IB HL History Mr. Blackmon Paper 03 Essays 1985-2012 In Chronological Order 1. Examine the view that the role of the mestizo during and after the Wars for Independence brought about significant changes in cultural, social and political order in Latin America. (1985) 2. "Both the conservatism and radicalism found in British North America (Canada) emerged through the influence of the United States. To what extent and why is this observation correct or incorrect from the time of the American Revolution to the rebellions in the Canadas? (1985) 3. Discuss the struggle between Montreal and New York for the trade of the continental interior of North America (1814-1866), bringing other Canadian and American metropolitan centers into the discussion where appropriate. Why was New York successful? (1985) 4. Explain the contrasts in the success of representative forms of government adopted in the United States and in Latin America countries after Independence. (1985) 5. Compare and contrast the effects of westward expansion from the mid-eighteenth to the end of the nineteenth centuries on the Indians of any TWO of the following countries: Argentina; Canada; the United States. (1985) 6. Why was it possible for the North and the South in the United States to reach a compromise on the issue of slavery expansion in 1820 and 1850 but not in 1860? (1985) 7. Discuss the origins, nature and results of Canada's National Policy of tariff protection to 1914. (1985) 8. Discuss the causes and effects of the rise of the caudillo in Latin America, with specific reference to THREE caudillo from different countries. (1985) 9. "Most Canadians love the British Empire with a passion in 1896, but by the end of the 1950's the British connection had lost much of its appeal." What were the reasons for this development? (1985) 10. Why, and with what effects, did Canada and a number of Latin American countries

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IB HL History Mr. Blackmon

Paper 03 Essays 1985-2012In Chronological Order

1. Examine the view that the role of the mestizo during and after the Wars for Independencebrought about significant changes in cultural, social and political order in LatinAmerica. (1985)

2. "Both the conservatism and radicalism found in British North America (Canada) emergedthrough the influence of the United States.

To what extent and why is this observation correct or incorrect from the time of theAmerican Revolution to the rebellions in the Canadas? (1985)

3. Discuss the struggle between Montreal and New York for the trade of the continentalinterior of North America (1814-1866), bringing other Canadian and American metropolitan centers into the discussion where appropriate. Why was New Yorksuccessful? (1985)

4. Explain the contrasts in the success of representative forms of government adopted in the United States and in Latin America countries after Independence. (1985)

5. Compare and contrast the effects of westward expansion from the mid-eighteenth to the end of the nineteenth centuries on the Indians of any TWO of the following countries: Argentina; Canada; the United States. (1985)

6. Why was it possible for the North and the South in the United States to reach acompromise on the issue of slavery expansion in 1820 and 1850 but not in 1860? (1985)

7. Discuss the origins, nature and results of Canada's National Policy of tariff protection to1914. (1985)

8. Discuss the causes and effects of the rise of the caudillo in Latin America, with specificreference to THREE caudillo from different countries. (1985)

9. "Most Canadians love the British Empire with a passion in 1896, but by the end of the1950's the British connection had lost much of its appeal."

What were the reasons for this development? (1985)

10. Why, and with what effects, did Canada and a number of Latin American countries

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experience a rapid expansion of settlement and agriculture at the beginning of the twentiethcentury? (1985)

11. Show how and why the decades after both the First and Second World Wars witnessed abacklash in the United States against political liberalism. (1985)

12. Compare and explain the outcomes of two revolutions in Latin America, one successful,and one unsuccessful. (1985)

13. How far is it possible to interpret contemporary Latin American political and economicsystems as either democratic or capitalist? (1985)

14. Compare and contrast British and Spanish colonial administrations in America in the eighteenth century. (HL) (1987)

15. Assess the nature and importance of the role of the Creoles in the Latin American Wars ofEmancipation. (1987)

16. How and with what success did the U.S. Constitution attempt to solve the problems of theConfederation period? (1987)

17. Why was the War of 1812 of vital importance to the Canadas? (1987)

18. What were the problems of colonial government in the Canadas in the first half of thenineteenth century? How did Canadians attempt to deal with them? (1987)

19. Identify and explain at least THREE issues that divided political parties in TWO of the following countries in the nineteenth century: the United States; Mexico; Argentina. (1987)

20. Trace the steps by which the border between the United States and Canada was establishedand explain why it was essentially unfortified. (1987)

21. "Slavery was essentially a benign system."

Using examples from at least TWO countries in the region, evaluate this historicalviewpoint. (1987)

22. Assess the importance of slavery as a cause of the American Civil War. (1987)

23. Analyze the contribution made, and the problems posed, by immigrants to any TWOcountries in the region. (1987)

24. Compare and contrast U.S.-Latin American relations during the presidencies of Theodore

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Roosevelt and Franklin D. Roosevelt. (1987)

25. Compare and contrast the economic impact of the 1929 Depression on TWO of thefollowing: (a) the United States (b) Canada (c) one country in Latin America. (1987)

26. What were the antecedents of the New Deal programs? How "new" was the New Deal?(1987)

27. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the vote seemed the remedy to women's unequalstatus.

28. Compare and contrast the effects of gaining the suffrage on women's lives in TWOcountries of the region. (1987)

29. Explain the rise and fall of Juan Perón and evaluate his impact on Argentina. (1987)

30. To what extent have native people shared in the prosperity of twentieth century Canada andthe United States? (1987)

31. Trace and explain the developing relations between the United States and EITHER theU.S.S.R. since 1945 OR China since 1949. (1987)

32. Passage of the Fourteenth Amendment in 1868 changed little in the lives of blacks in theUnited States. Why was this so and what factors in the 1960's finally brought change?(1987)

33. Compare and contrast TWO twentieth century Latin American revolutions with respect to(a) causes, (b) goals, (c) leadership and (d) achievements and failures. (1987)

34. "Canada has struggled to separate herself first from Britain and then from the UnitedStates."

Discuss with reference to EITHER economics OR foreign relations in the twentiethcentury. (1987)

35. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the vote seemed the remedy to women's unequalstatus. Compare and contrast the effects of gaining the suffrage on women's lives in TWOcountries of the region. (1987)

36. Compare and contrast the economic and political role of the Roman Catholic Church in French and Spanish America. (HL) (1988)

37. What were the major issues in the quarrel between Great Britain and her North Americancolonies in the years 1763-1776? (HL) (1988)

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38. Assess the role of the individual leadership in the Latin American Wars ofEmancipation. Include representatives of at least TWO different countries.(HL) (1988)

39. Discuss the nature and extent of trade relations between the United States and Canada in the first half of the nineteenth century. (HL) (1988)

40. All of the Canadian provinces had good reason to oppose Confederation. Why then did it occur? (HL) (1988)

41. "Although few of them were slave-holders, the majority of farmers feared the abolition ofslavery."

Evaluate this statement in the light of (A) the economic role of slaveryand(B) the social implications of slavery in TWO countries in the region. (HL) (1988)

42. Discuss the significance of the following relationship between North and South in theperiod 1820-1860:

(A) the Missouri Compromise(B) the Compromise of 1850(C) the Kansas-Nebraska Act. (HL) (1988)

43. What were the main problems in the creating of unified states that faced Argentina andMexico in the nineteenth century? (HL) (1988)

44. Compare and contrast the role of the railroad in United States and Canadian growth. (HL)(1988)

45. Compare and contrast the patterns of urban growth in the United States and one country inLatin America prior to 1900. (HL) (1988)

46. Discrimination against Asians was a common problem in the western United States andCanada up to the First World War. Discuss the similarities in (A) origins of the prejudiceand (B) the legal outcomes (HL) (1988)

47. What were the contributions of European immigrants in the twentieth century to thedevelopment of any TWO countries of the region. Be specific in reference to ethnic groups.(HL) (1988)

48. What were the aims of the leaders of the Mexican Revolution? How far had these aimsbeen achieved by 1940? (HL) (1988)

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49. Describe how two countries of the region attempted to deal with the Depression of 1929.(HL) (1988)

50. What were the major issues of Canadian political life in the inter-war period and how werethey resolved? (HL) (1988)

51. Discuss the major political and social results of the Vietnam War for the United States.(HL) (1988)

52. Compare and contrast the role of the army in any TWO of the following countries since1960: Argentina; Bolivia; Brazil; Peru. (HL) (1988)

53. What unique problems did Canada face in the 1960's? How successful has she been indealing with them? (HL) (1988)

54. Trace the development of social welfare legislation in TWO countries of the region andassess its impact on the position of women. (HL) (1988)

55. What were the similarities and differences in the colonial policies of Britain and Spain in the New World in the eighteenth century? (HL) (1989) (HL) (1989)

56. Why did Quebec not join the other thirteen colonies in their rebellion against Britain in1776? (HL) (1989)

57. How revolutionary was the US Constitution? (HL) (1989)

58. How did the War of 1812 influence US/Canadian relations in the nineteenth century? (HL) (1989)

59. What impact did Lord Durham have on developments in Canada? (HL) (1989)

60. Beginning in the 1830s, national governments began to support and implement the end ofenslavement. Compare methods of manumission and abolition in at least TWO countries ofthe region. (HL) (1989)

61. Were the causes of the American Civil War primarily political, social, or economic? (HL)(1989)

62. Canada and most Latin American countries have been faced with serious cultural,geographic and linguistic obstacles to political integration. Choose ONE Latin Americancountry and compare its approach to this problem with that of Canada. (HL) (1989)

63. Discuss the national origins and internal settlement patterns of European immigrants inTWO of the following in the period 1890-1920: (A) Canada; (B) the United States; (C)Argentina. (HL) (1989)

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64. Define the nature and assess the effectiveness of the US "Dollar Diplomacy" policy inLatin America between 1900 and 1933. (HL) (1989)

65. To what extent did the Mexican Revolution succeed? (HL) (1989)

66. Compare Canadian and US foreign policy in the inter-war period (1919-1939). (HL) (1989)

67. Write an appraisal of the Presidency of John F. Kennedy. (HL) (1989)

68. Assess the effectiveness of the US policy towards China in the twentieth century. (HL)(1989)

69. Write an appraisal of the Presidency of John F. Kennedy. (HL) (1989

70. What forces underlay EITHER the FLQ crisis in Quebec OR the Falklands/Malvinas crisisin Argentina? (HL) (1989)

71. Reformers, revolutionaries or soldiers--who have been more successful in Latin Americanpolitics? Mention at least TWO countries in your answer. (HL) (1989)

72. What forces underlay EITHER the FLQ crisis in Quebec OR the Falklands/Malvinas crisisin Argentina? (HL) (1989)

73. Why did the Thirteen Colonies rebel against Britain and how were they able to win theirindependence? (HL) (1990)

74. "A brilliant soldier but a poor politician." How far do you agree with this verdict on SimonBolivar? (HL) (1990)

75. What is meant EITHER by "Jeffersonian Democracy" OR "Jacksonian Democracy"? Explain the importance of the Presidency of either man to the development of the United States. (HL) (1990)

76. What social and economic roles did slavery serve in EITHER the United States OR Brazilin the nineteenth century? (HL) (1990)

77. "The surprising fact is not that the Confederacy lost the American Civil War but that itsurvived as long as it did." Discuss. (HL) (1990)

78. Compare and contrast the role of the railroad in the western expansion of the United Statesand Canada. (HL) (1990)

79. Explain the significance of (A) the Durham Report and the Act of Union 1838-40 and (B)

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the British North America Act of 1867 in the development of Canadian self-government.(HL) (1990)

80. How effective was the New Deal in solving the problems facing the United States in the1930s? (HL) (1990)

81. Who supported and who opposed Juan Perón in Argentina between 1943 and 1955? (HL)(1990)

82. Why did the United States withdraw from European affairs after the First World War butmaintain its involvement after the Second? (HL) (1990)

83. "The failures of American politicians and not those of the United States armed forces lostAmerica the war in Vietnam." Discuss this assessment of events in Vietnam between 1961and 1975. (HL) (1990)

84. Analyze and describe the work of (A) the Federal Government and (B) the Courts inobtaining Civil Rights for minorities in the United States since 1945. (HL) (1990)

85. Compare and contrast the aims and achievements of peasant revolutionaries in Cuba andMexico in the twentieth century. (HL) (1990)

86. Explain the failure of Latin America to match the rapid economic growth of the UnitedStates in the twentieth century. (HL) (1990)

87. Discuss the role of the armed forces since 1945 as opponents or sponsors of change in anyTWO of the following countries (A) Chile (B) Brazil (C) Bolivia (D) Peru. (HL) (1990)

88. Why have populist and socialist parties been more successful in Canada than in the UnitedStates? (HL) (1990)

89. How well did Britain and Spain govern their American colonies? (HL) (Nov 1991)

90. Define mercantilism and explain how TWO of the colonial powers applied it in the Americas in the eighteenth century. (HL) (1991)

91. What was the role of class conflict in the Latin American Wars of Independence? (HL)(Nov 1991)

92. What were the roles of the different social classes in the Latin American Wars ofIndependence? (HL) (1991)

93. Why was Brazil's transition to independence basically peaceful? (HL) (1991)

94. Which features of the US Constitution were new? (HL) (Nov 1991)

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95. What role did Britain play in establishing the Canadian Confederation of 1867? (HL) (Nov 1991)

96. Identify three problems of the Confederation period in the USA. How was each resolved inthe constitution? (HL) (1991)

97. Why did the Americans invade Canada in 1812? (HL) (1991)

98. To what extent was the United States the catalyst in Canadian Confederation in 1867? (HL)(1991)

99. "Slavery in Latin America and the Caribbean was profoundly different from slavery in theUnited States." How far do you agree with this assertion? (HL) (Nov 1991)

100. "Slaves were basically content with their position. White reformers stirred them up." Withspecific reference to (A) the nature of slavery and (B) the abolitionist movements, showhow far you agree with this statement. Reference should be made to at least TWOcountries from the Caribbean and/or mainland America. (HL) (1991)

101. What were the main political results of the Civil War in the United States? (HL) (Nov1991)

102. What were the political issues underlying the American Civil War? (HL) (1991)

103. Compare and contrast the growth of industry before 1860 to any TWO countries of theregion. (HL) (Nov 1991)

104. What were the politics behind government involvement or non-involvement in theeconomies of TWO countries in the region between 1890 and 1914? (HL) (Nov 1991)

105. How successful was the National Policy in Canada? (HL) (1991)

106. Evaluate MacDonald's 'National Policy' with regard to (A) immigration; (B) transportation;and (C) tariff protection. (HL) (Nov 1991)

107. What were the politics behind government involvement or non-involvement in theeconomies of TWO countries in the region between 1890 and 1914? (HL) (Nov 1991)

108. What similarities and differences were there in the foreign policies of Theodore Rooseveltand Franklin Delano Roosevelt towards Latin America? (HL) (1991)

109. What were the main problems in Mexico in the second half of the nineteenth century andhow successful were both the proposed and the attempted solutions? (HL) (Nov 1991)

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110. "The Roosevelt Revolution": is this an appropriate description of the 1930s in the UnitedStates? (HL) (Nov 1991)

111. To what extent did the New Deal solve the problems of the Great Depression the UnitedStates? Be specific with regard to problems and programs. (HL) (1991)

112. Why have single party regimes been common in twentieth century Latin America? Answerwith reference to at least TWO different countries. (HL) (1991)

113. Why did Canada go to war in 1939? (HL) (Nov 1991)

114. Explain the changes in US foreign policy between 1919 and 1945. (HL) (Nov 1991)

115. What political problems for the Canadian government were caused by involvement in thetwo World Wars? (HL) (1991)

116. Assess the presidency of Richard Nixon with reference to both domestic and foreignpolicy. (HL) (1991)

117. How successful has the Civil Rights movement been in the United States? (HL) (Nov1991)

118. Analyze the social and economic problems in any ONE Latin American country since1945. (HL) (Nov 1991)

119. Assess the role of the central government in economic development in TWO countries ofthe region between 1890 and 1914. (HL) (1991)

120. Does the history of Latin America since 1945 justify the view that Latin Americancountries are "developing" countries? (HL) (1991)

121. Compare and contrast the role of agriculture in the colonial economies of TWO countries

of the region. (HL) (1992)

122. "Wars of independence in the Americas were essentially conservative and not trulyrevolutionary at all." In reference to the aims of revolutionary leaders, to what extent doyou agree with this assessment? Use at least TWO examples. (HL) (1992)

123. What were the main political issues of the Jeffersonian period and how were they resolved? (HL) (1992)

124. What were the main problems of Latin American countries in the generation following independence? Use examples from at least TWO countries (HL) (1992)

125. What problems did Confederation hope to solve in Canada? (HL) (1992)

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126. Why were slave insurrections and revolts generally unsuccessful? Use examples fromTWO countries. (HL) (1992)

127. How important were the abolitionists in the coming of the Civil War? (HL) (1992)

128. During the nineteenth century, the United States, Canada and Latin America turned torailroad construction to solve perceived problems. What were these problems and howsuccessful were railroads in solving them in TWO countries of the region? (HL) (1992)

129. Compare the policies for settlement of unpopulated areas in the second half of thenineteenth century in TWO countries of the region? (HL) (1992)

130. Trace the evolution of United States foreign policy in regard to Cuba from 1898 to 1959. (HL) (1992)

131. Why did the Mexican Revolution last so long? (HL) (1992)

132. What were the problems of labor in the Great Depression and how did TWO countries ofthe region attempt to solve them? (HL) (1992)

133. Why did Canada take so long to achieve her independence from Britain? (HL) (1992)

134. Which United States president has left the greatest impact on foreign policy since 1945? (HL) (1992)

135. Does Canada have an independent foreign policy? (HL) (1992)136.137. Using specific examples, assess the success of regional cooperation in the hemisphere

since 1945? (HL) (1992)

138. Compare and contrast the role of religion in the settlement of TWO areas of the region. (HL) (1993)

139. "The American Revolution and the Latin American Wars of Independence have absolutelynothing in common." Discuss. (HL) (1993)

140. To what extent was the United States Constitution revolutionary? (HL) (1993)

141. Which groups gained and which lost from the Canadian Confederation in 1867? (HL) (1993)

142. Assess the economic profitability of slavery in TWO countries of the region. (HL) (1993

143. In what ways and to what extent were race relations in the South changed by the Civil War

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in the United States? (HL) (1993)

144. Using specific examples from TWO countries, explain what factors influenced the growthof cities in the second half of the nineteenth century. (HL) (1993)

145. Compare the political and economic reasons for westward expansion in TWO countries inthe region 1870 to 1900. (HL) (1993)

146. Compare the economic and cultural impact of immigration in any TWO countries of theregion, 1890 to 1920. (HL) (1993)

147. Explain the failure of representative government in TWO countries of Latin America in thenineteenth century. (HL) (1993)

148. What did Canada hope to gain by sending armed forces outside her borders in: (A) the NileCampaign and (B) the Boer War? (HL) (1993)

149. Why did the United States intervene so frequently in Central America before the SecondWorld War? (HL) (1993)

150. What were the results of the Mexican Revolution? (HL) (1993)

151. Give examples from TWO countries in the region which made significant changes in theireconomic systems in response to the Great Depression. (HL) (1993)

152. To what extent was there 'hemispheric cooperation' prior to and during the Second WorldWar? (HL) (1993)

153. How and why have the President and Congress of the United States come into conflictsince 1952? What effect has this had in at least TWO specific areas? (HL) (1993)

154. With reference to at least TWO countries, assess the attempts at land reform in LatinAmerica since 1945. (HL) (1993)

155. "Reformers, revolutionaries, or soldiers?" Who have been more successful in LatinAmerica since 1945? Be specific in reference to at least TWO countries. (HL) (1993)

156. How has Canada's foreign trade evolved since 1945? (HL) (1993)

157. Compare the reasons of TWO of the major imperial powers for undertaking colonization inthe eighteenth century. (HL) (1994)

158. Why did revolution occur in the United States in 1776 and not until after 1800 in LatinAmerica? (HL) (1994)

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159. Discuss the role of leadership in the formation of new governments in TWO countries of the region in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. (HL) (1994)

160. Analyze the political problems of Upper and Lower Canada prior to the rebellions of 1837. (HL) (1994)

161. What were the major arguments for and against slavery in the period before 1860? (HL)(1994)

162. How successful was Reconstruction following the American Civil War? (HL) (1994)

163. Describe the progress of industrialization in any TWO countries of the region in the firsthalf of the nineteenth century. (HL) (1994)

164. Describe and explain the reasons for the patterns of population growth in TWO countriesof the region in the nineteenth century. (HL) (1994)

165. Compare the treatment of Asian immigrants in TWO countries of the region, 1890 to 1925. (HL) (1994)

166. Around what issues did political parties form in Latin America in the nineteenth century? With reference to TWO countries, explain the differences and similarities in issues andparties. (HL) (1994)

167. Why was Panama the last republic in the region to gain independence and how did thisoccur? (HL) (1994)

168. What lasting changes did the Great Depression (1929) bring to the economic structures ofany TWO countries of the region? (HL) (1994)

169. Evaluate the contributions of Wilfrid Laurier to Canadian growth, 1896 to 1911. (HL)(1994)

170. What were the basic economic problems of TWO Latin American countries in the first halfof the twentieth century and how did they attempt to solve them? (HL) (1994)

171. "By December 1941, the United States was a belligerent in all but name." comment on thisstatement with regard to United States foreign policy in the decade before Pearl Harbor. (HL) (1994)

172. Compare the domestic programs of TWO United States presidents between 1945 and 1985. Which one do you consider to have been more successful and why? (HL) (1994)

173. Discuss the role of the military in TWO Latin American countries from 1945 to 1980. (HL) (1994)

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174. Does Canada have a foreign policy independent of the United States? Be specific in youranswer. (HL) (1994)

175. Analyze the trade relations of the United States with ONE other country of the region since1960. (HL) (1994)

176. Compare and contrast the various types of labor in any TWO areas of the region in the second half of the eighteenth century. (HL) (1995)

177. Why were the causes of the wars of independence in Latin America more social thanpolitical? (HL) (1995)

178. Compare the role of the executive in the new governments of TWO countries of the regionbefore 1860. (HL) (1995)

179. What were the political problems in the Canadas in the first half of the nineteenth century? How did both the Canadians and the British attempt to deal with them? (HL) (1995)

180. Why did Brazil become a monarchy in 1822 and a republic in 1889? (HL) (1995)

181. What were the major similarities and differences in the master-slave relationship in theslave cultures of any TWO countries in the region? (HL) (1995)

182. "The United States Civil was entirely an economic struggle" To what extent do you agreewith this assessment? (HL) (1995)

183. How were native peoples treated during the territorial expansion of at least TWO countriesof the region in the nineteenth century? (HL) (1995)

184. Which groups contributed to and benefitted from urbanization in TWO Latin Americancities in the nineteenth century? (HL) (1995)

185. "The economic problems of Latin American countries all result from monoculture." Evaluate the statement using examples from at least TWO countries. (HL) (1995)

186. Why was the First World War so important both politically and economically to Canada'sdevelopment as a nation?" (HL) (1995)

187. How far was the Spanish-American War a turning-point in relations between the UnitedStates and Latin America? (HL) (1995)

188. "The revolution that began in Mexico in 1910 was the most genuine of the many LatinAmerican revolutions up to that time." To what extent do you support this statement? (HL) (1995)

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189. What were the causes and characteristics of Peronism? (HL) (1995)

190. Describe the role of the United States and at least ONE country of the region in the SecondWorld War. (HL) (1995)

191. Compare the policies of TWO United States presidents in regard to the Soviet Unionbetween 1945 and 1985. Which was more successful and why? (HL) (1995)

192. Where has political democracy been successful in Latin America since 1945? Whatconditions were present in at least TWO countries for this to happen? (HL) (1995)

193. Where has political democracy been successful in Latin America since 1945? Whatconditions were present in at least TWO countries for this to happen? (HL) (1995)

194. How effective were TWO imperial powers in the government of their American colonies inthe eighteenth century? (HL) (1996)

195. What similarities and what differences do you find in the causes of the AmericanRevolution (1776) and the Latin American Wars of Independence (1810 and after)? (HL)(1996)

196. “Haiti’s achievement of independence was unique in the hemisphere.” How far do youagree with this judgement? (HL) (1996)

197. What were the goals of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 and to what extent did it achieve them? (HL) (1996)

198. What were the forces favoring Confederation in Canada and why? (HL) (1996)

199. To what extent was the expansion of slavery into the territories the primary cause of theUnited States Civil War? (HL) (1996)

200. “In the nineteenth century, immigration was the most important factor in economicgrowth” Assess this view with evidence from TWO countries in the region. (HL) (1996)

201. Compare the success of representative government in any TWO countries of the region inthe nineteenth century. (HL) (1996)

202. “The National Policy was a complete success.” Evaluate its major aspects in relation to thestatement. (HL) (1996)

203. Compare the Latin American policies of TWO United States presidents between 1900 and1930. (HL) (1996)

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204. Who deserves the title “Father of the Mexican Revolution” and why? (HL) (1996)

205. Evaluate the programs of TWO countries in the region for solving the Depression (1929)problems of labor and the farmer. (HL) (1996)

206. “The Second World War changed the relationships of the New World with the Old Worldas significantly as the Wars of Independence.” In what ways is this an accurate statement? (HL) (1996)

207. Evaluate the domestic and foreign policies of Lyndon B. Johnson. (HL) (1996)

208. Evaluate the domestic and foreign policies of Lyndon B. Johnson. (HL) (1996)

209. Discuss the impact of transnational corporations on any TWO Latin American countriessince 1940? (HL) (1996)

210. To what extent can we say that regionalism is the fundamental problem underlying allothers for Canada since 1945? (HL) (1996)

211. Compare and contrast the social and economic groupings of one Latin American and one North American colony in the eighteenth century. (HL) (1997)

212. By what groups and for what reasons was independence opposed in the United States in1776 and in one Latin American country in 1810 and after? (HL) (1997)

213. What were the political and economic problems of the Confederation period in the United States and how successful were attempts to solve them? (HL) (1997)

214. How successful was Confederation in responding to Canada’s political and social problems? (HL) (1997)

215. Who opposed slavery in the Americas and why? (HL) (1997)

216. What were the political causes and results of the US Civil War? (HL) (1997)

217. Analyze the economic issues in Chile in the second half of the nineteenth century, and thevarious attempts to resolve them. (HL) (1997)

218. Assess the importance of the “conscription crisis” in Canada’s national development. (HL)(1997)

219. Was Woodrow Wilson’s Latin American policy consistent with his Fourteen Points? (HL)(1997)

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220. What were the economic problems which caused the Mexican Revolution and to whatextent were they solved by the Constitution of 1917? (HL) (1997)

221. How and to what extent was the economic role of government changed by the GreatDepression of 1929? Draw your examples from at least TWO countries in the region. (HL) (1997)

222. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of foreign investment in TWO Latin Americancountries of the period 1900-1950. (HL) (1997)

223. What were the results of the Second World War for any TWO countries in the region? (HL) (1997)

224. How would you characterize the role the United States has played in the United Nationssince 1945? (HL) (1997)

225. How successful have the forces of the “political left” been in TWO Latin Americancountries since 1945? (HL) (1997)

226. In what ways have Canadian-American trade relations evolved since 1960? (HL) (1997)

227. “The potential of the OAS for hemispheric cooperation is largely untried.” How farwould you agree or disagree with this statement? (HL) (1997)

228. Assess the impact of the Christian Churches on the native populations in the Americas during the colonial period. (HL) (1998)

229. “Wars of independence in the Americas were primarily caused by political factors.” Towhat extent do you agree with this statement for the period 1775 to 1850? (HL) (1998)

230. What problems faced the United States under the Articles of Confederation and how far did the United States Constitution solve them? (HL) (1998)

231. Analyze the problems of Upper and Lower Canada prior to the rebellions of 1837. (HL) (1998)

232. “In the nineteenth century blacks were allowed greater economic and social mobility inLatin America than in the United States.” How do you account for this difference? (HL) (1998)

233. Assess the contribution made by African-American soldiers during the United StatesCivil War. (HL) (1998)

234. Examine the main characteristics of immigration and discuss its impact on one Latin

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American country during the second half of the nineteenth century. (HL) (1998)

235. How successful were French-Canadians outside the province of Quebec in retaining theirlinguistic and minority educational rights between 1867 and 1914? (HL) (1998)

236. How far was the United States successful in implementing a “closed door” policy in LatinAmerica between 1898 and 1914? (HL) (1998)

237. Evaluate the extent to which the leaders of the Mexican Revolution could be consideredas either “revolutionaries” or “reformers.” (HL) (1998)

238. What changes in economic philosophy did the Great Depression produce in theAmericas? Reference should be made to at least two countries in the region. (HL)(1998)

239. How and why did the relationship between Canada and Britain change between 1900 and1931? (HL) (1998)

240. Compare and contrast the programs of two Latin American leaders in the first half of thetwentieth century and assess their successes and failures. (HL) (1998)

241. For what reasons and with what results were Japanese citizens of Canada and the UnitedStates interned during the Second World War? (HL) (1998)

242. Analyze the reasons for the longevity of Fidel Castro’s rule in Cuba. (HL) (1998)

243. At the time they left office, Presidents Truman and Eisenhower were both given lowratings in Presidential greatness polls. They are now both ranked among the top tenpresidents. What factors account for this change? (HL) (1998)

244. How did the foreign policies of the United States government respond to the perceivedthreat of Communist aggression during the late 1940s and early 1950s? (HL) (1998)

245. With what justification could it be said that Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X hadsimilar philosophies but used different methods to campaign for civil rights? (HL)(1998)

246. What were the causes of the “Quiet Revolution” of the 1960s in Quebec? (HL) (1998)

247. Evaluate the role of the military in two Latin American countries between 1960 and 1980. (HL) (1998)

248. Why did Marxism become popular in Latin America after the 1960s? Support yourarguments with examples from at least two countries in Latin America. (HL) (1998)

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249. Analyze the trade relations of the United States with one other country of the region since1960. (HL) (1998)

250. Assess the impact of the War of 1812 on both Canada and the United States. (HL) (November 1999)

251. Was the United States’ Constitution a revolutionary document? (HL) (November 1999)

252. How and why did the antislavery movement in the United States change during the courseof the nineteenth century. (HL) (November 1999)

253. “It was the result of tensions between two ways of life.” “The war was caused byunnecessary fanatical agitations.” Which of these explanations for the outbreak of theCivil War in the United States do you consider to be the most appropriate and why? (HL) (November 1999)

254. Explain the effects of economic dependency in two countries of Latin America in the latenineteenth century. (HL) (November 1999)

255. Evaluate the effects of economic effects of the British North America Act (1867) onCanada. (HL) (November 1999)

256. How did the Spanish - American War change United States policy toward the Caribbean? (HL) (November 1999)

257. Francisco Madero has been called “the Father of the Mexican Revolution.” To whatextent do you agree with this description? (HL) (November 1999)

258. Examine the causes of the Great Depression in two countries of the region. (HL)(November 1999)

259. Analyze the relations between Canada and the United States in the first half of thetwentieth century? (HL) (November 1999)

260. Why did Juan Peron become the dominant figure in the history of Argentina from 1955 to1971? (HL) (November 1999)

261. Compare and contrast the treatment of Japanese internees in the United States andCanada during World War II. (HL) (November 1999)

262. Analyze the role of the Catholic Church in Latin America during the period 1960 to 1980. (HL) (November 1999)

263. Assess the impact of the Second World War on minorities in two countries of the region. (HL) (November 1999)

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264. Compare and contrast the influence on domestic issues (domestic policy) of twopresidents of the United States between 1950 and 1970 . (HL) (November 1999)

265. Analyze the foreign policy of two presidents of the United States toward the Middle Eastbetween 1970 and 1985. (HL) (November 1999)

266. Evaluate the impact of “black power” on the Civil Rights movement. (HL) (November1999)

267. Account for Fidel Castro’s rise to power in Cuba and explain the United States reaction tohis regime until 1970. (HL) (November 1999)

268. Evaluate the successes and failures of the Organization of American (OAS) from 1970 to1990. (HL) (November 1999)

269. Examine the role of religion in two colonies of the region. (HL) (1999)

270. “Most revolutions in the Americas merely replaced the colonial rulers with a home-grownpolitical elite.” How valid is this claim that Wars of Independence in the Americasduring the eighteenth and early nineteenth century did not mark a radical change from thepast? (HL) (1999)

271. Analyze the economic causes of (a) the War of Independence in the United States and (b)one War of Independence in Latin America. (HL) (1999)

272. How and why did Brazil achieve independence from Portugal in the nineteenth century? (HL) (1999)

273. Analyze the reasons why slavery in the Americas was supported by different social andeconomic groups. (HL) (1999)

274. Assess the successes and failures of Reconstruction in granting civil and political equalityfor former slaves in the southern states of the United States. (HL) (1999)

275. Explain the various reasons for the growth of railroads in the region in the period before1914. Support your answer with specific examples from two countires of the region. (HL) (1999)

276. Discuss the short-term and long-term results of the British North America Act (1867) onCanada. (HL) (1999)

277. Compare and contrast Woodrow Wilson’s and Franklin D. Roosevelt’s latin Americanforeign policy. (HL) (1999)

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278. “Emiliano Zapata’s aim was Land and Freedom.” How successful and how lasting wasthe influence of Zapata on the Mexican Revolution? (HL) (1999)

279. Analyze the role of the United States in the Mexican Revolution. (HL) (1999)

280. How successful was Import Substitution Industrialization (I.S.I.) in the 1930s and 1940sin two Latin American countries? (HL) (1999)

281. Analyze the political and economic impact of the First World War on Canada. (HL)(1999)

282. “Latin American politics depended much more on personalities than on ideologies in thetwentieth century.” Referring to at least two countries in the region show how far youagree with this statement. (HL) (1999)

283. How has the role of women and ethnic minorities in either the United States or Canada asa result of the Second World War? (HL) (1999)

284. Explain the reasons for the long-term survival of the regime of Fidel Castro. (HL)(1999)

285. Where, and with what effect, has the Truman Doctrine been applied to foreign policy? (HL) (1999)

286. How successful was Chief Justice Warren in challenging segregation in the United Statesin the 1950s and 1960s? (HL) (1999)

287. Why did the United States intervene in Vietnam between 1961-1971? (HL) (1999)

288. Compare and contrast the domestic policies of two United States Presidents in the period1970-1990. (HL) (1999)

289. In what ways, and for what reasons, have there been social obstacles to development inLatin America since 1945? Support your answer with specific examples from twocountries of the region. (HL) (1999)

290. Why have various revolutionary movements of the left since 1945 failed in LatinAmerica? (HL) (1999)

291. How successful were the Regional Trade Agreements between 1950 and 1970 in threecountries of the region? (HL) (1999)

292. Analyze the social structure of the immigrant population of the colonial society in anytwo parts or countries of the region in the second half of the eighteenth century. (HL)

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293. “Wars of Independence in the Americas were primarily caused by economic grievances.” Discuss how far this claim is justified with reference to any one war of independence inthe region in the period 1775 to 1850. (HL) (2000)

294. Compare the problems that emerged in the formation of new systems of goverrnment in two countries of the region after their war of independence. (HL) (2000)

295. Why was the slave rebellion in Haiti successful, while slave rebellions elsewhere in theAmericas before 1850 failed? (HL) (2000)

296. Compare the political, economic, and military strengths and weaknesses of the North andSouth United States at the beginning of the United States Civil War in 1863? (HL)(2000)

297. “The attempts in the Reconstruction period 1865 to 1877 to solve problems caused by theCivil War failed African-Americans.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? (HL) (2000)

298. Analyze the factors which contributed to the movement of population in any twocountries of Latin America in the second half of the nineteenth century. (HL) (2000)

299. Explain the challenges faced by Canada between Confederation in 1867 and 1900, andassess how successfully they were overcome. (HL) (2000)

300. For what reasons, and with what results, did the United States intervene in Latin Americain the period 1898 to 1932? (HL) (2000)

301. “The Mexican Revolution of the early twentieth century was not one but two revolutions,one led by reformers and the other led by revolutionaries.” To what extent do you agreewith this view? (HL) (2000)

302. “As a result of the First World War, Canadians were much more united in 1918 than theyhad been in 1914.” How justified is this claim? (HL) (2000)

303. How and why did F. D. Roosevelt’s domestic policies in the 1930s affect the power of thepresidency, the power of the states and attitudes towards governemnt regulation of theeconomy? (HL) (2000)

304. With reference to both domestic and foreign policy, assess the achievements andlimitations of Mackenzie King as Prime Minister of Canada. (HL) (2000)

305. Analyze the policies of one populist leader in Latin America in the first half of thetwentieth century and assess their effectiveness. (HL) (2000)

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306. In what ways were women and minorities affected by the Second World War in any twocountries in the region? (HL) (2000)

307. In what ways, and to what extent, did Eisenhower’s foreign policy domonstrate the limitsof American power in the 1950s? (HL) (2000)

308. Compare the significance of the events at Little Rock, Arkansas in 1957 with those ofBirmingham, Alabama in 1963 in the campaign for civil rights by African Americans. (HL) (2000)

309. Assess the achievements and limitations of the domestic policies of any two Presidents ofthe United States of America in the period 1961 to 1988. (HL) (2000)

310. With reference to either the different regions of Canada or to any two countries inmainland Latin America, analyze the impact of economic changes between 1960 and1990. (HL) (2000)

311. To what extent was Castro able to achieve his aims between 1959 and 1990, and whatprevented him from achieving more? (HL) (2000)

312. Discuss the view that the Organization of American States (OAS) had more successesthan failures in the period 1950 to 1990. (HL) (2000)

313. In what ways and for what reasons did the treatment of indigenous peoples in the eighteenth century differ in the Americas? At least two specific examples should be discussed. (HL) (2001)

314. Compare and contrast the leadership role of two of the following in Wars ofIndependence in the US and Latin America: Washington, Jefferson, Bolivar, San Martin. (HL) (2001)

315. “I have already intimated to you the danger of parties . . . . “ (George Washington, Farewell Address, 1796) Why, despite George Washington’s warnings, did politicalparties emerge in the US in the period 1796-1828? (HL) (2001)

316. How did Brazil achieve independence from Portugal in the nineteenth century, and whywas the Brazilian path to independence different from that of Spanish America? (HL)(2001)

317. “The causes of the 1837 rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada had little in common.” How far do you agree with this claim? (HL) (2001)

318. Analyze the major similarities and differences in the master-slave relationship in the slaveculture of two countries of the region during the nineteenth century. (HL) (2001)

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319. “Abraham Lincoln has been given greater credit than he deserves for the emancipation ofslaves in the US.” How far do you agree with this statement? (HL) (2001)

320. To what extent, and for what reasons, did French-Canadians outside Quebec provinceretain their linguistic and minority educational rights between 1867 and 1914? (HL)(2001)

321. Examine the positive and negative effects of immigration in two Latin Americancountries during the second half of the nineteenth century. (HL) (2001)

322. Examine the causes for, and the impact of, the growth of union in two countries of theregion in the period 1890 to 1920. (HL) (2001)

323. In what ways and for what reasons, did the US intervene in Latin America in the period1898 to 1932? (HL) (2001)

324. How important were economic grievances in causing the Mexican Revolution that beganin 1910 and to what extent were these grievances solved by the Constitution of 1917? (HL) (2001)

325. How important were economic grievances in causing the Mexican Revolution that beganin 1910, and to what extent were these grievances solved by the Constitution of 1917? (HL) (2001)

326. Analyze the impact of the First World War upon the political and economic developmentof Canada between 1914 and 1930. (HL) (2001)

327. With reference to any two countries in the region, evaluate the effectiveness ofgovernmental programs in solving the problems confronting agriculture and industryduring the Great Depression. (HL) (2001)

328. Assess the domestic (internal) program and policies of one populist leader of LatinAmerica in the period 1900 to 1955. (HL) (2001)

329. Examine the military and diplomatic role of two countries in the region during the SecondWorld War. (HL) (2001)

330. Analyze the political impact of the Vietnam War upon the US between 1964 and 1974. (HL) (2001)

331. With reference to their aims and actions, examine the foreign policy of one of thefollowing presidents of the US: Truman; Eisenhower; Carter; Reagan. (HL) (2001)

332. In what ways, and for what reasons, were there differences in the philosophy and methods

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of the campaigns for civil rights of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X? (HL) (2001)

333. Analyze the main political and economic developments in either Canada or one countrymainland Latin America during the period 1960 to 1990. (HL) (2001)

334. “Cuba, unlike other Latin American countries, has created a true social revolution.” Howvalid is this assessment of the impact of Castro*s regime upon Cuba? (HL) (2001)

335. To what extent was the Organization of American States (OAS) able to achieve its aimsin the period 1970 to 1990, and what factors hindered greater success? (HL) (2001)

336. To what extent did either Britain or France govern their colonies in the Americas fortheir own economic gain? (HL) (2002)

337. Assess the impact on the social classes, in at least two countries in the Americas, of theWars of Independence in those countries. (HL) (2002)

338. To what extent were the grievances expressed in the Declaration of Independence successfully addressed by the Articles of Confederation? (HL) (2002)

339. In 1865, a Canadian politician said, “The British North American colonies face a choicebetween Confederation or absorption into the United States”. How accurate, in youropinion, was this observation? (HL) (2002)

340. Analyze the conditions that produced slave insurrections either in the United States orBrazil. To what extent were these insurrections successful? (HL) (2002)

341. To what extent did economic and social differences cause the United States* Civil War? (HL) (2002)

342. Define economic dependency and account for its emergence in, and importance for, onecountry of Latin America in the late nineteenth century. (HL) (2002)

343. Analyze the treatment of the indigenous people of Western Canada betweenConfederation and the First World War. (HL) (2002)

344. How successful was the United States* foreign policy towards Latin America in the firstdecade of the twentieth century? (HL) (2002)

345. To what extent were the aims of Emiliano Zapata and Pancho Villa realised during theMexican Revolution (1910 to 1940)? (HL) (2002)

346. Assess the impact of the Great Depression on the society of any one country of the region.Provide specific examples to support your answer. (HL) (2002)

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347. In what ways, and for what reasons, did the relationship between Canada and Britainchange between 1900 and 1931? (HL) (2002)

348. In what ways, and with what results, did either Per6n or Vargas pursue populist policies? (HL) (2002)

349. Compare and contrast the attitudes to, and roles in, the Second World War of Canada andArgentina. (HL) (2002)

350. Compare and contrast the Cold War policies of Truman and Eisenhower. (HL) (2002)

351. Analyze the successes and failures of the United States* Civil Rights movement between1954 and 1964. (HL) (2002)

352. “Vietnam and Watergate destroyed the reputations of various United States* Presidents inthe 1960s and 1970s.” To what extent do you agree with this judgment? (HL) (2002)

353. To what extent has either Canada or one Latin American country developed a foreignpolicy independent of the United States since 1945? (HL) (2002)

354. Analyze the reasons for the United States* intervention in Guatemala in 1954. (HL)(2002)

355. “President Reagan*s policies brought great benefits to the United States in the period1981 to 1990.” How far do you agree with this judgment? (HL) (2002)

356. Why was the Organization of American States (OAS) founded and how successful has itbeen in achieving its aims? (HL) (2002)

357. Explain why the treatment of indigenous peoples in the colonial period differed considerably according to the origin of the colonists. ? (HL) (2003)

358. Analyze the role of different social classes in the Wars of Independence in either theUnited States or Latin America. ? (HL) (2003)

359. Compare and contrast the role of leadership of two of the following: Washington,Jefferson, Bolivar, San Martin. (HL) (2003)

360. What were the main features of the Articles of Confederation, and how successful was thegovernment that resulted from them? (HL) (2003)

361. Discuss the reasons why the Durham Report recommended French-Canadianassimilation. (HL) (2003)

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362. “The wasteful economy of slavery was replaced by the productive economy based onsalary.” With reference to two countries of the region, explain to what extent you agreewith this view. (HL)

363. Analyze the immediate and longer-term political effects of the United States Civil War inthe period 1865 to 1896. (HL) (2003)

364. Using specific evidence from one or more countries in the region, assess to what extentimmigrants’ expectations of social and economic opportunities were fulfilled in theperiod 1865 to 1919. (HL) (2003)

365. Assess the influence of intellectuals on society in one country in the region in the period1890 to 1919. (HL) (2003)

366. In what ways and for what reasons, did the aims of the progressives appeal to people in theAmericas from the late 1890s to 1914? Support your answer with specific evidence fromone or more countries in the region. (HL) (2003)

367. With reference to two countries in the region, analyse the reasons for, and the effects of,the Good Neighbor Policy of the United States. . (HL) (2003)

368. To what extent did foreign intervention prolong the Mexican Revolution? . (HL) (2003)

369. How successful were government programs in solving the Great Depression in twocountries of the region? (HL) (2003)

370. “The political and economic impact of the First World War on Canada was more positivethan negative.” How far do you agree with this judgment? . (HL) (2003)

371. In what ways, and to what extent, were the policies of either Vargas or Perón successful inachieving their aims? . (HL) (2003)

372. Assess the effects of the Second World War on women and minorities in two countries inthe region. . (HL) (2003)

373. Either Analyze the impact of the Cold War on Canada in the period 1945 to 1965 Or Explain why the Cold War provided favourable circumstances for the establishment ofmilitary leaders in any two countries in Latin America. . (HL) (2003)

374. Assess the achievements and limitations of the domestic policies of one of the followingpresidents: Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-9); Jimmy Carter (1977-81); Ronald Reagan (1981-9). . (HL) (2003)

375. Analyze the aims and achievements of the foreign policies of Harry S Truman (1945-53)

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and George Bush (1989-93). . (HL) (2003)

376. The outcome of the Vietnam War was determined not on the battlefield but on thetelevision screen.” How far do you agree with this judgment? . (HL) (2003)

377. Account for the development of the Civil Rights movement in the USA during the 1950s. To what extent had the movement achieved its aims by the time of the March onWashington (August 1963)? (HL) (2003)

378. Analyze the successes and failures of Castro’s social and economic policies in the period1960-1990. (HL) (2003)

379. Assess the contribution of foreign investment and transnationals to the economicdevelopment of Canada since 1950. . (HL) (2003)

380. “Technology is a new type of imperialism.” Discuss this statement with reference to theimpact of technology upon at least one country in the Americas during the twentiethcentury.” . (HL) (2003)

381. To what extent was the Organization of American States (OAS) successful in achieving itsaims in the period 1950 to 1970? . (HL) (2003)

382. Compare and contrast the treatment of indigenous peoples in two countries of the region inthe eighteenth century. (2004)

383. Analyse the role, and assess the impact, of outside powers on two wars of independence inthe Americas (2004)

384. “The Constitution of the United States, agreed between 1787 and 1791, was arevolutionary document for its time.” To what extent do you agree with this claim? (2004)

385. Explain why the caudillos emerged and how they ruled in the nineteenth century. Supportyour answer with examples from one or more countries. (2004)

386. Who opposed slavery in the Americas, and why? (2004)

387. Why did the United States Civil War break out in 1861? (2004)

388. Explain the problems faced by Canada between 1867 and 1900. To what extent had theproblems been overcome by the end of this period? (2004)

389. In what ways, and for what reasons, were there changes in immigration policies in thesecond half of the nineteenth century in one country of the region? (2004)

390. Analyse the main features and impact of one cultural or one intellectual development in the

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Americas in the period 1850 to 1919. (2004)

391. Compare and contrast the ideas of Booker T Washington and W E B Du Bois onimproving the position of African-Americans in the United States. (2004)

392. Analyse the key developments of United States policy in Latin America in the period 1898to 1936. (2004)

393. “By the end of the 1920s the original objectives of the Mexican Revolution had beenabandoned.” To what extent do you agree with this judgment? (2004)

394. Examine the immediate and longer-term effects of the First World War on the economicand political development of Canada. (2004)

395. How, and with what success, did the government of any one country in the Americas try tosolve the problems caused by the Great Depression? (2004)

396. Compare and contrast the ways in which Vargas and Perón maintained themselves inpower. (2004)

397. Assess the effects of the Second World War on minorities in any two countries in theAmericas in the 1940s. (2004)

398. Analyse the impact of the Cold War on either Canada or Latin America in the period 1945to 1960. (2004)

399. To what extent did domestic events lead to a political and social revolution during thepost-Second World War period in either Guatemala or Nicaragua? (2004)

400. Assess the successes and failures of the foreign policies of either Harry S Truman(1945-52) or Richard Nixon (1969-74). (2004)

401. In what ways, and for what reasons, did the civil rights movement in the United Statesmake significant progress in the period 1950 to 1964? (2004)

402. “Their domestic policies brought significant improvements to the lives of many people inthe United States.” To what extent do you agree with this verdict on the domestic policiesof either Lyndon B Johnson (1963-68) or Ronald Reagan (1981-88)? (2004)

403. Analyse the short-term and longer-term consequences for Cuba between 1959 and 1995 ofCastro’s rule. (2004)

404. What domestic problems did Canada face in the 1960s, and how successfully were theyresolved? (2004)

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405. In what ways, and for what reasons, did women’s role in society change after 1945?Support your answer with specific examples from one or more countries in the region. (2004)

406. Analyse the aims and impact of two of the following regional agreements: Pacto Andino;NAFTA; Mercosur. (2004)

407. Compare and contrast the reasons for the establishment of slavery in two areas of the Americas. (HL) (2005)

408. "Wars of Independence in the Americas were primarily caused by political grievances." Towhat extent do you agree with this view? Support your answer with detailed reference toany one war of independence in the period 1775 to 1824. (HL) (2005)

409. Analyse the main problems facing the United States under the Articles of Confederation(1781). How far did the United States Constitution (1788) solve them? (HL) (2005)

410. Analyse the main arguments of(a) those who supported slavery;(b) those who opposed slavery. (HL) (2005)

411. "Abraham Lincoln's leadership was the main reason why the Union won the Civil War." Towhat extent do you agree with this claim? (HL) (2005)

412. Why were many Canadian provinces initially opposed to Confederation, and why did someof them join the Confederation in 1867 sanctioned by the British North America Act? (HL) (2005)

413. In what ways, and to what extent, did the building of railroads stimulate economic activityin the Americas in the second half of the nineteenth century?(HL) (2005)

414. Compare and contrast the aims of education in any two countries of the region, in theperiod 1850 to 1919. (HL) (2005)

415. What were the aims of the Progressives, and to what extent were they achieved by 1920?Support your answer with specific examples from one or more countries of the region. (HL) (2005)

416. "The Spanish-American War of 1898 was a turning point in relations between the UnitedStates and Latin America." To what extent do you agree with this statement? (HL) (2005)

417. Compare and contrast the views of Booker T Washington (1856-1915) and Martin LutherKing Jnr (1929-68) on the advancement of African-Americans. (HL) (2005)

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418. How successful were both moderates and radicals in achieving their aims in the MexicanRevolution by the end of the 1920s? (HL) (2005)

419. With reference to one country of the region, analyse the causes of the Great Depression andassess the political impact of the Great Depression on that country. (HL) (2005)

420. In what ways, and for what reasons, did the relationship between Canada and Britainchange between 1900 and 1939? (HL) (2005)

421. Explain why liberalism had become discredited in Latin America by the 1930s. Answerwith reference to one country of the region. (HL) (2005)

422. Analyse the aims and achievements of one populist leader in Latin America in the first halfof the twentieth century. (HL) (2005)

423. With reference to one country of the region, evaluate the impact of the Second World Waron the economy and on minority groups. (HL) (2005)

424. In what ways, and with what results, did the Cold War influence relations between eitherLatin America or Canada with the United States in the period 1945 to 1957? (HL) (2005)

425. "The Vietnam War had a disastrous effect on the presidencies of both Lyndon B Johnsonand Richard Nixon." To what extent do you agree with this statement? (HL) (2005)

426. Compare and contrast the Cold War policies of two of the following US presidents: HarryS Truman (1945-53); Dwight D Eisenhower (1953-61); Ronald Reagan (1981-89). (HL)(2005)

427. Evaluate the impact of Black Power on the civil rights movement in the United Statesduring the second half of the 1960s. (HL) (2005)

428. For what reasons, and with what results for the economy of Cuba, did Castro become rulerof Cuba? (HL) (2005)

429. Analyse the main political and economic developments in Canada during the period 1960to 1990. (HL) (2005)

430. In what ways, and to what extent, did the role and status of women change in one countryof the region during the twentieth century? (HL) (2005)

431. Assess the main obstacles faced by American countries in order to achieve fullimplementation of two of the following: Pacto Andino; NAFTA; Mercosur. (HL) (2005)

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432. Compare and contrast the main features of the administration of British and Spanishcolonies by the middle of the eighteenth century. (HL) (2006)

433. Assess the role of Christianity in one of the following colonial areas: British; Spanish;French. (HL) (2006)

434. Evaluate the relative impact of economic measures and political ideas, in promotingindependence in two colonies of the region. (HL) (2006)

435. "The nineteenth century did not bring Latin America the order and prosperity that theliberators had hoped for." With reference to two or more countries, to what extent do youagree with this judgment? (HL) (2006)

436. For what reasons and, in what ways, did supporters of slavery in the nineteenth century uselegal, religious, and economic arguments in its defence'? (HL) (2006)

437. Assess the relative strengths of the North and the South at the beginning of the UnitedStates Civil War in 1861. (HL) (2006)

438. Why were some Canadian provinces not interested in Confederation by 1867? (HL) (2006)

439. Explain why there was a high level of immigration into one country of the region, in thesecond half of the nineteenth century. (HL) (2006)

440. Explain how and why the position of African Americans improved in United States societybetween 1877 and 1945. (HL) (2006)

441. Analyse the main literary trends in two countries of the region between the 1850s and1920s. (HL) (2006)

442. "The main aim of Franklin Roosevelt's policy towards Latin America (1933-45) was toimprove relations between the two regions." Assess the validity of this statement. (HL)(2006)

443. Examine the major stages of the Mexican Revolution (1910-20) and explain theprogrammes of three of the most important leaders. (HL) (2006)

444. Analyse the main developments in Canada's economic relations with the United States inthe first half of the twentieth century. (HL) (2006)

445. Analyse the causes of the Great Depression in one country in the Americas. (HL) (2006)

446. For what reasons, and by what means, did either Peron or Vargas obtain power? (HL)

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447. Why did the United States become involved in the Second World War? (HL) (2006)

448. Analyse the relations between the United States and either Canada or one country in LatinAmerica, between 1945 and 1965. (HL) (2006)

449. Compare and contrast the causes of two revolutionary movements in Latin America after1945. (HL) (2006)

450. Assess the successes and failures of the foreign policies of either Eisenhower (1952-60) orKennedy (1961-3). (HL) (2006)

451. For what reasons, and in what ways, did the Civil Rights movement in the United Statesbecome more radical between 1965 and 1968? (HL) (2006)

452. "By the late 1960s it seemed to many Americans that the forces of chaos and radicalismwere taking control of the nation." To what extent did the domestic policies of eitherRichard Nixon (1969-74) or Jimmy Carter (1977-81) address this situation? (HL) (2006)

453. Analyse the policies introduced by Canada with respect to two of her minorities in thetwentieth century. (HL) (2006)

454. In what ways, and to what extent, did the foreign policy of Ronald Reagan (1981-8) affectthe Cold War? (HL) (2006)

455. Compare and contrast the progress made by women since 1945 in two countries in theregion. (HL) (2006)

456. To what extent was the Organization of American States (OAS) successful as a mediator inhemispheric conflicts between 1950 and 1990? (HL) (2006)

457. Assess the role of christianity in one of the following colonial areas: British; Spanish;French. (2007)

458. Compare and contrast the leadership roles of George Washington and Simon Bolivar in theWars of Independence in the United States and Latin America. (HL) (2007)

459. Assess the role of christianity in one of the following colonial areas: British; Spanish;French. (2007)

460. For what reasons, and in what ways, was the United States constitution of 1787 a “bundleof compromises”?. (2007)

461. Analyse the political problems of upper and lower Canada prior to the rebellions of 1837..

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462. Evaluate the economic and social conditions of free African Americans in one country ofthe region during the nineteenth century.. (2007)

463. Why, in spite of the advantages of the North over the South, did the civil War in the UnitedStates last so long?. (2007)

464. Assess the impact of immigration on one country of the region from the mid nineteenth tothe early twentieth century.. (2007)

465. “It was the U-boat campaign of 1917 which brought the United States into the First WorldWar.” To what extent would you agree with this statement?. (2007)

466. Analyse the main features and impact of one cultural or intellectual development in theAmericas in the period 1850 to 1919.. (2007)

467. compare and contrast the policies towards Latin America of two United States presidentsbetween 1900 and 1945.. (2007)

468. Analyse the political causes of the Mexican Revolution of 1910.. (2007)

469. To what extent was the Wall Street crash a cause of the Great Depression of 1929? Supportyour argument with specific examples from one country of the region.. (2007)

470. How and why did the relationship between canada and Britain change between 1900 and1931?. (2007)

471. Assess the nature and effectiveness of opposition to either Juan Domingo Perón (1946–55)or Getulio Vargas (1930–45).. (2007)

472. For what reasons, and with what results, were Japanese citizens of canada and the UnitedStates interned during the Second World War?. (2007)

473. How did the cold War change relations between the United States and either LatinAmerica or canada between 1953–1 979?. (2007)

474. Analyse the effects of the Vietnam War on the United States.. (2007)

475. Why, and with what consequences, did the United States get involved in Korea?. (2007)

476. “The presidency of Ronald Reagan marked a turning point in domestic affairs.” To whatextent do you agree with this view?. (2007)

477. To what extent had African Americans in the United States gained their civil and political

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rights by 1968?. (2007)

478. For what reasons, and with what results, did the military intervene in one country in LatinAmerica between 1960 and 1980?. (2007)

479. What contributions have foreign investment and transnationals made to the economicdevelopment of canada since 1950?. (2007)

480. Assess the achievements and failures of indigenous peoples’ movements in two countriesof the region since 1945.. (2007)

481. Examine the contribution of women to political developments in one country of the regionin the twentieth century.. (2007)

482. How successful was the Organization of American States (OAS) in mediating conflicts inthe period 1950 to 1970? (2007)

483. Analyse the effects of colonial rule on Native American societies in two areas of theregion. (2008)

484. To what extent were the ideas of the Enlightenment a cause of independence movements ineither the United States or Latin America?. (2008)

485. In what ways did the Declaration of Independence of 1776 justify the United Statesseparation from Britain?. (2008)

486. Using examples from at least one country, explain why the caudillos emerged in LatinAmerica in the nineteenth century.. (2008)

487. Analyse the internal and external factors that led to the establishment of the CanadianConfederation.. (2008)


For what reasons, and with what impact, did abolitionism develop in the north of the

United States?. (2008)

489. Why was compromise no longer possible between the North and the South in the UnitedStates by 1860?. (2008)

490. In what ways did the building of railroads stimulate economic activity in one country of theAmericas in the second half of the nineteenth century?. (2008)

491. Analyse the domestic and foreign policies of one leader in one country of the regionbetween 1850 and 1919.. (2008)

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492. Assess the significance of Booker T Washington in the advancement of African-Americanrights.. (2008)

493. Evaluate the influence of intellectuals on society in one country of the region during theperiod 1890 to 1919.. (2008)

494. Define what the Monroe Doctrine was and analyse how it was applied in the late nineteenthcentury and early twentieth century. Support your answer with specific examples.. (2008)

495. Compare and contrast the aims of Pancho Villa and Emiliano Zapata in the MexicanRevolution (1910–1 923).. (2008)

496. “The Great Depression changed governments’ views of their role and responsibility.” Withreference to two countries of the region, to what extent do you agree with this statement?. (2008)

497. Analyse the short-term and long-term effects of the First World War on the economic andpolitical development of Canada.. (2008)

498. For what reasons, and what with results, did Populist movements emerge in Latin Americain the first half of the twentieth century? Support your answer with specific examples fromone country of the region.. (2008)

499. To what extent were attempts at “hemispheric cooperation” successful before and duringthe Second World War?. (2008)

500. To what extent did either Canada or one Latin American country develop a foreign policyindependent of the United States after 1945?. (2008)

501. Compare and contrast the domestic policies of Jimmy Carter (1977–198 1) and RonaldReagan (1981–1989).. (2008)

502. Analyse the successes and failures of the foreign policies of either Richard Nixon(1969–1974) or George H W Bush (1989–1993).. (2008)

503. With reference to two United States presidencies between 1945 and 1969, assess the roleof the US Federal Government in the achievement of African-American civil rights.. (2008)

504. “Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba because of the weaknesses of Batista’s regime.” Towhat extent do you agree with this statement?. (2008)

505. Compare and contrast the successes and failures of the domestic policies of two Canadianprime ministers from 1948 to 1979.. (2008)

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506. Why did the Native American movement emerge in one country of the region in the1960s?. (2008)

507. Analyse the aims and impact of the NAFTA agreements.. (2008)

508. For what reasons, and with what results, were European mercantilist policies applied inBritish North America and Spanish Latin America? (2009)[-

509. Compare and contrast the role of leadership in two independence movements in the region. (2009)

510. “The debates over the ratification of the constitution contributed to the formation ofnational parties in the United States during the 1790s” To what extent do you agree withthis statement? (2009)

511. With reference to at least two examples of slave rebellions, analyze the reaction to therebellions in one country of the reason.. (2009)

512. “The Civil War in the United States was caused by political disagreements” To whatextent do you agree with this statement? (2009)

513. In what ways did the Civil War change the economy and racial relations in the South? (2009)

514. Compare and contrast the impact of territorial expansion on the development of twocountries of the region between 1885 and 1919.. (2009)

515. Analyze the successes and failures of Woodrow Wilson’s (1913-1921) domestic andforeign policies.. (2009)

516. Analyze the aims of educational reforms in one country of the region in the period from1850 and 1919.. (2009)

517. To what extent were the United States policies toward Latin America between 1898 and1936 motivated by economic reasons? Support your answer with examples of two specificpolicies introduced by the United States.. (2009)

518. “At times a rebel against injustice, at times an undirected destructive force, but PanchoVilla was always a national hero.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? (2009)

519. In what ways, and with what success, did the government of one country in the region tryto solve the problems of the Great Depression? (2009)

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520. Analyze the experiences of two Canadian minorities in the twentieth century. (2009)

521. For what reasons, and with what success, was there opposition to the Vargas regimebetween 1930 and 1945? (2009)

522. Assess the impact of the Second World War on the economy of one country in the region.

523. Examine the foreign policy of either Canada or one Latin American country between 1945and 1979. (2009)

524. Assess the successes and failures of the domestic policies of Lyndon Johnson (1963-1969). (2009)

525. Compare and contrast the foreign policies of Richard Nixon (1969-1974) and Jimmy Carter(1977-1981) (2009)

526. How successful was the Supreme Court in challenging segregation in the United Statesduring the 1950s and 1960s? (2009)

527. “Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X had similar philosophies but used differentmethods to campaign for civil rights.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? (2009)

528. Assess the reasons for the long survival of Fidel Castro’s regime in Cuba. (2009)

529. Analyze the political or social developments in Canada between 1960 and 1981. (2009)

530. For what reasons, and with what results, were women’s movements active between the1960s and the 1980s? Illustrate your answer with examples from one country of theregion. (2009)

531. Assess the achievements of two regional trade agreements. (2009)

532. “American independence from Britain was not a revolution but an evolution.” To whatextent do you agree with this view? (2010)

533. To what extent were the wars of independence in Latin America due to the grievances ofthe Creoles against the peninsular Spaniards? Support your answer with reference to oneindependence movement. (2010)

534. Why did the United States go to war aginst British North America in 1812? (2010)

535. Analyze the effects of the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) on the region. (2010)

536. “The Kansas-Nebraska problem destroyed the power of the Southern pro-slavery group.”

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To what extent do you agree with this view? (2010)

537. To what extent was the victory of the North in the United States Civil War due to itssukperior industrial resources and manpower? (2010)

538. Compare and contrast the successes and failures of one United States leader and oneCanadian leader between 1865 and 1929. (2010)

539. Discuss the impact of the development of the modern state (1865-1929) on the NativeAmerican population of one country in the region. (2010)

540. Assess the role of Canada in the First World War. (2010)

541. Define the United States’ jpolicy of Moral Diplomacy [note: Woodrow Wilson, 1913-1921] and discuss its impact on the region. (2010)

542. “Lázaro Cárdenas’ rule (1934-1940) renewed the ideals of the Mexican Revolution.” Towhat extent do you agree with this statement?” (2010)

543. Analyze the influence of the Mexican Revolution on the arts. (2010)

544. “The prosperity of the 1920s in the Americas was more apparent than real.” Usingexamples from two countries in the region, evalluate the validity of this statement. (2010)

545. Why was there opposition to the New Deal policies of Franklin D. Roosevelt? (2010)

546. Analyze the social and economic effects of the Second World War on one country of theregion. (2010)

547. “The atomic bombs were necessary to end the Second World War.” ” To what extent doyou agree with this statement?” (2010)

548. Assess the results of the Silent Revolution (Quiet Revolution) in Canada during the 1960s. (2010)

549. Compare and contrast the rise to power of two populist leaders in Latin America between1945 and 1979. (2010)

550. Analyze the successes and failures of President Kennedy’s foreign policies towards LatinAmerica between 1961 and 1963. (2010)

551. “During the Cold War, Canada and the United States had disagreements about policies. Towhat extent do you agree with this view? (2010)

552. With reference to two countries of the region, to what extent did the civil rights of Native

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Americans change from the 1960s to the 1980s? (2010)

553. Was was the American Civil Rights Movement in the United States more effective in theyears 1954 to 1964 than in the late 1960s? (2010)

554. To what extent do you agree with the view that during the last decade of the twentiethcentury, access to new technology increased the gap between rich and poor nations? (2010)

555. Analyze the foreign policy of President George H. W. Bush (1989-1993) towards twocountries of the region. (2010)

556. With reference to one independence movement you have studied, analyse the significanceof foreign aid in helping to achieve independence. (2011)

557. For what reasons, and with what results, was the Monroe Doctrine established in 1823? (2011)

558. Analyse the issues that led to changes in the United States’ political system between 1792and 1797. (2011)

559. How significant were the 1837 rebellions for the political development of Canada? (2011)

560. Compare and contrast Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis as wartime leaders during theUnited States Civil War. (2011)

561. “The Battle of Gettysburg was the turning point of the United States Civil War.” To whatextent do you agree with this statement? (2011)

562. Assess the domestic and foreign policies of Wilfrid Laurier. (2011)

563. Examine the reasons for, and the impact of, the Harlem Renaissance. (2011)

564. Why did the United States adopt a policy of neutrality from 1914 to 1917? (2011)

565. Analyse the impact of the First World War on the society of one country of the region.(2011)

566. Compare and contrast the aims of Francisco Madero and Venustiano Carranza during theMexican Revolution. (2011)

567. Assess the successes and failures of the Plutarco Elías Calles presidency. (2011)

568. “Franklin D Roosevelt’s greatest achievement was to make a more financially secureUnited States.” To what extent do you agree with this statement? (2011)

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569. Analyse the response to the Great Depression of one Latin American country. (2011)

570. Compare and contrast the treatment of Japanese Americans and Japanese Canadians duringthe Second World War. (2011)

571. Analyse the economic effects of the Second World War in either Canada or one Latin American country. (2011)

572. Examine the domestic policies of one Canadian or Latin American leader between 1945and 1979. (2011)

573. To what extent was Truman successful in his domestic policies as president of the UnitedStates (1945–1953)? (2011)

574. In what ways did the foreign policy of the United States change during the Eisenhoweradministration? (2011)

575. “Kennedy’s Alliance for Progress was a turning point in the history of relations betweenNorth America and Latin America.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?(2011)

576. Assess the aims and impact of the Black Panthers between 1966 and the 1970s. (2011)

577. Analyse the reasons for Native American activism in one country of the region after the1960s (2011)

578. Assess the successes and failures of Bill Clinton’s presidency (2011)

579. Examine the positive and negative aspects of the impact of the Internet on society in onecountry of the region. (2011)

580. With reference to two countries of the Americas, analyse the contribution of politicalfactors to the outbreak of the wars of independence.

581. Why did both the military and civilians oppose or join Latin American wars ofindependence? Answer with reference to two wars of independence from the region.

582. For what reasons, and in which ways, did the United States Constitution of 1787 changethe Articles of Confederation?

583. “Socio-political conditions caused the rise and development of the caudillo rule in LatinAmerica during the period immediately after the wars of independence.” With reference totwo countries of the region, to what extent do you agree with this statement?

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584. “Sectionalism, not slavery, was the major cause of the United States Civil War.” To whatextent do you agree with this statement?

585. To what extent had Reconstruction fulfilled its aims by 1877?

586. Compare and contrast the effects of industrial growth and economic modernization in twocountries of the Americas between 1865 and 1929.

587. With reference to one country of the region, analyse the role of either positivism or“indigenismo” in the development and consolidation of modern states in Latin Americabetween 1865 and 1929.

588. Compare and contrast the foreign policy of the United States in two different LatinAmerican countries between 1880 and 1929.

589. Analyse the social impact of the First World War in two countries of the Americas.

590. To what extent were social factors the main cause of the outbreak of revolution in Mexicoin 1910?

591. For what reasons, and in what ways, were Mexican revolutionary leaders supported byforeign powers, especially the United States, between 1910 and 1922?

592. In what ways, and with what results, did Canada address the problems caused by the GreatDepression?

593. Assess the responses to the Great Depression of either G Vargas in Brazil or theConcordancia in Argentina, in the 1930s.

594. How successful were attempts at “hemispheric cooperation” in the region between 1933and 1945?

595. Analyse the measures taken by any two countries of the Americas in reaction to theHolocaust.

596. Assess the successes and failures of Nixon’s domestic policies (1969–1974).

597. To what extent did domestic dissent and disorder become a rationale for Latin Americanmilitary regimes to intervene in their country’s internal affairs between 1945 and 1979?Answer with referenceto two Latin American countries.

598. Examine the features of Eisenhower’s “New Look” foreign policy and evaluate its impacton the region of the Americas.

599. Analyse the reasons for the United States’ involvement in Vietnam between 1953 and

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600. To what extent can Martin Luther King be said to have achieved his goals in the CivilRights movement?

601. Compare and contrast the impact of the Feminist movements in two countries of theAmericas after 1945.

602. “President George H W Bush’s domestic policy (1989–1993) was a failure.” To whatextent do you agree with this statement?

603. “Economic challenges helped bring about the restoration of democracy in Latin Americaduring the 1980s.” Discuss this statement with reference to one country of the region

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