1 PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo The PhD programme in Social Science is made up by seven programme options with individual programme structures. For general information regarding the programme, please visit: https://www.sv.uio.no/english/research/phd/ Programme option Programme code Registered candidates (10.5.2016) New candidates 2015 Disputations 2015 (+ Dr.Philos.) Disputations 2010-2014 Educational component – ECTS credits Midway assessment Guidelines article based thesis Social Anthropology PHD-SV- ANT 27 1 6+1 23 (8 %) 30 credits Yes Detailed guidelines Psychology PHD-SV- PSY 128 28 23 + 3 112 (41 %) 30 credits Yes Detailed guidelines Human Geography PHD-SV- SGO 20 5 3 8 (3 %) 30 credits Yes Faculty requirements Sociology PHD-SV- SOS 53 9 7 40 (14 %) 30 credits Yes Faculty requirements Political Science PHD-SV- STV 59 10 9+1 46 (17 %) 30 credits Yes Faculty requirements Economics (Demography) PHD-SV- SØK 46 8 (2) 12 36 (13 %) 45 credits Yes Detailed guidelines Technology, Innovation and Culture PHD-SV- TIK 28 8 3 11 (4 %) 30 credits Yes Faculty requirements Total: 361 71 63 + 4 276 (included 15 Dr.Philos.)

PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology

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Page 1: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology















27 1 6+1 23(8%) 30credits Yes Detailedguidelines



128 28 23+3 112(41%) 30credits Yes Detailedguidelines



20 5 3 8(3%) 30credits Yes Facultyrequirements



53 9 7 40(14%) 30credits Yes Facultyrequirements



59 10 9+1 46(17%) 30credits Yes Facultyrequirements





12 36(13%) 45credits Yes Detailedguidelines



28 8 3 11(4%) 30credits Yes Facultyrequirements

Total: 361 71 63+4 276(included15Dr.Philos.)

Page 2: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology





Page 3: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology


Thesis:Articlebasedthesisandmonographs2011-2015Thesis Program option 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total ARTICLE BASED PHD-SV 1 1 PHD-SV-ANT 1 1 PHD-SV-PSY 23 33 24 20 23 123 PHD-SV-SGO 1 2 1 2 1 7 PHD-SV-SOS 7 5 5 9 5 31 PHD-SV-STV 5 9 10 5 5 34 PHD-SV-SØK 6 7 7 10 11 41 PHD-SV-TIK 1 2 3 ARTICLE BASED Total 43 57 47 46 48 241 MONOGRAPH PHD-SV-ANT 4 4 7 4 7 26 PHD-SV-PSY 1 1 PHD-SV-SGO 2 2 PHD-SV-SOS 2 1 2 2 2 9 PHD-SV-STV 6 1 1 4 3 15 PHD-SV-TIK 1 1 2 1 5 MONOGRAPH Total 12 8 11 12 15 58 Total 55 65 58 58 63 299

Page 4: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology



Programmeoption Newcandidatesin2015

CompetingPhD-programmes Newcandidatesin2015


1 UniversityofBergen


28 BI–OrganizationalPsychologyHiOANTNUUiBUiT


5 Nostrongcompetition.UiBNTNU


9 HiOA


10 Wearefindingthatweareinacompetitivesituationwhenitcomestoattractinggoodcandidatesforemployment.WegetapplicationsfrompeoplefrommostEuropeancountriestoouradvertisedfellowships,manyofwhomareapplyingforfellowshipsinmorethanoneuniversityatonce,andsomeofthebestareofferedemploymentinseveralplaces.WhenitcomestoexternalapplicantstothePhD-programmemostofthemareOslo-based,workinginresearchinstitutesoutsidetheuniversity.Fortheseapplicants,weareusuallythefirstchoiceandweexperienceverylimitedcompetition.


Page 5: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology






8 PrimarilyBIandincreasinglyHiOA,plustheSTA-programmeatNTNU.Ourmainproblemisthatwehavegainedalotofbigexternalyfundedresearchprojects(withPhD-fellows)thatputpressureonguidencecapacityatTIK.

Page 6: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology



Programmeoption Ratio–candidatesperpotentialsupervisor


11/22 2


60/120 2


10/22 2,2


19*/55 2,9


34/55 1,6


26/39 1,5


7***/30 4,3


Page 7: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology




Topic Coursetitle Credits Frequency Coursedescription Numberofparticipants/submittedpapers




Writingandmethod 2 Everyautumn

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/sai/SOSANT9013/ 10 7 3


Writingandmethod 2 Everyspring

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/sai/SOSANT9014/ 2 1 1



10 Every2ndspring

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/sai/SOSANT9100/ 11 3 8

Psychology–autumn2015PSY9140 Structuralequation

modeling5 Everyfall http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9140/index.html 20 18 2

PSY9170 Kvantitativanalyse 3 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9170/index.html 14 14 -

PSY9175 Kvantitativanalyse 2 Every http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9175/index.html 9 9 -

Page 8: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology


2 semesterPSY9202 Forskningsseminar-

utviklingsspsykologi5 Every

semesterhttp://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9202/index.html 10 10 -

PSY9203 Forskningsseminar–Beslutninger,bedømmelseogsocialkognisjon

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9203/index.html 2 2 -

PSY9204 Forskningsseminar-Workandorganizationalpsychology

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9204/index.html 4 4 -

PSY9205 Forskningsseminar-Kultur-ogsamfunnspsykologi

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9205/index.html - -

PSY9206 Forskningsseminar-Kognitivnevropsykologi

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9206/index.html 14 14 -

PSY9207 Forskningsseminar-Enhetenforkognitivutviklingspsykologi(EKUP)

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9207/index.html 3 3 -

PSY9208 Forskningsseminar–Kliniskpsykologiskforksning

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9208/index.html 10 10 -

PSY9209 Forskningsseminar(RUN):Psykopatologiognevrokognisjon

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9209/index.html 5 5 -

PSY9210 Forskningsseminar:Helsepsykologi

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9210/index.html 5 5 -

PSY9211 Forskningsseminar:Personlighet,helseogatferdsgenetikk

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9211/index.html 1 0 1

PSY9212 Forskningsseminar:Sosialpsykologi

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9212/index.html 2 1 1

PSY9221 Visionandthebrain 5 Everyfall http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9221/index.html 2 1 1

Page 9: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology


SV9101 Kursivitenskapsteori

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/sv/SV9101/ 28 - -

SV9102 Forskningsetikk 1 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/sv/SV9102/ 15 0 15

Psychology–spring2016PSY9002 Forskningsetikk 2 Every

springhttp://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9002/index.html 32 32 -

PSY9101 Forskningsmetodologi

4 Everyspring

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9101/ 21 21 -

PSY9102 Kvantitativspesialisering

2 Everyspring

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9102/ 18 18 -

PSY9103 Specializationinqualitativemethods

2 Everyspring

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9103/ 7 7 -

PSY9170 Kvantitativanalyse 3 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9170/index.html 19 17 2

PSY9175 Kvantitativanalyse2

2 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9175/index.html 13 13 -

PSY9202 Forskningsseminar-utviklingsspsykologi

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9202/index.html 4 4 -

PSY9203 Forskningsseminar–Beslutninger,bedømmelseogsocialkognisjon

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9203/index.html - - -

PSY9204 Forskningsseminar-Workandorganizationalpsychology

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9204/index.html 3 3 -

PSY9205 Forskningsseminar-Kultur-ogsamfunnspsykologi

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9205/index.html 1 1 -

PSY9206 Forskningsseminar-Kognitivnevropsykologi

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9206/index.html 11 11 -

PSY9207 Forskningsseminar- 5 Every http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9207/index.html 3 3 -

Page 10: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology




PSY9208 Forskningsseminar–Kliniskpsykologiskforksning

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9208/index.html 8 8 -

PSY9209 Forskningsseminar(RUN):Psykopatologiognevrokognisjon

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9209/index.html 4 4 -

PSY9210 Forskningsseminar:Helsepsykologi

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9210/index.html 1 1 -

PSY9211 Forskningsseminar:Personlighet,helseogatferdsgenetikk

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9211/index.html 1 1 -

PSY9212 Forskningsseminar:Sosialpsykologi

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9212/index.html 3 3 -

PSY9300 Internasjonalpublisering

2 Everyspring

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/psykologi/PSY9300/index.html 28 28 -

SV9101 Kursivitenskapsteori

5 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/sv/SV9101/ 26 - -

SV9102 Forskningsetikk 1 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/sv/SV9102/ 20 0 -


Introduksjon 1 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/iss/SOS9001 Beforethecourse:Autumn:7(sos),4(sgo);Spring:2(sos),1(sgo)

all -


Formidling 1 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/iss/SOS9002/ Beforethecourse:Autumn:5(sos),4(sgo);Spring:nocourse

All -


Midtveisevaluering 2 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/iss/SOS9003 Beforethecourse:Autumn:2(sos),1

All -

Page 11: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology




Motlevering 2 Everysemester

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/iss/SOS9004 Beforethecourse:Autumn:3(sos),2(sgo);Spring:4(sos),1(sgo)

all -



3or6 OnlyAutumn15

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/iss/SOS9231/ 3(obtained6ECTS;1isexternal)

2 8

SOS9026 ExperimentalResearchDesignsintheSocialSciences

6 OnlyAutumn15

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/iss/SOS9026/ 8 1 7

SOS9019 RsearchDesignsforCausalInference

6 Ca.onceayear,goesinJune16

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/iss/SOS9019/ ? ? ?

SOS9027 Samtalemetodologi.Fokusgrupperogindividuelleintervju

6 goesinJune16

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/iss/SOS9027/ ? ? ?

PoliticalScienceSTV9000A Designseminar 1 Every


3 3 -

STV9000A Designseminar 1 Everysemester


6 6 -


Trialpublicdefense 1 Everysemester


3 3 -


Trialpublicdefense 1 Everysemester


3 3 -

EconomicsECON9100 Advanced 10 Every Jointwith: 11/8 11 -

Page 12: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology


Econometrics autumn http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/oekonomi/ECON5100/ECON9200 Advanced

microeconomics10 Every


6/5 6 -

ECON9300 Advancedmacroeconomictheory

10 Everyautumn


3/2 3 -

ECON9401 QuantitativeResearchinInternationalTrade

5 -- http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/oekonomi/ECON9401/index.html

6/1 3 3

ECON9620 TopicsinPublicEconomics:OptimalIncomeTaxationandIncreasingInequality

5 Everyautumn


10/7 3 7

ECON9305 MacroDevelopmentEconomics:anApplicationtoChina

5 -- https://www-adm.sv.uio.no/english/research/phd/courses/econ/Macro%20Development%20Economics?vrtx=admin

6/4 6 -

ECON9010 TheoryofScienceforEconomists

5 Everyautumn

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/oekonomi/ECON9010/ 19/? 15 4

ECON9912 TopicsinEnvironmentalandResourceEconomics:MacroeconomicsofClimateChange

5 Everyautumn


10/? 3 7

ECON9104 Topicsineconometrics:Empiricalanalysisofheterogeneouseffects

5 Everyspring


7cand.registered 4 3

ECON9203 Topicsinmicroec.Theory:DynamicContractsandRepeatedGames

5 Everyspring


13cand.Registered 6 7

ECON9260 Topicsin 5 Every http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/oekonomi/ECON9260/index.ht 9/? 1 8

Page 13: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology



Spring ml

ECON9311 MacroeconomicTopics:SortingModels(TheoryandEmpiricalApplications)

5 EverySpring

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/oekonomi/ECON9311/ 3/? 3 --

ECON9826 TopicsinIndustrialEconomics:StrategyandDynamicsinContests

5 EverySpring

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/oekonomi/ECON9826/ 8/? 4 4

ECON9915 TopicsinDevelopmentandPoliticalEconomics

5 Everyspring

http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/oekonomi/ECON9915/ 7cand.Registered 4 3

Technology,InnovationandCultureTIK9101 Compulsory

seminars1 Every

semesterhttp://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/tik/TIK9101/index-eng.html Autumn:8






1 Everysemester–followingthecandidates’progress


Autumn:1 Autumn:1 0

Spring:3 Spring:3 Compulsory


1 Everysemester–followingthecandidates’progress

Autumn:2 Autumn:2 0

Page 14: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology


Spring:2 Spring:2 TIK9022 Economicsof

Innovation8 Irregularly


http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/tik/TIK9022/index-eng.html 11 4 7




Coursetitle Credits Coursedescription Nameofhighereducationinstitution


2 RecentTheoryinAnthropology:TheAnthropologyofEvents.Riots,revolutionsandUtopias

10 http://www.UniversityofBergen.no/emne/SANT903 UniversityofBergen

Pscychology 1 FreesurferWorkshop,MartinosCenterforBiomedicalImaginginBostonsept2015


http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/CourseDescription#CourseTopics MartinosCenterforBiomedicalImagingin

Psychology 1 NRSNSummer 2 NRSNoffersanannualsummerschoolthatprovidesPhDstudentswiththeoreticaland NTNU

Page 15: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology





1 3 ECSRSpringSchoolonFamilyDynamicsandItsImplicationsforInequality:



1 5-10 ProductionandinterpretationofQualitativeData:http://www.UniversityofBergen.no/en/course/GEO901



1 7,5 GlobalUrbanism:Cityvisionsandthecontestedre-makingofurbanfutures



1 7,5 AnalyzingWelfareInstitutions,PoliciesandPoliticsinChinaandtheNordicCountries:http://www.asiaportal.info/news/1756/analyzing-welfare-institutions-policies-and-politics-china-and-nordic-countries-snow-phd



1 10 SOS8515AvansertStatistiskdataanalyseisamfunnsvitenskap:http://www.ntnu.no/studier/emner/SOS8515/2014#tab=omEmnet



1 6 Teoretiskeposisjonerinorskkjønnsforskning



1 10 Ph.d.-kursiprofesjonsteori:http://www.hioa.no/Studier-og-kurs/Sps/Ph.d/phd-i-profesjonsstudier/Ph.d.-emner-ved-SPS/Profesjonsteori



1 5 MethodologyinOrganizationandManagementAnalyses:http://www.cbs.dk/methodology-in-organization-and-management-analyses-2-6-march-2015



1 10 Anvendtregresjonsanalyse



1 10 NewperspectivesoncontemporaryRussianpoliticsandsociety


Page 16: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology


Geography St.Petersburg


1 10 Communicationstudies798QualitativeMethodsforTechnoscience



1 5 ChangingEurope:ChangingMigration:EuropeintheWorldontheMove:http://www.mela-project.polimi.it/events/details/changing-europe-changing-migration-europe-in-the-world-on-the-move.html



1 5 GEO901Productionandinterpretationofqualitativedata:



1 6 Advancedsocialnetworkanalysis:http://courseunits.humanities.manchester.ac.uk/Undergraduate/SOST30022/Display



1 Rivalry,IntegrationandGeopolitics

10 TheNorwegianUniversityCentreinParis,NUCP


1 MathematicalModels:RetionalChoiceTheoriesofPoliticsandSociety

10 UniversityofMichigan


1 iCourtsSummerSchool

5 UniversityofCopenhagen


1 MethodsinCriticalSecurityStudies

5 ThePeaceResearchInstituteOslo(PRIO)


1 TheDynamicsofCivilWar

10 ThePeaceResearchInstituteOslo(PRIO)

Political 1 ECPR2nd 10 UniversitätWien

Page 17: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology


Science WinterSchoolinMethodsandTechniques


1 EnvironmentalGovernance:GlobalEnvironmentalGovernance

10 NorwegianUniversityofLifeSciences(NMBU)


1 POL8515-ComparativandInternationalPoliticsinJapanandEast-Asia

10 NorwegianUniversityofScienceandTechnology(NTNU)

Economics 1 Innovation,EmploymentandGrowthintheGlobalEconomy

4 https://www.ifw-kiel.de/events-1/kiel-institute-summer-school-on-economic-policy/plonearticlemultipage.2015-01-28.8575818088/general-information



2 DSV620QualitativeResearchMethodsinInnovationStudies

5 http://www.uis.no/course/?code=DSV620_1&path=en UniversityofStavanger


1 TheAnthropocene:AHistoryoftheWorld

7,5 http://www.umu.se/english/education/courses-and-programmes/course?code=1IH072 UmeåUniversity


2 Measuringandmodelingdynamicsininnovationsystems

3 http://www.summerschoolsineurope.eu/course/1604/measuring-and-modeling-dynamics-in-innovation-systems


Page 18: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology



1 EnergyInnovationandClimateChange-TheRoleofTechnologies,Firms,andInstitutions

3 https://www.ethz.ch/content/specialinterest/mtec/sustec/en/teaching/phd-academy/past-academies/academy-2015.html



1 ENERGI9010TheTransitiontowardsSustainableEnergySystems

5 http://www.uio.no/studier/emner/sv/sv/ENERGI9010/ UiO:Energy,UniversityofOslo


1 NuclearWeapons:Political,LegalandEthicalDimensions

5 http://www.peaceconflictresearch.org/Courses/Course/?x=1101 ResearchSchoolonPeaceandConflict(UiO,NTNU,andPeaceResearchInstituteOslo)


2 PoliticsofScience,TechnologyandSTS

5 http://www.wtmc.eu/events/phd-summer-school-anchor-teacher-mark-brown/ NetherlandsGraduateResearchSchoolofScience,TechnologyandModernCulture

Page 19: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology



Programmeoption Relevantcourses?SocialAnthropology















Page 20: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology

Surname First name TrackNumber

of articles

Number of co-


Not first author

(number of


Number of articles

accepted for


Thesis titleStart

semesterYear Publication

Alnæs Dag Psychology 3 18 0 1

Attentional effort: Cortical and subcortical

mechanisms in attention and resource allocation HØST 2011 Journal of Vision

Andersen Per Normann Psychology 3 13 0 2

Neurocognitive functions, symptoms of depression

and autism symptoms in children with High-

Functioning Autism. A two-year follow-up study

VÅR 2011 PloS One, Autism

Askeland Ingunn Rangul Psychology 3 3 0 3

Men voluntarily in treatment for violent behaviour

against a female partner: who are they? Violent

behaviour, childhood exposure to violence, mental

health and treatment dropout

VÅR 2009 Journal of Interpersonal Violence, BMJPOpen, Violence and Victims

Borgen Nicolai Topstad Sociology 3 0 0 2 The economic returns to college quality in Norway HØST 2010 Social Science Research, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility

Borlaug Siri Brorstad



and Culture 3 2 0 1

"Excellence and innovation in research policy -

external steering and internal responses" HØST 2007 Prometheus

Chelnokova Olga Psychology 3 7 0 2 Shifting Overt Attention in Face Perception Tasks VÅR 2011 Journal of Vision, Molecular Psychiatry


Solveig Tobie

Glestad Individual 4 2 0 1

Empirical studies on Nordic household and family

structure: How it affects mortality and the

environment, and how it has and will change. HØST 2010 Demographic Research

Ciccone Alice Economics 4 5 1 0

Decision making in environmentl-related

dilemmas: From natural to laboratory experiments. HØST 2011

Dybedal Gro Strømnes Psychology 3 3 0 2

"Cognitive Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy in

Nondemented Elderly Depressed Patients." VÅR 2012 Frontier in Psychology, The Clinical Neuropsychologist

Falch Nina Skrove Economics 3 0 0 0 Three Essays on Unemployment Insurance HØST 2008

Galaasen Sigurd Mølster Economics 3 1 0 0

Essays on Quantitative Macroeconomics with

Heterogeneous Agents HØST 2009

Gjefsen Mads Dahl



and Culture 3 0 0 2

"Vehicle or destination? Discordant perspectives

in CCS advocacy" VÅR 2010 Science and Technology Studies, European Journal of Futures Research

Grimsby Gjermund Economics 3 0 0 0 Three Essays on Competent Capital HØST 2010


Kristin Johanne

Økern Psychology 3 6 0 2

A Better Starting Point in Life - The Development

of Children Born to Mothers Who Have Received

Treatment for Their Substance Abuse Problems

While Pregnant HØST 2009

Journal of Addictive Diseases, Child Psychiatry and Human Development

(2 publications),

Hanssen Kjersti Træland Psychology 3 6 0 3

Multiple Sclerosis Rehabilitation with a Cognitive

Focus - Awareness and Adjustment VÅR 2011 Acta Neurol Scand (2 publications), Neuropsychol Rehabil

Helland Maren Sand Psychology 3 6 0 2

Pathways of Parental Couple Relationships: A 17

Year Longitudinal Study of Relationship

Dissolutions and Conflicts among Norwegian

Mothers. VÅR 2009 BMC psychology

Hermansen Are Skeie Sociology 4 1 0 2

Coming of Age, Getting Ahead? Assessing

Socioeconomic Assimilation among Children of

Immigrants in Norway. HØST 2010 European Sociological Review,

Holtsmark Katinka Kristine Economics 4 3 1 1

Four Essays on the Dynamics of Global Public

Goods Provision HØST 2011 Journal of Forest Economics

Johnson Miriam Sinkerud Psychology 3 6 0 0

Interviewer Behavior and Children`s Competence

as Witnesses VÅR 2011

Juuhl-Langseth Monica Psychology 3 0 0 2

Subcortical Bain Structures and Neurocognition In

Early Onset Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders VÅR 2005 Schizophrenia Reasearch, Psychiatry Research


Page 21: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology

Kjelsrud Anders Grøn Economics 4 2


alphabetically 0

Four Essays on the Measurement of Poverty and

Inequality" HØST 2011

Kløve Eva Economics 4 0 0 0

Coping with poverty. On social and anti-social

institutions in Africa. HØST 2007

Krogsrud Stine Kleppe Psychology 3 14 0 2

Brain development - Hippocampal subfields,

microstructural white matter and relation to

working memory HØST 2011 Human Brain Mapping, Neuro Image



Rønningsdalen Psychology 4 7 0 3

Clash of civilizations? How acculturation and

common identity processes shape the relationship

between majority and Muslim minority groups in

the West VÅR 2012

International Journal of Intercultural Relations, The International Journal for

the Psychology of Religion, Personality and Socail Psychology Bulletin

Løhre Erik Psychology 3 2 0 1

Communication of predictions: effects of anchors,

frames, and expression of uncertainty VÅR 2011 Acta Psychologica

Melsom Anne May Sociology 4 1 1 3 Sickness absence in a gendered labour market VÅR 2009

European Sociological Review, Scandinavian Journal of Public Health,

Sage Open

Midtsundstad Tove Irene Sociology 5 3 0 5

IA som strategi for lengre yrkeskarrierer. En

analyse av virksomhetenes seniorpolitikk og dens

effekt på tidligpensjoneringen VÅR 2004

Tidskrift for Velferdsforskning, The International Journal of Human

Resource Management, Søkelys på arbeidslivet, Older Workers in a

Sustainable Society, Nordic journal of working life studies

Midttømme Kristoffer Economics 4 2


alphabetically 0

Essays on strategic Considerations in

environmental economics HØST 2011

Moberget Torgeir Psychology 3 8 0 1

Cerebellar contributions to cognition:

computational mechanisms and anatomical


HØST 2010 Journal of Neuroscience

Nordbye Gro Hege Haraldsen Psychology 4 3 1 2

Judgment of responsibility: agency, morality and

risk. VÅR 2011 Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, Judgement and Decision Making

Rogstad Ingrid Dahlen


Science 3 0 0 1

Tweets that matter. Politisk kommunikasjon i et

nytt medielandskap. VÅR 2011 Jouenalism Practice

Rohrer-Baumgartner Nina Marit Psychology 3 10 0 2

"Neurocognitive functions and ADHD symptoms in

young preschoolers, with a particular focus on

language skils." HØST 2008 Journal of Attention Disorders, Behavioral and Brain Function

Rosén Guri


Science 3 0 0 2

Striving for Influence. The European Parliament in

EU Foreign Policy HØST 2007

Rybalka Marina Economics 5 4 0 4

Drivers of Growth in the Modern Economy: R&D,

Innovation, ICT and Human Capital HØST 2008 Oxford Economic Paper, Research Policy, Review of Income and Wealth

Skar Ane-Marthe Solheim Psychology 4 5 2 4

The impacts of the International Child

Development Programme on parents sampled

from the general population in Norway and

Mozambique, and from prisons VÅR 2008

European Journal of Developmental Psychology (2 publiseringer), Infants

and Young Children, Joural of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and

Crime Prevention

Skogan Annette Holth Psychology 3 8 0 2

Executive function in young preschool children

with symptoms of ADHD. VÅR 2010 Child Neuropsychology

Stenberg Nina Psychology 3 16 0 1

Early features and identification of autism

spectrum disorder. HØST 2010 Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology

Stensrud Ellen Emilie


Science 4 0 0 2

Transitional Justice and the Problem of

Legitimacy: A Study of the Mixed Courts in

Cambodia and Sierra Leone" HØST 2005

Journal of Peace Research, The Development of Institutions of Human

Rights (chapter in book)

Storsve Andreas Berg Psychology 3 7 0 1

Longitudinal changes in cortical gray matter and

white matter tract microstructure across the adult

lifespan: Brain dynamics and cognitive

consequences. HØST 2010 The Journal of Neuroscience

Torp Nor Christian Psychology 4 14 1 3

Treatment Outcome and Treatment Predictors of

Exposure-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for

Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder VÅR 2009 Jorunal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health

Tyldum Guri Sociology 4 0 0 2 The social meanings of migration VÅR 2007 Journal of Social Research Methodology, Sociology

Tønnesen Anders


Geography 3 0 0 0

Barriers and opportunities to car-use reduction. A

study of land-use and transport policy in four

Norwegian cities VÅR 2010

Vestlund Nina Merethe


Science 4 0 1 3

Between Centralization and Decentralisation.

Decision behaviour in the EU¿s multilevel

administrative system HØST 2010

Public Policy and Administration, Palgrave Handbook of the European

Aministrative System, Journal of European Public Policy

von Brasch

Thomas Rolf

Lydersen Lystad Economics 4 2 0 1

Measuring Productivity - Concepts and Evidence

from Norway HØST 2009 Empirical Economics

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Wig Tore


Science 5 2 1 0

Beyond the Civil Democratic Peace: Subnational

Political Institutions and Internal Armed Conflict VÅR 2012

Wisting Line Norøm Psychology 3 6 0 2

Comorbid Type 1 Diabetes and Disturbed Eating

Behaviors - Assessment, Prevalence,

Psychological Correlates and Metabolic Control. VÅR 2010 Diabetes Care (2 publications)

Øktedalen Tuva Psychology 3 4 0 2

Are trauma-related shame and guilt part of the

PTSD construct?

VÅR 2011 Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessement, Psychoterapy

Østenstad Gry Tengmark Economics 4 3 0 0 "Migration to resource-rich countries" HØST 2010

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Overview of participants – Oslo Summer School 2014 Participants, area and how many who are admitted to organized doctoral programmes: AREA NUMBER ADMITTED TO ORG. DOC. PROG. Norway 90 79 Other Nordic countries 44 41 Other European countries 66 57 Other countries 16 11 NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS 216 188 Number of participants previous years: Previous years 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Number of courses 8 10 10 9 11 11 9 Number of applications 206 229 320 296 277 290 285 Number of participants 151 171 221 181 187 202 216 Admitted to org. doc.prog. 119 139 180 151 142 177 188 Number of essays 94 108 122 108 112 116 134 Number of ph.d.-participants affiliated with UiO: Department Sociology

and Human Geography

Political Science

Psychology Social Anthropology

Economy Technology, Innovation and Culture

Faculty of Educational Sciences

Others Total

Number 10 12 3 7 0 4 3 8 47

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Number of participants distributed on courses: Lecturer, Course and department: Number Admitted to

org. doctoral programmes


Deliberative Democracy Professor Simone Chambers (Political Science)

27 26 20

Migration and Integration in Urban Contexts Professor David Ley (Human Geography)

17 14 10

Comparative and Global Social Futures Professor Akhil Gupta (Social Anthropology)

24 20 13

Positive Psychology Professor Antonella Delle Fave (Psychology)

29 18 7

Comparative Authoritarianism Assistant Professor Joseph Wright (Political Science)

15 13 8

Case Study Research Methods Professor Andrew Bennett (Technology, Innovation and Culture)

32 31 27

Mixed Methods Professor Udo Kelle (Sociology and Human Geography)

29 29 19

Comparative Welfare States Professor John R. Bowman (Sociology and Human Geography)

21 18 14

Social Preferences: Theories and Evidence Professor Dirk Engelmann (Economy)

22 19 16

TOTAL 216 188 134

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Overview of participants – Oslo Summer School 2015

Participants, area and how many who are admitted to organized doctoral programmes: AREA NUMBER ADMITTED TO ORG. DOC. PROG. Norway 87 74 Other Nordic countries 49 48 Other European countries 39 29 Other countries 13 11 NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS 188 162

Number of participants previous years: Previous years 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Number of courses 10 10 9 11 11 9 10 Number of applications 229 320 296 277 290 285 260 Number of participants 171 221 181 187 202 216 188 Admitted to org. doc. prog. 139 180 151 142 177 188 162 Number of essays 108 122 108 112 116 134 130

Number of ph.d.-participants affiliated with UiO Department Sociology

and Human Geography

Political Science

Psychology Social Anthropology

Economy Technology, Innovation and Culture

Faculty of Educational Sciences

Others Total

Number 4 9 2 4 2 3 3 7 34

Page 26: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology

Number of participants distributed on courses: Lecturer, Course and department: Number Admitted to

org. doctoral programmes


Global Environmental History since 1945 Professor John R. McNeill (Sociology and Human Geography)

16 14 12

Case Study Research Methods Professor Andrew Bennett (Sociology and Human Geography)

33 33 30

Religion and Modernity Professor Matthew Engelke (Social Anthropology)

15 14 12

Mind, the Meaning Maker Professor Jaan Valsiner (Psychology)

20 17 16

The Political Economy of Skills and Inequality in Western Welfare States Professor Marius R. Busemeyer (Political Science)

12 7 3

The Quality of Government Professor Bo Rothstein (Political Science)

17 16 8

Governing Education in Europe Professor Jenny Ozga (Faculty of Educational Sciences)

15 9 7

Global Energy Dilemmas Professor Michael Bradshaw (Human Geography)

11 7 7

Mixed Methods Professor Giampietro Gobo (Sociology and Human Geography)

35 32 25

Knowledge, Innovation and Networks in Today's Economy Professor Robin Cowan (Technology, Innovation and Culture)

14 13 10

TOTAL 188 162 130

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International mobility among the PhD candidates at The Faculty of Social Sciences

in 2015

The data was collected from the University of Oslos’s pay system and consists of information handed in by the

PhD candidates in connection with reimbursements and travel expense records in 2015. The data therefore

only includes candidates employed by the UiO.

The numbers include candidates from ARENA Centre for European Studies, who are (almost without exception)

admitted to the Political Science track. Human Geography and Sociology are not separated in the data,

because the data is based on where the candidates are employed (and Human Geography and Sociology is one


There are no funds available at the faculty level for candidates that wish to stay abroad during their period on

the PhD program. Candidates that are financed by The Research Council of Norway (NFR) can apply for funds

to travel abroad from the council. There are other possibilities for applying for funding, such as foundations,

trusts (some aimed directly at social science students), organizations and other scholarship arrangements for

the other candidates, but these funds are of course limited.

Some general findings from the 2015-report are:

Approximately 70 % of all candidates travel abroad during their research fellowship.

Almost 2/3 of the trips are of a duration of 1-14 days.

Only a small amount of candidates stay abroad for 3 months or more.

US, large European countries and the Nordic countries are the most common destinations.

Doctoral research fellows with other nationalities than Norwegian travel more often than the

Norwegian doctoral research fellows.

The number of candidates going abroad in 2015:

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Social Anthropology


Technology, Innovation and Culture

Human Geography and Sociology


Political Science


Page 28: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology

The number of days the candidates stayed abroad, per unit:

The periods abroad sorted after their duration:

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700


Technology, Innovation and Culture

Social Anthropology

Human Geography and Sociology

Political Science



0 1 2 3 4 5

1-7 days

8-14 days

15-30 days

31-60 days

61-90 days

91 or more days

Number of persons

Page 29: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology


Number of days abroad per candidate:

38 %

22 %

24 %

9 %

0 % 7 %

1-7 days

8-14 days

15-30 days

31-60 days

61-90 days

91 or more days








No. of days per person

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Where did they go?

How many of the candidates had travelled abroad during doctoral training according to a 2012-survey:









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How did the candidates deem the academic benefit of mobility?

Why the candidates decide not to go abroad, according to the 2012-survey:

Page 32: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology

Completed candidates - Economics track*

Admission Number of admitted candidates Completed Completed within 6 years Percentage completed Percentage completed within 6 years


External candidates 1 1 1 100 % 100 %

Internal candidates 6 6 4 100 % 67 %

2006 Total 8 7 5 88 % 63 %


External candidates 4 2 2 50 % 50 %

Internal candidates 5 5 4 100 % 80 %

2007 Total 9 7 6 78 % 67 %


External candidates 10 8 6 80 % 60 %

Internal candidates 2 2 2 100 % 100 %

2008 Total 12 10 8 83 % 67 %


External candidates 3 1 0 33 % 0 %

Internal candidates 5 3 3 60 % 60 %

2009 Total 8 4 3 50 % 38 %


External candidates 5 4 4 80 % 80 %

Internal candidates 8 5 5 63 % 63 %

2010 Total 13 9 9 69 % 69 %


External candidates 3 0 1 0 % 33 %

Internal candidates 5 4 4 80 % 80 %

2011 Total 8 4 5 50 % 63 %

Total 2006-2011 58 41 36 71 % 62 %

Explanation of categories of candidates:

External: candidates that are admitted to the programme, but are not employees at the University. Typically employees or doctoral fellows at Research Institutes, University Colleges or NGOs.

Internal: candidates that are research doctoral fellows and employed at the University.

Quota: candidates with funding from the scholarship programme designed forstudents from educational institutions in developing countries (not continued).

Other: candidates with other types of funding, for example private funding (is not accepted by the Faculty anymore)

* Selection: FS-report 944.001

Track: PHD-SV-…

Starting period: 1.1.2006-31.12.2011

Fullført innen 3.3..2016

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Completed candidates - Human Geography track

Admission Number of admitted candidates Completed Completed within 6 years Percentage completed Percentage completed within 6 years


External candidates 1 0 0 0 % 0 %

Internal candidates 2 1 1 50 % 50 %

2006 Total 3 1 1 33 % 33 %


External candidates 3 3 2 100 % 67 %

Internal candidates 2 0 0 0 % 0 %

2007 Total 5 3 2 60 % 40 %


External candidates 0 0 0 0 % 0 %

Internal candidates 2 1 1 50 % 50 %

2008 Total 2 1 1 50 % 50 %


External candidates 1 1 0 100 % 0 %

Internal candidates 1 1 0 100 % 0 %

2009 Total 2 2 0 100 % 0 %


External candidates 1 1 0 100 % 0 %

Internal candidates 3 1 0 33 % 0 %

2010 Total 4 2 0 50 % 0 %


External candidates 1 0 0 0 % 0 %

Internal candidates 4 0 0 0 % 0 %

2011 Total 5 0 0 0 % 0 %

Total 2006-2011 21 9 4 43 % 19 %

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Completed candidates - Political Science track

Admission Number of admitted candidates Completed Completed within 6 years Percentage completed Percentage completed within 6 years


External candidates 6 4 2 67 % 33 %

Internal candidates 11 10 6 91 % 55 %

2006 Total 17 14 8 82 % 47 %


External candidates 3 2 1 67 % 33 %

Internal candidates 4 3 1 75 % 25 %

Quota 1 0 % 0 %

2007 Total 8 5 2 63 %


External candidates 8 8 8 100 % 100 %

Internal candidates 5 4 3 80 % 60 %

Other 1 0 % 0 %

2008 Total 14 12 11 86 % 79 %


External candidates 7 1 1 14 % 14 %

Internal candidates 1 0 % 0 %

Quota 1 1 1 100 % 100 %

2009 Total 9 2 2 22 % 22 %


External candidates 4 1 1 25 % 25 %

Internal candidates 7 5 5 71 % 71 %

2010 Total 11 6 6 55 % 55 %


External candidates 7 2 2 29 % 29 %

Internal candidates 5 1 1 20 % 20 %

2011 Total 12 3 3 25 % 25 %

Total 2006-2011 71 42 32 59 % 45 %

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Completed candidates - Psychology track

Admission Number of admitted candidates Completed Completed within 6 years Percentage completed Percentage completed within 6 years


External candidates 14 9 7 64 % 50 %

Internal candidates 12 8 5 67 % 42 %

Other 1 0 % 0 %

2006 Total 27 17 12 63 % 44 %


External candidates 18 16 10 89 % 56 %

Internal candidates 10 7 7 70 % 70 %

2007 Total 28 23 17 82 % 61 %


External candidates 21 15 13 71 % 62 %

Internal candidates 10 6 5 60 % 50 %

2008 Total 31 21 18 68 % 58 %


External candidates 21 21 18 100 % 86 %

Internal candidates 3 3 3 100 % 100 %

2009 Total 24 24 21 100 % 88 %


External candidates 14 9 9 64 % 64 %

Internal candidates 5 4 4 80 % 80 %

2010 Total 19 13 13 68 % 68 %


External candidates 12 5 5 42 % 42 %

Internal candidates 17 7 7 41 % 41 %

2011 Total 29 12 12 41 % 41 %

Total 2006-2011 158 110 93 70 % 59 %

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Completed candidates - Social Anthropolgy track

Admission Number of admitted candidates Completed Completed within 6 years Percentage completed Percentage completed within 6 years


External candidates 1 1 0 100 % 0 %

Internal candidates 8 5 1 63 % 13 %

2006 Total 9 6 1 67 % 11 %


External candidates 4 3 0 75 % 0 %

Internal candidates 2 0 0 0 % 0 %

2007 Total 6 3 0 50 % 0 %


External candidates 1 1 0 100 % 0 %

Internal candidates 5 3 2 60 % 40 %

2008 Total 6 4 2 67 % 33 %


External candidates 2 0 0 0 % 0 %

Internal candidates 1 1 1 100 % 100 %

2009 Total 3 1 1 33 % 33 %


External candidates 2 2 2 100 % 100 %

Internal candidates 4 2 2 50 % 50 %

2010 Total 6 4 4 67 % 67 %


External candidates 2 0 0 0 % 0 %

Internal candidates 4 0 0 0 % 0 %

2011 Total 6 0 0 0 % 0 %

Total 2006-2011 37 18 8 49 % 22 %

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Completed candidates - Sociology track

Admission Number of admitted candidates Completed Completed within 6 years Percentage completed Percentage completed within 6 years


External candidates 6 5 2 83 % 33 %

Internal candidates 7 7 6 100 % 86 %

2006 Total 13 12 8 92 % 62 %


External candidates 10 8 4 80 % 40 %

Internal candidates 2 1 0 50 % 0 %

2007 Total 12 9 4 75 % 33 %


External candidates 4 2 1 50 % 25 %

Internal candidates 1 1 1 100 % 100 %

Ukjent 1 1 1 100 % 100 %

2008 Total 6 4 3 67 % 50 %


External candidates 7 6 2 86 % 29 %

Internal candidates 5 4 2 80 % 40 %

2009 Total 12 10 4 83 % 33 %


External candidates 8 1 1 13 % 13 %

Internal candidates 7 3 3 43 % 43 %

2010 Total 15 4 4 27 % 27 %


External candidates 6 0 0 0 % 0 %

Internal candidates 4 0 0 0 % 0 %

2011 Total 10 0 0 0 % 0 %

Total 2006-2011 68 39 23 57 % 34 %

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Completed candidates - Technology, Innovation and Culture

Admission Number of admitted candidates Completed Completed within 6 years Percentage completed Percentage completed within 6 years


External candidates 2 0 0 0 % 0 %

Internal candidates 2 2 1 100 % 50 %

2006 Total 4 2 1 50 % 25 %


External candidates 1 0 0 0 % 0 %

Internal candidates 3 2 1 67 % 33 %

Other 1 1 1

2007 Total 5 3 2 60 % 40 %


External candidates 0 0 0 0 % 0 %

Internal candidates 4 2 2 50 % 50 %

2008 Total 4 2 2 50 % 50 %


External candidates 1 1 1 100 % 100 %

Internal candidates 0 0 0 0 % 0 %

2009 Total 1 1 1 100 % 100 %


External candidates 2 1 1 50 % 50 %

Internal candidates 2 1 0 50 % 0 %

2010 Total 4 2 1 50 % 25 %


External candidates 1 0 0 0 % 0 %

Internal candidates 2 0 0 0 % 0 %

2011 Total 3 0 0 0 % 0 %

Total 2006-2011 21 10 7 48 % 33 %

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Doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships The table shows how many doctoral research fellowship positions there are and how many postdoctoral fellowship

positions there are, by track, as of 16.08.2016. The table includes all candidates that are employed by The Faculty of

Social Sciences. Their positions may be financed by the Ministry of Education and Research (KD) or by projects receiving

grants from for example The Research Council of Norway (NFR) or other sources of research funding. These candidates

are treated equally as employees, regardless of where their funding comes from.

The table includes ARENA, Centre for European Studies, whose candidates sort under the Political Science track.

Employed by Doctoral Research Fellow Postdoctoral Fellow Total

ARENA Centre for European Studies 5 3 8

Economics 21 10 31

Human Geography 5 5 10

Political Science 18 7 25

Psychology 46 24 70

Social Anthropology 12 7 19

Sociology 12 6 18

Technology, Information and Culture 14 5 19

Total 133 67 200

ARENACentre forEuropean


Economics PoliticalScience

Psychology Technology,Informationand Culture


Sociology HumanGeography

Doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships

Doctoral Research Fellow Post Doctoral Fellow

Page 40: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology


An overview of the number of applicants for vacant doctoral research

fellowship positions

An overview of the number of applicants for vacant doctoral research fellowship positions in the

period 2011-2015. The table shows year, track, number of applicants, gender, age (average) and

nationality. These doctoral research fellowship positions are financed by the Ministry of Education

and Research (KD). The year is set on the basis of the application deadline of each position.

Sometimes several vacant doctoral research fellowship positions are announced at the same time in

one announcement. The table does not tell us how many positions were announced per

announcement or how many candidates that were hired. Sometimes there are no qualified

applicants and none are hired.

Year Track Number of applicants

Sex Age (average)



20 F: 7 M: 13

36,60 American: 1 Australian: 1 Philippine: 1 Ghanaian: 2 Indian: 1 Iranian: 2 Israeli:1 Yemeni: 1 Malaysian: 1 Nigerian: 1 Norwegian: 5 Polish: 1 Spanish: 2

2011 PSYCHOLOGY 6 F: 4 M: 2

40,17 Brazilian: 1 French: 1 Iranian: 1 Norwegian: 3


15 F: 10 M: 5

37,00 American: 1 Ghanaian: 1 Chinese: 1 Norwegian: 9 Palestinian: 1 Swedish: 1 Ukrainian: 1

2011 ECONOMICS 43 F: 15 M: 28

33,07 Azerbaijan: 1 Bangladeshi: 1 Brazilian: 1 Bulgarian: 1 Ethiopian: 3 Ghanaian: 1 Greek: 1 Iranian: 2

Page 41: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology


Italian: 1 Chinese: 7 Latvian: 1 Mexican: 2 Moldovan: 1 Nepalese: 1 Norwegian: 13 Swedish:1 South African: 1 Turkish: 1 Hungarian: 1 Uzbekistani: 1

2011 PSYCHOLOGY 5 F: 2 M: 3

33,40 Norwegian: 4 Polish: 1

2011 PSYCHOLOGY 2 F: 2 33,50 Norwegian: 2

2011 PSYCHOLOGY 7 F: 5 M: 2

37,14 Norwegian: 6 Swedish: 1


32 F: 18 M: 14

36,47 Azerbaijan: 1 Bangladeshi: 2 British: 1 Indonesian: 1 Iranian: 1 Japanese: 1 Chinese: 3 Croatian1 Dutch: 1 Norwegian: 14 Polish: 2 Serbian: 1 Slovak: 1 Spanish: 1 German: 1


8 F: 5 M: 3

33,25 Danish: 1 Norwegian: 6 Ukrainian: 1

2011 ARENA 22 F: 8 M: 14

33,68 Greek: 2 Indian: 1 Italian: 2 Yugoslavian: 1 Kenyan: 1 Dutch: 1 Nicaraguan: 1 Norwegian: 3 Romanian: 2 Swedish: 2 South Korean: 1 Turkish: 2 German: 1 Ukrainian:1 Austrian: 1

2011 POLITICAL 23 F: 7 36,13 American: 1

Page 42: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology


SCIENCE M: 16 Icelandic: 1 Norwegian: 19 Serbian: 1 Spanish: 1

2011 PSYCHOLOGY 10 F: 2 M: 8

34,90 Chilean: 1 Iranian: 2 Norwegian: 3 Pakistani: 2 Polish: 1 Spanish: 1

2011 PSYCHOLOGY 8 F: 7 M: 1

37,88 Norwegian: 8

2011 PSYCHOLOGY 8 K: 5 M: 3

35,38 Italian: 1 Norwegian: 6 Polish: 1

2011 PSYCHOLOGY 8 F: 6 M: 2

35,12 Iranian: 1 Norwegian: 7

2011 PSYCHOLOGY 6 M: 6 35,00 Norwegian: 6


18 F: 9 M: 9

37,24 Iranian: 1 Croatian: 1 Norwegian: 13 Pakistani: 1 Polish: 1


26 F: 7 M: 19

36,04 American: 1 Azerbaijan: 1 Bangladeshi: 1 Bulgarian: 1 Ethiopian: 1 Greek: 1 Indian: 2 Iraqi: 1 Iranian:3 Cameroonian: 1 Chinese: 1 Nigerian: 1 Norwegian: 3 Pakistani: 1 Polish: 1 Russian: 2 Serbian: Turkish: 1 Hungarian: 1 Vatican: 1


39 F: 16 M: 23

35,51 American: 1 Armenian: 1 Azerbaijan: 1 Bangladeshi: 3 Finnish: 1 Indian: 4 Iraqi: 1 Iranian: 1

Page 43: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology


Italian: 2 Cambodian: 1 Canadian: 1 Chinese: 1 Lithuanian: 1 Macedonia: 1 Nepalese: 1 Nigerian: 1 Norwegian: 3 Pakistani: 4 Polish 2 Serbian:; 1 Spanish: 1 Swedish: 2 South African: 1 Tunisian: 1 Hungarian: 1

2011 PSYCHOLOGY 3 F. 1 M: 2

36,00 Norwegian: 3

2011 PSYCHOLOGY 20 F: 11 M: 8

35,05 American: 1 Norwegian: 17 Spanish: 1 Swedish: 1


17 F: 10 M: 7

36,71 Indian: 1 Indonesian: 1 Norwegian: 13 Pakistani: 1 Spanish: 1


33 F: 14 M: 19

35,79 American: 1 Bangladeshi: 2 Bulgarian: 1 Ecuadorian: 1 Ethiopian: 1 Indian: 1 Icelandic: 2 Italian: 2 Canadian: 1 Myanmarsk: 1 Nepalese: 1 Norwegian: 10 Pakistani: 1 Portuguese: 1 Romanian: 1 Russian: 1 Serbian: 1 Spanish: 1 Swedish: 1 Turkish: 1 German: 1

2012 ECONOMICS 113 F: 21 M: 90

34,74 Azerbaijan: 1 Bangladeshi: 7

Page 44: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology


Ukjent: 2

Belgian: 1 Beninsk: 1 Bosnian: 1 Brazilian: 1 Chilean: 1 Egyptian: 2 Estisk: 1 Ethiopian: 9 Georgian: 1 Ghanaian: 3 Greek: 3 Indian: 3 Indonesian: 2 Iranian: 6 Italian: 4 Cameroonian: 2 Canadian: 1 Chinese: 3 Kongolesisk: 1 Costarican: 1 Latvian: 1 Lithuanian: 1 Macedonia: 1 Mexican: 1 Moldovan: 1 Nepalese: 2 Nigerian: 1 Norwegian: 16 Pakistani: 6 Palestinian: 1 Polish: 1 Romanian: 2 Rwandese: 1 Slovak: 1 Spanish: 2 Sri Lankan: 3 Swedish: 2 South African: 1 Tadsjikisk: 1 Tanzanian: 1 Tunisian: 1 Turkish: 2 German: 2 Hungarian: 2 Uzbekistani: 1 Vietnamese: 1 Zambian: 1

2012 PSYCHOLOGY 6 F: 5 M: 1

35,33 Colombian: 1 Norwegian: 4 Polish: 1

2012 PSYCHOLOGY 2 F: 1 30,50 Norwegian: 1

Page 45: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology


M: 1 Polish: 1

2012 PSYCHOLOGY 3 F: 2 M: 1

31,00 Iranian: 1 Norwegian: 2

2012 PSYCHOLOGY 10 F: 7 M: 3

32,00 Colombian: 1 Iranian: 1 Norwegian: 5 Pakistani: 1 Polish: 2

2012 PSYCHOLOGY 8 F: 6 M: 2

35,12 Norwegian: 8

2012 ARENA 55 F: 24 M: 31

34,96 American: 4 Armenian: 1 Azerbaijan: 1 Bangladeshi: 1 Belgian: 1 Bosnian: 1 Ethiopian: 2 Finnish: 1 Georgian: 1 Greek: 2 Belarus: 1 Indian: 1 Iranian: 1 Irish: 1 Italian: 2 Canadian: 1 Chinese: 1 Croatian: 1 Norwegian: 5 Pakistani: 1 Polish: 3 Romanian: 2 Russian: 1 Slovak: 1 Spanish: 4 Swedish: 1 Taiwanese: 1 Tanzanian: 1 Turkish: 6 German: 1 Ukrainian: 3 Vatican: 1


10 F: 6 M: 4

33,60 American: 1 Indian: 1 Indonesian: 1 Canadian: 1 Norwegian: 4 Tanzanian: 1 German: 1


98 F: 30 M: 68

34,79 Albanian: 1 American: 6

Page 46: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology


Azerbaijan: 1 Belgian: 1 Bosnian: 1 British: 5 Estisk: 1 Ethiopian: 1 Philippine: 1 Ghanaian: 1 Greek: 5 Belarus: 2 Indian: 2 Iranian: 5 Italian: 5 Japanese: 1 Cameroonian: 1 Canadian: 1 Chinese: 1 Cypriot: 1 Lithuanian: 1 Nepalese: 2 Norwegian: 20 Pakistani: 4 Polish: 6 Romanian: 1 Russian: 2 Serbian: 1 Slovak: 2 Spanish: 2 Swedish: 1 Czech: 1 Turkish: 4 German: 3 Uganda: 1 Ukrainian: 2 Uzbekistani: 1 Vatican: 1


74 F: 25 M: 49

35,68 American: 3 Azerbaijan: 1 Bangladeshi: 4 Bosnian: 1 Colombian: 2 Ethiopian: 3 Ghanaian: 1 Greek: 1 Indian: 8 Iranian: 11 Italian: 1 Chinese: 4 Kongolesisk: 1 Cypriot: 1 Mexican: 2

Page 47: PhD in Social Science, University of Oslo · 4 Competing PhD-programmes Programme option New candidates in 2015 Competing PhD-programmes New candidates in 2015 Social Anthropology


Newzealandsk: 1 Nigerian: 1 Norwegian: 3 Pakistani: 7 Polish: 2 Portuguese: 3 Romanian: 1 Serbian: 1 Slovak: 1 Spanish: 1 Sri Lankan: 1 Swedish: 1 Syrian: 1 Tanzanian: 1 German: 1 Ukrainian: 2 Vietnamese: 2


39 F: 15 M: 24

35,31 American: 1 Australian: 1 Bangladeshi: 1 Bolivian: 1 British: 1 Colombian: 2 Ethiopian: 1 Greek: 1 Indian: 3 Iranian: 8 Italian: 1 Mexican: 1 Norwegian: 7 Pakistani: 3 Portuguese: 1 Swedish: 1 Tanzanian: 1 Turkish: 1 German: 1 Uganda: 1 Vietnamese: 1


26 F: 16 M: 10

34,77 Bangladeshi: 2 British: 1 French: 1 Ghanaian: 1 Iranian: 1 Italian: 1 Mongolian: 1 Nepalese: 2 Norwegian: 7 Pakistani: 1 Polish: 1 Spanish: 2 Sveitsisk: 1

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Swedish: 2 German: 1 Ukrainian: 1

2013 ECONOMICS 116 F: 32 M: 83 Ukjent: 1

34,19 American: 2 Azerbaijan: 1 Bahrainsk: 1 Bangladeshi: 3 Belgian: 1 Bosnian: 1 British: 1 Colombian: 2 Danish: 1 Egyptian: 1 Ethiopian: 7 Gambisk: 1 Georgian: 1 Ghanaian: 2 Greek: 5 Indian: 5 Indonesian: 2 Iranian: 13 Icelandic: 1 Israeli: 1 Italian: 3 Kenyan: 1 Chinese: 6 Kongolesisk: 1 Lebanese: 1 Lithuanian: 2 Mexican: 1 Dutch: 1 Nepalese: 1 Nigerian: 1 Norwegian: 10 Pakistani: 6 Palestinian: 1 Polish: 2 Portuguese: 3 Russian: 1 Rwandese: 2 Serbian: 1 Slovak: 2 Sveitsisk: 1 Swedish: 1 Tadsjikisk: 1 Tanzanian: 3 Turkish: 1 German: 6 Uganda: 1 Vietnamese: 1 Zambian: 1

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Zimbabwean: 1


37 F: 16 M: 21

34,92 American: 3 Argentinsk: 1 Bangladeshi: 1 Ethiopian: 2 Greek: 1 Indian: 1 Iranian: 1 Croatian: 1 Lithuanian: 1 Nepalese: 1 Norwegian: 11 Pakistani: 1 Polish: 2 Portuguese: 2 Russian: 1 Slovak: 1 Spanish: 1 Swedish: 1 German: 1 Ukrainian: 1 Vatican: 1 Vietnamese: 1


28 F: 9 M: 19

34,57 Australian: 1 Colombian: 1 Danish: 1 Estisk: 1 Ethiopian: 4 Fijiansk: 1 Ghanaian: 2 Greek: 1 Indian: 2 Cameroonian: 1 Dutch: 1 Norwegian: 7 Pakistani: 1 Serbian: 1 Slovak: 1 Swedish: 1 Turkish: 1


38 F: 15 M: 23

35,05 Bangladeshi: 1 Bulgarian: 1 Colombian: 1 Indian: 5 Indonesian: 1 Iranian: 7 Kenyan: 1 Chinese: 2 Malaysian: 1 Mexican: 1 Norwegian: 6

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Pakistani: 6 Polish: 3 Slovene: 1 Vatican: 1


138 F: 63 M: 75

32,58 Albanian: 1 American: 7 Azerbaijan: 1 Bangladeshi: 2 Belgian: 1 Brazilian: 1 British: 4 Bulgarian: 2 Ecuadorian: 1 Estisk: 1 Ethiopian: 1 Philippine: 1 French: 4 Georgian: 3 Ghanaian: 1 Greek: 5 Iranian: 4 Irish: 2 Italian: 6 Jordanian: 2 Cameroonian: 5 Canadian: 4 Kenyan: 2 Chinese: 2 Cypriot: 1 Latvian: 1 Lithuanian: 1 Malaysian: 1 Mexican: 1 Dutch: 4 Nigerian: 1 Norwegian: 26 Pakistani: 1 Polish: 2 Romanian: 4 Russian: 7 Serbian: 3 Slovak: 1 Slovene: 1 Spanish: 2 Sri Lankan: 1 Swedish: 5 Tadsjikisk: 1 Czech: 1 Turkish: 1 German: 4 Ukrainian: 1

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Vatican: 2

2013 PSYCHOLOGY 9 F: 5 M: 4

32,44 Norwegian: 7 Swedish: 1 Hungarian: 1


58 F: 26 M: 32

34,45 American: 1 Bangladeshi: 1 Danish: 3 Ethiopian: 6 Ghanaian: 3 Belarus: 1 Indian: 2 Iranian: 1 Italian: 3 Kenyan: 1 Lithuanian: 1 Malawi: 1 Dutch: 2 Nepalese: 2 Norwegian: 16 Pakistani: 3 Romanian: 1 Serbian: 2 Spanish: 1 Sri Lankan: 1 Swedish: 2 Taiwanese: 1 Czech: 1 Uganda: 1 Vatican: 1

2014 PSYCHOLOGY 31 F: 21 M: 10

33,83 Iranian: 2 Norwegian: 24 Portuguese: 1 Slovak: 2 German: 1 Vatican: 1

2014 ECONOMICS 99 F: 22 M: 76

32,04 Albanian: 3 American: 1 Azerbaijan: 1 Bangladeshi: 3 Brazilian: 1 Burkinsk: 2 Colombian: 1 Ethiopian: 12 Finnish: 2 French: 1 Ghanaian: 1 Hongkongsk: 1 Belarus: 1 Indian: 1 Indonesian: 4 Italian: 5

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Cameroonian: 1 Kazakhstani: 1 Kenyan: 1 Chinese: 8 Lithuanian: 1 Nigerian: 1 Nigerian: 1 Norwegian: 19 Pakistani: 3 Palestinian: 1 Polish: 3 Romanian: 2 Somali: 1 Sudanese: 1 Swedish: 3 South African: 1 Turkish: 4 Turkish: 1 Uganda: 1 Ukrainian: 1 Hungarian: 1 Vietnamese: 2


29 F: 11 M: 18

32,14 American: 2 Bangladeshi: 1 Danish: 3 Philippine: 1 Italian: 1 Lithuanian: 2 Malawi: 1 Mauritius: 1 Nepalese: 1 Norwegian: 9 Peruvian: 1 Slovak: 1 Spanish: 1 Swedish: 2 South Korean: 1 Ukrainian: 1

2014 PSYCHOLOGY 4 F: 3 M: 1

32,25 Norwegian: 3 Portuguese: 1


47 F: 13 M: 34

34,49 Albanian: 1 Bangladeshi: 2 Bolivian: 1 Ecuadorian: 1 Egyptian: 1 Ethiopian: 5 Ghanaian: 5 Greek: 1 Indian: 2 Italian: 2

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Jordanian: 1 Cameroonian: 1 Canadian: 1 Kenyan: 1 Chinese: 1 Latvian: 1 Mosambikisk: 1 Dutch: 1 Dutch: 1 Nigerian: 2 Norwegian: 7 Swedish: 1 Taiwanese: 1 German: 1 Uganda: 2 Ukrainian: 1 Zambian: 1 Zimbabwean: 2


74 F: 26 M: 48

32,81 Albanian: 1 American: 1 Belgian: 1 Bolivian: 1 British: 5 Danish: 1 Egyptian: 1 Ethiopian: 1 French: 1 Greek: 1 Indian: 2 Iranian: 3 Italian: 1 Yugoslavian: 2 Cameroonian: 1 Canadian: 1: Chinese: 1 Malawi: 1 Dutch : 2 Norwegian: 22 Pakistani: 1 Polish: 2 Romanian: 2 Slovak: 1 Spanish: 1 Swedish: 6 South African: 1 Tanzanian: 1 German: 2 Ukrainian: 4 Hungarian: 1 Austrian: 1

2014 SOCIOLOGY AND 43 F: 15 32,23 American: 1

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M: 28 Bangladeshi: 1 Bolivian: 1 Bulgarian: 1 Ethiopian: 4 Philippine: 2 French: 1 Ghanaian: 1 Greek: 3 Indian: 1 Iraqi: 1 Iranian: 3 Italian: 1 Jordanian: 1 Chinese: 2 Lithuanian: 2 Malawi: 2 Moroccan: 1 Mauritius: 1 Nigerian: 1 Norwegian: 6 Pakistani: 1 Palestinian: 1 Swedish: 1 Turkish: 1 German: 1 Vatican: 1


39 F: 13 M: 26

33,21 American: 2 Brazilian: 1 Egyptian: 1 Etipisk: 1 Finnish: 1 Ghanaian: 1 Greeka. 2 Indian: 3 Indonesian: 1 Iranian: 3 Italian: 2 Chinese: 4 Nepalese: 1 Nigerian: 1 Norwegian: 5 Pakistani: 1 Polish: 4 Spanish: 1 Sudanese: 1 Swedish: 1 German: 1 Ukrainian: 1


13 F: 5 M: 8

32,00 Brazilian: 1 Ethiopian: 1 Indian: 1

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Iranian: 2 Italian: 1 Nepalese: 1 Nigerian: 2 Polish: 2 Russian: 1 Ukrainian: 1


18 F: 4 M: 14

35,11 American: 2 Bolivian: 1 Greek: 1 Indonesian: 1 Iranian: 2 Italian: 1 Chinese: 1 Norwegian: 3 Pakistani: 1 Polish: 1 Spanish: 1 Sudanese: 1 Swedish: 2

2014 PSYCHOLOGY 4 F: 2 M: 2

34,50 Norwegian: 3 Swedish: 1

2014 PSYCHOLOGY 3 F: 2 M: 1

41,5 Dutch: 1 Norwegian: 2

2015 ECONOMICS 66 F: 20 M: 46

31,23 Bangladeshi: 5 British: 1 Burkinsk: 1 Ethiopian: 8 French: 1 Ghanaian: 3 Iranian: 3 Icelandic: 1 Italian: 2 Jamaican: 1 Cameroonian: 1 Kazakhstani: 2 Chinese: 7 Costarican: 1 Lithuanian: 2 Mongolian: 1 Norwegian: 9 Pakistani: 3 Polish: 1 Russian: 2 Singapore: 1 Spanish: 1 Thailandsk: 1 Turkish: 5 German: 2 Ukrainian: 1

2015 SOCIAL 65 F: 42 32,12 Azerbaijan: 1

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ANTHROPOLOGY M: 23 Bahamansk: 1 Brazilian: 2 British: 1 Danish: 2 French: 1 Indonesian: 1 Iranian: 1 Irish: 1 Italian: 3 Kenyan: 2 Chinese: 1 Kirgisisk: 1 Lebanese: 1 Dutch: 3 Nepalese: 1 Newzealandsk: 1 Norwegian: 17 Pakistani: 1 Polish: 2 Portuguese: 2 Romanian: 1 Russian: 3 Serbian: 1 Spanish: 2 Swedish: 2 Czech: 1 Turkish: 2 German: 4 Uzbekistani: 1 Vatican: 1 Austrian: 1

2015 PSYCHOLOGY 3 F: 2 M: 1

32,00 Norwegian: 3


27 F: 9 M: 18

32,67 Bangladeshi: 2 Ecuadorian: 1 Ethiopian: 1 Ghanaian: 2 Indian: 2 Iranian: 5 Italian: 1 Jamaican: 1 Cameroonian: 1 Kenyan: 1 Chinese: 1 Mexican: 1 Nigerian: 1 Norwegian: 1 Pakistani: 1 Portuguese: 1 Russian: 1 Ukrainian: 1

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Vietnamese: 1

2015 PSYCHOLOGY 8 F: 6 M: 2

29,88 British: 1 Finnish: 1 Greek: 1 Norwegian: 5


62 F: 33 M: 29

32,45 American: 1 Azerbaijan: 1 Brazilian: 1 British: 1 Ethiopian: 1 Finnish: 1 French: 1 Ghanaian: 3 Greek: 1 Indian: 4 Indonesian: 1 Iranian: 2 Italian: 3 Cameroonian: 2 Canadian: 1 Chinese: 2 Moroccan: 1 Mexican: 1 Nepalese: 2 Nigerian: 2 Nigerian: 1 Norwegian: 9 Pakistani: 1 Polish: 1 Romanian: 1 Serbian: 2 Slovene: 1 South African: 1 Thailandsk: 1 Czech: 1 Turkish: 4 German: 6 Vatican: 1

2015 PSYCHOLOGY 15 F: 5 M: 10

35,73 Iraqi: 1 Iranian: 2 Malawi: 1 Nepalese: 1 Nigerian: 2 Norwegian: 2 Pakistani: 1 Romanian: 1 Russian: 1 Serbian: 1 Uganda: 1 Zimbabwean: 1

2015 SOCIOLOGY AND 47 F: 11 33,34 American: 2

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M: 36 Bangladeshi: 3 Bolivian: 1 Brazilian: 1 Estisk: 1 French: 1 Ghanaian: 5 Greek: 1 Indian: 1 Iranian: 2 Irish: 1 Italian: 2 Cambodian: 1 Kenyan: 1 Chinese: 3 Lithuanian: 1 Dutch: 1 Nepalese: 1 Norwegian: 2 Polish: 1 Romanian: 1 Russian: 1 Sri Lankan: 1 Swedish: 2 Taiwanese: 1 Turkish: 2 German: 4 Ukrainian: 1 Zimbabwean: 2

2015 PSYCHOLOGY 4 F: 3 M: 1

30,75 Indian: 1 Chinese: 1 Norwegian: 1 Ukrainian: 1


148 F: 58 M: 90

31,69 Albanian: 3 American: 4 Armenian: 3 Azerbaijan: 1 Bangladeshi: 4 Belgian: 1 Bolivian: 1 Bosnian: 1 Brazilian: 2 British: 4 Chilean: 1 Ecuadorian: 1 Egyptian: 2 Ethiopian: 1 Philippine: 1 Finnish: 1 Georgian: 1 Ghanaian: 5 Greek: 7

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Honduran: 1 Indian: 4 Indonesian: 1 Iranian: 2 Italian: 3 Yugoslavian: 1 Canadian: 1 Kazakhstani: 1 Kenyan: 1 Chinese: 2 Latvian: 1 Macedonia: 1 Malawi: 1 Moroccan: 2 Mauritius: 1 Mexican: 1 Dutch: 2 Nigerian: 1 Norwegian: 21 Pakistani: 8 Polish: 3 Romanian: 3 Russian: 4 Serbian: 5 Spanish: 2 Sri Lankan: 1 Swedish: 1 Syrian: 1 South African: 2 South Korean: 2 Czech: 1 Turkish: 4 German: 5 Ukrainian: 8 Hungarian: 2 Vatican: 1 Zimbabwean: 1 Austrian: 2


95 F: 38 M: 57

32,17 American: 1 Bangladeshi: 3 Bosnian: 2 Botswana: 1 British: 1 Bulgarian: 1 Colombian: 1 Danish: 2 Ethiopian: 7 French: 1 Georgian: 1 Greek: 1 Belarus: 1

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Indian: 7 Indonesian: 1 Iranian: 2 Icelandic: 1 Italian: 2 Jordanian: 1 Cameroonian: 1 Chinese: 2 Croatian: 1 Latvian: 1 Mauritius: 1 Dutch: 3 Nepalese: 3 Nigerian: 1 Norwegian: 18 Pakistani: 4 Palestinian: 1 Polish: 3 Romanian: 1 Rwandese: 1 Serbian: 1 Singapore: 1 Swedish: 6 German: 2 Uganda: 1 Ukrainian: 2 Vatican: 2 Venezuela: 1 Zambian: 1

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External and internal candidates admitted 2010-2015

The table shows candidates admitted in the period 2010-2015 and their type of funding. The Internal evaluation report describes enrollment on pages 3-6.

Internal candidates are candidates employed by the Faculty of Social Sciences, the majority of these positions are funded by The Ministry of Education and Research (KD) or the Research Council of Norway (NFR).

External candidates may for example hold scholarships from research institutes, foundations, higher education institutions, private or public sector, organizations, or they may be researchers with time allotted for the PhD from their employers etc. Some of the external candidates will have a workplace at one of the departments at the faculty for a period of time, and some of them will stay mainly in their working environment. The Economics track has a set of residency requirements that requires the candidate to spend two semesters, at least, at the department. A few of these candidates are also holders of the Quota Scheme scholarships (no longer continued), designed to help candidates from partner institutions in developing countries travel abroad.

Track 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Economics 15 8 9 8 8 8 56

External 6 3 2 1 4 3 19 Internal 9 5 7 7 4 5 37

Human Geography 4 5 4 3 1 5 22 External 1 1 2 2 2 8 Internal 3 4 2 1 1 3 14

Political Science 10 12 10 11 4 12 59 External 4 7 6 7 1 7 32 Internal 6 5 4 4 3 5 27

Psychology 19 29 30 12 20 28 138 External 14 15 16 9 8 17 79 Internal 5 14 14 3 12 11 59

Social Anthropology 5 7 4 2 4 22 External 2 2 4 1 9 Internal 3 5 1 4 13

Sociology 15 10 10 4 5 9 53 External 8 6 7 4 2 4 31 Internal 7 4 3 3 5 22

Technology, Innovation and Culture 4 3 4 3 3 8 25 External 2 1 1 1 2 2 9 Internal 2 2 3 2 1 6 16

Total 72 74 71 43 45 70 375

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In total during 2010-2015, percentage

0 %

10 %

20 %

30 %

40 %

50 %

60 %

70 %

80 %

90 %

100 %






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Subgroups of funding

Track 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total Economics 15 8 9 8 8 8 56

External 6 3 2 1 4 3 19 Funded by employer, not a scholarship 1 1 2 NFR 2 1 3 Scholarship from employer, not UiO/NFR 3 2 2 1 4 2 14

Internal 9 5 7 7 4 5 37 NFR 1 1 UiO 9 5 7 7 4 4 36

Human Geography 4 5 4 3 1 5 22 External 1 1 2 2 2 8

NFR 1 1 2 Quota 1 1 Scholarship from employer, not UiO/NFR 1 2 1 1 5

Internal 3 4 2 1 1 3 14 NFR 1 1 2 UiO 2 4 1 1 1 3 12

Political Science 10 12 10 11 4 12 59 External 4 7 6 7 1 7 32

Funded by employer, not a scholarship 2 2 NFR 4 3 1 1 9 Quota 2 2 Scholarship from employer, not UiO/NFR 4 3 1 6 1 4 19

Internal 6 5 4 4 3 5 27 UiO 6 5 4 4 3 5 27

Psychology 19 29 30 12 20 28 138 External 14 15 16 9 8 17 79

From company/foundation, not employer 1 1 Funded by employer, not a scholarship 2 1 2 5 NFR 5 2 1 2 2 12 Quota 1 1 Scholarship from employer, not UiO/NFR 9 5 6 2 5 9 36 Scholarship from organization, not UiO/NFR 3 5 5 1 2 16 Scholarship from the public sector 1 3 2 2 8

Internal 5 14 14 3 12 11 59 EU scholarship programmes 1 1 2 NFR 1 1 1 3 1 7 UiO 4 13 14 1 8 10 50

Social Anthropology 5 7 4 2 4 22 External 2 2 4 1 9

Funded by employer, not a scholarship 1 1 Scholarship from employer, not UiO/NFR 2 1 2 1 6 Scholarship from organization, not UiO/NFR 2 2

Internal 3 5 1 4 13 UiO 3 5 1 4 13

Sociology 15 10 10 4 5 9 53 External 8 6 7 4 2 4 31

Funded by employer, not a scholarship 1 1 NFR 4 1 1 3 1 10 Scholarship from employer, not UiO/NFR 3 5 4 1 2 2 17

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Scholarship from the public sector 1 2 3 Internal 7 4 3 3 5 22

NFR 2 1 3 UiO 5 3 3 3 5 19

Technology, Innovation and Culture 4 3 4 3 3 8 25 External 2 1 1 1 2 2 9

Funded by employer, not a scholarship 1 1 NFR 1 1 2 NFR - private sector 1 1 NFR - public sector 1 1 Scholarship from employer, not UiO/NFR 2 1 1 4

Internal 2 2 3 2 1 6 16 NFR 1 1 UiO 2 2 3 2 1 5 15

Total 72 74 71 43 45 70 375

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New PhD candidates by gender 2010-2015

Track 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Total

Economics 15 8 9 8 8 8 56

F 8 4 4 3 4 3 26

M 7 4 5 5 4 5 30

Human Geography 4 3 4 3 1 5 20

F 3 2 4 2 4 15

M 1 1 1 1 1 5

Political Science 10 12 10 9 4 10 55

F 4 8 5 2 2 4 25

M 6 4 5 7 2 6 30

Psychology 19 29 30 12 20 28 138

F 11 18 21 8 12 18 88

M 8 11 9 4 8 10 50

Social Anthropology 5 7 4 2 4 22

F 4 4 3 1 2 14

M 1 3 1 1 2 8

Sociology 15 7 10 4 5 9 50

F 9 2 6 3 3 5 28

M 6 5 4 1 2 4 22

Technology, Innovation and Culture 4 3 4 3 3 8 25

F 2 1 2 3 3 2 13

M 2 2 2 6 12

Total 72 69 71 41 45 68 366

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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50







Number of admitted candidates


Gender, admitted candidates in total, 2010-2015



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Nationality of admitted candidates from 2010- 2015

Country Students

Argentina 1

Australia 1 Brazil 1

Bulgaria 1 Canada 2

China 4 Colombia 1

Czech republic 1

Denmark 2 Estonia 1

Ethiopia 2 Finland 3

France 1

Germany 5 Iceland 3

India 2 Iran 2

Italy 5 Kenya 1

Mexico 1

Myanmar 1 Netherlands 3

Norway 316 Poland 1

Portugal 1 Russia 1

Serbia 1

Slovenia 1 Sweden 6

UK 1 USA 3

Total 375

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Supervisor relationships by track for active candidates between 2010-2015

For example, first line under Economics: 8 co-supervisors and 4 main-supervisors have 1 supervisor relationship/candidate each.

Number of supervisor relationships/candidates Co-supervisors Main supervisors Economics 28 24

1 8 4 2 11 8 3 3 6 4 3 0 5 1 1 6 2 3 7 0 1 8 0 1

Human Geography 3 7 1 0 1 2 2 2 3 0 0 4 0 1 5 0 2 6 0 1 7 1 0

Political Science 22 23

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1 6 2 2 13 12 3 1 4 4 2 3 5 0 1 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 0 9 0 1

Psychology 62 55 1 22 7 2 24 27 3 4 3 4 6 10 5 2 1 6 2 2 7 0 2 8 2 1 9 0 1 10 0 1

Social Anthropology 11 12 1 3 0 2 5 6 3 0 0 4 3 3 5 0 2

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6 0 0 7 0 0 8 0 1

Sociology 13 17 1 3 1 2 8 4 3 0 3 4 0 2 5 0 1 6 0 2 7 0 0 8 1 2 9 0 1 10 1 0 11 0 0 12 0 1

Technology, Innovation and Culture 2 8 1 0 0 2 1 2 3 0 1 4 1 2 5 0 0 6 0 1 7 0 2

Grand Total 141 146

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Economics Human Geography Political Science Psychology Social Anthropology Sociology Technology,Innovation and



ber o

f sup



Number of supervisor relationships/candidates

Supervisor relationships Co-supervisors Main supervisors

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Concerning admission to the programme

There are two main ways of applying for admission to the programme:

Through applying for a doctoral research fellowship or as a candidate with external funding.

Attached are examples of the form that the departments use when evaluating candidates that are

applying for admission with external funding. External funding can be for example a fellowship at a

university college/another university, other employment at a research institution that allocates time for

the candidate’s research, or the Research Council of Norway’s industrial PhD or public sector PhD. To be

admitted as a candidate with external funding you must be able to document that you are a part of a

relevant, active research community. For example you must have a workplace at a university college,

university or other research institution that is deemed relevant, or a workplace at one of the faculty

departments. The economics track require that external candidates spend at least two semesters at the


Attached is also an example of an announcement of a PhD position at the Faculty. Unfortunately, the

process of assessing candidates for PhD positions does not have standardized forms, therefore I have

not attached any examples from this kind of process. Candidates are usually sorted on the background

of their qualifications by an application committee, and an evaluation committee writes a report about

the top candidates. Potential candidates are invited to an interview.

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Innstillingsskjema for opptak til ph.d.-programmet ved Det

samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo

Fra institutt (innstillende, studieretningsansvarlig enhet):

Søkers navn: Søkers alder:

Har søkt tidligere om opptak? Ja Nei .

Hvis ja, når? Hva var innstillingen sist? :

1. ForutdanningGrad, tatt ved lærested/inst, og når.:

Mastergrad ellet tilsv. i (hvilket fag):


Har søker vist til faglige arbeider etter

fullført høyere grad som anses

meritterende? * Oppgi karakter på avhandling, ev lavere grads karakter dersom hovedkarakter ikke er gitt. Dersom

karakteren(e) ikke tilfredsstiller kravene for opptak, eller det er tvil om det, skal det omtales inn i den

faglige vurderingen.

2. Prosjektbeskrivelse for avhandlingen


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Kort beskrivelse av prosjektet, med en faglig vurdering:

3. Finansiering

Arbeidsgiver og tidsperiode for

finansiering: Større, nødvendige driftsutgifter som er uavklart?

4. Veiledning og fagmiljø

Kandidatens forslag med instituttets merknader og ev. egne forslag:

5. Oppsummering av om forutsetningene 1-4 for opptak er oppfylt:



JA (sett


NEI (sett


Må avklares nærmere

(stikkord for begrunnelse)

Til forutdanningen*:

Til prosjektbeskrivelsen:

Til finansiering*: lønnet tid og

andre nødv. driftsutgifter

Til veiledning/miljø:

(NEI bare hvis dette ikke kan

skaffes; ikke aktuelt fagmiljø)

Dersom tabellen over har ett eller flere avkryssinger for NEI, tilsier det at søkeren ikke innstilles for

opptak. Dersom det er NEI-kryss ved forutdanning og/eller prosjektbeskrivelse, tilsier det at

kandidaten dessuten ikke anses faglig kvalifisert.

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6. Eventuell begrunnelse for avslag eller merknad til opptaket

som kan stå i brevet til søkeren. (Gi begrunnelsen på engelsk dersom søkeren er engelskspråklig.)

Innstillingen er godkjent av:

Tim Brennen

Forskningsdekan ABC

Forskningsleder ved Institutt for XY

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