog puta. O vanosti ovog dijela obale svjedoi i dvadesetak podmorskih nalazita te brojni pojedinani nalazi. Od ovih nalazita gotovo polovina upuuje na postojanje brodoloma. Naalost, samo su rijetka nalazita uspjeno znanstveno istraena prije nego to je dolo do njihove devastacije.Potvrene lokacije brodoloma, ali naalost devastirane, poznate su u uvali Koromano, na rtu Praarica, na rtu Marlera i kod rta Kamenjak. Od rta Kamenjak, dalje su potvrene lokacije brodoloma u uvali Polje juno od Premanture, u uvali Valun sjeverozapadno od Premanture, na rtu kolj od Volam, u uvali Valmieja, ispod Monte Cope, pred ulazom u luku Volme jugositono od Pule, na rtu Bumbite, kod otoka Veliki i Mali Fraker, u podmorju otoka Veruda, na rtu Verudica, na rtu sv. Ivana u Paklu, na rtu Stoja i u uvali Valovine juno od Pule.Terenskim pregledom podmorja koji je 2002. godine proveo Arheoloki muzej u Zadru, zapadno od uvale Valmieja otkriven je devastirani brodolom sa sjevernoafrikim amforama koje se na temelju pronaenih ulomaka mogu datirati od 3. do sredine 5. stoljea.Na rtu Verudica u blizini uvale Soline, na morskom se dnu uoavaju ostaci rimskog brodoloma koji se po nalazima mogu datirati od 1. do 2. stoljea. Ovo je nalazite ubicirano jo davne 1967. godine, ali obavijestima dobivenima od mjesnih ronilaca i

    Vrsar, Valkanela, Mulindrija, Sv. Eleutrije near Pore, the antique port of Pore, the cove of Sv. Martin, Valeta, the cove of Tar, and at the mouth of the River Mirna from where the trade route led inland.Navigating farther to the northwest and entering the ager of Trieste, a vessel could make a call at the cove of Sv. Antun near Novigrad, Lovreica, Sv. Ivan Kornetski, Katoro, Sipar and in other places. There was also an antique port at the northwesternmost end of Istria, in the cove of Pian or in Stara Savudrija.The port of Savudrija (Silbio) was located on the most important sea route. On account of its monumentality (the breakwaters, the lighthouse tower) and its strategic position, the port is a unique monument of antique architecture in the Adriatic.Thus positioned, the port was the last safe haven before the final destination in one of the ports of what is today the Gulf of Trieste, or in the port of Aquileia. Beside two large breakwaters located inside the cove, there was also a small wharf which had auxiliary buildings on shore, partly destroyed at present. Silbo, Silbio and Silbonis could be found on the map drawn by Peutinger (Tabula Peutingeriana) in the 3rd century AD, and Silbia is mentioned in the writings of an Anonymous of Ravenna in his work entitled Cosmography.Numerous underwater surveys and some protective research investigations of the southern waters of Istria have shed more light on sunken ports, and on the merchant sea route running along the Istrian coast. Some twenty underwater archaeological sites and numerous single finds testify to the importance of this sea route. Almost a half of the discovered archaeological sites indicate the presence of a shipwreck. Unfortunately, only a few sites had been successfully researched before they were devastated.Other known shipwreck sites, unfortunately devastated, are located in the cove of Koromano, at Cape Praarica, at Cape Marlera and at Cape Kamenjak. Farther from Cape Kamenjak, shipwreck sites have been attested in the cove of Polje to the south of Premantura, in the cove of Valun to the northwest of Premantura, at Cape kolj od Volam, in the cove of Valmieja below Monte Cope, in front of the entrance to the port of Volme to the southeast of Pula, at Cape Bumbite, near the islands of Veliki Fraker and Mali Fraker, in the waters of the island of Veruda, at Cape Verudica, at Cape Sv. Ivan u Paklu, at Cape Stoja, and in the cove of Valovine to the south of Pula.Another devastated shipwreck site was discovered to the west of the cove of Valmieja in

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    Devastirani rimski brodolom u podmorju kod uvale Valmieja.Devastated Roman shipwreck site in the waters near Valmieja cove.

    Rimski kameni rvnjevi.Roman grindstones.

    Podizanje amfore s morskog dna.Drawing out an amphora from the seabed.

    Amfora u Aquariumu Fort Verudela prije trajne pohrane u AMI.Amphora at the Aquarium Fort Verudela before permanent deposition in AMI.

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    Razliiti tipovi i oblici amfora iz junoistarskog podmorja.Various types and shapes of amphoras from south Istrian waters.

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    pregledom terena utvreno je postojanje brodoloma koji je devastiran samo na razini dna. Valjalo bi u nekoj blioj budunosti istraiti ostatke ovog brodoloma od kojeg su moda jo sauvani drveni dijelovi s ostacima amfora i kuhinjskog posua.Sjeverozapadno od Pule, lokacije brodoloma su potvrene na rtu Krito, u uvali Zonki kod rta Krito te u podmorju otoia Kote u sredini ulaza u Faanski kanal.Uz ova nalazita za koja je potvreno da se radi o brodolomima postoji jo itav niz mjesta za koja se moe samo rei da su manja nalazita. Nalazita za koja se moe pretpostaviti da su brodolomi, pronaena su jo u rovinjskom podmorju uz jugoistoni rt otoia mala Sestrica te nalazite kod hridi Piruzi.Daljnjim pretraivanjem podmorja mogui su pronalasci jo nedevastiranih podmorskih nalazita poput brodoloma na prostoru sjeverozapadne Istre na pliini Buje kod Umaga 2006. godine. Pravodobnim djelovanjem nadlenih ustanova, uz punu suradnju mjesnih ronilaca, uspjelo se djelomino istraiti i fiziki zatititi vrijedno nalazite.Najei dokaz o poloaju brodoloma na morskom dnu skupni je nalaz amfora.Amfore su keramike posude s dvije ruice koje su sluile kao spremnici za tekue proizvode. U njima se uvalo i prevozilo maslinovo ulje, vino, riblji proizvodi (garum, liquamen, muria i halex), konzervirano voe, mirisna ulja i sredozemni zaini. Kako bi se sprijeila poroznost keramike, amfore su s unutranje strane premazivane posebnom vrstom borove smole tako da je ponekad i vino poprimalo okus premaza.Znanstvene kemijske analize sadraja, ukoliko je sauvan u amfori, prepoznavanje igova koji su esto bili utisnuti na amfori te morfoloka obiljeja amfora ukazuju na proizvodno sredite, to jest, podrijetlo amfore. Uz saznanja o proizvodnom sreditu, dakle podrijetlu amfore te njenom sadraju kojim je mogla biti napunjena, dobivamo i podatke o kretanju brodova te njihovoj trgovakoj ruti. U podmorju june Istre pronaeni su razliiti tipovi i oblici amfora od ega je najvei broj amfora italske provenijencije u kojima su Rimljani, nakon uspostavljanja politike vlasti, odailjali svoje proizvode na trite. Poznate su jo amfore proizvedene u maloazijskim, egejskim, hispanskim, afrikim i drugim sredozemnim radionicama koje su izvozile svoju robu poput uvenog grkog vina, hispanskog ulja i od 3. do 6. st. jeftinijeg afrikog ulja. Razni oblici amfora otkriveni u ovom akvatoriju vani su za utvrivanje socioekonomskog aspekta antike prekomorske trgovine i poznavanje kretanja brodova.

    the course of an underwater survey conducted by the Archaeological Museum of Zadar in 2002. The ship carried North African amphorae which can be dated from the 3rd century AD to the middle of the 5th century AD according to the fragments recovered.There are the remains of a Roman shipwreck visible on the seabed of Cape Verudica near the cove of Soline. According to the finds recovered, it can be dated in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. This site was located as early as in 1967. However, according to details obtained from local divers and after a more recent survey of the site, it has been concluded that the site has been devastated only at the level of the sea bottom. The remains of this shipwreck should be studied in the near future, since they might still reveal the preserved wooden parts of the ship, amphorae and kitchenware.Shipwreck sites documented to the northwest of Pula are those located at Cape Krito, in the cove of Zonki near Cape Krito, and in the waters of the island of Kote in the middle of the entrance to the channel of Faana.Beside these underwater archaeological sites, proven to be shipwreck sites, there are a number of other sites that can only be described as minor sites that have not been better identified. Other underwater sites, which we can only suppose to be shipwreck sites, have been found in the waters of Rovinj along the southeastern cape of the small island of Mala Sestrica, and there is another such site near the rock of Piruzi.Future underwater research might lead to the discovery of other well-preserved sites. An example of such an underwater site is the well-preserved shipwreck site located in 2006 at the shallow of Buje near Umag, in the northwestern waters of Istria. With the timely reaction of competent institutions, and with the full cooperation of local divers, this valuable site has been partly studied and has also been physically protected.The most frequent indication of a shipwreck site is the finding of a number of amphorae grouped together.Amphorae are ceramic vessels with two handles, and were used for liquid products. They were used to transport olive oil, wine, fish products (garum, liquamen, muria and halex), preserved fruits, scented oils and Mediterranean spices. To enhance the impermeability of the amphorae, they were coated on the inside with a special kind of resin. Subsequently, wine would sometimes acquire the taste of the resin.There are several indications of an amphora production centre: the scientific chemical analysis of the amphorae content, if the content is available, the study of the stamps

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    Neki od nalaza sidara u podmorju june Istre.Some of anchor finds in the waters of south Istria.

    Nalaz eljeznog sidra.Find of iron anchor.

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    often present on the amphorae, and the study of the morphological characteristics of the amphorae. Information about the production centres, that is, about the origin of the amphorae, and details about the amphorae contents, also tell us about the movements of merchant ships and the merchant route they followed.Different types and shapes of amphorae have been recovered in the waters of southern Istria. Most of them are amphorae of Italic origin. These were used to carry Roman products to market after the Romans had established their political dominion in this area. There are amphorae originating from Asia Minor, and from Aegean, Hispanic, African and other Mediterranean production centres. They carried goods such as the famous Greek wine, Hispanic oil, and cheap African oil which appeared from the 3rd to 6th centuries AD.Amphorae of different shapes recovered in these waters are important for what they say about the social and economic aspect of the antique overseas trade and sea routes. Wine and oil were transported not only in amphorae, but also in large ceramic vessels - dolia. Dolia fragments were discovered in the port of Volme located on the eastern Istrian coast during an archaeological survey in 1996, and at Cape Gustinja near Rovinj in 1975.Beside amphorae*, anchors have also been found. The anchor is an essential accessory for any vessel. However, anchors have been found at underwater sites where there were no traces of shipwreck, in locations such as ports and anchorages. Different types of stone anchors belong to the latter group of finds. The stone anchors discovered are either trapezium or quadrate shaped anchors with two or three holes. One of the holes was used to tie a rope, while pointed wooden stakes were inserted into the other holes. The wooden stakes would hook into the sandy seabed or would become stuck among the rocks, thus bringing the ship to a halt. A trapezium stone and wooden anchor with two holes was discovered as an isolated find outside the cove of Stoja near Pula. A partially preserved quadrate stone and wooden anchor with three holes was discovered at Cape Kaval.A stone anchor stock of a transitional type of anchor, a lead and wooden anchor, was discovered in the waters along the western coast of the island of Frakeri.Lead and wooden anchors are the most numerous of the anchor finds. They consist of a lead anchor stock, a wooden central bar - shank, arms with metal reinforcements and a

    Vino i ulje se osim u amforama prevozilo i uvalo u velikim keramikim posudama - dolijama. Nalazi ulomaka dolija otkriveni su u luci Volme na istonoj istarskoj obali rekognosciranjem provedenim 1996. godine te na rtu Gustinja kod Rovinja 1975. godine.Uz amfore*, u podmorju su pronaena i sidra koja spadaju u inventar osnovne brodske opreme. Meutim, njih pronalazimo i tamo gdje nema tragova brodoloma, poput luka i sidrita. U skupinu ovih nalaza ubrajaju se rani tipovi kamenih sidara. Poznati su trapezoidni i kvadratni kameni oblici s dvije i tri rupe. Navedena sidra rabljena su tako da se kroz jednu rupu provukao i vezao konop, dok su u ostale rupe bili usaeni nailjeni drveni kolci. Prilikom sidrenja drveni su se kolci zabijali u pijesak ili meu kamenje.

    Istraivanje Viule 2007. god. Dr. sc. Mario Jurii prilikom vaenja egejske amfore.Research of Viula in 2007. Mario Jurii, D. Sc. at the moment of drawing out an Aegean amphora.

    *Posebne zahvale djelatnicama Aquariuma - Fort Verudela, Pula, na ustupanju amfore za trajnu pohranu u AMI

    *Special gratitude goes to the employees of the Aquarium - Fort Verudela in Pula for handing over the amphora for permanent storage to AMI.

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    Nalaz amfore s epom.Find of and amphora with lid.

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    lead anchor crown. A large number of lead anchor stocks and crowns have been found in the waters of southern Istria. Most of these items are kept in private collections.There are also iron anchors which have rarely been found in the Adriatic. They are also less studied since they are seldom preserved under the water, and, if not treated immediately after being pulled out, they corrode and deteriorate. The only known example of an iron anchor found in Istrian waters is a T shaped iron anchor found in the cove of Vinjole during a survey in 2006. Two Roman quern-stones were found near the iron anchor. They could have been part of a ships kitchen inventory. They were made of two circular stones, the lower stone, the quern, was stationary, while the upper one was mobile and could be turned with a small handle. The quern-stones were used in the kitchen to grind cereals.

    For many years, no systematic investigations have been conducted in these waters (from the cove of Raa to the Lim Channel). Thus, the exhibition also aims to encourage a high-quality approach to the underwater heritage. In the first place, this applies to revising the underwater archaeological fin