PASPAC E-Newsletter 02

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  • 8/7/2019 PASPAC E-Newsletter 02


    Papua New Guinea Indonesia Philippines India China Vietnam Korea Japan - New Zealand - Australia

    PASPAC e-NewsletterMarch 2011

    Dear Brothers,

    These past few weeks have seen major events in our region events that came about as a

    result of commitments made over three years ago during the course of the Seoul PASPAC

    Assembly held in 2007. It is with great joy that I share the following with you all.


    On February 28, in the Retreat

    of Saint Paul of the Cross in

    Glen Osmond, Australia, five

    young men made their initial

    commitment to the Lord and

    the Congregation as

    Passionists. In the presence of our General Consultor, Father Clemente Barron; the Provincial of Holy

    Spirit Province, Father Joachim Rego; the Provincial of the Korean Martyrs Province, Father Peter

    Dong-Ho Shin; the Superior of the Vietnam Mission, Father Jefferies Foale; many clergy and

    religious of the Archdiocese of Adelaide, including the Chancellor, Mrs. Heather Carey;

    representatives of our wider Passionist Family, including the Passionist Sisters of Saint Paul of the

    Cross and the Sisters of the Cross

    and Crown, lay-Passionists of our

    Australian Companions and the

    Passionist Family Movement; all

    of the Passionists Priests and

    Brothers who came from across

    the Australian Province and our

    Region; the profession ceremony

    was held in great solemnity and

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    Papua New Guinea Indonesia Philippines India China Vietnam Korea Japan - New Zealand - Australia

    deep joy along with many members of the Vietnamese, Chinese and Philippine communities,

    benefactors and friends.

    Two students from Vietnam

    (Brothers Thomas and Peter) and

    three students from China (Brothers

    Peter, Joseph and Matthew) vowed

    to live our Passionist life for the

    next three years, after which, please

    God, they will make their perpetual

    commitment to our way of life. This

    long process of discernment in their native countries, followed by language training in the Philippines

    and culminating in their year-long Novitiate period in Australia and profession of temporary vows is a

    testimony to their determination to live Passionist life and to be a critical part of the initial period of

    foundation in their respective nations.

    The commitment of our region and the gracious support offered by our two houses of Formation in

    the Philippines and in Australia have all provided the means for this historic event to take place.

    Special mention must be made of the Local Community of Glen Osmond and their openness to this

    whole process. The work of Novice Master Father Wilfredo Estraza and his Assistant, Father Tomy

    Kanjirathinkal, played a particularly crucial role in preparing these five men for their future in the

    Congregation and the wider Church. All the vowed members of PASPAC, I am certain, will give

    thanks to the Lord for this gift to the Church these young men have vowed to become.

    Brother Thomas and Peter of Vietnam will return to their country during the first week of March,

    while the newly professed from China, Brothers Peter, Joseph and Matthew, will go once again to

    Manila where they will continue their education.

    NEW NOVICES 2011 and Beyond

    The three candidates from Vietnam will join the already vested Novice of the Australian Province in

    early April and will be vested shortly after their arrival there. There have been some problems with

    the IELTS (International English Testing System) examination, but it was felt that this issue could be

    handled either in the Philippines prior to their departure or after their arrival in Australia. The three

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    Papua New Guinea Indonesia Philippines India China Vietnam Korea Japan - New Zealand - Australia

    candidates have all received their special visas to enter Australia and thus this major hurdle has

    already been accomplished. I know that your prayers accompany these young men as they begin their

    novitiate and hopeful integration into the Congregation as vowed religious.

    There have been encouraging comments that indicate that other units within PASPAC are considering

    sending their novices to the International House of Formation for both language training and/or their

    canonical novitiate. This past January and February two professed students of the Province of the

    Korean Martyrs Brothers Mario Ri and Paul Park spent almost two months of English training in

    Manila along with our Vietnamese brothers. It is hoped that they will be the first of many more to

    follow in their footsteps.

    Already two candidates from Papua New

    Guinea, Joseph and William, have been

    accepted as postulants for the Australian

    Province and it is planned that they will

    join the next PASPAC novitiate of 2012.

    Pictured are Passionist Fathers Felix Kialoi

    and John Auram, on the left and right

    respectively, of our two candidates from

    Papua New Guinea. May they know joy as

    members of our Congregation.


    One of the joys of our lives as a religious is when we

    have the privilege of knowing and having been

    touched by our members who have lived long and

    very holy lives as Passionists. Among them must be

    counted Father Charles Corbett, a member of the

    Province of the Holy Spirit. He served as the

    Provincial Superior of that Province from 1960 until

    1972 and as a member of the Provincial Council on

    a number of occasions. On February 18, Father Charles left this world to be with our Heavenly Father

    after a period of declining health. Dying at a full 92 years of age, his last three years were spent with

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    Papua New Guinea Indonesia Philippines India China Vietnam Korea Japan - New Zealand - Australia

    the Little Sisters of the Poor where he received the special care that

    he needed. Among the highlights of his stay with these good Sisters

    was a very quiet visit in 2008 of our Holy Father, Benedict XVI

    while he was in Australia for the World Youth Day held in Sydney.

    Father Anthony Egar preached at his funeral Mass, in which he

    spoke of Charles effective leadership of the Province in a time of

    great turmoil. He emphasized Charles integrity and great pastoral

    sense especially of the sick and dying which he was often called to

    do as a hospital chaplain for many years. May he rest in peace,

    knowing that his brother Passionists loved him deeply, thankful for his generous life of service and


    May Father Charles of the Holy Family,

    along with all of our faithful departed, rest in the peace of the Lord. Amen.

    Diocese of Vanimo Papua New Guinea Golden Jubilee Year Celebration

    Fifty years ago, the Diocese of Vanimo in Papua New Guinea

    came into being under the auspices of the Congregation of

    the Passion, Province of the Holy Spirit. Below are some

    excerpts from a report by Father Thomas McDonough, pastor

    of the Passionist Parish in Port Moresby, the capital of the

    country. Vanimo is located in the Northwest corner of the

    country and many Passionists from Australia, New Zealand,

    the Philippines and Indonesia and other Provinces have

    labored over these many years. Father Thomas report:

    Our mass at 9.00 in the morning (March 6) at Daci parish church, was attended by Bishops

    Cesare (Ordinary of the Vanimo Diocese) and Alphonse (formerly Kimbe), plus most of the

    coastal clergy, all the seminary clergy and seminarians, the religious and, most importantly

    hundreds of parishioners from the villages and stations so many of you worked in. Logging

    roads made it possible for many to. All of them were asking after their favorites and looking

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    Papua New Guinea Indonesia Philippines India China Vietnam Korea Japan - New Zealand - Australia

    for you among the Passionists.

    The Choir was absolutely splendid, and the

    dancers were chosen from the different villages,

    Entrance, Bible, Offertory and Recessional

    processions. Joachim (Rego) preached beautifully

    and the Bishop spoke stirringly begging Clemente

    (Barron) to ask Fr. General for more Passionists,

    at which he turned to the people who roared their


    While only a very small number of our men

    who served in Vanimo were present, in fact

    the presence of every one of you was

    present, especially those now with God,

    whose presence was palpable. The love and

    memories of the people, their eager

    questions about so many of you, their gasp

    of dismay on learning of Fr Pat's (Cooper) fall and inability to attend - it made those of us

    privileged to be there so proud of all of you our brothers and your legacy so completely alive

    among the people who you served and who cared for you as you cared for them.

    The feasting and dancing and singing began. Ossima donated a cow for the proceedings,

    the Bishop contributed 5000K. Each village received food to prepare the night before, and it

    started to arrive by the truck load. The dancing and singing went on all afternoon, the various

    villages and stations, the coastal parishes, the youth groups and Sunday schools, the

    Mamas and the seminarians all had prepared

    something to honour the Passionists on this

    marvelous occasion.

    There will be much better photos and recounts

    of the day, this is just a first taste. It was one of

    those occasions that so often brought tears to

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    Papua New Guinea Indonesia Philippines India China Vietnam Korea Japan - New Zealand - Australia

    the eyes, as you watched the old men

    and woman hugging and crying over

    the former missionaries and our

    Passionist brothers. Brothers, they

    miss you who were their Passionist

    brothers so very, very much.

    You the former missionaries deserve

    the congratulations. Tom C.P.


    PASPAC is in a period of profound change where the future of the Congregation in our part of the

    world is already taking on characteristics that seemingly will allow a new reality to slowly evolve.

    The Congregation is old in many ways but the spirit of love for the Crucified One and the crucified

    of today is taking on new faces, languages, cultures and ways of thinking. There are very concrete

    ways in which we have shown ourselves and others our solidarity with each other that continue to

    surprise us. Somewhere in all of this newness and the daily surprises of life, the Holy Spirit of God is

    working for the good of the Church and the good of our most beloved Congregation. May the coming

    season of Lent be an opportunity for us all to give thanks for the blessings the Lord has showered

    upon us.

    Your brother always in the Crucified Lord,

    Bro. Laurence M. Finn C.P.Executive Secretary - PASPAC