OP4 Baki Duy

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  • 8/18/2019 OP4 Baki Duy


    Investigation of the PsychometProperties of the Positivity Scal

    Scale) for Turkish Adolescents a Young Adults

     ACA-APCC 2015 Conference, Singapore

    Baki Duy, Anadolu University, TURKEY 

    [email protected]

    M. Ali Yıldız, Adıyaman University, TURKEY 

    [email protected]

  • 8/18/2019 OP4 Baki Duy



    Historical roots of positive psychology go back to

    ancient Greek era.

    It has roots in the Humanistic Psychology thatemphasized positive aspects such as happiness, sactualization, ourishing.

    Positive psychology focuses mostly on happiness,

    !ell-being and ful"llment.

    #uy $ %&ld&z, '('-'P(( )*+, ingapore

  • 8/18/2019 OP4 Baki Duy



    eligman and (sikszentmihalyi de"ned positivepsychology as the scienti"c study of positive humfunctioning and ourishing on multiple levels thatthe biological, personal, relational, institutional, cuand global dimensions of life.

    Positive psychologists are concerned !ith four top

    positive e3periences, 1)2 enduring psychological t142 positive relationships and 152 positive institutio

    #uy $ %&ld&z, '('-'P(( )*+, ingapore

  • 8/18/2019 OP4 Baki Duy



     6here are some instruments to measure positive a

    such as happiness, life-satisfaction, !ell-being, re 6urkey.

    Ho!ever, there has been no measure to identify paspects directly in adolescents in 6urkey.

     6hus, 7the ob8ect of this study !as to e3amine the

    psychometric properties of the Positivity cale 1P developed by (aprara et al. 1)*+)2 for 6urkish ado

    #uy $ %&ld&z, '('-'P(( )*+, ingapore

  • 8/18/2019 OP4 Baki Duy




    4*: High chool students 1;< +=>, ?+.?, A< ++=aged bet!een +5 and+> !ith A< +.=5, #< +.)+

    45 (ollege students 1;< +>*, 4.:, A< +?5, 5?bet!een += and )> !ith A< )+.4?, #< +.>=

    'dditionally, criterion validity study !as comprised

    high school students, and >? college students.

    #uy $ %&ld&z, '('-'P(( )*+, ingapore

  • 8/18/2019 OP4 Baki Duy


    "ethod Instruments#

    The Positivity Scale (P Scale)# #eveloped by (aprara eHas = items ans!ered on a -point likert type scale 1+< 6o#isagree, < 6otally 'gree2. ;actors loadings varied bet!e?=. (ronbach alpha values !ere found as .:= and .:> in distudies. 6est-retest reliabilities varied bet!een .?4 and .:=

    (;' yielded satisfactory goodness of "t values in t!o grourou!, C< 5 !D.*+E (;I< .>?E FA'< .*?4, > G' .*54, *=4E FAF

    #iscriminant and convergent validity studies yielded signi"correlations !ith self-esteem, life-satisfaction, depression,positiveJnegative aBect, and "ve factor personality scores

    #uy $ %&ld&z, '('-'P(( )*+, ingapore

  • 8/18/2019 OP4 Baki Duy




    $ife Orientation Test 1cheier $ (arver, +>=:E adapted to 6'yd&n $ 6ezer, +>>+2.

    The Satisfaction with $ife Scale 1#ieneer et al., +>=E ada 6urkish for adolescents by KLker, +>>+2

    Positive and %egative A&ect Schedule 1#eveloped by M(lark, +>==E adapted to 6urkish by GenNLz, )***2

    Positive and %egative A&ect Schedule'hildrens *erset al., +>>>E adapted to 6urkish for 'dolescents by %&ld&z, )*+

    +osenerg Self'esteem Scale 1Fosenberg, +>?E adapted by uhadaroQlu, +>=?2

    #uy $ %&ld&z, '('-'P(( )*+, ingapore

  • 8/18/2019 OP4 Baki Duy



    onstruct *alidity of P'Scale (,-A -indings)#

    #uy $ %&ld&z, '('-'P(( )*+, ingapore

    Tale ./ ,-A 0ndings of P Scale


    High chool Group 1C< 4*:2

    KAR< .=

    S6< x2=:+*.+*+, df .:* .5>6 -.44 .++ -.4 .+)

    7 .:+ .+ .?? .55

    8 .:+ .* .:* .5>

      igenvalue 4.= igenvalue 4.?*

    Tariance 3plained 55.: Tariance 3plained 5.*5

    (ronbachUs α .=+ (ronbachUs α .=+

  • 8/18/2019 OP4 Baki Duy



    Soth cree plot and parallel tests con"rmeunidimensional structure of the P-cale forhigh school and college groups.

    #uy $ %&ld&z, '('-'P(( )*+, ingapore

  • 8/18/2019 OP4 Baki Duy



    "easurement ,9uivalence +esults ("ultiple group -"a:imum $ikelihood "ethod)

    #uy $ %&ld&z, '('-'P(( )*+, ingapore

    Tale 2/ "easurement e9uivalence results and 0t values of

    "odel Tests

    Aodel ;it Inde3 Aodel #iBeren

    x²  sd RMSEAa CFI ∆x² ∆sd b


    )* .*>?



    ollege :5.?+ )* .+*:





    +*.* 5* .+*+


    .> - -



    +:5.5> 5= .*>>


    .> )4.>> =


    a +"S,A values for =>? con0dence interval are given in racets/ riti9ue values of x² regarding @sd are given in racets/

  • 8/18/2019 OP4 Baki Duy


    +esults on0gural Invariance +esults

    #uy $ %&ld&z, '('-'P(( )*+, ingapore

    Tale 4/ on0gural invariance factor loadings t values and +2

    of P Scale for each group


    + .=*

    2 +*.5* .?+ .45 ++.: .?=

    3 >.)) .? .)= ?.4* .4>

    4 +4.+? .?> .* +).4 .::

    5 +4.:= .:: .4 +*.5 .?*

    6 5.): .)? .*: 5.++ .)=

    7 ++.=+ .?= .5) =.?5 .4

    8 +).*> .:* .55 +*.* .=

  • 8/18/2019 OP4 Baki Duy


    +esults riterion *alidity Study

    #uy $ %&ld&z, '('-'P(( )*+, ingapore


    Tale 5/ riterion validity results for two groups/

    *ariales High chool 1C< >=2 (ollege 1C< >?

    Optimism .54VV .?4VV

    Pessimism -.4?VV -.:VV

    Optimism Total .5=VV .?=VV

    Positive A&ect .VV .VV

    %egative A&ect -.5:VV -.5*VV

    $ife Satisfaction .?*VV .:4VV

    Self'esteem .?)VV .5VV

    **p< .01