PARENTS NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2017 EDITED BY COLETTE CLARKE We are approaching the end of 2017 and it has been a busy and enjoyable term. Our first years have completed their exams. Well done. We hope that you have all settled in well to life in LCC and our Gluais team have been fantastic in ensuring that your transition from Primary to Secondary has been smooth. Our second and fifth year students are currently sitting exams and we hope that all your study will be reflected in your upcoming reports. Our fourth years have had a busy term and we hope that you all have your work experience organised for January. Our third and sixth year students are preparing for their mock exams which take place end of January. We hope that you work to your ability and do your very best. Our LCA students are working well and are getting their key assignments finished before Christmas as session one will be complete end of January. Task one interviews will take place the beginning of February. We wish you all well. So much happens in our college and this newsletter is a sample of some of the activities which have taken place or which will happen. We hope you enjoy catching up on our news so far. If you wish you can also visit our school website at www.lucancc.ie ~ Enjoy the read. A NOTE FROM OUR PRINCIPAL (Ms. Birnie) Our thanks to everyone for a learning-packed first term. As usual we will finish the term with an evening Carol Service on Thursday 21st December and an assembly with reflections and music in St Patrick's Church from 11-12 on Friday. Students finish term after the assembly is over. Thanks to everyone who worked to prepare these lovely events for us to mark the end of the first term. The Junior Cycle Programme is rolling out in stages with students completing Classroom Based Assessments in a gradually increasing number of subjects. Wellbeing is being integrated as a whole school activity with specific subjects following theme-based learning each term. Our TY students will receive our first ever Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement in the New Year. As the detailed planning process for the school extension and refurbishment proceeds, the current indicative timeline shows a completion date of November 2020. We wish all of our students, parents/guardians, staff, board of management members and our friends in the wider community a very Happy Christmas and hope that 2018 will be a good year for each and every one of you. Céide na hEascraí, Leamhcán, Co. Átha Cliath Esker Drive, Lucan, Co. Dublin, K78 TF67 Guthán / Telephone: 01 6282077 Facs / Fax: 01 6282117 Idirlíon / Internet: www.lucancc.ie R-Phost / E-mail: [email protected] Príomhoide /Principal: Diane Birnie Príomhoidí Tánaisteacha/Deputy Principals: Andrew Purcell/Stephen Brett

PARENTS NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2017lucancc.ie/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/PARENTS-NEWSLETTER... · 2019. 10. 23. · PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION Parent Bingo night: An enjoyable evening was

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Page 1: PARENTS NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2017lucancc.ie/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/PARENTS-NEWSLETTER... · 2019. 10. 23. · PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION Parent Bingo night: An enjoyable evening was



We are approaching the end of 2017 and it has been a busy and enjoyable term. Our first years have

completed their exams. Well done. We hope that you have all settled in well to life in LCC and our

Gluais team have been fantastic in ensuring that your transition from Primary to Secondary has

been smooth. Our second and fifth year students are currently sitting exams and we hope that all

your study will be reflected in your upcoming reports. Our fourth years have had a busy term and

we hope that you all have your work experience organised for January. Our third and sixth year

students are preparing for their mock exams which take place end of January. We hope that you

work to your ability and do your very best. Our LCA students are working well and are getting

their key assignments finished before Christmas as session one will be complete end of January.

Task one interviews will take place the beginning of February. We wish you all well.

So much happens in our college and this newsletter is a sample of some of the activities which have

taken place or which will happen. We hope you enjoy catching up on our news so far. If you wish

you can also visit our school website at www.lucancc.ie ~ Enjoy the read.


Our thanks to everyone for a learning-packed first term. As usual we will finish the

term with an evening Carol Service on Thursday 21st December and an assembly with

reflections and music in St Patrick's Church from 11-12 on Friday. Students finish term after

the assembly is over. Thanks to everyone who worked to prepare these lovely events for us to

mark the end of the first term.

The Junior Cycle Programme is rolling out in stages with students completing Classroom

Based Assessments in a gradually increasing number of subjects. Wellbeing is being

integrated as a whole school activity with specific subjects following theme-based learning

each term. Our TY students will receive our first ever Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement in

the New Year.

As the detailed planning process for the school extension and refurbishment proceeds, the

current indicative timeline shows a completion date of November 2020.

We wish all of our students, parents/guardians, staff, board of management members and our

friends in the wider community a very Happy Christmas and hope that 2018 will be a good

year for each and every one of you.

Céide na hEascraí, Leamhcán, Co. Átha Cliath Esker Drive, Lucan, Co. Dublin, K78 TF67

Guthán / Telephone: 01 6282077 Facs / Fax: 01 6282117

Idirlíon / Internet: www.lucancc.ie R-Phost / E-mail: [email protected]

Príomhoide /Principal: Diane Birnie

Príomhoidí Tánaisteacha/Deputy Principals: Andrew Purcell/Stephen Brett

Page 2: PARENTS NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2017lucancc.ie/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/PARENTS-NEWSLETTER... · 2019. 10. 23. · PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION Parent Bingo night: An enjoyable evening was


Parent Bingo night: An enjoyable evening was had by all on Thursday 7th December and it

was great to see those who turned out to support the Parents' Association bingo fundraiser.

Particular thanks to the Lord Lucan who hosted the evening and to all of the local businesses

who supported our efforts to raise much needed funds for the college. Thanks to parents and

all who gave their generous support on the night and to our energetic Parents' Association who

organised it so successfully. Please support the Parents Association in their ongoing work to

support the school.

Contact the PA by email at [email protected] or through their Facebook page,

Parents Association – Lucan Community College


Thanks to all our parents and guardians who attended the various parent/teacher meetings this

term. It is a great opportunity for us all to meet up and discuss the progress of our students.


Thanks students for your work and involvement this term. It is very important to keep

on top of your studies and not let things pile up. Planning and organisation are essential.

Being on time for school and wearing the correct uniform are also important. Many have been

very involved in extra-curricular activities, which is essential for an all- rounded education.

Many matches and competitions have been won but it is the participation which is the key and

the enjoyment which is the most important thing. We have a positive atmosphere in our school

and that is up to each and every one of us. Mutual respect is evident and it makes it a pleasant

place to be in when we all work in harmony. Thanks for being respectful.

We want to wish you all a very happy and safe Christmas. We look forward to seeing you all

back in January 2018.


Second Year Tour: Arrangements are at an advanced stage, there are two things that we

would like parents to attend to:

Full payment is due by the first week in January

Passports – if you haven’t already please send a copy of the front page of your

daughter/son’s passport into the school.

E111 – European Insurance Card. This allows the use of public medical facilities

throughout Europe. It is free and easily available online. Please apply for one for your


We will arrange a meeting for the parents/ guardians of students travelling early in the new

term. Thanks.


It has been a busy term for 6th year students. Well done to all for your hard work. Some

important dates are approaching.....register for CAO by 20th January 2018 to avail of the

discounted fee of €30. The deadline for entering restricted entry courses is 1st Feb. Any student

who may be eligible for the HEAR and DARE programme should be organising their

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applications and ensure they make a careers appointment ASAP. See accesscollege.ie for

further information.

PLC colleges are open for applications. Students should apply to the college directly online

ASAP and congratulations to the students who have been accepted already! Apprenticeships

are available to students - see careersportal.ie for further details.

Happy Christmas to all students and I hope you have a well-balanced holiday between getting

some rest and doing some study.

TRANSITION YEAR NEWS (Ms. Williams, Mr. Brett & tutors)

This last term for Transition Year students has been nothing short of hectic. The most

amazing feat so far is how much we have managed to squeeze into 17 and a half

weeks! There has been numerous school visits ranging from cyber safety to the Irish navy.

There has been countless trips, whether to the cinema, Delphi, Driving camp or a freezing

beach in Dublin. Students have kept up their voluntary work and have continued to grow as

they give back to the local community. Students also began recording their many achievements

as part of their Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement that will be issued in the New Year.

The last few weeks has seen students get very busy completing their assignments and projects

as module one drew to a close. A true rollercoaster of a term. But as students start their well-

deserved Christmas holidays we ask that they stop and reflect on their transition year journey

so far. Keeping in mind the theme for the year – Carpe Diem – have you all been as involved

in your transition year journey as you could have been? You have all experienced what it is

like to be part of TY for the last three months, but have you just been a passive passenger or

have you taken the wheel of your learning experience?

New TY option lists will be available at the start of the new term. TYs should be gathering

evidence of learning in their TY journals and begin to collect items for their portfolio box. We

will be issuing our Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement Certificates to the 3rd year students of

2016/17 in the New Year.

Take the holidays to rest up and recharge the batteries and come back to us in January 2018

renewed and ready to take on the many and varied challenges and adventures that module two

will bring.

We wish each and every one of you a peaceful Christmas and an adventurous new year ahead.


German and French mock oral exams for the Leaving Cert. will begin in January. It is

important to study as this accounts for 25 percent of the exam.

German and French Junior Cert mock oral exams took place the beginning of December and

students got feedback. The actual Junior Oral exams will take place the end of January.

We wish all our students the best of luck. Please prepare well for these exams.

Students studying French had a visit from the French Theatre recently. They were entertained

and educated in an eventful morning of Interactive Drama through French.


On Friday the 1st of December, all Transition Year geography classes went to Donabate Beach,

on a Geography as part of their Geography module in Transition Year. This would give them

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an opportunity to get to revise some of the topics that they learned in Junior Cert Geography

and also get a flavour of some of the Leaving Cert course. A group of two classes and four

teachers set off on a trip on a cold Friday morning that was cut in half due to the arctic winter

conditions. Well done everyone for a wonderful educational outing.

RELIGION DEPARTMENT NEWS Quote of the Week: Religion department

The final literacy quote of the year

comes from the Religion department

who have chosen a quote from

Buddha to enlighten all in our

community as we approach the

Christmas break.


Lucan CC's literacy quotes programme

The Language Literacy Numeracy (LLN)

committee are continuing the development

and encouragement of literacy skills within

our college community with a new, exciting

inter-departmental activity.

The LLN committee continue to run a weekly departmental quote from each department over

the year. This is a great way for our students to experience the rich language associated with

the full range of our college departments. Each quote is included in the daily announcements

announced by Ms Birnie, placing each quote as central to our school day here in the college.

Students are also asked to record each departmental quote in their journal or to organize a

separate quotes notebook. The quotes, while representing the different departments, will prove

incredibly useful for both Junior Cert and Leaving Cert essay writing.

Thanks again to the Language, Literacy and Numeracy team for developing the quotes of the

week concept and for coordinating each department to contribute towards it.


On November 25th and 26th the TY students accompanied by their teachers and tutors, took part

in the annual history trip for Transition Year students. Students went to Dublin Castle, the GPO

and some enjoyed a trip to the cinema to see Tomi Reichental’s new documentary, ‘Condemned

to Remember’. An enjoyable trip was had by all.


National Science Week took place from 12th to 19th November 2017. Science students

engaged in a variety of science focused activities ranging from daily puzzles to quizzes.

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Those who designed science posters faced tough competition with a very high standard of

posters entered by students. The winners of the first year poster competition

were Anna Capcarrere and Stephen Lamb. Joint winners of the second year poster competition

were Amy Martin and Yasmin Aminou with their very creative science posters.

The daily puzzles challenged students with some students entering more than one answer to

increase their chance of winning a prize.

The winners of the daily science puzzles were as


Monday: Marius Furtig-Rytterager (2nd year)

Tuesday: Megan Flanagan (1st year)

Wednesday: Anna Wanic (1st year)

Thursday: Charlie O'Malley (3rd year)

Friday: Nathan White (2nd year)

Thanks to the Science Department for organising all

activities and well done to all students who engaged with Science Week.

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Congratulations to Alex Hanley (Transition Year) who has become a

national champion after sensationally winning the gold medal for

Physics in the IrEUSO national competition held in DCU on Saturday 11th


Alex had been selected to compete in the unique competition based on his

outstanding Maths and Science Junior Certificate results.

The college also wishes to congratulate Oisín O’Sullivan (5th Year) who

was also selected to take part in this prestigious competition based on his

own top marks in his Junior Certificate. Oisín can be very proud of his

efforts as he competed with students from all over the country.

As gold medal champion, Alex will now participate in training with the other eleven medal

winners in physics, chemistry and biology to decide the team of six who will go on to represent

Ireland in the 2018 International Science Olympiad.

The EUSO International Science Olympiad will be held between the 28th of April and the 5th

of May in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

We wish Alex every success as he now begins his training for what will hopefully be

his Ireland debut in Slovenia next April.


A talented Lucan CC student has been called up to international ice hockey side:

Congratulations to Anna Capcarrere (1st Year, McVerry) who has been selected to represent

Team Ireland in South Korea next year. Anna has been selected for Ireland in the exciting

discipline of ice hockey and will represent the nation in the Commemorative Imjin-

Pyeongchang Youth Ice Hockey to be held in South Korea in January 2018.

Anna will compete in 10 international games against countries including South Korea, USA,

Canada, Japan, Hungary, China and Russia. We wish Anna the very best of luck as she begins

her training for this prestigious tournament.


Lucan CC Students Celebrate Human Rights Day

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On December 7th, we celebrated human rights day. Our team

worked together cohesively, to bring light to human rights abuses all

over the world. We did this in many different ways.

We again ran a very successful "Write for Rights" campaign where

we chose three cases: the Turkish Ten, Ni Yulan and Shackelia

Jackson. We ran a stall in our school raising awareness by signing

petitions and our write for rights postcards.

Our centre piece was a very thought provoking display to show solidarity

with refugees. It was the word 'WELCOME' spelled out in shoes in our

main court yard. The shoes are symbolic of the long journey refugees take

to flee their country to gain safety. We then donated the shoes to Oxfam.

The poetry competition continued to grow in quality. This year both 1st and

2nd years vastly exceeded our expectations. Every winner shed a light on

human rights issues, through powerful poetry.

Our poster/art competitions had some amazing talent, young people

combining art and articles of the declaration of human rights.

The "Great LCC Bake Off "is getting bigger every year and we had very

talented and creative bakers. Students, teachers and parents all got involved

to make human rights cakes and included healthy cakes.

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Overall the events were very successful. We would like to thank all the students and teachers

who took part and to the English, RE, C.S.P.E and Home Economics Departments and the

LCC Amnesty group.

By Lee, Cian - on behalf of LCC Amnesty



Irish Navy visit to highlight Human Rights

As part of Human Rights Day events at Lucan Community College, Lt. Commander Michael

Brunicardi, from the Irish Navy, talked to over 150 TY students. Lt Commander Brunicardi

spoke passionately about his experiences in recent refugee search and

rescue humanitarian missions in the Mediterranean.

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The talk was thought provoking and

very emotional at times with Lt. Commander

Brunicardi including details of personal stories of

the people he met and the desperate circumstances

in which they were rescued. Lt. Commander

Brunicardi concluded that all of these people were

human beings and as such deserved human rights.

He also visited the beautiful visual display of the

articles from the Declaration of Human Rights on

the wall in the H area, created with work from 1st

and 2nd year CSPE students.

Thanks to Ms McCarthy, Ms Doyle and the LCC Amnesty Committee for organizing the visit

and to all the Transition Year and 5th Year LCA students who listened attentively and learned

so much.


The senior debating team have been very busy this term as they make their way through the

Concern Debates competition with other schools from the region. So far this year they have

battled it out with Colaiste Cois Life, St. Joseph's College and Luttrellstown Community

College. While St. Joseph's pipped them to the post, the team have obtained two

unanimous victories over Colaiste Cois Life and Luttrellstown CC. Topics have included

Gender Quotas, China's involvement in Africa and Young People being advocates for change

in the developing world. Adjudicators have commended the debating team on their research

and knowledge of global issues and were impressed by their oration skills. Well done to our

senior debaters; Bláithnaid Henry, Rhiannon Withero, Gayatri Sangra, Matthew Graham, Alex

Healy and Oisin O'Sullivan.

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Lucan CC Transition Year students were among 50 select teenagers gathered together recently

to discuss the importance of staying safe online at Twitter's Dublin HQ. The digital activism

event, organised by UNICEF, involved Lucan Community College students discussing ways

to stay safe online when using social media.

The students had plenty of

opportunity to discuss the

numerous challenges and

opportunities of growing up in a

digital age at the event organised by


Executive Director of UNICEF

Ireland, Peter Power said the

digital activism event was about

listening to young people as

UNICEF "believe they should be given every opportunity to influence their own futures.”

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Sinead McSweeney, Managing Director of Twitter Ireland, said Twitter was "committed to

helping students engage with an increasingly diverse online environment, while empowering

them to use digital platforms when they feel compelled to speak out on issues they’re passionate


A big thank you to the Transition Year students who actively engaged in the event and also to

Ms McCarthy for organising the trip.


Lucan CC badminton team a smash at local blitz

Fifteen of our first year badminton players participated in our annual badminton blitz against

Scoil Aine Naofa on Tuesday 12th in Lucan Leisure Centre. Well done to our team who played

outstandingly. Great fun was had by all. Thank you to Jun in TY who has helped out in training

and with the score sheet.

Our third year badminton enthusiasts practice every Tuesday in the gym at lunch time while

our second years practice on a Monday. After Christmas a league will take place among all our

badminton players in the college. We look forward to this. Thanks to Ms. Howley, Ms.

Gallagher and Ms. Clarke for your continuous commitment each week.


Our senior boys’ soccer team are performing exceptionally well. They have won their two

recent matches which puts them through to the semi-final of the Dublin West League and they

will play against St. Declan’s (Cabra) after Christmas. We wish them well. Thanks to Colum


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LEINSTER COMBINED EVENTS CC student grabs bronze in Leinster Combined Events Championships.

Congratulations to Max Carey (6th year, class

Walker) who recently took part in the Irish Life Health Leinster

Schools Combined Events Championships in Abbotstown,

Dublin 15. Max performed brilliantly on the day, finishing

amongst the medals in 3rd overall in the Boys Intermediate

competition. This amazing achievement qualified Max for the

National Combined Events Finals in the Athlone Institute of

Technology on Saturday 28th October.

Max again performed brilliantly again in the national finals, finishing with a total score of 2732

after all five events. The indoor combined events are a multi discipline competition featuring

track disciplines of sprinting (Hurdles and 200m) and middle distance (800m) running as well

as field disciplines of both throwing (Shot Putt) and the Long Jump.


LCC senior hurlers retain their Dublin title

Lucan CC 4-8

Holy Family, Rathcoole 1-12

A brilliant second half defensive display proved to be crucial in this tightly contested final.

After playing with a strong wind in the first half and gaining a seven point half-time advantage

it was backs to the wall stuff in the second half. Despite repeated efforts the Rathcoole players

could not break down a resolute Lucan backline.

The match had only started when Charlie Keher blasted a goal past a helpless Holy Family

goalkeeper. The teams exchanged points before HF got a goal of their own. Then Alan Murphy

replied with a candidate for goal of the year, a brilliant finish after carrying from near halfway.

A fortuitous Dylan Kelly goal left the half-time score was 3-5 to 1-4.

The second half opened with HF closing the gap with some good points. Then Michael Carron

sneaked inside the opposition defence and scored a goal with a clinical finish. From there on

most of the play was in the Lucan half. The strong wind aiding continuous attacks on the Lucan

goal. Full back Ben O’Toole performed heroics to stop what looked like certain goals. Good

points from Ben Mullins, Killian Boylan and Charlie Keher kept the distance on the score line

and helped deflate the HF attack.

A final scoreline of 4-8 to 1-12 gave LCC a deserved win, though the margin of victory was

probably a bit unfair on a very good Rathcoole side.

Scorers: Charlie Keher (1-5), Alan Murphy (1-1), Dylan Kelly (1-0) Michael Carron (1-0),

Killian Boylan (0-1), Ben Mullins (0-1)

Man of the match: Ben O’Toole

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The squad: Thomas Dempsey ,Sean Egan, Ben O’Toole, Cian Gaire, Michael Doyle, Alex

Hanley, Daragh Reid, Alan Murphy, Dylan Kelly, Killian Boylan, Ben Mullins, Michael

Carron, Charlie Keher, Cathal Kavanagh, Ciaran Behan, Sean Balfe, Luke Finnerty, Adam

McGarry, Jason Gibbons, Alex Petras, Alan Griffin, Ryan O’Connor, Luke Neville.


The college delivered a series of internet safety workshops in a bid to

educate and ensure all of our students know the importance of staying safe

online. The workshops and presentations were delivered to all of our new

first years and also to the Transition Year students by Pat McKenna,

founder of the cyber safety company, childwatch.ie.

The risks for children online are ever-increasing with easy access to the

internet. This makes educating our students about the risks involved

when online even more important. Even more so when recent surveys

suggest that half of all teenagers in Ireland hide their online history from

their parents and that one in 10 children have met someone in person that

they first made contact with online.

Please read the following ten tips for staying safe online and ensure that your son/daughter is

aware of them.

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1) Don’t post any personal information online – like your address, email address or mobile


2) Think very carefully before posting any pictures or videos of yourself. Once you’ve put

a picture of yourself online most people can see it and may be able to download it, it’s not just

yours anymore.

3) Keep your privacy settings as high as possible

4) Never give out your passwords

5) Don’t befriend people you don’t know.

6) Don’t meet up with anyone you’ve met online. Speak to your parent or carer about people

suggesting you do!

7) Remember that not everyone online is who they say they are

8) Think carefully about what you say before you post something online

9) Respect other people’s views, even if you don’t agree with someone else’s views doesn’t

mean you need to be rude

10) If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried: leave

the website, turn off your computer if you want to and tell a trusted adult immediate

We urge all parents to use these tips as an opportunity to discuss with their children the

importance of staying safe online and agree together how best to do this.


Lucan CC student finishes 2nd in UK Rubik's Cube

Championships. Congratulations to Ciarán Beahan (6th Year, class

Holland) who came second overall in the 2017 UK Rubik's Cube

Championships. Ciarán took the silver medal at the event held over

the midterm break in Stevenage, Bedfordshire.

Over the past few years Ciarán has competed at the highest levels

with the Rubik's Cube and has been crowned Irish national champion for the past three

successive years. He also competed at the World and European Championships, finishing an

incredible 27th and 17th place respectively.

Ciarán's overall record with the Rubik's Cube is particularly impressive. He has amassed 54

gold medals, 35 silver medals and 28 bronze medals over the last few years.

The entire school community wishes Ciarán continued success this year as he juggles his

studies for his Leaving Certificate with his talent at the Rubik's Cube.


Our transition year students are participating well and seem to be enjoying their involvement

in the Presidents’ Award – Bronze Gaisce Award. Keep up the great effort. Some are finishing

their 12 week activity soon. Also a reminder that the Hiking trip will take place in April…so if

hiking boots are needed you could get them for Christmas.

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Two of our sixth year students have completed and will receive their Silver Gaisce Award in

January. Well done Eoghan Gartlan and Rachel McLaughlin for your enthusiasm and


CHRISTMAS CAROL CONCERT Our annual Christmas concert will take place

in Lucan Community College on Thursday

21st December at 8pm. A wonderful festive

evening of traditional, heart-warming

Christmas carols is promised. All are



LCC Scratch Coding Club

Students participate in the Hour of Code!

During Computer Science Education Week, (December 4th to

10th) LCC Scratch Club students took part in the global "hour

of code". This included sampling some self-led coding

tutorials and receiving certification on completion. Well done

to all students involved!

Ms McCarthy and Mr Foley run the Scratch Coding Club after school, on Wednesday

afternoons and this year, we have a particularly enthusiastic group of students who have

impressed us with their creativity and problem solving abilities in the world of coding. Their

willingness to help out and to even teach the group is what makes the club a success. We wish

them well with individual/ group projects they are currently working on for possible inclusion

in the National Scratch Competition.


Lucan Community College students, parents and teachers have rallied together again this

Christmas 2017 to raise much needed funds for St. Vincent de Paul. The entire school

community have embraced this special fundraising for St. Vincent de Paul over the last number

of years and it has grown both in strength and numbers.

This year students and staff continued with the tradition of the secret bag collection during

morning registration. This allows for secret donations to be given in a pressure free capacity.

Lucan Community College’s commitment to the work of St. Vincent de Paul goes back many

years having started in 1986.

The St. Vincent de Paul fundraiser started 31 years ago in the old school building in Lucan

Village with making Christmas cakes and adding them to hampers that were distributed by

SVP throughout the local community. This Christmas 2017 has seen a further increase in

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pressure for families in difficulty. It is hoped that the funds raised as a school community

alleviate these pressures for some in the community.

“This year Christmas 2017 sees ever increasing needs for families in these difficult times,” said

Ms. Ryan, organizer of the fundraising event in the College.

“In many ways it reminds me of the times back in the mid-eighties when we started our St.

Vincent de Paul work in the College, but in many ways these days are even more difficult for

people, with such a wide variety of challenges faced by some,” add Ms. Ryan.

If you or someone you know are in need of help this Christmas please contact St Vincent de


Lucan Community College would like to thank Ms. Ryan for her continued dedication and

commitment to this annual fundraising event.

This year we would also like to thank Ms. Walsh and Ms. Mulhern for helping

to organising the secret collection and also to the Transition Year and 6th year Prefect teams.


Our annual coffee morning in memory of Carol Meehan, our dear friend and colleague, took

place on Thursday 14th December during morning break. All proceeds will go directly to St.

Brigid’s hospice where Carol spent her final days. Thanks to all who baked, help set up the

staffroom and contributed. Your generosity is much appreciated.

EXTRA-CURRICULAR NEWS Thanks to all our staff who are enthusiastically continuing to provide many sports and cultural

after-school and lunchtime activities for students. We offer the usual wide range of sports and

cultural activities. Well done to all involved and we continue to encourage all students to take

part in at least one sports and one cultural activity. Thanks to Ms. Joy who is currently liaising

with staff regarding extra-curricular activities

Please look at the school website-www.lucancc.ie to see photos and reports on all events.

Thanks to all the teachers and parents and coaches who give up their time to help out and

support our after-school programme.

IMPORTANT DATES Monday 18th -Thursday 21st December – 2nd and 5th year formal exams

Friday 22nd December – Final day of school including the Christmas service.

Students attend from 9am until 12 noon

Friday 22nd December 2017 – Friday 5th January 2018- Christmas Holidays

Monday 8th January – School reopens – full day

Monday 22nd January – Friday 2nd February – T.Y. Work Experience 2

Thursday 25th – Friday 9th February - 3rd and 6th year mock exams (starting with Practical

exams on Thursday 25th/Friday 26th)

Saturday 3rd February – 12th February – German Exchange trip to Germany

Wednesday 7th February – Incoming (2018/2019) 1st year assessments 12.30-4.00pm. Classes

finish for students at 12.00pm.

Monday 12th – Friday 16th February Midterm Holidays

Page 17: PARENTS NEWSLETTER DECEMBER 2017lucancc.ie/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/PARENTS-NEWSLETTER... · 2019. 10. 23. · PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION Parent Bingo night: An enjoyable evening was