Paper Example Created by Name.... College of Arts and Sciences Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo MI 49008 Introduction Methods Results Example Template example Change as needed This template was designed to produce a 48x36 poster. You can modify it as needed for your presentation and send back as attachment to [email protected] or coas- [email protected]. Text here In the past, formatting a presentation, document, or workbook could take a good chunk of time as you chose color or style options for your tables, charts, and graphics to match one another. 2007 Microsoft Office System offers a wide range of predefined document themes that simplify this process across Microsoft Office Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007. With one click, the background, text, graphics, charts, and tables all change to reflect the theme you have selected, helping ensure that all elements in your presentation complement one another. With a consistent color scheme, all your materials can look unified, polished, and professional. Best of all, if you don’t like the preset themes, you can easily create your own by customizing these existing themes. It is highly recommended to use the largest images you have access to for your poster. Avoid images downloaded from the web and avoid copying and pasting images instead of using the “Insert” command. To insert an image to your poster go to INSERT>PICTURE>FROM FILE In the past, formatting a presentation, document, or workbook could take a good chunk of time as you chose color or style options for your tables, charts, and graphics to match one another. 2007 Microsoft Office System offers a wide range of predefined document themes that simplify this process across Microsoft Office Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007. With one click, the background, text, graphics, charts, and tables all change to reflect the theme you have selected, helping ensure that all elements in your presentation complement one another. With a consistent color scheme, all your materials can look unified, polished, and professional. Best of all, if you don’t like the preset themes, you can easily create your own by customizing these existing themes. With a consistent color scheme, all your materials can look unified, polished College of Arts and Sciences, and professional. Best of all, if you don’t like the preset themes, you can easily create your own by customizing these existing themes. WMU Logos here: http://www.wmich.edu/ur/web/seals.html College Logos here: http://www.wmich.edu/cas/logos.html Depending on how you layout your poster, you may want to change the column layout configuration. It is highly recommended to use the largest images you have access to for your poster. Avoid images downloaded from the web and avoid copying and pasting images instead of using the “Insert” command. To insert an image to your poster go to INSERT>PICTURE>FROM FILE

Paper Example Created by Name.... College of Arts and Sciences Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo MI 49008 Introduction Methods Results Example Template

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Page 1: Paper Example Created by Name.... College of Arts and Sciences Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo MI 49008 Introduction Methods Results Example Template

Paper ExampleCreated by Name.... College of Arts and Sciences Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo MI 49008



Results Example

Template example

Change as needed

This template was designed to produce a 48x36 poster.You can modify it as needed for your presentation and send back as attachment to [email protected] or [email protected].

Text here In the past, formatting a presentation, document, or workbook could take a good chunk of time as you chose color or style options for your tables, charts, and graphics to match one another. 2007 Microsoft Office System offers a wide range of predefined document themes that simplify this process across Microsoft Office Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007. With one click, the background, text, graphics, charts, and tables all change to reflect the theme you have selected, helping ensure that all elements in your presentation complement one another. With a consistent color scheme, all your materials can look unified, polished, and professional. Best of all, if you don’t like the preset themes, you can easily create your own by customizing these existing themes.

It is highly recommended to use the largest images you have access to for your poster. Avoid images downloaded from the web and avoid copying and pasting images instead of using the “Insert” command. To insert an image to your poster go to INSERT>PICTURE>FROM FILE

In the past, formatting a presentation, document, or workbook could take a good chunk of time as you chose color or style options for your tables, charts, and graphics to match one another. 2007 Microsoft Office System offers a wide range of predefined document themes that simplify this process across Microsoft Office Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007. With one click, the background, text, graphics, charts, and tables all change to reflect the theme you have selected, helping ensure that all elements in your presentation complement one another. With a consistent color scheme, all your materials can look unified, polished, and professional. Best of all, if you don’t like the preset themes, you can easily create your own by customizing these existing themes.

With a consistent color scheme, all your materials can look unified, polished College of Arts and Sciences, and professional. Best of all, if you don’t like the preset themes, you can easily create your own by customizing these existing themes.

WMU Logos here:


College Logos here:


Depending on how you layout your poster, you may want to change the column layout configuration.

It is highly recommended to use the largest images you have access to for your poster. Avoid images downloaded from the web and avoid copying and pasting images instead of using the “Insert” command. To insert an image to your poster go to INSERT>PICTURE>FROM FILE