Nutritional and Hormonal Support from Memory Loss. Forgotten what you were going to say? Can't remember your best friend's husband's name? Going upstairs to locate your car keys but have forgotten why you went up in the first place? It's not uncommon for women to feel like their memory has temporarily “frozen ” or complain about “fuzzy concentration ” when they reach menopause( or at any stage of their life when estrogen production is affected either by illness or severe stress). Rest assured this is a common complaint I hear in my clinical sessions. So let's look at the physical and chemical causes of memory loss: Estrogen deficiencies are being strongly linked behind the symptoms of memory loss. Women with premature menopause and early ovarian dysfunction (caused by illness or surgery) are at risk. Estrogen is not only responsible for producing beautiful hair and skin; they also influence language skills, mood, attention, memory and may prevent Alzheimer's disease - it is a crucial chemical that binds the networking of brain cells together. When estrogen levels begin dropping, verbal memory performance begins to deteriorate. In other words, there is reduced chemical activity to prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is associated with learning and speech. This is why many menopausal women complain about difficulty in remembering basic information or accidentally putting the cornflakes box in the fridge and completely forgetting about it. The good news is there are solutions to the problem: my patients have found that through the Bio-Identical Hormones treatment, as well as correcting nutrition and introducing positive lifestyle changes, their memory and concentration skills are boosted. My advice is this: please don't take lapses in memory for granted – this could be a sign of deficiencies, either hormonal or nutritional but it can be easily corrected.

Nutritional and Hormonal Support from Memory Loss

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Nutritional and Hormonal Support from Memory Loss.

Forgotten what you were going to say? Can't remember your best friend's husband's name? Going upstairs to locate your car keys but have forgotten why you went up in the first place? It's not uncommon for women to feel like their memory has temporarily “frozen ” or complain about “fuzzy concentration ” when they reach menopause( or at any stage of their life when estrogen production is affected either by illness or severe stress). Rest assured this is a common complaint I hear in my clinical sessions.

So let's look at the physical and chemical causes of memory loss:

Estrogen deficiencies are being strongly linked behind the symptoms of memory loss. Women with premature menopause and early ovarian dysfunction (caused by illness or surgery) are at risk. Estrogen is not only responsible for producing beautiful hair and skin; they also influence language skills, mood, attention, memory and may prevent Alzheimer's disease - it is a crucial chemical that binds the networking of brain cells together.

When estrogen levels begin dropping, verbal memory performance begins to deteriorate. In other words, there is reduced chemical activity to prefrontal cortex of the brain, which is associated with learning and speech. This is why many menopausal women complain about difficulty in remembering basic information or accidentally putting the cornflakes box in the fridge and completely forgetting about it.

The good news is there are solutions to the problem: my patients have found that through the Bio-Identical Hormones treatment, as well as correcting nutrition and introducing positive lifestyle changes, their memory and concentration skills are boosted. My advice is this: please don't take lapses in memory for granted – this could be a sign of deficiencies, either hormonal or nutritional but it can be easily corrected.