Planning for Reaching ZNE Code Goals Paula Gruendling Regulatory Analyst California Public Utilities Commission October 21, 2014

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Planning for Reaching ZNE Code Goals

Paula Gruendling

Regulatory Analyst

California Public Utilities Commission

October 21, 2014

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ü  ZNE Goals

ü Goal Timelines

ü  Integrated Planning

ü Challenges

ü  Examples

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ZNE GOALS Background


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Big Bold Goals- Adopted 2007-08 by Energy, Utilities Commissions

§ All new residential construction in California will be zero net energy by 2020 § All new commercial construction in California will be zero net energy by 2030 § 50% of existing commercial buildings will be retrofit to ZNE by 2030

DPR Construction San Diego Corporate Office , Chip Fox, DG&E One Sky Homes Cottle House in San Jose, Allen Gilliand

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CA Policy Support for ZNE

2008 Energy Efficiency Strategic Plan:

“New construction will reach “zero net energy” (ZNE) performance (including clean, onsite distributed generation) for all new single and multi-family homes by 2020” “New [commercial] construction will increasingly embrace zero net energy performance (including clean, distributed generation), reaching 100% penetration of new starts in 2030.”

2013 Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR):

“To ensure success in meeting the zero-net-energy goals as they are currently outlined include adopting triennial building standards updates that increase the efficiency of new buildings by 20 to 30 percent in each update…and including a voluntary energy tier for zero-net-energy in the California Green Building Standards Code.”

Executive Order B-18-12 (Green Building Action

Plan): All new State buildings and major renovations beginning design after 2025 be constructed as Zero Net Energy. Interim target for 50% of new facilities beginning design after 2020 to be Zero Net Energy. State agencies effort toward achieving Zero Net Energy for 50% of the square footage of existing state-owned building area by 2025.  

First Update to AB32 Scoping Plan (May 2014):

“ARB is committed to building upon the recent policies and goals adopted by the CPUC and CEC and supporting the development of statewide programs, such that all new residential and commercial buildings are zero net energy by 2020 and 2030, respectively.” “The role and functions of utilities may need to evolve as California increasingly shifts toward more renewable and distributed energy integration.”  


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ZNE Code Building “A ZNE Code Building is one where net of the amount of energy produced by on-site renewable energy resources is equal to the value of the energy consumed annually by the building, at the level of a single “project” seeking development entitlements and building code permits, measured using the California Energy Commission’s Time Dependent Valuation (TDV) metric. A ZNE Code Building meets an Energy Use Intensity value designated in the Building Energy Efficiency Standards by building type and climate zone that reflect best practices for highly efficient buildings. 6


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Over half of home electricity use unregulated plug loads

Source: California Residential Appliance Saturation Survey (RASS)

Not Regulated by Title - 24

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• 8 Federal Appliance

Federal Appliance T-20 Appliance

T-20 Appliance

Plug Loads Critical for ZNE

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2019 T24 Adopted

2019 T24 In Effect

2019 T24 CASE 2019 T24


2016 T24 Adopted

2016 T24 In Effect 2016 T24


2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

2013 T24 In Effect

2013-14 Program Yr Bridge Program Cycle TBD

T-20 Ph-1

T-20 Ph-2

T-20 Ph-3

Scope for 2020 residential ZNE goal is single family and low rise multi-family Definition of ZNE includes plug loads, thus appliances are very important

California Standards

ZNE Code

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Two Code Cycles to ZNE Ready Code

ü  Title 24 2016 –  Hi performance attics

•  Insulated roof deck •  Ducts in conditioned space •  Ductless HVAC

–  Hi R-value Walls –  All High Efficacy Light –  Tankless Water Heaters

ü  T-20 (Phase 1 & 2) –  Computers/Monitors –  Consumer Electronics –  Lighting –  Other Products

ü  Title 24 2019 –  Infiltration/Ventilation

•  Controlled supply ventilation •  Low VOC materials

–  QII –  Dual Path – Preemption

•  High eff. HVAC, DHW –  Compact Water Dist. –  Drain Water HR

ü  T-20 (Phase 3) –  Recirculation pumps –  Power factor –  Standby loads –  TV’s (large, motion


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DOE Standards and Test Procedures •  The development process typically takes about 3 years and the

period between final rule and the effective date is typically 3-5 years, thus 6-8 years total.

Period of greatest influence: ET/EE program “code-readiness” activities

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Federal Standards

13 Bolded text indicates rulemakings for which advocacy efforts are ongoing.

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Energy Efficiency Product Lifecycle

Emerging Technology

Codes & Standards

Research & Development Pilots Programs

Utilties and CEC Utilities Utilities and Others CEC and Others

IOUs actively engaged after initial R&D

Education & Information

Utilities and Others

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Some Products Take Short-Cut to Code

ü Card key control and other hotel room occupancy control

ü Bi-level motion controlled parking lighting ü Televisions ü High efficacy incandescent lamps ü Battery ü LED lighting quality appliance regulation


Motion sensors

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Data Needs for CASE Reports




Test Method

Simulation Model

Codes And Standards Enhancement CASE Report


Market Acceptance

Reliability and


Compatibility w Other Codes


Energy savings

Maintenance Cost

First Cost

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CHALLENGES Planning and Coordination


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Challenges ü Conciliate broader EE Portfolio goals ü Coordination between different programs,

individual program goals versus collective goals

ü Establishing coordinated goals for different programs

ü Measurement of achievements


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The need for planning

ü Limited time to achieve goal ü Measures at different points in the

‘development curve’ ü Need different approaches, interventions ü Technical focus not enough – need to

train/educate/get market acceptance


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Sub Program Action Required Start time


Completion date


Future Standard Impact (State, Federal, or Both)


Collaboration with a progressive, agile LED lamp manufacturer / LED driver manufacturer to develop high quality, high performance dimming LEDs that fit in small form factor of specialty lamps such as MR16s and candelabra base lamps, and specialty fixtures such as bath bars (also specialty products such as string lights). Test customer acceptance.

2014 2015

State: Support adoption of Title 20 MR16 standards, and improve compliance options with Title 24 Res Ltng reqs

ET Ongoing testing of new LED products to assess performance gains and measure against pricing 2014 2015 State: Support for the propsoed T20

and T24 LED quality standards

ETProject to test LED compatibility with dimmers; collaborate with NEMA to test the appropriateness of NEMA SSL 7A and eventually NEMA SSL7B

2015 2016

State: Political support for the 2018 45 lpw standards by ensuring consumer satisfaction and high performing systems

ET Consumer preference study to identify lighting characteristics that are most important to consumers in real world settings. 2015 2015 State: Support for the propsoed T20

and T24 LED quality standards


A retailer-based education program could work with lighting sales staff of major big box chains to educate them on the key points around LED performance (especially key factors for incandescent equivalency), to help ensure consumers are satisfied with their LED purchases. Training would include compatibility with dimmers and other controls.

2015 2016

State: Political support for the 2018 45 lpw standards by ensuring consumer satisfaction and high performing systems


Training for builders on compliance with 2016 All High Efficacy code requirements to increase consumer satisfaction, including compatibility with dimmers and controls.

2016 2017

State: Political support for the 2018 45 lpw standards by ensuring consumer satisfaction and high performing systems, also improve compliance with Title 24 standards


IOU EE programs are already providing residential incentives for high quality LED lamps that meet the CEC Spec; however, rebate allocations have been inconsistent and have been put on hold at least once since launching, and per lamp rebate amounts have been steadily declining. Rebates structured to ensure that rebated (high quality) products have sale prices that are less than or equal to the sale prices of non-rebated (non-high quality) products.

2014 2018

State: Political support for the 2018 45 lpw standards by ensuring consumer satisfaction and high performing systems


EE programs increased consumer outreach and educational materials to accompany rebate offers. In store materials can help point customers towards the appropriate products with the characteristics they're looking for. Web/phone apps to educate customers and direct them to participating stores and quality products.

2015 2017

State: Political support for the 2018 45 lpw standards by ensuring consumer satisfaction and high performing systems

Planning - Appliances: LED

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Federal and State Appliance Opps Measure name Sub-

program Action requiredRecomm.

Start Date

Due date

State, Federal, or Both

Computers ETNotebook demonstration - mobile phone technology for computers, targeting optimizing internal power management.

2014 Q4 2015 Q2 Both

Computers ET Modify existing ENERGY STAR test procedure to account for active mode and a real-world idle mode 2015 Q1 2016

Q4 Both

Refrigerators / Freezers ET

Demonstration projects to explore cost issues with different Efficient Compressors and Vacuum Insulated Panels (VIPs)

2015 2017 Federal

Televisions ET1. Collect power consumption and usage data in typical home settings of network-connected ("Smart") TVs. 2015 2017 State

Clothes Washers ET/DREvaluate energy consumption associated with network mode 2015 2021 Federal

Dryers ET1. Evaluate: microwave clothes drying, modulating heat, and heat pump.2. Impact of automatic termination controls (ATC)3. ECMs (electronically commutated motors)

2015 2017 Federal

DVDs ETLab study to identify DVD player performance in network mode / on mode (non standby-passive mode)

2016 Q1 2017 Q1 State

Plug in Electric Vehicle Chargers ET

Demonstrate direct solar DC charging for 10 PEVs to avoid DC-AC and then AC-DC conversion losses; and investigate feasibility, potential savings & cost-effectiveness of direct DC charging of PEVs from DC solar and/or household DC

Q2 21015 Q4 2016 State

Plug load controller ET/DR

Pilot program - evaluate energy impact of various plug load control strategies including, controlled receptacles, HAN, appliances with integrated controls, circuit-level controls.

2015 2018 State

Residential Energy

Management Systems


R&D - develop whole building energy management in residential buildings. Should include managing loads (including participation in DR events), EV charging, utilizing on-site generation, and user interfaces to enable active management of building systems.

2015 2019 State

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Thank You For additional information: www.cpuc.ca.gov/ee Paula Gruendling Regulatory Analyst Energy Efficiency Commercial Programs & Evaluation Codes & Standards Emerging Technologies [email protected]