Passive Case Witnessing process (Fragmented, isolated, non connected verbal and Non-verbal expressions)

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Passive Case Witnessing process (Fragmented, isolated, non connected verbal and

Non-verbal expressions)

– Choking (HG) – Totally shut off/down (Three to

four times in different areas)– Constricted (HG)– Everything is becoming

narrow,– Compressed– Strangled (Denial)– Kept in Airless room (Image)

Active case witnessing process(Connected Non-human expressions)

Anarkali has being shut. (Image)Everything is closed for me.

•People are in gas chamber. (Image)•No oxygen… totally shut in chambers… suffocation.•(Laughs) No it just a fantasy… (Denial)

– If you start probing me, may be I imagine more (laughs) things which I didn’t imagine (laughing). like a writer writes his book. (Denial)

– This person is struggling for their (HG) breathing and trying to get out.

– Oh no Dr (laugh) I am not, I would think start imagining (cough) no.

Active-active CWP(Verbal and Non-verbal expressions gets connected

in one patter/process)

– Totally narrowed slowly its all open and then closed finally closed nothing inside (HG).

– In danced when you show evil then you feel the mind is kind of constricted…

– Slowly it comes step by step… entire freedom is curtailed, slowly lessen and lessen (HG) and lessen till it is totally stop.

• Some force is pulling you down slowly and totally choking stopping (HG) everything is to going to stop slowly, slowly stand still... you have to struggle and push (HG) against that force.

• Somebody is not allowing you to raise up, somebody is pulling you down.

• (Laughs) I think I am imaging everything… (Laughs) and then coughs.

Active-active CWP

– Tied up (HG)…kind of tied to a pillar… – Some force of pulled you and not allowing

you to stretch yours arms (HG) and legs (Animal Kingdom).

– Pushing (HG) yourself against that force but you are not successful. (Animal)

– The python is even very scary I heard stories it strangles (HG) and suffocating people…

– python was suppose to kill people more not because its poison but because of enormous weight and it goes around the person (HG) and totally squeezes then (HG) so that they cannot take any air (HG) their body is totally it kinds of strangles you kind of crushes you (HG).

– Lot of snake dance and all that it doesn’t affect me (Laugh)


– In danced when you show evil then you feel the mind is kind of constricted…

– Some force is pulling you down slowly and totally choking stopping (HG)... you have to struggle and push (HG) against that force.

– Somebody is not allowing you to raise up, somebody is pulling you down

– Some force of pulled you and not allowing you to stretch yours arms (HG) and legs.

– Pushing (HG) yourself against that force but you are not successful.

Animal Kingdom


– Choking

– Totally shut off/down Constricted Everything is becoming narrow,

– Compressed

– Strangled.– Tied up

– shut in chambers… suffocation.

– Anarkali has being shut.

– Everything is closed for me.

– People are in gas chamber.


– Constricted

– Everything is becoming narrow,

– Compressed

– Strangled

– No oxygen… totally shut in chambers… suffocation.

– Totally narrowed slowly its all open and then closed finally closed nothing inside .

– Tied up (HG)…kind of tied to a pillar…


Large constricting snakes

Kingdom: AnimalClass: Reptiles

• Suborder Ophidia (Serpentes) - Snakes • Subclass Archosauria (Crocodile)• Subclass Anapsida

– Order Testudines - Turtles – Suborder Pleurodira Afro-american turtle

• Subclass Lepidosauria– Lizard, Chameleon, Alligator.

Suborder Ophidia

– Superfamily Typhlopoidea (Scolecophidia)• Family Anomalepidae (Dawn Blind Snakes)

• Family Typhlopidae (Blind Snakes)

• Family Leptotyphlopidae/Glauconiidae (Slender Blind Snakes)

• Superfamily Henophidia (Booidea)– Family Aniliidae/Ilysiidae (Pipe Snakes) – Family Anomochilidae (Dwarf Pipe Snakes) – Family Boidae (Boas and Pythons) – Family Bolyeridae (Round Island Boas) – Family Cylindrophiidae (Asian Pipe Snakes) – Family Loxocemidae (Mexican Burrowing Pythons) – Family Tropidophiidae incl. Ungaliophiidae (Dwarf Boas)

– Family Uropeltidae (Shield-tail Snakes) – Family Xenopeltidae (Sunbeam Snakes)

• Superfamily Xenophidia (Colubroidea = Caenophidia)– Family Acrochordidae (File Snakes) – Family Atractaspididae (Mole Vipers) – Family Colubridae (Colubrids) (20 KB !) – Family Elapidae (incl. Hydrophiidae; Cobras,

Kraits, Coral Snakes, Sea Snakes) – Family Viperidae (Vipers and Pit Vipers)

Family Boidae (Boas and Pythons)

– Relatively large, stout snakes, which includes the python, anaconda, boa constrictor, and other snakes that coil around and suffocate their prey.

– This family includes the giants among the snakes although some boids may remain quite small (e.g. Eryx, Exiliboa, Charina are less than 1 m). Anacondas (Eunectes) and one python species (Python reticulatus) may reach 10 meters.

Boidae• Subfamily Boinae (Boas)

• Acrantophis

• Boa

• Candoia

• Corallus

• Epicrates

• Eunectes (Anaconda)

• Sanzinia

• Subfamily Erycinae (Sand Boas)

• Calabaria

• Charina

• Eryx

• Gongylophis

Subfamily: Pythoninae (Pythons)

• Aspidites• Antaresia • Apodora• Bothrochilus • Leiopython • Liasis• Morelia

• Python

– Boas give birth to their young, while pythons lay eggs; pythons are confined mostly to Eurasia, whereas boas are found worldwide.


– Anacondas are among the largest and most powerful and the heaviest snake in the worldThe Anaconda is considered the biggest snake in the world. These snakes may reach lengths of over 29 feet. There are many exaggerated stories about anacondas being much longer, but they cannot be confirmed.

– The extremely muscular Anaconda is a constrictor and is not poisonous; however, it still has teeth and powerful jaws that it utilizes to clench onto its prey. It grabs its victim and pulls it underwater, drowning the prey and can crush the prey in seconds.

– The anaconda is also referred to as a water boa supported by its tendency to live in or near the swamps and back river systems.

– They typically feed on large rodents, tapirs, capybaras, deer, peccaries, fish, turtles, birds, sheep, dogs and aquatic reptiles. They have been known to occasionally prey on jaguars (Anaconda)

– Anacondas are usually coiled up in a murky, shallow pool or at the river's edge.

– Anacondas usually bite their prey with their sharp teeth, hold on with their powerful jaws and pull them under water followed by a coiling of a loop or two around the main body.

– The victim may drown first or it may be squeezed to death in the Anaconda's muscular coils.

– Anacondas, true to the Boa family, constrict their hapless victims to death very quickly.

– The snake squeezes tighter each time its prey breathes out, so the prey cannot breath in again. Suffocation does not take long.

– Once these loops are in position, the snake will steadily constrict with incredible strength to suffocate the captive.

– In moments, the prey is ready to consume. Anacondas swallow their prey whole, starting with the head. This is so the legs fold up and the prey goes down smoothly.

– While the snake eats, its muscles have wave-like contractions, crushing the prey even further and surging it downward with each bite.


• Boas are constrictors—that is, they kill their prey by squeezing it to death and then they swallow it whole. Boas use the coils of their body to suffocate their prey, rather than crushing it, as is commonly believed..


• Pythons kill their prey by the process of constriction, whereby they do not grasp the prey animal in their teeth to restrain it.

• Only hastily wrapping a number of coils around the body of the prey.

• Then, by applying sufficient pressure to prevent the prey from being able to inhale, they ultimately cause it to succumb to asphyxia.

• Slow rhythmical constriction

• Pythons do not, as popularly believed, crush or squeeze their prey to death, and when constricting normal sized prey, the snake will almost certainly never apply enough pressure to break bones.

• Death of the prey is due to slow Rhythmical process of constriction.


• Boa: Sudden constriction

• Python: rhythmical slow step by step constriction and suffocation.

• Anaconda: Sudden suffocation with crushing and breaking of all the bones.

Language of the substance

–Slowly it comes step by step… entire freedom is curtailed, slowly lessen and lessen (HG) and

lessen till it is totally stop.

– The python is even very scary I heard stories it strangles (HG) and suffocating people…

– python was suppose to kill people more not because its poison but because of enormous weight and it goes around the person (HG) and totally squeezes then (HG) so that they cannot take any air (HG) their body is totally it kinds of strangles you kind of crushes you (HG).

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